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Adrenoceptor agonists and sympathomimetic
• Adrenomimetic drugs
– Refers to drugs which mimic the effects of
adrenergic sympathetic nerve stimulation
on sympathetic effectors
– These drugs are also called sympathomimetic
– They have a wide range of effects
Eg. they can be used to maintain blood pressure or to
relieve a life-threatening attack of acute bronchial
– Can be classified into different groups, based on
• Chemical structure
• Mechanism of action
• Receptor selectivity
Based on chemical structure
– Adrenomimetics can be divided into two:
• Catecholamines
– They have catechol ring in their structure
– E.g. NE, EP, DA, Isoproternol, Dobutamine, Colterol,
ethyl NE, Metaproternol
• Non catecholamines
– They don’t have catechol ring
– E.g. ephedrine, phenylephrine, albuterol,
metaraminole, tyramine, amphetamine, terbutaline,
methamphetamine, ritodrine, salmiterol,
 Based on mechanism of action
– Adrenomimetics can be classified into three groups
1. Direct acting adrenomimetics
• Directly interact & stimulate adrenoceptors
• May exhibit receptor selectivity
 Eg. phenylephrine for ἀ1, terbutaline for β2
• May have no or minimal selectivity and act on several receptor
 E.g., epinephrine for ἀ1, ἀ2, β1, β2, and β3 receptors; NE for ἀ1, ἀ2, and
β1 receptors
• Their effects are not reduced by prior treatment with
reserpine or guanethidine
• Rather prior treatment with reserpine or guanethidine can
increase their effects
Due to receptor up regulation
• Examples: NE, EP, DA, isoproterenol(IP), dobutamine,
phenylephrine, albuterol, salmiterol, metaraminole,
terbutaline, clonidine, oxymethazoline, xylomethazoline,
midodrine, methoxamine
2. Indirect acting adrenomimetics
– They don’t interact with the adrenoceptors
– They increase availability of NE/EP to stimulate
the adrenoceptors
– Their action emanates from one of the following
• Displaced stored neurotransmitters from the vesicles
E.g. amphetamine, tyramine, methamphetamine,
phenmetrazine, methylphenidate, modafinil
• Inhibit reuptake of neurotransmitters into the neuron
E.g. cocaine, TCAs
• Inhibit the metabolizing enzymes (MAO & COMT)
E.g. pargyline/selegiline, entacapone
– Their response is abolished by prior
administration of reserpine or guanethidine
3. Mixed acting adrenomimetics
– Work by both direct & indirect mechanisms
– Increase release of NE & also activate
– Eg.
Phenylpropanolamine- it was a common component in over-
the-counter appetite suppressants
It was removed from the market because its use was associated
with hemorrhagic strokes in young women
It can increase blood pressure in patients with impaired autonomic
– Their responses are blunted but not abolished by
prior treatment with reserpine or guanethidine
Fig. Sites of action of direct-, indirect-, and mixed-acting adrenergic agonists
 Based on selectivity to adrenoceptors
– They are grouped into many classes
a. Non selective between α & β adrenoceptors
• NE, EP
b. α1 selective adrenomimetics
• Phenylephrine, methoxamine, metaraminole, midodrine,
c. α2 selective adrenomimetics
• Clonidine, methyldopa, guanfacine, guanbenz,
moxonidine, rilmenidine
• Dexmedetomidine- used for sedation
• Tizanidine is used as a central muscle relaxant
d. Non selective α1 & α2 adrenomimetics
• EP, NE, oxymethazoline, xylomethazoline, naphazoline
e. β1 selective adrenomimetics
• Dobutamine
• A partial agonist, prenalterol
f. β2 selective adrenoceptor agonists
– Albuterol, terbutaline, salmeterol, formoterol
metaproternol, bitolterol, ritodrine, isoetharine
g. β1β2 nonselective adrenoceptor agonists
– Isoproternol, EP,NE
The main effect of adrenoreceptor activation
I. α1-receptor
– Arterial and venous vasoconstriction(blood vessel)
Contraction of the sphincter tone of the bladder/prostate
Contraction of uterus in non pregnant women
 Decreased contractile response to vasoconstrictors in uterine and non uterine
vessels contributes to increased blood flow to the uterine circulation during
normal pregnancy
– Decrease salivary secretion(salivary glands)
– Increase force of contraction of heart
– Contraction of pupillary dilator muscle(dilate the pupil)
– Hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis (liver)
– Pilomotor smooth muscle erects hair
– Intestinal smooth muscle: relaxation (membrane
hyperpolarization) 13
II. α2- receptors
• On pre-synaptic:
Inhibition of transmitter release (autoreceptor)
Eg. reduction in NE release
• Post-synaptic
platelet aggregation
Contraction of vascular smooth
Decrease sympathetic outflow in CNS
Inhibition of insulin release (B-cell of pancreas)
Decrease aqueous humor secretion
In fat cells it inhibits lipolysis
III. B1- receptor
– Increased heart rate , force of contraction and AV nodal conduction
– Increased renin secretion in kidney juxtaglomerular cells
IV. Β2-receptor
– Bronchodilation and vasodilatation(in skeletal blood vessel)
– Relaxation of visceral smooth muscle of GIT
– GUT :
• Bladder relaxes
• Uterus (in pregnant women) relaxes
– Hepatic glycogenolysis
– Mast cell decrease histamine secretion
– Increased secretion of aqueous humour
– In skeletal muscle –it promotes potassium uptake
V. β3-receptor
– Lipolysis (fat cell)
vi. D1-receptor
– Dilates renal blood vessels
– Modulates transmitter release
• Adrenaline/EP
– This is the prototype of adrenergic drugs
• Pharmacokinetics
– It is rapidly destroyed in the GIT, conjugated, and
oxidized in the liver
– It is therefore ineffective when given orally and
should be given through IM or SC
– It can be administered topically to the eye
– In emergency case, the IM route is most commonly
employed, because there is no much delay in the
onset of action by IM/IV route
– IV use is not commonly employed because it can lead
to development of fatal arrhythmias or it is likely to
precipitate ventricular fibrillation
– However, in severe cases, adrenaline can be
administered through IV as a diluted infusion
with constant monitoring of heart function
– It can be given by nebulizer for inhalation when
its relaxing effect on the bronchi is desired or it
may be applied topically to mucus membranes to
produce vasoconstriction
– It is metabolized by two enzymatic pathways:
MAO, and COMT, which has S-
adenosylmethionine as a cofactor
– The final metabolites found in the urine are
metanephrine and vanillylmandelic acid
Fig. Pharmacokinetics of epinephrine 18
• Drug-drug interactions and drug disease
• Hyperthyroidism
 EP may have enhanced cardio-vascular actions in
patients with hyperthyroidism
 If EP is required in such an individual, the dose must be
 The mechanism appears to involve increased production
of adrenergic receptors on the vasculature of the
hyperthyroid individual
 This is leading to a hypersensitive response
• Cocaine
 In the presence of cocaine, epinephrine produces
exaggerated cardiovascular actions
 This is due to the ability of cocaine to prevent reuptake of
catecholamines into the adrenergic neuron
 Thus, like NE, epinephrine remains at the receptor site for
longer periods of time 19
• Diabetes
– EP increases the release of endogenous stores of
– In the diabetic, dosages of insulin may have to be
• β-Blockers
– These agents prevent epinephrine's effects on β-
receptors, leaving ἀ-receptor stimulation unopposed
– This may lead to an increase in peripheral resistance
and an increase in BP
• Inhalation anesthetics
– Inhalational anesthetics sensitize the heart to the
effects of epinephrine, which may lead to
• Norepinephrine (levarterenol, noradrenaline)
 It is the neurochemical mediator
 It is released by nerve impulses and various drugs from
the postganglionic adrenergic nerves
 It also constitutes 20% of the adrenal medulla
catecholamine out put
– It should theoretically stimulate all types of adrenergic
– In practice, when the drug is given at therapeutic doses to
humans, the ἀ-adrenergic receptor is most affected
• Pharmacokinetics
 Like adrenaline, noradrenaline is ineffective orally
 So it has to be given intravenously with caution
 It is not given through SC or IM because of its strong
vasoconstrictor effect producing necrosis and sloughing
 The metabolism is similar to adrenaline; only a little is
excreted unchanged in urine
• Isoproterenol(IP)
– It is a direct-acting synthetic catecholamine
– Predominantly stimulates both β1- and β2-
adrenergic receptors
– Its non-selectivity is one of its drawbacks and the
reason why it is rarely used therapeutically
• Pharmacokinetics
– IP can be absorbed systemically by the sublingual
– However, it is more reliably absorbed when given
parenterally or as an inhaled aerosol
– It is a marginal substrate for COMT and is stable
to MAO action
Pharmacologic responses of NE, EP & Isopreternol
1. Vascular effects
 Blood vessels of skin & Mucus membranes
– Predominantly contain α-adrenoceptors
– So, both NE & EP can produce potent constriction
• Because both NE & EP are non selective adrenomimetics
– Isoproternol has very low affinity for α-
adrenoceptors & so produce no effect on these
 Blood vessels of visceral organs
– Predominantly contains α-adrenoceptors & some β-
– NE & EP produce vasoconstriction
– Isoproternol produces minor vasodilation
Blood vessels of skeletal organs
– Contain both α & β adrenoceptors
• NE
 It causes a rise in peripheral resistance
This is due to intense vasoconstriction of most
vascular beds, including the kidney (ἀ1 effect)
• Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures increase
• NE causes greater vasoconstriction than does EP
because it does not induce compensatory
vasodilation via β2receptors on blood vessels
supplying skeletal muscles
• Baroreceptor reflex
– Increase in BP induces a reflex rise in vagal activity
by stimulating the baroreceptors
– This reflex bradycardia is sufficient to counteract the
local actions of NE on the heart
– However, the reflex compensation does not affect the
positive inotropic effects of the drug(b/c of ἀ1
• Effect of atropine pretreatment
– If atropine, which blocks the transmission of vagal
effects, is given before NE
– Then NE stimulation of the heart is evident as
• IP dilates the vessels by its effect on β
– However, it increases HR, FC and cardiac
– Nevertheless, the overall effect is decrease in
Fig. Cardiovascular effects of intravenous infusion of isoproterenol
• EP has complex effect depending on its
– Low dose produces vasodilation
– High dose produces vasoconstriction
Therefore, the cumulative effect of EP is an
increase in systolic BP, coupled with a slight
decrease in diastolic pressure
Fig. Cardiovascular effects of intravenous infusion of low doses of epinephrine30
2. Effects on intact cardiovascular system
– Increased sympathetic neural activity produces
Increased heart rate, force of contraction
Increased stroke volume & cardiac output
Constricts most of blood vessels, so increases TPR
Increased blood pressure
3. Effects on nonvascular smooth muscles
 Bronchial smooth muscles
– Predominantly β2 receptors are found
– Bronchodilation by EP & IP due to β2 action
– EP relieves all known allergic- or histamine-induced
– It also inhibits the release of allergy mediators such as
histamines from mast cells
– NE has very low affinity & so weaker effects
 GIT smooth muscles
– Motility of the gut is reduced
• Due to activation of the α2 hetroreceptors (inhibit Ach)
– GI sphincters are contracted
• Through an action on α1 adrenoceptors
 Eye
– Radial muscle of the iris contain ἀ1 adrenoceptors
• NE/EP cause contraction of this muscle & lead to mydriasis
 Kidney
– Detrusor muscle contains β2 adrenoceptors
• So, EP & IP relax the detrusor muscle
– Trigon & sphincter muscles contain α1 adrenoceptors
• Contracted by NE & EP, which inhibits the voiding of urine
• EP decrease renal blood flow
 Uterine muscle
– Contains both α1 & β2 adrenoceptors
• NE causes uterine contraction
• EP/IP cause uterine relaxation
 CNS effects
– Though catecholamines minimally cross the BBB, they
cause CNS stimulation (mechanism not well known)
• Apprehension(anxiety, fear), restlessness & increased
5. Metabolic effects
– Catecholamines, primarily EP/IP, exert a number of
important effects on metabolism
• Most effects are due to β-adrenoceptors activity
– NE is usually effective only in large doses
– So, EP & IP in therapeutic doses
Increase oxygen consumption
Increase hepatic glycogenolysis
Mediated by both α2 & β2 Adrenoceptors due to:
Increased glycogenolysis in the liver (β2 effect)
Increased release of glucagon (β2 effect)
Decreased release of insulin (ἀ2 effect)
Overall effect is an increase of blood glucose
Increases skeletal muscle glycogenolysis
–Mediated by β-adrenoceptors
–Increases blood lactic acid level than
blood glucose level
–Because skeletal muscle lacks glucose-6-
phosphatase enzyme which converts G-
6-P to glucose
 Increased lipolysis
– They initiates lipolysis through their agonist activity on the
β-receptors of adipose tissue
– This stimulation activate adenylyl cyclase to increase cAMP
– Cyclic AMP stimulates a hormone sensitive lipase, which
hydrolyzes triacylglycerols to free fatty acids and glycerol
– Therefore, they increase blood free fatty acid levels
– Mediated by β3 adrenoceptors
 K+ homeostasis
– Catecholamines play an important role in the short term
regulation of plasma K+ levels
 Stimulation of hepatic a adrenoceptors will result in the
release of K+ from the liver
 In contrast, stimulation of β2 adrenoceptors, particularly
in the skeletal muscles, will lead to uptake of K+ into the
β2 adrenoceptors are linked to Na+/K+ ATPase
Clinical uses of catecholamines
– Their uses are based on their actions on bronchial
smooth muscles, blood vessels & the heart
 Allergic reactions
– EP is mainly used in allergic reactions which are due
to histamine release
Because it produces to certain physiological responses that
are opposite to those produced by histamine
– So, EP is used in the treatment of
Anaphylactic shock
 It is the drug of choice for the treatment of Type I hypersensitivity
reactions in response to allergens
 The syndrome of bronchospasm, mucous membrane congestion,
angioedema, and severe hypotension usually responds rapidly to the
parenteral administration of epinephrine
 IM route is preferred
Angioneuretic edema
Serum sickness
tic edema
• Bronchospasm
– Epinephrine is the primary drug used in the
emergency treatment
– In treatment of acute asthma, it is the drug of choice
– Selective β2agonists, such as albuterol, are presently
favored in the chronic treatment of asthma
because of their longer duration of action and minimal
cardiac stimulatory effect
 Cardiac applications
– IP and EP have been used in the temporary
emergency management of complete heart block
and cardiac arrest
– EP may be useful in part by redistributing blood flow
during cardiopulmonary resuscitation to coronaries
and to the brain
Open-angle glaucoma
– EP has been used to lower IOP in open-angle
It reduces the production of aqueous humor by
vasoconstriction of the ciliary body blood vessels
Works by increasing outflow of aqueous humor
probably by stimulating β2-adrenergic receptors in the
trabecular meshwork
– In ophthalmology, a two-percent epinephrine
solution may be used topically
– It is available as hydrochloride, bitartarate and
borate salt for topical ophthalmic use
– EP is contraindicated in closed-angle glaucoma
• Because it reduces the filtration angle further &
hinders outflow of fluid in this case
 Used with local anesthetics(LAs)
– NE/EP is coadministered with LAs
– Local anesthetic solutions usually contain 1:100,000 parts
– It greatly increase the duration of the local anesthesia
– By producing vasoconstriction at the site of injection, it allows
the local anesthetic to persist at the injection site before being
absorbed into the circulation and metabolized
– Prevent systemic absorption & toxicity of the LAs
– However, EP can potentiate the neurotoxicity of local
anesthetics used for peripheral nerve blocks or spinal
 Control of bleeding
– EP is used as topical hemostatic agent for the control of local
– EP is usually applied topically in nasal packs (for epistaxis) or in
a gingival string (for gingivectomy)
– Very weak solutions of EP 1:100,000 is used
Management of hypotension
– Sympathomimetic drugs may be used in a hypotensive
emergency to preserve cerebral and coronary blood flow
– The treatment is usually of short duration
– When NE is used as a drug, it is sometimes called
– NE is infused IV to combat systemic hypotension during
spinal anesthesia
– However, metaraminol is favored, because it does not
reduce blood flow to the kidney, as does NE
– NE is also useful in controlling hypotension in which
TPR is low
• Because it increases vascular resistance and increases BP
• But NE is not used to combat hypotension due to most types of
Side effects of catecholamines
– Tachycardia
– Reflex bradycardia
• By NE, but not with EP or IP(because they have β 2 effects)
– CNS disturbances
• Epinephrine can produce adverse CNS effects that include anxiety, fear,
tension, headache, and tremor
– Tissue sloughing & necrosis
• Local ischemia from extravasation of NE at site of injection
– Arrhythmia
• EP can trigger cardiac arrhythmias, particularly if the patient is
receiving digitalis
– Hypertension (mainly by NE and EP)
– Pulmonary edema
• Epinephrine can induce pulmonary edema
• Hemorrhage
– EP and NE may induce cerebral hemorrhage as a result of a
marked elevation of BP
Contra indications
 Coronary diseases
 Hyperthyroidism
 Hypertension
 Digitalis therapy
 Injection around end arteries
Other adrenomimetic agents
– A number of adrenomimetics are not catecholamines
– Noncatecholamines are resistant to enzymatic
• They have longer duration of action
• They are orally active
α1-selective adrenomimetic agents
– Phenylephrine, metaraminol & methoxamine
– They are all directly acting adrenomimetics
– However, metaraminol also is an indirectly acting agent that
stimulates the release of NE
• Exert their effect primarily by activating α1-adrenoceptor
– Has no/little direct effect on the heart
– All have vasoconstrictor effect
• Increase both the systolic & diastolic blood pressure
o They don’t cause cardiac arrhythmias
o They don’t stimulate CNS
• Their vasoconstrictor effect is accompanied by
– Reflex increment in the vagal input to the heart
• Reflex bradycardia
• No change in the contractile forces
– They have considerably longer duration of action
than NE
• Phenylephrine resistant to COMT metabolism
• Metaraminol & methoxamine are resistant to both
 Clinical uses
– Associated with their potent vasoconstrictor
 They are used to restore or maintain Bp during spinal
anesthesia & certain other hypotensive states
 Phenylephrine is commonly used
oAs nasal decongestant
oAs mydriatic agent
oWith local anesthetics in dental procedures
– Metaraminol also off-label used to relieve attacks of
paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, particularly those
associated with hypotension
• Midodrine
– It is a prodrug that is enzymatically hydrolyzed to
– It is selective α1 -receptor agonist
– It is an orally effective
– It is used for the treatment of orthostatic hypotension, typically
due to impaired autonomic nervous system function
 Because it rises BP that associated with both arterial and venous
smooth muscle contraction
– It reduces the fall of blood pressure when the patient is in
standing position
– It may cause hypertension when the subject is supine
– This can be minimized by :
 Administering the drug when the patient will remain upright position
 Avoiding dosing within 4 hours of bedtime
 Elevating the head of the bed
– FDA considered withdrawing approval of this drug in 2010
• Mephentermine
– It is a sympathomimetic drug that acts both directly and
– It has many similarities to ephedrine
– Since the drug releases NE, cardiac contraction is
enhanced, and cardiac output and systolic and diastolic
pressures usually are increased
– The change in heart rate is variable, depending on the
degree of vagal tone
– Mephentermine is used to prevent hypotension, which is
frequently accompanies with spinal anesthesia
– Adverse effects
CNS stimulation
Excessive rises in blood pressure
– The drug has been discontinued in the U.S
α2 selective adrenomimetics
– Includes: methyldopa, clonidine, guanfacine, apraclonidine,
brimonidine, tinazidine
 Methyldopa
– It is a centrally acting adrenomimetic agent
– It is a prodrug & produces its effects via active
– In adrenergic neurons, it is metabolized by DOPA
decarboxylase enzyme to α-methyl dopamine
– α-methyl dopamine is then converted to α-methyl NE
– α-methyl NE, by activating α2 adrenoceptors in the
brainstem attenuates further release of NE
Produces its vasodilatory effects
 Uses: it is the preferred drug for the treatment of
hypertension during pregnancy
Because it is safe for both the mother & infant
 Adverse effects
– Sedation
– Occasional depression
– Dryness of mouth
– Reduction in libido
– Hyperprolactinemia
• Gynacomastia, galactorrhea
– Serious but rare hepatotoxicity
• Contraindicated in patients with hepatic disease
– Can also cause hemolytic anemia
 Clonidine, guanbenz & guanfacine
– They are all α2 selective agonists
– They stimulate presynaptic α2A receptors in the
brainstem reducing sympathetic outflow from
the CNS
• Reduce arterial pressure by an effect on both Cardiac
Output & peripheral resistance
– At higher doses, these drugs can stimulate
postsynaptic α2B receptors (found on the
vascular smooth muscles) causing
• This explains the initial vasoconstriction that is seen
when overdoses of these drugs are taken
• Clinical use
– Treatment of essential hypertension
 However, in patients with pure autonomic failure, characterized by neural
degeneration of postganglionic noradrenergic fibers, clonidine may
increase BP
 This is because of the fact that the central sympatholytic effects of
clonidine become irrelevant, whereas the peripheral
vasoconstriction remains intact
– Clonidine has been found to be useful in reducing diarrhea in
some diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy
 Because stimulation of ἀ2 receptors in the GI tract may increase
absorption of sodium chloride and fluid and inhibit secretion of
– Useful in treating and preparing addicted subjects for
withdrawal from narcotics, alcohol, and tobacco
– Clonidine and related drugs such as dexmedetomidine (a
relatively selective ἀ2 receptor agonist with sedative properties)
used in anesthesia to produce preoperative sedation and
anxiolysis, drying of secretions, and analgesia
– Transdermal administration of clonidine may be useful in
reducing the incidence of menopausal hot flashes
• Adverse effects
– Sedation & xerostemia
– Postural hypotension & erectile dysfunction
– Sleep disturbances & night mares
– Depression
– Sudden withdrawal of clonidine & other α2
agonists may cause withdrawal syndrome
consisting of:
• Headache, sweating, tremors, abdominal pain,
tachycardia & rebound HTN
• Therefore, dose tapering must be followed to withdraw
the patients from the drug
• Apraclonidine
– It is a relatively selective ἀ2 receptor agonist
– It can reduce elevated as well as normal IOP
whether accompanied by glaucoma or not
– The reduction in IOP occurs with minimal or no
effects on systemic cardiovascular parameters
– Thus apraclonidine is more useful than clonidine
for ophthalmic therapy
– Apparently apraclonidine does not cross the BBB
– The mechanism of action of apraclonidine is
related to ἀ2 receptor–mediated reduction in the
formation of aqueous humor
• Clinical uses
– It is used topically to reduce IOP as short-term
adjunctive therapy in glaucoma
– Especially in patients whose IOP is not well
controlled by other pharmacological agents such
as β-receptor antagonists,
parasympathomimetics, or carbonic anhydrase
– It is used to control or prevent elevations in IOP
that occur in patients after laser trabeculoplasty
or iridotomy
• Brimonidine
– It is another clonidine derivative
– It is ἀ2-selective agonist
– It is administered ocularly to lower IOP in patients
with ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma
– It reduces IOP both by decreasing aqueous humor
production and by increasing outflow
– Its efficacy in reducing IOP is similar to that of the
receptor antagonist timolol
– Unlike apraclonidine, brimonidine can cross the BBB
and can produce hypotension and sedation
– However, these CNS effects are slight compared to
those of clonidine
– As with all ἀ2 agonists, this drug should be used with
caution in patients with cardiovascular disease
• Tizanidine
– It is also an ἀ2 agonist
– It is a muscle relaxant used for the treatment of
spasticity associated with cerebral and spinal disorders
• Dexmedetomidine
– It is an ἀ2 agonist used for sedation under intensive
care circumstances and during anesthesia
– It blunts the sympathetic response to surgery
it may be beneficial in some situations
– It lowers opioid requirements for pain control and does
not depress ventilation
• Drugs with both ἀ1- and ἀ2-receptors
• Oxymetazoline and Xylometazoline
– They are a direct-acting synthetic adrenergic agonist
that stimulates both ἀ1- and ἀ 2-adrenergic
– They are primarily used locally in the eye or the nose
as a vasoconstrictor
– Oxymetazoline is found in many over-the-counter
short-term nasal spray decongestant products as well
as in ophthalmic drops for the relief of redness of the
eyes associated with swimming, colds, or contact
– By directly stimulating ἀ-receptors on blood vessels
supplying the nasal mucosa and the conjunctiva, it
reduces blood flow and decrease congestion
– Oxymetazoline may cause hypotension,
presumably because of a central clonidine-like
– Oxymetazoline is absorbed in the systemic
circulation regardless of the route of
administration and may produce nervousness,
headaches, and trouble sleeping
– When administered in the nose, burning of the
nasal mucosa and sneezing may occur
– Rebound congestion is observed with long-term
β1-selective adrenomimetics
• Dobutamine
– It acts directly on β1-adrenoceptors in the heart
– It exerts a greater effect on the contractile force of the
heart relative to its effect on the heart rate
– At higher doses, it produces vasodilation of the renal
& mesenteric blood vessels
– It has a fast onset of action & short half life (2mins)
• Therapeutic uses
– Indicated for short term treatment of cardiac
decompensation that may occur
After surgery
In patients with CHF
– Dobutamine increases the stroke volume &
cardiac output in such patients, usually without
marked increase in the heart rate
– It is also useful in the treatment of cardiogenic
 Adverse effects
– May increase the size of myocardial infarct
• By further increasing the oxygen demand
– Increased risk of atrial fibrillation
• Dopamine
– It is the immediate metabolic precursor of NE
– It occurs naturally in the CNS in the basal ganglia
– It functions as a neurotransmitter in the CNS and adrenal
– Dopamine can activate ἀ- and β-adrenergic receptors
– For example,
at higher doses, it can cause vasoconstriction by activating ἀ1
at lower doses, it stimulates β1 receptors on the cardiac cells
– D1 and D2 dopaminergic receptors occur in the peripheral
mesenteric and renal vascular beds, where binding of
dopamine produces vasodilation
– D2 receptors are also found on presynaptic adrenergic
neurons, where their activation interferes with NE
• Dopamine action
– Dopamine exerts a stimulatory effect on the β1- receptors of
the heart
– It has both positive inotropic and chronotropic effects
– At very high doses, it activates ἀ1-receptors on the vasculature,
resulting in vasoconstriction
• Renal and visceral
– Dopamine dilates renal and splanchnic arterioles
– It increases blood flow to the kidneys and other viscera
 Therefore, dopamine is clinically useful in the treatment of
shock, in which significant increases in sympathetic activity
might compromise renal function
 Dopamine hydrochloride is used only intravenously, preferably
into a large vein to prevent perivascular infiltration(i.e given by
continuous infusion)
 Because extravasation may cause necrosis and sloughing of the
surrounding tissue
β2-selective adrenomimetic agents
– They are agents used in the management of
– The main difference in the available β2
adrenomimetics is their pharmacokinetic
– So, in the management of asthma, β2 agonists
• Work by activating pulmonary β2 adrenoceptors &
relax the bronchial smooth muscles & decrease
airway resistance
 Metaproterenol
– It is resistant to metabolism by COMT
– Available for inhalational & oral dosage forms
– It is less β2 selective, compared to albuterol &
• More prone to cause cardiac stimulation than the two
• Metaproterenol is used for
– Long term treatment of obstructive airway disease
– Treatment of acute bronchospasm
 Terbutaline
– It is β2 selective
• Resistant to COMT
– Effective when given by oral, Sc or inhalational
• Onset of action is rapid from inhalational & SC routes
• Long term treatment of obstructive airway disease
• Treatment of acute bronchospasm
• Emergency treatment of status asthmaticus
 Albuterol/salbutamol
– β2 selective, given by inhalational or oral route
– Has similar therapeutic indications as terbutaline
– Oral albuterol has the potential to delay preterm
 Salmeterol
– It is a β2 selective agent with the longest duration
of action (>12 hours)
– At least 50 times more β2 selective than
– Highly lipophilic & has sustained action
– It has slow onset of action
• Not suitable monotherapy for acute attacks of asthma
– Due to its sustained duration of action, salmeterol
• It is drug of choice for treatment of nocturnal asthma
• It shouldn’t be used more than twice daily
• It shouldn’t be used to treat acute asthma
 Formoterol
– It is another long acting, β2 selective agonist
– It is highly lipophilic, resulting in storage in
• Responsible for sustained action
– It is an alternative to salmeterol for treatment of
nocturnal asthma
 Ritodrine
– Selective β2 agonist, developed specifically for
use as uterine relaxant
– Up to 30% absorbed after oral dose
• 90% of drug excreted in urine as inactive conjugate
– Uses: given through IV in selected patients to
arrest premature labor
• Indacaterol, olodaterol, and vilanterol
– They are new ultralong ß2 agonists
– They have been approved by the FDA for once-a-
day use in COPD
• Adverse effects of β2 selective adrenomimetics
– Tremor
It is due to stimulation of 2 receptors in skeletal muscle
It is the most common side effect
– Feeling of restlessness, apprehension & anxiety
– Tachycardia, which may result from
• β1 stimulation
• Reflex response to peripheral vasodilation
– Cardiac arrhythmias or myocardial ischemia
• Less likely in patients without pre-existing cardiac disease
• High risk of occurrence in patients with underlying coronary
artery disease or pre-existing arrhythmia
– Pulmonary edema
• In women who receive ritodrine or terbutaline for preterm
• Larger doses of β2 adrenomimetics may
– Increase plasma glucose level
– Increase lactate & free fatty acids level in plasma
– Lower plasma concentration of K+
• Note:
– All the adverse effects are far less likely with
inhalational therapy than with parentral or oral
Indirect acting adrenomimetics
• Includes: amphetamine, methamphetamine,
cocaine, methylphenidate, TCAs
– Indirectly acting agent
• Works by displacing NE/EP from its storage vesicles
– Pharmacological effects
• CVS effects
– Increases both systolic & diastolic blood pressure
– Heart rate is reduced reflexively
• CNS effects
– It is one of the most potent sympathomimetic
amines in stimulating the CNS
– Amphetamine:
• Stimulates medullary respiratory centres
• Lessens degree of central depression caused by
various drugs
 Alters psych of individuals
Elevation of mood, self-confidence & ability to
Increase in elation (excitement) & euphoria, wakefulness,
decreased fatigue
Increases motor & speech activities
Improved performance of tasks (errors may
Prolonged or large dose use is nearly always
followed by depression & fatigue
 Therapeutic uses
– Amphetamine is used chiefly for its CNS effects
– Dextroamphetamine, with more CNS actions than
peripheral actions
• Was used for reducing obesity
– Due to its anorexic effects
– No more approved by FDA for this purpose
• It is approved by FDA for treatment of
– Narcolepsy
– Attention deficient hyperactivity disorder
 Methamphetamine
– Chemically, a close relative of amphetamine
– Works by
• Increasing dopamine & other biogenic amines
• Inhibiting neuronal & vesicular transporters
• Inhibiting MAO
– Has a prominent central than peripheral action
– Has high potential for abuse
• Widely used as a cheap, accessible recreational drug
• Its abuse is a widespread phenomenon
 Methylphenidate
– Mild CNS stimulant, with essentially similar
pharmacological actions as amphetamines
– Has also the abuse potentials of amphetamines
– It is a new amphetamine substitute
– It is approved for use in narcolepsy
– It has fewer disadvantages (excessive mood
changes, insomnia, and abuse potential) than
amphetamine in this condition
– It is not approved for ADHD because of safety
issue in children
 Toxic & adverse effects of amphetamines
o They are extensions of pharmacological actions of
o CNS effects
• Restlessness, dizziness, tremor, hyperactive reflexes, insomnia,
talkativeness & euphoria
• If dose is large enough or in mentally ill patients
– Confusion, aggressiveness, changes in libido, anxiety,
suicidal or homicidal tendencies may occur
• Fatigue & depression usually follow central stimulation
o CVS effects
• Pallor or flushing, palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias, anginal
pain, hypertension/hypotension, circulatory collapse
o Excessive sweating
o GI effects: dry mouth, metallic taste, anorexia, nausea,
vomiting & abdominal cramps
 Treatment of acute amphetamine toxicity
– Acidification of urine with ammonium chloride
• Increases the excretion of amphetamine
– Sedatives may be required for CNS effects
– Severe hypertension may require administration of
• Sodium nitroprusside or α1 antagonists
 Mixed acting adrenomimetic drugs
 Ephedrine
– It is naturally occurring plant alkaloid
– Can cross BBB
• Has strong CNS stimulating effect, in addition to its peripheral
• CNS stimulatory effect is less, compared to amphetamine
– It has longer duration of action than NE
• Because it is very resistant to both COMT & MAO metabolism
– Unlike NE/EP, ephedrine is effective when taken orally
• Less potent compared to NE/EP
– Tachyphylaxis develops after repeated use
– It is absorbed from the GIT and from all parenteral sites
– A major proportion of the drug is excreted unchanged in
the urine
– Actions mainly depend on release of NE/EP
– Has also some direct receptor stimulatory effects
• Particularly in its bronchodilating effects
 Clinical uses
– Ephedrine is useful in
• Relieving bronchoconstriction & mucosal congestion
associated with bronchial asthma
• Prophylactic prevention of asthmatic attacks
• Nasal decongestion
• Producing mydriasis
– Terbutaline & albuterol are replacing ephedrine for
treatment of asthma
• Less side effects, effective bronchodilation
 Adverse effects
• Tachycardia
• Insomnia
• Nervousness, nausea, vomiting
• Emotional disturbances
Adrenoceptor antagonists
 They are drugs that inhibit responses mediated by
adrenoceptor activation
 They have affinity for adrenoceptors
• Lack intrinsic activity, so won’t initiate receptor responses
 Works by competing with adrenomimetics for access
to adrenoceptors
• Reduce effects produced by both sympathetic nerve
stimulation & exogenous adrenomimetics
– Adrenoceptor antagonists
• They don’t prevent release of NE/EP from adrenergic
• They are not catecholamine depleting agents
• Are also called, sympathoplegics, sympatholytics
Classification of adrenoceptor antagonists
1. α- Adrenoceptor antagonists
a) Non selective α1, α2- Adrenoceptor antagonists
• Phentolamine, Phenoxybenzamine, Tolazoline
b) α1- selective adrenoceptor antagonists
• Prazosin, Terazosin, Doxazosin, Tamsulosin, Alfuzosin
c) α2- selective adrenoceptor antagonists: Yohimbine
2. β- Adrenoceptor antagonists
a) Non selective β1, β2 adrenoceptor antagonists
• Propranolol, Pindolol, Nadolol, Timolol
b) β1- selective adrenoceptor antagonist
• Atenolol, acebutolol, Metoprolol, Esmolol, Bisoprolol
C) β2- selective adrenoceptor antagonists
• Butoxamine
3. Nonselective α, β-Adrenoceptor antagonists
• Labetalol, Carvedilol, Bucindolol
• Pharmacological effects of α-blockers
1. Cardiovascular system: ( 1 receptors on blood vessels )
– Dilatation of arteries & veins   BP
2. Eye:
– Radial muscle of iris (1 receptors) -> relaxes -> miosis
3. Nose:
– Dilatation of blood vessels  nasal congestion
4. Genitourinary system:
–  resistance to urine flow
– Inhibition of ejaculation
Non-selective α-blockers
– Block both α1 & α2 adrenoceptors
– E.g. Phenoxybenzamine, Phentolamine, Tolazoline
– Is a haloalkylamine that blocks both α1 & α2 receptors
– Major pharmacological effect (vasodilation) occurs from
blockade of α-receptors in blood vessels
• Causes reduced TPR (due to α1 & α2B blockade)
• Increased CO (due to reflex sympathetic nerve stimulation)
• Tachycardia
– Reflex to hypotension, enhanced release of NE/EP due to activation
of presynaptic α2A adrenoceptors
– In addition to antagonism of α-receptor, it can
• Inhibit uptake of catecholamines (inhibit both uptake 1 & 2)
• Irreversibly inhibit responses to 5HT, histamine & Ach 86
• Half life of phenoxybenzamine is less than 24 hours, but
duration of action is maintained for days
– Due to irreversible inactivation of α-receptors
• Therapeutic uses
– Treatment of pheochromocytoma
• Tumors of the adrenal medulla & sympathetic neurons
– Secrete enormous amounts of NE/EP, which leads to hypertension
• Phenoxybenzamine, by antagonizing α-receptors is used to
treat symptoms of pheochromocytoma
– Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
• Used to reduce obstructive symptoms of BPH
• It is no more used for treatment of BPH
• Adverse effects
– Reflex tachycardia, postural hypotension, inhibit ejaculation 87
 Phentolamine & tolazoline
– Are competitive antagonists at α adrenoceptors
• Antagonism is reversible
• So, have short duration of action
– Nonselective antagonist b/n α1 & α2 adrenoceptors
– Tolazoline is less potent than phentolamine
• Pharmacological action
– ↓BP by blocking α-receptors (α1 & α2B)
– Reflex increase in HR, CO↑
Mechanism for increase in HR & CO
① BP↓ as result of vasodilation → reflex excited heart
② block presynaptic α2A receptors →release of NE/EP ↑ → activate
• Therapeutic uses
– Benign prostetic hyperplasia
– Hypertensive emergencies
– Local vasoconstrictor excess
– Pheochromocytoma
 Side effects
• Postural hypotension
• Reflex tachycardia
• GI stimulation
• Abdominal pain
• Nausea
• Exacerbation of peptic ulcer
Selective α1-antagonists
– Includes: prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin, tamsulosin
– They are highly selective for α1 receptors
• Exhibit greater clinical utility than the non-selective blockers
• Replaced the non-selective blockers clinically
– Leads to relaxation of both arterial and venous smooth muscle due to
blockade of α1 receptors
• Leads to fall in TPR which leads to lowered preload as well as after load
– They generally differ in their pharmacokinetics
– Well absorbed after oral use, highly bound to plasma proteins
– Metabolized in the liver & excreted in the fece & urine
– Except tamsulosin, others are non-selective among α1-receptor subtypes
(α1A, α1B, α1D )
– Tamsulosin is a selective ἀ1A antagonist that is used to treat benign
prostate hyperplasia
– Although all of the long-acting α1-blockers are well tolerated, only
tamsulosin and alfuzosin sustained release are administered without
the requirement for dose titration
– Alfuzosin has the additional advantage over tamsulosin of a lower
incidence of ejaculatory dysfunction
• Therapeutic uses
– Treatment of essential hypertension
– Congestive heart failure
• Because, they reduce both preload & after load
– Benign prosthetic hyperplasia
• Produces symptomatic urethral obstruction in a significant
number of older men
– Urinary frequency, nocturia
• α1 antagonists have efficacy in treating BPH, owing to
– Relaxation of smooth muscles in the bladder neck,
prostate capsule & prostatic urethra
– Rapidly improve urine flow
• Side effects
– Major adverse effect is 1st dose phenomenon
• Marked postural hypotension & syncope are seen 30-90
minutes after patient takes the 1st dose of α1 blockers
• Can be minimized by limiting initial dose & gradually
increasing the dose
– Headache, dizziness
– Asthenia (abnormal loss of strength)
– Tamsulosin may cause impaired ejaculation
• Tamsulosin at therapeutic doses doesn’t
produce orthostatic hypotension, unlike the
other α1-blockers
– Due to its selective effect on α1A receptors
Selective α2-antagonists
 Yohimbine
– It is an alkaloid obtained from plants
– Readily enters to CNS
– It is competitive α2-selective antagonist
• Increases sympathetic outflow
• Increases blood pressure & heart rate
• Produces opposite effects to clonidine
• Therapeutic uses
– The treatment of male erectile dysfunction (ED)
• Not widely used due to availability of effective agents
 -Blockers
A. Non selective -Blockers
– Are also called 1st generation -blockers
– Propranolol, Timolol
– Nadolol, Pindolol
B. Cardio selectives [1Blockers ]
– Are called 2nd generation -blockers
– Atenolol, Acebutolol, Bisoprolol
– Esmolol, Metoprolol
C. Non-selective adrenergic blockers( &  Blockers)
– Carvedilol, Labetalol, Bucindolol, Nebivolol
– Are also called 3rd generation -blockers
Longest half life: Nadolol, Cartelol (24 hrs)
Shortest half life: Esmolol (10 min)
• Some of the β-blockers have some intrinsic
activity & membrane stabilizing activity
– May be considered as partial antagonists
– Examples
• Pindolol
• Acebutolol
• Bucindolol
 Pharmacological actions of -blockers
A. Heart (1 receptors)
•  myocardial contraction
•  HR
•  AV-conduction & automaticity
B. CNS/Neurological
– Sedation ( with Propranolol, Carvedilol)
C. Respiratory system
– Bronchoconstriction
• Little effect on pulmonary functions of normal individuals
• Can cause life-threatening bronchospasm in patients with
• 1 selective blockers or those with intrinsic
sympathomimetic activity are less likely than propranolol to
cause severe bronchoconstriction
–  IOP by reducing production of aqueous humor
E. Liver
– Decrease glycogenolysis & lipolysis
– Can aggravate hypoglycemia in diabetic patients treated with
insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents
– 1 selective blockers are less likely to produce hypoglycemic
F. Adipose tissue
– Non selective -blockers reduce lipolysis
– Reduce HDL, increase LDL & increase triglycerides
F. Kidney
– Reduce renin release
 Therapeutic uses of β-blockers
1. Hypertension
2. Coronary heart disease
 Angina Pectoris
 Myocardial infarction
3. Cardiac arrhythmias
4. Anxiety : to  sympathetic manifestations
5. Hyperthyroidism: to  sympathetic manifestations
6. Migraine headache
– Blockade of cranial beta receptors reduce vasodilation
7. Glaucoma
– Reduce the production of aqueous humor
– Timolol is applied topically to treat glaucoma
– Advantages of Timolol over miotics in the treatment of glaucom are :
 no pupil constriction
 no effect on accommodation
 no ocular discomfort
 no retinal detachment
 no shallowing of anterior chamber
 no cataract formation and no iridocyclitis
– The advantages over epinephrine :
 are no pupil dilatation
 no maculopathy in aphakics
 no conjunctival hyperaemia
 no adrenochrome deposits and no ocular irritation
– The advantages over carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are
 effective topically
 no CNS effects
 no GI effects
 no kidney stones
 no parasthesias
 no acidosis
 no weight loss
– Thus Timolol has come out to be an important weapon in "therapeutic
arsenal" of the ophthalmologists in their fight against glaucoma
 Adverse effects of β-blockers
1. CVS
– Bradycardia
– hypotension
– AV block
2. Bronchoconstriction
3. Hypoglycemic effect
4. Affect lipid profile
5. Muscle pain & fatigue
6. Sleep disturbances, nightmares
More pronounced with 1 selectives
Produced by non-selective blockers
 Contraindications to β-blockers
1. Heart failure
2. Slow AV-node conduction
3. Asthma & COPD
4. Diabetes mellitus
5. Hypothyroidism
6. Combination with Ca-channel blockers
Non selective  &  antagonists
– Includes: Labetalol, Carvedilol, Bucindolol
– Are called 3rd generation, vasodilatory β-blockers
• Possess both  &  blocking activity
•  blocking activity is more potent than  blocking
• Non selective b/n 1 & 2 receptors
• Have some intrinsic activity at 2 receptors
• Responsible for vasodilatory effect of the drug
• At  receptors, labetalol
– Is more selective to  1 receptors
• Causes vasodilation (another mechanism for vasodilation)
• So, labetalol causes vasodilation by:
– Blocking vasoconstrictive effects of  1 receptors
– Activating 2 receptors
• Therapeutic use
– Labetalol is used in the treatment of hypertension
• Reduces both CO & TPR
• Side effects
– Postural hypotension
– GI distress
– Tiredness
– Sexual dysfunction
– Skin rashes

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Adrenergic drugs for medical students 1

  • 1. Adrenoceptor agonists and sympathomimetic drugs 1
  • 2. • Adrenomimetic drugs – Refers to drugs which mimic the effects of adrenergic sympathetic nerve stimulation on sympathetic effectors – These drugs are also called sympathomimetic agents – They have a wide range of effects Eg. they can be used to maintain blood pressure or to relieve a life-threatening attack of acute bronchial asthma – Can be classified into different groups, based on • Chemical structure • Mechanism of action • Receptor selectivity 2
  • 3. 3 Based on chemical structure – Adrenomimetics can be divided into two: • Catecholamines – They have catechol ring in their structure – E.g. NE, EP, DA, Isoproternol, Dobutamine, Colterol, ethyl NE, Metaproternol • Non catecholamines – They don’t have catechol ring – E.g. ephedrine, phenylephrine, albuterol, metaraminole, tyramine, amphetamine, terbutaline, methamphetamine, ritodrine, salmiterol, methoxamine
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6  Based on mechanism of action – Adrenomimetics can be classified into three groups 1. Direct acting adrenomimetics • Directly interact & stimulate adrenoceptors • May exhibit receptor selectivity  Eg. phenylephrine for ἀ1, terbutaline for β2 • May have no or minimal selectivity and act on several receptor types  E.g., epinephrine for ἀ1, ἀ2, β1, β2, and β3 receptors; NE for ἀ1, ἀ2, and β1 receptors • Their effects are not reduced by prior treatment with reserpine or guanethidine • Rather prior treatment with reserpine or guanethidine can increase their effects Due to receptor up regulation • Examples: NE, EP, DA, isoproterenol(IP), dobutamine, phenylephrine, albuterol, salmiterol, metaraminole, terbutaline, clonidine, oxymethazoline, xylomethazoline, midodrine, methoxamine
  • 7. 7 2. Indirect acting adrenomimetics – They don’t interact with the adrenoceptors – They increase availability of NE/EP to stimulate the adrenoceptors – Their action emanates from one of the following • Displaced stored neurotransmitters from the vesicles E.g. amphetamine, tyramine, methamphetamine, phenmetrazine, methylphenidate, modafinil • Inhibit reuptake of neurotransmitters into the neuron E.g. cocaine, TCAs • Inhibit the metabolizing enzymes (MAO & COMT) E.g. pargyline/selegiline, entacapone – Their response is abolished by prior administration of reserpine or guanethidine
  • 8. 8 3. Mixed acting adrenomimetics – Work by both direct & indirect mechanisms – Increase release of NE & also activate adrenoceptors – Eg. Ephedrine Pseudoephedrine Phenylpropanolamine- it was a common component in over- the-counter appetite suppressants It was removed from the market because its use was associated with hemorrhagic strokes in young women It can increase blood pressure in patients with impaired autonomic reflexes – Their responses are blunted but not abolished by prior treatment with reserpine or guanethidine
  • 10. Fig. Sites of action of direct-, indirect-, and mixed-acting adrenergic agonists 10
  • 11. 11  Based on selectivity to adrenoceptors – They are grouped into many classes a. Non selective between α & β adrenoceptors • NE, EP b. α1 selective adrenomimetics • Phenylephrine, methoxamine, metaraminole, midodrine, mephentermine c. α2 selective adrenomimetics • Clonidine, methyldopa, guanfacine, guanbenz, moxonidine, rilmenidine • Dexmedetomidine- used for sedation • Tizanidine is used as a central muscle relaxant
  • 12. 12 d. Non selective α1 & α2 adrenomimetics • EP, NE, oxymethazoline, xylomethazoline, naphazoline e. β1 selective adrenomimetics • Dobutamine • A partial agonist, prenalterol f. β2 selective adrenoceptor agonists – Albuterol, terbutaline, salmeterol, formoterol metaproternol, bitolterol, ritodrine, isoetharine g. β1β2 nonselective adrenoceptor agonists – Isoproternol, EP,NE
  • 13. The main effect of adrenoreceptor activation I. α1-receptor – Arterial and venous vasoconstriction(blood vessel) – GUT Contraction of the sphincter tone of the bladder/prostate contraction/ Contraction of uterus in non pregnant women  Decreased contractile response to vasoconstrictors in uterine and non uterine vessels contributes to increased blood flow to the uterine circulation during normal pregnancy – Decrease salivary secretion(salivary glands) – Increase force of contraction of heart – Contraction of pupillary dilator muscle(dilate the pupil) (eye) – Hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis (liver) – Pilomotor smooth muscle erects hair – Intestinal smooth muscle: relaxation (membrane hyperpolarization) 13
  • 14. II. α2- receptors • On pre-synaptic: Inhibition of transmitter release (autoreceptor) Eg. reduction in NE release • Post-synaptic platelet aggregation Contraction of vascular smooth muscle(vasoconstriction) Decrease sympathetic outflow in CNS Inhibition of insulin release (B-cell of pancreas) Decrease aqueous humor secretion In fat cells it inhibits lipolysis III. B1- receptor – Increased heart rate , force of contraction and AV nodal conduction – Increased renin secretion in kidney juxtaglomerular cells 14
  • 15. IV. Β2-receptor – Bronchodilation and vasodilatation(in skeletal blood vessel) – Relaxation of visceral smooth muscle of GIT – GUT : • Bladder relaxes • Uterus (in pregnant women) relaxes – Hepatic glycogenolysis – Mast cell decrease histamine secretion – Increased secretion of aqueous humour – In skeletal muscle –it promotes potassium uptake V. β3-receptor – Lipolysis (fat cell) vi. D1-receptor – Dilates renal blood vessels Vii.D2-receptor – Modulates transmitter release 15
  • 16. • Adrenaline/EP – This is the prototype of adrenergic drugs • Pharmacokinetics – It is rapidly destroyed in the GIT, conjugated, and oxidized in the liver – It is therefore ineffective when given orally and should be given through IM or SC – It can be administered topically to the eye – In emergency case, the IM route is most commonly employed, because there is no much delay in the onset of action by IM/IV route – IV use is not commonly employed because it can lead to development of fatal arrhythmias or it is likely to precipitate ventricular fibrillation 16
  • 17. – However, in severe cases, adrenaline can be administered through IV as a diluted infusion with constant monitoring of heart function – It can be given by nebulizer for inhalation when its relaxing effect on the bronchi is desired or it may be applied topically to mucus membranes to produce vasoconstriction – It is metabolized by two enzymatic pathways: MAO, and COMT, which has S- adenosylmethionine as a cofactor – The final metabolites found in the urine are metanephrine and vanillylmandelic acid 17
  • 18. Fig. Pharmacokinetics of epinephrine 18
  • 19. • Drug-drug interactions and drug disease interaction • Hyperthyroidism  EP may have enhanced cardio-vascular actions in patients with hyperthyroidism  If EP is required in such an individual, the dose must be reduced  The mechanism appears to involve increased production of adrenergic receptors on the vasculature of the hyperthyroid individual  This is leading to a hypersensitive response • Cocaine  In the presence of cocaine, epinephrine produces exaggerated cardiovascular actions  This is due to the ability of cocaine to prevent reuptake of catecholamines into the adrenergic neuron  Thus, like NE, epinephrine remains at the receptor site for longer periods of time 19
  • 20. • Diabetes – EP increases the release of endogenous stores of glucose – In the diabetic, dosages of insulin may have to be increased • β-Blockers – These agents prevent epinephrine's effects on β- receptors, leaving ἀ-receptor stimulation unopposed – This may lead to an increase in peripheral resistance and an increase in BP • Inhalation anesthetics – Inhalational anesthetics sensitize the heart to the effects of epinephrine, which may lead to tachycardia 20
  • 21. • Norepinephrine (levarterenol, noradrenaline)  It is the neurochemical mediator  It is released by nerve impulses and various drugs from the postganglionic adrenergic nerves  It also constitutes 20% of the adrenal medulla catecholamine out put – It should theoretically stimulate all types of adrenergic receptors – In practice, when the drug is given at therapeutic doses to humans, the ἀ-adrenergic receptor is most affected • Pharmacokinetics  Like adrenaline, noradrenaline is ineffective orally  So it has to be given intravenously with caution  It is not given through SC or IM because of its strong vasoconstrictor effect producing necrosis and sloughing  The metabolism is similar to adrenaline; only a little is excreted unchanged in urine 21
  • 22. • Isoproterenol(IP) – It is a direct-acting synthetic catecholamine – Predominantly stimulates both β1- and β2- adrenergic receptors – Its non-selectivity is one of its drawbacks and the reason why it is rarely used therapeutically • Pharmacokinetics – IP can be absorbed systemically by the sublingual mucosa – However, it is more reliably absorbed when given parenterally or as an inhaled aerosol – It is a marginal substrate for COMT and is stable to MAO action 22
  • 23. 23 Pharmacologic responses of NE, EP & Isopreternol 1. Vascular effects  Blood vessels of skin & Mucus membranes – Predominantly contain α-adrenoceptors – So, both NE & EP can produce potent constriction • Because both NE & EP are non selective adrenomimetics – Isoproternol has very low affinity for α- adrenoceptors & so produce no effect on these vessels  Blood vessels of visceral organs – Predominantly contains α-adrenoceptors & some β- adrenoceptors – NE & EP produce vasoconstriction – Isoproternol produces minor vasodilation
  • 24. 24 Blood vessels of skeletal organs – Contain both α & β adrenoceptors • NE  It causes a rise in peripheral resistance This is due to intense vasoconstriction of most vascular beds, including the kidney (ἀ1 effect) • Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures increase • NE causes greater vasoconstriction than does EP because it does not induce compensatory vasodilation via β2receptors on blood vessels supplying skeletal muscles
  • 25. • Baroreceptor reflex – Increase in BP induces a reflex rise in vagal activity by stimulating the baroreceptors – This reflex bradycardia is sufficient to counteract the local actions of NE on the heart – However, the reflex compensation does not affect the positive inotropic effects of the drug(b/c of ἀ1 stimulation) • Effect of atropine pretreatment – If atropine, which blocks the transmission of vagal effects, is given before NE – Then NE stimulation of the heart is evident as tachycardia 25
  • 27. • IP dilates the vessels by its effect on β adrenoceptors – However, it increases HR, FC and cardiac output – Nevertheless, the overall effect is decrease in BP 27
  • 28. Fig. Cardiovascular effects of intravenous infusion of isoproterenol 28
  • 29. • EP has complex effect depending on its dose – Low dose produces vasodilation – High dose produces vasoconstriction Therefore, the cumulative effect of EP is an increase in systolic BP, coupled with a slight decrease in diastolic pressure 29
  • 30. Fig. Cardiovascular effects of intravenous infusion of low doses of epinephrine30
  • 31. 31
  • 32. 32 2. Effects on intact cardiovascular system – Increased sympathetic neural activity produces Increased heart rate, force of contraction Increased stroke volume & cardiac output Constricts most of blood vessels, so increases TPR Increased blood pressure
  • 33. 33 3. Effects on nonvascular smooth muscles  Bronchial smooth muscles – Predominantly β2 receptors are found – Bronchodilation by EP & IP due to β2 action – EP relieves all known allergic- or histamine-induced bronchoconstriction – It also inhibits the release of allergy mediators such as histamines from mast cells – NE has very low affinity & so weaker effects  GIT smooth muscles – Motility of the gut is reduced • Due to activation of the α2 hetroreceptors (inhibit Ach) – GI sphincters are contracted • Through an action on α1 adrenoceptors  Eye – Radial muscle of the iris contain ἀ1 adrenoceptors • NE/EP cause contraction of this muscle & lead to mydriasis
  • 34. 34  Kidney – Detrusor muscle contains β2 adrenoceptors • So, EP & IP relax the detrusor muscle – Trigon & sphincter muscles contain α1 adrenoceptors • Contracted by NE & EP, which inhibits the voiding of urine • EP decrease renal blood flow  Uterine muscle – Contains both α1 & β2 adrenoceptors • NE causes uterine contraction • EP/IP cause uterine relaxation  CNS effects – Though catecholamines minimally cross the BBB, they cause CNS stimulation (mechanism not well known) • Apprehension(anxiety, fear), restlessness & increased respiration
  • 35. 35 5. Metabolic effects – Catecholamines, primarily EP/IP, exert a number of important effects on metabolism • Most effects are due to β-adrenoceptors activity – NE is usually effective only in large doses – So, EP & IP in therapeutic doses Increase oxygen consumption Increase hepatic glycogenolysis EP>IP>NE Mediated by both α2 & β2 Adrenoceptors due to: Increased glycogenolysis in the liver (β2 effect) Increased release of glucagon (β2 effect) Decreased release of insulin (ἀ2 effect) Overall effect is an increase of blood glucose level/hyperglycemia
  • 36. 36 Increases skeletal muscle glycogenolysis –IP>EP>NE –Mediated by β-adrenoceptors –Increases blood lactic acid level than blood glucose level –Because skeletal muscle lacks glucose-6- phosphatase enzyme which converts G- 6-P to glucose
  • 37. 37  Increased lipolysis – They initiates lipolysis through their agonist activity on the β-receptors of adipose tissue – This stimulation activate adenylyl cyclase to increase cAMP levels – Cyclic AMP stimulates a hormone sensitive lipase, which hydrolyzes triacylglycerols to free fatty acids and glycerol – Therefore, they increase blood free fatty acid levels – Mediated by β3 adrenoceptors – IP>EP>NE  K+ homeostasis – Catecholamines play an important role in the short term regulation of plasma K+ levels  Stimulation of hepatic a adrenoceptors will result in the release of K+ from the liver  In contrast, stimulation of β2 adrenoceptors, particularly in the skeletal muscles, will lead to uptake of K+ into the tissue β2 adrenoceptors are linked to Na+/K+ ATPase
  • 38. 38 Clinical uses of catecholamines – Their uses are based on their actions on bronchial smooth muscles, blood vessels & the heart  Allergic reactions – EP is mainly used in allergic reactions which are due to histamine release Because it produces to certain physiological responses that are opposite to those produced by histamine – So, EP is used in the treatment of Anaphylactic shock  It is the drug of choice for the treatment of Type I hypersensitivity reactions in response to allergens  The syndrome of bronchospasm, mucous membrane congestion, angioedema, and severe hypotension usually responds rapidly to the parenteral administration of epinephrine  IM route is preferred Urticaria Angioneuretic edema Serum sickness Serum sickness Angioneure tic edema
  • 39. • Bronchospasm – Epinephrine is the primary drug used in the emergency treatment – In treatment of acute asthma, it is the drug of choice – Selective β2agonists, such as albuterol, are presently favored in the chronic treatment of asthma because of their longer duration of action and minimal cardiac stimulatory effect  Cardiac applications – IP and EP have been used in the temporary emergency management of complete heart block and cardiac arrest – EP may be useful in part by redistributing blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation to coronaries and to the brain 39
  • 40. Open-angle glaucoma – EP has been used to lower IOP in open-angle glaucoma It reduces the production of aqueous humor by vasoconstriction of the ciliary body blood vessels Works by increasing outflow of aqueous humor probably by stimulating β2-adrenergic receptors in the trabecular meshwork – In ophthalmology, a two-percent epinephrine solution may be used topically – It is available as hydrochloride, bitartarate and borate salt for topical ophthalmic use – EP is contraindicated in closed-angle glaucoma • Because it reduces the filtration angle further & hinders outflow of fluid in this case 40
  • 41. 41  Used with local anesthetics(LAs) – NE/EP is coadministered with LAs – Local anesthetic solutions usually contain 1:100,000 parts epinephrine – It greatly increase the duration of the local anesthesia – By producing vasoconstriction at the site of injection, it allows the local anesthetic to persist at the injection site before being absorbed into the circulation and metabolized – Prevent systemic absorption & toxicity of the LAs – However, EP can potentiate the neurotoxicity of local anesthetics used for peripheral nerve blocks or spinal anesthesia  Control of bleeding – EP is used as topical hemostatic agent for the control of local hemorrhage – EP is usually applied topically in nasal packs (for epistaxis) or in a gingival string (for gingivectomy) – Very weak solutions of EP 1:100,000 is used
  • 42. 42 Management of hypotension – Sympathomimetic drugs may be used in a hypotensive emergency to preserve cerebral and coronary blood flow – The treatment is usually of short duration – When NE is used as a drug, it is sometimes called levarterenol – NE is infused IV to combat systemic hypotension during spinal anesthesia – However, metaraminol is favored, because it does not reduce blood flow to the kidney, as does NE – NE is also useful in controlling hypotension in which TPR is low • Because it increases vascular resistance and increases BP • But NE is not used to combat hypotension due to most types of shock
  • 43. 43 Side effects of catecholamines – Tachycardia – Reflex bradycardia • By NE, but not with EP or IP(because they have β 2 effects) – CNS disturbances • Epinephrine can produce adverse CNS effects that include anxiety, fear, tension, headache, and tremor – Tissue sloughing & necrosis • Local ischemia from extravasation of NE at site of injection – Arrhythmia • EP can trigger cardiac arrhythmias, particularly if the patient is receiving digitalis – Hypertension (mainly by NE and EP) – Pulmonary edema • Epinephrine can induce pulmonary edema • Hemorrhage – EP and NE may induce cerebral hemorrhage as a result of a marked elevation of BP
  • 44. Contra indications  Coronary diseases  Hyperthyroidism  Hypertension  Digitalis therapy  Injection around end arteries 44
  • 45. 45 Other adrenomimetic agents – A number of adrenomimetics are not catecholamines – Noncatecholamines are resistant to enzymatic degradation(COMT) • They have longer duration of action • They are orally active α1-selective adrenomimetic agents – Phenylephrine, metaraminol & methoxamine – They are all directly acting adrenomimetics – However, metaraminol also is an indirectly acting agent that stimulates the release of NE • Exert their effect primarily by activating α1-adrenoceptor – Has no/little direct effect on the heart – All have vasoconstrictor effect • Increase both the systolic & diastolic blood pressure o They don’t cause cardiac arrhythmias o They don’t stimulate CNS
  • 46. 46 • Their vasoconstrictor effect is accompanied by – Reflex increment in the vagal input to the heart • Reflex bradycardia • No change in the contractile forces – They have considerably longer duration of action than NE • Phenylephrine resistant to COMT metabolism • Metaraminol & methoxamine are resistant to both COMT & MAO
  • 47. 47  Clinical uses – Associated with their potent vasoconstrictor effects  They are used to restore or maintain Bp during spinal anesthesia & certain other hypotensive states  Phenylephrine is commonly used oAs nasal decongestant oAs mydriatic agent oWith local anesthetics in dental procedures – Metaraminol also off-label used to relieve attacks of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, particularly those associated with hypotension
  • 48. • Midodrine – It is a prodrug that is enzymatically hydrolyzed to desglymidodrine – It is selective α1 -receptor agonist – It is an orally effective – It is used for the treatment of orthostatic hypotension, typically due to impaired autonomic nervous system function  Because it rises BP that associated with both arterial and venous smooth muscle contraction – It reduces the fall of blood pressure when the patient is in standing position – It may cause hypertension when the subject is supine – This can be minimized by :  Administering the drug when the patient will remain upright position  Avoiding dosing within 4 hours of bedtime  Elevating the head of the bed – FDA considered withdrawing approval of this drug in 2010 48
  • 49. • Mephentermine – It is a sympathomimetic drug that acts both directly and indirectly – It has many similarities to ephedrine – Since the drug releases NE, cardiac contraction is enhanced, and cardiac output and systolic and diastolic pressures usually are increased – The change in heart rate is variable, depending on the degree of vagal tone – Mephentermine is used to prevent hypotension, which is frequently accompanies with spinal anesthesia – Adverse effects CNS stimulation Excessive rises in blood pressure Arrhythmias – The drug has been discontinued in the U.S 49
  • 50. 50 α2 selective adrenomimetics – Includes: methyldopa, clonidine, guanfacine, apraclonidine, brimonidine, tinazidine  Methyldopa – It is a centrally acting adrenomimetic agent – It is a prodrug & produces its effects via active metabolite – In adrenergic neurons, it is metabolized by DOPA decarboxylase enzyme to α-methyl dopamine – α-methyl dopamine is then converted to α-methyl NE – α-methyl NE, by activating α2 adrenoceptors in the brainstem attenuates further release of NE Produces its vasodilatory effects  Uses: it is the preferred drug for the treatment of hypertension during pregnancy Because it is safe for both the mother & infant
  • 51. 51  Adverse effects – Sedation – Occasional depression – Dryness of mouth – Reduction in libido – Hyperprolactinemia • Gynacomastia, galactorrhea – Serious but rare hepatotoxicity • Contraindicated in patients with hepatic disease – Can also cause hemolytic anemia
  • 52. 52  Clonidine, guanbenz & guanfacine – They are all α2 selective agonists MOA – They stimulate presynaptic α2A receptors in the brainstem reducing sympathetic outflow from the CNS • Reduce arterial pressure by an effect on both Cardiac Output & peripheral resistance – At higher doses, these drugs can stimulate postsynaptic α2B receptors (found on the vascular smooth muscles) causing vasoconstriction • This explains the initial vasoconstriction that is seen when overdoses of these drugs are taken
  • 53. • Clinical use – Treatment of essential hypertension  However, in patients with pure autonomic failure, characterized by neural degeneration of postganglionic noradrenergic fibers, clonidine may increase BP  This is because of the fact that the central sympatholytic effects of clonidine become irrelevant, whereas the peripheral vasoconstriction remains intact – Clonidine has been found to be useful in reducing diarrhea in some diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy  Because stimulation of ἀ2 receptors in the GI tract may increase absorption of sodium chloride and fluid and inhibit secretion of bicarbonate – Useful in treating and preparing addicted subjects for withdrawal from narcotics, alcohol, and tobacco – Clonidine and related drugs such as dexmedetomidine (a relatively selective ἀ2 receptor agonist with sedative properties) used in anesthesia to produce preoperative sedation and anxiolysis, drying of secretions, and analgesia – Transdermal administration of clonidine may be useful in reducing the incidence of menopausal hot flashes 53
  • 54. 54 • Adverse effects – Sedation & xerostemia – Postural hypotension & erectile dysfunction – Sleep disturbances & night mares – Depression – Sudden withdrawal of clonidine & other α2 agonists may cause withdrawal syndrome consisting of: • Headache, sweating, tremors, abdominal pain, tachycardia & rebound HTN • Therefore, dose tapering must be followed to withdraw the patients from the drug
  • 55. • Apraclonidine – It is a relatively selective ἀ2 receptor agonist – It can reduce elevated as well as normal IOP whether accompanied by glaucoma or not – The reduction in IOP occurs with minimal or no effects on systemic cardiovascular parameters – Thus apraclonidine is more useful than clonidine for ophthalmic therapy – Apparently apraclonidine does not cross the BBB – The mechanism of action of apraclonidine is related to ἀ2 receptor–mediated reduction in the formation of aqueous humor 55
  • 56. • Clinical uses – It is used topically to reduce IOP as short-term adjunctive therapy in glaucoma – Especially in patients whose IOP is not well controlled by other pharmacological agents such as β-receptor antagonists, parasympathomimetics, or carbonic anhydrase inhibitors – It is used to control or prevent elevations in IOP that occur in patients after laser trabeculoplasty or iridotomy 56
  • 57. • Brimonidine – It is another clonidine derivative – It is ἀ2-selective agonist – It is administered ocularly to lower IOP in patients with ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma – It reduces IOP both by decreasing aqueous humor production and by increasing outflow – Its efficacy in reducing IOP is similar to that of the receptor antagonist timolol – Unlike apraclonidine, brimonidine can cross the BBB and can produce hypotension and sedation – However, these CNS effects are slight compared to those of clonidine – As with all ἀ2 agonists, this drug should be used with caution in patients with cardiovascular disease 57
  • 58. • Tizanidine – It is also an ἀ2 agonist – It is a muscle relaxant used for the treatment of spasticity associated with cerebral and spinal disorders • Dexmedetomidine – It is an ἀ2 agonist used for sedation under intensive care circumstances and during anesthesia – It blunts the sympathetic response to surgery it may be beneficial in some situations – It lowers opioid requirements for pain control and does not depress ventilation 58
  • 59. • Drugs with both ἀ1- and ἀ2-receptors agonist • Oxymetazoline and Xylometazoline – They are a direct-acting synthetic adrenergic agonist that stimulates both ἀ1- and ἀ 2-adrenergic receptors – They are primarily used locally in the eye or the nose as a vasoconstrictor – Oxymetazoline is found in many over-the-counter short-term nasal spray decongestant products as well as in ophthalmic drops for the relief of redness of the eyes associated with swimming, colds, or contact lens – By directly stimulating ἀ-receptors on blood vessels supplying the nasal mucosa and the conjunctiva, it reduces blood flow and decrease congestion 59
  • 60. – Oxymetazoline may cause hypotension, presumably because of a central clonidine-like effect – Oxymetazoline is absorbed in the systemic circulation regardless of the route of administration and may produce nervousness, headaches, and trouble sleeping – When administered in the nose, burning of the nasal mucosa and sneezing may occur – Rebound congestion is observed with long-term use 60
  • 61. 61 β1-selective adrenomimetics • Dobutamine – It acts directly on β1-adrenoceptors in the heart – It exerts a greater effect on the contractile force of the heart relative to its effect on the heart rate – At higher doses, it produces vasodilation of the renal & mesenteric blood vessels – It has a fast onset of action & short half life (2mins) • Therapeutic uses – Indicated for short term treatment of cardiac decompensation that may occur After surgery In patients with CHF
  • 62. 62 – Dobutamine increases the stroke volume & cardiac output in such patients, usually without marked increase in the heart rate – It is also useful in the treatment of cardiogenic shock  Adverse effects – May increase the size of myocardial infarct • By further increasing the oxygen demand – Increased risk of atrial fibrillation
  • 63. • Dopamine – It is the immediate metabolic precursor of NE – It occurs naturally in the CNS in the basal ganglia – It functions as a neurotransmitter in the CNS and adrenal medulla – Dopamine can activate ἀ- and β-adrenergic receptors – For example, at higher doses, it can cause vasoconstriction by activating ἀ1 receptors at lower doses, it stimulates β1 receptors on the cardiac cells – D1 and D2 dopaminergic receptors occur in the peripheral mesenteric and renal vascular beds, where binding of dopamine produces vasodilation – D2 receptors are also found on presynaptic adrenergic neurons, where their activation interferes with NE release 63
  • 64. • Dopamine action • CVS – Dopamine exerts a stimulatory effect on the β1- receptors of the heart – It has both positive inotropic and chronotropic effects – At very high doses, it activates ἀ1-receptors on the vasculature, resulting in vasoconstriction • Renal and visceral – Dopamine dilates renal and splanchnic arterioles – It increases blood flow to the kidneys and other viscera  Therefore, dopamine is clinically useful in the treatment of shock, in which significant increases in sympathetic activity might compromise renal function  Dopamine hydrochloride is used only intravenously, preferably into a large vein to prevent perivascular infiltration(i.e given by continuous infusion)  Because extravasation may cause necrosis and sloughing of the surrounding tissue 64
  • 65. 65 β2-selective adrenomimetic agents – They are agents used in the management of asthma – The main difference in the available β2 adrenomimetics is their pharmacokinetic profiles – So, in the management of asthma, β2 agonists • Work by activating pulmonary β2 adrenoceptors & relax the bronchial smooth muscles & decrease airway resistance
  • 66. 66  Metaproterenol – It is resistant to metabolism by COMT – Available for inhalational & oral dosage forms – It is less β2 selective, compared to albuterol & terbutaline • More prone to cause cardiac stimulation than the two drugs Uses: • Metaproterenol is used for – Long term treatment of obstructive airway disease – Treatment of acute bronchospasm
  • 67. 67  Terbutaline – It is β2 selective • Resistant to COMT – Effective when given by oral, Sc or inhalational routes • Onset of action is rapid from inhalational & SC routes Uses: • Long term treatment of obstructive airway disease • Treatment of acute bronchospasm • Emergency treatment of status asthmaticus  Albuterol/salbutamol – β2 selective, given by inhalational or oral route – Has similar therapeutic indications as terbutaline – Oral albuterol has the potential to delay preterm labor
  • 68. 68  Salmeterol – It is a β2 selective agent with the longest duration of action (>12 hours) – At least 50 times more β2 selective than albuterol – Highly lipophilic & has sustained action – It has slow onset of action • Not suitable monotherapy for acute attacks of asthma – Due to its sustained duration of action, salmeterol • It is drug of choice for treatment of nocturnal asthma • It shouldn’t be used more than twice daily • It shouldn’t be used to treat acute asthma
  • 69. 69  Formoterol – It is another long acting, β2 selective agonist – It is highly lipophilic, resulting in storage in adipocytes • Responsible for sustained action – It is an alternative to salmeterol for treatment of nocturnal asthma  Ritodrine – Selective β2 agonist, developed specifically for use as uterine relaxant – Up to 30% absorbed after oral dose • 90% of drug excreted in urine as inactive conjugate – Uses: given through IV in selected patients to arrest premature labor
  • 70. • Indacaterol, olodaterol, and vilanterol – They are new ultralong ß2 agonists – They have been approved by the FDA for once-a- day use in COPD 70
  • 71. 71 • Adverse effects of β2 selective adrenomimetics – Tremor It is due to stimulation of 2 receptors in skeletal muscle It is the most common side effect – Feeling of restlessness, apprehension & anxiety – Tachycardia, which may result from • β1 stimulation • Reflex response to peripheral vasodilation – Cardiac arrhythmias or myocardial ischemia • Less likely in patients without pre-existing cardiac disease • High risk of occurrence in patients with underlying coronary artery disease or pre-existing arrhythmia – Pulmonary edema • In women who receive ritodrine or terbutaline for preterm labor
  • 72. 72 • Larger doses of β2 adrenomimetics may – Increase plasma glucose level – Increase lactate & free fatty acids level in plasma – Lower plasma concentration of K+ • Note: – All the adverse effects are far less likely with inhalational therapy than with parentral or oral therapy
  • 73. 73 Indirect acting adrenomimetics • Includes: amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, methylphenidate, TCAs Amphetamine – Indirectly acting agent • Works by displacing NE/EP from its storage vesicles – Pharmacological effects • CVS effects – Increases both systolic & diastolic blood pressure – Heart rate is reduced reflexively
  • 74. 74 • CNS effects – It is one of the most potent sympathomimetic amines in stimulating the CNS – Amphetamine: • Stimulates medullary respiratory centres • Lessens degree of central depression caused by various drugs  Alters psych of individuals Elevation of mood, self-confidence & ability to concentrate Increase in elation (excitement) & euphoria, wakefulness, decreased fatigue
  • 75. 75 Increases motor & speech activities Improved performance of tasks (errors may increase) Prolonged or large dose use is nearly always followed by depression & fatigue  Therapeutic uses – Amphetamine is used chiefly for its CNS effects – Dextroamphetamine, with more CNS actions than peripheral actions • Was used for reducing obesity – Due to its anorexic effects – No more approved by FDA for this purpose • It is approved by FDA for treatment of – Narcolepsy – Attention deficient hyperactivity disorder
  • 76. 76  Methamphetamine – Chemically, a close relative of amphetamine – Works by • Increasing dopamine & other biogenic amines • Inhibiting neuronal & vesicular transporters • Inhibiting MAO – Has a prominent central than peripheral action – Has high potential for abuse • Widely used as a cheap, accessible recreational drug • Its abuse is a widespread phenomenon  Methylphenidate – Mild CNS stimulant, with essentially similar pharmacological actions as amphetamines – Has also the abuse potentials of amphetamines
  • 77. Modafinil – It is a new amphetamine substitute – It is approved for use in narcolepsy – It has fewer disadvantages (excessive mood changes, insomnia, and abuse potential) than amphetamine in this condition – It is not approved for ADHD because of safety issue in children 77
  • 78. 78  Toxic & adverse effects of amphetamines o They are extensions of pharmacological actions of amphetamine o CNS effects • Restlessness, dizziness, tremor, hyperactive reflexes, insomnia, talkativeness & euphoria • If dose is large enough or in mentally ill patients – Confusion, aggressiveness, changes in libido, anxiety, suicidal or homicidal tendencies may occur • Fatigue & depression usually follow central stimulation o CVS effects • Pallor or flushing, palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias, anginal pain, hypertension/hypotension, circulatory collapse o Excessive sweating o GI effects: dry mouth, metallic taste, anorexia, nausea, vomiting & abdominal cramps
  • 79. 79  Treatment of acute amphetamine toxicity – Acidification of urine with ammonium chloride • Increases the excretion of amphetamine – Sedatives may be required for CNS effects – Severe hypertension may require administration of • Sodium nitroprusside or α1 antagonists
  • 80. 80  Mixed acting adrenomimetic drugs  Ephedrine – It is naturally occurring plant alkaloid – Can cross BBB • Has strong CNS stimulating effect, in addition to its peripheral actions • CNS stimulatory effect is less, compared to amphetamine – It has longer duration of action than NE • Because it is very resistant to both COMT & MAO metabolism – Unlike NE/EP, ephedrine is effective when taken orally • Less potent compared to NE/EP – Tachyphylaxis develops after repeated use – It is absorbed from the GIT and from all parenteral sites – A major proportion of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine
  • 81. 81  MOA – Actions mainly depend on release of NE/EP – Has also some direct receptor stimulatory effects • Particularly in its bronchodilating effects  Clinical uses – Ephedrine is useful in • Relieving bronchoconstriction & mucosal congestion associated with bronchial asthma • Prophylactic prevention of asthmatic attacks • Nasal decongestion • Producing mydriasis – Terbutaline & albuterol are replacing ephedrine for treatment of asthma • Less side effects, effective bronchodilation
  • 82. 82  Adverse effects • Tachycardia • Insomnia • Nervousness, nausea, vomiting • Emotional disturbances
  • 83. Adrenoceptor antagonists  They are drugs that inhibit responses mediated by adrenoceptor activation  They have affinity for adrenoceptors • Lack intrinsic activity, so won’t initiate receptor responses  Works by competing with adrenomimetics for access to adrenoceptors • Reduce effects produced by both sympathetic nerve stimulation & exogenous adrenomimetics – Adrenoceptor antagonists • They don’t prevent release of NE/EP from adrenergic neurons • They are not catecholamine depleting agents • Are also called, sympathoplegics, sympatholytics 83
  • 84. Classification of adrenoceptor antagonists 1. α- Adrenoceptor antagonists a) Non selective α1, α2- Adrenoceptor antagonists • Phentolamine, Phenoxybenzamine, Tolazoline b) α1- selective adrenoceptor antagonists • Prazosin, Terazosin, Doxazosin, Tamsulosin, Alfuzosin c) α2- selective adrenoceptor antagonists: Yohimbine 2. β- Adrenoceptor antagonists a) Non selective β1, β2 adrenoceptor antagonists • Propranolol, Pindolol, Nadolol, Timolol b) β1- selective adrenoceptor antagonist • Atenolol, acebutolol, Metoprolol, Esmolol, Bisoprolol C) β2- selective adrenoceptor antagonists • Butoxamine 84
  • 85. 85 3. Nonselective α, β-Adrenoceptor antagonists • Labetalol, Carvedilol, Bucindolol • Pharmacological effects of α-blockers 1. Cardiovascular system: ( 1 receptors on blood vessels ) – Dilatation of arteries & veins   BP 2. Eye: – Radial muscle of iris (1 receptors) -> relaxes -> miosis 3. Nose: – Dilatation of blood vessels  nasal congestion 4. Genitourinary system: –  resistance to urine flow – Inhibition of ejaculation
  • 86. Non-selective α-blockers – Block both α1 & α2 adrenoceptors – E.g. Phenoxybenzamine, Phentolamine, Tolazoline Phenoxybenzamine – Is a haloalkylamine that blocks both α1 & α2 receptors irreversibly – Major pharmacological effect (vasodilation) occurs from blockade of α-receptors in blood vessels • Causes reduced TPR (due to α1 & α2B blockade) • Increased CO (due to reflex sympathetic nerve stimulation) • Tachycardia – Reflex to hypotension, enhanced release of NE/EP due to activation of presynaptic α2A adrenoceptors – In addition to antagonism of α-receptor, it can • Inhibit uptake of catecholamines (inhibit both uptake 1 & 2) • Irreversibly inhibit responses to 5HT, histamine & Ach 86
  • 87. • Half life of phenoxybenzamine is less than 24 hours, but duration of action is maintained for days – Due to irreversible inactivation of α-receptors • Therapeutic uses – Treatment of pheochromocytoma • Tumors of the adrenal medulla & sympathetic neurons – Secrete enormous amounts of NE/EP, which leads to hypertension • Phenoxybenzamine, by antagonizing α-receptors is used to treat symptoms of pheochromocytoma – Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) • Used to reduce obstructive symptoms of BPH • It is no more used for treatment of BPH • Adverse effects – Reflex tachycardia, postural hypotension, inhibit ejaculation 87
  • 88.  Phentolamine & tolazoline – Are competitive antagonists at α adrenoceptors • Antagonism is reversible • So, have short duration of action – Nonselective antagonist b/n α1 & α2 adrenoceptors – Tolazoline is less potent than phentolamine • Pharmacological action – ↓BP by blocking α-receptors (α1 & α2B) – Reflex increase in HR, CO↑ Mechanism for increase in HR & CO ① BP↓ as result of vasodilation → reflex excited heart ② block presynaptic α2A receptors →release of NE/EP ↑ → activate β1R 88
  • 89. • Therapeutic uses – Benign prostetic hyperplasia – Hypertensive emergencies – Local vasoconstrictor excess – Pheochromocytoma  Side effects • Postural hypotension • Reflex tachycardia • GI stimulation • Abdominal pain • Nausea • Exacerbation of peptic ulcer 89
  • 90. Selective α1-antagonists – Includes: prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin, tamsulosin – They are highly selective for α1 receptors • Exhibit greater clinical utility than the non-selective blockers • Replaced the non-selective blockers clinically – Leads to relaxation of both arterial and venous smooth muscle due to blockade of α1 receptors • Leads to fall in TPR which leads to lowered preload as well as after load – They generally differ in their pharmacokinetics – Well absorbed after oral use, highly bound to plasma proteins – Metabolized in the liver & excreted in the fece & urine – Except tamsulosin, others are non-selective among α1-receptor subtypes (α1A, α1B, α1D ) – Tamsulosin is a selective ἀ1A antagonist that is used to treat benign prostate hyperplasia – Although all of the long-acting α1-blockers are well tolerated, only tamsulosin and alfuzosin sustained release are administered without the requirement for dose titration – Alfuzosin has the additional advantage over tamsulosin of a lower incidence of ejaculatory dysfunction 90
  • 91. • Therapeutic uses – Treatment of essential hypertension – Congestive heart failure • Because, they reduce both preload & after load – Benign prosthetic hyperplasia • Produces symptomatic urethral obstruction in a significant number of older men – Urinary frequency, nocturia • α1 antagonists have efficacy in treating BPH, owing to – Relaxation of smooth muscles in the bladder neck, prostate capsule & prostatic urethra – Rapidly improve urine flow 91
  • 92. • Side effects – Major adverse effect is 1st dose phenomenon • Marked postural hypotension & syncope are seen 30-90 minutes after patient takes the 1st dose of α1 blockers • Can be minimized by limiting initial dose & gradually increasing the dose – Headache, dizziness – Asthenia (abnormal loss of strength) – Tamsulosin may cause impaired ejaculation • Tamsulosin at therapeutic doses doesn’t produce orthostatic hypotension, unlike the other α1-blockers – Due to its selective effect on α1A receptors 92
  • 93. Selective α2-antagonists  Yohimbine – It is an alkaloid obtained from plants – Readily enters to CNS – It is competitive α2-selective antagonist • Increases sympathetic outflow • Increases blood pressure & heart rate • Produces opposite effects to clonidine • Therapeutic uses – The treatment of male erectile dysfunction (ED) • Not widely used due to availability of effective agents 93
  • 94. 94  -Blockers A. Non selective -Blockers – Are also called 1st generation -blockers – Propranolol, Timolol – Nadolol, Pindolol B. Cardio selectives [1Blockers ] – Are called 2nd generation -blockers – Atenolol, Acebutolol, Bisoprolol – Esmolol, Metoprolol C. Non-selective adrenergic blockers( &  Blockers) – Carvedilol, Labetalol, Bucindolol, Nebivolol – Are also called 3rd generation -blockers Longest half life: Nadolol, Cartelol (24 hrs) Shortest half life: Esmolol (10 min)
  • 95. • Some of the β-blockers have some intrinsic activity & membrane stabilizing activity – May be considered as partial antagonists – Examples • Pindolol • Acebutolol • Bucindolol 95
  • 96. 96  Pharmacological actions of -blockers A. Heart (1 receptors) •  myocardial contraction •  HR •  AV-conduction & automaticity B. CNS/Neurological – Sedation ( with Propranolol, Carvedilol) C. Respiratory system – Bronchoconstriction • Little effect on pulmonary functions of normal individuals • Can cause life-threatening bronchospasm in patients with COPD • 1 selective blockers or those with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity are less likely than propranolol to cause severe bronchoconstriction
  • 97. D. EYE: –  IOP by reducing production of aqueous humor E. Liver – Decrease glycogenolysis & lipolysis – Can aggravate hypoglycemia in diabetic patients treated with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents – 1 selective blockers are less likely to produce hypoglycemic effects F. Adipose tissue – Non selective -blockers reduce lipolysis – Reduce HDL, increase LDL & increase triglycerides F. Kidney – Reduce renin release 97
  • 98. 98  Therapeutic uses of β-blockers 1. Hypertension 2. Coronary heart disease  Angina Pectoris  Myocardial infarction 3. Cardiac arrhythmias 4. Anxiety : to  sympathetic manifestations 5. Hyperthyroidism: to  sympathetic manifestations 6. Migraine headache – Blockade of cranial beta receptors reduce vasodilation 7. Glaucoma – Reduce the production of aqueous humor – Timolol is applied topically to treat glaucoma
  • 99. – Advantages of Timolol over miotics in the treatment of glaucom are :  no pupil constriction  no effect on accommodation  no ocular discomfort  no retinal detachment  no shallowing of anterior chamber  no cataract formation and no iridocyclitis – The advantages over epinephrine :  are no pupil dilatation  no maculopathy in aphakics  no conjunctival hyperaemia  no adrenochrome deposits and no ocular irritation – The advantages over carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are  effective topically  no CNS effects  no GI effects  no kidney stones  no parasthesias  no acidosis  no weight loss – Thus Timolol has come out to be an important weapon in "therapeutic arsenal" of the ophthalmologists in their fight against glaucoma 99
  • 100. 100  Adverse effects of β-blockers 1. CVS – Bradycardia – hypotension – AV block 2. Bronchoconstriction 3. Hypoglycemic effect 4. Affect lipid profile 5. Muscle pain & fatigue 6. Sleep disturbances, nightmares More pronounced with 1 selectives Produced by non-selective blockers
  • 101. 101  Contraindications to β-blockers 1. Heart failure 2. Slow AV-node conduction 3. Asthma & COPD 4. Diabetes mellitus 5. Hypothyroidism 6. Combination with Ca-channel blockers
  • 102. Non selective  &  antagonists – Includes: Labetalol, Carvedilol, Bucindolol – Are called 3rd generation, vasodilatory β-blockers Labetalol • Possess both  &  blocking activity •  blocking activity is more potent than  blocking activity • Non selective b/n 1 & 2 receptors • Have some intrinsic activity at 2 receptors • Responsible for vasodilatory effect of the drug • At  receptors, labetalol – Is more selective to  1 receptors • Causes vasodilation (another mechanism for vasodilation) 102
  • 103. • So, labetalol causes vasodilation by: – Blocking vasoconstrictive effects of  1 receptors – Activating 2 receptors • Therapeutic use – Labetalol is used in the treatment of hypertension • Reduces both CO & TPR • Side effects – Postural hypotension – GI distress – Tiredness – Sexual dysfunction – Skin rashes 103