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Advances inVerification
Workshop at BMS college – June 2016
As part ofTEQIP
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Verification with System
Ramdas M
ExperiencedVerification Engineer, Applied Micro
17+ years experience, Author, OnlineTeacher, Blogger
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Introduction - Instructor
▪ ExperiencedVerification Engineer with 17 years of experience
▪ Applied Micro, Intel, IBM, C-DOT
▪ OnlineTeacher
▪ FREE online courses on SystemVerilog, Assertions, Coverage,
▪ Author
▪ Cracking Digital VLSIVerification Interviews: Interview
▪ Quora Blogger
▪ 200+ answers and 5 blogs, Most viewed writer inVLSI topics
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Agenda – Day 1
▪ Day 1 - Morning ( 9 - 11)
▪ Introduction to SV - 10 mins
▪ Building blocks - 30 mins
▪ Language constructs -50
▪ Exercise/Quiz/Q&A - 30
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▪ Day 1 - Morning ( 11.15 - 1)
▪ Threads and Inter process
▪ Exercises/Quiz/Q& A
▪ Day 1 – Noon (2-4)
▪ SystemVerilog Classes
▪ Exercises/Quiz/Q& A
Agenda – Day 2
▪ Day 2 - Morning ( 9 - 11)
▪ Interfaces/Virtual Interfaces
▪ Randomization and
▪ Exercise/Quiz/Q&A
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▪ Day 2 -Noon ( 2-4)
▪ Lab Exercises
Introduction to
Ramdas M
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What is SystemVerilog
▪ SystemVerilog is a combined hardware description language
and hardware verification language
▪ SystemVerilog is an extensive set of enhancements to IEEE
1364Verilog-2001 standards
▪ It has features inherited fromVerilog HDL,VHDL,C,C++
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History and evolution of SV
▪ Verilog (IEEE standard 1364)
▪ Began in 1983 as a proprietary language
▪ Opened to the public in 1992
▪ Became an IEEE standard in 1995 (updated in 2001 and 2005)
▪ Between 1983 and 2005 design sizes increased dramatically!
▪ SystemVerilog (IEEE standard 1800)
▪ Originally intended to be the 2005 update toVerilog
▪ Contains hundreds of enhancements and extensions toVerilog
▪ Published in 2005 as a separate document
▪ Officially supersededVerilog in 2009
▪ Updated with more features in 2012 (IEEE 1800 2012 standard)
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SystemVerilog – UserView
▪ SVD -SystemVerilog for Design
▪ Features supporting Design
▪ SVTB – SystemVerilog forTest benches
▪ Test bench specific Features
▪ SVA – SystemVerilogAssertions
▪ Features for temporal and concurrent assertions
▪ SVDPI – SV Direct Programming Interface
▪ For better C/C++ integration
▪ SVAPI – SV Application Programming Interface
▪ For better Coverage/Assertion integration
Verilog to SystemVerilog
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What isVerification ?
▪ Process of demonstrating functional correctness of a
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SystemVerilog forVerification
▪ Where do we really use SystemVerilog
Language inVerification ?
▪ Building Test bench components
▪ Stimulus generators, drivers
▪ Monitors, Checkers,Assertions
▪ Coverage
▪ Reference Models
▪ Test cases
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A VerificationTest bench
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Basic Building Blocks
Srividhya TP
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▪ What is coding for Design /Validation
▪ Delta overVerilog
▪ What should u Know in SystemVerilog
▪ UVM/System C
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SystemVerilog Enhancements
▪ Goal
▪ Model More functionality in fewer lines of code
▪ Reduce redundancy
▪ Reduce risk of coding errors
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How do u handle any HDL/Language
▪ U google 
▪ Design :Synthesizability
▪ What constructs are synthesizable
▪ What construct converts to what real logic?
▪ What are the diff optimized ways of coding?
▪ Coding for Performance, Power
▪ Macros that optimize place and route
▪ Latency, Different frequencies- FIFO Design, Standard library
▪ Coding for FPGAs, Silicon debug
▪ Documentation; Specification
▪ Project independence
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Verification Mindset
▪ What is architecting forTestbench? Find Bugs known and unknown?
▪ How?
▪ Formal/ assertions
▪ Coverage
▪ How to eliminate Human dependency over generations
▪ What is a right construct?
▪ Simulation time..
▪ Hierarchy porting
▪ UVM – refer slide 9
▪ Error Scenarios
▪ Conferences
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Common mistakes - Design
▪ Coding? Instead ofArchitecting -- Clarity
▪ IP based approach?
▪ Assumptions not coded?
▪ Latency unknown
▪ Scaleability
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Common Mistakes -Verification
▪ Out of the Box thinking
▪ Architecting?
▪ Thinking Beyond the Spec
▪ Hard coding
▪ Scope for scalabilityTest /Testbench
▪ Human dependency
▪ EnhancingTB for feature is recoding/patching?
▪ Auto code generation
▪ TB randomness
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Design/Verification Building blocks
▪ Modules
▪ Interfaces
▪ Subroutines (Tasks, Functions)
▪ Packages
▪ Configurations
▪ Hierarchy
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▪ Basic building block for design/verification
▪ Ports with declarations (input, output )
▪ Data declarations – nets, variables, structures
▪ Constants, user defined types
▪ Class definitions
▪ Import from packages
▪ Sub routine definition
▪ Instantiation of other modules, interfaces,
▪ Instantiation of class objects
▪ Continuous assignments
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Module example
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Module Instance and Port
▪ InVerilog, port connections must be named
▪ Very verbose and redundant info
▪ SV adds .name and .* shortcuts
▪ .name connects a port to a net of same name
▪ .* automatically connects all ports and nets with same name
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▪ A named bundle of nets or variables
▪ Encapsulates communication between blocks
▪ Connectivity - Port list and signals
▪ Functionality – Functions and tasks
▪ An instantiation of interface can be used to connect
between multiple modules.
▪ A single name can replace a list of port
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Interface example
▪ How do we abstract signal between two design blocks
like below?
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Interface Example
▪ Advantages
▪ Simplifies complex bus definitions and interconnections
▪ Ensures consistency through out design and verification
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Interface - Another Example
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Interface Example
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Tasks and Functions - Usage
▪ Tasks
▪ Tasks can enable other tasks and functions
▪ Tasks may execute in non-zero simulation time.
▪ Tasks may have zero or more arguments of type
input, output and inout.
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Synthesizable Variable types
▪ New useful synthesizable types
▪ logic - 4 state variable, user defined size (replaces reg)
▪ reg doesn’t always infer register
▪ Use of logic makes less confusion s in code
▪ enum – variable with specified set of legal values
▪ int - 32 bit 2 state variable ( can replace integer in for loops)
▪ Avoid using 2 state variables in synthesizable code
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Simplified port type rules
▪ Traditional verilog has strict and confusing port type rules
▪ Inputs must be declared wire
▪ Outputs must be
▪ reg if driven from procedural statement
▪ wire if driven by continuous statement
▪ wire if connected to module instances
▪ SystemVerilog makes it easy
▪ Declare all as logic
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Tasks and Functions - Usage
▪ Functions
▪ Function can enable other functions only. Task
cannot be called from functions.
▪ Functions should execute in zero simulation time.
▪ Functions have only one return value but System
Verilog also allows functions to have input, output or
inout types.
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Argument passing
▪ Pass by value
▪ Each argument is copied to the subroutine area
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▪ Pass by reference
▪ A reference to the original argument is passed instead of
▪ Provides a declaration space that can be shared by
building blocks
▪ Supports declaration of nets, variables, tasks,
functions, classes, parameters etc
▪ Declarations can be imported to other building blocks
by importing package
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Package: Example
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Package: Example
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Structure of a Design or Test bench code
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always blocks/initial
Parameters/defines, type defines, structs
etc useful across files
•Contains declarations
•functions/tasks, data types, objects etc
•Contains concurrent processes/blocks
•module instance, continuous assign,
always blocks etc
•Contains sequential code
•If then else, case etc -> control constructs
•Repeat/for loops/do..while -> loops
•Blocking/non-blocking assignments etc
Language Constructs
Ramdas M
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Data Types
▪ Nets
▪ Can be written by one or more continuous
▪ No procedural assignment allowed
▪ Used to model physical connections (e.g. wires)
▪ Multiple drivers will result in a value based on net
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Data Types
▪ Variables
▪ Can be written by one or more procedural assignments
▪ Or can be written by “one” continuous assignment
▪ Last write determines the value
▪ Normally declared as
▪ <data type> instance
▪ E.g. logic abc;
▪ e.g. int value;
▪ 2 state vs. 4 state variables
▪ Values = 0, 1, x and Z
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▪ 2 valued data types
▪ bit (1 bit)
▪ byte (8bits)
▪ shortint (16 bit)
▪ int (32 bits)
▪ 4 valued data types
▪ logic (1bit)
▪ integer (32 bit)
▪ Time (64 bit)
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Integer DataType
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▪ byte, shortint, int, integer and longint defaults to signed
▪ Use unsigned to represent unsigned integer value
▪ time, bit, reg and logic defaults to unsigned
▪ Use signed to represent signed values
▪ Signedness can be explicitly defined as follows:
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▪ Vectors are packed array of scalars
▪ Both MSB and LSB needs to be constant integer expressions
▪ Cannot be x (unknown) or z( high impedance)
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• String – ordered collection of characters
• If not initialized defaults to empty string - “ “
Strings - operators
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Str1 == Str2 Equality
Str1 != Str2 Inequality
<, <=, >, >= Comparison
{Str1, Str2, … Strn} Concatenation
Str1[index] indexing – return 0 if out
of range
String Methods
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• len
• putc
• getc
• toupper
• tolower
• compare
• icompare
• substr
• atoi, atohex,
atoct, atobin
• atoreal
• itoa
• hextoa
• octtoa
• bintoa
• realtoa
User defined types
▪ A typedef can be used to give a user defined name to an
existing type
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▪ An enumerated type defines a set of named values.
▪ Defaults to “int” if data type declaration missing
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Defining new data types as enums
▪ A type name can be given to a enumerated type to create a
new data type
▪ Ranges in elements
▪ Creates 5 elements sub0, sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4 and 3
elements jmp6, jmp7, jmp8
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Other data types
▪ void data type represents nonexistent data. Usually
used for functions with no return values
▪ chandle data type represents storage for pointers
passed using DPI
▪ class - A variable that can hold handle to a class
▪ event – Provides a way of synchronization of two ore
more concurrently active process
▪ Constant data types - parameters (evaluated
elaboration time) and const (set during simulation)
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Other data types
▪ Aggregate Data types (Will explain in later section)
▪ Structures
▪ Unions
▪ Arrays
▪ Dynamic , Associative arrays
▪ Queues
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Operators and
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▪ Similar to other languages
▪ For more specifics refer to LRM Chapter 11
▪ As this needs to be used as a reference
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Loops and Flow
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Loops and Flow Control
▪ If-else-if
▪ case/casex/casez
▪ forever
▪ repeat
▪ while
▪ do..while
▪ foreach
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Examples - Loops
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for (int i; i < arr.size();
j+=2, i++) begin
arr[i] += 200;
1)x = 0;
while (x) begin
$display(“%d”, x);
2) do
$display(“%d”, x);
while (x);
▪ Continuous execution, without end
▪ Used with timing controls
▪ Usually last statement in some block
initial : clock_drive
clk = 1’b0;
forever #10 clk = ~clk;
end : clock_drive
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▪ Repeat a block ‘x’ times, no conditional test
▪ repeat (expr) statement
▪ Example
x = 0;
repeat (16)
$display(“%d”, x++);
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▪ case:
▪ 4-value exact matching.
▪ No don’t cares allowed
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▪ casez/casex:
▪ Allows don’t care to be specified
▪ Useful for priority decoders
▪ casez will handle z as don’t care
▪ casex will handle both z and x as don’t care
▪ Not so commonly used in verification/testbench
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Fixed Size Arrays
Declaring fixed-size arrays
▪ int values[0:15]; // 16 ints [0]..[15]
▪ int styles[16]; // 16 ints [0]..[15]
Multi Dimensional
▪ int memarray [0:7][0:3]; //Verbose declaration
▪ memarray[7][3] = 1; // Set last array element
▪ int testarray [8][4]; // Compact declaration
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Packed Arrays
▪ An array that represents a contiguous set of bits
▪ Can access subfields of array as elements
▪ Can be made of only single bit data types – bit, logic,
reg or enumerated types
▪ E.g.: bit [7:0] data //packed array of 8 bits
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Unpacked Arrays
▪ Unpacked arrays need not be set as contiguous bits in
▪ real latency [7:0]; // unpacked array of real types
▪ Unpacked arrays can be made of any data types
▪ Class record_c;
▪ record_c table[7:0] // unpacked array of objects
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Packed and Unpacked Arrays
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Dynamic Arrays
▪ An array whose size can be changed at run time
▪ Uninitialized size will be zero
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Dynamic Arrays
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Dynamic Array - Methods
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function int size() Returns the current size of the array
int addr[ ] = new[256];
int j = addr.size(); // j = 256
function void delete() Empties array contents and zero-sizes it
int addr[ ] = new[256];
<array> = new[<size>](<src_array>);
dyn= new[j * 2](fix);
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Associative Arrays
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• Associative arrays are used when the size of the
array is not known or the data is sparse.
• Syntax:
data_type array_name [index_type];
Associative Array Methods
Function Use
num() / size() Returns number of entries
delete(<index>) Index for delete optional. When
specified used to delete given index
else whole array.
exists (<index>) Returns 1 if element exists at index
else 0
first (<index>), last (<index>) assigns to the given index variable the
value of the first/last (smallest/largest)
index in the associative array.
It returns 0 if the array is empty, and 1
next (<index>), prev (<index>) finds the entry whose index is
greater/smaller than the given index.
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Example : Printing an associative
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▪ A queue is a variable size, ordered collection of
homogeneous elements
▪ Can grow or shrink in size
▪ Few examples
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Queue Operators
▪ Q[ a : b ] yields a queue with b - a + 1 elements.
▪ If a > b , resultant queue will be an empty queue
▪ If a = b, resultant queue will be a single element queue
▪ If either a or b are 4-state expressions containing X or Z
values, it yields the empty queue {}.
▪ Q[ a : b ] where a < 0 is the same as Q[ 0 : b ].
▪ Q[ a : b ] where b > $ is the same as Q[ a : $ ].
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Queue Methods
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Queue Methods
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Queues - Examples
item = q1[0]; // read leftmost ( first ) item from list
item = q1[$]; // read rightmost ( last ) item from list
n = q1.size; // determine number of items on q1
q1 = q1[1:$]; // delete leftmost ( first ) item of q1
q1 = q1[0:$-1]; // delete rightmost ( last ) item of q1
for (int i=0; i < q1.size; i++) // step through a list using integers
begin … end
q1 = { }; // clear the q1 list
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Array locator methods
▪ Methods that allow searching through an array including
▪ Returns a queue of matching entries
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Array locator methods
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Array locator - Examples
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Array Ordering Methods
▪ reverse() reverses the order of the elements in the
▪ sort() sorts the array in ascending order
▪ rsort() sorts the array in descending order
▪ shuffle() randomizes the order of the elements in the
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Array Ordering Methods -
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Process and Inter
Process Communication
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Sequential vs Concurrent Blocks
▪ Sequential Block:
▪ A block of statements executed
in a sequential order
▪ It finishes the current
statement, then begins the next
▪ You always know the order in
which it actually executes the
▪ The simulator exits the block
after finishing the last
• Concurrent Block
– A block of statement(s) executed
concurrently (parallel) by a
– It starts executing all statements
– You cannot know the order in
which it actually executes
statements scheduled for the same
simulation time
– The simulator exits the block after
finishing the latest statement.
▪ Sequential block
▪ Concurrent block
▪ always procedures
▪ initial procedures
▪ final procedures
▪ fork..join blocks
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initial procedure
▪ initial procedure executes only once
▪ It ends when the last statement finishes.
▪ Multiple initial procedures execute concurrently
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final procedure
▪ Similar to initial procedure but executed at end of
▪ Unlike initial procedure, this executes in zero time
▪ No delays allowed
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always procedure
▪ Four forms of always procedures supported
▪ always
▪ General purpose, needs a timing control
▪ always_comb
▪ Used for modelling combinational logic
▪ always_latch
▪ Used for modelling latched logic behavior
▪ always_ff
▪ Used to model synthesizable sequential logic behavior
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Parallel Blocks
▪ Parallel blocks (Threads) are created via fork…join
▪ All threads execute concurrently
▪ Delay control for separate threads
▪ Highly useful to maximize stimulus interactions
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▪ Testbenches need to model multiple concurrent
▪ Providing inputs/stimulus to Design UnderTest
▪ Parallel stimulus on multiple interfaces
▪ Monitoring multiple inputs and outputs for
▪ Detecting timeout problems
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Process Controls
▪ wait fork statement
▪ Blocks process execution flow until all immediate child
subprocesses completes
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Process Controls
▪ disable fork statement
▪ Stops execution of all child sub processes
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▪ Mailbox is a communication mechanism that allows
messages to be exchanged between different processes.
▪ Data can be sent to a mailbox by one process and retrieved
by another
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Mailbox Methods
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Method Use
new() Create a new mailbox.
put() Place a message in a mailbox.
get() Retrieve a message from mailbox.
Try to retrieve a message from the mailbox without
try_put() Try to place a message in mailbox without blocking.
Useful only for bounded mailboxes.
peek() Copies a message from mailbox without actually
removing it.
▪ Unbounded Mailboxes
▪ No restrictions placed on size of mailbox
▪ put() will never block.
▪ Eg: mailbox m = new ();
▪ Bounded Mailboxes
▪ Number of entries is determined when the mailbox is
▪ Bound value should be positive.
▪ put() will be blocked if the mailbox is full.
▪ Eg: mailbox m = new (5); // mailbox of depth = 5
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Mail box Example
Mail box Example
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▪ Events are constructs that allow hand shake
between two processes
▪ Triggered using -> operator.
▪ Triggering unblocks all waiting processes
▪ @ is used to wait for an event
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Event - example
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Event - example
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▪ Merging Events
▪ When one event variable
is assigned to another,
both merge into one
event variable.
▪ Executing -> on either one
of the events affects
processes waiting on
either event variable.
event a, b;
a = b;
-> a; // also triggers b
-> b; // also triggers a
▪ Semaphores are typically used for mutual exclusion, access
control to shared resources, and basic synchronization
▪ Can be described as counters used to control access to shared
resources by multiple processes [threads].
▪ e.g.: Multiple request drivers accessing a shared bus
▪ Implemented as a bucket with fixed number of keys
▪ Processes using semaphores must first procure a key before
▪ All others must wait until a sufficient number of keys is returned
to the bucket.
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Semaphore Methods
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▪ Semaphore provides following built-in methods:
Method Use
new() Create a semaphore with specified
number of keys.
put() Return one or more keys back.
get() Obtain one or more keys.
try_get() Try to get one or more keys without
Semaphore example
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What is OOP?
▪ OOP is object oriented programming
▪ Organize programs in same way as objects
are organized in real world
▪ Break programs in the same way
▪ Several Languages support OOP
▪ C++, Java, (SW) and System Verilog (HDL)
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Class Basics
▪ A Class is a description of some group of
things that have something in common.
▪ Objects are individual instances of
▪ Example: A class might be “Automobile”.
Instances of the “Automobile” class
might be “Joe’s car”, “Bob’s car”, “Sally’s
truck”, etc.
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▪ Inheritance: (is-a relationship)
▪ Allows users to extend existing classes
▪ Eg. Extending the “Automobile” class to create
subclasses for “car”, “truck”, “van”, etc.
▪ When using inheritance, the sub-class “inherits” all
the parents public/protected data properties and
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▪ Composition: (has-a relationship)
▪ Composition is used for the case where one
object HAS-A instance of another class.
▪ For example, an “Automobile” class might
have 4 instances of a “wheel” class
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Inheritance vs Composition
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Class Definition
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Class Instantiation
▪ Objects created and
Initialized via call to the
new Constructor Method
▪ All objects have built-in
new method
▪ Allocates storage for all data
▪ User-defined new method
can initialize and/or do
other things
Class Inheritance
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Data Hiding and Encapsulation
Member type Properties
local • Can be accessed only within class
• Not visible in derived class
protected • Can be accessed only within class
• Visible in derived class
public • Can be accessed from class as well as outside
class using object reference
•Visible in derived class
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Special handle - “this”
▪ Used to refer to current instance of this class
▪ Removes ambiguity as in below example.
▪ X is both a class member and argument to constructor
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Static class properties
▪ Static properties/data members are “static” to all instances of
the class.
▪ Created only once and shared with all instances
▪ In above example, all instances of packet will share one value
for fileID.
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Static class methods
▪ Can be called outside class without instantiation
▪ Cannot access non-static members
▪ Cannot access “this” handle
▪ Cannot be virtual
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Super keyword
▪ super keyword is used from within a derived class to
access base class members/methods
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Constant Class Properties
▪ const keyword may be used to make class properties
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▪ Polymorphism:
▪ The ability to process objects differently
depending on their data type or class.
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▪ Subclass objects are also legal representation of base class
▪ A Derived class object handle can be assigned to base class
▪ All overridden members in derived class will be hidden in this
▪ Base class definitions will be called when using base class pointer
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▪ A base class object handle cannot be assigned to a
derived class handle
▪ If the base class object handle refers to an object of
derived class, then $casting can be used.
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Virtual Methods
▪ Used as prototype definition in base class
▪ A virtual method definition will override all of definitions
in all base classes
▪ Needs to have matching argument types, identical
qualifiers, directions
▪ “virtual” keyword is optional in derived classes
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Virtual Method - Example
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Virtual Method - Example
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Abstract Classes
▪ The virtual keyword may be used on a class to
make the class “abstract”.
▪ An abstract class may not be instantiated. Users
must derive from abstract class for use.
▪ Useful as prototype class definition
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pure virtual method
▪ Virtual method in an abstract class can be made as a
prototype with pure keyword
▪ An extended sub class has to provide a definition to
pure virtual method
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Parameterized Class
▪ Allows Generic Class to be Instantiated as Objects of
Different Types
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Typedef Class and Forward References
▪ Sometimes it is necessary to use a class before it has been
▪ e.g. If two classes need handles of each other
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▪ Overloading
▪ multiple methods in the same class with the
same name but different signatures
▪ SV Class doesn’t support
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▪ Overriding
▪ Two methods, one in a parent class and one in a
child class, that have the same signature
▪ lets you define a similar operation in different ways
for different object types.
▪ System Verilog supports overriding not overloading.
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Advances in Verification Methodologies Workshop

  • 1. Advances inVerification Methodologies Workshop at BMS college – June 2016 As part ofTEQIP 6/17/ 1
  • 2. Verification with System Verilog Ramdas M ExperiencedVerification Engineer, Applied Micro 17+ years experience, Author, OnlineTeacher, Blogger 6/17/ 2
  • 3. Introduction - Instructor ▪ ExperiencedVerification Engineer with 17 years of experience ▪ Applied Micro, Intel, IBM, C-DOT ▪ OnlineTeacher ▪ ▪ FREE online courses on SystemVerilog, Assertions, Coverage, UVM ▪ Author ▪ Cracking Digital VLSIVerification Interviews: Interview Success ▪ Quora Blogger ▪ 200+ answers and 5 blogs, Most viewed writer inVLSI topics 6/17/ 3
  • 4. Agenda – Day 1 ▪ Day 1 - Morning ( 9 - 11) ▪ Introduction to SV - 10 mins ▪ Building blocks - 30 mins ▪ Language constructs -50 mins ▪ Exercise/Quiz/Q&A - 30 mins 6/17/ 4 ▪ Day 1 - Morning ( 11.15 - 1) ▪ Threads and Inter process communication ▪ Exercises/Quiz/Q& A ▪ Day 1 – Noon (2-4) ▪ SystemVerilog Classes ▪ Exercises/Quiz/Q& A
  • 5. Agenda – Day 2 ▪ Day 2 - Morning ( 9 - 11) ▪ Interfaces/Virtual Interfaces ▪ Randomization and Constraints ▪ Exercise/Quiz/Q&A 6/17/ 5 ▪ Day 2 -Noon ( 2-4) ▪ Lab Exercises
  • 7. What is SystemVerilog ▪ SystemVerilog is a combined hardware description language and hardware verification language ▪ SystemVerilog is an extensive set of enhancements to IEEE 1364Verilog-2001 standards ▪ It has features inherited fromVerilog HDL,VHDL,C,C++ 6/17/2016 7
  • 8. History and evolution of SV ▪ Verilog (IEEE standard 1364) ▪ Began in 1983 as a proprietary language ▪ Opened to the public in 1992 ▪ Became an IEEE standard in 1995 (updated in 2001 and 2005) ▪ Between 1983 and 2005 design sizes increased dramatically! ▪ SystemVerilog (IEEE standard 1800) ▪ Originally intended to be the 2005 update toVerilog ▪ Contains hundreds of enhancements and extensions toVerilog ▪ Published in 2005 as a separate document ▪ Officially supersededVerilog in 2009 ▪ Updated with more features in 2012 (IEEE 1800 2012 standard) 6/17/2016 8
  • 9. SystemVerilog – UserView ▪ SVD -SystemVerilog for Design ▪ Features supporting Design ▪ SVTB – SystemVerilog forTest benches ▪ Test bench specific Features ▪ SVA – SystemVerilogAssertions ▪ Features for temporal and concurrent assertions ▪ SVDPI – SV Direct Programming Interface ▪ For better C/C++ integration ▪ SVAPI – SV Application Programming Interface ▪ For better Coverage/Assertion integration 6/17/2016 9
  • 11. What isVerification ? ▪ Process of demonstrating functional correctness of a design. 6/17/2016 Verification with System Verilog 11
  • 12. SystemVerilog forVerification ▪ Where do we really use SystemVerilog Language inVerification ? ▪ Building Test bench components ▪ Stimulus generators, drivers ▪ Monitors, Checkers,Assertions ▪ Coverage ▪ Reference Models ▪ Test cases 6/17/ 12
  • 14. Basic Building Blocks Srividhya TP 6/17/ 14
  • 15. Agenda ▪ What is coding for Design /Validation ▪ Delta overVerilog ▪ What should u Know in SystemVerilog ▪ UVM/System C 6/17/ 15
  • 16. SystemVerilog Enhancements ▪ Goal ▪ Model More functionality in fewer lines of code ▪ Reduce redundancy ▪ Reduce risk of coding errors 6/17/ 16
  • 17. How do u handle any HDL/Language ▪ U google  ▪ Design :Synthesizability ▪ What constructs are synthesizable ▪ What construct converts to what real logic? ▪ What are the diff optimized ways of coding? ▪ Coding for Performance, Power ▪ Macros that optimize place and route ▪ Latency, Different frequencies- FIFO Design, Standard library components ▪ Coding for FPGAs, Silicon debug ▪ Documentation; Specification ▪ Project independence 6/17/ 17
  • 18. Verification Mindset ▪ What is architecting forTestbench? Find Bugs known and unknown? ▪ How? ▪ Formal/ assertions ▪ Coverage ▪ How to eliminate Human dependency over generations ▪ What is a right construct? ▪ Simulation time.. ▪ Hierarchy porting ▪ UVM – refer slide 9 ▪ Error Scenarios ▪ Conferences 6/17/ 18
  • 19. Common mistakes - Design ▪ Coding? Instead ofArchitecting -- Clarity ▪ IP based approach? ▪ Assumptions not coded? ▪ Latency unknown ▪ Scaleability 6/17/ 19
  • 20. Common Mistakes -Verification ▪ Out of the Box thinking ▪ Architecting? ▪ Thinking Beyond the Spec ▪ Hard coding ▪ Scope for scalabilityTest /Testbench ▪ Human dependency ▪ EnhancingTB for feature is recoding/patching? ▪ Auto code generation ▪ TB randomness 6/17/ 20
  • 21. Design/Verification Building blocks ▪ Modules ▪ Interfaces ▪ Subroutines (Tasks, Functions) ▪ Packages ▪ Configurations ▪ Hierarchy 6/17/ 21
  • 22. Modules ▪ Basic building block for design/verification ▪ Ports with declarations (input, output ) ▪ Data declarations – nets, variables, structures ▪ Constants, user defined types ▪ Class definitions ▪ Import from packages ▪ Sub routine definition ▪ Instantiation of other modules, interfaces, ▪ Instantiation of class objects ▪ Continuous assignments 6/17/ 22
  • 24. Module Instance and Port connections ▪ InVerilog, port connections must be named ▪ Very verbose and redundant info ▪ SV adds .name and .* shortcuts ▪ .name connects a port to a net of same name ▪ .* automatically connects all ports and nets with same name 6/17/ 24
  • 25. Interfaces ▪ A named bundle of nets or variables ▪ Encapsulates communication between blocks ▪ Connectivity - Port list and signals ▪ Functionality – Functions and tasks ▪ An instantiation of interface can be used to connect between multiple modules. ▪ A single name can replace a list of port 6/17/ 25
  • 26. Interface example ▪ How do we abstract signal between two design blocks like below? 6/17/ 26
  • 27. Interface Example ▪ Advantages ▪ Simplifies complex bus definitions and interconnections ▪ Ensures consistency through out design and verification blocks 6/17/ 27
  • 28. Interface - Another Example 6/17/ 28
  • 30. Tasks and Functions - Usage ▪ Tasks ▪ Tasks can enable other tasks and functions ▪ Tasks may execute in non-zero simulation time. ▪ Tasks may have zero or more arguments of type input, output and inout. 6/17/ 30
  • 31. Synthesizable Variable types ▪ New useful synthesizable types ▪ logic - 4 state variable, user defined size (replaces reg) ▪ reg doesn’t always infer register ▪ Use of logic makes less confusion s in code ▪ enum – variable with specified set of legal values ▪ int - 32 bit 2 state variable ( can replace integer in for loops) ▪ Avoid using 2 state variables in synthesizable code 6/17/ 31
  • 32. Simplified port type rules ▪ Traditional verilog has strict and confusing port type rules ▪ Inputs must be declared wire ▪ Outputs must be ▪ reg if driven from procedural statement ▪ wire if driven by continuous statement ▪ wire if connected to module instances ▪ SystemVerilog makes it easy ▪ Declare all as logic 6/17/ 32
  • 33. Tasks and Functions - Usage ▪ Functions ▪ Function can enable other functions only. Task cannot be called from functions. ▪ Functions should execute in zero simulation time. ▪ Functions have only one return value but System Verilog also allows functions to have input, output or inout types. ▪ 6/17/ 33
  • 36. Argument passing ▪ Pass by value ▪ Each argument is copied to the subroutine area 6/17/ 36 ▪ Pass by reference ▪ A reference to the original argument is passed instead of copying
  • 37. Packages ▪ Provides a declaration space that can be shared by building blocks ▪ Supports declaration of nets, variables, tasks, functions, classes, parameters etc ▪ Declarations can be imported to other building blocks by importing package 6/17/ 37
  • 40. Structure of a Design or Test bench code 6/17/ 40 Packages Module/Program always blocks/initial blocks/processes Parameters/defines, type defines, structs etc useful across files •Contains declarations •functions/tasks, data types, objects etc •Contains concurrent processes/blocks •module instance, continuous assign, always blocks etc •Contains sequential code •If then else, case etc -> control constructs •Repeat/for loops/do..while -> loops •Blocking/non-blocking assignments etc
  • 42. Data Types ▪ Nets ▪ Can be written by one or more continuous assignments ▪ No procedural assignment allowed ▪ Used to model physical connections (e.g. wires) ▪ Multiple drivers will result in a value based on net type 6/17/ 42
  • 43. Data Types ▪ Variables ▪ Can be written by one or more procedural assignments ▪ Or can be written by “one” continuous assignment ▪ Last write determines the value ▪ Normally declared as ▪ <data type> instance ▪ E.g. logic abc; ▪ e.g. int value; ▪ 2 state vs. 4 state variables ▪ Values = 0, 1, x and Z 6/17/ 43
  • 44. DataTypes ▪ 2 valued data types ▪ bit (1 bit) ▪ byte (8bits) ▪ shortint (16 bit) ▪ int (32 bits) ▪ 4 valued data types ▪ logic (1bit) ▪ integer (32 bit) ▪ Time (64 bit) 6/17/ 44
  • 46. Signed/UnsignedTypes ▪ byte, shortint, int, integer and longint defaults to signed ▪ Use unsigned to represent unsigned integer value ▪ time, bit, reg and logic defaults to unsigned ▪ Use signed to represent signed values ▪ Signedness can be explicitly defined as follows: 6/17/ 46
  • 47. Vectors ▪ Vectors are packed array of scalars ▪ Both MSB and LSB needs to be constant integer expressions ▪ Cannot be x (unknown) or z( high impedance) 6/17/ 47
  • 48. Strings 6/17/ 48 • String – ordered collection of characters • If not initialized defaults to empty string - “ “
  • 49. Strings - operators 6/17/ 49 Str1 == Str2 Equality Str1 != Str2 Inequality <, <=, >, >= Comparison {Str1, Str2, … Strn} Concatenation Str1[index] indexing – return 0 if out of range
  • 50. String Methods 6/17/ 50 • len • putc • getc • toupper • tolower • compare • icompare • substr • atoi, atohex, atoct, atobin • atoreal • itoa • hextoa • octtoa • bintoa • realtoa
  • 51. User defined types ▪ A typedef can be used to give a user defined name to an existing type 6/17/ 51
  • 52. EnumeratedTypes ▪ An enumerated type defines a set of named values. ▪ Defaults to “int” if data type declaration missing 6/17/ 52
  • 53. Defining new data types as enums ▪ A type name can be given to a enumerated type to create a new data type ▪ Ranges in elements ▪ Creates 5 elements sub0, sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4 and 3 elements jmp6, jmp7, jmp8 6/17/ 53
  • 54. Other data types ▪ void data type represents nonexistent data. Usually used for functions with no return values ▪ chandle data type represents storage for pointers passed using DPI ▪ class - A variable that can hold handle to a class object ▪ event – Provides a way of synchronization of two ore more concurrently active process ▪ Constant data types - parameters (evaluated elaboration time) and const (set during simulation) 6/17/ 54
  • 55. Other data types ▪ Aggregate Data types (Will explain in later section) ▪ Structures ▪ Unions ▪ Arrays ▪ Dynamic , Associative arrays ▪ Queues 6/17/ 55
  • 60. Operators ▪ Similar to other languages ▪ For more specifics refer to LRM Chapter 11 ▪ As this needs to be used as a reference 6/17/ 60
  • 62. Loops and Flow Control ▪ If-else-if ▪ case/casex/casez ▪ forever ▪ repeat ▪ while ▪ do..while ▪ foreach 6/17/ 62
  • 63. Examples - Loops 6/17/ 63 for (int i; i < arr.size(); j+=2, i++) begin arr[i] += 200; arr[i]--; end 1)x = 0; while (x) begin $display(“%d”, x); x--; end 2) do begin $display(“%d”, x); x--; end while (x);
  • 64. forever ▪ Continuous execution, without end ▪ Used with timing controls ▪ Usually last statement in some block initial : clock_drive begin clk = 1’b0; forever #10 clk = ~clk; end : clock_drive 6/17/ 64
  • 65. repeat ▪ Repeat a block ‘x’ times, no conditional test ▪ repeat (expr) statement ▪ Example x = 0; repeat (16) begin $display(“%d”, x++); end 6/17/ 65
  • 66. case/casez/casex ▪ case: ▪ 4-value exact matching. ▪ No don’t cares allowed 6/17/ 66
  • 67. case/casez/casex ▪ casez/casex: ▪ Allows don’t care to be specified ▪ Useful for priority decoders ▪ casez will handle z as don’t care ▪ casex will handle both z and x as don’t care ▪ Not so commonly used in verification/testbench 6/17/ 67
  • 69. Fixed Size Arrays Declaring fixed-size arrays ▪ int values[0:15]; // 16 ints [0]..[15] ▪ int styles[16]; // 16 ints [0]..[15] Multi Dimensional ▪ int memarray [0:7][0:3]; //Verbose declaration ▪ memarray[7][3] = 1; // Set last array element ▪ int testarray [8][4]; // Compact declaration 6/17/ 69
  • 70. Packed Arrays ▪ An array that represents a contiguous set of bits ▪ Can access subfields of array as elements ▪ Can be made of only single bit data types – bit, logic, reg or enumerated types ▪ E.g.: bit [7:0] data //packed array of 8 bits 6/17/ 70
  • 71. Unpacked Arrays ▪ Unpacked arrays need not be set as contiguous bits in memory ▪ real latency [7:0]; // unpacked array of real types ▪ Unpacked arrays can be made of any data types ▪ Class record_c; ▪ record_c table[7:0] // unpacked array of objects 6/17/ 71
  • 72. Packed and Unpacked Arrays 6/17/2016 72
  • 73. Dynamic Arrays ▪ An array whose size can be changed at run time ▪ Uninitialized size will be zero 6/17/ 73
  • 75. Dynamic Array - Methods 6/17/ 75 function int size() Returns the current size of the array int addr[ ] = new[256]; int j = addr.size(); // j = 256 function void delete() Empties array contents and zero-sizes it int addr[ ] = new[256]; addr.delete(); Resizing <array> = new[<size>](<src_array>); dyn= new[j * 2](fix);
  • 77. Associative Arrays 6/17/ 77 • Associative arrays are used when the size of the array is not known or the data is sparse. • Syntax: data_type array_name [index_type];
  • 78. Associative Array Methods Function Use num() / size() Returns number of entries delete(<index>) Index for delete optional. When specified used to delete given index else whole array. exists (<index>) Returns 1 if element exists at index else 0 first (<index>), last (<index>) assigns to the given index variable the value of the first/last (smallest/largest) index in the associative array. It returns 0 if the array is empty, and 1 otherwise. next (<index>), prev (<index>) finds the entry whose index is greater/smaller than the given index. 6/17/ 78
  • 79. Example : Printing an associative array 6/17/ 79
  • 80. Queues ▪ A queue is a variable size, ordered collection of homogeneous elements ▪ Can grow or shrink in size ▪ Few examples 6/17/ 80
  • 81. Queue Operators ▪ Q[ a : b ] yields a queue with b - a + 1 elements. ▪ If a > b , resultant queue will be an empty queue ▪ If a = b, resultant queue will be a single element queue ▪ If either a or b are 4-state expressions containing X or Z values, it yields the empty queue {}. ▪ Q[ a : b ] where a < 0 is the same as Q[ 0 : b ]. ▪ Q[ a : b ] where b > $ is the same as Q[ a : $ ]. 6/17/ 81
  • 84. Queues - Examples item = q1[0]; // read leftmost ( first ) item from list item = q1[$]; // read rightmost ( last ) item from list n = q1.size; // determine number of items on q1 q1 = q1[1:$]; // delete leftmost ( first ) item of q1 q1 = q1[0:$-1]; // delete rightmost ( last ) item of q1 for (int i=0; i < q1.size; i++) // step through a list using integers begin … end q1 = { }; // clear the q1 list 6/17/ 84
  • 85. Array locator methods ▪ Methods that allow searching through an array including queues ▪ Returns a queue of matching entries 6/17/ 85
  • 87. Array locator - Examples 6/17/ 87
  • 88. Array Ordering Methods ▪ reverse() reverses the order of the elements in the array ▪ sort() sorts the array in ascending order ▪ rsort() sorts the array in descending order ▪ shuffle() randomizes the order of the elements in the array 6/17/ 88
  • 89. Array Ordering Methods - Examples 6/17/ 89
  • 91. Process and Inter Process Communication Ramdas 6/17/ 91
  • 92. Sequential vs Concurrent Blocks ▪ Sequential Block: ▪ A block of statements executed in a sequential order ▪ It finishes the current statement, then begins the next ▪ You always know the order in which it actually executes the statements ▪ The simulator exits the block after finishing the last statement • Concurrent Block – A block of statement(s) executed concurrently (parallel) by a simulator. – It starts executing all statements simultaneously – You cannot know the order in which it actually executes statements scheduled for the same simulation time – The simulator exits the block after finishing the latest statement. 6/17/2016
  • 93. Examples ▪ Sequential block ▪ Concurrent block ▪ always procedures ▪ initial procedures ▪ final procedures ▪ fork..join blocks 6/17/ 93
  • 94. initial procedure ▪ initial procedure executes only once ▪ It ends when the last statement finishes. ▪ Multiple initial procedures execute concurrently 6/17/ 94
  • 95. final procedure ▪ Similar to initial procedure but executed at end of simulation ▪ Unlike initial procedure, this executes in zero time ▪ No delays allowed 6/17/ 95
  • 96. always procedure ▪ Four forms of always procedures supported ▪ always ▪ General purpose, needs a timing control ▪ always_comb ▪ Used for modelling combinational logic ▪ always_latch ▪ Used for modelling latched logic behavior ▪ always_ff ▪ Used to model synthesizable sequential logic behavior 6/17/ 96
  • 97. Parallel Blocks ▪ Parallel blocks (Threads) are created via fork…join ▪ All threads execute concurrently ▪ Delay control for separate threads ▪ Highly useful to maximize stimulus interactions 6/17/ 97
  • 98. Applications ▪ Testbenches need to model multiple concurrent processes ▪ Providing inputs/stimulus to Design UnderTest ▪ Parallel stimulus on multiple interfaces ▪ Monitoring multiple inputs and outputs for checking/logging ▪ Detecting timeout problems 6/17/ 98
  • 101. Process Controls ▪ wait fork statement ▪ Blocks process execution flow until all immediate child subprocesses completes 6/17/ 101
  • 102. Process Controls ▪ disable fork statement ▪ Stops execution of all child sub processes 6/17/ 102
  • 103. Mailboxes ▪ Mailbox is a communication mechanism that allows messages to be exchanged between different processes. ▪ Data can be sent to a mailbox by one process and retrieved by another 6/17/ 103
  • 104. Mailbox Methods 6/17/2016 104 Method Use new() Create a new mailbox. put() Place a message in a mailbox. get() Retrieve a message from mailbox. try_get()/ try_peek() Try to retrieve a message from the mailbox without blocking. try_put() Try to place a message in mailbox without blocking. Useful only for bounded mailboxes. peek() Copies a message from mailbox without actually removing it.
  • 105. MailboxTypes ▪ Unbounded Mailboxes ▪ No restrictions placed on size of mailbox ▪ put() will never block. ▪ Eg: mailbox m = new (); ▪ Bounded Mailboxes ▪ Number of entries is determined when the mailbox is created. ▪ Bound value should be positive. ▪ put() will be blocked if the mailbox is full. ▪ Eg: mailbox m = new (5); // mailbox of depth = 5 6/17/ 105
  • 106. Mail box Example 6/17/2016
  • 107. Mail box Example 6/17/2016 107
  • 108. Events ▪ Events are constructs that allow hand shake between two processes ▪ Triggered using -> operator. ▪ Triggering unblocks all waiting processes ▪ @ is used to wait for an event 6/17/ 108
  • 111. EventVariables 6/17/2016 111 ▪ Merging Events ▪ When one event variable is assigned to another, both merge into one event variable. ▪ Executing -> on either one of the events affects processes waiting on either event variable. event a, b; a = b; -> a; // also triggers b -> b; // also triggers a
  • 112. Semaphores ▪ Semaphores are typically used for mutual exclusion, access control to shared resources, and basic synchronization ▪ Can be described as counters used to control access to shared resources by multiple processes [threads]. ▪ e.g.: Multiple request drivers accessing a shared bus ▪ Implemented as a bucket with fixed number of keys ▪ Processes using semaphores must first procure a key before executing ▪ All others must wait until a sufficient number of keys is returned to the bucket. 6/17/ 112
  • 113. Semaphore Methods 6/17/2016 113 ▪ Semaphore provides following built-in methods: Method Use new() Create a semaphore with specified number of keys. put() Return one or more keys back. get() Obtain one or more keys. try_get() Try to get one or more keys without blocking.
  • 116. What is OOP? ▪ OOP is object oriented programming ▪ Organize programs in same way as objects are organized in real world ▪ Break programs in the same way ▪ Several Languages support OOP ▪ C++, Java, (SW) and System Verilog (HDL) 6/17/ 116
  • 117. Class Basics ▪ A Class is a description of some group of things that have something in common. ▪ Objects are individual instances of “classes”. ▪ Example: A class might be “Automobile”. Instances of the “Automobile” class might be “Joe’s car”, “Bob’s car”, “Sally’s truck”, etc. 6/17/2016Verification with System Verilog 117
  • 118. Classes ▪ Inheritance: (is-a relationship) ▪ Allows users to extend existing classes ▪ Eg. Extending the “Automobile” class to create subclasses for “car”, “truck”, “van”, etc. ▪ When using inheritance, the sub-class “inherits” all the parents public/protected data properties and methods. 6/17/ 118
  • 119. Classes ▪ Composition: (has-a relationship) ▪ Composition is used for the case where one object HAS-A instance of another class. ▪ For example, an “Automobile” class might have 4 instances of a “wheel” class 6/17/ 119
  • 122. Class Instantiation ▪ Objects created and Initialized via call to the new Constructor Method ▪ All objects have built-in new method ▪ Allocates storage for all data properties ▪ User-defined new method can initialize and/or do other things 6/17/2016 122
  • 124. Data Hiding and Encapsulation Member type Properties local • Can be accessed only within class • Not visible in derived class protected • Can be accessed only within class • Visible in derived class public • Can be accessed from class as well as outside class using object reference •Visible in derived class 6/17/ 124
  • 126. Special handle - “this” ▪ Used to refer to current instance of this class ▪ Removes ambiguity as in below example. ▪ X is both a class member and argument to constructor 6/17/ 126
  • 127. Static class properties ▪ Static properties/data members are “static” to all instances of the class. ▪ Created only once and shared with all instances ▪ In above example, all instances of packet will share one value for fileID. 6/17/ 127
  • 128. Static class methods ▪ Can be called outside class without instantiation ▪ Cannot access non-static members ▪ Cannot access “this” handle ▪ Cannot be virtual 6/17/ 128
  • 129. Super keyword ▪ super keyword is used from within a derived class to access base class members/methods 6/17/ 129
  • 130. Constant Class Properties ▪ const keyword may be used to make class properties unchangeable. 6/17/ 130
  • 131. Polymorphism ▪ Polymorphism: ▪ The ability to process objects differently depending on their data type or class. 6/17/ 131
  • 132. Polymorphism ▪ Subclass objects are also legal representation of base class objects ▪ A Derived class object handle can be assigned to base class pointer ▪ All overridden members in derived class will be hidden in this case. ▪ Base class definitions will be called when using base class pointer 6/17/ 132
  • 133. Casting ▪ A base class object handle cannot be assigned to a derived class handle ▪ If the base class object handle refers to an object of derived class, then $casting can be used. 6/17/ 133
  • 134. Virtual Methods ▪ Used as prototype definition in base class ▪ A virtual method definition will override all of definitions in all base classes ▪ Needs to have matching argument types, identical qualifiers, directions ▪ “virtual” keyword is optional in derived classes 6/17/ 134
  • 135. Virtual Method - Example 6/17/ 135
  • 136. Virtual Method - Example 6/17/ 136
  • 137. Abstract Classes ▪ The virtual keyword may be used on a class to make the class “abstract”. ▪ An abstract class may not be instantiated. Users must derive from abstract class for use. ▪ Useful as prototype class definition 6/17/ 137
  • 138. pure virtual method ▪ Virtual method in an abstract class can be made as a prototype with pure keyword ▪ An extended sub class has to provide a definition to pure virtual method 6/17/ 138
  • 139. Parameterized Class ▪ Allows Generic Class to be Instantiated as Objects of Different Types 6/17/ 139
  • 140. Typedef Class and Forward References ▪ Sometimes it is necessary to use a class before it has been defined. ▪ e.g. If two classes need handles of each other 6/17/ 140
  • 141. Overloading ▪ Overloading ▪ multiple methods in the same class with the same name but different signatures ▪ SV Class doesn’t support 6/17/ 141
  • 142. Overriding ▪ Overriding ▪ Two methods, one in a parent class and one in a child class, that have the same signature ▪ lets you define a similar operation in different ways for different object types. ▪ System Verilog supports overriding not overloading. 6/17/ 142