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An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
An Introduction to PC-lint
► Introduction
► Features
► Usage
► The true value of PC-lint
Version 1.20
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
“C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot...”
(Bjarne Stroustrup)
An Introduction to PC-lint
C is a powerful
but dangerous
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Classic C Mistakes
Only to name a few...
► Array out-of-bounds access
► Null pointer dereferencing
► Using a variable before initialization
► Order of evaluation of operands
► Integer overflow
► Assignment where check for equality was intended
► Illegal printf/scanf format strings
► Forgetting to handle a case in switch statement
► Passing macro arguments with side effects
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
“ ...C++ makes it harder, but when you do,
it blows your whole leg off.”
(Bjarne Stroustrup)
An Introduction to PC-lint
The same holds
for C++
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Classic C++ Mistakes
Only to name a few...
► Forgetting to initialize class members
► Initializing class members in the wrong order
► Forgetting to declare the base class destructor virtual
► Forgetting to implement the assignment op
► Using auto_ptr on containers
► Memory and resource leaks
► Unhandled exceptions
► Leaking exceptions from destructors
► Order of static initialization
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
The Case For Static Code Checking
C and C++ are powerful but dangerous
Even if code works, it might not be portable/future-proof
► Alignment issues
► Size of scalars
► Compiler-specific features
► …
Traditional testing (checking at run-time)
► Might not detect all issues
► Is expensive
However: static checking
is not meant as a
replacement for testing!
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
What is Lint/PC-lint?
► Etymology: undesired fibers and fluff in sheep's wool
► Seventh version (V7) of Unix (1979)
► Part of PCC (portable C compiler)
► Commercial version for C and C++
► Produced by Gimpel Software, USA.
► First version appeared 1985
► Current version is 9.00
► FlexeLint: for Unix/Linux
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
What is Lint/PC-lint?
► Works similar to a compiler
► Checks code statically ('at compile-time')
► Doesn't produce machine code
► Performs thousands of checks and will produce the appropriate
warnings, so-called "issues" or "messages
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Let's have a look at some code...
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
What's wrong with this C code?
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #define SUM(x, y) (x) + (y)
3 unsigned long* PerformGizmoAlgorithm(int a, int b) {
4 unsigned long vector[8] = {143, 33, 2l, 76, 83, 222, 45, 45};
5 int i;
7 for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i);
8 vector[i + 1] = vector[i] * SUM(a, b);
10 return vector;
11 }
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
What's wrong with this C code?
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #define SUM(x, y) (x) + (y)
3 unsigned long* PerformGizmoAlgorithm(int a, int b) {
4 unsigned long vector[8] = {143, 33, 2l, 76, 83, 222, 45, 45};
5 int i;
7 for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i);
8 vector[i + 1] = vector[i] * SUM(a, b);
10 return vector;
11 }
file.c:2 I 773 Expression-like macro 'SUM' not parenthesized
file.c:7 I 722 Suspicious use of ;
file.c:8 W 539 Did not expect positive indentation from line 7
file.c:8 I 737 Loss of sign in promotion from int to unsigned long
file.c:8 W 661 Possible access of out-of-bounds pointer (1 beyond end of data) by operator '['
file.c:8 W 661 Possible access of out-of-bounds pointer (2 beyond end of data) by operator '['
file.c:10 W 604 Returning address of auto variable 'vector'
file.c:0 I 766 Header file '/usr/include/stdio.h' not used in module 'file.c'
file.c:4 W 620 Suspicious constant (L or one?)
Would you have
found all of these
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
What's wrong with this C++ code?
1 class Base {
2 char* mp;
3 int mCount;
4 public:
5 Base(int aCount = 0) { mCount = aCount; if(mCount > 0) mp = new char[mCount]; }
6 void printRuntimeType() { cout << "Base"; }
7 ~Base() { delete mp; }
8 };
10 class Derived : public Base {
11 public:
12 void printRuntimeType() { cout << "Derived"; }
13 };
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
What's wrong with this C++ code?
1 class Base {
2 char* mp;
3 int mCount;
4 public:
5 Base(int aCount = 0) { mCount = aCount; if(mCount > 0) mp = new char[mCount]; }
6 void printRuntimeType() { cout << "Base"; }
7 ~Base() { delete mp; }
8 };
10 class Derived : public Base {
11 public:
12 void printRuntimeType() { cout << "Derived"; }
13 };
file.cpp:5 I 1732 new in constructor for class Base which has no assignment operator
file.cpp:5 I 1733 new in constructor for class Base which has no copy constructor
file.cpp:5 I 737 Loss of sign in promotion from int to unsigned int
file.cpp:5 W 1541 Member Base::mp (line 4) possibly not initialized by constructor
file.cpp:7 W 424 Inappropriate deallocation (delete) for 'new[]' data.
file.cpp:12 W 1511 Member hides non-virtual member Base::printRuntimeType(void) (line 8)
file.cpp:13 W 1509 base class destructor for class 'Base' is not virtual
Would you have
found all of these
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
What PC-lint is Not
Focus is on finding C/C++ programming errors:
► No: Java, C#
► No: Metrics
► No: High-level design and architectural analysis
Inexpensive, compact but powerful code checker:
► No: GUI/browsers/wizards
► No: Issue database
► No: License server
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
A quick tour of some features
► Weak definials
► Const-correctness
► Strong types
► Value tracking
► Semantics
► Multi-thread support
► Author files and MISRA
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Weak definials
PC-lint keeps code (esp. interfaces) clean by reporting
► Unused declarations (types, macros...)
► Unused or redundantly included headers
► Declarations that are only used locally
Move from header to .c/.cpp file
Make functions/objects static
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Const-correctness is an important topic in C/C++
Difficult to add const-correctness later (ripple effect)
PC-lint reports:
► Member function could be made const
► Pointer could be declared as pointing to const
► Even: parameters/objects could be made const
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Strong types
Neither C nor C++ has strong typing
► Mixing enums, ints, bools, typedefs is permissible
'Strong type' feature lets you selectively enable strong type
typedef int Temperature;
int t1 = 42;
Temperature t2 = t1; // Bad!
if (t1) { // Bad!
Compatibility of types can be achieved through the 'type
hierarchy' feature
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Value tracking
PC-lint keeps track of variable values and initialization status:
extern int g_array[10];
int foo(int* arr, int n) { return arr[n]; }
if (count == 20) {
cout << "Wow, 20 elements!" << endl;
int y = foo(g_array, 20); // -passes(2): likely out-of-bounds access
int x = foo(g_array, count); // -passes(2): possible out-of-bounds access
The more passes, the better (but slower!)
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Many well-known library functions have certain pre-/postconditions:
► assert(), abort(): never return
► memset(): arg3 may not exceed sizeof arg1 area
► strcpy(): return value is never NULL
► fopen(): args never NULL and '0' terminated; return value may be NULL
Transfer such well-known semantics to user-defined functions
► -function(abort, MyClass::stop)
PC-lint uses additional information during analysis
foo(42); // Unreachable code!
Semantics -- function mimicry
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Semantics -- semantic specifications
Function mimicry is based on "semantic specifications"
Use semantic specifications for finer-grained control
Many, many possibilities via -sem option:
r_null, r_no, nulterm(#), #p, inout, thread, thread_unsafe...
//lint -sem(decode, inout(3))
result_t decode(const void* src, void* dest, int* destLen);
void foo() {
int n;
if (decode(inbuf, outbuf, &n) == OK) { // n not initialized
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Based on "semantic specifications", specify:
► Thread root functions
► Thread creation functions (eg. pthread_create())
► Begin of thread protected region (eg. pthread_mutex_lock)
► End of thread protected region (eg. pthread_mutex_unlock)
► Thread-safe, thread-unsafe functions
PC-lint reports:
► Unprotected access to static/global data/objects
► Unprotected calls to thread-unsafe functions
► Mismatched lock/unlock calls
Multi-thread support
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Option files with checks recommended by authors:
► Mainly Scott Meyers, "(More) Effective C++" (au-sm*.lnt)
► Checks for 64-bit issues (au-64.lnt)
► MISRA recommendations:
► MISRA C 1998 (au-misra1.lnt)
► MISRA C 2004 (au-misra2.lnt)
► MISRA C 2012 (au-misra3.lnt)
► MISRA C++ (au-misra-cpp.lnt)
Author files and MISRA
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
► Command-line interface
► Lint messages
► Lint policy
► Message inhibition
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Command-line interface
lint-nt.exe <args>... <files>...
► lint-nt.exe -w3 -I../include main.cpp calc.cpp
Pass options directly or via option file (*.lnt)
► lint-nt.exe settings.lnt main.cpp calc.cpp
► lint-nt.exe settings.lnt files.lnt
Two modes of operation
► Single checkout mode (-u)
lint-nt.exe settings.lnt -u calc.cpp
Good for quick checks of a single module
► Whole-project mode (w/o -u)
Slower, but Lint analysis is much deeper
PC-lint knows if and how functions/identifiers are used across translation units
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Command-line interface
PC-lint output
► Can be tuned
► "Message presentation options" define what and how issues are
► Call PC-lint from within your favorite editor/IDE to navigate code/issues
► Select env-*.lnt files that match your IDE's error parser, e. g.
env-vc9.lnt, env-vim.lnt, env-xml.lnt, env-html.lnt
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Lint messages
Lint produces around 1000 different warnings
Let's review our previous example...
Kind C C++ Level Think...
Syntax Errors 1 - 199 1001 - 1199 1 Syntax Error
Internal Errors 200 - 299 1200 - 1299 Oops!
Fatal Errors 300 - 399 Oops!
Warnings 400 - 699 1400 - 1699 2 Something likely wrong
Informational 700 - 899 1700 - 1899 3 Something might be wrong
Elective Notes 900 - 999 1900 - 1999 4 Style issue
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
What's wrong with this C code?
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #define SUM(x, y) (x) + (y)
3 unsigned long* PerformGizmoAlgorithm(int a, int b) {
4 unsigned long vector[8] = {143, 33, 2l, 76, 83, 222, 45, 45};
5 int i;
7 for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i);
8 vector[i + 1] = vector[i] * SUM(a, b);
10 return vector;
11 }
file.c:2 I 773 Expression-like macro 'SUM' not parenthesized
file.c:7 I 722 Suspicious use of ;
file.c:8 W 539 Did not expect positive indentation from line 7
file.c:8 I 737 Loss of sign in promotion from int to unsigned long
file.c:8 W 661 Possible access of out-of-bounds pointer (1 beyond end of data) by operator '['
file.c:8 W 661 Possible access of out-of-bounds pointer (2 beyond end of data) by operator '['
file.c:10 W 604 Returning address of auto variable 'vector'
file.c:0 I 766 Header file '/usr/include/stdio.h' not used in module 'file.c'
file.c:4 W 620 Suspicious constant (L or one?)
Some 'informationals'
are clearly bugs
in this context!
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Enabling/disabling messages
Coarse level: -w<level> option
► Example: -w3 // Set warning level to 3.
Fine level: [+-]e<number>
► Example: +e1509 // Warn on non-virtual base class d-tor.
► Example: -e801 // Using 'goto' is fine.
“User Lint Policy” defines the right mix...
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
User Lint policy
The user Lint policy...
► is a text file containing global PC-lint settings for a project
► is fed to PC-lint during a Lint run
► mostly consists of message-related settings
► base warning level (e. g. 3) plus/minus many exceptions
► is not cast in stone but evolves over time
► allows for local overriding of settings in source files
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Lint policy example
-function(__assert, ASSERT) // copy semantics of assert()
-strong(b,boolean) // BOOLEAN is of type boolean
+macros // enable long lines
-wlib(1) // in lib headers report only errors
-w3 // warning level 3
-A // strict ANSI
+fpn // argument pointers might be NULL
-esym(534,*printf) // often called without checking return
-esym(534,*strncat,*strncpy) // often called without checking return
-esym(534,*strcpy) // often called without checking return
-epn // nominally differing ptrs
-e787 // non-exhaustive switch
-e788 // non-exhaustive switch
-e508 // extern with definition
-e641 // enum to int conversion
-e730 // boolean arg to function
-e46 // fields other than int
-e655 // bit-wise operator used with enums
-"esym(793, external identifiers)" // don't complain about more than 511 external
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Message inhibition
How to get rid of unwanted messages:
► Fully understand what PC-lint is saying (consult msg.txt)
► Modify the code (carefully!)
► Fix indentation
► Parenthesize
Use assertions
► cast
► Suppress locally via inhibition comments
(next slide)
► Last resort: #ifdef _lint
► Consider making (suggesting) changes to the Lint Policy
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Inhibition within source code
Options within Lint comments:
► within source code: /*lint ... */ or //lint ...
► Note! No blank before 'lint' keyword!
//lint -e{888} hollyr: Needed for performance optimization
x = foo() * bar() - a;
Various variants exist that limit the scope of an inhibition
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Inhibition comments
Next expression suppression:
a = /*lint -e(413) dereferencing 0 is OK */ *(char*)0);
One-line suppression:
if (x = f(34)) //lint !e720 boolean test of assignment is OK
y = y / x;
Within-a-macro suppression:
//lint -emacro(732, MULTIPLY) suppress loss of sign for macro MULTIPLY
Suppression for a particular symbol:
//lint -esym(754, MyClass::foo) suppress 'foo' not referenced
There are many, many more (see chapter 5.2 of PC-lint manual)
Advice: always use the narrowest inhibition scope possible!
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
The true value of PC-lint
Q: What's the purpose of using PC-lint?
A: Find bugs, of course!
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
When to use PC-lint?
1. Check-out
2. Coding
3. Developer testing
4. Check-in
5. Nightly/daily build
6. Integration testing
7. System testing
8. Release
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Cost of fixing a defect
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
When linting late in the life-cycle
Code has already been tested and debugged
► Lots of effort has been spent (wasted) already
► Mostly only “false positives” left
Big mental distance
► Hard to remember the change
► Reluctance to change existing (working) code
Fear of introducing real bugs
Developers often blindly dismiss warnings as “false positives”
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
When linting early in the life-cycle
Less time wasted on debugging
PC-lint acts as a coach
► Reviews code, criticizes
“software consciousness”
► Teaches C/C++ best practices
Over time, developers become better developers
PC-lint encourages developers to review their own code
► Often, even unrelated problems are found
Low mental distance
Low pride
Code is cleaned-up, rewritten, quality increased
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
How many lint warnings are acceptable?
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
“Zero Warnings” process
No warnings allowed when checking-in code
No “can't see the forest for the trees” effects
► Developers see only their issues
No tracking of PC-lint issues
► Management-free
No mental distance
► Issues must be resolved, now!
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
The true value of PC-lint
Q: What's the purpose of using PC-lint?
A: Prevent bugs and keep technical debt low!
This is Ward Cunningham,
inventor of the technical
debt metaphor.
My hero!
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
False positives
“In previously unlinted code, you may get a
discouragingly large number of messages”
The PC-lint Manual
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
False positives
1 #define ADD(x, y) x + y
2 #define MUL(x, y) x * y
4 class Base {
5 public:
6 Base(int i) : _i(i) { }
7 int add(int a, int b) { return ADD(a, b); }
8 ~Base() { /* ... */ }
9 private:
10 int _i;
11 };
13 class Derived : public Base {
14 };
false_positives.cpp:1 Info 773: Expression-like macro 'ADD' not parenthesized
false_positives.cpp:2 Info 773: Expression-like macro 'MUL' not parenthesized
false_positives.cpp:6 Note 1931: Constructor 'Base::Base(int)' can be used for implicit conversions
false_positives.cpp:7 Info 1762: Member function 'Base::add(int, int)' could be made const
false_positives.cpp:4 Info 1712: default constructor not defined for class 'Base'
false_positives.cpp:4 Info 1790: Base class 'Base' has no non-destructor virtual functions
false_positives.cpp:8 Warning 1509: base class destructor for class 'Base' is not virtual
false_positives.cpp:8 Warning 1512: destructor for base class 'Base' is not virtual
false_positives.cpp:2 Info 750: local macro 'MUL' not referenced
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
False positives
Based on the wrong notion about PC-lint
► Confusing “preventing” bugs with “finding” bugs
Almost every Lint warning is valuable
► Highlights technical debt
► If PC-lint has difficulties understanding code, another developer might
have as well
► Prevents future problems
► Self-reviews
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
Some final thoughts...
PC-lint is more about preventing bugs than about finding bugs
Not a magic weapon but another step towards higher quality
Use PC-lint as early as possible in your life-cycle
Try hard to understand what PC-lint is trying to say
Prefer rewriting code over suppression comments
Keep the number of warnings at all times at zero
PC-lint is your friend, not your enemy!
An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting
This presentation is licensed under the terms of the
Creative Commons - Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives license.
See for details.

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An Introduction to PC-Lint

  • 1. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 1/47 An Introduction to PC-lint Agenda: ► Introduction ► Features ► Usage ► The true value of PC-lint Version 1.20
  • 2. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 2/47 “C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot...” (Bjarne Stroustrup) An Introduction to PC-lint C is a powerful but dangerous language
  • 3. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 3/47 Classic C Mistakes Only to name a few... ► Array out-of-bounds access ► Null pointer dereferencing ► Using a variable before initialization ► Order of evaluation of operands ► Integer overflow ► Assignment where check for equality was intended ► Illegal printf/scanf format strings ► Forgetting to handle a case in switch statement ► Passing macro arguments with side effects
  • 4. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 4/47 “ ...C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows your whole leg off.” (Bjarne Stroustrup) An Introduction to PC-lint The same holds for C++
  • 5. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 5/47 Classic C++ Mistakes Only to name a few... ► Forgetting to initialize class members ► Initializing class members in the wrong order ► Forgetting to declare the base class destructor virtual ► Forgetting to implement the assignment op ► Using auto_ptr on containers ► Memory and resource leaks ► Unhandled exceptions ► Leaking exceptions from destructors ► Order of static initialization
  • 6. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 6/47 The Case For Static Code Checking C and C++ are powerful but dangerous Even if code works, it might not be portable/future-proof ► Alignment issues ► Size of scalars ► Compiler-specific features ► … Traditional testing (checking at run-time) ► Might not detect all issues ► Is expensive However: static checking is not meant as a replacement for testing!
  • 7. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 7/47 What is Lint/PC-lint? Lint ► Etymology: undesired fibers and fluff in sheep's wool ► Seventh version (V7) of Unix (1979) ► Part of PCC (portable C compiler) PC-lint ► Commercial version for C and C++ ► Produced by Gimpel Software, USA. ► First version appeared 1985 ► Current version is 9.00 ► FlexeLint: for Unix/Linux
  • 8. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 8/47 What is Lint/PC-lint? PC-lint ► Works similar to a compiler ► Checks code statically ('at compile-time') ► Doesn't produce machine code ► Performs thousands of checks and will produce the appropriate warnings, so-called "issues" or "messages
  • 9. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 9/47 Examples Let's have a look at some code...
  • 10. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 10/47 What's wrong with this C code? 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #define SUM(x, y) (x) + (y) 3 unsigned long* PerformGizmoAlgorithm(int a, int b) { 4 unsigned long vector[8] = {143, 33, 2l, 76, 83, 222, 45, 45}; 5 int i; 6 7 for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i); 8 vector[i + 1] = vector[i] * SUM(a, b); 9 10 return vector; 11 }
  • 11. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 11/47 What's wrong with this C code? 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #define SUM(x, y) (x) + (y) 3 unsigned long* PerformGizmoAlgorithm(int a, int b) { 4 unsigned long vector[8] = {143, 33, 2l, 76, 83, 222, 45, 45}; 5 int i; 6 7 for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i); 8 vector[i + 1] = vector[i] * SUM(a, b); 9 10 return vector; 11 } file.c:2 I 773 Expression-like macro 'SUM' not parenthesized file.c:7 I 722 Suspicious use of ; file.c:8 W 539 Did not expect positive indentation from line 7 file.c:8 I 737 Loss of sign in promotion from int to unsigned long file.c:8 W 661 Possible access of out-of-bounds pointer (1 beyond end of data) by operator '[' file.c:8 W 661 Possible access of out-of-bounds pointer (2 beyond end of data) by operator '[' file.c:10 W 604 Returning address of auto variable 'vector' file.c:0 I 766 Header file '/usr/include/stdio.h' not used in module 'file.c' file.c:4 W 620 Suspicious constant (L or one?) Would you have found all of these issues?
  • 12. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 12/47 What's wrong with this C++ code? 1 class Base { 2 char* mp; 3 int mCount; 4 public: 5 Base(int aCount = 0) { mCount = aCount; if(mCount > 0) mp = new char[mCount]; } 6 void printRuntimeType() { cout << "Base"; } 7 ~Base() { delete mp; } 8 }; 9 10 class Derived : public Base { 11 public: 12 void printRuntimeType() { cout << "Derived"; } 13 };
  • 13. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 13/47 What's wrong with this C++ code? 1 class Base { 2 char* mp; 3 int mCount; 4 public: 5 Base(int aCount = 0) { mCount = aCount; if(mCount > 0) mp = new char[mCount]; } 6 void printRuntimeType() { cout << "Base"; } 7 ~Base() { delete mp; } 8 }; 9 10 class Derived : public Base { 11 public: 12 void printRuntimeType() { cout << "Derived"; } 13 }; file.cpp:5 I 1732 new in constructor for class Base which has no assignment operator file.cpp:5 I 1733 new in constructor for class Base which has no copy constructor file.cpp:5 I 737 Loss of sign in promotion from int to unsigned int file.cpp:5 W 1541 Member Base::mp (line 4) possibly not initialized by constructor file.cpp:7 W 424 Inappropriate deallocation (delete) for 'new[]' data. file.cpp:12 W 1511 Member hides non-virtual member Base::printRuntimeType(void) (line 8) file.cpp:13 W 1509 base class destructor for class 'Base' is not virtual Would you have found all of these issues?
  • 14. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 14/47 What PC-lint is Not Focus is on finding C/C++ programming errors: ► No: Java, C# ► No: Metrics ► No: High-level design and architectural analysis Inexpensive, compact but powerful code checker: ► No: GUI/browsers/wizards ► No: Issue database ► No: License server
  • 15. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 15/47 Features A quick tour of some features ► Weak definials ► Const-correctness ► Strong types ► Value tracking ► Semantics ► Multi-thread support ► Author files and MISRA
  • 16. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 16/47 Weak definials PC-lint keeps code (esp. interfaces) clean by reporting ► Unused declarations (types, macros...) ► Unused or redundantly included headers ► Declarations that are only used locally ► Move from header to .c/.cpp file ► Make functions/objects static
  • 17. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 17/47 Const-correctness Const-correctness is an important topic in C/C++ Difficult to add const-correctness later (ripple effect) PC-lint reports: ► Member function could be made const ► Pointer could be declared as pointing to const ► Even: parameters/objects could be made const
  • 18. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 18/47 Strong types Neither C nor C++ has strong typing ► Mixing enums, ints, bools, typedefs is permissible 'Strong type' feature lets you selectively enable strong type checking typedef int Temperature; int t1 = 42; Temperature t2 = t1; // Bad! if (t1) { // Bad! ... } Compatibility of types can be achieved through the 'type hierarchy' feature
  • 19. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 19/47 Value tracking PC-lint keeps track of variable values and initialization status: extern int g_array[10]; int foo(int* arr, int n) { return arr[n]; } ... if (count == 20) { cout << "Wow, 20 elements!" << endl; } int y = foo(g_array, 20); // -passes(2): likely out-of-bounds access int x = foo(g_array, count); // -passes(2): possible out-of-bounds access The more passes, the better (but slower!)
  • 20. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 20/47 Many well-known library functions have certain pre-/postconditions: ► assert(), abort(): never return ► memset(): arg3 may not exceed sizeof arg1 area ► strcpy(): return value is never NULL ► fopen(): args never NULL and '0' terminated; return value may be NULL Transfer such well-known semantics to user-defined functions ► -function(abort, MyClass::stop) PC-lint uses additional information during analysis mc->stop(); foo(42); // Unreachable code! Semantics -- function mimicry
  • 21. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 21/47 Semantics -- semantic specifications Function mimicry is based on "semantic specifications" Use semantic specifications for finer-grained control Many, many possibilities via -sem option: r_null, r_no, nulterm(#), #p, inout, thread, thread_unsafe... Example: //lint -sem(decode, inout(3)) result_t decode(const void* src, void* dest, int* destLen); void foo() { int n; if (decode(inbuf, outbuf, &n) == OK) { // n not initialized ... } }
  • 22. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 22/47 Based on "semantic specifications", specify: ► Thread root functions ► Thread creation functions (eg. pthread_create()) ► Begin of thread protected region (eg. pthread_mutex_lock) ► End of thread protected region (eg. pthread_mutex_unlock) ► Thread-safe, thread-unsafe functions PC-lint reports: ► Unprotected access to static/global data/objects ► Unprotected calls to thread-unsafe functions ► Mismatched lock/unlock calls Multi-thread support
  • 23. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 23/47 Option files with checks recommended by authors: ► Mainly Scott Meyers, "(More) Effective C++" (au-sm*.lnt) ► Checks for 64-bit issues (au-64.lnt) ► MISRA recommendations: ► MISRA C 1998 (au-misra1.lnt) ► MISRA C 2004 (au-misra2.lnt) ► MISRA C 2012 (au-misra3.lnt) ► MISRA C++ (au-misra-cpp.lnt) Author files and MISRA
  • 24. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 24/47 Usage Usage ► Command-line interface ► Lint messages ► Lint policy ► Message inhibition
  • 25. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 25/47 Command-line interface lint-nt.exe <args>... <files>... ► lint-nt.exe -w3 -I../include main.cpp calc.cpp Pass options directly or via option file (*.lnt) ► lint-nt.exe settings.lnt main.cpp calc.cpp ► lint-nt.exe settings.lnt files.lnt Two modes of operation ► Single checkout mode (-u) ► lint-nt.exe settings.lnt -u calc.cpp ► Good for quick checks of a single module ► Whole-project mode (w/o -u) ► Slower, but Lint analysis is much deeper ► PC-lint knows if and how functions/identifiers are used across translation units
  • 26. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 26/47 Command-line interface PC-lint output ► Can be tuned ► "Message presentation options" define what and how issues are reported ► Call PC-lint from within your favorite editor/IDE to navigate code/issues ► Select env-*.lnt files that match your IDE's error parser, e. g. env-vc9.lnt, env-vim.lnt, env-xml.lnt, env-html.lnt
  • 27. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 27/47 Lint messages Lint produces around 1000 different warnings Let's review our previous example... Kind C C++ Level Think... Syntax Errors 1 - 199 1001 - 1199 1 Syntax Error Internal Errors 200 - 299 1200 - 1299 Oops! Fatal Errors 300 - 399 Oops! Warnings 400 - 699 1400 - 1699 2 Something likely wrong Informational 700 - 899 1700 - 1899 3 Something might be wrong Elective Notes 900 - 999 1900 - 1999 4 Style issue
  • 28. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 28/47 What's wrong with this C code? 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #define SUM(x, y) (x) + (y) 3 unsigned long* PerformGizmoAlgorithm(int a, int b) { 4 unsigned long vector[8] = {143, 33, 2l, 76, 83, 222, 45, 45}; 5 int i; 6 7 for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i); 8 vector[i + 1] = vector[i] * SUM(a, b); 9 10 return vector; 11 } file.c:2 I 773 Expression-like macro 'SUM' not parenthesized file.c:7 I 722 Suspicious use of ; file.c:8 W 539 Did not expect positive indentation from line 7 file.c:8 I 737 Loss of sign in promotion from int to unsigned long file.c:8 W 661 Possible access of out-of-bounds pointer (1 beyond end of data) by operator '[' file.c:8 W 661 Possible access of out-of-bounds pointer (2 beyond end of data) by operator '[' file.c:10 W 604 Returning address of auto variable 'vector' file.c:0 I 766 Header file '/usr/include/stdio.h' not used in module 'file.c' file.c:4 W 620 Suspicious constant (L or one?) Some 'informationals' are clearly bugs in this context!
  • 29. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 29/47 Enabling/disabling messages Coarse level: -w<level> option ► Example: -w3 // Set warning level to 3. Fine level: [+-]e<number> ► Example: +e1509 // Warn on non-virtual base class d-tor. ► Example: -e801 // Using 'goto' is fine. “User Lint Policy” defines the right mix...
  • 30. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 30/47 User Lint policy The user Lint policy... ► is a text file containing global PC-lint settings for a project ► is fed to PC-lint during a Lint run ► mostly consists of message-related settings ► base warning level (e. g. 3) plus/minus many exceptions ► is not cast in stone but evolves over time ► allows for local overriding of settings in source files
  • 31. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 31/47 Lint policy example -function(__assert, ASSERT) // copy semantics of assert() -strong(b,boolean) // BOOLEAN is of type boolean +macros // enable long lines -wlib(1) // in lib headers report only errors -w3 // warning level 3 -A // strict ANSI +fpn // argument pointers might be NULL -esym(534,*printf) // often called without checking return -esym(534,*strncat,*strncpy) // often called without checking return -esym(534,*strcpy) // often called without checking return -epn // nominally differing ptrs -e787 // non-exhaustive switch -e788 // non-exhaustive switch -e508 // extern with definition -e641 // enum to int conversion -e730 // boolean arg to function -e46 // fields other than int -e655 // bit-wise operator used with enums -"esym(793, external identifiers)" // don't complain about more than 511 external ...
  • 32. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 32/47 Message inhibition How to get rid of unwanted messages: ► Fully understand what PC-lint is saying (consult msg.txt) ► Modify the code (carefully!) ► Fix indentation ► Parenthesize ► Use assertions ► cast ► Suppress locally via inhibition comments (next slide) ► Last resort: #ifdef _lint ► Consider making (suggesting) changes to the Lint Policy
  • 33. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 33/47 Inhibition within source code Options within Lint comments: ► within source code: /*lint ... */ or //lint ... ► Note! No blank before 'lint' keyword! //lint -e{888} hollyr: Needed for performance optimization x = foo() * bar() - a; Various variants exist that limit the scope of an inhibition
  • 34. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 34/47 Inhibition comments Next expression suppression: a = /*lint -e(413) dereferencing 0 is OK */ *(char*)0); One-line suppression: if (x = f(34)) //lint !e720 boolean test of assignment is OK y = y / x; Within-a-macro suppression: //lint -emacro(732, MULTIPLY) suppress loss of sign for macro MULTIPLY Suppression for a particular symbol: //lint -esym(754, MyClass::foo) suppress 'foo' not referenced There are many, many more (see chapter 5.2 of PC-lint manual) Advice: always use the narrowest inhibition scope possible!
  • 35. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 35/47 The true value of PC-lint Q: What's the purpose of using PC-lint? A: Find bugs, of course!
  • 36. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 36/47 When to use PC-lint? 1. Check-out 2. Coding 3. Developer testing 4. Check-in 5. Nightly/daily build 6. Integration testing 7. System testing 8. Release here!
  • 37. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 37/47 Cost of fixing a defect Image©SteveMcConnell/Construx
  • 38. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 38/47 When linting late in the life-cycle Code has already been tested and debugged ► Lots of effort has been spent (wasted) already ► Mostly only “false positives” left Big mental distance ► Hard to remember the change ► Reluctance to change existing (working) code ► Fear of introducing real bugs ► Pride! Developers often blindly dismiss warnings as “false positives”
  • 39. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 39/47 When linting early in the life-cycle Less time wasted on debugging PC-lint acts as a coach ► Reviews code, criticizes ► “software consciousness” ► Teaches C/C++ best practices ► Over time, developers become better developers PC-lint encourages developers to review their own code ► Often, even unrelated problems are found Low mental distance Low pride Code is cleaned-up, rewritten, quality increased
  • 40. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 40/47 How many lint warnings are acceptable? 0
  • 41. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 41/47 “Zero Warnings” process No warnings allowed when checking-in code No “can't see the forest for the trees” effects ► Developers see only their issues No tracking of PC-lint issues ► Management-free No mental distance ► Issues must be resolved, now!
  • 42. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 42/47 The true value of PC-lint Q: What's the purpose of using PC-lint? A: Prevent bugs and keep technical debt low! This is Ward Cunningham, inventor of the technical debt metaphor. My hero!
  • 43. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 43/47 False positives “In previously unlinted code, you may get a discouragingly large number of messages” The PC-lint Manual
  • 44. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 44/47 False positives 1 #define ADD(x, y) x + y 2 #define MUL(x, y) x * y 3 4 class Base { 5 public: 6 Base(int i) : _i(i) { } 7 int add(int a, int b) { return ADD(a, b); } 8 ~Base() { /* ... */ } 9 private: 10 int _i; 11 }; 12 13 class Derived : public Base { 14 }; false_positives.cpp:1 Info 773: Expression-like macro 'ADD' not parenthesized false_positives.cpp:2 Info 773: Expression-like macro 'MUL' not parenthesized false_positives.cpp:6 Note 1931: Constructor 'Base::Base(int)' can be used for implicit conversions false_positives.cpp:7 Info 1762: Member function 'Base::add(int, int)' could be made const false_positives.cpp:4 Info 1712: default constructor not defined for class 'Base' false_positives.cpp:4 Info 1790: Base class 'Base' has no non-destructor virtual functions false_positives.cpp:8 Warning 1509: base class destructor for class 'Base' is not virtual false_positives.cpp:8 Warning 1512: destructor for base class 'Base' is not virtual false_positives.cpp:2 Info 750: local macro 'MUL' not referenced
  • 45. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 45/47 False positives Based on the wrong notion about PC-lint ► Confusing “preventing” bugs with “finding” bugs Almost every Lint warning is valuable ► Highlights technical debt ► If PC-lint has difficulties understanding code, another developer might have as well ► Prevents future problems ► Self-reviews
  • 46. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 46/47 Some final thoughts... PC-lint is more about preventing bugs than about finding bugs Not a magic weapon but another step towards higher quality Use PC-lint as early as possible in your life-cycle Try hard to understand what PC-lint is trying to say Prefer rewriting code over suppression comments Keep the number of warnings at all times at zero PC-lint is your friend, not your enemy!
  • 47. An Introduction to PC-lint Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 by Ralf Holly Software Consulting 47/47 License This presentation is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives license. See for details.