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[This abstract contains the following from my PhD‐dissertation: danish resumé,
english resumĂŠ, and bibliography]
[[Link to entire monograph in danish via SDU website]]
HĂĽndteringen af musikfiler i krydsfeltet mellem
downloading og streaming
En undersøgelse af hverdagens digitale musikbrug og remedieringen af musikformater
The use of music files at the intersection between
downloading and streaming practices
A study of everyday digital music use and the remediation of music formats
© Andreas Lenander Ægidius
Ph.d.‐afhandling, marts 2017
Hovedvejleder: Kirsten Drotner
Bivejleder: Erik Granly Jensen
Institut for Kulturvidenskaber
Ph.d.‐afhandlingens omfang (eksl. bibliografi og bilag): 568.632 tegn svarende til 237
-- ♫ --
Dansk resumĂŠ
Den digitale online musikbrug har spredt sig over mange platforme, software og
leveres i et vĂŚld af formater. Musiklytning beror pĂĽ teknologier, som indgĂĽr i
hverdagens generelle mediebrug. Det samme gĂŚlder musikskabelsen og
distributionen, som tilsvarende prĂŚges af bĂĽde digitaliseringens og internettets
rammer for musikbrugen, som derfor i dag ofte er digital og online. Senest er
musikstreaming blevet mainstream i de nordiske lande. Musikfiler hĂĽndteres nu
bĂĽde som en stream og som et download.
Denne undersøgelse spørger hvordan unge lyttere, musikskabere og
musikdistributører hündterer musikfiler i krydsfeltet mellem downloadbaseret og
streambaseret musikbrug.
Jeg undersøger musikbrugen i et medieteoretisk perspektiv med fokus pü
vekselvirkningen mellem mediets format og brugen. I stedet for at undersøge
medier har jeg analyseret formater i og mellem hverdagens medieteknologier og
specialiserede musiksoftware. Med teoretisk udgangspunkt i formatteori og
kulturstudier har jeg undersøgt tekniske og sociokulturelle grundlag for
musikbrugen. HĂĽndteringen af musikfiler er betinget af relationen mellem
musikbrugens teknologiske forhold og dens sociokulturelle forhold.
Jeg undersøger remedieringen af musikfilen som stream ud fra den
konceptuelle model for et kulturkredsløb, hvori et kulturelt artefakts betydning
dannes (Gay mfl., 2013). Kommodificeringer og rekommodificering af musikfiler
og hĂĽndteringer bliver herved sammenkĂŚdet med remediering og konvergens
(Bolter & Grusin, 2000; Jenkins, 2006). Dette har vÌret nødvendigt, fordi musik
kommodificeres til nye platforme som et resultat af konvergerende platforme og
infrastrukturer, der alle kan bruges til hündteringen af musik. Jeg har undersøgt
formaternes brugspotentialer via det, jeg betegner formatbevarende og
formatĂŚndrende hĂĽndteringer. Disse er formatinterne eller formateksterne
ĂŚndringer eller bevarelser via de software, som benyttes. Med disse begreber har
jeg vist, hvordan musikfiler er prÌget af aktørernes hündteringer. Men samtidigt
hvordan deres hĂĽndteringer er prĂŚget af musikfilers materielle forhold med
sĂŚrligt fokus pĂĽ fremstillingen af musikfiler som stream og stream som musikfil.
Denne tilgang er desuden baseret pĂĽ softwarestudiers koncepter som kulturel
software og grĂĽzonesoftware, og hvordan de bestemmer adgangen til formaternes
brugspotentialer (Manovich, 2013). Softwarestudier forholder sig ogsĂĽ til
betydningsdannelse via softwarens prĂŚgning af hĂĽndteringen af indholdet. Jeg har
hentet begreber til at undersøge den digitale remedierings konsekvenser ud fra
begreberne om teknisk og kulturel transkodning (Manovich, 2001).
Udbredelsen af streaming er ikke ensbetydende med en udskiftning af
downloading. Teorier om konvergens og remediering tilsiger netop, at flere
teknologier og brugsscenarier kan eksistere side om side og have indflydelse pĂĽ
hinanden. Jeg har afgrÌnset min undersøgelse til krydsfeltet mellem den
downloadbaserede musikbrug og den streambaserede musikbrug. Dette krydsfelt
er kvantitativt baseret pĂĽ statistikker for markedsudviklingen og mediebrugen i
samtiden. Herefter benyttede jeg krydsfeltet som ramme for kvalitative
sammenligninger, dvs. oplevelser af forskelle og ligheder mellem den
downloadede musikfil og den streamede musikfil. I forlĂŚngelse af Sternes (2012a)
undersøgelse af den komprimerede musikfils kulturhistoriske betydning har jeg
undersøgt stream som kulturelt artefakt i samtidens digitale online musikbrug.
Denne undersøgelses empiriske udgangspunkt er semi‐strukturerede
interviews og forefaldende observationer af hĂĽndteringer i forbindelse med
interviewene. Herved bidrager 30 respondenters oplevelser og erfaringer til en
holistisk analyse af hĂĽndteringen og forstĂĽelsen af musikfiler i hverdagen.
Respondenterne er fordelt i tre sociale grupper: 16 unge lyttere, 10 professionelle
musikere og 4 distributører fra hhv. Spotify, TDC Play, Wimp og 24‐7
Entertainment. For büde brugere, musikere og distributører indgür i italesÌttelsen
og forhandlingen af musikfilers betydning i hverdagens musikbrug. MĂĽden, de
bruger musikfiler, dvs. deres hĂĽndteringer, dĂŚkker i bredeste forstand alt lige fra
skabelse og udvikling over brug til regulering og kontrol. Jeg valgte en kvalitativ
metode, fordi den, ifølge Lindlof and Taylor (2011), passer godt med en
sociokulturel optik rettet mod at opnĂĽ dybtgĂĽende forstĂĽelse af hĂĽndtering af
musikfiler i den digitale online musikbrug som en social scene i en specifik
Konkret angiver musikfilens format (.mp3, .wav, .mqa) dens
mikromaterielle tilstand, og hvorvidt den er komprimeret eller ukomprimeret. Jeg
karakteriserer musikfiler som mikromaterielle, fordi datas mĂĽlbarhed stadig er
relevant i tilpasningen af musikerfilernes virke i den digitale online musikbrugs
infrastruktur. Og etableringen af en stream følger det komprimerede musikformats
logik og de samme perceptuelle teknikker, som gĂŚlder for den downloadbaserede
musikbrugs mest kendte format, mp3‐filen.
Undersøgelsen skitserer de anvendte platforme og software, som udgør
grundlaget for det, der bør betegnes hverdagens multiformatmusikbrug.
HĂĽndteringen af musikfiler i mange forskellige formater er betinget af de anvendte
formater men ogsü respondenternes tekniske interesse og forstüelse. Den høje
grad af tekniske forstüelse tillader de streambaserede distributører at
kommodificere fildeling. Den medfølgende magtposition genforhandles, nür andre
teknisk kyndige aktører kommodificerer streamrip med fokus pü at gøre
filkonverteringer lette at anvende. SidstnĂŚvnte viser jeg med analyse af brugen af
software, der ripper musik fra YouTube.
Jeg finder modstridende artikulationer af lydkvalitet blandt de tre grupper.
Formatet og reprĂŚsentationen i diverse platformes brugerflader er
medbestemmende for, hvordan musikfilernes lydkvalitet hĂĽndteres. Men i
sÌrdeleshed ogsü den kulturelle transkodning, som gør lydkvalitet til et
computeranliggende ved brug af computertermer som bitrate mv. Dette afspejles i
det sammensurium af transkodninger, jeg karakteriserer som en fonografisk effekt
af den digitale online musikbrug. Et konkret eksempel herpĂĽ er det sammensurium
af transkodninger, som følger af YouTubes reprÌsentation, regulering, produktion
af stream og lytternes efterfølgende brug, herunder streamrip. Dette
sammensurium af transkodninger betegner jeg som en fonografisk effekt af
YouTube, der er en markant hybrid i krydsfeltet downloadbaseret og
streambaseret musikbrug.
Jeg viser, hvordan musikbrugen ikke kan siges at udvikle sig entydigt fra at
vĂŚre baseret pĂĽ monomodale musikfiler til at vĂŚre baseret pĂĽ multimodale
musikvideofiler. Lyttere søger eksempelvis stadig det, jeg betegner som den rene
musikfil i YouTube‐regi. Eller også streamripper de musikfiler fra videostreams.
Desuden synes musikvideoer vigtige, fordi hverken musikfilen eller playlisten er
visuelt prominente for lytterne. Dette er betinget af, at visuelle metadata skal
trĂŚde i musikfilens sted. For musikfilen er lettest at regulere, hvis den
tilbageholdes i softwarens cache. Det er denne regulerede adgang til musikfilen,
der karakteriserer stream som kulturelt artefakt. Her er en markant analytisk
indsigt, at en stream fremstĂĽr som tilbageholdelsen af et i forvejen tilbageholdende
kulturelt artefakt. Dette gør streamartefaktet svÌrt at begribe. Men trods dette
transkodes musikfilerne vedvarende mellem tilstande som download og stream af
de tre grupper. Jeg viser hermed, hvordan remedieringen af musikfilen og de
tilhørende artikulationer ikke er endegyldige.
Desuden er musikfilens tilgĂŚngelige brugspotentialer skiftet i reguleringen
af formatĂŚndrende og formatbevarende hĂĽndteringer internt og eksternt i
formaterne. Med optimering af brugervenlighed for øje forhandler distributørerne
med lytterne om musikfilens brugspotentialer i krydsfeltet pĂĽ tvĂŚrs af platforme
og kanalers software. Ved siden af denne forhandling stĂĽr musikerne tilbage med
en skepsis, som præger deres vurdering af stream‐formatets brugspotentiale.
Derved synes musikfiler tilgået og forstået som stream at blive it‐branchens
kulturelle transkodning af tidligere fysiske leveringsteknologier og tage form som
en remediering. Dette sker på samme vis, som en samling af mp3‐filer er både en
konvertering af en cd og en remediering af denne. I processen oversætter it‐
branchen musikbrugen efter computerorienterede designideologier.
Konsekvensen bliver, at vi kun vil kunne forstĂĽ musikbrugen gennem
computerens kulturelle ideologier og regelsÌt. Trods distributørernes
magtposition i alliance med musikbranchen vil alle tre grupper kunne vĂŚre med til
at afgøre, i hvilken grad hhv. stream og streaming som artefakt og handling bliver
forstĂĽet teknisk og kulturelt. Mikromaterielle musikfiler er stadig
betydningsbĂŚrende bĂĽde som download, som stream og i form af musikvideoer
eller pĂĽ playlister.
Afslutningsvis skitserer jeg nogle anbefalinger til de tre grupper. Hvad kan
lyttere, musikere og distributører lÌre af undersøgelsen af den digitale online
musikbrug. Jeg slutter af med en kort opfordring til mere forskning i digitale
formaters prĂŚgning af bĂĽde brugen, teknologierne selv og det indhold, som
formaterne leverer. Herunder tages undersøgelsens resultater som udtryk for, at
der ikke er en postformat ĂŚra i sigte.
English abstract
The digital online music use is made possible through many different platforms,
software, and is delivered by a wealth of formats. Music listening is based on
technologies that are part of and under influence of the general everyday media
use. The same can be said for the music production and distribution that are
likewise impacted by both the digitization and the Internet as a framework for the
music use. That is why the everyday music use is often digital and online. In recent
years music streaming has become mainstream in the Nordic countries. The music
files are now used as a stream as well as a download.
This study asks how young listeners, professional musicians, and music
distributors use music files at the intersection between downloading and
streaming practises. I study the music use through a medium theory framework
focusing on the interaction of the media format and the use. Instead of analysing
media I have analysed formats in and between everyday media technologies and
specialised music software. The theoretical framework draws from format theory
and cultural studies to investigate the technical and sociocultural foundations of
the music use. The use of music files is contingent on both the technological as well
as the sociocultural conditions of the music use.
I study the remediation of the music file as a stream based on the
conceptual model of a circuit of culture wherein the meanings of a cultural artefact
are being made and negotiated (Gay mfl., 2013). Hereby commodification and re‐
commodification of music files and uses is linked to theories of remediation and
media convergence (Bolter & Grusin, 2000; Jenkins, 2006). This approach is
necessary due to the commodification of digital music to match the ever‐changing
and converging platforms and infrastructures all of which be used for digital music
practises. I study the affordances of formats in relation to what I term format
preserving and format changing uses. These are format internal and format
external preservations and changes that are actuated through the software
functions. Using these terms I show how the music files influence the music use of
the actors while at the same time the material conditions of the music files are
influences by the music use. I study this interrelationship focusing on the
articulations of the music file as a stream and vice versa.
To study the role of software I describe these as cultural software and grey
zone software in order to investigate how software influences the music use
through the regulations of the affordances of the music files (Manovich, 2013).
Software studies also provide additional terms to study the meaning making that
relies on the influences of software on the use of music. I analyse the technical
transcoding and the cultural transcoding inherent in the digital remediation
(Manovich, 2001).
The proliferation of streaming does not necessarily entail a replacement of
downloading practises. Theories of media convergence and remediation indicate
that several technologies and practises can co‐exist and influence each other. The
scene of the study is defined through the use of an analytical framing of the
intersection between downloading and streaming practises. The intersection is
determined quantitatively by contemporary statistics about the market
development and the music media use. This intersection serves as an analytical
frame with which to examine qualitative comparisons, namely experiences of
similarities and differences between the downloaded music file and the stream
music file. In continuation of Sterne’s (2012a) work on the history and culture of
the compressed music file I have examined the stream as a cultural artefact in
contemporary digital online music use.
My empirical data consists of semi‐structured interviews ad hoc
observations in connection with the interviews. I interviewed young listeners
(n16), professional musicians (n10) and distributors from Spotify, TDC Play, Tidal,
and 24/7 Entertainment (n4). Interviewing three different social groups (n30
total) represents a holistic approach with which to answer the question how music
files are understood. The meaning making is articulated in uses ranging from
creation and development through listening related uses to regulation and control.
I chose a predominantly qualitative methodology because it fits well with a
sociocultural perspective aiming to achieve deeper insights about the use of music
files as a social scene in a specific context.
Below I outline some premises and present the main findings of the study.
File extensions such as .mp3 or .wav, or .mqa detail the format of the music file, its
micro material state and whether the file is compressed or uncompressed. I
characterise the music file as being micro material because the measurability of
data is relevant in the adjustment of the music file to the infrastructure of the
music use. And the establishing of the stream follows logic of the compressed
music file and the same perceptual technics that apply to the commonly known
format of the download‐based music use, the mp3.
The study outlines the platforms and software that supply the basis of what
I conceive of as a multi format music use. The respondents’ interests and
understandings of technical issues condition the use of variable music formats. A
high level of technical understanding allows the distributors to commodify file
sharing. The ensuing position of power is renegotiated when other technically
skilled actors commodify stream ripping with an aim to file conversions easy to
use. I show this in an analysis of the use of software that rips music from YouTube.
I find contradictory articulations of sound quality among the three groups.
The format and its representations in the user interface of diverse platforms is
influential shaper of the ways the sound quality of the music files can be managed.
But particularly the cultural transcoding that transforms sound quality to a
computer issue by way of computer terms such as bitrate. This is reflected in the
tangle of transcodes that I characterise as a phonographic effect (Katz, 2004) of the
digital online music use. A distinct example of this is the tangle of transcodes that
follow from the representation, regulation, and production of the stream on
YouTube and the users’ subsequent uses, such as stream ripping. This tangle of
technical and cultural transcodes I term a phonographic effect of YouTube, which
stands as a significant hybrid at the intersection between downloading and
streaming practises.
I show how the digital online music use develops ambiguously and not in a
straight flow from monomodal music files to being based on multimodal music
video files. The listeners still seek what I term the clean music file on YouTube. Or
they stream rip music files from video streams. Further music videos appear to be
important because neither the music files with irregular metadata nor the playlists
are visually prominent to the listeners. In the domain of the distributors, this is
contingent on the metadata needing to step in place of the music file. The music file
is most easily regulated if it is withheld in the cache of the music software. It is this
regulated access to the music files that differentiates the stream as a cultural
artefact. It is a significant analytical insight that a stream appears as the concealing
of an already withholding cultural artefact. This makes it difficult to perceive the
stream artefact. But in spite of this a music files are continuously transcoded to
perform as a download or stream by the three groups. Hereby, I show how neither
the remediation of the music file nor the concomitant articulations are definitive.
Furthermore the available affordances of the music file have shifted due to
the regulations of uses whether they be changing or preserving the format. As part
of the IT industry and focusing on user‐friendliness, the distributors negotiate the
availability of affordances with the listeners throughout platforms and software.
Next to this negotiation the musicians are left with a sceptical attitude that
influences their evaluation of the stream and its affordances. Therefore music files,
accessed and understood as a stream, seem to become a cultural transcode
executed by the IT industry of previous physical delivery technologies. This
happens much in the same way, as a collection of mp3‐files is both a conversion as
well as a remediation of the cd. In this process the IT industry translates the music
use in accordance with computer oriented design ideologies. As a consequence we
will only be able to understand the workings of contemporary music through the
ideologies and rules of the computer. In spite of the power held by the distributors
in alliance with the music business all three groups will be able to determine to
what extend both the stream and streaming will be understood technically and
culturally as both an artefact and an action. Micro material music files still carry
meaning as download, as stream, also in the shape of music videos, and as
collected on playlists.
Concluding I outline some recommendations for the three groups. What can
listeners, musicians, and distributors from this study of the digital online music
use. The dissertation ends with a short call for further research of the way digital
formats influence the technologies, the music use, and the contents they deliver.
This call is based on the study as evidence of there not being a post‐format era in
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Abstract For PhD-Dissertation The Use Of Music Files At The Intersection Between Downloading And Streaming Practices.

  • 1. [This abstract contains the following from my PhD‐dissertation: danish resumĂŠ, english resumĂŠ, and bibliography] [[Link to entire monograph in danish via SDU website]] HĂĽndteringen af musikfiler i krydsfeltet mellem downloading og streaming En undersøgelse af hverdagens digitale musikbrug og remedieringen af musikformater The use of music files at the intersection between downloading and streaming practices A study of everyday digital music use and the remediation of music formats Š Andreas Lenander Ægidius Ph.d.‐afhandling, marts 2017 Hovedvejleder: Kirsten Drotner Bivejleder: Erik Granly Jensen Institut for Kulturvidenskaber Ph.d.‐afhandlingens omfang (eksl. bibliografi og bilag): 568.632 tegn svarende til 237 normalsider. -- ♫ --
  • 2. 2 Dansk resumĂŠ Den digitale online musikbrug har spredt sig over mange platforme, software og leveres i et vĂŚld af formater. Musiklytning beror pĂĽ teknologier, som indgĂĽr i hverdagens generelle mediebrug. Det samme gĂŚlder musikskabelsen og distributionen, som tilsvarende prĂŚges af bĂĽde digitaliseringens og internettets rammer for musikbrugen, som derfor i dag ofte er digital og online. Senest er musikstreaming blevet mainstream i de nordiske lande. Musikfiler hĂĽndteres nu bĂĽde som en stream og som et download. Denne undersøgelse spørger hvordan unge lyttere, musikskabere og musikdistributører hĂĽndterer musikfiler i krydsfeltet mellem downloadbaseret og streambaseret musikbrug. Jeg undersøger musikbrugen i et medieteoretisk perspektiv med fokus pĂĽ vekselvirkningen mellem mediets format og brugen. I stedet for at undersøge medier har jeg analyseret formater i og mellem hverdagens medieteknologier og specialiserede musiksoftware. Med teoretisk udgangspunkt i formatteori og kulturstudier har jeg undersøgt tekniske og sociokulturelle grundlag for musikbrugen. HĂĽndteringen af musikfiler er betinget af relationen mellem musikbrugens teknologiske forhold og dens sociokulturelle forhold. Jeg undersøger remedieringen af musikfilen som stream ud fra den konceptuelle model for et kulturkredsløb, hvori et kulturelt artefakts betydning dannes (Gay mfl., 2013). Kommodificeringer og rekommodificering af musikfiler og hĂĽndteringer bliver herved sammenkĂŚdet med remediering og konvergens (Bolter & Grusin, 2000; Jenkins, 2006). Dette har vĂŚret nødvendigt, fordi musik kommodificeres til nye platforme som et resultat af konvergerende platforme og infrastrukturer, der alle kan bruges til hĂĽndteringen af musik. Jeg har undersøgt formaternes brugspotentialer via det, jeg betegner formatbevarende og formatĂŚndrende hĂĽndteringer. Disse er formatinterne eller formateksterne ĂŚndringer eller bevarelser via de software, som benyttes. Med disse begreber har jeg vist, hvordan musikfiler er prĂŚget af aktørernes hĂĽndteringer. Men samtidigt hvordan deres hĂĽndteringer er prĂŚget af musikfilers materielle forhold med sĂŚrligt fokus pĂĽ fremstillingen af musikfiler som stream og stream som musikfil. Denne tilgang er desuden baseret pĂĽ softwarestudiers koncepter som kulturel software og grĂĽzonesoftware, og hvordan de bestemmer adgangen til formaternes brugspotentialer (Manovich, 2013). Softwarestudier forholder sig ogsĂĽ til betydningsdannelse via softwarens prĂŚgning af hĂĽndteringen af indholdet. Jeg har
  • 3. 3 hentet begreber til at undersøge den digitale remedierings konsekvenser ud fra begreberne om teknisk og kulturel transkodning (Manovich, 2001). Udbredelsen af streaming er ikke ensbetydende med en udskiftning af downloading. Teorier om konvergens og remediering tilsiger netop, at flere teknologier og brugsscenarier kan eksistere side om side og have indflydelse pĂĽ hinanden. Jeg har afgrĂŚnset min undersøgelse til krydsfeltet mellem den downloadbaserede musikbrug og den streambaserede musikbrug. Dette krydsfelt er kvantitativt baseret pĂĽ statistikker for markedsudviklingen og mediebrugen i samtiden. Herefter benyttede jeg krydsfeltet som ramme for kvalitative sammenligninger, dvs. oplevelser af forskelle og ligheder mellem den downloadede musikfil og den streamede musikfil. I forlĂŚngelse af Sternes (2012a) undersøgelse af den komprimerede musikfils kulturhistoriske betydning har jeg undersøgt stream som kulturelt artefakt i samtidens digitale online musikbrug. Denne undersøgelses empiriske udgangspunkt er semi‐strukturerede interviews og forefaldende observationer af hĂĽndteringer i forbindelse med interviewene. Herved bidrager 30 respondenters oplevelser og erfaringer til en holistisk analyse af hĂĽndteringen og forstĂĽelsen af musikfiler i hverdagen. Respondenterne er fordelt i tre sociale grupper: 16 unge lyttere, 10 professionelle musikere og 4 distributører fra hhv. Spotify, TDC Play, Wimp og 24‐7 Entertainment. For bĂĽde brugere, musikere og distributører indgĂĽr i italesĂŚttelsen og forhandlingen af musikfilers betydning i hverdagens musikbrug. MĂĽden, de bruger musikfiler, dvs. deres hĂĽndteringer, dĂŚkker i bredeste forstand alt lige fra skabelse og udvikling over brug til regulering og kontrol. Jeg valgte en kvalitativ metode, fordi den, ifølge Lindlof and Taylor (2011), passer godt med en sociokulturel optik rettet mod at opnĂĽ dybtgĂĽende forstĂĽelse af hĂĽndtering af musikfiler i den digitale online musikbrug som en social scene i en specifik kontekst. Konkret angiver musikfilens format (.mp3, .wav, .mqa) dens mikromaterielle tilstand, og hvorvidt den er komprimeret eller ukomprimeret. Jeg karakteriserer musikfiler som mikromaterielle, fordi datas mĂĽlbarhed stadig er relevant i tilpasningen af musikerfilernes virke i den digitale online musikbrugs infrastruktur. Og etableringen af en stream følger det komprimerede musikformats logik og de samme perceptuelle teknikker, som gĂŚlder for den downloadbaserede musikbrugs mest kendte format, mp3‐filen. Undersøgelsen skitserer de anvendte platforme og software, som udgør grundlaget for det, der bør betegnes hverdagens multiformatmusikbrug. HĂĽndteringen af musikfiler i mange forskellige formater er betinget af de anvendte
  • 4. 4 formater men ogsĂĽ respondenternes tekniske interesse og forstĂĽelse. Den høje grad af tekniske forstĂĽelse tillader de streambaserede distributører at kommodificere fildeling. Den medfølgende magtposition genforhandles, nĂĽr andre teknisk kyndige aktører kommodificerer streamrip med fokus pĂĽ at gøre filkonverteringer lette at anvende. SidstnĂŚvnte viser jeg med analyse af brugen af software, der ripper musik fra YouTube. Jeg finder modstridende artikulationer af lydkvalitet blandt de tre grupper. Formatet og reprĂŚsentationen i diverse platformes brugerflader er medbestemmende for, hvordan musikfilernes lydkvalitet hĂĽndteres. Men i sĂŚrdeleshed ogsĂĽ den kulturelle transkodning, som gør lydkvalitet til et computeranliggende ved brug af computertermer som bitrate mv. Dette afspejles i det sammensurium af transkodninger, jeg karakteriserer som en fonografisk effekt af den digitale online musikbrug. Et konkret eksempel herpĂĽ er det sammensurium af transkodninger, som følger af YouTubes reprĂŚsentation, regulering, produktion af stream og lytternes efterfølgende brug, herunder streamrip. Dette sammensurium af transkodninger betegner jeg som en fonografisk effekt af YouTube, der er en markant hybrid i krydsfeltet downloadbaseret og streambaseret musikbrug. Jeg viser, hvordan musikbrugen ikke kan siges at udvikle sig entydigt fra at vĂŚre baseret pĂĽ monomodale musikfiler til at vĂŚre baseret pĂĽ multimodale musikvideofiler. Lyttere søger eksempelvis stadig det, jeg betegner som den rene musikfil i YouTube‐regi. Eller ogsĂĽ streamripper de musikfiler fra videostreams. Desuden synes musikvideoer vigtige, fordi hverken musikfilen eller playlisten er visuelt prominente for lytterne. Dette er betinget af, at visuelle metadata skal trĂŚde i musikfilens sted. For musikfilen er lettest at regulere, hvis den tilbageholdes i softwarens cache. Det er denne regulerede adgang til musikfilen, der karakteriserer stream som kulturelt artefakt. Her er en markant analytisk indsigt, at en stream fremstĂĽr som tilbageholdelsen af et i forvejen tilbageholdende kulturelt artefakt. Dette gør streamartefaktet svĂŚrt at begribe. Men trods dette transkodes musikfilerne vedvarende mellem tilstande som download og stream af de tre grupper. Jeg viser hermed, hvordan remedieringen af musikfilen og de tilhørende artikulationer ikke er endegyldige. Desuden er musikfilens tilgĂŚngelige brugspotentialer skiftet i reguleringen af formatĂŚndrende og formatbevarende hĂĽndteringer internt og eksternt i formaterne. Med optimering af brugervenlighed for øje forhandler distributørerne med lytterne om musikfilens brugspotentialer i krydsfeltet pĂĽ tvĂŚrs af platforme og kanalers software. Ved siden af denne forhandling stĂĽr musikerne tilbage med
  • 5. 5 en skepsis, som prĂŚger deres vurdering af stream‐formatets brugspotentiale. Derved synes musikfiler tilgĂĽet og forstĂĽet som stream at blive it‐branchens kulturelle transkodning af tidligere fysiske leveringsteknologier og tage form som en remediering. Dette sker pĂĽ samme vis, som en samling af mp3‐filer er bĂĽde en konvertering af en cd og en remediering af denne. I processen oversĂŚtter it‐ branchen musikbrugen efter computerorienterede designideologier. Konsekvensen bliver, at vi kun vil kunne forstĂĽ musikbrugen gennem computerens kulturelle ideologier og regelsĂŚt. Trods distributørernes magtposition i alliance med musikbranchen vil alle tre grupper kunne vĂŚre med til at afgøre, i hvilken grad hhv. stream og streaming som artefakt og handling bliver forstĂĽet teknisk og kulturelt. Mikromaterielle musikfiler er stadig betydningsbĂŚrende bĂĽde som download, som stream og i form af musikvideoer eller pĂĽ playlister. Afslutningsvis skitserer jeg nogle anbefalinger til de tre grupper. Hvad kan lyttere, musikere og distributører lĂŚre af undersøgelsen af den digitale online musikbrug. Jeg slutter af med en kort opfordring til mere forskning i digitale formaters prĂŚgning af bĂĽde brugen, teknologierne selv og det indhold, som formaterne leverer. Herunder tages undersøgelsens resultater som udtryk for, at der ikke er en postformat ĂŚra i sigte.
  • 6. 6 English abstract The digital online music use is made possible through many different platforms, software, and is delivered by a wealth of formats. Music listening is based on technologies that are part of and under influence of the general everyday media use. The same can be said for the music production and distribution that are likewise impacted by both the digitization and the Internet as a framework for the music use. That is why the everyday music use is often digital and online. In recent years music streaming has become mainstream in the Nordic countries. The music files are now used as a stream as well as a download. This study asks how young listeners, professional musicians, and music distributors use music files at the intersection between downloading and streaming practises. I study the music use through a medium theory framework focusing on the interaction of the media format and the use. Instead of analysing media I have analysed formats in and between everyday media technologies and specialised music software. The theoretical framework draws from format theory and cultural studies to investigate the technical and sociocultural foundations of the music use. The use of music files is contingent on both the technological as well as the sociocultural conditions of the music use. I study the remediation of the music file as a stream based on the conceptual model of a circuit of culture wherein the meanings of a cultural artefact are being made and negotiated (Gay mfl., 2013). Hereby commodification and re‐ commodification of music files and uses is linked to theories of remediation and media convergence (Bolter & Grusin, 2000; Jenkins, 2006). This approach is necessary due to the commodification of digital music to match the ever‐changing and converging platforms and infrastructures all of which be used for digital music practises. I study the affordances of formats in relation to what I term format preserving and format changing uses. These are format internal and format external preservations and changes that are actuated through the software functions. Using these terms I show how the music files influence the music use of the actors while at the same time the material conditions of the music files are influences by the music use. I study this interrelationship focusing on the articulations of the music file as a stream and vice versa. To study the role of software I describe these as cultural software and grey zone software in order to investigate how software influences the music use through the regulations of the affordances of the music files (Manovich, 2013). Software studies also provide additional terms to study the meaning making that
  • 7. 7 relies on the influences of software on the use of music. I analyse the technical transcoding and the cultural transcoding inherent in the digital remediation (Manovich, 2001). The proliferation of streaming does not necessarily entail a replacement of downloading practises. Theories of media convergence and remediation indicate that several technologies and practises can co‐exist and influence each other. The scene of the study is defined through the use of an analytical framing of the intersection between downloading and streaming practises. The intersection is determined quantitatively by contemporary statistics about the market development and the music media use. This intersection serves as an analytical frame with which to examine qualitative comparisons, namely experiences of similarities and differences between the downloaded music file and the stream music file. In continuation of Sterne’s (2012a) work on the history and culture of the compressed music file I have examined the stream as a cultural artefact in contemporary digital online music use. My empirical data consists of semi‐structured interviews ad hoc observations in connection with the interviews. I interviewed young listeners (n16), professional musicians (n10) and distributors from Spotify, TDC Play, Tidal, and 24/7 Entertainment (n4). Interviewing three different social groups (n30 total) represents a holistic approach with which to answer the question how music files are understood. The meaning making is articulated in uses ranging from creation and development through listening related uses to regulation and control. I chose a predominantly qualitative methodology because it fits well with a sociocultural perspective aiming to achieve deeper insights about the use of music files as a social scene in a specific context. Below I outline some premises and present the main findings of the study. File extensions such as .mp3 or .wav, or .mqa detail the format of the music file, its micro material state and whether the file is compressed or uncompressed. I characterise the music file as being micro material because the measurability of data is relevant in the adjustment of the music file to the infrastructure of the music use. And the establishing of the stream follows logic of the compressed music file and the same perceptual technics that apply to the commonly known format of the download‐based music use, the mp3. The study outlines the platforms and software that supply the basis of what I conceive of as a multi format music use. The respondents’ interests and understandings of technical issues condition the use of variable music formats. A high level of technical understanding allows the distributors to commodify file
  • 8. 8 sharing. The ensuing position of power is renegotiated when other technically skilled actors commodify stream ripping with an aim to file conversions easy to use. I show this in an analysis of the use of software that rips music from YouTube. I find contradictory articulations of sound quality among the three groups. The format and its representations in the user interface of diverse platforms is influential shaper of the ways the sound quality of the music files can be managed. But particularly the cultural transcoding that transforms sound quality to a computer issue by way of computer terms such as bitrate. This is reflected in the tangle of transcodes that I characterise as a phonographic effect (Katz, 2004) of the digital online music use. A distinct example of this is the tangle of transcodes that follow from the representation, regulation, and production of the stream on YouTube and the users’ subsequent uses, such as stream ripping. This tangle of technical and cultural transcodes I term a phonographic effect of YouTube, which stands as a significant hybrid at the intersection between downloading and streaming practises. I show how the digital online music use develops ambiguously and not in a straight flow from monomodal music files to being based on multimodal music video files. The listeners still seek what I term the clean music file on YouTube. Or they stream rip music files from video streams. Further music videos appear to be important because neither the music files with irregular metadata nor the playlists are visually prominent to the listeners. In the domain of the distributors, this is contingent on the metadata needing to step in place of the music file. The music file is most easily regulated if it is withheld in the cache of the music software. It is this regulated access to the music files that differentiates the stream as a cultural artefact. It is a significant analytical insight that a stream appears as the concealing of an already withholding cultural artefact. This makes it difficult to perceive the stream artefact. But in spite of this a music files are continuously transcoded to perform as a download or stream by the three groups. Hereby, I show how neither the remediation of the music file nor the concomitant articulations are definitive. Furthermore the available affordances of the music file have shifted due to the regulations of uses whether they be changing or preserving the format. As part of the IT industry and focusing on user‐friendliness, the distributors negotiate the availability of affordances with the listeners throughout platforms and software. Next to this negotiation the musicians are left with a sceptical attitude that influences their evaluation of the stream and its affordances. Therefore music files, accessed and understood as a stream, seem to become a cultural transcode executed by the IT industry of previous physical delivery technologies. This
  • 9. 9 happens much in the same way, as a collection of mp3‐files is both a conversion as well as a remediation of the cd. In this process the IT industry translates the music use in accordance with computer oriented design ideologies. As a consequence we will only be able to understand the workings of contemporary music through the ideologies and rules of the computer. In spite of the power held by the distributors in alliance with the music business all three groups will be able to determine to what extend both the stream and streaming will be understood technically and culturally as both an artefact and an action. Micro material music files still carry meaning as download, as stream, also in the shape of music videos, and as collected on playlists. Concluding I outline some recommendations for the three groups. What can listeners, musicians, and distributors from this study of the digital online music use. The dissertation ends with a short call for further research of the way digital formats influence the technologies, the music use, and the contents they deliver. This call is based on the study as evidence of there not being a post‐format era in sight.
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