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Thesis Statement On Abortion
Statement of Problem: Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most
often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Today, especially here in the United States
of America, there is a growing issue and debate around the idea of abortion. There is a stigma against
abortion because of the possibility of negative religious, political, medical, emotional, and mental
consequences it may cause. Each year, worldwide there is an estimated 42 billion abortions that take
place. This number does not include abortions that are not performed by professionals. The big issue
alongside with abortion itself, is the affects it has on the mental health of females who undergo the
Purpose of the Study: Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy that is most often
performed during the first 28 weeks of more content...
There are religious and emotional objections to abortion as well as the possibility of negative
medical and mental consequences. Many are in favor of making abortion illegal because, they
feel it is immoral. Others believe that government should not have a say so in such a personal
matter. Are there any other factors that could possibly change the way people view abortion? The
matter of abortions negatively affecting the women who have the procedure done is one that the
world has been dealing with for some time now. Researchers have decided to explore the idea that
women who have had an abortion could possibly be at a higher risk for developing and even
intensifying mental health issues. Researchers use various measures to determine if or how having
an abortion effects woman. Measures include factors such as women who request an abortion but
have not yet gone through with it, women who have gone through with the procedure, and women
who have lost a child due to abortions or other ways. The following literature explains these
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Anti Abortion Essay
Since the Darwinian Revolution of the 19th century our society has turned upside down.
Everything under the sun had become questionable, the origin of life, how we came to be, where
are we headed and what to do in the here all became questions in life. But one of the greatest
impacts of this new age thinking is its effect on our Old World values.Western societies values,
morals and ethics became debatable, with some people striving for change and others clinging for
stability. Battle lines had been drawn and the Liberals and Conservatives were ready to duke it out
on a number of issues. One of these debates centers on a woman?s right to have and abortion.
According to the Webster?s dictionary and abortion is defined as a miscarry, more content...
The Biblical understanding of life isn?t the only religious argument that opposes abortion and its
practice. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and many other world faiths have a similar stance on the topic
at hand. Hinduism claims that the soul enters the embryo at the time of conception and abortion
should hence be outlawed except in the case of rape or incest. Buddhism takes a similar stance and
claims abortion is ?murdering?, yet also states that each case should be individually analyzed. Islam
considers abortion as a moral crime and sees life (its start finish) as the jurisdiction of God. Islamic
law states that abortion is illegal except in those situations in which the woman?s life is in jeopardy.
The question that arises after examining these numerous perspectives is how can these practices
which violate or threaten our fundamental beliefs be tolerated? The critics of the ant–abortion
perspective, ?pro–choice?, have arguments of their own. First and foremost they argue that biblical
law and its perspectives are codes of life for believers and in a pluralistic society this view shouldn?t
be a reference or a deciding factor. One could imagine how it would be to have another foreign view
imposed on us so why would anyone impose their views on others or the society at large? Other
pro–choice arguments have went to claim that abortion isn?t immoral because morality is subjective
hence people decide on their own what is
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Banning Abortion Essay
Banning Abortion For many years now people have debated over abortion. Legally a woman can
have an abortion when she is up to 24weeks pregnant except if the mothers' life is in danger. Some
people see this as killing innocent babies but others see it as a rescue for teenage mothers' etc.
Abortion was only legalized in 1861but was only carried out if the mothers life was at risk.
However this changed with the introduction of the Abortion Act (1967) by the Liberal MP David
Steel. This allowed a woman to have an abortion if there was a risk or injury to her or her existing
children's physical or mental health but the mother must have the permission of two doctors. In 1990
the law was changed more content...
This is similar to the suction procedure except that the abortionist inserts a curette, a loop–shaped
steel knife up into the uterus. He then cuts the placenta and baby into pieces and scrapes them out
into a basin. Bleeding is usually profuse. D & X (Partial Birth) Also used for advanced
pregnancies. The cervix is dilated to allow passage of a ring forceps. A foot or lower leg is
located and pulled into the vagina. The baby is extracted in breech fashion until the head is just
inside the cervix. The baby's legs hang outside the woman's body. With the baby facedown,
scissors are plunged into the baby's head at the nape of the neck and spread open to enlarge the
wound. A suction tip is inserted and the baby's brain is removed. The skull collapses and the
baby is delivered. Sharp and suction curettage is continued until the walls of the womb are clean.
These methods may seem cruel but a baby can have distasterous affects on the mothers' lives. If
abortions were made illegal the number of teenage or unmarried pregnacys' would rise
dramatically. Also, victims of rape or incest may not want to have the baby, as it would remind
them of their terrible experiences. A lot of teenagers would be unable to cope with a baby; a lot of
teenagers are getting pregnant at the age of 13/14. To have to bring up a baby could take away any
chance of a career and the baby
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Mla Format
Jean Lin
Ms. Kasababian
Language Arts Honors
30 November 2012
In 2008, twelve women taking resident in the U.S. died due to legal abortions performed during the
second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion should be available to all females living in the
United States, but must be a legal citizen to have late abortions, which are during the second or third
trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion is a right that women have, and the Fourth Amendment "Search
and Seizure" supports it. Fewer women will exercise abortion if it is kept legal in the U.S. Late
abortions are dangerous, so only legal citizens of the U.S. may have second or third trimester
abortions. In the 1820's, various ideas against abortions more content...
Many CPCs (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) mislead women into thinking that abortions cause breast
cancer, that birth–control pills cause abortions, and that abortion can lead to sterility. CPCs do
anything to talk a woman out of having a legal abortion. Late abortions are performed during the
second or third trimesters. A method of late abortion is a saline injection. This is when a needle is
inserted into the uterus through the
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Abortion Against Abortion
Therefore, improving access to abortion care without restriction would ensure that all women are
able to make the decision that is best for them regarding childbearing when faced with an
unintended pregnancy because of rape or incest. At the same time, the supporters of abortion
believe that the life of mother should be considered first in case of rape or incest since the life of
the unborn baby is absolutely depend on what happens to the mother. Therefore, the supporters of
abortions argue that the value of the life of the mother supersedes the nonhuman fetus and there is a
moral obligation to the living (Medoff 159).
Those who oppose abortion on the other hand, believe in the equality of human being, and argue
that the unborn baby has a right to life (McCoyd 136). The basis for the opponents of abortion is
"life begins at conception and that abortion is tantamount to murder since the fetus is a person with
the same legal and moral rights as a "living" person" (Medoff 159). The opponents of abortion
believe that life is sacred, and no one has the authority to eliminate it, and the Roman Catholic
Church strongly supports this position by calling "the development of craniotomy and removal of
the fetus from women as disabling and fatal condition for women" (McCoyd 136). Similarly, to
further support this position, at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development
in Cairo, Egypt, delegates from the Vatican demanded that all references to unsafe abortions be
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Against Abortion Essay
Against Abortion
Why is it that by 21 days into the fetal development the baby's heart begins to beat, but yet in most
people's eyes the baby is still not 'technically' alive' That heart beat means nothing, it doesn't
represent a human person whom God has created in his own image and has had a plan for that baby
ever since the beginning of time. To most people that statement isn?t allowing women and their
families freedom of choice. And yet that baby isn't given any say in its freedom to live. This paper
will give many supporting statistics towards the right to life, I am pro–life.
*Forty–nine percent of pregnancies among American women are unintended, half of these are
terminated by an abortion. Each year, two out more content...
Adoption is always an option. If having a child will interfere in their lives so much then they should
share the gift of a newborn with a couple whom are unable to have children of their own. At least
then the mother can move on with her ?responsibilities? and the child isn?t deprived of it?s right to
There are different ways to abort a baby, medical, partial–birth and simple procedures during the
early weeks of pregnancy. In September, 2000, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration approved the abortion drug to be marketed in the U.S. as an alternative to
surgical abortion. Also called mifepristone, medical abortions are administered within the first nine
weeks of pregnancy and stops the development of the baby and will help expel the pregnancy.
Women who agree to have a medical abortion must also agree to have a surgical abortion if the
mifepristone doesn?t work. About
37,000 medical abortions were performed in the first half of 2001, costing the ?mother? about $490.
Partial–birth abortion is performed in the second and third trimesters and entails inducing a breech
delivery with forceps, then delivering the legs, arms and torso only, and puncturing the back of the
skull with scissors or a trochar, next by inserting a suction curette into the skull, and suctioning the
contents of the skull so as to collapse it, and finally completing the delivery. A partial breech
delivery is
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Arguments Against Abortion
The right to life is the most basic and important right that we have. In the past two hundred years,
over one million Americans have died for their country. Monuments have been built and speeches
have been delivered, honoring these American heroes. America is now engaged in a war where there
are no heroes, no monuments or tributes – only victims. Our society has declared war on its most
helpless members – our unborn children. Since that war was declared on January 22, 1973, there
have been over 35 million deaths.
Abortion is one of the most controversial and important subjects of this generation. Much has
changed in 25 years. Back more content...
I guess not, as long as you are in the womb according this argument. Those unwanted children who
have become criminals, while sad, certainly are not sentenced to death that easily and they still have
the possibility of changing their lives. Allowing abortion because of the mere possibility of
becoming a criminal would seem to mean it is permissible to use the death penalty for a lot more
than just murder if taken to its logical and frightening conclusions. Abortion for this reason just takes
us off the hook for showing love and concern to these unwanted children, but that would be more
time consuming and difficult and not always successful and, quite frankly, just not as convenient for
Assume that the practice of drinking milk was widely considered immoral and that the evilness of
drinking milk was obvious to everyone, including children. What is the best way for a minority of
milk drinkers to get their behavior accepted by the majority? The milk drinkers know that they
cannot convince enough people to accept their position by direct argument alone. The only way to
get immoral behavior accepted would be to change the definition of commonly understood words.
For example, they might refer to milk as flavored water and to drink flavored water is not immoral.
The pro–abortion activists have imposed this same
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Discursive Essay on Abortion
Discursive Essay on Abortion
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If a woman falls pregnant and she does not wish to go
through with the pregnancy then she may choose to have an abortion. Abortion is a controversial
issue, some people say it is ok to abort a baby but others are strongly against it. Sometimes people
are against it because they believe it is wrong but some are against it because of their religion, their
background and their up–bringing. People who are for abortion may have had one and therefore
think it is ok or they may know someone who has had one. In this essay I will discuss the arguments
for and the arguments against abortion.
An argument in favour of more content...
The girl also may have to leave school for a little while to take care of the baby which would make
her fall behind on a lot of school work. She may have the pregnancy terminated because she may
have wanted to go to college or university to study further. I feel that she should have the chance to
live her life and be free without having any major responsibilities, like having to look after a baby.
However, even though a woman may have a perfectly good reason to have an abortion she would
still be killing a human life. Some women think they are doing the right thing at the time but when
it comes to a later stage in life, many of them can regret their decisions. It would probably be at the
back of their mind– they would think about it when they got the chance to. They would probably
think how their lives would be different if they had had the baby.
Furthermore, there are many people in the world that cannot conceive for many different reasons and
would do anything for a child, therefore they would adopt. Instead of a woman having a termination
because she think she is unable to cope then she could have the baby and then put it up for adoption.
Sometimes in these situations women have the baby and they often change their mind about having
the baby put up for
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An Argument Against Abortion Essay
Abortion in America is a controversial issue in which both sides have valid arguments at face value.
The pro–choice side has many arguments to support it belief in keeping abortion legal. Many of
these are faulty, and argue points irrelevant to the issue as I will attempt to illustrate, thereby
eliminating the main pro–choice arguments. The pro–life position has somewhat different ideas. The
most popular of these is: The unborn entity is fully human from the moment of conception. Abortion
results in the intentional death of the unborn entity. Therefore, abortion can be defined the
intentional killing of a human being. This killing is in most cases unjustified, since the unborn
human being has more content...
The reason this argument doesn't work is because it is begging the question. In fact, this lie hides
behind a good percentage of the popular arguments for the pro–choice position. One begs the
question when one assumes what one is trying to prove is correct. The question–begging of the
coat–hanger argument is very obvious: but only by assuming that the unborn are not fully human
does the argument work. If the unborn are not fully human, then the pro–choicer has a legitimate
concern, just as one would have in overturning a law forbidding appendicitis operations if countless
people were needlessly dying of both appendicitis and illegal operations. But if the unborn are fully
human, this pro–choice argument is the same as saying that because people die or are harmed
while killing other people, the state should make it safe for them to do so. Even some pro–choicers,
who argue for their position in other ways, admit that the coat hanger/back–alley argument is crap.
Although statistics cant establish a particular moral position, there has been arguments over both the
actual number of illegal abortions and the number of women who died as a result of them before
legalization. Prior to Roe vs Wade, pro–choicers used saying that nearly a million women every year
obtained illegal abortions performed
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Abortion Against Essay

  • 1. Thesis Statement On Abortion Introduction Statement of Problem: Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Today, especially here in the United States of America, there is a growing issue and debate around the idea of abortion. There is a stigma against abortion because of the possibility of negative religious, political, medical, emotional, and mental consequences it may cause. Each year, worldwide there is an estimated 42 billion abortions that take place. This number does not include abortions that are not performed by professionals. The big issue alongside with abortion itself, is the affects it has on the mental health of females who undergo the procedure. Purpose of the Study: Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy that is most often performed during the first 28 weeks of more content... There are religious and emotional objections to abortion as well as the possibility of negative medical and mental consequences. Many are in favor of making abortion illegal because, they feel it is immoral. Others believe that government should not have a say so in such a personal matter. Are there any other factors that could possibly change the way people view abortion? The matter of abortions negatively affecting the women who have the procedure done is one that the world has been dealing with for some time now. Researchers have decided to explore the idea that women who have had an abortion could possibly be at a higher risk for developing and even intensifying mental health issues. Researchers use various measures to determine if or how having an abortion effects woman. Measures include factors such as women who request an abortion but have not yet gone through with it, women who have gone through with the procedure, and women who have lost a child due to abortions or other ways. The following literature explains these Get more content on
  • 2. Anti Abortion Essay Since the Darwinian Revolution of the 19th century our society has turned upside down. Everything under the sun had become questionable, the origin of life, how we came to be, where are we headed and what to do in the here all became questions in life. But one of the greatest impacts of this new age thinking is its effect on our Old World values.Western societies values, morals and ethics became debatable, with some people striving for change and others clinging for stability. Battle lines had been drawn and the Liberals and Conservatives were ready to duke it out on a number of issues. One of these debates centers on a woman?s right to have and abortion. According to the Webster?s dictionary and abortion is defined as a miscarry, more content... The Biblical understanding of life isn?t the only religious argument that opposes abortion and its practice. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and many other world faiths have a similar stance on the topic at hand. Hinduism claims that the soul enters the embryo at the time of conception and abortion should hence be outlawed except in the case of rape or incest. Buddhism takes a similar stance and claims abortion is ?murdering?, yet also states that each case should be individually analyzed. Islam considers abortion as a moral crime and sees life (its start finish) as the jurisdiction of God. Islamic law states that abortion is illegal except in those situations in which the woman?s life is in jeopardy. The question that arises after examining these numerous perspectives is how can these practices which violate or threaten our fundamental beliefs be tolerated? The critics of the ant–abortion perspective, ?pro–choice?, have arguments of their own. First and foremost they argue that biblical law and its perspectives are codes of life for believers and in a pluralistic society this view shouldn?t be a reference or a deciding factor. One could imagine how it would be to have another foreign view imposed on us so why would anyone impose their views on others or the society at large? Other pro–choice arguments have went to claim that abortion isn?t immoral because morality is subjective hence people decide on their own what is Get more content on
  • 3. Banning Abortion Essay Banning Abortion For many years now people have debated over abortion. Legally a woman can have an abortion when she is up to 24weeks pregnant except if the mothers' life is in danger. Some people see this as killing innocent babies but others see it as a rescue for teenage mothers' etc. Abortion was only legalized in 1861but was only carried out if the mothers life was at risk. However this changed with the introduction of the Abortion Act (1967) by the Liberal MP David Steel. This allowed a woman to have an abortion if there was a risk or injury to her or her existing children's physical or mental health but the mother must have the permission of two doctors. In 1990 the law was changed more content... This is similar to the suction procedure except that the abortionist inserts a curette, a loop–shaped steel knife up into the uterus. He then cuts the placenta and baby into pieces and scrapes them out into a basin. Bleeding is usually profuse. D & X (Partial Birth) Also used for advanced pregnancies. The cervix is dilated to allow passage of a ring forceps. A foot or lower leg is located and pulled into the vagina. The baby is extracted in breech fashion until the head is just inside the cervix. The baby's legs hang outside the woman's body. With the baby facedown, scissors are plunged into the baby's head at the nape of the neck and spread open to enlarge the wound. A suction tip is inserted and the baby's brain is removed. The skull collapses and the baby is delivered. Sharp and suction curettage is continued until the walls of the womb are clean. These methods may seem cruel but a baby can have distasterous affects on the mothers' lives. If abortions were made illegal the number of teenage or unmarried pregnacys' would rise dramatically. Also, victims of rape or incest may not want to have the baby, as it would remind them of their terrible experiences. A lot of teenagers would be unable to cope with a baby; a lot of teenagers are getting pregnant at the age of 13/14. To have to bring up a baby could take away any chance of a career and the baby Get more content on
  • 4. Mla Format Jean Lin Ms. Kasababian Language Arts Honors 30 November 2012 Abortion In 2008, twelve women taking resident in the U.S. died due to legal abortions performed during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion should be available to all females living in the United States, but must be a legal citizen to have late abortions, which are during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion is a right that women have, and the Fourth Amendment "Search and Seizure" supports it. Fewer women will exercise abortion if it is kept legal in the U.S. Late abortions are dangerous, so only legal citizens of the U.S. may have second or third trimester abortions. In the 1820's, various ideas against abortions more content... Many CPCs (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) mislead women into thinking that abortions cause breast cancer, that birth–control pills cause abortions, and that abortion can lead to sterility. CPCs do anything to talk a woman out of having a legal abortion. Late abortions are performed during the second or third trimesters. A method of late abortion is a saline injection. This is when a needle is inserted into the uterus through the Get more content on
  • 5. Abortion Against Abortion Therefore, improving access to abortion care without restriction would ensure that all women are able to make the decision that is best for them regarding childbearing when faced with an unintended pregnancy because of rape or incest. At the same time, the supporters of abortion believe that the life of mother should be considered first in case of rape or incest since the life of the unborn baby is absolutely depend on what happens to the mother. Therefore, the supporters of abortions argue that the value of the life of the mother supersedes the nonhuman fetus and there is a moral obligation to the living (Medoff 159). Those who oppose abortion on the other hand, believe in the equality of human being, and argue that the unborn baby has a right to life (McCoyd 136). The basis for the opponents of abortion is "life begins at conception and that abortion is tantamount to murder since the fetus is a person with the same legal and moral rights as a "living" person" (Medoff 159). The opponents of abortion believe that life is sacred, and no one has the authority to eliminate it, and the Roman Catholic Church strongly supports this position by calling "the development of craniotomy and removal of the fetus from women as disabling and fatal condition for women" (McCoyd 136). Similarly, to further support this position, at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, delegates from the Vatican demanded that all references to unsafe abortions be Get more content on
  • 6. Against Abortion Essay Against Abortion Why is it that by 21 days into the fetal development the baby's heart begins to beat, but yet in most people's eyes the baby is still not 'technically' alive' That heart beat means nothing, it doesn't represent a human person whom God has created in his own image and has had a plan for that baby ever since the beginning of time. To most people that statement isn?t allowing women and their families freedom of choice. And yet that baby isn't given any say in its freedom to live. This paper will give many supporting statistics towards the right to life, I am pro–life. *Forty–nine percent of pregnancies among American women are unintended, half of these are terminated by an abortion. Each year, two out more content... Adoption is always an option. If having a child will interfere in their lives so much then they should share the gift of a newborn with a couple whom are unable to have children of their own. At least then the mother can move on with her ?responsibilities? and the child isn?t deprived of it?s right to live. There are different ways to abort a baby, medical, partial–birth and simple procedures during the early weeks of pregnancy. In September, 2000, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the abortion drug to be marketed in the U.S. as an alternative to surgical abortion. Also called mifepristone, medical abortions are administered within the first nine weeks of pregnancy and stops the development of the baby and will help expel the pregnancy. Women who agree to have a medical abortion must also agree to have a surgical abortion if the mifepristone doesn?t work. About 37,000 medical abortions were performed in the first half of 2001, costing the ?mother? about $490. Partial–birth abortion is performed in the second and third trimesters and entails inducing a breech delivery with forceps, then delivering the legs, arms and torso only, and puncturing the back of the skull with scissors or a trochar, next by inserting a suction curette into the skull, and suctioning the contents of the skull so as to collapse it, and finally completing the delivery. A partial breech delivery is Get more content on
  • 7. Arguments Against Abortion The right to life is the most basic and important right that we have. In the past two hundred years, over one million Americans have died for their country. Monuments have been built and speeches have been delivered, honoring these American heroes. America is now engaged in a war where there are no heroes, no monuments or tributes – only victims. Our society has declared war on its most helpless members – our unborn children. Since that war was declared on January 22, 1973, there have been over 35 million deaths. Abortion is one of the most controversial and important subjects of this generation. Much has changed in 25 years. Back more content... I guess not, as long as you are in the womb according this argument. Those unwanted children who have become criminals, while sad, certainly are not sentenced to death that easily and they still have the possibility of changing their lives. Allowing abortion because of the mere possibility of becoming a criminal would seem to mean it is permissible to use the death penalty for a lot more than just murder if taken to its logical and frightening conclusions. Abortion for this reason just takes us off the hook for showing love and concern to these unwanted children, but that would be more time consuming and difficult and not always successful and, quite frankly, just not as convenient for us. Assume that the practice of drinking milk was widely considered immoral and that the evilness of drinking milk was obvious to everyone, including children. What is the best way for a minority of milk drinkers to get their behavior accepted by the majority? The milk drinkers know that they cannot convince enough people to accept their position by direct argument alone. The only way to get immoral behavior accepted would be to change the definition of commonly understood words. For example, they might refer to milk as flavored water and to drink flavored water is not immoral. The pro–abortion activists have imposed this same Get more content on
  • 8. Discursive Essay on Abortion Discursive Essay on Abortion Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If a woman falls pregnant and she does not wish to go through with the pregnancy then she may choose to have an abortion. Abortion is a controversial issue, some people say it is ok to abort a baby but others are strongly against it. Sometimes people are against it because they believe it is wrong but some are against it because of their religion, their background and their up–bringing. People who are for abortion may have had one and therefore think it is ok or they may know someone who has had one. In this essay I will discuss the arguments for and the arguments against abortion. An argument in favour of more content... The girl also may have to leave school for a little while to take care of the baby which would make her fall behind on a lot of school work. She may have the pregnancy terminated because she may have wanted to go to college or university to study further. I feel that she should have the chance to live her life and be free without having any major responsibilities, like having to look after a baby. However, even though a woman may have a perfectly good reason to have an abortion she would still be killing a human life. Some women think they are doing the right thing at the time but when it comes to a later stage in life, many of them can regret their decisions. It would probably be at the back of their mind– they would think about it when they got the chance to. They would probably think how their lives would be different if they had had the baby. Furthermore, there are many people in the world that cannot conceive for many different reasons and would do anything for a child, therefore they would adopt. Instead of a woman having a termination because she think she is unable to cope then she could have the baby and then put it up for adoption. Sometimes in these situations women have the baby and they often change their mind about having the baby put up for Get more content on
  • 9. An Argument Against Abortion Essay Abortion in America is a controversial issue in which both sides have valid arguments at face value. The pro–choice side has many arguments to support it belief in keeping abortion legal. Many of these are faulty, and argue points irrelevant to the issue as I will attempt to illustrate, thereby eliminating the main pro–choice arguments. The pro–life position has somewhat different ideas. The most popular of these is: The unborn entity is fully human from the moment of conception. Abortion results in the intentional death of the unborn entity. Therefore, abortion can be defined the intentional killing of a human being. This killing is in most cases unjustified, since the unborn human being has more content... The reason this argument doesn't work is because it is begging the question. In fact, this lie hides behind a good percentage of the popular arguments for the pro–choice position. One begs the question when one assumes what one is trying to prove is correct. The question–begging of the coat–hanger argument is very obvious: but only by assuming that the unborn are not fully human does the argument work. If the unborn are not fully human, then the pro–choicer has a legitimate concern, just as one would have in overturning a law forbidding appendicitis operations if countless people were needlessly dying of both appendicitis and illegal operations. But if the unborn are fully human, this pro–choice argument is the same as saying that because people die or are harmed while killing other people, the state should make it safe for them to do so. Even some pro–choicers, who argue for their position in other ways, admit that the coat hanger/back–alley argument is crap. Although statistics cant establish a particular moral position, there has been arguments over both the actual number of illegal abortions and the number of women who died as a result of them before legalization. Prior to Roe vs Wade, pro–choicers used saying that nearly a million women every year obtained illegal abortions performed Get more content on