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Sam Webb
    Film: The Bourne Ultimatum
    Date Released: 3rd August 2007
    Teaser Trailer:
    Posters/ Billboards: (see right)
    Magazine Features:
    Radio/ TV A appearances: Did not appear on radio. Mat Damon appeared on two three American
        chat shows.
    Viral Campaigns:!/pages/Bourne-Ultimatum/105742379466221
    Festivals: Deauville American Film Festival (2007)

Marketing a film is a big process you cant just rely on word of mouth as its unreliable and may not work. Teaser trailers are very popular as
a lot of people will see them advertised on commercial breaks, in cinema’s before the film and on the internet. A great number of people
will do these things therefore will see the teaser trailer. Posters are very popular in city’s and large towns. They could be shown on the side
of buses where a lot of people will see the advertisement as busses move around a lot and in a city/large town a lot of people use buses or
see them on the road. Billboards tend to be in the very large populated areas such as London. They will be advertised very big so people
will notice them. A film website is one of the least effective ways as the website needs to be advertised before people know about it. But
this can be done by advertising it on other websites where they will be noticed. Often an actor from the film will feature on a radio show
where they talk about the time filming the film, this is an effective way as lots of people listen to the radio and then will want to find more
information about the film, therefore accessing the website or watching the trailer on ‘YouTube’ and other viewing websites. Only a few
people will gain information to an upcoming film through film festivals as only a small amount of people attend festival's, so this is probably
the least effective method of marketing. I believe the most effective way of marketing is through viral campaigns, this is a fairly new
method. But a large amount of people use social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. It may just be the name of the
film that is advertised but if shown on many occasions it will stay in the mind of the reader. Surely I cant use all of these methods to help
advertise my film as some are improbable without large amounts of money. But a viral campaign is the cheapest and I think most effective
way of marketing so that would be my main choice of advertising.
Drive Angry 3D
 It is only 30 seconds long but includes a lot of information, such as what the plot is about when
Nicolas Cage says ‘they killed my daughter and toke her baby’. So you gather that the film is
about him finding his daughters child. The genre of the film is action you can establish this
because the teaser trailer includes guns, driving fast cars and explosions these are
stereotypically associated with an action genre film.

                       Fast Five
                       This trailer is a little longer, its set in Brazil as it says on superimposed in the first shot. The use
                       the word ‘mission’ a lot, suggesting that the film is about a group of people undertaking and a
                       mission, and there is a shoot of a vault with a lot of money which they later steal, signifying that
                       stealing a vault is there so called mission. Again this an action film, you can tell this as the trailer
                       includes guns, fast cars, explosions and violence all signifiers to an action film.

Super 8
The producer is Steven Spielberg a prolific producer, with a brilliant history in film making. I
would say this is a film centred around the train crash, as most of the trailer is about that.
There is a lot of banging from the inside of the train but you don't see why., which makes
you think. You don't see any actors in the film which is rare but there is enough happening in
the trailer that it doesn't really matter as it still catches your attention. Also it says about Area
51 which is a suspected alien military storage site, so the film could be about aliens. The
genre is very hard to decide on, but I would say it was action as the trailer includes a lot of
damage ie; the train crash.
   What is the definition of a teaser trailer?
    A preliminary advertisement in a campaign that attracts attention by making people
    curious to know what products is being advertise
   What is their purpose?
    The goal of a teaser trailer is to get the title and release date out.
   How do they differ from normal trailers?
    A teaser trailer is usually no more than a minute and a half in length, and normally only
    shows partial clips from the film. A theatrical trailer is usually two and half minutes long,
    and establishes the general plot of the story, as well as protagonists and antagonists.
   What genre do they tend to be?
    They don’t tend to be a specific genre, they are usually high production films/
    blockbusters with well know actors and directors and will also go on to be a hit at the
    cinema .
   When are there release dates?
     This tends to be about a year before the actual film is released.
   What are the conventions of a teaser trailer?
    To show the main characters, the name of the film, release date, the genre of the film and
    to draw you in to watch it when the full version is released .
   The information they include?
    Actors, release date, genre, name of the film and the production company.
   Masthead: The masthead (also referred to as an imprint) is a list, published in a
    newspaper or magazine, of its staff. In some publications it names only the most
    senior individuals; in others, it may name many or all. Some mastheads also include
    information such as the publication's founding date, slogan, logo and contact
   Strapline: A subheading in a newspaper or magazine article or in any advertisement
   Cover lines: A short phrases on the cover of the magazine describing major articles.
   Screamers: A screamer is a distinctive headline which has been written with the goal
    of drawing attention to the article beneath it.
   Billing block: In the layout of film posters and other film advertising copy, the billing
    is usually placed at the bottom and set in a highly condensed typeface (one in which
    the height of characters is several times the width). By convention, the point size of
    the billing block is 25 or 35 percent of the average height of each letter in the title
    logo. Inclusion in the credits and the billing block is generally a matter of detailed
    contracts between the artists and the producer. Using a condensed typeface allows
    the heights of the characters to meet contractual constraints while still allowing
    enough horizontal space to include all the required text.
   Taglines: A slogan or phrase that visually conveys the most important product
    attribute or benefit that the advertiser wishes to convey. Generally, a theme to a
                                                    Only one cast name is
                                                    shown on the top
  It has a tagline ‘your mind, in the               suggesting there is only
  scene of the crime’. A catching                   one main character.
  slogan that could stay in the mind                There is only one of the
  of its readers.                                   actors name this could
                                                    suggest that there is only
      The dark colours suggest that the             one main character.
      film is a dark and serious film.
                                                  The gun suggests danger.
                                                  Guns are an icon
  The man is standing in quite a                  stereotypical to
  controlling stance/ position                    action/thriller films.
  suggesting that holds some
  sort of power.                                  The red font could suggest a
                                                  connotation of danger.

Water in the streets between the tall     The billing block is shown at the
buildings could be a clue to what will    bottom of the poster with all the
happen in the film.                       relevant information about the film.

                                             "Experience it.." makes
 "From the director of The Dark              it sound like something
 Knight“ People who like ‘The                brilliant happens
 Dark Knight’ may want to watch              within the film that
 this film as it has the same                you a must see.
 I believe that this is a very effective poster because it includes a vast amount of information
 that will keep the reader interested. The first being the actors name ‘Leonardo Dicaprio’ a
 very famous and successful actor who has starred in many films. Having a popular actor
 starring in a film helps as a lot of people will watch a film if they like the actor, therefore this
 can be a unique selling point. Another point is the images i.e. the background image of water
 flowing through the city and the man standing with his back to the reader with a gun in his
 hand. This could help you discover the genre of the film as guns often symbolise violence you
 could narrow the genre down to a thriller or action film.

 There are a lot of ways in which it communicates with the audience, such as the tagline
 "From the director of The Dark Knight“ People who like ‘The Dark Knight’ may want to watch
 this film as it has the same director. At the bottom of the page it says "Experience it.." this
 makes it sound like something brilliant happens within the film that you a must see. The
 posters main tagline ‘your mind, in the scene of the crime’ is a catchy slogan that could stay
 in the mind of its readers I help them decide on what they think the film could be about. The
 last point is it gives you an indication on when the audience will be able see the film in
 cinema’s with the tagline ‘experience it this summer 2010’.

 Going back the season of release date it says ‘in Imax’ after the ‘experience it this summer
 2010’ bit. This could harm the marketing campaign as Imax is different type of cinema and
 they are not many about and they also cost a bit more to get a ticket. Therefore less people
 may be inclined to see the film. But it doesn't say or not if it will be release din normal
 cinema's so the audience will have to find that out from another source of marketing
 campaign. It would be a lot better for the production company of this film to release the film
 in normal cinema’s as they will see a huge rise in profit.

 I don’t believe that there is anything offensive in the poster that may harm the feelings of
 Only one cast name is shown on
 the top suggesting there is only
 one main character.                   I would have a guess that this woman
 There is only one of the actors       is Salt but film plots are never as
 name this could suggest that          simple as that. The woman is holding
 there is only one main character.     a very serious facial expression
                                       suggesting that something may
                                       happen to her or she does something
                                       serious in the film.

 The title is in white leaving it
 open to the reader make there
 own assumptions film.
                                         The black background suggests
                                         that the film has a dark and evil
                                         side to it.

     The slogan ‘Who Is Salt’ makes
     you question who Salt is before
     you’ve even seen it.

A website at the bottom of the page       A release date so people
where readers can find out my             know when the film is in
information of this film.                 cinema’s.
         This is an effective poster but unlike the Inception poster this one does not include as
         much information, therefore it only gives you a small clue into what the film is about.
         The background is very dark and as a result this could connote that the film has a dark
         and evil side to it. Also I would have a guess that this woman is Salt as it has a tagline
         below her face saying ‘who is salt’. The main image is a woman she is holding a very
         serious facial expression suggesting that something may happen to her or she does
         something serious in the film. From this points the audience could narrow the genre of
         the film down to a thriller as these points are related to that genre of film. And a genre
         of a film plays a large part in the audiences mind to if the would see this film at the
         cinema. Similarly this poster also includes an actors name ‘Angelina Jolie’ who is a very
         famous and successful actor who has starred in many films. So this could effect the
         decision of the audience in watching the film.

         It doesn't communicate with the audience as much as other posters. It has a release
         date of ‘Summer 2010’ so the reader has clue to when they will be able to see the film
         in cinema’s. Also the tagline ‘who is salt’ communicates with the audience the as the
         poster is speaking to the reader asking them the question. This will make the reader feel
         involved in the film and want them to find out the answer of the question, and the only
         way they can do this is by watching the film.

         Unlike most promotional film posters this does not include billing block, therefore the
         reader will not be able to find out key bits of information such as the producer, writer
         and director from this piece of media marketing.

         I don’t believe that there is anything offensive in the poster that may harm the feelings
         of someone.
The two posters I analysed are very different from each other. The ‘Inception’ poster gives
a lot more information about the film than the ‘Salt’ one does. The ‘Salt’ poster has a very
boring background of just black, but this could be a connotation of it being a very dark and
evil film. Where as the ‘Inception’ poster has a city background with a flood of water
running in between the building’s which could be a little clue to what happens in the film.
Both posters include an actors name which is a big incentive to the audience as a certain
actors may be the reason for watching a film, and as the actors in these two films are
Angelina Jolie and Leonardo Dicaprio, two very successful actors who have started in many
films , a great number of people will watch the film because of their past history's in the
acting business. The both include a tagline Inception’s being ‘your mind in the scene of the
crime’ and Salt’s being ‘who is Salt’. They are both very good taglines that will keep in the
mind of the audience, where they will make them think more about the film and what will
happen within it. Also they are simple and catchy, therefore easy to remember.
                            These are very different posters and are very successful in their own way. But I
                            believe that the ‘Inception’ poster is more successful than the other. This is
                            because it includes a lot more information such as the billing block (which gives
                            a lot of information such as director, producer, writer etc.). Also the background
                            images and the main image gives away a lot more information about the film
                            with the dark colours suggesting that the film is a dark and serious one and the
                            gun suggesting danger as guns are an icon stereotypical to action/thriller films.
                            These help you decide on what you think the genre is and gives you a huge idea
                            on what the film is about.
      MAN 2
Masthead placed at the top
centre of the magazine in order           Short snappy phrases
to make the reader fully aware            make it easier to
of what magazine it is.                   digest the information.

The glow of the masthead is            The photograph of Iron
the same as the glow on Iron           Man has his head
Man’s chest . Interlinking with        covering part of the
one an other, maybe to show            masthead showing that
that it is something important         it is a well established
in the film.                           magazine.

The dark background
suggests that there is                Individual words have been
some sort of evil within              used in order to attract the
the film.                             readers attention: Such as
                                      "PLUS", creating the feeling
 The main image of the ‘Iron          that you are getting more
 Man’ is looking up towards the       than you paid for.
 reader as if to show his
 dominance and power.

                                   Barcode has been placed
Teasers placed around the
                                   at the bottom right
edges of the magazine
                                   where it is out the way
insight the reader into
                                   of all the relevant
what's inside the issue,
                                   information to do with
more encouragement to by
                                   the magazine.
the issue.
Masthead placed at the top            The magazines status, ‘Best
centre of the magazine in order       Preview Issue Ever!'. This
to make the reader fully aware        will make you think that it is
of what magazine it is.               the best magazine and that
                                      its one that you should buy.

The colour of the
masthead (red) could be a
connotation of danger              The characters head is
more likely to be                  covering part of the
interlinked with the film          masthead showing that it is
‘Sherlock Holmes’ rather           a well established magazine.
than the magazine.
                                      The image of Sherlock
This makes you fell you will be       Holmes is a mysterious and
missing out on something              intelligent picture. Giving
important if you don’t have this      indications of what the
magazine.                             character and film is like.

                                   The slogan gives you huge
                                   insight to the genre of the
Teasers placed around the          film. It says detective
edges of the magazine insight      suggesting that this a
the reader into what's inside      detective/ crime film.
the issue, more                    Also it says rough and
encouragement to by the            tough meaning there
issue.                             could be some violence in
                                   the film.
        I consider these magazine front covers to have worked very well. The Iron Man magazine
        includes a fair amount of information regarding the main articles inside the magazine. Such
        as teasers placed around the edges of the magazine insight the reader into what's inside
        the issue. Also in making the reader think individual words have been used in order to
        attract the readers attention such as "PLUS", creating the feeling that you are getting more
        than you paid for. Everything is clear and visible so its easy for the audience to read.

        The Sherlock Holmes magazine gives you quite a huge incentive into what the main articled
        film is about before even reading what the article about let alone seeing the film. The
        slogan gives you huge insight to the genre of the film. It says detective suggesting that this
        a detective/ crime film. Also it says rough and tough meaning there could be some
        violence in the film. The image of Sherlock Holmes is a mysterious and intelligent picture.
        Giving indications of what the character and film is like. The colour of the masthead (red)
        could be a connotation of danger more likely to be interlinked with the film ‘Sherlock
        Holmes’ rather than the magazine.

        There are number of things which make a successful magazine. The first being the
        masthead being placed at the top and centre of the magazine in a very large font in order
        to make the reader fully aware of what magazine it is. My second main point is that a
        magazine needs a main image taking up the majority of the page and needs to be related
        to the main article of the magazine. My third main point is that every magazine should
        have short snappy phrases around the front cover to make it easier to digest the
        information. A front cover should only have two to three main colours on the page and
        often will relate with the colours of the main image. This is so the page is not overpowered
        with different colours which would make the magazine look unorganised.

        I feel that The Iron Man magazine successfully appeals to the audience
                              The two magazine front covers I have analysed are very similar to each other probably
                              because they are of the same company of Empire but they do tend to change the styling of
                              their magazine front covers. They both have the name of the magazine (masthead) across
                              the top of the magazine in their typically self owned fashionable font used on their
                              magazines every month. Although the colour of the masthead always depends on the other
                              colours used on the front cover and of the main image itself. For example on the Sherlock
                              Holmes one the masthead is red as the main colours used on the rest of the text on the
                              page are red and white. Whereas on the other magazine the masthead is a white/blue
                              glowing colour as the image of Iron man has a circle of these colours and glow in the centre
                              of his chest. So on this magazine they have linked part of the main image with the masthead
                              signifying that this may play a part in the Iron Man Film. Also the image on both the
                              magazines have the characters head covering part of the masthead showing that it is a well
                              established magazine, and people will recognise it even know they cant read the whole of
                              the masthead.

Both magazines have a status above the masthead but are very different the Sherlock Homes
one says ‘best preview issue ever’ while the other magazine Iron Man 2 says ‘oscars special, the
lovely bones, the clonney and more. The Sherlock Holmes magazines status is talking about the
history of their magazines while the other is telling the reader about other articles within the
magazine. So each magazine is using there magazine status in a very different but effective
manner. There is one over point in which I believe the magazines are different and that is the
layout, I think the Iron Man 2 magazine had a better layout as it is very spacious but includes a
lot of information, so the main image and main teaser stands out on the page. Whereas on the
other magazine I think that everything is bunched up together and looks cramped taking the
desired effect that Is needed for the main teaser.
   What is the BBFC?
    The BBFC stands for the British Board of Film Classification, its a non-
    governmental organisation, funded by the film industry and responsible for the
    national classification of films within the United Kingdom. It has a statutory
    requirement to classify videos, DVDs and some video games under the Video
    Recordings Act 2010.
    What different certificates are there?
    U-Universal PG-Parental Guidance 12A 12 15 18 R18-Restricted 18 (find pictures
    for these as well)
    What are the main issues they are concerned with?
    Discrimination, drugs, horror, language, imitable behavior, nudity, sex, violence
    What possible ways could the BBFC intervene?
    They could either cut films completely, ask them to delete some scenes from
    the film, or change the age restriction.
    How many films did the BBFC cut last year?
    Last year 9 films were cut.
   U (Universal): Suitable for all. (The board states that while they
    cannot predict what might upset a particular child, a 'U' film should
    be suitable for audiences aged 4 and older).
   PG (Parental Guidance): General viewing but some scenes may be
    unsuitable for young children. (It is the board's policy that movies
    rated 'PG' should not disturb a child of about 8 years of age or
    older; however, parents are advised to consider whether the
    content may upset young or more sensitive children).
   12A (12 Accompanied/Advisory): Recommended for 12 years and
    older. People under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult. (
   12: Recommended for 12 years and older. Nobody younger than 12
    may rent or buy a '12' rated video.
   15: Suitable only for 15 years and older. Nobody younger than 15
    may see a '15' film in a cinema. Nobody younger than 15 may rent
    or buy a '15' rated video (these films may contain offensive or
    emotionally harrowing scenes or strong language and violence).
   18: Suitable only for adults. Nobody younger than 18 may see an
    '18' film in a cinema. Nobody younger than 18 may rent or buy an
    '18' rated video (These films may contain extreme gore/violence
    and/or sexually explicit content).
   R18 (Restricted 18): To be shown only in specially licensed cinemas,
    or supplied only in licensed sex shops, and to adults that are older
    than 18 years old. (These films contain sexually
    explicit, pornographic content.)
What gender do you consider yourself to be?        Do you think there should be music in the background of the
•    Male                                          teaser trailer?
•    Female                                        •   Yes
How old are you?
                                                   •   No
• 15-20
• 21-25                                            What make a film more appealing to you?
• 26-30                                            •   Interesting shot types
• 31-35
• 36-40                                            •   Fast paced
•    40+                                           •   Lots of action
What would you consider your social class to be?
                                                   •   Good music selection
• Lower Class
• Middle Class                                     Do you prefer a fast or slow paced teaser trailer?
• Upper Class                                      •   Slow paced
How often do you go to the cinema?
•    Everyday                                      •   Fast paced
•    Once A Week                                   Are you likely to view a film based on the film certification?
•    Once Every Two Weeks
                                                   •   Yes
•    Once A Month
•    Once A Year                                   •   No
What is your favorite genre of film?
•Action                      Horror
•Adventure                   Musicals
•Comedy                      Science Fiction
•Drama                       Thriller
•Epic/Historical             War
Question 1: What gender do you consider yourself to be?
                                                The majority of the people answering my questionnaire where
                                                male. Therefore it looks as if my main gender I will be
                                     Female 40% concentrating to please will be male but as there was a fair
                                     Male 60%   percentage of people of where female I will also be aiming to
                                                please them though the teaser trailer.

Question 2: How old are you?

                                    15-20 35%    Teenagers and young adults are my main age group to target
                                    21-25 30%
                                    26-30 15%
                                                 according to my results. 65% of them to be exact. Which is a lot
                                    31-35 10%    so I will want to feature things that relates to that specific age
                                    36-40 7%     group.
                                    40+ 3%

Question 3: What would you consider your social class to be?

                                    Lower Class 25%
                                                     Social class was a weird question to ask but I
                                                     thought it would be relevant as different social
                                    Middle Class 65% classes have different lifestyles to one another.
                                                     Middle class people are the social class a am most
                                    Upper Class 10% aiming to please, which is what I believe myself to be
                                                     so I can relate to what there lifestyle is like.
Question 4: How often do you go to the cinema?
                                                          The most popular answer for this question was that
                              Once A Week 4%              the majority of people go to the cinema once a month.
                              Once Every Two Weeks 30%    Its important that the audience do go to the cinema as
                              Once A Month 40%
                                                          it will be pointless releasing a film that no one will see.
                                                          So its good that my target audience up until this point
                              Once Evert Three Months 20%
                                                          do visit the cinema at least once a month.
                              Never 6%

Question 5: What is your favorite genre of film?
                                           Action 23%

                                           Adventure 7%

                                           Comedy 16%

                                           Drama 2%              This was a key question as it will play a huge part in
                                           Epic/ Historical 2%   deciding what genre to make my film. The majority
                                           Horror 7%             said action and thrillers. This is good as these are the
                                           Musicals 0%           main genre’s I am most comfortable in producing.
                                           Science Fiction 3%

                                           Thriller 28%

                                           War 2%

Question 6: Do you think there should be music in the background of the teaser trailer?

                                Yes 85%             It looks as if background music will be included as a 89%
                                No 15%              of the public would like to see this. I also think that this
                                                    will help the teaser trailer flow with each shot
Question 7: What makes a teaser trailer more appealing to you?
                                 Interesting Shot Types        Most people would like to see lots of action in a film.
                                 Fast Paced 23%
                                                               A fair percentage like to see a fast paced film as well.
                                                               Therefore I have decided from this information that
                                 Lots Of Action 47%            I'm going to make a fast paced teaser trailer with lots
                                                               of action but im also going to include the other
                                 Good Music 12%
                                                               options which are interesting shit types and good

Question 8: Do you prefer a fast or slow paced teaser trailer?

                                  Fast Paced 71%          I asked a question that included pace in the previous
                                  Slow Paced 29%          question. Now I wanted to know what the audience
                                                          prefer overall either fast or a slow paced trailer. Majority
                                                          of the audience said fast paced therefore I will need to
                                                          use quick but effective shots in the teaser trailer.

Question 9: Are you likely to view a film based on the film certification?

                                                I have already decided on my target but I can change it if
                                   Yes 66%
                                                needs be as 66% of the people will watch a film depending
                                   No 34%       on the certification. So I may have to take that into
                                                consideration. If this will help with the viewing figures of
                                                the film.

I used the UK Film Council Website where I found various graphs relating to secondary audience research.
Types of film that the general public typically enjoy watching

                                   From this bar chart I can gather that the
                                   genre of film that the public tend to enjoy
                                   the most are Comedy’s. The following
                                   four are Adventures, Drama,
                                   Thriller/Suspense and Action. The genres
                                   in the middle of the chart include War,
                                   Musicals and Romance. While the genre
                                   of films least enjoyed are Nollywood,
                                   Bollywood and World Cinema.
The chart shows that Comedy films tend to be watched by males over the age
of 35 and woman under the age of 35. A lot of the people who watch are most
likely watched by people who have kids and are of a high social class. This is the
same for Adventure. Whereas Drama and Thriller films are watched by males
and females over the age of 35 who have no kids and are a social class of lower
social class. Action films are viewed by males over the age of 35 and females
under the age of 35 who have kids and are of a social class of middle class.
Types of film that the general public considers their

                                     The general publics top five favourite
                                     films are Comedy with 31%, Thriller
                                     with 26%, Science Fiction with 22%,
                                     Action with 20% and Drama’s with 19%.
                                     The films in the middle of the
                                     favourites include Musical, Romance
                                     and disasters. The least favourites in
                                     the chart are Film Noir, Kids (Non
                                     Animation and Nollywood.
The chart shows that the type of film that the general public considers their favorite is
Comedy. The type of audience that believe this are males and females under the age of 35
with kids and of a higher social class. B Thrillers the second favorite were mostly voted by
people over the age of 35 with no children and of a middle class society. Science Fictions
were the third favorites with the majority of votes coming from males and females over the
age of 35 voting for this genre who have don’t have and children and are of a social class of
Types of film that the general public would like to see more of

                                         The top five films that the
                                         general public would like to see
                                         more of are Action Adventure,
                                         Edge of Seat Thrillers, Fantasy
                                         Adventures, Biographical
                                         Drama’s and Action Comedy’s.
                                         The films people would like to
                                         see less of are Docudramas, Soft
                                         Romance Stories and Gritty
                                         Urban Gangsters.
Action Adventure films are the genre that the public would like to see more of. The was
voted mostly by an audience males over the age of 35 and females under the age of 35
who don’t have any children and are part of a middle social class. The second type of film
the public would like to see more is Edge of The Seat Thrillers, this was voted in mass by
males and females over the age of 35 with no kids and of a higher social class. And the
third Fantasy Adventures voted mainly by men over the age of 35 and woman under the
age of 35, with children and of a middle social class.
From my primary audience research I have gathered that the audience I should be aiming to please are of a male
gender who are aged between the ages of 15-20 who are of a middle social class. These type of people tend to enjoy
the genre of action the most. The prefer to have a background music and the film to be of a fast pace. They also said
that from an action in a teaser trailer. And they will take the film’s certification into consideration when viewing a film
at the cinema.

From my secondary audience research I found that the top five films the public typically enjoy watching are Comedy's,
Adventures, Drama, Thriller/Suspense and Action, While their favourites are Comedy's, Thrillers, Science Fiction,
Action and Drama’s, But the genre of films that the public would like to see more of are Action Adventure, Edge of
Seat Thrillers, Fantasy Adventures, Biographical Drama’s and Action Comedy’s

From these two types of audience research I have come to a conclusion that the genre I should make my film should
be Action. Although Comedy’s are the publics current favorite film genre to view, they said that they would prefer to
see more Action Adventure films. Therefore from this information that I have got from the UK Film Council which is a
company who I can trust I will be producing and Action film.

The audience I will be aiming to please with this chosen genre are males
aged 15-20 who are middle class, and enjoy action films, with a lot of action
within their teaser trailer but at a fast pace with background music. This age
links in very well with the age restriction as I want to give my film which is
15. 15 rated films may contain offensive or emotionally harrowing scenes or
strong language and violence meaning the younger viewer of my target
audience will be able to view the film as they are 15 and the age restriction
is 15
Shot   What’s Happening                                 Dialogue/ Sounds               Camera Shots / Angles                          Length

1      An ariel shot of Aylesbury                       No Dialogue                    Long shot                                      3 sec

2      Central Protagonist speaking on the phone        Central Protagonist: “I’m in   Long shot of he Central Protagonist            2 sec
                                                        big trouble”

3      Central Protagonist walks through the car park   No dialogue (possibly          Close up on the Central Protagonist feet       3 sec
       towards the car                                  footsteps)                     going up to his face.

4      Central Protagonist speaking on the phone        Central Protagonist: ”I’ve     Mid-shot of Central Protagonist                2 sec
                                                        done something stupid”

5      Central Protagonist walks towards the car,       No dialogue (smashing          A CCTV Long shot of the Central                6 sec
       breaks in with a hammer, hotwires it with the    noise) Engine Start            Protagonist walking towards the car.
       cables and drives off                                                           Close up on the Central Protagonist braking
                                                                                       in to the car.
                                                                                       Close up on the Central Protagonist fiddling
                                                                                       with the cables.
                                                                                       Long shot of the Central Protagonist driving

6      Central Protagonist speaking on the phone        Central Protagonist: “I        Mid-shot of the Central Protagonist            2 sec
                                                        need your help”

7      The kidnapping: Bag comes off Central            Bad Guy “I believe you         Close up of the bag coming off the Central     4 sec
       Protagonist’s head                               have something of mine”        Protagonist head

8      Central Protagonist speaking on the phone        Central Protagonist:           Mid-shot to a close up on the Central          2 sec
                                                        ”you’re my last hope “         Protagonist
Shot   What’s Happening                                 Dialogue/ Sounds             Camera Shots/ Angles                          Length

9      Still the kidnapping                             Bad Guy “your life is on the Mid-shot of the Bad Guy and then a close      5 sec
                                                        line, you have 36 hours”     up on the Central Protagonist face
10     Central Protagonist and his girlfriend under     No dialogue                  Mid shot of the Central Protagonists and      1 sec
       the light, back to back.                                                      his girlfriend

11     Bad Guy and his Henchmen walking from            No dialogue                  Long shot of the Bad Guy and his              4 sec
       darkness into light                                                           Henchmen

12     Central Protagonist running through the          No dialogue                 Mid-shot into a long shot from the back of     5 sec
       woods with Bad Guy’s Henchmen chasing                                        the and then to a long shot of the front of
       him                                                                          them

13     Bad Guy turns a corner into an alley running     No dialogue                  Long Shot of the Bad Guy                      4 sec
       towards the camera with a gun in his hand

14     Central Protagonist and his girlfriend at the    No dialogue                 Mid-shot of the Central Protagonist and his    1 sec
       front door of a house.                                                       girlfriend
15     Bad Guy pick up jacket and puts it over his                                  Mid-shot of the Bad Guy                        2 sec
       shoulder and walks forward
16     Central Protagonist and his girlfriend running   No dialogue                 Long shot of the Central Protagonist and his   3 sec
       away holding hands                                                           girlfriend
17     Bad Guy and his Henchmen running out the         No dialogue                 Long shot of the Bad Guy and his Henchmen      3 sec
       woods into an open area and stands still like
       there looking for someone

18     Central Protagonist’s face                       No dialogue                 Close up of the Central Protagonist            1 sec

19     Central Protagonist’s Girlfriend sitting on a    No dialogue                 Long shot of the Central Protagonist           1 sec
       bed looking curious and confused                                             Girlfriend
20     Central Protagonist hiding in the woods while    (Heavy breathing)           Mid-shot of the Central Protagonist hiding     6 sec
       the Bad Guy is looking for him with a gun in                                 then a long shot of the Bad Guy shooting
       his hand and then he fires it                                                the gun
    For the first shot (shot 1), I would like to get to the top of a building, for example a
    car park and get a ariel shot of Aylesbury town.
    For shots 2, 4, 6 and 8 I’m going to film in an area of wasteland a couple of minutes
    from where I live. I think this would be the perfect area to film these shots because I
    think once edited they would give a big effect on what’s happening in these certain
    For shots 3 and 5 I want to use a multi story car park, these are shots were the
    Central Protagonist steals a car, so obviously this location would be the best place to
    do such a thing. Also I would like to film in the late evening when it’s a little dark so
    the lighting within the car park would help the car and the central protagonist stand
   Shots 7, 9 and 15 are to be filmed in my loft as I wanted the scene to give the effect
    of a dark, dreary, uncomfortable place to be as it is a kidnapping scene.
   I want to film shot 10, 11 and 18 on the road outside my house, this shot is to be
    filmed at night under a street lamp, as the cast involved while being walking into the
    light of the street lamp from the darkness
    Shots 12, 17 and 20 are to be filmed in a woodland area round the back of my
    house, these shots are a fast paced running shot and a hiding shot. I think this would
    be the perfect place to do these shots as I believe once edited it would look brilliant
    in the trailer and really show the nature of the teaser trailer.
   Shot 14 is to be filmed outside a friends house at the his front door, this is a very
    quick shot no more than a second, its to show the relationship of the two
    Shot 16 is again a very quick shot to be filmed in the underpass in town at night this
    will give great effect once edited.
    The next shot, shot 19 is to be filmed in a bedroom.
    Shot 13 is to be done In an alley way. A nice enclosed area where a chase scene
    could happen.
 Before I start to film I must consider the dangers that could occur while filming.
 When filming inside I should check and removed wires that are running along the
 ground as someone could trip over them with ease and cause a nasty accident. Also
 as I would like to film a lot of my teaser trailer outside I must consider the dangers
 around such as cars as I would like to film near main roads, in woodland areas and
 many more area’s so there’s a lot of dangers to take in. So to keep safe I must
 remove any obstacles that are in the way of the shots or change my location. But
 overall I should just keep my eyes open and look after myself and anyone else
 involved in the filming.
    Central         Central
    Protagonist:    Protagonist’s
    Jamie Ward      Girlfriend:
                    Taylor Grieg

    Antagonist:     Antagonists
    Rob Clarke-     Henchmen 1:     Antagonist s
    Jones           Sam Webb        Henchmen 2:
                                    Marcus Browne
I have decided to use props in my teaser trailer so the audience will find it easier to understand
the genre of the film. Below are the shot numbers and when the props will be used

In shot 4 there is a use of the car the car this is a central point in the film as it sets a plot. The car
is stolen by the central protagonist and broken into by the use of a hammer.

In the last shot, a gun is used when the Central Protagonist hiding in the woods while the
central antagonist is looking for him with a gun in his hand and then shots it into the direction of
the central protagonist.

In shot 6 a black bag is used in the kidnapping where the black bag comes off Central
 Protagonist’s head to show that he has been kidnapped and doesn't know where he is or how
 he got there.
                     Central Protagonist: Grey chino's, blue hoody, grey’s shoes
                     I choose to give this costume design to this character as I wanted him to portray a
                     normal young individual. But also I want him to wear something that he could wear
                     when stealing a car, hence why he is wearing a hoody so he can hide his face from the

   Central Protagonist’s Girlfriend: Jumper, jeans and high heels
   Again I wanted this character to be wearing normal everyday clothing. As I
   wanted this character to get caught up in the danger and suspense of the

                      Central Antagonist: Grey suit, white shirt, black tie and black shoes
                      This character is a wealthy gang leader. Who is at the top of his hierarchy
                      similar to the Italian Mafia except this gang is in urban England. That is why
                      this character wears a suit to show his wealth and dominance.

           Bad Guys Henchmen: Black suit, white shirt, black
           tie and black shoes
           These characters were the same as the central antagonist
           as they are his henchman lower in the hierarchy that’s
           why they wear different colour suits to show that they
           are not on the same level as there boss.
Filming schedule:
There are only a few camera’s and a lot of people wanting to use them in such a small period of time. I will get the camera from the
21st October to the 23rd October. So that is one weekend. All my shots are being filmed on these certain days below due to the
weather, actors availability and around my social life. But I have made enough time for all these to be filmed to perfection.

                    Date                   Shots
                    21st October           1, 3, 5, 7
                    22nd October           2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20
                    23rd October           10, 15, 16, 19
                   To see what shots these are see slides 24 and 25

Editing my filming:
All my editing will be done in lesson time which is on a Tuesday 1 o’clock till 3o’clock and on a Thursday 9 o’clock to 11 o’clock.
But I will need to check that the computers for editing are not in use by other members of the class as they are in the same
situation as myself. If I do not get enough time in lessons to edit my trailer I will also get the use of using the computer after
college between the times 5 o’clock and 7 o’clock when lessons have finished for the day and the computers will be free.

Editing the poster and magazine:
This can be done in lesson time if I have finished my editing for my teaser trailer or if the computers are in use. I will also be
able to do this in my own time either at home or on the library computers at the college.
On the first day of filming, I went to a multi-
story car park in the Aylesbury town centre.
Where I filmed the first few shots of my teaser
trailer. I deliberately went near the top of the
car park where fewer cars will be and less
people, so when filming we didn’t get in any of
the general publics way. I was going to use the
wheels for the tripod for one of my shots but I
couldn’t do this successfully with the surface I
was using so I had to improvise and change the
shots a little.

 Also I wanted a shot that looked as if it was on CCTV so this involved getting the
camera quite high but the trick was trying to get the camera steady, but after a few
takes I eventually succeeded in what I wanted to be done. I used various shots types in
these shots such as a close up, mid-shot and a long shot. The last bit of filming I did on
Day 1 was an aril shot of Aylesbury. I did this by going to the top of the car park where I
lifted the camera as high as I could, keeping it steady and moving it roughly 160
degrees getting a brilliant shot of Aylesbury while the sun was going down.
 This was the busiest day of filming out the
two. I filmed roughly seventy percent of my
footage on this day. The locations I filmed in
varied from a woodland as the loft had very
little space to do it in. area to an alley way to
a bit of a wasteland. I did the woodland shots
first I attempted to use the wheels for the
tripod again but the surface did not allow for
me to use them, so I gave up on the idea of
using them. I spent a lot of time in this area
filming trying my best to get the perfect shot
for my teaser trailer.
On average I did about five attempts for every shot. I also did some shots in my loft. This
was the hardest place to film .But I eventually succeeded after a little rearrange of the
loft and my shots. It was very dark in the loft as well so I had to find some sort of
lighting, I found some small plug in lights which I placed around the loft out of shot to
get the perfect shots. I also did some filming at night but as the camera didn’t have a
flash button. I had to chose my shots wisely. For example I had to film under a street
light to get a clear shot. All my shots were now done to the best of my ability and ready
for editing.
DRAFT OF FILM POSTER         I think putting the actors name
                              will help with the marketing of
                              the film as many people watch
                              a film because of the actors
                              within it, so I would like to put
                              three of the main actors of the
The film name I               film on the poster.
believe should be in
the middle of the
poster where it is
most likely going to
be seen.                      I want to put the tagline
                              directly underneath the film
                              name where it will be
                              noticed by the reader.

The billing block will be
at the bottom of the
page out the way of the      The background image
key information. This will   will be a photograph of
include release date,        two of the main actors
director, production         with a dark background
company etc.                 which I believe will help
                             with the viewer deciding
                             on what genre they think
                             the film is.
                                  The magazine name will be fairly
  The cover line will be          near the top in big writing were it
  above the magazine              will be seen clearly by the reader.
  name where it will catch        As the name of the film magazine
  attention to the reader         has a big influence on if a person
  as it will be centred and       buys the magazine or not.
  in bold.

                                   The date and website will be
The background image will          fairly small to the right of the
be of two of the main              page where it wont disturb the
actors, which will interlink       main heading on the front cover.
with the film title and
tagline. The image will take
up the whole of the page.       The film title and tagline will be in
                                the centre of the page in front of
                                the main part of the background
                                image where it will catch the
This section of the page        readers attention.
will be advertising other
films. But it will be fairly   Every magazine has a price
small so it wont take the      and barcode I'm going to
attention away from the        place mine in the bottom
main article of the            corner of the page where its
magazine.                      out the way as it is not a
                               huge part of what the
                               magazine features.
                                I chose to use this photo for my magazine because it shows the two
                                of the main characters of the film. So readers will know who stars
                                within it. Also the car is featured because it’s the reason while the
                                central protagonist is in trouble because he steals the car from the
                                central antagonist. Also the actors have a very serious face, which
                                hopefully will give the impression that its quite a serious film and not
                                a comedy therefore it could help with the readers deciding on what
                                genre they believe the film is.

This is my film poster, by researching other film posters I think that
this photo is very suitable. Again it shows two of the main actors and
the car which plays a huge part in the film storyline. But the colours
are the main features of the poster. For instance the darkness of the
background suggests there could be a dark/evil side to the film. Also
the street light shinning on the two characters and the car helps
them stand out in the darkness of the background. The car adds a bit
of colour to the poster it will help it stand out, and shows that it is a
huge part to the storyline.
             I wanted to create a production logo that will
             stand out and catch the attention of the
             audience. I decided I needed an image that is
             relevant to media production so I have used
             an image of a film real. I feel that this will
             mean that people will respect my logo as
             much as a leading production company as I've
             tried to be as professional as possible. At the
             bottom of the logo I've placed the production
             company's name which is ‘Sam Webb
             Productions’. I have used a fairly large and
             cartoony typed font. I feel that it fits in with
             the conventions of a production logo, as I have
             studied other production logo’s and many of
             them use the same sort of font. I have used
             the same font in my other part of the logo
             which is my initials ‘S.W’ as I feel a change of
             font type wouldn't fit in with the rest of the
             logo as it may have been to much.

I started off by putting the            Next was the name of my film . I       I put a feature article at the
background photo. And the               placed it in the middle of the         bottom of the page advertising
magazine name as this is the one        page and out the way of the            other films, I put a picture, the
of the main parts of the magazine       picture in yellow writing where it     name of the film and a slogan. To
the size of it was key, so it catches   will stand out on the page. I put      give the reader more of an insight
the readers attention. The              the slogan underneath of the film      into the article. I also put a cover
barcode was next. I placed it in        name. I put it in white writing so I   line at the top of the page which
the corner so its out the way           can keep it simple with just two       may help when selling the
where it doesn't catch to much          main colours on the page which         magazine.
attention to itself.                    are going to be yellow and white.

The first thing I did was place the   The next thing I did was placing     Next was the billing block where I
background image so it covered        the name of my film near the top     used the traditional font for it. To the
the whole page. I made sure it fit    of the page. I made it white so it   right of it is my production logo at a
the page well so it didn’t look       stood out over the dark              fairly large and noticeable size. The
stretched in length or width so it    background. I also did this with     release date is above the billing
didn’t look wrong.                    my tagline which is in a smaller     block in a large font so it will not be
                                      font and centrally underneath the    missed by the reader. The last thing
                                      film name.                           that needed to be on the poster was
                                                                           the actors names which are at the
                                                                           top of the page
This was a very time consuming task that needed a lot of patience. Most of the editing went along smoothly with no complications. But there were
a few things that became that were problematic and needed altering. Putting my production logo as there was a very complicated process to
inserting it my logo, but after fiddling around with the computer programs I managed to get it into the teaser trailer in a way where it looked
presentable. Another hurdle I had to overcome was the background music as I wasn’t allowed to use copyrighted music. So I looked through
various uncopyrighted music websites but I couldn’t find anything that I thought would suit the trailer. I had a really specific idea on the music I
wanted, and eventually I came across a program on the computer called ‘Garageband’ where there were various sounds of music which you can
put together to create a song. I eventually created a piece of music that I that was adequate for my trailer. One of the other major problems was
that there were only three computer but roughly 15 students who needed to use them so I couldn’t always edit my trailer as they were in use
therefore I had to use the computer in after college hours and in my own time to get the results I wanted from my editing.

There are many points in which one would have thought should have been changed or included. For instance the first shot which is an ariel shot of
the town, some would say that this needed to be re done as the camera was not fully steady, but I wanted it to bed like that it created suspense and
tension that could be carried on throughout the teaser trailer. I also didn’t do a voiceover which some films include as I think it will create more
anxiety and uncertainty if the viewer would be reading the writing parts themselves. The dialogue parts in some of my shots were not loud enough
with the background music playing as well. I overcome this by changing the volume levels on the shots and increasing them. Also I faded the music
out a little bit so it became even more clearer so the audience can understand what is happening.

I was trying my best to keep to the conventions of a typical teaser trailer. I noticed all teaser trailers include a green screen at the beginning of my
trailer with all the information needed if put into film market. So I inputted one within mine. Additionally the majority of teaser trailers have some
of the main actor superimposed on shots that include that actor. Therefore I included a few of my main actors on a few of the shots.

On a different note I converted one of my shots into a CCTV shot I superimposed a date and
time with the seconds going up so it looked like a normal CCTV shot. I know this because I
researched on CCTV camera’s to see what they looked like. I noticed that the font is a fairly
normal font type, and usually in bold. Also often in a white colour. Therefore I followed the
conventions of a CCTV camera shot I changed mine to coincide. Furthermore I spotted that
they are also quite graining, I then looked on the software on the computer and found a
application that can change camera footage into this graining type. This then along with the
other changes made the shot lot just like a normal CCTV shot.
I think I have created a very good piece
of work that follows the conventions of
a film magazine. I have the name of the
magazine at the top of the page in a
very big font so people notice it. I've
advertised my film in bright yellow
lettering so it will catch the readers
attention along with a tagline ‘time is
the only thing on their minds’, which
hopefully makes the reader think and
decide what they think the films is
about and what happens within it. I
have also noticed that a lot of
magazines advertise other films articles
within the magazine so I have included
these around the edge of the page and
out the way from the main article which
will be on my film ‘36 Hours’.
Again, I believe that this is a very good
attempt at a film poster. The name of the
film is very clear along with its tagline
‘time is of the essence’ so they are not
un miss able. I have also included three
of the main actors of the film along the
top of the poster out the way from the
middle of the picture where most of the
important information is, this is so
everything is not cramped together. Also
the release date is centred near the
bottom of the page, so everyone knows
when they can see the film in full. The
billing block is right at the bottom of the
screen, where you can find out who
produced the film, wrote it, and directed
it. Along with the production logo to the
right of it.
    Link to the first attempt of the teaser trailer:

1) Did you understand and was able to follow what was          7) Does it give all the relevant information that you
   happening in this teaser trailer?                              would expect to see from a teaser trailer?
      Yes             No                                             Yes                        No
2) ) Do you think that the background music links in with      8) If yes please state 3 of these things / If no please state
     what is happening on screen ?                                3 things that it doesn't have?
      Yes             No                                       •      ……………………………………………………………………
3) Do you think you were introduced to enough                  •     ……………………………………………………………………
   characters?                                                 •     …………………………………………………………………..
      Yes             No                                       9)     Is there any faults you can see in this teaser trailer?
4) What genre do you think this teaser trailer is?             ………………………………………………………………………......
………………………………………………...........................                  ..............................................................................
5) Does it give the conventions that you would expect to       10) Is there anything that you didn't see in this trailer that
   see from that genre of film                                     you would expect to?
      Yes             No                                       ………………………………………………………………………........
6) If yes please state 3 ways in which it does this? / If no   ……………………………………………………………………………
     please 3 ways in which it doesn’t do this?
                                                               11) Could you recommended any changes that could
•     ……………………………………………………………………….                                 make this a better?
•     ………………………………………………………………………                              ……………………………………………………………………...........
•     ……………………………………………………………………….                             ……………………………………………………………………………..
Question 1 : Did you understand and was able to follow what was happening in this teaser trailer?
                                             90% of the people answered yes, meaning that so far my trailer is
                                   Yes 90%   easy to follow and understand. Which is excellent as people will need
                                   No 10%    to able to know what's happening to gain some sort of decision on
                                             whether to watch it in the near future. They will also be able to make
                                             a decision on what genre they believe the film to be.

Question 2: Do you think that the background music links in with what is happening on screen ?

                                   Yes 90%
                                   No 10%    A large majority said yes to this question meaning I have made a
                                             good decision with the music choice so, there will be no reason to
                                             change it.

Question 3: Do you think you were introduced to enough characters?

                                             Everyone said yes to being introduced to enough
                                  Yes 100%
                                             characters, this is brilliant as I believed that I didn’t
                                  No 0%
                                             introduce enough in this teaser trailer. So this means I will
                                             not have to film anymore footage as I have meet the
                                             expectations of the viewer.
Question 4: What genre do you think this teaser trailer is?

                                                           I made this an open question for people to write what they
                                       Crime 20%           want. The majority said my trailer is an action film. Which is
                                       Action 40%          great as that was the genre I was aiming to produce. Others
                                       Thriller 10%        said the genre could be crime, thriller, action/thriller. I
                                       Action/Thriller 30%
                                                           understand why they have said that as it does meet some of
                                                           the conventions of that genre of film.

Question 5: Does it give the conventions that you would expect to see from that genre of film?
                                                        Everyone gave the answer I wanted to hear. I will not have to
                                                        change any of the footage as it meets the conventions of the
                                         Yes 100%       genre they thought it was. This is fairly weird as many people
                                         No 0%          gave different opinions to the type of genre, but on the other
                                                        hand the footage I released covers many different types of

Question 6: If yes please state 3 ways in which it does this? / If no please 3 ways in which it doesn’t do this?

  As everyone answered yes to the previous question all of the convention they have listed can only be a
  good thing for my teaser trailer. Music, titles, cars , guns, locations, fast paced, quick editing,
  development of plot, mafia suits. These are just some the answers that people gave when answering my
  questionnaire. These all are aspects of the trailer that I had deliberately placed in the teaser trailer to
  help the viewer decide what genre they think it is.
Question 7: Does it give all the relevant information that you would expect to see from a teaser trailer?

                                                        Brilliant news that the trailer is giving all the information
                                             Yes 100%
                                                        that a viewer would expect to see. There are many features
                                             No 0%
                                                        someone would want to see when viewing a teaser trailer its
                                                        great that I have delivered all the relevant information

Question 8: If yes please state 3 of these things / If no please state 3 things that it doesn't have?

      A lot of people said I have showed a good number of locations so they could have a good guess on
      where about the majority of the film takes place. Date of release was another feature, this is so the
      viewer knows when they can view my film in the cinema. A feature almost everyone put was that I
      don’t give away too much of the plot so it wouldn’t ruin the film when viewing it. This is great that I'm
      showing just enough of the film so the viewer gains a enough information on the storyline.

Question 9: Is there any faults you can see in this teaser trailer?
     I knew that there would be a few faults with the teaser trailer, one because it is not yet finished and
     two is that it’s the first showing of it so there will be mistakes that they can find that I haven't yet
     seen. The music ends half way through the trailer I did warn everyone that this does happen before
     showing them. This was because I haven't had got round to finishing of the music yet. Another was
     part of the dialogue was not loud enough but I can raise the volume on that section so it becomes
     nice and clear for everyone. One last fault was the text was to soft for that certain genre so there will
     be some research into finding a better font to suit the film a bit better.
Question 10: Is there anything that you didn't see in this trailer that you would expect to?

  I had seemed to reach most of the expectations the audience wanted to see within the teaser trailer as
  everyone but one said that there wasn’t anything that I had missed out. The one person who did say I was
  missing something said that there should be a text shot saying ‘coming soon’ I will take this into
  consideration but as already have a shot saying ‘in cinema’s this new year’ I don’t think it is needed but I
  will do some more research first before making my decision.

Question 11: Could you recommended any changes that could make this a better?

  Make the dialogue clearer and louder and finish the background music were the only things that the
  suggested I changed. Which I will take there advice and change them before the showing of my final teaser
 Link to teaser trailer:

After finishing the editing and uploading the trailer on to YouTube, I noticed that the first
security camera shot has a mistake within it. The time on it should say with 17:10:27
instead of 17:11:27. I asked 10 people to view my teaser trailer and see if they can see a
mistake with the security camera shots. They all said that they could see nothing at all
wrong with it. So I decided not to change my trailer and upload a new one as it wasn’t a
big mistake that people will notice.
                           QUESTION 1
        In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and
                           conventions of real media produce?

I believe my film poster, magazine front cover and teaser trailer following the traditional conventions of a
real media produce at a very high standard of quality. On the next few slides are some comparisons
between my media produce and a real media produce to show how my products follow and challenge real
life products.

Please see next slide
Film Poster                                                                        I have included a few of the main actors names at the top and centre of
                                                                                   the page, they both are in a fairly small but clear font so they are still take
                                                                                   into consideration by the reader.
       My Film Poster
                                                                             The name of the film should always be fairly large on a film posters.
                                                                             Both have a large font. My poster’s font is a bigger than the real
                                                                             posters. I did this so it was clear to the reader what the film was
                                                                             about and that you can read it clearly from a distance. Which you
                                                                             can’t with the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ poster. You may say that mine in a
                                                                             way has an advantage.

                                                         The taglines from both are directly underneath the
                                                         title name of the film. In a smaller font to show its
                                                         importance on the poster.

                                                            I have a black background which could
                                                            connote that the film as an evil and dark
                                                            side to it. Where as the ‘Sherlock Holmes
                                                            one has a gun which connotes that the
                                                            film ahs violence within it. So both
                                                            posters give various connotation away
                                                            about the film just from the film poster.

                                                                 Both release dates are very
                                                                 clear and stand out on the
                                                                 page. I could argue that mine
                                                                 may be a little better as it’s a
                                                                 clearer on the actual date of
                                                                 release as the ‘Sherlock
At the bottom of the page is a                                   Holmes’ one just show the
billing block with some main                                     month of release.
points about the making of the
film such as the director,         In the bottom right of both
producer and writer. As you        posters is the production logo.
can see the font I have used its
very similar to the ones used
on real life produce.
                                                                                                                          A Real Film Poster
Magazine Front Cover                                                                                            A Real Magazine Front Cover
I have made my magazine status about the same size font at the top of the page like the
real life product. They are very different as mine is stating on how good the movies were
that year. Whereas the other is saying how good the has been throughout the year. But
both are a very good tactic to sell the magazine.

                   Both have a very large and
                   clear magazine name at the
                   top of the page which show
                   there dominance on the                On my magazine I places the name of my film in
                   cover as the name of the              the centre of the page about two thirds of the
                   magazine plays a huge part            way down the page out the way of the main
                   in who buys the magazine.             image. I also used a fairly large font and bold font
                                                         type. The ‘Captain America’ magazine has also
                                                         adopted the same technique.

                                                               Too many colours on a front cover would
                                                               look unappealing therefore I have stick
                                                               with two main font colours which are
                                                               yellow and white. This particular
                                                               magazine happens to have the same
                                                               colours on their fonts. But a lot a of front
                                                               covers only use a few colours.

                                                                                       My magazine front cover has a tagline
                                                                                       under the film title just like the real
                                                                                       product. I did this so the reader can tell
                                                                                       that that is related with that particular
                                                                                       promotion on the cover. Obviously have
                                                                                       used the correct strategy.

                                                              I have put teaser at the bottom and middle right of the page to show other
                                                              articles within the magazine. The ‘Captain America’ has done the same, but has
                                                              included a few more than I have. You could say that I should have included more
                                                              teasers around my page like the other one, but I did not want to take the shine
                                                              away from the main article on the front cover.

                                                             The barcode on both is in the bottom right hand corner, I did this so it was out the way from all the
My Magazine Front Cover                                      key information on the front cover as I noticed before hand that most film magazines do this.
On this part of the question I chose a film with a similar genre to what mine is and compared the
 Teaser Trailer:        two.
My Teaser Trailer:                                                                               A Real Teaser Trailer (Fast Five):                                             


                                        At the beginning of the film I have placed my
                                      production logo, its very big and easy to read just
                                            like the one on the real teaser trailer.

                                        I have used intertitles a few times throughout
                                       my trailer. I noticed that many teasers use these
                                          to help with the understanding of the clip.

                                       The trailer on the right uses superimposition to
                                      show where they are geographically located on
                                       the teaser. I have used this method as well but
                                      to show the actors within the film instead of the
                                                   location used in Fast Five.

                                     Fat five is an action film and show the use of a gun
                                     within the trailer. Therefore I have the use of a gun
                                         in my teaser to help the audience with the
                                         understanding of the genre which is action.
At the end of the film teaser trailer they show the
                      name of the film in a big clear font just like the one
                       in the right. So I used this method as well to stick
                            with the conventions of a teaser trailer. .

                       This is then followed by the release date this is
                      often the last image shown on the teaser trailer. I
                       have done this just as the Fast Five trailer has.

  A teaser trailer always shows then main character or main characters within
  the film. I have showed my main characters in mine so they audience
  understands who the film in centred around.
 Also when superimposition and intertitles are used I noticed that a
  traditional teaser trailer often uses the same font type and size throughout
  the teaser trailer. Therefore I have done the same with mine.
 Teaser trailers are often thirty seconds to a minute 30 in length so when
  creating mine I made mine fit into that time limit.
Challenging A Traditional Teaser Trailer

                                       Most of the time a teaser trailer will include a green
                                       screen at the very beginning of the clip. 36 Hours has
                                       included this unlike the Fast Five trailer.

                                          Sometimes they will name the director of the
                                          film in the video. Just like I have.

            Conventions I Could/Should Have Included
•   In my point of view there wasn’t much more that I could or should of included.
    Except maybe more dialogue. Looking back at the editing stage now and watching
    more teaser trailers I have noticed that a lot of them have a fair bit of dialogue, and
    mine doesn't,. So that would be something to think about in the future.
                          QUESTION 2
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (i.e. magazine

Please open the link below for my answer to this question
                           QUESTION 3
                        What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Please see next slide
I have been creating questionnaire’s throughout my coursework to gain audience feedback. When researching for
my target audience I created a questionnaire and asked a number of people to fill it out for me. I then created pie
charts to show the answers they were giving me. (See questionnaire and feedback from this question on slides
18,19,20,21) I also created another questionnaire for the first showing of my teaser trailer. I used the same
method as before when researching my target audience, as it thought it was easy and clear to show people’s
thoughts. (See page 43,44,45,46 for the questionnaire and feedback)

Since finishing my magazine front cover, teaser trailer and film poster I have gained yet more feedback to my final
products from friends and family from social networking sites Twitter and Facebook and YouTube.

      On the 1st December I posted my link of my teaser trailer and the message below on Twitter to gain
                                          some audience feedback.

               Below is some feedback I received from this post:

                                 To the left is a screenshot of
                                 my teaser trailer and how
                                 many views it has got since
                                 posted on YouTube the 1st
                                 December 2011. This
                                 screenshot was take on the
                                 13th December. This shows the
                                 interest that my teaser trailer
                                 has gained in just under two
                                 weeks of being on the site.
                                 (Please not the views may
                                 have increased on the date
                                 you are watching the teaser

On the right is a chart from
the site YouTube showing that
week by week the teaser
trailer is increasing in views
(please not screenshot taken
on the 13th December 2011)
I also posted another link of my teaser trailer and a message on another social networking site, Facebook where I
                          gained some more feedback. Below is a screenshot of my post.
                          QUESTION 4
  How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and
                                evaluation stages?

In addition to using the camera, here are the other media technology I used.

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A2 media studies coursework.pptx 1

  • 2. CASE STUDY Film: The Bourne Ultimatum Date Released: 3rd August 2007 Teaser Trailer: Website: and Posters/ Billboards: (see right) Magazine Features: Radio/ TV A appearances: Did not appear on radio. Mat Damon appeared on two three American chat shows. Viral Campaigns:!/pages/Bourne-Ultimatum/105742379466221 Festivals: Deauville American Film Festival (2007) Marketing a film is a big process you cant just rely on word of mouth as its unreliable and may not work. Teaser trailers are very popular as a lot of people will see them advertised on commercial breaks, in cinema’s before the film and on the internet. A great number of people will do these things therefore will see the teaser trailer. Posters are very popular in city’s and large towns. They could be shown on the side of buses where a lot of people will see the advertisement as busses move around a lot and in a city/large town a lot of people use buses or see them on the road. Billboards tend to be in the very large populated areas such as London. They will be advertised very big so people will notice them. A film website is one of the least effective ways as the website needs to be advertised before people know about it. But this can be done by advertising it on other websites where they will be noticed. Often an actor from the film will feature on a radio show where they talk about the time filming the film, this is an effective way as lots of people listen to the radio and then will want to find more information about the film, therefore accessing the website or watching the trailer on ‘YouTube’ and other viewing websites. Only a few people will gain information to an upcoming film through film festivals as only a small amount of people attend festival's, so this is probably the least effective method of marketing. I believe the most effective way of marketing is through viral campaigns, this is a fairly new method. But a large amount of people use social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. It may just be the name of the film that is advertised but if shown on many occasions it will stay in the mind of the reader. Surely I cant use all of these methods to help advertise my film as some are improbable without large amounts of money. But a viral campaign is the cheapest and I think most effective way of marketing so that would be my main choice of advertising.
  • 3. TEASER TRAILER ANALYSIS Drive Angry 3D It is only 30 seconds long but includes a lot of information, such as what the plot is about when Nicolas Cage says ‘they killed my daughter and toke her baby’. So you gather that the film is about him finding his daughters child. The genre of the film is action you can establish this because the teaser trailer includes guns, driving fast cars and explosions these are stereotypically associated with an action genre film. Fast Five This trailer is a little longer, its set in Brazil as it says on superimposed in the first shot. The use the word ‘mission’ a lot, suggesting that the film is about a group of people undertaking and a mission, and there is a shoot of a vault with a lot of money which they later steal, signifying that stealing a vault is there so called mission. Again this an action film, you can tell this as the trailer includes guns, fast cars, explosions and violence all signifiers to an action film. Super 8 The producer is Steven Spielberg a prolific producer, with a brilliant history in film making. I would say this is a film centred around the train crash, as most of the trailer is about that. There is a lot of banging from the inside of the train but you don't see why., which makes you think. You don't see any actors in the film which is rare but there is enough happening in the trailer that it doesn't really matter as it still catches your attention. Also it says about Area 51 which is a suspected alien military storage site, so the film could be about aliens. The genre is very hard to decide on, but I would say it was action as the trailer includes a lot of damage ie; the train crash.
  • 4. TEASER TRAILERS  What is the definition of a teaser trailer? A preliminary advertisement in a campaign that attracts attention by making people curious to know what products is being advertise  What is their purpose? The goal of a teaser trailer is to get the title and release date out.  How do they differ from normal trailers? A teaser trailer is usually no more than a minute and a half in length, and normally only shows partial clips from the film. A theatrical trailer is usually two and half minutes long, and establishes the general plot of the story, as well as protagonists and antagonists.  What genre do they tend to be? They don’t tend to be a specific genre, they are usually high production films/ blockbusters with well know actors and directors and will also go on to be a hit at the cinema .  When are there release dates? This tends to be about a year before the actual film is released.  What are the conventions of a teaser trailer? To show the main characters, the name of the film, release date, the genre of the film and to draw you in to watch it when the full version is released .  The information they include? Actors, release date, genre, name of the film and the production company.
  • 5. PRINT MEDIA TERMINOLOGY  Masthead: The masthead (also referred to as an imprint) is a list, published in a newspaper or magazine, of its staff. In some publications it names only the most senior individuals; in others, it may name many or all. Some mastheads also include information such as the publication's founding date, slogan, logo and contact information.  Strapline: A subheading in a newspaper or magazine article or in any advertisement  Cover lines: A short phrases on the cover of the magazine describing major articles.  Screamers: A screamer is a distinctive headline which has been written with the goal of drawing attention to the article beneath it.  Billing block: In the layout of film posters and other film advertising copy, the billing is usually placed at the bottom and set in a highly condensed typeface (one in which the height of characters is several times the width). By convention, the point size of the billing block is 25 or 35 percent of the average height of each letter in the title logo. Inclusion in the credits and the billing block is generally a matter of detailed contracts between the artists and the producer. Using a condensed typeface allows the heights of the characters to meet contractual constraints while still allowing enough horizontal space to include all the required text.  Taglines: A slogan or phrase that visually conveys the most important product attribute or benefit that the advertiser wishes to convey. Generally, a theme to a campaign.
  • 6. FILM POSTER ANALYSIS, INCEPTION Only one cast name is shown on the top It has a tagline ‘your mind, in the suggesting there is only scene of the crime’. A catching one main character. slogan that could stay in the mind There is only one of the of its readers. actors name this could suggest that there is only The dark colours suggest that the one main character. film is a dark and serious film. The gun suggests danger. Guns are an icon The man is standing in quite a stereotypical to controlling stance/ position action/thriller films. suggesting that holds some sort of power. The red font could suggest a connotation of danger. Water in the streets between the tall The billing block is shown at the buildings could be a clue to what will bottom of the poster with all the happen in the film. relevant information about the film. "Experience it.." makes "From the director of The Dark it sound like something Knight“ People who like ‘The brilliant happens Dark Knight’ may want to watch within the film that this film as it has the same you a must see. director.
  • 7. CRITICAL EVALUATION OF INCEPTION POSTER I believe that this is a very effective poster because it includes a vast amount of information that will keep the reader interested. The first being the actors name ‘Leonardo Dicaprio’ a very famous and successful actor who has starred in many films. Having a popular actor starring in a film helps as a lot of people will watch a film if they like the actor, therefore this can be a unique selling point. Another point is the images i.e. the background image of water flowing through the city and the man standing with his back to the reader with a gun in his hand. This could help you discover the genre of the film as guns often symbolise violence you could narrow the genre down to a thriller or action film. There are a lot of ways in which it communicates with the audience, such as the tagline "From the director of The Dark Knight“ People who like ‘The Dark Knight’ may want to watch this film as it has the same director. At the bottom of the page it says "Experience it.." this makes it sound like something brilliant happens within the film that you a must see. The posters main tagline ‘your mind, in the scene of the crime’ is a catchy slogan that could stay in the mind of its readers I help them decide on what they think the film could be about. The last point is it gives you an indication on when the audience will be able see the film in cinema’s with the tagline ‘experience it this summer 2010’. Going back the season of release date it says ‘in Imax’ after the ‘experience it this summer 2010’ bit. This could harm the marketing campaign as Imax is different type of cinema and they are not many about and they also cost a bit more to get a ticket. Therefore less people may be inclined to see the film. But it doesn't say or not if it will be release din normal cinema's so the audience will have to find that out from another source of marketing campaign. It would be a lot better for the production company of this film to release the film in normal cinema’s as they will see a huge rise in profit. I don’t believe that there is anything offensive in the poster that may harm the feelings of someone.
  • 8. FILM POSTER ANALYSIS, SALT Only one cast name is shown on the top suggesting there is only one main character. I would have a guess that this woman There is only one of the actors is Salt but film plots are never as name this could suggest that simple as that. The woman is holding there is only one main character. a very serious facial expression suggesting that something may happen to her or she does something serious in the film. The title is in white leaving it open to the reader make there own assumptions film. The black background suggests that the film has a dark and evil side to it. The slogan ‘Who Is Salt’ makes you question who Salt is before you’ve even seen it. A website at the bottom of the page A release date so people where readers can find out my know when the film is in information of this film. cinema’s.
  • 9. CRITICAL EVALUATION OF SALT POSTER This is an effective poster but unlike the Inception poster this one does not include as much information, therefore it only gives you a small clue into what the film is about. The background is very dark and as a result this could connote that the film has a dark and evil side to it. Also I would have a guess that this woman is Salt as it has a tagline below her face saying ‘who is salt’. The main image is a woman she is holding a very serious facial expression suggesting that something may happen to her or she does something serious in the film. From this points the audience could narrow the genre of the film down to a thriller as these points are related to that genre of film. And a genre of a film plays a large part in the audiences mind to if the would see this film at the cinema. Similarly this poster also includes an actors name ‘Angelina Jolie’ who is a very famous and successful actor who has starred in many films. So this could effect the decision of the audience in watching the film. It doesn't communicate with the audience as much as other posters. It has a release date of ‘Summer 2010’ so the reader has clue to when they will be able to see the film in cinema’s. Also the tagline ‘who is salt’ communicates with the audience the as the poster is speaking to the reader asking them the question. This will make the reader feel involved in the film and want them to find out the answer of the question, and the only way they can do this is by watching the film. Unlike most promotional film posters this does not include billing block, therefore the reader will not be able to find out key bits of information such as the producer, writer and director from this piece of media marketing. I don’t believe that there is anything offensive in the poster that may harm the feelings of someone.
  • 10. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING THE TWO FILM POSTERS The two posters I analysed are very different from each other. The ‘Inception’ poster gives a lot more information about the film than the ‘Salt’ one does. The ‘Salt’ poster has a very boring background of just black, but this could be a connotation of it being a very dark and evil film. Where as the ‘Inception’ poster has a city background with a flood of water running in between the building’s which could be a little clue to what happens in the film. Both posters include an actors name which is a big incentive to the audience as a certain actors may be the reason for watching a film, and as the actors in these two films are Angelina Jolie and Leonardo Dicaprio, two very successful actors who have started in many films , a great number of people will watch the film because of their past history's in the acting business. The both include a tagline Inception’s being ‘your mind in the scene of the crime’ and Salt’s being ‘who is Salt’. They are both very good taglines that will keep in the mind of the audience, where they will make them think more about the film and what will happen within it. Also they are simple and catchy, therefore easy to remember. These are very different posters and are very successful in their own way. But I believe that the ‘Inception’ poster is more successful than the other. This is because it includes a lot more information such as the billing block (which gives a lot of information such as director, producer, writer etc.). Also the background images and the main image gives away a lot more information about the film with the dark colours suggesting that the film is a dark and serious one and the gun suggesting danger as guns are an icon stereotypical to action/thriller films. These help you decide on what you think the genre is and gives you a huge idea on what the film is about.
  • 11. MAGAZINE FRONT COVER ANALYSIS, IRON MAN 2 Masthead placed at the top centre of the magazine in order Short snappy phrases to make the reader fully aware make it easier to of what magazine it is. digest the information. The glow of the masthead is The photograph of Iron the same as the glow on Iron Man has his head Man’s chest . Interlinking with covering part of the one an other, maybe to show masthead showing that that it is something important it is a well established in the film. magazine. The dark background suggests that there is Individual words have been some sort of evil within used in order to attract the the film. readers attention: Such as "PLUS", creating the feeling The main image of the ‘Iron that you are getting more Man’ is looking up towards the than you paid for. reader as if to show his dominance and power. Barcode has been placed Teasers placed around the at the bottom right edges of the magazine where it is out the way insight the reader into of all the relevant what's inside the issue, information to do with more encouragement to by the magazine. the issue.
  • 12. MAGAZINE FRONT COVER ANALYSIS, SHERLOCK HOLMES Masthead placed at the top The magazines status, ‘Best centre of the magazine in order Preview Issue Ever!'. This to make the reader fully aware will make you think that it is of what magazine it is. the best magazine and that its one that you should buy. The colour of the masthead (red) could be a connotation of danger The characters head is more likely to be covering part of the interlinked with the film masthead showing that it is ‘Sherlock Holmes’ rather a well established magazine. than the magazine. The image of Sherlock This makes you fell you will be Holmes is a mysterious and missing out on something intelligent picture. Giving important if you don’t have this indications of what the magazine. character and film is like. The slogan gives you huge insight to the genre of the Teasers placed around the film. It says detective edges of the magazine insight suggesting that this a the reader into what's inside detective/ crime film. the issue, more Also it says rough and encouragement to by the tough meaning there issue. could be some violence in the film.
  • 13. CRITICAL EVALUATION OF IRON MAN 2 AND SHERLOCK HOLMES FRONT COVERS I consider these magazine front covers to have worked very well. The Iron Man magazine includes a fair amount of information regarding the main articles inside the magazine. Such as teasers placed around the edges of the magazine insight the reader into what's inside the issue. Also in making the reader think individual words have been used in order to attract the readers attention such as "PLUS", creating the feeling that you are getting more than you paid for. Everything is clear and visible so its easy for the audience to read. The Sherlock Holmes magazine gives you quite a huge incentive into what the main articled film is about before even reading what the article about let alone seeing the film. The slogan gives you huge insight to the genre of the film. It says detective suggesting that this a detective/ crime film. Also it says rough and tough meaning there could be some violence in the film. The image of Sherlock Holmes is a mysterious and intelligent picture. Giving indications of what the character and film is like. The colour of the masthead (red) could be a connotation of danger more likely to be interlinked with the film ‘Sherlock Holmes’ rather than the magazine. There are number of things which make a successful magazine. The first being the masthead being placed at the top and centre of the magazine in a very large font in order to make the reader fully aware of what magazine it is. My second main point is that a magazine needs a main image taking up the majority of the page and needs to be related to the main article of the magazine. My third main point is that every magazine should have short snappy phrases around the front cover to make it easier to digest the information. A front cover should only have two to three main colours on the page and often will relate with the colours of the main image. This is so the page is not overpowered with different colours which would make the magazine look unorganised. I feel that The Iron Man magazine successfully appeals to the audience
  • 14. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING THE TWO FILM MAGAZINES The two magazine front covers I have analysed are very similar to each other probably because they are of the same company of Empire but they do tend to change the styling of their magazine front covers. They both have the name of the magazine (masthead) across the top of the magazine in their typically self owned fashionable font used on their magazines every month. Although the colour of the masthead always depends on the other colours used on the front cover and of the main image itself. For example on the Sherlock Holmes one the masthead is red as the main colours used on the rest of the text on the page are red and white. Whereas on the other magazine the masthead is a white/blue glowing colour as the image of Iron man has a circle of these colours and glow in the centre of his chest. So on this magazine they have linked part of the main image with the masthead signifying that this may play a part in the Iron Man Film. Also the image on both the magazines have the characters head covering part of the masthead showing that it is a well established magazine, and people will recognise it even know they cant read the whole of the masthead. Both magazines have a status above the masthead but are very different the Sherlock Homes one says ‘best preview issue ever’ while the other magazine Iron Man 2 says ‘oscars special, the lovely bones, the clonney and more. The Sherlock Holmes magazines status is talking about the history of their magazines while the other is telling the reader about other articles within the magazine. So each magazine is using there magazine status in a very different but effective manner. There is one over point in which I believe the magazines are different and that is the layout, I think the Iron Man 2 magazine had a better layout as it is very spacious but includes a lot of information, so the main image and main teaser stands out on the page. Whereas on the other magazine I think that everything is bunched up together and looks cramped taking the desired effect that Is needed for the main teaser.
  • 15. BBFC (BRITISH BOARD OF FILM CLASSIFICATION)  What is the BBFC? The BBFC stands for the British Board of Film Classification, its a non- governmental organisation, funded by the film industry and responsible for the national classification of films within the United Kingdom. It has a statutory requirement to classify videos, DVDs and some video games under the Video Recordings Act 2010. What different certificates are there? U-Universal PG-Parental Guidance 12A 12 15 18 R18-Restricted 18 (find pictures for these as well) What are the main issues they are concerned with? Discrimination, drugs, horror, language, imitable behavior, nudity, sex, violence What possible ways could the BBFC intervene? They could either cut films completely, ask them to delete some scenes from the film, or change the age restriction. How many films did the BBFC cut last year? Last year 9 films were cut.
  • 16. AGE RESTRICTIONS  U (Universal): Suitable for all. (The board states that while they cannot predict what might upset a particular child, a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged 4 and older).  PG (Parental Guidance): General viewing but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. (It is the board's policy that movies rated 'PG' should not disturb a child of about 8 years of age or older; however, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset young or more sensitive children).  12A (12 Accompanied/Advisory): Recommended for 12 years and older. People under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult. (  12: Recommended for 12 years and older. Nobody younger than 12 may rent or buy a '12' rated video.  15: Suitable only for 15 years and older. Nobody younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema. Nobody younger than 15 may rent or buy a '15' rated video (these films may contain offensive or emotionally harrowing scenes or strong language and violence).  18: Suitable only for adults. Nobody younger than 18 may see an '18' film in a cinema. Nobody younger than 18 may rent or buy an '18' rated video (These films may contain extreme gore/violence and/or sexually explicit content).  R18 (Restricted 18): To be shown only in specially licensed cinemas, or supplied only in licensed sex shops, and to adults that are older than 18 years old. (These films contain sexually explicit, pornographic content.)
  • 17. PRIMARY AUDIENCE RESEARCH What gender do you consider yourself to be? Do you think there should be music in the background of the • Male teaser trailer? • Female • Yes How old are you? • No • 15-20 • 21-25 What make a film more appealing to you? • 26-30 • Interesting shot types • 31-35 • 36-40 • Fast paced • 40+ • Lots of action What would you consider your social class to be? • Good music selection • Lower Class • Middle Class Do you prefer a fast or slow paced teaser trailer? • Upper Class • Slow paced How often do you go to the cinema? • Everyday • Fast paced • Once A Week Are you likely to view a film based on the film certification? • Once Every Two Weeks • Yes • Once A Month • Once A Year • No What is your favorite genre of film? •Action Horror •Adventure Musicals •Comedy Science Fiction •Drama Thriller •Epic/Historical War
  • 18. PRIMARY AUDIENCE RESEARCH RESULTS Question 1: What gender do you consider yourself to be? The majority of the people answering my questionnaire where male. Therefore it looks as if my main gender I will be Female 40% concentrating to please will be male but as there was a fair Male 60% percentage of people of where female I will also be aiming to please them though the teaser trailer. Question 2: How old are you? 15-20 35% Teenagers and young adults are my main age group to target 21-25 30% 26-30 15% according to my results. 65% of them to be exact. Which is a lot 31-35 10% so I will want to feature things that relates to that specific age 36-40 7% group. 40+ 3% Question 3: What would you consider your social class to be? Lower Class 25% Social class was a weird question to ask but I thought it would be relevant as different social Middle Class 65% classes have different lifestyles to one another. Middle class people are the social class a am most Upper Class 10% aiming to please, which is what I believe myself to be so I can relate to what there lifestyle is like.
  • 19. Question 4: How often do you go to the cinema? The most popular answer for this question was that Once A Week 4% the majority of people go to the cinema once a month. Once Every Two Weeks 30% Its important that the audience do go to the cinema as Once A Month 40% it will be pointless releasing a film that no one will see. So its good that my target audience up until this point Once Evert Three Months 20% do visit the cinema at least once a month. Never 6% Question 5: What is your favorite genre of film? Action 23% Adventure 7% Comedy 16% Drama 2% This was a key question as it will play a huge part in Epic/ Historical 2% deciding what genre to make my film. The majority Horror 7% said action and thrillers. This is good as these are the Musicals 0% main genre’s I am most comfortable in producing. Science Fiction 3% Thriller 28% War 2% Question 6: Do you think there should be music in the background of the teaser trailer? Yes 85% It looks as if background music will be included as a 89% No 15% of the public would like to see this. I also think that this will help the teaser trailer flow with each shot
  • 20. Question 7: What makes a teaser trailer more appealing to you? Interesting Shot Types Most people would like to see lots of action in a film. 18% Fast Paced 23% A fair percentage like to see a fast paced film as well. Therefore I have decided from this information that Lots Of Action 47% I'm going to make a fast paced teaser trailer with lots of action but im also going to include the other Good Music 12% options which are interesting shit types and good music. Question 8: Do you prefer a fast or slow paced teaser trailer? Fast Paced 71% I asked a question that included pace in the previous Slow Paced 29% question. Now I wanted to know what the audience prefer overall either fast or a slow paced trailer. Majority of the audience said fast paced therefore I will need to use quick but effective shots in the teaser trailer. Question 9: Are you likely to view a film based on the film certification? I have already decided on my target but I can change it if Yes 66% needs be as 66% of the people will watch a film depending No 34% on the certification. So I may have to take that into consideration. If this will help with the viewing figures of the film.
  • 21. SECONDARY AUDIENCE RESEARCH AND THE RESULTS I used the UK Film Council Website where I found various graphs relating to secondary audience research.
  • 22. Types of film that the general public typically enjoy watching From this bar chart I can gather that the genre of film that the public tend to enjoy the most are Comedy’s. The following four are Adventures, Drama, Thriller/Suspense and Action. The genres in the middle of the chart include War, Musicals and Romance. While the genre of films least enjoyed are Nollywood, Bollywood and World Cinema.
  • 23. The chart shows that Comedy films tend to be watched by males over the age of 35 and woman under the age of 35. A lot of the people who watch are most likely watched by people who have kids and are of a high social class. This is the same for Adventure. Whereas Drama and Thriller films are watched by males and females over the age of 35 who have no kids and are a social class of lower social class. Action films are viewed by males over the age of 35 and females under the age of 35 who have kids and are of a social class of middle class.
  • 24. Types of film that the general public considers their favourites. The general publics top five favourite films are Comedy with 31%, Thriller with 26%, Science Fiction with 22%, Action with 20% and Drama’s with 19%. The films in the middle of the favourites include Musical, Romance and disasters. The least favourites in the chart are Film Noir, Kids (Non Animation and Nollywood.
  • 25. The chart shows that the type of film that the general public considers their favorite is Comedy. The type of audience that believe this are males and females under the age of 35 with kids and of a higher social class. B Thrillers the second favorite were mostly voted by people over the age of 35 with no children and of a middle class society. Science Fictions were the third favorites with the majority of votes coming from males and females over the age of 35 voting for this genre who have don’t have and children and are of a social class of middle.
  • 26. Types of film that the general public would like to see more of The top five films that the general public would like to see more of are Action Adventure, Edge of Seat Thrillers, Fantasy Adventures, Biographical Drama’s and Action Comedy’s. The films people would like to see less of are Docudramas, Soft Romance Stories and Gritty Urban Gangsters.
  • 27. Action Adventure films are the genre that the public would like to see more of. The was voted mostly by an audience males over the age of 35 and females under the age of 35 who don’t have any children and are part of a middle social class. The second type of film the public would like to see more is Edge of The Seat Thrillers, this was voted in mass by males and females over the age of 35 with no kids and of a higher social class. And the third Fantasy Adventures voted mainly by men over the age of 35 and woman under the age of 35, with children and of a middle social class.
  • 28. IDENTIFYING THE TARGET AUDIENCE From my primary audience research I have gathered that the audience I should be aiming to please are of a male gender who are aged between the ages of 15-20 who are of a middle social class. These type of people tend to enjoy the genre of action the most. The prefer to have a background music and the film to be of a fast pace. They also said that from an action in a teaser trailer. And they will take the film’s certification into consideration when viewing a film at the cinema. From my secondary audience research I found that the top five films the public typically enjoy watching are Comedy's, Adventures, Drama, Thriller/Suspense and Action, While their favourites are Comedy's, Thrillers, Science Fiction, Action and Drama’s, But the genre of films that the public would like to see more of are Action Adventure, Edge of Seat Thrillers, Fantasy Adventures, Biographical Drama’s and Action Comedy’s From these two types of audience research I have come to a conclusion that the genre I should make my film should be Action. Although Comedy’s are the publics current favorite film genre to view, they said that they would prefer to see more Action Adventure films. Therefore from this information that I have got from the UK Film Council which is a company who I can trust I will be producing and Action film. The audience I will be aiming to please with this chosen genre are males aged 15-20 who are middle class, and enjoy action films, with a lot of action within their teaser trailer but at a fast pace with background music. This age links in very well with the age restriction as I want to give my film which is 15. 15 rated films may contain offensive or emotionally harrowing scenes or strong language and violence meaning the younger viewer of my target audience will be able to view the film as they are 15 and the age restriction is 15
  • 29. PLANNING: SHOT LIST ETC Shot What’s Happening Dialogue/ Sounds Camera Shots / Angles Length 1 An ariel shot of Aylesbury No Dialogue Long shot 3 sec 2 Central Protagonist speaking on the phone Central Protagonist: “I’m in Long shot of he Central Protagonist 2 sec big trouble” 3 Central Protagonist walks through the car park No dialogue (possibly Close up on the Central Protagonist feet 3 sec towards the car footsteps) going up to his face. 4 Central Protagonist speaking on the phone Central Protagonist: ”I’ve Mid-shot of Central Protagonist 2 sec done something stupid” 5 Central Protagonist walks towards the car, No dialogue (smashing A CCTV Long shot of the Central 6 sec breaks in with a hammer, hotwires it with the noise) Engine Start Protagonist walking towards the car. cables and drives off Close up on the Central Protagonist braking in to the car. Close up on the Central Protagonist fiddling with the cables. Long shot of the Central Protagonist driving off. 6 Central Protagonist speaking on the phone Central Protagonist: “I Mid-shot of the Central Protagonist 2 sec need your help” 7 The kidnapping: Bag comes off Central Bad Guy “I believe you Close up of the bag coming off the Central 4 sec Protagonist’s head have something of mine” Protagonist head 8 Central Protagonist speaking on the phone Central Protagonist: Mid-shot to a close up on the Central 2 sec ”you’re my last hope “ Protagonist
  • 30. Shot What’s Happening Dialogue/ Sounds Camera Shots/ Angles Length 9 Still the kidnapping Bad Guy “your life is on the Mid-shot of the Bad Guy and then a close 5 sec line, you have 36 hours” up on the Central Protagonist face 10 Central Protagonist and his girlfriend under No dialogue Mid shot of the Central Protagonists and 1 sec the light, back to back. his girlfriend 11 Bad Guy and his Henchmen walking from No dialogue Long shot of the Bad Guy and his 4 sec darkness into light Henchmen 12 Central Protagonist running through the No dialogue Mid-shot into a long shot from the back of 5 sec woods with Bad Guy’s Henchmen chasing the and then to a long shot of the front of him them 13 Bad Guy turns a corner into an alley running No dialogue Long Shot of the Bad Guy 4 sec towards the camera with a gun in his hand 14 Central Protagonist and his girlfriend at the No dialogue Mid-shot of the Central Protagonist and his 1 sec front door of a house. girlfriend 15 Bad Guy pick up jacket and puts it over his Mid-shot of the Bad Guy 2 sec shoulder and walks forward 16 Central Protagonist and his girlfriend running No dialogue Long shot of the Central Protagonist and his 3 sec away holding hands girlfriend 17 Bad Guy and his Henchmen running out the No dialogue Long shot of the Bad Guy and his Henchmen 3 sec woods into an open area and stands still like there looking for someone 18 Central Protagonist’s face No dialogue Close up of the Central Protagonist 1 sec 19 Central Protagonist’s Girlfriend sitting on a No dialogue Long shot of the Central Protagonist 1 sec bed looking curious and confused Girlfriend 20 Central Protagonist hiding in the woods while (Heavy breathing) Mid-shot of the Central Protagonist hiding 6 sec the Bad Guy is looking for him with a gun in then a long shot of the Bad Guy shooting his hand and then he fires it the gun
  • 31. PLANNING: LOCATION  For the first shot (shot 1), I would like to get to the top of a building, for example a car park and get a ariel shot of Aylesbury town.  For shots 2, 4, 6 and 8 I’m going to film in an area of wasteland a couple of minutes from where I live. I think this would be the perfect area to film these shots because I think once edited they would give a big effect on what’s happening in these certain shots.  For shots 3 and 5 I want to use a multi story car park, these are shots were the Central Protagonist steals a car, so obviously this location would be the best place to do such a thing. Also I would like to film in the late evening when it’s a little dark so the lighting within the car park would help the car and the central protagonist stand out.  Shots 7, 9 and 15 are to be filmed in my loft as I wanted the scene to give the effect of a dark, dreary, uncomfortable place to be as it is a kidnapping scene.  I want to film shot 10, 11 and 18 on the road outside my house, this shot is to be filmed at night under a street lamp, as the cast involved while being walking into the light of the street lamp from the darkness  Shots 12, 17 and 20 are to be filmed in a woodland area round the back of my house, these shots are a fast paced running shot and a hiding shot. I think this would be the perfect place to do these shots as I believe once edited it would look brilliant in the trailer and really show the nature of the teaser trailer.  Shot 14 is to be filmed outside a friends house at the his front door, this is a very quick shot no more than a second, its to show the relationship of the two characters.  Shot 16 is again a very quick shot to be filmed in the underpass in town at night this will give great effect once edited.  The next shot, shot 19 is to be filmed in a bedroom.  Shot 13 is to be done In an alley way. A nice enclosed area where a chase scene could happen.
  • 32. PLANNING: RISK ASSESSMENT Before I start to film I must consider the dangers that could occur while filming. When filming inside I should check and removed wires that are running along the ground as someone could trip over them with ease and cause a nasty accident. Also as I would like to film a lot of my teaser trailer outside I must consider the dangers around such as cars as I would like to film near main roads, in woodland areas and many more area’s so there’s a lot of dangers to take in. So to keep safe I must remove any obstacles that are in the way of the shots or change my location. But overall I should just keep my eyes open and look after myself and anyone else involved in the filming.
  • 33. PLANNING: CASTING Central Central Protagonist: Protagonist’s Jamie Ward Girlfriend: Taylor Grieg Antagonist: Antagonists Rob Clarke- Henchmen 1: Antagonist s Jones Sam Webb Henchmen 2: Marcus Browne
  • 34. PLANNING: PROP LIST I have decided to use props in my teaser trailer so the audience will find it easier to understand the genre of the film. Below are the shot numbers and when the props will be used In shot 4 there is a use of the car the car this is a central point in the film as it sets a plot. The car is stolen by the central protagonist and broken into by the use of a hammer. In the last shot, a gun is used when the Central Protagonist hiding in the woods while the central antagonist is looking for him with a gun in his hand and then shots it into the direction of the central protagonist. In shot 6 a black bag is used in the kidnapping where the black bag comes off Central Protagonist’s head to show that he has been kidnapped and doesn't know where he is or how he got there.
  • 35. PLANNING: COSTUME DESIGN Central Protagonist: Grey chino's, blue hoody, grey’s shoes I choose to give this costume design to this character as I wanted him to portray a normal young individual. But also I want him to wear something that he could wear when stealing a car, hence why he is wearing a hoody so he can hide his face from the camera’s. Central Protagonist’s Girlfriend: Jumper, jeans and high heels Again I wanted this character to be wearing normal everyday clothing. As I wanted this character to get caught up in the danger and suspense of the plot Central Antagonist: Grey suit, white shirt, black tie and black shoes This character is a wealthy gang leader. Who is at the top of his hierarchy similar to the Italian Mafia except this gang is in urban England. That is why this character wears a suit to show his wealth and dominance. Bad Guys Henchmen: Black suit, white shirt, black tie and black shoes These characters were the same as the central antagonist as they are his henchman lower in the hierarchy that’s why they wear different colour suits to show that they are not on the same level as there boss.
  • 36. FILMING AND EDITING SCHEDULE Filming schedule: There are only a few camera’s and a lot of people wanting to use them in such a small period of time. I will get the camera from the 21st October to the 23rd October. So that is one weekend. All my shots are being filmed on these certain days below due to the weather, actors availability and around my social life. But I have made enough time for all these to be filmed to perfection. Date Shots 21st October 1, 3, 5, 7 22nd October 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20 23rd October 10, 15, 16, 19 To see what shots these are see slides 24 and 25 Editing my filming: All my editing will be done in lesson time which is on a Tuesday 1 o’clock till 3o’clock and on a Thursday 9 o’clock to 11 o’clock. But I will need to check that the computers for editing are not in use by other members of the class as they are in the same situation as myself. If I do not get enough time in lessons to edit my trailer I will also get the use of using the computer after college between the times 5 o’clock and 7 o’clock when lessons have finished for the day and the computers will be free. Editing the poster and magazine: This can be done in lesson time if I have finished my editing for my teaser trailer or if the computers are in use. I will also be able to do this in my own time either at home or on the library computers at the college.
  • 37. DAY 1 OF FILMING On the first day of filming, I went to a multi- story car park in the Aylesbury town centre. Where I filmed the first few shots of my teaser trailer. I deliberately went near the top of the car park where fewer cars will be and less people, so when filming we didn’t get in any of the general publics way. I was going to use the wheels for the tripod for one of my shots but I couldn’t do this successfully with the surface I was using so I had to improvise and change the shots a little. Also I wanted a shot that looked as if it was on CCTV so this involved getting the camera quite high but the trick was trying to get the camera steady, but after a few takes I eventually succeeded in what I wanted to be done. I used various shots types in these shots such as a close up, mid-shot and a long shot. The last bit of filming I did on Day 1 was an aril shot of Aylesbury. I did this by going to the top of the car park where I lifted the camera as high as I could, keeping it steady and moving it roughly 160 degrees getting a brilliant shot of Aylesbury while the sun was going down.
  • 38. DAY 2 OF FILMING This was the busiest day of filming out the two. I filmed roughly seventy percent of my footage on this day. The locations I filmed in varied from a woodland as the loft had very little space to do it in. area to an alley way to a bit of a wasteland. I did the woodland shots first I attempted to use the wheels for the tripod again but the surface did not allow for me to use them, so I gave up on the idea of using them. I spent a lot of time in this area filming trying my best to get the perfect shot for my teaser trailer. On average I did about five attempts for every shot. I also did some shots in my loft. This was the hardest place to film .But I eventually succeeded after a little rearrange of the loft and my shots. It was very dark in the loft as well so I had to find some sort of lighting, I found some small plug in lights which I placed around the loft out of shot to get the perfect shots. I also did some filming at night but as the camera didn’t have a flash button. I had to chose my shots wisely. For example I had to film under a street light to get a clear shot. All my shots were now done to the best of my ability and ready for editing.
  • 39. DRAFT OF FILM POSTER I think putting the actors name will help with the marketing of the film as many people watch a film because of the actors within it, so I would like to put three of the main actors of the The film name I film on the poster. believe should be in the middle of the poster where it is most likely going to be seen. I want to put the tagline directly underneath the film name where it will be noticed by the reader. The billing block will be at the bottom of the page out the way of the The background image key information. This will will be a photograph of include release date, two of the main actors director, production with a dark background company etc. which I believe will help with the viewer deciding on what genre they think the film is.
  • 40. DRAFT OF MAGAZINE FRONT COVER The magazine name will be fairly The cover line will be near the top in big writing were it above the magazine will be seen clearly by the reader. name where it will catch As the name of the film magazine attention to the reader has a big influence on if a person as it will be centred and buys the magazine or not. in bold. The date and website will be The background image will fairly small to the right of the be of two of the main page where it wont disturb the actors, which will interlink main heading on the front cover. with the film title and tagline. The image will take up the whole of the page. The film title and tagline will be in the centre of the page in front of the main part of the background image where it will catch the This section of the page readers attention. will be advertising other films. But it will be fairly Every magazine has a price small so it wont take the and barcode I'm going to attention away from the place mine in the bottom main article of the corner of the page where its magazine. out the way as it is not a huge part of what the magazine features.
  • 41. MAGAZINE FRONT COVER AND FILM POSTER PHOTO’S I chose to use this photo for my magazine because it shows the two of the main characters of the film. So readers will know who stars within it. Also the car is featured because it’s the reason while the central protagonist is in trouble because he steals the car from the central antagonist. Also the actors have a very serious face, which hopefully will give the impression that its quite a serious film and not a comedy therefore it could help with the readers deciding on what genre they believe the film is. This is my film poster, by researching other film posters I think that this photo is very suitable. Again it shows two of the main actors and the car which plays a huge part in the film storyline. But the colours are the main features of the poster. For instance the darkness of the background suggests there could be a dark/evil side to the film. Also the street light shinning on the two characters and the car helps them stand out in the darkness of the background. The car adds a bit of colour to the poster it will help it stand out, and shows that it is a huge part to the storyline.
  • 42. PRODUCTION COMPANY LOGO I wanted to create a production logo that will stand out and catch the attention of the audience. I decided I needed an image that is relevant to media production so I have used an image of a film real. I feel that this will mean that people will respect my logo as much as a leading production company as I've tried to be as professional as possible. At the bottom of the logo I've placed the production company's name which is ‘Sam Webb Productions’. I have used a fairly large and cartoony typed font. I feel that it fits in with the conventions of a production logo, as I have studied other production logo’s and many of them use the same sort of font. I have used the same font in my other part of the logo which is my initials ‘S.W’ as I feel a change of font type wouldn't fit in with the rest of the logo as it may have been to much.
  • 43. MAGAZINE PROGRESS I started off by putting the Next was the name of my film . I I put a feature article at the background photo. And the placed it in the middle of the bottom of the page advertising magazine name as this is the one page and out the way of the other films, I put a picture, the of the main parts of the magazine picture in yellow writing where it name of the film and a slogan. To the size of it was key, so it catches will stand out on the page. I put give the reader more of an insight the readers attention. The the slogan underneath of the film into the article. I also put a cover barcode was next. I placed it in name. I put it in white writing so I line at the top of the page which the corner so its out the way can keep it simple with just two may help when selling the where it doesn't catch to much main colours on the page which magazine. attention to itself. are going to be yellow and white.
  • 44. POSTER PROGRESS The first thing I did was place the The next thing I did was placing Next was the billing block where I background image so it covered the name of my film near the top used the traditional font for it. To the the whole page. I made sure it fit of the page. I made it white so it right of it is my production logo at a the page well so it didn’t look stood out over the dark fairly large and noticeable size. The stretched in length or width so it background. I also did this with release date is above the billing didn’t look wrong. my tagline which is in a smaller block in a large font so it will not be font and centrally underneath the missed by the reader. The last thing film name. that needed to be on the poster was the actors names which are at the top of the page
  • 45. EDITING THE FOOTAGE This was a very time consuming task that needed a lot of patience. Most of the editing went along smoothly with no complications. But there were a few things that became that were problematic and needed altering. Putting my production logo as there was a very complicated process to inserting it my logo, but after fiddling around with the computer programs I managed to get it into the teaser trailer in a way where it looked presentable. Another hurdle I had to overcome was the background music as I wasn’t allowed to use copyrighted music. So I looked through various uncopyrighted music websites but I couldn’t find anything that I thought would suit the trailer. I had a really specific idea on the music I wanted, and eventually I came across a program on the computer called ‘Garageband’ where there were various sounds of music which you can put together to create a song. I eventually created a piece of music that I that was adequate for my trailer. One of the other major problems was that there were only three computer but roughly 15 students who needed to use them so I couldn’t always edit my trailer as they were in use therefore I had to use the computer in after college hours and in my own time to get the results I wanted from my editing. There are many points in which one would have thought should have been changed or included. For instance the first shot which is an ariel shot of the town, some would say that this needed to be re done as the camera was not fully steady, but I wanted it to bed like that it created suspense and tension that could be carried on throughout the teaser trailer. I also didn’t do a voiceover which some films include as I think it will create more anxiety and uncertainty if the viewer would be reading the writing parts themselves. The dialogue parts in some of my shots were not loud enough with the background music playing as well. I overcome this by changing the volume levels on the shots and increasing them. Also I faded the music out a little bit so it became even more clearer so the audience can understand what is happening. I was trying my best to keep to the conventions of a typical teaser trailer. I noticed all teaser trailers include a green screen at the beginning of my trailer with all the information needed if put into film market. So I inputted one within mine. Additionally the majority of teaser trailers have some of the main actor superimposed on shots that include that actor. Therefore I included a few of my main actors on a few of the shots. On a different note I converted one of my shots into a CCTV shot I superimposed a date and time with the seconds going up so it looked like a normal CCTV shot. I know this because I researched on CCTV camera’s to see what they looked like. I noticed that the font is a fairly normal font type, and usually in bold. Also often in a white colour. Therefore I followed the conventions of a CCTV camera shot I changed mine to coincide. Furthermore I spotted that they are also quite graining, I then looked on the software on the computer and found a application that can change camera footage into this graining type. This then along with the other changes made the shot lot just like a normal CCTV shot.
  • 46. FINAL DRAFT OF MAGAZINE FRONT COVER I think I have created a very good piece of work that follows the conventions of a film magazine. I have the name of the magazine at the top of the page in a very big font so people notice it. I've advertised my film in bright yellow lettering so it will catch the readers attention along with a tagline ‘time is the only thing on their minds’, which hopefully makes the reader think and decide what they think the films is about and what happens within it. I have also noticed that a lot of magazines advertise other films articles within the magazine so I have included these around the edge of the page and out the way from the main article which will be on my film ‘36 Hours’.
  • 47. FINAL DRAFT OF FILM POSTER Again, I believe that this is a very good attempt at a film poster. The name of the film is very clear along with its tagline ‘time is of the essence’ so they are not un miss able. I have also included three of the main actors of the film along the top of the poster out the way from the middle of the picture where most of the important information is, this is so everything is not cramped together. Also the release date is centred near the bottom of the page, so everyone knows when they can see the film in full. The billing block is right at the bottom of the screen, where you can find out who produced the film, wrote it, and directed it. Along with the production logo to the right of it.
  • 48. AUDIENCE FEEDBACK TO FIRST SHOWING OF THE TEASER TRAILER Link to the first attempt of the teaser trailer: 1) Did you understand and was able to follow what was 7) Does it give all the relevant information that you happening in this teaser trailer? would expect to see from a teaser trailer? Yes No Yes No 2) ) Do you think that the background music links in with 8) If yes please state 3 of these things / If no please state what is happening on screen ? 3 things that it doesn't have? Yes No • …………………………………………………………………… 3) Do you think you were introduced to enough • …………………………………………………………………… characters? • ………………………………………………………………….. Yes No 9) Is there any faults you can see in this teaser trailer? 4) What genre do you think this teaser trailer is? ………………………………………………………………………...... ………………………………………………........................... .............................................................................. 5) Does it give the conventions that you would expect to 10) Is there anything that you didn't see in this trailer that see from that genre of film you would expect to? Yes No ………………………………………………………………………........ 6) If yes please state 3 ways in which it does this? / If no …………………………………………………………………………… please 3 ways in which it doesn’t do this? 11) Could you recommended any changes that could • ………………………………………………………………………. make this a better? • ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………........... • ………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………..
  • 49. RESULTS TO THE FIRST SHOWING Question 1 : Did you understand and was able to follow what was happening in this teaser trailer? 90% of the people answered yes, meaning that so far my trailer is Yes 90% easy to follow and understand. Which is excellent as people will need No 10% to able to know what's happening to gain some sort of decision on whether to watch it in the near future. They will also be able to make a decision on what genre they believe the film to be. Question 2: Do you think that the background music links in with what is happening on screen ? Yes 90% No 10% A large majority said yes to this question meaning I have made a good decision with the music choice so, there will be no reason to change it. Question 3: Do you think you were introduced to enough characters? Everyone said yes to being introduced to enough Yes 100% characters, this is brilliant as I believed that I didn’t No 0% introduce enough in this teaser trailer. So this means I will not have to film anymore footage as I have meet the expectations of the viewer.
  • 50. Question 4: What genre do you think this teaser trailer is? I made this an open question for people to write what they Crime 20% want. The majority said my trailer is an action film. Which is Action 40% great as that was the genre I was aiming to produce. Others Thriller 10% said the genre could be crime, thriller, action/thriller. I Action/Thriller 30% understand why they have said that as it does meet some of the conventions of that genre of film. Question 5: Does it give the conventions that you would expect to see from that genre of film? Everyone gave the answer I wanted to hear. I will not have to change any of the footage as it meets the conventions of the Yes 100% genre they thought it was. This is fairly weird as many people No 0% gave different opinions to the type of genre, but on the other hand the footage I released covers many different types of footage. Question 6: If yes please state 3 ways in which it does this? / If no please 3 ways in which it doesn’t do this? As everyone answered yes to the previous question all of the convention they have listed can only be a good thing for my teaser trailer. Music, titles, cars , guns, locations, fast paced, quick editing, development of plot, mafia suits. These are just some the answers that people gave when answering my questionnaire. These all are aspects of the trailer that I had deliberately placed in the teaser trailer to help the viewer decide what genre they think it is.
  • 51. Question 7: Does it give all the relevant information that you would expect to see from a teaser trailer? Brilliant news that the trailer is giving all the information Yes 100% that a viewer would expect to see. There are many features No 0% someone would want to see when viewing a teaser trailer its great that I have delivered all the relevant information needed. Question 8: If yes please state 3 of these things / If no please state 3 things that it doesn't have? A lot of people said I have showed a good number of locations so they could have a good guess on where about the majority of the film takes place. Date of release was another feature, this is so the viewer knows when they can view my film in the cinema. A feature almost everyone put was that I don’t give away too much of the plot so it wouldn’t ruin the film when viewing it. This is great that I'm showing just enough of the film so the viewer gains a enough information on the storyline. Question 9: Is there any faults you can see in this teaser trailer? I knew that there would be a few faults with the teaser trailer, one because it is not yet finished and two is that it’s the first showing of it so there will be mistakes that they can find that I haven't yet seen. The music ends half way through the trailer I did warn everyone that this does happen before showing them. This was because I haven't had got round to finishing of the music yet. Another was part of the dialogue was not loud enough but I can raise the volume on that section so it becomes nice and clear for everyone. One last fault was the text was to soft for that certain genre so there will be some research into finding a better font to suit the film a bit better.
  • 52. Question 10: Is there anything that you didn't see in this trailer that you would expect to? I had seemed to reach most of the expectations the audience wanted to see within the teaser trailer as everyone but one said that there wasn’t anything that I had missed out. The one person who did say I was missing something said that there should be a text shot saying ‘coming soon’ I will take this into consideration but as already have a shot saying ‘in cinema’s this new year’ I don’t think it is needed but I will do some more research first before making my decision. Question 11: Could you recommended any changes that could make this a better? Make the dialogue clearer and louder and finish the background music were the only things that the suggested I changed. Which I will take there advice and change them before the showing of my final teaser trailer.
  • 53. FINAL VERSION OF TEASER TRAILER Link to teaser trailer: After finishing the editing and uploading the trailer on to YouTube, I noticed that the first security camera shot has a mistake within it. The time on it should say with 17:10:27 instead of 17:11:27. I asked 10 people to view my teaser trailer and see if they can see a mistake with the security camera shots. They all said that they could see nothing at all wrong with it. So I decided not to change my trailer and upload a new one as it wasn’t a big mistake that people will notice.
  • 54. EVALUATION QUESTION 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media produce? I believe my film poster, magazine front cover and teaser trailer following the traditional conventions of a real media produce at a very high standard of quality. On the next few slides are some comparisons between my media produce and a real media produce to show how my products follow and challenge real life products. Please see next slide
  • 55. Film Poster I have included a few of the main actors names at the top and centre of the page, they both are in a fairly small but clear font so they are still take into consideration by the reader. My Film Poster The name of the film should always be fairly large on a film posters. Both have a large font. My poster’s font is a bigger than the real posters. I did this so it was clear to the reader what the film was about and that you can read it clearly from a distance. Which you can’t with the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ poster. You may say that mine in a way has an advantage. The taglines from both are directly underneath the title name of the film. In a smaller font to show its importance on the poster. I have a black background which could connote that the film as an evil and dark side to it. Where as the ‘Sherlock Holmes one has a gun which connotes that the film ahs violence within it. So both posters give various connotation away about the film just from the film poster. Both release dates are very clear and stand out on the page. I could argue that mine may be a little better as it’s a clearer on the actual date of release as the ‘Sherlock At the bottom of the page is a Holmes’ one just show the billing block with some main month of release. points about the making of the film such as the director, In the bottom right of both producer and writer. As you posters is the production logo. can see the font I have used its very similar to the ones used on real life produce. A Real Film Poster
  • 56. Magazine Front Cover A Real Magazine Front Cover I have made my magazine status about the same size font at the top of the page like the real life product. They are very different as mine is stating on how good the movies were that year. Whereas the other is saying how good the has been throughout the year. But both are a very good tactic to sell the magazine. Both have a very large and clear magazine name at the top of the page which show there dominance on the On my magazine I places the name of my film in cover as the name of the the centre of the page about two thirds of the magazine plays a huge part way down the page out the way of the main in who buys the magazine. image. I also used a fairly large font and bold font type. The ‘Captain America’ magazine has also adopted the same technique. Too many colours on a front cover would look unappealing therefore I have stick with two main font colours which are yellow and white. This particular magazine happens to have the same colours on their fonts. But a lot a of front covers only use a few colours. My magazine front cover has a tagline under the film title just like the real product. I did this so the reader can tell that that is related with that particular promotion on the cover. Obviously have used the correct strategy. I have put teaser at the bottom and middle right of the page to show other articles within the magazine. The ‘Captain America’ has done the same, but has included a few more than I have. You could say that I should have included more teasers around my page like the other one, but I did not want to take the shine away from the main article on the front cover. The barcode on both is in the bottom right hand corner, I did this so it was out the way from all the My Magazine Front Cover key information on the front cover as I noticed before hand that most film magazines do this.
  • 57. On this part of the question I chose a film with a similar genre to what mine is and compared the Teaser Trailer: two. My Teaser Trailer: A Real Teaser Trailer (Fast Five): XUKoIUzMSE&feature=related Similarities At the beginning of the film I have placed my production logo, its very big and easy to read just like the one on the real teaser trailer. I have used intertitles a few times throughout my trailer. I noticed that many teasers use these to help with the understanding of the clip. The trailer on the right uses superimposition to show where they are geographically located on the teaser. I have used this method as well but to show the actors within the film instead of the location used in Fast Five. Fat five is an action film and show the use of a gun within the trailer. Therefore I have the use of a gun in my teaser to help the audience with the understanding of the genre which is action.
  • 58. At the end of the film teaser trailer they show the name of the film in a big clear font just like the one in the right. So I used this method as well to stick with the conventions of a teaser trailer. . This is then followed by the release date this is often the last image shown on the teaser trailer. I have done this just as the Fast Five trailer has.  A teaser trailer always shows then main character or main characters within the film. I have showed my main characters in mine so they audience understands who the film in centred around.  Also when superimposition and intertitles are used I noticed that a traditional teaser trailer often uses the same font type and size throughout the teaser trailer. Therefore I have done the same with mine.  Teaser trailers are often thirty seconds to a minute 30 in length so when creating mine I made mine fit into that time limit.
  • 59. Challenging A Traditional Teaser Trailer Most of the time a teaser trailer will include a green screen at the very beginning of the clip. 36 Hours has included this unlike the Fast Five trailer. Sometimes they will name the director of the film in the video. Just like I have. Conventions I Could/Should Have Included • In my point of view there wasn’t much more that I could or should of included. Except maybe more dialogue. Looking back at the editing stage now and watching more teaser trailers I have noticed that a lot of them have a fair bit of dialogue, and mine doesn't,. So that would be something to think about in the future.
  • 60. EVALUATION QUESTION 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (i.e. magazine cover/poster)? Please open the link below for my answer to this question
  • 61. EVALUATION QUESTION 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback? Please see next slide
  • 62. I have been creating questionnaire’s throughout my coursework to gain audience feedback. When researching for my target audience I created a questionnaire and asked a number of people to fill it out for me. I then created pie charts to show the answers they were giving me. (See questionnaire and feedback from this question on slides 18,19,20,21) I also created another questionnaire for the first showing of my teaser trailer. I used the same method as before when researching my target audience, as it thought it was easy and clear to show people’s thoughts. (See page 43,44,45,46 for the questionnaire and feedback) Since finishing my magazine front cover, teaser trailer and film poster I have gained yet more feedback to my final products from friends and family from social networking sites Twitter and Facebook and YouTube. Twitter On the 1st December I posted my link of my teaser trailer and the message below on Twitter to gain some audience feedback. Below is some feedback I received from this post:
  • 63. YouTube To the left is a screenshot of my teaser trailer and how many views it has got since posted on YouTube the 1st December 2011. This screenshot was take on the 13th December. This shows the interest that my teaser trailer has gained in just under two weeks of being on the site. (Please not the views may have increased on the date you are watching the teaser trailer) On the right is a chart from the site YouTube showing that week by week the teaser trailer is increasing in views (please not screenshot taken on the 13th December 2011)
  • 64. Facebook I also posted another link of my teaser trailer and a message on another social networking site, Facebook where I gained some more feedback. Below is a screenshot of my post.
  • 65. EVALUATION QUESTION 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? In addition to using the camera, here are the other media technology I used.