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Mobile SEO & Top 12 Tips
What you will learn The Mobile Market Identifying soft markets Tips & tools  to get you started The Basics of Mobile SEO On page optimisation Off page optimisation The Social and Viral Side Social Networks and Bookmarking Tools Running Successful Viral Campaigns Top 12 SEO Tips for 2010
The Mobile Market 219 million mobile search users in 2006 844 million mobile search users in 2011 160 million in ad revenues in 2008 3.1 billion expected in 2013
What you will learn The Basics of Mobile SEO TLD – Top Level Domains Coding – Must be W3C Compliant Html - Currently html5 is the best option Site Size - Keep the site down to as few pages as possible Content – Max.content needs to be 63 characters (give-or-take). Create linked snippets on each page if you need to get more that this into one page.  Markup – Sorry no iFrames, no Flash, no redirects, etc. Metatxt – Just like the description Mobi Testing – Test functionality
What you will learn Additional Mobile SEO OnPage – This works the same as regular sites Local Search – Use locations in your metatxt and title Universal Search - One of the most common uses for mobile is news, YouTube, Google Reader, etc. Local Search – This is big now and soon to be massive Sitemaps – Create and submit separate xml Internal Link Building – This works the same as a regular site. (Sculpting) External Inbound Links – Think global or international when building links to your website. Optimising for iPhone
Top 12 SEO Tips  Link Acquisition – Avenues, Penalties, alternative options Auto-posting and Article Spinning (Good & Bad - note disclosure!) Blog/Forum Spamming/Creation (note disclosure!) RSS Feeds for Building Free Links My Favourite Tools International SEO (Geotargeting and Subdomains) Canonicalisation  (Who, What, Where???) Important, But Often Forgotten SEO Tactics Social Bookmarking and SEO Longtail SEO Integration and Implementation PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #1 - Links Could I or Should I Buy Links?
Tip #1 - Links Could I or Should I Buy Websites?
Tip #1 - Links Where do I buy websites?
Tip #1 - Links What to look for when buying a site? There are a few other factors to look at before buying a site; Domain Age – 2 years min. unless other factors outweigh this Page Rank – yes it does matter when buying a site because it represents G-Trust Number of existing back links Quality of those back links and are they to any deep pages? How many pages are indexed with Google? Install McAfee Site Inspector on your computer. It will flag any issues to do with bad history, malware or any one of many other problems Will the BL’s stay in place once bought? Other pluses are host location vs. target location, the number of registrants of the domain, DMOZ listing and rankings. If it’s a forum, the number of active members and recent posts are important. Check for historical content & DomainTools Check for fake Page Rank TO SEE IT’S WEB PRESENCE *TIP - USE
Any questions on any of the link building techniques?
Tip #2 – Auto Posting/Spun Content Populate your blogs & mass bookmark them Spins content into 1-250 unique articles & tests uniqueness against                   database Manually enter your blogs, cut and paste from TheBestSpinner and auto-posts. 20 in 20 minutes  Automatically populate your forums with 100’s of profiles and back links to any website Automatically Bookmarks over 30 SBM sites Finds blogs based on keywords, checks PR, Indexation, grabs email, auto pings, posts to 1-100 RSS feeds, verify mass back links
Tip #3 – Auto Forum Posting Populate the forums that you own. Spins content into 1-250 unique articles & tests uniqueness Cuts 90% off the time I spend on manual blog post and publishing articles  Notify 65 of the top web 2.0, Video, RSS and SBM sites about your offer/site Auto Bookmarks over 30 SBM sites – Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Blogger, Wordpress.
Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select “Writing” PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select “Writing” PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select Writing Select both of the tick boxes PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select Writing Select both of the tick boxes PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select Writing Select both of the tick boxes Submit your sites to Feedburner Has over ½ million publishers PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Additionally manually submit through these  RSS directories Full RSS feed list available at
Any questions on Spinning, Auto Posting or RSS feeds? Full RSS feed list available at
Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Create a Robots.txt file – these tell ALL the bots where to go and where not to go. If you have admin or member files you don’t want indexed PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Create a Robots.txt file – these tell ALL the bots where to go and where not to go. If you have admin or member files you don’t want indexed You will need this for the next step PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Create an XML Sitemap – these (and I make individual ones for data files, pic files, pdf files, doc files, etc.) tell the bots the files you do want indexed and where they are PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Internal Links – lets you know if you are cross-linked, which may confuse the bots or split influence between two similar pages PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC External Links – tells you who is linked to you. Helpful in optimising anchor text and bad links pointing to non-existent pages PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Crawl Errors – advises you of any crawl errors Google finds like broken links or orphaned links.  PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Top Queries – this shows the top queries to your site which will allow you to improve specific landing pages PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Associate Domains – This is an extremely easy quick win if you have WMC set-up. PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Geotargeting – I’m going to cover this in greater detail in tip number 6 PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Geographical Targeting & Subdomains – (Advanced Geotargeting) – This isn’t for the faint at heart, the lazy, or the website owner that isn’t ready to do the extra work to get your piece of the pie.  PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Target: Region Use Geotargeting Target: Language Don’t Use Geotargeting PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting? 1 .Your target market? 2. If you need language based subdomains or                                                   subdirectories? 3. Should you move hosting as well? 4. Cost of translation 5. Can I afford to do it all? PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting? PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting? PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting? Additional Traffic Resources; Google Adwords Traffic Estimator WordTracker Google Trend Google Insights Tools Tool Your Log Files Depositors PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Search results can differ greatly depending on several variables. 1 .The IP of the end-user (where are they?)2 .The server location of the website (where is it hosted?)3 . Any geographically targeted settings in Webmaster Central (as mentioned in the previous tip)4 .The relationship between the search filters and the resulting web pages (I.e. Did they search for Pages from [region] or Pages in [language]5 .If the end-user is searching a different extension than the defaulted engine (they manually enter searching for US or English results in a non-US region.  6. If the end-user is logged into the search engines site (Gmail, iGoogle, Toolbars, Local Search etc.) 7. If they have Google’s SearchWiki or other plugin PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Do I target a REGION or a LANGUAGE? PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Do I target a REGION or a LANGUAGE? REGIONAL TARGETING1. Create a subdomain or a subdirectory in the native language and use Webmaster Central to geographically target it2. Host the subdomain on a server in the native region and use geographical targeting 3. Use the region in all meta tags4. Build back links from similar TLD's 5. If you own a TLD build directories (language) and domains (regions) 6. Use the language or native terms EMAIL – GARY@VANGUARDSEO.COM
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  ON A SIDE NOTE!!! - If you own a TLD such as .com, .net or .org you can target both subdomains and subdirectorieswith Google Geotargeting!! EMAIL – GARY@VANGUARDSEO.COM
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region and the linked URL? PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region and the linked URL? 3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region and the linked URL? 3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you 4. On-page relevancy PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region and the linked URL? 3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you 4. On-page relevancy 5. Language based meta-tags PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region as the linked URL? 3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you 4. On-page relevancy 5. Language based meta-tags 6. Everything in the above 5 items relating to the linking website/page PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  How do I get started with Geographic Targeting? Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics (About £149 per 1000 words) Don’t just get them rewritten, get them optimisedas well! PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics  Get your hosting setup in the target region PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics  Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics  Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host Get a new A (Address) DNS record Get a new A (Address) DNS recordGet a new A (Address) DNS recordGet a new A (Address) DNS record PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics  Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host Go to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification code PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics  Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host Go to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification code Add the code between your <head> tags (or add an html file) PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains  Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics  Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host Go to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification code Add the code between your <head> tags (or add an html file) Submit to Google for crawl PDF and PPT downloads available at
IMPORTANT Things to Remember! • To target a language using only subdirectories do not use geographic targeting• You can target a language with both subdomains and subdirectories but if you have a top-level TLD (.com) use subdirectories versus subdomains.• You can use Google geographical targeting on subdomains and subdirectories• Your title should be in the native language and/or use regional slang terms where they apply.• Use language-based meta tags whenever targeting language-based searches• Host subdomains that are for geographical targeting in the target region • When you implement the subdomain strategy, link to it from the original website• Create new sitemaps for each subdomain• When creating meta tags and content be sure to use native slang. • Get back links from same TLD's (get a .nl link to your .nl site in the native language)• If you have a TLD (like .nl or .de) do not use geographical targeting. These domains are already associated with its designated region PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #7 – Canonicalisation Issue: You know have more links than you can see PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #7 – Canonicalisation Issue: You know have more links than you can see Problem: Links that you have are pointing to; You getting the picture? PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #7 – Canonicalisation Solution? PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #8 – Other Important Factors Alt Attributes and Titles in Images  Use alt attributes on images to preserve content integrity while providing internal links for ranking factor. Anchor Text Optimization Use pertinent anchor text and do not waste link equity from excessively linking to non reciprocating pages within a site.  Flattening Site Architecture Keep site architecture as flat as possible or use breadcrumbs to aid in information architecture and crawling. Avoid Using Sub Folders Excessively Don’t do it Content Volume  Ensure you have enough content to dominate a competitive keyword.  Contextual Links Link contextually within related document to select preferred landing pages through virtual theming Load Time – Google has said recently that load time on asite will become a very important issue very soon. PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #9 – Social Bookmarking After extensive testing over the past 3 years as well as watching and anticipating what Google will resort to versus links, I firmly believe, and have proof, that Social Bookmarking will become a big part of Google’s refined algorithm. PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #9 – Social Bookmarking #7 #8 #9 PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #9 – Social Bookmarking #7 #8 PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #9 – Social Bookmarking PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #10 – Additional Killer Tools This monitors Google’s data bases and will notify you when content appears that contain the kw/kw phrase that you are looking for.                   This is a tool that shows graphs identifying the traffic trends over time, from the last few years to the last few weeks and allows you to see a snapshot of most any industry.                                                   This is a supercharged version of Trends. It monitors the actual search queries globally with multiple filters for region, timeline, sectors, etc.  XENU – crawls your website and identifies errors, link structure, page size, external links and many other things that are important to the health of your site SEO Spyglass – Gives you a detailed report of your own or a competitors back links and ranks them using important factors like follow-no follow, Page Rank, and other factors. You can even import your Google WMC exported BL report and see if any of the back links to your site are potentially hazardous.  PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #10 – Additional Killer Tools CAC EXCLUSIVE - VanguardSEO’s Dual Depth Back Link Checker – When acquiring a website we want to know who is linking to the sites that are linking to us, rather than just the first level of linking, so we built this free tool. -              SEOMoz’s Linkscape – Another great tool for evaluating a competitors back links, anchor text, and discovering the strongest pages on a site. competitors to identify if a sudden surge in back links could be the reason for their rankings increase, then you can use one of many other tools (Link Assistant, ShoeMoney, SEOMoz) to identify these links that  significantly changed their ranking and go after the same links or an equivalent linking structure) Majestic SEO – Looks at the back link trends of PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #10 – Additional Killer Tools Firefox SEO Quake Plug-in – Great for a quick look at all of the important ranking factors of the top 10 or just one site. This is a toolbar that allows you to set the values you wish to see like PR, indexed pages, registration date, SBM references, DMOZ, Yahoo, MSN, Baidu, and most other SE’s, plus a ton of other information on the fly. And Introducing... PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #10 – Additional Killer Tools PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting 25% of the searches on Google every day have never been searched before PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting 60% of all conversions come from niche and longtail terms PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting Where/How can I Identify the Niche and Longtail terms? Log Files PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting Where/How can I Identify the Niche and Longtail terms? Hittail PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting Where/How can I Identify the Niche and Longtail terms? PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting Where/How can I Identify the Niche and Longtail terms? Google monitors their Datacenter’s and can notify you immediately when they find your query *TIP – use quotations if using a phrase PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #12 – Get FREE Help! PDF and PPT downloads available at
Tip #12 – Get FREE Help! You can find me at; PDF and PPT downloads available at
DON’T FORGET! We are giving FREE 30-minute one-on-one sessions today and tomorrow – Get your time slot here – NOW Office: 0113 242 6222 LEAVE YOUR EMAIL FOR THE FREE ACCESS TO THE VANGUARD TRACKER TOOL

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a4uexpo BT Live Theatre - Mobile and App SEO

  • 1. Mobile SEO & Top 12 Tips
  • 2. What you will learn The Mobile Market Identifying soft markets Tips & tools to get you started The Basics of Mobile SEO On page optimisation Off page optimisation The Social and Viral Side Social Networks and Bookmarking Tools Running Successful Viral Campaigns Top 12 SEO Tips for 2010
  • 3. The Mobile Market 219 million mobile search users in 2006 844 million mobile search users in 2011 160 million in ad revenues in 2008 3.1 billion expected in 2013
  • 4. What you will learn The Basics of Mobile SEO TLD – Top Level Domains Coding – Must be W3C Compliant Html - Currently html5 is the best option Site Size - Keep the site down to as few pages as possible Content – Max.content needs to be 63 characters (give-or-take). Create linked snippets on each page if you need to get more that this into one page. Markup – Sorry no iFrames, no Flash, no redirects, etc. Metatxt – Just like the description Mobi Testing – Test functionality
  • 5. What you will learn Additional Mobile SEO OnPage – This works the same as regular sites Local Search – Use locations in your metatxt and title Universal Search - One of the most common uses for mobile is news, YouTube, Google Reader, etc. Local Search – This is big now and soon to be massive Sitemaps – Create and submit separate xml Internal Link Building – This works the same as a regular site. (Sculpting) External Inbound Links – Think global or international when building links to your website. Optimising for iPhone
  • 6. Top 12 SEO Tips Link Acquisition – Avenues, Penalties, alternative options Auto-posting and Article Spinning (Good & Bad - note disclosure!) Blog/Forum Spamming/Creation (note disclosure!) RSS Feeds for Building Free Links My Favourite Tools International SEO (Geotargeting and Subdomains) Canonicalisation (Who, What, Where???) Important, But Often Forgotten SEO Tactics Social Bookmarking and SEO Longtail SEO Integration and Implementation PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 7. Tip #1 - Links Could I or Should I Buy Links?
  • 8. Tip #1 - Links Could I or Should I Buy Websites?
  • 9. Tip #1 - Links Where do I buy websites?
  • 10. Tip #1 - Links What to look for when buying a site? There are a few other factors to look at before buying a site; Domain Age – 2 years min. unless other factors outweigh this Page Rank – yes it does matter when buying a site because it represents G-Trust Number of existing back links Quality of those back links and are they to any deep pages? How many pages are indexed with Google? Install McAfee Site Inspector on your computer. It will flag any issues to do with bad history, malware or any one of many other problems Will the BL’s stay in place once bought? Other pluses are host location vs. target location, the number of registrants of the domain, DMOZ listing and rankings. If it’s a forum, the number of active members and recent posts are important. Check for historical content & DomainTools Check for fake Page Rank TO SEE IT’S WEB PRESENCE *TIP - USE
  • 11. Any questions on any of the link building techniques?
  • 12. Tip #2 – Auto Posting/Spun Content Populate your blogs & mass bookmark them Spins content into 1-250 unique articles & tests uniqueness against database Manually enter your blogs, cut and paste from TheBestSpinner and auto-posts. 20 in 20 minutes Automatically populate your forums with 100’s of profiles and back links to any website Automatically Bookmarks over 30 SBM sites Finds blogs based on keywords, checks PR, Indexation, grabs email, auto pings, posts to 1-100 RSS feeds, verify mass back links
  • 13. Tip #3 – Auto Forum Posting Populate the forums that you own. Spins content into 1-250 unique articles & tests uniqueness Cuts 90% off the time I spend on manual blog post and publishing articles Notify 65 of the top web 2.0, Video, RSS and SBM sites about your offer/site Auto Bookmarks over 30 SBM sites – Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Blogger, Wordpress.
  • 14. Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 15. Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select “Writing” PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 16. Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select “Writing” PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 17. Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select Writing Select both of the tick boxes PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 18. Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select Writing Select both of the tick boxes PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 19. Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. Go to to the Settings and select Writing Select both of the tick boxes Submit your sites to Feedburner Has over ½ million publishers PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 20. Tip #4 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Additionally manually submit through these RSS directories Full RSS feed list available at
  • 21. Any questions on Spinning, Auto Posting or RSS feeds? Full RSS feed list available at
  • 22. Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Create a Robots.txt file – these tell ALL the bots where to go and where not to go. If you have admin or member files you don’t want indexed PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 23. Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Create a Robots.txt file – these tell ALL the bots where to go and where not to go. If you have admin or member files you don’t want indexed You will need this for the next step PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 24. Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Create an XML Sitemap – these (and I make individual ones for data files, pic files, pdf files, doc files, etc.) tell the bots the files you do want indexed and where they are PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 25. Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Internal Links – lets you know if you are cross-linked, which may confuse the bots or split influence between two similar pages PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 26. Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC External Links – tells you who is linked to you. Helpful in optimising anchor text and bad links pointing to non-existent pages PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 27. Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Crawl Errors – advises you of any crawl errors Google finds like broken links or orphaned links. PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 28. Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Top Queries – this shows the top queries to your site which will allow you to improve specific landing pages PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 29. Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Associate Domains – This is an extremely easy quick win if you have WMC set-up. PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 30. Tip #5 – Get Healthy with Google WMC Geotargeting – I’m going to cover this in greater detail in tip number 6 PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 31. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Geographical Targeting & Subdomains – (Advanced Geotargeting) – This isn’t for the faint at heart, the lazy, or the website owner that isn’t ready to do the extra work to get your piece of the pie. PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 32. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Target: Region Use Geotargeting Target: Language Don’t Use Geotargeting PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 33. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting? 1 .Your target market? 2. If you need language based subdomains or subdirectories? 3. Should you move hosting as well? 4. Cost of translation 5. Can I afford to do it all? PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 34. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting? PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 35. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting? PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 36. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting? Additional Traffic Resources; Google Adwords Traffic Estimator WordTracker Google Trend Google Insights Tools Tool Your Log Files Depositors PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 37. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Search results can differ greatly depending on several variables. 1 .The IP of the end-user (where are they?)2 .The server location of the website (where is it hosted?)3 . Any geographically targeted settings in Webmaster Central (as mentioned in the previous tip)4 .The relationship between the search filters and the resulting web pages (I.e. Did they search for Pages from [region] or Pages in [language]5 .If the end-user is searching a different extension than the defaulted engine (they manually enter searching for US or English results in a non-US region. 6. If the end-user is logged into the search engines site (Gmail, iGoogle, Toolbars, Local Search etc.) 7. If they have Google’s SearchWiki or other plugin PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 38. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Do I target a REGION or a LANGUAGE? PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 39. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Do I target a REGION or a LANGUAGE? REGIONAL TARGETING1. Create a subdomain or a subdirectory in the native language and use Webmaster Central to geographically target it2. Host the subdomain on a server in the native region and use geographical targeting 3. Use the region in all meta tags4. Build back links from similar TLD's 5. If you own a TLD build directories (language) and domains (regions) 6. Use the language or native terms EMAIL – GARY@VANGUARDSEO.COM
  • 40. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains ON A SIDE NOTE!!! - If you own a TLD such as .com, .net or .org you can target both subdomains and subdirectorieswith Google Geotargeting!! EMAIL – GARY@VANGUARDSEO.COM
  • 41. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 42. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region and the linked URL? PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 43. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region and the linked URL? 3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 44. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region and the linked URL? 3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you 4. On-page relevancy PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 45. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region and the linked URL? 3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you 4. On-page relevancy 5. Language based meta-tags PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 46. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains The other elements that will affect rankings will be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region as the linked URL? 3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you 4. On-page relevancy 5. Language based meta-tags 6. Everything in the above 5 items relating to the linking website/page PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 47. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains How do I get started with Geographic Targeting? Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics (About £149 per 1000 words) Don’t just get them rewritten, get them optimisedas well! PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 48. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target region PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 49. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 50. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host Get a new A (Address) DNS record Get a new A (Address) DNS recordGet a new A (Address) DNS recordGet a new A (Address) DNS record PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 51. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host Go to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification code PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 52. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host Go to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification code Add the code between your <head> tags (or add an html file) PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 53. Tip #6 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target region Create Subdomains Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host Go to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification code Add the code between your <head> tags (or add an html file) Submit to Google for crawl PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 54. IMPORTANT Things to Remember! • To target a language using only subdirectories do not use geographic targeting• You can target a language with both subdomains and subdirectories but if you have a top-level TLD (.com) use subdirectories versus subdomains.• You can use Google geographical targeting on subdomains and subdirectories• Your title should be in the native language and/or use regional slang terms where they apply.• Use language-based meta tags whenever targeting language-based searches• Host subdomains that are for geographical targeting in the target region • When you implement the subdomain strategy, link to it from the original website• Create new sitemaps for each subdomain• When creating meta tags and content be sure to use native slang. • Get back links from same TLD's (get a .nl link to your .nl site in the native language)• If you have a TLD (like .nl or .de) do not use geographical targeting. These domains are already associated with its designated region PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 55. Tip #7 – Canonicalisation Issue: You know have more links than you can see PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 56. Tip #7 – Canonicalisation Issue: You know have more links than you can see Problem: Links that you have are pointing to; You getting the picture? PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 57. Tip #7 – Canonicalisation Solution? PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 58. Tip #8 – Other Important Factors Alt Attributes and Titles in Images  Use alt attributes on images to preserve content integrity while providing internal links for ranking factor. Anchor Text Optimization Use pertinent anchor text and do not waste link equity from excessively linking to non reciprocating pages within a site. Flattening Site Architecture Keep site architecture as flat as possible or use breadcrumbs to aid in information architecture and crawling. Avoid Using Sub Folders Excessively Don’t do it Content Volume  Ensure you have enough content to dominate a competitive keyword. Contextual Links Link contextually within related document to select preferred landing pages through virtual theming Load Time – Google has said recently that load time on asite will become a very important issue very soon. PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 59. Tip #9 – Social Bookmarking After extensive testing over the past 3 years as well as watching and anticipating what Google will resort to versus links, I firmly believe, and have proof, that Social Bookmarking will become a big part of Google’s refined algorithm. PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 60. Tip #9 – Social Bookmarking #7 #8 #9 PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 61. Tip #9 – Social Bookmarking #7 #8 PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 62. Tip #9 – Social Bookmarking PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 63. Tip #10 – Additional Killer Tools This monitors Google’s data bases and will notify you when content appears that contain the kw/kw phrase that you are looking for. This is a tool that shows graphs identifying the traffic trends over time, from the last few years to the last few weeks and allows you to see a snapshot of most any industry. This is a supercharged version of Trends. It monitors the actual search queries globally with multiple filters for region, timeline, sectors, etc. XENU – crawls your website and identifies errors, link structure, page size, external links and many other things that are important to the health of your site SEO Spyglass – Gives you a detailed report of your own or a competitors back links and ranks them using important factors like follow-no follow, Page Rank, and other factors. You can even import your Google WMC exported BL report and see if any of the back links to your site are potentially hazardous. PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 64. Tip #10 – Additional Killer Tools CAC EXCLUSIVE - VanguardSEO’s Dual Depth Back Link Checker – When acquiring a website we want to know who is linking to the sites that are linking to us, rather than just the first level of linking, so we built this free tool. - SEOMoz’s Linkscape – Another great tool for evaluating a competitors back links, anchor text, and discovering the strongest pages on a site. competitors to identify if a sudden surge in back links could be the reason for their rankings increase, then you can use one of many other tools (Link Assistant, ShoeMoney, SEOMoz) to identify these links that significantly changed their ranking and go after the same links or an equivalent linking structure) Majestic SEO – Looks at the back link trends of PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 65. Tip #10 – Additional Killer Tools Firefox SEO Quake Plug-in – Great for a quick look at all of the important ranking factors of the top 10 or just one site. This is a toolbar that allows you to set the values you wish to see like PR, indexed pages, registration date, SBM references, DMOZ, Yahoo, MSN, Baidu, and most other SE’s, plus a ton of other information on the fly. And Introducing... PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 66. Tip #10 – Additional Killer Tools PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 67. Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting 25% of the searches on Google every day have never been searched before PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 68. Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting 60% of all conversions come from niche and longtail terms PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 69. Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting Where/How can I Identify the Niche and Longtail terms? Log Files PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 70. Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting Where/How can I Identify the Niche and Longtail terms? Hittail PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 71. Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting Where/How can I Identify the Niche and Longtail terms? PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 72. Tip #11 – Niche & Longtail Targeting Where/How can I Identify the Niche and Longtail terms? Google monitors their Datacenter’s and can notify you immediately when they find your query *TIP – use quotations if using a phrase PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 73. Tip #12 – Get FREE Help! PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 74. Tip #12 – Get FREE Help! You can find me at; PDF and PPT downloads available at
  • 76. DON’T FORGET! We are giving FREE 30-minute one-on-one sessions today and tomorrow – Get your time slot here – NOW Office: 0113 242 6222 LEAVE YOUR EMAIL FOR THE FREE ACCESS TO THE VANGUARD TRACKER TOOL

Editor's Notes

  2. Social Networks and Bookmarking Tools – I talked at the A4U 2 yrs ago and showed the results of several bookmarking experiments and how they were a quick win for a position or two, even top 10
  3. What you will learnLink Acquisition – Avenues, Penalties, alternative optionsAuto-posting and Article Spinning (Good &amp; Bad - note disclosure!)Blog/Forum Spamming/Creation (note disclosure!)RSS Feeds for Building Free LinksMy Favourite ToolsInternational SEO (Geotargeting and Subdomains)Canonicalisation (Who, What, Where???)Important, But Often Forgotten SEO TacticsSocial Bookmarking and SEOLongtail SEO Integration and ImplementationBlack Hat v. WhitehatHow To SEO A New Or Young WebsiteQuestion &amp; Answer Session
  4. Yahoo is showing Bing search results (Aug 18) and will soon be at 100% - thats 31% of the marketTLD – Don’t worry about using a .mobi, any TLD will do fine. (.com, .net, .de, .nl, etc.)Coding –Unlike desktop versions of a website It must be W3C compliant and must be 100% valid XHTML 1.0 code. ( This works with Google’s interface that delivers 6 results rather than 2 or 3 you would normally see displayed, but will also function on a cheap mobile phone interface. If you were ambitious you could make the site in valid XHTML (compatibility test at W3C), cHTML, WML (compatibility test at and normal mark-up (for fully functional web phones. Depending on your market you could show up multiple times in the same query. (There is no duplicate content penalty)There are 3 Primary language types;WML (often called WAP 1.0) - based on XML - a content formatting standard.xHTML Mobile Profile (often called WAP 2.0) - derived from xHTML 1.1 Basic but with additional modules.cHTML or Compact HTML (often called iMode) - uses a subset of the standard HTML 2.0, 3.2 or 4.0 specifications.Site Size - Keep the site down to as few pages as possible, like 3-6, of which one needs to be an engineered landing page for future endeavours like PPC or conversion testingContent – Unfortunately, the content needs to be 63 characters (give-or-take). Create linked snippets on each page if you need to get more that this into one page. Markup – Sorry no iFrames, no Flash, no redirects, no auto-refresh, no popups, no spacing graphics, no tables, no scrollbars (or minimum 1 if you must), no embedded objects or scripts. Use external css and if possible have your programmer load your mobile content from a database on the fly with device recognition. (Like a normal webpage delivering browser-compatible content to whatever phone the end-user is using) And lastly, provide caching information in HTTP responses.Metatxt – The new standard in mobile SEO that helps search engines find your site and classify it. This is similar to the description and keyword tags on a normal website.Mobi Testing - There are some pretty good sites that will turn your site into a mobile site;,,,, and perform a browser compatibility test.
  5. Same as pc in terms of what coding rules - titles, h1, bold - but here I also use keywords - cant hurtYahoo is showing Bing search results (Aug 18) and will soon be at 100% - thats 31% of the marketOnPage – This works the same as regular sites. Title tags that represent a specific keyword or keywords, H1 Tags that mirror those keywords, and content that includes the keywords are heavily weighed attributes. Be sure to match them up with the metatxt content.Local Search – Use locations in your metatxt and title if possible. Most mobile apps have a “Search Nearby”, especially the iPhone with 100’s of apps that utilise GPS location.Universal Search – Yes Universal Search is a big part of Google’s mobile algorithm. One of the most common uses for mobile is news, YouTube, Google Reader, Wikipedia and many others. These dominate the top spots on mobile search. In most cases they show up before web results as well. Optimise for content only available on mobile search; RSS feeds, images, video and news feeds (press releases) are the hot target right now.Local Search – If you are a brick-and-mortar business, get on Google Local, Yahoo! Local, Ask City, Live Search Maps, Yelp, Yellow, White Pages and any other directory, location or mapping service. These are already widely used on G-Phone, I-Phone and are sure to become a standard feature in the next-gen line of phones. Sitemaps – Create and submit separate xml sitemaps to Google and Yahoo just as you do for your normal website. Break them into sections; images, videos, PDF’s, etc.Internal Link Building – This works the same as a regular site. You can PR sculpt the important pages and emphasise keywords with internal anchor text (the linked words) that link to the important pages within your site, and that are optimised for those keywords.External Inbound Links – Think global or international when building links to your website. When optimising a normal website, SEO’s build links from similar domain extensions. So if you had, you would build links from other .es domains and Spanish language websites. In the mobile world any link is significant and can rapidly earn you top spots. Back links in mobile SEO help regardless of the domain extension. Optimising for iPhoneiPhone’s only account for 1% of the overall sales in the mobile market, reporting just under 10 million units sold in 2008. Although this is a minute figure, I think that the compatibility standards set by Apple will soon become the norm, as they are cross-compatible with
  6. What you will learnLink Acquisition – Avenues, Penalties, alternative optionsAuto-posting and Article Spinning (Good &amp; Bad - note disclosure!)Blog/Forum Spamming/Creation (note disclosure!)RSS Feeds for Building Free LinksMy Favourite ToolsInternational SEO (Geotargeting and Subdomains)Canonicalisation (Who, What, Where???)Important, But Often Forgotten SEO TacticsSocial Bookmarking and SEOLongtail SEO Integration and ImplementationBlack Hat v. WhitehatHow To SEO A New Or Young WebsiteQuestion &amp; Answer Session
  7. Buying links Negatives;Monthly charge to maintain and they are still not permanentLink integrity (lost PR, additional samepage links, nofollows, etc.)Bad neighbourhoodsEasily identifiable networksMonitoring the links on 100’s of sites
  8. Buying Websites;You own them foreverOnly monthly charge is hostingYour own linksNo monitoring charges – just the placementHand-placed (no automated rss or xml feeds)Worthy investment
  9. Buying Websites;Auctions (Flippa)Forums (Digital Point)Use tools like IBP or Shoemoney’s tool (link on to identify existing sites w/links – edu’s!SEDO for domain namesGoogle search related blogs and email the owner (many automated tools built for requesting link exchange or placement that can be used for searching related sites and searching the site for contact emails or just use domaintools
  10. There are a few other factors to look at before buying a site;Domain Age – 2 years min.unless other factors outweigh thisPage Rank – yes it does matter when buying a site because it represents G-TrustNumber of existing back linksQuality of those back links and are they to any deep pages?How many pages are indexed with Google?Install McAfee Site Inspector on your computer. It will flag any issues to do with bad history, malware or any one of many other problemsWill the BL’s stay in place once bought?Other pluses are host location vs. target location, the number of registrants of the domain, DMOZ listing and rankings. If it’s a forum, the number of active members and recent posts are important.Check for historical content &amp; DomainToolsCheck for fake Page Rank
  11. Build a “101 list”. These get Dugg all the time, and often become “authority documents”. People can’t resist linking to these (hint, hint). Like mine at I did a PPC 101 and PPC 102 lists.2. Create 10 easy tips to help you [insert topic here] articles. Again, these are exceptionally easy to link to.3. Create extensive resource lists for a specific topic (see Mr Ploppy for inspiration).4. Create a list of the top 10 myths for a specific category.5. Create a list of gurus/experts. If you impress the people listed well enough, or find a way to make your project look somewhat official, the gurus may end up linking to your site or saying thanks. (Sometimes flattery is the easiest way to strike up a good relationship with an “authority”.) 6. Make your content easy to understand so many people can understand and spread your message. (It’s an accessibility thing.)7. Put some effort in to minimize grammatical or spelling errors, especially if you need authoritative people like librarians to link to your site.PPC as a Link Building Tool8. Buy relevant traffic with a pay per click campaign. Relevant traffic will get your site more visitors and brand exposure. When people come to your site, regardless of the channel in which they found it, there is a possibility that they will link to you.9. Syndicate an article at EzineArticles, GoArticles, iSnare, etc. The great thing about good article sites is that their article pages actually rank highly and send highly qualified traffic.10. Submit an article to industry news site. Have an SEO site? Write an article and submit to WebProNews. Have a site about BLANK? Submit to Syndicate a press release. Take the time to make it GOOD (compelling, newsworthy). Email it to some handpicked journalists and bloggers. Personalize the email message. For good measure, submit it to PRWeb, PRLeap, etc.12. Track who picks up your articles or press releases. Offer them exclusive news or content.13. Trade articles with other webmasters.14. Write about, and link to, companies with “in the news” pages. They link back to stories and blog posts which cover their developments. This is obviously easiest if you have a news section or blog. Do a Google search for [your industry + &quot;in the news&quot;].15. Perform surveys and studies that make people feel important. If you can make other people feel important they will help do your marketing for you for free. did a study on how underpaid mothers were, and they got many high quality links.16. It is pretty easy to ask or answer questions on Yahoo! Answers and provide links to relevant resources.17. It is pretty easy to ask or answer questions on Google Groups and provide links to relevant resources. 18. It takes about 15 minutes to set up a topical Squidoo page, which you can use to look like an industry expert. Link to expert documents and popular useful tools in your fields, and also create a link back to your site.19. Submit a story to Digg20. Hold an ebay auction for a charity – home page link
  12. Easy as 1-2-3Write your article &amp; spend the time to spin it – very easyPopulate your sites or schedule posts to be posted in the future – Market SamuraiSubmit each blog through OnlyWire
  13. Put a Wordpress Blog on your website. If you use a subdomain it will appear as a stand-alone site. All PR and Trust will be passedChange your setting in Wordpress SettingsOptionally you can use Market Samurai to auto post to your blogs with RSS feeds setup – BE SURE TO INCLUDE LINKS &amp; AUTHOR INFORMATIONSetup a feedburner/google account and submit your blogs with RSS feedsPublishers will scrape your sites RSS feeds and republish the content and in most cases (because they are doing it with automation software
  14. Put a Wordpress Blog on your website. If you use a subdomain it will appear as a stand-alone site. All PR and Trust will be passedChange your setting in Wordpress SettingsOptionally you can use Market Samurai to auto post to your blogs with RSS feeds setup – BE SURE TO INCLUDE LINKS &amp; AUTHOR INFORMATIONSetup a feedburner/google account and submit your blogs with RSS feedsPublishers will scrape your sites RSS feeds and republish the content and in most cases (because they are doing it with automation software
  15. Put a Wordpress Blog on your website. If you use a subdomain it will appear as a stand-alone site. All PR and Trust will be passedChange your setting in Wordpress SettingsOptionally you can use Market Samurai to auto post to your blogs with RSS feeds setup – BE SURE TO INCLUDE LINKS &amp; AUTHOR INFORMATIONSetup a feedburner/google account and submit your blogs with RSS feedsPublishers will scrape your sites RSS feeds and republish the content and in most cases (because they are doing it with automation software
  16. Put a Wordpress Blog on your website. If you use a subdomain it will appear as a stand-alone site. All PR and Trust will be passedChange your setting in Wordpress SettingsOptionally you can use Market Samurai to auto post to your blogs with RSS feeds setup – BE SURE TO INCLUDE LINKS &amp; AUTHOR INFORMATIONSetup a feedburner/google account and submit your blogs with RSS feedsPublishers will scrape your sites RSS feeds and republish the content and in most cases (because they are doing it with automation software
  17. Put a Wordpress Blog on your website. If you use a subdomain it will appear as a stand-alone site. All PR and Trust will be passedChange your setting in Wordpress SettingsOptionally you can use Market Samurai to auto post to your blogs with RSS feeds setup – BE SURE TO INCLUDE LINKS &amp; AUTHOR INFORMATIONSetup a feedburner/google account and submit your blogs with RSS feedsPublishers will scrape your sites RSS feeds and republish the content and in most cases (because they are doing it with automation software
  18. Put a Wordpress Blog on your website. If you use a subdomain it will appear as a stand-alone site. All PR and Trust will be passedChange your setting in Wordpress SettingsOptionally you can use Market Samurai to auto post to your blogs with RSS feeds setup – BE SURE TO INCLUDE LINKS &amp; AUTHOR INFORMATIONSetup a feedburner/google account and submit your blogs with RSS feedsPublishers will scrape your sites RSS feeds and republish the content and in most cases (because they are doing it with automation software
  19. Crawl Errors – advises you of any crawl errors Google finds like broken links or orphaned links. I have seen in some cases a website that has reformatted URL’s or rebuilt a website and neglected or missed using 301 redirects and using this tool have found 100’s of links pointing nowhere (404 error pages). Once they addressed this issue they gained the value of these links and subsequently better rankings.
  21. XML Sitemaps – these (and I make individual ones for data files, pic files, pdf files, doc files, etc.) tell the bots the files you do want indexed and where they are
  22. Internal Links – lets you know if you are cross-linked, which may confuse the bots or split influence between two similar pages
  23. External Links – tells you who is linked to you. Helpful in optimising anchor text and bad links pointing to non-existent pages
  24. Crawl Errors – advises you of any crawl errors Google finds like broken links or orphaned links. I have seen in some cases a website that has reformatted URL’s or rebuilt a website and neglected or missed using 301 redirects and using this tool have found 100’s of links pointing nowhere (404 error pages). Once they addressed this issue they gained the value of these links and subsequently better rankings.It also identifies bad internal link structures (Ie – nofollows, not found 404’s)
  25. Top Queries – this shows the top queries to your site which will allow you to improve specific landing pages for quick wins or target terms that have good existing rankings so that you can build new silos or pages to further enhance positions and traffic. In the gaming market the difference between
  26. Associate Domains – I’ll get more into this first setting (Geographic Target) a bit later – But for now this is an extremely easy quick win if you have WMC set-up. (This takes 5 minutes). Go into WMC and choose which domain you want as your primary (www or http). The benefit of this is that currently Google sees each as individual pages. Links that you have pointed at your URL may have both and you are losing the full benefit of your back links. You can accomplish this with a 301 but if you don’t know coding this is just as effective.
  28. Using Geotargeting for Language and Regional TargetingThe various ways that people search and the results the search engines are delivering are evolving rapidly. Smarter queries and more complex algorithms mean that you need to use various techniques to be sure you are showing up in the results. Local search, advanced search, regional search and language-based searches are some of the filters an end-user or a search engine can use in determining who shows up, when they show up and where they show up.Geotargeting is a tool Google has refined and one that you can manipulate to a point in order to increase saturation in any search and in any market.Beyond the obvious on-page considerations, different searches will deliver (in most cases) a different set of results.
  30. What you need to consider are; 1 .Your target market?2. If you need language based subdomains or subdirectories?3. Should you move hosting as well?4. Cost of translation5. Can I afford to do it all?Thats fairly easy to establish
  34. 1 .The IP of the end-user (where are they?)2 .The server location of the website (where is it hosted?)3 . Any geographically targeted settings in Webmaster Central (as mentioned in the previous tip)4 .The relationship between the search filters and the resulting web pages (I.e. Did they search for Pages from [region] or Pages in [language]5 .If the end-user is searching a different extension than the defaulted engine (they manually enter searching for US or English results in a non-US region. 6. If the end-user is logged into the search engines site(Gmail, iGoogle, Toolbars, Local Search etc.)7. If they have Google’s SearchWiki or other plugin
  35. Do I target a REGION or a LANGUAGE?
  36. Target a specific language?1. Create a subdirectory in the native language (I.e. Build back links from same language websites3. Do not use geographical targetingTHERE IS A BIT MORE TO ASSIGNING A NEW SUBDOMAIN TO A REGIONALLY BASED SERVER – DROP ME AN EMAIL
  37. Target a specific language?1. Create a subdirectory in the native language (I.e. Build back links from same language websites3. Do not use geographical targetingTHERE IS A BIT MORE TO ASSIGNING A NEW SUBDOMAIN TO A REGIONALLY BASED SERVER – DROP ME AN EMAIL
  38. 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)?2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region as the linked URL?3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you4. On-page relevancy5. Language based meta-tags6. Everything in the above 5 items relating to the linking website/page
  39. 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)?2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region as the linked URL?3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you4. On-page relevancy5. Language based meta-tags6. Everything in the above 5 items relating to the linking website/page
  40. 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)?2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region as the linked URL?3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you4. On-page relevancy5. Language based meta-tags6. Everything in the above 5 items relating to the linking website/page
  41. 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)?2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region as the linked URL?3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you4. On-page relevancy5. Language based meta-tags6. Everything in the above 5 items relating to the linking website/page
  42. 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)?2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region as the linked URL?3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you4. On-page relevancy5. Language based meta-tags6. Everything in the above 5 items relating to the linking website/page
  43. 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)?2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region as the linked URL?3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you4. On-page relevancy5. Language based meta-tags6. Everything in the above 5 items relating to the linking website/page
  44. Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target regionCreate SubdomainsUse the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target hostGo to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification codeAdd the code between your &lt;head&gt; tags (or add an html file)Submit to Google for crawl
  45. Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target regionCreate SubdomainsUse the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target hostGo to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification codeAdd the code between your &lt;head&gt; tags (or add an html file)Submit to Google for crawl
  46. Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target regionCreate SubdomainsUse the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target hostGo to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification codeAdd the code between your &lt;head&gt; tags (or add an html file)Submit to Google for crawl
  47. Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target regionCreate SubdomainsUse the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target hostGo to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification codeAdd the code between your &lt;head&gt; tags (or add an html file)Submit to Google for crawl
  48. Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target regionCreate SubdomainsUse the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target hostGo to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification codeAdd the code between your &lt;head&gt; tags (or add an html file)Submit to Google for crawl
  49. Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target regionCreate SubdomainsUse the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target hostGo to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification codeAdd the code between your &lt;head&gt; tags (or add an html file)Submit to Google for crawl
  50. Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics Get your hosting setup in the target regionCreate SubdomainsUse the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target hostGo to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification codeAdd the code between your &lt;head&gt; tags (or add an html file)Submit to Google for crawl
  51. • To target a language using only subdirectories do not use geographic targeting• You can target a language with both subdomains and subdirectories but if you have a top-level TLD (.com) use subdirectories versus subdomains.• You can use Google geographical targeting on subdomains and subdirectories• Your title should be in the native language and/or use regional slang terms where they apply.• Use language-based meta tags whenever targeting language-based searches• Host subdomains that are for geographical targeting in the target region • When you implement the subdomain strategy, link to it from the original website• Create new sitemaps for each subdomain • When creating meta tags and content be sure to use native slang. • Get back links from same TLD&apos;s (get a .nl link to your .nl site in the native language)• If you have a TLD (like .nl or .de) do not use geographical targeting. These domains are already associated with its designated region
  52. Canonicalisation – Because of development issues, server settings, programming platforms, and even natural site progression a site may have multiple version of a homepage, or even an entire site. Let’s say you upgraded your site from an html site to a php site. Many times in the crossover pages are left on the server and are crawlable to the robots. These present several issues. You may have the same content and the new page never gets indexed. Links back to you may be to different versions. To mention just two of the most serious issues.I’ve seen a website that had 8 individual and crawlable versions of their homepage live at the same time. This can reduce the strength of your page. (Ever see a sitethat has a lower homepage PR than an internal page?) The simplest and least painful way to fix this is with 301 redirects.
  53. Canonicalisation – Because of development issues, server settings, programming platforms, and even natural site progression a site may have multiple version of a homepage, or even an entire site. Let’s say you upgraded your site from an html site to a php site. Many times in the crossover pages are left on the server and are crawlable to the robots. These present several issues. You may have the same content and the new page never gets indexed. Links back to you may be to different versions. To mention just two of the most serious issues.I’ve seen a website that had 8 individual and crawlable versions of their homepage live at the same time. This can reduce the strength of your page. (Ever see a sitethat has a lower homepage PR than an internal page?) The simplest and least painful way to fix this is with 301 redirects.
  54. Canonicalisation – Because of development issues, server settings, programming platforms, and even natural site progression a site may have multiple version of a homepage, or even an entire site. Let’s say you upgraded your site from an html site to a php site. Many times in the crossover pages are left on the server and are crawlable to the robots. These present several issues. You may have the same content and the new page never gets indexed. Links back to you may be to different versions. To mention just two of the most serious issues.I’ve seen a website that had 8 individual and crawlable versions of their homepage live at the same time. This can reduce the strength of your page. (Ever see a sitethat has a lower homepage PR than an internal page?) The simplest and least painful way to fix this is with 301 redirects.
  55. Alt Attributes and Titles in Images – Use alt attributes on images to preserve content integrity while providing internal links for ranking factor. Using the alt attribute in images allows you to reinforce topical relevance with the on page text based content to improve a pages relevance score.Anchor Text Optimization – Use pertinent anchor text and do not waste link equity from excessively linking to non reciprocating pages within a site. Employing anchor text optimization means using relevant keywords to link to relevant pages within a site. Do this enough and before you know it you are virtual theming - creating a secondary navigation contextually through keyword co-occurrence. This can distinguish your site from competitors as each granular layer consolidates ranking factor for a website. This is why Wikipedia dominates search results.Flattening Site Architecture – Keep site architecture as flat as possible or use breadcrumbs to aid in information architecture and crawling.Avoid using sub folders excessively within a website vs. flattening the url and site by using more descriptive naming conventions for a page The closer the more competitive keyword landing pages are to the root folder, the easier it will be for them to gain additional ranking factor, page rank and page strength to express the content on that page.Content Volume - Ensure you have enough content to dominate a competitive keyword. Trying to rank for a keyword with millions of competing pages with a little or no content is a waste of time. You will need topical relevance which means articles, posts and pages all internally linked and consolidated within a clear silo to create the proper on page signals for that keyword. Shoot for a minimum of 300 words that integrate LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis) or associated keywords and typical keyword phrases. You can find these using Google’s keyword suggestion tool or better yet look for the bolded print within the snippets when utilising Google’s beta LSA search query by typing a tilde (~) just before your keyword in a search on Google. Also use these keywords and keyword phrases in internal back links and external anchor text links.Contextual Links – Link contextually within related document to select preferred landing pages through virtual theming. If you are on a page about poker rooms, and have a keyword phrase such as “free poker rooms”, link the keyword phrase to the free poker room page. Do this for every keyword/kw phrase (just once per page if it appears more than that) and you have just added a virtual theme to your keywords. This means that each page can now work together collectively to support the parent theme (which is the main/root keyword itself).Load Time – Google has said recently that load time on a site will become a very important issue very soon. Optimise (compress) images, eliminate unnecessary code, note and whitespace. Run the site through a speed optimiser like IBP to identify area of improvement.
  57. Did this test for the first time in 2007
  58. Google Alerts- This monitors Google’s data bases and will notify you when content appears that contain the kw/kw phrase that you are looking for. We use this to monitor the effectiveness of Press Releases, monitor the competition, identify new “buzz” in certain industries (primarily gaming), client reputation management and certain content. It can load directly into your iGoogle desktop.Google Trends – This is a tool that shows graphs identifying the traffic trends over time, from the last few years to the last few weeks and allows you to see a snapshot of most any industry. Great for researching your next product offering.Google Insights – This is a supercharged version of Trends. It monitors the actual search queries globally. So if you wanted to see what city, county, country or region had the most activity for a particular search term, this tool does that – and more! It can add delimiters such as time frames, and will also compare regions, compare related keywords and any mix of the above 3 filters. Then it will graph them all for you as well for a clear look. One of my favourite accessories that Google Insights has is that it will monitor the sector for related kw’s that have significantly increased search volume – they call them Breakout Terms and you can have these delivered to your iGoogle desktop as well. I can’t tell you how helpful this is when you are in a highly competitive field trying to find niche or long tail terms to target and get the jump on the big guys. Once we identify these terms we then create pages for them and add them to a silo. So for instance if “Million Dollar Bingo Game” is a breakout term being searched enough to draw a “Breakout Term” notification from Insights, we’ll build a page for it using all the steps mentioned above, add it to a relevant silo, bleed PR to it using no follows, and suddenly we are ranking very well. TIP – We also use the upgraded version of Domain Tools much in the same way. We monitor for our kw (e.g. Casinos). Anytime a domain is purchased with that kw in it we get an email. When we see that all the TLD’s (Top Level Domains like .com, .net and .org) are all purchased at the same time, we know some VC out there is paying to buy them up in expectation of a future site launch. Posh Bingo is a great recent example. We received email notification from Domain Tools, put an Alert on the term, and then watched Insights for a breakout alert. (We monitored the URL as well for launch)XENU – crawls your website and identifies errors, link structure, page size, external links and many other things that are important to the health of your siteSEO Spyglass – Gives you a detailed report of your own or a competitors back links and ranks them using important factors like follow-no follow, Page Rank, and other factors. You can even import your Google WMC exported BL report and see if any of the back links to your site are potentially hazardous.  
  59. EXCLUSIVE - VanguardSEO’s Dual Depth Back Link Checker– When acquiring a website we want to know who is linking to the sites that are linking to us, rather than just the first level of linking, so we built this free tool. -’s Linkscape – Another great tool for evaluating a competitors back links, anchor text, and discovering the strongest pages on a site.Majestic SEO – Looks at the back link trends of competitors to identify if a sudden surge in back links could be the reason for their rankings increase, then you can use one of many other tools (Link Assistant, ShoeMoney, SEOMoz) to identify these links that significantly changed their ranking and go after the same links or an equivalent linking structure)Rank Tracker – The best tool I’ve found so far for checking daily SERP (search engine rank positions) checking. It gives historical information and clear signs for increases and decreases from day to day or pre-seo to current day. It graphs everything over the full term of the campaign. It has human emulation and scheduling to reduce the chance of getting blocked. And my favourite; it queries any search engine anywhere as if you were there, so IP concerns aren’t an issue.Firefox SEO Quake Plug-in – Great for a quick look at all of the important ranking factors of the top 10 or just one site. This is a toolbar that allows you to set the values you wish to see like PR, indexed pages, registration date, SBM references, DMOZ, Yahoo, MSN, Baidu, and most other SE’s, plus a ton of other information on the fly.
  60. Firefox SEO Quake Plug-in – Great for a quick look at all of the important ranking factors of the top 10 or just one site. This is a toolbar that allows you to set the values you wish to see like PR, indexed pages, registration date, SBM references, DMOZ, Yahoo, MSN, Baidu, and most other SE’s, plus a ton of other information on the fly.
  61. Track your rankings daily w/o the risk of overuse that results in Google captchas and skew your resultsTrack any changes on-page or off-site of your competitors that result in a custom measured ranking changeAutomated notification of ranking changes on your site based off of your customised presets Access historical ranking data and any on site changes which may have resulted  &apos;VERY UNIQUE!‘With a PRO membership you will be notified what your competition does to attain higher rankingsA state-of-the-art IPhone multi tiered &apos;real-time&apos; globally segregated mobile rank monitor  - THE FIRST OF ITS KIND
  62. Now those my friends arepretty significant stats!This is the reasoning behind Google buying Applied Semantics years ago and their more recent claims of gradually combining their current results with Universal results and Latent Semantic Analysis. Doesn’t it all make sense?  You take the phrases people search, look at the CTR and time on-site versus the results hierarchy, run them through a semantics formula for related terms, then pool the terms in relevant silos. Factor in back links and semantic associations and you’ll probably have a pretty good start to a less-engineered set of search results. Well, that’s a sloppy example but you see what I’m getting at.  Long tail and niche terms aren’t just important to target for the low-hanging, high-converting traffic, it’s crucial in content and back link anchor text, as well as SBM because Google doesn’t want to be “gamed” or their result manipulated by guys/gals like you and I. They want related content from related sites; not a bunch of Affiliate portals, and without the best content, laid out in the best way, things are set to get a bit harder for anyone to rank well if you’re not an Operator or big name brand. So how do you identify these LT phrases? For real-time I use HitTail. For building a data base for mySQL use I prefer raw log files. Other options are Shoemoney’s kw tool, WordTracker, or even Google’s keyword tool along with Shoemoney’s kw tool. There are also tools like IBP that will scrape your competitors sites and export an excel file to your desktop to play around with (like adding your city or region or brand). Many of these techniques I use whilst building PPC (Pay Per Click) accounts. Just be sure that you create silos with your kw strings and that you don’t link to multiple pages using closely related keywords or Google may consider them to be too closely related and not index one or split the value between the two pages. Using individual page titles and meta descriptions, along with non-duplicated content, then some back links and SBM should take care of this. I mentioned this once before; go after the low-hanging fruit. It converts better.I know I mentioned 25% of all search queries have never been searched before.Well this one is just as good; 60%+ of all conversions come from niche and long tail terms.
  63. Now that my friends is a pretty significant stat! This is the reasoning behind Google buying Applied Semantics years ago and their more recent claims of gradually combining their current results with Universal results and Latent Semantic Analysis. Doesn’t it all make sense?  You take the phrases people search, look at the CTR and time on-site versus the results hierarchy, run them through a semantics formula for related terms, then pool the terms in relevant silos. Factor in back links and semantic associations and you’ll probably have a pretty good start to a less-engineered set of search results. Well, that’s a sloppy example but you see what I’m getting at.  Long tail and niche terms aren’t just important to target for the low-hanging, high-converting traffic, it’s crucial in content and back link anchor text, as well as SBM because Google doesn’t want to be “gamed” or their result manipulated by guys/gals like you and I. They want related content from related sites; not a bunch of Affiliate portals, and without the best content, laid out in the best way, things are set to get a bit harder for anyone to rank well if you’re not an Operator or big name brand. So how do you identify these LT phrases? For real-time I use HitTail. For building a data base for mySQL use I prefer raw log files. Other options are Shoemoney’s kw tool, WordTracker, or even Google’s keyword tool along with Shoemoney’s kw tool. There are also tools like IBP that will scrape your competitors sites and export an excel file to your desktop to play around with (like adding your city or region or brand). Many of these techniques I use whilst building PPC (Pay Per Click) accounts. Just be sure that you create silos with your kw strings and that you don’t link to multiple pages using closely related keywords or Google may consider them to be too closely related and not index one or split the value between the two pages. Using individual page titles and meta descriptions, along with non-duplicated content, then some back links and SBM should take care of this. I mentioned this once before; go after the low-hanging fruit. It converts better.I know I mentioned 25% of all search queries have never been searched before.Well this one is just as good; 60%+ of all conversions come from niche and long tail terms.
  64. Now that my friends is a pretty significant stat! This is the reasoning behind Google buying Applied Semantics years ago and their more recent claims of gradually combining their current results with Universal results and Latent Semantic Analysis. Doesn’t it all make sense?  You take the phrases people search, look at the CTR and time on-site versus the results hierarchy, run them through a semantics formula for related terms, then pool the terms in relevant silos. Factor in back links and semantic associations and you’ll probably have a pretty good start to a less-engineered set of search results. Well, that’s a sloppy example but you see what I’m getting at.  Long tail and niche terms aren’t just important to target for the low-hanging, high-converting traffic, it’s crucial in content and back link anchor text, as well as SBM because Google doesn’t want to be “gamed” or their result manipulated by guys/gals like you and I. They want related content from related sites; not a bunch of Affiliate portals, and without the best content, laid out in the best way, things are set to get a bit harder for anyone to rank well if you’re not an Operator or big name brand. So how do you identify these LT phrases? For real-time I use HitTail. For building a data base for mySQL use I prefer raw log files. Other options are Shoemoney’s kw tool, WordTracker, or even Google’s keyword tool along with Shoemoney’s kw tool. There are also tools like IBP that will scrape your competitors sites and export an excel file to your desktop to play around with (like adding your city or region or brand). Many of these techniques I use whilst building PPC (Pay Per Click) accounts. Just be sure that you create silos with your kw strings and that you don’t link to multiple pages using closely related keywords or Google may consider them to be too closely related and not index one or split the value between the two pages. Using individual page titles and meta descriptions, along with non-duplicated content, then some back links and SBM should take care of this. I mentioned this once before; go after the low-hanging fruit. It converts better.I know I mentioned 25% of all search queries have never been searched before.Well this one is just as good; 60%+ of all conversions come from niche and long tail terms.
  65. Just about every SEO I know (including the top guys) will freely, and honestly answer your questions.Just walk up to us, email or IM us, or even ring us. The best thing about the SEO community that I have found is that we all want to help – it makes us feel good when we hear people are using our tips and succeeding.
  66. Frequent Seo and Affiliate Forums.