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Ana Bandera, Luisa Carrégalo, Carmen Gallego y Elena Gómez 3ºA
English: Life during the Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages life was different and it was hard to understand. People liked to looked
at the medieval moments -heroic knights changing into battle romanic evasions between
rich and poor people, progress and discoveries mode.
People spent the majorite of the time working the land and they tried to grow enough food
to survive. The feast days were marked by the church. Social activies were very
important. In fairs troubadours and acrobats performing in the streets, merchants sold
goods in the time square, etc...
These were some things that they did in their free time and when there were medieval
wedddings or any other event. Merchants travelled to see other cultures, such as Asia,
the Middle East and Africa. Schools and Universities were formed to help medieval
society and culture.
English: The Norman Conquest
Around 1000AD the Vikingos were allowed by the French King to live in France,
but they had to protect them against other Vikingos. These Vikingos converted
from their german gods to catholicism and they were called the Normas,
because they lived in Normandy.
When the children of Vikings were tired of just living and farming in Normandy
they wanted to had some adventure. In 1066AD William, decided to attack and
conquered England. When the king of England died without any children, he
tought it was a chance to conquer England became rich and his friends agreed
with him, so they crossed the English Channel and when they arrived they
fought against the Anglo-Saxons.
Willia conquered England and he became the new king, so people started to
called him William the Conquered, and there were to languages spoken in
England for a long time.
English: the most common clothes in the Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages, people's clothes were made of woolen and linen. Rich people wore
brighter colors, better materials and longer jackets length. The aristocracy were so
fashionable. Most of the Holy Order wore woolen habits and they could be distingished
between themselves by the different colours. Black was for the Benedictines, white, for
the Cistercians. St. Benedict established that a monk's clothes should be plain but
comfortable. The poor Clare sisters could wore woolen socks if they had the Pope's
English: Famous Medieval buildings
- Tower of London: William needed a castle would protect London and itself against
To build this castle, William brought some of the stones wich came from France. He built
in a Romanesque style. The tower has larine toilets and many rooms. One of these rooms
was a Romanesque chaplle.
In the 1100s, King Richard, built another stone wall around the shite tower to be safer.
-Alnwick Castle: The Alnwick Castle is most known as Hogwarts. It is located in
Northumberland, England.
Yves de Vescy started to make the castle in 1906. It was made to protect the border.
Currently this castle is used as a school for girls.
-Canterbury Cathedral: it is one of the mostancient and famous christian structures in
England and it continues to platay a central role in English Christianity.
English: The fairy Melusine legend
Melusine was the daughter of Elinus, king of Scottland, and the fairy Pressina. When
Melusine grows up, she discovered that her father has seen her born against her
mother's wishes. So, she decided to lock up him into the mountain. Her mother, the fairy
Pressina, reproached Melusine her impudence and condemned her daughter to turn into
a snake every Saturday.
One day, Melusine was walking through the forest 'Raymon de Potiers'. Lusignan, saw
her taking a bath in the river and fell in love with her. Melusine married him, but she put
him a condition: He could never visit her on Saturdays. Raymond's brothers tell Raymond
that Melusine is unfaithful to him, and they convince Raymond saying him that maybe she
could visit her lover every Saturday.
In that way, believing Raymond that he has been cheat all this time, he keep a watch on
Melusine and he discover her snake's tail. Then, Melusine is missing for ever.
Biology: Medieval Recipes
To prepare this delicious Medieval recipe we need:

1 cup almond milk


1 ½ teaspoon of sugar


¼ cup cream


½ teaspoon of unflowovred gelatin


½ teaspoon rose water

1- Heat lmond milk and add cream.
2- Add sugar and rose water at low heat.
3- when simmering again add gelatin.
4- When you have mixed everything, refriferate for about 4 hours.
5- Finally, serve it in a bowl and sprinkle it with sugar.
Biology: Medieval Food
Not everybody ate the same food.
Poor people ate mostly barley in every recipe (such as pizza, pancakes, etc).
Rich people usually ate a lot of bread, but it didn't have wheat, so it was tastier. They
also ate meat such as pork, roast beef, indinan spicier like pepper and cinnamon.
After the Crusades, the type of food change.
Biology: The Black Death
In the 14th century, a horrible disease appeared in Asia, Africa and Europe. The
peeple called this illness the ‘Black Death’. The disease started in Asia in 1340’s. It
spreads soon to Africa and along Europe.
Rats were the animals which carried this illness, caused by a bacterium, but the
people didn’t know it. They though it was a punishment from God for being a bad
person. People believed that they would have the Black Death if they had a bad
behaviour. Additionally, the hygiene was very bad in that times.
Infected people first started to have red marks with dark centres on their arms and
neck. Then, they had high fevers and they got more ill until they die. Other symptoms
of the Black Death included delirium, the victim begin to vomit, to have muscular
pains, bleeding in the lungs and mental desorientation
Biology: The Black Death
To cure the Black Death to infected people, their families and friends prayed for them.
People were very Catholic. But these were many treatment like lancing the buboes
they had, had a diet, witchcroft and they had pestilence medice, but usually it was
pointless: this illnesses plage left 7500 people dead in Europe every day.
The decline of the population wasn’t the only consequence of the Black Death. This
plague changed Europe’s social and economic structure. Because of this, the
predominant religion started again to chase after Jews and lepers. The population
were quiet insecure for their lives , they just didn’t know if they could live another day
more. The minorities who were chase, were accused by the predominant religion of
poison the rivers, and to cause scandal in public. They were exterminated. There
were more than 70 million of people who died because of the Black Death. Basically,
the population fell pretty quickly and live in this age was very horrible and difficult.
Looking at this, we can see that the Black Death was the most, or one of them,
disease occur in our history.
Chemistry: Magic Potions in the Middle Ages
Medieval folk medicine was based on superstition. Deaths were attributed to the
working of evil spirits, force or malevolent vains and the use of potions were
commonly used to protect people from this evil things. Some of these potions were:
the evil eye, abortion, elixir, the philosopher's stone, alchemy, etc.
Now we are to talk about the philosopher's stone, the legend says that the one who
obtain it will be inmortal. This stone has appeared in the first Harry Potter's book.
Français: Les vêtements au Moyen Age
Au Moyen Ages, les vêtements ont été faits en laine et en lin. Les personnes riches
se sont habillés avec des couleurs brillants, meilleures matérieux et vestes longues
en cuir.
La majorité des ordres de saints sont habillés avec d'habitudes en laine et ils peuvent
être distingués avec differéntes couleurs. Le couleur blanc pour les cisterciens. Saint
Benoît a établi que les vêtements pour les moines ont été lisse et confortable.
Français: Les châteux de la Loire
Les châteux ou la Loire sont á la France, exactement en Loire. Il y a vingt châteaux
ici. Ils ont contruits au Moyen Age.
Le nom des ving châteaux sont: Domaine National de Chambord, Cite Royale de
Loches, Chateau d'aza-de-Rudeaiu, Domaine de Checezny, Chateau de Saumer,
Chateau et Yardins de Villandry, Chateau de Breze, Chateau des Duos de Bretagne
de Nantes, Chateau de Valencay, Chateau de Sully-Sur-Loire, Chateau de
Chenonceau, Domaine de Chaumont-sur-loire, Chateau de Langeais, Chateau
d'Angers, Chateau Royal d'Amboise, Chateau Royal de Blois, Forteresse Royale de
Chinon, Abbaye de Fontevraud, école Nationale d'equitation de Soummur et Chateau
du Close-Luce-Parc Leonardo Da Vinci.
Ce lieu est très cèlebre parce que c'est très grand et beau.
Ils chateaux reçovent beaucoup de visites.
Lengua Castellana: Armadura Medieval
Lengua Castellana: El héroe Medieval
Un héroe medieval tenía que ser honrado ante todo, fiel, culto y hábil. Además, eran
personas de una gran calidad humana.
Solían llevar una armadura, generalmente bien cuidada que usaban para luchar por
los demás. Entendían todo tipo de armas y las manejaban a la perfección.
Además, eran personas muy sabias. Un ejemplo sería Mio Cid,un héroe castellano
que es desterrado por el rey Alfonso VI y hace todo lo posible por recuperar su
honra. Las hazañas de Mio Cid se recogen en el cantar de gesta el Cantar del Mio
Cid,y es el único cantar de gesta casi completo en castellano. Se divide en tres
partes: Cantar del destierro, Cantar de las bodas y Cantar de la afrenta de Corpes.
Finalmente, el Cid gana su honra, que es lo más importante para un héroe medieval.
Este héroe posee todas las características anteriormente mencionadas.
Lengua Castellana: El papel de la mujer en la Edad Media
La mujer en la Edad Media era considerada como un mal y también como la
causante del pecado en el hombre. Arcipreste de Hita, uno de los autores más
importantes de la Edad Media, escribió 'Elogio a la mujer chiquita', en el cual alaba a
la mujer pequeña porque, según él, del mal has de tomar lo menos.
El papel que la mujer tomaba en esta época era el de tener hijos y cuidarlos, además
de encargarse de los labores de la casa.
Solían ser excluidas de algunos eventos, votaciones, acontecimientos,etc... y no
tenían acceso a muchos lugares. Eran totalmente inferiores al hombre y se les
consideraban como un objeto decorativo.
Afortunadamente, hoy en día esto ha cambiado mucho en bastantes países.
Lengua Castellana: La Celestina, obra cumbre de
la literatura española
La Celestina es una obra muy importante dela literatura
española. Fue escrita por Fernando de rojas y se trata de una
novela dialogada.
Esta obra trata sobre un joven rico llamado Calisto que se
enamora perdidamente de Melibea, pero ésta no presta
atención en él.
Calisto contrata a una vieja alcahueta para conseguir el amor
de Melibea. Finalmente ambos mueren, ya que Calisto cae
por un balcón y al ver Melibea que su enamorado ha muerto,
decide suicidarse.
En La Celestina hay dos versiones del mundo. En una visión
Renacentista, que es el amor gozoso y sensual, y por otro
lado tenemos una consciencia medieval, que, como castigo
de este amor, los personajes mueren.
El autor emplea dos niveles distintos de lenguaje, uno más
culto cuando son Calisto,Melibea y la familia de ésta quienes
hablan y un lenguaje vulgar cuando hablan los criados y la
Celestina, aunque esto no implica que la alcahueta no usase
un lenguaje más elevado cuando ella lo viese conveniente.
Esta creación literaria se divide en actos y su primera edición
apareció en 1499, en Burgos.
Lengua Castellana: Lectura ambientada en la época medieval
Noah Gordon

Esta extraordinaria novela histórica narra cómo Rob J. Cole, fascinado por la
medicina, decide atravesar medio mundo para llegar a Ispahán, Persia, y allí estudiar
para convertirse en un gran médico.
Cuando llega a su destino, queda impresionado al ver la culta y rica Persia, pues
Londres, su lugar de nacimiento, era todo lo contrario: el analfabetismo abundaba, al
igual que la pobreza. Finalmente, Rob logra entrar en el maristán para estudiar
Esta novela nos enseña que todo es posible, y que por muy difíciles que parezcan,
hay que perseguir los sueños paras hacerlos realidad.
Social Sciences: The Crusades (War)
One of the most important wars there were in the Middle Ages were 'The Crusades'.
In this war, the main religions (Christians, Muslims and Jews) claimed Jerusalem, in the land of
Palestine, as their holy city.



Christians tought that Palestine must be for them because it was the place were Jesus died and
he was cruxified.
Muslims believed that Jerusalem was for them because here, Muhammed went to heaven.
Jews tought that it was for them because it was the place of the ancient temple built by
There were many Crusades, on it, the people from different religions fought to obtein Jerusalem.
The firs Crusade was in 1095 and they took place in Europe.
Social Sciences:

These weapons were the most used in the Middle Ages:





Bows: There were the most commonly used from a distance.
Swards: It is the most famous weapon used in the Middle Ages. The nobles
managed them very well.
Hammers: Carpenters used this weapon very commonly.
Daggers: They were used as an alternative in case the soldier's main weapon was
unvailable, or in case he needed more flexibility.
Siege weapons: they were very widey used in the Dark Ages.
Social Sciences: Tournaments
The tournaemts were a way of entretainment in the Middle Ages. The tournaments
were sponsored by rich nobles.
A Medieval Tournaments, was a serie of mounted and armed combats, fought as
There were many types of tournaments, but in all of them knights fought against
something or someone.

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Medieval Project by Ana,Luisa,Carmen and Elena

  • 1. PROYECTO MEDIEVAL MEDIEVAL PROJECT PROJET MÉDIÉVAL Ana Bandera, Luisa Carrégalo, Carmen Gallego y Elena Gómez 3ºA
  • 2. English: Life during the Middle Ages In the Middle Ages life was different and it was hard to understand. People liked to looked at the medieval moments -heroic knights changing into battle romanic evasions between rich and poor people, progress and discoveries mode. People spent the majorite of the time working the land and they tried to grow enough food to survive. The feast days were marked by the church. Social activies were very important. In fairs troubadours and acrobats performing in the streets, merchants sold goods in the time square, etc... These were some things that they did in their free time and when there were medieval wedddings or any other event. Merchants travelled to see other cultures, such as Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Schools and Universities were formed to help medieval society and culture.
  • 3. English: The Norman Conquest Around 1000AD the Vikingos were allowed by the French King to live in France, but they had to protect them against other Vikingos. These Vikingos converted from their german gods to catholicism and they were called the Normas, because they lived in Normandy. When the children of Vikings were tired of just living and farming in Normandy they wanted to had some adventure. In 1066AD William, decided to attack and conquered England. When the king of England died without any children, he tought it was a chance to conquer England became rich and his friends agreed with him, so they crossed the English Channel and when they arrived they fought against the Anglo-Saxons. Willia conquered England and he became the new king, so people started to called him William the Conquered, and there were to languages spoken in England for a long time.
  • 4. English: the most common clothes in the Middle Ages In the Middle Ages, people's clothes were made of woolen and linen. Rich people wore brighter colors, better materials and longer jackets length. The aristocracy were so fashionable. Most of the Holy Order wore woolen habits and they could be distingished between themselves by the different colours. Black was for the Benedictines, white, for the Cistercians. St. Benedict established that a monk's clothes should be plain but comfortable. The poor Clare sisters could wore woolen socks if they had the Pope's permision.
  • 5. English: Famous Medieval buildings - Tower of London: William needed a castle would protect London and itself against invaders. To build this castle, William brought some of the stones wich came from France. He built in a Romanesque style. The tower has larine toilets and many rooms. One of these rooms was a Romanesque chaplle. In the 1100s, King Richard, built another stone wall around the shite tower to be safer. -Alnwick Castle: The Alnwick Castle is most known as Hogwarts. It is located in Northumberland, England. Yves de Vescy started to make the castle in 1906. It was made to protect the border. Currently this castle is used as a school for girls. -Canterbury Cathedral: it is one of the mostancient and famous christian structures in England and it continues to platay a central role in English Christianity.
  • 6. English: The fairy Melusine legend Melusine was the daughter of Elinus, king of Scottland, and the fairy Pressina. When Melusine grows up, she discovered that her father has seen her born against her mother's wishes. So, she decided to lock up him into the mountain. Her mother, the fairy Pressina, reproached Melusine her impudence and condemned her daughter to turn into a snake every Saturday. One day, Melusine was walking through the forest 'Raymon de Potiers'. Lusignan, saw her taking a bath in the river and fell in love with her. Melusine married him, but she put him a condition: He could never visit her on Saturdays. Raymond's brothers tell Raymond that Melusine is unfaithful to him, and they convince Raymond saying him that maybe she could visit her lover every Saturday. In that way, believing Raymond that he has been cheat all this time, he keep a watch on Melusine and he discover her snake's tail. Then, Melusine is missing for ever.
  • 7. Biology: Medieval Recipes ALMOND PUDDING To prepare this delicious Medieval recipe we need: ● 1 cup almond milk ● 1 ½ teaspoon of sugar ● ¼ cup cream ● ½ teaspoon of unflowovred gelatin ● ½ teaspoon rose water 1- Heat lmond milk and add cream. 2- Add sugar and rose water at low heat. 3- when simmering again add gelatin. 4- When you have mixed everything, refriferate for about 4 hours. 5- Finally, serve it in a bowl and sprinkle it with sugar.
  • 8. Biology: Medieval Food Not everybody ate the same food. Poor people ate mostly barley in every recipe (such as pizza, pancakes, etc). Rich people usually ate a lot of bread, but it didn't have wheat, so it was tastier. They also ate meat such as pork, roast beef, indinan spicier like pepper and cinnamon. After the Crusades, the type of food change.
  • 9. Biology: The Black Death In the 14th century, a horrible disease appeared in Asia, Africa and Europe. The peeple called this illness the ‘Black Death’. The disease started in Asia in 1340’s. It spreads soon to Africa and along Europe. Rats were the animals which carried this illness, caused by a bacterium, but the people didn’t know it. They though it was a punishment from God for being a bad person. People believed that they would have the Black Death if they had a bad behaviour. Additionally, the hygiene was very bad in that times. Infected people first started to have red marks with dark centres on their arms and neck. Then, they had high fevers and they got more ill until they die. Other symptoms of the Black Death included delirium, the victim begin to vomit, to have muscular pains, bleeding in the lungs and mental desorientation
  • 10. Biology: The Black Death To cure the Black Death to infected people, their families and friends prayed for them. People were very Catholic. But these were many treatment like lancing the buboes they had, had a diet, witchcroft and they had pestilence medice, but usually it was pointless: this illnesses plage left 7500 people dead in Europe every day. The decline of the population wasn’t the only consequence of the Black Death. This plague changed Europe’s social and economic structure. Because of this, the predominant religion started again to chase after Jews and lepers. The population were quiet insecure for their lives , they just didn’t know if they could live another day more. The minorities who were chase, were accused by the predominant religion of poison the rivers, and to cause scandal in public. They were exterminated. There were more than 70 million of people who died because of the Black Death. Basically, the population fell pretty quickly and live in this age was very horrible and difficult. Looking at this, we can see that the Black Death was the most, or one of them, disease occur in our history.
  • 11. Chemistry: Magic Potions in the Middle Ages Medieval folk medicine was based on superstition. Deaths were attributed to the working of evil spirits, force or malevolent vains and the use of potions were commonly used to protect people from this evil things. Some of these potions were: the evil eye, abortion, elixir, the philosopher's stone, alchemy, etc. Now we are to talk about the philosopher's stone, the legend says that the one who obtain it will be inmortal. This stone has appeared in the first Harry Potter's book.
  • 12. Français: Les vêtements au Moyen Age Au Moyen Ages, les vêtements ont été faits en laine et en lin. Les personnes riches se sont habillés avec des couleurs brillants, meilleures matérieux et vestes longues en cuir. La majorité des ordres de saints sont habillés avec d'habitudes en laine et ils peuvent être distingués avec differéntes couleurs. Le couleur blanc pour les cisterciens. Saint Benoît a établi que les vêtements pour les moines ont été lisse et confortable.
  • 13. Français: Les châteux de la Loire Les châteux ou la Loire sont á la France, exactement en Loire. Il y a vingt châteaux ici. Ils ont contruits au Moyen Age. Le nom des ving châteaux sont: Domaine National de Chambord, Cite Royale de Loches, Chateau d'aza-de-Rudeaiu, Domaine de Checezny, Chateau de Saumer, Chateau et Yardins de Villandry, Chateau de Breze, Chateau des Duos de Bretagne de Nantes, Chateau de Valencay, Chateau de Sully-Sur-Loire, Chateau de Chenonceau, Domaine de Chaumont-sur-loire, Chateau de Langeais, Chateau d'Angers, Chateau Royal d'Amboise, Chateau Royal de Blois, Forteresse Royale de Chinon, Abbaye de Fontevraud, école Nationale d'equitation de Soummur et Chateau du Close-Luce-Parc Leonardo Da Vinci. Ce lieu est très cèlebre parce que c'est très grand et beau. Ils chateaux reçovent beaucoup de visites.
  • 15. Lengua Castellana: El héroe Medieval Un héroe medieval tenía que ser honrado ante todo, fiel, culto y hábil. Además, eran personas de una gran calidad humana. Solían llevar una armadura, generalmente bien cuidada que usaban para luchar por los demás. Entendían todo tipo de armas y las manejaban a la perfección. Además, eran personas muy sabias. Un ejemplo sería Mio Cid,un héroe castellano que es desterrado por el rey Alfonso VI y hace todo lo posible por recuperar su honra. Las hazañas de Mio Cid se recogen en el cantar de gesta el Cantar del Mio Cid,y es el único cantar de gesta casi completo en castellano. Se divide en tres partes: Cantar del destierro, Cantar de las bodas y Cantar de la afrenta de Corpes. Finalmente, el Cid gana su honra, que es lo más importante para un héroe medieval. Este héroe posee todas las características anteriormente mencionadas.
  • 16. Lengua Castellana: El papel de la mujer en la Edad Media La mujer en la Edad Media era considerada como un mal y también como la causante del pecado en el hombre. Arcipreste de Hita, uno de los autores más importantes de la Edad Media, escribió 'Elogio a la mujer chiquita', en el cual alaba a la mujer pequeña porque, según él, del mal has de tomar lo menos. El papel que la mujer tomaba en esta época era el de tener hijos y cuidarlos, además de encargarse de los labores de la casa. Solían ser excluidas de algunos eventos, votaciones, acontecimientos,etc... y no tenían acceso a muchos lugares. Eran totalmente inferiores al hombre y se les consideraban como un objeto decorativo. Afortunadamente, hoy en día esto ha cambiado mucho en bastantes países.
  • 17. Lengua Castellana: La Celestina, obra cumbre de la literatura española La Celestina es una obra muy importante dela literatura española. Fue escrita por Fernando de rojas y se trata de una novela dialogada. Esta obra trata sobre un joven rico llamado Calisto que se enamora perdidamente de Melibea, pero ésta no presta atención en él. Calisto contrata a una vieja alcahueta para conseguir el amor de Melibea. Finalmente ambos mueren, ya que Calisto cae por un balcón y al ver Melibea que su enamorado ha muerto, decide suicidarse. En La Celestina hay dos versiones del mundo. En una visión Renacentista, que es el amor gozoso y sensual, y por otro lado tenemos una consciencia medieval, que, como castigo de este amor, los personajes mueren. El autor emplea dos niveles distintos de lenguaje, uno más culto cuando son Calisto,Melibea y la familia de ésta quienes hablan y un lenguaje vulgar cuando hablan los criados y la Celestina, aunque esto no implica que la alcahueta no usase un lenguaje más elevado cuando ella lo viese conveniente. Esta creación literaria se divide en actos y su primera edición apareció en 1499, en Burgos.
  • 18. Lengua Castellana: Lectura ambientada en la época medieval Noah Gordon EL MÉDICO Esta extraordinaria novela histórica narra cómo Rob J. Cole, fascinado por la medicina, decide atravesar medio mundo para llegar a Ispahán, Persia, y allí estudiar para convertirse en un gran médico. Cuando llega a su destino, queda impresionado al ver la culta y rica Persia, pues Londres, su lugar de nacimiento, era todo lo contrario: el analfabetismo abundaba, al igual que la pobreza. Finalmente, Rob logra entrar en el maristán para estudiar medicina. Esta novela nos enseña que todo es posible, y que por muy difíciles que parezcan, hay que perseguir los sueños paras hacerlos realidad.
  • 19. Social Sciences: The Crusades (War) One of the most important wars there were in the Middle Ages were 'The Crusades'. In this war, the main religions (Christians, Muslims and Jews) claimed Jerusalem, in the land of Palestine, as their holy city. ● ● ● Christians tought that Palestine must be for them because it was the place were Jesus died and he was cruxified. Muslims believed that Jerusalem was for them because here, Muhammed went to heaven. Jews tought that it was for them because it was the place of the ancient temple built by Salomon. There were many Crusades, on it, the people from different religions fought to obtein Jerusalem. The firs Crusade was in 1095 and they took place in Europe.
  • 20. Social Sciences: Weapons These weapons were the most used in the Middle Ages: ● ● ● ● ● Bows: There were the most commonly used from a distance. Swards: It is the most famous weapon used in the Middle Ages. The nobles managed them very well. Hammers: Carpenters used this weapon very commonly. Daggers: They were used as an alternative in case the soldier's main weapon was unvailable, or in case he needed more flexibility. Siege weapons: they were very widey used in the Dark Ages.
  • 21. Social Sciences: Tournaments The tournaemts were a way of entretainment in the Middle Ages. The tournaments were sponsored by rich nobles. A Medieval Tournaments, was a serie of mounted and armed combats, fought as contest. There were many types of tournaments, but in all of them knights fought against something or someone.