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The UC San Diego AntiViral Research Center sponsors weekly
presentations by infectious disease clinicians, physicians and
researchers. The goal of these presentations is to provide the most
current research, clinical practices and trends in HIV, HBV, HCV, TB
and other infectious diseases of global significance.
The slides from the AIDS Clinical Rounds presentation that you are
about to view are intended for the educational purposes of our
audience. They may not be used for other purposes without the
presenter’s express permission.
Hidden Lives: Women &
Adolescents with HIV
Gigi Blanchard, MD
July 17, 2015
!  Maria is a 39yo Latina here for f/u labs and
resistance testing. She is here with her 4yo son.
!  4/15 CD4 = 63(3%) VL = 11265
!  She is on RIL/TDF/FTC
!  Genotype from last month:
!  M184V
!  K103R, V179D and Y181C
!  Diagnosed during pregnancy with both HIV and
!  Had trouble with adherence during her pregnancy,
but her son was born HIV negative
!  Hospitalized for PCP a few years ago
!  Misses a lot of appointments despite reminder
!  Vague about her adherence – no great explanation
My Response to Maria
!  Dread her appointments
!  I feel helpless to help her
!  I feel like it’s a waste of time
!  She’s really guarded and flat
!  I wonder about her cognitive function
!  I wonder about her ability as a mother
!  Compassion fatigue
!  Lives with her sister, who doesn’t know her
!  She and her son sleep on the couch
!  No car; no work
!  Her ex-BF was verbally abusive of her when she
disclosed her status to him
!  “Slut”
!  “Horrible mother”
!  She hears his voice in her head when she looks at the
Frequently Seen Stressors
!  Homelessness
!  Gas & electric and
water interruptions
!  Isolation
!  Single Parenting
!  Domestic Violence
!  Substance Use
!  Mental Illness
!  Unemployment/
!  Poverty
!  Limited
!  Low Literacy
!  Stigma
!  19 yo here for routine f/u. He is on DRV/r + TRU
!  2/15 CD4 = 681 VL <20
!  Has missed the last 2 appointments
!  Admits to missing meds ~ 2x/week now for
unknown amount of time. No side effects – just
!  Has been clean and sober for ~ 1 yr
!  Had unprotected sex last weekend with a man who
is also HIV+; doesn’t know if he’s on meds or not
What do you do next?
!  After reminding him of the importance of adherence and the risk
of developing resistance you:
!  A. Have him do an interactive computer program to reinforce this
!  B. Discuss getting a pill box and setting an alarm on his phone
!  C. Get a viral load and a genotype
!  D. Refer him for therapy
!  E. A, B and C
!  E. C & D
!  F. All of the above
Marcus – more history
!  Foster care kid; Sexually and physically abused as
a kid
!  Survival sex for food, clothing, and shelter
!  At last visit, he was really proud of himself for
maintaining sobriety but admitted it felt “weird”
!  Now admits to feelings of anger and depression
!  His HIV meds remind him of his drug abuse and
!  He feels a lot of shame
Hidden Barriers to Health
!  H/o childhood abuse
!  They may not recognize that they were abused
!  They don’t want to talk about it – may take years
!  Pills are reminders of disease, of what led to the
!  Trigger feelings of anger and helplessness
!  Medical visits are reminders of disease, of rejection
!  May take months to get a patient into clinic
!  Takes even more time to get them to come back
!  Childhood maltreatment is ass’d with which of the
!  Ischemic heart disease
!  Cancer
!  > 30 lifetime partners
!  Low IQ
!  A,B,C
!  All of the above
!  None of the above
!  Stress: when a person is challenged in their
emotional, mental or physical well-being to an
extent that exceeds their ability to cope
!  Trauma: Any event that causes an unusually high
level of emotional stress and has a long lasting
negative effect on a person
!  Depends on the subjective emotional experience of it
!  Personal
!  Physical and Sexual Abuse
!  Verbal Abuse
!  Neglect
!  Social deprivation
!  Financial abuse – i.e.
withhold funds (for gas
money, etc)
!  Usually multiple forms of
!  i.e. physical/sexual abuse
usually accompanied by
!  Household dysfunction
!  Witnessing violence
!  Criminal activity
!  Parental separation
!  Parental death or illness
!  Poverty
!  Substance abuse
Response to Stress/Trauma
!  Big T Trauma: events that cause physical harm
and/or a threat to life or physical safety
!  Little T Trauma: upsetting life experiences that are
more common but not thought of as trauma
!  Simple traumas clear on their own
!  Complex trauma take longer to heal and leave life-
long scars
Trauma and HIV
!  Increased HIV risk behavior leading to increased
acquisition and transmission of HIV
!  Poor adherence to treatment
!  Poor HIV-related outcomes
Response to Stress/Trauma
!  Depends on the sex of the person
!  Fight or Flight
!  Tend and Befriend
!  Seen more in women
!  In response to a threat, it refers to protection of off-
spring (tending) and seeking out the social group for
mutual defense (befriending).
!  Depends on age/development of the brain
!  Early life stress is ass’d with emotional disorders and
attention regulation
Childhood sexual and physical abuse predict worse
performance on assessments of executive function,
problem solving and non-verbal reasoning in
adulthood (i.e. 40s).
The Adverse Childhood
Experiences Study
The Adverse Childhood
Experiences Study
!  On going collaborative research between CDC and
Kaiser in San Diego
!  Over 17,000 patients undergoing routine health
care volunteered to give detailed information about
their childhood experience of abuse, neglect and
family dysfunction
!  Examined relationship between these experiences
and adult disease, health status and risk behavior
The Adverse Childhood
Experiences Study
Personal Abuse
!  Physical Abuse
!  Verbal Abuse
!  Sexual Abuse
!  Physical neglect
!  Emotional neglect
Household Dysfunction
!  Separation from parent
!  Substance Abuse
!  Domestic Violence
!  Incarceration
!  Mental Illness
ACE Study Results
ACE Study Outcomes
!  Dose-response relationship between # of adverse
childhood exposures and the following:
!  Ischemic heart disease
!  Any cancer
!  Stroke
!  Diabetes
ACE Study Demographics
!  Female 54%
!  White 75%
!  Hispanic 11%
!  High School Grad 93%
!  College Grad 40%
!  Living with someone who is depressed or mentally
ill during the first 18 years of your life is ass’d with
!  A. Having more than 30 lifetime sexual partners
!  B. Ischemic heart disease
!  C. Cancer
What’s Going On?
Why does this happen?
The Science of Stress
!  Sympathetic nervous
system is activated
!  Hypothalamic-pituitary axis
leads to the release of
ACTH, cortisol and
catecholamines from the
pituitary, adrenal cortex
and adrenal medulla
!  Cortisol negative feedback
restores stress-related
reactions back to baseline
Limbic System
!  The set of evolutionarily
primitive brain structures
located on top of the
brainstem and buried
under the cortex
!  Involved in our emotions
and motivations, esp those
that are related to survival.
!  Fear and anger
!  Pleasure from eating
!  Emotions related to sexual
Limbic System
!  Amygdala: essential for decoding stimuli that are
threatening to the organism; Fear processing
!  Hippocampus: sends memories out to cortex for long-
term storage and then retrieves them; provides context
!  Thalamus: relays sensory signals to and from the spinal
cord to the cortex
!  Hypothalamus: vegetative and endocrine functions;
regulates hormones, body temperature, etc
!  Prefrontal Cortex: planning, evaluating, decision
making, etc - higher order brain functions
!  One of it’s main functions is
to protect us from a threat
!  The integrative center for
attention, emotions,
emotional behavior and
!  Important in face
perception; social
!  Receives input from all
senses and visceral inputs
!  It’s size correlates with
aggressive behavior in all
!  The link between prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus,
and amygdala creates emotion.
!  Visceral input gives us our gut feelings, those
subjective feelings about what is good and what is
!  Destruction of the amygdala leads to fearlessness
and a flat affect and inability to recognize emotion
in others
!  Injury of the amygdala leads to trustworthiness
Startle Response
!  All sensory info goes to the
!  Then goes straight to the
!  Then to the brainstem (w/
in hundredths of a second)
!  React before you’ve even
had a chance to think
about it
A Thoughtful Response
Amygdala Hijack
!  An immediate and overwhelming emotional
response out of proportion to the stimulus because
it has triggered a more significant emotional
!  In low to moderate stress, the prefrontal cortex can
inhibit the amygdala
!  In extreme stress, the amygdala shuts down the
!  Evolutionary response - there is no time for thinking
The Limbic System in
!  Amygdala - excitatory
control of hypothalamus
!  Heightened response to
!  Hippocampus - inhibitory
!  Cortisol binds to receptors
Depressive Response
!  VMPF cortex regulates fear
output from the amygdala
!  Depression is ass’d with
abnl VMPF activity
!  Unable to suppress
negative emotions when
it’s compromised
!  Rational long term
decisions and moral
judgments are
Anterior Cingulate Cortex
Limbic System
Orbital Frontal
Cortex Ventromedial
Anterior Cingulate Cortex
Orbital Frontal
Limbic System
Cortex Amygdala
Trauma and the Brain
!  During periods of trauma there is adrenergic overload,
and the frontal lobe can not be accessed because the
amygdala is in control
!  If a person is triggered at the limbic level, the quickest
way to alleviate the pain is to feed the pleasure
principal- alcohol, drugs, sex, food, gambling, hoarding.
!  Traumatized individuals are often stuck in survival mode
because the individual is not able to link the limbic
activation to the frontal lobe.
!  Thus, cognitive processing is impacted.
Trauma and the Developing
!  Timing of trauma/stress
affects those brain regions
undergoing growth spurts
at that time
!  Brain regions with
extended post-natal
development are most
vulnerable to long term
sequelae of stress
!  Amygdala is fully formed
at birth
!  Frontal lobe is the last to
The Limbic System
!  The interface between the
primitive brainstem and
the rational cortex
!  Emotions
!  Attention
!  Memory
!  Motivation
!  Attachmen
!  Input from all the senses and visceral inputs
become emotions in the limbic system
!  This subcortical input is what gives us our “gut
feelings” or perceptions
!  Nonverbal signals
!  Non-rational since it’s subcortical
!  Prefrontal Cortex
!  Anterior Cingulate Cortex
!  Orbitofrontal region
!  Integrates subcortical input with cortical
!  Determines importance - Is it worth paying
attention to
!  Implicit Memory
!  A type of memory in which previous experiences aid the
performance of a task without conscious awareness of
these previous experiences
!  Didn’t require focal attention to be encoded or retrieved
!  Fear - amygdala
!  Explicit Memory
!  Conscious, intentional recollection of previous experiences
and information
!  Requires focal attention to be encoded
!  Impaired when there is excessive catecholamines and
!  Hippocampus
!  Animal instincts
!  Survival: finding food, desire to reproduce
!  Attachment to a caregiver – that natural bond
!  Located deep within the temporal lobe
!  Activates the HPA axis and autonomic responses
associated with fear and hormonal secretion
!  It is responsible for fear conditioning
!  an associative learning process by which we learn
through repeated experiences to fear something
!  For example, when we hear an unpleasant sound, the
amygdala heightens our perception of the sound and
triggers the autonomic system for a fight or flight
Limbic System
!  Plays a huge role in memory
!  Interprets our emotional responses
!  Stores memories
!  Regulates hormones
!  Involved with sensory perception, motor function
and olfaction
!  Memory center
!  Provides contextual information
!  Cortisol helps encode memories to the
hippocampus more effectively
Anterior Cingulate Cortex
!  Governs attention
Effects of Early Life Stress
!  Usually multiple forms of abuse
!  Neglect/rejection is most frequent form of
!  High or chronic levels of stress disturb brain
development which then affects mental health
!  See functional and structural changes
!  Hidden regulators in healthy parent-offspring
!  Serotonin receptors in the hippocampus may be one
!  Serotonin stimulation triggers increased
glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus
!  Neglect/maternal rejection is one the most potent
stressors early in life
!  Rhesus infants: the frequency of rejection
correlates with decreased CSF serotonin
Developmental Timing
!  Timing of trauma/stress affects those brain regions
undergoing growth spurts at that time
!  Brain regions with extended post-natal development
are most vulnerable to long term sequelae of stress
!  Amygdala is fully formed at birth
!  Frontal lobe is the last to develop
Brain Development
!  Love and nurture increases serotonin tone in the
brain and stimulates 5-HT7 receptor in the
!  Serotonin stimulation triggers increased
glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus
!  Leads to permanent increase in glucocorticoid
expression in the hippocampus – more sensitive to
negative feedback of cortisol
!  Neglected Rhesus babies have decreased CSF 5-HT
Physiologic Changes
!  Chronic stress actually results in low AM cortisol
and blunted ACTH and cortisol responses
!  Seen in infants in foster care but not in infants of
similar socio-economic standing
!  Kids in foster care d/t neglect have markedly atypical
cortisol diurnal rhythms
!  Low basal cortisol production causes increased
sensitivity of the amygdala
!  Severe adversity in childhood is linked to markedly
increased reactivity of the autonomic nervous
system and the HPA axis to stress
Structural Changes
!  Autopsy study of suicide victims with and w/o a
history of abuse and controls who had died
!  Found reduced total glucocorticoid receptor
expression in the hippocampus in suicide victims
who had been abused but not in suicide victims
who had not been abused
!  Also found decreased expression of exon of NR3C1
gene which is linked to glucocorticoid receptor
Brain Development
Limbic System
Cortical Development:
Back to Front
ELS and Development
!  Monkeys reared in isolation have deficits on
executive tasks – correlated with reduced white
matter tracks in the prefrontal cortex and the
anterior cingulate cortex
!  Abnormal EEGs
Early Life Stress
!  Glucocorticoids impair neural plasticity
!  Prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus have a high
density of glucocorticoid receptors
!  Prolonged exposure to cortisol leads to more
damage to these areas
!  Structural and functional changes
The Results
!  Impaired executive function
!  Difficulty paying attention ! Trouble following
directions, i.e. take pills with food or without
!  Poor working memory ! missed appointments,
missed doses
!  Impaired reasoning
!  Impaired problem solving and flexibility ! huge
problems with insurance or other snafus
!  Impaired planning, decision making and execution
The Results
!  Impaired affective regulation
!  Impaired processing of social stimuli ! overreact
!  Impaired emotion regulation ! get upset easily
!  Poor impulse control ! abuse drugs, have unsafe sex,
!  Poor inhibition of inappropriate responses !
disruptive at the clinic; trouble with police
!  Impaired reward processing
!  21yo Latina here for routine f/u.
!  4/15 CD4 = 63(1) and VL = 20,763
!  She is on RIL/FTC/3TC and admits to missing
about twice/week.
!  Reason for missed doses: “Just has a mental block
about HIV meds”
!  Vague about whether or not she is taking it with food:
sometimes eats chips or fast food
!  Sexually abused as a child
!  Ran away and began using drugs at age 13
!  Forced into rehab in Mexico –
!  Abducted in the middle of the night and held against
her will
!  Beaten; tied up
!  Forced to take cold showers
!  Father of her baby is 44yo and is incarcerated
!  She has relapsed on meth
!  Diagnosed with TB with a cavity – hospitalization
triggered her PTSD
!  Involuntary admission
!  Put in isolation
!  Forced to take meds
!  Not allowed to leave
!  IV placement was very traumatizing
Estimates of PTSD in
women with HIV
!  <25%
!  25-50%
!  50-75%
!  >75%
Estimates of PTSD and
!  PTSD is estimated to be 30% among women with
!  5x higher than the national average
!  Estimated rate of intimate partner violence is 55%
!  Twice the national average
!  Persistently re-experience traumatic events
!  Intrusive thoughts and flashbacks
!  Nightmares and difficulty sleeping
!  Hyperarousal
!  Physiologic reactivity when exposed to reminders of
the event
!  Pts usually try to avoid reminders of the event
Physiology of PTSD
!  Elevated catecholamines
!  Low cortisol levels
!  There is increased blood flow to the amygdala with
anxiety and during panic attacks
!  fMRI shows exaggerated amygdala responses and
diminished prefrontal cortex responses
!  During symptomatic periods
!  When shown happy vs fearful faces
Going to an appointment
Traumatic MD Visits
!  Waiting room
!  Lack of privacy walking into it - Seeing the man who
infected them in the waiting room can trigger them
!  Unwanted advances - getting hit on
!  Retelling the history repeatedly
!  Re-live the trauma
!  Insensitive or invasive procedures may trigger i.e.
pap smears, etc
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell:
Hidden Trauma
!  Pts have buried this – don’t want to deal
!  They may not recognize it as trauma
!  They don’t tell their partners; they don’t tell their
!  May take years of building trust before they might
disclose anything
!  Will likely tell 1 part to 1 person and another part
to another person ! collaboration is key
What You Will Hear
!  Drug and Alcohol Abuse
!  Prostitution or promiscuity
!  Inability to negotiate safe sex
!  Depression and withdrawal
!  Hypereactivity and stimulus seeking
What you will see when
these patients do show up
!  Flat affect
!  Borderline behaviors
!  Splitting – playing staff off each other
!  Denial
!  Projection
!  Provider is an authority figure and there is an
inherent power difference
!  They feel vulnerable
What you will see
!  Lying and Lip Service
!  Some feel a lot of shame about not taking meds or other
!  Survivors may have learned compliance to abusive
authority to avoid more abuse
!  Self-destructive behavior
!  Repetition Compulsion: expose themselves repeatedly to
situations reminiscent of the original trauma
!  May be punishing themselves
!  May be what they learned
!  Catastrophic Thinking
How to Respond
Trauma Informed Care
!  Realizes the widespread impact of trauma and
understands potential paths for recovery;
!  Recognizes how trauma affects all individuals
involved with the program, organization or system,
including it’s own workforce
!  Responds by fully integrating knowledge about
trauma into policies, procedures, and practices;
!  Seeks to actively resist re-traumatization.”
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Principles of Trauma
Informed Care
!  Safety: physical and psychological
!  Trustworthiness and Transparency
!  Peer support
!  Collaboration and mutuality: recognition that healing
happens in relationships and in the meaningful sharing
of power and decision-making
!  Empowerment, voice and choice:
!  The individual’s autonomy is supported
!  Individual’s strengths are recognized, validated & built up
!  Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues
Trauma Informed Visits
!  Safety/Privacy
!  Off site clinic for the most fragile patients
!  Trustworthiness and Transparency: Therapeutic
relationships develop safety and trust
!  R – respect
!  I – information
!  C – connection
!  H – hope
!  Boundaries - Balance questioning against invasion of
Trauma Informed Care
!  Peer Support
!  Choices and Control
!  Educate patients, not dictate
!  Inform them that they have a right to refuse to answer
a question
!  Emphasize the patient’s right to refuse treatment
!  “you don’t have to anything you don’t want to, but it is
recommended that you have a pap smear..”
Trauma Informed Care
!  Emphasize Strength and Resilience of Patient
!  Medical model highlights pathology
!  Medical terminology implies something is wrong with
the person rather than something was done to them
and they survived
!  i.e. Rape Victim vs Trauma Survivor
!  Approach to behaviors/symptoms
!  Maladaptive behaviors and coping mechanisms reflect
that the patient was doing the best that they could with
the skills they had to survive.
!  Reduces patient’s guilt and shame
!  Decreases providers frustration
Trauma Informed Care
Part 2 is coming in 2016 with data from our program
Thank You!!
!  Jennifer Lewis, LCSW, PhD
!  Gila Cohen, LCSW
!  Nicole Pepper, MSW
!  Maria Huerta, LCSW
!  Adriana Gonzales, MSW
!  Karina Valdez, Parenting
!  Patricia Zepeda, case
!  Jill Blumenthal, MD
!  Lisa Stangl, NP
!  AJ Johnson, SW
!  Joe Mora SW
!  Chris Mueller, LCSW
!  Rachel Gasca, MSW
!  Karla Pardo, MSW
!  Kristyn Pellechia, NP
!  Ami Roeschlein, LMFT
!  Larry Friedman, MD
!  Diagnosed at 13 yo when she presented with ITP
!  Her diagnosis led to her mother’s diagnosis
!  Which led to her parents’ divorce
!  Senior year missed her prom d/t severe cryptococcal
!  Shunt placed – she only remembers her head being
!  Developed shunt infection with peritonitis
!  Furious with team members who would palpate her
abdomen w/o warning
!  Help with transportation
Limbic System
!  The set of evolutionarily
primitive brain structures
located on top of the
brainstem and buried
under the cortex
!  Involved in many of our
emotions and motivations,
particularly those that are
related to survival.
!  Pleasure from eating
!  Fear and anger
!  Emotions related to sexual

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UC San Diego AntiViral Research Center
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Hidden Lives: Women and Adolescents with HIV

  • 1. The UC San Diego AntiViral Research Center sponsors weekly presentations by infectious disease clinicians, physicians and researchers. The goal of these presentations is to provide the most current research, clinical practices and trends in HIV, HBV, HCV, TB and other infectious diseases of global significance. The slides from the AIDS Clinical Rounds presentation that you are about to view are intended for the educational purposes of our audience. They may not be used for other purposes without the presenter’s express permission. AIDS CLINICAL ROUNDS
  • 2. Hidden Lives: Women & Adolescents with HIV Gigi Blanchard, MD July 17, 2015
  • 3. Maria !  Maria is a 39yo Latina here for f/u labs and resistance testing. She is here with her 4yo son. !  4/15 CD4 = 63(3%) VL = 11265 !  She is on RIL/TDF/FTC !  Genotype from last month: !  M184V !  K103R, V179D and Y181C
  • 4. Maria !  Diagnosed during pregnancy with both HIV and syphilis !  Had trouble with adherence during her pregnancy, but her son was born HIV negative !  Hospitalized for PCP a few years ago !  Misses a lot of appointments despite reminder calls !  Vague about her adherence – no great explanation
  • 5. My Response to Maria !  Dread her appointments !  I feel helpless to help her !  I feel like it’s a waste of time !  She’s really guarded and flat !  I wonder about her cognitive function !  I wonder about her ability as a mother !  Compassion fatigue
  • 6. Maria !  Lives with her sister, who doesn’t know her diagnosis !  She and her son sleep on the couch !  No car; no work !  Her ex-BF was verbally abusive of her when she disclosed her status to him !  “Slut” !  “Horrible mother” !  She hears his voice in her head when she looks at the meds
  • 7. Frequently Seen Stressors !  Homelessness !  Gas & electric and water interruptions !  Isolation !  Single Parenting !  Domestic Violence !  Substance Use !  Mental Illness !  Unemployment/ Underemployment !  Poverty !  Limited Transportation !  Low Literacy !  Stigma
  • 8. Marcus !  19 yo here for routine f/u. He is on DRV/r + TRU !  2/15 CD4 = 681 VL <20 !  Has missed the last 2 appointments !  Admits to missing meds ~ 2x/week now for unknown amount of time. No side effects – just misses !  Has been clean and sober for ~ 1 yr !  Had unprotected sex last weekend with a man who is also HIV+; doesn’t know if he’s on meds or not
  • 9. What do you do next? !  After reminding him of the importance of adherence and the risk of developing resistance you: !  A. Have him do an interactive computer program to reinforce this education !  B. Discuss getting a pill box and setting an alarm on his phone !  C. Get a viral load and a genotype !  D. Refer him for therapy !  E. A, B and C !  E. C & D !  F. All of the above
  • 10. Marcus – more history !  Foster care kid; Sexually and physically abused as a kid !  Survival sex for food, clothing, and shelter !  At last visit, he was really proud of himself for maintaining sobriety but admitted it felt “weird” !  Now admits to feelings of anger and depression !  His HIV meds remind him of his drug abuse and prostitution !  He feels a lot of shame
  • 11. Hidden Barriers to Health !  H/o childhood abuse !  They may not recognize that they were abused !  They don’t want to talk about it – may take years !  Pills are reminders of disease, of what led to the disease !  Trigger feelings of anger and helplessness !  Medical visits are reminders of disease, of rejection !  May take months to get a patient into clinic !  Takes even more time to get them to come back
  • 12. Question !  Childhood maltreatment is ass’d with which of the following: !  Ischemic heart disease !  Cancer !  > 30 lifetime partners !  Low IQ !  A,B,C !  All of the above !  None of the above
  • 13.
  • 14. Stress/Trauma !  Stress: when a person is challenged in their emotional, mental or physical well-being to an extent that exceeds their ability to cope !  Trauma: Any event that causes an unusually high level of emotional stress and has a long lasting negative effect on a person !  Depends on the subjective emotional experience of it
  • 15. Stress/Trauma !  Personal !  Physical and Sexual Abuse !  Verbal Abuse !  Neglect !  Social deprivation !  Financial abuse – i.e. withhold funds (for gas money, etc) !  Usually multiple forms of trauma !  i.e. physical/sexual abuse usually accompanied by neglect !  Household dysfunction !  Witnessing violence !  Criminal activity !  Parental separation !  Parental death or illness !  Poverty !  Substance abuse
  • 16. Response to Stress/Trauma !  Big T Trauma: events that cause physical harm and/or a threat to life or physical safety !  Little T Trauma: upsetting life experiences that are more common but not thought of as trauma !  Simple traumas clear on their own !  Complex trauma take longer to heal and leave life- long scars
  • 17. Trauma and HIV !  Increased HIV risk behavior leading to increased acquisition and transmission of HIV !  Poor adherence to treatment !  Poor HIV-related outcomes
  • 18. Response to Stress/Trauma !  Depends on the sex of the person !  Fight or Flight !  Tend and Befriend !  Seen more in women !  In response to a threat, it refers to protection of off- spring (tending) and seeking out the social group for mutual defense (befriending). !  Depends on age/development of the brain !  Early life stress is ass’d with emotional disorders and attention regulation
  • 19. Question Childhood sexual and physical abuse predict worse performance on assessments of executive function, problem solving and non-verbal reasoning in adulthood (i.e. 40s). True False
  • 21. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study !  On going collaborative research between CDC and Kaiser in San Diego !  Over 17,000 patients undergoing routine health care volunteered to give detailed information about their childhood experience of abuse, neglect and family dysfunction !  Examined relationship between these experiences and adult disease, health status and risk behavior
  • 22. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study Personal Abuse !  Physical Abuse !  Verbal Abuse !  Sexual Abuse !  Physical neglect !  Emotional neglect Household Dysfunction !  Separation from parent !  Substance Abuse !  Domestic Violence !  Incarceration !  Mental Illness
  • 24. ACE Study Outcomes !  Dose-response relationship between # of adverse childhood exposures and the following: !  Ischemic heart disease !  Any cancer !  Stroke !  COPD !  Diabetes
  • 25. ACE Study Demographics !  Female 54% !  White 75% !  Hispanic 11% !  High School Grad 93% !  College Grad 40%
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  • 28. Question !  Living with someone who is depressed or mentally ill during the first 18 years of your life is ass’d with !  A. Having more than 30 lifetime sexual partners !  B. Ischemic heart disease !  C. Cancer
  • 29. What’s Going On? Why does this happen?
  • 30. The Science of Stress !  Sympathetic nervous system is activated !  Hypothalamic-pituitary axis leads to the release of ACTH, cortisol and catecholamines from the pituitary, adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla !  Cortisol negative feedback restores stress-related reactions back to baseline
  • 31. Limbic System !  The set of evolutionarily primitive brain structures located on top of the brainstem and buried under the cortex !  Involved in our emotions and motivations, esp those that are related to survival. !  Fear and anger !  Pleasure from eating !  Emotions related to sexual behavior.
  • 32. Limbic System !  Amygdala: essential for decoding stimuli that are threatening to the organism; Fear processing !  Hippocampus: sends memories out to cortex for long- term storage and then retrieves them; provides context !  Thalamus: relays sensory signals to and from the spinal cord to the cortex !  Hypothalamus: vegetative and endocrine functions; regulates hormones, body temperature, etc !  Prefrontal Cortex: planning, evaluating, decision making, etc - higher order brain functions
  • 33. Amygdala !  One of it’s main functions is to protect us from a threat !  The integrative center for attention, emotions, emotional behavior and motivation !  Important in face perception; social processing !  Receives input from all senses and visceral inputs !  It’s size correlates with aggressive behavior in all species
  • 34. Amygdala !  The link between prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus, and amygdala creates emotion. !  Visceral input gives us our gut feelings, those subjective feelings about what is good and what is bad. !  Destruction of the amygdala leads to fearlessness and a flat affect and inability to recognize emotion in others !  Injury of the amygdala leads to trustworthiness confusion
  • 35. Startle Response !  All sensory info goes to the thalamus !  Then goes straight to the amygdala !  Then to the brainstem (w/ in hundredths of a second) !  React before you’ve even had a chance to think about it
  • 37. Amygdala Hijack !  An immediate and overwhelming emotional response out of proportion to the stimulus because it has triggered a more significant emotional response !  In low to moderate stress, the prefrontal cortex can inhibit the amygdala !  In extreme stress, the amygdala shuts down the cortex !  Evolutionary response - there is no time for thinking
  • 38. The Limbic System in Action !  Amygdala - excitatory control of hypothalamus !  Heightened response to stimulus !  Hippocampus - inhibitory control !  Cortisol binds to receptors here Hypothalamus
  • 39. Depressive Response !  VMPF cortex regulates fear output from the amygdala !  Depression is ass’d with abnl VMPF activity !  Unable to suppress negative emotions when it’s compromised !  Rational long term decisions and moral judgments are compromised Anterior Cingulate Cortex Limbic System Orbital Frontal Cortex Ventromedial Cortex
  • 40. Anterior Cingulate Cortex Prefrontal Cortex Orbital Frontal Cortex Limbic System Ventromedial Cortex Amygdala Hippocampus ↵ ↵
  • 41. Trauma and the Brain !  During periods of trauma there is adrenergic overload, and the frontal lobe can not be accessed because the amygdala is in control !  If a person is triggered at the limbic level, the quickest way to alleviate the pain is to feed the pleasure principal- alcohol, drugs, sex, food, gambling, hoarding. !  Traumatized individuals are often stuck in survival mode because the individual is not able to link the limbic activation to the frontal lobe. !  Thus, cognitive processing is impacted.
  • 42. Trauma and the Developing Brain !  Timing of trauma/stress affects those brain regions undergoing growth spurts at that time !  Brain regions with extended post-natal development are most vulnerable to long term sequelae of stress !  Amygdala is fully formed at birth !  Frontal lobe is the last to develop BRAINSTEM
  • 43. The Limbic System !  The interface between the primitive brainstem and the rational cortex !  Emotions !  Attention !  Memory !  Motivation !  Attachmen
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  • 45. Emotions !  Input from all the senses and visceral inputs become emotions in the limbic system !  This subcortical input is what gives us our “gut feelings” or perceptions !  Nonverbal signals !  Non-rational since it’s subcortical ! 
  • 46. Attention/Meaning !  Prefrontal Cortex !  Anterior Cingulate Cortex !  Orbitofrontal region !  Integrates subcortical input with cortical processing !  Determines importance - Is it worth paying attention to
  • 47. Memory !  Implicit Memory !  A type of memory in which previous experiences aid the performance of a task without conscious awareness of these previous experiences !  Didn’t require focal attention to be encoded or retrieved !  Fear - amygdala !  Explicit Memory !  Conscious, intentional recollection of previous experiences and information !  Requires focal attention to be encoded !  Impaired when there is excessive catecholamines and cortisol !  Hippocampus
  • 48. Motivation !  Animal instincts !  Survival: finding food, desire to reproduce Attachment !  Attachment to a caregiver – that natural bond
  • 49. Amygdala !  Located deep within the temporal lobe !  Activates the HPA axis and autonomic responses associated with fear and hormonal secretion !  It is responsible for fear conditioning !  an associative learning process by which we learn through repeated experiences to fear something !  For example, when we hear an unpleasant sound, the amygdala heightens our perception of the sound and triggers the autonomic system for a fight or flight response
  • 50. Limbic System !  Plays a huge role in memory !  Interprets our emotional responses !  Stores memories !  Regulates hormones !  Involved with sensory perception, motor function and olfaction
  • 51. Hippocampus !  Memory center !  Provides contextual information !  Cortisol helps encode memories to the hippocampus more effectively
  • 52. Anterior Cingulate Cortex !  Governs attention
  • 53. Effects of Early Life Stress !  Usually multiple forms of abuse !  Neglect/rejection is most frequent form of maltreatment !  High or chronic levels of stress disturb brain development which then affects mental health !  See functional and structural changes
  • 54. ELS !  Hidden regulators in healthy parent-offspring relationships !  Serotonin receptors in the hippocampus may be one !  Serotonin stimulation triggers increased glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus !  Neglect/maternal rejection is one the most potent stressors early in life !  Rhesus infants: the frequency of rejection correlates with decreased CSF serotonin
  • 55. Developmental Timing !  Timing of trauma/stress affects those brain regions undergoing growth spurts at that time !  Brain regions with extended post-natal development are most vulnerable to long term sequelae of stress !  Amygdala is fully formed at birth !  Frontal lobe is the last to develop
  • 56. Brain Development !  Love and nurture increases serotonin tone in the brain and stimulates 5-HT7 receptor in the hippocampus !  Serotonin stimulation triggers increased glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus !  Leads to permanent increase in glucocorticoid expression in the hippocampus – more sensitive to negative feedback of cortisol !  Neglected Rhesus babies have decreased CSF 5-HT
  • 57. Physiologic Changes !  Chronic stress actually results in low AM cortisol and blunted ACTH and cortisol responses !  Seen in infants in foster care but not in infants of similar socio-economic standing !  Kids in foster care d/t neglect have markedly atypical cortisol diurnal rhythms !  Low basal cortisol production causes increased sensitivity of the amygdala !  Severe adversity in childhood is linked to markedly increased reactivity of the autonomic nervous system and the HPA axis to stress
  • 58. Structural Changes !  Autopsy study of suicide victims with and w/o a history of abuse and controls who had died suddenly !  Found reduced total glucocorticoid receptor expression in the hippocampus in suicide victims who had been abused but not in suicide victims who had not been abused !  Also found decreased expression of exon of NR3C1 gene which is linked to glucocorticoid receptor expression
  • 61. ELS and Development !  Monkeys reared in isolation have deficits on executive tasks – correlated with reduced white matter tracks in the prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex !  Abnormal EEGs
  • 62. Early Life Stress !  Glucocorticoids impair neural plasticity !  Prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus have a high density of glucocorticoid receptors !  Prolonged exposure to cortisol leads to more damage to these areas !  Structural and functional changes
  • 63. The Results !  Impaired executive function !  Difficulty paying attention ! Trouble following directions, i.e. take pills with food or without !  Poor working memory ! missed appointments, missed doses !  Impaired reasoning !  Impaired problem solving and flexibility ! huge problems with insurance or other snafus !  Impaired planning, decision making and execution
  • 64. The Results !  Impaired affective regulation !  Impaired processing of social stimuli ! overreact !  Impaired emotion regulation ! get upset easily !  Poor impulse control ! abuse drugs, have unsafe sex, etc !  Poor inhibition of inappropriate responses ! disruptive at the clinic; trouble with police !  Impaired reward processing
  • 65. Alma !  21yo Latina here for routine f/u. !  4/15 CD4 = 63(1) and VL = 20,763 !  She is on RIL/FTC/3TC and admits to missing about twice/week. !  Reason for missed doses: “Just has a mental block about HIV meds” !  Vague about whether or not she is taking it with food: sometimes eats chips or fast food
  • 66. Alma !  Sexually abused as a child !  Ran away and began using drugs at age 13 !  Forced into rehab in Mexico – !  Abducted in the middle of the night and held against her will !  Beaten; tied up !  Forced to take cold showers !  Father of her baby is 44yo and is incarcerated !  She has relapsed on meth
  • 67. Alma !  Diagnosed with TB with a cavity – hospitalization triggered her PTSD !  Involuntary admission !  Put in isolation !  Forced to take meds !  Not allowed to leave !  IV placement was very traumatizing
  • 68. Estimates of PTSD in women with HIV !  <25% !  25-50% !  50-75% !  >75%
  • 69. Estimates of PTSD and Trauma !  PTSD is estimated to be 30% among women with HIV !  5x higher than the national average !  Estimated rate of intimate partner violence is 55% !  Twice the national average
  • 70. PTSD !  Persistently re-experience traumatic events !  Intrusive thoughts and flashbacks !  Nightmares and difficulty sleeping !  Hyperarousal !  Physiologic reactivity when exposed to reminders of the event !  Pts usually try to avoid reminders of the event
  • 71. Physiology of PTSD !  Elevated catecholamines !  Low cortisol levels !  There is increased blood flow to the amygdala with anxiety and during panic attacks !  fMRI shows exaggerated amygdala responses and diminished prefrontal cortex responses !  During symptomatic periods !  When shown happy vs fearful faces
  • 72. Going to an appointment
  • 73. Traumatic MD Visits !  Waiting room !  Lack of privacy walking into it - Seeing the man who infected them in the waiting room can trigger them !  Unwanted advances - getting hit on !  Retelling the history repeatedly !  Re-live the trauma !  Insensitive or invasive procedures may trigger i.e. pap smears, etc
  • 74. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Hidden Trauma !  Pts have buried this – don’t want to deal !  They may not recognize it as trauma !  They don’t tell their partners; they don’t tell their families !  May take years of building trust before they might disclose anything !  Will likely tell 1 part to 1 person and another part to another person ! collaboration is key
  • 75. What You Will Hear !  Drug and Alcohol Abuse !  Prostitution or promiscuity !  Inability to negotiate safe sex !  Depression and withdrawal !  Hypereactivity and stimulus seeking
  • 76. What you will see when these patients do show up !  Flat affect !  Borderline behaviors !  Splitting – playing staff off each other !  Denial !  Projection !  Provider is an authority figure and there is an inherent power difference !  They feel vulnerable
  • 77. What you will see !  Lying and Lip Service !  Some feel a lot of shame about not taking meds or other behavior !  Survivors may have learned compliance to abusive authority to avoid more abuse !  Self-destructive behavior !  Repetition Compulsion: expose themselves repeatedly to situations reminiscent of the original trauma !  May be punishing themselves !  May be what they learned !  Catastrophic Thinking
  • 79. Trauma Informed Care !  Realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery; !  Recognizes how trauma affects all individuals involved with the program, organization or system, including it’s own workforce !  Responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, and practices; and !  Seeks to actively resist re-traumatization.” Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  • 80. Principles of Trauma Informed Care !  Safety: physical and psychological !  Trustworthiness and Transparency !  Peer support !  Collaboration and mutuality: recognition that healing happens in relationships and in the meaningful sharing of power and decision-making !  Empowerment, voice and choice: !  The individual’s autonomy is supported !  Individual’s strengths are recognized, validated & built up !  Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues
  • 81. Trauma Informed Visits !  Safety/Privacy !  Off site clinic for the most fragile patients !  Trustworthiness and Transparency: Therapeutic relationships develop safety and trust !  R – respect !  I – information !  C – connection !  H – hope !  Boundaries - Balance questioning against invasion of privacy
  • 82. Trauma Informed Care !  Peer Support !  Choices and Control !  Educate patients, not dictate !  Inform them that they have a right to refuse to answer a question !  Emphasize the patient’s right to refuse treatment !  “you don’t have to anything you don’t want to, but it is recommended that you have a pap smear..”
  • 83. Trauma Informed Care !  Emphasize Strength and Resilience of Patient !  Medical model highlights pathology !  Medical terminology implies something is wrong with the person rather than something was done to them and they survived !  i.e. Rape Victim vs Trauma Survivor !  Approach to behaviors/symptoms !  Maladaptive behaviors and coping mechanisms reflect that the patient was doing the best that they could with the skills they had to survive. !  Reduces patient’s guilt and shame !  Decreases providers frustration
  • 84. Trauma Informed Care Part 2 is coming in 2016 with data from our program
  • 85. Thank You!! !  Jennifer Lewis, LCSW, PhD !  Gila Cohen, LCSW !  Nicole Pepper, MSW !  Maria Huerta, LCSW !  Adriana Gonzales, MSW !  Karina Valdez, Parenting Coach !  Patricia Zepeda, case worker !  Jill Blumenthal, MD !  Lisa Stangl, NP !  AJ Johnson, SW !  Joe Mora SW !  Chris Mueller, LCSW !  Rachel Gasca, MSW !  Karla Pardo, MSW !  Kristyn Pellechia, NP !  Ami Roeschlein, LMFT !  Larry Friedman, MD
  • 86. Katie !  Diagnosed at 13 yo when she presented with ITP !  Her diagnosis led to her mother’s diagnosis !  Which led to her parents’ divorce !  Senior year missed her prom d/t severe cryptococcal meningitis !  Shunt placed – she only remembers her head being shaved !  Developed shunt infection with peritonitis !  Furious with team members who would palpate her abdomen w/o warning
  • 87. !  Help with transportation
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  • 98. Limbic System !  The set of evolutionarily primitive brain structures located on top of the brainstem and buried under the cortex !  Involved in many of our emotions and motivations, particularly those that are related to survival. !  Pleasure from eating !  Fear and anger !  Emotions related to sexual behavior.