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Mathew Allison
Time Management
                         TASK                             WEEK STARTING

    Case study of film + analysis of teaser trailers.           1

     Analysis of film magazines and film posters.               2

Identifying target audience and primary and secondary

Planning stages: storyboard, location, risk assessment,
             casting, props and costume.

Film teaser, create draft film magazine and film poster
               and photos for magazine.

       Create production logo and final drafts of
                      Edit teaser                               7
               Gain audience feedback                           8
       Make responses on audience feedback                      9
                 Evaluation questions                          10
             Upload teaser and add links.                      11
Teaser Trailers
The main differences between teaser trailers and theatrical trailers is the length and content and
     release date.
After watching multiple teaser trailers I have answered the following questions:

    What is the definition of a teaser trailer?
A teaser trailer is a short trailer used to advertise an upcoming movie, game or television series.
    What is their purpose?
Their purpose is to let the audience know that the movie is coming up in the near future, and to
     add to the hype of the upcoming release.
    How long do they tend to be?
Movie teasers, unlike typical theatrical trailers, are usually very short in length (between 30–60
    What genre do they tend to be?
The typical genre for a teaser trailer is adventure and large budget film. However it can be used
     in any popular theme/genre.
    When are they released?
Some teasers have appeared over a year (or longer) prior to the movie's release date. There is
     usually a long delay between trailer and release date.
    What are their conventions?
The conventions of a teaser trailer are that they are short, and their intention is to tease the
    What information do they include?
Usually contain little, if any, actual footage from the film.
Analysis Of Teaser Trailers
Short length, no real storyline or plot, a lot of special
  effects, loud ‘tension’ music and lots of action
  sequences portraying the genre.
Saw 3D:
Short in length, as above no real plot and also
  contains lots of screen shots of text. Shows the
  genre well and attracts the audience.
Terminator Salvation:
Contains a narrative throughout, Uses an effect
  which makes the camera look like it keeps losing
  signal to keep the audience interested.
Paranormal Activity Case Study
This trailer was released to the UK audience and contained an
   original unique selling point (USP). Within the trailer was
   footage of peoples fearful, shocked and outrageous from
   watching the film in the cinema. Using this as a USP makes
   the audience of the trailer intrigued about the cinematic
   experience. It contains superimposition which addresses the
   audience to make them involved. It has parts of the film
   played from within the cinema so the audience gets an
   understanding of what to expect in the cinema. It contains
   screen shots of reviews and tension music builds heavily
   towards the end. All this is continuously reinforcing the horror
Paranormal Activity Website
     Analysis                                                         The title and strap
                                                                      line. The strap line
                                                                      suggests the film is
       Website:                scary but also
                                                                      encourages groups
Trailer in the middle                                                 of viewers, which
of the screen with                                                    means more tickets
tension music                                                         are sold.
keeps audience

                                                         Link to Facebook/Twitter
                                                         to promote viral
  Release date, so audience
  know when to watch
Paranormal Activity Poster
    Analysis                       A review that gets the
                                   audience very
                                   intrigued and
                                   emphasises the
A screenshot from                  suspense of the film
the film in black
and white
vision and time in
the corner which                 Two taglines, one
shows that its                   with a rhetorical
recording, giving                question, involving
a realism affect.                the audience.
Masthead: The name of the magazine
Strap line: A slogan used to identify the brand
Cover lines: The main story or article in the
Screamers: Attention seeking headlines
Billing Block: At the bottom of a poster that
   has the production company, writers,
   producers, along with company logos.
Tagline: A catchy, enticing short phrases used
   to advertise and sell a film. There purpose
   is to sum up the plot and/or themes of a
SAW Poster

   Title in genre            the SAW saga
   appropriate               reputation.
   font, with tagline        Shows that
   intriguing                the film is
   audience.                 gruesome and
                             promotes the
                             horror genre.

 No billing block but does
show producers etc.
Inception Poster
                                                             Tagline is
USP – the                                                    relatively
actors                                                       vague making
name sells                                                   the audience
the film.                                                    intrigued

                                                                Special effects
                                                                used in the film
                                                                also give a
                                                                slight insight to
Shows actors
action.                                                            Red title,
                                                                   colour to stand
                                                                   out. Also using
               Billing block shows   Release date and
                                                                   director as
               the writers,          IMAX as selling point
                                                                   selling point
               producers etc.        also.
Empire Cover Page

 follows colour
 scheme and
 strap line.

                       bold and
                       insight to
close up of
face, shows               Second
actor and                 USP
makeup and
props connote
Total Film Cover Page
                             incorporating the
            USP              films maze like

Screamer                           Small
also used                          articles with
to sell                            magazine

                                   The cover line
 Image                             shows the main
 portrays                          story within the
 action (gun)                      film.
 and shows
 main actor
    What is the BBFC?
British Board of film classification
 What certificates are there?
U, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18, R18
 What are the main issues they are concerned with.
Issues such as language, discrimination, violence, sex and drugs in films,
     DVDs and video games, parental concerns about younger viewers
 What possible ways could the BBFC intervene?
They have the power to seize illegal video works.
 How many films did the BBFC cut last year?
9/665 films were cut in 2010.

For my film I would be aiming for a 15 certificate, the restrictions that apply to
    this are as follows: No-one under 15 can rent, buy of watch in the
    cinema, cannot promote drug use, no sadistic or sexualised violence,
    there may be use of strong language, nudity is allowed without strong

My Teaser Questionnaire
                 My teaser questionnaire is my
                 main primary research. The
                 information gathered from the
                 questions are mostly
                 qualitative (rich in information
                 from open questions) and
                 some quantitative (nominal
                 data that is easily measured
                 from closed questions).

Questionnaire Analysis
                                                             Question                                           Analysis

                            Male          What do you consider are the main                  Responses include the use of quick cuts,
                                          conventions of a thriller/horror teaser trailer?   dark lighting, tension music and dramatic
                            Female                                                           sounds. I will make sure to use these
                                                                                             conventions with my trailer to fully appeal to
                                                                                             my audience.

                                          What part of a thriller do you find the most       Viewers reactions, tension build up, scary
                                          exciting/engaging?                                 actors. I will included these within my trailer
What's most likely to make you                                                               to hook the audience.
        watch a film?
                        Teaser Trailer
                        Book Adaptation
                        Good Review
                                          What is a particular downfall to a typical         Predictability, poor endings, not scary, no
                                          thriller/horror film?                              use of new materials. To overcome these I
                                                                                             will be sure to build tensions in the right way
                                                                                             and execute them effectively.
Secondary Research - UKFC

Above is a segment of one page of secondary research. I have used
secondary research as it would not be possible for me to ask such a wide
range of people. Through the research found people who enjoy thrillers tend to
be over 35 and mainly women. This also table shows that thrillers are the 4th
most popular genre in Great Britain with 63% of the population enjoy watching.
My Target Audience
From using Primary and secondary
  research my target audience for my film
  will be mainly over 35 and primarily
  women. I also found out that to get a
  possible audience member involved is
  through a teaser trailer. My target
  audience also believe a good
  thriller/horror needs to build suspense to
  be successful.
The location of the trailer will be at home.
  This is appropriate for the film as people
  (the audience) see their home as a safe
  place, whereas my teaser will contradict
  this. This should reinforce the horror
Risk Assessment
As I may use the loft for one of my shots I
  am going to make sure the ladder is
  stable, and the actor is comfortable with
  doing a shot in this environment. I will
  also tell Alex (the actor) where to stand
  and where is safe. This should reduce if
  not eliminate any risks.
I will need approximately 2/3 actors. I have
   chosen a main zombie, a victim in bed
   and a second zombie.
The cast I have chosen do not have to fit
   any certain traits, but must be
   comfortable in costume and makeup.
Prop List
 Bed (from home)
 Makeup (mainly white/black/green)
 Zombie costume (homemade)
 Window (from home)
 Door (from home)

                       Makeup for the zombies
Costume Design
The costume for the main
  zombie is homemade. This
  consisted of a old t-shirt that
  was torn up and black/dark
  trousers and zombie style
Another is bed clothes style
  which is supplied by the
The third costume needs to be
  dark so no focus is taken
  away from the face in the
  window shot.
Filming: Day One
Today I completed the main
  part of the filming. I dressed
  the actors in the costume
  and added makeup. I took
  several shots of different
  ideas but the all related to
  the initial story board. I was
  very happy with what was
  completed today.
Filming: Day Two
Today I added a new idea to
  the film. After experimenting
  different ideas, I decided to
  film dripping taps and I am
  planning to use the noise to
  build tension and suspense
  in the trailer. I tweaked a few
  shots from the previous day
  and re-filmed. I also filmed
  the window shot and I am
  very happy with the overall
Creating The Zombies
Draft Magazine Cover
Draft Film Poster
Magazine/Poster Image Ideas

Poster                       Magazine   Poster    
/search?q=scary+flashing&               search?q=scary+hand&view
view=detail&id=8B098350F                =detail&id=CE39D68B11AF9
47788271F80795D990B918                  F02CD42E59E934D58F03D
D4D56EFCD&first=0&FOR                   6E7429&first=0&FORM=IDF
M=IDFRIR&adlt=strict                    RIR
Production Company Logo
                                                                     MLA = Made
                                                                     from the
                                                                     initials of my
The design
is simple

               A simplistic design means it can easily be put onto
               film products without taking focus away from the
               actual product.
Film Magazine
Film Poster
Teaser Trailer (before
After screening this I will gain
feedback from my screening
questionnaire and then made
amendments to make the teaser
more appealing to my target

Screening Questionnaire
Questionnaire Analysis
       (Quantitative answers) (Evaluation 3)
                                                                              Would you watch the
     Did you enjoy      What genre is the Did you understand
NO    the trailer?          trailer?     NO   the trailer?
0%                                              7%

                             60%                                                           YES
          100%                                               YES                           87%

 100% of answers         The answers                                             The majority said
                                                     93% of the audience
 were yes, this is a     given on this                                           they would watch
                                                     understood , but 7%
 very positive           question were all                                       the film after
                                                     didn’t understand
 outcome and             horror and thriller.                                    viewing my
                                                     what the virus did, to
 means the trailer is    My teaser fits                                          teaser. However
                                                     improve my trailer I
 successful.             exactly into these                                      13% said they
                                                     could consider
                         categories.                                             wouldn’t but this
                                                     making this clearer.
                                                                                 was purely
                                                                                 because they
                                                                                 don’t enjoy horror
Questionnaire Analysis
    (Qualitative answers) (Evaluation 3)
               QUESTION                                     ANSWER
                                            Shot types, tension built, well constructed,
  Reason why you enjoyed teaser trailer     the costume, lighting and editing used, the
                                               mystery and the length of the trailer.
                                            Sound- heartbeat to drip. More varied text,
   What do you feel needs improving?           more shots, more explanation, less
                                                Quick shots, editing, lack of speech,
 What do you feel was a particular strong
                                            lighting mise en scene, camera angles and
                                                           sound effects.

From all these questions and after analysing each one I have learnt that even though my
teaser is effective, it still needs some improvement. The responses said I needed to be
more clear, however I chose not to give any more information away to give the audience
a hook. Most respondents said I needed to change the sound effects within my teaser, I
acted upon this by making the heartbeat less intense and adding a dripping noise.
Film Teaser (Final Draft)
After analysing my audience feedback I
have made adjustments to create a
hopefully, more effective teaser trailer.

Masthead is following

Evaluation (1)                                         conventions of a real
                                                       magazine, in terms of font
                                                       choice and positioning
                                  The picture is the USP of
                                  the magazine, as is the
                                  one from empire

                        I followed the colour
                        conventions and mise en
                        scene to also show the
                        genre of the film, much like
                        Empire magazine

         I followed other main
         conventions of a
         magazine such as a
         strap line, barcode.

 There are also similarities with the
 inside stories and how it is presented
The colours follow

Evaluation (1)                                             conventions of a horror
                                                           and it is essential to keep
                                                           this throughout my
                               The picture is the main     products.
                               focus of the Poster, it
                               shows the genre and a
                               basic outline of what to
                               expect in the film.

                      I tried to keep the poster minimal
                      like the SAW poster. This is to
                      keep the focus on the genre and
                      also produce a ‘hook’ for the
                      audience to want to now more.

        I challenged this poster but also developed
        further by following other main conventions of a
        poster such as a billing block website and
        release date.
 I have also included my production logo,
 like the SAW poster and will use this
 throughout my products.
The colour conventions

Evaluation (1)                                                (dark, gloomy) of a horror
                                                              are consistent within both
                                                              teasers and it is essential
                                The words are a main          to keep this throughout my
                                focus of the Teaser it        products.
                                builds the tension but
                                also informs a basic
                                outline of what to expect
                                in the film.
                       It also contains lots of quick shots
                       to follow conventions of a typical
                       horror/thriller trailers. I also
                       developed this further by
                       containing a large sum of quick
                       shots to build tension.                               http://www.
        I followed other main conventions such                     
        as film website, release dates and                                   m/watch?v
        green band title card.                                               =zg0go2b3
   I have also included my production logo,
   like the SAW teaser and will use this
   throughout my products.
Evaluation (2)
                                 The costume and
                                 lighting within all
                                 three products
                                 relates to the genre

                              Each product is
                              not giving much           I have the name of
                              of the storyline          the film and tagline
                              away, this is part        in my poster and
I used the main                                         teaser to get the to
actor within the              of my marking
                              campaign to keep          want to understand
teaser and                                              more.
magazine, but I’m             the film very
not using it to sell          mysterious.
                                                                       I used the
the film, only to get                                                  production logo
the audience                                                           with my poster
familiar with the
                        0KI_2eI                                        and teaser to
style and genre of                                                     show
the film                                                               consistency .
My Marketing Campaign
(Evaluation 2)
After analysing other media products, in
  particular ‘paranormal activity’ I have
  decided to create my own marketing
The campaign will be very mysterious, I
  will use viral marketing to produce a
  ‘hook’ by making the target audience
  want to know more. The aim will be to
  get people talking about the film to
  increase it’s fame.
My Marketing Campaign
(Evaluation 2)
The campaign will be split into several sections each section will be
   called an ‘UPDATE’. They may not necessarily be in the following

   Poster release – I will release a poster as my first form of
   Website – The website will contain eye-witness stories about the
    ‘virus’ making people question whether its a true story.
   Magazine – As the main article of a magazine, the campaign
    followers start to know more about the updates and a small insight
    to the film this will hopefully make the followers be craving to
    understand more about the film.
   Teaser trailer – This will be where the followers start to get a real
    insight of the film, but still don’t understand too much.
   The film - Released around Halloween of 2012 to relate to the
    horror genre and feel of the season.
Evaluation (4)

                                                                               • Computer (hardware) for the

     Evaluation (4 continued)
                                                                               primary and secondary
                                                                               research using the internet
                                                                               primarily for secondary
  Evaluation                                                                   research.
  • Computer (hardware) I used software packages to record my                  • Microsoft packages such as
  evaluations.                                                                 Word to create my
  • Microsoft packages (software) I used these to analyse and present my       questionnaires.
  evaluation.                                                                  • I also read and analysed
  • Apple Packages (software) I used this to edit my evaluation podcasts.      other sources of media
                                                                               including magazines and
                                                                               poster examples to help
                                                                               develop a wider breath of
                                                                               • Scanner (hardware) to upload
                                                                               questionnaires onto
                                                                               • Microsoft PowerPoint
Construction                                                                   (software) to record the
• Scanner (hardware) to import the
pictures for Magazine and questionnaire
hard copies.
• Smart phone (hardware) To take the            Planning
picture for magazine.                           • Scanner (hardware) to upload storyboards onto PowerPoint.
• Microsoft Publisher (software) to create      • Microsoft PowerPoint (software) to record storyboards,
the magazine and poster.                        location, risk assessment, casting, prop list and casting
• iMovie (software) to create the teaser        design.
trailer.                                        • Computer (hardware) Internet to find ideas for poster image.
                                                • Smart phone (hardware) to give photographic evidence of
                                                planning stages.

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A Strategic Approach: GenAI in Education
Adversarial Attention Modeling for Multi-dimensional Emotion Regression.pdf
Adversarial Attention Modeling for Multi-dimensional Emotion Regression.pdfAdversarial Attention Modeling for Multi-dimensional Emotion Regression.pdf
Adversarial Attention Modeling for Multi-dimensional Emotion Regression.pdf
Sha'Carri Richardson Presentation 202345
Sha'Carri Richardson Presentation 202345Sha'Carri Richardson Presentation 202345
Sha'Carri Richardson Presentation 202345

A2 media coursework

  • 2. Time Management TASK WEEK STARTING Case study of film + analysis of teaser trailers. 1 Analysis of film magazines and film posters. 2 Identifying target audience and primary and secondary 3 research Planning stages: storyboard, location, risk assessment, 4 casting, props and costume. Film teaser, create draft film magazine and film poster 5 and photos for magazine. Create production logo and final drafts of 6 magazine/poster. Edit teaser 7 Gain audience feedback 8 Make responses on audience feedback 9 Evaluation questions 10 Upload teaser and add links. 11
  • 3. Teaser Trailers The main differences between teaser trailers and theatrical trailers is the length and content and release date. After watching multiple teaser trailers I have answered the following questions:  What is the definition of a teaser trailer? A teaser trailer is a short trailer used to advertise an upcoming movie, game or television series.  What is their purpose? Their purpose is to let the audience know that the movie is coming up in the near future, and to add to the hype of the upcoming release.  How long do they tend to be? Movie teasers, unlike typical theatrical trailers, are usually very short in length (between 30–60 seconds)  What genre do they tend to be? The typical genre for a teaser trailer is adventure and large budget film. However it can be used in any popular theme/genre.  When are they released? Some teasers have appeared over a year (or longer) prior to the movie's release date. There is usually a long delay between trailer and release date.  What are their conventions? The conventions of a teaser trailer are that they are short, and their intention is to tease the audience.  What information do they include? Usually contain little, if any, actual footage from the film.
  • 4. Analysis Of Teaser Trailers Inception: Short length, no real storyline or plot, a lot of special effects, loud ‘tension’ music and lots of action sequences portraying the genre. Saw 3D: Short in length, as above no real plot and also contains lots of screen shots of text. Shows the genre well and attracts the audience. Terminator Salvation: Contains a narrative throughout, Uses an effect which makes the camera look like it keeps losing signal to keep the audience interested.
  • 5. Paranormal Activity Case Study Teaser: activity/ This trailer was released to the UK audience and contained an original unique selling point (USP). Within the trailer was footage of peoples fearful, shocked and outrageous from watching the film in the cinema. Using this as a USP makes the audience of the trailer intrigued about the cinematic experience. It contains superimposition which addresses the audience to make them involved. It has parts of the film played from within the cinema so the audience gets an understanding of what to expect in the cinema. It contains screen shots of reviews and tension music builds heavily towards the end. All this is continuously reinforcing the horror genre.
  • 6. Paranormal Activity Website Analysis The title and strap line. The strap line suggests the film is Website: scary but also encourages groups Trailer in the middle of viewers, which of the screen with means more tickets tension music are sold. keeps audience interested Link to Facebook/Twitter to promote viral Release date, so audience marketing. know when to watch
  • 7. Paranormal Activity Poster Analysis A review that gets the audience very intrigued and emphasises the A screenshot from suspense of the film the film in black and white connoting darkness/night vision and time in the corner which Two taglines, one shows that its with a rhetorical recording, giving question, involving a realism affect. the audience.
  • 8. Terminology Masthead: The name of the magazine Strap line: A slogan used to identify the brand Cover lines: The main story or article in the magazine Screamers: Attention seeking headlines Billing Block: At the bottom of a poster that has the production company, writers, producers, along with company logos. Tagline: A catchy, enticing short phrases used to advertise and sell a film. There purpose is to sum up the plot and/or themes of a film.
  • 9. SAW Poster Emphasises Title in genre the SAW saga appropriate reputation. font, with tagline Shows that intriguing the film is audience. gruesome and promotes the horror genre. No billing block but does show producers etc.
  • 10. Inception Poster Tagline is USP – the relatively actors vague making name sells the audience the film. intrigued Special effects used in the film also give a slight insight to film. Shows actors holding weapons, emphasising action. Red title, contrasting colour to stand out. Also using Billing block shows Release date and director as the writers, IMAX as selling point selling point producers etc. also.
  • 11. Empire Cover Page USP Masthead- follows colour scheme and strap line. Screamer, bold and insight to film Entire background close up of face, shows Second actor and USP makeup and props connote action
  • 12. Total Film Cover Page Masthead incorporating the USP films maze like features Screamer Small also used articles with to sell magazine magazine The cover line Image shows the main portrays story within the action (gun) film. and shows main actor
  • 13. BBFC  What is the BBFC? British Board of film classification  What certificates are there? U, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18, R18  What are the main issues they are concerned with. Issues such as language, discrimination, violence, sex and drugs in films, DVDs and video games, parental concerns about younger viewers  What possible ways could the BBFC intervene? They have the power to seize illegal video works.  How many films did the BBFC cut last year? 9/665 films were cut in 2010. For my film I would be aiming for a 15 certificate, the restrictions that apply to this are as follows: No-one under 15 can rent, buy of watch in the cinema, cannot promote drug use, no sadistic or sexualised violence, there may be use of strong language, nudity is allowed without strong detail.
  • 14. My Teaser Questionnaire My teaser questionnaire is my main primary research. The information gathered from the questions are mostly qualitative (rich in information from open questions) and some quantitative (nominal data that is easily measured from closed questions). 948903@N06/6498376969/in/p hotostream/
  • 15. Questionnaire Analysis Question Analysis Gender Male What do you consider are the main Responses include the use of quick cuts, conventions of a thriller/horror teaser trailer? dark lighting, tension music and dramatic Female sounds. I will make sure to use these conventions with my trailer to fully appeal to my audience. What part of a thriller do you find the most Viewers reactions, tension build up, scary exciting/engaging? actors. I will included these within my trailer What's most likely to make you to hook the audience. watch a film? Teaser Trailer Book Adaptation Good Review What is a particular downfall to a typical Predictability, poor endings, not scary, no thriller/horror film? use of new materials. To overcome these I will be sure to build tensions in the right way and execute them effectively.
  • 16. Secondary Research - UKFC Above is a segment of one page of secondary research. I have used secondary research as it would not be possible for me to ask such a wide range of people. Through the research found people who enjoy thrillers tend to be over 35 and mainly women. This also table shows that thrillers are the 4th most popular genre in Great Britain with 63% of the population enjoy watching. (
  • 17. My Target Audience From using Primary and secondary research my target audience for my film will be mainly over 35 and primarily women. I also found out that to get a possible audience member involved is through a teaser trailer. My target audience also believe a good thriller/horror needs to build suspense to be successful.
  • 18. Storyboard os/71948903@N06/6498 547059/
  • 19. Location The location of the trailer will be at home. This is appropriate for the film as people (the audience) see their home as a safe place, whereas my teaser will contradict this. This should reinforce the horror genre.
  • 20. Risk Assessment As I may use the loft for one of my shots I am going to make sure the ladder is stable, and the actor is comfortable with doing a shot in this environment. I will also tell Alex (the actor) where to stand and where is safe. This should reduce if not eliminate any risks.
  • 21. Casting I will need approximately 2/3 actors. I have chosen a main zombie, a victim in bed and a second zombie. The cast I have chosen do not have to fit any certain traits, but must be comfortable in costume and makeup.
  • 22. Prop List  Bed (from home)  Makeup (mainly white/black/green)  Zombie costume (homemade)  Window (from home)  Door (from home) Makeup for the zombies
  • 23. Costume Design The costume for the main zombie is homemade. This consisted of a old t-shirt that was torn up and black/dark trousers and zombie style makeup. Another is bed clothes style which is supplied by the actor. The third costume needs to be dark so no focus is taken away from the face in the window shot.
  • 24. Filming: Day One Today I completed the main part of the filming. I dressed the actors in the costume and added makeup. I took several shots of different ideas but the all related to the initial story board. I was very happy with what was completed today.
  • 25. Filming: Day Two Today I added a new idea to the film. After experimenting different ideas, I decided to film dripping taps and I am planning to use the noise to build tension and suspense in the trailer. I tweaked a few shots from the previous day and re-filmed. I also filmed the window shot and I am very happy with the overall outcome
  • 29. Magazine/Poster Image Ideas Poster Magazine Poster /search?q=scary+flashing& search?q=scary+hand&view view=detail&id=8B098350F =detail&id=CE39D68B11AF9 47788271F80795D990B918 F02CD42E59E934D58F03D D4D56EFCD&first=0&FOR 6E7429&first=0&FORM=IDF M=IDFRIR&adlt=strict RIR
  • 30. Production Company Logo MLA = Made from the initials of my name. The design is simple but professional looking. A simplistic design means it can easily be put onto film products without taking focus away from the actual product.
  • 31. Film Magazine m/photos/7194890 3@N06/64983389 53/in/photostream/
  • 32. Film Poster os/71948903@N06/6498 376797/in/photostream/
  • 33. Teaser Trailer (before amendments) 53u3mQ4Bkjg After screening this I will gain feedback from my screening questionnaire and then made amendments to make the teaser more appealing to my target audience.
  • 34. Screening Questionnaire s/71948903@N06/649837 7063/in/photostream/
  • 35. Questionnaire Analysis (Quantitative answers) (Evaluation 3) Would you watch the Did you enjoy What genre is the Did you understand film? NO the trailer? trailer? NO the trailer? 0% 7% NO 13% Thriller 40% Horror YES 60% YES 100% YES 87% 93% 100% of answers The answers The majority said 93% of the audience were yes, this is a given on this they would watch understood , but 7% very positive question were all the film after didn’t understand outcome and horror and thriller. viewing my what the virus did, to means the trailer is My teaser fits teaser. However improve my trailer I successful. exactly into these 13% said they could consider categories. wouldn’t but this making this clearer. was purely because they don’t enjoy horror films.
  • 36. Questionnaire Analysis (Qualitative answers) (Evaluation 3) QUESTION ANSWER Shot types, tension built, well constructed, Reason why you enjoyed teaser trailer the costume, lighting and editing used, the mystery and the length of the trailer. Sound- heartbeat to drip. More varied text, What do you feel needs improving? more shots, more explanation, less explanation. Quick shots, editing, lack of speech, What do you feel was a particular strong lighting mise en scene, camera angles and point? sound effects. From all these questions and after analysing each one I have learnt that even though my teaser is effective, it still needs some improvement. The responses said I needed to be more clear, however I chose not to give any more information away to give the audience a hook. Most respondents said I needed to change the sound effects within my teaser, I acted upon this by making the heartbeat less intense and adding a dripping noise.
  • 37. Film Teaser (Final Draft) _2eI After analysing my audience feedback I have made adjustments to create a hopefully, more effective teaser trailer.
  • 38. Masthead is following Evaluation (1) conventions of a real magazine, in terms of font choice and positioning The picture is the USP of the magazine, as is the one from empire magazine. I followed the colour conventions and mise en scene to also show the genre of the film, much like Empire magazine I followed other main conventions of a magazine such as a strap line, barcode. There are also similarities with the inside stories and how it is presented
  • 39. The colours follow Evaluation (1) conventions of a horror and it is essential to keep this throughout my The picture is the main products. focus of the Poster, it shows the genre and a basic outline of what to expect in the film. I tried to keep the poster minimal like the SAW poster. This is to keep the focus on the genre and also produce a ‘hook’ for the audience to want to now more. I challenged this poster but also developed further by following other main conventions of a poster such as a billing block website and release date. I have also included my production logo, like the SAW poster and will use this throughout my products.
  • 40. The colour conventions Evaluation (1) (dark, gloomy) of a horror are consistent within both teasers and it is essential The words are a main to keep this throughout my http://www.y focus of the Teaser it products. builds the tension but watch?v=BS also informs a basic ul0KI_2eI outline of what to expect in the film. It also contains lots of quick shots to follow conventions of a typical horror/thriller trailers. I also developed this further by containing a large sum of quick shots to build tension. http://www. I followed other main conventions such as film website, release dates and m/watch?v green band title card. =zg0go2b3 ekY I have also included my production logo, like the SAW teaser and will use this throughout my products.
  • 41. Evaluation (2) The costume and lighting within all three products relates to the genre Each product is not giving much I have the name of of the storyline the film and tagline away, this is part in my poster and I used the main teaser to get the to actor within the of my marking campaign to keep want to understand teaser and more. magazine, but I’m the film very not using it to sell mysterious. I used the the film, only to get production logo the audience with my poster familiar with the 0KI_2eI and teaser to style and genre of show the film consistency .
  • 42. My Marketing Campaign (Evaluation 2) After analysing other media products, in particular ‘paranormal activity’ I have decided to create my own marketing campaign. The campaign will be very mysterious, I will use viral marketing to produce a ‘hook’ by making the target audience want to know more. The aim will be to get people talking about the film to increase it’s fame.
  • 43. My Marketing Campaign (Evaluation 2) The campaign will be split into several sections each section will be called an ‘UPDATE’. They may not necessarily be in the following order:  Poster release – I will release a poster as my first form of advertising.  Website – The website will contain eye-witness stories about the ‘virus’ making people question whether its a true story.  Magazine – As the main article of a magazine, the campaign followers start to know more about the updates and a small insight to the film this will hopefully make the followers be craving to understand more about the film.  Teaser trailer – This will be where the followers start to get a real insight of the film, but still don’t understand too much.  The film - Released around Halloween of 2012 to relate to the horror genre and feel of the season.
  • 44. Evaluation (4) kb3bT7FC89M&feature=endscree n&NR=1
  • 45. Research • Computer (hardware) for the Evaluation (4 continued) primary and secondary research using the internet primarily for secondary Evaluation research. • Computer (hardware) I used software packages to record my • Microsoft packages such as evaluations. Word to create my • Microsoft packages (software) I used these to analyse and present my questionnaires. evaluation. • I also read and analysed • Apple Packages (software) I used this to edit my evaluation podcasts. other sources of media including magazines and poster examples to help develop a wider breath of knowledge. • Scanner (hardware) to upload questionnaires onto PowerPoint. • Microsoft PowerPoint Construction (software) to record the • Scanner (hardware) to import the research. pictures for Magazine and questionnaire hard copies. • Smart phone (hardware) To take the Planning picture for magazine. • Scanner (hardware) to upload storyboards onto PowerPoint. • Microsoft Publisher (software) to create • Microsoft PowerPoint (software) to record storyboards, the magazine and poster. location, risk assessment, casting, prop list and casting • iMovie (software) to create the teaser design. trailer. • Computer (hardware) Internet to find ideas for poster image. • Smart phone (hardware) to give photographic evidence of planning stages.