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Case Studies Guidance Notes
1: Fictional Product
The Maze Runner
The key purposes of this product are entertainment,
persuasion, and promotion. The Maze Runner explores
the lives of adolescent boys who have formed an
organized society despite being trapped within the walls
of a giant labyrinth. All these young men (known as
Gladers) wake up inside a moving freight elevator with
no memory of their former lives, and when the lift
comes to a halt, they have arrived at a rural refuge
called ‘the Glade’. The elevator sends up a new resident every month.
But soon it becomes clear that the Gladers cannot spend their whole lives within the
confines of the maze, and now the time has come to escape.
The Maze Runner is actually the first installment of a three part series. It is exciting
and intriguing throughout, featuring likeable characters, intense action sequences,
and a great deal of tension and suspense. There are far more questions than
answers, regarding things like “Who put us here?” and “We’re trapped here. Aren’t
we?” There are revelations towards the end of the film, but clearly not enough
answers. However, this is only the first chapter and hopefully by the end of the
series, everything will make sense. There are lots of twists and turns and surprises
throughout the story as well as an amnesiac protagonist whose heroism and bravery
keeps the audience entertained. In some ways, the viewers are just as confused as
the characters are. The viewers get to observe the struggle of the characters and feel
their determination. The high paced action sequences and mystery provide an
intense experience for the audience all the way through and the idea that this is only
the first chapter of a trilogy makes it all the more exciting.
Another key purpose may be persuasion. Nowadays, movies based on dystopian
novels are very popular e.g. the Hunger Games and Divergent. The Maze Runner is
very similar because it is based on the 2009 novel of the same name by James
Dashner and is a science fiction dystopian thriller. Because of many similarities with
other products, there is a good chance that audiences will want to see the Maze
Runner due to other films they have seen which may have
turned out to be favorites and also had similar characteristics.
This film also contains elements of different genres including
action, mystery, horror, and sci-fi, meaning it may appeal to a
variety of audiences and convince fans of one or more of these
genres to watch The Maze Runner.
The Maze Runner has a third purpose: promotion. The film does
well to persuade viewers as its genre and initial origin ties to
movies based on dystopian novels that have increased
popularity and people should go and watch it, but through this
particular purpose, The Maze Runner is also promoting this
specific type of film. It is possible that the ones who decided to
adapt the novel into a film were aiming to expand a certain type
of movies: film adaptations of dystopian thrillers. They may have
also intended to make these movies a lot more popular. There is
no doubt that the film producers also aimed to promote the
original novel by James Dashner of the same name. A film
adaption would certainly make the book far more popular and
easily intrigue those who’ve read the book, thus attracting a
bigger audience.
The target audience for this film could be males because the main interests of this
gender include things like action and violence, and this film contains plenty of that.
Also, the Maze Runner features male characters that people of this specific gender
can easily relate to. The characters possess a great deal of bravery, but with that, a
great deal of foolishness. These could also be stereotypes for men. Females don’t
tend to prefer violence, so this film might not be recommended to this gender.
However, the presence of a female character (the only female in an all-boy
commune) could attract female audiences. This character is shown to be intelligent
and far more sensible than the others around her, and females could relate to these
The Maze Runner would appeal mainly to teenagers (aged 13-17) and adults (18-
40). It may be unsuitable for children (aged 0-12) due to intense scenes, violence,
language, and some disturbing imagery. The film would appeal to teenage audiences
because the main characters are young adults fighting to achieve freedom and
teenager viewers could relate to them more. Teenagers would be the primary target
audience. Adults may be attracted by this film because they could relate how life was
when they were younger to the characters, however they are not the main audience;
therefore they would be the secondary audience.
The Maze Runner doesn’t appear to target a specific ethnic group. The film doesn’t
focus on language, religion, or ancestry; it only focuses on a society of young adults
stuck in a certain place and looking for a way out. However, this society is somewhat
diverse; with several characters belonging to a different race e.g. African-American.
The film might also appeal to the following NRS Social Grades: C2 (upper working
class), D (working class), and E (lowest level of subsistence). This is because the
Maze Runner is set in a green and fertile location surrounding by the towering walls.
The occupants a required to grow their own food, build their own shelter, and raise
animals in a location devoid of electricity. A location such as this may appeal to those
of lower social groups and perhaps reassure them that this way of life is okay, or that
they should acknowledge their own social group.
The Maze Runner could also target a specific type of person, depending on what
kind of person they are. The film could apply to Achievers (serious people aiming to
achieve power and wealth), Socially Conscious Type A (those who are concerned
with how the actions of humanity affect the world) and Needs Driven (people who act
on instinct and impulse). For the Achiever, messages in the film are expressed
quickly and in an effective manner. These messages regard individuality (within the
characters). For Socially Conscious Type A groups, the film provides messages
regarding differences being made to the environment, as well as society. One or two
key points in the story convey these messages. Those who are Needs Driven will
respond to messages which relate to missing opportunities, and the Maze Runner
has a great deal of focus on that particular subject.
Genre Codes and Conventions
The Maze Runner is a Sci-Fi dystopian action thriller film. There are various
elements of the film which define it as a Sci-Fi, and a good example is the cyborg-like
creatures that live in the maze, which are half-mechanical and half-slimy. Other
elements include the idea of how the maze was created, and the operations and
motivations of the organization responsible. The organization is shown to be highly
technologically advanced, possessing hi-tech facilities and rooms (as discovered
later on). The film also contains elements of the action genre including fast-paced
fight sequences, violent encounters, and other intense scenes. The Maze Runner
also contains elements of the thriller genre including anticipation, expectation,
uncertainty, anxiety, surprise, and terror.
The producers clearly managed to convey the elements of these genres through use
of specific technical codes. These codes consist of camerawork, editing, sound, and
mise en scene. During production, certain shots and camera angles will have been
used to convey meaning e.g. a long shot would be intended to depict the whole body
of one or more characters whilst placing them in relation to their surroundings, and a
close-up shot would be intended to make the audience understand what the
character might be thinking. There are a variety of other shots (including extreme
long shot, extreme close-up, medium shot, etc.) throughout the film. Each one of
these conveys a different meaning for scenes in the film.
Editing also plays a part in creating meaning within the Maze Runner. Things such as
alteration of lighting in separate sequences could convey that one has a dark and
unsettling atmosphere, whereas the other has a positive atmosphere. The use of low
key lighting is very prominent in the flashbacks of the film (which show the people
behind the maze); this technique means the audience isn’t fully aware of what is
happening because it isn’t clear. This could also add a
slight sense of mystery and hint that the people behind
the maze have evil intentions. Another editing technique
that is employed during this film is colour grading, which
During Filming In Actual Movie
makes the characters look very different from their actors during filming. This
technique is effective because it makes
the film look visually appealing.
Sound is also utilized throughout the film, in almost every sequence. The soundtrack
of the film changes at times; for example, slow and relaxing music is heard during the
introduction of the Glade and its inhabitants. This music gives a peaceful tone.
During the night in the Maze, the music is fast and intense as two characters struggle
and tension is built up. During the flashback featuring the people behind the maze,
an eerie and slightly melancholy soundtrack plays. This soundtrack creates an
unsettling atmosphere which fits with what is taking place within the scene. Eerie
sounds echo in the background, thus adding to the atmosphere.
These codes are clearly dependent of each other. They all add to the excitement and
tension of the film. Without the use of these technical codes, this film wouldn’t look
appealing at all. The whole thing would seem a lot worse. The use of sound, editing,
and camerawork enhance the qualities of the film and make it very appealing.
The Maze Runner stars Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Will Poulter, Thomas
Brody-Sangster, Aml Ameen, Ki Hong Lee, Blake Cooper, and many more. There
are some reasons as to why these people will have been brought in to portray
characters of the film. Some of these actors are well-known in films, including Will
Poulter (The Chronicles of Narnia, Wild Bill, We’re The Millers) and Thomas Brody-
Sangster (Doctor Who, Nanny McPhee, Love Actually). These two may have been
cast to promote past films they have appeared in or to make them more popular.
Also, Blake Cooper is a young actor and the Maze Runner is the first movie he has
starred in, also it is the only film he has appeared in so far. Some of these actors
may have been well-known by audiences who have seen them in films; therefore
their characters in the Maze Runner would appeal to the audience.
Certain social groups are represented in different ways. This includes males and
females and certain age groups. There are only two (integral) female characters: the
female teenager at the Glade, and the Head of Operations of the organization behind
the maze. Everyone else who appears in the film is male. In the Maze Runner, males
are represented as unorganized, stubborn, feeble-minded, loud, easily angered, and
foolish, whereas the only female characters are represented as calm, intelligent,
quick-thinking, and less likely to resort to violence unless absolutely necessary.
There are different age groups within the film. It is clear that most of the boys are
aged 15-16, some 18. The youngest member is probably 12. The operatives on the
other side of the maze are adults. There are many differences between these age
groups. The adolescents (15-16) are represented as immature, feeble-minded, and
selfish. The older ones are represented as far more mature and kind e.g. the ones
who first arrived at the Glade. The youngest member is represented as immature at
times, but it is also hinted that he is unwilling to take part in combat, especially when
it comes to fighting the creatures of the maze. This could imply that young children
are incapable of fighting.
These representations can be considered stereotypical because the characters are
teenagers seeking escape from confinement using their own methods. They are
completely on their own with no one to help them, but despite this they remain strong
and focused, determined to achieve their one goal: freedom. In reality, teenagers are
considered quite able to help themselves and always seem to come up with ideas
that will work. These are characteristics that the film explores.
Narrative Structure
The Maze Runner follows a linear narrative as it has a beginning, middle, and an
end, with all events in the correct order. However, in some ways it also has a non-
linear narrative structure. Although the film follows the journey of the characters
without any flashbacks or flash-forwards, there are some hints at the previous life of
the main character, which appear as dreams. The character has no memory of his
past life, until later on in the story when he regains some of his memory and learns
about his past. Also, it is not revealed why the maze was created and why its
inhabitants were placed in the Glade until the film’s climax, at which point a sequel is
implied. The way the dreams appear as flashbacks could suggest that the film jumps
around in its timeline a little bit. The same goes for the revelation at the end, which
nods at significant past events in the film which weren’t even known of.
The producers use mise en scene to combine the actors and the setting of the film
into a single large piece of action. This technique is very effective as it creates
meaning. The lighting, location, costume design, and character movements all work
together to convey the themes of the Maze Runner. There is use of low key lighting
which gives a grim atmosphere. The location is a green expanse situated within giant
stone walls and the characters are wearing ragged clothing. These two
characteristics could easily give the impression that the characters are prisoners.
The characters move around in a natural manner.
The narrative structure also creates meaning, simply because a variety of things are
being established throughout the film. A series of events are shown to be taking
place and the story slowly unfolds as the film progresses. The aspects of the story
create meaning; if all the events are in the correct order, the audience will make
sense as to what is happening. However, if the story jumps around and is out of
order, it will be slightly more difficult for the audience to determine the course of the
Themes and Subtext
There are many underlying themes within the Maze Runner that give audiences an
idea as to why the initial novel may have been written in the first place, and years
later, its film adaptation. Here are two recurring themes from the film that are quite
Forget about the past and move on
In the Maze Runner, all characters are drugged into a state of amnesia and zapped
up into the Glade via an underground freight elevator. They are unable to remember
their past lives, therefore they have no memories whatsoever to tell them who they
are or what they should be. It is constantly hinted throughout the film that the past
shouldn’t be considered; there is no point in regretting bad decisions or wishing you’d
taken a different path, because those things don’t matter anymore.
And they certainly don’t matter for all those amnesiac characters in the Glade,
because they don’t even remember.
It is stated in the film: “The people we were before don’t exist anymore. What matters
is what we do now”. This quote could be trying to give the audience a positive
message regarding how they should live their lives. It is pointless to resent the past
because nothing can be done to change it, and the only thing that matters is the
decisions people make in the present that will determine their future.
Growing up
The Maze Runner also explores the one big issue we all have to deal with: growing
up. The Glade is a peaceful place, with lots of space, trees, and shelter. It is
comfortable and safety is ensured, whereas the Maze, which surrounds the Glade, is
highly treacherous, risky, and unpredictable. There are lots of obstacles within and
death is more than likely to occur. These locations can both be compared to
childhood and adulthood. Childhood is safe and comforting, whereas adulthood is
difficult and can be dangerous.
It becomes increasingly obvious that the teenagers cannot stay within the confines of
the Glade all their lives. The only danger is that one day, they may have to step into
the maze and face the dangers that lie within. The same goes for children in real life.
They cannot stay young forever, nor stay at home or at school. They have to grow up
and face life as adults. Children are given safety and confinement, but they don’t
consider how big the world really is and feel unwilling to find out.
This can be compared to the Gladers who are scared to go beyond the walls that
surround their home. Adults understand all too well the dangers they need to
overcome in the world and accept the fact that death comes for us all. Again, this
compares to the courage the Gladers will need to face the treacherous labyrinth
around them. It may be very tempting to remain in the Glade, but the characters
can’t. It is also said in the film: “You know we can’t stay here forever, right?”

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The maze runner (fictional product)

  • 1. Case Studies Guidance Notes 1: Fictional Product The Maze Runner Purpose The key purposes of this product are entertainment, persuasion, and promotion. The Maze Runner explores the lives of adolescent boys who have formed an organized society despite being trapped within the walls of a giant labyrinth. All these young men (known as Gladers) wake up inside a moving freight elevator with no memory of their former lives, and when the lift comes to a halt, they have arrived at a rural refuge called ‘the Glade’. The elevator sends up a new resident every month. But soon it becomes clear that the Gladers cannot spend their whole lives within the confines of the maze, and now the time has come to escape. The Maze Runner is actually the first installment of a three part series. It is exciting and intriguing throughout, featuring likeable characters, intense action sequences, and a great deal of tension and suspense. There are far more questions than answers, regarding things like “Who put us here?” and “We’re trapped here. Aren’t we?” There are revelations towards the end of the film, but clearly not enough answers. However, this is only the first chapter and hopefully by the end of the series, everything will make sense. There are lots of twists and turns and surprises throughout the story as well as an amnesiac protagonist whose heroism and bravery keeps the audience entertained. In some ways, the viewers are just as confused as the characters are. The viewers get to observe the struggle of the characters and feel their determination. The high paced action sequences and mystery provide an intense experience for the audience all the way through and the idea that this is only the first chapter of a trilogy makes it all the more exciting.
  • 2. Another key purpose may be persuasion. Nowadays, movies based on dystopian novels are very popular e.g. the Hunger Games and Divergent. The Maze Runner is very similar because it is based on the 2009 novel of the same name by James Dashner and is a science fiction dystopian thriller. Because of many similarities with other products, there is a good chance that audiences will want to see the Maze Runner due to other films they have seen which may have turned out to be favorites and also had similar characteristics. This film also contains elements of different genres including action, mystery, horror, and sci-fi, meaning it may appeal to a variety of audiences and convince fans of one or more of these genres to watch The Maze Runner. The Maze Runner has a third purpose: promotion. The film does well to persuade viewers as its genre and initial origin ties to movies based on dystopian novels that have increased popularity and people should go and watch it, but through this particular purpose, The Maze Runner is also promoting this specific type of film. It is possible that the ones who decided to adapt the novel into a film were aiming to expand a certain type of movies: film adaptations of dystopian thrillers. They may have also intended to make these movies a lot more popular. There is no doubt that the film producers also aimed to promote the original novel by James Dashner of the same name. A film adaption would certainly make the book far more popular and easily intrigue those who’ve read the book, thus attracting a bigger audience. Audience The target audience for this film could be males because the main interests of this gender include things like action and violence, and this film contains plenty of that. Also, the Maze Runner features male characters that people of this specific gender can easily relate to. The characters possess a great deal of bravery, but with that, a great deal of foolishness. These could also be stereotypes for men. Females don’t tend to prefer violence, so this film might not be recommended to this gender. However, the presence of a female character (the only female in an all-boy commune) could attract female audiences. This character is shown to be intelligent and far more sensible than the others around her, and females could relate to these characteristics. The Maze Runner would appeal mainly to teenagers (aged 13-17) and adults (18- 40). It may be unsuitable for children (aged 0-12) due to intense scenes, violence, language, and some disturbing imagery. The film would appeal to teenage audiences because the main characters are young adults fighting to achieve freedom and teenager viewers could relate to them more. Teenagers would be the primary target audience. Adults may be attracted by this film because they could relate how life was when they were younger to the characters, however they are not the main audience; therefore they would be the secondary audience. The Maze Runner doesn’t appear to target a specific ethnic group. The film doesn’t focus on language, religion, or ancestry; it only focuses on a society of young adults stuck in a certain place and looking for a way out. However, this society is somewhat diverse; with several characters belonging to a different race e.g. African-American.
  • 3. The film might also appeal to the following NRS Social Grades: C2 (upper working class), D (working class), and E (lowest level of subsistence). This is because the Maze Runner is set in a green and fertile location surrounding by the towering walls. The occupants a required to grow their own food, build their own shelter, and raise animals in a location devoid of electricity. A location such as this may appeal to those of lower social groups and perhaps reassure them that this way of life is okay, or that they should acknowledge their own social group. The Maze Runner could also target a specific type of person, depending on what kind of person they are. The film could apply to Achievers (serious people aiming to achieve power and wealth), Socially Conscious Type A (those who are concerned with how the actions of humanity affect the world) and Needs Driven (people who act on instinct and impulse). For the Achiever, messages in the film are expressed quickly and in an effective manner. These messages regard individuality (within the characters). For Socially Conscious Type A groups, the film provides messages regarding differences being made to the environment, as well as society. One or two key points in the story convey these messages. Those who are Needs Driven will respond to messages which relate to missing opportunities, and the Maze Runner has a great deal of focus on that particular subject. Genre Codes and Conventions The Maze Runner is a Sci-Fi dystopian action thriller film. There are various elements of the film which define it as a Sci-Fi, and a good example is the cyborg-like creatures that live in the maze, which are half-mechanical and half-slimy. Other elements include the idea of how the maze was created, and the operations and motivations of the organization responsible. The organization is shown to be highly technologically advanced, possessing hi-tech facilities and rooms (as discovered later on). The film also contains elements of the action genre including fast-paced fight sequences, violent encounters, and other intense scenes. The Maze Runner also contains elements of the thriller genre including anticipation, expectation, uncertainty, anxiety, surprise, and terror. The producers clearly managed to convey the elements of these genres through use of specific technical codes. These codes consist of camerawork, editing, sound, and mise en scene. During production, certain shots and camera angles will have been used to convey meaning e.g. a long shot would be intended to depict the whole body of one or more characters whilst placing them in relation to their surroundings, and a close-up shot would be intended to make the audience understand what the character might be thinking. There are a variety of other shots (including extreme long shot, extreme close-up, medium shot, etc.) throughout the film. Each one of these conveys a different meaning for scenes in the film. Editing also plays a part in creating meaning within the Maze Runner. Things such as alteration of lighting in separate sequences could convey that one has a dark and unsettling atmosphere, whereas the other has a positive atmosphere. The use of low key lighting is very prominent in the flashbacks of the film (which show the people behind the maze); this technique means the audience isn’t fully aware of what is happening because it isn’t clear. This could also add a slight sense of mystery and hint that the people behind the maze have evil intentions. Another editing technique that is employed during this film is colour grading, which During Filming In Actual Movie
  • 4. makes the characters look very different from their actors during filming. This technique is effective because it makes the film look visually appealing. Sound is also utilized throughout the film, in almost every sequence. The soundtrack of the film changes at times; for example, slow and relaxing music is heard during the introduction of the Glade and its inhabitants. This music gives a peaceful tone. During the night in the Maze, the music is fast and intense as two characters struggle and tension is built up. During the flashback featuring the people behind the maze, an eerie and slightly melancholy soundtrack plays. This soundtrack creates an unsettling atmosphere which fits with what is taking place within the scene. Eerie sounds echo in the background, thus adding to the atmosphere. These codes are clearly dependent of each other. They all add to the excitement and tension of the film. Without the use of these technical codes, this film wouldn’t look appealing at all. The whole thing would seem a lot worse. The use of sound, editing, and camerawork enhance the qualities of the film and make it very appealing. Stars The Maze Runner stars Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Will Poulter, Thomas Brody-Sangster, Aml Ameen, Ki Hong Lee, Blake Cooper, and many more. There are some reasons as to why these people will have been brought in to portray characters of the film. Some of these actors are well-known in films, including Will Poulter (The Chronicles of Narnia, Wild Bill, We’re The Millers) and Thomas Brody- Sangster (Doctor Who, Nanny McPhee, Love Actually). These two may have been cast to promote past films they have appeared in or to make them more popular. Also, Blake Cooper is a young actor and the Maze Runner is the first movie he has starred in, also it is the only film he has appeared in so far. Some of these actors may have been well-known by audiences who have seen them in films; therefore their characters in the Maze Runner would appeal to the audience. Representation Certain social groups are represented in different ways. This includes males and females and certain age groups. There are only two (integral) female characters: the female teenager at the Glade, and the Head of Operations of the organization behind the maze. Everyone else who appears in the film is male. In the Maze Runner, males are represented as unorganized, stubborn, feeble-minded, loud, easily angered, and foolish, whereas the only female characters are represented as calm, intelligent, quick-thinking, and less likely to resort to violence unless absolutely necessary. There are different age groups within the film. It is clear that most of the boys are aged 15-16, some 18. The youngest member is probably 12. The operatives on the other side of the maze are adults. There are many differences between these age groups. The adolescents (15-16) are represented as immature, feeble-minded, and selfish. The older ones are represented as far more mature and kind e.g. the ones who first arrived at the Glade. The youngest member is represented as immature at times, but it is also hinted that he is unwilling to take part in combat, especially when it comes to fighting the creatures of the maze. This could imply that young children are incapable of fighting. These representations can be considered stereotypical because the characters are teenagers seeking escape from confinement using their own methods. They are completely on their own with no one to help them, but despite this they remain strong
  • 5. and focused, determined to achieve their one goal: freedom. In reality, teenagers are considered quite able to help themselves and always seem to come up with ideas that will work. These are characteristics that the film explores. Narrative Structure The Maze Runner follows a linear narrative as it has a beginning, middle, and an end, with all events in the correct order. However, in some ways it also has a non- linear narrative structure. Although the film follows the journey of the characters without any flashbacks or flash-forwards, there are some hints at the previous life of the main character, which appear as dreams. The character has no memory of his past life, until later on in the story when he regains some of his memory and learns about his past. Also, it is not revealed why the maze was created and why its inhabitants were placed in the Glade until the film’s climax, at which point a sequel is implied. The way the dreams appear as flashbacks could suggest that the film jumps around in its timeline a little bit. The same goes for the revelation at the end, which nods at significant past events in the film which weren’t even known of. The producers use mise en scene to combine the actors and the setting of the film into a single large piece of action. This technique is very effective as it creates meaning. The lighting, location, costume design, and character movements all work together to convey the themes of the Maze Runner. There is use of low key lighting which gives a grim atmosphere. The location is a green expanse situated within giant stone walls and the characters are wearing ragged clothing. These two characteristics could easily give the impression that the characters are prisoners. The characters move around in a natural manner. The narrative structure also creates meaning, simply because a variety of things are being established throughout the film. A series of events are shown to be taking place and the story slowly unfolds as the film progresses. The aspects of the story create meaning; if all the events are in the correct order, the audience will make sense as to what is happening. However, if the story jumps around and is out of order, it will be slightly more difficult for the audience to determine the course of the story. Themes and Subtext There are many underlying themes within the Maze Runner that give audiences an idea as to why the initial novel may have been written in the first place, and years later, its film adaptation. Here are two recurring themes from the film that are quite distinctive: Forget about the past and move on In the Maze Runner, all characters are drugged into a state of amnesia and zapped up into the Glade via an underground freight elevator. They are unable to remember their past lives, therefore they have no memories whatsoever to tell them who they are or what they should be. It is constantly hinted throughout the film that the past shouldn’t be considered; there is no point in regretting bad decisions or wishing you’d taken a different path, because those things don’t matter anymore. And they certainly don’t matter for all those amnesiac characters in the Glade, because they don’t even remember.
  • 6. It is stated in the film: “The people we were before don’t exist anymore. What matters is what we do now”. This quote could be trying to give the audience a positive message regarding how they should live their lives. It is pointless to resent the past because nothing can be done to change it, and the only thing that matters is the decisions people make in the present that will determine their future. Growing up The Maze Runner also explores the one big issue we all have to deal with: growing up. The Glade is a peaceful place, with lots of space, trees, and shelter. It is comfortable and safety is ensured, whereas the Maze, which surrounds the Glade, is highly treacherous, risky, and unpredictable. There are lots of obstacles within and death is more than likely to occur. These locations can both be compared to childhood and adulthood. Childhood is safe and comforting, whereas adulthood is difficult and can be dangerous. It becomes increasingly obvious that the teenagers cannot stay within the confines of the Glade all their lives. The only danger is that one day, they may have to step into the maze and face the dangers that lie within. The same goes for children in real life. They cannot stay young forever, nor stay at home or at school. They have to grow up and face life as adults. Children are given safety and confinement, but they don’t consider how big the world really is and feel unwilling to find out. This can be compared to the Gladers who are scared to go beyond the walls that surround their home. Adults understand all too well the dangers they need to overcome in the world and accept the fact that death comes for us all. Again, this compares to the courage the Gladers will need to face the treacherous labyrinth around them. It may be very tempting to remain in the Glade, but the characters can’t. It is also said in the film: “You know we can’t stay here forever, right?”