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Ama Pros And Cons
to Mareen Glabman of Managed Care, in Washington, a vote in Congress, a presidential directive, or
new regulation can positively or adversely affect the pocketbook of an entire industry. However,
lobbying for votes or influence is far from easy and can't guarantee results by simply handing over a
check. From 2007 to 2011 the American Medical Association spent around $19 million dollars
annually trying highlight important issues and hope to sway votes in favor of legislation reflecting
their views. In 2015, the AMA has 15 lobbyist and have spent a total of $6,720,000 although not
much progress has been seen. As we learned in our Week 8 lesson notes, "The First Amendment of
the U. S. Constitution states: 'Congress shall make no law abridging
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Lobbyists Research Paper
Billions of dollars are spent by thousands of lobbyists that work within Congress each year to see if
they can alter or eliminate federal policies that they feel need are no longer needed or that need to be
modified. Does the influence of money make it possible for the lobbyist to be more effective in
changing the federal policies? This is a question that has been asked many times and with different
points of views and opinions. It is sometimes said the person with the most money has the most
influence but I don't believe that that is always true.
Lobbyists have been around for many years and can be very convincing characters whenever they
want to make a change that will favor them. They are undeniably the powers that are behind a great
deal ... Show more content on ...
At the same time the court limited its authority in this case (Landmark Cases of the U.S. Supreme
Court). The Court decided that it would be unconstitutional for it to issue a writ of mandamus as an
original action because doing so would violate Section III of the Constitution (Landmark Cases of
the U.S. Supreme Court). This case recognized the main concept of what the judicial review meant
and is today. When it comes to conflicts, someone has to make the final decision. Interestingly, the
writers of the Constitution did not determine which of the three branches of government would be
the final negotiator of Constitutional Issues It was able to establish that the Supreme Court of the
United States has the power to determine the constitutionality and legitimacy of the acts of the other
two branches of government which became an essential representative of the American
Government. The case of Marbury v Madison was the first case to that the Supreme Court struck
down Congress as being unconstitutional. This decision created the doctrine of judicial review and
set up the Supreme Court of the United States as chief interpreter of the Constitution. The Supreme
Court decision was significant because it did two important things. One it acknowledged that
Congress gives Courts certain power and two it reined in
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The Importance Of Gun Control
Essay #3 When it comes to the issues involving gun control, interest groups have become more and
more involved than they ever have before. Interest groups lobby congress to convey their position
on various issues. This can be done through different tactics such as media advertisements to get
their messages out to the public. Another way is by generation issue advocacy which is creating
buzz and interest on a certain issue that interest group is concerned about. For gun control interest
groups will either create issue advocacy in favor or against gun control. Interest groups also endorse
candidates and elected officials who support their stance on different issues. Interest groups can also
lobby to congress by directly lobbying or through indirectly lobbying through the public. Two
nonprofit organizations whose messages relates to gun control are the National Rifle Association
(NRA), and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The NRA is an interest group who believes
in what the 2nd Amendment stands for. Brady Campaign believes in gun control and non–gun
violence in America. These interest groups lobby to help persuade congress in their decisions in the
legislative process. These groups are become involved through lobbying congress, acquiring
membership and support, through media and issue advocacy. The National Rifle Association is a
nonprofit interest group who are activists of the 2nd Amendment. They often are associated with
lobbying for less gun control
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The Pros And Cons Of Lobbying And Arguments
Through careful analysis of lobbying regulations, the effects will be analyzed on its positive affects
on people, and how it negatively affects. Through the examination of past bills passed in
government that were influenced by lobbying, the pros and cons may be examined. Research from
academic journals has been compiled. It will show that without a proper regulatory entity, lobbying
is dangerous to american citizens. The sum of money a company puts into lobbying, and which
companies use lobbying will also be inspected. If it is just private companies, or rather public
companies also. Therefore in order for lobbying to be successful it must be devoid of all personal
influence, and propose policy that benefits all American citizens. Lobbying is an extremely
controversial topic in American politics. Some citizens believe it is right for a company, and only
helps the economy. On the other hand, citizens say that lobbying opens the door for corruption.
However, in order to fully understand the pros and cons of lobbying first the basic definition of
lobbying must be understood. The word lobby is defined ethical infringements by politicians and
lobbyists. One of the most eminent ethical issues was gift giving. Lobbyists in order to influence a
politician many ... Show more content on ...
The majority of lobbying laws are state laws. The severity of lobbying regulation varies between
states. Some states require written disclosure of meetings with politicians, while others do not even
require the disclosure of gifts. However, although state laws may vary, the majority all came into
being after a lobbying scandal. In midst of a scandal legislators feel pressure to address the issue.
Therefore regulations are usually introduced in the wake of a scandal. Media coverage is a large
component also. If the scandal gains national coverage that raises the pressure on politicians to pass
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The Negative Effects Of Indirect Lobbying
Introduction: Lobbying of United States politicians has been a thing in the country for years, often
helping businesses and corporations as well as citizens, directly or indirectly. But, as consumerism
increased in the recent years, so has the negative effects of lobbying towards citizens because of
businesses and corporations. Lobbying has caused a large one–sided gap in how politicians use their
votes on laws, as shown, "The National Rifle Association and other gun–rights organizations spent
nearly $55 million in the 2016 election cycle to oppose or support candidates through independent
spending – nearly 19 times the amount spent by groups promoting gun restrictions, according to a
tally be the nonpartisan Center for Responsive ... Show more content on ...
The comparison of a savings, investments, and lobbying is shown by comparing sizes of each object
is in the yellow box sizes, as well as actual percentages. Lobbying is the ultimate investment for
companies due to how much the return value is because of the certain law being passed, or repealed,
as well as how consumers will react, for example, the amount of gun owners and NRA memberships
increased after President Trump repealed ex–President Obama's mental health check law.
Since lobbying is such a beneficial thing to the United States, a compromise on how lobbying
should be dealt with needs to be made, in a fair manner, that can and might make lobbying less
competitive and lower costing. All lobbying donations and contributions should be made public. The
records should be public, so the citizens of the United States can be aware of how much inflation
and competition there is in the lobbying market. Making lobbying records public will also
discourage some companies in supporting certain things, due to the image that would be established,
such as ruining the good image of the company to make more profit. Lobbying donations directly to
politicians are not taxed at all, if not at a really low rate, and should be taxed just as much as one's
salary, especially since the money received is due to the politician's job. This will often bump up
certain politicians into
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How Lobbying And How Is It Regulated On The Federal Level?
What is lobbying, and how is it regulated on the federal level? A lobbyist is someone who attempts
to influence decisions made by bureaucrats in the government. Politicians and members of
governing agencies are the main target of lobbyist. There are two common types of lobbying. Direct
lobbying involves a lobbyist expressing their views to someone directly involved with legislation;
whereas, grassroots lobbying conveys a view concerning a detailed lawmaking proposal to the
community and encourages citizens to communicate this view to their legislators. Lobbying is a
heavily regulated profession in the United States. The regulations obligate lobbyists to register with
the House of Representatives and the Senate, report names and addresses ... Show more content on ...
This directly correlates with the ideals of a participatory democracy which strives to produce
opportunities for all citizens to make expressive contributions to the legislative process, and
attempts to expand the access citizens have to those created opportunities. Lobbyists use the
aforementioned technique to create grassroots movements. According to Paul Miller, a former
president of the American League of Lobbyists, "Social media makes it very easy to spread a
campaign. You 're not just meeting with reporters, you 're sending them press releases, emailing
them, tweeting them and doing a whole lot of different things with websites, Facebook, Twitter, you
name it" (Howard). When these movements are combined with the access lobbyists have to
politicians, it can become a powerful part of the legislative process. For the success of the U.S. to
continue, the rights of citizens must be defended and lobbying is a technique for our citizens to
contribute to that defense. Lobbyists should represent the interests of citizens who do not have the
opportunity to be heard on a legislative level; however, representatives of corporations and special
interest groups receive the bulk of the audience. Michael Gessel, who is a lobbyist for The Dayton
Development Coalition which helps promote new businesses and job
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Lobbying: A Place Behind Closed Doors
Lobbying is seen as profession which helps democracy.Tench and Yeomans define lobbying as "The
influencing of public policy making through private means of meeting MPs, ministers, civil
servants, councillors or local government officials" (2009, p.648). Lobbying can be seen as a voice
for those who might not have power and a voice. Simply put, through the electoral system each
Australian citizen of voting age is able to participate in the selection of state,federal and local
government representatives who will govern and make decisions on their behalf.Thus it is fair to say
that to some extent lobbying takes place behind closed doors; away from direct public scrutiny and
knowledge. However even there is scepticism about lobbying,it can argued ... Show more content on ...
Simply put it is an electoral system which each citizen who is of voting age is able to participate in
the election of the federal,state and local government representatives,who will in turn will govern
and will make decisions on the citizens behalf. Even though the skepticism and valid concerns about
lobbying it is not fair or correct to say that the profession is unregulated or entirely unobserved
activity, and inartistically wrong. An idea presented by Grunig and Hunt (1984) cited by Sheehan
(2012) argue that lobbying has a goal which ensures political decision–makers have all the facts
before committing to policy,enacting or changing legislation. Furthermore,the federal
government,for example have codes of conduct for lobbyists and requires which is a publicly
available register if they are acting for third party clients and aims to influence government
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Should lobbyists be more regulated? Essay
Each year, more money than is spent on lobbying than is spent on keeping up Yellowstone National
Park! The total comes out to about 36 million dollars. Shocking? The shocking statistic is that the
majority of this money is not being spent to help politicians out on the campaign trail but is rather
being spent on lavish parties for politicians in office by influencial lobbying groups. The results are
obvious and crippling, while so much of a politicians revenue and lavish lifestyle is supported by
lobbyist groups it is naive and childish to assume that their vote is not swayed by this fact.
The fact is this: Placing so much value in the amount of money a company has will directly
influence the morals of decision making. For example, ... Show more content on ...
With companies already so strictly divided on the issues it makes it easy for lobbyists with aligning
issues to jump on the bandwagon and provide monetary support assuming the candidate always
votes the way that they please. The argument against the fight against big lobbyists is that it violates
the first amendment, and that not only big oil and other companies of this nature are to blame. This
only does to reaffirm my point! This issue is still being viewed as an "us versus them" problem,
when in reality the whole system is flawed. Its not that left wing lobbying is bad and right is good or
vice versa. It is that it is all bad, and it is all corrupting. The evil doesn't lie in WHAT the group
makes a candidate vote for, it is the fact that it makes a candidate vote for something at all. And now
it has become a battle, between Exxon and green Peace, between WWF and Sunoco. People need to
realize that they're all a problem not simply one or another. In our current situation, partisan
lobbyists are up in arms due to the fact that they don't believe they're getting enough money from
the president's new stimulus bill. They are arguing the first amendment rights to squeeze more
money out of a very partisan bill already to get more money for their clients as if they need it! The
country is verging on depression and they choose now to complain that their millionare clients aren't
quite rich
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How does lobbying work in government
1. How does lobbying work in government?
Lobbying is an enormous business. A lobbyist is an advocate who seek outs to influence members of
the government (like members of Congress) to endorse legislation that would advantage their group.
The lobbying occupation is a lawful and essential part of our democratic political procedure that is
not extremely well implicit by the broad population. While the majority people think of lobbyists
only as paid experts, there are as well a lot of volunteer lobbyists. Anyone who appeals the
government or contacts their member of Congress to say an view is functioning as a lobbyist.
Lobbying is a synchronized industry and a guarded activity beneath the First Amendment of the
U.S. Constitution that ... Show more content on ...
This army of people – whose activities, bear in mind, are intended at persuade now 535 members of
Congress and a relation handful of federal officials – cost and expend more than a few billion dollars
every year. in any case one company used up more than $1 billion in lobbying activities preceding
year, at the state and federal levels.
A good quality lobbyist can construct four or five times what a legislator or high–ranking official
receives, and there's a motive for this. Crowds with interests in Washington pay large money for the
lobbyists they hire since if they're triumphant, the payoffs can be enormous: tax breaks for industries
and corporations; subsidies for business; protection from lawsuits or constant from laws their
competitors have got to obey. Lobbyists stand for just in relation to each American interest group
and institution – corporations, labor unions, colleges and universities, charities, churches, senior
citizens organizations, environmental groups, and even local state, or foreign governments.
2. Identify all of the Executive Branch Departments that have a role regarding the nation's nuclear
weapons and what each of their roles is.
When the Constitution was created Since 1789, the Executive Branch of government for the United
States, a President has represented it. The Electoral College selects the president founded on a state's
admired vote, The President is in addition Commander–in–Chief of the armed
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Lobbying And Anticipated Obstacles Of The Legislative Arena
Lobbying & Anticipated Obstacles According to Milstead, "success in the legislative arena is much
like a three–legged stool, with each leg essential to the sturdiness of the stool as a whole" (Milstead,
2013, p. 53). Professional lobbyist, grassroots lobbyist, and money make up the legs of the stool.
Effective influencing and persuasion would determine the success of this proposed policy. The three
legs of lobbying can be used with obesity advocacy. "Building trusting relationships, demonstrating
interest and concern for the public good, and providing information on issues important to the
nursing profession are all things that can be done through regular participation in all aspects of the
legislative process" (Milstead, 2013, p. 55).
Leg one represents professional lobbyist, who influence and persuade government entity to achieve
the particular outcome proposed (Milstead, 2013). Anyone can be a lobbyist, but it is usually
someone from a special interest group who are seen as experts. These individuals give advice to
policy and lawmakers regarding issues and rationales as to why one should or should not support
certain issues (Milstead, 2013). For this policy to be successful and gain momentum, use of
professional lobbyist is required. Examples of professional lobbyist would include the American
Nurses Association (ANA), and Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). Advancements in policies
can be achieved with support backed by these organizations and
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Government Agencies : A Public Resource For Politicians
Government Agencies
There are various government agencies that can participate in providing evidence–based research to
influence policy makers. Government agencies are a public resource for politicians to gathering
credible information and statistical data to making an informed policy decision. The department that
is directly related to the health and welfare of American citizens is the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS). HHS has several 11 operating agencies that are in–charge of conducting
life–saving research for the nation, protecting and serving all Americans. Several of these agencies
include the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare & ... Show more content on ...
The covered preventive services are evidence–based services that carry a rating of A or B in the
current recommendations of the United States Preventive Service Task Force (USPSTF). These
important preventative services have been supported by AHRQ, CDC, HRSA, and NIH. The CDC
also recommends chlamydia screening of all sexually active women under the age of 25. Apart from
these agencies recommending screening exams, they can also participate in evaluating the effects of
the ACA over the next several years. In order to measure positive or negative health outcomes a
policy must be evaluated from reliable and valid resources. This is an important step that needs to be
taken by the government agencies in order to maintain its support of the American people. In
addition, a policy can be critiqued or updated with minor changes that can improve a policy.
An interest group or also known as a lobbying group, are organizations or companies that are
interested in persuading U.S. politicians in selecting their agenda or policies. A lobbyist is typically
an individual who is hired by an interest group. These individuals or lobbyists are paid to lobby
elected officials in congress. A lobbyist can also be an individual who is an unpaid advocate
lobbying for a special interest group. "Lobbying is the act of attempting to influence decisions made
by officials in a government, most often legislators or members of
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Phil Cooney Lobbying
Next a brief look at the history of lobbying, a study conducted on its correlation to the laws
produced, and a look at the industries non–profit organizations lobbying expenditures and issues
they contributed to.
Lobbying is when special interest groups hire and pay a professional advocate to argue for specific
legislation in law making bodies such as Congress. It has been going on since the Country's
inception and happens at every level of government. Corporations do most of it, and usually target
congresspersons, but executive agency officials and US Supreme Court Appointments have been
A 2009 study found that, in some cases, the money spent on lobbying had a rate of return over
22,000% times what was spent. It estimated that ... Show more content on ...
In the late 1970's scientists concluded that products releasing carbonflourochloride (CFC) was
causing the ozone to deplete. The ozone layer is a protective layer from the sun's rays and depleting
the ozone layer allowed the stronger, harmful to health on earth, rays to get through. International
action was taken in 1987 and the Montreal Protocol came into being. It was an international treaty to
phase out CFC producing products. It went into effect in 1988 and has achieved international
success. Once the Montreal Protocol had been agreed to the World Health Organization released
information on the harmful effects CFC's were having on the ozone
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Importance Of Lobbying
A major portion of lobbying for a cause is lobbying Congress. The lobbying of Congress needs to be
targeted to specific committees and staffers within the committees in order for it to be the most
effective. The committee that would best be the targets of my lobbying group would be the judiciary
committee, specifically the subcommittees of the Constitution and Civil Justice and Immigration
and Border Security. These would be ideal because they handle civil rights issues such as human
trafficking and also handle matters regarding refugees, which is what many human trafficking
victims are classified as. These subcommittees would also have jurisdiction for many additional
reasons. The subcommittee on the constitution and civil justice would ... Show more content on ...
The subcommittee on The Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights have jurisdiction over "(1)
Constitutional amendments; (2) Enforcement and protection of constitutional rights; (3) Statutory
guarantees of civil rights and civil liberties; (4) Separation of powers; (5) Federal–State relations;
(6) Interstate compacts; (7) Human rights laws and practices; (8) Enforcement and implementation
of human rights laws". The specific points of jurisdiction that relate to human trafficking are the
third point and the seventh point. These two best relate to human trafficking issues because the
legislation resulting from these two points would directly affect human trafficking victims and the
resources they have access to. When lobbying, Red Lights for Human Trafficking would also want
to lobby the Senate subcommittee, Committee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security
because they have jurisdiction "(1) immigration, citizenship and refugee laws;... (4) Oversight of
international migration, internally displaced persons, and refugee laws and policy". These are two
very important jurisdiction matters to Red Lights for Human Trafficking because one of the main
goals of the organization is to help human trafficking victims gain access to resources that are
needed to help for recovery and to attain the goal of gaining citizenship in the United States; this
committee handles legislation that involves resources that the organization is lobbying to get victims
access to and immigration laws which are important when helping victims gain citizenship in the
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Pros And Cons Of Lobbying Harm The United States
To what degree does lobbying harm the United States?
Drew Wolf
April 20, 2017
Word Count:
Lobbying is an issue that has recently found itself at the forefront of the American politics. Many
feel that lobbying is essentially a legalized form of bribery and has lead to the government catering
to the needs of special interests instead of the interests of America at large. According to a survey
conducted by the Pew Research Center, 74% of Americans believe that elected officials place their
own interests ahead of the country's. So it seems many Americans wonder who their representatives
are actually representing. Lee Drutman, a political scientist, compares the current situation of ...
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According to a survey conducted by FORTUNE on lobbyists, lawmakers and staff of the lawmakers
found the that aforementioned groups consistently ranked the NRA as the second most powerful
interest group in the United States. Furthermore, the NRA (National Rifle Association) spends
around three million dollars annually according to Opensecrets. Even if you disagree with the
beliefs of this interest group, they do show how an interest group can exercise influence without
spending large amounts on lobbying.
How exactly is the NRA able to exercise such a great amount of power over what legislation is
passed when their lobbying budget is so small? The answer lies in the fact that their constituents are
very politically active.
This makes sense when you put yourself in a congressperson's shoes.
If you had to decide how to vote on a piece of legislation what would influence your vote more;
seeing a poll that says 80% of Americans support the legislation or receiving dozens of angry phone
calls telling you that voting in favor of the legislation would violate one of the most important rights
in the constitution and send the entire country hurtling towards
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AIPAC Lobbying Tactics
How does AIPAC affect United States policy in relation to the Middle East? In my paper, I will be
briefly discussing the history behind the lobbying group and their ever so developing lobbying
tactics. As well as tackle my research question and answer it in its entirety by examining the United
States relationship with Israel, as well as comparing AIPAC's influence throughout different
administrations. In short, I hope to gather more of an understanding on how a minority in this
country (the American population is currently around 2 percent Jewish) is able to be such a model
interest group (Bard).
History/Lobbying Tactics
"George Lenczowski once said "The Carter Presidency, also coincides with the militant emergence
of the American Israel Public ... Show more content on ...
foreign policy in the Middle East and a lot of it is based on Israel's interest. These interests are
sometimes achieved by violence and wars (Mearsheimer and Walt 52). Ultimately U.S. foreign
policy creates conflict in the Middle East. To start to describe the American–Israeli relationship, it
will be best summed up by what former president John F. Kennedy who called Israel "the bright
light now shining in the Middle East" (Mersheimer and Walt 60). It is no secret that AIPAC's lobbies
to influence U.S. foreign policy in the favor of Israel and the Israeli government; ultimately causing
a lot of unbalanced power between countries in the Middle East (Elgindy 85). Some things that
AIPAC has succeeded with, as far as influence, has been growing the backing of the United States
during the Six Day War (Kopanski and Mohsen 86). For example, in 1967, following the Six Day
War, Israel got territory over Golan Heights (which borders Syria and Israel). The United States
supported Israel for the war, not giving other countries a real chance of victory against Israel
(Kopanski and Mohsen 102). The balance of power is significantly skewed since Israel is allied to a
superpower. Thus, the United States has not only provided Israel with nearly $3 billion to develop
weapons systems such as the Lavi aircraft but as well as giving Israel access to U.S. weaponry like
Blackhawk helicopters and F16 jets (Sasson 96). Additionally,
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The Influence Of Corporate Lobbying In Politics
Do you feel like your vote doesn't matter? Are you dissuaded from political involvement because
you feel that you are not able to make a difference? This is a very real concern, which large portion
of is due to corporate lobbying. Corporate lobbying enables corporations to have a voice in politics,
which on some issues, sounds fair. For others however, corporations being able to buy votes acts
against the american people. Lobbying is a system of legalized corruption that must be regulated
more heavily to prevent votes being swayed away from the constituents of politicians, and toward
the interests of large corporations. With corporate lobbying being allowed in today's politics,
companies have the opportunity to use money to purchase votes. ... Show more content on ...
Both of these businesses have much to gain from lobbying. Big Pharma refers to the group of the
biggest pharmaceutical companies, including corporations such as Gilead Sciences, Johnson &
Johnson, and Pfizer.(top 15, par 1) These companies lobby for issues pertaining to drugs, such as
being against the legalization or decriminalization of drugs. By keeping drugs such as marijuana
from being used medically, Big Pharma is able to prevent alternative treatment methods and
maintain their medical monopoly. Another heavily involved industry is Big Oil. Big Oil, like Big
Pharma, is used to refer to groups of the biggest corporations in the oil, natural gas, and coal
industries. Big Oil is often the target of scrutiny in regards to environmentalism, due to their
constant attempts to prevent laws that try to cut down on the usage of fossil fuels and natural gas
from being passed. Oil companies profit heavily from the use of lobbyists because the more
regulations on non–renewable resources, the less money they are able to make. This is a good
example for illustrating the ROI of lobbying, because it illuminates the generally accepted evidence
that mitigating losses is a considerably more efficient approach to increasing profit than attempting
to maximize gross
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Argumentative Essay On Lobbying
Jessica Hudon
Rhet 105
Ben DeVries
December 7, 2017
Thanks to the first amendment, we are all given an inalienable right to be heard by our government
whether it be through speeches, peaceful protests, or through the act of lobbying. Lobbying, like
many political systems, has become a very debatable topic especially as the Obama presidency has
ended and the Trump presidency has begun. For years presidential administrations have been trying
to make changes to regulate lobbying, yet now that Trump is in office, he is reversing these
attempts. These feuding opinions have sparked my curiosity enough to become interested in learning
about the opposing viewpoints regarding lobbying. Many scholars, like James Thurber and Patrick
Flavin, believe something needs to be done to limit lobbying in the United States due to its unethical
qualities. While other scholars like Gertrude L Schermerhorn and Jennifer Nicoll Victor don't see
lobbying in such a negative light. Arguments in favor of lobbying highlight the fact that lobbying is
a way for the people to inform their government on their values. On the other hand, many believe
that lobbying gives certain demographics i.e.: Americans with money and power, even more of a
voice. Many question whether these special interest groups are allotted too much power. Although
lobbying was originally intended as a means for citizens to have their voices heard, it has developed
into a mechanism for big organizations to influence laws in their favor. Because corporations are
taking advantage of the practice of lobbying, there need to be regulations put in place to rein in
unethical lobbying, and there need to be alternate resources of information provided to congressmen
so that they have the opportunity to receive unbiased information.
Before diving into whether or not lobbying is ethical, it is important to first define what lobbying is
in the first place. As defined by Raoul Mayer in the video titled "Interest Group Formation: Crash
Course Government and Politics #43", "Lobbying is an attempt to influence policy by persuading a
government policy–making official" (). Its original intent was to allow citizens who are passionate
about a certain issue to rally together and have
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Lobbying and Politics Essay
Dating back many decades, it appears that lobbying and politics have always gone hand and hand on
any political stage. Lobbying has always had a strong presence in the legislation system. Lobbying
is the process of offering campaign contributions, bribes, or information to policymakers for the
purpose of achieving favorable policy outcomes. Conventional wisdom suggests that lobbying is the
preferred mean for exerting political influence in rich countries and corruption in poor countries.
The legislation is meant to benefit society and ensure that citizens are having their voices heard,
instead of hindering them in favour of the multi–national corporations. Lobbying has a negative
influence on legislations in both developed and developing ... Show more content on ...
This is astonishing as it benefited these companies as they saved hundreds of millions from taxes.
This hinders the political process as it then causes an issue for the citizens as tax revenue from the
lobbyers decrease, it leads to taxes being increased on everybody else. Among Fortune 100
companies, the ten that lobbied most in 2010 paid an average effective tax rate of 17%; the 80 that
lobbied least paid an average of 26% (The Economist, 2014). Tax revenue is required by any
government to be able to operate. In addition to tax increases on others, a reduction in overall
spending and services by the government can be used to compensate for tax cuts obtained by the
corporations who lobby. If in this situation of lobbied tax cuts, the government wants to sustain its
spending, while not increasing taxes or the government, it is able to use debt in order to operate.
Although this helps in the short time–period, the long–term affects can negatively affect the country.
Throughout the national and state governments, public institutions like schools have been receiving
decreased funding, particularly if their services are geared towards those who have no lobbying
presence (Sager, 2012). This makes sense, as corporations who use lobbyists wouldn't let their
services be cut when there are ways to offset the costs onto
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Govt., Business, NGOs – Interface between them in the rise of globalization
Govt., Business, NGOs – Interface between them in the rise of globalization
Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192
Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194
Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240
Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248
Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192
Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194
Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240
Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248
1. ... Show more content on ...
Boycott of Nike, Walmart, and other retailers for allegedly manufacturing goods under abusive
working conditions in developing countries can also be highlighted in this context.
Influence of CSOs on government
CSOs have been instrumental in influencing government to incorporate environment and labor
provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
negotiations, emboldening governments to allow banning of genetically modified organisms and
food products and forcing World Bank to excuse the debt of developing countries.
MEDIATORS OR MODERATORS: CSOs act as mediators or moderators where they collaborate
with corporates jointly working for the betterment of the community. They try to influence various
policies without being directly involved in it. Stakeholder–agency theory which can be used to study
this role, assumes that the corporate has ethical and social responsibilities towards a wide variety of
stakeholders which impact them in one or the other way. [1]
"INSERT figure 4 HERE": CSOs acting as direct influencers
One of the examples is the participation of CSOs, and NGOs in particular, in mediation of
Mozambican peace process that led to agreements in Rome in October 1992, attended by the
Community of Sant'Egidio. Other example includes CSOs persuading Home
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Us Lobbying Reform
Since the creation of the United States government, political lobbying has played a large role in
influencing the creation and modification of laws. The act of lobbying is to solicit or try to influence
the votes of members of a legislative body ( There has always been controversy
surrounding the political lobbying system, due to the potential of corruption through bribery. Two
important pieces of legislation became laws as a result of this controversy. The Federal Regulation
of Lobbying Act of 1946 and the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 were created to prevent potential
abuse within the political lobbying system.
The purpose of lobbying is to communicate to public officials the special interests of specific
groups. ... Show more content on ...
The controversy surrounding political lobbying does not question the act of influencing public
officials, but rather the ethics relating to how these public officials are influenced. It is important to
distinguish the fine line between bribery and lobbying. It is illegal to bribe a public official in the
United States. This would mean that an individual could not provide compensation to a public
official for them to behave, or vote, in a specific manner. Lobbyists may donate money to a specific
candidate's political campaign, but they may only do so when there is no expectation that the public
official will behave in a favorable way toward the lobbyist or their clients (Mackinder). Lobbyists
may bring public officials, their immediate families, and staff on trips or out to dinner. While it is
illegal for a lobbyist representing a corporate client from directly bringing, it is not illegal for
foreign governments to sponsor for these said trips (Goldmacher). What has begun to happen is
lobbyists representing corporate clients may bring public officials on these trips, if the trip is
sponsored by a foreign government. The Senate Office of Public Records reported that $3.23 billion
was spent on lobbying in 2013, with 12,300 registered lobbyists. Professor James Thurber, who
teaches at American University, has studied congressional lobbying for over 30 years, and does not
believe these figures are accurate. He believes
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Political Oligarchy
In a 2014 report titled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average
Citizens, Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page wrote that their "Multivariate analysis indicates that
economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent
impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass–based interest groups have
little or no independent influence." As the report became increasingly popular, scholars, politicians
and others all created their own thoughts and opinions on the issues. Some going as far as to say that
this research showed that the United States has become an oligarchy.
This report and the response it has gained begs a few questions: first, what is an oligarchy ... Show
more content on ...
This is not a problem that must be fixed but rather a tool that is being used efficiently by the people.
Lobbying has a bad name and therefor it is easy to be swayed when someone claims lobbying to be
overly impactful or influential. In correspondence with Hamilton's claims Dautrich, Yalof and
Bejarano write
A common depiction of lobbying is that of an individual offering money, gifts, trips, or other goods
on return for a favorable action, such as a congressperson's vote on a particular bill. Though such
activities do take place, in modern times they have become the exception rather than the rule. The
activities of lobbyists today are strictly regulated by federal and state governments. Lobbyists gift–
giving and bribery of public officials are illegal in most states and can be
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Disruption: The Purpose Of Interest Group Negotiations
The purpose of an interest group lobbying an executive agency is to attempt to get the agency to see
their stance and decide to back up that stance on their behalf. This allows for their positions to be
heard more and by a wider audience. In most cases lobbying is used at hearings, while filing friend
of the court briefs or when interest groups get in touch with legislators. Interest groups also
contribute to campaigns by forming PACs or Super PACs. This allows for interest groups to
financially support candidates who are promoting and pushing for policies the group wishes to be
enforced. Disruption is the idea that interest groups step in and physically disrupt political activities
and policies from being put forth or taken back. This can be through riots, strikes, sit–ins or other
forms of public protest. These actions will possibly have a big influence on what policies are seen as
important, changed, or put in place. Litigation is the action of courts aiding when an interest group
falls or filing amicus curiae. This allows for the court to hear the side of the interest group and
possibly make a change in the courts decision that will be in favor of the policies of that interest
group. ... Show more content on ...
Another provision to the Bill of Rights that protects special interest groups, also in the first
amendment, is the right for American citizens to petition their government which gives them the
right to talk directly to their government and request changes they wish to be made to the
government itself or its
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ALR383 Government Relations and Issue Essays
ALR383 – Government Relations and Issues Management
Essay – Same–sex marriage
Sam Stacker
As society has revolutionized and with democratic ideology denominating has the western world,
liberation and equality campaigns stemming from "third sector" (Keane 1998) lobbying groups,
stand as a key component to the operation a "civil society"(Keane 1998). Carrying an objective to
influence legislators or regulatory agencies, these political advocacy groups play a critical role in the
operation of a healthy liberal democracy. In contemporary society, the notion of Same–sex marriage
has polarized public opinion worldwide and is recognized as one of the most controversial non–
economic issues to ever confront the Australian ... Show more content on ...
A notice comprising of there perspective was disseminated to parliament testifying that the
protection of the unique definition of marriage as stated in the 'Marriage Act 1961' "serves the
common good, particularly the good of children"(The Australian Christian Lobby 2012, p.5). The
document, formalized by over 50 religious leaders from a myriad of churches located around
Australia, illustrated not only to parliament, but all bodies operating within the public sphere of the
strong religious opposition to the matter. In 2012 the ACL further exhibited its supremacy as a
dominant lobbying group as it lobbied against a bill introduced to the South Australian Legislative
Council aimed at legalizing same–sex marriage. The welfare of Children remained at the forefront
of concern for the ACL whom insinuated children "will have to be taught that homosexuality is the
same as heterosexuality" (Dunkin 2012). The bill was subsequently defeated as was a same–sex
marriage bill introduced into the South Australian Lower House in July 2013. The ACL's most
monumental lobbying triumph, however, commenced on the 22nd of October 2013, shortly after the
territory's legislative assembly passed 'ACT Marriage Equality' laws which came into effect in
Canberra on the 7th of December 2013. The ACL actively lobbied against the new controversial
laws again bringing to light the disregard for the welfare of children and broader social and religious
values. The Commonwealth
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NRAAnd The Sandy Hook Elementary School Negotiation
When advocating for victims one of the most common forms of advocacy is lobbying. The National
Conference of State Legislatures defines lobbying as the practice of promoting, opposing, or in any
manner influencing or attempting to influence the introduction, defeat, or enactment of legislation
before any legislative body ( Lobbyist can be individuals, local groups, national
corporations, or coalitions of any of these entities. "The purpose of lobbying is to inform, educate
and persuade elected official to support certain legislative goals"(p.95). Money can buy a lot of
things but in the case of lobbying many people believe it simply buys a vote and doesn't always
produce a solution or an effective outcome to certain legislative goals. ... Show more content on ...
The NRA spends a large amount of money on lobbying in order to protect the peoples right to bear
arms. A common lobbying technique they use is hiring former legislators and government official in
order to gain access to policy makers through friendships and personal connections. According to
the Journal of Political Science & Public Affairs the NRA spent $3,360,000 on lobbying in 2014
(Journal website). After the Sandy Hook Shooting took place the initial response from the
government was to make the gun law stricter, but the NRA wanted no changes made. The NRA's
lobbyist seemed to have "persuaded" enough government official, because no change was made.
Clearly the victims and their family member of the shooting were at a loss when the government
failed to change any gun
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The Effects of Pressure Groups on the Government Essay...
The Effects of Pressure Groups on the Government A pressure group is an organised interest group,
which seek to influence the formulation and the implementation of public policy. In both the United
Kingdom and the United States of America, membership to political parties has decreased,
meanwhile membership to pressure groups have increased. Pressure groups differ from political
parties in that they do not seek to win political office; in addition, they concern themselves with
sectional policy rather than a wide range, and therefore pressure groups aim to protect or advance a
shared interest. The first amendment of the US constitution claims citizens have the "right of speech,
petition and ... Show more content on ...
With the diminution in membership of political parties, it appears that people would prefer to invest
their energies in pressure groups rather than parties. Within 50 years, membership to the Labour
Party has declined from one million to 280,000 members; the Conservative Party's membership has
decreased even further from 3 million to 318,000. Meanwhile, membership to organisations such as
the National Trust (2.8 million members), and to the Royal Society (one million) has increased.
Jordan and Maloney said in 1997 "it may seem parties are replaced by pressure groups but people
prefer to do very little in public interest groups as opposed to very little in political parties.[1]
People prefer pressure groups as they have more chances to involve themselves in politics. They
have a chance to protest, petition and lobby which is all part of a healthy democratic society. The
term "pressure group" is a broad term; so political commentator Wyn Grant makes the distinction
between insider and outsider groups. Although difficult, it is possible to distinguish one from the
other, by looking at the strategies they employ. Insider groups "abide by the political rules of the
game to
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Special Interest Groups In America
The United States government is set upon principles of democracy and justice to protect the citizens
of America. The founding fathers placed 3 branches of government to ensure that no one entity
could control it; the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the Supreme Court. This has kept
the government in consistent power for many years, however in the last 30 or so years the power has
shifted into the hands of large corporations and special interest groups that do not reflect the interest
of the American people. These special interest groups have no intention of increasing the quality of
life for Americans; they are only interested in pushing the agenda of their organization.
What does an open conspiracy look like? It looks like ... Show more content on ...
(Opensecrets) While the amount of corruption within politics is subjective to the amount one
particularly trusts the government, the patterns are objectively present for the indication of a darker
side of lobbying. Moreover, the corporate interests that make up the majority of the 3.22 billion
dollars are vested in regulated industries. (Opensecrets) If these companies were to have someone in
the ear of congressmen, the ones who vote on the bills that regulate these companies, it would be
quite the advantage to them. A staggering advantage the corporations have, indeed. It may be the
fossil fuel industry that has "donated" millions of dollars to congressmen's campaigns for reelection,
or the lumber industry that has allowed congressmen into the corporation's pockets, or even the
cattle industry with elite agricultural lobbyists pushing an agenda that is based around profits instead
of prosperity for the people of
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Lobbying and United States
Any association of individuals or organizations, usually formally organized on the basis of one or
more shared concerns, attempts to influence public policy in its favour. All interest groups share a
desire to affect opinion or policy of the policy makers or target group to benefit themselves or their
causes. Their goal could be a policy that exclusively benefits group members. They attempt to
achieve their goals by lobbying–that is, by attempting to bring pressure to bear on policy makers to
gain policy outcomes in their favour. Interest groups are a natural outgrowth of the communities of
interest that exist in all societies. Politics and interests are inseparable. The common goals and
sources of interest ... Show more content on ...
But by far the largest component of this category is government in its many forms. At the national
level, government agencies, such as the British Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs, lobby on their own behalf to secure funding or to prioritize certain issues; at the regional
level, public universities lobby the appropriate government (e.g., provincial governments in Canada
and state governments in the United States) for funding or legislation that benefits them; at the local
level, school boards may lobby the local government for money for a new school gymnasium or for
more funding for educational programs. At the international level, the United Nations may lobby its
members to pay their outstanding contributions to the organization or to carry out Security Council
resolutions. Although formally organized associations play a predominant role in traditional
lobbying efforts, non–associational groups and interests often have an important influence. Such
interests lack a formal organization or permanent structure. They include spontaneous protest
movements formed in reaction to a particular policy or event and informal groups of citizens and
officials of public or private organizations. For example, French farmers have sometimes held up
traffic in Paris to protest government agricultural policy.
The role of interest groups in public policy making: pluralist
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Invisible Children
"To be fair, lying is part and parcel of public life. Every politician has lied about something because
they are owned by the special interest groups that finance their elections" (Schuyler). Many, if not
most, citizens view special interest groups and lobbyist as one of the evils in politics. Special
interest groups, and even nonprofits who use lobbying tactics, are often viewed as corrupt and
untrustworthy. However, it is special interest groups that largely hold together the current political
system. Truly, there are many nonprofits, like Invisible Children, that work to provide lobbying
presence in Washington for underrepresented people and causes. Invisible Children (IC) is a
nonprofit that was founded in 2004. It's main purpose and ... Show more content on
This project, Rewards for Justice, sought to "continue to support the efforts of the U.S. advisors in
central Africa" ("Grassroots Advocacy"). Again, they mobilized thousands of young activists. This
time on a much larger scale than previous initiatives. Thousands upon thousands of young adults
called their congressional representatives, sent emails, and hand wrote letters. In November of 2012,
800 young activists traveled to D.C. to lobby senators. This was followed by a large protest, over
10,000, that marched in front of the White House. Clad in red tee–shirts, protesters shut down the
streets, calling for congress to pass the Rewards for Justice legislation. In January, two short month
later, President Obama signed into law the Rewards for Justice Act. Invisible Children effectively
proved outside strategy can be extremely effective, when performed correctly.
Invisible Children, currently employs many forms of advocacy. Politically, they frequently use
outside strategy and mobilize large numbers of young adults and youth. They also use inside
strategy by having staff on capitol hill to lobby and advise members of congress on legislation
concerning the LRA conflict in Central
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The Legal And Political Environment
The definition of legal and political environmental base on business dictionary is government
actions which affects the operations of a company or business. These actions may be on local,
regional, national or international level. (, 2015)
The legal and political environment can impact business organizations in many ways. It could add a
risk factor and lead to a major loss. Company should understand that the political factors have the
power to change results. It can also affect government policies at local to federal level. (PESTLE
Analysis, 2015)
Table 2.1: The table below shows the different business company environment in different state.
Totalitarian State
Democratic State
Imposed authority.
Restricted participation.
Companies might pay briberies to government.
The business law is vague.
Stable business environment.
Freedom and no censorship.
Higher risk compared to democratic state.
Lower risk compared to totalitarian state.
Adapted from Effects of politics on international business. (, 2015)
The table clearly shows that different type of political system will affect a company 's operation in a
country. It is also important for company to be observant to the political environment.
Companies should always track their political environment. Changing in the political factors can
affect business strategy because of the following reasons:
Reasons for political factors
Diagram 2.2
(PESTLE Analysis,
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Lobbying Pros And Cons
Lobbying (also lobby) is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in a
government, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies. Lobbying is done by many
types of people, associations and organized groups, including individuals in the private sector,
corporations, fellow legislators or government officials, or advocacy groups (interest groups).
Lobbyists may be among a legislator's constituencies, meaning a voter or block of voters within his
or her electoral district, or not; they may engage in lobbying as a business, or not. Basically when
you're giving an opinion from someone else it's not something that's coming from your mouth it's
not how you feel someone is giving you what to say.
Professional lobbyists ... Show more content on ...
The United States has experienced fundamental changes that are dramatically detrimental to
democracy. Voters' ability to define political discourse has been so diminished that even decisive
election results like Barack Obama's in 2012 have little impact. That's because powerful interests –
freed to, in effect, buy elections, unhindered by downsized and diffused media that must rely on
revenue from campaign ads – now set the rules of engagement. Lobbying involves working to bring
pressure to bear on policy makers to gain favorable policy outcomes. In order to accomplish their
goals, interest groups develop a strategy or plan of action and execute it through specific tactics. The
particular strategies developed and the specific tactics used, however, vary widely both among and
within political
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How Lobbying Is A Negative Connotation On Everyday Language
As several authors this week contend, lobbying tends to carry a negative connotation in everyday
language. The key issues that the authors seek to address this week, are when lobbying occurs, the
nature of lobbying, and how it works. Overall, there is some agreement on the fact that lobbying is
prevalent, the disagreements arise over what purpose lobbying serves, and what the strategies
underlying lobbying are. One key debate among the authors is what is actually influenced by
lawmaking. On one hand, Hansen (1991) takes the perspective that lobbying influences the
relationship between interest groups and lawmakers. Hansen bases his argument on the belief that
because legislators want to be reelected and they lack information about the "issue preferences of
their constituents, the salience of issues to their constituents, and the effectiveness of various policy
options," they will seek information to reduce this uncertainty. The service that interest groups
provide the, is this information. Certain interest groups, Hansen argues have "competitive
advantage," (p. 13) in the sense that they can provide certainty about constituent beliefs in an
efficient and effective manner, in order to help lawmakers get reelected. Given that elections re–
occur, an additional point Hansen makes is for interest groups to have some kind of influence over
lawmakers, the conditions that provide this competitive advantage must be expected to recur. When
these conditions are met, interest groups
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Texas Lobbying Case Study
Prabhat Bachagain Professor Sharifian GOVT – 2306 April 5, 2017 Lobbyists and Interest Groups
in Texas Lobbying is the action of influencing or persuading the public official to take a desired
action, usually to pass or defeat a legislation and Lobbyists are the activists who are hired for
In simple words lobbying is way of influencing a person or employee who has the power to make or
change the decision on their favor. Lobbyists especially work for interest groups, law firms and
corporations. 1 Interest groups are non – profit and usually voluntary organization who have a
common cause for which they seek to influence public policy without seeking any political control.
Many corporations and foreign countries donate a great deal of ... Show more content on ...
It is true that they represent a large influential society but that does not mean that people should not
know about the true expenditures and process that was involved to get their bills passed. The
government should definitely do something to make the transactions transparent. The government is
right about not placing rigid limitations on interest groups as it has placed on individuals because if
those limitations are lifted from the individuals and they have same power as the interest groups,
they will be too many bills demanding their own benefit. In my opinion, the collective influence of
interest groups does override the ability to influence politics as some citizens may fall into leader's
false promises and act for their individual needs but the collective has a major influence as citizens
expect their need to be taken care of. The NARAL (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights
Action League) is one of the most important interest groups in the country and On June 26, 2016,
the supreme court passed a decision on their favor supporting the women's right to abortion and
reproductive freedom that all the clinics should support abortion and re – open the facilities to make
abortion more
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Lobbyist Government
Federal Lobbying
In the United States, there are more than fifty different versions of lobbying laws in states and
territories. On the Federal level, lobbying is defined as being "any communication made on behalf
of a client to members of Congress, congressional staffers, the president, White House staff and
high–level employees of nearly 200 agencies, regarding the formulation, modification, or adoption
of legislation." Though there is much disagreement about lobbyists, there have been laws enacted to
try and control them and those who abuse lobbying. There is always room for improvement with
regards to lobbying laws, because there is still your classic loop holes that people use to avoid being
in violation of the law.
Corporations, ... Show more content on ...
Since lobbyists only have to report twice a year, there is a significant lack of paperwork being filed,
which can mean that a bill can be passed before anyone is able to find out what lobbyists did to pass
it. Hundreds of millions of dollars are not being accounted for and are being exempt from
disclosure; we are not seeing how the money is being spent. Lobbyists donate large sums of money
to a politician to support their campaign, and the only way we see the money spent is if we see a
television ad, or a sign on the side of the road. These systems need to be updated with our rising
The second section, slowing the revolving door, would extend the revolving door "cooling off"
period to two years and include prohibition on all lobbying activity during that period. Those whom
were once members of Congress and turned to lobbying should be stripped of their special access
including perks and privileges with their colleagues. The third section, states to prohibit registered
lobbyists from making, soliciting, or arranging for campaign contributions to those whom they
lobby, in addition to prohibiting privately– sponsored travel for government officials and their staff.
Additionally, we need to establish some sort of agency that would act under Congress to help
monitor and enforce federal lobbying, travel, gift and ethics law. With having an agency
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Notes And Writing Of Briefing Notes
Experience in the development and writing of briefing notes, reports, presentations or
correspondence (memos, QP cards, etc.)
Through my present and previous positions with the federal government, I accumulate many years
of experience in developing and writing official and internal documents for different purposes such
as correspondences, reports or memorandum. To illustrate this experience, I am providing the
following example:
In my previous position as Senior Advisor with the Commissioner of Lobbying, I wrote briefing
notes and reports on a frequent basis. An important element of my job was to provide documentation
to the director and senior management about outreach activities I was delivering to stakeholders.
The purpose of writing briefing notes was to summarize the objectives of every outreach sessions
and to inform them about specific follow–ups to stakeholders requests. The first step was to compile
the results of the research I have initiated on the stakeholders and their business area, by adding
short paragraphs to keep a concise writing style. After finishing the writing part, I reviewed the
document to ensure that all aspects are covered and that every key point previously discussed were
detailed. Finally, I made sure to avoid grammatically or vocabulary errors in the finalized document
and also to avoid the use of ambiguous words or expression that might lead to confusion or
misinterpretation. To be more efficient for such tasks and once approved my
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Lobbying Disclosure Act Case Study
With the assistance of the lobbying business, Washington's territorial economy appears to have
weathered the financial tempest of late years. Congress passed a 1995 Lobbying Disclosure Act
(LDA), which apparently obliged all "lobbyists" to report their exercises for the benefit of paying
customers, the answer have to be an easy decision: simply discover the lawfully ordered divulgence
structures, and number them up. While thousands of lobbyists work the halls of Congress and
government agencies and billions of dollars are spent each year on advocacy, the groups with the
most lobbyists and money don't necessarily win (Pinkham,2010). We found that about a large
portion of those included in approach support–our everything of–the–above term
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Coal Lobbying
Envisage a world where only the twinkle of candlelight illuminates windows in the night, warmth is
provided by wood stoves, and horse drawn carriages provide transportation: a world without energy
provided by fossil fuels. One might think this is the world of our forefathers and of bygone days;
however, with staggering increases in energy demands perhaps such a world may not be so far from
reality if humanity fails to adapt to these changing needs and how we produce energy to meet global
energy requirements. There is no doubt that the greatest issues affecting humanity today are that of
pollution fueled climate change and energy insecurity (Jacobson and Delucchi 1154). A number of
solutions have been proposed in efforts to reduce our dependence ... Show more content on ...
The narrative of clean coal has been propped up by the industries primary lobbyist group, the
National Mining Association, with a budget of nearly twenty million dollars a year (Coniff).
Lobbying is a natural part of the political process, but the issue becomes when the lobbying is
disingenuous and the coal industry has zero intentions of implementing clean coal, based on the fact
that no coal plants currently in the United States make use of any of the technology. Although the
technology is still being developed, there are no future plans to implement it as well. On the other
side, those who speak out against coal and clean coal are naturally groups concerned about the
environment, such as the Environmental Protection Agency and green advocacy groups. They
recognize that coal power plants are the primary contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the
United States and thus their emissions must be controlled (Eilperin and Mufson). They also believe
even though limiting coal power plants will cost a great deal of money, the American people will
have a net benefit due to lower public health costs as a result of air pollution while also benefitting
globally by reducing greenhouse gas fueled climate change. Essentially, clean coal is pursued by
those who have a vested commercial interest in its being as a mainstay of electricity generation,
while those who oppose it are against the negative health and climate effects it
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Summary: The Business Of Lobbying
The Business of Lobbying: Introduction
My time spent this semester interning at Winning Strategies Washington (WSW), a Washington, DC
based Lobbying firm, really opened my eyes to the many different types of activities done behind
the scenes in order to; support, oppose or amend legislation, secure grant money for clients, and
determine how new legislation and tax proposals could affect each of their clients. Lobbying is
thought to be an industry that only exists for just the few wealthy large corporations that seek to
undermine society, however, WSW lobbies all issues whether they be small, bipartisan, non–
profit/for profit, etc. Over the course of the semester, it had occurred to me that lobbying is the
epitome of a democracy at work, with ... Show more content on ...
This is all very important in the business of WSW and takes a lot of research and current knowledge
of the many different pots of grant money spread throughout the Executive Branch. One project I
worked on enabled me to gain important knowledge about each step of the process; research
new/available grants for clients, match eligible clients to available grants, inform about eligible use
of funds after award, apply for grant. My involvement in the grant process was mostly in the early
stages. I was tasked to write memorandums for the Grant department detailing grant, its
requirements, and possible clients to
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Arguments Against The Lobbyists
Lobbyists are a group of people who defend and advance their interests through lobbying which is to
"inform, persuade, and pressure" policymakers to support the groups objective. With more policies
set in place, the more lobbyists get involved and a great example is the financial crisis since the
Great Depression of the 1930's. When the Obama administration stepped in and proposed to "repair
the regulation and increase oversight," the lobbyists were there to support and represent banks,
mutual funds, credit card companies as well as companies in retail, manufacturing, and service that
this proposal could affect.
When you think of lobbying, to me I see a group of people "protesting" if you will against
something they believe they can protect.
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Government Lobbying
According to the text, many co–operations use their own employees to lobby. Some companies have
governmental affairs departments or offices staffed by employees with experience in government or
public affairs. Lobbying also comes with its own expenditures, these include; amounts allocated to
the staff, entertainment and gifts. Lobbying is a form of communication made on another's behalf
and intended to influence government's decision. There should be limits in place for the amount of
money companies and groups spend on lobbying in Texas. Companies spend way too much money
on lobby contracts. Money that could be spent on other resources. John Craig explains on an article
published on American Progress that lobbying can dampen the economic growth ... Show more
content on ...
There are some interest groups that are extremely powerful and exercise considerable influence over
the formation of public policy, whereas others are ineffectual and weak. (101). There are various
factors that make a group more powerful than the other. Financial resources determines the group's
power. Organizations representing large co–operations are at a much better position to raise funds. It
is unfair for regular citizens because they would not be heard because of less collective power and
less money for campaign contributions. Citizens need to be heard too, regardless of their financial
capabilities. Powerful interest groups do not make it possible for the citizens' voices to be heard. The
same applies to the groups that represent low income people, they have it difficult raising the money
required for lobbying. Overally, lobbying and interest groups are in the best interest of democracy. A
recent study by lawmakers of Wisconsin, found that lobbying has a significant effect on legislative
outcomes. Lobbying has a negative connotation for many Texans but it is essential to elected and
appointed lawmakers who depend on the information, coalition building and public support of
groups for their decisions.
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Ama Pros And Cons

  • 1. Ama Pros And Cons to Mareen Glabman of Managed Care, in Washington, a vote in Congress, a presidential directive, or new regulation can positively or adversely affect the pocketbook of an entire industry. However, lobbying for votes or influence is far from easy and can't guarantee results by simply handing over a check. From 2007 to 2011 the American Medical Association spent around $19 million dollars annually trying highlight important issues and hope to sway votes in favor of legislation reflecting their views. In 2015, the AMA has 15 lobbyist and have spent a total of $6,720,000 although not much progress has been seen. As we learned in our Week 8 lesson notes, "The First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution states: 'Congress shall make no law abridging ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Lobbyists Research Paper Billions of dollars are spent by thousands of lobbyists that work within Congress each year to see if they can alter or eliminate federal policies that they feel need are no longer needed or that need to be modified. Does the influence of money make it possible for the lobbyist to be more effective in changing the federal policies? This is a question that has been asked many times and with different points of views and opinions. It is sometimes said the person with the most money has the most influence but I don't believe that that is always true. Lobbyists have been around for many years and can be very convincing characters whenever they want to make a change that will favor them. They are undeniably the powers that are behind a great deal ... Show more content on ... At the same time the court limited its authority in this case (Landmark Cases of the U.S. Supreme Court). The Court decided that it would be unconstitutional for it to issue a writ of mandamus as an original action because doing so would violate Section III of the Constitution (Landmark Cases of the U.S. Supreme Court). This case recognized the main concept of what the judicial review meant and is today. When it comes to conflicts, someone has to make the final decision. Interestingly, the writers of the Constitution did not determine which of the three branches of government would be the final negotiator of Constitutional Issues It was able to establish that the Supreme Court of the United States has the power to determine the constitutionality and legitimacy of the acts of the other two branches of government which became an essential representative of the American Government. The case of Marbury v Madison was the first case to that the Supreme Court struck down Congress as being unconstitutional. This decision created the doctrine of judicial review and set up the Supreme Court of the United States as chief interpreter of the Constitution. The Supreme Court decision was significant because it did two important things. One it acknowledged that Congress gives Courts certain power and two it reined in ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Importance Of Gun Control Essay #3 When it comes to the issues involving gun control, interest groups have become more and more involved than they ever have before. Interest groups lobby congress to convey their position on various issues. This can be done through different tactics such as media advertisements to get their messages out to the public. Another way is by generation issue advocacy which is creating buzz and interest on a certain issue that interest group is concerned about. For gun control interest groups will either create issue advocacy in favor or against gun control. Interest groups also endorse candidates and elected officials who support their stance on different issues. Interest groups can also lobby to congress by directly lobbying or through indirectly lobbying through the public. Two nonprofit organizations whose messages relates to gun control are the National Rifle Association (NRA), and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The NRA is an interest group who believes in what the 2nd Amendment stands for. Brady Campaign believes in gun control and non–gun violence in America. These interest groups lobby to help persuade congress in their decisions in the legislative process. These groups are become involved through lobbying congress, acquiring membership and support, through media and issue advocacy. The National Rifle Association is a nonprofit interest group who are activists of the 2nd Amendment. They often are associated with lobbying for less gun control ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Pros And Cons Of Lobbying And Arguments Through careful analysis of lobbying regulations, the effects will be analyzed on its positive affects on people, and how it negatively affects. Through the examination of past bills passed in government that were influenced by lobbying, the pros and cons may be examined. Research from academic journals has been compiled. It will show that without a proper regulatory entity, lobbying is dangerous to american citizens. The sum of money a company puts into lobbying, and which companies use lobbying will also be inspected. If it is just private companies, or rather public companies also. Therefore in order for lobbying to be successful it must be devoid of all personal influence, and propose policy that benefits all American citizens. Lobbying is an extremely controversial topic in American politics. Some citizens believe it is right for a company, and only helps the economy. On the other hand, citizens say that lobbying opens the door for corruption. However, in order to fully understand the pros and cons of lobbying first the basic definition of lobbying must be understood. The word lobby is defined ethical infringements by politicians and lobbyists. One of the most eminent ethical issues was gift giving. Lobbyists in order to influence a politician many ... Show more content on ... The majority of lobbying laws are state laws. The severity of lobbying regulation varies between states. Some states require written disclosure of meetings with politicians, while others do not even require the disclosure of gifts. However, although state laws may vary, the majority all came into being after a lobbying scandal. In midst of a scandal legislators feel pressure to address the issue. Therefore regulations are usually introduced in the wake of a scandal. Media coverage is a large component also. If the scandal gains national coverage that raises the pressure on politicians to pass ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Negative Effects Of Indirect Lobbying Introduction: Lobbying of United States politicians has been a thing in the country for years, often helping businesses and corporations as well as citizens, directly or indirectly. But, as consumerism increased in the recent years, so has the negative effects of lobbying towards citizens because of businesses and corporations. Lobbying has caused a large one–sided gap in how politicians use their votes on laws, as shown, "The National Rifle Association and other gun–rights organizations spent nearly $55 million in the 2016 election cycle to oppose or support candidates through independent spending – nearly 19 times the amount spent by groups promoting gun restrictions, according to a tally be the nonpartisan Center for Responsive ... Show more content on ... The comparison of a savings, investments, and lobbying is shown by comparing sizes of each object is in the yellow box sizes, as well as actual percentages. Lobbying is the ultimate investment for companies due to how much the return value is because of the certain law being passed, or repealed, as well as how consumers will react, for example, the amount of gun owners and NRA memberships increased after President Trump repealed ex–President Obama's mental health check law. Compromise Since lobbying is such a beneficial thing to the United States, a compromise on how lobbying should be dealt with needs to be made, in a fair manner, that can and might make lobbying less competitive and lower costing. All lobbying donations and contributions should be made public. The records should be public, so the citizens of the United States can be aware of how much inflation and competition there is in the lobbying market. Making lobbying records public will also discourage some companies in supporting certain things, due to the image that would be established, such as ruining the good image of the company to make more profit. Lobbying donations directly to politicians are not taxed at all, if not at a really low rate, and should be taxed just as much as one's salary, especially since the money received is due to the politician's job. This will often bump up certain politicians into ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. How Lobbying And How Is It Regulated On The Federal Level? What is lobbying, and how is it regulated on the federal level? A lobbyist is someone who attempts to influence decisions made by bureaucrats in the government. Politicians and members of governing agencies are the main target of lobbyist. There are two common types of lobbying. Direct lobbying involves a lobbyist expressing their views to someone directly involved with legislation; whereas, grassroots lobbying conveys a view concerning a detailed lawmaking proposal to the community and encourages citizens to communicate this view to their legislators. Lobbying is a heavily regulated profession in the United States. The regulations obligate lobbyists to register with the House of Representatives and the Senate, report names and addresses ... Show more content on ... This directly correlates with the ideals of a participatory democracy which strives to produce opportunities for all citizens to make expressive contributions to the legislative process, and attempts to expand the access citizens have to those created opportunities. Lobbyists use the aforementioned technique to create grassroots movements. According to Paul Miller, a former president of the American League of Lobbyists, "Social media makes it very easy to spread a campaign. You 're not just meeting with reporters, you 're sending them press releases, emailing them, tweeting them and doing a whole lot of different things with websites, Facebook, Twitter, you name it" (Howard). When these movements are combined with the access lobbyists have to politicians, it can become a powerful part of the legislative process. For the success of the U.S. to continue, the rights of citizens must be defended and lobbying is a technique for our citizens to contribute to that defense. Lobbyists should represent the interests of citizens who do not have the opportunity to be heard on a legislative level; however, representatives of corporations and special interest groups receive the bulk of the audience. Michael Gessel, who is a lobbyist for The Dayton Development Coalition which helps promote new businesses and job ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Lobbying: A Place Behind Closed Doors Lobbying is seen as profession which helps democracy.Tench and Yeomans define lobbying as "The influencing of public policy making through private means of meeting MPs, ministers, civil servants, councillors or local government officials" (2009, p.648). Lobbying can be seen as a voice for those who might not have power and a voice. Simply put, through the electoral system each Australian citizen of voting age is able to participate in the selection of state,federal and local government representatives who will govern and make decisions on their behalf.Thus it is fair to say that to some extent lobbying takes place behind closed doors; away from direct public scrutiny and knowledge. However even there is scepticism about lobbying,it can argued ... Show more content on ... Simply put it is an electoral system which each citizen who is of voting age is able to participate in the election of the federal,state and local government representatives,who will in turn will govern and will make decisions on the citizens behalf. Even though the skepticism and valid concerns about lobbying it is not fair or correct to say that the profession is unregulated or entirely unobserved activity, and inartistically wrong. An idea presented by Grunig and Hunt (1984) cited by Sheehan (2012) argue that lobbying has a goal which ensures political decision–makers have all the facts before committing to policy,enacting or changing legislation. Furthermore,the federal government,for example have codes of conduct for lobbyists and requires which is a publicly available register if they are acting for third party clients and aims to influence government ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Should lobbyists be more regulated? Essay Each year, more money than is spent on lobbying than is spent on keeping up Yellowstone National Park! The total comes out to about 36 million dollars. Shocking? The shocking statistic is that the majority of this money is not being spent to help politicians out on the campaign trail but is rather being spent on lavish parties for politicians in office by influencial lobbying groups. The results are obvious and crippling, while so much of a politicians revenue and lavish lifestyle is supported by lobbyist groups it is naive and childish to assume that their vote is not swayed by this fact. The fact is this: Placing so much value in the amount of money a company has will directly influence the morals of decision making. For example, ... Show more content on ... With companies already so strictly divided on the issues it makes it easy for lobbyists with aligning issues to jump on the bandwagon and provide monetary support assuming the candidate always votes the way that they please. The argument against the fight against big lobbyists is that it violates the first amendment, and that not only big oil and other companies of this nature are to blame. This only does to reaffirm my point! This issue is still being viewed as an "us versus them" problem, when in reality the whole system is flawed. Its not that left wing lobbying is bad and right is good or vice versa. It is that it is all bad, and it is all corrupting. The evil doesn't lie in WHAT the group makes a candidate vote for, it is the fact that it makes a candidate vote for something at all. And now it has become a battle, between Exxon and green Peace, between WWF and Sunoco. People need to realize that they're all a problem not simply one or another. In our current situation, partisan lobbyists are up in arms due to the fact that they don't believe they're getting enough money from the president's new stimulus bill. They are arguing the first amendment rights to squeeze more money out of a very partisan bill already to get more money for their clients as if they need it! The country is verging on depression and they choose now to complain that their millionare clients aren't quite rich ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. How does lobbying work in government 1. How does lobbying work in government? Lobbying is an enormous business. A lobbyist is an advocate who seek outs to influence members of the government (like members of Congress) to endorse legislation that would advantage their group. The lobbying occupation is a lawful and essential part of our democratic political procedure that is not extremely well implicit by the broad population. While the majority people think of lobbyists only as paid experts, there are as well a lot of volunteer lobbyists. Anyone who appeals the government or contacts their member of Congress to say an view is functioning as a lobbyist. Lobbying is a synchronized industry and a guarded activity beneath the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that ... Show more content on ... This army of people – whose activities, bear in mind, are intended at persuade now 535 members of Congress and a relation handful of federal officials – cost and expend more than a few billion dollars every year. in any case one company used up more than $1 billion in lobbying activities preceding year, at the state and federal levels. A good quality lobbyist can construct four or five times what a legislator or high–ranking official receives, and there's a motive for this. Crowds with interests in Washington pay large money for the lobbyists they hire since if they're triumphant, the payoffs can be enormous: tax breaks for industries and corporations; subsidies for business; protection from lawsuits or constant from laws their competitors have got to obey. Lobbyists stand for just in relation to each American interest group and institution – corporations, labor unions, colleges and universities, charities, churches, senior citizens organizations, environmental groups, and even local state, or foreign governments. 2. Identify all of the Executive Branch Departments that have a role regarding the nation's nuclear weapons and what each of their roles is. When the Constitution was created Since 1789, the Executive Branch of government for the United States, a President has represented it. The Electoral College selects the president founded on a state's admired vote, The President is in addition Commander–in–Chief of the armed ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Lobbying And Anticipated Obstacles Of The Legislative Arena Lobbying & Anticipated Obstacles According to Milstead, "success in the legislative arena is much like a three–legged stool, with each leg essential to the sturdiness of the stool as a whole" (Milstead, 2013, p. 53). Professional lobbyist, grassroots lobbyist, and money make up the legs of the stool. Effective influencing and persuasion would determine the success of this proposed policy. The three legs of lobbying can be used with obesity advocacy. "Building trusting relationships, demonstrating interest and concern for the public good, and providing information on issues important to the nursing profession are all things that can be done through regular participation in all aspects of the legislative process" (Milstead, 2013, p. 55). Professional Leg one represents professional lobbyist, who influence and persuade government entity to achieve the particular outcome proposed (Milstead, 2013). Anyone can be a lobbyist, but it is usually someone from a special interest group who are seen as experts. These individuals give advice to policy and lawmakers regarding issues and rationales as to why one should or should not support certain issues (Milstead, 2013). For this policy to be successful and gain momentum, use of professional lobbyist is required. Examples of professional lobbyist would include the American Nurses Association (ANA), and Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). Advancements in policies can be achieved with support backed by these organizations and ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Government Agencies : A Public Resource For Politicians Government Agencies There are various government agencies that can participate in providing evidence–based research to influence policy makers. Government agencies are a public resource for politicians to gathering credible information and statistical data to making an informed policy decision. The department that is directly related to the health and welfare of American citizens is the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS has several 11 operating agencies that are in–charge of conducting life–saving research for the nation, protecting and serving all Americans. Several of these agencies include the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare & ... Show more content on ... The covered preventive services are evidence–based services that carry a rating of A or B in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Service Task Force (USPSTF). These important preventative services have been supported by AHRQ, CDC, HRSA, and NIH. The CDC also recommends chlamydia screening of all sexually active women under the age of 25. Apart from these agencies recommending screening exams, they can also participate in evaluating the effects of the ACA over the next several years. In order to measure positive or negative health outcomes a policy must be evaluated from reliable and valid resources. This is an important step that needs to be taken by the government agencies in order to maintain its support of the American people. In addition, a policy can be critiqued or updated with minor changes that can improve a policy. Lobbyists An interest group or also known as a lobbying group, are organizations or companies that are interested in persuading U.S. politicians in selecting their agenda or policies. A lobbyist is typically an individual who is hired by an interest group. These individuals or lobbyists are paid to lobby elected officials in congress. A lobbyist can also be an individual who is an unpaid advocate lobbying for a special interest group. "Lobbying is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in a government, most often legislators or members of ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Phil Cooney Lobbying Next a brief look at the history of lobbying, a study conducted on its correlation to the laws produced, and a look at the industries non–profit organizations lobbying expenditures and issues they contributed to. Lobbying is when special interest groups hire and pay a professional advocate to argue for specific legislation in law making bodies such as Congress. It has been going on since the Country's inception and happens at every level of government. Corporations do most of it, and usually target congresspersons, but executive agency officials and US Supreme Court Appointments have been included. A 2009 study found that, in some cases, the money spent on lobbying had a rate of return over 22,000% times what was spent. It estimated that ... Show more content on ... In the late 1970's scientists concluded that products releasing carbonflourochloride (CFC) was causing the ozone to deplete. The ozone layer is a protective layer from the sun's rays and depleting the ozone layer allowed the stronger, harmful to health on earth, rays to get through. International action was taken in 1987 and the Montreal Protocol came into being. It was an international treaty to phase out CFC producing products. It went into effect in 1988 and has achieved international success. Once the Montreal Protocol had been agreed to the World Health Organization released information on the harmful effects CFC's were having on the ozone ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Importance Of Lobbying A major portion of lobbying for a cause is lobbying Congress. The lobbying of Congress needs to be targeted to specific committees and staffers within the committees in order for it to be the most effective. The committee that would best be the targets of my lobbying group would be the judiciary committee, specifically the subcommittees of the Constitution and Civil Justice and Immigration and Border Security. These would be ideal because they handle civil rights issues such as human trafficking and also handle matters regarding refugees, which is what many human trafficking victims are classified as. These subcommittees would also have jurisdiction for many additional reasons. The subcommittee on the constitution and civil justice would ... Show more content on ... The subcommittee on The Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights have jurisdiction over "(1) Constitutional amendments; (2) Enforcement and protection of constitutional rights; (3) Statutory guarantees of civil rights and civil liberties; (4) Separation of powers; (5) Federal–State relations; (6) Interstate compacts; (7) Human rights laws and practices; (8) Enforcement and implementation of human rights laws". The specific points of jurisdiction that relate to human trafficking are the third point and the seventh point. These two best relate to human trafficking issues because the legislation resulting from these two points would directly affect human trafficking victims and the resources they have access to. When lobbying, Red Lights for Human Trafficking would also want to lobby the Senate subcommittee, Committee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security because they have jurisdiction "(1) immigration, citizenship and refugee laws;... (4) Oversight of international migration, internally displaced persons, and refugee laws and policy". These are two very important jurisdiction matters to Red Lights for Human Trafficking because one of the main goals of the organization is to help human trafficking victims gain access to resources that are needed to help for recovery and to attain the goal of gaining citizenship in the United States; this committee handles legislation that involves resources that the organization is lobbying to get victims access to and immigration laws which are important when helping victims gain citizenship in the United ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Pros And Cons Of Lobbying Harm The United States To what degree does lobbying harm the United States? Drew Wolf Capstone/Santer April 20, 2017 Word Count: Introduction Lobbying is an issue that has recently found itself at the forefront of the American politics. Many feel that lobbying is essentially a legalized form of bribery and has lead to the government catering to the needs of special interests instead of the interests of America at large. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 74% of Americans believe that elected officials place their own interests ahead of the country's. So it seems many Americans wonder who their representatives are actually representing. Lee Drutman, a political scientist, compares the current situation of ... Show more content on ... According to a survey conducted by FORTUNE on lobbyists, lawmakers and staff of the lawmakers found the that aforementioned groups consistently ranked the NRA as the second most powerful interest group in the United States. Furthermore, the NRA (National Rifle Association) spends around three million dollars annually according to Opensecrets. Even if you disagree with the beliefs of this interest group, they do show how an interest group can exercise influence without spending large amounts on lobbying. How exactly is the NRA able to exercise such a great amount of power over what legislation is passed when their lobbying budget is so small? The answer lies in the fact that their constituents are very politically active. This makes sense when you put yourself in a congressperson's shoes. If you had to decide how to vote on a piece of legislation what would influence your vote more; seeing a poll that says 80% of Americans support the legislation or receiving dozens of angry phone calls telling you that voting in favor of the legislation would violate one of the most important rights in the constitution and send the entire country hurtling towards ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. AIPAC Lobbying Tactics How does AIPAC affect United States policy in relation to the Middle East? In my paper, I will be briefly discussing the history behind the lobbying group and their ever so developing lobbying tactics. As well as tackle my research question and answer it in its entirety by examining the United States relationship with Israel, as well as comparing AIPAC's influence throughout different administrations. In short, I hope to gather more of an understanding on how a minority in this country (the American population is currently around 2 percent Jewish) is able to be such a model interest group (Bard). History/Lobbying Tactics "George Lenczowski once said "The Carter Presidency, also coincides with the militant emergence of the American Israel Public ... Show more content on ... foreign policy in the Middle East and a lot of it is based on Israel's interest. These interests are sometimes achieved by violence and wars (Mearsheimer and Walt 52). Ultimately U.S. foreign policy creates conflict in the Middle East. To start to describe the American–Israeli relationship, it will be best summed up by what former president John F. Kennedy who called Israel "the bright light now shining in the Middle East" (Mersheimer and Walt 60). It is no secret that AIPAC's lobbies to influence U.S. foreign policy in the favor of Israel and the Israeli government; ultimately causing a lot of unbalanced power between countries in the Middle East (Elgindy 85). Some things that AIPAC has succeeded with, as far as influence, has been growing the backing of the United States during the Six Day War (Kopanski and Mohsen 86). For example, in 1967, following the Six Day War, Israel got territory over Golan Heights (which borders Syria and Israel). The United States supported Israel for the war, not giving other countries a real chance of victory against Israel (Kopanski and Mohsen 102). The balance of power is significantly skewed since Israel is allied to a superpower. Thus, the United States has not only provided Israel with nearly $3 billion to develop weapons systems such as the Lavi aircraft but as well as giving Israel access to U.S. weaponry like Blackhawk helicopters and F16 jets (Sasson 96). Additionally, ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Influence Of Corporate Lobbying In Politics Do you feel like your vote doesn't matter? Are you dissuaded from political involvement because you feel that you are not able to make a difference? This is a very real concern, which large portion of is due to corporate lobbying. Corporate lobbying enables corporations to have a voice in politics, which on some issues, sounds fair. For others however, corporations being able to buy votes acts against the american people. Lobbying is a system of legalized corruption that must be regulated more heavily to prevent votes being swayed away from the constituents of politicians, and toward the interests of large corporations. With corporate lobbying being allowed in today's politics, companies have the opportunity to use money to purchase votes. ... Show more content on ... Both of these businesses have much to gain from lobbying. Big Pharma refers to the group of the biggest pharmaceutical companies, including corporations such as Gilead Sciences, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer.(top 15, par 1) These companies lobby for issues pertaining to drugs, such as being against the legalization or decriminalization of drugs. By keeping drugs such as marijuana from being used medically, Big Pharma is able to prevent alternative treatment methods and maintain their medical monopoly. Another heavily involved industry is Big Oil. Big Oil, like Big Pharma, is used to refer to groups of the biggest corporations in the oil, natural gas, and coal industries. Big Oil is often the target of scrutiny in regards to environmentalism, due to their constant attempts to prevent laws that try to cut down on the usage of fossil fuels and natural gas from being passed. Oil companies profit heavily from the use of lobbyists because the more regulations on non–renewable resources, the less money they are able to make. This is a good example for illustrating the ROI of lobbying, because it illuminates the generally accepted evidence that mitigating losses is a considerably more efficient approach to increasing profit than attempting to maximize gross ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Argumentative Essay On Lobbying Jessica Hudon Rhet 105 Ben DeVries December 7, 2017 Title Thanks to the first amendment, we are all given an inalienable right to be heard by our government whether it be through speeches, peaceful protests, or through the act of lobbying. Lobbying, like many political systems, has become a very debatable topic especially as the Obama presidency has ended and the Trump presidency has begun. For years presidential administrations have been trying to make changes to regulate lobbying, yet now that Trump is in office, he is reversing these attempts. These feuding opinions have sparked my curiosity enough to become interested in learning about the opposing viewpoints regarding lobbying. Many scholars, like James Thurber and Patrick Flavin, believe something needs to be done to limit lobbying in the United States due to its unethical qualities. While other scholars like Gertrude L Schermerhorn and Jennifer Nicoll Victor don't see lobbying in such a negative light. Arguments in favor of lobbying highlight the fact that lobbying is a way for the people to inform their government on their values. On the other hand, many believe that lobbying gives certain demographics i.e.: Americans with money and power, even more of a voice. Many question whether these special interest groups are allotted too much power. Although lobbying was originally intended as a means for citizens to have their voices heard, it has developed into a mechanism for big organizations to influence laws in their favor. Because corporations are taking advantage of the practice of lobbying, there need to be regulations put in place to rein in unethical lobbying, and there need to be alternate resources of information provided to congressmen so that they have the opportunity to receive unbiased information. Before diving into whether or not lobbying is ethical, it is important to first define what lobbying is in the first place. As defined by Raoul Mayer in the video titled "Interest Group Formation: Crash Course Government and Politics #43", "Lobbying is an attempt to influence policy by persuading a government policy–making official" (). Its original intent was to allow citizens who are passionate about a certain issue to rally together and have ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Lobbying and Politics Essay Dating back many decades, it appears that lobbying and politics have always gone hand and hand on any political stage. Lobbying has always had a strong presence in the legislation system. Lobbying is the process of offering campaign contributions, bribes, or information to policymakers for the purpose of achieving favorable policy outcomes. Conventional wisdom suggests that lobbying is the preferred mean for exerting political influence in rich countries and corruption in poor countries. The legislation is meant to benefit society and ensure that citizens are having their voices heard, instead of hindering them in favour of the multi–national corporations. Lobbying has a negative influence on legislations in both developed and developing ... Show more content on ... This is astonishing as it benefited these companies as they saved hundreds of millions from taxes. This hinders the political process as it then causes an issue for the citizens as tax revenue from the lobbyers decrease, it leads to taxes being increased on everybody else. Among Fortune 100 companies, the ten that lobbied most in 2010 paid an average effective tax rate of 17%; the 80 that lobbied least paid an average of 26% (The Economist, 2014). Tax revenue is required by any government to be able to operate. In addition to tax increases on others, a reduction in overall spending and services by the government can be used to compensate for tax cuts obtained by the corporations who lobby. If in this situation of lobbied tax cuts, the government wants to sustain its spending, while not increasing taxes or the government, it is able to use debt in order to operate. Although this helps in the short time–period, the long–term affects can negatively affect the country. Throughout the national and state governments, public institutions like schools have been receiving decreased funding, particularly if their services are geared towards those who have no lobbying presence (Sager, 2012). This makes sense, as corporations who use lobbyists wouldn't let their services be cut when there are ways to offset the costs onto ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Xczc Govt., Business, NGOs – Interface between them in the rise of globalization BUSINESS ETHICS PROJECT Govt., Business, NGOs – Interface between them in the rise of globalization BUSINESS ETHICS PROJECT Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192 Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194 Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240 Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248 Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192 Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194 Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240 Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ROLE OF CSOS IN BUSINESS GOVERNMENT INTERFACE 3. LOBBYING – INTRODUCTION 4. ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF LOBBYING 5. EXAMPLES OF LOBBYING 6. ACTIONS BEING TAKEN TO CURB THE UNETHICAL ASPECT OF LOBBYING 7. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ... Show more content on ... Boycott of Nike, Walmart, and other retailers for allegedly manufacturing goods under abusive working conditions in developing countries can also be highlighted in this context. Influence of CSOs on government CSOs have been instrumental in influencing government to incorporate environment and labor provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
  • 38. negotiations, emboldening governments to allow banning of genetically modified organisms and food products and forcing World Bank to excuse the debt of developing countries. MEDIATORS OR MODERATORS: CSOs act as mediators or moderators where they collaborate with corporates jointly working for the betterment of the community. They try to influence various policies without being directly involved in it. Stakeholder–agency theory which can be used to study this role, assumes that the corporate has ethical and social responsibilities towards a wide variety of stakeholders which impact them in one or the other way. [1] "INSERT figure 4 HERE": CSOs acting as direct influencers One of the examples is the participation of CSOs, and NGOs in particular, in mediation of Mozambican peace process that led to agreements in Rome in October 1992, attended by the Community of Sant'Egidio. Other example includes CSOs persuading Home ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Us Lobbying Reform Since the creation of the United States government, political lobbying has played a large role in influencing the creation and modification of laws. The act of lobbying is to solicit or try to influence the votes of members of a legislative body ( There has always been controversy surrounding the political lobbying system, due to the potential of corruption through bribery. Two important pieces of legislation became laws as a result of this controversy. The Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946 and the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 were created to prevent potential abuse within the political lobbying system. The purpose of lobbying is to communicate to public officials the special interests of specific groups. ... Show more content on ... The controversy surrounding political lobbying does not question the act of influencing public officials, but rather the ethics relating to how these public officials are influenced. It is important to distinguish the fine line between bribery and lobbying. It is illegal to bribe a public official in the United States. This would mean that an individual could not provide compensation to a public official for them to behave, or vote, in a specific manner. Lobbyists may donate money to a specific candidate's political campaign, but they may only do so when there is no expectation that the public official will behave in a favorable way toward the lobbyist or their clients (Mackinder). Lobbyists may bring public officials, their immediate families, and staff on trips or out to dinner. While it is illegal for a lobbyist representing a corporate client from directly bringing, it is not illegal for foreign governments to sponsor for these said trips (Goldmacher). What has begun to happen is lobbyists representing corporate clients may bring public officials on these trips, if the trip is sponsored by a foreign government. The Senate Office of Public Records reported that $3.23 billion was spent on lobbying in 2013, with 12,300 registered lobbyists. Professor James Thurber, who teaches at American University, has studied congressional lobbying for over 30 years, and does not believe these figures are accurate. He believes ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Political Oligarchy In a 2014 report titled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page wrote that their "Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass–based interest groups have little or no independent influence." As the report became increasingly popular, scholars, politicians and others all created their own thoughts and opinions on the issues. Some going as far as to say that this research showed that the United States has become an oligarchy. This report and the response it has gained begs a few questions: first, what is an oligarchy ... Show more content on ... This is not a problem that must be fixed but rather a tool that is being used efficiently by the people. Lobbying has a bad name and therefor it is easy to be swayed when someone claims lobbying to be overly impactful or influential. In correspondence with Hamilton's claims Dautrich, Yalof and Bejarano write A common depiction of lobbying is that of an individual offering money, gifts, trips, or other goods on return for a favorable action, such as a congressperson's vote on a particular bill. Though such activities do take place, in modern times they have become the exception rather than the rule. The activities of lobbyists today are strictly regulated by federal and state governments. Lobbyists gift– giving and bribery of public officials are illegal in most states and can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Disruption: The Purpose Of Interest Group Negotiations The purpose of an interest group lobbying an executive agency is to attempt to get the agency to see their stance and decide to back up that stance on their behalf. This allows for their positions to be heard more and by a wider audience. In most cases lobbying is used at hearings, while filing friend of the court briefs or when interest groups get in touch with legislators. Interest groups also contribute to campaigns by forming PACs or Super PACs. This allows for interest groups to financially support candidates who are promoting and pushing for policies the group wishes to be enforced. Disruption is the idea that interest groups step in and physically disrupt political activities and policies from being put forth or taken back. This can be through riots, strikes, sit–ins or other forms of public protest. These actions will possibly have a big influence on what policies are seen as important, changed, or put in place. Litigation is the action of courts aiding when an interest group falls or filing amicus curiae. This allows for the court to hear the side of the interest group and possibly make a change in the courts decision that will be in favor of the policies of that interest group. ... Show more content on ... Another provision to the Bill of Rights that protects special interest groups, also in the first amendment, is the right for American citizens to petition their government which gives them the right to talk directly to their government and request changes they wish to be made to the government itself or its ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. ALR383 Government Relations and Issue Essays ALR383 – Government Relations and Issues Management Essay – Same–sex marriage Sam Stacker 211307837 As society has revolutionized and with democratic ideology denominating has the western world, liberation and equality campaigns stemming from "third sector" (Keane 1998) lobbying groups, stand as a key component to the operation a "civil society"(Keane 1998). Carrying an objective to influence legislators or regulatory agencies, these political advocacy groups play a critical role in the operation of a healthy liberal democracy. In contemporary society, the notion of Same–sex marriage has polarized public opinion worldwide and is recognized as one of the most controversial non– economic issues to ever confront the Australian ... Show more content on ... A notice comprising of there perspective was disseminated to parliament testifying that the protection of the unique definition of marriage as stated in the 'Marriage Act 1961' "serves the common good, particularly the good of children"(The Australian Christian Lobby 2012, p.5). The document, formalized by over 50 religious leaders from a myriad of churches located around Australia, illustrated not only to parliament, but all bodies operating within the public sphere of the strong religious opposition to the matter. In 2012 the ACL further exhibited its supremacy as a dominant lobbying group as it lobbied against a bill introduced to the South Australian Legislative Council aimed at legalizing same–sex marriage. The welfare of Children remained at the forefront of concern for the ACL whom insinuated children "will have to be taught that homosexuality is the same as heterosexuality" (Dunkin 2012). The bill was subsequently defeated as was a same–sex marriage bill introduced into the South Australian Lower House in July 2013. The ACL's most monumental lobbying triumph, however, commenced on the 22nd of October 2013, shortly after the territory's legislative assembly passed 'ACT Marriage Equality' laws which came into effect in Canberra on the 7th of December 2013. The ACL actively lobbied against the new controversial laws again bringing to light the disregard for the welfare of children and broader social and religious values. The Commonwealth ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. NRAAnd The Sandy Hook Elementary School Negotiation When advocating for victims one of the most common forms of advocacy is lobbying. The National Conference of State Legislatures defines lobbying as the practice of promoting, opposing, or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence the introduction, defeat, or enactment of legislation before any legislative body ( Lobbyist can be individuals, local groups, national corporations, or coalitions of any of these entities. "The purpose of lobbying is to inform, educate and persuade elected official to support certain legislative goals"(p.95). Money can buy a lot of things but in the case of lobbying many people believe it simply buys a vote and doesn't always produce a solution or an effective outcome to certain legislative goals. ... Show more content on ... The NRA spends a large amount of money on lobbying in order to protect the peoples right to bear arms. A common lobbying technique they use is hiring former legislators and government official in order to gain access to policy makers through friendships and personal connections. According to the Journal of Political Science & Public Affairs the NRA spent $3,360,000 on lobbying in 2014 (Journal website). After the Sandy Hook Shooting took place the initial response from the government was to make the gun law stricter, but the NRA wanted no changes made. The NRA's lobbyist seemed to have "persuaded" enough government official, because no change was made. Clearly the victims and their family member of the shooting were at a loss when the government failed to change any gun ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Effects of Pressure Groups on the Government Essay... The Effects of Pressure Groups on the Government A pressure group is an organised interest group, which seek to influence the formulation and the implementation of public policy. In both the United Kingdom and the United States of America, membership to political parties has decreased, meanwhile membership to pressure groups have increased. Pressure groups differ from political parties in that they do not seek to win political office; in addition, they concern themselves with sectional policy rather than a wide range, and therefore pressure groups aim to protect or advance a shared interest. The first amendment of the US constitution claims citizens have the "right of speech, petition and ... Show more content on ... With the diminution in membership of political parties, it appears that people would prefer to invest their energies in pressure groups rather than parties. Within 50 years, membership to the Labour Party has declined from one million to 280,000 members; the Conservative Party's membership has decreased even further from 3 million to 318,000. Meanwhile, membership to organisations such as the National Trust (2.8 million members), and to the Royal Society (one million) has increased. Jordan and Maloney said in 1997 "it may seem parties are replaced by pressure groups but people prefer to do very little in public interest groups as opposed to very little in political parties.[1] People prefer pressure groups as they have more chances to involve themselves in politics. They have a chance to protest, petition and lobby which is all part of a healthy democratic society. The term "pressure group" is a broad term; so political commentator Wyn Grant makes the distinction between insider and outsider groups. Although difficult, it is possible to distinguish one from the other, by looking at the strategies they employ. Insider groups "abide by the political rules of the game to ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Special Interest Groups In America The United States government is set upon principles of democracy and justice to protect the citizens of America. The founding fathers placed 3 branches of government to ensure that no one entity could control it; the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the Supreme Court. This has kept the government in consistent power for many years, however in the last 30 or so years the power has shifted into the hands of large corporations and special interest groups that do not reflect the interest of the American people. These special interest groups have no intention of increasing the quality of life for Americans; they are only interested in pushing the agenda of their organization. What does an open conspiracy look like? It looks like ... Show more content on ... (Opensecrets) While the amount of corruption within politics is subjective to the amount one particularly trusts the government, the patterns are objectively present for the indication of a darker side of lobbying. Moreover, the corporate interests that make up the majority of the 3.22 billion dollars are vested in regulated industries. (Opensecrets) If these companies were to have someone in the ear of congressmen, the ones who vote on the bills that regulate these companies, it would be quite the advantage to them. A staggering advantage the corporations have, indeed. It may be the fossil fuel industry that has "donated" millions of dollars to congressmen's campaigns for reelection, or the lumber industry that has allowed congressmen into the corporation's pockets, or even the cattle industry with elite agricultural lobbyists pushing an agenda that is based around profits instead of prosperity for the people of ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Lobbying and United States LOBBYING Introduction Any association of individuals or organizations, usually formally organized on the basis of one or more shared concerns, attempts to influence public policy in its favour. All interest groups share a desire to affect opinion or policy of the policy makers or target group to benefit themselves or their causes. Their goal could be a policy that exclusively benefits group members. They attempt to achieve their goals by lobbying–that is, by attempting to bring pressure to bear on policy makers to gain policy outcomes in their favour. Interest groups are a natural outgrowth of the communities of interest that exist in all societies. Politics and interests are inseparable. The common goals and sources of interest ... Show more content on ... But by far the largest component of this category is government in its many forms. At the national level, government agencies, such as the British Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, lobby on their own behalf to secure funding or to prioritize certain issues; at the regional level, public universities lobby the appropriate government (e.g., provincial governments in Canada and state governments in the United States) for funding or legislation that benefits them; at the local level, school boards may lobby the local government for money for a new school gymnasium or for more funding for educational programs. At the international level, the United Nations may lobby its members to pay their outstanding contributions to the organization or to carry out Security Council resolutions. Although formally organized associations play a predominant role in traditional lobbying efforts, non–associational groups and interests often have an important influence. Such interests lack a formal organization or permanent structure. They include spontaneous protest movements formed in reaction to a particular policy or event and informal groups of citizens and officials of public or private organizations. For example, French farmers have sometimes held up traffic in Paris to protest government agricultural policy. The role of interest groups in public policy making: pluralist ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Invisible Children "To be fair, lying is part and parcel of public life. Every politician has lied about something because they are owned by the special interest groups that finance their elections" (Schuyler). Many, if not most, citizens view special interest groups and lobbyist as one of the evils in politics. Special interest groups, and even nonprofits who use lobbying tactics, are often viewed as corrupt and untrustworthy. However, it is special interest groups that largely hold together the current political system. Truly, there are many nonprofits, like Invisible Children, that work to provide lobbying presence in Washington for underrepresented people and causes. Invisible Children (IC) is a nonprofit that was founded in 2004. It's main purpose and ... Show more content on ... This project, Rewards for Justice, sought to "continue to support the efforts of the U.S. advisors in central Africa" ("Grassroots Advocacy"). Again, they mobilized thousands of young activists. This time on a much larger scale than previous initiatives. Thousands upon thousands of young adults called their congressional representatives, sent emails, and hand wrote letters. In November of 2012, 800 young activists traveled to D.C. to lobby senators. This was followed by a large protest, over 10,000, that marched in front of the White House. Clad in red tee–shirts, protesters shut down the streets, calling for congress to pass the Rewards for Justice legislation. In January, two short month later, President Obama signed into law the Rewards for Justice Act. Invisible Children effectively proved outside strategy can be extremely effective, when performed correctly. Invisible Children, currently employs many forms of advocacy. Politically, they frequently use outside strategy and mobilize large numbers of young adults and youth. They also use inside strategy by having staff on capitol hill to lobby and advise members of congress on legislation concerning the LRA conflict in Central ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Legal And Political Environment Description The definition of legal and political environmental base on business dictionary is government actions which affects the operations of a company or business. These actions may be on local, regional, national or international level. (, 2015) The legal and political environment can impact business organizations in many ways. It could add a risk factor and lead to a major loss. Company should understand that the political factors have the power to change results. It can also affect government policies at local to federal level. (PESTLE Analysis, 2015) Table 2.1: The table below shows the different business company environment in different state. Totalitarian State Democratic State Imposed authority. Restricted participation. Freedom. Rights. Companies might pay briberies to government. The business law is vague. Stable business environment. Freedom and no censorship. Higher risk compared to democratic state. Lower risk compared to totalitarian state. Adapted from Effects of politics on international business. (, 2015) The table clearly shows that different type of political system will affect a company 's operation in a country. It is also important for company to be observant to the political environment. Companies should always track their political environment. Changing in the political factors can affect business strategy because of the following reasons: Reasons for political factors Diagram 2.2 (PESTLE Analysis,
  • 59. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Lobbying Pros And Cons Lobbying (also lobby) is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in a government, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies. Lobbying is done by many types of people, associations and organized groups, including individuals in the private sector, corporations, fellow legislators or government officials, or advocacy groups (interest groups). Lobbyists may be among a legislator's constituencies, meaning a voter or block of voters within his or her electoral district, or not; they may engage in lobbying as a business, or not. Basically when you're giving an opinion from someone else it's not something that's coming from your mouth it's not how you feel someone is giving you what to say. Professional lobbyists ... Show more content on ... The United States has experienced fundamental changes that are dramatically detrimental to democracy. Voters' ability to define political discourse has been so diminished that even decisive election results like Barack Obama's in 2012 have little impact. That's because powerful interests – freed to, in effect, buy elections, unhindered by downsized and diffused media that must rely on revenue from campaign ads – now set the rules of engagement. Lobbying involves working to bring pressure to bear on policy makers to gain favorable policy outcomes. In order to accomplish their goals, interest groups develop a strategy or plan of action and execute it through specific tactics. The particular strategies developed and the specific tactics used, however, vary widely both among and within political ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. How Lobbying Is A Negative Connotation On Everyday Language As several authors this week contend, lobbying tends to carry a negative connotation in everyday language. The key issues that the authors seek to address this week, are when lobbying occurs, the nature of lobbying, and how it works. Overall, there is some agreement on the fact that lobbying is prevalent, the disagreements arise over what purpose lobbying serves, and what the strategies underlying lobbying are. One key debate among the authors is what is actually influenced by lawmaking. On one hand, Hansen (1991) takes the perspective that lobbying influences the relationship between interest groups and lawmakers. Hansen bases his argument on the belief that because legislators want to be reelected and they lack information about the "issue preferences of their constituents, the salience of issues to their constituents, and the effectiveness of various policy options," they will seek information to reduce this uncertainty. The service that interest groups provide the, is this information. Certain interest groups, Hansen argues have "competitive advantage," (p. 13) in the sense that they can provide certainty about constituent beliefs in an efficient and effective manner, in order to help lawmakers get reelected. Given that elections re– occur, an additional point Hansen makes is for interest groups to have some kind of influence over lawmakers, the conditions that provide this competitive advantage must be expected to recur. When these conditions are met, interest groups ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Texas Lobbying Case Study Prabhat Bachagain Professor Sharifian GOVT – 2306 April 5, 2017 Lobbyists and Interest Groups in Texas Lobbying is the action of influencing or persuading the public official to take a desired action, usually to pass or defeat a legislation and Lobbyists are the activists who are hired for lobbying. In simple words lobbying is way of influencing a person or employee who has the power to make or change the decision on their favor. Lobbyists especially work for interest groups, law firms and corporations. 1 Interest groups are non – profit and usually voluntary organization who have a common cause for which they seek to influence public policy without seeking any political control. Many corporations and foreign countries donate a great deal of ... Show more content on ... It is true that they represent a large influential society but that does not mean that people should not know about the true expenditures and process that was involved to get their bills passed. The government should definitely do something to make the transactions transparent. The government is right about not placing rigid limitations on interest groups as it has placed on individuals because if those limitations are lifted from the individuals and they have same power as the interest groups, they will be too many bills demanding their own benefit. In my opinion, the collective influence of interest groups does override the ability to influence politics as some citizens may fall into leader's false promises and act for their individual needs but the collective has a major influence as citizens expect their need to be taken care of. The NARAL (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) is one of the most important interest groups in the country and On June 26, 2016, the supreme court passed a decision on their favor supporting the women's right to abortion and reproductive freedom that all the clinics should support abortion and re – open the facilities to make abortion more ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Lobbyist Government Federal Lobbying In the United States, there are more than fifty different versions of lobbying laws in states and territories. On the Federal level, lobbying is defined as being "any communication made on behalf of a client to members of Congress, congressional staffers, the president, White House staff and high–level employees of nearly 200 agencies, regarding the formulation, modification, or adoption of legislation." Though there is much disagreement about lobbyists, there have been laws enacted to try and control them and those who abuse lobbying. There is always room for improvement with regards to lobbying laws, because there is still your classic loop holes that people use to avoid being in violation of the law. Corporations, ... Show more content on ... Since lobbyists only have to report twice a year, there is a significant lack of paperwork being filed, which can mean that a bill can be passed before anyone is able to find out what lobbyists did to pass it. Hundreds of millions of dollars are not being accounted for and are being exempt from disclosure; we are not seeing how the money is being spent. Lobbyists donate large sums of money to a politician to support their campaign, and the only way we see the money spent is if we see a television ad, or a sign on the side of the road. These systems need to be updated with our rising technology. The second section, slowing the revolving door, would extend the revolving door "cooling off" period to two years and include prohibition on all lobbying activity during that period. Those whom were once members of Congress and turned to lobbying should be stripped of their special access including perks and privileges with their colleagues. The third section, states to prohibit registered lobbyists from making, soliciting, or arranging for campaign contributions to those whom they lobby, in addition to prohibiting privately– sponsored travel for government officials and their staff. Additionally, we need to establish some sort of agency that would act under Congress to help monitor and enforce federal lobbying, travel, gift and ethics law. With having an agency ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Notes And Writing Of Briefing Notes Experience in the development and writing of briefing notes, reports, presentations or correspondence (memos, QP cards, etc.) Through my present and previous positions with the federal government, I accumulate many years of experience in developing and writing official and internal documents for different purposes such as correspondences, reports or memorandum. To illustrate this experience, I am providing the following example: In my previous position as Senior Advisor with the Commissioner of Lobbying, I wrote briefing notes and reports on a frequent basis. An important element of my job was to provide documentation to the director and senior management about outreach activities I was delivering to stakeholders. The purpose of writing briefing notes was to summarize the objectives of every outreach sessions and to inform them about specific follow–ups to stakeholders requests. The first step was to compile the results of the research I have initiated on the stakeholders and their business area, by adding short paragraphs to keep a concise writing style. After finishing the writing part, I reviewed the document to ensure that all aspects are covered and that every key point previously discussed were detailed. Finally, I made sure to avoid grammatically or vocabulary errors in the finalized document and also to avoid the use of ambiguous words or expression that might lead to confusion or misinterpretation. To be more efficient for such tasks and once approved my ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Lobbying Disclosure Act Case Study With the assistance of the lobbying business, Washington's territorial economy appears to have weathered the financial tempest of late years. Congress passed a 1995 Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), which apparently obliged all "lobbyists" to report their exercises for the benefit of paying customers, the answer have to be an easy decision: simply discover the lawfully ordered divulgence structures, and number them up. While thousands of lobbyists work the halls of Congress and government agencies and billions of dollars are spent each year on advocacy, the groups with the most lobbyists and money don't necessarily win (Pinkham,2010). We found that about a large portion of those included in approach support–our everything of–the–above term ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Coal Lobbying Envisage a world where only the twinkle of candlelight illuminates windows in the night, warmth is provided by wood stoves, and horse drawn carriages provide transportation: a world without energy provided by fossil fuels. One might think this is the world of our forefathers and of bygone days; however, with staggering increases in energy demands perhaps such a world may not be so far from reality if humanity fails to adapt to these changing needs and how we produce energy to meet global energy requirements. There is no doubt that the greatest issues affecting humanity today are that of pollution fueled climate change and energy insecurity (Jacobson and Delucchi 1154). A number of solutions have been proposed in efforts to reduce our dependence ... Show more content on ... The narrative of clean coal has been propped up by the industries primary lobbyist group, the National Mining Association, with a budget of nearly twenty million dollars a year (Coniff). Lobbying is a natural part of the political process, but the issue becomes when the lobbying is disingenuous and the coal industry has zero intentions of implementing clean coal, based on the fact that no coal plants currently in the United States make use of any of the technology. Although the technology is still being developed, there are no future plans to implement it as well. On the other side, those who speak out against coal and clean coal are naturally groups concerned about the environment, such as the Environmental Protection Agency and green advocacy groups. They recognize that coal power plants are the primary contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and thus their emissions must be controlled (Eilperin and Mufson). They also believe even though limiting coal power plants will cost a great deal of money, the American people will have a net benefit due to lower public health costs as a result of air pollution while also benefitting globally by reducing greenhouse gas fueled climate change. Essentially, clean coal is pursued by those who have a vested commercial interest in its being as a mainstay of electricity generation, while those who oppose it are against the negative health and climate effects it ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Summary: The Business Of Lobbying The Business of Lobbying: Introduction My time spent this semester interning at Winning Strategies Washington (WSW), a Washington, DC based Lobbying firm, really opened my eyes to the many different types of activities done behind the scenes in order to; support, oppose or amend legislation, secure grant money for clients, and determine how new legislation and tax proposals could affect each of their clients. Lobbying is thought to be an industry that only exists for just the few wealthy large corporations that seek to undermine society, however, WSW lobbies all issues whether they be small, bipartisan, non– profit/for profit, etc. Over the course of the semester, it had occurred to me that lobbying is the epitome of a democracy at work, with ... Show more content on ... This is all very important in the business of WSW and takes a lot of research and current knowledge of the many different pots of grant money spread throughout the Executive Branch. One project I worked on enabled me to gain important knowledge about each step of the process; research new/available grants for clients, match eligible clients to available grants, inform about eligible use of funds after award, apply for grant. My involvement in the grant process was mostly in the early stages. I was tasked to write memorandums for the Grant department detailing grant, its requirements, and possible clients to ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Arguments Against The Lobbyists Lobbyists are a group of people who defend and advance their interests through lobbying which is to "inform, persuade, and pressure" policymakers to support the groups objective. With more policies set in place, the more lobbyists get involved and a great example is the financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930's. When the Obama administration stepped in and proposed to "repair the regulation and increase oversight," the lobbyists were there to support and represent banks, mutual funds, credit card companies as well as companies in retail, manufacturing, and service that this proposal could affect. When you think of lobbying, to me I see a group of people "protesting" if you will against something they believe they can protect. ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Government Lobbying According to the text, many co–operations use their own employees to lobby. Some companies have governmental affairs departments or offices staffed by employees with experience in government or public affairs. Lobbying also comes with its own expenditures, these include; amounts allocated to the staff, entertainment and gifts. Lobbying is a form of communication made on another's behalf and intended to influence government's decision. There should be limits in place for the amount of money companies and groups spend on lobbying in Texas. Companies spend way too much money on lobby contracts. Money that could be spent on other resources. John Craig explains on an article published on American Progress that lobbying can dampen the economic growth ... Show more content on ... There are some interest groups that are extremely powerful and exercise considerable influence over the formation of public policy, whereas others are ineffectual and weak. (101). There are various factors that make a group more powerful than the other. Financial resources determines the group's power. Organizations representing large co–operations are at a much better position to raise funds. It is unfair for regular citizens because they would not be heard because of less collective power and less money for campaign contributions. Citizens need to be heard too, regardless of their financial capabilities. Powerful interest groups do not make it possible for the citizens' voices to be heard. The same applies to the groups that represent low income people, they have it difficult raising the money required for lobbying. Overally, lobbying and interest groups are in the best interest of democracy. A recent study by lawmakers of Wisconsin, found that lobbying has a significant effect on legislative outcomes. Lobbying has a negative connotation for many Texans but it is essential to elected and appointed lawmakers who depend on the information, coalition building and public support of groups for their decisions. ... Get more on ...