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A2 Media Coursework Diary

       Jack Stuchbury
Case study of Avatar
                    marketing campaign
Avatar became the highest grossing film of all time in 2009 when it registered Box
Office profits in excess of two and a half billion dollars. The film made use of new
market space to advertise in social media and created an interactive product that had:

•   1,300,000 fans on Facebook
•   800,000 friends on MySpace
•   25,000 followers on twitter.
•   11,000,000 views on YouTube
•   1,000,000 photo views on Flickr

The films use of social media was phenomenally successful and helped create an
Avatar brand with a community created that could interact with each other about the
product and feel more involved. Social media is largely used by young people which
inhibits older consumers from elements of the overall product that Avatar offered
however the majority of cinema-goers are in the teenage to young adult age
demographic therefore Avatar succeeded in effective marketing on this front.
Case study of Avatar
                marketing campaign
Avatar was dissimilar to other films released in that same year. This can be
seen in Box Office figures from the year 2009 which show Avatar nearly
doubled the nearest competitors overall gross profit. The films producers
clearly understood consumer concerns over the levels of enjoyment a
cinema experience involves and issues with interactivity with the film as a

The film was the first film to dedicate large amounts of money to a 3D film
product with £237 million spent on creating a beautiful cinematic
experience which made it one of the highest film budgets of all time. With
all the colours involved in the world of Pandora, the 3D element of cinema
became a marketing point. The film would offer a visual experience and
interactivity that audiences had never seen before.
Case study of Avatar
           marketing campaign
Avatar used an interactive website named
Pandorapedea containing character bios and a
fan made wiki of information.
              Avatar also had an interactive trailer that
              had integrated links to social media along
              with 11 points of interactions that
              provides viewers with access to character
              information. The trailer allowed for a
              more exciting and fluid experience and
              an option to purchase tickets at the end
              of the trailer
Analysis of Teaser trailers
           PULP FICTION-

• Action scenes - help audience understanding of genre. (thriller)
• Titles, ‘Miramax Films’. (film producer), ‘A film by Quintin Tarantino’, ‘Pulp
  Fiction’ ‘Panavision, Dolby Digital, Sony Vegas + Miramax’
• Fast paced music to excite audience.
• Shot transitions consist of simple quick
• cuts to excite audience
• Shot of syringe, signifies a drugs themed plot to
• the film.
• Shots of more violence and sexual suggestion.
• establishes themes and genre.
• Actors (Samuel L Jackson and John Travolta)
• used as a selling point for the film.
Rush Hour 2 -
• Shows relationship between two characters.
• Establishing shots of the films setting (China)
• Shots of action, bright lights, explosions and fighting establish the action
    side of the genre to audience
• Shots of relationship between the two characters aids the establishment
    of the comedy side of genre to the audience.
• Music used to create atmosphere
• Exciting use of colour to excite audience.
• Sound bridge used
• Quick cuts
• Titles - ‘New Line Cinema’ (production company),
‘Chris Tucker’ followed by shot of actor in cart’,
‘Jackie Chan’ followed by shot of actor kicking out,
‘Rush Hour 2’ and ‘See you this summer’ cut to link
 to website ‘’
Analysis of magazine front covers
   Main Image
                                   Name, Masthea
 Coverline in                      d
         box                       Actor used as
                                   unique selling
Coverlines on
                                   Barcode with
film products
                                   price and issue

Coverlines                         grabbing
Analysis of magazine front covers
  Magazine                         Film products
name, Mast                         used as selling
      head                         points in


 Main image

                               Barcode and Issue
Analysis of film posters
Actors/ Actresses
used as a unique
     selling point                              Strapline with title
                                                of film

 Tagline (slogan)

                                                Image of Actors/

                                                Release date
     Billing block
Analysis of film posters
                                              Tagline (slogan)

Image of protagonist

                                           Danny Trejo is used as a
  Strapline with title                     unique selling point of
              of film                      film

                                           Production company.
         Billing block
Planning for film poster
From looking at the posters of films with a
similar genre and general primary research I
discovered that film posters consistently had
the following:
• Shot of character/ characters.
    Costume, props and body language to aid
    identification of genre.
• A slogan
• Actor’s/ Actresses used as a selling point
• Film title in recognisable font to aid
• Billing block
• Release date
• Production company information

I also want to include links to a Facebook page
and website.

Based on this information I designed a draft film
poster that I would produce at a later date using
Microsoft Publisher and a digital camera.
Planning for Magazine front cover
From looking at magazine front covers
   I discovered that they consistently
   had the following conventions that
   I would use:

• Masthead with magazine title
• One image of focus related to
• A number of coverlines giving a
  brief idea of stories inside
• Barcode and issue number

I decided I would also have a coverline
   in a circular box with an additional
   feature to draw attention.
Primary research
My primary research survey will consist of the questions to
establish the following demographics:

Preference of film genre
Similar products consumed
Preference to action/ comedy genre
In education or not.
British Citizen or not
Primary research results
The following slides are a display of my primary
research results using pie charts. They will convey
the answers given to me by a group of 14 people
chosen at random to help establish what the target
audience for my action-comedy product should be.

                               The average person that I interviewed
                               was under between the age of 18-25. I
                       22-25   believe this will be the best target
                       26-30   audience to aim for.
Primary research results

                            8 of my participants were male and 6
              Male          were female. Therefore I believe my
                            product should be predominately
                            aimed at males.

Occupation                  9 of my participants are in education
                            while another 5 were in education and
                            had employment. 2 participants were
             In education   in full time work and none were
             Working        unemployed. From this I can take that
             Both           my product should be aimed at the
                            lower end of the jicnar scale and mostly
                            at students as this group also proved
                            favourable to the action-comedy genre.
Primary research results
                                 5 of my participants had no income and
                  None           another 5 had little income. 4 participants
                  Little         had and adequate income and the other 2
                                 had a comfortable income. Therefore I can
                  Adequate       deduce that my audience will be on levels
                  Comfortable    C1, C2, D and E of the Jicnar scale

British Citizen

                                 All 14 participants in my primary research
                           Yes   classed themselves as British Citizens.
                                 Therefore I can deduce that my target
                                 audience will be British citizens.
Primary Research results
Favourabilty to Action-Comedy
            Genre                       9 of my participants were favourable to
                                        the action-comedy genre while another 4
                                        were passive and had no opinion of the
                        Favourable      genre. Only 1 participant did not like the
                        Passive         action-comedy genre. The ones that were
                                        unfavourable or passive were older
                                        participants thus I deduce my product
                                        should be aimed at 18-25 year olds


                                        12 of my participants considered
                                        themselves cine-literate while only 2 did
                                  Yes   not think that they were cine-literate. Thus I
                                  No    can deduce that my target audience will be
Primary Research results
                                  This chart shows the number of
                                  participants that had seen a
                                  number of action-comedy genre
14                  Sean of the   films. I picked Zombieland and
12                  Dead          Pineapple Express as they are less
                    Pineapple     well known. I wished to prove
                    Express       that the action-comedy genre was
                    Hot Fuzz      popular among the age brackets
                                  of 18-25 and the results have
4                   Zombieland    proved that. The only anomalies
2                                 were largely those of older
0                   Charlie's     participants. This justifies picking
                    Angels        the action-comedy genre as it is
                                  well known among people of the
                                  18-25 year age group that will
                                  give me feedback at a later stage
                                  in this project.
Secondary Research

          This chart taken from the UK Film Council
          research into audiences illustrates that
          Action and comedy genres are very
          popular so would definitely make the
          action-comedy genre a good choice to get
          feedback on as my audience will most
          likely be aware of the conventions of the
Secondary Research
• This chart from UK Film Council research into
  audiences displays the fact that comedy
  genres are very popular among males and
  females however action films are more
  popular among men. I believe this means I
  should target my film at a male audience due
  to the conventions of the action genre I plan
  to use in my trailer
Target Audience
I examined existing films of similar genre such as ‘Pineapple Express’ and
    ‘Men Who stare at Goats’ to get an idea for what my target audience
    would be as well as combining this with my primary and secondary
I decided that my hypothetical audience member would have the following
• Male
• 18-25
• Educated/ in education
• Jicnar scale of betwenn C1 and E.
• British
• Cini-literate
Prop list

• I will use a multipack of crisps for comic effect in my teaser trailer with the
  protagonists addiction to crisps key to the narrative.
• I will use a replica gun. This will help the audience understand the
  narrative in the trailer in which the protagonist chases someone down and
  shoots them. This prop will also contribute to the audience’s
  understanding of the genre and deciding whether or not they would like to
  see the film.
• I will use a mobile phone to illustrate the importance of a phone call in
  trailer to the narrative previously discussed.
• I will use a car to help establish the genre and help the audience
  understand the character.
• A number of objects will be punched in the trailer which are purely part of
  the trailers narrative.
Location Scout
•   There is a disused railway path that I explored has plenty of varied locations for
    different shots.
•   There is a bridge that offers a great deal of opportunity for camera movement for a
    shot of the protagonist of my trailer to run across. Underneath this bridge there is a
    brick wall covered in graffiti that I can get a more intimate shot of my protagonist on
    the phone. The location fits in with the action/ comedy genre and traits of my
    •There is an alleyway a short distance away
    that presents the opportunity to film a
    montage of punches that also contains much
    graffiti which will aid the trailer for the same
    reasons. This is near a risen platform that offers
    an opportunity to film another part of this
    •A shot of the protagonist in bed with a
    number of props key to the narrative of the
    trailer can be filmed in my bedroom.
    •I have an issue in that I do not drive and need
    a car in my trailer however this can be resolved
    by using the road parallel to the college to film
    a car and applying a sound effect and speeding
    up the clip to create the correct effect.
Costume design
My protagonist will wear casual clothes in keeping with
the comedy side of the genre. The on screen action
will aid the audiences understanding of the action that
takes place in the trailer.
Sean will wear a striped cardigan with a plain top
underneath and jeans. He will wear a flat peaked
baseball cap synonymous with gang culture so the
audience realise the connections he may have with that
culture although on the hat are the words ‘X-MEN’ which was a comic book series to show
a childlike vulnerability the character.
In the photo for the film poster Sean will wear a full suit for promotional purposes with
sunglasses and a cheesy facial expression. A smart look is essential when promoting a
product and so it is necessary to smarten up for the photo. The cheesy grin counteracts the
smart attire.
I will wear a flat cap and plain top for the magazine front cover while smoking a cigarrete
and drinking port and pointing. This is to give the look of a bossy arty type of character as
my character is that of both and actor and director. The body language in the shot should
invoke some curiosity when mixed with the accompanying headline
My brother Sean will aid me
in terms of actors. He is of
the age of the protagonist I
created for my teaser trailer.
The character will aid audience appeal to the trailer
through the way that young
audiences relate to characters
of similar ages. He has
experience of performance from studying drama
which makes him ideal. I plan to take photos of him
that I can use for my film poster. I will pose for the
magazine front as actor/ director of the film.
Risk Assessment
• A shot that will take place next to the road
  parallel to the college will mean that I have to be
  aware of passers by and endangering them as
  well as myself and the equipment in light of the
  busy traffic.
• The shots filmed around the disused railway path
  will mean that I have to be careful of the uneven
  terrain in possession of the equipment. I must
  also look out for dangers to pedestrians who use
  the area as a result of my filming process.
Audience Feedback
My class spent a lesson watching the trailers that we produced and then completed and
audience feedback sheet to determine information about the trailer. The following slides
document the results of this primary research. 13 people took part in my research..

         Genre of teaser trailer
                                                   92% of the participants in my
                                   Action Comedy   audience feedback understood that
                                   Comedy          the intended genre was action
                                   Drama           comedy. The remaining 8% believed
                                   Horror          it was a comedy. I deem the
                                   Romance         conventions used in a trailer a
                                   Adventure       success as the audience was able to
                                   Fantasy         successfully identify the genre of my
Audience Feedback

Action Comedy genre        92% of the participants in my audience
                           feedback were favorable towards the action
                           comedy genre thus having a good
                           knowledge of what to expect from the
              Favourable   genre and only 8% were not. This shows
                           further success of the establishment of
                           genre within the trailer as the majority of
                           the audience recognised the intended genre
                           and the majority understood the
                           conventions of that genre well.
Audience Feedback

Enjoyment of trailer

                             100% of my participants enjoyed the trailer. I
                       Yes   take this as a success. The trailer made the
                       No    audience laugh as expected and I believe a
                             large factor in this particular result was the
                             success of the of props and sound effects
                             fulfilling the forms and conventions .
Audience Feedback

                               100% of my participants found the trailer
                               amusing therefore I presume that it
                               fulfilled the conventions of an action/
Was the trailer funny?         comedy trailer.

Audience Feedback

                                  100% of my feedback participants said
                            Yes   that they would remember the film if
                                  they had seen the trailer which I deem to
                            No    be a success of the trailer.

Would you watch the film?
                                  100% of my feedback participants also
                                  said that they would watch the full film
                            Yes   after seeing the trailer which also shows
                            No    the success of the trailer in exciting the
                                  audience and inspiring curiosity in the
Audience Feedback

Levels of excitement           I asked my participants about their levels of
                               excitement while watching the trailer.
                       Six     Higher scores represented excitement and
                               low scores represented boredom. All
                       Seven   participants gave a score of 6 or above with
                       Eight   84% giving the trailer a score of 8 or above
                       Nine    which I deem to be a success. I managed to
                               excite my audience which fulfills
                               expectations of an action/ comedy film
Audience Feedback
                                 My participants again gave me positive
                                 results for their level of understanding
Level of understanding           while watching my trailer. I asked them
                                 to give me a rating out of ten with low
                                 scores representing low levels of
                         Six     understanding and high scores
                         Seven   representing high levels of
                                 understanding. 61% of participants gave
                         Eight   the trailer a rating of eight or below. This
                         Nine    means that 39% gave the trailer a score
                         Ten     of seven or below which could do with
                                 improving. To ammend this I may target
                                 my titles more effectively by changing
                                 the text.
• Question 1 –

• Question 2 –

• Question 3 –

• Question 4 –
Link to final teaser trailer
Final film poster
  Amusing                         Protagonist
   Tagline                        of trailer.
congruous                         Costume
        to                        and prop
 narrative                        show genre


Final Magazine Front Cover
Masthead with
date and Issue

  Screamer in
  box                               Screamer


   Main Image

Coverline                           Barcode

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A2 media presentation

  • 1. A2 Media Coursework Diary Jack Stuchbury
  • 2. Case study of Avatar marketing campaign Avatar became the highest grossing film of all time in 2009 when it registered Box Office profits in excess of two and a half billion dollars. The film made use of new market space to advertise in social media and created an interactive product that had: • 1,300,000 fans on Facebook • 800,000 friends on MySpace • 25,000 followers on twitter. • 11,000,000 views on YouTube • 1,000,000 photo views on Flickr The films use of social media was phenomenally successful and helped create an Avatar brand with a community created that could interact with each other about the product and feel more involved. Social media is largely used by young people which inhibits older consumers from elements of the overall product that Avatar offered however the majority of cinema-goers are in the teenage to young adult age demographic therefore Avatar succeeded in effective marketing on this front.
  • 3. Case study of Avatar marketing campaign Avatar was dissimilar to other films released in that same year. This can be seen in Box Office figures from the year 2009 which show Avatar nearly doubled the nearest competitors overall gross profit. The films producers clearly understood consumer concerns over the levels of enjoyment a cinema experience involves and issues with interactivity with the film as a product. The film was the first film to dedicate large amounts of money to a 3D film product with £237 million spent on creating a beautiful cinematic experience which made it one of the highest film budgets of all time. With all the colours involved in the world of Pandora, the 3D element of cinema became a marketing point. The film would offer a visual experience and interactivity that audiences had never seen before.
  • 4. Case study of Avatar marketing campaign Avatar used an interactive website named Pandorapedea containing character bios and a fan made wiki of information. Avatar also had an interactive trailer that had integrated links to social media along with 11 points of interactions that provides viewers with access to character information. The trailer allowed for a more exciting and fluid experience and an option to purchase tickets at the end of the trailer
  • 5. Analysis of Teaser trailers PULP FICTION- • Action scenes - help audience understanding of genre. (thriller) • Titles, ‘Miramax Films’. (film producer), ‘A film by Quintin Tarantino’, ‘Pulp Fiction’ ‘Panavision, Dolby Digital, Sony Vegas + Miramax’ • Fast paced music to excite audience. • Shot transitions consist of simple quick • cuts to excite audience • Shot of syringe, signifies a drugs themed plot to • the film. • Shots of more violence and sexual suggestion. • establishes themes and genre. • Actors (Samuel L Jackson and John Travolta) • used as a selling point for the film.
  • 6. Rush Hour 2 - • Shows relationship between two characters. • Establishing shots of the films setting (China) • Shots of action, bright lights, explosions and fighting establish the action side of the genre to audience • Shots of relationship between the two characters aids the establishment of the comedy side of genre to the audience. • Music used to create atmosphere • Exciting use of colour to excite audience. • Sound bridge used • Quick cuts • Titles - ‘New Line Cinema’ (production company), ‘Chris Tucker’ followed by shot of actor in cart’, ‘Jackie Chan’ followed by shot of actor kicking out, ‘Rush Hour 2’ and ‘See you this summer’ cut to link to website ‘’
  • 7. Analysis of magazine front covers Main Image Magazine Name, Masthea Coverline in d box Actor used as unique selling point Coverlines on Barcode with film products price and issue number Screamer, attention Coverlines grabbing mentioning features
  • 8. Analysis of magazine front covers Magazine Film products name, Mast used as selling head points in coverline Coverline Coverlines Main image Screamer Barcode and Issue number
  • 9. Analysis of film posters Actors/ Actresses used as a unique selling point Strapline with title of film Tagline (slogan) Image of Actors/ actresses Release date Billing block
  • 10. Analysis of film posters Tagline (slogan) Image of protagonist Danny Trejo is used as a Strapline with title unique selling point of of film film Production company. Billing block
  • 11. Planning for film poster From looking at the posters of films with a similar genre and general primary research I discovered that film posters consistently had the following: • Shot of character/ characters. Costume, props and body language to aid identification of genre. • A slogan • Actor’s/ Actresses used as a selling point • Film title in recognisable font to aid branding. • Billing block • Release date • Production company information I also want to include links to a Facebook page and website. Based on this information I designed a draft film poster that I would produce at a later date using Microsoft Publisher and a digital camera.
  • 12. Planning for Magazine front cover From looking at magazine front covers I discovered that they consistently had the following conventions that I would use: • Masthead with magazine title name • One image of focus related to strapline • A number of coverlines giving a brief idea of stories inside • Barcode and issue number I decided I would also have a coverline in a circular box with an additional feature to draw attention.
  • 13. Primary research My primary research survey will consist of the questions to establish the following demographics: Age Preference of film genre Similar products consumed Preference to action/ comedy genre Gender In education or not. British Citizen or not Income Cine-literacy
  • 14. Primary research results The following slides are a display of my primary research results using pie charts. They will convey the answers given to me by a group of 14 people chosen at random to help establish what the target audience for my action-comedy product should be. Age 15-17 The average person that I interviewed 18-21 was under between the age of 18-25. I 22-25 believe this will be the best target 26-30 audience to aim for. 31-35 36-40
  • 15. Primary research results Gender 8 of my participants were male and 6 Male were female. Therefore I believe my product should be predominately Female aimed at males. Occupation 9 of my participants are in education while another 5 were in education and had employment. 2 participants were In education in full time work and none were Working unemployed. From this I can take that Both my product should be aimed at the lower end of the jicnar scale and mostly Unemployed at students as this group also proved favourable to the action-comedy genre.
  • 16. Primary research results Income 5 of my participants had no income and None another 5 had little income. 4 participants Little had and adequate income and the other 2 had a comfortable income. Therefore I can Adequate deduce that my audience will be on levels Comfortable C1, C2, D and E of the Jicnar scale British Citizen All 14 participants in my primary research Yes classed themselves as British Citizens. Therefore I can deduce that my target No audience will be British citizens.
  • 17. Primary Research results Favourabilty to Action-Comedy Genre 9 of my participants were favourable to the action-comedy genre while another 4 were passive and had no opinion of the Favourable genre. Only 1 participant did not like the Passive action-comedy genre. The ones that were unfavourable or passive were older Unfavourable participants thus I deduce my product should be aimed at 18-25 year olds Cine-literate 12 of my participants considered themselves cine-literate while only 2 did Yes not think that they were cine-literate. Thus I No can deduce that my target audience will be cini-literate.
  • 18. Primary Research results This chart shows the number of participants that had seen a number of action-comedy genre 14 Sean of the films. I picked Zombieland and 12 Dead Pineapple Express as they are less Pineapple well known. I wished to prove 10 Express that the action-comedy genre was 8 Hot Fuzz popular among the age brackets 6 of 18-25 and the results have 4 Zombieland proved that. The only anomalies 2 were largely those of older 0 Charlie's participants. This justifies picking Angels the action-comedy genre as it is Participants well known among people of the 18-25 year age group that will give me feedback at a later stage in this project.
  • 19. Secondary Research This chart taken from the UK Film Council research into audiences illustrates that Action and comedy genres are very popular so would definitely make the action-comedy genre a good choice to get feedback on as my audience will most likely be aware of the conventions of the genre.
  • 20. Secondary Research • This chart from UK Film Council research into audiences displays the fact that comedy genres are very popular among males and females however action films are more popular among men. I believe this means I should target my film at a male audience due to the conventions of the action genre I plan to use in my trailer
  • 21. Target Audience I examined existing films of similar genre such as ‘Pineapple Express’ and ‘Men Who stare at Goats’ to get an idea for what my target audience would be as well as combining this with my primary and secondary research. I decided that my hypothetical audience member would have the following demographics: • Male • 18-25 • Educated/ in education • Jicnar scale of betwenn C1 and E. • British • Cini-literate
  • 22. Prop list • I will use a multipack of crisps for comic effect in my teaser trailer with the protagonists addiction to crisps key to the narrative. • I will use a replica gun. This will help the audience understand the narrative in the trailer in which the protagonist chases someone down and shoots them. This prop will also contribute to the audience’s understanding of the genre and deciding whether or not they would like to see the film. • I will use a mobile phone to illustrate the importance of a phone call in trailer to the narrative previously discussed. • I will use a car to help establish the genre and help the audience understand the character. • A number of objects will be punched in the trailer which are purely part of the trailers narrative.
  • 23. Location Scout • There is a disused railway path that I explored has plenty of varied locations for different shots. • There is a bridge that offers a great deal of opportunity for camera movement for a shot of the protagonist of my trailer to run across. Underneath this bridge there is a brick wall covered in graffiti that I can get a more intimate shot of my protagonist on the phone. The location fits in with the action/ comedy genre and traits of my character. •There is an alleyway a short distance away that presents the opportunity to film a montage of punches that also contains much graffiti which will aid the trailer for the same reasons. This is near a risen platform that offers an opportunity to film another part of this montage. •A shot of the protagonist in bed with a number of props key to the narrative of the trailer can be filmed in my bedroom. •I have an issue in that I do not drive and need a car in my trailer however this can be resolved by using the road parallel to the college to film a car and applying a sound effect and speeding up the clip to create the correct effect.
  • 24. Costume design My protagonist will wear casual clothes in keeping with the comedy side of the genre. The on screen action will aid the audiences understanding of the action that takes place in the trailer. Sean will wear a striped cardigan with a plain top underneath and jeans. He will wear a flat peaked baseball cap synonymous with gang culture so the audience realise the connections he may have with that culture although on the hat are the words ‘X-MEN’ which was a comic book series to show a childlike vulnerability the character. In the photo for the film poster Sean will wear a full suit for promotional purposes with sunglasses and a cheesy facial expression. A smart look is essential when promoting a product and so it is necessary to smarten up for the photo. The cheesy grin counteracts the smart attire. I will wear a flat cap and plain top for the magazine front cover while smoking a cigarrete and drinking port and pointing. This is to give the look of a bossy arty type of character as my character is that of both and actor and director. The body language in the shot should invoke some curiosity when mixed with the accompanying headline
  • 25. Casting My brother Sean will aid me in terms of actors. He is of the age of the protagonist I created for my teaser trailer. The character will aid audience appeal to the trailer through the way that young audiences relate to characters of similar ages. He has experience of performance from studying drama which makes him ideal. I plan to take photos of him that I can use for my film poster. I will pose for the magazine front as actor/ director of the film.
  • 26. Risk Assessment • A shot that will take place next to the road parallel to the college will mean that I have to be aware of passers by and endangering them as well as myself and the equipment in light of the busy traffic. • The shots filmed around the disused railway path will mean that I have to be careful of the uneven terrain in possession of the equipment. I must also look out for dangers to pedestrians who use the area as a result of my filming process.
  • 28. Audience Feedback My class spent a lesson watching the trailers that we produced and then completed and audience feedback sheet to determine information about the trailer. The following slides document the results of this primary research. 13 people took part in my research.. Genre of teaser trailer 92% of the participants in my Action Comedy audience feedback understood that Comedy the intended genre was action Drama comedy. The remaining 8% believed Horror it was a comedy. I deem the Romance conventions used in a trailer a Adventure success as the audience was able to Fantasy successfully identify the genre of my trailer.
  • 29. Audience Feedback Action Comedy genre 92% of the participants in my audience feedback were favorable towards the action comedy genre thus having a good knowledge of what to expect from the Favourable genre and only 8% were not. This shows further success of the establishment of genre within the trailer as the majority of Unfavourable the audience recognised the intended genre and the majority understood the conventions of that genre well.
  • 30. Audience Feedback Enjoyment of trailer 100% of my participants enjoyed the trailer. I Yes take this as a success. The trailer made the No audience laugh as expected and I believe a large factor in this particular result was the success of the of props and sound effects fulfilling the forms and conventions .
  • 31. Audience Feedback 100% of my participants found the trailer amusing therefore I presume that it fulfilled the conventions of an action/ Was the trailer funny? comedy trailer. Yes No
  • 32. Audience Feedback Memorable 100% of my feedback participants said Yes that they would remember the film if they had seen the trailer which I deem to No be a success of the trailer. Would you watch the film? 100% of my feedback participants also said that they would watch the full film Yes after seeing the trailer which also shows No the success of the trailer in exciting the audience and inspiring curiosity in the product.
  • 33. Audience Feedback Levels of excitement I asked my participants about their levels of excitement while watching the trailer. Six Higher scores represented excitement and low scores represented boredom. All Seven participants gave a score of 6 or above with Eight 84% giving the trailer a score of 8 or above Nine which I deem to be a success. I managed to excite my audience which fulfills Ten expectations of an action/ comedy film trailer.
  • 34. Audience Feedback My participants again gave me positive results for their level of understanding Level of understanding while watching my trailer. I asked them to give me a rating out of ten with low scores representing low levels of Six understanding and high scores Seven representing high levels of understanding. 61% of participants gave Eight the trailer a rating of eight or below. This Nine means that 39% gave the trailer a score Ten of seven or below which could do with improving. To ammend this I may target my titles more effectively by changing the text.
  • 35. Evaluation • Question 1 – • Question 2 – • Question 3 – • Question 4 –
  • 36. Link to final teaser trailer jcQUTuZfEk
  • 37. Final film poster Amusing Protagonist Tagline of trailer. congruous Costume to and prop narrative show genre Strapline Release date Billing Production block company
  • 38. Final Magazine Front Cover Masthead with date and Issue Screamer in box Screamer Main Coverline Main Image Coverlines Coverline Barcode

Editor's Notes

  1. Revise using terms learnt in class. MASTHEAD STRAPLINE ETC