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1.1 Background of the Study
Movie is considered as modern form of literature. Apart of the ability to
formerly convey what was depicted inside the novel, prose, play, or poem (movie
adaptation), movies nowadays can stand alone as purely new form of literature.
The making progress of movie involves such ability, which also includes writing,
interpreting, reading, and acting. The only written form of a movie is the script.
This is why movie nowadays is considered as a new form of literary work which
can stand alone.
Moreover, movies are not only using interpreted written text as the way to
visualize what is inside the story, but also be supported by sound effect, which
tremendously make movies a priority choice in spending leisure time by so many
people or moviegoers. It is much quicker and easier. Apparently people who pick
movies than books do not want their time to be spent by reading a thick book.
This is also why some movie makers out there consider producing their own
movies which are not adapted from books or novels. The audience then would get
a new sensation because of it.
Just as much the written forms of literature can influence people or anyone
who read one, movies bluntly do the same even much easier. They are supported
by the acting performed by the actor and actress, making the visualization of what
is stated on script much easier to indulge. They can reach a lot of people by age,
race, gender and class. Here is then another reason why movie is considered as
visual literacy as opposed to verbal one. They are on the same position as plays
played on stage, or mostly Broadway.
Besides the connection between movie and literature, expressing thoughts,
ideas, and beliefs can be delivered easily through movies. Sometimes the script
writer and the one who directs a movie implicitly hide certain thoughts so that the
audiences can secretly get it all without directly showing it all. These hidden
things become such gems to them who are sensitive enough in certain issues
wrapped in those gems. Then they have rights to criticize the movie based on
those sensitive issues or even support it.
Movies used to deliver certain thoughts or embrace a new perspective are
worth analyzing. There so many of it out there. These sensitive issues trigger the
conflict in the plot, characters, as well as setting. They become dominant in the
movie. That is when actually those issues are purposely planted, so that the
audience can embrace and get the hidden meaning of it. Take an example of
feminist movies. There is a lot of reason why Legally Blonde movie is called as
feminist movie. Apart of the big number of women playing in the movie, there are
also feminist thoughts and empowered messages hiding there. There is also a
reason why its title goes with Legally Blonde which definitely questions the
stereotype of blonde girls prevail at that time.
Feminist issues can be found in a lot of modern movies these days, playing
important role in destining the fate of gender equality. It is known that women
nowadays still struggle in living their life under patriarchy system. They are
everywhere and holding such control including in preventing women to do this
and that in a more professional way. The struggles are still in there although many
years had been spent by feminists to fight for gender equality. This gender
equality, which by definition means the successfulness of women and men getting
equally the same rights in all fields, should be taken seriously. Because there are
some movies, and other literature works who deliver opposite thoughts until they
are classified as anti-feminist. These are the works which deliver the thoughts of
one gender abusively mistreat the other in job fields, occupations, and so on.
Movie producers and makers should be careful because their job can make the
women around the world looking more fragile and weaker, instead of empowering
There are also movies showing the audiences otherwise. They bluntly
display how women are playing important roles and becoming dominant in the
story. They make such changes. They are not defined by harmful stereotyping.
They are given the chance to make decision. They break through boundaries
which society once made it unable to cross. That is why some movies portraying
such things are put into this „feminist‟ box. There are a lot of examples of feminist
movies, like the one mentioned earlier, Legally Blonde, and the recently made
remarkable memory is Mad Max: Fury Road. The latter movie portrays a lot of
empowered messages of women struggling to escape from slavery and sexual-
abuse designed by men.
The study which is entitled, An Analysis of Feminism Perspectives
Depicted in Mad Max: Fury Road Movie is worth analyzing. This feminist movie
delivers a lot of strong messages and perspectives of how women can actually
replace men‟s roles in the battlefield and better the situation where actually they
also become the objects of sexual abuse happened in the movie. When it comes to
defend their loved ones, gender is not something to think about. Most of them just
do it for the sake of their safety because practically women and men are both
human beings wrapped by feelings and strong wills too. This then leads to the
questions of women roles in everyday life and how some of their roles are only
shutting them to develop even more as equal as men. Other feminism perspectives
depicted in the movie is how the female character proves the world that the good
ending of this movie is because some of women roles and gender equality.
Women roles come from gender roles, which are based on standards, or
norms created by society. In the United States itself, masculine roles refer to
strength, dominance, aggression, while feminine roles refer to nurturing,
submissive, subordination and submissive. As for today‟s world, it sounds way
too old to say that women should be weak, fragile, and passive. What about those
single mothers who are there to help their own households single-handedly?
When women rule, things could get better to as men did it. It is quite rare
as looking back to so many years ago women‟s rule became something pretty
uncommon to see. The femininity, or women roles which is a set of behaviors,
attributes, and roles constructed by society and defined biologically also become
the focal point in the selected movie.
According to Butler (1990:7):
Is there a gender which persons are said to have, or is it an essential attribute
that a person is said to be, as implied in the question “what gender are you?”
When feminist theorists claim that gender is the cultural interpretation of sex or
that gender is culturally constructed, what is the manner of mechanism of this
Based on the quote above, if only gender is seen as a fluid, changeable
thing, instead of solid, then a person can freely change their traits when it is
needed. Sure there are reasons why women can act bravely and compassionate at
the same time. The same thing also prevails to men. They can cry anytime they
want, when they feel they would feel relieved after doing it. Because of this
categorizing of feminine and masculine traits, people tend to hide their true self.
They are actually afraid of society to alienate them for breaking down the traits
that they possess as soon as their sexes are identified. As for the last lines of the
quote above, Butler definitely asks the mechanism of „that‟ construction which
builds the gender as the interpretation of sex.
Mad Max: Fury Road movie questions this fluid thing which is previously
mentioned as the female character, Imperator Furiosa, played by Charlize Theron
performs a new set of women roles, which are, of course against the old and
traditional roles, along with some evidences of the existence of gender equality
approved by the male character. These feminism perspectives then become the
reasons why this study is conducted.
1.2 Statements of the Problem
In this study, the problems are formulated into two questions, as follows:
1. What are the changing of women roles performed by the female
character which represent the idea of feminism?
2. What are the evidences of gender equality depicted in the movie?
1.3 Scope and Limitation of the Problems
This study covers the analysis of Mad Max: Fury Road movie through
revealing the evidences related to feminism perspectives as depicted in it until it is
considered as feminist movie. To make sure the study is more focused, the topics
are limited only in the analysis of characters, women roles, and gender equality
evidences depicted in the movie.
1.4 Goals of the Study
The aim of this study is to reveal how some feminism perspectives
depicted in the movie leads to a conclusion that Mad Max: Fury Road movie is
actually a feminist movie. Thus, there are some other goals expected to be
fulfilled, and they are as follow:
1. To identify the changing of women roles performed by the female
character depicted in the movie.
2. To reveal the evidences of gender equality depicted in the movie.
1.5 Functions of the Study
This study also needs to provide general information about women roles
related to feminism perspectives and gender equality. Moreover, there are also
several results which also share the following functions to its readers:
1. This study helps widening the writer‟s knowledge about the changing
of women roles in society and gender equality based on feminism
2. The readers will understand that some of the changing of women roles
is happening and consciously planted within each woman in the world.
These brand new set of women roles are against the patriarchal system.
These women roles and gender equality depicted in the movie lead to a
conclusion that this movie is a feminist movie.
3. This study can be one of related studies which discusses about these
brand new women roles and gender equality that could be agreed even
by men as depicted in Mad Max: Fury Road movie.
Last, this study is also expected to be a reference or source of information
for the next student of English department who plans to use similar theme.
1.6 Systematical Presentation
To make it easy to understand and to enable on organizing the thesis, the
writer divides this thesis in to five chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 is introduction that consists of background of the study, scope
and limitation of the study, statements of the problems, goals of the study,
functions of the study and systematical presentation.
Chapter 2 is related studies and review of literatures. In this chapter the
writer put some related studies from other writers, students‟ college, theories,
definitions and statements from experts. The writer also gives short explanation
about the correlation between theories and the object of the study.
Chapter 3 is research methodology consisting of approach of the study,
data sources, technique of collecting data, and method of data analysis.
Chapter IV deals with research findings and analysis. In this chapter, the
writer describes about Feminism approach in selected movie.
Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion. In this chapter, the writer
concludes the result of the study and also gives some suggestions to the reader.
2.1 Related Studies
There are several studies conducted which are related to this study, like
shown below here;
The first study was conducted by Lestari (2012), which is entitled “A
Feminist Literary Criticism Analysis of Main Character in Novel "Magic Hour"
By Kristin Hannah””. This study analyzed and described the characteristics of the
main character in the selected novel, Dr. Julia Cates using feminist perspective.
Using descriptive method, this study showed the world how this female character
had to struggle against oppression from then society and the capitalist. Her role as
a woman was degraded by her competence in this case is the way she performed
her job as a psychiatrist. As for the outcome of this study, Dr. Julia Cates proved
everyone who doubted her role, as a woman, which was believed as a weak
creature that she actually was able to prove them wrong by defending on Alice‟s
side, the helpless forest girl.
The second study was conducted by Umastuti (2015), which is entitled
“An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in Brave Movie”. This
study was conducted with the aims to figure out the feminist side of Brave Movie,
despite of the strong stereotyping towards the main female character, Merida in
Medieval times. She must act the way a Princess should be, although it is against
her true identity; a free woman who postpones the decision to choose her own
„gender‟. The result of this study is Merida can prove her mother, who used to
discipline her about how to be a Princess that her masculinity traits in her body
can help the struggle faced by her family.
And the last one is a study conducted by Prasetyo (2013), which is entitled
“An Analysis of the Image of “Mulan” using Feminist Perspective”. This study
investigated the dialogues and pictures done by the main character in the movie
using qualitative method. This study shows that the feminism found in Mulan
movie is indeed the representation of today‟s perspective of women.
This study is quite similar with the mentioned related studies above,
especially in bringing up the feminism perspectives in a literary work, yet still
uses different object and theory.
2.2 Review of Literature
Movie as a modern kind of literature also comes from written type of
literary work, which is the script. Without movie script, the struggle to display the
plot, characterization and settings become more challenging. This is also why
movie considered as visual literary work, instead of verbal one like the other types
of literature.
Formerly, movie was made based on the play, drama, or novel. They are
bounded to each other. To capture what is written in the script by adding
visualization can suggest the efficiency of spreading some beliefs through movies.
As for the elements of movie, they are similar with the ones found in
drama or play. There are also setting, theme, plot, characterization and some other
features. Like in any literary works, there are two approaches that can be used to
analyze how the beliefs are planted, and it is through intrinsic and extrinsic
2.2.1 Intrinsic Approach
Each literary work should be dissected from the inside. It needs to be
started from the work itself to find many aspects which build the work.
According to Wellek and Warren (1948:139),
The natural and sensible starting point for works in literary scholarship is the
interpretation and analysis of the works of literature themselves. After all, only
the works themselves justify all our interest in the life of an author, in his social
environment and the whole process of literature.
By analyzing the aspects which built the literary work, the chance to
identify the foundation of a literary work, like plot, setting, theme, character, point
of view, and style are widely open. By analyzing these elements, it would be easy
to comprehend the work by figuring out how the story flows, where the story is
set, and how the characters act and think. This study only revealed how the main
female character is developed from the outside pressures. Character
Character is one of the most important elements in literature; character
holds the main role in a story of literature such as novel, drama, tale, and poem. In
movies, the characters are not only in the form of human, but also it can be
Characters as the person that presented in the literary work, their
appearance is interpreted by the reader as being endowed with desires, motivation,
and emotional qualities that are expressed in their appearance is interpreted by the
reader as being endowed with desires, motivation and emotional qualities that are
expressed in their saying and action in the story.
According to Holman (1985:74),
Most often used to refer to a person in a fictional story, character is also a term
applied to a literary form which flourished in England and France in the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It is a brief descriptive sketch of a
personage who typifies some definite quality.
On the other word, character in the fiction work is the representative and
the description of personal qualities in the real life. Therefore, although the
character in the literary works is fictitious, they have the personal qualities as the
real person. Major and Minor Characters
Major character is an important figure at the centre of story‟s action or
theme whereas minor is the character which support the major character and to
illuminate them.
Furthermore, major or central characters are vital to the development and
resolution of the conflict. In other words, the plot and resolution of conflict
revolves around these characters. As for minor characters, they serve to
complement the major characters and help move the plot events forward.
2.2.2 Extrinsic Approach
Extrinsic approach is the other aspects which build the story from outside,
like the background of the author, the condition of social politic, economic and
culture. Using this approach, it was easy to see those outside factors which
developed the selected object for this study. Feminist Literary Criticism
This criticism talks about the position of women who are sometimes found
in literature oppressed by patriarchy economically, politically, socially, and
psychologically. When the influence of women feels strong in a literary work,
there is possibility there are some feminism issues that can be dug out.
According to Tyson (1998: 83),
Broadly defined, feminist criticism examines the ways in which literature (and
other cultural production) reinforces or undermines the economic, political,
social, and psychological oppression of women.
Feminism is a vast movement which is specifically concerned with
challenging the unfair and unequal distribution of power and wealth in a
patriarchal society towards women. It is also described as an awareness of
women‟s oppression and exploitation in society, at work and within the family
and conscious action by men and women in changing the situation.
According to Abrams (1999:89),
It is widely held that while one's sex is determined by anatomy, the prevailing
concepts of gender—of the traits that are conceived to constitute what is
masculine and what is feminine in identity and behavior—are largely, if not
entirely, cultural constructs that were generated by the pervasive patriarchal
biases of our civilization. As Simone de Beauvoir put it, "One is not born, but
rather becomes, a woman. ... It is civilization as a whole that produces this
creature, which is described as feminine." By this cultural process, the masculine
in our culture has come to be widely identified as active, dominating,
adventurous, rational, creative; the feminine, by systematic opposition to such
traits, has come to be identified as passive, ac- quiescent, timid, emotional, and
Feminism perspectives focus on how these feminine and masculine traits
create a wide distinction or honors to male, specifically, that they tend to be built
to be more superior to women. Women Roles
To achieve the so-called „ideal family‟, back in the 1950‟s, most of family
in United States have this term. During that time, this type of family consists of a
father, a mother, and their children as the backbone of American society. And to
function smoothly, women had to accept their role as homemakers.
According to Friedan (1963:391-392),
It is better for a woman to compete impersonally in society, as men do, than to
compete for dominance in her own home with her husband, compete with her
neighbors for empty status, and so smother her son that he cannot compete at all.
During this time also, one of women roles, which are to be a homemaker,
became widely spread. Then the other negative roles followed, like the need to be
dependent, submissive, passive, home-oriented, of course, sensitive, indecisive,
and emotional. While the masculine roles held the most important, to get
education as higher as possible and support the family financially, the women
roles surely block out the chances for them to develop and grow, and especially to
get good education as equal as men.
Even worse, women are degraded as the sex machine, nowadays, which is
also the main issue related to feminism in the selected movie; Mad Max: Fury
Road. To be a homemaker, women also hold this role, to be nurturing, gentle and
sexually-attractive to their husband despite of the struggle that they have been
According to Friedan (1963:335),
It is surely as true of women‟s whole human potential what earlier psychological
theorists have only deemed true of her sexual potential —that if she is barred
from realizing her true nature, she will be sick. The frustration not only of needs
like sex, but of individual abilities could result in neurosis. Her anxiety can be
soothed by therapy, or tranquilized by pills or evaded temporarily by busy-work.
But her unease, her desperation, is nonetheless a warning that her human
existence is in danger, even though she has found fulfillment, according to the
tenets of the feminine mystique, as a wife and mother.
The psychological even thought of women at that time (around 1950‟s) as
the sex machine, that they were regarded as whole human being from their sexual
potential. They did not regarded as the true human being as equal as men; their
ability to use their brains, their ability in other aspects, because naturally each
person is born with both masculine and feminine traits. Gender Equality
Gender equality is the situation when the access to rights or opportunities
is unaffected by gender. In this case is, women have the same rights and
opportunities as equal as men in order to do anything they do, without respecting
a person is a woman or vice versa. This state or situation is achieved when women
and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society,
including economic participation and decision-making, and when the different
behaviors, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and
The inequality condition of gender happens when one of gender, either
male or female is oppressed and abused. So this does not only concern always to
women. Men can also face the inequality in such roles. However, this study finds
a lot of evidences where the women face inequality and struggle to meet their
needs; that equality by saving some females who used to be abused by patriarchy
in the movie.
Furthermore, the equality in the Mad Max: Fury Road movie is seen from
the male‟s perspective. There is this Max, main male character who agrees to let
this female character do what she needs to do because he knows she can do that.
One of ways to reach the equality towards women is by reaching out the men
perspectives about it. Once one man believes the same thoughts as women, that
women have equal rights and opportunities then the gender equality would be
realized easily.
2.3 Theoretical Framework
In this study, Mad Max: Fury Road movie is analyzed using various
theories related to feminism and gender equality. The main theory is about gender
equality based on Hooks‟ phenomenal book, Feminism is For Everybody:
Passionate Politics. As stated in her book, Hooks (2000:12):
Males of all ages need settings where their resistance to sexism is affirmed and
valued. Without males as allies in struggle feminist movement will not progress.
As it is we have to do so much work to correct the assumption deeply embedded
in the cultural psyche that feminism is anti-male. Feminism is anti-sexism. A
male who has divested of male privilege, who has embraced feminist politics, is
a worthy comrade in struggle, in no way a threat to feminism, whereas a female
who remains wedded to sexist thinking and behavior infiltrating feminist
movement is a dangerous threat.
Using her theory, it is much easier to find out the evidences which lead to
the conclusion; gender equality indeed exists in the selected movie; mad Max:
Fury Road.
There are four parts in this section, and they are; approach of the study,
data source, technique of data collection, and method of data analysis.
3.1 Approach of the Study
This study applies the descriptive method of qualitative approach. The
data and the result of this study are described into short essays along with the
evidences formed in either pictures or text scripts.
As Creswell (2003:18) states;
A qualitative approach one in which the inquirer often makes knowledge claims
based primarily on constructivist perspectives (i.e., the multiple meanings of
individual experiences, meanings, socially and historical constructed, with an
intent of developing a theory or pattern) or advocacy / participatory perspectives
(i.e., political, issue-oriented, collaborative, or change oriented) or both. It also
uses strategies of inquiry such narratives, phenomenologies, ethnographies,
grounded theory studies, or case studies. The researcher collects open-ended,
emerging data with the primary intent of developing themes from the data.
Qualitative method helps the researchers gather an in-depth understanding
of human behavior. It also leads to find out the reasons that govern such behavior.
Based on the explanation above, this approach is able to describe the facts
and the relationship between the source and the findings accurately.
3.2 Data Source
There are two data sources used in this research. The first data is taken
from the movie, Mad Max: Fury Road. The data is pictures and text scripts spoken
and performed by the characters. Their behaviors are analyzed to seek out the
symptoms of related issues; feminism perspectives. The second data is taken from
books of chosen feminists or experts which support the related issues discussed in
this study.
3.3 Technique of Collecting Data
The visual observation is used to collect the data for this study. Since the
object is a movie, visual observation is important to do and is the only way to
analyze the related issues depicted in the movie.
To conduct this qualitative approach, several steps were done; first was
watching the movie repeatedly, second was finding out the characterization in the
main female character, and then analyzing the dialogues acted by her, as well as
performances performed in the movie. In the end, the findings related to the
keywords are picked up to be investigated and classified.
3.4 Method of Data Analysis
The collected data are classified to fill up the findings and are analyzed
using various experts‟ theories which was mentioned earlier; Betty Friedan with
women roles and Bell Hooks with gender equality. The data are presented in
dialogues and performances conducted by the main characters. The analyses then
followed. In the end, the conclusion is stated based on statements of problems and
the findings. They should be related to each other and answered to each one of
This chapter has 2 subchapters, which each of it explains the problems
stated in the statements of the problems. Each subchapter also comes with
findings and analysis.
Mad Max: Fury Road is an apocalyptic story set in the furthest reaches of
our planet, in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, and almost
everyone is crazed fighting for the necessities of life. Within this world there are
two rebels on the run who just might be able to restore order. There's Max, a man
of action and a man of few words, who seeks peace of mind following the loss of
his wife and child in the aftermath of the chaos. And Furiosa, who is a woman of
action and a woman who believes her path to survival may be achieved if she can
make it across the desert back to her childhood homeland. She also brings along
the five other girls, the mistresses of Warlord who seeks for pedigree so he can
continue ruling the cruel world by storing up the water which is at the time is rare
(see Appendix for the complete plot).
4.1. The Changing of Women Roles Performed By the Female Character
Feminism perspectives are found easily in this movie. There are two points
which show up pretty often; the changing of women roles and gender equality
performed by the male character.
Beforehand, gender roles, in the end, separate the distinction between men
and women in several roles. Men, as they come with their personal traits, they are
then led to embrace some new roles, which are similar with their personal traits.
They are believed to be stronger, intuitive, braver, creative, and active, so the
roles they must perceive are to be a responsible and dependable person. They are
related to the personal traits and roles perfectly.
As for women, they are believed to be more sensitive, passive, and
submissive, so the roles they must carry are only home-oriented activities. They
are the pillars of their homes, which also means they are perfectly fitted the
housewives occupation; subordinate of their husbands who play roles as
In the selected movie, there is unique side of how the women roles are
portrayed. Through the findings depicted in the movie, the relevance of how the
woman roles are changed throughout the movie can be seen clearer.
4.1.1. Findings and Analysis
This subchapter is filled with findings alongside the analysis to ease the
reading activity and to get clearer view how the findings are supported by strong
analysis so it reaches the goal brought by this study.
The main female character, Imperator Furiosa is the only female in War
Boys‟ squad owned by the tyrant Immortan Joe. She is Joe‟s lieutenant and then
sent in her armored truck in order to collect more gasoline. When she drives off-
route, Joe realizes that she has stolen his five wives. Immortan Joe then leads his
army in pursuit of Furiosa, with the aid of nearby Gas Town and the Bullet Farm.
Since the very beginning of the movie, there are a lot of evidences formed
in depicted scenes where the female character showing the changing of women
Evidence 1
Minute: 00:08:10
Description: Immortan Joe salutes his lieutenant, imperator Furiosa who is ready
with her war rig to get more gasoline and bullets.
Furiosa is the only female amidst bunch of males and she stands out. She
is in charge for lieutenant position. It is the position where male can only fill in.
But this movie shows strong women like Furiosa, who is far from feminine can
get this role while the other women in the movie are wed by the Immortan Joe. If
the question is arose about why Joe picks her, it can be proved in the next scenes
where Furiosa is indeed a heroine and deserves to be in leadership position.
Evidence 2
Minute: 00:12:17
Description: One of her War Boys asks why Furiosa change her route. She detours
from Gas Town for more gasoline to the East.
The word „boss‟ appointed to Furiosa affirms how strong her power in her
new role; a Lieutnant for hundred underlings; War Boys. Her words are heard.
Her orders are compulsory. Her responsibilities are big. Each word she said is
dictation. This gets the audience to a thinking why a female character has so much
power, while in fact, if women get more chances and opportunities to really show
everything what they capable of doing, they can flip the table and reach the same
level as men. It is about either giving the opportunities or forbidding them to do
so. Furiosa has a new role, as a lieutenant; hence her powerful tasks. When a
woman gets the same opportunity to get the lieutenant position as men, then the
verification has been proved either from skills or strengths. In other words,
women have beaten up men in fair match.
Evidence 3
Minute: 00:12:50
Description: Most of women, who are weak enough to fight like Furiosa have to
breed and get their milks abused for stocks, not their babies. It is the order of the
tyrant Immortan Joe who gives order to replace the lack of water with milk.
This is the evidence where the other female characters or extras in the
movie are degraded to the same level as animals. If they have once married, their
milks are pushed to fulfill the drinking material‟s replacement from water. This
confirms the roles forcefully pushed to own by women, that they are homemakers
and sex slaves at the same time. But the appearance of Furiosa gives another sign
that unmarried woman has right to change her fate.
Evidence 4
Minute: 00:14:29
Description: Miss Giddy plays the role as the governess of the five-precious-
wives of Immortan Joe; The Splendid Angharad, Toast The Knowing, Capable,
The Dag, and Cheedo the Fragile, whom one of them is having his baby. He traps
them in a cell, or secured-place and treat them as his property.
This scene depicts the situation where the five wives of Immortan Joe have
successfully escaped by the help of Furiosa. They show their protest through
mural saying, „we are not things‟. This shows they had become „things‟ of
Immortan Joe. Furiosa is then becoming a traitor. It is because she thinks
Immortan Joe has killed the world and brutally treated women as slaves and his
properties. These five wives play roles as sex slaves and properties, which in other
words is degrading human beings to the lowest level ever. But with the help of
Furiosa, they beg for freedom and the changing roles then they get; as freewomen.
Evidence 5
Minute: 00:20:49
Description: Furiosa shots the gun to confirm her underlings that she is indeed a
reliable lieutenant.
Women are forced to be subordinate and passive. This evidence depicts
the changing role of women; superior and active. She knows how to deal with
guns, which usually only men know that kind of things. She plays the role of a
decisive person who needs to do something beyond her personal traits, because
women also have courage in their blood, not only in men‟s.
Evidence 6
Minute: 00:29:57
Description: Furiosa smashes her rig war to the Nux‟ car, one of the War Boys
which is after her.
This depicts how cruel a woman can be when she fights for the justice.
Apart of Furiosa‟s personal traits, which are believed to be gentle and nurturing,
her role in the movie is an agitated and uncaring woman towards bad treatments
done by men.
Evidence 7
Minute: 00:33:35
Description: The Splendid Angharad clearly says to Max Rockatansky, a survivor
and blood bag for Nux, one of Joe‟s War Boys, to not going back to Immortan Joe
while the others are cleaning themselves and taking off the clothes which declare
Joe‟s possessions. Max has made it to reach Furiosa with intention to take off the
blood veins which connect his to Nux‟, and to take over Furiosa‟s war rig.
It depicts the brand new role that is possessed by The Spelndid Angharad,
that she is no longer Immortan Joe‟s property, that she is now a freewoman. She
believes she can do whatever she wants because it is wrong to treat human beings
as „things‟ and make them sex slaves.
Evidence 8
Minute: 00:35:44
Description: Furiosa attacks Max in order to defend the girls.
Despite of her disability, she confirms that she still can do many things,
like attacking a man and becoming furious towards them. This evidence depicts
the fact that there is changing role in the movie; female character plays role as a
hero to her peers. Around this minute also the other girls help Furiosa to attack
Max and win the gun-battle. They have courage once they get their freedom.
4.2. The Evidences of Gender Equality Depicted in the Movie
Gender equality does not only on women‟s sides. It applies to any gender;
male and female from various age, race and nations. This movie indeed shares a
lot of evidences as depicted in the middle of the length of time of the movie about
gender equality. However, as depicted in the movie, the women characters are
treated as objects, properties. So it is right to say that there is gender inequality
from women‟s sides done by the big number of male characters in the movie, such
as Immortan Joe, rictus, and the War Boys. But it is only a little part of the movie.
The rest of the movie clearly shows how gender equality, indeed exist in the
movie. The equality where men and women are not banned to get what they
deserve to have, that they stand on the same foot.
4.2.1. Findings and Analysis
This subchapter is filled with findings alongside the analysis to ease the
reading activity and to get clearer perspective how the findings are supported by
strong analysis so it reaches the goal brought by this study.
Max is the only protagonist male character in the movie. He is treated as
the blood bag to one of War Boys squad, Nux. When he encounters the girls
(Furiosa and the five wives of Warlord Joe), he only seeks for protection from the
cruel Immortan or Warlord Joe. He is by heart sees how kind the intention of
Furiosa; it is to save the five wives from breeding the heir of Warlord Joe. They
demand for a change, peace in their land. So they fight together to reach the
Greend Place, the place where Furiosa was born. She believes there are no bad
things at there, especially there is life and green at there so they can start a new
When Max first makes an appearance, he has been whittled down to basic
survival instincts. He is also in a practically animalistic state, while Furiosa, then,
is the one in charge of the vehicle while Max rides shotgun. Max remains mostly
unknown. There is no background story of him. The camera stays on Furiosa and
the five wives the whole time, and there is only assumption what Max did out
there in order to win. That is the first sign of gender equality based on
cinematography of the movie.
The findings are displayed through a representative picture, which means a
single picture which covers the whole point from the beginning of the movie until
the very end of it. As for the other evidences depicted in the movie, they are
displayed in Appendix.
As for the analysis, for the gender quality evidences found or depicted in
the movie also speaks for the whole point of the movie. The analysis for each
picture covers the main point of it. It has already covered the whole point of the
movie, thus makes this movie as a feminist one.
Evidence 1
Minute: 00:08:12
Analysis: Furiosa is a very important member of the society that she operates in.
As the driver of a big rig war machine, she has her own band of men *a big
number of War Boys, or in this case is underlings) and is in charge of bringing
gasoline back to the citadel. She is honored by name in front of the whole citadel
by the leader, Immortan Joe. It is the first evidence of the existence of gender
equality towards women, agreed by the male characters.
Evidence 2
Minute: (From the beginning to the very end of movie)
Analysis: Furiosa is respected outright by everyone she meets, and her gender is
not once brought up or remarked upon, despite being a society predominantly
composed of men. For the entirety of the film there is not a single joke about her
gender, nor are there any rape jokes or sexual innuendos (towards her or another
of the other women), although the Immortan Joe harshly abused his five wives
and consider them as properties or objects. Oppositely, the movie mostly shows
the courage of women in struggling to get the exact freedom. It shows the viewers
how they can attack the bad characters and protect each other. It is the second
evidence of the availability of gender equality towards women in this movie.
Women have rights to do whatever they want in order to survive, and yet men also
get the same portions of rights. It is perfectly displayed in this movie.
Evidence 3
Minute: 00:35:45
Analysis: Furiosa is physically disabled as depicted in the picture below here.
Even like that, her physical does not become focal point, or be referenced as her
weakness. The movie does not mention the background story of it, at all. It just
shows up in the movie, and that is it. It is gone in minutes.
Evidence 4
Minute: 00:11:06
Analysis: Max shows up in the beginning of the movie, but is desperately chased
after by the War Boys. He is then caged and treated as the blood bag for the sick
War Boys squad. He is deprived to the tip of Nux‟ war rig on his chase to get
Furiosa. It is then agreed that the first major action scene is dominated by Furiosa,
while Max is in chains for most of it.
Evidence 5
Minute: 00:12:55
Analysis: When the women are displayed breastfed, the Immortan Joe regards
breast milk as necessary because it is high in protein and the water supply is
scarce. The scene is displayed very short and not sexualized in any way; apart of
they are pumped to produce a giant jar of milk. It becomes a perfect hint, how
unconsciously the male character displays unique traits; either he regards women
or degrades them. This evidence shows gender equality agreed by the male
Evidence 6
Minute: 00:55:05
Analysis: The wives in the movie are not the portraits of damsels-in-distress.
There are no vibes of it at all. They are active participants in their own rescuing.
They also have strong faiths in reaching Green Place of Many Mothers. They play
roles as caretaker of guns supply. They reload the guns, take stock of weapons,
guard the rear of the big rig, and otherwise work to distract and thwart Joe‟s men.
There is also a notable scene where one of the wives saves Max‟s life by shielding
him with her body, knowing that Joe will not shoot her (and he does not). In
another scene, one of the wives pretends she wants to be rescued by Joe‟s men in
order to give Furiosa a hand up into their vehicle so Furiosa can take them out
(see Appendix).
Evidence 7
Minute: 00:55:05
Analysis: One of evidences of gender equality depicted in the movie, when Max
demands the wives to pass him their guns. One of wives goes with, “You don‟t
have to do it just because he tells you to,” while staring confidently-brave at Max.
Evidence 8
Minute: 00:54:56
Analysis: In order to survive Immortan Joe‟s rampage, Max and Furiosa quickly
figure out that they need to work together. This evidence shows how they lean
back and forth across each other shooting fire guns to the enemies. They also take
out the bad guys in complete harmony. This evidence shows their relationship
which is far from romantic. It is mutual relationship with mutual respect and
equality in the need of survival. This evidence really shows gender equality at its
finest level where a man and a woman who are both equally as competent at
surviving in a wasteland, do whatever it takes to survive. They work in harmony
in order to get out of the wasteland heading to Green Place where the greens exist
and many mothers live peacefully, which is also the place where Furiosa was born
Evidence 9
Minute: 01:03:48
Analysis: This evidence strongly shows how affection can make bad people to be
more human. It happens to Nux, he grows and becomes more human. It is thanks
to his surrounding, which is dominated by women. A motherly/daughterly aspect
to all of that is important for a civilized society.
Evidence 10
Minute: 01:37:10
Analysis: Furiosa‟s squad has got help from the older women from Furiosa‟s
hometown. They help her in taking down the War Boys, although some of them
are died and hurt. The older women completely hold their own in the battle and
are working together in harmony in order to keep Max and everyone else alive.
This clearly shows equality of being able to do men‟s job in battlefield.
Evidence 11
Minute: 01:48:46
Analysis: Furiosa got stabbed on her waist and is dying. She is injured so badly.
Her blood is drained. But Max is the only person who takes care of her. He
becomes her nurse by transferring his veins to hers. His blood is running in her
blood and that what makes her staying alive until the very end of movie. This
evidence clearly shows a notable gender role reversal, which is fine and
5.1. Conclusions
This study comes to some conclusions drawn from the statements of
problem after listing down the findings alongside the analysis.
Mad Max: Fury Road movie is indeed sharing a lot of evidences which
lead to a conclusion; that it is a feminist movie. Apart of being considered as
feminist movie, the movie also portrays some evidences of gender equality, which
prevail also to both gender; male and female. All of the female characters are
displayed as equal as male characters. They both strive for surviving from the
cruel Immortant Joe.
As for the women roles, there are 8 evidences which visually display the
changing roles for women without completely change to the opposite personal
traits. They struggle a lot to win the battle, though still show some affection
towards the bad characters in the movie. These changing roles can be considered
as proofs that women and men can equally stand on the same foot. It goes exactly
the same to gender equality where a big number of evidences are perfectly
depicted in the movie.
5.2. Suggestions
This study is probably found as lacking in deep analysis. However, there is
precious experience that the writer gains during the completion. This study then
needs a lot of improvements here and there. Still, the writer hopes the
understanding that she gains is felt equally by the other readers. This is because
the writer finally understands the definition of women roles, what are they and can
they be changed, as well as the gender equality evidences depicted in the movie
can widen up her horizon in seeing almost everything.
As for some readers or students who plan to use similar topics, in this case
is feminism perspectives, they have to be more meticulous in compiling the data.
There is this importance to execute the problems stated smoothly without leaving
more confusion in the end. To prove each evidence and connect it to the problems
is also important to do.

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An Analysis Of Feminism Perspectives Depicted In Mad Max Fury Road Movie

  • 1. 17 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Movie is considered as modern form of literature. Apart of the ability to formerly convey what was depicted inside the novel, prose, play, or poem (movie adaptation), movies nowadays can stand alone as purely new form of literature. The making progress of movie involves such ability, which also includes writing, interpreting, reading, and acting. The only written form of a movie is the script. This is why movie nowadays is considered as a new form of literary work which can stand alone. Moreover, movies are not only using interpreted written text as the way to visualize what is inside the story, but also be supported by sound effect, which tremendously make movies a priority choice in spending leisure time by so many people or moviegoers. It is much quicker and easier. Apparently people who pick movies than books do not want their time to be spent by reading a thick book. This is also why some movie makers out there consider producing their own movies which are not adapted from books or novels. The audience then would get a new sensation because of it. Just as much the written forms of literature can influence people or anyone who read one, movies bluntly do the same even much easier. They are supported by the acting performed by the actor and actress, making the visualization of what is stated on script much easier to indulge. They can reach a lot of people by age,
  • 2. 10 race, gender and class. Here is then another reason why movie is considered as visual literacy as opposed to verbal one. They are on the same position as plays played on stage, or mostly Broadway. Besides the connection between movie and literature, expressing thoughts, ideas, and beliefs can be delivered easily through movies. Sometimes the script writer and the one who directs a movie implicitly hide certain thoughts so that the audiences can secretly get it all without directly showing it all. These hidden things become such gems to them who are sensitive enough in certain issues wrapped in those gems. Then they have rights to criticize the movie based on those sensitive issues or even support it. Movies used to deliver certain thoughts or embrace a new perspective are worth analyzing. There so many of it out there. These sensitive issues trigger the conflict in the plot, characters, as well as setting. They become dominant in the movie. That is when actually those issues are purposely planted, so that the audience can embrace and get the hidden meaning of it. Take an example of feminist movies. There is a lot of reason why Legally Blonde movie is called as feminist movie. Apart of the big number of women playing in the movie, there are also feminist thoughts and empowered messages hiding there. There is also a reason why its title goes with Legally Blonde which definitely questions the stereotype of blonde girls prevail at that time. Feminist issues can be found in a lot of modern movies these days, playing important role in destining the fate of gender equality. It is known that women nowadays still struggle in living their life under patriarchy system. They are
  • 3. 11 everywhere and holding such control including in preventing women to do this and that in a more professional way. The struggles are still in there although many years had been spent by feminists to fight for gender equality. This gender equality, which by definition means the successfulness of women and men getting equally the same rights in all fields, should be taken seriously. Because there are some movies, and other literature works who deliver opposite thoughts until they are classified as anti-feminist. These are the works which deliver the thoughts of one gender abusively mistreat the other in job fields, occupations, and so on. Movie producers and makers should be careful because their job can make the women around the world looking more fragile and weaker, instead of empowering them. There are also movies showing the audiences otherwise. They bluntly display how women are playing important roles and becoming dominant in the story. They make such changes. They are not defined by harmful stereotyping. They are given the chance to make decision. They break through boundaries which society once made it unable to cross. That is why some movies portraying such things are put into this „feminist‟ box. There are a lot of examples of feminist movies, like the one mentioned earlier, Legally Blonde, and the recently made remarkable memory is Mad Max: Fury Road. The latter movie portrays a lot of empowered messages of women struggling to escape from slavery and sexual- abuse designed by men. The study which is entitled, An Analysis of Feminism Perspectives Depicted in Mad Max: Fury Road Movie is worth analyzing. This feminist movie
  • 4. 12 delivers a lot of strong messages and perspectives of how women can actually replace men‟s roles in the battlefield and better the situation where actually they also become the objects of sexual abuse happened in the movie. When it comes to defend their loved ones, gender is not something to think about. Most of them just do it for the sake of their safety because practically women and men are both human beings wrapped by feelings and strong wills too. This then leads to the questions of women roles in everyday life and how some of their roles are only shutting them to develop even more as equal as men. Other feminism perspectives depicted in the movie is how the female character proves the world that the good ending of this movie is because some of women roles and gender equality. Women roles come from gender roles, which are based on standards, or norms created by society. In the United States itself, masculine roles refer to strength, dominance, aggression, while feminine roles refer to nurturing, submissive, subordination and submissive. As for today‟s world, it sounds way too old to say that women should be weak, fragile, and passive. What about those single mothers who are there to help their own households single-handedly? When women rule, things could get better to as men did it. It is quite rare as looking back to so many years ago women‟s rule became something pretty uncommon to see. The femininity, or women roles which is a set of behaviors, attributes, and roles constructed by society and defined biologically also become the focal point in the selected movie. According to Butler (1990:7): Is there a gender which persons are said to have, or is it an essential attribute that a person is said to be, as implied in the question “what gender are you?” When feminist theorists claim that gender is the cultural interpretation of sex or
  • 5. 13 that gender is culturally constructed, what is the manner of mechanism of this construction? Based on the quote above, if only gender is seen as a fluid, changeable thing, instead of solid, then a person can freely change their traits when it is needed. Sure there are reasons why women can act bravely and compassionate at the same time. The same thing also prevails to men. They can cry anytime they want, when they feel they would feel relieved after doing it. Because of this categorizing of feminine and masculine traits, people tend to hide their true self. They are actually afraid of society to alienate them for breaking down the traits that they possess as soon as their sexes are identified. As for the last lines of the quote above, Butler definitely asks the mechanism of „that‟ construction which builds the gender as the interpretation of sex. Mad Max: Fury Road movie questions this fluid thing which is previously mentioned as the female character, Imperator Furiosa, played by Charlize Theron performs a new set of women roles, which are, of course against the old and traditional roles, along with some evidences of the existence of gender equality approved by the male character. These feminism perspectives then become the reasons why this study is conducted. 1.2 Statements of the Problem In this study, the problems are formulated into two questions, as follows: 1. What are the changing of women roles performed by the female character which represent the idea of feminism? 2. What are the evidences of gender equality depicted in the movie?
  • 6. 14 1.3 Scope and Limitation of the Problems This study covers the analysis of Mad Max: Fury Road movie through revealing the evidences related to feminism perspectives as depicted in it until it is considered as feminist movie. To make sure the study is more focused, the topics are limited only in the analysis of characters, women roles, and gender equality evidences depicted in the movie. 1.4 Goals of the Study The aim of this study is to reveal how some feminism perspectives depicted in the movie leads to a conclusion that Mad Max: Fury Road movie is actually a feminist movie. Thus, there are some other goals expected to be fulfilled, and they are as follow: 1. To identify the changing of women roles performed by the female character depicted in the movie. 2. To reveal the evidences of gender equality depicted in the movie. 1.5 Functions of the Study This study also needs to provide general information about women roles related to feminism perspectives and gender equality. Moreover, there are also several results which also share the following functions to its readers:
  • 7. 15 1. This study helps widening the writer‟s knowledge about the changing of women roles in society and gender equality based on feminism perspectives. 2. The readers will understand that some of the changing of women roles is happening and consciously planted within each woman in the world. These brand new set of women roles are against the patriarchal system. These women roles and gender equality depicted in the movie lead to a conclusion that this movie is a feminist movie. 3. This study can be one of related studies which discusses about these brand new women roles and gender equality that could be agreed even by men as depicted in Mad Max: Fury Road movie. Last, this study is also expected to be a reference or source of information for the next student of English department who plans to use similar theme. 1.6 Systematical Presentation To make it easy to understand and to enable on organizing the thesis, the writer divides this thesis in to five chapters as follows: Chapter 1 is introduction that consists of background of the study, scope and limitation of the study, statements of the problems, goals of the study, functions of the study and systematical presentation. Chapter 2 is related studies and review of literatures. In this chapter the writer put some related studies from other writers, students‟ college, theories,
  • 8. 16 definitions and statements from experts. The writer also gives short explanation about the correlation between theories and the object of the study. Chapter 3 is research methodology consisting of approach of the study, data sources, technique of collecting data, and method of data analysis. Chapter IV deals with research findings and analysis. In this chapter, the writer describes about Feminism approach in selected movie. Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion. In this chapter, the writer concludes the result of the study and also gives some suggestions to the reader.
  • 9. 17 CHAPTER II RELATED STUDIES, REVIEW OF LITERATURE, AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Related Studies There are several studies conducted which are related to this study, like shown below here; The first study was conducted by Lestari (2012), which is entitled “A Feminist Literary Criticism Analysis of Main Character in Novel "Magic Hour" By Kristin Hannah””. This study analyzed and described the characteristics of the main character in the selected novel, Dr. Julia Cates using feminist perspective. Using descriptive method, this study showed the world how this female character had to struggle against oppression from then society and the capitalist. Her role as a woman was degraded by her competence in this case is the way she performed her job as a psychiatrist. As for the outcome of this study, Dr. Julia Cates proved everyone who doubted her role, as a woman, which was believed as a weak creature that she actually was able to prove them wrong by defending on Alice‟s side, the helpless forest girl. The second study was conducted by Umastuti (2015), which is entitled “An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Performativity in Brave Movie”. This study was conducted with the aims to figure out the feminist side of Brave Movie, despite of the strong stereotyping towards the main female character, Merida in
  • 10. 18 Medieval times. She must act the way a Princess should be, although it is against her true identity; a free woman who postpones the decision to choose her own „gender‟. The result of this study is Merida can prove her mother, who used to discipline her about how to be a Princess that her masculinity traits in her body can help the struggle faced by her family. And the last one is a study conducted by Prasetyo (2013), which is entitled “An Analysis of the Image of “Mulan” using Feminist Perspective”. This study investigated the dialogues and pictures done by the main character in the movie using qualitative method. This study shows that the feminism found in Mulan movie is indeed the representation of today‟s perspective of women. This study is quite similar with the mentioned related studies above, especially in bringing up the feminism perspectives in a literary work, yet still uses different object and theory. 2.2 Review of Literature Movie as a modern kind of literature also comes from written type of literary work, which is the script. Without movie script, the struggle to display the plot, characterization and settings become more challenging. This is also why movie considered as visual literary work, instead of verbal one like the other types of literature. Formerly, movie was made based on the play, drama, or novel. They are bounded to each other. To capture what is written in the script by adding visualization can suggest the efficiency of spreading some beliefs through movies.
  • 11. 19 As for the elements of movie, they are similar with the ones found in drama or play. There are also setting, theme, plot, characterization and some other features. Like in any literary works, there are two approaches that can be used to analyze how the beliefs are planted, and it is through intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. 2.2.1 Intrinsic Approach Each literary work should be dissected from the inside. It needs to be started from the work itself to find many aspects which build the work. According to Wellek and Warren (1948:139), The natural and sensible starting point for works in literary scholarship is the interpretation and analysis of the works of literature themselves. After all, only the works themselves justify all our interest in the life of an author, in his social environment and the whole process of literature. By analyzing the aspects which built the literary work, the chance to identify the foundation of a literary work, like plot, setting, theme, character, point of view, and style are widely open. By analyzing these elements, it would be easy to comprehend the work by figuring out how the story flows, where the story is set, and how the characters act and think. This study only revealed how the main female character is developed from the outside pressures. Character Character is one of the most important elements in literature; character holds the main role in a story of literature such as novel, drama, tale, and poem. In
  • 12. 20 movies, the characters are not only in the form of human, but also it can be animals. Characters as the person that presented in the literary work, their appearance is interpreted by the reader as being endowed with desires, motivation, and emotional qualities that are expressed in their appearance is interpreted by the reader as being endowed with desires, motivation and emotional qualities that are expressed in their saying and action in the story. According to Holman (1985:74), Most often used to refer to a person in a fictional story, character is also a term applied to a literary form which flourished in England and France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It is a brief descriptive sketch of a personage who typifies some definite quality. On the other word, character in the fiction work is the representative and the description of personal qualities in the real life. Therefore, although the character in the literary works is fictitious, they have the personal qualities as the real person. Major and Minor Characters Major character is an important figure at the centre of story‟s action or theme whereas minor is the character which support the major character and to illuminate them. Furthermore, major or central characters are vital to the development and resolution of the conflict. In other words, the plot and resolution of conflict revolves around these characters. As for minor characters, they serve to complement the major characters and help move the plot events forward.
  • 13. 21 2.2.2 Extrinsic Approach Extrinsic approach is the other aspects which build the story from outside, like the background of the author, the condition of social politic, economic and culture. Using this approach, it was easy to see those outside factors which developed the selected object for this study. Feminist Literary Criticism This criticism talks about the position of women who are sometimes found in literature oppressed by patriarchy economically, politically, socially, and psychologically. When the influence of women feels strong in a literary work, there is possibility there are some feminism issues that can be dug out. According to Tyson (1998: 83), Broadly defined, feminist criticism examines the ways in which literature (and other cultural production) reinforces or undermines the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women. Feminism is a vast movement which is specifically concerned with challenging the unfair and unequal distribution of power and wealth in a patriarchal society towards women. It is also described as an awareness of women‟s oppression and exploitation in society, at work and within the family and conscious action by men and women in changing the situation. According to Abrams (1999:89), It is widely held that while one's sex is determined by anatomy, the prevailing concepts of gender—of the traits that are conceived to constitute what is masculine and what is feminine in identity and behavior—are largely, if not
  • 14. 22 entirely, cultural constructs that were generated by the pervasive patriarchal biases of our civilization. As Simone de Beauvoir put it, "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. ... It is civilization as a whole that produces this creature, which is described as feminine." By this cultural process, the masculine in our culture has come to be widely identified as active, dominating, adventurous, rational, creative; the feminine, by systematic opposition to such traits, has come to be identified as passive, ac- quiescent, timid, emotional, and conventional. Feminism perspectives focus on how these feminine and masculine traits create a wide distinction or honors to male, specifically, that they tend to be built to be more superior to women. Women Roles To achieve the so-called „ideal family‟, back in the 1950‟s, most of family in United States have this term. During that time, this type of family consists of a father, a mother, and their children as the backbone of American society. And to function smoothly, women had to accept their role as homemakers. According to Friedan (1963:391-392), It is better for a woman to compete impersonally in society, as men do, than to compete for dominance in her own home with her husband, compete with her neighbors for empty status, and so smother her son that he cannot compete at all. During this time also, one of women roles, which are to be a homemaker, became widely spread. Then the other negative roles followed, like the need to be dependent, submissive, passive, home-oriented, of course, sensitive, indecisive, and emotional. While the masculine roles held the most important, to get education as higher as possible and support the family financially, the women roles surely block out the chances for them to develop and grow, and especially to get good education as equal as men.
  • 15. 23 Even worse, women are degraded as the sex machine, nowadays, which is also the main issue related to feminism in the selected movie; Mad Max: Fury Road. To be a homemaker, women also hold this role, to be nurturing, gentle and sexually-attractive to their husband despite of the struggle that they have been through. According to Friedan (1963:335), It is surely as true of women‟s whole human potential what earlier psychological theorists have only deemed true of her sexual potential —that if she is barred from realizing her true nature, she will be sick. The frustration not only of needs like sex, but of individual abilities could result in neurosis. Her anxiety can be soothed by therapy, or tranquilized by pills or evaded temporarily by busy-work. But her unease, her desperation, is nonetheless a warning that her human existence is in danger, even though she has found fulfillment, according to the tenets of the feminine mystique, as a wife and mother. The psychological even thought of women at that time (around 1950‟s) as the sex machine, that they were regarded as whole human being from their sexual potential. They did not regarded as the true human being as equal as men; their ability to use their brains, their ability in other aspects, because naturally each person is born with both masculine and feminine traits. Gender Equality Gender equality is the situation when the access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender. In this case is, women have the same rights and opportunities as equal as men in order to do anything they do, without respecting a person is a woman or vice versa. This state or situation is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making, and when the different
  • 16. 24 behaviors, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favored. The inequality condition of gender happens when one of gender, either male or female is oppressed and abused. So this does not only concern always to women. Men can also face the inequality in such roles. However, this study finds a lot of evidences where the women face inequality and struggle to meet their needs; that equality by saving some females who used to be abused by patriarchy in the movie. Furthermore, the equality in the Mad Max: Fury Road movie is seen from the male‟s perspective. There is this Max, main male character who agrees to let this female character do what she needs to do because he knows she can do that. One of ways to reach the equality towards women is by reaching out the men perspectives about it. Once one man believes the same thoughts as women, that women have equal rights and opportunities then the gender equality would be realized easily. 2.3 Theoretical Framework In this study, Mad Max: Fury Road movie is analyzed using various theories related to feminism and gender equality. The main theory is about gender equality based on Hooks‟ phenomenal book, Feminism is For Everybody: Passionate Politics. As stated in her book, Hooks (2000:12): Males of all ages need settings where their resistance to sexism is affirmed and valued. Without males as allies in struggle feminist movement will not progress. As it is we have to do so much work to correct the assumption deeply embedded in the cultural psyche that feminism is anti-male. Feminism is anti-sexism. A male who has divested of male privilege, who has embraced feminist politics, is
  • 17. 25 a worthy comrade in struggle, in no way a threat to feminism, whereas a female who remains wedded to sexist thinking and behavior infiltrating feminist movement is a dangerous threat. Using her theory, it is much easier to find out the evidences which lead to the conclusion; gender equality indeed exists in the selected movie; mad Max: Fury Road.
  • 18. 26 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY There are four parts in this section, and they are; approach of the study, data source, technique of data collection, and method of data analysis. 3.1 Approach of the Study This study applies the descriptive method of qualitative approach. The data and the result of this study are described into short essays along with the evidences formed in either pictures or text scripts. As Creswell (2003:18) states; A qualitative approach one in which the inquirer often makes knowledge claims based primarily on constructivist perspectives (i.e., the multiple meanings of individual experiences, meanings, socially and historical constructed, with an intent of developing a theory or pattern) or advocacy / participatory perspectives (i.e., political, issue-oriented, collaborative, or change oriented) or both. It also uses strategies of inquiry such narratives, phenomenologies, ethnographies, grounded theory studies, or case studies. The researcher collects open-ended, emerging data with the primary intent of developing themes from the data. Qualitative method helps the researchers gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior. It also leads to find out the reasons that govern such behavior. Based on the explanation above, this approach is able to describe the facts and the relationship between the source and the findings accurately. 3.2 Data Source There are two data sources used in this research. The first data is taken from the movie, Mad Max: Fury Road. The data is pictures and text scripts spoken
  • 19. 27 and performed by the characters. Their behaviors are analyzed to seek out the symptoms of related issues; feminism perspectives. The second data is taken from books of chosen feminists or experts which support the related issues discussed in this study. 3.3 Technique of Collecting Data The visual observation is used to collect the data for this study. Since the object is a movie, visual observation is important to do and is the only way to analyze the related issues depicted in the movie. To conduct this qualitative approach, several steps were done; first was watching the movie repeatedly, second was finding out the characterization in the main female character, and then analyzing the dialogues acted by her, as well as performances performed in the movie. In the end, the findings related to the keywords are picked up to be investigated and classified. 3.4 Method of Data Analysis The collected data are classified to fill up the findings and are analyzed using various experts‟ theories which was mentioned earlier; Betty Friedan with women roles and Bell Hooks with gender equality. The data are presented in dialogues and performances conducted by the main characters. The analyses then followed. In the end, the conclusion is stated based on statements of problems and the findings. They should be related to each other and answered to each one of another.
  • 20. 31 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS This chapter has 2 subchapters, which each of it explains the problems stated in the statements of the problems. Each subchapter also comes with findings and analysis. Mad Max: Fury Road is an apocalyptic story set in the furthest reaches of our planet, in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, and almost everyone is crazed fighting for the necessities of life. Within this world there are two rebels on the run who just might be able to restore order. There's Max, a man of action and a man of few words, who seeks peace of mind following the loss of his wife and child in the aftermath of the chaos. And Furiosa, who is a woman of action and a woman who believes her path to survival may be achieved if she can make it across the desert back to her childhood homeland. She also brings along the five other girls, the mistresses of Warlord who seeks for pedigree so he can continue ruling the cruel world by storing up the water which is at the time is rare (see Appendix for the complete plot). 4.1. The Changing of Women Roles Performed By the Female Character Feminism perspectives are found easily in this movie. There are two points which show up pretty often; the changing of women roles and gender equality performed by the male character.
  • 21. 32 Beforehand, gender roles, in the end, separate the distinction between men and women in several roles. Men, as they come with their personal traits, they are then led to embrace some new roles, which are similar with their personal traits. They are believed to be stronger, intuitive, braver, creative, and active, so the roles they must perceive are to be a responsible and dependable person. They are related to the personal traits and roles perfectly. As for women, they are believed to be more sensitive, passive, and submissive, so the roles they must carry are only home-oriented activities. They are the pillars of their homes, which also means they are perfectly fitted the housewives occupation; subordinate of their husbands who play roles as breadwinners. In the selected movie, there is unique side of how the women roles are portrayed. Through the findings depicted in the movie, the relevance of how the woman roles are changed throughout the movie can be seen clearer. 4.1.1. Findings and Analysis This subchapter is filled with findings alongside the analysis to ease the reading activity and to get clearer view how the findings are supported by strong analysis so it reaches the goal brought by this study. The main female character, Imperator Furiosa is the only female in War Boys‟ squad owned by the tyrant Immortan Joe. She is Joe‟s lieutenant and then sent in her armored truck in order to collect more gasoline. When she drives off-
  • 22. 33 route, Joe realizes that she has stolen his five wives. Immortan Joe then leads his army in pursuit of Furiosa, with the aid of nearby Gas Town and the Bullet Farm. Since the very beginning of the movie, there are a lot of evidences formed in depicted scenes where the female character showing the changing of women roles. Evidence 1 Minute: 00:08:10 Description: Immortan Joe salutes his lieutenant, imperator Furiosa who is ready with her war rig to get more gasoline and bullets. Analysis: Furiosa is the only female amidst bunch of males and she stands out. She is in charge for lieutenant position. It is the position where male can only fill in. But this movie shows strong women like Furiosa, who is far from feminine can get this role while the other women in the movie are wed by the Immortan Joe. If
  • 23. 34 the question is arose about why Joe picks her, it can be proved in the next scenes where Furiosa is indeed a heroine and deserves to be in leadership position. Evidence 2 Minute: 00:12:17 Description: One of her War Boys asks why Furiosa change her route. She detours from Gas Town for more gasoline to the East. Analysis: The word „boss‟ appointed to Furiosa affirms how strong her power in her new role; a Lieutnant for hundred underlings; War Boys. Her words are heard. Her orders are compulsory. Her responsibilities are big. Each word she said is dictation. This gets the audience to a thinking why a female character has so much power, while in fact, if women get more chances and opportunities to really show everything what they capable of doing, they can flip the table and reach the same level as men. It is about either giving the opportunities or forbidding them to do so. Furiosa has a new role, as a lieutenant; hence her powerful tasks. When a
  • 24. 35 woman gets the same opportunity to get the lieutenant position as men, then the verification has been proved either from skills or strengths. In other words, women have beaten up men in fair match. Evidence 3 Minute: 00:12:50 Description: Most of women, who are weak enough to fight like Furiosa have to breed and get their milks abused for stocks, not their babies. It is the order of the tyrant Immortan Joe who gives order to replace the lack of water with milk. Analysis: This is the evidence where the other female characters or extras in the movie are degraded to the same level as animals. If they have once married, their milks are pushed to fulfill the drinking material‟s replacement from water. This confirms the roles forcefully pushed to own by women, that they are homemakers and sex slaves at the same time. But the appearance of Furiosa gives another sign that unmarried woman has right to change her fate.
  • 25. 36 Evidence 4 Minute: 00:14:29 Description: Miss Giddy plays the role as the governess of the five-precious- wives of Immortan Joe; The Splendid Angharad, Toast The Knowing, Capable, The Dag, and Cheedo the Fragile, whom one of them is having his baby. He traps them in a cell, or secured-place and treat them as his property. Analysis: This scene depicts the situation where the five wives of Immortan Joe have successfully escaped by the help of Furiosa. They show their protest through mural saying, „we are not things‟. This shows they had become „things‟ of Immortan Joe. Furiosa is then becoming a traitor. It is because she thinks Immortan Joe has killed the world and brutally treated women as slaves and his properties. These five wives play roles as sex slaves and properties, which in other words is degrading human beings to the lowest level ever. But with the help of Furiosa, they beg for freedom and the changing roles then they get; as freewomen.
  • 26. 37 Evidence 5 Minute: 00:20:49 Description: Furiosa shots the gun to confirm her underlings that she is indeed a reliable lieutenant. Analysis: Women are forced to be subordinate and passive. This evidence depicts the changing role of women; superior and active. She knows how to deal with guns, which usually only men know that kind of things. She plays the role of a decisive person who needs to do something beyond her personal traits, because women also have courage in their blood, not only in men‟s. Evidence 6 Minute: 00:29:57 Description: Furiosa smashes her rig war to the Nux‟ car, one of the War Boys which is after her.
  • 27. 38 Analysis: This depicts how cruel a woman can be when she fights for the justice. Apart of Furiosa‟s personal traits, which are believed to be gentle and nurturing, her role in the movie is an agitated and uncaring woman towards bad treatments done by men. Evidence 7 Minute: 00:33:35 Description: The Splendid Angharad clearly says to Max Rockatansky, a survivor and blood bag for Nux, one of Joe‟s War Boys, to not going back to Immortan Joe while the others are cleaning themselves and taking off the clothes which declare Joe‟s possessions. Max has made it to reach Furiosa with intention to take off the blood veins which connect his to Nux‟, and to take over Furiosa‟s war rig.
  • 28. 39 Analysis: It depicts the brand new role that is possessed by The Spelndid Angharad, that she is no longer Immortan Joe‟s property, that she is now a freewoman. She believes she can do whatever she wants because it is wrong to treat human beings as „things‟ and make them sex slaves. Evidence 8 Minute: 00:35:44 Description: Furiosa attacks Max in order to defend the girls.
  • 29. 40 Analysis: Despite of her disability, she confirms that she still can do many things, like attacking a man and becoming furious towards them. This evidence depicts the fact that there is changing role in the movie; female character plays role as a hero to her peers. Around this minute also the other girls help Furiosa to attack Max and win the gun-battle. They have courage once they get their freedom. 4.2. The Evidences of Gender Equality Depicted in the Movie Gender equality does not only on women‟s sides. It applies to any gender; male and female from various age, race and nations. This movie indeed shares a lot of evidences as depicted in the middle of the length of time of the movie about gender equality. However, as depicted in the movie, the women characters are treated as objects, properties. So it is right to say that there is gender inequality from women‟s sides done by the big number of male characters in the movie, such as Immortan Joe, rictus, and the War Boys. But it is only a little part of the movie. The rest of the movie clearly shows how gender equality, indeed exist in the movie. The equality where men and women are not banned to get what they deserve to have, that they stand on the same foot. 4.2.1. Findings and Analysis This subchapter is filled with findings alongside the analysis to ease the reading activity and to get clearer perspective how the findings are supported by strong analysis so it reaches the goal brought by this study.
  • 30. 41 Max is the only protagonist male character in the movie. He is treated as the blood bag to one of War Boys squad, Nux. When he encounters the girls (Furiosa and the five wives of Warlord Joe), he only seeks for protection from the cruel Immortan or Warlord Joe. He is by heart sees how kind the intention of Furiosa; it is to save the five wives from breeding the heir of Warlord Joe. They demand for a change, peace in their land. So they fight together to reach the Greend Place, the place where Furiosa was born. She believes there are no bad things at there, especially there is life and green at there so they can start a new life. When Max first makes an appearance, he has been whittled down to basic survival instincts. He is also in a practically animalistic state, while Furiosa, then, is the one in charge of the vehicle while Max rides shotgun. Max remains mostly unknown. There is no background story of him. The camera stays on Furiosa and the five wives the whole time, and there is only assumption what Max did out there in order to win. That is the first sign of gender equality based on cinematography of the movie. The findings are displayed through a representative picture, which means a single picture which covers the whole point from the beginning of the movie until the very end of it. As for the other evidences depicted in the movie, they are displayed in Appendix. As for the analysis, for the gender quality evidences found or depicted in the movie also speaks for the whole point of the movie. The analysis for each
  • 31. 42 picture covers the main point of it. It has already covered the whole point of the movie, thus makes this movie as a feminist one. Evidence 1 Minute: 00:08:12 Analysis: Furiosa is a very important member of the society that she operates in. As the driver of a big rig war machine, she has her own band of men *a big number of War Boys, or in this case is underlings) and is in charge of bringing gasoline back to the citadel. She is honored by name in front of the whole citadel by the leader, Immortan Joe. It is the first evidence of the existence of gender equality towards women, agreed by the male characters. Evidence 2 Minute: (From the beginning to the very end of movie) Analysis: Furiosa is respected outright by everyone she meets, and her gender is not once brought up or remarked upon, despite being a society predominantly
  • 32. 43 composed of men. For the entirety of the film there is not a single joke about her gender, nor are there any rape jokes or sexual innuendos (towards her or another of the other women), although the Immortan Joe harshly abused his five wives and consider them as properties or objects. Oppositely, the movie mostly shows the courage of women in struggling to get the exact freedom. It shows the viewers how they can attack the bad characters and protect each other. It is the second evidence of the availability of gender equality towards women in this movie. Women have rights to do whatever they want in order to survive, and yet men also get the same portions of rights. It is perfectly displayed in this movie. Evidence 3 Minute: 00:35:45 Analysis: Furiosa is physically disabled as depicted in the picture below here. Even like that, her physical does not become focal point, or be referenced as her weakness. The movie does not mention the background story of it, at all. It just shows up in the movie, and that is it. It is gone in minutes.
  • 33. 44 Evidence 4 Minute: 00:11:06 Analysis: Max shows up in the beginning of the movie, but is desperately chased after by the War Boys. He is then caged and treated as the blood bag for the sick War Boys squad. He is deprived to the tip of Nux‟ war rig on his chase to get Furiosa. It is then agreed that the first major action scene is dominated by Furiosa, while Max is in chains for most of it.
  • 34. 45 Evidence 5 Minute: 00:12:55 Analysis: When the women are displayed breastfed, the Immortan Joe regards breast milk as necessary because it is high in protein and the water supply is scarce. The scene is displayed very short and not sexualized in any way; apart of they are pumped to produce a giant jar of milk. It becomes a perfect hint, how unconsciously the male character displays unique traits; either he regards women or degrades them. This evidence shows gender equality agreed by the male character. Evidence 6 Minute: 00:55:05 Analysis: The wives in the movie are not the portraits of damsels-in-distress. There are no vibes of it at all. They are active participants in their own rescuing. They also have strong faiths in reaching Green Place of Many Mothers. They play roles as caretaker of guns supply. They reload the guns, take stock of weapons,
  • 35. 46 guard the rear of the big rig, and otherwise work to distract and thwart Joe‟s men. There is also a notable scene where one of the wives saves Max‟s life by shielding him with her body, knowing that Joe will not shoot her (and he does not). In another scene, one of the wives pretends she wants to be rescued by Joe‟s men in order to give Furiosa a hand up into their vehicle so Furiosa can take them out (see Appendix). Evidence 7 Minute: 00:55:05
  • 36. 47 Analysis: One of evidences of gender equality depicted in the movie, when Max demands the wives to pass him their guns. One of wives goes with, “You don‟t have to do it just because he tells you to,” while staring confidently-brave at Max. Evidence 8 Minute: 00:54:56 Analysis: In order to survive Immortan Joe‟s rampage, Max and Furiosa quickly figure out that they need to work together. This evidence shows how they lean back and forth across each other shooting fire guns to the enemies. They also take out the bad guys in complete harmony. This evidence shows their relationship which is far from romantic. It is mutual relationship with mutual respect and equality in the need of survival. This evidence really shows gender equality at its finest level where a man and a woman who are both equally as competent at surviving in a wasteland, do whatever it takes to survive. They work in harmony in order to get out of the wasteland heading to Green Place where the greens exist
  • 37. 48 and many mothers live peacefully, which is also the place where Furiosa was born at. Evidence 9 Minute: 01:03:48 Analysis: This evidence strongly shows how affection can make bad people to be more human. It happens to Nux, he grows and becomes more human. It is thanks to his surrounding, which is dominated by women. A motherly/daughterly aspect to all of that is important for a civilized society.
  • 38. 49 Evidence 10 Minute: 01:37:10 Analysis: Furiosa‟s squad has got help from the older women from Furiosa‟s hometown. They help her in taking down the War Boys, although some of them are died and hurt. The older women completely hold their own in the battle and are working together in harmony in order to keep Max and everyone else alive. This clearly shows equality of being able to do men‟s job in battlefield. Evidence 11 Minute: 01:48:46 Analysis: Furiosa got stabbed on her waist and is dying. She is injured so badly. Her blood is drained. But Max is the only person who takes care of her. He becomes her nurse by transferring his veins to hers. His blood is running in her blood and that what makes her staying alive until the very end of movie. This evidence clearly shows a notable gender role reversal, which is fine and acceptable.
  • 39. 50
  • 40. 51 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1. Conclusions This study comes to some conclusions drawn from the statements of problem after listing down the findings alongside the analysis. Mad Max: Fury Road movie is indeed sharing a lot of evidences which lead to a conclusion; that it is a feminist movie. Apart of being considered as feminist movie, the movie also portrays some evidences of gender equality, which prevail also to both gender; male and female. All of the female characters are displayed as equal as male characters. They both strive for surviving from the cruel Immortant Joe. As for the women roles, there are 8 evidences which visually display the changing roles for women without completely change to the opposite personal traits. They struggle a lot to win the battle, though still show some affection towards the bad characters in the movie. These changing roles can be considered as proofs that women and men can equally stand on the same foot. It goes exactly the same to gender equality where a big number of evidences are perfectly depicted in the movie. 5.2. Suggestions This study is probably found as lacking in deep analysis. However, there is precious experience that the writer gains during the completion. This study then
  • 41. 52 needs a lot of improvements here and there. Still, the writer hopes the understanding that she gains is felt equally by the other readers. This is because the writer finally understands the definition of women roles, what are they and can they be changed, as well as the gender equality evidences depicted in the movie can widen up her horizon in seeing almost everything. As for some readers or students who plan to use similar topics, in this case is feminism perspectives, they have to be more meticulous in compiling the data. There is this importance to execute the problems stated smoothly without leaving more confusion in the end. To prove each evidence and connect it to the problems is also important to do.