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All about Britain and the British
УДКxx. x
ББКxx. x
Серия основана в 2011 году
Корнильева Л. Н.
К67 Английский без проблем для продвинутых = A cup of English /
Л. Н. Корнильева. — М. : Эксмо, 2013. — 608 с. + 1 CD-Rom. —
(Иностранный за чашкой кофе)
ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x (серия)
ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x
УДКxx. x
ББКxx. x
ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x (серия)
ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x
© Корнильева Л. Н., 2013
© ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2013
Английский без проблем для продвинутых
Серия «Иностранный за чашкой кофе»
Автор к.ф.н., доцент Корнильева Л. Н.
Редактор Кобринец О. С.
Корректоры: Лихошерстов Е. Ю., Пугачева Е. А., Станибула Н. С.
Рецензент к.п.н., профессор Тучина Н. В.
Верстка Мельник В. В.
Подписано к печати xx.xx.2013 г.
Формат 70×120 1/32. Печать офсетная.
Гарнитура . Усл. печ. л. 29,56.
Тираж xxxx экз. Зак. № xxx
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
The British Isles are a group of islands of the northwest coast
of continental Europe. The total area of this archipelago is 315,134 km².
Two largest islands of the British Isles — Great Britain and Ireland —
constitute 95,6% of this area. The remaining islands, including the
Hebrides, the Orkneys, the Shetlands, the Anglesey, the Isle of Man,
the Channel Islands, etc. occupy only 4,4% or 13,950 km² of the overall
territory of this archipelago. All in all the British Isles include over
1,000 islands, where only 51 have an area larger than 20 km². Smaller
islands that are also parts of England, Scotland and Wales are
collectively known as Britain’s islands or the British islands (not isles).
Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles, comprising
England, Scotland and Wales. GB is also a substitute to the official
name of the country — the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, though the latter is not a geographical, but
a political entity, formed in 1801.
Ireland is the second largest island of the British Isles which is
politically separated into two sections: the Republic of Ireland, and
Northern Ireland. Northern 1/6 part of Ireland is known as Northern
Ireland. Northern Ireland is sometimes referred to as Ulster, though
these proper names are not synonymous. Ulster consists of 9 counties
and Tyrone form Northern Ireland and are parts of the UK.
Three Crown dependencies of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man
are the British possessions that are under the sovereignty of the UK,
but none of them form part either of the UK or of the EU.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
the British Isles — Британские острова
archipelago — группа островов
the latter — последний из двух
dependencies — зависимые территории
British possessions — владения Британии
Правильны ли следующие утверждения?
True False
1. The UK comprises England, Scotland, Wales
and Ireland.
2. Great Britain is the geographical name for the
biggest island of the British Isles comprising
England, Scotland and Wales.
3. The British Isles is a geographical name of the
archipelago of islands including Great Britain,
Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight, the
Orkney Islands, the Hebrides, the Shetland
Isles, the Channel Islands, the Anglesey, the
Holy Island, and numerous others.
4. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland is situated off the north-
western coast of continental Europe.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Какие административно-территориальные части Объеди-
ненного королевства соответствуют предложенному описа-
1. This is a country of mostly low hills and plains. Upland regions
are found only in the north and in the north-west.
2. It is a mountainous country on the western side of GB.
3. Its north-eastern coast is separated from Scotland by the
North Channel, which is only 21 km wide. Its border with the
Irish Republic is the only land boundary of the UK.
4. This country is bounded by England to the south, the Atlantic
Ocean to the west and north, and the North Sea to the east.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Дайте наиболее точное описание каждому из четырех при-
веденных ниже изображений Британских островов на анг-
лийском и русском языках.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Nota Bene
Administrative Divisions оf England, Scotland,
Wales аnd Northern Ireland
Administrative divisions of England include 27 two-tier counties,
32 London boroughs and 1 City of London or Greater London,
36 metropolitan districts, 56 unitary authorities (including 4 single-
tier counties).
Scotland is made up of 32 council areas.
Wales consists of 22 unitary authorities: 11 county boroughs,
9 counties (Isle of Anglesey, Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire,
Denbigshire, Flintshire, Monmouthshire, Pembrokeshire, Powys, the
Vale of Glamorgan) and two cities and counties (Cardiff and Swansea).
Northern Ireland consists of six counties and is divided into
26 district council areas. The other three counties of Ulster (Cavan,
Donegal and Monaghan) are part of the Irish Republic, which consists
of twenty-six counties.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию по тексту “The UK:
Physical Geography аnd Political Entities”, c. 5.
1. The UK comprises England, Scotland,Wales and Ireland. False
(and Northern Ireland)
2. Great Britain is the geographical name for the biggest island
of the British Isles comprising England, Scotland and Wales.
3. The British Isles is a geographical name of the archipelago
of islands including Great Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man, the
Isle of Wight, the Orkney Islands, the Hebrides, the Shetland
Isles, the Channel Islands, the Anglesey, the Holy Island, and
numerous others. True
4. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is
situated off the north-western coast of continental Europe.
Ключ к заданию, с. 6.
1. This is a country of mostly low hills and plains. Upland regions
are found only in the north and in the north-west. — England
2. It is a mountainous country on the western side of GB. —
3. Its north-eastern coast is separated from Scotland by the
North Channel, which is only 21 km. wide. Its border with the
Irish Republic is the only land boundary of the UK. —
Northern Ireland
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
4. This country is bounded by England to the south, the Atlantic
Ocean to the west and north, and the North Sea to the east. —
Ключ к заданию, с. 7.
A. The UK. Cоединенное королевство Великобритании
и Северной Ирландии, или просто Великобритания (как
страна, а не остров).
B. The British Isles and north-western part of Continental
Europe. Британские острова и северо-западная часть
континентальной Европы.
C. Great Britain and Ireland + some smaller islands of the
British Isles. Два самых больших острова среди всех
Британских островов — остров Великобритания и остров
Ирландия, а также отдельные более мелкие острова
данного архипелага.
D. The island of Great Britain. Остров Великобритания —
самый большой остров Британских островов,
на территории которого расположены Англия, Шотландия
и Уэльс.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
The Commonwealth and the British Overseas Territories
In 1922 the British Empire was at its height, being the largest
empire in history and encompassing almost ¼ of the world’s land
surface. Decolonisation began in 1947, when India and Pakistan were
granted independence. Over the next three decades the British
Empire ceasedtobe.TheCommonwealthisaunionof54independent
states (listed below) which originated in the process of dismantling
of the British Empire.
Democracy, economic development and international
understanding are the main principles according to which this
voluntaryassociation is organised. There are no legal or constitutional
obligations involved in membership. The British monarch is not only
the head of state of the UK, but also a monarch of fifteen other
independent Commonwealth countries, such as Canada, Australia,
New Zealand, etc.
There are 14 British overseas territories, all characrerised by
a considerable degree of self-government. The UK shares
responsibility only for their defense, internal security and foreign
relations. The 14 British overseas territories are: Anguilla, Bermuda,
British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British
Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar,
Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands (Ducie, Henderson and Oeno), South
Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, St. Helena, St. Helena
Dependencies (Ascension and Tristan da Cunha), the Turks and
Caicos Islands.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
the British Empire was at its height — Британская империя бы-
ла в зените своей славы и мощи
encompassing — включающая в себя
the Commonwealth — Британское содружество наций
dismantling — распад
voluntary association — добровольная ассоциация
a considerable degree of self-government — значительная сте-
пень самоуправления
В тексте было упомянуто, что действующий монарх Бри-
тании является монархом не одного, а целых пятнадцати
государств. Заполните пропуски в отрывке ниже и прочти-
те искомые пятнадцать географических названий.
When we speak about a sovereign member state of the
Commonwealth of Nations, connected to the British crown in
a personal union, we call it either a Commonwealth Realm or
a Commonwealth kingdom. At present the Commonwealth Realms,
where Queen Elizabeth II is a monarch, are as follows: __ntigua and
__arbuda, __ustralia, the Ba__amas, __arbados, __elize, Gr__nada,
Jamai__a, __anada, New Z__aland, Papua New Guin__a, the Solo__
on Islands, Saint Kit__s and Nevis, Saint Lu__ia, Saint Vin__ent and
the Grenadines, Tuval__, and the United Kin__dom.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Commonwealth Сountries
Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Bangladesh,
Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Cameroon,
Canada, Cyprus, Dominica, Fiji Islands, The Gambia, Ghana,
Grenada, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho,
Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Mozambique,
Namibia, Nauru, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore,
Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, St Kitts and Nevis,
St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Swaziland, Tonga,
Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Kingdom,
United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Знаете ли вы, что…?
In 1898 China granted Britain a 99-year lease for 92% of Hong
Kong. The lease expired in July 1997 and Hong Kong was returned
to the People’s Republic of China. As a Special Administrative Region
of China, Hong Kong is able to maintain a high degree of autonomy,
including independent finances, for the next-coming 50 years.
British Colonial Past is also reflected in English phraseology. For
instance, we say that “Delhi is far away”, meaning that something
unexpected may intervene and change the situation dramatically.
Initially “Delhi is far away” was an Indian proverb, derived from the
response of the XIVth
-century Sufi mystic Nizamuddin Aulia to
a threat from the Sultan of Delhi. The latter then died before arriving
We also say “Lombard Street to a China orange”, opposing great
wealth to an ordinary object, viewed as a virtual certainty.
The Commonwealth is also famed for the Commonwealth Games,
which is a multi-sport gathering of competitors from Commonwealth
countries. The Games are held every four years.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык,
обращая внимание на использование временных форм на-
стоящего и прошедшего времени, а также на написание
имен собственных, которые относятся к странам Содруже-
1. — Вы когда-нибудь бывали в Британии? — Да, дважды.
2. Я никогда не осознавал, что Елизавета II является также
монархом пятнадцати других государств Содружества
3. Я прочел список стран Содружества (наций) только сейчас.
4. — Вам нравится эта старая карта Новой Зеландии? — Нет,
не нравится. — Мне тоже, она плохого качества.
5. — Кения — невероятная страна. Я там жил в течение трех
лет. Но я никогда не бывала в Уганде. — Да? А я был там
6. Я работаю в Танзании уже два года.
7. Маврикий немного дороговат для меня, хотя я там отдыхал
дважды и до сих пор вспоминаю ласковый океан и силуэты
пальм на фоне ярко-голубого неба.
8. Прошлой зимой в январе я путешествовал по Австралии.
Вы в это время находились в Нигерии.
9. Мне всегда нравилась Мальта. Я ее просто обожаю.
10. — Вы очень красивы. — Вы тоже. — Вы шутите? — Нет,
нисколько. У вас в Индии все очень красивые.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию по тексту “Commonwealth and the
British Overseas Territories”, c. 12.
When we speak about a sovereign member state of the
Commonwealth of Nations, connected to the British crown in a personal
union, we call it either a Commonwealth Realm or a Commonwealth
kingdom. At present the Commonwealth Realms, where Queen Elizabeth
II is a monarch, are as follows: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the
Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica, Canada, New Zealand,
Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint
Lucia, SaintVincent and the Grenadines,Tuvalu, and the United Kingdom.
Ключ к заданию, с. 15.
1.— Have you ever been to Britain? —Yes, twice. 2. I have never
realized that Queen Elizabeth II is also a monarch of fifteen other
independent Commonwealth countries. 3. I have just read the list
of the Commonwealth countries./I read the list of the Commonwealth
countries just now. 4. — Do you like this old map of New Zealand? —
No, I don’t. — Neither do I. It is of poor quality. 5. — Kenia is
incredible/amazing. I was living there for three years. But I have never
been to Uganda. — Oh, really? But I have. I’ve been there thrice.
6. I have been working in Tanzania for two years. 7. Mauritius is a bit
expensive for me, though I’ve been there twice and still can’t forget
a genial ocean and the palm-trees silhouetted against its azure skies.
8. Last winter in January I was doing Australia. You at the time were
staying in Nigeria. 9. I have always loved Malta. I’m simply loving it!/
I really adore it! 10. —You are very beautiful. — So are you/You too. —
Are you kidding? (Are you pulling my leg?/Are you having me on?) —
No kidding. Everyone is gorgeous in India.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Eternal London
London is the biggest city in Britain and in Europe, the capital city
of England and of the UK, and a wonderful place to visit. It lies astride
the River Thames in the southeast of England, and occupies the
territory of over 620 square miles. London has the highest population
density in Britain with more than 7 million people living there.
as the Romans called it, was originally set up as a market town. Over
the centuries London experienced decline and upheaval, gradually
transforming into a huge metropolis and the city of many faces.
The City of London is the oldest part of the capital, its business
and financial center. The other name of this financial hub is a Square
Mile, because the territory of the City is 2,59 sq km/1 sq mi.
The West End is a very prestigious residential, entertainment and
shopping district of London to the west of the City. The area is made
up by a few square miles between Park Lane and Charing Cross,
Oxford Street and the Mall. Its five highly individual neighbourhoods
include Mayfair, Soho, Westminster, Covent Garden, and Piccadilly.
The East End, lying north of the Thames and east of the City, used
to be associated with old innersuburbs, docklands, slums and working
class districts. But over the recent decades the area has been changing
shape, greatly increasing in size and wealth. It’s important that the 2012
Summer Olympics and Paralympics were held in an Olympic Park,
created on former industrial land around the River Lea. Due to this
investment the East Enders will enjoy new sports facilities, improved
housing conditions, industrial and technical infrastructure.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
it lies astride the River Thames — oн расположен по обе сторо-
ны реки Темзы
decline and upheaval — упадок и подъем
huge metropolis — огромный центр деловой и культурной жизни
financial hub — финансовый центр
inner suburbs — окраины
slums — трущобы
Скажите, о какой части Лондона идет речь.
1. It is hearth and home of the rich, the titled, the mighty, and
the glamorous. Out of more than 100 London theatres, 50 are
situated there. — __________________________________
2. In the heart of this ancient area, dating back to the Roman
times, is the Bank of England, also called “the Old Lady
of Threadneedle Street”, and more than 500 foreign banks
and security houses, the Royal Exchange, the Guildhall (the
seat of the Corporation of London), the Mansion House, the
monument to the Great Fire of 1666, and St. Paul’s
Cathedral. — _____________________________________
3. It is a densely populated part of London, containing former
industrial and dock areas. Exact boundaries of the area are
not precise, though we most often say that this is a territory
lying beyond the easternmost City gate, which was an ancient
exit from the City, down to the River Lea. — ____________
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
4. This is an inner London borough which contains the Houses
of Parliament and many government offices. It is one thousand
years younger than the City. This area is London at its grandest
and most resplendent: it houses the British Parliament, most
of the government offices, Westminster Abbey, Westminster
Cathedral, St. James and Buckingham Palaces. — _________
Famous London Quotes
You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is
in London all that life can afford.
(Samuel Johnson)
* * *
When it’s three o’clock in New York, it’s still 1938 in London.
(Bette Midler)
* * *
A person who is tired of London is not necessarily tired of life;
it might be that he just can’t find a parking place.
(Paul Theroux)
* * *
London is a roost for every bird.
(Benjamin Disraeli)
* * *
Go where we may, rest where we will, eternal London haunts
us still.
(Thomas Moore)
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Создайте собственную рубрику «Это интересно знать», про-
должив список невероятных фактов о Лондоне.
1. The name of London originated from celtic lyn-days — a fortified
hill near the river.
2. The Great Fire of London in 1666 created substantial damage
across the city and raged for days. On the other hand, it stopped the
plague and challenged not so many lives — less than ten.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Смотрите также другие тексты о Лондоне в этой книге.
• Elizabeth II’s coronation — с. 204.
• Ceremony of the Keys — с. 246.
• Quick Facts about the Tower of London and its Prisoners —
с. 247.
• “You’ll Go to the Tower” — с. 248.
• Nota Bene — с. 253.
• 221 B Baker Street — с. 255.
• New Year’s Day — с. 323.
• “Taking in London in Spring” — с. 411.
• Buckingham Palace — с. 415, 417.
• Summer Bank Holiday — с. 429.
• A Decent Stroll on a Summer Bank Holiday — с. 431.
• Hyde Park — с. 432.
• State Opening of Parliament: Main Ceremonial Preparations —
с. 441.
• State Opening of Parliament: the Procedure — с. 443, 445.
• Christmas Tree and Carol-Singing in Trafalgar Square —
с. 513, 515.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Прочитайте текст об основных графствах Англии и выпол-
ните следующее за ним задание.
Main Physiographic Regions оf England
Counties of Somerset, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Swindon, Wiltshire,
Dorset, Devon, Cornwall constitute the Southwest of England, the
major part of which is also known as the West Country.
The Southeast of England is made up of the counties of Berkshire,
East Sussex, West Sussex.
The East of England, greater part of which is also known as the
East Anglia, comprises the counties of Essex, Hertfordshire,
Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk and Suffolk.
The West Midlands include the Counties of Herefordshire,
Worcestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, and Warwickshire.
The fourth largest region in England with Nottingham as its
principal city is called the East Midlands. It comprises the counties
of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and
Yorkshire and the Humber include South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire,
North Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, and Lincolnshire.
The Northwest incorporates Cheshire, Greater Manchester,
Lancashire, Merseyside, Cumbria, and the Isle of Man.
The Northeast is made up of Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, as
well as County Durham.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Исправьте фактические ошибки в тексте, исключив те граф-
ства, которые к указанному региону не относятся. Затем
укажите на контурной карте регионы Англии, которые бы-
ли упомянуты в тексте.
The Northeast: Northumberland, Tyne, Yorkshire, Wear, Durham.
The West Midlands: Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire,
Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Cumbria.
The East of England: Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire,
Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk, Worcestershire and Suffolk.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию по тексту
“Eternal London”, с. 18—19.
1. It is hearth and home of the rich, the titled, the mighty, and
the glamorous. Out of more than 100 London theatres, 50 are
situated there. — The West End
2. In the heart of this ancient area, dating back to the Roman
times, is the Bank of England, also called “the Old Lady
of Threadneedle Street”, and more than 500 foreign banks
and security houses, the Royal Exchange, the Guildhall (the
seat of the Corporation of London), the Mansion House, the
monumenttotheGreatFireof1666,andSt.Paul’sCathedral. —
The City
3. It is a densely populated part of London, containing former
industrial and dock areas. Exact boundaries of the area are
not precise, though we most often say that this is a territory
lying beyond the easternmost City gate, which was an ancient
exit from the City, down to the River Lea. — The East End
4. This is an inner London borough which contains the Houses
years younger than the City.This area is London at its grandest
and most resplendent: it houses the British Parliament, most
of the government offices, Westminster Abbey, Westminster
Cathedral, St. James and Buckingham Palaces. — The City
of Westminster
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию, с. 20.
Произвольный ответ.
Ключ к заданию по тексту “Main Physiographic
Regions оf England”, с. 23.
The Northeast: Northumberland,Tyne,Yorkshire,Wear, Durham.
The West Midlands: Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire,
Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Cumbria.
The East of England: Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire,
Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk, Worcestershire and Suffolk.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
There is Much More to Britain than Only its Capital!
Major Cities of the UK
Birmingham is the second largest city of the UK after London. It is
a highly developed industrial city, widely known as the city of 1001
trades. The “Black Country” is not exactly Birmingham, but a heavily
industrialized region northwest of this city. Glasgow is the largest city
in Scotland, and the third largest in the UK. It is situated on the river
Clyde, being formerly a major shipbuilding centre. Edinburgh is the
capital of Scotland and the seat of the Scottish Parliament (from 1999).
The city sprang around an 11th
-century castle built by Malcolm III on
a rocky ridge that dominates the landscape. Like Rome, Edinburgh was
built on seven hills. Edinburgh’s nickname, “Auld Reekie” (Old Smoky)
reflects the image of the ancient city when all its buildings and homes
burnt a lot of coal and wood for heat, and chimneys would emitcolumns
of smoke into the air. Maybe partially because of that Edinburgh was
the first city in the world which had its own fire-brigade.
The capital of Wales is situated in the southeast of the country, in
Cardiff county borough. Cardiff became a city in 1905 and was crowned
the capital of Wales in 1955. The population of Cardiff in 1801 was
1,870. The world’s first £1million cheque was signed in Cardiff’s coal
exchange. Belfast is the capital and the chief port of Northern Ireland.
near, the Gaelic Beal Feirste (mouth of the Farset River). Belfast has
been occupied since the Bronze Age and visitors can still visit the
remains of the Iron Age hill forts. It is Belfast where the famous Titanic
was built. Until 1911 she dominated the Harland & Wolff shipyard.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
a rocky ridge — скалистый горный кряж
to emit — извергать, выбрасывать
columns of smoke — столбы дыма
hill forts — укрепления на горе
shipyard — верфь
Поясните на английском языке значения следующих слов
из текста.
1. to spring — ______________________________________
2. rocky — _________________________________________
3. to originate — ____________________________________
4. borough — ______________________________________
5. to occupy — _____________________________________
6. cheque — _______________________________________
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
“She” here in the text means “Titanic”. This is the right pronoun
to refer to this ship, and the examples of the sort are really numerous.
For instance, the city of Jerusalem also takes the pronoun only in
feminine gender:
Ga {4:25} For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to
Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. {4:26}
But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.
Isa {51:17} Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk
at the hand of the LORD the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the
dregs of the cup of trembling, [and] wrung [them] out. {51:18} [There
is] none to guide her among all the sons [whom] she hath brought forth;
neither [is there any] that taketh her by the hand of all the sons [that]
she hath brought up.
(King James Bible)
Составьте свой собственный список из 7— 10 названий го-
родов Великобритании, в которых родились всемирно из-
вестные люди.
Пример выполнения задания:
John Cadbury (1801 — 1889), founder of the Cadbury chocolate
company. — Birmingham
Robert Southey (1774 — 1843), English poet and writer, author
of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. — Bristol
King Richard I of England (Richard the Lionheart), (1157 — 1199),
a great military leader and warrior. — Oxford
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock (1899 — 1980), a British film director
and producer. — London
John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar,
vocals), George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums,
vocals) from the Beatles. — Liverpool
Thomas de Quincey (1785 — 1859), a famous English essayist,
intellectual, journalist and translator. — Manchester
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Найдите на карте следующие города Великобритании.
1. Inverness is a city in Scotland, situated at the mouth of the
River Ness.
2. Dundee is a city in eastern Scotland, on the north side of the
Firth of Tay.
3. Aberdeen is a city and seaport in northeastern Scotland.
4. Sheffield is an industrial city in South Yorkshire, northern
5. Nottingham is a city situated on the RiverTrent in east central
6. Gloucester is a city in southwestern England.
7. Brighton is a famous resort on the south coast of England.
8. Bath is a spa town in southwestern England.
9. Portsmouth is a port and a naval base on the south coast
of England, in Hampshire.
10. Oxford is a city in central England, situated at the confluence
of the Rivers Thames and Cherwell.
11. Cambridge is a city built on the River Cam, in the East
of England.
12. Lancaster is a city in western England, north of Liverpool,
situated on the estuary of the Lune River.
13. Norwich is a city in eastern England, the county town
of Norfolk.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
По описаниям догадайтесь, о каких городах Великобри-
тании идет речь, и допишите пропущенные буквы, чтобы
получить их названия.
1. It is an industrial city and metropolitan district in northwestern
England. The city is ancient, founded in Roman times. In the
18th and 19th centuries it developed as a centre of the English
cotton industry.
2. It is a city and a seaport in northwest England, situated at the
east side of the mouth of the River Mersey. It developed as
a port of importance in the 17th century with the import
of cotton from America and the export of textiles produced
in Lancashire and Yorkshire, and in the 18th century became
an important centre of shipbuilding and engineering.
3. It is the largest city in Scotland on the River Clyde, formerly
a major shipbuilding centre.
4. The second largest city in Great Britain.
5. An urbanized district of South Wales, extending along the
valleys of the Rivers Rhondda Fawr and Rhondda Fach.
6. ______C _______T ______
____________O __L
______S _______
____O____D __
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Соедините фразеологические обороты, содержащие топо-
нимические названия, с соответствующими им объяснени-
1. London
a. The old story goes that the two cats
from Kilkenny in Ireland fought until
their tails remained.
2. Shipshape and
Bristol fashion
b. The expression is used to say that
everything is in good order.
3. A Canterbury tale c. The expression is used to describe
someone eloquent and persuasive.
A legend has it that a stone at Blarney
castle near Cork in Ireland gives the gift
of persuasive speech to anyone who
kisses it. There also exists the verb “to
blarney”, which means“talk flatteringly”.
4. Have kissed the
Blarney stone
d. A long and tedious story, like one
of those, told in Chaucer’s Canterbury
Tales, describing the pilgrimage to the
shrine of St. Thomas at Canterbury.
5. Fight like
Kilkenny cats
e. A dense fog affecting London.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
По описанию догадайтесь, о каком городе Великобрита-
нии идет речь, и напишите его название.
1. It is an administrative centre of Suffolk, a port at the head
of the Orwell estuary. — ___________________________
2. In Elizabethan times it was Britain’s chief port. The town is
also famous because it was the last port visited by the Pilgrim
Fathers in the Mayflower before sailing to the New
World. — _______________________________________
3. The town is a famous English resort-centre. From c. 1780 to
1827 it was patronized by the Prince of Wales (later George
IV), that was reflected in fine Regency architecture. —
4. This town in England was chosen as the Royalist headquarters
during the Civil War. It is also a seat of one of the oldest and
most famous universities. — ________________________
5. This English town was founded by the Romans, who called it
in Latin“Aquae Sulis”. It was a fashionable spa in the 18th and
early 19th centuries. — ____________________________
6. A sleeveless cloak with a removable cape is also called
so. — ___________________________________________
7. This city is situated in England. It is famous for the manufacture
of steel, cutlery and silverware. — ___________________
8. It is a city, situated in Scotland. It is known as a center of the
offshore North Sea oil industry. — ___________________
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию по тексту
“Major cities of the UK”, с. 27.
1. to spring — to originate or arise from;
2. rocky — consisting or full of rock or rocks;
3. to originate — to have a specified beginning;
4. borough — a town or district which is an administrative unit;
5. to occupy — to take control of (a place, especially a country)
by military conquest or settlement;
6. cheque — an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the
drawer’s account, written on a specially printed form.
Ключ к заданию, c. 29.
Произвольный ответ.
Ключ к заданию, с. 30.
Самостоятельная работа с картой.
Ключ к заданию, с. 32.
1. Manchester.
2. Liverpool.
3. Glasgow.
4. Birmingham.
5. Rhondda.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию, с. 33.
1. London particular — a dense fog affecting London.
2. Shipshape and Bristol fashion — the expression is used to say
that everything is in good order.
3. A Canterbury tale — a long and tedious story, like one
of those, told in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, describing the
pilgrimage to the shrine of St Thomas at Canterbury.
4. Have kissed the Blarney stone — the expression is used to
describe someone eloquent and persuasive. A legend has it
that a stone at Blarney castle near Cork in Ireland gives the
gift of persuasive speech to anyone who kisses it. There also
exists the verb “to blarney”, which means “talk flatteringly”.
5. Fight like Kilkenny cats — the old story goes that the two
cats from Kilkenny in Ireland fought until their tails remained.
Ключ к заданию, с. 34.
1. Ipswich.
2. Plymouth.
3. Brighton.
4. Oxford.
5. Bath.
6. Inverness.
7. Sheffield.
8. Aberdeen.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
the Sea-Girt Land
The expression “a sea-girt land” definitely rings a bell. It is often
used to describe the states that enjoy an insular position. Thus, these
words are found in the lyrics of the Australian national anthem and
in numerous poetical works about Britain:
<…> And now the Spaniards see the silvery cliffs, //Behold the sea-
girt land! //O fools! to think that ever foe //Should triumph o’er that
sea-girt land! //O fools! to think that ever Britain’s sons //Should wear
the stranger’s yoke ! //For not in vain hath //Nature rear’d //Around
her coast those silvery cliffs; //For not in vain old Ocean spreads his
waves //To guard his favorite isle! <…> And hark! the angry Winds
arise; //Old Ocean heaves his angry Waves; //The Winds and Waves
against the invaders fight, //To guard the sea-girt land.
R. Southey,“The Spanish Armada” (fragment), Westbury, 1798.
The island of Great Britain is rather small, because it occupies only
0,2% of the world surface. This largest island of the British Isles is
washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the North and in the West. The
North Channel, the Irish Sea, the St George’s Channel, and the Celtic
Sea separate Great Britain from Ireland — the second largest island
of the British Isles. The North Sea and the English Channel, which
is only 34 kilometres in its narrowest, separate Britain from continental
The coastline of GB is very indented and the surrounding seas
often form large bays.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
sea-girt land — опоясанная морями земля
to ring a bell — казаться знакомым, вызывать ассоциации
insular position — островное положение
lyrics — слова
the coastline of GB is very indented — береговая линия Велико-
британии очень изрезанная
bays — заливы
I. На основании информации из текста подпишите на кон-
турной карте моря, океаны и каналы, омывающие остров
Великобритания. Подробно укажите те из них, которые от-
деляют Великобританию от острова Ирландия.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
II. По описанию догадайтесь, о каком океане (море,
канале) идет речь, и запишите их названия.
1. It is a sea channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and
the Celtic Sea to the southwest. ______________________
2. It is the area of the Atlantic Ocean off the south coast of Ireland
bounded to the east by Saint George’s Channel. _________
3. It is the second-largest ocean in the world. It is connected in
the north to the Arctic Ocean, to the Pacific Ocean in the
southwest, to the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and to the
Southern Ocean in the south. ________________________
4. This sea separates the islands of Ireland and Great Britain. It
is connected to the Celtic Sea in the south by St George’s
Channel, and to the Atlantic Ocean in the north by the North
Channel. Anglesey is the largest island within the sea, followed
by the Isle of Man. This sea is occasionally referred to as the
Manx. ___________________________________________
5. It is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean located between
Great Britain and Continental Europe, including Scandinavia,
Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. _______________
6. Literally it is called Strait of Calais. It is the strait at the
narrowest part of the English Channel. ________________
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Знаете ли вы, что…?
Initially the name “St. George’s Channel” was used interchangeably
with proper names “the Irish Sea” or “the Irish Channel” to denote
all the waters between the two largest islands of the British Isles —
Great Britain and Ireland. Since the 1970s a finer division has been
prescribed and, as a result, there appeared one more geographical
entity — the Celtic Sea. In Ireland the term “St. George’s Channel”
is used only to refer to the narrowest part of the channel. At the same
time it is still customary with the Irish to talk about various cross-
channel things, where “cross-channel” always means “to/from Great
Найдите на карте (см. «Приложение», карта №3) указан-
ные ниже заливы. О какой части Соединенного королев-
ства идет речь?
The Firth of Lorne, the Firth of Clyde, and the Solway Firth are
found on the western coast of this country, while the Dornoch Firth,
the Moray Firth, the Firth of Tay, and the Firth of Forth are the
principal firths on its eastern coast.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Заполните пропуски предлогами и прочитайте текст о воз-
никновении названия «Туманный Альбион».
Foggy Albion
The place name Albion is very old, though many British have never
heard about it. Albion is the archaic name for Great Britain, especially
when it is used poetically. Occasionally it may refer to Scotland only,
because its name in Gaelic is “Alba”. Thus, the word is thought to be
of Celtic origin, from the root that denotes both “white” and
“mountain”. The Romans took it as connected with “albus” (white),
in reference to the chalk cliffs of Dover.
The Strait ___ Dover/Dover Strait/Pas de Calais (___ French it
means “Strait of Calais”) is the strait ___ the narrowest part of the
English Channel, that separates Great Britain ___ continental Europe.
The shortest distance across the strait between the territory of France
___ the Continent and the county of Kent in GB is 34 km (21 mi).
Due ___ that it is possible to see the white cliffs of Dover (Britain)
with the naked eye.
In the first century AD the Romans, who at the time were fighting
the Celts ___ Gaul (Gaul is modern France), reached the shore of the
Continent and saw the opposite coastline across the Channel. The
soldiers started shouting “Alba! Alba!” that means “white” __ Latin.
Thus, chalk cliffs of dazzling white and foggy weather contributed __
the appearance of the popular Britain’s nick-name — “Foggy Albion”,
which was picked up, though, not after the Romans. ___ its present
form it was popularized by the poet John Milton. As a literary figure,
Albion is the name of a character in the poetry of William Blake.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Расставьте абзацы в логической последовательности.
Celtic and Roman Influence in British Placenames
If a place name ends in -caster, -cester or -chester (from Latin
“сastra”), it means that the place used to be a Roman fort or military
camp. “Municipia” was a Roman settlement where all its inhabitants
were given Roman citizenship. “Coloniae” were Roman towns settled
by the Romans only, and some of them were military camps as well
(e. g. Colchester (“coloniae + chester”). Latin strat/stret/street means
“Roman road”, as in Chester-le-Street. It’s unbelievable, but all major
roads in modern Britain were built by the Romans in the 1st
AD, and Londonners still drink water from the Roman wells!
Celtic influence is still felt in Gaelic bally-/bal-, which mean
“farm”/“village” (Ballyclare, Ballycastle); ben- means “hill” (Ben
Nevis), suffixes -dare/-derry mean “oak wood” or “grove” (Aberdare,
Londonderry, Derry), -garry means “rough” (Invergarry), glen- means
“Narrow valley” (Glenlivet), kin- means “head” (Kintyre), elements
loch-/-loch mean “lake” (Loch Ness, Loch Lomond), mor- means “big”
All place names in Britain contain loads of information about
a particular locality, its historical past, native inhabitants, etc. The
British toponyms fall basically into four distinct groups —
topographical, i. e. describing certain landscape features, habitative
(defining a concrete type of settlement), folk (mainly referring to
a people or tribe), and miscellaneous, that may combine several
typological features.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключи к заданиям по тексту
“Britain: the Sea-Girt Land”, с. 38—39.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
1. It is a sea channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and
the Celtic Sea to the southwest. — St George’s Channel
2. It is the area of the Atlantic Ocean off the south coast of Ireland
bounded to the east by Saint George’s Channel. — The Celtic
3. It is the second-largest ocean in the world. It is connected in
the north to the Arctic Ocean, to the Pacific Ocean in the
southwest, the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and the
Southern Ocean in the south. — The Atlantic Ocean
4. This sea separates the islands of Ireland and Great Britain. It
is connected to the Celtic Sea in the south by St George’s
Channel, and to the Atlantic Ocean in the north by the North
Channel. Anglesey is the largest island within the sea, followed
by the Isle of Man. This sea is occasionally referred to as the
Manx. — The Irish Sea
5. It is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean located between
Great Britain and Continental Europe, including Scandinavia,
Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. — The North Sea
6. Literally it is called Strait of Calais. It is the strait at the
narrowest part of the English Channel. — The Strait of
Dover/Dover Strait/Pas de Calais [pɑ də ’kalе] (French)
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию, с. 40.
The Firth of Lorne, the Firth of Clyde, and the Solway Firth are
found on the western coast of this country, while the Dornoch Firth,
the Moray Firth, the Firth ofTay, and the Firth of Forth are the principal
firths on its eastern coast. They are in Scotland.
Ключ к заданию по тексту “Foggy Albion”, c. 41.
… The Strait of Dover/Dover Strait/Pas de Calais [pɑdə kalɛ] (in
French it means “Strait of Calais”) is the strait at the narrowest part
of the English Channel, that separates Great Britain from continental
Europe. The shortest distance across the strait between the territory
of France on the Continent and the county of Kent in GB is 34 km (21
mi). Due to that it is possible to see the white cliffs of Dover (Britain)
with the naked eye.
In the first century AD the Romans, who at the time were fighting
the Celts of Gaul (Gaul is modern France), reached the shore of the
Continent and saw the opposite coastline across the Channel. The
soldiers started shouting “Alba! Alba!”, that means “white” in Latin.
Thus, chalk cliffs of dazzling white and foggy weather contributed to
the appearance of the popular Britain’s nick-name —“Foggy Albion”,
which was picked up, though, not after the Romans. In its present
form it was created and popularized by John Milton, author of “The
Paradise Lost”, where the expression appeared for the very first time.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию по тексту “Celtic and Roman
Influence in British Placenames”, с. 42.
1. All place names in Britain contain loads of information about
a particular locality, its historical past, native inhabitants, etc…
2. Celtic influence is still felt in Gaelic bally-/bal-, which mean
“Farm”/“village”(Ballyclare, Ballycastle); ben- means“Hill”(Ben
Nevis), suffixes -dare/-derry mean “oak wood” or “grove”
(Aberdare, Londonderry, Derry), -garry means “Rough”
3. If a place name ends in -caster, -cester or -chester (from Latin
“Castra”), it means that the place used to be a Roman fort or
military camp…
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Terrain of the Countries Comprising the UK
Scotland lies in the north of the United Kingdom and makes up
the northern third of Great Britain. To the south, it shares a border
with England. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the
Highlands. To the south of the country lies a district of beautiful
valleys and plains, called the Lowlands. The finer division includes
North-West Highlands, the Grampian mountains, Central Lowlands
and Southern Uplands. England is mostly flat (with a few exceptions,
though). The Southeast of the country is characterized by the
abundance of valleys and small rolling hills. Among the significant
elevations of the region one can name the Cotswold Hills, the
Chilterns, as well as the chalk cliffs of the North and the South Downs.
The terrain of the East of England is predominantly flat, that makes
it a great agricultural region. Most of the East Midlands is also low-
lying. The Chiltern Hills are found along the southern boundary of this
region while the Peak District lies in the north-western part of the
East Midlands. The West Midlands is characterized by the mixture
of valleys, rugged hills, and moorland. The Northwest is made up by
fertile plains in the west and the Pennine Hills in the east. Cambria’s
Lake District contains 15 large lakes, including the biggest England —
lake Windermere. The county has England’s biggest mountains and
all the area of the Cumbrian mountains is the most rugged in England.
Wales is located on the central west coast of Great Britain. Its landscape
is predominantly mountainous, made up by the Snowdonia Massive.
Northern Ireland is largely flat except such mountainous regions as
the Mourne Mountains, Glens of Antrim, and Sperrin Mountains.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
the Highlands/Scottish Highlands — горная страна в Шотлан-
дии, северо-западное нагорье
the Lowlands — низменность
Southern Uplands — Южно-шотландская возвышенность
rolling hills — невысокие возвышенности, холмистая местность
elevations — возвышенности
terrain — тип местности, ландшафт
rugged — неровный, пересеченный
Составьте вопросы, на которые следующие предложения
являлись бы ответами. Для выполнения этого задания ис-
пользуйте не только информацию из текста, но и карту
1. Yes, we can. The entire island of GB is characterized by a very
indented coastline, cut into by bays, coves and estuaries.
2. Yes, it is. England is really somewhat triangular in shape.
3. More than one-half of Scotland’s surface is occupied by the
4. Western Scotland is fringed by the large island chains known
as the Inner and Outer Hebrides.
5. Wales is bounded on the north by the Irish Sea; on the east by
the English counties of Cheshire, Stropshire, Hereford and
and on the west by Saint George’s Channel and Cardigan Bay.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Знаете ли вы, что...?
Anglo-Saxon, Danish and Norman Placenames
and Their Meanings
Anglo-Saxon suffixes –wick/–wich mean “dwelling”, “farm” (e. g.
Warwick Alnwick, Ipswich), -dean/-den — “swine pasture” (e. g.
Camden, Willesden, Morden Croxden), -cot/-cote — “shelter”, “cottage”
(e. g. Ascot, Swadlincote), bur/-bury — “fortified or protected place”
(e. g. Salisbury, Aylesbury, Banbury), -burgh/-burg — castle (e. g.
Edinburg, Bamburgh), -bourn/-burne/-burn — stream, spring (e. g.
Eastbourne, Bourne, Bournemouth), while components of toponyms
dun-/-down mean “hills” or “downs” (e. g. Dundee, Dunston). Suffix
-ham means “homestead”, “village” (e. g. Durham, Birmingham,
Hovingham), ton/tun — “enclosure/village” (e. g. Brighton, Kingston,
Terrington), mer/mar/mere — “lake”, “pool”(e. g. Ellesmere), -folk —
“people” (e. g. Norfolk, Suffolk), stead/sted — “place”, “site” (e. g.
Hampstead, Wanstead, Stansted), the suffix -ing means “the family of …”
(e. g. Reding — the family of Rada; Hastings — the family of Hasta);
stoke-/-stock/stock- — “place” (e. g. Stoke-on-Trent, Stoke Lacy).
The Norsemen or the Vikings also left the imprint of their culture
on the British placenames. The component of toponyms -ness
assimilated from Old Norse, means “cape” (e. g. Sheerness, Furness),
-thorp/-thorpe means “farm” or “village” (e. g. Scunthorpe,
Coneysthorpe), -by means “farm”, “village” (e. g. Witby, Slingsby),
-thwait/e means “glade” or “clearing” (e. g. Bassenthwaite), -ey/-ay
mean “island” (e. g. Orkney), dal-/-dale mean “valley” (e. g. Swaledale).
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию по тексту “Terrain of the Countries
Comprising the UK”, c. 48.
1. Can we say that the entire island of GB is characterized by
a very indented coastline, cut into by bays, coves and
2. England is somewhat triangular in shape, isn’t it?
3. What part of Scotland’s surface is occupied by the Highlands?
4. What island chains fringe Western Scotland?
5. What is Wales bounded by?
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Uplands and Lowlands on the Map of GB
In general the lowland and upland regions of Great Britain are
easy to differentiate using an imaginary boarder, known as the Tees-
Exe Line. It links the mouth of the River Tees in the northeast
of England with the mouth of the River Exe in the southwest. The
lowlands lie to the east of the line, i. e. in the southern parts of GB,
while mountainous areas are found to the west of it.
The other two lines, known as the Severn-Wash line and the
Severn-Trent line are also drawn in order to divide the territory of GB
into elevated and low-lying, flat areas. The line drawn between the
Severn estuary and the Wash is known as the Severn-Wash line. The
line drawn for the same purpose between the Severn and the mouth
of the river Trent is called the Severn-Trent line.
Mountain ranges and the most significant elevations of England
include Cheviot Hills (also in Scotland), Chilterns, Cotswolds,
Dartmoor, Lincolnshire Wolds, Exmoor, Lake District, Malvern Hills,
Mendip Hills, North Downs, North York Moors, Peak District,
Pennines, Salisbury Plain, South Downs, Shropshire Hills, Quantock
Hills, Yorkshire Wolds.
Scotland boasts its Cairngorms, Cheviot Hills (also in England),
Grampian Mountains, Ochil Hills, Scottish Highlands, Sidlaws,
Southern Uplands, Torridon Hills.
Mountains and mountain ranges of Wales include Snowdonia,
Brecon Beacons, Black Mountains, Cambrian Mountains, Clwydian
Hills, Preseli Hills.
Main mountainous regions of Northern Ireland are Mourne
Mountains, Antrim Plateau/Glens of Antrim, Sperrin Mountains.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
to differentiate — различать
to link — соединять
mountainous areas — гористые районы
low-lying, flat areas — низкогорье
estuary — исток
mouth of the river — устье реки
I. Впишите пропущенные буквы и прочитайте названия
горных цепей и гористых районов Великобритании.
M_u__e Mountains, O___l Hills, S___r__Mountains, C_____l__,
M__d__Hills, S___a __.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
II. Найдите на карте данные горные системы или гористые
районы и укажите, в какой административно-территориаль-
ной части Соединенного королевства они находятся.
Cairngorms/Grampian Mountains, Chilterns, Mountains of Mourne,
Brecon Beacons, Pennines, Snowdonia, Antrim Plateau, Cheviot Hills,
Sperrin Mountains, Dartmoor, Cambrian Mountains, Scottish Highlands,
Exmoor, Peak District, Lake District, Cumbrian Mountains, Malvern Hills.
Прочитайте диалоги и объясните употребление временных
форм глаголов. Как вы понимаете значение выделенных
1. — Are you still off sick?
— I see red when I hear all that. Yes, I have twisted my ankle,
but it is not the end of the world! My Mom is always making
a mountain out of a molehill!
2. — Money makes money, you know.
— Yeah, it is as old as the hills.
3. — Never ever talk to me like that! I’m hating when you insult
people telling them they are old hats!
— Ok, agree. Let us put it the other way round. I’m not against
the grey power, but it’s evident that all of them are over the
— You are a bully and a bore!
— You are another!
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Знаете ли вы, что…?
The Highest Peaks of the UK
England: Scafell Pike (Cumbrian Mountains, 977 metres)
Scotland: Ben Nevis (1,344 metres)
Wales: Snowdon (Snowdonia, 1,085 metres)
Northern Ireland: Slieve Donard (Mourne Mountains, 852 metres)
The lowest point of the UK is called the Fens of East Anglia
(England), some of which lie up to FOUR meters below sea level.
Ben Nevis
Ben Nevis is the major challenge for any climber or walker who
visits the UK. The most daring even managed to push a wheelbarrow,
a car, a piano to its top.
Ben Nevis in Gaelic means “Mountain of Heaven”. The first
recorded ascent was in 1771. Due to Clement Linley Wragge,
nicknamed Inclement Wragge, the footpath and the observatory were
built there in 1883.
If you are a novice, or non-serious walker, you should keep in mind
that following the path on a summer’s day is pretty safe, though
elementary safety precautions should be strictly followed in any case.
If you plan to walk up Ben Nevis it’s of crucial importance to know
the weather in that locality and on the mountain itself. The mountain
summit is only clear on one day out of 10. The average temperature
at the summit is one degree below freezing, and the wettest month
of the year is December. Only in April, May and June the monthly
rainfall there is less than 25 cm.
adapted from
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
The most famous English idioms about mountains
1. Faith will move mountains.
If you firmly believe in God, in yourself or in what you are doing,
you can overcome all the possible obstacles.
e. g. My husband is not financially secure, but he is faithful, and for
me, he is strong. Faith will move mountains, you know.
2. A mountain to climb. (British and Australian)
You say “a mountain to climb” when you mention something that
is too difficult to do or to achieve.
e. g. Being too shy, Tom has a mountain to climb if he really wants
to win the elections.
3. If Mohammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain
must come to Mohammed.
If the situation doesn’t change the way you expect, you take the
first step and change it. The expression is often used to say that if
someone will not come to you, you have to go to him. The phrase
originated from a religious story about Mohammed who was
challenged to show how powerful he was by making a mountain come
to him. There are many variations of the same phrase.
e. g. I don’t normally visit my staff at home, but if you can’t come to
see me, I’ll come see you. The mountain will come to Mohammed.
4. To move mountains.
The expression means “to achieve something really difficult” or “to
do anything in order to please people whom you love or greatly esteem”.
e. g. He loves his family so much that he would move mountains for
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключи к заданиям по тексту “Uplands and Lowlands
on the Map of GB”, с. 53—53.
I. Mourne Mountains, Ochil Hills, Sperrin Mountains, Cotswolds,
Mendip Hills, Sidlaws.
II. Cairngorms/Grampian Mountains — Scotland, Chilterns —
England, Mountains of Mourne — Northern Ireland, Brecon
Beacons —Wales, Pennines — England, Snowdonia —Wales,
Antrim Plateau — Northern Ireland, Cheviot Hills — Scotland
and England, Sperrin Mountains — Northern Ireland,
Dartmoor — England, Cambrian Mountains —Wales, Scottish
Highlands — Scotland, Exmoor — England, Peak District —
England, Lake District — England, Cumbrian Mountains —
England, Malvern Hills — England.
Ключ к заданию по диалогам, с. 53.
I. 1.The Present Continuous is used to express irritation. 2.The
Present Indefinite is used to describe a well-known fact. 3.The Present
Continuous with the stative verb emphasizes great intensity of feeling.
4. The Present Perfect is used for summing up previous experiences.
II. 1.Tomakeamountainoutofamolehill —tomaketoomuch
of a minor issue. 2. Be as old as the hills — if something is as old as the
hills, it has existed for a very long time. 3. Be over the hill (informal) —
someone who is over the hill is too old to do things well.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Rivers of the UK
The Severn (354 km), the Thames (346 km), the Trent (297 km)
are the three longest rivers of the UK. It should be remembered, that
the river Shannon (360,5 km) is the longest river of the British Isles,
but it flows in the Irish Republic, not in the UK. The longest river in
the UK is the River Severn (354 km) which flows through both
England and Wales.
The Thames, the Trent, the Great Ouse (230 km), the Ouse
(208 km), the Nene (161 km), the Avon (154 km), the Eden (145 km),
the Tyne (118 km), the Derwent (115 km), the Aire (114 km), the
Tees (113 km), the Mersey (113 km) flow in England.
The ten major rivers of Scotland in order of their length are: the
Tay (188 km), the Spey (172 km), the Clyde (172 km), the Tweed (it
flows through England and Scotland for 155 km), the Dee (140 km),
the Don (129 km), the Nith (114 km), the Forth (105 km), the
Findhorn (101 km), the Deveron (98 km), the Annan (79 km).
The Welsh rivers include the Severn (it also flows in England), the
Wye (it flows through Wales and England for 215 km), the Dee (112
km), the Teifi (121 km), the river Towy (121 km), the Tawe (48 km),
the Usk (17 km).
River Bann (122 km) is the longest river of Northern Ireland. The
others include the Foyle (129 km), the Deel (60 km), the Finn (64 km),
the Mourne (16 km), the Dergie, the Roe.
The Tees, the Thames, the Tyne flow east to the North Sea. The
Mersey, the Dee, the Severn, the Avon empty into the Irish Sea and
the Bristol Channel.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
through — через
in order of — в порядке чего-либо
length — длина
to flow through — протекать через
to empty — впадать
Используя информацию из текста и карту Великобритании
(см. в «Приложении» карты №3,4,5), разгадайте кроссворд.
“Rivers and Lakes of the British Isles”
3 4
5 6
8 9
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
2. Scotland's most important river that rises
in the Southern Uplands of the country.
5. River rising in the hills to the east of Loch Lomond.
8. Wide bays on the coastline of GB.
10. This river rises on Plinlimmon Mt. in Wales.
12. This river rises in the Cotswolds Hills.
13. One of the two longest rivers in Wales,
rising near Aberystwyth.
1. This river forms part of the boundary
between Wales and England.
3. A “lake”in Gaelic …
4. The longest river of the British Isles, not the UK.
6. One of the two rivers that empty into the River Humber.
7. The third longest river of the UK that also empties
into the River Humber.
9. This river rises in Pennine Hills.
11. The largest river in Scotland, carrying more water
than any other river of the UK.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Знаете ли вы, что…?
In each country comprising the UK the longest rivers and lakes
are the following:
England: River Thames (215 mi, 346 km), Lake Windermere
(5.69 sq mi, 14.74 km²);
Scotland: River Tay (117 mi, 188 km), Loch Lomond (27.46 sq mi,
71.12 km²);
Wales: River Tywi (64 mi, 103 km), Llyn Tegid (Bala Lake)
(1.87 sq mi, 4.84 km²);
Northern Ireland: River Bann (76 mi, 122 km), Lough Neagh
(147.39 sq mi, 381.74 km²).
The word Avon means river, the names of Tay in Scotland and the
Towy of Wales are derived from Taoi — winding. The Thames is
derived from the word Tam, meaning still or quiet. The Abus or
Humber originated from Aibeis — an estuary. The Wharf is derived
from Garbh, rough or boisterous. The Ouse originated from the word
Uisge, meaning water. The proper name Wye also signifies water.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
To send somebody down the river — to do something that hurts
someone who trusted you.
“The Largest Lakes of Great Britain”
Найдите ошибку в таблице.
England Scotland Wales
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
“Rivers of Wales”
Пользуясь картой (см. «Приложение», с.5), найдите и об-
ведите в сетке названия рек Уэльса.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к кроссворду
“Rivers and Lakes of the British Isles”, с. 58—59.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию
“The Largest Lakes of Great Britain”, с. 61.
Lake Vyrnwy is not the largest in Wales.
England Scotland Wales
Lough Neagh +
Loch Lomond +
Lake Vyrnwy
LlynTegid (Bala Lake
LakeWindermere +
Ключ к заданию “Rivers of Wales”, с. 62.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Population of the UK
According to the latest estimations of July 2012 the population
of the UK is 63,047,162. The overwhelming majority of population
in the UK is white. According to the 2001 census 92,1% of population
in the UK belongs to this ethnic pool, of which the English constitute
83,6%, the Scottish — 8,6%, the Welsh — 4,9%, the Northern Irish —
2,9%. Black people comprise 2% of the UK's population, Indian —
1,8%, Pakistani — 1,3%, mixed 1,2%, other nationalities — 1,6%.
English is the official language in the UK, while Scots (spoken by
about 30% of the population of Scotland), Scottish Gaelic (spoken
by about 60,000 in Scotland), Welsh (spoken by about 20% of the
population of Wales), Irish (spoken by about 10% of the population
of Northern Ireland), Cornish (spoken by some 2,000 to 3,000 in
Cornwall) are recognized as regional languages. The main religions
in the UK are as follows: Christian — 71,6% (including Anglican,
Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist), Muslim — 2,7%, Hindu —
1%, unspecified or none — 23,1% (2001 census).
According to the 2011 estimations children from 0 to 14 years
of age constitute 17,3% of all the population, people aged 15—64
constitute 66,2% of population, while those aged 65 and over make
up 16,5% of the UK's population. Population growth rate is 0,553%
(2012 est.) Birth rate and death rate constitute 12,27 births/1,000
population (2012 est.) and 9,33 deaths/1,000 population (July 2012
est.) respectively. Life expectancy is 80,17 years, male: 78,05 years
and female: 82,4 years (2012 est.). Urban population prevails in the
UK with 80% living in towns and cities.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
census — перепись населения
ethnic pool — этническая группа
birth rate — уровень рождаемости
death rate — уровень смертности
life expectancy — продолжительность жизни
Правильны ли следующие утверждения?
True False
1. The British are descendants of the Iberians,
various Celtic tribes, the Romans, the Anglo-
Saxons, Scandinavians and Normans.
2. About two-quarters of the population in
Wales are concentrated in the mining
centers in the south.
3. More than 75% of population in England
are urban dwellers.
4. The UK has only about 5% of the world’s
5. The highest density of population in
Scotland is registered in Central Lowlands,
where nearly three-quarters of overall
population live.
6. ThelowestdensityofpopulationinScotland
is in the Highlands.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Nota Bene
Native inhabitants of the United Kingdom are collectively known
as Britons (e. g. — Briton) or the British, though a finer division is
more preferable for people, inhabiting England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland. Thus we speak about the English, the Scots, the
Welsh and the Irish people.
Urban population prevails in the UK with 80% living in towns and
cities. London (capital) is inhabited by 8,615 million people;
Birmingham — 2,296 million; Manchester — 2,247 million; West
Yorkshire — 1,541 million; Glasgow — 1,166 million (2009).
Famous Britons in Quotes
I would like to go back to Wales. I’m obsessed with my childhood
and at least three times a week dream I am back there.
(Anthony Hopkins)
* * *
In Wales it’s brilliant. I go to the pub and see everybody who I went
to school with. And everybody goes “So what are you doing now?”
And I go, “Oh, I’m doing a film with Antonio Banderas and Anthony
Hopkins”. And they go, “Ooh, good”. And that’s it.
(Catherine Zeta-Jones)
* * *
O Scotia! my dear, my native soil! For whom my warmest wish to
heaven is sent; Long may thy hardy sons of rustic toil Be blest with
health, and peace, and sweet content.
(Robert Burns)
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию по тексту
“Population of the UK”, с. 66.
1. The British are descendants of the Iberians, various Celtic
tribes, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, Scandinavians and
Normans. True
2. About two-quarters of the population in Wales are
concentrated in the mining centers in the south. False (Three
3. More than 75% of population in England are urban dwellers.
4. The UK has only about 5% of the world’s people. False (1%)
5. The lowest density of population in Scotland is in the
Highlands. True
6. About two-thirds of population in Scotland are urbandwellers.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Languages Spoken in the UK
The English language developed chiefly from the language of the
Anglo-Saxon and Norman invaders. English belongs to the Germanic
branch of the Indo-European family of languages. Its history is usually
divided into three main periods: Old English, Middle English and
New English. Old English encompasses a timespan from the Anglo-
Saxon invasion of Britain in the V—VI centuries until the Norman
Conquest of 1066. Middle English is the English language spoken
from the middle of the XI century to the middle of the XV century.
New English occupies the period from the middle of the XV century
to the present day. It is also subdivided into Early New English (1450—
1700) and Modern English (1700 — present day).
Welsh is a language that developed from one of the languages of the
Celts. Less than a fifth of the Welsh speak both English and Welsh.
A few people in Wales speak Welsh only, but it is still true to say that
the Welsh language and culture are best preserved in the north and
west of the country. In an effort to preserve everything Welsh, the
government of the UK encourages learning Welsh and supports all
cultural, scientific, and social events that may help to achieve this
goal. Thousands of people in Scotland speak the Scottish form
of Gaelic, which is another Celtic language. People in the Lowlands
of Scotland speak Scots. It is a dialect derived from the branch of Old
English and a completely separate language from Gaelic. The Irish
form of Gaelic is still spoken in Northern Ireland.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
the Anglo-Saxon invaders — англо-саксонские завоеватели
the Celts — кельты
the government of the UK encourages learning Welsh — правитель-
ство Великобритании поощряет изучение уэльского языка
Правильны ли следующие утверждения? При ответе опи-
райтесь на информацию из текста, а также на общие зна-
True False
1. EnglishistheonlyofficiallanguageintheUK,
2. English is used as one of the official
in the South Africa, the Irish Republic, and
as a second language in many other
countries of the world, including India,
Pakistan and other.
3. Welsh is a language of the Celtic blanch.
4. Gaelic, which is still spoken in Scotland,
is also a language of Celtic origin.
5. Gaelic is also the language of the Irish
people, living in Northern Ireland and the
Irish Republic.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Знаете ли вы, что…?
At the turn of the 17th
century English was spoken only by 6 million
people. At present the situation is totally different with more than
one billion people speaking English all over the world. In number
of speakers the English language is second only to Chinese.
Fun Language Facts
“Go”, is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
The longest word in the English language is “neumonoultramicro-
scopicsilicovolcanoconioses”, which means 'a lung disease caused by
the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the
The only 15-letter word that can be spelled without repeating
a letter is “uncopyrightable”.
The sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog” uses
every letter of the alphabet!
The word “set” has more definitions than any other word in
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Заполните пропуски прилагательными из таблицы и про-
читайте текст об официальных языках в Уэльсе.
standard — popular — phonetic — numerous — French —
challenging — basic — regular — printed — irregular
Surprisingly as it may seem, Welsh is simpler than English. It is
a language with the spelling that may be characterized as entirely
___________ and ___________. As soon as you learn the ___________
rules of pronunciation you can read it without much difficulty. For the
beginners Welsh provides far fewer difficulties than does English with
its ___________ inconsistencies in spelling. In Welsh all the letters
of a word are pronounced, while in English, as a ___________ joke has
it, we write “Manchester” and read “Liverpool”. The only good news is
that in English there exist less than 400 words with ___________ spelling.
The bad news is that most of them are frequently used in everyday
communication. Difficulties with English spelling arise because the
Romans tried to write down Old English words using only 23 letters
of Latin alphabet. It was quite ___________ because in Old English there
existed nearly 40 vowels and consonants. The situation was aggravated
by the Norman Conquest of 1066, when lots of ___________ words
assimilated into the English language, and, finally, by the introduction
of the ___________ press in 1476 and the emergence of a ___________
spelling system, which reflected the speech of the London area only.
During the 15th
century the pronunciation of vowels changed but the
existence of printing press resulted in the fact that the standard spelling
system never caught up with the changes.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Signs in Welsh
Welsh English Rough Pronunciation
araf slow arav
cymru wales kumm-ri
dim mynediad no entry dim munned-yad
dynion gentlemen (toilet) dunny-onn
ffordd road forth
gorsaf station gorsav
gwesty hotel gwesty
heddlu police hethlee
llwybr cyhoeddus public footpath thlooy-beer kahoy-this
lôn lane lonn
merched ladies (toilet) mair-kedd
siôp shop shop
swyddfa’r post post office sooeethva post
toiledau toilets toy-led-eye
traeth beach trye-th
ysbyty hospital uss-butty
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Заполните последнюю колонку таблицы, дописав значе-
ния галльских заимствований в английском языке.
English Irish Gaelic Scots Gaelic Meaning
bard bard bard
clan clann clan
crag creig creag
galore go leor gu leòr
glen gleann gleann
loch loch loch
pet peata peata
shamrock seamróg seamrag
shanty seantigh seann taigh
slew slua sluagh
tory tóraí tòraiche
trousers triubhas
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
The Welsh alphabet
The Welsh alphabet consists of 28 letters:
A, B, Ch, D, Dd, E, F, Ff, G, Ng, H, I, L, Ll, M, N, O, P, Ph, R, Rh,
S, T, Th, U, W, Y.
Letters J, K, Q, V, X, Z do not exist in Welsh, though the English
influence is obvious in Zw (Zoo), John, Jones, Jiwbil (Jubilee),
Wrexham (Wrecsam), etc.
Let’s Pick Up Some Welsh!
English Welsh Rough Pronunciation
hello helo hello
good morning bore da bor-er dah
good afternoon prynhawn da prin-hown dah
good evening noswaith dda noss-wythe-ah
goodbye hwyl who-ill
good night nos da noss dah
OK iawn
(like in “clown”)
please plis please
thanks diolch dee-olck
thank you very
diolch yn fawr dee-olck unn vowr
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию по тексту
“Languages Spoken in the UK”, с. 70.
1. English is the official language in the UK, the USA, Australia,
Canada, and New Zealand. False (It is used as one of the
official languages in Canada).
2. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada,
former British colonies in the South Africa, the Irish Republic,
and as a second language in many other countries of the
world, including India, Pakistan, and other. True
3. Welsh is a language of the Celtic blanch. True
4. Gaelic, which is still spoken in Scotland, is also a language
of Celtic origin. True
5. Gaelic is also the language of the Irish people, living
in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. True
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию, с. 72.
Surprisingly as it may seem, Welsh is simpler than English. It is
a language with the spelling that may be characterized as entirely
regular and phonetic. As soon as you learn the basic rules
of pronunciation you can read it without much difficulty. For the
beginnersWelsh provides far fewer difficulties than does English with
its numerous inconsistencies in spelling. In Welsh all the letters
of a word are pronounced, while in English, as a popular joke has it,
we write “Manchester” and read “Liverpool”. The only good news is
that in English there exist less than 400 words with irregular spelling.
The bad news is that most of them are frequently used in everyday
communication. Difficulties with English spelling arise because the
Romans tried to write down Old English words using only 23 letters
of Latin alphabet. It was quite challenging because in Old English
there existed nearly 40 vowels and consonants. The situation was
aggravated by the Norman Conquest of 1066, when lots of French
words assimilated into the English language, and, finally, by the
introduction of the printing press in 1476 and the emergence
of a standard spelling system, which reflected the speech of the
London area only. During the 15th
century the pronunciation of vowels
changed but the existence of printing press resulted in the fact that
the standard spelling system never caught up with the changes.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию, с. 74.
Scots Gaelic Meaning
bard bard bard poet (of a certain rank)
clan clann clan relatives, lineage
crag creig creag rocky outcrop
galore go leor gu leòr plenty, enough
glen gleann gleann valley
loch loch loch lake
pet peata peata
an animal kept as
a companion
shamrock seamróg seamrag shamrock
shanty seantigh seann taigh old house
slew slua sluagh a lot of, many
slogan —
a call; easily remembered,
short phrase
tory tóraí tòraiche pursuer; robber; bandit
trousers — triubhas trews; pants
a strong alcoholic drink
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Сlimate of GB
Climate of Great Britain may be characterized as a maritime
temperate, i. e. without any extremes in temperatures all year round,
but very humid. More than 50% of the days are overcast. Existing
variety of microclimates within the UK is caused by such factors as
elevation, proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, and, to a lesser extent,
latitude. Due to northerly latitude Britain enjoys stunningly long
days in the height of summer, and a very short period of sunlight in
Southwesterly winds, blowing from the North Atlantic Drift,
prevail over all the rest, making weather patterns subject to change.
In general, the south is warmer and drier than the north. The east
of Britain, washed by the North Sea is considerably colder than the
territories washed by the Atlantic Ocean and warmed by the Gulf
Winter temperatures rarely fall below — 5ºC while summer highs
do not normally exceed 35ºC. July and August are the hottest as well
as the wettest months of the year. January and February are the coldest
months and there’s often much snow in mountainous parts of Britain.
The average water temperature of the North Atlantic is 13°C in
August and 7°C in February. The North Sea is 15°C in August and
6°C in February. The average water temperature of the British Channel
is 17°C in August and 9°C in February.
Human-induced climate change affected weather patterns
worldwide. In the UK it results in frequent floods, heat waves in
summer and extremely mild winters.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
maritime temperate — морской умеренный
proximity to the Atlantic ocean — близость к Атлантическому
to a lesser extent — в меньшей степени
latitude — широта
summer highs — максимальные температуры летом
human-induced climate change — изменения климата, вызван-
ные деятельностью человека
weather patterns — типы погоды
Правильны ли следующие утверждения?
True False
1. ClimateofGreatBritainmaybecharacterized
as Mediterranean.
2. July and August are the hottest as well as
the wettest months of the year.
3. January and February are the coldest
months and there’s often much snow in
mountainous parts of Britain.
4. Existing variety of microclimates within the
UK is caused by such factors as the insular
position of GB, elevation, and longitude.
5. Natural hazards include strong winds and
floods, especially in winter.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Famous Quotes from British Weather Lore
When mountains and cliffs in the clouds appear, some sudden or
violent showers are near.
When forests murmur and mountains roar, close your windows
and shut the door.
Red sky at night — shepherd’s delight. Red sky at morning —
shepherd’s warning.
Near full moon a misty sunrise bodes fair weather and cloudless
Mackerel scales and mare’s tails, make lofty ships carry low sails.
(It is so because altocumulus and cirrus clouds foretell bad weather).
A ring around the sun and moon: a rainy day is coming soon.
When you can see the hills, it’s going to rain; when you can’t see
the hills, it’s raining!
When the clouds of the moon to the West fly away, you may safely
rely on a settled fair day.
Oak and ash trees are traditionally watched in early spring to see
which would put out shoots first:
“If the Ash before the Oak, Then there’ll be a regular soak; But if the
Oak before the Ash, Then there’ll only be a splash”.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Прочитайте два примера прогноза погоды и составьте два
собственных для весеннего и осеннего дней в Великобри-
“Weather Forecast”
Weather Forecast for a Day in Summer
There will be scattered showers across much of England and Wales.
Staying dry and quite sunny across Scotland and Northern Ireland.
By the evening the showers will have faded from southern England
with skies clearing. This leads to a dry, clear night across Britain.
Expect highs of 16 °C to 19 °C.
Weather Forecast for a Day in Winter
Outbreaks of rain with some sleet will spread into Scotland and
northern England through the day. For Wales and Northern Ireland
a dry day with sunny spells after a cold frosty morning. A wet evening
and night for Scotland and England. The rain will be heaviest in the
Scottish Highlands. Elsewhere it will be cloudy and dry. Lows today
of 0° to — 6 °C.
Вычеркните из списка стихийные бедствия, не характер-
ные для Британии.
Tsunamis, heat waves, earthquakes, permafrost, welling
of volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, mud slides, forest fires, tornadoes,
torrential rain.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию по тексту “Сlimate of GB”, c. 80.
1. ClimateofGreatBritainmaybecharacterizedasMediterranean.
2. July and August are the hottest as well as the wettest months
of the year. True
3. January and February are the coldest months and there’s
often much snow in mountainous parts of Britain. True
4. Existing variety of microclimates within the UK is caused by
such factors as the insular position of GB, elevation, and
longitude. False
5. Natural hazards include strong winds and floods, especially
in winter. True
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Ключ к заданию “Weather Forecast”, с. 82.
Пример выполнения задания:
Weather Forecast for a Day in Autumn
Scotland will bring a lot of cloud and showery rain. In Wales the rain will
bubble up by midday onwards. Across central and southern parts
in between the showers there will be decent spells of sunny weather.
Temperatures will reach at best 20—21°C in the south and east,
15—17 °C are expected for the west, while in the north of Scotland & the
Isles the temperatures won’t exceed 13—14 °C.
A Spring Day Weather Forecast
This Tuesday is likely to see the same weather pattern exist. It will
be mostly dry with short sunny periods. It will be drier further to the
south and east of Great Britain, with some low cloud and scattered
showers in Northern Ireland. Quite a muggy night in the SE, though.
Cloud and patchy showery rain likely overnight in the northwest and
south east but clear periods elsewhere giving a few mist and low cloud
patches in places.Temperatures up to about 16—18 °C inland across
the south and SE but generally more like 15—17 °C in the West
of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 14 °C in Scotland.
Ключ к заданию, с. 82.
floods, hurricanes, mud slides, forest fires, tornadoes, torrential rain.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Weather in Britain: Why Is It So Changeable?
The weather in Britain is so changeable, that it always makes
a perfect start for a small talk. Television weather forecasters are
media personalities, 'cause weather bulletins are broadcast on BBC
1, BBC 2 and all of BBC’s radio stations at regular intervals throughout
the day. The Met Office is extremely popular, the Capital radio has
weather summaries every 20 minutes, LBC Newstalk Radio broadcasts
weather checks every half hour round the clock, all weather enquiries
are answered at London Weather Center, etc. But why is the weather
so changeable?
The answer is as follows. The North Atlantic and the Gulf Stream
make the average temperatures along the west coast of Britain higher
than it can be expected at this latitude. At the same time their negative
influence results in significant rainfall and erratic nature of the weather.
Indeed, many times the British witnessed torrential rain that
soaked parts of the UK with a month’s worth of rain just in twenty-
four hours. But, surprisingly as it may seem, average rainfall across
the UK is not particularly high. Due to the westerly direction of winds
coming in from the Atlantic, areas on the west coast are wetter than
those on the east coast. The precipitation in these parts of the country
differs from 60—100 mm per month in the West to 40— 60 mm per
month in the East. This difference in precipitation is keenly felt
in Scotland, the western coast of which sees 265 days of rain across
the year, whereas the southeast of the country only sees 170 days
of rainy weather. This really makes a starking contrast between the
drier areas of Scotland and, for instance, the Western Highlands, that
usually see 3000 mm precipitation on average per year.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Слова и выражения:
a small talk — легкий, бессодержательный разговор
the Gulf Stream — Гольфстрим
erratic — неустойчивый
precipitation — осадки
a starking contrast — разительный контраст
average — средний
I. Подберите к данным пословицам, поговоркам и идио-
мам, связанным с погодой, русские эквиваленты.
1. To save for a rainy day. — ___________________________
2. It never rains but it pours. — ________________________
3. Fairweather friend. — ______________________________
4. Rain or shine. — __________________________________
5. Never rely on love or the weather. — _________________
6. Woman is a weathercock. — ________________________
7. After rain comes fair weather. — _____________________
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
II. Вставьте недостающие буквы в слова, характеризую-
щие погоду и различные природные явления.
1. It’s ch__ll__and there is a crisp in the air.
2. It’s pleasantly c__l.
3. The weather is g__n__al/balmy.
4. It’s s__ltry and the sun is so aggressive, that it nearly darts its
beams at you.— Yeah, it’s really s__orching.
5. It’s not simply hot, it’s broi__ing.
6. The rain is __lanting, and I hate the tail-wind.
7. Yesterday a snow-storm was particularly heavy. It was a real
8. The sle__t gets on my nerves.
The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
Знаете ли вы, что…?
When the rain is heavy we would normally say that it is raining
cats and dogs. But why cats and dogs?
The answer is simple. In the past, when the rain was torrential,
dead animals from the basements and cellars of the houses were
washed out onto the streets. If there were dead cats and dogs on the
streets, the rain was really heavy. Thus, it was raining cats and dogs.
People inhabiting Britain also noticed that the length of particular
sounds is different depending on various weather patterns. In
Peterborough it was said:
“When the Clock of the Abbey strikes three minutes slow, The river’s
bright waters will soon overflow; When the Church Clock and Abbey
Clock strike both together, There will soon be a death or a change of the
Speaking about rainy weather one should also mention July 15 or
St. Swithin’s Day. It is very special for the British, because if it rains
on St. Swithin’s Day, 40 days of rainy weather will follow!
The story goes that St. Swithin was a Bishop of Winchester, who
died in 862. During his lifetime the saint insisted on an outdoor grave
so that “sweet rain from heaven” would fall on it. A century later, the
monks decided to translate his remains to a shrine inside Winchester
Cathedral. The move was set for July 15, 971. On that day, torrential
rain started and continued for 40 days. People believe that in such
a way St. Swithin expressed his displeasure.
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  • 2. УДКxx. x ББКxx. x К67 Серия основана в 2011 году Корнильева Л. Н. К67 Английский без проблем для продвинутых = A cup of English / Л. Н. Корнильева. — М. : Эксмо, 2013. — 608 с. + 1 CD-Rom. — (Иностранный за чашкой кофе) ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x (серия) ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x УДКxx. x ББКxx. x ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x (серия) ISBN xxx-xxx-xxxx-xx-x © Корнильева Л. Н., 2013 © ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2013 Английский без проблем для продвинутых Серия «Иностранный за чашкой кофе» Автор к.ф.н., доцент Корнильева Л. Н. Редактор Кобринец О. С. Корректоры: Лихошерстов Е. Ю., Пугачева Е. А., Станибула Н. С. Рецензент к.п.н., профессор Тучина Н. В. Верстка Мельник В. В. Подписано к печати xx.xx.2013 г. Формат 70×120 1/32. Печать офсетная. Гарнитура . Усл. печ. л. 29,56. Тираж xxxx экз. Зак. № xxx
  • 3. 3 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
  • 4. 4 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities The British Isles are a group of islands of the northwest coast of continental Europe. The total area of this archipelago is 315,134 km². Two largest islands of the British Isles — Great Britain and Ireland — constitute 95,6% of this area. The remaining islands, including the Hebrides, the Orkneys, the Shetlands, the Anglesey, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, etc. occupy only 4,4% or 13,950 km² of the overall territory of this archipelago. All in all the British Isles include over 1,000 islands, where only 51 have an area larger than 20 km². Smaller islands that are also parts of England, Scotland and Wales are collectively known as Britain’s islands or the British islands (not isles). Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles, comprising England, Scotland and Wales. GB is also a substitute to the official name of the country — the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, though the latter is not a geographical, but a political entity, formed in 1801. Ireland is the second largest island of the British Isles which is politically separated into two sections: the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland. Northern 1/6 part of Ireland is known as Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is sometimes referred to as Ulster, though these proper names are not synonymous. Ulster consists of 9 counties andonly6ofthem,namelyAntrim,Armagh,Derry,Down,Fermanagh and Tyrone form Northern Ireland and are parts of the UK. Three Crown dependencies of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man are the British possessions that are under the sovereignty of the UK, but none of them form part either of the UK or of the EU.
  • 5. 5 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: the British Isles — Британские острова archipelago — группа островов the latter — последний из двух dependencies — зависимые территории British possessions — владения Британии Правильны ли следующие утверждения? True False 1. The UK comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. 2. Great Britain is the geographical name for the biggest island of the British Isles comprising England, Scotland and Wales. 3. The British Isles is a geographical name of the archipelago of islands including Great Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight, the Orkney Islands, the Hebrides, the Shetland Isles, the Channel Islands, the Anglesey, the Holy Island, and numerous others. 4. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated off the north- western coast of continental Europe.
  • 6. 6 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Какие административно-территориальные части Объеди- ненного королевства соответствуют предложенному описа- нию? 1. This is a country of mostly low hills and plains. Upland regions are found only in the north and in the north-west. 2. It is a mountainous country on the western side of GB. 3. Its north-eastern coast is separated from Scotland by the North Channel, which is only 21 km wide. Its border with the Irish Republic is the only land boundary of the UK. 4. This country is bounded by England to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the west and north, and the North Sea to the east.
  • 7. 7 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Дайте наиболее точное описание каждому из четырех при- веденных ниже изображений Британских островов на анг- лийском и русском языках. A B C D
  • 8. 8 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Nota Bene Administrative Divisions оf England, Scotland, Wales аnd Northern Ireland Administrative divisions of England include 27 two-tier counties, 32 London boroughs and 1 City of London or Greater London, 36 metropolitan districts, 56 unitary authorities (including 4 single- tier counties). Scotland is made up of 32 council areas. Wales consists of 22 unitary authorities: 11 county boroughs, 9 counties (Isle of Anglesey, Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire, Denbigshire, Flintshire, Monmouthshire, Pembrokeshire, Powys, the Vale of Glamorgan) and two cities and counties (Cardiff and Swansea). Northern Ireland consists of six counties and is divided into 26 district council areas. The other three counties of Ulster (Cavan, Donegal and Monaghan) are part of the Irish Republic, which consists of twenty-six counties.
  • 9. 9 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию по тексту “The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities”, c. 5. 1. The UK comprises England, Scotland,Wales and Ireland. False (and Northern Ireland) 2. Great Britain is the geographical name for the biggest island of the British Isles comprising England, Scotland and Wales. Тrue 3. The British Isles is a geographical name of the archipelago of islands including Great Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight, the Orkney Islands, the Hebrides, the Shetland Isles, the Channel Islands, the Anglesey, the Holy Island, and numerous others. True 4. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated off the north-western coast of continental Europe. True Ключ к заданию, с. 6. 1. This is a country of mostly low hills and plains. Upland regions are found only in the north and in the north-west. — England 2. It is a mountainous country on the western side of GB. — Wales 3. Its north-eastern coast is separated from Scotland by the North Channel, which is only 21 km. wide. Its border with the Irish Republic is the only land boundary of the UK. — Northern Ireland
  • 10. 10 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities 4. This country is bounded by England to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the west and north, and the North Sea to the east. — Scotland Ключ к заданию, с. 7. A. The UK. Cоединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, или просто Великобритания (как страна, а не остров). B. The British Isles and north-western part of Continental Europe. Британские острова и северо-западная часть континентальной Европы. C. Great Britain and Ireland + some smaller islands of the British Isles. Два самых больших острова среди всех Британских островов — остров Великобритания и остров Ирландия, а также отдельные более мелкие острова данного архипелага. D. The island of Great Britain. Остров Великобритания — самый большой остров Британских островов, на территории которого расположены Англия, Шотландия и Уэльс.
  • 11. 11 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities The Commonwealth and the British Overseas Territories In 1922 the British Empire was at its height, being the largest empire in history and encompassing almost ¼ of the world’s land surface. Decolonisation began in 1947, when India and Pakistan were granted independence. Over the next three decades the British Empire ceasedtobe.TheCommonwealthisaunionof54independent states (listed below) which originated in the process of dismantling of the British Empire. Democracy, economic development and international understanding are the main principles according to which this voluntaryassociation is organised. There are no legal or constitutional obligations involved in membership. The British monarch is not only the head of state of the UK, but also a monarch of fifteen other independent Commonwealth countries, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. There are 14 British overseas territories, all characrerised by a considerable degree of self-government. The UK shares responsibility only for their defense, internal security and foreign relations. The 14 British overseas territories are: Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands (Ducie, Henderson and Oeno), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, St. Helena, St. Helena Dependencies (Ascension and Tristan da Cunha), the Turks and Caicos Islands.
  • 12. 12 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: the British Empire was at its height — Британская империя бы- ла в зените своей славы и мощи encompassing — включающая в себя the Commonwealth — Британское содружество наций dismantling — распад voluntary association — добровольная ассоциация a considerable degree of self-government — значительная сте- пень самоуправления В тексте было упомянуто, что действующий монарх Бри- тании является монархом не одного, а целых пятнадцати государств. Заполните пропуски в отрывке ниже и прочти- те искомые пятнадцать географических названий. When we speak about a sovereign member state of the Commonwealth of Nations, connected to the British crown in a personal union, we call it either a Commonwealth Realm or a Commonwealth kingdom. At present the Commonwealth Realms, where Queen Elizabeth II is a monarch, are as follows: __ntigua and __arbuda, __ustralia, the Ba__amas, __arbados, __elize, Gr__nada, Jamai__a, __anada, New Z__aland, Papua New Guin__a, the Solo__ on Islands, Saint Kit__s and Nevis, Saint Lu__ia, Saint Vin__ent and the Grenadines, Tuval__, and the United Kin__dom.
  • 13. 13 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Commonwealth Сountries Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Cameroon, Canada, Cyprus, Dominica, Fiji Islands, The Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Swaziland, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Kingdom, United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu
  • 14. 14 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Знаете ли вы, что…? In 1898 China granted Britain a 99-year lease for 92% of Hong Kong. The lease expired in July 1997 and Hong Kong was returned to the People’s Republic of China. As a Special Administrative Region of China, Hong Kong is able to maintain a high degree of autonomy, including independent finances, for the next-coming 50 years. British Colonial Past is also reflected in English phraseology. For instance, we say that “Delhi is far away”, meaning that something unexpected may intervene and change the situation dramatically. Initially “Delhi is far away” was an Indian proverb, derived from the response of the XIVth -century Sufi mystic Nizamuddin Aulia to a threat from the Sultan of Delhi. The latter then died before arriving home. We also say “Lombard Street to a China orange”, opposing great wealth to an ordinary object, viewed as a virtual certainty. The Commonwealth is also famed for the Commonwealth Games, which is a multi-sport gathering of competitors from Commonwealth countries. The Games are held every four years.
  • 15. 15 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на использование временных форм на- стоящего и прошедшего времени, а также на написание имен собственных, которые относятся к странам Содруже- ства. 1. — Вы когда-нибудь бывали в Британии? — Да, дважды. 2. Я никогда не осознавал, что Елизавета II является также монархом пятнадцати других государств Содружества (наций). 3. Я прочел список стран Содружества (наций) только сейчас. 4. — Вам нравится эта старая карта Новой Зеландии? — Нет, не нравится. — Мне тоже, она плохого качества. 5. — Кения — невероятная страна. Я там жил в течение трех лет. Но я никогда не бывала в Уганде. — Да? А я был там трижды. 6. Я работаю в Танзании уже два года. 7. Маврикий немного дороговат для меня, хотя я там отдыхал дважды и до сих пор вспоминаю ласковый океан и силуэты пальм на фоне ярко-голубого неба. 8. Прошлой зимой в январе я путешествовал по Австралии. Вы в это время находились в Нигерии. 9. Мне всегда нравилась Мальта. Я ее просто обожаю. 10. — Вы очень красивы. — Вы тоже. — Вы шутите? — Нет, нисколько. У вас в Индии все очень красивые.
  • 16. 16 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию по тексту “Commonwealth and the British Overseas Territories”, c. 12. When we speak about a sovereign member state of the Commonwealth of Nations, connected to the British crown in a personal union, we call it either a Commonwealth Realm or a Commonwealth kingdom. At present the Commonwealth Realms, where Queen Elizabeth II is a monarch, are as follows: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica, Canada, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, SaintVincent and the Grenadines,Tuvalu, and the United Kingdom. Ключ к заданию, с. 15. 1.— Have you ever been to Britain? —Yes, twice. 2. I have never realized that Queen Elizabeth II is also a monarch of fifteen other independent Commonwealth countries. 3. I have just read the list of the Commonwealth countries./I read the list of the Commonwealth countries just now. 4. — Do you like this old map of New Zealand? — No, I don’t. — Neither do I. It is of poor quality. 5. — Kenia is incredible/amazing. I was living there for three years. But I have never been to Uganda. — Oh, really? But I have. I’ve been there thrice. 6. I have been working in Tanzania for two years. 7. Mauritius is a bit expensive for me, though I’ve been there twice and still can’t forget a genial ocean and the palm-trees silhouetted against its azure skies. 8. Last winter in January I was doing Australia. You at the time were staying in Nigeria. 9. I have always loved Malta. I’m simply loving it!/ I really adore it! 10. —You are very beautiful. — So are you/You too. — Are you kidding? (Are you pulling my leg?/Are you having me on?) — No kidding. Everyone is gorgeous in India.
  • 17. 17 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Eternal London London is the biggest city in Britain and in Europe, the capital city of England and of the UK, and a wonderful place to visit. It lies astride the River Thames in the southeast of England, and occupies the territory of over 620 square miles. London has the highest population density in Britain with more than 7 million people living there. LondonbeganasaRomansettlementinAD43.AncientLondinium, as the Romans called it, was originally set up as a market town. Over the centuries London experienced decline and upheaval, gradually transforming into a huge metropolis and the city of many faces. The City of London is the oldest part of the capital, its business and financial center. The other name of this financial hub is a Square Mile, because the territory of the City is 2,59 sq km/1 sq mi. The West End is a very prestigious residential, entertainment and shopping district of London to the west of the City. The area is made up by a few square miles between Park Lane and Charing Cross, Oxford Street and the Mall. Its five highly individual neighbourhoods include Mayfair, Soho, Westminster, Covent Garden, and Piccadilly. The East End, lying north of the Thames and east of the City, used to be associated with old innersuburbs, docklands, slums and working class districts. But over the recent decades the area has been changing shape, greatly increasing in size and wealth. It’s important that the 2012 Summer Olympics and Paralympics were held in an Olympic Park, created on former industrial land around the River Lea. Due to this investment the East Enders will enjoy new sports facilities, improved housing conditions, industrial and technical infrastructure.
  • 18. 18 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: it lies astride the River Thames — oн расположен по обе сторо- ны реки Темзы decline and upheaval — упадок и подъем huge metropolis — огромный центр деловой и культурной жизни financial hub — финансовый центр inner suburbs — окраины slums — трущобы Скажите, о какой части Лондона идет речь. 1. It is hearth and home of the rich, the titled, the mighty, and the glamorous. Out of more than 100 London theatres, 50 are situated there. — __________________________________ 2. In the heart of this ancient area, dating back to the Roman times, is the Bank of England, also called “the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street”, and more than 500 foreign banks and security houses, the Royal Exchange, the Guildhall (the seat of the Corporation of London), the Mansion House, the monument to the Great Fire of 1666, and St. Paul’s Cathedral. — _____________________________________ 3. It is a densely populated part of London, containing former industrial and dock areas. Exact boundaries of the area are not precise, though we most often say that this is a territory lying beyond the easternmost City gate, which was an ancient exit from the City, down to the River Lea. — ____________ ________________________________________________
  • 19. 19 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities 4. This is an inner London borough which contains the Houses of Parliament and many government offices. It is one thousand years younger than the City. This area is London at its grandest and most resplendent: it houses the British Parliament, most of the government offices, Westminster Abbey, Westminster Cathedral, St. James and Buckingham Palaces. — _________ __________________________________________________ Famous London Quotes You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford. (Samuel Johnson) * * * When it’s three o’clock in New York, it’s still 1938 in London. (Bette Midler) * * * A person who is tired of London is not necessarily tired of life; it might be that he just can’t find a parking place. (Paul Theroux) * * * London is a roost for every bird. (Benjamin Disraeli) * * * Go where we may, rest where we will, eternal London haunts us still. (Thomas Moore)
  • 20. 20 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Создайте собственную рубрику «Это интересно знать», про- должив список невероятных фактов о Лондоне. Пример: 1. The name of London originated from celtic lyn-days — a fortified hill near the river. 2. The Great Fire of London in 1666 created substantial damage across the city and raged for days. On the other hand, it stopped the plague and challenged not so many lives — less than ten. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
  • 21. 21 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Смотрите также другие тексты о Лондоне в этой книге. • Elizabeth II’s coronation — с. 204. • Ceremony of the Keys — с. 246. • Quick Facts about the Tower of London and its Prisoners — с. 247. • “You’ll Go to the Tower” — с. 248. • Nota Bene — с. 253. • 221 B Baker Street — с. 255. • New Year’s Day — с. 323. • “Taking in London in Spring” — с. 411. • Buckingham Palace — с. 415, 417. • Summer Bank Holiday — с. 429. • A Decent Stroll on a Summer Bank Holiday — с. 431. • Hyde Park — с. 432. • State Opening of Parliament: Main Ceremonial Preparations — с. 441. • State Opening of Parliament: the Procedure — с. 443, 445. • Christmas Tree and Carol-Singing in Trafalgar Square — с. 513, 515.
  • 22. 22 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Прочитайте текст об основных графствах Англии и выпол- ните следующее за ним задание. Main Physiographic Regions оf England Counties of Somerset, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Swindon, Wiltshire, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall constitute the Southwest of England, the major part of which is also known as the West Country. The Southeast of England is made up of the counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire,Hampshire,Kent,IsleofWight,Surrey,Oxfordshire, East Sussex, West Sussex. The East of England, greater part of which is also known as the East Anglia, comprises the counties of Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk and Suffolk. The West Midlands include the Counties of Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, and Warwickshire. The fourth largest region in England with Nottingham as its principal city is called the East Midlands. It comprises the counties of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire. Yorkshire and the Humber include South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, and Lincolnshire. The Northwest incorporates Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside, Cumbria, and the Isle of Man. The Northeast is made up of Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, as well as County Durham.
  • 23. 23 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Исправьте фактические ошибки в тексте, исключив те граф- ства, которые к указанному региону не относятся. Затем укажите на контурной карте регионы Англии, которые бы- ли упомянуты в тексте. The Northeast: Northumberland, Tyne, Yorkshire, Wear, Durham. The West Midlands: Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Cumbria. The East of England: Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk, Worcestershire and Suffolk.
  • 24. 24 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию по тексту “Eternal London”, с. 18—19. 1. It is hearth and home of the rich, the titled, the mighty, and the glamorous. Out of more than 100 London theatres, 50 are situated there. — The West End 2. In the heart of this ancient area, dating back to the Roman times, is the Bank of England, also called “the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street”, and more than 500 foreign banks and security houses, the Royal Exchange, the Guildhall (the seat of the Corporation of London), the Mansion House, the monumenttotheGreatFireof1666,andSt.Paul’sCathedral. — The City 3. It is a densely populated part of London, containing former industrial and dock areas. Exact boundaries of the area are not precise, though we most often say that this is a territory lying beyond the easternmost City gate, which was an ancient exit from the City, down to the River Lea. — The East End 4. This is an inner London borough which contains the Houses ofParliamentandmanygovernmentoffices.Itisonethousand years younger than the City.This area is London at its grandest and most resplendent: it houses the British Parliament, most of the government offices, Westminster Abbey, Westminster Cathedral, St. James and Buckingham Palaces. — The City of Westminster
  • 25. 25 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию, с. 20. Произвольный ответ. Ключ к заданию по тексту “Main Physiographic Regions оf England”, с. 23. The Northeast: Northumberland,Tyne,Yorkshire,Wear, Durham. The West Midlands: Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Cumbria. The East of England: Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk, Worcestershire and Suffolk.
  • 26. 26 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities There is Much More to Britain than Only its Capital! Major Cities of the UK Birmingham is the second largest city of the UK after London. It is a highly developed industrial city, widely known as the city of 1001 trades. The “Black Country” is not exactly Birmingham, but a heavily industrialized region northwest of this city. Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, and the third largest in the UK. It is situated on the river Clyde, being formerly a major shipbuilding centre. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and the seat of the Scottish Parliament (from 1999). The city sprang around an 11th -century castle built by Malcolm III on a rocky ridge that dominates the landscape. Like Rome, Edinburgh was built on seven hills. Edinburgh’s nickname, “Auld Reekie” (Old Smoky) reflects the image of the ancient city when all its buildings and homes burnt a lot of coal and wood for heat, and chimneys would emitcolumns of smoke into the air. Maybe partially because of that Edinburgh was the first city in the world which had its own fire-brigade. The capital of Wales is situated in the southeast of the country, in Cardiff county borough. Cardiff became a city in 1905 and was crowned the capital of Wales in 1955. The population of Cardiff in 1801 was 1,870. The world’s first £1million cheque was signed in Cardiff’s coal exchange. Belfast is the capital and the chief port of Northern Ireland. Thename“Belfast”originatesfromtheriverthatthecitywasconstructed near, the Gaelic Beal Feirste (mouth of the Farset River). Belfast has been occupied since the Bronze Age and visitors can still visit the remains of the Iron Age hill forts. It is Belfast where the famous Titanic was built. Until 1911 she dominated the Harland & Wolff shipyard.
  • 27. 27 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: a rocky ridge — скалистый горный кряж to emit — извергать, выбрасывать columns of smoke — столбы дыма hill forts — укрепления на горе shipyard — верфь Поясните на английском языке значения следующих слов из текста. 1. to spring — ______________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. rocky — _________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. to originate — ____________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. borough — ______________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 5. to occupy — _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ 6. cheque — _______________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
  • 28. 28 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Примечание. “She” here in the text means “Titanic”. This is the right pronoun to refer to this ship, and the examples of the sort are really numerous. For instance, the city of Jerusalem also takes the pronoun only in feminine gender: Ga {4:25} For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. {4:26} But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. Isa {51:17} Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the LORD the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling, [and] wrung [them] out. {51:18} [There is] none to guide her among all the sons [whom] she hath brought forth; neither [is there any] that taketh her by the hand of all the sons [that] she hath brought up. (King James Bible) Составьте свой собственный список из 7— 10 названий го- родов Великобритании, в которых родились всемирно из- вестные люди. Пример выполнения задания: John Cadbury (1801 — 1889), founder of the Cadbury chocolate company. — Birmingham Robert Southey (1774 — 1843), English poet and writer, author of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. — Bristol King Richard I of England (Richard the Lionheart), (1157 — 1199), a great military leader and warrior. — Oxford
  • 29. 29 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock (1899 — 1980), a British film director and producer. — London John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals), George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals) from the Beatles. — Liverpool Thomas de Quincey (1785 — 1859), a famous English essayist, intellectual, journalist and translator. — Manchester _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
  • 30. 30 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Найдите на карте следующие города Великобритании. 1. Inverness is a city in Scotland, situated at the mouth of the River Ness. 2. Dundee is a city in eastern Scotland, on the north side of the Firth of Tay. 3. Aberdeen is a city and seaport in northeastern Scotland. 4. Sheffield is an industrial city in South Yorkshire, northern England. 5. Nottingham is a city situated on the RiverTrent in east central England. 6. Gloucester is a city in southwestern England. 7. Brighton is a famous resort on the south coast of England. 8. Bath is a spa town in southwestern England. 9. Portsmouth is a port and a naval base on the south coast of England, in Hampshire. 10. Oxford is a city in central England, situated at the confluence of the Rivers Thames and Cherwell. 11. Cambridge is a city built on the River Cam, in the East of England. 12. Lancaster is a city in western England, north of Liverpool, situated on the estuary of the Lune River. 13. Norwich is a city in eastern England, the county town of Norfolk.
  • 31. 31 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities
  • 32. 32 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities По описаниям догадайтесь, о каких городах Великобри- тании идет речь, и допишите пропущенные буквы, чтобы получить их названия. 1. It is an industrial city and metropolitan district in northwestern England. The city is ancient, founded in Roman times. In the 18th and 19th centuries it developed as a centre of the English cotton industry. 2. It is a city and a seaport in northwest England, situated at the east side of the mouth of the River Mersey. It developed as a port of importance in the 17th century with the import of cotton from America and the export of textiles produced in Lancashire and Yorkshire, and in the 18th century became an important centre of shipbuilding and engineering. 3. It is the largest city in Scotland on the River Clyde, formerly a major shipbuilding centre. 4. The second largest city in Great Britain. 5. An urbanized district of South Wales, extending along the valleys of the Rivers Rhondda Fawr and Rhondda Fach. 6. ______C _______T ______ ____________O __L ______S _______ ______M_____________ ____O____D __
  • 33. 33 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Соедините фразеологические обороты, содержащие топо- нимические названия, с соответствующими им объяснени- ями. 1. London particular a. The old story goes that the two cats from Kilkenny in Ireland fought until their tails remained. 2. Shipshape and Bristol fashion b. The expression is used to say that everything is in good order. 3. A Canterbury tale c. The expression is used to describe someone eloquent and persuasive. A legend has it that a stone at Blarney castle near Cork in Ireland gives the gift of persuasive speech to anyone who kisses it. There also exists the verb “to blarney”, which means“talk flatteringly”. 4. Have kissed the Blarney stone d. A long and tedious story, like one of those, told in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, describing the pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Thomas at Canterbury. 5. Fight like Kilkenny cats e. A dense fog affecting London.
  • 34. 34 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities По описанию догадайтесь, о каком городе Великобрита- нии идет речь, и напишите его название. 1. It is an administrative centre of Suffolk, a port at the head of the Orwell estuary. — ___________________________ 2. In Elizabethan times it was Britain’s chief port. The town is also famous because it was the last port visited by the Pilgrim Fathers in the Mayflower before sailing to the New World. — _______________________________________ 3. The town is a famous English resort-centre. From c. 1780 to 1827 it was patronized by the Prince of Wales (later George IV), that was reflected in fine Regency architecture. — ________________________________________________ 4. This town in England was chosen as the Royalist headquarters during the Civil War. It is also a seat of one of the oldest and most famous universities. — ________________________ 5. This English town was founded by the Romans, who called it in Latin“Aquae Sulis”. It was a fashionable spa in the 18th and early 19th centuries. — ____________________________ 6. A sleeveless cloak with a removable cape is also called so. — ___________________________________________ 7. This city is situated in England. It is famous for the manufacture of steel, cutlery and silverware. — ___________________ 8. It is a city, situated in Scotland. It is known as a center of the offshore North Sea oil industry. — ___________________
  • 35. 35 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию по тексту “Major cities of the UK”, с. 27. 1. to spring — to originate or arise from; 2. rocky — consisting or full of rock or rocks; 3. to originate — to have a specified beginning; 4. borough — a town or district which is an administrative unit; 5. to occupy — to take control of (a place, especially a country) by military conquest or settlement; 6. cheque — an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer’s account, written on a specially printed form. Ключ к заданию, c. 29. Произвольный ответ. Ключ к заданию, с. 30. Самостоятельная работа с картой. Ключ к заданию, с. 32. 1. Manchester. 2. Liverpool. 3. Glasgow. 4. Birmingham. 5. Rhondda.
  • 36. 36 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию, с. 33. 1. London particular — a dense fog affecting London. 2. Shipshape and Bristol fashion — the expression is used to say that everything is in good order. 3. A Canterbury tale — a long and tedious story, like one of those, told in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, describing the pilgrimage to the shrine of St Thomas at Canterbury. 4. Have kissed the Blarney stone — the expression is used to describe someone eloquent and persuasive. A legend has it that a stone at Blarney castle near Cork in Ireland gives the gift of persuasive speech to anyone who kisses it. There also exists the verb “to blarney”, which means “talk flatteringly”. 5. Fight like Kilkenny cats — the old story goes that the two cats from Kilkenny in Ireland fought until their tails remained. Ключ к заданию, с. 34. 1. Ipswich. 2. Plymouth. 3. Brighton. 4. Oxford. 5. Bath. 6. Inverness. 7. Sheffield. 8. Aberdeen.
  • 37. 37 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Britain: the Sea-Girt Land The expression “a sea-girt land” definitely rings a bell. It is often used to describe the states that enjoy an insular position. Thus, these words are found in the lyrics of the Australian national anthem and in numerous poetical works about Britain: <…> And now the Spaniards see the silvery cliffs, //Behold the sea- girt land! //O fools! to think that ever foe //Should triumph o’er that sea-girt land! //O fools! to think that ever Britain’s sons //Should wear the stranger’s yoke ! //For not in vain hath //Nature rear’d //Around her coast those silvery cliffs; //For not in vain old Ocean spreads his waves //To guard his favorite isle! <…> And hark! the angry Winds arise; //Old Ocean heaves his angry Waves; //The Winds and Waves against the invaders fight, //To guard the sea-girt land. R. Southey,“The Spanish Armada” (fragment), Westbury, 1798. The island of Great Britain is rather small, because it occupies only 0,2% of the world surface. This largest island of the British Isles is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the North and in the West. The North Channel, the Irish Sea, the St George’s Channel, and the Celtic Sea separate Great Britain from Ireland — the second largest island of the British Isles. The North Sea and the English Channel, which is only 34 kilometres in its narrowest, separate Britain from continental Europe. The coastline of GB is very indented and the surrounding seas often form large bays.
  • 38. 38 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: sea-girt land — опоясанная морями земля to ring a bell — казаться знакомым, вызывать ассоциации insular position — островное положение lyrics — слова the coastline of GB is very indented — береговая линия Велико- британии очень изрезанная bays — заливы I. На основании информации из текста подпишите на кон- турной карте моря, океаны и каналы, омывающие остров Великобритания. Подробно укажите те из них, которые от- деляют Великобританию от острова Ирландия.
  • 39. 39 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities II. По описанию догадайтесь, о каком океане (море, канале) идет речь, и запишите их названия. 1. It is a sea channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. ______________________ 2. It is the area of the Atlantic Ocean off the south coast of Ireland bounded to the east by Saint George’s Channel. _________ _________________________________________________ 3. It is the second-largest ocean in the world. It is connected in the north to the Arctic Ocean, to the Pacific Ocean in the southwest, to the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and to the Southern Ocean in the south. ________________________ 4. This sea separates the islands of Ireland and Great Britain. It is connected to the Celtic Sea in the south by St George’s Channel, and to the Atlantic Ocean in the north by the North Channel. Anglesey is the largest island within the sea, followed by the Isle of Man. This sea is occasionally referred to as the Manx. ___________________________________________ 5. It is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean located between Great Britain and Continental Europe, including Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. _______________ _________________________________________________ 6. Literally it is called Strait of Calais. It is the strait at the narrowest part of the English Channel. ________________ _________________________________________________
  • 40. 40 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Знаете ли вы, что…? Initially the name “St. George’s Channel” was used interchangeably with proper names “the Irish Sea” or “the Irish Channel” to denote all the waters between the two largest islands of the British Isles — Great Britain and Ireland. Since the 1970s a finer division has been prescribed and, as a result, there appeared one more geographical entity — the Celtic Sea. In Ireland the term “St. George’s Channel” is used only to refer to the narrowest part of the channel. At the same time it is still customary with the Irish to talk about various cross- channel things, where “cross-channel” always means “to/from Great Britain”. Найдите на карте (см. «Приложение», карта №3) указан- ные ниже заливы. О какой части Соединенного королев- ства идет речь? The Firth of Lorne, the Firth of Clyde, and the Solway Firth are found on the western coast of this country, while the Dornoch Firth, the Moray Firth, the Firth of Tay, and the Firth of Forth are the principal firths on its eastern coast.
  • 41. 41 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Заполните пропуски предлогами и прочитайте текст о воз- никновении названия «Туманный Альбион». Foggy Albion The place name Albion is very old, though many British have never heard about it. Albion is the archaic name for Great Britain, especially when it is used poetically. Occasionally it may refer to Scotland only, because its name in Gaelic is “Alba”. Thus, the word is thought to be of Celtic origin, from the root that denotes both “white” and “mountain”. The Romans took it as connected with “albus” (white), in reference to the chalk cliffs of Dover. The Strait ___ Dover/Dover Strait/Pas de Calais (___ French it means “Strait of Calais”) is the strait ___ the narrowest part of the English Channel, that separates Great Britain ___ continental Europe. The shortest distance across the strait between the territory of France ___ the Continent and the county of Kent in GB is 34 km (21 mi). Due ___ that it is possible to see the white cliffs of Dover (Britain) with the naked eye. In the first century AD the Romans, who at the time were fighting the Celts ___ Gaul (Gaul is modern France), reached the shore of the Continent and saw the opposite coastline across the Channel. The soldiers started shouting “Alba! Alba!” that means “white” __ Latin. Thus, chalk cliffs of dazzling white and foggy weather contributed __ the appearance of the popular Britain’s nick-name — “Foggy Albion”, which was picked up, though, not after the Romans. ___ its present form it was popularized by the poet John Milton. As a literary figure, Albion is the name of a character in the poetry of William Blake.
  • 42. 42 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Расставьте абзацы в логической последовательности. Celtic and Roman Influence in British Placenames If a place name ends in -caster, -cester or -chester (from Latin “сastra”), it means that the place used to be a Roman fort or military camp. “Municipia” was a Roman settlement where all its inhabitants were given Roman citizenship. “Coloniae” were Roman towns settled by the Romans only, and some of them were military camps as well (e. g. Colchester (“coloniae + chester”). Latin strat/stret/street means “Roman road”, as in Chester-le-Street. It’s unbelievable, but all major roads in modern Britain were built by the Romans in the 1st century AD, and Londonners still drink water from the Roman wells! Celtic influence is still felt in Gaelic bally-/bal-, which mean “farm”/“village” (Ballyclare, Ballycastle); ben- means “hill” (Ben Nevis), suffixes -dare/-derry mean “oak wood” or “grove” (Aberdare, Londonderry, Derry), -garry means “rough” (Invergarry), glen- means “Narrow valley” (Glenlivet), kin- means “head” (Kintyre), elements loch-/-loch mean “lake” (Loch Ness, Loch Lomond), mor- means “big” (Morar). All place names in Britain contain loads of information about a particular locality, its historical past, native inhabitants, etc. The British toponyms fall basically into four distinct groups — topographical, i. e. describing certain landscape features, habitative (defining a concrete type of settlement), folk (mainly referring to a people or tribe), and miscellaneous, that may combine several typological features.
  • 43. 43 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключи к заданиям по тексту “Britain: the Sea-Girt Land”, с. 38—39. I.
  • 44. 44 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities II. 1. It is a sea channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. — St George’s Channel 2. It is the area of the Atlantic Ocean off the south coast of Ireland bounded to the east by Saint George’s Channel. — The Celtic Sea 3. It is the second-largest ocean in the world. It is connected in the north to the Arctic Ocean, to the Pacific Ocean in the southwest, the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and the Southern Ocean in the south. — The Atlantic Ocean 4. This sea separates the islands of Ireland and Great Britain. It is connected to the Celtic Sea in the south by St George’s Channel, and to the Atlantic Ocean in the north by the North Channel. Anglesey is the largest island within the sea, followed by the Isle of Man. This sea is occasionally referred to as the Manx. — The Irish Sea 5. It is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean located between Great Britain and Continental Europe, including Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. — The North Sea 6. Literally it is called Strait of Calais. It is the strait at the narrowest part of the English Channel. — The Strait of Dover/Dover Strait/Pas de Calais [pɑ də ’kalе] (French)
  • 45. 45 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию, с. 40. The Firth of Lorne, the Firth of Clyde, and the Solway Firth are found on the western coast of this country, while the Dornoch Firth, the Moray Firth, the Firth ofTay, and the Firth of Forth are the principal firths on its eastern coast. They are in Scotland. Ключ к заданию по тексту “Foggy Albion”, c. 41. … The Strait of Dover/Dover Strait/Pas de Calais [pɑdə kalɛ] (in French it means “Strait of Calais”) is the strait at the narrowest part of the English Channel, that separates Great Britain from continental Europe. The shortest distance across the strait between the territory of France on the Continent and the county of Kent in GB is 34 km (21 mi). Due to that it is possible to see the white cliffs of Dover (Britain) with the naked eye. In the first century AD the Romans, who at the time were fighting the Celts of Gaul (Gaul is modern France), reached the shore of the Continent and saw the opposite coastline across the Channel. The soldiers started shouting “Alba! Alba!”, that means “white” in Latin. Thus, chalk cliffs of dazzling white and foggy weather contributed to the appearance of the popular Britain’s nick-name —“Foggy Albion”, which was picked up, though, not after the Romans. In its present form it was created and popularized by John Milton, author of “The Paradise Lost”, where the expression appeared for the very first time.
  • 46. 46 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию по тексту “Celtic and Roman Influence in British Placenames”, с. 42. 1. All place names in Britain contain loads of information about a particular locality, its historical past, native inhabitants, etc… 2. Celtic influence is still felt in Gaelic bally-/bal-, which mean “Farm”/“village”(Ballyclare, Ballycastle); ben- means“Hill”(Ben Nevis), suffixes -dare/-derry mean “oak wood” or “grove” (Aberdare, Londonderry, Derry), -garry means “Rough” (Invergarry)… 3. If a place name ends in -caster, -cester or -chester (from Latin “Castra”), it means that the place used to be a Roman fort or military camp…
  • 47. 47 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Terrain of the Countries Comprising the UK Scotland lies in the north of the United Kingdom and makes up the northern third of Great Britain. To the south, it shares a border with England. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands. To the south of the country lies a district of beautiful valleys and plains, called the Lowlands. The finer division includes North-West Highlands, the Grampian mountains, Central Lowlands and Southern Uplands. England is mostly flat (with a few exceptions, though). The Southeast of the country is characterized by the abundance of valleys and small rolling hills. Among the significant elevations of the region one can name the Cotswold Hills, the Chilterns, as well as the chalk cliffs of the North and the South Downs. The terrain of the East of England is predominantly flat, that makes it a great agricultural region. Most of the East Midlands is also low- lying. The Chiltern Hills are found along the southern boundary of this region while the Peak District lies in the north-western part of the East Midlands. The West Midlands is characterized by the mixture of valleys, rugged hills, and moorland. The Northwest is made up by fertile plains in the west and the Pennine Hills in the east. Cambria’s Lake District contains 15 large lakes, including the biggest England — lake Windermere. The county has England’s biggest mountains and all the area of the Cumbrian mountains is the most rugged in England. Wales is located on the central west coast of Great Britain. Its landscape is predominantly mountainous, made up by the Snowdonia Massive. Northern Ireland is largely flat except such mountainous regions as the Mourne Mountains, Glens of Antrim, and Sperrin Mountains.
  • 48. 48 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: the Highlands/Scottish Highlands — горная страна в Шотлан- дии, северо-западное нагорье the Lowlands — низменность Southern Uplands — Южно-шотландская возвышенность rolling hills — невысокие возвышенности, холмистая местность elevations — возвышенности terrain — тип местности, ландшафт rugged — неровный, пересеченный Составьте вопросы, на которые следующие предложения являлись бы ответами. Для выполнения этого задания ис- пользуйте не только информацию из текста, но и карту Великобритании. 1. Yes, we can. The entire island of GB is characterized by a very indented coastline, cut into by bays, coves and estuaries. 2. Yes, it is. England is really somewhat triangular in shape. 3. More than one-half of Scotland’s surface is occupied by the Highlands. 4. Western Scotland is fringed by the large island chains known as the Inner and Outer Hebrides. 5. Wales is bounded on the north by the Irish Sea; on the east by the English counties of Cheshire, Stropshire, Hereford and Worcester,aswellasGloucester;onthesouthbyBristolChannel; and on the west by Saint George’s Channel and Cardigan Bay.
  • 49. 49 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Знаете ли вы, что...? Anglo-Saxon, Danish and Norman Placenames and Their Meanings Anglo-Saxon suffixes –wick/–wich mean “dwelling”, “farm” (e. g. Warwick Alnwick, Ipswich), -dean/-den — “swine pasture” (e. g. Camden, Willesden, Morden Croxden), -cot/-cote — “shelter”, “cottage” (e. g. Ascot, Swadlincote), bur/-bury — “fortified or protected place” (e. g. Salisbury, Aylesbury, Banbury), -burgh/-burg — castle (e. g. Edinburg, Bamburgh), -bourn/-burne/-burn — stream, spring (e. g. Eastbourne, Bourne, Bournemouth), while components of toponyms dun-/-down mean “hills” or “downs” (e. g. Dundee, Dunston). Suffix -ham means “homestead”, “village” (e. g. Durham, Birmingham, Hovingham), ton/tun — “enclosure/village” (e. g. Brighton, Kingston, Terrington), mer/mar/mere — “lake”, “pool”(e. g. Ellesmere), -folk — “people” (e. g. Norfolk, Suffolk), stead/sted — “place”, “site” (e. g. Hampstead, Wanstead, Stansted), the suffix -ing means “the family of …” (e. g. Reding — the family of Rada; Hastings — the family of Hasta); stoke-/-stock/stock- — “place” (e. g. Stoke-on-Trent, Stoke Lacy). The Norsemen or the Vikings also left the imprint of their culture on the British placenames. The component of toponyms -ness assimilated from Old Norse, means “cape” (e. g. Sheerness, Furness), -thorp/-thorpe means “farm” or “village” (e. g. Scunthorpe, Coneysthorpe), -by means “farm”, “village” (e. g. Witby, Slingsby), -thwait/e means “glade” or “clearing” (e. g. Bassenthwaite), -ey/-ay mean “island” (e. g. Orkney), dal-/-dale mean “valley” (e. g. Swaledale).
  • 50. 50 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию по тексту “Terrain of the Countries Comprising the UK”, c. 48. 1. Can we say that the entire island of GB is characterized by a very indented coastline, cut into by bays, coves and estuaries? 2. England is somewhat triangular in shape, isn’t it? 3. What part of Scotland’s surface is occupied by the Highlands? 4. What island chains fringe Western Scotland? 5. What is Wales bounded by?
  • 51. 51 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Uplands and Lowlands on the Map of GB In general the lowland and upland regions of Great Britain are easy to differentiate using an imaginary boarder, known as the Tees- Exe Line. It links the mouth of the River Tees in the northeast of England with the mouth of the River Exe in the southwest. The lowlands lie to the east of the line, i. e. in the southern parts of GB, while mountainous areas are found to the west of it. The other two lines, known as the Severn-Wash line and the Severn-Trent line are also drawn in order to divide the territory of GB into elevated and low-lying, flat areas. The line drawn between the Severn estuary and the Wash is known as the Severn-Wash line. The line drawn for the same purpose between the Severn and the mouth of the river Trent is called the Severn-Trent line. Mountain ranges and the most significant elevations of England include Cheviot Hills (also in Scotland), Chilterns, Cotswolds, Dartmoor, Lincolnshire Wolds, Exmoor, Lake District, Malvern Hills, Mendip Hills, North Downs, North York Moors, Peak District, Pennines, Salisbury Plain, South Downs, Shropshire Hills, Quantock Hills, Yorkshire Wolds. Scotland boasts its Cairngorms, Cheviot Hills (also in England), Grampian Mountains, Ochil Hills, Scottish Highlands, Sidlaws, Southern Uplands, Torridon Hills. Mountains and mountain ranges of Wales include Snowdonia, Brecon Beacons, Black Mountains, Cambrian Mountains, Clwydian Hills, Preseli Hills. Main mountainous regions of Northern Ireland are Mourne Mountains, Antrim Plateau/Glens of Antrim, Sperrin Mountains.
  • 52. 52 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: to differentiate — различать to link — соединять mountainous areas — гористые районы low-lying, flat areas — низкогорье estuary — исток mouth of the river — устье реки I. Впишите пропущенные буквы и прочитайте названия горных цепей и гористых районов Великобритании. M_u__e Mountains, O___l Hills, S___r__Mountains, C_____l__, M__d__Hills, S___a __.
  • 53. 53 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities II. Найдите на карте данные горные системы или гористые районы и укажите, в какой административно-территориаль- ной части Соединенного королевства они находятся. Cairngorms/Grampian Mountains, Chilterns, Mountains of Mourne, Brecon Beacons, Pennines, Snowdonia, Antrim Plateau, Cheviot Hills, Sperrin Mountains, Dartmoor, Cambrian Mountains, Scottish Highlands, Exmoor, Peak District, Lake District, Cumbrian Mountains, Malvern Hills. Прочитайте диалоги и объясните употребление временных форм глаголов. Как вы понимаете значение выделенных фразеологизмов? 1. — Are you still off sick? — I see red when I hear all that. Yes, I have twisted my ankle, but it is not the end of the world! My Mom is always making a mountain out of a molehill! 2. — Money makes money, you know. — Yeah, it is as old as the hills. 3. — Never ever talk to me like that! I’m hating when you insult people telling them they are old hats! — Ok, agree. Let us put it the other way round. I’m not against the grey power, but it’s evident that all of them are over the hill. — You are a bully and a bore! — You are another!
  • 54. 54 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Знаете ли вы, что…? The Highest Peaks of the UK England: Scafell Pike (Cumbrian Mountains, 977 metres) Scotland: Ben Nevis (1,344 metres) Wales: Snowdon (Snowdonia, 1,085 metres) Northern Ireland: Slieve Donard (Mourne Mountains, 852 metres) The lowest point of the UK is called the Fens of East Anglia (England), some of which lie up to FOUR meters below sea level. Ben Nevis Ben Nevis is the major challenge for any climber or walker who visits the UK. The most daring even managed to push a wheelbarrow, a car, a piano to its top. Ben Nevis in Gaelic means “Mountain of Heaven”. The first recorded ascent was in 1771. Due to Clement Linley Wragge, nicknamed Inclement Wragge, the footpath and the observatory were built there in 1883. If you are a novice, or non-serious walker, you should keep in mind that following the path on a summer’s day is pretty safe, though elementary safety precautions should be strictly followed in any case. If you plan to walk up Ben Nevis it’s of crucial importance to know the weather in that locality and on the mountain itself. The mountain summit is only clear on one day out of 10. The average temperature at the summit is one degree below freezing, and the wettest month of the year is December. Only in April, May and June the monthly rainfall there is less than 25 cm. adapted from
  • 55. 55 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities The most famous English idioms about mountains 1. Faith will move mountains. If you firmly believe in God, in yourself or in what you are doing, you can overcome all the possible obstacles. e. g. My husband is not financially secure, but he is faithful, and for me, he is strong. Faith will move mountains, you know. 2. A mountain to climb. (British and Australian) You say “a mountain to climb” when you mention something that is too difficult to do or to achieve. e. g. Being too shy, Tom has a mountain to climb if he really wants to win the elections. 3. If Mohammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed. If the situation doesn’t change the way you expect, you take the first step and change it. The expression is often used to say that if someone will not come to you, you have to go to him. The phrase originated from a religious story about Mohammed who was challenged to show how powerful he was by making a mountain come to him. There are many variations of the same phrase. e. g. I don’t normally visit my staff at home, but if you can’t come to see me, I’ll come see you. The mountain will come to Mohammed. 4. To move mountains. The expression means “to achieve something really difficult” or “to do anything in order to please people whom you love or greatly esteem”. e. g. He loves his family so much that he would move mountains for them.
  • 56. 56 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключи к заданиям по тексту “Uplands and Lowlands on the Map of GB”, с. 53—53. I. Mourne Mountains, Ochil Hills, Sperrin Mountains, Cotswolds, Mendip Hills, Sidlaws. II. Cairngorms/Grampian Mountains — Scotland, Chilterns — England, Mountains of Mourne — Northern Ireland, Brecon Beacons —Wales, Pennines — England, Snowdonia —Wales, Antrim Plateau — Northern Ireland, Cheviot Hills — Scotland and England, Sperrin Mountains — Northern Ireland, Dartmoor — England, Cambrian Mountains —Wales, Scottish Highlands — Scotland, Exmoor — England, Peak District — England, Lake District — England, Cumbrian Mountains — England, Malvern Hills — England. Ключ к заданию по диалогам, с. 53. I. 1.The Present Continuous is used to express irritation. 2.The Present Indefinite is used to describe a well-known fact. 3.The Present Continuous with the stative verb emphasizes great intensity of feeling. 4. The Present Perfect is used for summing up previous experiences. II. 1.Tomakeamountainoutofamolehill —tomaketoomuch of a minor issue. 2. Be as old as the hills — if something is as old as the hills, it has existed for a very long time. 3. Be over the hill (informal) — someone who is over the hill is too old to do things well.
  • 57. 57 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Rivers of the UK The Severn (354 km), the Thames (346 km), the Trent (297 km) are the three longest rivers of the UK. It should be remembered, that the river Shannon (360,5 km) is the longest river of the British Isles, but it flows in the Irish Republic, not in the UK. The longest river in the UK is the River Severn (354 km) which flows through both England and Wales. The Thames, the Trent, the Great Ouse (230 km), the Ouse (208 km), the Nene (161 km), the Avon (154 km), the Eden (145 km), the Tyne (118 km), the Derwent (115 km), the Aire (114 km), the Tees (113 km), the Mersey (113 km) flow in England. The ten major rivers of Scotland in order of their length are: the Tay (188 km), the Spey (172 km), the Clyde (172 km), the Tweed (it flows through England and Scotland for 155 km), the Dee (140 km), the Don (129 km), the Nith (114 km), the Forth (105 km), the Findhorn (101 km), the Deveron (98 km), the Annan (79 km). The Welsh rivers include the Severn (it also flows in England), the Wye (it flows through Wales and England for 215 km), the Dee (112 km), the Teifi (121 km), the river Towy (121 km), the Tawe (48 km), the Usk (17 km). River Bann (122 km) is the longest river of Northern Ireland. The others include the Foyle (129 km), the Deel (60 km), the Finn (64 km), the Mourne (16 km), the Dergie, the Roe. The Tees, the Thames, the Tyne flow east to the North Sea. The Mersey, the Dee, the Severn, the Avon empty into the Irish Sea and the Bristol Channel.
  • 58. 58 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: through — через in order of — в порядке чего-либо length — длина to flow through — протекать через to empty — впадать Используя информацию из текста и карту Великобритании (см. в «Приложении» карты №3,4,5), разгадайте кроссворд. “Rivers and Lakes of the British Isles” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  • 59. 59 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Across: 2. Scotland's most important river that rises in the Southern Uplands of the country. 5. River rising in the hills to the east of Loch Lomond. 8. Wide bays on the coastline of GB. 10. This river rises on Plinlimmon Mt. in Wales. 12. This river rises in the Cotswolds Hills. 13. One of the two longest rivers in Wales, rising near Aberystwyth. Down: 1. This river forms part of the boundary between Wales and England. 3. A “lake”in Gaelic … 4. The longest river of the British Isles, not the UK. 6. One of the two rivers that empty into the River Humber. 7. The third longest river of the UK that also empties into the River Humber. 9. This river rises in Pennine Hills. 11. The largest river in Scotland, carrying more water than any other river of the UK.
  • 60. 60 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Знаете ли вы, что…? In each country comprising the UK the longest rivers and lakes are the following: England: River Thames (215 mi, 346 km), Lake Windermere (5.69 sq mi, 14.74 km²); Scotland: River Tay (117 mi, 188 km), Loch Lomond (27.46 sq mi, 71.12 km²); Wales: River Tywi (64 mi, 103 km), Llyn Tegid (Bala Lake) (1.87 sq mi, 4.84 km²); Northern Ireland: River Bann (76 mi, 122 km), Lough Neagh (147.39 sq mi, 381.74 km²). The word Avon means river, the names of Tay in Scotland and the Towy of Wales are derived from Taoi — winding. The Thames is derived from the word Tam, meaning still or quiet. The Abus or Humber originated from Aibeis — an estuary. The Wharf is derived from Garbh, rough or boisterous. The Ouse originated from the word Uisge, meaning water. The proper name Wye also signifies water.
  • 61. 61 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities River-Idiom To send somebody down the river — to do something that hurts someone who trusted you. “The Largest Lakes of Great Britain” Найдите ошибку в таблице. Country Lake England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Lough Neagh + Loch Lomond + Lake Vyrnwy + Lake Windermere +
  • 62. 62 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities “Rivers of Wales” Пользуясь картой (см. «Приложение», с.5), найдите и об- ведите в сетке названия рек Уэльса. D O V E Y M T O W Y T O H O L A R R O W C A J A C L U N N H H A F C N I H L B N O O J L T A F F W Y E Y G N C I V I P P Q N L S P D O A I N S U C I K T E D U S K N E E O E L W I A N A X O V T R F M Y R P D O L T E E V S P T F L O E U Z R I E W H H O A N L G O N F R H Y M N E Y B G E Y I
  • 63. 63 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к кроссворду “Rivers and Lakes of the British Isles”, с. 58—59. 1 D E 2 C L Y D E 3 L 4 S 5 F O R T H 6 O H 7 T C U A 8 F I R T H S 9 M S N E 10 S E V E R N N 11 T R O 12 T H A M E S N Y E 13 W Y E
  • 64. 64 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию “The Largest Lakes of Great Britain”, с. 61. Lake Vyrnwy is not the largest in Wales. Country Lake England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Lough Neagh + Loch Lomond + Lake Vyrnwy LlynTegid (Bala Lake + LakeWindermere + Ключ к заданию “Rivers of Wales”, с. 62. D O V E Y M T O W Y T O H O L A R R O W C A J A C L U N N H H A F C N I H L B N O O J L T A F F W Y E Y G N C I V I P P Q N L S P D O A I N S U C I K T E D U S K N E E O E L W I A N A X O V T R F M Y R P D O L T E E V S P T F L O E U Z R I E W H H O A N L G O N F R H Y M N E Y B G E Y I
  • 65. 65 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Population of the UK According to the latest estimations of July 2012 the population of the UK is 63,047,162. The overwhelming majority of population in the UK is white. According to the 2001 census 92,1% of population in the UK belongs to this ethnic pool, of which the English constitute 83,6%, the Scottish — 8,6%, the Welsh — 4,9%, the Northern Irish — 2,9%. Black people comprise 2% of the UK's population, Indian — 1,8%, Pakistani — 1,3%, mixed 1,2%, other nationalities — 1,6%. English is the official language in the UK, while Scots (spoken by about 30% of the population of Scotland), Scottish Gaelic (spoken by about 60,000 in Scotland), Welsh (spoken by about 20% of the population of Wales), Irish (spoken by about 10% of the population of Northern Ireland), Cornish (spoken by some 2,000 to 3,000 in Cornwall) are recognized as regional languages. The main religions in the UK are as follows: Christian — 71,6% (including Anglican, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist), Muslim — 2,7%, Hindu — 1%, unspecified or none — 23,1% (2001 census). According to the 2011 estimations children from 0 to 14 years of age constitute 17,3% of all the population, people aged 15—64 constitute 66,2% of population, while those aged 65 and over make up 16,5% of the UK's population. Population growth rate is 0,553% (2012 est.) Birth rate and death rate constitute 12,27 births/1,000 population (2012 est.) and 9,33 deaths/1,000 population (July 2012 est.) respectively. Life expectancy is 80,17 years, male: 78,05 years and female: 82,4 years (2012 est.). Urban population prevails in the UK with 80% living in towns and cities.
  • 66. 66 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: census — перепись населения ethnic pool — этническая группа birth rate — уровень рождаемости death rate — уровень смертности life expectancy — продолжительность жизни Правильны ли следующие утверждения? True False 1. The British are descendants of the Iberians, various Celtic tribes, the Romans, the Anglo- Saxons, Scandinavians and Normans. 2. About two-quarters of the population in Wales are concentrated in the mining centers in the south. 3. More than 75% of population in England are urban dwellers. 4. The UK has only about 5% of the world’s people. 5. The highest density of population in Scotland is registered in Central Lowlands, where nearly three-quarters of overall population live. 6. ThelowestdensityofpopulationinScotland is in the Highlands.
  • 67. 67 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Nota Bene Native inhabitants of the United Kingdom are collectively known as Britons (e. g. — Briton) or the British, though a finer division is more preferable for people, inhabiting England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Thus we speak about the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish people. Urban population prevails in the UK with 80% living in towns and cities. London (capital) is inhabited by 8,615 million people; Birmingham — 2,296 million; Manchester — 2,247 million; West Yorkshire — 1,541 million; Glasgow — 1,166 million (2009). Famous Britons in Quotes I would like to go back to Wales. I’m obsessed with my childhood and at least three times a week dream I am back there. (Anthony Hopkins) * * * In Wales it’s brilliant. I go to the pub and see everybody who I went to school with. And everybody goes “So what are you doing now?” And I go, “Oh, I’m doing a film with Antonio Banderas and Anthony Hopkins”. And they go, “Ooh, good”. And that’s it. (Catherine Zeta-Jones) * * * O Scotia! my dear, my native soil! For whom my warmest wish to heaven is sent; Long may thy hardy sons of rustic toil Be blest with health, and peace, and sweet content. (Robert Burns)
  • 68. 68 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию по тексту “Population of the UK”, с. 66. 1. The British are descendants of the Iberians, various Celtic tribes, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, Scandinavians and Normans. True 2. About two-quarters of the population in Wales are concentrated in the mining centers in the south. False (Three quarters.) 3. More than 75% of population in England are urban dwellers. True 4. The UK has only about 5% of the world’s people. False (1%) 5. The lowest density of population in Scotland is in the Highlands. True 6. About two-thirds of population in Scotland are urbandwellers. True
  • 69. 69 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Languages Spoken in the UK The English language developed chiefly from the language of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman invaders. English belongs to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. Its history is usually divided into three main periods: Old English, Middle English and New English. Old English encompasses a timespan from the Anglo- Saxon invasion of Britain in the V—VI centuries until the Norman Conquest of 1066. Middle English is the English language spoken from the middle of the XI century to the middle of the XV century. New English occupies the period from the middle of the XV century to the present day. It is also subdivided into Early New English (1450— 1700) and Modern English (1700 — present day). Welsh is a language that developed from one of the languages of the Celts. Less than a fifth of the Welsh speak both English and Welsh. A few people in Wales speak Welsh only, but it is still true to say that the Welsh language and culture are best preserved in the north and west of the country. In an effort to preserve everything Welsh, the government of the UK encourages learning Welsh and supports all cultural, scientific, and social events that may help to achieve this goal. Thousands of people in Scotland speak the Scottish form of Gaelic, which is another Celtic language. People in the Lowlands of Scotland speak Scots. It is a dialect derived from the branch of Old English and a completely separate language from Gaelic. The Irish form of Gaelic is still spoken in Northern Ireland.
  • 70. 70 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: the Anglo-Saxon invaders — англо-саксонские завоеватели the Celts — кельты the government of the UK encourages learning Welsh — правитель- ство Великобритании поощряет изучение уэльского языка Правильны ли следующие утверждения? При ответе опи- райтесь на информацию из текста, а также на общие зна- ния. True False 1. EnglishistheonlyofficiallanguageintheUK, theUSA,Australia,Canada,andNewZealand. 2. English is used as one of the official languagesinCanada,formerBritishcolonies in the South Africa, the Irish Republic, and as a second language in many other countries of the world, including India, Pakistan and other. 3. Welsh is a language of the Celtic blanch. 4. Gaelic, which is still spoken in Scotland, is also a language of Celtic origin. 5. Gaelic is also the language of the Irish people, living in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.
  • 71. 71 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Знаете ли вы, что…? At the turn of the 17th century English was spoken only by 6 million people. At present the situation is totally different with more than one billion people speaking English all over the world. In number of speakers the English language is second only to Chinese. Fun Language Facts “Go”, is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. The longest word in the English language is “neumonoultramicro- scopicsilicovolcanoconioses”, which means 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs'. The only 15-letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is “uncopyrightable”. The sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog” uses every letter of the alphabet! The word “set” has more definitions than any other word in English.
  • 72. 72 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Заполните пропуски прилагательными из таблицы и про- читайте текст об официальных языках в Уэльсе. standard — popular — phonetic — numerous — French — challenging — basic — regular — printed — irregular Surprisingly as it may seem, Welsh is simpler than English. It is a language with the spelling that may be characterized as entirely ___________ and ___________. As soon as you learn the ___________ rules of pronunciation you can read it without much difficulty. For the beginners Welsh provides far fewer difficulties than does English with its ___________ inconsistencies in spelling. In Welsh all the letters of a word are pronounced, while in English, as a ___________ joke has it, we write “Manchester” and read “Liverpool”. The only good news is that in English there exist less than 400 words with ___________ spelling. The bad news is that most of them are frequently used in everyday communication. Difficulties with English spelling arise because the Romans tried to write down Old English words using only 23 letters of Latin alphabet. It was quite ___________ because in Old English there existed nearly 40 vowels and consonants. The situation was aggravated by the Norman Conquest of 1066, when lots of ___________ words assimilated into the English language, and, finally, by the introduction of the ___________ press in 1476 and the emergence of a ___________ spelling system, which reflected the speech of the London area only. During the 15th century the pronunciation of vowels changed but the existence of printing press resulted in the fact that the standard spelling system never caught up with the changes.
  • 73. 73 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Signs in Welsh Welsh English Rough Pronunciation araf slow arav cymru wales kumm-ri dim mynediad no entry dim munned-yad dynion gentlemen (toilet) dunny-onn ffordd road forth gorsaf station gorsav gwesty hotel gwesty heddlu police hethlee llwybr cyhoeddus public footpath thlooy-beer kahoy-this lôn lane lonn merched ladies (toilet) mair-kedd siôp shop shop swyddfa’r post post office sooeethva post toiledau toilets toy-led-eye traeth beach trye-th ysbyty hospital uss-butty
  • 74. 74 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Заполните последнюю колонку таблицы, дописав значе- ния галльских заимствований в английском языке. English Irish Gaelic Scots Gaelic Meaning bard bard bard clan clann clan crag creig creag galore go leor gu leòr glen gleann gleann loch loch loch pet peata peata shamrock seamróg seamrag shanty seantigh seann taigh slew slua sluagh slogan sluagh ghairm tory tóraí tòraiche trousers triubhas whiskey uisce (beatha) uisge (beatha)
  • 75. 75 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities The Welsh alphabet The Welsh alphabet consists of 28 letters: A, B, Ch, D, Dd, E, F, Ff, G, Ng, H, I, L, Ll, M, N, O, P, Ph, R, Rh, S, T, Th, U, W, Y. Letters J, K, Q, V, X, Z do not exist in Welsh, though the English influence is obvious in Zw (Zoo), John, Jones, Jiwbil (Jubilee), Wrexham (Wrecsam), etc. Let’s Pick Up Some Welsh! English Welsh Rough Pronunciation hello helo hello good morning bore da bor-er dah good afternoon prynhawn da prin-hown dah good evening noswaith dda noss-wythe-ah goodbye hwyl who-ill good night nos da noss dah OK iawn yown (like in “clown”) please plis please thanks diolch dee-olck thank you very much diolch yn fawr dee-olck unn vowr
  • 76. 76 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию по тексту “Languages Spoken in the UK”, с. 70. 1. English is the official language in the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. False (It is used as one of the official languages in Canada). 2. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, former British colonies in the South Africa, the Irish Republic, and as a second language in many other countries of the world, including India, Pakistan, and other. True 3. Welsh is a language of the Celtic blanch. True 4. Gaelic, which is still spoken in Scotland, is also a language of Celtic origin. True 5. Gaelic is also the language of the Irish people, living in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. True
  • 77. 77 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию, с. 72. Surprisingly as it may seem, Welsh is simpler than English. It is a language with the spelling that may be characterized as entirely regular and phonetic. As soon as you learn the basic rules of pronunciation you can read it without much difficulty. For the beginnersWelsh provides far fewer difficulties than does English with its numerous inconsistencies in spelling. In Welsh all the letters of a word are pronounced, while in English, as a popular joke has it, we write “Manchester” and read “Liverpool”. The only good news is that in English there exist less than 400 words with irregular spelling. The bad news is that most of them are frequently used in everyday communication. Difficulties with English spelling arise because the Romans tried to write down Old English words using only 23 letters of Latin alphabet. It was quite challenging because in Old English there existed nearly 40 vowels and consonants. The situation was aggravated by the Norman Conquest of 1066, when lots of French words assimilated into the English language, and, finally, by the introduction of the printing press in 1476 and the emergence of a standard spelling system, which reflected the speech of the London area only. During the 15th century the pronunciation of vowels changed but the existence of printing press resulted in the fact that the standard spelling system never caught up with the changes.
  • 78. 78 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию, с. 74. English Irish Gaelic Scots Gaelic Meaning bard bard bard poet (of a certain rank) clan clann clan relatives, lineage crag creig creag rocky outcrop galore go leor gu leòr plenty, enough glen gleann gleann valley loch loch loch lake pet peata peata an animal kept as a companion shamrock seamróg seamrag shamrock shanty seantigh seann taigh old house slew slua sluagh a lot of, many slogan — sluagh ghairm a call; easily remembered, short phrase tory tóraí tòraiche pursuer; robber; bandit trousers — triubhas trews; pants whiskey uisce (beatha) uisge (beatha) a strong alcoholic drink
  • 79. 79 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Сlimate of GB Climate of Great Britain may be characterized as a maritime temperate, i. e. without any extremes in temperatures all year round, but very humid. More than 50% of the days are overcast. Existing variety of microclimates within the UK is caused by such factors as elevation, proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, and, to a lesser extent, latitude. Due to northerly latitude Britain enjoys stunningly long days in the height of summer, and a very short period of sunlight in wintertime. Southwesterly winds, blowing from the North Atlantic Drift, prevail over all the rest, making weather patterns subject to change. In general, the south is warmer and drier than the north. The east of Britain, washed by the North Sea is considerably colder than the territories washed by the Atlantic Ocean and warmed by the Gulf Stream. Winter temperatures rarely fall below — 5ºC while summer highs do not normally exceed 35ºC. July and August are the hottest as well as the wettest months of the year. January and February are the coldest months and there’s often much snow in mountainous parts of Britain. The average water temperature of the North Atlantic is 13°C in August and 7°C in February. The North Sea is 15°C in August and 6°C in February. The average water temperature of the British Channel is 17°C in August and 9°C in February. Human-induced climate change affected weather patterns worldwide. In the UK it results in frequent floods, heat waves in summer and extremely mild winters.
  • 80. 80 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: maritime temperate — морской умеренный proximity to the Atlantic ocean — близость к Атлантическому океану to a lesser extent — в меньшей степени latitude — широта summer highs — максимальные температуры летом human-induced climate change — изменения климата, вызван- ные деятельностью человека weather patterns — типы погоды Правильны ли следующие утверждения? True False 1. ClimateofGreatBritainmaybecharacterized as Mediterranean. 2. July and August are the hottest as well as the wettest months of the year. 3. January and February are the coldest months and there’s often much snow in mountainous parts of Britain. 4. Existing variety of microclimates within the UK is caused by such factors as the insular position of GB, elevation, and longitude. 5. Natural hazards include strong winds and floods, especially in winter.
  • 81. 81 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Famous Quotes from British Weather Lore When mountains and cliffs in the clouds appear, some sudden or violent showers are near. When forests murmur and mountains roar, close your windows and shut the door. Red sky at night — shepherd’s delight. Red sky at morning — shepherd’s warning. Near full moon a misty sunrise bodes fair weather and cloudless skies. Mackerel scales and mare’s tails, make lofty ships carry low sails. (It is so because altocumulus and cirrus clouds foretell bad weather). A ring around the sun and moon: a rainy day is coming soon. When you can see the hills, it’s going to rain; when you can’t see the hills, it’s raining! When the clouds of the moon to the West fly away, you may safely rely on a settled fair day. Oak and ash trees are traditionally watched in early spring to see which would put out shoots first: “If the Ash before the Oak, Then there’ll be a regular soak; But if the Oak before the Ash, Then there’ll only be a splash”.
  • 82. 82 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Прочитайте два примера прогноза погоды и составьте два собственных для весеннего и осеннего дней в Великобри- тании. “Weather Forecast” Weather Forecast for a Day in Summer There will be scattered showers across much of England and Wales. Staying dry and quite sunny across Scotland and Northern Ireland. By the evening the showers will have faded from southern England with skies clearing. This leads to a dry, clear night across Britain. Expect highs of 16 °C to 19 °C. Weather Forecast for a Day in Winter Outbreaks of rain with some sleet will spread into Scotland and northern England through the day. For Wales and Northern Ireland a dry day with sunny spells after a cold frosty morning. A wet evening and night for Scotland and England. The rain will be heaviest in the Scottish Highlands. Elsewhere it will be cloudy and dry. Lows today of 0° to — 6 °C. Вычеркните из списка стихийные бедствия, не характер- ные для Британии. Tsunamis, heat waves, earthquakes, permafrost, welling of volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, mud slides, forest fires, tornadoes, torrential rain.
  • 83. 83 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию по тексту “Сlimate of GB”, c. 80. 1. ClimateofGreatBritainmaybecharacterizedasMediterranean. False 2. July and August are the hottest as well as the wettest months of the year. True 3. January and February are the coldest months and there’s often much snow in mountainous parts of Britain. True 4. Existing variety of microclimates within the UK is caused by such factors as the insular position of GB, elevation, and longitude. False 5. Natural hazards include strong winds and floods, especially in winter. True
  • 84. 84 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Ключ к заданию “Weather Forecast”, с. 82. Пример выполнения задания: Weather Forecast for a Day in Autumn ThisMondaylookslikelytoseelowpressureacrossmostoftheUK,with troughsoroccludedfrontsstraddlingitsparts.LowpressuresoverWestern Scotland will bring a lot of cloud and showery rain. In Wales the rain will bubble up by midday onwards. Across central and southern parts ofEnglandshowerswillbreakoutintheevening,someheavyandpossibly thundery.NorthernIrelandwillalsoseeadayofrainyweather.Nevertheless in between the showers there will be decent spells of sunny weather. Temperatures will reach at best 20—21°C in the south and east, 15—17 °C are expected for the west, while in the north of Scotland & the Isles the temperatures won’t exceed 13—14 °C. A Spring Day Weather Forecast This Tuesday is likely to see the same weather pattern exist. It will be mostly dry with short sunny periods. It will be drier further to the south and east of Great Britain, with some low cloud and scattered showers in Northern Ireland. Quite a muggy night in the SE, though. Cloud and patchy showery rain likely overnight in the northwest and south east but clear periods elsewhere giving a few mist and low cloud patches in places.Temperatures up to about 16—18 °C inland across the south and SE but generally more like 15—17 °C in the West of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 14 °C in Scotland. Ключ к заданию, с. 82. Tsunamis,heatwaves,earthquakes,permafrost,swellingofvolcanoes, floods, hurricanes, mud slides, forest fires, tornadoes, torrential rain.
  • 85. 85 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Weather in Britain: Why Is It So Changeable? The weather in Britain is so changeable, that it always makes a perfect start for a small talk. Television weather forecasters are media personalities, 'cause weather bulletins are broadcast on BBC 1, BBC 2 and all of BBC’s radio stations at regular intervals throughout the day. The Met Office is extremely popular, the Capital radio has weather summaries every 20 minutes, LBC Newstalk Radio broadcasts weather checks every half hour round the clock, all weather enquiries are answered at London Weather Center, etc. But why is the weather so changeable? The answer is as follows. The North Atlantic and the Gulf Stream make the average temperatures along the west coast of Britain higher than it can be expected at this latitude. At the same time their negative influence results in significant rainfall and erratic nature of the weather. Indeed, many times the British witnessed torrential rain that soaked parts of the UK with a month’s worth of rain just in twenty- four hours. But, surprisingly as it may seem, average rainfall across the UK is not particularly high. Due to the westerly direction of winds coming in from the Atlantic, areas on the west coast are wetter than those on the east coast. The precipitation in these parts of the country differs from 60—100 mm per month in the West to 40— 60 mm per month in the East. This difference in precipitation is keenly felt in Scotland, the western coast of which sees 265 days of rain across the year, whereas the southeast of the country only sees 170 days of rainy weather. This really makes a starking contrast between the drier areas of Scotland and, for instance, the Western Highlands, that usually see 3000 mm precipitation on average per year.
  • 86. 86 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Слова и выражения: a small talk — легкий, бессодержательный разговор the Gulf Stream — Гольфстрим erratic — неустойчивый precipitation — осадки a starking contrast — разительный контраст average — средний I. Подберите к данным пословицам, поговоркам и идио- мам, связанным с погодой, русские эквиваленты. 1. To save for a rainy day. — ___________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. It never rains but it pours. — ________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. Fairweather friend. — ______________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. Rain or shine. — __________________________________ ________________________________________________ 5. Never rely on love or the weather. — _________________ ________________________________________________ 6. Woman is a weathercock. — ________________________ ________________________________________________ 7. After rain comes fair weather. — _____________________ ________________________________________________
  • 87. 87 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities II. Вставьте недостающие буквы в слова, характеризую- щие погоду и различные природные явления. 1. It’s ch__ll__and there is a crisp in the air. 2. It’s pleasantly c__l. 3. The weather is g__n__al/balmy. 4. It’s s__ltry and the sun is so aggressive, that it nearly darts its beams at you.— Yeah, it’s really s__orching. 5. It’s not simply hot, it’s broi__ing. 6. The rain is __lanting, and I hate the tail-wind. 7. Yesterday a snow-storm was particularly heavy. It was a real bli__ard. 8. The sle__t gets on my nerves.
  • 88. 88 The UK: Physical Geography аnd Political Entities Знаете ли вы, что…? When the rain is heavy we would normally say that it is raining cats and dogs. But why cats and dogs? The answer is simple. In the past, when the rain was torrential, dead animals from the basements and cellars of the houses were washed out onto the streets. If there were dead cats and dogs on the streets, the rain was really heavy. Thus, it was raining cats and dogs. People inhabiting Britain also noticed that the length of particular sounds is different depending on various weather patterns. In Peterborough it was said: “When the Clock of the Abbey strikes three minutes slow, The river’s bright waters will soon overflow; When the Church Clock and Abbey Clock strike both together, There will soon be a death or a change of the weather”. Speaking about rainy weather one should also mention July 15 or St. Swithin’s Day. It is very special for the British, because if it rains on St. Swithin’s Day, 40 days of rainy weather will follow! The story goes that St. Swithin was a Bishop of Winchester, who died in 862. During his lifetime the saint insisted on an outdoor grave so that “sweet rain from heaven” would fall on it. A century later, the monks decided to translate his remains to a shrine inside Winchester Cathedral. The move was set for July 15, 971. On that day, torrential rain started and continued for 40 days. People believe that in such a way St. Swithin expressed his displeasure.