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Media Studies A2                                                            By Lydia Hills

      RESEARCH                           PLANNING                   EVALUATION
 - Trailers vs. Teaser trailers         - Time Management           -   Evaluation Q1
      - Film Certification            - My Film Certification       -   Evaluation Q2
   - Marketing Campaigns             - Teaser Trailer Planning      -   Evaluation Q3
         - Print Media                    - Poster Planning         -   Evaluation Q4
     - Audience Research                - Magazine Planning
                                      - Storyboard for Teaser
                                    - Layout plan for Poster
                                          - Company Logo
                                  - Shooting schedule and plan

             BRIEF: To produce a promotional package for a new film, to include a
             teaser trailer, together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the
                                   film and a poster for the film.
 The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non-
  governmental body which has classified cinema films since it was
  set up in 1912 and videos/ DVDs since the Video Recordings Act
  was passed in 1984.
 U PG 12A 12 15 18
 R18 – only licensed cinemas and sex shops reserve the right to
  show these films and the viewers must be over 18.
 The BBFC protects against discrimination, drugs, horror, imitable
  behaviour, language, nudity, sex, theme, violence, titles, Photo or
  pattern sensitivity, motion sickness and reactions to low frequency
  sound, trailers/advertisements, Public information
  advertisements/charity advertisements, video games.
 Last year, the BBFC cut 5 films.
 I will be aiming for a cert 15. As is horror genre and this
  tends to appeal and be suitable for those over 15.
Company Logo
               LH                       LH             LH            LH
           Productions               Productions   Productions   Productions

 I decided to call my company LH Productions because my initials are LH
  and it is easy for people to understand that it is a production company.
  Below are five styles of fonts that I tried with my company name:
1)Chiller 2)Adobe Caslon Pro Bold    3) Baskerville Old     4)Broadway
 I chose ‘Broadway’ as it is clear and simple and would suit any genre
  that my company chose to produce. Furthermore, the style looks like a
  font it is from the 80’s era therefore making my company have age and
 The colour of my company’s logo will depend on the colour of the
  background but I will ensure that it is always clear and legible
 When I used the Mac’s software, the fonts were different so in the end I
  used the font ‘Bernard MT Condensed’.
Poster Planning
 I found that I had many different ideas for my film poster and found it
  extremely difficult to choose just one to produce.

 My initial idea was to have a black background with a vibrant red heart
  in the centre. The heart would be a real picture of a heart rather than
  a cartoon one.

 The second idea I had was to have the same design but to have a pile
  of bright red poker chips in the centre. This was because my film was
  to be titled The Game.

 My third idea was to use the same design and have a large sharp knife
  with blood on it in the centre.

 Due to being stuck with three different ideas that all fit the
  conventions of the horror genre, I am going to product three different
  posters and ask a collection of people to answer a questionnaire to
  decide which poster I wanted to use.
Poster Planning
 Here are my three initial posters that I made during the
  planning stage
Teaser Trailer Planning
 In order to think of an idea/plot for my teaser trailer, I
  made a brainstorm with different heading. These
  include: costume, setting, genre, character(s), sound,
  props, camera angles.
 I decided that I wanted to create a trailer that included
  many shots that would entice the audience but leave
  them not being able to entirely tell what the plot is. This
  will create ambiguity, mystery and a sense of
 I also decided not to film much outside when it is dark
  as I learnt through the preliminary task last year that it
  is risky as the footage can very easily become grainy. I
  decided to make sure that I carefully planned the time
  that I would film in order to avoid this issue.
Teaser Trailer Storyboard

 Here are my storyboards. A bigger version is displayed on this link -
  / and
Magazine Planning

 I planned my magazine
  cover on paper first. The
  top design was my
  initial idea and the
  bottom one is the idea
  that I chose to create.
  Here is a link to a bigger
  version -

 Here is a copy of my
  magazine front cover. A
  link to my magazine
  cover is -
Time Management

 In order to keep up to date with the tasks I need to do,
  I made lists of everything that I needed to do. I also
  made use of a checklist with everything on it and which
  week it should be completed on. This made it clear to
  me on what I needed to do and what was outstanding.
Trailers Vs. Teaser Trailers
 Teaser trailers are created for primarily for blockbusters to show the
  audience what the overall film will be like rather than what the plot
  is about. This means that they include a lot of action and special
  effects rather than dialogue and script. This is to attract viewers to
  watch the film when it is released in cinemas.

 Teaser trailers tend to be a lot shorter than theatrical trailers and
  sometimes do not include any actual footage from the film itself. An
  example of this is __________. Trailers, however, are normally
  always made of actual footage from the film as they are made after
  filming and are usually released shortly before the film comes out.
  They will usually include an exact date of release whereas teaser
  trailers tend to include a season rather than a date or do not include
  one at all.

 Typical genres that have teaser trailers are action, thriller and
  horror. These trailers will include the conventions of the genre and
  include minimal parts of the storyline, some actors and some include
  the producer, director or editor.
Print Media
 Masthead – a masthead is the page of a newspaper or magazine
  which list the publisher, editor, advertising rates, etc.
 Strapline – slogans that are used in advertising are called
 Cover Line – these are catchy phrases or sentences that are
  used on the cover of the magazine. (________ENTER EXAMPLE)
 Screamer – a screamer is a headline which is very loud and
  bold. It grabs the attention of the reader.
 Billing Block – a billing block is used on posters, DVD covers, etc
  and it gives information, credits and logos of all the people
  involved in the making of the film.
 Tagline – this is similar to a slogan however differs as a tagline
  is created for a product brand whereas a slogan in created for a
  product campaign and can vary depending on the target
Magazine Cover Analysis

                                  Tagline and

Main cover line/                              .

                                 Main image

   Cover line

                                 Cover line

   Image to
Magazine Cover Analysis
The title of the magazine                  The cover includes the
is in bright red. This                       website and tag line
catches the eye of the                    under the header which
audience as it stands out                 shows introduces a new
against the dark                              form of media (the
background.                                             internet).

The use of capital                        The background image is
letters on the ‘Massive                        of the main character
Preview Special’ is a                    from the film. This is used
focal feature and draws                 to attract the viewers who
a lot of the attention at                  like this actor. The blood
first glance.                             on his face and shattered
                                            glasses also suggest the
“You need to know” is a direct                      genre of the film.
way of talking to the viewers
and it makes the reader feel like
it is compulsory.                      The taboo language here is
                                            used as a shock factor
                                       aimed at the reader of the
This image is used to help                text. The yellow writing
entice more readers in. It              underneath isn’t as bright
means that even if a reader                    as the white as it is
does not like the film on                               informing.
the cover, they know there
are others inside which
they may like.
Magazine Cover Analysis


  Main Cover

                               Main Image.

Cover Line
                                Cover Lines.
Magazine Cover Analysis
                                                   The capital letters used in
The cover stands out                                the sub-heading which is
because of the bright                             above the title, is in yellow
colours in the background                           which distinguishes itself
of the main image.                               from the rest of the poster.
                                        The date, price and issue number are
                                            all listed here and as they are in a
This highlights the fact that                   small font they don’t draw any
you can only read about this                    attention away from the other
film in this magazine which            objects. The magazine’s website is also
is giving the audience a               here to direct readers to another form
reason to buy this film                   of media in which they can discover
magazine over others.                                   even more about films.

Johnny Depp is an actor and
is seen as a sex symbol to                 The image is clearly showing the
women. He has become a                  audience that it will be a film that is
unique selling point for this            crazy, and out of this world. This is
magazine issue as                           due the costume, make up and
consumers would buy this                        props. It is quite clear to the
purely for the reason of                 audience that this is about Alice In
reading about Depp.                          Wonderland as it is a very well
                                        known, old story which many know.
This listing is used to draw
readers of this media text to
read the article mentioned.
The plug at the end “and 38
                                                   This helps to entice even
more…” adds a sense of
                                                        more readers in as it
mystery and makes the
                                                     highlights the names of
suspicious readers need to
                                                   even more film stars that
find out what they’re talking
                                                           will feature in this
Poster Analysis
 The image of the main           This quote is used to show
 actress strongly                  the name of the director
 suggests it’s genre as it        but also that he has made
 is in a very blue and           great films in the past. The
 black light rather than            genre is suggested even
 bright colours and the          more by the words ‘master
 emotion of fear/anxiety                            of shock’.
 on the womans face.
                                  The setting appears to be
                               dark and dirty which is often
The marks on the                the setting for a film of this
females chest suggest         genre. The element of having
violence and this helps                something/someone
to reinforce the genre          following you is reflected in
and the film’s plot.                this picture by the actor
                                      looking back over her

                              The title of the film is in larger
The billing block includes
                                 letters and a yellow colour
the names of companies
                                which stand out against the
involved, such as: costume
                              dark main background image.
designers, make-up artists,
                                The font style that has been
editors, directors and
                              used is reflective of the genre
                                        due to being cracked.
Teaser Trailer Analysis
 Saw 3D -

 The Saw 3D effectively uses black screens with
  lettering/words on throughout the teaser trailer. The words
  used is linked what is happening in the trailer and gives the
  audience an insight into what the film is going to be about.
  Many of the shots used are dark in colour and the trailer is
  a montage of clips from throughout the film. The music is
  dramatic and suspenseful and this helps to indicate the
  genre of the film. The sound hits a climax which mirrors the
  footage . The release date is shown in the trailer and this is
  important so that the audience knows when to expect the
  film. The font used suggests the genre and the use of the
  colour red also connotates danger and blood.
Teaser Trailer Analysis

 American Psycho -

 This trailer is different to the Saw 3D in that the footage
  used is a lot lighter in colour. The company logo is
  present at the beginning of the trailer to inform the
  audience who made the trailer/film. This trailer also
  includes the use of visual words on the screen. This
  appears both with at the bottom of the screen which has
  footage behind it and also writing on a black title screen.
  Camera shots such as pans, mid shots, long shots and
  close ups have been used to create variety.
Poster Analysis – Saw 3D

 These posters were used around public areas, on billboards, buses, bus shelters, etc. They
  are all linked together by the graphics used in the main image with the object exploding and
  the tag line at the top also links all three.
 All three images used a human organ which adds to the viewers expectation of the genre
  and what the film is about. The same style of writing is used in all three poster which helps
  to build a ‘brand’ image for the film.
 The background colours are plain black or white which makes the central image stands out
  more. Despite the images appearing to be computer graphics rather than real human
  organs, the images are very details and this adds to the expectation of a high quality film.
Website Analysis – Saw 3D

   After entering ‘Saw 3D’ into the Google search engine, I discover that there is an official website
    for the Saw collection which features all of the films and then there is an entirely separate official
    website just for the release of Saw 3D – the final chapter.
   As soon as you open the website you know straight away what it is for. This is because the
    ‘loading’ image is of a revolving saw which is present in the film/previous films so the viewer
    knows that they have come to the right place
   It then plays an interactive questionnaire of which torture methods/machines you would like to
    see in the next Saw. Once finished, then there is an option to send it to Twitter or Facebook
    which is an example of the marketers planning to take the marketing virally. The theatrical trailer
    plays automatically in order to make viewers want to see the film.
   You can download the film posters to use as backgrounds or print out for posters which helps to
    spread the word about the film. There are also photos on the website of the actors whilst filming
    and of the director which helps the audience to gain an insight into the film and the filming
    process before they watch the film.
   There are videos on the website which contain teaser trailers, theatrical trailers and trailers to
    demonstrate the use of 3D in the film. These all make the viewers want to see the film more.
   There is an ‘About’ page with a basic overview of the plot and a list of featured cast members.
    This helps to entice in viewers that have not seen any of the other Saw films as they know what it
    is about and know who is who in the film.
   Saw music is played throughout your time spent on the website which adds mystery, suspense
    and the sense of thrill. This plays repeated to keep up the atmosphere and to keep the website
    having a scary feel to it.
The Ride Analysis – Saw 3D
 Saw 3D also created a rollercoaster rider at Thorpe Park in Surrey in order to promote the
  release of Saw 3D – the final chapter.
 The ride features of the Thorpe Park website where there is a 360 °interactive video in
  order to know what to expect and photos of the ride. This makes people want to go on the
  ride and to find out about the film if they do not already know.
 The ride imitates the film in that there is suspenseful music playing whilst you are stood in
  the crowd and sudden gun shot sounds go off the scare the viewers and to make them jump.
  The ride is in a warehouse style building and the barriers that for the queue and metal and
  give the sense of being trapped. The old machinery in the queuing area add suspense and
  make the person feel like they are actually in the film.
 To keep the film fresh and updated, after the ride came the release of a Saw maze. This
  features real life actors who taunt and scare people as they walk through a maze and try to
  escape. The maze contains fake blood to build the tension and even contains the smell of
  real urine to make the person feel totally involved in the film. This is an equally strong
  marketing campaign as the audience can fully understand and experience the terror and fear
  of the characters in the film(s). However, the Saw maze may seem to contradict the film as
  the film has just one master whereas the maze has many scary actors.
 Overall I believe it was a successful campaign as it entices people to see the movie but also
  to get an understanding of what the viewers can expect based on the ride. It is an example of
  synergy, where Merlin Entertainment Group and the makers of Saw 3D have come together.
Target Audience
   Definition of Demographics – the attributes of people in a particular geographic

    area. Used for marketing purposes, ethnic origins, religion, spoken language,
    income and age range are examples of demographic data.’ – TechEncyclopedia.
 Demographics for The Game
        Language: English
        Ethnicity: Any
        Primary Age Range: 15 – 25 (older teens – to younger adults)
        Gender: Both genders
 I am aiming for a 15 certificate. This is because I do not want to have rules and
  boundaries that are too strict to portray the conventions of a horror film. Despite
  deciding what certificate I am aiming for, I should refer to the BBFC guidelines to
  ensure the restriction of more outrageous footage such as: extreme swearing,
  nudity, sex, horror, drugs or violent behaviour, etc.

 There is no speech in my teaser trailer therefore there are no language barriers
  that means it couldn’t be used in different languages – only the written titles would
  need adjusting.

 I believe that it will be targeted primarily at British audiences rather than American
  as it will be shot in England and using actors with British accents. Furthermore, my
  film does not contain any special effects and is not the typical Blockbuster style
  that does well with American audiences. However, it is worth considering that Saw
  3D – the final chapter made $45,710,178 in America/Canada. This film is, however,
  part of a film series.
Shooting Schedule & Plan
   Shooting schedule – When deciding              same road. I wanted to film the
    whether to create a shooting schedule,         majority of the trailer inside and
    I decided that I would film in the             wanted a location where I wasn’t bound
    chronological order of the teaser trailer.     by the restraints of time. I also took
    This is because I felt that this would         into account the restrictions on having
    minimise continuity errors and also so         my props in a public space, e.g. the
    that I could feel the order of the             large kitchen knife.
    storyboard and not miss out any
                                                  Props – I used many props in my
    filming. I found this very useful as
                                                   filming which included: a knife,
    when I watched back my footage before
                                                   cigarettes, a lighter, a hand-written
    editing, I could get a general feel for
                                                   card, a handbag and a pen and paper.
    how the trailer would look. I decided to
                                                   This is because they are a combination
    film each shot as many times as
                                                   of items which you would not expect to
    possible because I can cut clips
                                                   see together so do not give away the
    down/find the best shots during the
                                                   storyline but still fit the horror genre.
    editing stage but I cannot make clips
    longer or better without re-filming them      Costume – This is not anything that I
    which may create continuity errors with        need to consider as my character is
    things such as lighting or the hairstyle       supposed to be a normal person who is
    of the character.                              just mentally distressed. The lack of
                                                   scary costumes and only one actor
   Location – the location of my trailer is
                                                   worked well as I would like to keep a
    in Celina’s house and along her road. I
                                                   sense of the unknown.
    have also used the doorstep of three
    people that I know that live on the
 Here is the finished copy of
  my film poster for Personal
  Justice. As you can see it is
  very similar to my initial
  drawing phase and the billing
  block at the bottom of my
  poster has been made by
  hand in accordance of the
  other billing blocks that I
  have researched. The billing
  block contains the names of
  my individual producers and
  cast. To open a bigger
  version, please follow this
  link -
Final Teaser Trailer

 Here is a link to my final teaser trailer –

 Before producing my teaser trailer, film poster and film
  magazine front cover, I asked my prospective audience
  questions on their film preferences. I did this in order to
  discover what my audience thought so that I could fit
  the ideas of my marketing package around their ideal
Questionnaire Results
1) How old are you?









                      13-15   16-18   19-21   22-25   26-30

    My results show that 8 out of 10 of the people I asked were
   aged between 16 and 18. This is ideal as I was aiming my film
   to be a 15 certification. My target audience was 15 to 25 so it
    will be helpful to have feedback from the two people who are
                       aged between 19 and 25.
3) Would a teaser trailer entice
                                    you enough to go to the cinema
                                    and watch the film?

  romantic            0

  rom-com             1

  sci-fi              0

  horror              6
2) Which of the following is your                            yes
preferred genre?
  thriller            3                                      no
  comedy              0

  animation           0

  action              0

As you can see, horror and          The majority of people answered
thriller were my target             yes which means that the teaser
audience’s favourite                trailer is a vital part in the
genres. This is ideal for           marketing package.
me as my idea is for a
horror-thriller film.
5) Do you like film posters to be
                                    simple or complex?

                        yes                                 simple
4) Do you like to see the plot in
the trailer?                                                comple

6 people answered                   9 out of 10 people said that they
yes, however, 4 people              prefer simple film posters. I will
answered no. As this is             take this on board and ensure that
quite an equal split I will         my film poster is fairly simple as
include parts of the plot           this is the feedback from my
but leave a lot unseen so           target audience.
that a sense of mystery is
Risk Assessment

Risk        Why is it a risk?                How can I overcome this risk?

Knife       Somebody could get               Nobody will run with the knife. The shot
            injured whilst using the         will be calm and sensible to prevent
            prop. It is illegal to carry a   accidents. The knife will be removed from
            knife in public.                 the bag before we go outside.

Cables      Cables from lighting and         I will use tape to keep the wires stuck
            the camera causes a trip         down to the floor to lower the risk of
            hazard.                          people tripping.

Cigarette   Smoking inside could             I will ensure that there is an ashtray next
(inside)    cause a fire if not              to the actress and that as soon as the
            adequately extinguished .        cigarette is no longer needed, I will ensure
                                             that it is put out put filling the ashtray with
Evaluation Q1

 In what ways does your media product use, develop or
  challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For a link to my answer to this question, please follow this
link -
Evaluation Q2

 How effective is the combination of your main product
  and ancillary texts (i.e. magazine cover/poster)?

For my response to this question, please follow this link -
Evaluation Q3

 What have you leaned from your audience feedback?

For this question, I made graphs to represent my audience

I have also included the link to the first edit of my teaser
trailer to show the progression that my trailer underwent.
Q1) do you think the teaser                        Q2) rate the editing out of ten
   trailer fits the conventions of a

                                                                     6            2
                                                                     7            3
                                                                     8            5
                                                                     9            1
I asked this question as it would give me an insight       I asked this question so
into whether my trailer fitted the right genre. If it      that I knew how much I
didn’t, I would be able to ask what about it doesn’t fit   needed to improve the
and change it.
                                                           editing of my teaser
As you can see from the graph, 9 people said it did fit    trailer. From this I can
the conventions of a horror/thriller and 1 person said     see that my editing could
it did not.
                                                           be improved.
Q3) how well did the           Q4) do you feel that the
teaser trailer flow in terms   trailer gave you an insight
of plot, pacing and            into what the film was
editing?                       about?

This was an open question      This was another open
therefore the answers are      question therefore the
not able to be displayed in    answers are not able to be
a graph. However, most         displayed in a graph. Many
people agreed that the         people understood the
general pace near the          general theme but felt that
beginning was slightly         my teaser trailer would
slow in comparison to the      benefit from having some
end. This is something         title screens in to help my
that I changed during the      audience to understand
final editing process of my    the plot. This led me to
teaser trailer by cutting      add in title slides that
out some of the lengthy        suggested the plot without
footage that was present       fully giving the story away.
at the start.
Q5) rate the use of camera       Q5) what did you think of
shots out of ten                 only having one character
                                 in the trailer?

          6             1        The general feeling was that
                                 the use of one character in my
          7             2        trailer was effective. One
                                 person said ‘excellent use of

          8             2        one character. We know that it
                                 centres around her – we know
                                 what to expect.’ I found this
          9             5        question useful as I found out
                                 that I didn’t need to add any
                                 other characters into my
This question would give me      trailer.
help on knowing whether I
have used a good variety of
interesting shots. The results
clearly show that the use of
camera shots is marked highly
and therefore I didn’t need to
re-film any of my trailer.
Q8) is the trailer similar to       Q8) any improvements or
others of the genre that you        comments?
have seen?

                                    The main themes were:
                                    • Add appropriate sound
                                    • Increase the pace at the start
                                    • Smoother editing my adding
                                      more transitions
                                    • Add title slides to indicate plot

                                    After these comments, I
                                    changed my teaser trailer by
                                    adding sound, taking out some
I asked this question as it would   footage from the beginning and
suggest whether my trailer fitted   adding in transitions. I also
in with other in regard to forms    included some black title slides
and conventions. 9 people said      and added in the word ‘kill’ in
that it was similar and 1 person    red to further connotate love and
said that it wasn’t. This told me   danger.
that my trailer suited the genre
well and so re-filming wasn’t
Evaluation Q4

 How did you use media technologies in the construction
  and research, planning and evaluation stages?

To watch my video response to this question,. Please follow
this link -

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Media studies a2 lydia hills

  • 1. Media Studies A2 By Lydia Hills RESEARCH PLANNING EVALUATION - Trailers vs. Teaser trailers - Time Management - Evaluation Q1 - Film Certification - My Film Certification - Evaluation Q2 - Marketing Campaigns - Teaser Trailer Planning - Evaluation Q3 - Print Media - Poster Planning - Evaluation Q4 - Audience Research - Magazine Planning - Storyboard for Teaser - Layout plan for Poster - Company Logo - Shooting schedule and plan BRIEF: To produce a promotional package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.
  • 2. The BBFC  The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non- governmental body which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912 and videos/ DVDs since the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984.  U PG 12A 12 15 18  R18 – only licensed cinemas and sex shops reserve the right to show these films and the viewers must be over 18.  The BBFC protects against discrimination, drugs, horror, imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex, theme, violence, titles, Photo or pattern sensitivity, motion sickness and reactions to low frequency sound, trailers/advertisements, Public information advertisements/charity advertisements, video games.  Last year, the BBFC cut 5 films.  I will be aiming for a cert 15. As is horror genre and this tends to appeal and be suitable for those over 15.
  • 3. Company Logo LH LH LH LH Productions Productions Productions Productions  I decided to call my company LH Productions because my initials are LH and it is easy for people to understand that it is a production company. Below are five styles of fonts that I tried with my company name: 1)Chiller 2)Adobe Caslon Pro Bold 3) Baskerville Old 4)Broadway 5)Elephant  I chose ‘Broadway’ as it is clear and simple and would suit any genre that my company chose to produce. Furthermore, the style looks like a font it is from the 80’s era therefore making my company have age and reliability.  The colour of my company’s logo will depend on the colour of the background but I will ensure that it is always clear and legible  When I used the Mac’s software, the fonts were different so in the end I used the font ‘Bernard MT Condensed’.
  • 4. Poster Planning  I found that I had many different ideas for my film poster and found it extremely difficult to choose just one to produce.  My initial idea was to have a black background with a vibrant red heart in the centre. The heart would be a real picture of a heart rather than a cartoon one.  The second idea I had was to have the same design but to have a pile of bright red poker chips in the centre. This was because my film was to be titled The Game.  My third idea was to use the same design and have a large sharp knife with blood on it in the centre.  Due to being stuck with three different ideas that all fit the conventions of the horror genre, I am going to product three different posters and ask a collection of people to answer a questionnaire to decide which poster I wanted to use.
  • 5. Poster Planning  Here are my three initial posters that I made during the planning stage
  • 6. Teaser Trailer Planning  In order to think of an idea/plot for my teaser trailer, I made a brainstorm with different heading. These include: costume, setting, genre, character(s), sound, props, camera angles.  I decided that I wanted to create a trailer that included many shots that would entice the audience but leave them not being able to entirely tell what the plot is. This will create ambiguity, mystery and a sense of unknowing.  I also decided not to film much outside when it is dark as I learnt through the preliminary task last year that it is risky as the footage can very easily become grainy. I decided to make sure that I carefully planned the time that I would film in order to avoid this issue.
  • 7. Teaser Trailer Storyboard  Here are my storyboards. A bigger version is displayed on this link - / and /
  • 8. Magazine Planning  I planned my magazine cover on paper first. The top design was my initial idea and the bottom one is the idea that I chose to create. Here is a link to a bigger version - hotos/72128071@N05/6 515489083/in/photostre am
  • 9. Magazine  Here is a copy of my magazine front cover. A link to my magazine cover is - hotos/72128071@N05/ 6515406581/in/photost ream/
  • 10. Time Management  In order to keep up to date with the tasks I need to do, I made lists of everything that I needed to do. I also made use of a checklist with everything on it and which week it should be completed on. This made it clear to me on what I needed to do and what was outstanding.
  • 11. Trailers Vs. Teaser Trailers  Teaser trailers are created for primarily for blockbusters to show the audience what the overall film will be like rather than what the plot is about. This means that they include a lot of action and special effects rather than dialogue and script. This is to attract viewers to watch the film when it is released in cinemas.  Teaser trailers tend to be a lot shorter than theatrical trailers and sometimes do not include any actual footage from the film itself. An example of this is __________. Trailers, however, are normally always made of actual footage from the film as they are made after filming and are usually released shortly before the film comes out. They will usually include an exact date of release whereas teaser trailers tend to include a season rather than a date or do not include one at all.  Typical genres that have teaser trailers are action, thriller and horror. These trailers will include the conventions of the genre and include minimal parts of the storyline, some actors and some include the producer, director or editor.
  • 12. Print Media  Masthead – a masthead is the page of a newspaper or magazine which list the publisher, editor, advertising rates, etc.  Strapline – slogans that are used in advertising are called straplines.  Cover Line – these are catchy phrases or sentences that are used on the cover of the magazine. (________ENTER EXAMPLE)  Screamer – a screamer is a headline which is very loud and bold. It grabs the attention of the reader.  Billing Block – a billing block is used on posters, DVD covers, etc and it gives information, credits and logos of all the people involved in the making of the film.  Tagline – this is similar to a slogan however differs as a tagline is created for a product brand whereas a slogan in created for a product campaign and can vary depending on the target audience.
  • 13. Magazine Cover Analysis Title/Name Tagline and website Main cover line/ . screamer Main image Cover line . Cover line Image to attract attention
  • 14. Magazine Cover Analysis The title of the magazine The cover includes the is in bright red. This website and tag line catches the eye of the under the header which audience as it stands out shows introduces a new against the dark form of media (the background. internet). The use of capital The background image is letters on the ‘Massive of the main character Preview Special’ is a from the film. This is used focal feature and draws to attract the viewers who a lot of the attention at like this actor. The blood first glance. on his face and shattered glasses also suggest the “You need to know” is a direct genre of the film. way of talking to the viewers and it makes the reader feel like it is compulsory. The taboo language here is used as a shock factor aimed at the reader of the This image is used to help text. The yellow writing entice more readers in. It underneath isn’t as bright means that even if a reader as the white as it is does not like the film on informing. the cover, they know there are others inside which they may like.
  • 15. Magazine Cover Analysis Subheading Title/Name Main Cover Line Main Image. Cover Line Cover Lines.
  • 16. Magazine Cover Analysis The capital letters used in The cover stands out the sub-heading which is because of the bright above the title, is in yellow colours in the background which distinguishes itself of the main image. from the rest of the poster. The date, price and issue number are all listed here and as they are in a This highlights the fact that small font they don’t draw any you can only read about this attention away from the other film in this magazine which objects. The magazine’s website is also is giving the audience a here to direct readers to another form reason to buy this film of media in which they can discover magazine over others. even more about films. Johnny Depp is an actor and is seen as a sex symbol to The image is clearly showing the women. He has become a audience that it will be a film that is unique selling point for this crazy, and out of this world. This is magazine issue as due the costume, make up and consumers would buy this props. It is quite clear to the purely for the reason of audience that this is about Alice In reading about Depp. Wonderland as it is a very well known, old story which many know. This listing is used to draw readers of this media text to read the article mentioned. The plug at the end “and 38 This helps to entice even more…” adds a sense of more readers in as it mystery and makes the highlights the names of suspicious readers need to even more film stars that find out what they’re talking will feature in this about. magazine.
  • 17. Poster Analysis The image of the main This quote is used to show actress strongly the name of the director suggests it’s genre as it but also that he has made is in a very blue and great films in the past. The black light rather than genre is suggested even bright colours and the more by the words ‘master emotion of fear/anxiety of shock’. on the womans face. The setting appears to be dark and dirty which is often The marks on the the setting for a film of this females chest suggest genre. The element of having violence and this helps something/someone to reinforce the genre following you is reflected in and the film’s plot. this picture by the actor looking back over her shoulder. The title of the film is in larger The billing block includes letters and a yellow colour the names of companies which stand out against the involved, such as: costume dark main background image. designers, make-up artists, The font style that has been editors, directors and used is reflective of the genre producers. due to being cracked.
  • 18. Teaser Trailer Analysis  Saw 3D -  The Saw 3D effectively uses black screens with lettering/words on throughout the teaser trailer. The words used is linked what is happening in the trailer and gives the audience an insight into what the film is going to be about. Many of the shots used are dark in colour and the trailer is a montage of clips from throughout the film. The music is dramatic and suspenseful and this helps to indicate the genre of the film. The sound hits a climax which mirrors the footage . The release date is shown in the trailer and this is important so that the audience knows when to expect the film. The font used suggests the genre and the use of the colour red also connotates danger and blood.
  • 19. Teaser Trailer Analysis  American Psycho -  This trailer is different to the Saw 3D in that the footage used is a lot lighter in colour. The company logo is present at the beginning of the trailer to inform the audience who made the trailer/film. This trailer also includes the use of visual words on the screen. This appears both with at the bottom of the screen which has footage behind it and also writing on a black title screen. Camera shots such as pans, mid shots, long shots and close ups have been used to create variety.
  • 20. Poster Analysis – Saw 3D  These posters were used around public areas, on billboards, buses, bus shelters, etc. They are all linked together by the graphics used in the main image with the object exploding and the tag line at the top also links all three.  All three images used a human organ which adds to the viewers expectation of the genre and what the film is about. The same style of writing is used in all three poster which helps to build a ‘brand’ image for the film.  The background colours are plain black or white which makes the central image stands out more. Despite the images appearing to be computer graphics rather than real human organs, the images are very details and this adds to the expectation of a high quality film.
  • 21. Website Analysis – Saw 3D   After entering ‘Saw 3D’ into the Google search engine, I discover that there is an official website for the Saw collection which features all of the films and then there is an entirely separate official website just for the release of Saw 3D – the final chapter.  As soon as you open the website you know straight away what it is for. This is because the ‘loading’ image is of a revolving saw which is present in the film/previous films so the viewer knows that they have come to the right place  It then plays an interactive questionnaire of which torture methods/machines you would like to see in the next Saw. Once finished, then there is an option to send it to Twitter or Facebook which is an example of the marketers planning to take the marketing virally. The theatrical trailer plays automatically in order to make viewers want to see the film.  You can download the film posters to use as backgrounds or print out for posters which helps to spread the word about the film. There are also photos on the website of the actors whilst filming and of the director which helps the audience to gain an insight into the film and the filming process before they watch the film.  There are videos on the website which contain teaser trailers, theatrical trailers and trailers to demonstrate the use of 3D in the film. These all make the viewers want to see the film more.  There is an ‘About’ page with a basic overview of the plot and a list of featured cast members. This helps to entice in viewers that have not seen any of the other Saw films as they know what it is about and know who is who in the film.  Saw music is played throughout your time spent on the website which adds mystery, suspense and the sense of thrill. This plays repeated to keep up the atmosphere and to keep the website having a scary feel to it.
  • 22. The Ride Analysis – Saw 3D  Saw 3D also created a rollercoaster rider at Thorpe Park in Surrey in order to promote the release of Saw 3D – the final chapter.  The ride features of the Thorpe Park website where there is a 360 °interactive video in order to know what to expect and photos of the ride. This makes people want to go on the ride and to find out about the film if they do not already know.  The ride imitates the film in that there is suspenseful music playing whilst you are stood in the crowd and sudden gun shot sounds go off the scare the viewers and to make them jump. The ride is in a warehouse style building and the barriers that for the queue and metal and give the sense of being trapped. The old machinery in the queuing area add suspense and make the person feel like they are actually in the film.  To keep the film fresh and updated, after the ride came the release of a Saw maze. This features real life actors who taunt and scare people as they walk through a maze and try to escape. The maze contains fake blood to build the tension and even contains the smell of real urine to make the person feel totally involved in the film. This is an equally strong marketing campaign as the audience can fully understand and experience the terror and fear of the characters in the film(s). However, the Saw maze may seem to contradict the film as the film has just one master whereas the maze has many scary actors.  Overall I believe it was a successful campaign as it entices people to see the movie but also to get an understanding of what the viewers can expect based on the ride. It is an example of synergy, where Merlin Entertainment Group and the makers of Saw 3D have come together.
  • 23. Target Audience  Definition of Demographics – the attributes of people in a particular geographic ‘ area. Used for marketing purposes, ethnic origins, religion, spoken language, income and age range are examples of demographic data.’ – TechEncyclopedia.  Demographics for The Game Language: English Ethnicity: Any Primary Age Range: 15 – 25 (older teens – to younger adults) Gender: Both genders  I am aiming for a 15 certificate. This is because I do not want to have rules and boundaries that are too strict to portray the conventions of a horror film. Despite deciding what certificate I am aiming for, I should refer to the BBFC guidelines to ensure the restriction of more outrageous footage such as: extreme swearing, nudity, sex, horror, drugs or violent behaviour, etc.  There is no speech in my teaser trailer therefore there are no language barriers that means it couldn’t be used in different languages – only the written titles would need adjusting.  I believe that it will be targeted primarily at British audiences rather than American as it will be shot in England and using actors with British accents. Furthermore, my film does not contain any special effects and is not the typical Blockbuster style that does well with American audiences. However, it is worth considering that Saw 3D – the final chapter made $45,710,178 in America/Canada. This film is, however, part of a film series.
  • 24. Shooting Schedule & Plan  Shooting schedule – When deciding same road. I wanted to film the whether to create a shooting schedule, majority of the trailer inside and I decided that I would film in the wanted a location where I wasn’t bound chronological order of the teaser trailer. by the restraints of time. I also took This is because I felt that this would into account the restrictions on having minimise continuity errors and also so my props in a public space, e.g. the that I could feel the order of the large kitchen knife. storyboard and not miss out any  Props – I used many props in my filming. I found this very useful as filming which included: a knife, when I watched back my footage before cigarettes, a lighter, a hand-written editing, I could get a general feel for card, a handbag and a pen and paper. how the trailer would look. I decided to This is because they are a combination film each shot as many times as of items which you would not expect to possible because I can cut clips see together so do not give away the down/find the best shots during the storyline but still fit the horror genre. editing stage but I cannot make clips longer or better without re-filming them  Costume – This is not anything that I which may create continuity errors with need to consider as my character is things such as lighting or the hairstyle supposed to be a normal person who is of the character. just mentally distressed. The lack of scary costumes and only one actor  Location – the location of my trailer is worked well as I would like to keep a in Celina’s house and along her road. I sense of the unknown. have also used the doorstep of three people that I know that live on the
  • 25. Poster  Here is the finished copy of my film poster for Personal Justice. As you can see it is very similar to my initial drawing phase and the billing block at the bottom of my poster has been made by hand in accordance of the other billing blocks that I have researched. The billing block contains the names of my individual producers and cast. To open a bigger version, please follow this link - /72128071@N05/651540685 1/in/photostream
  • 26. Final Teaser Trailer  Here is a link to my final teaser trailer – e=plcp&context=C2945bUDOEgsToPDskJW_3t9KLYdbRk Npg4NmXb0
  • 27. Demographics  Before producing my teaser trailer, film poster and film magazine front cover, I asked my prospective audience questions on their film preferences. I did this in order to discover what my audience thought so that I could fit the ideas of my marketing package around their ideal qualities.
  • 28. Questionnaire Results 1) How old are you? 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-25 26-30 My results show that 8 out of 10 of the people I asked were aged between 16 and 18. This is ideal as I was aiming my film to be a 15 certification. My target audience was 15 to 25 so it will be helpful to have feedback from the two people who are aged between 19 and 25.
  • 29. 3) Would a teaser trailer entice you enough to go to the cinema and watch the film? romantic 0 rom-com 1 sci-fi 0 horror 6 2) Which of the following is your yes preferred genre? thriller 3 no comedy 0 animation 0 action 0 As you can see, horror and The majority of people answered thriller were my target yes which means that the teaser audience’s favourite trailer is a vital part in the genres. This is ideal for marketing package. me as my idea is for a horror-thriller film.
  • 30. 5) Do you like film posters to be simple or complex? yes simple 4) Do you like to see the plot in no the trailer? comple x 6 people answered 9 out of 10 people said that they yes, however, 4 people prefer simple film posters. I will answered no. As this is take this on board and ensure that quite an equal split I will my film poster is fairly simple as include parts of the plot this is the feedback from my but leave a lot unseen so target audience. that a sense of mystery is created.
  • 31. Risk Assessment Risk Why is it a risk? How can I overcome this risk? Knife Somebody could get Nobody will run with the knife. The shot injured whilst using the will be calm and sensible to prevent prop. It is illegal to carry a accidents. The knife will be removed from knife in public. the bag before we go outside. Cables Cables from lighting and I will use tape to keep the wires stuck the camera causes a trip down to the floor to lower the risk of hazard. people tripping. Cigarette Smoking inside could I will ensure that there is an ashtray next (inside) cause a fire if not to the actress and that as soon as the adequately extinguished . cigarette is no longer needed, I will ensure that it is put out put filling the ashtray with water.
  • 32. Evaluation Q1  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? For a link to my answer to this question, please follow this link - =C2cdd3ADOEgsToPDskK8hVDAxQGiztM3hTPb8PkG
  • 33. Evaluation Q2  How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (i.e. magazine cover/poster)? For my response to this question, please follow this link - 25466ADOEgsToPDskI-kEtWDXjM5ihF6KpBrEAf
  • 34. Evaluation Q3  What have you leaned from your audience feedback? For this question, I made graphs to represent my audience feedback. I have also included the link to the first edit of my teaser trailer to show the progression that my trailer underwent.
  • 35. Q1) do you think the teaser Q2) rate the editing out of ten trailer fits the conventions of a horror/thriller? 6 2 7 3 8 5 9 1 I asked this question as it would give me an insight I asked this question so into whether my trailer fitted the right genre. If it that I knew how much I didn’t, I would be able to ask what about it doesn’t fit needed to improve the and change it. editing of my teaser As you can see from the graph, 9 people said it did fit trailer. From this I can the conventions of a horror/thriller and 1 person said see that my editing could it did not. be improved.
  • 36. Q3) how well did the Q4) do you feel that the teaser trailer flow in terms trailer gave you an insight of plot, pacing and into what the film was editing? about? This was an open question This was another open therefore the answers are question therefore the not able to be displayed in answers are not able to be a graph. However, most displayed in a graph. Many people agreed that the people understood the general pace near the general theme but felt that beginning was slightly my teaser trailer would slow in comparison to the benefit from having some end. This is something title screens in to help my that I changed during the audience to understand final editing process of my the plot. This led me to teaser trailer by cutting add in title slides that out some of the lengthy suggested the plot without footage that was present fully giving the story away. at the start.
  • 37. Q5) rate the use of camera Q5) what did you think of shots out of ten only having one character in the trailer? 6 1 The general feeling was that the use of one character in my 7 2 trailer was effective. One person said ‘excellent use of 8 2 one character. We know that it centres around her – we know what to expect.’ I found this 9 5 question useful as I found out that I didn’t need to add any other characters into my This question would give me trailer. help on knowing whether I have used a good variety of interesting shots. The results clearly show that the use of camera shots is marked highly and therefore I didn’t need to re-film any of my trailer.
  • 38. Q8) is the trailer similar to Q8) any improvements or others of the genre that you comments? have seen? The main themes were: • Add appropriate sound • Increase the pace at the start • Smoother editing my adding more transitions • Add title slides to indicate plot After these comments, I changed my teaser trailer by adding sound, taking out some I asked this question as it would footage from the beginning and suggest whether my trailer fitted adding in transitions. I also in with other in regard to forms included some black title slides and conventions. 9 people said and added in the word ‘kill’ in that it was similar and 1 person red to further connotate love and said that it wasn’t. This told me danger. that my trailer suited the genre well and so re-filming wasn’t necessary
  • 39. Evaluation Q4  How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? To watch my video response to this question,. Please follow this link - =C25466ADOEgsToPDskI-kEtWDXjM5ihF6KpBrEAf