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All That Glitters Is Not Gold Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "All That Glitters Is Not Gold" poses a unique set of challenges.
The intricacies lie in the need to delve beyond the superficial and explore the depth of the
proverb. The task demands not only a comprehensive understanding of the proverb itself but also
the ability to draw relevant examples from various contexts.
The challenge begins with the necessity to avoid clichГ©s and deliver a fresh perspective on a
widely-discussed theme. Writers must navigate through the plethora of existing material on the
subject, striving to present insights that captivate and engage the reader. Balancing between the
theoretical aspect of the proverb and its practical manifestations in real-life scenarios requires
Moreover, the essay demands a keen eye for detail and a knack for critical analysis. Writers need
to decipher instances where appearances deceive, showcasing a range of examples that resonate
with readers across diverse backgrounds. Crafting a coherent narrative that seamlessly weaves
together these examples, while maintaining a logical flow, adds another layer of complexity to
the task.
In essence, writing an essay on this topic necessitates the ability to dig beneath the surface,
explore the nuances, and present a thought-provoking piece that transcends the commonplace
interpretations. It is not merely about repeating the proverb but about dissecting its essence and
illustrating its relevance in various facets of life.
For those seeking assistance in essay writing or exploring similar topics, various resources are
available. Platforms like offer a range of services, providing the opportunity to
order essays and access a wealth of information on diverse subjects. These resources can be
invaluable for those looking to enhance their understanding of essay writing or seeking guidance
on specific topics.
All That Glitters Is Not Gold Essay All That Glitters Is Not Gold Essay
Glucose And Lactase Lab Report
Analysis It is concluded that there was a presence of glucose when lactase was
added to the lactose+maltose but this was not seen in lactose. Accordingly, lactose
was broken down into glucose and galactose in the existence of the enzyme lactase.
In addition to that, because one maltose disaccharide is two monosaccharides, it
was concluded to be positive for the benedict s solution. Due to this, maltose should
always be positive. A yellow color was seen in the solution during the experiment.
The control group for this experiment was the lactose solution which showed a
negative test and, therefore, remained in its original blue color as there was no
lactase to catalyze the chemical reaction in order for the bonds to break. Lastly, both
the lactose and maltose solution with lactase had a positive result of glucoseas the
benedict s solution turned a yellowish green color.
Discussion The main purpose of the lab was to investigate the effects of lactase
two sugars, lactose and maltose. It was concluded that adding lactase to lactose will
cause it to break down into its two components and this was indicated by adding
benedict s solution. In the presence of glucose, benedict s solution causes the color
to change to a red yellow solution, which is what was observed.
Gene expression can be used to ... Show more content on ...
When there is a lack of lactase in the small intestines, it results in lactose intolerance
which means the body cannot fully break down lactose. Most cases of lactose
intolerance occur later in life when activity of lactate gradually decreases causing
less lactase to bind to active sites, however, in rare cases some babies may be born
without the lactase enzyme. This intolerance caused by the lack of lactase leads to
the lactose being passed onto the color, where it is fermented by the bacteria present
and causes gas, diarrhea and bloating and can lead to sever
College Sports Vs. College Athletes
Jonah Kosakiewicz Honors English Period One 4 9 17 Title Over the years,
college sports have been adored by all people around the United States. These
famous sports are being played not by professional athletes, but by kids that are in
our generation. On television, these college athletes will show all of their hard work,
but what the public does not see is what is going on after the lights have turned off
and all of the athletes have gone back to their dorms. In a study in 2008, Buckman
found that among male student athletes, 9.7 percents say they use ВЁbanned
performance enhancersВЁ and 55.8 percent say they used performance enhancers
(this could be banned or not banned) (ВЁMeasuring Drug and Alcohol use Among
College... Show more content on ...
If you think closely, this contradicts California s ruling over their student athletes.
This is because the NCAA has different policies over the United States and this is a
big issue on why college athletes are getting away with substance abuse. Since
there is not an over blanketing policy over the whole NCAA program, students are
able to slip past the rules and almost give themselves a sense of being able to get
past the rules. But this is not the only thing that gives student athletes an excuse to
use performance enhancers. Some key issues with fatuous college students is that
they are influenced by outside forces very easy. This could be anything from other
students to their coaches. In a study of a division one college and a division three
college, three participants said if the coach is saying, take these illegal
performance enhancers, you are going to want to do that because... you are gonna
want to play... you are going to want to do what the coach says ( Voices of Male
athletes on drug use, drug testing, and the existing order in intercollegiate athletes ).
This is just one example of where coaches are pressuring students into using illegal
drugs just to perform better. Since the coach is in charge of how the drugs test are
being displayed, the student athlete will not get into trouble which in turn will hurt
them later on. An example of when a coach deviated from the rules and actually got
fired for skewing results is at
Difference Between Differences And Differences Between...
The results of analysis of variance (Table 3) showed that there were significant
differences between lines in the probability of 1% in terms of all traits; which
indicating a high genetic variation for studied lines. Existence significant
differences and genetic variation among genotypes of lentil by other authors such
as Mostafaei et al, (2006), Bayoumi (2008) and Toklu et al, (2009) have also been
reported. Kumar et al, (2012) by studying 43 genotypes of lentil under field
conditions found high diversity for biological yield, seed yield and harvest index.
Ruisi et al, (2015) worked on 15 accessions of lentil during two years and stated
that high variation existed among genotypes in terms of pheno morphological and
agronomic traits. In the present study, most (21.54%) and lowest (4.79%) values
of the coefficient of variation of error was observed in biological yield and days to
flowering, respectively. The mean of superior lines (Table 4) showed that a
specific pure line with high values for all traits not found; but desirable pure lines
in terms of phenological traits, stem diameter, number of pods per plant, plant
height and seed yield were observed. Line No. 20 (ILL590) with large leaf length,
high numbers of pods per plant, more stem diameter, fewer days to flowering and
maturity and high seed yield known as the superior line on weather conditions of
Shahrekord, Iran. After that, line No. 28 (ILL947) was with high levels of seed
yield, stem diameter, number of pods per
Hedy Lamarr Biography
Hedy Lamarr was born November 9, 1914.She was discovered by A Austrian film
director as a teenager.She became popular in the 1930 s (well known).She was
known for her beauty, it was very controversial because of how she did things such
as because woman were suppose to very modest.She was very jaunty in one scene of
a movie she starred in, she ran around nude .She starred in different movies such as,
The Strange Woman,Tortilla Flat,Boom Town,Lady
Of The Tropics etc.
Not only was Hedy a beauty, but she had brains, too.she co invented frequency
hopping, a radio technology that helped America win World War II. Her invention
was a wireless communications system that allowed the military to electronically
send top secret messages.And if it was
Bret Harte Use The Symbolism In The Luck Of Roaring
The Luck of Roaring Camp In August 1868, Bret Harte published a book called
The Luck of Roaring Camp. There was a group of miners that lived in a strictly
male dominant society...except for the fact that there was one woman. Her name
was Cherokee Sal, and she got pregnant while she was living there. The baby played
a very significant role in the story because it changed everyone s lives in that camp.
In The Luck of Roaring Camp, Bret Harte uses the birth of a baby as a
transformative figure in men, and to symbolize that their luck had run out in the end.
In the beginning of the story, the males are not very fond of any new people joining
the camp. Roaring Camp is unwelcoming to strangers. The narrator explains that the
camp is not only... Show more content on ...
After Cherokee Sal died, the miners took The Luck in as one of their own. It was
kind of weird that one hundred plus men were taking care of a baby and there were
no females there to help...except for Mother Nature. Nature was his nurse and
play fellow. For him she would let slip between the leaves golden shafts of sunlight
that fell just within his grasp; she would send wandering breezes to visit him with
the balm of bay and resinous gums; to him the tall redwoods nodded familiarly and
sleepily, the bumble bees buzzed, and the rooks clawed a slumbrous
accompaniment, (120). This quote explains that nature can be seen as his mother
because it always treats The Luck very well. Mother Nature was also treating the
men very well, and they were also getting extremely lucky by finding large amounts
of gold! Everything was going fine until there luck had finally run out. Their luck
had run out once The Luck seemed unhappy. Once this happens, Mother Nature
comes striking back with the winter of 51. In the confusion of rushing water,
crushing trees and crackling timber, and the darkness which seemed to flow with the
water and blot out the fair valley, (121). This storm caused many people to get hurt,
including The Luck. The death of The Luck brought sadness all around, and it
signified that the camp s luck had run
Essay on Violent Video Games are the Root Cause of Youth...
Technological advances have engineered many new forms of entertainment, one of
the most popular being video games. Video games have come a long way since they
were first introduced to the mainstream audience during the 1960 s and 1970 s and
have drawn a large amount attraction among people of all ages and culture. However
it wasn t until the Play station was released that violencebecame a concern to parents
and politics. The level of violence in video games have been in a matter of
controversy dating all the way back to the classic games like Pacman and Space
Invaders and with the advancement of technology, eventually pushing into more
modern and realistic games like Grand Theft Auto 5 and Call of Duty: Ghosts. These
games are evolving... Show more content on ...
The experiment involved the use of a Bobo doll. The doll is an inflatable clown
that is in the shape of a punching bag. The experiment started off with several
children watching the first video of an adult hitting the Bobo doll with kicks,
punches, weapons, and even toy guns and the second video of an adult playing
with toys while ignoring the Bobo doll. According to Kutner and Olson (2008),
Children were more likely to be violent towards the Bobo doll after seeing the acts
portrayed on film by the adult. As a result, when young kids observe violence tend to
be more aggressive and hostile. Since violent video games teach children to be
violent, aggression will no doubt increase. Following, addiction surrounding video
games is becoming an increasing problem as well. The youth play continuously,
obsessively and in some way believe and perceive the virtual world as more
pleasing and attractive than the real world, and as a result they should be banned.
Richard Falzone (2008), MD, a child psychiatrist met a child who had an addiction
with video games. He stated: I m seeing a fifteen year old boy who has been
hospitalized for depression and for cutting himself. He s bombing out of school, not
because he couldn t cut down on the time he spent playing World of Warcraft. He
Anxiety Disorders And Anxiety Disorder
Everyone in their life time experiences some sort of anxiety. It is that feeling that
you get when you are about to take a test or doing a presentation in front of
students. But some people, like me, have something worse than just the anxious
feeling you get, something called anxiety disorder. It becomes a disorder when
that anxious feeling happens frequently and makes you feel uneasy and different
Figuring out that I had anxiety took a while, I always felt like I was anxious a lot
more than everyone else and beyond stressed at a young age. It just did not click in
my head that there might be something wrong. I was living my life in a low state,
depressed and having multiple panic attacks through the day at any giving time
and there was no obvious thing that trigger them. I was miserable to the point I did
not want to get out of bed, I was too afraid. This caused me to become super
depressed, to the point of cutting and thinking of my options to end this cruel
disorder that was taking over my life. After a while, I was fed up with my anxiety.
Having around twenty panic attacks a day puts a lot on the human body and the
way it functions. I did not feeling human anymore. I talked Anxiety and Depression
in my Life to someone, finally. The first person was my older brother, he did not
exactly help at all. He told me I was crazy and that it was all in my head, which just
made the situation worse than it was before. I was not giving up there! I talked to my
Dad, which at the
Compare And Contrast Essay On Public Vs Private School
Everyone knows that private school is more expensive than public school, but has it
ever occurred to you why it is like this? Private schools are not just trying to take your
money, they are just trying to provide a quality education, without the government
funding that public schools get. The tuition money goes to very important things;
high quality teachers, better resources and the overall quality and stability of the
institution. It is true that private schooltuition is expensive, but private schools have
been proven to be more orderly and safe, have more engaged teachers, better
equipped for religious and special needs, and students have better test scores and are
better prepared for college and the rest of life. Private schools are known for setting
high standards, engaging students, and sparking the desire to learn. If the standards
are set high, the students will work hard to reach them. Private school students
generally perform higher than public schoolstudents on standardized achievement
tests. In the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), private school
students scored well above the national average. (CAPE | Council for American
Private Education. CAPE) Private schools do a great job challenging their students to
stretch their capacity; they require more courses for graduation than public schools in
math, science, social studies, foreign language, and computer sciences. Requiring
more courses for graduation may seem like a lot of work, but it
Political Time vs. Ordinary Time
Discuss how political time is different than ordinary time, in terms of resistance
groups. For instance, the resistance fighters in Viet Nam fought first the French, in
Indochina, then the Americans, from 1945 until 1975, for thirty years. How is it
possible to motivate subordinates to fight that long?
Political time differs from that of ordinary time in the amount of time it takes to
reach an end result. As ordinary time may take anywhere from a few days to several
years, political time refers to the amount of time it takes to achieve the ultimate goal
of a group or organization. In the case of the resistance fighters in Vietnam, their
willpower came from the motivation to continue fighting for a higher cause. Their
ability to ... Show more content on ...
In order to attempt to deter a possible recruit of suicide terrorism, these recruits
would need to look at the big picture and realize that in order to create a lasting
impression they could accomplish a whole lot more in the living form. Instead these
suicide groups create a lasting impression of the martyrs
Custom Molds Strategy Analysis Essay
Introduction and Problem Definition
Custom Molds, Inc. was founded by a father and son team in 1987 to provide high
quality, custom designed molds for manufacturers of electronic connectors, but later
expanded into the production of plastic parts for the industry. In recent years, the
changing environment of the electronics industry had a profound impact on the way
Custom Molds conducts its business and manufacturing processes. The changing
sales mix, coupled with delivery and quality problems, prompted the company to
revise its business strategies to address to following issues:
1) Changing trends in the electronics manufacturing industry that caused changes in
clients order needs
2) Unpredictable bottlenecks in the production ... Show more content on ...
The fabrication of a mold takes two to four weeks, depending on the amount of work
the machinist already has scheduled, even though the fabrication process itself takes
only three to five days. There are 13 master machinists in the company, and it is
always the same machinist who was assigned to the design team. This means an
unequal amount of work is distributed among the machinists. The estimated time for
this step can be further shortened if the use of resources can be managed effectively.
The parts manufacturing process, especially for molds that were previously
manufactured and maintained in inventory, is a somewhat different process than
that for mold fabrication. Raw material ordered for this process usually takes a
week to arrive, contributing to an extended lead time for delivery of parts to clients.
Custom Molds practice of ordering raw materials only after the specification review
is clearly affecting the timely delivery of its orders, and in the parts manufacturing
industry where delivery times are critical, this can affect the company s relationships
with clients.
Even though Custom Molds has the capacity to produce 5,000 parts per day in the
injection molding department, the lead time for handling orders in this department
has averaged one week. This reflects the department s inability to fully utilize the
company s production output capability to accelerate the delivery time based on
2) Quality Issues
To add to the
History Of The Second Temple Period
History of the Second Temple Period
Submitted to Dr. Mark Caldwell in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
completion of
NBST 510 C02
New Testament Introduction
Morid Rouhi
28 March 2015
Oppressed, disseminated, exiled, time and again mistreated, the Jews not only
endured but contributed indispensably to the Western civilization, playing a critical
role in almost every vital episode of world history. This survey of the second temple
period will capture the survival of Jews and the advancement of Judaism under
foreign rulers that took place in the span of six hundred years. These turn of events
begin from late sixth century Before Christ (BC), and culminate in 70 Anno Domini
(AD) with the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem by the Roman Empire.
At the outset of this paper, Israel s return from exile under the Persian Empire
control, then their odyssey under the Hellenistic kingdoms, and finally their journey
under the Roman Empire governing is looked at, which will provide a chronological
look of the events during this period. Furthermore, in the latter part of this paper
Ezra the profit and events that he was involved in that affected the first century world
of Jews and their expectations of the Messiah are highlighted. From Babylonian Exile
and Persian Kings Period to Destruction of the Second Temple
The Babylonian exile was a harrowing experience in the history of Judah. It
Dice and Probability
Learning outcome:
Upon completion, students will be able to... * Compute experimental and theoretical
probabilities using basic laws of probability.
Scoring/Grading Rubric: * Part 1: 5 points * Part 2: 5 points * Part 3: 22 points (2
per sum of 2 12) * Part 4: 5 points * Part 5: 5 points * Part 6: 38 points (4 per sum of
4 12, 2 per sum of 3) * Part 7: 10 points * Part 8: 10 points
While it is fairly simple to understand the outcomes of a single die roll, the outcomes
when rolling two dice are a little more complicated. The goal of this lab is to get a
better understanding of these outcomes and the probabilities that go with them. We
will examine and ... Show more content on ...
(10 pts) How do your experimental probabilities compare to the theoretical
probabilities of rolling different sums on a pair of dice? Did you have the same
probabilities? Was your data relatively close?
They had different probabilities, however they were relatively close to each other.
8. (10 pts) How do you think the experimental probabilities would compare to the
theoretical probabilities if we rolled the pair of dice 500 times? 1,000 times?
1,000,000 times?
I believe they would become closer and closer to the theoretical probabilities as we
rolled more
Similarities And Differences Between United Kingdom And
Adopting a historical comparative perspective, this paper explains the politics
structure of the United Kingdom and Spain; two .............I selected these two
countries because these two countries are involved in the same characteristic, as they
both are unitary state that consists of monarchy and parliamentary system. However,
with the differences in culture, ideology and history background, making both United
Kingdomand Spainhave an outstanding contrasting functions. First and foremost, I d
briefly go through the history of both countries by emphasized on their political
institutions historical. The United Kingdom is considered as the primogenitor of the
present day democracy structure in many democratic countries. United Kingdom is
seemed to... Show more content on ...
However, we call it differently for United Kingdom, The upper house and lower
house is house of lord and house of common while in Spain we call the house of
senate and house of deputies. According to the website of congress of Spain, The
lower house of Spain consists of 350 members, who are the representatives of each
provinces and has four years term. The method that is used to elect the member of
lower house is the proportional representative method. While, The number of the total
seat in house of common in United Kingdom is 650 (UK parliamentary, 2010). The
electoral method that the UK is used to elected the member of the lower house is on
the other hand, a plurality or majority vote system. United Kingdom and Spain
choose to use different electoral system to elect the number of the member in the
lower house because certain type of electoral system might fit to the situation of
particular country
Pegasus Rise Of The Titans Theme Essay
The theme of the book Pegasus rise of the Titans by Kate O Hearn is teamwork
and working together to accomplish something you can t do alone. In this book
Emily and all of her friends have to join together to go and find the flame shard in
Hawaii. They face many obstacles like the titan girl, Lorin, and the Hawaiian
Goddesses, Pele and Namaka. At one point in the book, the three night dwellers
who are brother and sisters work together using their mind link to communicate with
one another between Olympus, Tartarus, and earth to share the information they
have gathered from their designated worlds. Eventually Emily and Lorin work
together with the Xan Riza, the first flame, to defeat Saturn and save all that
everyone holds dear. At one part in the book, Emily, Joel, and Pallen have to work
as a team to find some vines to tie around Charon and Pegasus so they can get to
where the flame shard is located. When Emily and Lorin have to team up to... Show
more content on ...
Emily to protect her friends, asked Pegasus to come with her to Diamond Head
Mountain to remove the flame shard from the center of the once active volcano
using his great strength and Emily s power of the flame to work together to get
the shard. They had flooded the dormant volcano with water and they couldn t call
for Neptune to help them get rid of the water because they had no way of
contacting him so they tried to ask Namaka but she saw the lei s around there
necks and refused to help them. Because of the lei s around everyone s necks,
Namaka had one of her minion s kidnap Pallen, Emily, and Joel. They were given
some sort of drug that made Pallen and Joel fall asleep but it didn t work on Emily.
So they were all tossed into a van and driven off to the beach, but during the ride
Pallen woke up and used his Olympian powers to stretch out his arms and untie
Emily. Then Namaka took Joel, but Emily and Pallen
The Characteristics Of The Cold War
The Cold War is the designation for a period of time in which political and military
tension exist between the West, led by the United States and its NATO (North
Atlantic Treaty Organization) allies, and the Communist World, led by the Soviet
Union and its allies in the Warsaw Pact. The term cold was used to describe the
relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union throughout the war
because neither side were involved in a large scale fight directly, though, there are
regional wars who fought for their beliefs on their behalf e.g. South Vietnam versus
North Vietnam which was supported by the United States for the former and by the
Soviet Union for the latter. The term cold waritself was first used by an English
writer, George Orwell, in his essay You and the Atomic Bomb , published by the
British newspaper Tribune on 19 October 1945, We may be heading not for general
breakdown but for an epoch as horribly stable as the slave empires of antiquity....
that is, the kind of world view, the kind of beliefs, and the social structure that would
probably prevail in a state which was at once unconquerable and in a permanent state
of cold war with its neighbors. (Orwell,... Show more content on ...
Larkin (1965), in his exam revision book European History for Certificate Classes,
posited that the Cold War was a mixture of religious crusade in favor of one
ideology or the other, and of the most ruthless power politics, striking out for
advantage or expansion not only in Europe but all over the world. How historians
analyze the Cold War has been a major concern, such as the problems when and
where the Cold War began; whether it was inevitable; and why states and individual
in an international system acted in a particular
Uglies Character Analysis
Uglies, a young adult novel about a futuristic society, delivers a page turning
experience as you read the book, this is a real treat for lovers of realistic fiction.
First in its series, it keeps the reader wanting to buy the books after just to catch up
with the protagonist Tally s latest decisions and drama. In just a few short lines, Scott
Westerfeldhas showed us dialogue, setting and the main character of this novel,
leading an interesting and exciting start for the rest of the book.
Uglies is a novel placed in the future. The outline of the story is that a young girl
named Tally is 15, going on 16. She is about to go through a pretty serious
cosmetic surgery to make her pretty. Then, after she gets this surgery she can be on
the pretty side of town with her friend Peris. On the pretty side of town is where
the grass could be considered greener, it s fun and carefree without a worry in the
world. Tally and Shay are still unsure about undergoing the procedure just to
become pretty, Shay thinks there is more to life than just being a pretty face and a
dull personality. While Tally and Shay ponder becoming pretty, Shay decides to run
off to the smoke to get away from the stress of the situation. While Shay is in the
smoke, Tally is forced to run away as well to find her.
There are many positives to this story; to start, this novel is relatable to a young
audience struggling with beauty and appearance issues, Uglies shows the audience
what the world might become in the
Abraham s Intelligence Of The United States
To illustrate Abraham s intelligence, he bought books to study and teach himself
when he was young to become a brilliant man. In fact, Lincoln taught himself law
and eventually was able to pass the bar exam to become a lawyer, he accomplished
this in 1836. Abraham had the chance to do this with the assistance of John Todd
Stuart, John let Abraham borrow books to study from to pass the bar exam. With
this achievement, Lincoln had the chance to practice being an attorney, and led in
his successful life. After some time passed, people elected him to be a part of the
U.S. House of Representatives in 1846. In addition, in 1860 he became the U. S.
president. Furthermore, he had the skills to be president and he knew what he wanted
to modify in the United Statesto enhance the lives of the citizens. Not only did
Abraham have the skills to be president, but he accomplished a wide range of items
that affected the United States greatly. For example, being the leader the Union in
the Civil war with the Confederacy and eventually succeeded in winning in the war.
In addition, he made strides in freeing the slaves that were in slavery. He presented a
speech named the Gettysburg Address, which influenced America greatly. Creating
the first income tax to gather money for the Union in the civil war was another
accomplishment he overcame. Lincoln produced Homestead, Morrill, and National
banking acts, as well as the first railroad bill and that would change thousands of
citizen s lives.
Essay on Gene Therapy is Revolutionizing Medicine
Gene Therapy is Revolutionizing Medicine
We used to think that our fate was in our stars, but now we know that, in large
measure, our fate is in our genes, quotes James Watson. This fate that Watson is
talking about is contained in our genes, and deals with a new technique, gene therapy.
Gene therapy is revolutionizing the world of medicine. Many physicians are
predicting that in twenty years gene therapy may change the practice of medicine
from a treatment based to a prevention based practice. Our future is l ocked away
inside of our genes. Gene therapy is unlocking these doors. Researchers are starting
to move away from developing new drugs, and towards finding an ultimate solution.
That solution is to use gene therapy as a ... Show more content on ...
Now a physician can treat the patient wit h a herpes curing drug that will destroy the
tumor cells along with the mouse cells that are producing the herpes enzyme. The
other target of some of the various retroviruses used include: bone marrow, skin,
and liver cells. Genetic alteration of bone marrow cells aims to correct the mutated
part of the cell or its progeny. Skin cells work in a different manner. Geneticists
found that these cells synthesize and secrete proteins, but these are then transported
through the blood to be utilized by other cells. Researchers are trying to use skin
cells to synthesize an enzyme that it does not normally make. They then hope that it
will take that enzyme to some other cell. That cell may not be able to make that
enzyme, but the skin cell transports an ess ential enzyme that will help that new cell
function properly. Research with liver cells is still in the beginning stages.
Keys to the Kingdom, Time Magazine
Examples of Gene therapy
This new therapy appears to work quite well in the lab setting, or theoretically in
some scientist s mind, but it still had not been proven in a human subject. The first
human to receive gene therapy treatment wa s a 4 year old girl with severe immune
deficiency disease. This disease is caused by a faulty gene that fails to produce a
vital enzyme. In the therapy procedure, they extracted some of the girl s white blood
cells. Then,
Emmom Research Paper
What is Emom Workout ?
EMOM means for Every Minute On the Minute. It is an interval training style of
workouts from Crossfit. You need to perform an specific exercise at the beginning of
each minute for a given period of time.
Who can EMOM workout ?
Emom workouts like any other workouts are for everyone, from beginner to
advanced. As I mentioned previsouly, you can use emom for anything.
Let s say you are beginner and your goal is to burn fat and tone up at the same time.
Well, pretty easy, just choose one exerciselike bodyweight squat and a duration, let s
say 5 minutes for this example.
Your objective is to execute 10 squats for each minute until you reach the total
duration of the workout. But, if you want to rest you need to perform the ... Show
more content on ...
Which equipment do I need ? Can I do Emom anywhere ?
Of course ! That s the beauty of that type of workout, you can literally do it
EVERYWHERE and without any equipment. You only need a timer and your body!
How cool is that ?
What are the benefits of Emom Workouts ?
Tempo :
It is actually really different than a regular workout, you tend to think differently! In
an Emom workout the clock decides when you make an effort and when you rest.
After each minute, you will be able to see if you did the given exercise at slow or
fast rythm.
For example : Let s take an 8 minues EMOM workout with 10 push ups. If it takes
you 30 seconds on the first minute and then 50 seconds on the second, that means you
didn t keep the same rythm.
Progression :
EMOM workouts are a great way to mesure your performances every week.
Remember the first example above : The first week you can do 10 push ups every
minutes for 8 minutes. Your objective is to do 10 push ups in 40 seconds in order
to rest for 20 seconds if you really want to rest! On the second week, you can
increase the number of push ups for each minute or increase the workout duration.
Study Guide Literary Terms
AP Literary and Rhetorical Terms 1. 2. alliteration Used for poetic effect, a
repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a group. The following line
from Robert Frost s poem Acquainted with the Night provides us with an example
of alliteration, : I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet. The repetition of the
s sound creates a sense of quiet, reinforcing the meaning of the line 3. allegory
Where every aspect of a story is representative, usually symbolic, of something else,
usually a larger abstract concept or important historical/geopolitical event. Lord of the
Flies provides a compelling allegory of human nature, illustrating the three sides of
the psyche through its sharply defined main... Show more content on
An absent person, an abstract concept, or an important object is directly addressed.
Example: With how sad steps, O moon, thou climbest the skies. Busy old fool,
unruly sun. 11. archetype something that serves as a model or a basis for making
copies; this painting is a copy of the original [syn: original] 12. atmosphere the
dominant mood or emotional tone of a work of art, as of a play or novel: the chilly
atmosphere of a ghost story. 13. antithesis opposition, or contrast of ideas or words
in a balanced or parallel construction. *Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice,
moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. Barry Goldwater *Brutus: Not that
I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar 14.
Anecdote A very short tale told by a character in a literary work. In Chaucer s
Canterbury Tales, The Miller s Tale and The Carpenter s Tale are examples a short
account of a particular incident or event of an interesting or amusing nature, often
biographical 15. antagonist A person or force which opposes the protagonist in a
literary work. In Stephen Vincent Benet s The Devil and Daniel Webster, Mr.
Scratch is Daniel Webster s antagonist at the trial of Jabez Stone. The cold, in Jack
London s To Build a Fire is the antagonist that defeats the man on the trail 16.
anticlimax an event, conclusion,
What Effect Will the Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid...
Introduction In this chemical reaction, the magnesium will dissolve in the
hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas. This is because magnesium is higher
than hydrogen in the reactivity series. Therefore, when the two reactants are
combined, a displacement reaction occus and the magnesium displaces the
hydrogen, forming magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. Mg (s) + 2HCl (aq)
MgCl 2 (aq) + H 2 (g) Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid Magnesium Chloride +
Hydrogen Aim The aim of this investigation is to observe the effect that the
concentration of hydrochloric acid (independent variable) has on the rate of reaction
(dependent variable) between the magnesium ribbon and the hydrochloric acid....
Show more content on ...
If there is more surface area exposed to the hydrochloric acid, the particles of acid
will have a greater area of magnesium to react with and form successful collisions,
thus increasing the rate of reaction. Volume of Hydrochloric Acid Used: An overall
volume of 50ml of hydrochloric acid and water should be used for every trial. If a
lesser volume is used, this will decrease the rate of reaction as there will be less
particles in the HCl to collide with the Mg particles, which will lessen the chance for
creating a successful collision, and thus lower the rate of the chemical reactions.
Timing of the experiment: Bung with delivery tube should be placed on the conical
flask as soon as possible after the magnesium ribbon is dropped. This will ensure that
as much of the hydrogen gas gets measured in the measuring cylinder above the
trough, in order to obtain accurate measurements when calculating the rate of
reactions. Stopwatch will begin as soon as the magnesium is dropped into the
hydrochloric acid, so that the timing of the reaction is measured accurately. Cleaning
of the magnesium: The ribbon of magnesium will be cleaned with sandpaper to
remove the coating on the magnesium metal caused by reactions with atmospheric
gases. This needs to be done so that the measuring cylinder measures the gas produced
from the reaction
Similarities Between A Raisin In The Sun And The
The American Dream is not uniquely American, it is a dream held by people all
around the world. It is a dream about success, a word that has different meanings for
many people. The play, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry explores the
American dream and race through the lense of a poor black family that receives a ten
thousand dollar life insurance check after the death of the patriarch of the family.
Walter Lee Younger, the adult male in the house wants to invent it in a liquor store
while Walter s mother believes that decision would be unchristian. Another view of
the American dream in presented in the Great Gatsbyby F. Scott Fitzgerald, a 1920 s
American novel in which a wealthy man, Gatsby, attempts to woo his former lover,
Daisy Buchanan. I define the American dream as earning the respect and
admiration of one s peers. Using my definition of the American dream, Walter is
successful because he earns the respect of his family by refusing money to keep his
dignity, whereas Gatsby does not achieve the dream because of the place and time in
which he must climb the social ladder.
Walter Lee Younger earns the respect of his family by showing personal growth by
refusing to trade his dignity for a check. After Walter loses sixty five hundred
dollars in a risky business venture, he attempts to make some it back by accepting
money from the leader of a white neighborhood in exchange for not moving into
the neighborhood. Everyone except for Walter is opposed to the idea of taking the
mony. After spending a while trying to convince his family accepting the check is
the right decision, Walter lashes out and tells everyone what his motives are by
saying, Hell, yes, I want me some yachts someday! Yes, I want to hang some real
pearls round my wife s neck. Ain t she supposed to wear no pearls? Somebody tell me
tell me, who decides which women is suppose to wear pearls in this world. I tell you
I am a man and I think my wife should wear some pearls in this world! (3.i). Walter
tells everyone that he desires to be a man and provide for his family, he thinks his
wife should wear some pearls in this world . Walter feels he does not have authority
over the direction of his life and he believes that money will fix
Model School Policy On Suicide Prevention Case Study
Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention
Mara Kashmiri
Texas A M University Kingsville Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention
Suicide is the third most common cause of death for children and teenagers (Center
for Disease Control (CDC), 2015). In order to combat these rising rates, preventative
measures must be put into place. Among the places that a child is most likely to be
accounted for is at school, therefore, schools must be involved in the preventative
process. In this line of thinking the a coalition of interested organizations, such as the
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, have created a Model School Policy
on Suicide Prevention that schools can chose to implement in order to educate and
aid students who are struggling with suicidal thoughts, provide information to school
staff about risk and protective factors involving suicide as well as creating a safety
measures and procedures if a suicide does occur. ... Show more content on ...
By providing resources and support, individuals considering suicide can learn to
escape, improve, or cope and manage whatever situation that they believe is
hopeless and without end. Social work values and service are geared towards
helping individuals improving their quality of life through the belief that everyone
has the right to dignity and respect. A facet of this can be achieved through
providing suicide prevention policies, especially for school aged populations of
children and teenagers who may have never been shown the dignity, respect, or
kindness towards their mental and social well being so that they have a chance of a
better life in the
Case Study Of Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa remains a challenging disease for both the patient and the
physician. It is a chronic debilitating disease whose aetiology is still controversial1.
Because of the varying clinical manifestations and sites involved by the disease,
patients with hidradenitis suppurativa present to, or are referred to many different
specialties, including gynecology, surgery, medicine, dermatology, plastic surgery,
immunology and infection control. Unfortunately, hidradenitis suppurativa is
commonly mismanaged owing to a failure of early diagnosis and once established,
chronicity and progression ensue. No specific test for diagnosis exists. Inflammatory
abscess like swelling(s) in apocrine gland bearing skin should be regarded ... Show
more content on ...
Furthermore, several surgical techniques depending on secondary intention for
minor or extensive disease are also described in the literature. Excision and split
skin grafting is a basic tool in the surgical treatment and the result of this procedure
is often satisfactory15. Massive regional hidradenitis suppurativa can be
successfully managed with wide surgical excision, VAC therapy, and skin grafting
for better outcomes16. Furthermore, Negative pressure dressings have been used as
bolster for skin grafts in order to reconstruct such defects after wide surgical
excision17. Other option is the double opposing V Y perforator based flaps which
have been described for reconstruction of axillary defects following excision of
hidradenitis suppurativa to recreate the axillary contour after wide surgical excision
of the hair bearing skin of the
Essay on Farmer Dilemma
1. Railroads Railroads in each area were often controlled by one company, enabling
those railroads to charge what they wanted. Railroads were the only way for many
western farmers to get their produce to market and high prices were always charged.
Railroads controlled storage, elevators, and warehouses so the prices the farmers
paid were very high.
Middlemen Middlemen set the price of the produce low when they sold because the
market price was unpredictable.
Bankers High interest rates caused the farmers to pay even more when they didn t
have the money to pay.
Trusts Trusts such as McCormick, makers of farm machinery, set the price for the
farm machinery. Many farmers relied on McCormick farm machinery to grow crops,
so the ... Show more content on ...
Indeed, Document A states that farmers overproduced which caused prices to fall,
but it is very evident and far more explanation is given for reasons such as railroads,
banks, and the lack of government help.
4. Because farmers could only afford one machine most times, most farmers
specialized in what crop the machine worked best with.
5. The value of money appreciated 300% so that the value of the farmers goods
decreased to ВЅ of what it used to be. 6. This could be both beneficial or harmful with
the deflation. They might not have enough money to pay for things. On the other
hand, the interest/mortgage rates were the same.
7. Farmers might suggest that a remedy for deflation is to have more government
involvement such as paying farmers a certain amount to NOT grow crops to ensure
a profit (or some earnings) for that year. Because prices fall in a deflated economy,
and the price for crops is already set low, farmers could not plant as much crop either.
Additionally, they could petition for the government to set the price in proportion to
their income.
8. There would have been strong forces to depreciate the currency in the late
nineteenth century because
9. A college such as The University of Illinois could provide farmers with the
knowledge of new technology that could give them better crops for possibly less
cost and a way to limit production. Additionally, it could teach farmers how to
respond to new market
Most Average Day Research Paper
The Most Average Day of My Life
It was an average, regular Tuesday. I woke up at 7:15 to the buzzing of my alarm
after a particularly good dream, which I cannot remember at the current moment. I
stood up, unsteadily, and turned off my alarm. I then proceeded to lie back down
in my bed for about 5 10 mins. After that, I got back up, changed my alarm to wake
me up Wednesday at 7:25, then I went downstairs to use the bathroom. I went back
upstairs to get dressed . Once I was dressed, I was reminded by my sister that today
was Superhero Day for school, so I dug through my dresser for my Spider Man shirt,
changed my shirt to that shirt, went back downstairs, and continued preparing myself
for the day ahead.
I waited for the bus, the warm chill ... Show more content on ...
I got the science done with absolute ease, but the math paper was still slightly
difficult to complete. I got that done and got to work on the Personal Narrative for
English. I also listened to my sister having difficulty with a worksheet on theme she
had to do. I had salsbury steak for dinner, and mashed potatoes that I made, maybe
even without reading the directions a little. After dinner, I sat back down in a chair
in our living room and watched TV, then I walked to my room and drifted off to sleep
in my bed. So ends to my average
The Importance Of Presidential Power In The Constitution
This presidential power is controversial because it is nowhere mentioned in the U.S.
Constitution (Rozell). The President, since the beginning, has gained powers not
specifically enumerated, increasing the power of the executive branch. Over the
course of history the President has assumed many powers unlisted in the Constitution
including the line item veto, executive privilege, and executive order which have all
impacted the President s relationship with Congress.
The line item veto was used very briefly during the Clinton administration before it
was later declared unconstitutional, though it was wanted by many other
administrations. The line item veto is defined as, A special form of veto in which
the chief executive has the right to prevent particular provisions of a bill enacted by
a legislative assembly from becoming law without having to kill all the other parts of
the bill at the same time (Johnson). An example of the president using the line item
veto is Bill Clinton, which vetoed part of the Balanced Budget Act which,
relinquished the Federal Government s ability to recoup nearly $2.6 billion in taxes
levied against Medicaid providers ( Clinton v. City of New York. ). The line item veto
was then declared unconstitutional because of the President s ability to amend
legislation that was already passed by both houses of congress, and declared that the
President must totally reject or accept a bill. One major challenge towards the line
item veto is that
Dress Code At School
Complaint I: I think we shouldn t have a dress code at school. I honestly feel that if I
m paying for my clothes, my own self I should be able to wear them. I feel like the
majority of the clothes I wear aren t inappropiate or if they are I don t try to be , I
simply wear them to express myself. I also feel that if they keep the dress codethey
need to be fair with it and not let some people wear it and some people not.
Complaint II: I think school should start 9 o clock and not 7:45 in the morning. I do
not like getting up early at all. I know that by the time first block I be tired and my
mind isn t functioning right. I believe if school started at 9 o clock I d be well rested
and I would be ready to learn.
Complaint III: I think school
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Is Only At The...
Thus, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is only at the initial stage of its
development, there are obvious problems, but there is progress. After just five years
since its foundation, it is developing a high level cooperation in the fight against
terrorism, separatism and extremism. There is the potential for qualitative steps in the
fight against the drug menace, successfully developing economic cooperation, signed
many important documents are created and continue to create the necessary
structures and mechanisms for their implementation. For the SCO there is still much
to do and decide, but it is already clear, the organization becomes a powerful and
effective international institution that attracts the eyes from all around the globe, it is
gradually turning into an important tool of international politics and security.
In recent years there have been many discussions and comments on the geopolitical
nature of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Matthew Brummer in the Journal
of international affairs, monitors the effects of the expansion of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization in the Persian Gulf. Iranian writer Hamid Golpira said:
According to the theory of Zbigniew Brzezinski , control the Eurasian continent is the
key to world domination, and control over Central Asia is the key to control of the
Eurasian continent. Russia and China have drawn attention to Brzezinski s theory,
since they formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2001,
Republican Democratic Parties Essay
All across the world there are major political parties fighting in each country in
order to take control of their government. The United States of America is not an
exception, as the Democratic and Republican parties compete against each other in
every election in order to gain control of the US Government. These two political
parties are the most popular and powerful in the US, there are very popular that other
political parties have no chance on competing against these two in an election race. In
order to win electionsthe parties need the vote of the people, the parties need for
every gender to vote for them in order to have a chance in winning the election. Both
parties need the vote of the men and woman, but these genders tend to vote... Show
more content on ...
Even if the framers did not intent the formation of such political parties, the first ever
two parties were already formed during that time. The first somewhat political parties
were formed when the new constitution was being considered, the two political
parties were the Federalist and the Anti Federalist. The Federalist were those who
favored the establishing of the new constitution, while the Anti Federalist were those
who opposed the ratification of the constitution.
The first two political parties that were formed in the United States were the federalist
and the anti federalist. The federalist consisted of the northern population, while the
anti federalist were in the south. One of the leaders of the federalist was Alexander
Hamilton, with the power that he held and the power of the other federalist, they
were able to gain control of the government for the first 10 years. The Democratic
Republic party took shape with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, until 1828
when the name Republican was dropped from the name of the party which lead to the
creation of the Democratic Party. Slavery was a very important issue for the United
States government during those years, the Whig Party was then formed in order to
stop the spreading of slavery into the western territories. The Whig Party came to
an end as the Kansas Nebraska bill of 1854 gave permission to the state to decide if
they would be a free or slave state. The anti slavery Whigs started to gather again in
Nuclear Radiation Research Paper
Discuss medical applications of nuclear radiation and their effects on society. Explain
briefly how the applications work. Include some of the scientists involved in their
discovery and development.
Simply put radiation is energy or particles flying through space. Radiation comes in
three forms Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation, all three types have vastly different
applications and levels of strength. The most common type of electromagnetic
radiation used in the medical is known as ionising radiation, that form of radiation is
far more powerful than non ionising radiation because it cannot break molecular
bonds or ionise atoms. Nuclear radiation can both be exceptionally useful and
ridiculously dangerous if the proper measures are not put in place. Radiation is used
most predominantly in the medical field where patients receive controlled doses, the
expositor to radiation is ... Show more content on ...
Nuclear medicine is a specific branch of medicine that uses tiny amounts of
radiation to measure the severity or even treat many different disorders and
diseases like heart disease, gastrointestinal (stomach), endocrine (gland) and
neurological disorders. Radiation is also successful in identifying molecular
irregularities in the body allowing for the doctors to treat the illness before it
progresses to an irreparable or fatal stage. Nuclear medical procedures are non
invasive and, in much of the cases, painless. There is a range of types of nuclear
medical exams where a radiotracer injected, inhaled as gas, or swallowed,
radiotracers act as a contrast for the machine to show the body as the clear image.
Nuclear radiation offers procedures like radioactive iodine (I 131) therapy where a
small amount of I 131 is absorbed into the bloodstream to treat conditions affecting
the thyroid
Rhetorical Devices In Ground Zero
In the essay Ground Zero by Suzanne Berne writes about her very personal
experience visiting Ground Zero the place where the twin towers stood prior to the
tragedy of 9/11. She uses rhetorical devices throughout her essay to make the piece
feel incredibly intimate and emotional to the reader. She specifically uses imagery,
tone, simile, and metaphor to explain her experience to Ground Zero in a deeper
and meaningful way to her readers. Berne uses rhetorical devices in her essay
Ground Zero to let her readers feel the same emotions and imagine the same things
she saw on her visit to make the essay very intimate and realistic. In Ground Zero
Berne uses many examples of imagery and metaphors to paint a descriptive picture of
her surroundings and what she saw to enhance her readers experience. She uses the
imagery to make her readers feel as if they were there and make them feel the same
feelingsof awareness, and sadness she did. Suzanne achieves this by recalling back
to the horrid memories of 9/ll when the skyscraper shrouded in black plastic, the
boarded windows, the steel skeleton of the shattered Winter Garden. (Berne 176),
By using these extremely explicit and descriptive details Suzanne allows her readers
to experience the rude awakening she had when she saw nothing in Ground Zero,
but was able to recall the chaos that went on that day. Suzanne lets her readers
understand what was going on in her mind , and clearly experience what she was
feelingthat day
Fair Working Conditions In Lyddie, By Katherine Paterson
In the 1800 factories, working conditions are unfair. In Lyddie, by Katherine
Paterson there is a girl who lives in the 1800 s. She work in a factory witch has
unfair working conditions and Diana Goss wants to have a petition to make fair
working conditions. Some people want Lyddie to sign the petition because then
she will have fair working conditions.If she doesn t the she will be able to make
money and she will work at a factories. If Lyddie signs the petition then she won t
be able to work at the factories. If Lyddie signs the petition then she will get
blacklisted. She had done so well on her two, then three, machines that Mr.Marson
gave her a fourth loom.(98) If Lyddie signs the petition the she will lose all four of
those looms. If Lyddie wants her job she needs to work to keep it. The harder we
work, the bigger prize we get.(99) The harder she works the more money she will
get and she will keep her job. If she get blacklisted then where will she go? There
would be nothing to eat there. The cover was gone and no crops planted.(140) If she
goes home then how... Show more content on ...
Lyddie is now working at a factory instead of a farm. She was making for more
money than she ever had at home in vermont or was even likely to. Why couldn t
people just live and let live.(93) If she signs then she wont work at the factory and
then how s she going to make money? She also needs money to pay off the debt on
the house. She needs the money, She has to have the money.(89) She cant pay off
the debt if she can t make money. Lyddie got sick to the dust in the factories and
couldn t make much money. The money was growing again . She had nearly caught
up with the wages lost by her illness.(139) She can now make more money now that
she s not sick. Now you know some reasons why Lyddie needs the money and she
can t make money if she signs the
Case Study Analysis
Executive Summary:
A case brief on AutoZone,Inc is being presented in this article. The paper briefly
discusses the history and progress strategy of the company so far. The main idea of
the paper is the dilemma faced by a portfolio manager Mark Johnson and the wise
decision he could make in order to safeguard his client s portfolio. The paper
examines the current position of AutoZone in the market and its growth potential
which would help Johnson in making his decision.
At the closure of the paper, recommendations are being presented not only to the
portfolio manager but also to the AutoZone. Interestingly, how much of an impact can
an interference of a corporate raider have on the growth of a company ... Show more
content on ...
In the short run share repurchases might look good in order to increase the share
price in the market and increasing the Earnings Per Share of the stock. Even though
the act of share repurchases might be an elusive move, no doubt that it is a
sophisticated move as well. Most of the time management is well aware of its
decisions and makes judgments in the best interest of the shareholders. But,
AutoZone was pushing its luck by accumulating debt and somehow seemed like the
management wasn t concerned about the credit rating of the company.
Another alternative would be to use the cash to increase number of stores or
expansion of its business in Brazil. There is always a first mover advantage that
AutoZone could capture in the Brazil market. AutoZone had already captured the
market in Mexico, Canada and Puerto Rico.Yet again, autoparts industry seems to
have slowed down its number of store in the last year but the distance travelled by
light trucks has remained the same while the average age of these vehicles has
increased (Appendix Figure 4 amp; 5). This means that these vehicles require
maintenance in the long run. Also, AutoZone could be the first to capture new
Conventionally, AutoZone could also utilize its cash flow in acquisition transaction.
Although, acquiring a budding or established counterpart might increase the cash
flow of the firm, additional legal formalities
Theme Of The Minister s Black Veil
Analysis of Symbolism in The Minister s Black Veil
Each individual has to make the choice to either dwell on their sin, or let go of their
sins. Some people can let it go and move on, but some try to hide from their sin.
Some even hide from the sins of others. In his short story The Minister s Black Veil,
Nathaniel Hawthorne creates an eerie tale about the veiled minister of Milford
Village. The main character, Mr. Hooper starts wearing a veil to his sermons. The
whole town is skeptical of the meaning of the veil. The minister eventually becomes
isolated from the rest of the world, and then he dies while still wearing the veil. The
meaning of the veil is never revealed throughout the story. Hawthorne portrays the
theme of moral ... Show more content on ...
The setting of the story plays an important role in the theme because, in this case, the
setting has parallels with the plot.
The conflicts of a story will reveal how the theme is involved in the main
characters problems throughout the story. Hawthorne takes the theme of moral
corruption and sin and uses conflicts to allow it to be seen by the reader. Mr.
Hooper has conflicts with the town, Elizabeth, and himself. The narrator says,
Each member of the congregation ... felt as if the preacher had crept upon them,
behind his awful veil, and discovered their hoarded iniquity of deed or thought, (
The Minister s Black Veil 301). This shows how the minister conflicted the town
by making them feel as if he could see their sins. When talking about Elizabeth, the
narrator said, She withdrew her arm from his grasp, and slowly departed, pausing
at the door, to give one long, shuddering gaze, that seemed almost to penetrate the
mystery of the black veil, ( The Minister s Black Veil 305). Mr. Hooper s conflict
with Elizabeth was a very powerful scene. This shows how Mr. Hooper could be
morally corrupt because he just lost his fiance. He is possibly going through a
mourning process and that may interrupt his day to day life. If he becomes depressed
about the break up, his depression will corrupt his thoughts. Mr. Hooper also has
conflicts with himself. An expert from Gale Group said, His continued
Harry Potter Comparison Research Paper
Have you ever wondered who would win in a battle between Gandalf and
Dumbledore? Whose force was more powerful? I will be discussing and also
comparing the books Lord of The Rings by J.R.R Tolkien and Harry Potter by J.K
Rowling. Both books were a huge success and are widely known but simply which
series was better?
The Lord of The Rings series is set in the age of middle earth which is around 6,000
years before present day. In the series the region is called Eriador which include
lands of the shire which the hobbits occupy, and where some elves live. There is no
technology in middle earth , The novel starts out in Hobbiton but then Frodo, the
main character travels through the valley with companions to destroy the ring.
The novel Lord ... Show more content on ...
Voldemort s birth name is tom marvolo riddle, he is best known as the Dark Lord.
Voldemort was a half blood who descended from salazar slytherin from his mother,
his father was a muggle. Growing up tom was raised in an orphanage in London
until Dumbledore offered him a position at Hogwarts. Tom was very cunning
student you was obsessed with the dark arts and was a Parseltongue. Voldemort is
after Harry potter because of the prophecy Sybill Trelawney s made that said a boy
who would be born at the end of July would have the power to defeat him. Harry
Potter was born at the end of July so Voldemort assumed it was him. Voldemort like
sauron also has servants, these servants are called the Death Eaters. The Death eaters
are wizards who follow the Dark Lord Voldemort and have the dark
Essay on Custom Painting Cars
The first thing you see when you get into the car, and the last thing you see when
you get out. Painting cars is an art, from stock to custom paint there is a lot of
possibilities and techniques. Something some people don t pay attention to and
some people its the first thing they look at, and some people make their living by
painting cars. In this research paper i will talk about painting and certain various
types of custom painting techniques. Painting a car is a good way to make it
unique and special to you. When you go to buy a car, whether at a car lot or from
someone else you will notice the cars paintjob. It may be a solid colour or something
a little special and unique. At the surface it may just look like a solid colorbut in...
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Polishing helps the paint shine and helps it better protect the paint. Never wash a car
after painting make sure to buff it and polish before you wash it.
When it comes to custom painting Two Tone is one of the most used. Two tone
paint jobs are used on a lot of factory cars but usually separated with moldings. Two
tone is where the bottom of the car is one color and the top is another. When doing
custom painting you can do more than just two tones you can do three tones or
even four tones. Alot of times people separate the colors by a pin strip so that the
colors don t look like to walls of color, the pin strip helps carry your eye without
realizing the strip is there.
When you are going to do two tone you must mask off the part you are not painting
and spray the color on the first part, this is usually the bottom first. Once what you
have sprayed dryer you will mask over it leaving the unsprayed area to view. Then
you spray the next color of choice. Once the last layer has dried take the paper off the
panel and clear over the whole thing. If you plan to spray a Strip in between you can
must do this before clear coating the hole panel. Wood Grain is something that was
started a long time ago with wood grain cars. Painting wood grain is a good way to
bring back that vintage wood grain look. There are many ways to do wood grain and
here are some. One of the most used ways is to spray a brown then your base color
over it, take your finger and
Angela Davis Chapter Summaries
Annabelle Villegas
ENG 106
Professor Asbell
10 March 2017
Critical Book Review
Angela Davis is best known for being a political activist for social issues as well as
being a member of the Black Panther Party and Communist party. Davis is well
educated and received wide attention when she was fired from UCLA for being a
member in the communist party. She also received wide attention when a takeover
in a courtroom which killed several people by a gun was registered under her name.
She was put on trial and acquitted for murder but found not guilty. In the past few
years, she has been focusing on fighting against the prison system. She is the founder
of Critical Resistance, a national organization about prison industrial complex. Her
book ... Show more content on ...
For example, she gives the history of prisons in California There are now thirty
three prisons, thirty eight canos, sixteen community correctional facilities... (
Davis 13) She further explains how there has been an huge increase in prisons and
prisoners and presents her argument on the reasons why prisons have increased
such as the Prison Industrial Complex in which she explains in chapter five. This
chapter helps gives you a preview of what Davis will be talking about throughout
the book. In chapter two, slavery, civil rights, and abolitionist perspectives toward
prison,, Davis provides a connection of slavery and prison institutions. She
provides an insight in a way that I have never thought about prisons before. Davis
reflects back on history and explains how slavery has not ended yet but has change.
She explains how even though slavery is abolition. before slavery was normal just
how prisons are normal to us. Overtime, we may change our views about prisons
and come to the conclusion to abolish prisons. In chapter three, imprisonment and
reform, Davis explains the means of imprisonment and what reform has to do with
it. Davis argues that prisons are obsolete because they are undemocratic because
they take away human rights such as the 13th amendment. She argues that a
democracy would not need prisons and many social problems would be fix. Prisons
are a way of social control in which exploits
Cis 210 Week 8 Case Study 2 Strayer
CIS 210 WEEK 8 CASE STUDY 2 STRAYER To purchase this visit following link: 210 week 8 case study 2 strayer
STUDY 2 STRAYER Due Week 8 and worth 50 points You have been tasked with
building a payroll program for a large organization with offices spread across the
United States. The company has one larger data center that each office connects to
via a wide area network (WAN). Write a 3 4 page paper in which you: 1. Explain
what type of architecture the new payroll application should use and why. 2. Identify
what types of technology will be involved in the architecture and explain the purpose
of each technology. 3. Create a graphical... Show more content on ...
3. Create a graphical representation of your recommended architecture. 4. Identify and
describe any potential ethical issues that could arise in connection with the new
architecture. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed,
double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one inch margins on all
sides; citations and references must follow APA or school specific format. Check
with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing
the title of the assignment, the student s name, the professor s name, the course title,
and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required
assignment page length. Include charts or diagrams created in Excel, Visio, MS
Project, or a freeware alternative. The completed diagrams/charts must be imported
into the Word document before the paper is submitted. 
The specific Course
Learning Outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze and articulate
ethical, cultural, and legal issues and their feasibilities among alternative solutions.
Use contemporary CASE tools in process and data modeling. Use technology and
information resources to research issues in systems analysis and 
Write clearly and concisely about Systems Analysis and Development topics using
proper writing mechanics and technical style
Primary Source Paper
Cinthya Perez
History 102 Letters to King Jao of Portugal, was written by the king of Kongo,
King Affonso, who s real name was Nzinga Mbemba. King Affonso writes this letter
directed to the king of Portugal, King Jao, to inform him about his concerns of his
people. The letter is dated 1526 and takes place in the Kingdom of Kongo, which by
during this time slave trade is going on (705). Throughout the letter of King Affonso
seems to beg King Jao for help rather than being demanding, again we beg of your
Highness to agree with it (707), remarks King Affonso. When the slave trade in Africa
began, many authorities formed alliances with Europeans in hope of strengthening
their government. This happened to be the case with the King of ... Show more
content on ...
A piece of evidence that impacts the whole document and King Affonso s concern is
that he mentions quiet frankly that he does not want his people or his noblemen
taken from his land and sold into slavery. King Affonso pretty much implies that the
Portuguese can go and take all the people that they want as long as they do not
belong to his kingdom. The text is focused on a letter that is written by the highest
authority whom had agreed to trading with these Portuguese but it does not inform
on the thoughts of actually civilians experiencing and eye witnessing what is
happening nor does it show any response of the King of Portugal. In order to really
find out what is really going on, it is important to understand all sides to really
make a thorough conclusion of any sort of bias. I believe I can imply that if
countries with lesser wealth were agreeable to converting religions in order to
attract wealthier countries into trading, then they would probably be convinced to
do things that they did not even want to do just to satisfy the other country. For
example: when King Affonso tells King Jao of being opposed to slave trade, he
should have been demanding but, instead he writes in such a nice way and often
calls him your Highness and begs for the supplies that he needs. As a King he should
Camp Insurance Research Paper
Goal: to post a guide about owning kids? camp insurance
Total Word Count In This Document: 3636
Title: The Ultimate Guide To Owning Kids? Camp Insurance
Quick Summary
Camp insurance is essential aspects to making sure your child will be safe while
attending summer camp this year. Camp insurance works to protect your child
against injuries and accidents that may occur while they are attending summer camp.
Marine Agency?s specialty camp insurance package includes general liability,
medical, and accidental death and dismemberment benefits. Camp insurance is a
great way to protect children from the risks of attending summer camp and giving
parents peace of mind while their child is away. All of this information is covered in
detail in this guide. ... Show more content on ...
Without camp insurance from Marine Agency you as a parent will be spending
more time worrying, whether or not your child is actually injured from camp
activities, and in the event that they are, it will cost you more time, money, and
pain. Save yourself and your child the trouble. It?s summer after all, the best time
of the year for your child to have as much fun as they possibly can before schools
reopen in the fall, and for you to relax on your porch with a nice cold drink without
a care in the world, knowing that your child is safe, insured, and having fun, so you
The Importance Of Listening In Early Childhood Education
The pedagogy of listening is one that is closely intertwined with early childhood
education (ECE) and, within this context, it is acknowledged as being more than
the word itself implies. Listening in an early childhood setting is not merely to
hear what a child says and act on it, rather, it is to open yourself to different
perspectives and be willing to not only act on but also adopt new ways of thinking
(Davies, 2014). To truly use this as an effective pedagogyis to turn the act of listening
into an intentional and meaningful interaction (MacNaugton Williams, 2010). In
doing so, relationships you are forming with everyone that you interact with be they
two feet tall and in nappies or fully grown and in uniform can only be strengthened
as you show them the respect and reciprocity that is needed to achieve meaningful
bonds (Gonzalez Mena Widmeyer Eyer, 2018).
It is through listening that the Graduating Teacher Standards (GTS) relevant to
personal values and relationships can be met and thoroughly explored. GTS 6a, for
example, requires teachers to recognise how different values and beliefs impact
learning (Education Council New Zealand / Matatu Aotearoa (ECNZ), 2015).
Through listening, we as educators are able to experience and gain some
understanding of the diverse backgrounds and interests that are within the centre and
thus plan appropriate experiences that can accommodate everyone or can be altered
to be inclusive. Every encounter with another person is an
Perioperative Observation Paper
Perioperative Observation Paper
Jenna Vaccaro
Lewis University College of Nursing and Health Professions
As a clinical requirement for my Adult 1: Medical Surgical course, I had the
opportunity to observe a patient in the Operating Room and in the Post Anesthesia
Unit of Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. The procedure that I observed was a left
total knee replacement. The patient needed this surgery because she was experiencing
osteoarthritis, and this surgery could alleviate her pain and discomfort. I was with the
patient from the end of her stay in the pre operative holding area to the Operating
Room, and then to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit. This paper will include background
inquiry, preoperative and operative ... Show more content on ...
X rays can be used for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis; the images would reveal
damage and other changes related to osteoarthritis. With osteoarthritis of the
knees, the patient would experience progressively increasing pain, stiffness, and
they would have a decrease in daily functions. Patients experiencing these
symptoms can be eligible for a total knee replacement. The surgical procedure. A
total knee replacement is a surgical procedure where the diseased knee joint is
completely replaced by artificial materials that resemble the original knee joint.
The orthopedic surgeon removed the end of the femur and the end of the tibia by
using metal pieces and sawing the bone, to ensure that he removes the right
amount of bone. The end of the femur bone is replaced with metal and the end of
the tibia bone is replaced with plastic and metal. A plastic piece was added under
the patella because the surface under the patella was damaged as well. These
artificial materials, called prosthesis, have smooth surfaces so when they rub against
each other, it does not cause damage and is pain free. The purpose of this surgery is
to remove the diseased portions of the joint and replace it with artificial materials to
prevent further deterioration and eliminate pain, stiffness, and decreases in function
that were caused by the osteoarthritis.
Preoperative and Operative Phase The surgical suite was clean, well lit, and very
organized. All of the tools and
History 302 Reflection
Theory and history I always thought never go together and when it was required for
me to take History 302 I was very confused why it was a theory class. At the start
and throughout the class it was a struggle to keep up what it meant to look at history
through a Marxist, cultural, or social lens and how that had anything to do with
theory. The class was a struggle but not impossible as each article or monograph that
were given out for readings provided insight of what these lens were meant to do.
Even though I have taken upper division classes at CSULA and studied
historiography, history302 provided me with a new perspective on how history
progressed through time. This course brought me a variety of different viewpoints
that I did not see... Show more content on ...
Marxist lens allowed me to change my grand narrative view of history and be able
to see the struggle between two parties and how that was rooted in many
monographs and lectures. When we were discussing about Marxist and Marxism I
connected more closely with that than the other lens that was taught later in the
year. I always saw the struggle between two parties as the root in every history and
monographs but always assumed that it was how history was researched and
taught. It slightly changed my perspective as I now know that my lens was not
grand narrative but more of a Marxist. This allowed my progression as a history
student to be able to look at monographs and be able to figure out the viewpoint the
historian is trying to establish to the readers. I had the most difficult time with
Foucault and his social theory as it was hard to separate what I believed was
economic when it was social. Eric Avila and his cultural theory was a bit easier for
me as I felt more comfortable with cultural theory compared to social theory. This
class provided me with different monographs based on each theory that has
strengthened my skills with writing and critical analyze of historical
The Uk And Its Economy
On 23rd June 2016, there will be an important referendum for the UK and its
economy to resolve whether the UK leaves the EU or not. The decision that will
be made by the British citizens will effect on a lot of sectors in many ways.
However, it is expected that especially sports industry which has been globally
developing nowadays will be the most influenced on by that decision. The purpose
of the report is to identify what are the advantages and disadvantages for sport
related organisations caused by the case of the UK leaving the EU. In this report, it
will be focusing on Manchester City Football Club, and discussing what are the
main merits and demerits for one of the most globally oriented football clubs as a
result of ... Show more content on ...
Because of this, Manchester City cannot spend as much money on signing foreign
talent as these players will face difficulty to work in the UK, meaning the club can
instead invest the money that they would have spent on players in their youth
academy. Home grown players could benefit from a Brexit (Slater 2016). Appendix 1
shows that Manchester City is in the bottom 4 of the Premier League for a number of
British players used by the club, so to switch from buying players abroad to
investing into the youth academy means that it is a positive for Manchester City
as it will make it a more traditional British club. What this does for Manchester City
is inherit the squad to become more of a Manchester like club as they can focus on
bringing up home grown players from their youth academy meaning there will be
an increase in the amount of British players in the club as at the moment there are
only 4 British players within the 24 men first team of Manchester City. What this
also does for Manchester City is help the economic situation they face themselves
with as for example a player who recently has been promoted from the youth
academy into the first team is Kelechi Iheanacho is on a weekly salary of ВЈ2,236
however a player such as Yaya Toure has a weekly salary worth В
Ј220,000. (in text
citations here)
2.2.More opportunities for the UK players
From the different perspective of youth development, if the UK leaves the
Income Statement In The Case Of Bancabc Inc
Each type of financial statement has its own use to the public, shareholders and
potential investors, they perform different roles.
Cashflow Statement allows investors to monitor how BancABC uses their funds. It
also helps the potential investors to know if BancABC can be trusted to use their
money wisely and bring expected return.
Income Statement shows the company s revenue, expenses and losses, it shows how
BancABC has performed its profitability and wealth but does not include cash and
cash equivalents as these will be shown in the Cash flow statement.
The Balance sheet provides the company s financial situation at one day rather than
profitability over a period of time as in the Income statement. It shows the company s
assets, liabilities and owners equity.
The Income Statement links the Balance Sheet at the beginning and the end of the
financial period. The Balance sheet shows the ... Show more content on ...
Management account is concerned with future It is used to plan, set goals and
evaluate those goals, it focusses on the present and forecast for the future whereas
Financial accounting focuses on historic data in the prior year or half year as in the
case of BancABC,though they both depend on the same financial data. Management
accounting are more detailed.
BancABC as it was a public company,(before being delisted in February 2015), uses
Financial accounting to inform the public,stakeholders,creditors and others outside
the organization with information related to the performance of the organization so
they can make informed decision.
As previously mentioned under financial accounting section, BancABC uses the
score card to measure the performance of the organization past performance and to
see if the company s objectives were
Adobe Research Paper
Adobe is a building material crafted from both mud and other organic materials,
usually. Buildings constructed from adobe bricks are similar to both rammed earth
and cob buildings. Adobe is one of the most ancient materials utilized, globally.
Adobe bricks are most commonly crafted into units that weigh under 100 pounds,
which are small enough to effectively dry by air individually without experiencing
cracking. Soon after drying, they are assembled through the application of adobe
mud, which facilitates the bond between the structure and it s individual bricks.
Modern construction methods permit the pouring of entire adobe walls that are steel
reinforced. Adobe buildings are commonly found in North and South America; the
Middle East; North and West Africa; West Asia; Spain; Eastern Europe; East Anglia
in England, more particularly, Norfolk, which is referred to as clay lump. Adobe had
been used by North and South American indigenous peoples for several thousands of
years. In particular, the Pueblo people constructed their adobe buildings with either
filled baskets or handfuls of adobe, until the Spanish showed them how to craft
traditional bricks.... Show more content on ...
forward. It s widespread use can be credited to it s simple design and
craftsmanship, along with it s cost effective economical nature. Adobe can be made
into virtually any size or shape, provided the bricks are dried evenly and it s mixture
before it s completion includes an effective reinforcement for bricks that are larger.
Reinforcement can include cement, manure, straw, wooden posts, or rebar. Builders
have learned over time that cement, straw, or manure blended into an average
mixture of adobe can all develop a more durable, crack resistant
Golden Age Detective Fiction Essay
The anxieties and afflictions of a tragic decade are met with a reactionary response
in Golden Age detective fiction. It works as a medium to restore order to a
threatened social calm. With its narrative integrity and attempt to establish a
universal order governed by reason, Golden Age Detective Fiction functions a
medium of refuge from modernism. The detective novel provides a mode of order
and stability which is otherwise threatened in the world. The paradigm shift following
the aftermath of the Second World War displaces detective fictionfrom its detachment
from contemporary reality and social context. The shift in the medium of Golden
Age Detective Fiction can be looked at as a realisation of its own fallibility as a
medium of escape.... Show more content on ...
Unlike the consulting detective of the Golden Age who is more focussed on the
mystery that crime brings, Morse cares about bringing the murderer to justice. And
unlike the incompetent police detective whose incompetence is the reason an
amateur is consulted, Morse is actually competent and efficient in his job. The
multiple chapters and insights employed by Dexter in the novel allow the reader
to escape the tedious police procedure and dive more into the politics at play which
is directly related to the people involved in the case. But the reader is also
informed of Morse s digressions and progress. He tails his suspects, pursues
women, falls off ladders, gets drunk, his car is broken and he gets it repaired;
Morse may not be characterised as friendly but he is human and Dexter makes sure
that the reader catches this as the story progresses. He is unlike the eccentric and
almost superhuman detective of the earlier version of the genre who seldom makes
mistakes and basks on that superhuman quality and knack for detection and lack of
humanly errors. But among all of Morse s humanly qualities and behaviour, there
also lies a brilliant mind not unlike the Golden Age detective. Christopher Bird says
about Morse, Morse may claim to do work
Branson Valuation Essay
Business Valuation Report
The Branson Trucking Company As of December 31, 2007 for Dave James
Hien Nguyen
Forensic Accounting
Tuesday 5:30 8:30 PM
November 29, 2011
Dear Dave James,
I have been asked to determine the fair market value of Branson Trucking Company
as of December 31, 2007 for the purpose of determine your share in the business.
The definition of fair value market value is the price at which the property would
change hands between a willing buyer and willing seller, neither being under
compulsion to buy or to sell and both having reasonable knowledge of all relevant
Based on the information ... Show more content on ...
Major companies include Con Way, JB Hunt, Schneider National, Swift
transportation, and YRC Worldwide. Most employees in the truck transportation and
warehousing industry work in small establishments. Fewer than 5 workers are
employed by 62 percent of trucking and warehousing establishments. Consolidation in
the industry has reduced the number of small, specialized firms. Trucking and
warehousing establishments are found throughout the United States. The differential
in growth between the freight industry and the trucking industry could be the factor
that pushes trucking vacancies. The trucking industry has a current growth rate of
1%, while the freight industry is seeing a 4% growth rate. In addition, federal safety
regulations are limiting the work hours for truck drivers, which results in more
employees needed by trucking companies. The combination of all these things
compiled the cost of diesel, spells out higher overall costs for every single trucking
company in the industry. The growth of the freight industry and superior efficiency
of railroads will lead to an even slower growth rate for the trucking industry and
could be a cause for more concern as the trend continues.
The Asset Approach Adjusted Net Worth Net Worth as adjusted simply summarizes
the net assets and liabilities
Persuasive Speech About Relationships
Have you been cheated on? Is your partner having an affair with someone else? Well,
if yes, then this book is definitely for you.
They say change is the only constant thing in the world and that everything happens
for a reason. We all know that nothing is perfect and life is as messy as your room.
Same goes with relationships. Every relationship starts with flowers and hearts,
experiences some bumpy and sticky roads along the way, and will either come to an
end, or to a fruitful marriage. That s the scariest part of dating, and it is one of life s
greatest mysteries. You will never know what will happen next...
One of the most common things that barricades every couple s way to their possible
future together is infidelity. If you re having the best partner around and suddenly,
your system goes into turmoil when you ... Show more content on ...
Then there will be utter devastation, feelings of hurt, confusion, and betrayal to deal
with. On top of that, there are also many ribcage opening heart decisions to think and
make about the future of your relationship Is it time to end the relationship? Or you
just need some time to think? Maybe, you badly need counseling.
First, let s talk about cheating. When one of you cheats, it just means that your
relationship needs some minor repairs, or in other cases really serious repairs. It
serves as a premonition, a stop light, a warning sign that something is wrong. It could
be with you, with him/her, or with both of you.
Now let s have a 30 day plan to help you cope after the affair. The healing process is
an emotional one and takes some real work from both parties involved, not just with
only you. The process of fixing and figuring things up and saving the relationship is
really difficult and emotional like, really emotional for some people but it is not
impossible to achieve, to give you out good
Jacques Louis David Essay
David was the virtual art dictator of France for a generation. Extending beyond
painting, his influence determined the course of fashion, furniture design, and
interior decoration and was reflected in the development of moral philosophy. His art
was a sudden and decisive break with tradition, and from this break modern artis
David studied with Vien, and after winning the Prix de Rome (which had been
refused him four times, causing him to attempt suicide by starvation) he accompanied
Vien to Italy in 1775. His pursuit of the antique, nurtured by his time in Rome,
directed the classical revival in French art. He borrowed classical forms and motifs,
predominantly from sculpture, to illustrate a sense of virtue he mistakenly ... Show
more content on ...
During the Restoration David spent his last years in Brussels. As a portraitist he was
at his most distinguished, although he belittled this painting genre. Using living,
rather than sculptured models, he allowed his spontaneous sentiment to be revealed.
In these last years his portraits, such as Antoine Mongez and His Wife Angelica
(1812; Lille) and Bernard (1820; Louvre) are enormously vital and in them the seeds
of the new romanticism are clearly discernible.
Jacques Louis David was born into a prosperous middle class family in Paris on
August 30, 1748. In 1757 his mother left him to be raised by his uncles after his
father was killed.
He was never a good student in school in his own words, I was always hiding behind
the instructors chair, drawing for the duration of the class .
When David was 16 he began studying art at the Acad eacute;mie Royale under the
rococo painter J. M. Vien. After many unsuccessful attempts, he finally won the Prix
de Rome in 1774, and on the ensuing trip to Italy he was strongly influenced by
classical art and by the classically inspired work of the 17th century painter Nicolas
Poussin. David quickly evolved his own individual neoclassical style, drawing subject
matter from ancient sources and basing form and gesture on Roman sculpture. His
famous Oath of the Horatii was consciously intended as a proclamation of the new
neoclassical style in which
A Synopsis Of Othello
William Shakespeare s book, Othello, is a tragedy written in the year 1603, based
on the story, A Moorish Capital. It revolves around four main characters, Othello, his
wife Desdemona, Cassio who is a Lieutenant and Othello s most trusted, and Iago,
who is Othello s ensign, Most of the action in the play takes place on the island of
Cyprus. The themes covered include love, racism, revenge, betrayal, jealousy and
envy, and repentance. The book Othello is a tragedy since it attains the standards put
by Aristotle when defining the word tragedy. The writer uses drama to talk about
the fall of an individual who was once in a higher place. This fall could either be due
to internal or external forces. It is a tragedy that explains what happens ... Show more
content on ...
The demand of 3D films has continually increased over the past decade. The
revenues of these 3D films have always been on a rise, which is an indication that
more people are watching movies in theatres. Reimagining Shakespeare s Othello
as a 3D movie can also help to reboot the story, especially among young people. The
director of the movie can add or change some aspects of the story that may not be
appealing to the audience, and introduce new scenes to take advantage of the 3D
technology, and also to make the movie more interesting. 3D is best enjoyed with
scenes involving a lot of action, the director can therefore capitalize on the
violence that exists in the story, which is caused by jealousy and need for revenge.
For instance, to add some aspects of action in the movie, the director can introduce
fights and other types of violence, to make it thrilling and interesting at the same
time. Individuals who already know the story and the characters would also be
curious to see Othello as a 3D movie. As Shakespeare s stories are famous and
widely known, the production of the movie would create some buzz, attracting new
audience at the same
Andrew Lindberg Case Analysis
The Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC) brought a case against
Andrew Lindberg who was accused of breaching duties as a director when he was
in service. Andrew Lindberg was ex Managing Director of Australian Wheat Board
(AWB) who was accused to have contravened with his duties as a director. Justice
Robson from The Victorian Supreme Court handled this case and on the 9th of
August, 2012, the defendant was penalized. The case was brought to The Victorian
Supreme Court presided by Justice Robson who handed down the penalty judgment
on 09 August 2012 against the defendant.
The agreement reached in the process of settlement of the proceedings awarded the
penalty setting precedence by the name of ASIC ... Show more content on ...
OFFP (Oil for Food Program) exercised sanctions and Escrow was paid and the
revenue generated from Petroleum products were accounted in the United Nation s
Escrow account.
These proceeds collected in the escrow accounts could be released only for the
transaction of permitted commodities including food stuffs. AWB was a major
supplier of Wheat to Iraq under the Oil for Food Program (Australasian Legal
Information Institute, 2017a).
There were number of contraventions in this case. The first issue was regarding
paying the 10% of proceeds as the carriage cost pertaining to the wheat contracts to
Alia. This was later paid to the government. Alia was an intermediary company
aiding in the completion of the overall dealings related to the case under analysis.
Iraq was able to get the hard currency from this. Provisions were made to reimburse
the payment portion received by AWB which further strengthened the ability to
accumulate hard currency. In other words, the money from escrow account of UN
was being used for purposes which were other than making payment for the
commodities not permitted (Austin and Reynolds, 2012).
The second breach by AWB is the business contract they had with Tigris (another
company). The contract was focused on recovering significant debt estimated to be of
approximately $8 million, for transporting wheat to Iraq. To achieve this objective,
AWB inflated the price of wheat under the OFFP contracts which eventually resulted
in the payment from the

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  • 1. All That Glitters Is Not Gold Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "All That Glitters Is Not Gold" poses a unique set of challenges. The intricacies lie in the need to delve beyond the superficial and explore the depth of the proverb. The task demands not only a comprehensive understanding of the proverb itself but also the ability to draw relevant examples from various contexts. The challenge begins with the necessity to avoid clichГ©s and deliver a fresh perspective on a widely-discussed theme. Writers must navigate through the plethora of existing material on the subject, striving to present insights that captivate and engage the reader. Balancing between the theoretical aspect of the proverb and its practical manifestations in real-life scenarios requires finesse. Moreover, the essay demands a keen eye for detail and a knack for critical analysis. Writers need to decipher instances where appearances deceive, showcasing a range of examples that resonate with readers across diverse backgrounds. Crafting a coherent narrative that seamlessly weaves together these examples, while maintaining a logical flow, adds another layer of complexity to the task. In essence, writing an essay on this topic necessitates the ability to dig beneath the surface, explore the nuances, and present a thought-provoking piece that transcends the commonplace interpretations. It is not merely about repeating the proverb but about dissecting its essence and illustrating its relevance in various facets of life. For those seeking assistance in essay writing or exploring similar topics, various resources are available. Platforms like offer a range of services, providing the opportunity to order essays and access a wealth of information on diverse subjects. These resources can be invaluable for those looking to enhance their understanding of essay writing or seeking guidance on specific topics. All That Glitters Is Not Gold Essay All That Glitters Is Not Gold Essay
  • 2. Glucose And Lactase Lab Report Analysis It is concluded that there was a presence of glucose when lactase was added to the lactose+maltose but this was not seen in lactose. Accordingly, lactose was broken down into glucose and galactose in the existence of the enzyme lactase. In addition to that, because one maltose disaccharide is two monosaccharides, it was concluded to be positive for the benedict s solution. Due to this, maltose should always be positive. A yellow color was seen in the solution during the experiment. The control group for this experiment was the lactose solution which showed a negative test and, therefore, remained in its original blue color as there was no lactase to catalyze the chemical reaction in order for the bonds to break. Lastly, both the lactose and maltose solution with lactase had a positive result of glucoseas the benedict s solution turned a yellowish green color. Discussion The main purpose of the lab was to investigate the effects of lactase two sugars, lactose and maltose. It was concluded that adding lactase to lactose will cause it to break down into its two components and this was indicated by adding benedict s solution. In the presence of glucose, benedict s solution causes the color to change to a red yellow solution, which is what was observed. Gene expression can be used to ... Show more content on ... When there is a lack of lactase in the small intestines, it results in lactose intolerance which means the body cannot fully break down lactose. Most cases of lactose intolerance occur later in life when activity of lactate gradually decreases causing less lactase to bind to active sites, however, in rare cases some babies may be born without the lactase enzyme. This intolerance caused by the lack of lactase leads to the lactose being passed onto the color, where it is fermented by the bacteria present and causes gas, diarrhea and bloating and can lead to sever
  • 3. College Sports Vs. College Athletes Jonah Kosakiewicz Honors English Period One 4 9 17 Title Over the years, college sports have been adored by all people around the United States. These famous sports are being played not by professional athletes, but by kids that are in our generation. On television, these college athletes will show all of their hard work, but what the public does not see is what is going on after the lights have turned off and all of the athletes have gone back to their dorms. In a study in 2008, Buckman found that among male student athletes, 9.7 percents say they use ВЁbanned performance enhancersВЁ and 55.8 percent say they used performance enhancers (this could be banned or not banned) (ВЁMeasuring Drug and Alcohol use Among College... Show more content on ... If you think closely, this contradicts California s ruling over their student athletes. This is because the NCAA has different policies over the United States and this is a big issue on why college athletes are getting away with substance abuse. Since there is not an over blanketing policy over the whole NCAA program, students are able to slip past the rules and almost give themselves a sense of being able to get past the rules. But this is not the only thing that gives student athletes an excuse to use performance enhancers. Some key issues with fatuous college students is that they are influenced by outside forces very easy. This could be anything from other students to their coaches. In a study of a division one college and a division three college, three participants said if the coach is saying, take these illegal performance enhancers, you are going to want to do that because... you are gonna want to play... you are going to want to do what the coach says ( Voices of Male athletes on drug use, drug testing, and the existing order in intercollegiate athletes ). This is just one example of where coaches are pressuring students into using illegal drugs just to perform better. Since the coach is in charge of how the drugs test are being displayed, the student athlete will not get into trouble which in turn will hurt them later on. An example of when a coach deviated from the rules and actually got fired for skewing results is at
  • 4. Difference Between Differences And Differences Between... The results of analysis of variance (Table 3) showed that there were significant differences between lines in the probability of 1% in terms of all traits; which indicating a high genetic variation for studied lines. Existence significant differences and genetic variation among genotypes of lentil by other authors such as Mostafaei et al, (2006), Bayoumi (2008) and Toklu et al, (2009) have also been reported. Kumar et al, (2012) by studying 43 genotypes of lentil under field conditions found high diversity for biological yield, seed yield and harvest index. Ruisi et al, (2015) worked on 15 accessions of lentil during two years and stated that high variation existed among genotypes in terms of pheno morphological and agronomic traits. In the present study, most (21.54%) and lowest (4.79%) values of the coefficient of variation of error was observed in biological yield and days to flowering, respectively. The mean of superior lines (Table 4) showed that a specific pure line with high values for all traits not found; but desirable pure lines in terms of phenological traits, stem diameter, number of pods per plant, plant height and seed yield were observed. Line No. 20 (ILL590) with large leaf length, high numbers of pods per plant, more stem diameter, fewer days to flowering and maturity and high seed yield known as the superior line on weather conditions of Shahrekord, Iran. After that, line No. 28 (ILL947) was with high levels of seed yield, stem diameter, number of pods per
  • 5. Hedy Lamarr Biography Hedy Lamarr was born November 9, 1914.She was discovered by A Austrian film director as a teenager.She became popular in the 1930 s (well known).She was known for her beauty, it was very controversial because of how she did things such as because woman were suppose to very modest.She was very jaunty in one scene of a movie she starred in, she ran around nude .She starred in different movies such as, The Strange Woman,Tortilla Flat,Boom Town,Lady Of The Tropics etc. Not only was Hedy a beauty, but she had brains, too.she co invented frequency hopping, a radio technology that helped America win World War II. Her invention was a wireless communications system that allowed the military to electronically send top secret messages.And if it was
  • 6. Bret Harte Use The Symbolism In The Luck Of Roaring Camp The Luck of Roaring Camp In August 1868, Bret Harte published a book called The Luck of Roaring Camp. There was a group of miners that lived in a strictly male dominant society...except for the fact that there was one woman. Her name was Cherokee Sal, and she got pregnant while she was living there. The baby played a very significant role in the story because it changed everyone s lives in that camp. In The Luck of Roaring Camp, Bret Harte uses the birth of a baby as a transformative figure in men, and to symbolize that their luck had run out in the end. In the beginning of the story, the males are not very fond of any new people joining the camp. Roaring Camp is unwelcoming to strangers. The narrator explains that the camp is not only... Show more content on ... After Cherokee Sal died, the miners took The Luck in as one of their own. It was kind of weird that one hundred plus men were taking care of a baby and there were no females there to help...except for Mother Nature. Nature was his nurse and play fellow. For him she would let slip between the leaves golden shafts of sunlight that fell just within his grasp; she would send wandering breezes to visit him with the balm of bay and resinous gums; to him the tall redwoods nodded familiarly and sleepily, the bumble bees buzzed, and the rooks clawed a slumbrous accompaniment, (120). This quote explains that nature can be seen as his mother because it always treats The Luck very well. Mother Nature was also treating the men very well, and they were also getting extremely lucky by finding large amounts of gold! Everything was going fine until there luck had finally run out. Their luck had run out once The Luck seemed unhappy. Once this happens, Mother Nature comes striking back with the winter of 51. In the confusion of rushing water, crushing trees and crackling timber, and the darkness which seemed to flow with the water and blot out the fair valley, (121). This storm caused many people to get hurt, including The Luck. The death of The Luck brought sadness all around, and it signified that the camp s luck had run
  • 7. Essay on Violent Video Games are the Root Cause of Youth... Technological advances have engineered many new forms of entertainment, one of the most popular being video games. Video games have come a long way since they were first introduced to the mainstream audience during the 1960 s and 1970 s and have drawn a large amount attraction among people of all ages and culture. However it wasn t until the Play station was released that violencebecame a concern to parents and politics. The level of violence in video games have been in a matter of controversy dating all the way back to the classic games like Pacman and Space Invaders and with the advancement of technology, eventually pushing into more modern and realistic games like Grand Theft Auto 5 and Call of Duty: Ghosts. These games are evolving... Show more content on ... The experiment involved the use of a Bobo doll. The doll is an inflatable clown that is in the shape of a punching bag. The experiment started off with several children watching the first video of an adult hitting the Bobo doll with kicks, punches, weapons, and even toy guns and the second video of an adult playing with toys while ignoring the Bobo doll. According to Kutner and Olson (2008), Children were more likely to be violent towards the Bobo doll after seeing the acts portrayed on film by the adult. As a result, when young kids observe violence tend to be more aggressive and hostile. Since violent video games teach children to be violent, aggression will no doubt increase. Following, addiction surrounding video games is becoming an increasing problem as well. The youth play continuously, obsessively and in some way believe and perceive the virtual world as more pleasing and attractive than the real world, and as a result they should be banned. Richard Falzone (2008), MD, a child psychiatrist met a child who had an addiction with video games. He stated: I m seeing a fifteen year old boy who has been hospitalized for depression and for cutting himself. He s bombing out of school, not because he couldn t cut down on the time he spent playing World of Warcraft. He would
  • 8. Anxiety Disorders And Anxiety Disorder Everyone in their life time experiences some sort of anxiety. It is that feeling that you get when you are about to take a test or doing a presentation in front of students. But some people, like me, have something worse than just the anxious feeling you get, something called anxiety disorder. It becomes a disorder when that anxious feeling happens frequently and makes you feel uneasy and different Figuring out that I had anxiety took a while, I always felt like I was anxious a lot more than everyone else and beyond stressed at a young age. It just did not click in my head that there might be something wrong. I was living my life in a low state, depressed and having multiple panic attacks through the day at any giving time and there was no obvious thing that trigger them. I was miserable to the point I did not want to get out of bed, I was too afraid. This caused me to become super depressed, to the point of cutting and thinking of my options to end this cruel disorder that was taking over my life. After a while, I was fed up with my anxiety. Having around twenty panic attacks a day puts a lot on the human body and the way it functions. I did not feeling human anymore. I talked Anxiety and Depression in my Life to someone, finally. The first person was my older brother, he did not exactly help at all. He told me I was crazy and that it was all in my head, which just made the situation worse than it was before. I was not giving up there! I talked to my Dad, which at the
  • 9. Compare And Contrast Essay On Public Vs Private School Everyone knows that private school is more expensive than public school, but has it ever occurred to you why it is like this? Private schools are not just trying to take your money, they are just trying to provide a quality education, without the government funding that public schools get. The tuition money goes to very important things; high quality teachers, better resources and the overall quality and stability of the institution. It is true that private schooltuition is expensive, but private schools have been proven to be more orderly and safe, have more engaged teachers, better equipped for religious and special needs, and students have better test scores and are better prepared for college and the rest of life. Private schools are known for setting high standards, engaging students, and sparking the desire to learn. If the standards are set high, the students will work hard to reach them. Private school students generally perform higher than public schoolstudents on standardized achievement tests. In the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), private school students scored well above the national average. (CAPE | Council for American Private Education. CAPE) Private schools do a great job challenging their students to stretch their capacity; they require more courses for graduation than public schools in math, science, social studies, foreign language, and computer sciences. Requiring more courses for graduation may seem like a lot of work, but it
  • 10. Political Time vs. Ordinary Time Discuss how political time is different than ordinary time, in terms of resistance groups. For instance, the resistance fighters in Viet Nam fought first the French, in Indochina, then the Americans, from 1945 until 1975, for thirty years. How is it possible to motivate subordinates to fight that long? Political time differs from that of ordinary time in the amount of time it takes to reach an end result. As ordinary time may take anywhere from a few days to several years, political time refers to the amount of time it takes to achieve the ultimate goal of a group or organization. In the case of the resistance fighters in Vietnam, their willpower came from the motivation to continue fighting for a higher cause. Their ability to ... Show more content on ... In order to attempt to deter a possible recruit of suicide terrorism, these recruits would need to look at the big picture and realize that in order to create a lasting impression they could accomplish a whole lot more in the living form. Instead these suicide groups create a lasting impression of the martyrs
  • 11. Custom Molds Strategy Analysis Essay Introduction and Problem Definition Custom Molds, Inc. was founded by a father and son team in 1987 to provide high quality, custom designed molds for manufacturers of electronic connectors, but later expanded into the production of plastic parts for the industry. In recent years, the changing environment of the electronics industry had a profound impact on the way Custom Molds conducts its business and manufacturing processes. The changing sales mix, coupled with delivery and quality problems, prompted the company to revise its business strategies to address to following issues: 1) Changing trends in the electronics manufacturing industry that caused changes in clients order needs 2) Unpredictable bottlenecks in the production ... Show more content on ... The fabrication of a mold takes two to four weeks, depending on the amount of work the machinist already has scheduled, even though the fabrication process itself takes only three to five days. There are 13 master machinists in the company, and it is always the same machinist who was assigned to the design team. This means an unequal amount of work is distributed among the machinists. The estimated time for this step can be further shortened if the use of resources can be managed effectively. The parts manufacturing process, especially for molds that were previously manufactured and maintained in inventory, is a somewhat different process than that for mold fabrication. Raw material ordered for this process usually takes a week to arrive, contributing to an extended lead time for delivery of parts to clients. Custom Molds practice of ordering raw materials only after the specification review is clearly affecting the timely delivery of its orders, and in the parts manufacturing industry where delivery times are critical, this can affect the company s relationships with clients. Even though Custom Molds has the capacity to produce 5,000 parts per day in the injection molding department, the lead time for handling orders in this department has averaged one week. This reflects the department s inability to fully utilize the company s production output capability to accelerate the delivery time based on production. 2) Quality Issues To add to the
  • 12. History Of The Second Temple Period LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY History of the Second Temple Period Submitted to Dr. Mark Caldwell in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of NBST 510 C02 New Testament Introduction by Morid Rouhi 28 March 2015 Introduction Oppressed, disseminated, exiled, time and again mistreated, the Jews not only endured but contributed indispensably to the Western civilization, playing a critical role in almost every vital episode of world history. This survey of the second temple period will capture the survival of Jews and the advancement of Judaism under foreign rulers that took place in the span of six hundred years. These turn of events begin from late sixth century Before Christ (BC), and culminate in 70 Anno Domini (AD) with the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem by the Roman Empire. At the outset of this paper, Israel s return from exile under the Persian Empire control, then their odyssey under the Hellenistic kingdoms, and finally their journey under the Roman Empire governing is looked at, which will provide a chronological look of the events during this period. Furthermore, in the latter part of this paper Ezra the profit and events that he was involved in that affected the first century world of Jews and their expectations of the Messiah are highlighted. From Babylonian Exile and Persian Kings Period to Destruction of the Second Temple The Babylonian exile was a harrowing experience in the history of Judah. It
  • 13. Dice and Probability DICE AND PROBABILITY LAB Learning outcome: Upon completion, students will be able to... * Compute experimental and theoretical probabilities using basic laws of probability. Scoring/Grading Rubric: * Part 1: 5 points * Part 2: 5 points * Part 3: 22 points (2 per sum of 2 12) * Part 4: 5 points * Part 5: 5 points * Part 6: 38 points (4 per sum of 4 12, 2 per sum of 3) * Part 7: 10 points * Part 8: 10 points Introduction: While it is fairly simple to understand the outcomes of a single die roll, the outcomes when rolling two dice are a little more complicated. The goal of this lab is to get a better understanding of these outcomes and the probabilities that go with them. We will examine and ... Show more content on ... (10 pts) How do your experimental probabilities compare to the theoretical probabilities of rolling different sums on a pair of dice? Did you have the same probabilities? Was your data relatively close? They had different probabilities, however they were relatively close to each other. 8. (10 pts) How do you think the experimental probabilities would compare to the theoretical probabilities if we rolled the pair of dice 500 times? 1,000 times? 1,000,000 times? I believe they would become closer and closer to the theoretical probabilities as we rolled more
  • 14. Similarities And Differences Between United Kingdom And Spain Adopting a historical comparative perspective, this paper explains the politics structure of the United Kingdom and Spain; two .............I selected these two countries because these two countries are involved in the same characteristic, as they both are unitary state that consists of monarchy and parliamentary system. However, with the differences in culture, ideology and history background, making both United Kingdomand Spainhave an outstanding contrasting functions. First and foremost, I d briefly go through the history of both countries by emphasized on their political institutions historical. The United Kingdom is considered as the primogenitor of the present day democracy structure in many democratic countries. United Kingdom is seemed to... Show more content on ... However, we call it differently for United Kingdom, The upper house and lower house is house of lord and house of common while in Spain we call the house of senate and house of deputies. According to the website of congress of Spain, The lower house of Spain consists of 350 members, who are the representatives of each provinces and has four years term. The method that is used to elect the member of lower house is the proportional representative method. While, The number of the total seat in house of common in United Kingdom is 650 (UK parliamentary, 2010). The electoral method that the UK is used to elected the member of the lower house is on the other hand, a plurality or majority vote system. United Kingdom and Spain choose to use different electoral system to elect the number of the member in the lower house because certain type of electoral system might fit to the situation of particular country
  • 15. Pegasus Rise Of The Titans Theme Essay The theme of the book Pegasus rise of the Titans by Kate O Hearn is teamwork and working together to accomplish something you can t do alone. In this book Emily and all of her friends have to join together to go and find the flame shard in Hawaii. They face many obstacles like the titan girl, Lorin, and the Hawaiian Goddesses, Pele and Namaka. At one point in the book, the three night dwellers who are brother and sisters work together using their mind link to communicate with one another between Olympus, Tartarus, and earth to share the information they have gathered from their designated worlds. Eventually Emily and Lorin work together with the Xan Riza, the first flame, to defeat Saturn and save all that everyone holds dear. At one part in the book, Emily, Joel, and Pallen have to work as a team to find some vines to tie around Charon and Pegasus so they can get to where the flame shard is located. When Emily and Lorin have to team up to... Show more content on ... Emily to protect her friends, asked Pegasus to come with her to Diamond Head Mountain to remove the flame shard from the center of the once active volcano using his great strength and Emily s power of the flame to work together to get the shard. They had flooded the dormant volcano with water and they couldn t call for Neptune to help them get rid of the water because they had no way of contacting him so they tried to ask Namaka but she saw the lei s around there necks and refused to help them. Because of the lei s around everyone s necks, Namaka had one of her minion s kidnap Pallen, Emily, and Joel. They were given some sort of drug that made Pallen and Joel fall asleep but it didn t work on Emily. So they were all tossed into a van and driven off to the beach, but during the ride Pallen woke up and used his Olympian powers to stretch out his arms and untie Emily. Then Namaka took Joel, but Emily and Pallen
  • 16. The Characteristics Of The Cold War The Cold War is the designation for a period of time in which political and military tension exist between the West, led by the United States and its NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) allies, and the Communist World, led by the Soviet Union and its allies in the Warsaw Pact. The term cold was used to describe the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union throughout the war because neither side were involved in a large scale fight directly, though, there are regional wars who fought for their beliefs on their behalf e.g. South Vietnam versus North Vietnam which was supported by the United States for the former and by the Soviet Union for the latter. The term cold waritself was first used by an English writer, George Orwell, in his essay You and the Atomic Bomb , published by the British newspaper Tribune on 19 October 1945, We may be heading not for general breakdown but for an epoch as horribly stable as the slave empires of antiquity.... that is, the kind of world view, the kind of beliefs, and the social structure that would probably prevail in a state which was at once unconquerable and in a permanent state of cold war with its neighbors. (Orwell,... Show more content on ... Larkin (1965), in his exam revision book European History for Certificate Classes, posited that the Cold War was a mixture of religious crusade in favor of one ideology or the other, and of the most ruthless power politics, striking out for advantage or expansion not only in Europe but all over the world. How historians analyze the Cold War has been a major concern, such as the problems when and where the Cold War began; whether it was inevitable; and why states and individual in an international system acted in a particular
  • 17. Uglies Character Analysis Uglies, a young adult novel about a futuristic society, delivers a page turning experience as you read the book, this is a real treat for lovers of realistic fiction. First in its series, it keeps the reader wanting to buy the books after just to catch up with the protagonist Tally s latest decisions and drama. In just a few short lines, Scott Westerfeldhas showed us dialogue, setting and the main character of this novel, leading an interesting and exciting start for the rest of the book. Uglies is a novel placed in the future. The outline of the story is that a young girl named Tally is 15, going on 16. She is about to go through a pretty serious cosmetic surgery to make her pretty. Then, after she gets this surgery she can be on the pretty side of town with her friend Peris. On the pretty side of town is where the grass could be considered greener, it s fun and carefree without a worry in the world. Tally and Shay are still unsure about undergoing the procedure just to become pretty, Shay thinks there is more to life than just being a pretty face and a dull personality. While Tally and Shay ponder becoming pretty, Shay decides to run off to the smoke to get away from the stress of the situation. While Shay is in the smoke, Tally is forced to run away as well to find her. There are many positives to this story; to start, this novel is relatable to a young audience struggling with beauty and appearance issues, Uglies shows the audience what the world might become in the
  • 18. Abraham s Intelligence Of The United States To illustrate Abraham s intelligence, he bought books to study and teach himself when he was young to become a brilliant man. In fact, Lincoln taught himself law and eventually was able to pass the bar exam to become a lawyer, he accomplished this in 1836. Abraham had the chance to do this with the assistance of John Todd Stuart, John let Abraham borrow books to study from to pass the bar exam. With this achievement, Lincoln had the chance to practice being an attorney, and led in his successful life. After some time passed, people elected him to be a part of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1846. In addition, in 1860 he became the U. S. president. Furthermore, he had the skills to be president and he knew what he wanted to modify in the United Statesto enhance the lives of the citizens. Not only did Abraham have the skills to be president, but he accomplished a wide range of items that affected the United States greatly. For example, being the leader the Union in the Civil war with the Confederacy and eventually succeeded in winning in the war. In addition, he made strides in freeing the slaves that were in slavery. He presented a speech named the Gettysburg Address, which influenced America greatly. Creating the first income tax to gather money for the Union in the civil war was another accomplishment he overcame. Lincoln produced Homestead, Morrill, and National banking acts, as well as the first railroad bill and that would change thousands of citizen s lives.
  • 19. Essay on Gene Therapy is Revolutionizing Medicine Gene Therapy is Revolutionizing Medicine We used to think that our fate was in our stars, but now we know that, in large measure, our fate is in our genes, quotes James Watson. This fate that Watson is talking about is contained in our genes, and deals with a new technique, gene therapy. Gene therapy is revolutionizing the world of medicine. Many physicians are predicting that in twenty years gene therapy may change the practice of medicine from a treatment based to a prevention based practice. Our future is l ocked away inside of our genes. Gene therapy is unlocking these doors. Researchers are starting to move away from developing new drugs, and towards finding an ultimate solution. That solution is to use gene therapy as a ... Show more content on ... Now a physician can treat the patient wit h a herpes curing drug that will destroy the tumor cells along with the mouse cells that are producing the herpes enzyme. The other target of some of the various retroviruses used include: bone marrow, skin, and liver cells. Genetic alteration of bone marrow cells aims to correct the mutated part of the cell or its progeny. Skin cells work in a different manner. Geneticists found that these cells synthesize and secrete proteins, but these are then transported through the blood to be utilized by other cells. Researchers are trying to use skin cells to synthesize an enzyme that it does not normally make. They then hope that it will take that enzyme to some other cell. That cell may not be able to make that enzyme, but the skin cell transports an ess ential enzyme that will help that new cell function properly. Research with liver cells is still in the beginning stages. Keys to the Kingdom, Time Magazine Examples of Gene therapy This new therapy appears to work quite well in the lab setting, or theoretically in some scientist s mind, but it still had not been proven in a human subject. The first human to receive gene therapy treatment wa s a 4 year old girl with severe immune deficiency disease. This disease is caused by a faulty gene that fails to produce a vital enzyme. In the therapy procedure, they extracted some of the girl s white blood cells. Then,
  • 20. Emmom Research Paper What is Emom Workout ? EMOM means for Every Minute On the Minute. It is an interval training style of workouts from Crossfit. You need to perform an specific exercise at the beginning of each minute for a given period of time. Who can EMOM workout ? Emom workouts like any other workouts are for everyone, from beginner to advanced. As I mentioned previsouly, you can use emom for anything. Let s say you are beginner and your goal is to burn fat and tone up at the same time. Well, pretty easy, just choose one exerciselike bodyweight squat and a duration, let s say 5 minutes for this example. Your objective is to execute 10 squats for each minute until you reach the total duration of the workout. But, if you want to rest you need to perform the ... Show more content on ... Which equipment do I need ? Can I do Emom anywhere ? Of course ! That s the beauty of that type of workout, you can literally do it EVERYWHERE and without any equipment. You only need a timer and your body! How cool is that ? What are the benefits of Emom Workouts ? Tempo : It is actually really different than a regular workout, you tend to think differently! In an Emom workout the clock decides when you make an effort and when you rest. After each minute, you will be able to see if you did the given exercise at slow or fast rythm. For example : Let s take an 8 minues EMOM workout with 10 push ups. If it takes you 30 seconds on the first minute and then 50 seconds on the second, that means you didn t keep the same rythm. Progression : EMOM workouts are a great way to mesure your performances every week. Remember the first example above : The first week you can do 10 push ups every minutes for 8 minutes. Your objective is to do 10 push ups in 40 seconds in order to rest for 20 seconds if you really want to rest! On the second week, you can increase the number of push ups for each minute or increase the workout duration. Versatile
  • 21. Study Guide Literary Terms AP Literary and Rhetorical Terms 1. 2. alliteration Used for poetic effect, a repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a group. The following line from Robert Frost s poem Acquainted with the Night provides us with an example of alliteration, : I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet. The repetition of the s sound creates a sense of quiet, reinforcing the meaning of the line 3. allegory Where every aspect of a story is representative, usually symbolic, of something else, usually a larger abstract concept or important historical/geopolitical event. Lord of the Flies provides a compelling allegory of human nature, illustrating the three sides of the psyche through its sharply defined main... Show more content on ... An absent person, an abstract concept, or an important object is directly addressed. Example: With how sad steps, O moon, thou climbest the skies. Busy old fool, unruly sun. 11. archetype something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies; this painting is a copy of the original [syn: original] 12. atmosphere the dominant mood or emotional tone of a work of art, as of a play or novel: the chilly atmosphere of a ghost story. 13. antithesis opposition, or contrast of ideas or words in a balanced or parallel construction. *Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. Barry Goldwater *Brutus: Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar 14. Anecdote A very short tale told by a character in a literary work. In Chaucer s Canterbury Tales, The Miller s Tale and The Carpenter s Tale are examples a short account of a particular incident or event of an interesting or amusing nature, often biographical 15. antagonist A person or force which opposes the protagonist in a literary work. In Stephen Vincent Benet s The Devil and Daniel Webster, Mr. Scratch is Daniel Webster s antagonist at the trial of Jabez Stone. The cold, in Jack London s To Build a Fire is the antagonist that defeats the man on the trail 16. anticlimax an event, conclusion,
  • 22. What Effect Will the Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid... Introduction In this chemical reaction, the magnesium will dissolve in the hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas. This is because magnesium is higher than hydrogen in the reactivity series. Therefore, when the two reactants are combined, a displacement reaction occus and the magnesium displaces the hydrogen, forming magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. Mg (s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl 2 (aq) + H 2 (g) Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen Aim The aim of this investigation is to observe the effect that the concentration of hydrochloric acid (independent variable) has on the rate of reaction (dependent variable) between the magnesium ribbon and the hydrochloric acid.... Show more content on ... If there is more surface area exposed to the hydrochloric acid, the particles of acid will have a greater area of magnesium to react with and form successful collisions, thus increasing the rate of reaction. Volume of Hydrochloric Acid Used: An overall volume of 50ml of hydrochloric acid and water should be used for every trial. If a lesser volume is used, this will decrease the rate of reaction as there will be less particles in the HCl to collide with the Mg particles, which will lessen the chance for creating a successful collision, and thus lower the rate of the chemical reactions. Timing of the experiment: Bung with delivery tube should be placed on the conical flask as soon as possible after the magnesium ribbon is dropped. This will ensure that as much of the hydrogen gas gets measured in the measuring cylinder above the trough, in order to obtain accurate measurements when calculating the rate of reactions. Stopwatch will begin as soon as the magnesium is dropped into the hydrochloric acid, so that the timing of the reaction is measured accurately. Cleaning of the magnesium: The ribbon of magnesium will be cleaned with sandpaper to remove the coating on the magnesium metal caused by reactions with atmospheric gases. This needs to be done so that the measuring cylinder measures the gas produced from the reaction
  • 23. Similarities Between A Raisin In The Sun And The American... The American Dream is not uniquely American, it is a dream held by people all around the world. It is a dream about success, a word that has different meanings for many people. The play, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry explores the American dream and race through the lense of a poor black family that receives a ten thousand dollar life insurance check after the death of the patriarch of the family. Walter Lee Younger, the adult male in the house wants to invent it in a liquor store while Walter s mother believes that decision would be unchristian. Another view of the American dream in presented in the Great Gatsbyby F. Scott Fitzgerald, a 1920 s American novel in which a wealthy man, Gatsby, attempts to woo his former lover, Daisy Buchanan. I define the American dream as earning the respect and admiration of one s peers. Using my definition of the American dream, Walter is successful because he earns the respect of his family by refusing money to keep his dignity, whereas Gatsby does not achieve the dream because of the place and time in which he must climb the social ladder. Walter Lee Younger earns the respect of his family by showing personal growth by refusing to trade his dignity for a check. After Walter loses sixty five hundred dollars in a risky business venture, he attempts to make some it back by accepting money from the leader of a white neighborhood in exchange for not moving into the neighborhood. Everyone except for Walter is opposed to the idea of taking the mony. After spending a while trying to convince his family accepting the check is the right decision, Walter lashes out and tells everyone what his motives are by saying, Hell, yes, I want me some yachts someday! Yes, I want to hang some real pearls round my wife s neck. Ain t she supposed to wear no pearls? Somebody tell me tell me, who decides which women is suppose to wear pearls in this world. I tell you I am a man and I think my wife should wear some pearls in this world! (3.i). Walter tells everyone that he desires to be a man and provide for his family, he thinks his wife should wear some pearls in this world . Walter feels he does not have authority over the direction of his life and he believes that money will fix
  • 24. Model School Policy On Suicide Prevention Case Study Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention Mara Kashmiri Texas A M University Kingsville Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention Suicide is the third most common cause of death for children and teenagers (Center for Disease Control (CDC), 2015). In order to combat these rising rates, preventative measures must be put into place. Among the places that a child is most likely to be accounted for is at school, therefore, schools must be involved in the preventative process. In this line of thinking the a coalition of interested organizations, such as the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, have created a Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention that schools can chose to implement in order to educate and aid students who are struggling with suicidal thoughts, provide information to school staff about risk and protective factors involving suicide as well as creating a safety measures and procedures if a suicide does occur. ... Show more content on ... By providing resources and support, individuals considering suicide can learn to escape, improve, or cope and manage whatever situation that they believe is hopeless and without end. Social work values and service are geared towards helping individuals improving their quality of life through the belief that everyone has the right to dignity and respect. A facet of this can be achieved through providing suicide prevention policies, especially for school aged populations of children and teenagers who may have never been shown the dignity, respect, or kindness towards their mental and social well being so that they have a chance of a better life in the
  • 25. Case Study Of Hidradenitis Suppurativa Discussion Hidradenitis suppurativa remains a challenging disease for both the patient and the physician. It is a chronic debilitating disease whose aetiology is still controversial1. Because of the varying clinical manifestations and sites involved by the disease, patients with hidradenitis suppurativa present to, or are referred to many different specialties, including gynecology, surgery, medicine, dermatology, plastic surgery, immunology and infection control. Unfortunately, hidradenitis suppurativa is commonly mismanaged owing to a failure of early diagnosis and once established, chronicity and progression ensue. No specific test for diagnosis exists. Inflammatory abscess like swelling(s) in apocrine gland bearing skin should be regarded ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, several surgical techniques depending on secondary intention for minor or extensive disease are also described in the literature. Excision and split skin grafting is a basic tool in the surgical treatment and the result of this procedure is often satisfactory15. Massive regional hidradenitis suppurativa can be successfully managed with wide surgical excision, VAC therapy, and skin grafting for better outcomes16. Furthermore, Negative pressure dressings have been used as bolster for skin grafts in order to reconstruct such defects after wide surgical excision17. Other option is the double opposing V Y perforator based flaps which have been described for reconstruction of axillary defects following excision of hidradenitis suppurativa to recreate the axillary contour after wide surgical excision of the hair bearing skin of the
  • 26. Essay on Farmer Dilemma 1. Railroads Railroads in each area were often controlled by one company, enabling those railroads to charge what they wanted. Railroads were the only way for many western farmers to get their produce to market and high prices were always charged. Railroads controlled storage, elevators, and warehouses so the prices the farmers paid were very high. Middlemen Middlemen set the price of the produce low when they sold because the market price was unpredictable. Bankers High interest rates caused the farmers to pay even more when they didn t have the money to pay. Trusts Trusts such as McCormick, makers of farm machinery, set the price for the farm machinery. Many farmers relied on McCormick farm machinery to grow crops, so the ... Show more content on ... Indeed, Document A states that farmers overproduced which caused prices to fall, but it is very evident and far more explanation is given for reasons such as railroads, banks, and the lack of government help. 4. Because farmers could only afford one machine most times, most farmers specialized in what crop the machine worked best with. 5. The value of money appreciated 300% so that the value of the farmers goods decreased to ВЅ of what it used to be. 6. This could be both beneficial or harmful with the deflation. They might not have enough money to pay for things. On the other hand, the interest/mortgage rates were the same. 7. Farmers might suggest that a remedy for deflation is to have more government involvement such as paying farmers a certain amount to NOT grow crops to ensure a profit (or some earnings) for that year. Because prices fall in a deflated economy, and the price for crops is already set low, farmers could not plant as much crop either. Additionally, they could petition for the government to set the price in proportion to their income. 8. There would have been strong forces to depreciate the currency in the late nineteenth century because 9. A college such as The University of Illinois could provide farmers with the knowledge of new technology that could give them better crops for possibly less cost and a way to limit production. Additionally, it could teach farmers how to respond to new market
  • 27. Most Average Day Research Paper The Most Average Day of My Life It was an average, regular Tuesday. I woke up at 7:15 to the buzzing of my alarm after a particularly good dream, which I cannot remember at the current moment. I stood up, unsteadily, and turned off my alarm. I then proceeded to lie back down in my bed for about 5 10 mins. After that, I got back up, changed my alarm to wake me up Wednesday at 7:25, then I went downstairs to use the bathroom. I went back upstairs to get dressed . Once I was dressed, I was reminded by my sister that today was Superhero Day for school, so I dug through my dresser for my Spider Man shirt, changed my shirt to that shirt, went back downstairs, and continued preparing myself for the day ahead. I waited for the bus, the warm chill ... Show more content on ... I got the science done with absolute ease, but the math paper was still slightly difficult to complete. I got that done and got to work on the Personal Narrative for English. I also listened to my sister having difficulty with a worksheet on theme she had to do. I had salsbury steak for dinner, and mashed potatoes that I made, maybe even without reading the directions a little. After dinner, I sat back down in a chair in our living room and watched TV, then I walked to my room and drifted off to sleep in my bed. So ends to my average
  • 28. The Importance Of Presidential Power In The Constitution This presidential power is controversial because it is nowhere mentioned in the U.S. Constitution (Rozell). The President, since the beginning, has gained powers not specifically enumerated, increasing the power of the executive branch. Over the course of history the President has assumed many powers unlisted in the Constitution including the line item veto, executive privilege, and executive order which have all impacted the President s relationship with Congress. The line item veto was used very briefly during the Clinton administration before it was later declared unconstitutional, though it was wanted by many other administrations. The line item veto is defined as, A special form of veto in which the chief executive has the right to prevent particular provisions of a bill enacted by a legislative assembly from becoming law without having to kill all the other parts of the bill at the same time (Johnson). An example of the president using the line item veto is Bill Clinton, which vetoed part of the Balanced Budget Act which, relinquished the Federal Government s ability to recoup nearly $2.6 billion in taxes levied against Medicaid providers ( Clinton v. City of New York. ). The line item veto was then declared unconstitutional because of the President s ability to amend legislation that was already passed by both houses of congress, and declared that the President must totally reject or accept a bill. One major challenge towards the line item veto is that
  • 29. Dress Code At School Complaint I: I think we shouldn t have a dress code at school. I honestly feel that if I m paying for my clothes, my own self I should be able to wear them. I feel like the majority of the clothes I wear aren t inappropiate or if they are I don t try to be , I simply wear them to express myself. I also feel that if they keep the dress codethey need to be fair with it and not let some people wear it and some people not. Complaint II: I think school should start 9 o clock and not 7:45 in the morning. I do not like getting up early at all. I know that by the time first block I be tired and my mind isn t functioning right. I believe if school started at 9 o clock I d be well rested and I would be ready to learn. Complaint III: I think school
  • 30. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Is Only At The... Conclusion Thus, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is only at the initial stage of its development, there are obvious problems, but there is progress. After just five years since its foundation, it is developing a high level cooperation in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism. There is the potential for qualitative steps in the fight against the drug menace, successfully developing economic cooperation, signed many important documents are created and continue to create the necessary structures and mechanisms for their implementation. For the SCO there is still much to do and decide, but it is already clear, the organization becomes a powerful and effective international institution that attracts the eyes from all around the globe, it is gradually turning into an important tool of international politics and security. In recent years there have been many discussions and comments on the geopolitical nature of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Matthew Brummer in the Journal of international affairs, monitors the effects of the expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the Persian Gulf. Iranian writer Hamid Golpira said: According to the theory of Zbigniew Brzezinski , control the Eurasian continent is the key to world domination, and control over Central Asia is the key to control of the Eurasian continent. Russia and China have drawn attention to Brzezinski s theory, since they formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2001,
  • 31. Republican Democratic Parties Essay All across the world there are major political parties fighting in each country in order to take control of their government. The United States of America is not an exception, as the Democratic and Republican parties compete against each other in every election in order to gain control of the US Government. These two political parties are the most popular and powerful in the US, there are very popular that other political parties have no chance on competing against these two in an election race. In order to win electionsthe parties need the vote of the people, the parties need for every gender to vote for them in order to have a chance in winning the election. Both parties need the vote of the men and woman, but these genders tend to vote... Show more content on ... Even if the framers did not intent the formation of such political parties, the first ever two parties were already formed during that time. The first somewhat political parties were formed when the new constitution was being considered, the two political parties were the Federalist and the Anti Federalist. The Federalist were those who favored the establishing of the new constitution, while the Anti Federalist were those who opposed the ratification of the constitution. The first two political parties that were formed in the United States were the federalist and the anti federalist. The federalist consisted of the northern population, while the anti federalist were in the south. One of the leaders of the federalist was Alexander Hamilton, with the power that he held and the power of the other federalist, they were able to gain control of the government for the first 10 years. The Democratic Republic party took shape with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, until 1828 when the name Republican was dropped from the name of the party which lead to the creation of the Democratic Party. Slavery was a very important issue for the United States government during those years, the Whig Party was then formed in order to stop the spreading of slavery into the western territories. The Whig Party came to an end as the Kansas Nebraska bill of 1854 gave permission to the state to decide if they would be a free or slave state. The anti slavery Whigs started to gather again in
  • 32. Nuclear Radiation Research Paper Discuss medical applications of nuclear radiation and their effects on society. Explain briefly how the applications work. Include some of the scientists involved in their discovery and development. Simply put radiation is energy or particles flying through space. Radiation comes in three forms Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation, all three types have vastly different applications and levels of strength. The most common type of electromagnetic radiation used in the medical is known as ionising radiation, that form of radiation is far more powerful than non ionising radiation because it cannot break molecular bonds or ionise atoms. Nuclear radiation can both be exceptionally useful and ridiculously dangerous if the proper measures are not put in place. Radiation is used most predominantly in the medical field where patients receive controlled doses, the expositor to radiation is ... Show more content on ... Nuclear medicine is a specific branch of medicine that uses tiny amounts of radiation to measure the severity or even treat many different disorders and diseases like heart disease, gastrointestinal (stomach), endocrine (gland) and neurological disorders. Radiation is also successful in identifying molecular irregularities in the body allowing for the doctors to treat the illness before it progresses to an irreparable or fatal stage. Nuclear medical procedures are non invasive and, in much of the cases, painless. There is a range of types of nuclear medical exams where a radiotracer injected, inhaled as gas, or swallowed, radiotracers act as a contrast for the machine to show the body as the clear image. Nuclear radiation offers procedures like radioactive iodine (I 131) therapy where a small amount of I 131 is absorbed into the bloodstream to treat conditions affecting the thyroid
  • 33. Rhetorical Devices In Ground Zero In the essay Ground Zero by Suzanne Berne writes about her very personal experience visiting Ground Zero the place where the twin towers stood prior to the tragedy of 9/11. She uses rhetorical devices throughout her essay to make the piece feel incredibly intimate and emotional to the reader. She specifically uses imagery, tone, simile, and metaphor to explain her experience to Ground Zero in a deeper and meaningful way to her readers. Berne uses rhetorical devices in her essay Ground Zero to let her readers feel the same emotions and imagine the same things she saw on her visit to make the essay very intimate and realistic. In Ground Zero Berne uses many examples of imagery and metaphors to paint a descriptive picture of her surroundings and what she saw to enhance her readers experience. She uses the imagery to make her readers feel as if they were there and make them feel the same feelingsof awareness, and sadness she did. Suzanne achieves this by recalling back to the horrid memories of 9/ll when the skyscraper shrouded in black plastic, the boarded windows, the steel skeleton of the shattered Winter Garden. (Berne 176), By using these extremely explicit and descriptive details Suzanne allows her readers to experience the rude awakening she had when she saw nothing in Ground Zero, but was able to recall the chaos that went on that day. Suzanne lets her readers understand what was going on in her mind , and clearly experience what she was feelingthat day
  • 34. Fair Working Conditions In Lyddie, By Katherine Paterson In the 1800 factories, working conditions are unfair. In Lyddie, by Katherine Paterson there is a girl who lives in the 1800 s. She work in a factory witch has unfair working conditions and Diana Goss wants to have a petition to make fair working conditions. Some people want Lyddie to sign the petition because then she will have fair working conditions.If she doesn t the she will be able to make money and she will work at a factories. If Lyddie signs the petition then she won t be able to work at the factories. If Lyddie signs the petition then she will get blacklisted. She had done so well on her two, then three, machines that Mr.Marson gave her a fourth loom.(98) If Lyddie signs the petition the she will lose all four of those looms. If Lyddie wants her job she needs to work to keep it. The harder we work, the bigger prize we get.(99) The harder she works the more money she will get and she will keep her job. If she get blacklisted then where will she go? There would be nothing to eat there. The cover was gone and no crops planted.(140) If she goes home then how... Show more content on ... Lyddie is now working at a factory instead of a farm. She was making for more money than she ever had at home in vermont or was even likely to. Why couldn t people just live and let live.(93) If she signs then she wont work at the factory and then how s she going to make money? She also needs money to pay off the debt on the house. She needs the money, She has to have the money.(89) She cant pay off the debt if she can t make money. Lyddie got sick to the dust in the factories and couldn t make much money. The money was growing again . She had nearly caught up with the wages lost by her illness.(139) She can now make more money now that she s not sick. Now you know some reasons why Lyddie needs the money and she can t make money if she signs the
  • 35. Autozone AutoZone Case Study Analysis Executive Summary: A case brief on AutoZone,Inc is being presented in this article. The paper briefly discusses the history and progress strategy of the company so far. The main idea of the paper is the dilemma faced by a portfolio manager Mark Johnson and the wise decision he could make in order to safeguard his client s portfolio. The paper examines the current position of AutoZone in the market and its growth potential which would help Johnson in making his decision. At the closure of the paper, recommendations are being presented not only to the portfolio manager but also to the AutoZone. Interestingly, how much of an impact can an interference of a corporate raider have on the growth of a company ... Show more content on ... In the short run share repurchases might look good in order to increase the share price in the market and increasing the Earnings Per Share of the stock. Even though the act of share repurchases might be an elusive move, no doubt that it is a sophisticated move as well. Most of the time management is well aware of its decisions and makes judgments in the best interest of the shareholders. But, AutoZone was pushing its luck by accumulating debt and somehow seemed like the management wasn t concerned about the credit rating of the company. Another alternative would be to use the cash to increase number of stores or expansion of its business in Brazil. There is always a first mover advantage that AutoZone could capture in the Brazil market. AutoZone had already captured the market in Mexico, Canada and Puerto Rico.Yet again, autoparts industry seems to have slowed down its number of store in the last year but the distance travelled by light trucks has remained the same while the average age of these vehicles has increased (Appendix Figure 4 amp; 5). This means that these vehicles require maintenance in the long run. Also, AutoZone could be the first to capture new markets. Conventionally, AutoZone could also utilize its cash flow in acquisition transaction. Although, acquiring a budding or established counterpart might increase the cash flow of the firm, additional legal formalities
  • 36. Theme Of The Minister s Black Veil Analysis of Symbolism in The Minister s Black Veil Each individual has to make the choice to either dwell on their sin, or let go of their sins. Some people can let it go and move on, but some try to hide from their sin. Some even hide from the sins of others. In his short story The Minister s Black Veil, Nathaniel Hawthorne creates an eerie tale about the veiled minister of Milford Village. The main character, Mr. Hooper starts wearing a veil to his sermons. The whole town is skeptical of the meaning of the veil. The minister eventually becomes isolated from the rest of the world, and then he dies while still wearing the veil. The meaning of the veil is never revealed throughout the story. Hawthorne portrays the theme of moral ... Show more content on ... The setting of the story plays an important role in the theme because, in this case, the setting has parallels with the plot. The conflicts of a story will reveal how the theme is involved in the main characters problems throughout the story. Hawthorne takes the theme of moral corruption and sin and uses conflicts to allow it to be seen by the reader. Mr. Hooper has conflicts with the town, Elizabeth, and himself. The narrator says, Each member of the congregation ... felt as if the preacher had crept upon them, behind his awful veil, and discovered their hoarded iniquity of deed or thought, ( The Minister s Black Veil 301). This shows how the minister conflicted the town by making them feel as if he could see their sins. When talking about Elizabeth, the narrator said, She withdrew her arm from his grasp, and slowly departed, pausing at the door, to give one long, shuddering gaze, that seemed almost to penetrate the mystery of the black veil, ( The Minister s Black Veil 305). Mr. Hooper s conflict with Elizabeth was a very powerful scene. This shows how Mr. Hooper could be morally corrupt because he just lost his fiance. He is possibly going through a mourning process and that may interrupt his day to day life. If he becomes depressed about the break up, his depression will corrupt his thoughts. Mr. Hooper also has conflicts with himself. An expert from Gale Group said, His continued
  • 37. Harry Potter Comparison Research Paper Have you ever wondered who would win in a battle between Gandalf and Dumbledore? Whose force was more powerful? I will be discussing and also comparing the books Lord of The Rings by J.R.R Tolkien and Harry Potter by J.K Rowling. Both books were a huge success and are widely known but simply which series was better? The Lord of The Rings series is set in the age of middle earth which is around 6,000 years before present day. In the series the region is called Eriador which include lands of the shire which the hobbits occupy, and where some elves live. There is no technology in middle earth , The novel starts out in Hobbiton but then Frodo, the main character travels through the valley with companions to destroy the ring. The novel Lord ... Show more content on ... Voldemort s birth name is tom marvolo riddle, he is best known as the Dark Lord. Voldemort was a half blood who descended from salazar slytherin from his mother, his father was a muggle. Growing up tom was raised in an orphanage in London until Dumbledore offered him a position at Hogwarts. Tom was very cunning student you was obsessed with the dark arts and was a Parseltongue. Voldemort is after Harry potter because of the prophecy Sybill Trelawney s made that said a boy who would be born at the end of July would have the power to defeat him. Harry Potter was born at the end of July so Voldemort assumed it was him. Voldemort like sauron also has servants, these servants are called the Death Eaters. The Death eaters are wizards who follow the Dark Lord Voldemort and have the dark
  • 38. Essay on Custom Painting Cars The first thing you see when you get into the car, and the last thing you see when you get out. Painting cars is an art, from stock to custom paint there is a lot of possibilities and techniques. Something some people don t pay attention to and some people its the first thing they look at, and some people make their living by painting cars. In this research paper i will talk about painting and certain various types of custom painting techniques. Painting a car is a good way to make it unique and special to you. When you go to buy a car, whether at a car lot or from someone else you will notice the cars paintjob. It may be a solid colour or something a little special and unique. At the surface it may just look like a solid colorbut in... Show more content on ... Polishing helps the paint shine and helps it better protect the paint. Never wash a car after painting make sure to buff it and polish before you wash it. When it comes to custom painting Two Tone is one of the most used. Two tone paint jobs are used on a lot of factory cars but usually separated with moldings. Two tone is where the bottom of the car is one color and the top is another. When doing custom painting you can do more than just two tones you can do three tones or even four tones. Alot of times people separate the colors by a pin strip so that the colors don t look like to walls of color, the pin strip helps carry your eye without realizing the strip is there. When you are going to do two tone you must mask off the part you are not painting and spray the color on the first part, this is usually the bottom first. Once what you have sprayed dryer you will mask over it leaving the unsprayed area to view. Then you spray the next color of choice. Once the last layer has dried take the paper off the panel and clear over the whole thing. If you plan to spray a Strip in between you can must do this before clear coating the hole panel. Wood Grain is something that was started a long time ago with wood grain cars. Painting wood grain is a good way to bring back that vintage wood grain look. There are many ways to do wood grain and here are some. One of the most used ways is to spray a brown then your base color over it, take your finger and
  • 39. Angela Davis Chapter Summaries Annabelle Villegas ENG 106 Professor Asbell 10 March 2017 Critical Book Review Angela Davis is best known for being a political activist for social issues as well as being a member of the Black Panther Party and Communist party. Davis is well educated and received wide attention when she was fired from UCLA for being a member in the communist party. She also received wide attention when a takeover in a courtroom which killed several people by a gun was registered under her name. She was put on trial and acquitted for murder but found not guilty. In the past few years, she has been focusing on fighting against the prison system. She is the founder of Critical Resistance, a national organization about prison industrial complex. Her book ... Show more content on ... For example, she gives the history of prisons in California There are now thirty three prisons, thirty eight canos, sixteen community correctional facilities... ( Davis 13) She further explains how there has been an huge increase in prisons and prisoners and presents her argument on the reasons why prisons have increased such as the Prison Industrial Complex in which she explains in chapter five. This chapter helps gives you a preview of what Davis will be talking about throughout the book. In chapter two, slavery, civil rights, and abolitionist perspectives toward prison,, Davis provides a connection of slavery and prison institutions. She provides an insight in a way that I have never thought about prisons before. Davis reflects back on history and explains how slavery has not ended yet but has change. She explains how even though slavery is abolition. before slavery was normal just how prisons are normal to us. Overtime, we may change our views about prisons and come to the conclusion to abolish prisons. In chapter three, imprisonment and reform, Davis explains the means of imprisonment and what reform has to do with it. Davis argues that prisons are obsolete because they are undemocratic because they take away human rights such as the 13th amendment. She argues that a democracy would not need prisons and many social problems would be fix. Prisons are a way of social control in which exploits
  • 40. Cis 210 Week 8 Case Study 2 Strayer CIS 210 WEEK 8 CASE STUDY 2 STRAYER To purchase this visit following link: 210 week 8 case study 2 strayer / Contact us at:HELP@COURSEHOMEWORK.COM CIS 210 WEEK 8 CASE STUDY 2 STRAYER Due Week 8 and worth 50 points You have been tasked with building a payroll program for a large organization with offices spread across the United States. The company has one larger data center that each office connects to via a wide area network (WAN). Write a 3 4 page paper in which you: 1. Explain what type of architecture the new payroll application should use and why. 2. Identify what types of technology will be involved in the architecture and explain the purpose of each technology. 3. Create a graphical... Show more content on ... 3. Create a graphical representation of your recommended architecture. 4. Identify and describe any potential ethical issues that could arise in connection with the new architecture. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student s name, the professor s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Include charts or diagrams created in Excel, Visio, MS Project, or a freeware alternative. The completed diagrams/charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted. 
The specific Course Learning Outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze and articulate ethical, cultural, and legal issues and their feasibilities among alternative solutions. Use contemporary CASE tools in process and data modeling. Use technology and information resources to research issues in systems analysis and 
development. Write clearly and concisely about Systems Analysis and Development topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style
  • 41. Primary Source Paper Cinthya Perez History 102 Letters to King Jao of Portugal, was written by the king of Kongo, King Affonso, who s real name was Nzinga Mbemba. King Affonso writes this letter directed to the king of Portugal, King Jao, to inform him about his concerns of his people. The letter is dated 1526 and takes place in the Kingdom of Kongo, which by during this time slave trade is going on (705). Throughout the letter of King Affonso seems to beg King Jao for help rather than being demanding, again we beg of your Highness to agree with it (707), remarks King Affonso. When the slave trade in Africa began, many authorities formed alliances with Europeans in hope of strengthening their government. This happened to be the case with the King of ... Show more content on ... A piece of evidence that impacts the whole document and King Affonso s concern is that he mentions quiet frankly that he does not want his people or his noblemen taken from his land and sold into slavery. King Affonso pretty much implies that the Portuguese can go and take all the people that they want as long as they do not belong to his kingdom. The text is focused on a letter that is written by the highest authority whom had agreed to trading with these Portuguese but it does not inform on the thoughts of actually civilians experiencing and eye witnessing what is happening nor does it show any response of the King of Portugal. In order to really find out what is really going on, it is important to understand all sides to really make a thorough conclusion of any sort of bias. I believe I can imply that if countries with lesser wealth were agreeable to converting religions in order to attract wealthier countries into trading, then they would probably be convinced to do things that they did not even want to do just to satisfy the other country. For example: when King Affonso tells King Jao of being opposed to slave trade, he should have been demanding but, instead he writes in such a nice way and often calls him your Highness and begs for the supplies that he needs. As a King he should
  • 42. Camp Insurance Research Paper Goal: to post a guide about owning kids? camp insurance Total Word Count In This Document: 3636 Title: The Ultimate Guide To Owning Kids? Camp Insurance Quick Summary Camp insurance is essential aspects to making sure your child will be safe while attending summer camp this year. Camp insurance works to protect your child against injuries and accidents that may occur while they are attending summer camp. Marine Agency?s specialty camp insurance package includes general liability, medical, and accidental death and dismemberment benefits. Camp insurance is a great way to protect children from the risks of attending summer camp and giving parents peace of mind while their child is away. All of this information is covered in detail in this guide. ... Show more content on ... Without camp insurance from Marine Agency you as a parent will be spending more time worrying, whether or not your child is actually injured from camp activities, and in the event that they are, it will cost you more time, money, and pain. Save yourself and your child the trouble. It?s summer after all, the best time of the year for your child to have as much fun as they possibly can before schools reopen in the fall, and for you to relax on your porch with a nice cold drink without a care in the world, knowing that your child is safe, insured, and having fun, so you can
  • 43. The Importance Of Listening In Early Childhood Education The pedagogy of listening is one that is closely intertwined with early childhood education (ECE) and, within this context, it is acknowledged as being more than the word itself implies. Listening in an early childhood setting is not merely to hear what a child says and act on it, rather, it is to open yourself to different perspectives and be willing to not only act on but also adopt new ways of thinking (Davies, 2014). To truly use this as an effective pedagogyis to turn the act of listening into an intentional and meaningful interaction (MacNaugton Williams, 2010). In doing so, relationships you are forming with everyone that you interact with be they two feet tall and in nappies or fully grown and in uniform can only be strengthened as you show them the respect and reciprocity that is needed to achieve meaningful bonds (Gonzalez Mena Widmeyer Eyer, 2018). It is through listening that the Graduating Teacher Standards (GTS) relevant to personal values and relationships can be met and thoroughly explored. GTS 6a, for example, requires teachers to recognise how different values and beliefs impact learning (Education Council New Zealand / Matatu Aotearoa (ECNZ), 2015). Through listening, we as educators are able to experience and gain some understanding of the diverse backgrounds and interests that are within the centre and thus plan appropriate experiences that can accommodate everyone or can be altered to be inclusive. Every encounter with another person is an
  • 44. Perioperative Observation Paper Perioperative Observation Paper Jenna Vaccaro Lewis University College of Nursing and Health Professions Abstract As a clinical requirement for my Adult 1: Medical Surgical course, I had the opportunity to observe a patient in the Operating Room and in the Post Anesthesia Unit of Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. The procedure that I observed was a left total knee replacement. The patient needed this surgery because she was experiencing osteoarthritis, and this surgery could alleviate her pain and discomfort. I was with the patient from the end of her stay in the pre operative holding area to the Operating Room, and then to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit. This paper will include background inquiry, preoperative and operative ... Show more content on ... X rays can be used for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis; the images would reveal damage and other changes related to osteoarthritis. With osteoarthritis of the knees, the patient would experience progressively increasing pain, stiffness, and they would have a decrease in daily functions. Patients experiencing these symptoms can be eligible for a total knee replacement. The surgical procedure. A total knee replacement is a surgical procedure where the diseased knee joint is completely replaced by artificial materials that resemble the original knee joint. The orthopedic surgeon removed the end of the femur and the end of the tibia by using metal pieces and sawing the bone, to ensure that he removes the right amount of bone. The end of the femur bone is replaced with metal and the end of the tibia bone is replaced with plastic and metal. A plastic piece was added under the patella because the surface under the patella was damaged as well. These artificial materials, called prosthesis, have smooth surfaces so when they rub against each other, it does not cause damage and is pain free. The purpose of this surgery is to remove the diseased portions of the joint and replace it with artificial materials to prevent further deterioration and eliminate pain, stiffness, and decreases in function that were caused by the osteoarthritis. Preoperative and Operative Phase The surgical suite was clean, well lit, and very organized. All of the tools and
  • 45. History 302 Reflection Theory and history I always thought never go together and when it was required for me to take History 302 I was very confused why it was a theory class. At the start and throughout the class it was a struggle to keep up what it meant to look at history through a Marxist, cultural, or social lens and how that had anything to do with theory. The class was a struggle but not impossible as each article or monograph that were given out for readings provided insight of what these lens were meant to do. Even though I have taken upper division classes at CSULA and studied historiography, history302 provided me with a new perspective on how history progressed through time. This course brought me a variety of different viewpoints that I did not see... Show more content on ... Marxist lens allowed me to change my grand narrative view of history and be able to see the struggle between two parties and how that was rooted in many monographs and lectures. When we were discussing about Marxist and Marxism I connected more closely with that than the other lens that was taught later in the year. I always saw the struggle between two parties as the root in every history and monographs but always assumed that it was how history was researched and taught. It slightly changed my perspective as I now know that my lens was not grand narrative but more of a Marxist. This allowed my progression as a history student to be able to look at monographs and be able to figure out the viewpoint the historian is trying to establish to the readers. I had the most difficult time with Foucault and his social theory as it was hard to separate what I believed was economic when it was social. Eric Avila and his cultural theory was a bit easier for me as I felt more comfortable with cultural theory compared to social theory. This class provided me with different monographs based on each theory that has strengthened my skills with writing and critical analyze of historical
  • 46. The Uk And Its Economy 1.Introduction On 23rd June 2016, there will be an important referendum for the UK and its economy to resolve whether the UK leaves the EU or not. The decision that will be made by the British citizens will effect on a lot of sectors in many ways. However, it is expected that especially sports industry which has been globally developing nowadays will be the most influenced on by that decision. The purpose of the report is to identify what are the advantages and disadvantages for sport related organisations caused by the case of the UK leaving the EU. In this report, it will be focusing on Manchester City Football Club, and discussing what are the main merits and demerits for one of the most globally oriented football clubs as a result of ... Show more content on ... Because of this, Manchester City cannot spend as much money on signing foreign talent as these players will face difficulty to work in the UK, meaning the club can instead invest the money that they would have spent on players in their youth academy. Home grown players could benefit from a Brexit (Slater 2016). Appendix 1 shows that Manchester City is in the bottom 4 of the Premier League for a number of British players used by the club, so to switch from buying players abroad to investing into the youth academy means that it is a positive for Manchester City as it will make it a more traditional British club. What this does for Manchester City is inherit the squad to become more of a Manchester like club as they can focus on bringing up home grown players from their youth academy meaning there will be an increase in the amount of British players in the club as at the moment there are only 4 British players within the 24 men first team of Manchester City. What this also does for Manchester City is help the economic situation they face themselves with as for example a player who recently has been promoted from the youth academy into the first team is Kelechi Iheanacho is on a weekly salary of ВЈ2,236 however a player such as Yaya Toure has a weekly salary worth В Ј220,000. (in text citations here) 2.2.More opportunities for the UK players From the different perspective of youth development, if the UK leaves the
  • 47. Income Statement In The Case Of Bancabc Inc Each type of financial statement has its own use to the public, shareholders and potential investors, they perform different roles. Cashflow Statement allows investors to monitor how BancABC uses their funds. It also helps the potential investors to know if BancABC can be trusted to use their money wisely and bring expected return. Income Statement shows the company s revenue, expenses and losses, it shows how BancABC has performed its profitability and wealth but does not include cash and cash equivalents as these will be shown in the Cash flow statement. The Balance sheet provides the company s financial situation at one day rather than profitability over a period of time as in the Income statement. It shows the company s assets, liabilities and owners equity. The Income Statement links the Balance Sheet at the beginning and the end of the financial period. The Balance sheet shows the ... Show more content on ... Management account is concerned with future It is used to plan, set goals and evaluate those goals, it focusses on the present and forecast for the future whereas Financial accounting focuses on historic data in the prior year or half year as in the case of BancABC,though they both depend on the same financial data. Management accounting are more detailed. BancABC as it was a public company,(before being delisted in February 2015), uses Financial accounting to inform the public,stakeholders,creditors and others outside the organization with information related to the performance of the organization so they can make informed decision. As previously mentioned under financial accounting section, BancABC uses the score card to measure the performance of the organization past performance and to see if the company s objectives were
  • 48. Adobe Research Paper Adobe is a building material crafted from both mud and other organic materials, usually. Buildings constructed from adobe bricks are similar to both rammed earth and cob buildings. Adobe is one of the most ancient materials utilized, globally. Adobe bricks are most commonly crafted into units that weigh under 100 pounds, which are small enough to effectively dry by air individually without experiencing cracking. Soon after drying, they are assembled through the application of adobe mud, which facilitates the bond between the structure and it s individual bricks. Modern construction methods permit the pouring of entire adobe walls that are steel reinforced. Adobe buildings are commonly found in North and South America; the Middle East; North and West Africa; West Asia; Spain; Eastern Europe; East Anglia in England, more particularly, Norfolk, which is referred to as clay lump. Adobe had been used by North and South American indigenous peoples for several thousands of years. In particular, the Pueblo people constructed their adobe buildings with either filled baskets or handfuls of adobe, until the Spanish showed them how to craft traditional bricks.... Show more content on ... forward. It s widespread use can be credited to it s simple design and craftsmanship, along with it s cost effective economical nature. Adobe can be made into virtually any size or shape, provided the bricks are dried evenly and it s mixture before it s completion includes an effective reinforcement for bricks that are larger. Reinforcement can include cement, manure, straw, wooden posts, or rebar. Builders have learned over time that cement, straw, or manure blended into an average mixture of adobe can all develop a more durable, crack resistant
  • 49. Golden Age Detective Fiction Essay The anxieties and afflictions of a tragic decade are met with a reactionary response in Golden Age detective fiction. It works as a medium to restore order to a threatened social calm. With its narrative integrity and attempt to establish a universal order governed by reason, Golden Age Detective Fiction functions a medium of refuge from modernism. The detective novel provides a mode of order and stability which is otherwise threatened in the world. The paradigm shift following the aftermath of the Second World War displaces detective fictionfrom its detachment from contemporary reality and social context. The shift in the medium of Golden Age Detective Fiction can be looked at as a realisation of its own fallibility as a medium of escape.... Show more content on ... Unlike the consulting detective of the Golden Age who is more focussed on the mystery that crime brings, Morse cares about bringing the murderer to justice. And unlike the incompetent police detective whose incompetence is the reason an amateur is consulted, Morse is actually competent and efficient in his job. The multiple chapters and insights employed by Dexter in the novel allow the reader to escape the tedious police procedure and dive more into the politics at play which is directly related to the people involved in the case. But the reader is also informed of Morse s digressions and progress. He tails his suspects, pursues women, falls off ladders, gets drunk, his car is broken and he gets it repaired; Morse may not be characterised as friendly but he is human and Dexter makes sure that the reader catches this as the story progresses. He is unlike the eccentric and almost superhuman detective of the earlier version of the genre who seldom makes mistakes and basks on that superhuman quality and knack for detection and lack of humanly errors. But among all of Morse s humanly qualities and behaviour, there also lies a brilliant mind not unlike the Golden Age detective. Christopher Bird says about Morse, Morse may claim to do work
  • 50. Branson Valuation Essay Business Valuation Report The Branson Trucking Company As of December 31, 2007 for Dave James by Hien Nguyen Forensic Accounting Tuesday 5:30 8:30 PM November 29, 2011 Dear Dave James, I have been asked to determine the fair market value of Branson Trucking Company as of December 31, 2007 for the purpose of determine your share in the business. The definition of fair value market value is the price at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and willing seller, neither being under compulsion to buy or to sell and both having reasonable knowledge of all relevant facts. Based on the information ... Show more content on ... Major companies include Con Way, JB Hunt, Schneider National, Swift transportation, and YRC Worldwide. Most employees in the truck transportation and warehousing industry work in small establishments. Fewer than 5 workers are employed by 62 percent of trucking and warehousing establishments. Consolidation in the industry has reduced the number of small, specialized firms. Trucking and warehousing establishments are found throughout the United States. The differential in growth between the freight industry and the trucking industry could be the factor that pushes trucking vacancies. The trucking industry has a current growth rate of 1%, while the freight industry is seeing a 4% growth rate. In addition, federal safety regulations are limiting the work hours for truck drivers, which results in more employees needed by trucking companies. The combination of all these things compiled the cost of diesel, spells out higher overall costs for every single trucking company in the industry. The growth of the freight industry and superior efficiency of railroads will lead to an even slower growth rate for the trucking industry and could be a cause for more concern as the trend continues. The Asset Approach Adjusted Net Worth Net Worth as adjusted simply summarizes the net assets and liabilities
  • 51. Persuasive Speech About Relationships Have you been cheated on? Is your partner having an affair with someone else? Well, if yes, then this book is definitely for you. They say change is the only constant thing in the world and that everything happens for a reason. We all know that nothing is perfect and life is as messy as your room. Same goes with relationships. Every relationship starts with flowers and hearts, experiences some bumpy and sticky roads along the way, and will either come to an end, or to a fruitful marriage. That s the scariest part of dating, and it is one of life s greatest mysteries. You will never know what will happen next... One of the most common things that barricades every couple s way to their possible future together is infidelity. If you re having the best partner around and suddenly, your system goes into turmoil when you ... Show more content on ... Then there will be utter devastation, feelings of hurt, confusion, and betrayal to deal with. On top of that, there are also many ribcage opening heart decisions to think and make about the future of your relationship Is it time to end the relationship? Or you just need some time to think? Maybe, you badly need counseling. First, let s talk about cheating. When one of you cheats, it just means that your relationship needs some minor repairs, or in other cases really serious repairs. It serves as a premonition, a stop light, a warning sign that something is wrong. It could be with you, with him/her, or with both of you. Now let s have a 30 day plan to help you cope after the affair. The healing process is an emotional one and takes some real work from both parties involved, not just with only you. The process of fixing and figuring things up and saving the relationship is really difficult and emotional like, really emotional for some people but it is not impossible to achieve, to give you out good
  • 52. Jacques Louis David Essay David was the virtual art dictator of France for a generation. Extending beyond painting, his influence determined the course of fashion, furniture design, and interior decoration and was reflected in the development of moral philosophy. His art was a sudden and decisive break with tradition, and from this break modern artis dated. David studied with Vien, and after winning the Prix de Rome (which had been refused him four times, causing him to attempt suicide by starvation) he accompanied Vien to Italy in 1775. His pursuit of the antique, nurtured by his time in Rome, directed the classical revival in French art. He borrowed classical forms and motifs, predominantly from sculpture, to illustrate a sense of virtue he mistakenly ... Show more content on ... During the Restoration David spent his last years in Brussels. As a portraitist he was at his most distinguished, although he belittled this painting genre. Using living, rather than sculptured models, he allowed his spontaneous sentiment to be revealed. In these last years his portraits, such as Antoine Mongez and His Wife Angelica (1812; Lille) and Bernard (1820; Louvre) are enormously vital and in them the seeds of the new romanticism are clearly discernible. Jacques Louis David was born into a prosperous middle class family in Paris on August 30, 1748. In 1757 his mother left him to be raised by his uncles after his father was killed. He was never a good student in school in his own words, I was always hiding behind the instructors chair, drawing for the duration of the class . When David was 16 he began studying art at the Acad eacute;mie Royale under the rococo painter J. M. Vien. After many unsuccessful attempts, he finally won the Prix de Rome in 1774, and on the ensuing trip to Italy he was strongly influenced by classical art and by the classically inspired work of the 17th century painter Nicolas Poussin. David quickly evolved his own individual neoclassical style, drawing subject matter from ancient sources and basing form and gesture on Roman sculpture. His famous Oath of the Horatii was consciously intended as a proclamation of the new neoclassical style in which
  • 53. A Synopsis Of Othello Synopsis William Shakespeare s book, Othello, is a tragedy written in the year 1603, based on the story, A Moorish Capital. It revolves around four main characters, Othello, his wife Desdemona, Cassio who is a Lieutenant and Othello s most trusted, and Iago, who is Othello s ensign, Most of the action in the play takes place on the island of Cyprus. The themes covered include love, racism, revenge, betrayal, jealousy and envy, and repentance. The book Othello is a tragedy since it attains the standards put by Aristotle when defining the word tragedy. The writer uses drama to talk about the fall of an individual who was once in a higher place. This fall could either be due to internal or external forces. It is a tragedy that explains what happens ... Show more content on ... The demand of 3D films has continually increased over the past decade. The revenues of these 3D films have always been on a rise, which is an indication that more people are watching movies in theatres. Reimagining Shakespeare s Othello as a 3D movie can also help to reboot the story, especially among young people. The director of the movie can add or change some aspects of the story that may not be appealing to the audience, and introduce new scenes to take advantage of the 3D technology, and also to make the movie more interesting. 3D is best enjoyed with scenes involving a lot of action, the director can therefore capitalize on the violence that exists in the story, which is caused by jealousy and need for revenge. For instance, to add some aspects of action in the movie, the director can introduce fights and other types of violence, to make it thrilling and interesting at the same time. Individuals who already know the story and the characters would also be curious to see Othello as a 3D movie. As Shakespeare s stories are famous and widely known, the production of the movie would create some buzz, attracting new audience at the same
  • 54. Andrew Lindberg Case Analysis CASE ANALYSIS Introduction The Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC) brought a case against Andrew Lindberg who was accused of breaching duties as a director when he was in service. Andrew Lindberg was ex Managing Director of Australian Wheat Board (AWB) who was accused to have contravened with his duties as a director. Justice Robson from The Victorian Supreme Court handled this case and on the 9th of August, 2012, the defendant was penalized. The case was brought to The Victorian Supreme Court presided by Justice Robson who handed down the penalty judgment on 09 August 2012 against the defendant. The agreement reached in the process of settlement of the proceedings awarded the penalty setting precedence by the name of ASIC ... Show more content on ... OFFP (Oil for Food Program) exercised sanctions and Escrow was paid and the revenue generated from Petroleum products were accounted in the United Nation s Escrow account. These proceeds collected in the escrow accounts could be released only for the transaction of permitted commodities including food stuffs. AWB was a major supplier of Wheat to Iraq under the Oil for Food Program (Australasian Legal Information Institute, 2017a). There were number of contraventions in this case. The first issue was regarding paying the 10% of proceeds as the carriage cost pertaining to the wheat contracts to Alia. This was later paid to the government. Alia was an intermediary company aiding in the completion of the overall dealings related to the case under analysis. Iraq was able to get the hard currency from this. Provisions were made to reimburse the payment portion received by AWB which further strengthened the ability to accumulate hard currency. In other words, the money from escrow account of UN was being used for purposes which were other than making payment for the commodities not permitted (Austin and Reynolds, 2012). The second breach by AWB is the business contract they had with Tigris (another company). The contract was focused on recovering significant debt estimated to be of approximately $8 million, for transporting wheat to Iraq. To achieve this objective, AWB inflated the price of wheat under the OFFP contracts which eventually resulted in the payment from the