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• With the coming of Abbasids into power a great change is noticed
everywhere. The first new feature of this period is that the caliphate no
longer compiled with the limits of Islam.
• Another Change which came over the Arab people owing to attitude of
the new dynasty towards them is that Arab nation lost martial vigour.
• The Capital was transferred from Syria to Iraq and the Syrians who
were the staunch supporter of the Umayyads lost their influence in the
Abbasid Court.
• Under the Abbasids, the old aristocracy gave place to a class of
Government officials.Wazir was representative of Caliph.This post
was not created under the Umayyads.
• Persian influence was felt in the court and with the rise of the
amelioration and advancement of the nation.
• Abul abbas as-Saffah proclaimed Caliph in the mosque of Kufah and
on his accession,his first task was to wipfe out the entire Umayyad
race from the face of the earth.
• As-Saffah became the undisputed master of asia and Egypt and West
Africa also acknowledged his authority.
• Abu Salama roused the jealousy of Abu Muslim by his influence over
the Caliph and later he was assassinated.
• As-Saffah appointed his brother Abu Jafar as his successor to the
throne and later on he died of small pox in his place.
Abu Jaffar al Mansoor
Momina Fatima- 2138
• The second Abbasid caliph: Abu Jaffar al-Mansur.
• Ruled for 22 years; from 137-59 A.H.
• Crushed a rebellion in Syria through Abu Muslim.
• Abu-Muslim a threat to throne, thus killed, despite
being his ally.
• Rise of rebellions in Persia and Mesopotamia to
avenge killing of Abu-Muslim.
• Byzantine invasion in 140 A.H.
• Rebellion in Khurasan put down by Ibn Khuzayma and his son Al-
• Conquest of Tabaristan; they had cast off their allegiance to Islam.
• Rebellion in Medina and Basra by descendants of Al-Hassan on arrest of
the leading members of their family even their father Abdullah. Al-
Mansur’s nephew Isa with an army crushed the rebellion and both of them
were killed.
• Focus shifted from conquests to civilization.
• The capital Baghdad was established known as
The City of Peace. A center of world’s attention.
• It had control over strategic and trading routes
along the Tigris, and it had an abundance of water
in a dry climate.
• This step stabilized the rapidly developing
Abbasid bureaucracy and became a source of
unity as it was at the center of Kufa, Syria,
Khorasan, and Basra.
• An attempt to conquer Spain was made futile
by Abdur Rahman of Umayyad Dynasty.
• Africa, a constant source of trouble and disturbance of peace. They disowned the
Abbasid succession. A tussle of power between then Governor, Aghlab, and
Kharijites. Al-Mansur sent an army under Yazid ibn Muhallab and peace was
• Rebellions by Kurds and other groups in Mosul.
• Appointed his son Mahdi as the successor.
• Died in 159 A.H
• Round up of his reign: He was the one who firmly established the dynasty and
consolidated the empire by suppressing the rebellions.
• Patron of arts and science: Literature, history, medicine and astronomy was
introduced with translation of foreign books.
• Character: As a Muslim he was exemplary and a dispenser of Justice. He was
ruthless to his enemies and not altogether trustworthy to his allies. He put down
several revolts but ultimately this helped him to establish the Abbasid dynasty as a
power to be reckoned with.
(The khalifa of Bagdad)
Tahreem Shahbaz
Lhr 2159
• Abu Ja'far Harun ibn Muhammad-al-Mahdi or
Harun ibn al-Mahdi, famously known as Harun-
al-Rashid was the fifth Abbasid Caliph of the
Abbasid Caliphate, rising from September 786
AD until his death.
• The Arabian Nights period of Abbasids began
with him.
• Thousand and One Night.
Rise of the Barmakids:
• The first act of Harun was to choose as
Prime Minister his former tutor Yahya bin
Khalid and give important posts to the sons
Yahya , Fadal and Jafar.
• The sucess and brilliance of his regin were
mainly due to the sincere services of
Barmakid family.
• The founder of this family was Khalid bin
Barmak, who by virtue of his meritotorious
services rendered to the Abbasid family
enjoyed a high post under as “Saffah” and
“Mansur” .
Rising of Alids:
• The first year of administration was not free from troubles and
• A man of the house of Hazrat Ali (R.A) named Yahya bin
Abdullah publicly claimed the Caliphate. Haroon sent against
him an army of 50,000 men under the command of Fadl.
• The Muslim armies were able to advance boldly in Asia Minor
and almost every year successess in Asia Minor; he was called
by the sudden attack of the Kazars.
• In the beginning of the following years, Harun bent upon the ruin of the
Barmakids who for seventeen years sewed the Caliph with
extraordinary abilities.
1. Some of the historians have put forward the story of the marriage of
Ja’far with Harun’s sister, Abbasa and the subsequent birth of a child
from this spouse.
2. Ibn Khaldun:
• According to Ibn Khaldun, the real course of the fall is to be found in
the manner in which they seized upon alll authority and assumed the
absolute disposition of their public revenue.
The Fall of Barmakids:
• New Emperor, Nicephours, thinking himself as strong enough to
refuse the payment of tribute and wrote insulting letter to Harun:
• Harun reading the letter flew into rage and write on the back of
the letter.
“From the Harun, the commander of the faithful, to Nicephours, the
dog of a Roman: verify I have read the letter, the answer thou shall
nor hear but see”.
• He was compelled to take the field again, he entered with the
army of 1,35,000 regulars and conquered the Cyprus, Nicephours
was so completely beaten.
Insulting letter of Nicephours, treachery of Nicephours:
• No danger in streets
• Minimize the sorrows
• Establishment
• Make distinguished among men by the professions.
• Rise Bagdad to the position of City.
• Inhance learning, civilization, culture and
Embassies of Chaina and Charlemagne:
• The name of Harun was so noised throughout the East and West that the Emperor
of Chaina and the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne sent envoyes to the court of
Caliph to Cultivate his friendship. Harun al Rashid exchange presents with them.
Harun established the legendary library Bayt al-Hikma (“House of Wisdom”) in Baghdad in
present-day Iraq, and during his rule Baghdad began to flourish as a world center of knowledge,
culture and trade.
One Thousand and One Nights is a collection of
Middle Eastern folk tales compiled in Arabic
during the Islamic Golden Age. It is often known in
English as the Arabian Nights, from the first
English-language edition, which rendered the title
as The Arabian Nights’ Entertainment.
Al Amin ur Rasheed
Samra 2155
Amin ur Rasheed
 On the death of Haroon-ur-Rasheed, his eldest son Amin ascended
the throne of Baghdad.
 He was lover of luxury and pleasure.
 In 809, Al-Amin succeeded to the caliphate and al-Mamun was
vested with the administration of the eastern Khorasan region.
 Relationship b/w brothers soon broke down and in 810 al-Amin
declared his own son as his direct heir.
Difference between Amin and Mamun
 The fourth fitna resulted from the conflict between brothers of al-
Amin & al-Mamun over the succession to the throne of Abbasid
 Both were quite different in character, intelligence & ability.
 Amin was son of Empress Zubyada and was tutored by his maternal
uncle, Isa. Mamun was son of Persian wife of Haroon.
 Both educated in same manne, yet Amin well-versed in Arabic
language. Mamun knew Islamic law, theology and philosophy.
 Amin was leading the country to the brink of ruin and destruction.
Treachery of Fadi bin Rabbi
 Haroon ur Rasheed led his army to khurasan
 The chief advisor of late caliph Fadl bin Rabbi who preferred Amin
to Mamun for weak character placed the army with the treasury at the
disposal of new caliph and thereby broke Haroon’s last instruction.
Violation of covenant was the main cause of
 In the Easter provinces Mamun has popularity and reputation Amin
would not tolerate it .
 Musa is nominated as successor by the advice of prime minister Fadl
bin Rabbi and others.
 The violation of the covenant was the main cause of civil war .
 Mamun answered the Amin’s reaction by closing his frontiers so that
no letter could reach the people of Khurasan.
Defeat of Amin
 Under the Command of Ali bin Isa, Amin immediately an army of
40000 sent off to khurasan.
 Under the leadership of Zahir bin Hazrat Hussain (R.A) Mamun sent
an army of less than 4000 men of his faithful Khurasanians.
 These two armies met under the wall of Ray and in which battle Ali
bin Isa defeated and killed.
 Mamun took the title Caliph in 814 A.D.after the defeat of Amin’s
army and Amin killed at the hands of an Assassins.
 His reign lasted for four years and eight month.
 He was a totally incompetent ruler .
 He hardly understood the importance of affairs.
 He mostly occupied himself mainly with the affairs of his harem.
oSeventh Abbasids caliph
oSon of a Persian wife of Haroon ul Rashid
oMost distinguished figure
oAugustan Age of Islam
oA great scholar
oKnowledge of Islamic law, theology, philosophy, etc
oPhilosophical discussions at Merv
oAl Fadl ibn Sahl
oChaos and disorder
oMeanwhile at Merv, in 202 A.H./817 A.D., Mamun
nominated Ali ar-Riza (the eighth descendant of Ali,
also known as Imam Reza) as his heir as caliph.
oHue and cry among Abbasids
oDeclared Mamun deposed and elected Ibrahim bin
Mahdi to the throne
oAli ar-Riza requested him to go to Baghdad
o204 A.H./819 A.D., Mamun entered Baghdad
oPeace restored
oConquest of Crete
oDied at the age of 48 in 218 A.H./833 A.D. in Tarsus
oEmbraced Mu’tazilites doctrine about free will and
oShocked at the opinion that the Quran was the
uncreated word of God
oIn 212 A.H./827 A.D., he published a doctrine by
which the Mu’tazilites doctrine was declared to be
the religion of the state.
oOrthodox faith was condemned as heretical
oOrdered all his subjects to honor Hazrat Ali R.A as
the best creature of God after Hazrat Muhammad
oIntellectual advancements
oCultivation of art and science
oDevelopment of Bait-al-Hikmah (House of
oScholars used to translate Greek, Sanskrit, Persian
and other works into Arabic
oAl-Kindi, Hussain bin Ishaq, Sahabit bin Qurra
oScientists asserted the roundness of the earth
oIn 810 A.D., the mathematician Khawarizm wrote a
textbook on Algebra.
oObservatory at Shamsiya near Baghdad where
scientists carried out their observations of stars and
oYahya bin Mansur, Musa ibn Shakir, famous
oStudy of history was greatly encouraged
oGreat doctors of law such as Imam Shafi and
Ahmad bin Hambal also belonged to this period.
oMamun was himself a poet and a patron of poetry.
Education under Abbasids
• Co-education prevailed
• Under the Abbasids, the child’s education started at home. At
the age of six, boys were admitted into schools. Co-education
was the norm during the Abbasid period. Girls and boys of
tender age were educated together in the same school.
• System of private education
• The schools were held in mosques, in private houses, and
sometimes in teachers’ own houses. The system of appointing
private tutors for children was in trend among the wealthy
persons of the society.
Education under
• The girls were expected to read the
Qu’ran and acquire religious
knowledge. Those who continued and
became masters of theology and other
subjects took to teaching as a profession
• The benefit of teaching was equally
extended to poor; even slaves in some
cases were admitted to schools.
• Elementary schools grew up quite
naturally in the peninsula. Besides the
mosques, there were Maktabs which
served as elementary schools.
The curriculum of the elementary school consisted of reading, writing,
grammar, traditions of the Prophet, elementary principles of arithmetic and
some devotional poems.
Senior students studied Qu’ranic criticism, the science of apostolic
tradition, jurisprudence, scholastic theology, lexicography rhetoric and
Advanced scholars engaged themselves in the study of Astronomy,
Philosophy, Geometry, Music and Medicine.
There were three types of teachers under the Abbasids:
• The first type of teachers simply taught the Qu’ran to children in the
elementary school and was called a “Muallim”.
• The second type of teacher may be called a tutor, “Muaddib”,
representing a class which was engaged in teaching the sons of the
higher strata as well as those of princes and caliphs.
• Third, came the ‘Professors’of higher learning. They were specialists
in the teaching of logic, mathematics, rhetoric and jurisprudence.
20XX Pitch deck title 56
Caliph Al-Mamun founded an academy named “Bait-ul-
Hikmat” or House of Wisdom, where the higher branches of
learning were pursued.
The real academy in Islam which became the model for later
schools of higher learning was the Nizamayah established by
Nizam al-Mulk,the Persian Vizier of the Seljuq Sultan, Malik
He organized a system of education and started regular
Madrasah and founded several important colleges and
universities and endowed them adequately with munificent
grants from the Government.
The Caliph Mustansir (1242 CE) added a
magnificent college with library and other
arrangements under the name of
The educational system during this period was
not only confined to Qu’ran and Hadith, but
advanced students had to study philosophy,
astronomy, astrology, medicine, music, history,
geography, mathematics, botany, etc.
• The collapse of the Umayyad Caliphate ushered in the golden age of the
Abbasid Dynasty.
• One of the most important legacies of the Islamic Golden Age was in the field
of medicine. Prominent Greek physicians such as Galen, Hippocrates, and
others greatly influenced the Abbasids who came across Greek texts and had
them translated into Arabic.
• The most prominent caliphs supporters of science and scientists of the Abbasid
Caliph Harun al-Rashid, who was known for sitting with scientists, writers,
poets, and encouraging them
• Some of the most prominent physicians and medical writers who rose
durcorpsesing this period were Yuhanna ibn Masawaiyh- performed some of
the first dissections on human corpses
Scientific and
literacy activity
Translation department opened by Al-
‘Bimaristan’opened by Harun-ur-
Rashid as a hospital
Scientific and
literacy activity
Ali ibn Abbas ( Haly Abbas ) – The
Whole Medical Art { THEORY AND
Abu Ali Husayn ibn Sina – the greatest
intellectual giant of his age whose
immortal works never failed for
guidance ( Ibn Sina’s Canon of
Medicine was a medical Bible )
Scientific and
literacy activity
Abu al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham who has
emerged in physics and mathematics
•Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi,
who emerged in the science of algebra
( Hisab al Jabr al Huqabalah )
Scientific and literacy activities
Abu Hanifa bin
Thabit Kufi, one
of the scholars of
Judge Abu Yusuf a
scholar of
Al Masudi,
Ibn Hawkal,
Al Muqaddasi has
emerged in

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Abbasid dynasty.pptx

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  • 10. • With the coming of Abbasids into power a great change is noticed everywhere. The first new feature of this period is that the caliphate no longer compiled with the limits of Islam. • Another Change which came over the Arab people owing to attitude of the new dynasty towards them is that Arab nation lost martial vigour. • The Capital was transferred from Syria to Iraq and the Syrians who were the staunch supporter of the Umayyads lost their influence in the Abbasid Court.
  • 11. • Under the Abbasids, the old aristocracy gave place to a class of Government officials.Wazir was representative of Caliph.This post was not created under the Umayyads. • Persian influence was felt in the court and with the rise of the amelioration and advancement of the nation. • Abul abbas as-Saffah proclaimed Caliph in the mosque of Kufah and on his accession,his first task was to wipfe out the entire Umayyad race from the face of the earth.
  • 12. • As-Saffah became the undisputed master of asia and Egypt and West Africa also acknowledged his authority. • Abu Salama roused the jealousy of Abu Muslim by his influence over the Caliph and later he was assassinated. • As-Saffah appointed his brother Abu Jafar as his successor to the throne and later on he died of small pox in his place.
  • 13. Abu Jaffar al Mansoor Momina Fatima- 2138
  • 14. • The second Abbasid caliph: Abu Jaffar al-Mansur. • Ruled for 22 years; from 137-59 A.H. • Crushed a rebellion in Syria through Abu Muslim. • Abu-Muslim a threat to throne, thus killed, despite being his ally. • Rise of rebellions in Persia and Mesopotamia to avenge killing of Abu-Muslim.
  • 15. • Byzantine invasion in 140 A.H. • Rebellion in Khurasan put down by Ibn Khuzayma and his son Al- Mahdi. • Conquest of Tabaristan; they had cast off their allegiance to Islam. • Rebellion in Medina and Basra by descendants of Al-Hassan on arrest of the leading members of their family even their father Abdullah. Al- Mansur’s nephew Isa with an army crushed the rebellion and both of them were killed.
  • 16. • Focus shifted from conquests to civilization. • The capital Baghdad was established known as The City of Peace. A center of world’s attention. • It had control over strategic and trading routes along the Tigris, and it had an abundance of water in a dry climate. • This step stabilized the rapidly developing Abbasid bureaucracy and became a source of unity as it was at the center of Kufa, Syria, Khorasan, and Basra. • An attempt to conquer Spain was made futile by Abdur Rahman of Umayyad Dynasty.
  • 17. • Africa, a constant source of trouble and disturbance of peace. They disowned the Abbasid succession. A tussle of power between then Governor, Aghlab, and Kharijites. Al-Mansur sent an army under Yazid ibn Muhallab and peace was restored. • Rebellions by Kurds and other groups in Mosul. • Appointed his son Mahdi as the successor. • Died in 159 A.H
  • 18. • Round up of his reign: He was the one who firmly established the dynasty and consolidated the empire by suppressing the rebellions. • Patron of arts and science: Literature, history, medicine and astronomy was introduced with translation of foreign books. • Character: As a Muslim he was exemplary and a dispenser of Justice. He was ruthless to his enemies and not altogether trustworthy to his allies. He put down several revolts but ultimately this helped him to establish the Abbasid dynasty as a power to be reckoned with.
  • 19. Harun-al-Rashid (The khalifa of Bagdad) Tahreem Shahbaz Lhr 2159
  • 20. Harun-al-Rashid • Abu Ja'far Harun ibn Muhammad-al-Mahdi or Harun ibn al-Mahdi, famously known as Harun- al-Rashid was the fifth Abbasid Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate, rising from September 786 AD until his death. • The Arabian Nights period of Abbasids began with him. • Thousand and One Night.
  • 21. Rise of the Barmakids: • The first act of Harun was to choose as Prime Minister his former tutor Yahya bin Khalid and give important posts to the sons Yahya , Fadal and Jafar. • The sucess and brilliance of his regin were mainly due to the sincere services of Barmakid family. • The founder of this family was Khalid bin Barmak, who by virtue of his meritotorious services rendered to the Abbasid family enjoyed a high post under as “Saffah” and “Mansur” .
  • 22. Rising of Alids: • The first year of administration was not free from troubles and difficulties. • A man of the house of Hazrat Ali (R.A) named Yahya bin Abdullah publicly claimed the Caliphate. Haroon sent against him an army of 50,000 men under the command of Fadl. • The Muslim armies were able to advance boldly in Asia Minor and almost every year successess in Asia Minor; he was called by the sudden attack of the Kazars.
  • 23. • In the beginning of the following years, Harun bent upon the ruin of the Barmakids who for seventeen years sewed the Caliph with extraordinary abilities. 1. Some of the historians have put forward the story of the marriage of Ja’far with Harun’s sister, Abbasa and the subsequent birth of a child from this spouse. 2. Ibn Khaldun: • According to Ibn Khaldun, the real course of the fall is to be found in the manner in which they seized upon alll authority and assumed the absolute disposition of their public revenue. The Fall of Barmakids:
  • 24. • New Emperor, Nicephours, thinking himself as strong enough to refuse the payment of tribute and wrote insulting letter to Harun: • Harun reading the letter flew into rage and write on the back of the letter. “From the Harun, the commander of the faithful, to Nicephours, the dog of a Roman: verify I have read the letter, the answer thou shall nor hear but see”. • He was compelled to take the field again, he entered with the army of 1,35,000 regulars and conquered the Cyprus, Nicephours was so completely beaten. Insulting letter of Nicephours, treachery of Nicephours:
  • 25. • No danger in streets • Minimize the sorrows • Establishment • Make distinguished among men by the professions. • Rise Bagdad to the position of City. • Inhance learning, civilization, culture and traditions. Works:
  • 26. Embassies of Chaina and Charlemagne: • The name of Harun was so noised throughout the East and West that the Emperor of Chaina and the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne sent envoyes to the court of Caliph to Cultivate his friendship. Harun al Rashid exchange presents with them. Harun established the legendary library Bayt al-Hikma (“House of Wisdom”) in Baghdad in present-day Iraq, and during his rule Baghdad began to flourish as a world center of knowledge, culture and trade.
  • 27. One Thousand and One Nights is a collection of Middle Eastern folk tales compiled in Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age. It is often known in English as the Arabian Nights, from the first English-language edition, which rendered the title as The Arabian Nights’ Entertainment.
  • 28. Al Amin ur Rasheed Samra 2155
  • 29. Amin ur Rasheed  On the death of Haroon-ur-Rasheed, his eldest son Amin ascended the throne of Baghdad.  He was lover of luxury and pleasure.  In 809, Al-Amin succeeded to the caliphate and al-Mamun was vested with the administration of the eastern Khorasan region.  Relationship b/w brothers soon broke down and in 810 al-Amin declared his own son as his direct heir.
  • 30. Difference between Amin and Mamun  The fourth fitna resulted from the conflict between brothers of al- Amin & al-Mamun over the succession to the throne of Abbasid Caliphate.  Both were quite different in character, intelligence & ability.  Amin was son of Empress Zubyada and was tutored by his maternal uncle, Isa. Mamun was son of Persian wife of Haroon.  Both educated in same manne, yet Amin well-versed in Arabic language. Mamun knew Islamic law, theology and philosophy.  Amin was leading the country to the brink of ruin and destruction.
  • 31. Treachery of Fadi bin Rabbi  Haroon ur Rasheed led his army to khurasan  The chief advisor of late caliph Fadl bin Rabbi who preferred Amin to Mamun for weak character placed the army with the treasury at the disposal of new caliph and thereby broke Haroon’s last instruction.
  • 32. Violation of covenant was the main cause of war  In the Easter provinces Mamun has popularity and reputation Amin would not tolerate it .  Musa is nominated as successor by the advice of prime minister Fadl bin Rabbi and others.  The violation of the covenant was the main cause of civil war .  Mamun answered the Amin’s reaction by closing his frontiers so that no letter could reach the people of Khurasan.
  • 33. Defeat of Amin  Under the Command of Ali bin Isa, Amin immediately an army of 40000 sent off to khurasan.  Under the leadership of Zahir bin Hazrat Hussain (R.A) Mamun sent an army of less than 4000 men of his faithful Khurasanians.  These two armies met under the wall of Ray and in which battle Ali bin Isa defeated and killed.
  • 34.  Mamun took the title Caliph in 814 A.D.after the defeat of Amin’s army and Amin killed at the hands of an Assassins.  His reign lasted for four years and eight month.  He was a totally incompetent ruler .  He hardly understood the importance of affairs.  He mostly occupied himself mainly with the affairs of his harem.
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  • 36. oSeventh Abbasids caliph oSon of a Persian wife of Haroon ul Rashid oMost distinguished figure oAugustan Age of Islam oA great scholar oKnowledge of Islamic law, theology, philosophy, etc
  • 37. oPhilosophical discussions at Merv oAl Fadl ibn Sahl oChaos and disorder oMeanwhile at Merv, in 202 A.H./817 A.D., Mamun nominated Ali ar-Riza (the eighth descendant of Ali, also known as Imam Reza) as his heir as caliph. oHue and cry among Abbasids oDeclared Mamun deposed and elected Ibrahim bin Mahdi to the throne
  • 38. oAli ar-Riza requested him to go to Baghdad o204 A.H./819 A.D., Mamun entered Baghdad oPeace restored oConquest of Crete oDied at the age of 48 in 218 A.H./833 A.D. in Tarsus
  • 39. oEmbraced Mu’tazilites doctrine about free will and predestination oShocked at the opinion that the Quran was the uncreated word of God oIn 212 A.H./827 A.D., he published a doctrine by which the Mu’tazilites doctrine was declared to be the religion of the state. oOrthodox faith was condemned as heretical oOrdered all his subjects to honor Hazrat Ali R.A as the best creature of God after Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W
  • 40. oIntellectual advancements oCultivation of art and science oDevelopment of Bait-al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom) oScholars used to translate Greek, Sanskrit, Persian and other works into Arabic oAl-Kindi, Hussain bin Ishaq, Sahabit bin Qurra oScientists asserted the roundness of the earth oIn 810 A.D., the mathematician Khawarizm wrote a textbook on Algebra.
  • 41. oObservatory at Shamsiya near Baghdad where scientists carried out their observations of stars and planets oYahya bin Mansur, Musa ibn Shakir, famous astronomers oStudy of history was greatly encouraged oGreat doctors of law such as Imam Shafi and Ahmad bin Hambal also belonged to this period. oMamun was himself a poet and a patron of poetry.
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  • 52. Education under Abbasids • Co-education prevailed • Under the Abbasids, the child’s education started at home. At the age of six, boys were admitted into schools. Co-education was the norm during the Abbasid period. Girls and boys of tender age were educated together in the same school. • System of private education • The schools were held in mosques, in private houses, and sometimes in teachers’ own houses. The system of appointing private tutors for children was in trend among the wealthy persons of the society.
  • 53. Education under Abbasids • The girls were expected to read the Qu’ran and acquire religious knowledge. Those who continued and became masters of theology and other subjects took to teaching as a profession • The benefit of teaching was equally extended to poor; even slaves in some cases were admitted to schools. • Elementary schools grew up quite naturally in the peninsula. Besides the mosques, there were Maktabs which served as elementary schools.
  • 54. EDUCATION UNDER ABBASIDS The curriculum of the elementary school consisted of reading, writing, grammar, traditions of the Prophet, elementary principles of arithmetic and some devotional poems. Senior students studied Qu’ranic criticism, the science of apostolic tradition, jurisprudence, scholastic theology, lexicography rhetoric and literature. Advanced scholars engaged themselves in the study of Astronomy, Philosophy, Geometry, Music and Medicine.
  • 55. EDUCATION UNDER ABBASIDS There were three types of teachers under the Abbasids: • The first type of teachers simply taught the Qu’ran to children in the elementary school and was called a “Muallim”. • The second type of teacher may be called a tutor, “Muaddib”, representing a class which was engaged in teaching the sons of the higher strata as well as those of princes and caliphs. • Third, came the ‘Professors’of higher learning. They were specialists in the teaching of logic, mathematics, rhetoric and jurisprudence.
  • 56. EDUCATION UNDER ABBASIDS 20XX Pitch deck title 56 Caliph Al-Mamun founded an academy named “Bait-ul- Hikmat” or House of Wisdom, where the higher branches of learning were pursued. The real academy in Islam which became the model for later schools of higher learning was the Nizamayah established by Nizam al-Mulk,the Persian Vizier of the Seljuq Sultan, Malik Shah He organized a system of education and started regular Madrasah and founded several important colleges and universities and endowed them adequately with munificent grants from the Government.
  • 57. EDUCATION UNDER ABBASIDS The Caliph Mustansir (1242 CE) added a magnificent college with library and other arrangements under the name of ‘Mustansariyyah’. The educational system during this period was not only confined to Qu’ran and Hadith, but advanced students had to study philosophy, astronomy, astrology, medicine, music, history, geography, mathematics, botany, etc.
  • 58. SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENTS • The collapse of the Umayyad Caliphate ushered in the golden age of the Abbasid Dynasty. • One of the most important legacies of the Islamic Golden Age was in the field of medicine. Prominent Greek physicians such as Galen, Hippocrates, and others greatly influenced the Abbasids who came across Greek texts and had them translated into Arabic. • The most prominent caliphs supporters of science and scientists of the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid, who was known for sitting with scientists, writers, poets, and encouraging them • Some of the most prominent physicians and medical writers who rose durcorpsesing this period were Yuhanna ibn Masawaiyh- performed some of the first dissections on human corpses
  • 59. Scientific and literacy activity Translation department opened by Al- Mamun ‘Bimaristan’opened by Harun-ur- Rashid as a hospital
  • 60. Scientific and literacy activity Ali ibn Abbas ( Haly Abbas ) – The Whole Medical Art { THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE} Abu Ali Husayn ibn Sina – the greatest intellectual giant of his age whose immortal works never failed for guidance ( Ibn Sina’s Canon of Medicine was a medical Bible )
  • 61. Scientific and literacy activity Abu al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham who has emerged in physics and mathematics •Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, who emerged in the science of algebra ( Hisab al Jabr al Huqabalah )
  • 62. Scientific and literacy activities Abu Hanifa bin Thabit Kufi, one of the scholars of jurisprudence. Judge Abu Yusuf a scholar of jurisprudence. Al Masudi, Ibn Hawkal, Al Muqaddasi has emerged in geography.