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   Advanced Portfolio in
     Print Production
        2011 – 2012

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                     Please bring this with you to every lesson

A2 G324:
                                  Advanced Portfolio in Media
Assignment Brief

You will be required to produce the following:

The first two pages of a new local newspaper, together with a poster for the newspaper AND
two hyperlinked pages from the paper’s website.

This is a coursework unit in which you will produce the following:

   •   A media portfolio, comprising a main text (The first two pages of a new local newspaper)
       and two ancillary texts (a poster for the newspaper AND two hyperlinked pages from
       the paper’s website)
   •   A presentation of your research, planning and evaluation in electronic format(s).
   •   The media portfolio will be produced through a combination of print and web-based

Finally, you will evaluate and reflect upon the creative process and your experience of it. This
will be done electronically via your blog this evaluation will be guided by the set of key
questions below.

Examples of suitable formats for the evaluation are:
   • A podcast
   • A blog
   • A powerpoint

The unit is marked out of a total of 100 marks:
   • 20 marks for the planning and research and its presentation;
   • 60 marks for the construction;
   • 20 marks for the evaluation.

Evaluation Questions (plus audience feedback)

In the evaluation the following questions must be answered:

   •   In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions
       of real media products?
   •   How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
   •   What have you learned from your audience feedback?
   •   How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and
       evaluation stages?

25% of the total Advanced GCE marks

A2 Media Presentation of Research and Planning Tasks

        Task                                      Media Concept
1       Annotation of 2 local newspapers (front   Language
        cover and inside page)                    Representation
2       Annotation of 2 local newspaper
3       Detailed analysis and comparison of one
        local newspaper and its website.
4       Uses and gratifications of newspaper      Audience
5       Mock up of newspaper front cover (to
        be done in lesson)
6       Mock up of newspaper inside page (to      ALL
        be done in lesson)
7       Mock up of webpage homepage and
        additional page (link to main cover
        (to be done in lesson)
8       Proposal for newspaper
9       Questionnaire                             Audience
10      Results of questionnaire                  Audience
11      Mock up of poster (to be done in          ALL
12      Analysis (annotation) of poster adverts   Language
13      Local newspaper news values               Institution

The majority of these tasks are homework tasks unless otherwise indicated.
In addition, you should be taking screen grabs throughout of Photoshop, PagePlus
etc, to show the process of putting together your artefacts.


In order to make it easier find different aspects of your portfolio, I'd like you to do the

Create a new post and call it 'Advanced Portfolio'

Create three headings called the following:

*Presentation of Planning and Research

Under each heading, type the name of the article (e.g. questionnaire), highlight it, click on the
links icon above and then copy the link to that work. This should be placed underneath the
relevant heading, so for example - links to your questionnaire, newspaper proposal etc should
be pasted under the heading 'Presentation of Planning and Research'.

You will need to have two windows/tabs to do this successfully.


Presentation of Planning and Research
1 Annotation of 2 local newspapers (front cover and inside page)
2 Annotation of 2 local newspaper websites
3 Detailed analysis and comparison of one local newspaper and its website.
4 Uses and gratifications of newspaper
5 Mock up of newspaper front cover
6 Mock up of newspaper inside page
7 Mock up of webpage homepage and additional
8 Proposal for newspaper
9 Questionnaire
10 Results of questionnaire
11 Mock up of poster
12 Analysis (annotation) of poster adverts
13 Local newspaper news values

Newspapers front cover and inside page
Two Webpages

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
media products?
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation
Audience Feedback - Year 12 & 13

Your evaluation must contain evidence of audience feedback – this basically means that
someone views your magazine (or newspaper) and gives their views on it.
You could get people to log into blogspot and ask them to leave comments on the front cover
of the magazine.

You could get them to comment on the following:
Layout and Design - does it stand out? Would they be attracted to it if they saw it what features
attract them the most?
Does it look like a real magazine cover?
What is successful about the cover and why?
What things do they think are not successful about the cover and why?

Deadlines (write the dates in when you’re given them):

Research: ______________________________

Pre-Production: _________________________

Production: ____________________________

Post-Production: ________________________

Evaluation: _____________________________

Final deadline: __________________________

You must keep to each deadline in order to complete each task and successfully
complete 60% of the portfolio. Each week you will have a homework task that
MUST be done in order to complete the blog which accounts for 40% of the

                  100% ATTENDANCE IS A MUST!

Newspaper Proposal

Who is the newspaper aimed at?
How much will it cost? (it could be free)
When will it be on sale and how frequent? (Weekly, bi-weekly, )
What will be the content of the newspaper?
Is a “gap in the market?”
What is it about what you plan to do that’s different to what everyone else is already doing?
What appropriate codes and conventions are you going to use?
What other texts are there like the ones you intend to produce?
The job the text has to do (entertain? sell something? hook an audience?)
Common codes and conventions (the features they have in common)
The reasons they make an impact (or fail to make an impact) on their audience.
The way in which the audience is addressed (‘spoken to’)
 The use of copy (slogans? mastheads? cover lines?)
The use of fonts. How many different fonts can you count on a single page, or in a single advertisement?
The use of colour – what connotations can you read?

My lead story will be...... and for the accompanying photograph I will have a picture of..... The photograph will be a
positive representation of young people which challenges the idea that youths are ........ The angle of the story
is....... and this will again represent.... and so on.

How will the media language of your production reflect or contrast with the language used in similar media
products? How will you use camera angles and framing, colours and fonts? How will you construct your layout –
and your mise en scene?

Who or what will be represented in your production, and from whose viewpoint? How will you communicate this
in your production?

What is the market in which this product will be consumed?
Is it already established (an existing magazine or newspaper) or have you invented your own?
What regulation is involved in this marketplace? Are there any rules you have to follow?

Who is the primary audience?
Is there a secondary audience?
How will your mode of address reflect your target audience(s)?

Example Task:
Produce a local newspaper for Brent or northwest London aimed at 16-24 year olds.

What kinds of interests do this age group and demographic have?
Produce a questionnaire to find out about their interests, about what they would like to see in your newspaper
and how much they would be willing to pay for it.

The Layout of a Newspaper

Research questions:
   • How does traffic to the site compare to newspaper sales?
   • How does the hard copy news provision compare to the online version over a 24 hour
   • Pay particular attention to ‘breaking news’ that is reported online in between two
       editions of the paper
   • How much activity is there on the blogs and forums and what difference does this make
       to the news provision
   • What is added by the news videos?
   • How does the online news provision compare to a 24 hour rolling news TV channel
   • How does the online new provision compare to a news site offered by a source not
       related to a newspaper

Inside page

Guide to Analysing a Local Newspaper and its Website

Consider the following questions when analysing the newspaper and remember
to give examples:
    • How is the newspaper branded? Look carefully at the newspaper’s
       masthead, the slogan, the overall style etc. What is your first impression of
       the newspaper and who do you think will buy it?
    • Which stories have been selected as main stories (splash) and / or
       secondary stories? How does this reflect the news values of the paper?
    • How much of the front page is taken up by pictures? Describe the pictures
       and the meaning the audience will take from the pictures. Why do you
       think they’ve been featured on the front page?
    • Discuss the language of the headline(s), and how they work with the
       picture(s). You may also comment on the use of straplines.
    • Has the paper used a plug box to let the readers know what else is
       featured within the newspaper? What types of stories are advertised and
       again, what does this tell us about the news values of the newspaper?

Once you have answered these questions, compare the newspaper with its
website. Remember to use language that shows you are comparing similarities
and differences (contrasts) between the tradition newspaper and its website.
Consider the following list of features commonly found on newspaper websites:

   •   Masthead in banner across the top of the page
   •   Navigation links
   •   Lots of pictures
   •   Headings and colours used to categorise content
   •   Video clips
   •   Rollovers
   •   Adverts
   •   Updated regularly
   •   Interactive

 Remember you have to be creative with how you answer these questions; you
   are marked on how you present your research so use as many features of
      PowerPoint as you can (without overdoing it) or you can do a video

NEWS VALUES (Galtung and Ruge)

   1.  FREQUENCY – time span taken by an event e.g. murders happen suddenly
   2.  THRESHOLD – the size of an event e.g. earthquake with thousands killed
   3.  UNAMBIGUITY – limited meanings
   4.  MEANINGFULNESS - a) the event means something in our culture b) The event is
       relevant to us; has an impact on our culture (usually represented as a threat)
   5. CONSONANCE – meets our expectations
   6. UNEXPECTEDNESS – something we don’t expect
   7. CONTINUITY – a running story
   8. COMPOSITION – to create balance so not everything is bad news for example
   9. REFERENCE TO ELITE NATIONS – events in the developed world more likely to be
   10. REFERENCE TO ELITE PERSONS – the famous and powerful treated as being of great
   11. PERSONALISTION – events seen as the actions of individuals
   12. NEGATIVITY – bad news is good news

Value              Meaning                           Example
                                                     Newspapers only want to lead on events that
                                                     have “just happened”. If the event happened
                                                     some time ago, but has only just come to
                   Has it happened recently? Is it   light, the paper will always try to give it a
Immediacy          new?                              “today” angle.
                   Does it mean something to us      A bus crash in Bulgaria isn’t very interesting to
                   where we live? Can we relate      British audiences – unless someone British
Familiarity        to it?                            died.
                   Is it a big event? Does it        The 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami was news in the
Amplitude          involve many people?              UK because of the number of people killed.
                   Is it something that happened     A glacier melting is unlikely to make the front
Frequency          fairly quickly?                   page – it takes too long!
                                                     Newspapers – especially tabloids – often
                   Is it clear? Are the              ignore stories if they think they’re too difficult
Unambiguity        results/effects obvious?          to explain.
                                                     Predictability can be boring, if we know what’s
                                                     going to happen. However, Elections, Cup
                                                     Finals and so on are predictable but
                   Is it predictable? Do we expect   interesting, and newspapers plan around
Predictability     it to happen?                     these diary events.
                   Is it a rare or unexpected        Audiences like surprises – even unpleasant
Surprise           event?                            ones.
                                                     Newspapers are always looking for new angles
                   Has it already been defined as    on ongoing news stories, such as political
Continuity         news? Is it a running story?      intrigues, sporting countdowns etc.
                                                     Events that occur in neighbouring countries,
                   Has the event happened in a       or countries that influence our lives and
                   country that is important to      culture (eg USA, France) interest audiences, as
Elite nations or   the audience? Does it concern     so stories about David Beckham, Prince
people             well-know people?                 William and Britney Spears.
                                                     Stories that affect “people like us” – ordinary
                Is it a personal or human            people – often have the “aah” or the “wow”
Personalisation interest story?                      factor.
                                                     Bad news always seems to get more press and
Negativity         Is it bad news?                   public attention than good news.
                                                     Newspapers have to compete for attention on
                   “Are we the only newspaper        the newsstand – unique stories help them to
Exclusivity        that has this story?”             do that.
                                                     Occasionally, newspapers will lead with a
                                                     story based on the strength of the images that
Visual Impact      Is there a really strong image?   go with it.
                                                     Home news stories can often be placed in
                                                     broadsheets to counterbalance a heavy
                                                     weight of foreign news. Happy human interest
                   Is it being used to               stories sometimes appear in tabloids to
Balance            counterbalance other stories?     balance out a lot of “doom and gloom”.

How is Blumler and Katz’s Audience Theory relevant to why people read the Local

Two American researchers called Blumler and Katz attempted to discover what it is about
media products which make them successful and popular. They came up with 5 points which
they believed any media product needs to give an audience. These were:

Here is how these 5 points apply to the Popular Press:

We read papers to keep up to date with what is happening in the world, to learn about things
we don’t know about and to keep informed. In the tabloids, a high percentage of this
information is about sport, showbiz and celebrities, however.

Stories in the paper can be funny, articles are often about things which interest us and the
tabloids have things like horoscopes, cartoons, showbiz pages, readers’ letters, crosswords and
puzzles which are mainly for entertainment.

We talk to other people about things we’ve read in the papers. We show them things in the
paper ( ‘Have you seen this?’). If we know what’s happening in the world we can join in
conversations and discussions. These things help us to interact with others, they give us
something to say and give us shared interests, things in common.

While we are reading about other people and events we are taken out of our day to day
concerns for a while. Papers therefore provide escapism in a similar way that soaps or reality TV
shows do.

When we read about other people and what is happening to them we often put ourselves in
their place or imagine what it must be like to have the same thing happen to us (in other words,
we identify with them). This makes us much more involved and interested in a story and helps
us deal with similar events in our own lives.

In explaining things in this way, Blumler and Katz’s audience theory helps explain the popularity
of tabloid newspapers.

Analysing Websites

The purpose of websites
Some websites provide information whilst others are for entertainment. Many websites blur
this distinction by presenting information in an entertaining and engaging way. News websites,
in particular, present news stories in a way which attempts to engage the audience. This is
achieved through the interactive and multi-media qualities of the web. Other websites offer a
service or encourage us to buy certain products. Then there are personal websites. You may
have your own blog or a personal home page on MySpace, Bebo or Facebook. These social
networking websites have become very popular and further diminish the distinction between
the audience and the producer.

A website’s home page is usually the most important page, containing various elements which
provide information in their own right or offer the audience the opportunity to interact with
the page, navigating to other parts of the page or the website. Although the content varies on
different home pages, there are many similar conventions which are used. In particular, the
layout of many websites follow a similar pattern. Any variations are dependent upon the
purpose of the website, the genre and the needs of the target audience.

Websites will contain a number of these factors:
*Headings: used throughout some web pages to split the content into manageable sections.
There may also be sub-headings, which can further direct the user to a particular piece of
*Copy: the main body of text, often presented in boxes.
*Hyperlinks: these can be either words or images that when clicked upon will take you to
another page of the website.
*Scrolling text: areas of text which the user can scroll through. Scrolling text is useful because it
allows a large amount of text to be placed within a relatively small box.
*Images: used in almost every website – sometimes used as a link to another part of the
*Video: thanks to broadband, many websites can safely go beyond featuring text and static
images to incorporate video.
*Sound: used on many websites. You may hear a sound as the cursor rolls over some part of a
website. Music is often used in websites as an introduction on the home page. This can set up
certain expectations for the viewer and establish the tone of the rest of the
*Drop-down menus: these usually have an arrow at the end of a rectangle box. When you click
on the arrow, a menu drops down. The user can then make a choice of where to go next.
*Search box: usually a box in which the user can type a word or words relating to the content
they are trying to locate.
*Banners: usually found across the top of a website’s home page. In vertical format, they are
known as ‘skyscrapers’. These usually contain adverts for products or services.
*Navigation: a series of buttons, images or text with which the user can interact and find their
way around a website.
*Thumbnails: images are sometimes displayed in reduced size. However, a full-size image can
usually be accessed by clicking on the thumbnail.

Analysing popular website home pages
Step 1
*What are the names of the website home pages you have chosen and what are their URLs?
*Who is the target audience for each home page? Can you construct an audience profile?
*Are these mainstream or niche audiences?
Step 2
*Study the content of the home pages in detail and describe the layout of each page.
*Try to use appropriate media terminology: headings, links, scrolling text, animation and sound,
search boxes, banner advertising and soon. When images (still or moving) are used you should
refer to shot type, camera angles and lighting.
*What connotations are suggested by the various elements?
Step 3
*What conventions are used to enable the audience to interact with the pages?
*What do the website home pages promise the audience?
*Are there any advertisements present? What do these tell you about
the intended audience for the website?
Step 4
*Can you say anything about how the website home pages represent people and or places? Are
they positive or negative representations and are stereotypes used?
*How might the websites be funded – through advertising and/or subscription?
Step 5
*Overall, explain how the home pages are designed to appeal to their target audience.

Source: AQA GCSE Media Studies Student's Book by Richard Morris (Author), David Varley
(Author) Publisher: Nelson Thornes (26 May 2009)

Newspaper Proposal

 Name of Newspaper:


 Lead Story:

 Lead headline:

 Lead picture and picture caption:

 Secondary story:

 Secondary headline:

Secondary picture and caption:

Outline your paper’s news values and explain how you intend to appeal to your target

Detailed Proposal

1.Name of paper and slogan:

Why did you choose this name and slogan?

2. Lead story / picture / headline:

Why did you choose this story/picture/headline as your splash (lead story)?

3. Secondary story and picture:

Why did you choose this story/picture/headline as your secondary story?

4. Contents of plug box:

Explain how your plug box will encourage the target audience to buy your paper.


Record all homework below:

Date     Task                     Due

Date   Task        Due

Date   Task        Due


A Glossary of Newspaper and Printing Terms:

Break: the point at which a story turns to the next column.

Broadsheet: One of the two standard sizes of newspaper around the English-speaking world (see
also Tabloid).

Byline: The name of the reporter or photographer printed with the story or photograph.

Features: Stories which are longer than and give background to the news stories.

Layout: As a verb, to place the various elements of a page — pictures, headlines, byline and
body copy. As an adjective, for example a layout sub, the designer who lays out pages, and as a
noun, the design of a page.

Lead: The main story on a page, usually the biggest story, as opposed to downpage stories.

Leader: The "leading article" — that is, the editorial — states the newspaper’s view on a
particular issue. Now somewhat anachronistic for readers, they are still often quoted in
Parliament if they support a particular party’s view.

Logo: An identifying symbol often used by companies.

Masthead: the name of the newspaper and other information, usually at the top of the front page.

Serif: These are the little decorative feet at the top and bottom of letters in some typefaces,
known as Serif Types. Typefaces without serif are call Sans Serif Types.

Splash: The Page 1 lead story.

Strapline: Long, small-pointsize headlines and rules that run across the top of a page.

Tabloid: One of the standard sizes of newspaper around the English-speaking world (see also
Broadsheet). Usually about 63picas wide and 38cm deep. The Sunday Mail is a tabloid.

Features of a Newspaper

The masthead is the name of the paper written at the top of the front page always in
the same colour and font as a kind of logo. The use of colour, language, symbol and
design all help create the identity of the newspaper.

The most prominent feature of any article is the headline. Front page headlines are
particularly important as they aim to grab the reader’s attention and help sell the
newspaper. Headlines are usually short and catchy. Headlines often use a special
kind of ‘tabloidese’ language. This saves space and makes the headlines more

Types of stories
The news values (what it thinks is an important story)

The Copy
Copy is what we call the written part of the paper, the stories. It is written in a certain
style and format which aims to quickly establish the facts of the story, and to hook the
reader into reading the whole story. Is the style of writing is informal, chatty or even
slangy? This would suit a C2, D and E reader demographic. We refer to this as the
tabloids’ mode of address. Or is the mode of address of the more formal and middle
class which suits its more A, B and C1 readership demographic? Tabloid stories often
have the word ‘exclusive’ at the top; although other papers often have the same story
and the same ‘exclusive’ headline (tabloids are not too worried about telling the truth!).

The Pictures
As with the headline, pictures are important to grab the attention of the audience.

Photographs are accompanied by captions. Captions anchor an image and help the
reader interpret the photograph or understand it. The language of a caption doesn’t just
describe the image; it adds to the angle of the article and tells the reader how to
interpret the picture.

Relevant websites:




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A2 G324 course booklet

  • 1. A2 MEDIA STUDIES Advanced Portfolio in Media Print Production COURSE BOOKLET 2011 – 2012 Name:________________________________________ Form:______________ Please bring this with you to every lesson 1
  • 2. A2 G324: Advanced Portfolio in Media Assignment Brief You will be required to produce the following: The first two pages of a new local newspaper, together with a poster for the newspaper AND two hyperlinked pages from the paper’s website. This is a coursework unit in which you will produce the following: • A media portfolio, comprising a main text (The first two pages of a new local newspaper) and two ancillary texts (a poster for the newspaper AND two hyperlinked pages from the paper’s website) • A presentation of your research, planning and evaluation in electronic format(s). • The media portfolio will be produced through a combination of print and web-based media. Finally, you will evaluate and reflect upon the creative process and your experience of it. This will be done electronically via your blog this evaluation will be guided by the set of key questions below. Examples of suitable formats for the evaluation are: • A podcast • A blog • A powerpoint The unit is marked out of a total of 100 marks: • 20 marks for the planning and research and its presentation; • 60 marks for the construction; • 20 marks for the evaluation. Evaluation Questions (plus audience feedback) In the evaluation the following questions must be answered: • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? • How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? • What have you learned from your audience feedback? • How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 25% of the total Advanced GCE marks 2
  • 3. A2 Media Presentation of Research and Planning Tasks Task Media Concept 1 Annotation of 2 local newspapers (front Language cover and inside page) Representation 2 Annotation of 2 local newspaper websites 3 Detailed analysis and comparison of one local newspaper and its website. 4 Uses and gratifications of newspaper Audience 5 Mock up of newspaper front cover (to be done in lesson) 6 Mock up of newspaper inside page (to ALL be done in lesson) 7 Mock up of webpage homepage and additional page (link to main cover story) (to be done in lesson) 8 Proposal for newspaper 9 Questionnaire Audience 10 Results of questionnaire Audience 11 Mock up of poster (to be done in ALL lesson) 12 Analysis (annotation) of poster adverts Language 13 Local newspaper news values Institution The majority of these tasks are homework tasks unless otherwise indicated. In addition, you should be taking screen grabs throughout of Photoshop, PagePlus etc, to show the process of putting together your artefacts. 3
  • 4. A2 MEDIA - HOW TO PRESENT YOUR PORTFOLIO In order to make it easier find different aspects of your portfolio, I'd like you to do the following: Create a new post and call it 'Advanced Portfolio' Create three headings called the following: *Presentation of Planning and Research *Construction *Evaluation Under each heading, type the name of the article (e.g. questionnaire), highlight it, click on the links icon above and then copy the link to that work. This should be placed underneath the relevant heading, so for example - links to your questionnaire, newspaper proposal etc should be pasted under the heading 'Presentation of Planning and Research'. You will need to have two windows/tabs to do this successfully. YOUR POST SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS: Presentation of Planning and Research 1 Annotation of 2 local newspapers (front cover and inside page) 2 Annotation of 2 local newspaper websites 3 Detailed analysis and comparison of one local newspaper and its website. 4 Uses and gratifications of newspaper 5 Mock up of newspaper front cover 6 Mock up of newspaper inside page 7 Mock up of webpage homepage and additional 8 Proposal for newspaper 9 Questionnaire 10 Results of questionnaire 11 Mock up of poster 12 Analysis (annotation) of poster adverts 13 Local newspaper news values Construction Newspapers front cover and inside page Poster Two Webpages Evaluation In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? What have you learned from your audience feedback? How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 4
  • 5. Audience Feedback - Year 12 & 13 Your evaluation must contain evidence of audience feedback – this basically means that someone views your magazine (or newspaper) and gives their views on it. You could get people to log into blogspot and ask them to leave comments on the front cover of the magazine. You could get them to comment on the following: Layout and Design - does it stand out? Would they be attracted to it if they saw it what features attract them the most? Does it look like a real magazine cover? What is successful about the cover and why? What things do they think are not successful about the cover and why? Deadlines (write the dates in when you’re given them): Research: ______________________________ Pre-Production: _________________________ Production: ____________________________ Post-Production: ________________________ Evaluation: _____________________________ Final deadline: __________________________ You must keep to each deadline in order to complete each task and successfully complete 60% of the portfolio. Each week you will have a homework task that MUST be done in order to complete the blog which accounts for 40% of the portfolio 100% ATTENDANCE IS A MUST! 5
  • 6. Newspaper Proposal Who is the newspaper aimed at? How much will it cost? (it could be free) When will it be on sale and how frequent? (Weekly, bi-weekly, ) What will be the content of the newspaper? Is a “gap in the market?” What is it about what you plan to do that’s different to what everyone else is already doing? What appropriate codes and conventions are you going to use? What other texts are there like the ones you intend to produce? The job the text has to do (entertain? sell something? hook an audience?) Common codes and conventions (the features they have in common) The reasons they make an impact (or fail to make an impact) on their audience. The way in which the audience is addressed (‘spoken to’) The use of copy (slogans? mastheads? cover lines?) The use of fonts. How many different fonts can you count on a single page, or in a single advertisement? The use of colour – what connotations can you read? My lead story will be...... and for the accompanying photograph I will have a picture of..... The photograph will be a positive representation of young people which challenges the idea that youths are ........ The angle of the story is....... and this will again represent.... and so on. Language How will the media language of your production reflect or contrast with the language used in similar media products? How will you use camera angles and framing, colours and fonts? How will you construct your layout – and your mise en scene? Representation Who or what will be represented in your production, and from whose viewpoint? How will you communicate this in your production? Institutions What is the market in which this product will be consumed? Is it already established (an existing magazine or newspaper) or have you invented your own? What regulation is involved in this marketplace? Are there any rules you have to follow? Audience Who is the primary audience? Is there a secondary audience? How will your mode of address reflect your target audience(s)? Example Task: Produce a local newspaper for Brent or northwest London aimed at 16-24 year olds. What kinds of interests do this age group and demographic have? Produce a questionnaire to find out about their interests, about what they would like to see in your newspaper and how much they would be willing to pay for it. 6
  • 7. The Layout of a Newspaper 7
  • 8. Research questions: • How does traffic to the site compare to newspaper sales? • How does the hard copy news provision compare to the online version over a 24 hour period? • Pay particular attention to ‘breaking news’ that is reported online in between two editions of the paper • How much activity is there on the blogs and forums and what difference does this make to the news provision • What is added by the news videos? • How does the online news provision compare to a 24 hour rolling news TV channel • How does the online new provision compare to a news site offered by a source not related to a newspaper 8
  • 10. 10
  • 11. Guide to Analysing a Local Newspaper and its Website Consider the following questions when analysing the newspaper and remember to give examples: • How is the newspaper branded? Look carefully at the newspaper’s masthead, the slogan, the overall style etc. What is your first impression of the newspaper and who do you think will buy it? • Which stories have been selected as main stories (splash) and / or secondary stories? How does this reflect the news values of the paper? • How much of the front page is taken up by pictures? Describe the pictures and the meaning the audience will take from the pictures. Why do you think they’ve been featured on the front page? • Discuss the language of the headline(s), and how they work with the picture(s). You may also comment on the use of straplines. • Has the paper used a plug box to let the readers know what else is featured within the newspaper? What types of stories are advertised and again, what does this tell us about the news values of the newspaper? Once you have answered these questions, compare the newspaper with its website. Remember to use language that shows you are comparing similarities and differences (contrasts) between the tradition newspaper and its website. Consider the following list of features commonly found on newspaper websites: • Masthead in banner across the top of the page • Navigation links • Lots of pictures • Headings and colours used to categorise content • Video clips • Rollovers • Adverts • Updated regularly • Interactive Remember you have to be creative with how you answer these questions; you are marked on how you present your research so use as many features of PowerPoint as you can (without overdoing it) or you can do a video presentation. 11
  • 12. NEWS VALUES (Galtung and Ruge) 1. FREQUENCY – time span taken by an event e.g. murders happen suddenly 2. THRESHOLD – the size of an event e.g. earthquake with thousands killed 3. UNAMBIGUITY – limited meanings 4. MEANINGFULNESS - a) the event means something in our culture b) The event is relevant to us; has an impact on our culture (usually represented as a threat) 5. CONSONANCE – meets our expectations 6. UNEXPECTEDNESS – something we don’t expect 7. CONTINUITY – a running story 8. COMPOSITION – to create balance so not everything is bad news for example 9. REFERENCE TO ELITE NATIONS – events in the developed world more likely to be reported 10. REFERENCE TO ELITE PERSONS – the famous and powerful treated as being of great importance 11. PERSONALISTION – events seen as the actions of individuals 12. NEGATIVITY – bad news is good news 12
  • 13. Value Meaning Example Newspapers only want to lead on events that have “just happened”. If the event happened some time ago, but has only just come to Has it happened recently? Is it light, the paper will always try to give it a Immediacy new? “today” angle. Does it mean something to us A bus crash in Bulgaria isn’t very interesting to where we live? Can we relate British audiences – unless someone British Familiarity to it? died. Is it a big event? Does it The 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami was news in the Amplitude involve many people? UK because of the number of people killed. Is it something that happened A glacier melting is unlikely to make the front Frequency fairly quickly? page – it takes too long! Newspapers – especially tabloids – often Is it clear? Are the ignore stories if they think they’re too difficult Unambiguity results/effects obvious? to explain. Predictability can be boring, if we know what’s going to happen. However, Elections, Cup Finals and so on are predictable but Is it predictable? Do we expect interesting, and newspapers plan around Predictability it to happen? these diary events. Is it a rare or unexpected Audiences like surprises – even unpleasant Surprise event? ones. Newspapers are always looking for new angles Has it already been defined as on ongoing news stories, such as political Continuity news? Is it a running story? intrigues, sporting countdowns etc. Events that occur in neighbouring countries, Has the event happened in a or countries that influence our lives and country that is important to culture (eg USA, France) interest audiences, as Elite nations or the audience? Does it concern so stories about David Beckham, Prince people well-know people? William and Britney Spears. Stories that affect “people like us” – ordinary Is it a personal or human people – often have the “aah” or the “wow” Personalisation interest story? factor. Bad news always seems to get more press and Negativity Is it bad news? public attention than good news. Newspapers have to compete for attention on “Are we the only newspaper the newsstand – unique stories help them to Exclusivity that has this story?” do that. Occasionally, newspapers will lead with a story based on the strength of the images that Visual Impact Is there a really strong image? go with it. Home news stories can often be placed in broadsheets to counterbalance a heavy weight of foreign news. Happy human interest Is it being used to stories sometimes appear in tabloids to Balance counterbalance other stories? balance out a lot of “doom and gloom”. 13
  • 14. How is Blumler and Katz’s Audience Theory relevant to why people read the Local Newspapers? Two American researchers called Blumler and Katz attempted to discover what it is about media products which make them successful and popular. They came up with 5 points which they believed any media product needs to give an audience. These were: • EDUCATION / INFORMATION • ENTERTAINMENT • HELP WITH SOCIAL INTERACTION • ESCAPE • IDENTIFICATION Here is how these 5 points apply to the Popular Press: EDUCATION / INFORMATION We read papers to keep up to date with what is happening in the world, to learn about things we don’t know about and to keep informed. In the tabloids, a high percentage of this information is about sport, showbiz and celebrities, however. ENTERTAINMENT Stories in the paper can be funny, articles are often about things which interest us and the tabloids have things like horoscopes, cartoons, showbiz pages, readers’ letters, crosswords and puzzles which are mainly for entertainment. SOCIAL INTERACTION We talk to other people about things we’ve read in the papers. We show them things in the paper ( ‘Have you seen this?’). If we know what’s happening in the world we can join in conversations and discussions. These things help us to interact with others, they give us something to say and give us shared interests, things in common. ESCAPE While we are reading about other people and events we are taken out of our day to day concerns for a while. Papers therefore provide escapism in a similar way that soaps or reality TV shows do. IDENTIFICATION When we read about other people and what is happening to them we often put ourselves in their place or imagine what it must be like to have the same thing happen to us (in other words, we identify with them). This makes us much more involved and interested in a story and helps us deal with similar events in our own lives. In explaining things in this way, Blumler and Katz’s audience theory helps explain the popularity of tabloid newspapers. 14
  • 15. Analysing Websites The purpose of websites Some websites provide information whilst others are for entertainment. Many websites blur this distinction by presenting information in an entertaining and engaging way. News websites, in particular, present news stories in a way which attempts to engage the audience. This is achieved through the interactive and multi-media qualities of the web. Other websites offer a service or encourage us to buy certain products. Then there are personal websites. You may have your own blog or a personal home page on MySpace, Bebo or Facebook. These social networking websites have become very popular and further diminish the distinction between the audience and the producer. A website’s home page is usually the most important page, containing various elements which provide information in their own right or offer the audience the opportunity to interact with the page, navigating to other parts of the page or the website. Although the content varies on different home pages, there are many similar conventions which are used. In particular, the layout of many websites follow a similar pattern. Any variations are dependent upon the purpose of the website, the genre and the needs of the target audience. Websites will contain a number of these factors: *Headings: used throughout some web pages to split the content into manageable sections. There may also be sub-headings, which can further direct the user to a particular piece of information. *Copy: the main body of text, often presented in boxes. *Hyperlinks: these can be either words or images that when clicked upon will take you to another page of the website. *Scrolling text: areas of text which the user can scroll through. Scrolling text is useful because it allows a large amount of text to be placed within a relatively small box. *Images: used in almost every website – sometimes used as a link to another part of the website. *Video: thanks to broadband, many websites can safely go beyond featuring text and static images to incorporate video. *Sound: used on many websites. You may hear a sound as the cursor rolls over some part of a website. Music is often used in websites as an introduction on the home page. This can set up certain expectations for the viewer and establish the tone of the rest of the website. *Drop-down menus: these usually have an arrow at the end of a rectangle box. When you click on the arrow, a menu drops down. The user can then make a choice of where to go next. *Search box: usually a box in which the user can type a word or words relating to the content they are trying to locate. *Banners: usually found across the top of a website’s home page. In vertical format, they are known as ‘skyscrapers’. These usually contain adverts for products or services. *Navigation: a series of buttons, images or text with which the user can interact and find their way around a website. *Thumbnails: images are sometimes displayed in reduced size. However, a full-size image can usually be accessed by clicking on the thumbnail. 15
  • 16. Analysing popular website home pages Step 1 *What are the names of the website home pages you have chosen and what are their URLs? *Who is the target audience for each home page? Can you construct an audience profile? *Are these mainstream or niche audiences? Step 2 *Study the content of the home pages in detail and describe the layout of each page. *Try to use appropriate media terminology: headings, links, scrolling text, animation and sound, search boxes, banner advertising and soon. When images (still or moving) are used you should refer to shot type, camera angles and lighting. *What connotations are suggested by the various elements? Step 3 *What conventions are used to enable the audience to interact with the pages? *What do the website home pages promise the audience? *Are there any advertisements present? What do these tell you about the intended audience for the website? Step 4 *Can you say anything about how the website home pages represent people and or places? Are they positive or negative representations and are stereotypes used? *How might the websites be funded – through advertising and/or subscription? Step 5 *Overall, explain how the home pages are designed to appeal to their target audience. Source: AQA GCSE Media Studies Student's Book by Richard Morris (Author), David Varley (Author) Publisher: Nelson Thornes (26 May 2009) 16
  • 17. Newspaper Proposal Name of Newspaper: Slogan: Lead Story: Lead headline: Lead picture and picture caption: Secondary story: Secondary headline: 17
  • 18. Secondary picture and caption: Outline your paper’s news values and explain how you intend to appeal to your target audience: 18
  • 19. Detailed Proposal 1.Name of paper and slogan: Why did you choose this name and slogan? 2. Lead story / picture / headline: Why did you choose this story/picture/headline as your splash (lead story)? 3. Secondary story and picture: Why did you choose this story/picture/headline as your secondary story? 4. Contents of plug box: Explain how your plug box will encourage the target audience to buy your paper. 19
  • 20. HOMEWORK LOG Record all homework below: Date Task Due Date 20
  • 21. Date Task Due Date 21
  • 22. Date Task Due Date 22
  • 23. Glossary A Glossary of Newspaper and Printing Terms: Break: the point at which a story turns to the next column. Broadsheet: One of the two standard sizes of newspaper around the English-speaking world (see also Tabloid). Byline: The name of the reporter or photographer printed with the story or photograph. Features: Stories which are longer than and give background to the news stories. Layout: As a verb, to place the various elements of a page — pictures, headlines, byline and body copy. As an adjective, for example a layout sub, the designer who lays out pages, and as a noun, the design of a page. Lead: The main story on a page, usually the biggest story, as opposed to downpage stories. Leader: The "leading article" — that is, the editorial — states the newspaper’s view on a particular issue. Now somewhat anachronistic for readers, they are still often quoted in Parliament if they support a particular party’s view. Logo: An identifying symbol often used by companies. Masthead: the name of the newspaper and other information, usually at the top of the front page. Serif: These are the little decorative feet at the top and bottom of letters in some typefaces, known as Serif Types. Typefaces without serif are call Sans Serif Types. Splash: The Page 1 lead story. Strapline: Long, small-pointsize headlines and rules that run across the top of a page. Tabloid: One of the standard sizes of newspaper around the English-speaking world (see also Broadsheet). Usually about 63picas wide and 38cm deep. The Sunday Mail is a tabloid. 23
  • 24. Features of a Newspaper Masthead The masthead is the name of the paper written at the top of the front page always in the same colour and font as a kind of logo. The use of colour, language, symbol and design all help create the identity of the newspaper. Headlines The most prominent feature of any article is the headline. Front page headlines are particularly important as they aim to grab the reader’s attention and help sell the newspaper. Headlines are usually short and catchy. Headlines often use a special kind of ‘tabloidese’ language. This saves space and makes the headlines more dramatic. Types of stories The news values (what it thinks is an important story) The Copy Copy is what we call the written part of the paper, the stories. It is written in a certain style and format which aims to quickly establish the facts of the story, and to hook the reader into reading the whole story. Is the style of writing is informal, chatty or even slangy? This would suit a C2, D and E reader demographic. We refer to this as the tabloids’ mode of address. Or is the mode of address of the more formal and middle class which suits its more A, B and C1 readership demographic? Tabloid stories often have the word ‘exclusive’ at the top; although other papers often have the same story and the same ‘exclusive’ headline (tabloids are not too worried about telling the truth!). The Pictures As with the headline, pictures are important to grab the attention of the audience. Captions Photographs are accompanied by captions. Captions anchor an image and help the reader interpret the photograph or understand it. The language of a caption doesn’t just describe the image; it adds to the angle of the article and tells the reader how to interpret the picture. 24
  • 26. Notes 26
  • 27. Notes 27