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1.1 Meaning of Employee Welfare
Employee welfare means “the efforts to make life worth living for workers”.
1.2 Definition of Employee Welfare
According to Todd “employee welfare means anything done for the comfort and
improvement, intellectual or social, of the employees over and above the wages paid
which is not a necessity of the industry.
Employee Welfare is an important facet of industrial relations, the extra dimension,
giving satisfaction to the worker in a way which evens a good wage cannot. With the growth
of industrialization and mechanization, it has acquired added importance. The workers in
industry cannot cope with the pace of modern life with minimum sustenance amenities. He
needs an added stimulus to keep body and soul together. Employers have also realized the
importance of their role in providing these extra amenities. And yet, they are not always able
to fulfill workers’ demands however reasonable they might be. They are primarily concerned
with the viability of the enterprise. Employee welfare, though it has been proved to contribute
to efficiency in production, is expensive. Each employer depending on his priorities gives
varying degrees of importance to employee welfare.
It is because the government is not sure that all employers are progressive minded and
will provide basic welfare measures that it introduces statutory legislation from time to time
to bring about some measures of uniformity in the basic amenities available to industrial
After employees have been hired, trained and remunerated, they need to be retained
and maintained to serve the organization better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of
the wellbeing of the employees, they do not generally result in any monetary benefit to the
employees. No rare these facilities provided by employers alone. Governmental and non-
governmental agencies and trade unions too, contribute towards employee welfare.
Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits and
facilities offered to employees by the employer. Through such generous fringe benefits the
employer makes the life worth living for employees. The welfare amenities are extended in
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addition to normal wages and other economic rewards available to employees as per the legal
provisions. Welfare measures may also be provided by the government, trade unions and
non-government agencies in addition to the employer. The basic purpose of employee
welfare is to enrich the life of the employees and keep them happy and contended.
Employee welfare today has become a very controversial topic. It covers a very broad
field. To being with, let us briefly discuss the main concepts or, rather, the general, meaning
full ideas which have been evolved about it so far.
The term welfare suggest many ideas, meanings and connotations, such as the state of
well-belling, health, happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. The
concept of welfare can be approached from various angles. Welfare has been described as a
total concept. It is a desirable state of existence involving for certain components of welfare,
such a health, food, clothing, and housing, medical assistance, insurance, education,
recreation. Job security, and so on.
The word employee means any productivity activity. In a broader sense, therefore, the
phrase employee welfare means the adoption of measures to promote the physical, social,
psychological and general wellbeing of the working population. Welfare work in any industry
aims, or should aim, at improving the working and living conditions of workers and their
The concept of employee welfare originates in the desire for a humanitarian approach
to the sufferings of the working class. Later, it becomes a utilitarian philosophy which
worked as a motivating force for labor and for those who were interested in it.
Employee welfare has been defined in various ways, though unfortunately no single
definition has found universal acceptance.
“Efforts to make life worth living for worker”
“The oxford dictionary”
1.3 Importance of employee welfare activities:-
Employee welfare in India has a special significance as the constitution provides for the
promotion of welfare of the employee for human conditions of work and securing to all
The various welfare measures provided by the employee will have immediate impact on
the health, physical and mental efficiency, alertness, morale and overall efficiency of the
workers and thereby contributing to the highest productivity.
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Social security measure provided by employer will act as a protection to the workers.
Employee welfare means activities designed for the promotion of the economic, social and
cultural wellbeing of the employees. Employee welfare includes both statutory as well as
non-statutory activities undertaken by the employers, trade unions and both the central and
state governments for the physical and mental development of the workers.
Employee welfare enables workers to have richer and more satisfying life. It raises the
standard of living of workers by indirectly reducing the burden on their pocket. Welfare
measures improve the physical and physiological health of the employees, which in turn
enhance their efficiency and productivity.
Employee welfare promotes a sense of belongings among the workers, preventing them
from resorting to unhealthy practices like absenteeism, employee unrest strike, etc. welfare
work improves the relations between employees and employers. It promotes a real change
of heart and a change of outlook of the part of both the employers and employees.
1.4 Reasons for the employee welfare activities in India:-
1) Increase in efficiency of employees:
Employee welfare activities increase the efficiency of employees to work. These
facilities help in developing the feeling of dedication among them. Due to the
increase in efficiency the production and the productivity of the enterprise increase
2) Helpful in reducing the state of poverty among employees:
Most of the workers in our country are unable in providing for base necessities for
themselves and to their family members. This is because of the extreme poverty
among Indian workers. Provision of employee welfare activities plays an important
role in reducing such poverty and in providing essential amenities to the workers.
3) Establishment of Organizational peace:
Employee welfare activities help in establishing sound relations between employees
and employers. When the employees of the organization feel that they are getting all
the possible facilities and the employers are very caring to them, then such good
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feeling increases enthusiasm among employees which will establish peace in the
4) Helpful in reducing the rate of absenteeism and employee turnover:
The rate of absenteeism and employee turnover is much higher in India as compared
to that of developed countries of the world. Provision of employee welfare activities
help in reducing this because the workers feel themselves well settled at one place.
1.5 Concept of Employee welfare
The concept of employee welfare is flexible and elastic and differs widely with time,
region, industry, social values and customs, degree of industrialization, the general
socioeconomic development of the people and the political ideologies prevailing at a
particular time. It is also molded according to the age-groups, socio-cultural background,
marital and economic status and educational level of the workers in various industries In its
broad connotation, the term welfare refers to a state of living of an individual or group in a
desirable relationship with total environment – ecological, economic, and social.
Conceptually as well as operationally, employee welfare is a part of social welfare which, in
turn, is closely linked to the concept and the role of the State which is applicable in the plant.
The concept of social welfare, in its narrow contours, has been equated with economic
welfare. As these goals are not always be realized by individuals through their efforts alone,
the government came into the picture and gradually began to take over the responsibility for
the free and full development of human personality of its population. Employee welfare is an
extension of the term Welfare and its application to employee. During the industrialization
process, the stress on employee productivity increased; and brought about changes in the
thinking on employee welfare.
In its broad connotation, the term welfare refers to a state of living of an individual or
group in desirable relationship with total environment – ecological, economic, and social.
Conceptually as well as operationally, employee welfare is a part of social welfare which, in
turn, is closely linked to the concept and the role of the State. The concept of social welfare,
in its narrow contours, has been equated with economic welfare. Pigou defined it as “that part
of general welfare which can be brought directly or indirectly into relations with the
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measuring rod of money” (Pigou, 1962). According to Willensky and Ladeaux, social welfare
alludes to “those formally organized and socially sponsored institutions, agencies and
programs which function to maintain or improve the economic conditions, health or
interpersonal competence of some parts or all of a population” (Willensky and Ladeaux,
1918). As these goals may not always be realized by individuals through their efforts alone,
the government came into the picture and gradually began to take over the responsibility for
the free and full development of human personality of its population. Employee welfare is an
extension of the term Welfare and its application to employee.
During the industrialization process, the stress on employee productivity increased;
and brought about changes in the thinking on employee welfare. An early study under the UN
observed as follows “in our opinion most underdeveloped countries are in the situation that
investment in people is likely to prove as productive, in the purely material sense, as any
investment in material resources and in many cases, investment in people would lead to a
greater increase of the flow of goods and services than would follow upon any comparable
investment in material capital”. The theory that welfare expenditure, especially expenditure
on health and education, is productive investment has led to the view that workers could work
more productively if they were given a fair deal both at the work place and in the community.
The concept of employee welfare has received inspiration from the concepts of democracy
and welfare state.
Democracy does not simply denote a form of government; it is rather a way of life
based on certain values such as equal rights and privileges for all. The operation of welfare
services, in actual practice, brings to bear on it different reflections representing the broad
cultural and social conditions. In short, employee welfare is the voluntary efforts of the
employers to establish, within the existing industrial system, working and sometimes living
and cultural conditions of the employees beyond what is required by law, the custom of the
industry and the conditions of the market The constituents of employee welfare included
working hours, working conditions, safety, industrial health insurance, workmen’s
compensation, provident funds, gratuity, pensions ,protection against indebtedness, industrial
housing, restrooms, canteens, crèches, wash places ,toilet facilities, lunches, cinemas,
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In MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS Pvt. Ltd the manufacturing activity is mainly
depend on the efficiency of the employees. This study is undertaken with a view to
understand the different welfare measures taken and facilities provided by the
company. Gather the opinion of the employees about these facilities and also to know
the reason for the dissatisfaction, if any.
Employee welfare facilities have a great scope to develop a sense of
responsibilities and dignity among the workers enabling them to be worthy and
enlightened citizens. MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS Pvt. Ltd also needs to make a
study about employees attitudes towards the welfare amenities provided to them. All
such aspects help to reduce industrial strike and peace in the industrial organization.
The logic behind providing welfare facilities is to create efficient, healthy,
loyal and satisfied work force for the organization and also for the nation. Employees
are important stakeholders. Employee welfare measures are endeavoring to establish
effective systems for performance evaluation. It helps to increase employee’s
productivity efficiency and protect workers from social evils. It helps to enhance
goodwill and public image of the organization. Also it helps to improve industrial
relations and peace.
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Primary Objective:
To study about effectiveness of employee welfare measures.
Secondary Objectives:
1) To identify the welfare facilities provided in the organization.
2) To find out the employees level of satisfaction through the welfare measures.
3) To find out the draw backs in current welfare measures.
4) To know the suggestions and recommendations of the employees.
5) To put forward the matters to be rectified and further welfare measures to be adopted.
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Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd. (MLC) Which manufacturers the full range leather footwear
is located at Pondicherry. The footwear factory was established in the year 1987 and it has
been manufacturing high quality footwear for its prestigious customers overseas.
Its founders coming from a family that’s into footwear since 1940’s, so traditional is a
word that characterizes this company because of its proud history. At the same time they have
also proved extremely innovative, modern and creative.
Industrial methods make products for the entire world, and the company is thankful to
its skilled exacting professionals who retain their time-honored values and savoir-fair of true
This company has taken full advantage of the many synergies generated within the
group while retaining its identity and remaining faithful to their distinctive difference.
The main objectives of the company are:
1. To satisfy the needs and want of its customers with safe manufacturing, quality
control and to improve their exports.
2. To make Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd Zero-injury organization.
Right from their origins as an MLC, due to its hard work, no compromise in quality and
prompt service has made its product world renowned in Complete Leather Footwear
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1. Special Orders
2. Product Customization
The mission of the Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is to represent the most refined qualities of
western “Art de vivre” around the world. It continues to be synonymous with both elegance
and creativity. Its products with cultural values embedded; blend with tradition and
innovation, kindles dream and fantasy. In view of this mission five priorities reflect the
fundamental values shared by all, those who are all directly or indirectly with MLC.
1. Be creative and innovative
2. Aim for product excellence
3. Bolster the image of our brands with passionate determination
4. Act as entrepreneurs
5. Strive to be the best in all we do.
Companies are determined to nurture and grow their creative resources. This long-
term success is rooted in a combination of artistic creativity and technological innovation.
They have always been and always will be creators. Their ability to attract the best creative
talents, to empower them to create leading-edge designs is the lifeblood of our Company. The
same goes for technological innovation. This value – creativity/innovation – is a priority for
all companies. It is the foundation of their continued success.
Companies pay the closest attention to every detail and ensure the utter perfection of
their products. They symbolize the nobility and perfection of traditional craftsmanship. Each
and every one of the objects their customers buy and use exemplifies our brands tradition of
impeccable quality. Never should Group companies disappoint, but rather continue to
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surprise their customers with the quality, endurance and finish of their products, They never
compromise when it comes to product quality
Group brands enjoy exceptional reputation. This would not amount to much, and could not be
sustained, if was not backed by the creative superiority and extreme quality of their products.
However, without this aura, this extra dimension that somewhat defies logic, this force of
expression that transcends reality, the sublime that is the stuff of our dreams, Dior would not
be Dior, Moet would not be Moet. The Power of the customer’s brands is part of Maulik
Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd heritage. They are an asset that is both priceless and irreplaceable.
Therefore, Companies exercise stringent control over every minute detail of their
brands image. In each of the elements of their communications with the public
(announcements, speeches, messages, etc.) it is the brand that speaks. Each message must do
right by the brand. In this area as well, there is absolutely no room for compromise.
The Organizational structure is decentralized, which fosters efficiency, productivity and
creativity. This type of organization is highly motivating and dynamic. It encourages
individual initiative and offers real responsibilities – sometimes early on in one’s career. It
requires highly entrepreneurial executive teams in each company. This entrepreneurial spirit
requires a healthy dose of common sense from managers, as well as hard work pragmatism,
efficiency, and the ability to motivate people in the pursuit of ambitious goals. One needs to
share and enjoy this entrepreneurial spirit to one day manage a subsidiary or company of
Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd.
Last but not least is their ambition is to be their best. In each company, executive teams strive
to constantly improve, never be complacent and always try to broaden their skills, improve
the quality of their work and come up with new ideas. The Company encourages this spirit,
thirst for progress, among all of its associates.
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1. Recruit the most talented people
2. Priority on training
3. Develop career mobility
1. Respect for people
2. Respect for process
3. Respect for performance
1. Make honest commitments and strive to deliver.
2. Give and receive honest feedback about performance and potential.
1. Empower teams and hold them responsible.
2. Stand – up for what is right.
3. Accept failures and learn from them.
1. Cut bureaucracy and irrelevant analysis
2. Act decisively without passing the buck.
1. Coach the team and create opportunity for development.
2. Recognize contribution.
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Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd knows that its customers largely decide each and every
organization’s success or the victory, whereas, the customer’s decision depends on price and
quality. They are alone the one who decides the specification of their needs but their wishes
change with environmental changes. They are said to be the real owners. The organization
depends on customers and the customers do not depend on organization.
 Use standards of environmental safety, which are scientifically sustainable and
commonly acceptable.
 Review and continuously improve processes, the performance of product, service and
operations as measured by their environmental impact.
 Work in co-operation with members of industry Government agencies, relevant
environmental bodies, suppliers and customers to promote the achievement of high
standards of environmental care.
 Maulik Leathercrafts Private Limited considers quality as one of the key drivers for
its growth and leadership in the market in which it operates.
 The factory is committed to respond creatively and competitively to the changing
needs and aspirations of its consumers through relentless pursuit of technological
excellence, innovation, quality management across its business, using superior quality
products and service that are appropriate to tis commitment to building value.
 The factory recognizes that its employees are the primary source of success in its
operations and is committed to training and providing them the necessary tool as and
techniques as well as empowering them to ensure broad compliance of this policy in
the organization at all levels.
 The factory is committed to fulfil its legal and statutory obligations and international
standards of product safety and hygiene and will not knowingly produce that is
harmful to consumers or their belonging.
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 The factory will maintain an open communication channel to get the feedback from
its customers and will carefully monitor the feedback to continuously improve it
products and services and set quality standards to fulfill them.
 1. Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd conducts its operation with honesty, integrity, and
openness and with respect for the human rights and interests of its employees.
 2. The company shall similarly respect the legitimate interests of those with whom it
has relationships.
 The company and employees are required to comply with the regulations of the
countries in which it operates.
1. The company is committed to diversity in a working environment where there is mutual
trust and respect and where everyone feels responsible for the performance and reputation of
the company.
2. The company will recruit, employ and promote employees on the sole basis of the
qualifications and abilities needed for the work to be performed.
3. The company is committed to safe and healthy working conditions for all employees. It
will not use any form of forced, compulsory or child employee.
4. It is committed to working with employees to develop and enhance each
individual’s skills and capabilities.
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 Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is committed to providing branded products and services
which consistently offer value in terms of price and quality and which are safe for
their intended use. Products and services will be accurately and properly labeled,
advertised and communicated.
1. The company is committed to making continuous improvements in the management of
environmental impact and to the longer-term goal of developing a sustainable business.
2. The company will work in partnership with others to promote environmental care, increase
understanding of environmental issues and disseminate good practice.
In its scientific innovation to meet consumer needs the company will respect the concerns of
tis consumers and of society. The company will work on the basis of sound science, applying
rigorous standards of product safety.
It believes in vigorous yet fair competition and supports the development of appropriate
competition laws. The company and employees will conduct their operations in accordance
with principles of fair competition and all applicable regulations.
The company does not give or receive, whether directly or indirectly, bribes or other
improper advantages for business of financial gain. No employee may offer, give or receive
any gift or payment, which is, or may be construed as being, a bribe. Any demand for or offer
of, a bribe must be rejected immediately and reported to management. The company
accounting records and supporting documents must accurately describe and reflect the nature
of the underlying transactions. No undisclosed or unrecorded account, fund or arrest will be
established or maintained.
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All employees are expected to avoid personal activities and financial interests, which could
conflict with their responsibilities to the company. The employee’s must not seek gain for
themselves or other through misuse of their positions.
Production Department is required for transforming raw materials into finished. This
departments aims at higher productivity of resources so that the greatest outputs are obtained
from the least inputs. Production process involves planning, directing and controlling the
operations till the successful completion. Effective utilization of resources is made, time is
shortened, wastes and scrapings are avoided and harmonious working is made in the
company. The important bearing on productivity is quality, quantity, cost and time of
SHOE MANUFACTURING PROCESS IN Maulik Leather crafts Pvt Ltd.:
Raw Leather
Tannery Ancillary Lasting Section
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1. To provide smooth flow of raw materials and other items necessary to meet production
2. To ensure that there is no excess materials than the requirement.
3. To keep minimum amount of stock so as to avoid damage and wastage.
4. To minimize the annual ordering costs.
1. To provide smooth flow of raw materials and other items necessary to meet production
2. To ensure that there is no excess materials than the requirement.
3. To keep minimum amount of stock so as to avoid damage and wastage.
4. To minimize the annual ordering costs.
1. To verify the stocks.
2. To arrange for inspection, receipt and storage of material.
3. To receive and issue materials for the works in progress.
4. To take steps for disposing the goods.
5. To maintain the stock levels.
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An important stage after manufacturing of goods or their procurement is their
preparation for shipment. This involves labelling, packaging, packing and marking of export
consignments. Labelling requirements differ from country to country and the same is
ascertained well in advance from the buyer. The label indicates quality, quantity, method of
use etch. Packaging fulfils a vital role in helping to get the export products to the market in
top condition, as well as in presenting the goods to the overseas buyer in an attractive way.
While packaging, quality is not compromised merely to cut down costs, packaging is in
conformity with the instructions issued by the importer. Packaging is in conformity with the
instructions issued by the importer. Packaging to the external containers used for
transportation. The shape of packing cases play a very important role in packing the cargo,
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and the nature of packing material is used based on the quantum of items to be exported. As
regard specification for the size, weight and strength care is taken to ensure that the weight of
standard case does not exceed certain limit for easy handling of the cargo. Before packing
and sealing the goods, Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd ensures that all the contents are properly
placed in the case and the list of contents of packing notes are prepared so that the buyer, the
Customer authorities and the Insurance authorities can easily check the contents of each and
every case.
Marking means marking the address, number of packages etc. The Company marks
regarding port of destination, place of destination, order number and date, gross, net and tare
weight and handling instructions.
This department functions under the head of the Financial Controller. This
department administers the overall financial activities of the company. Books of accounts are
maintained in this department.
The functions of finance department includes,
1. To ensure enough funds for various requirements.
2. To provide flexibility in financial planning by matching business need to the funds raised.
3. To maintain good liquidity position of the company.
4. To maintain good image and credit worthiness with outside public.
5. The most important function is to pay cheque for the purchase of uppers, products and
stationeries for office use.
6. The pay salary to all the employees working in the organization.
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Accounts, which state the day-to-day transactions, monthly balance, report which
handling of information system.
The personnel department is under the control of man of HRD. In MLC the personnel
department is called as HRD (Human Resource Department). This department is the bridge
between the company management & the workers. The personnel department provides the
needs of the workers by acting as a barrier. The HRD has good relationship with the workers.
The time office is the place to collect the details of the workers from the staff supervisors and
from the security. The security room takes the list of workers who are entering and leaving
the company. It is just like a attendance. It contains at what time the worker is entering and
leaving the company. The security submits these records to HRD.
In case of night shifts, security maintains the records and submits to the time office the next
morning. The time office collects the report given by security and supervisors and are taken
to HRD and on seeing the performance of the workers he is given promotion or increments.
The HRD in this concern focuses on the following functions
1. Man power planning, forecasting, scheduling.
2. Interviewing, screening, testing and recruiting new bands.
3. Personnel appraisals/ rating efficiency.
4. Arranging and conducting educational/ training programs
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5. Assignment of works
6. Wage and salary administration
7. Welfare measures
8. Maintaining statutory records under employee acts.
9. Counseling
10. Disciplinary proceedings
11. Preparing project reports.
12. Advising and management in workloads remuneration etc.
The prime function of the H.R.D starts with training and development. The object of
training is to impart skill and will to work. All the workers are provided training periodically
and systematically to use the best work methods.
The various activities of HRD relating to Training & Development are:
a) Face to face meeting
b) Periodical review meeting
c) Direct communication
d) Informal Communication
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e) Group discussion
f) Individual skill appreciation and recognition
e) Literary programs.
 The Company provides transport facilities for workers.
 Tea and snacks is given free to all workers.
 Mineral water is provided for employees to use in the mill.
 First aid facilities are available.
The company has demand oriented pricing policy. The company fix the price is according to
the market demand.
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Review of literature is a systematic survey on the facts and figures of previous researches on
a particular topic. It is a collection of major findings of past researches. It is useful to
understand what has happened in the topic during the past period. In every research, there are
certain preliminary works and the review of literature is one of them. A detailed literature on
employee welfare measures and other related issues are given in this chapter.
Sailesh Sindhu (2012) felt that, employee welfare measures increase the productivity of
organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace.
Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels
high. Business houses provide many such statutory and non-statutory things and policies to
maintain satisfactory level of their employee.
Mishra & Manju Bhagat (2010) in their “Principles for Successful Implementation of
Employee Welfare Activities”, stated that employee absenteeism in Indian industries can be
reduced to a great extent by providing good housing, health and family care, canteen,
educational and training facilities and provision of welfare activities. This principle for
successful implementation of employee welfare activities is nothing but an extension of
democratic values in an industrialized society.
P.KPadhi (2007)stated that, the term welfare suggests the state of wellbeing and implies
wholesomeness of the human being. It is a desirable state of existence involving the mental,
physical, moral and emotional factor of a person. Adequate levels of earnings, safe and
humane conditions of work and access to some minimum social security benefits are the
major qualitative dimensions of employment which enhance quality of life of workers and
their productivity.
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Ramesh M. (2012) pointed out that the main thrust of employee policy and employee law is
to change in line with the global changes that is from welfare and regulative orientation to
develop role in market oriented economy, from regulatory mechanization to voluntarism,
tripartism to bipartism so that the employers and employees are themselves able to mutually
decide without government intervention.
Torjman (2004) demonstrated that welfare facilities and recreation accounts for healthy
individual besides encasing among their happiness and emotional quotient.
S. Poongavanam (2011) felt that the welfare measure will improve the physique,
intelligence, morality and standard of living of the workers, which in turn will improve their
efficiency and productivity. From the study on employee welfare facilities in AFT, the
researcher concluded that, the various welfare facilities such as health, safety, canteen,
uniform, education and gift facilities in AFT, enables workers to live a rich and more
satisfactory life. It also contributes to increasing productivity of the enterprise improving
efficiency of the worker and raises their standard of living. Thus the employee welfare
facilities provided by AFT are good.
K. Jayanthi, P. Ashok Kumar and V. Manju, (2012) stated that employee sector addresses
multi-dimensional socio-economic aspects affecting employee welfare, productivity, living
standards of employee force and social security. To raise living standards of the work force
and achieve higher productivity, skill upgradation through suitable training is of utmost
importance. Manpower development to provide adequate employee force of appropriate skills
and quality to different sectors is essential for rapid socio-economic development.
Employment generation in all the productive sectors is one of the basic objectives. Based on
the findings the Industry may consider the suggestion to maintain a good Employee Welfare
Measures and providing of the necessary support measures for sorting out problems relating
to employment.
Morris Altman (2000) says that standard neo-classical theory argues that an economy is
negatively affected by increased labor rights and power since it is assumed that economic
agents are always x-efficient; performing at the height of efficiency. However, a behavioral
model of the firm suggests that more rights and power, with its positive impact on labor
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standards, need not produce the deleterious results predicted by conventional economic
wisdom, due to their productivity-efficiency enhancing impact on the firm. This suggests that
Organizations should not assess the impact of enhanced labour power and control in terms of
a zero sum game. Various theories of employee welfare reflect the attitude and belief of the
management, which is instrumental in providing and maintaining welfare activities.
These theories are:
 The policing theory,
 The religious theory,
 Philanthropic theory,
 Paternalistic theory,
 Placating theory,
 The public relation theory,
 The functional theory and
 The quid pro quo theory. (Mahagaonkar, 1986).
Joshi (1927) felt that employee welfare covers all the efforts which employers make for the
benefit of their employees over and above the minimum standard of working conditions fixed
by the Factories Act, and over and above the provisions of social legislation providing against
accident, old age, unemployment and sickness.
Ramesh M. (2012) stated that the primary objective of every management is to provide
better working facilities to the employees in the interest of obtaining speedy, safe and
efficient work. Earlier studies of employment stability among welfare recipients and other
low wage workers, as well as its effects on their wages over time, have relied heavily on data
from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) from the 1980s and early 1990s.
Hershey and Pavetti (1997), while Holzer and Lalonde (2000) focus on less-skilled young
women and men more broadly. Both the studies find somewhat high turnover rates and
relatively short job spells among unskilled workers with little experience; in particular,
Hershey and Pavetti reports average job durations of 37 weeks (or 9 months) for recipients,
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while Holzer and Lalonde finds average weekly turnover rates of about 2 percent (and
therefore median job durations of about 6 months).
Stephen Bazen (1994) says minimum wage fixing came to be increasingly questioned during
the 1980s owing to high unemployment and the rise of liberal economic thinking. This led
many countries to dilute minimum wage protection by freezing the rates or altering the
coverage. However, close examination of the relevant research reveals that empirical support
for the criticisms of minimum wages is fairly weak and fragmented. At the end of the 1980s
and beginning of the 1990s, many countries, Great Britain being a notable exception, pursued
a more active minimum wage policy. Conclusions reveal that with a re-examination of the
goals and form of minimum wage legislation in the light of recent history.
The study team appointed by the Government of India in 1959 to examine employee
welfare activities, then divided the whole range of these existing activities in three groups, (I)
welfare within the precincts of an establishment – medical aid, crèches, supply of drinking
water etc., (II) welfare outside the establishment provision for indoor and outdoor recreation,
housing, adult education, visual instruments etc., and (III) Social Security.
Shyam (1999) states in his article that major reforms to promote health include ensuring
water safety, sanitation, strengthening of nutritional food practices, hygiene in homes and
eateries, preventing early marriages, health, education in schools and target groups, public
education against habit forming factors (alcohol and tobacco) safety in work place and
agricultural operations, promotion of exercise, sports, promotion of establishment of bicycle
tracks in towns, health management information recovering both public andprivate medical
sector. Work harassment is probably a much more severe and frequent problem in Western
society than people are aware of.
Leymann (l992) estimates that approximately one of every seventh suicide is related to work
harassment, and among male Swedes the figure is even higher: Leymann's estimation is as
high as one in five. If the figure is correct, suicide due to harassment is a far more frequent
cause of death than physical accidents at the workplace. In Scandinavian countries, laws
regarding industrial welfare also stipulate regulations about mental welfare at the workplace,
Page 26
and several lawsuits have been successfully filed against work harassment. This may explain
the great interest in issues related to the question in Scandinavia.
Rajeshwar W. Hendre (2013) says that statutory welfare provisions as mentioned in the
chapter V of the Factories Act, 1948 are basic and can be seen from various angles like
economic, social, psychological, technical and administrative. Its implementation is joint
responsibility of the four active stakeholders namely- workers, Trade Unions, management
and the Government. In case of OEM’s it is assumed to be far beyond than myopic version of
mere fulfilment of statutory provisions. However, the precise measurement of level of
implementation brought out some area like canteen, sitting facilities and facilities for storing
and drying clothing shall be improved by the companies. This will indicate to what extent we
should take the same for other companies such as vendors and component manufacturers.
Ewan Clague noted that “the larger plant tends to have lower injury frequency rates”
However it depends upon type of industry. Very large companies may employ a staff of
safety specialists and industrial hygienists (Grimaldi and Simonds, 1996). The same of
welfare facilities as health, safety and welfare have combined impact on the overall wellbeing
and health of workers. Tenth Planning commission states that, it is very difficult to enforce
compliance of laws relating to the safety and health of workers, resulting the bulk of the
workforce does not get a reasonable level of protection. Such tendencies get accentuated
when market forces motivate the minimization of the cost of employee input. This is the
reason that anyone to assess implementation of welfare provisions.
Social Security manifests the ‘natural desire of communities for protection from life’s
problems, from disease and deprivation… it is the protection which society provides for its
members through a series of public measures- against the economic and social distress that
otherwise would be caused by the stoppage, or substantial reduction, of earnings resulting
from sickness, maternity, employment injury, unemployment, invalidity, old age and death;
the provision of medical care; and the provision of subsidies for families with children’ (ILO,
Page 27
Conventions and Recommendations of ILO (1949) sets forth a fundamental principle at its
26th conference held in Philadelphia recommended some of the measures in the area of
welfare measures which includes adequate protection for life and health of workers in all
occupations, provision for child welfare and maternity protection, provision of adequate
nutrition, housing and facilities for recreation and culture, the assurance of equality of
educational and vocational Opportunity etc.
Devina Upadhyay and Anu Gupta (2012) felt that the HR managers focuses not only on
providing the mandatory welfare facilities as deemed necessary by the labour tribunal but
also provide certain other amenities like medical check-up ,bonus ,birthday and anniversary
gift, library ,sports facilities, recreation facilities like cultural programmes, movie watch
,safety spectacles etc., to mention just a few .Provision of these welfare measures today act as
of the main cost component which human resource specialists justify by naming it as an
exercise to build the job satisfaction and morale of people.
A study conducted by Saiyaddin (1983) examined the purpose and cost of non-statutory
welfare activities for the organizations. Five public and six private sector organizations were
selected for the study. The study brought out an important conclusion that the most
predominant theme in the minds of organizations when they think of the voluntary welfare
measures was not only the output and efficiency but also increasing loyalty and morale. In
respect of cost, the study revealed, that the public sector organizations spend more on welfare
activities, as compared to private sector. While public sector spends more on transportation
and recreation, private sector was found to be spending more on housing according to the
Jayadevadas (1980) based on his study of coir workers, suggested that the model before the
trade unions in Kerala was that of modern industrial employment characterized by high wage
rates, stable employment, fair working conditions, non-wage benefits, and long-term
Page 28
economic security. Guha has argued that given the multiplicity of sectors, and employment
and socio economic patterns in each State, as well as of grassroots organisations and
NGOs, it is undesirable to impose uniform patterns on social security systems.
Kazutaka Kogi and Tsuyoshi Kawakami (1997) give several examples from many
countries of the rapid development in research on welfare, epidemiology, ergonomics,
psycho-social issues, occupational medicine, toxicology, occupational hygiene,
environmental health, and biological monitoring in the Asia-Pacific region. These examples
are chosen primarily to illustrate the large range of subjects researched and the wide number
of countries involved.
Ataul-Huq-Pramanik (2000) says the concept of welfare state gained popularity during the
period when the free market mechanism already established its pre-eminence. The free
market mechanism of the west together with the personal freedom being nurtured in an
environment of democratic political institutions led to the emergence of the welfare state. The
reason why the welfare state gained popularity during the period when the industrialized
world was enjoying economic prosperity was because of the growing need for protecting the
rights of citizens from any unforeseen events regardless of their existing socio-economic
P.Swpana (2011) stated that the Company to start a new scheme i.e., FTAR (Free Treatment
after Retirement) especially to the retired employees and this benefit can be enjoyed by the
employees and as well as by the company. For this the company need not pay any amount in
the form of investment because the company can collect money every month from their
salary like provident fund till their retirement and can be used after retirement.
Parul P Bhati, and Dr.Ashokkumar M (2013) conclude their research, in terms of proving
that the different welfare provisions provided to the employees working in an organization
under the Factories Act 1948 are having positive relation with the employee satisfaction.
Page 29
Jon - Chao Hong, Sung-De Yang, Li-Jung Wang, En-Fu Chiou, Fan-Yin Su, sui - Lan
Huang (2006) says everyone works in expectation of some rewards, and welfare is one of
them. In order to understand the impact of employee benefits on employees' work-motivation
and productivity, questionnaires were sent to corporations which had undertaken employee
benefit programmes. Some of the significant results of this study are: employee benefit
programmes have greater impact on work-motivation than on productivity; monetary benefit
programmes are most highly valued by both executives and workers; there is a cognitive gap
between management and worker on the importance of employee benefit programmes;
different genders have different benefit demands; unmarried employees, more than married
employees, perceive that employee benefits have a greater impact on job performance.
Employees with different education levels and positions perceive different employee benefit
impacts; and employee benefit programmes have greater influence on younger employees'
job performance.
A closely related economics literature is concerned with "fairness". Survey evidence such as
Kahneman, Knetsch and Thaler (1986) shows that people have strong views about fairness
in economic exchange. Laboratory evidence on so-called ultimatum games (Guth et al, 1982,
Bolton, 1991, and Smith, 1994) suggests that individuals will throw away real income to
obtain a fairer division of a smaller pie. It seems likely that decisions about fairness rest on
some sort of comparative process, but the details are not well understood.
Hamermesh (1977). The author takes a sample of American employees, covering the years
1969 and 1973, and estimates job satisfaction equations. This seems to be the earliest article
of its kind in the economics literature. Although Hamermesh's focus is upon occupational
choice and the effects of training, and he does not discuss - at least in any detail - ideas of
relative deprivation, his regression equations include the residual from a wage equation as an
explanatory variable.7 That residual enters positively and significantly in a job satisfaction
regression, which is akin to finding that y-y*, in the earlier notation, affects utility. More
recently, Lévy-Garboua and Montmarquette (1994) and Sloane and Williams (1994),
using Canadian and British data respectively, have examined the correlation between
predicted income and job satisfaction.
Page 30
P.V.V.Satyanarayana (2011) says that generally, welfare measures are recreational,
medical, educational, housing, sanitation and so on. Every organization provides the statutory
welfare measures but some organization provides some more welfare facilities to the
employees so that they may retain the employees and their quality of work life. By the result
of improved quality of work life among the employees and their involvement in job gets
increased and results in increased productivity of the organization. The organizations
maintaining smooth relationship between workers and management, which leads to
attainment of organization efforts. By conducting this study we could infer that the
Employees of Sugar Factories in East Godavari District are satisfied with the welfare
measures provided by their organization.
Ramesh Kumar Bhardwaj (2012) point out that Government has enacted a plethora of
employee welfare legislations from time to time. Workers have been provided with many
welfare facilities and amenities under these legislations. But these enactments have not been
enforced in their true letter and spirit. Welfare amenities have not been properly provided to
the workers except in units managed by progressive employers or in modern units where the
latest technology demands maintenance of adequate standards. It is also experienced and
observed that majority of the Employee welfare officers are not being appointed as per the
prescribed qualification. In spite of this, it is true that the inspection and supervision of the
Employee welfare amenities is not on a satisfactory level.
K.K. Chaudhuri, states that HR policies are being made flexible. From leaves to
compensations, perks to office facilities, many companies are willing to customize policies to
suit different employee segments. The older employees want social security benefits, younger
employees want cash in hand because they can’t think of sticking to a company for many
years and retire from the same company. Therefore ‘one jacket fits all’ will not be right to
motivate the talents and retain them.
Ramesh. M (2012) stated that in today’s competitive environment, attracting and retaining
skilled personnel depends upon the competitive and compensation package the company
Page 31
offers. Everyday innovative, attractive compensation packages are luring the personnel. Thus,
organization needs to provide more attractive compensation and qualitative packages to
enhance the motivation of the people. In the present competitive business environment, the
management is planning to reduce.
Abdus Sattar Abbasi, et. al (2010) stated that welfare and protection of all stakeholders
including shareholders, employees, customers, environment and society at large is the core
responsibility of organization. Therefore, corporate leaders/managers should be held
accountable for financial and non-financial losses e.g. Ethical breaches and other threats to
organizational reputation. Every member should have the right to question anything she/he
thinks is not good for the welfare and protection of all stakeholders of an organization.
Ransley (2009) suggests that the absence of a comprehensive and sustainable welfare policy
in Kenya has contributed to the unsatisfactory provision of welfare services, terms and
conditions of service, poor morale, poor performance by the police and lack of
professionalism (Republic of Kenya, 2009). Based on the prevailing situation, the paper
attempts to assess the role of employee welfare services on performance of the national police
service in Kisii Central District with specific reference to health services.
M. V. Pyle and Simon George (2010) has pointed out that "Even one discontented employee
or an employee nursing a grievance can eventually infect an entire organization with the germ
of discontent which, in turn, will result in lower efficiency, poor morale and reduction in
overall production".
Terry Sullivan (1978) says Industrial relations can be said to be concerned with who makes
the rules relating to employment matters, what rules will exist and how any adjustments to
such rules will be made. In a large number of industrial relations systems the process of
adjustment is by collective bargaining, and most industrial relations commentators and
practitioners would accept that the scope for adjustment is constrained by economic, social
and political forces. However, the practicalities and dynamics of this adjustment process are
such that decision can only be in terms of what Williamson calls ‘bounded rationality’. This
is a situation where at the moment of decision, given the quantity and quality of information
that is held, that decision seems rational and acceptable. However, innate imperfections in
Page 32
information and its flow eventually show the decision to be something less than satisfactory.
Further, many writers believe that collective bargaining is characterized by management and
employee having, at the very least, potentially conflicting objectives so that for each
‘bounded rationality’ is different. The practical results are often some ‘compromise’ or
‘optimal’ outcome that temporarily satisfies the welfare of the parties but can rarely
maximize it. However, we should note that while the parties may reach a jointly satisfactory
outcome, that outcome could be less than optimal for society as a whole; an inflationary wage
settlement is the most obvious example.
Kevin Olson (2003) says the United States adopted a new welfare regime in 1996. The
centerpiece of this legislation is a notion of personal responsibility that redefines the relation
between individuals and the state. This law was used as a foil to outline a new paradigm of
legal research. Welfare must be understood, as part of a self-referential legal system. Law is
legitimated by particular kinds of fair, democratic political agreement. When material
inequalities undermine political participation, however, the law must insure the bases of its
own legitimacy through welfare. Welfare law is thus vital to a nation’s legal system as a
whole. Seen from this perspective, the current American welfare system fails to fulfil the
basic pre-suppositions of legal legitimacy.
Assessment of effectiveness of welfare provisions can be measured by 1) Trend analysis and
2) Opinion survey (Aswathappa, 2007). The former is indirect method, which measures
trends of efficiency, turnover and social evil as an impact of welfare activities, observed at
pre and post implementation of welfare provisions. The latter is most effective and real time
method based on measurement of employee’s satisfaction and perception relating to welfare
provision. Hence, the second method is adopted for assessment of implementation of welfare
measures in the companies. Employee welfare is an extension of the term Welfare and its
application to employee. During the industrialization process, the stress on employee
productivity increased; and brought about changes in the thinking on employee welfare. An
early study under the UN observed as follows “in our opinion most underdeveloped countries
are in the situation that investment in people is likely to prove as productive, in the purely
material sense, as any investment in material resources and in many cases, investment in
Page 33
people would lead to a greater increase of the flow of goods and services than would follow
upon any comparable investment in material capital” (UN, 1951). The theory states that
welfare expenditure, especially expenditure on health and education, is productive investment
has led to the view that workers could work more productively if they were given a fair deal
both at the work place and in the community.
Robert M. Feinberg (1978) says that the job search theory, as developed since the early
1960s, is primarily a theory predicting the behaviour of unemployed job-seekers responding
to the costs of acquiring information about the wage possibilities available to them. However,
implications can be derived for the influence on the individual's Employee Force
Participation (LFP) decision of the factors used in search theory, and these implications have
never been tested. This paper will present a number of hypotheses regarding LFP and then
test these hypotheses against a broad and diverse cross-section sample of male heads of
households, using ordinary least squares regression analysis. The results generally confirm
the hypotheses and the view that the variables of the job search theory have a significant
influence on the LFP decision.
Lawrence A. Leger (1993) says both employee groups and the national press frequently
justify demands for protection against industrial adjustment on the grounds that it leads to the
destruction of communities and traditional ways of life, with a devastating effect on welfare.
To justify this claim in the context of a Ricardian open-economy model requires quite strong
restrictions on worker preferences, but a plausible case can be made. It presents a model
based on the attachment of workers to their socio-cultural environment, and suggests some
policy options for redressing trade-induced inequities.
Steven J. Haider, et. al (2003) says nationally, the welfare caseload declined by more than
50% between 1994 and 2000. Considerable research has been devoted to understanding what
caused this decline. Much of the literature examining these changes has modelled the total
caseload (the stock) directly. Klerman and Haider (forthcoming) model shows the underlying
flows and show analytically` and empirically that previous methods are likely to be biased
because they ignore important dynamics. However, due to their focus on the bias of the stock
models, they present only limited results concerning the robustness of their findings and
utilize only a single measure of economic conditions, the unemployment rate. The author
Page 34
examines the robustness of the basic stock-flow model developed in Klerman and Haider
(forthcoming), considering both richer dynamic specifications and richer measures of
economic condition. We find that more complex dynamic specifications do not change the
substantive conclusions ,but richer measures of the economy do. While a model that only
includes the unemployment rate attributes about half of the California caseload decline
between 1995 and 1998 to the economy, models that incorporate richer measures of the
economy attribute more than 90% of the decline to the economy.
This is not the first use of panel data to study subjective welfare. The two closest Antecedents
are Van De Stadt et al., (1985), Winkelmann and Winkelmann(1998). The former paper
used panel data in modelling a money metric of subjective welfare in the Netherlands. In
addition to the difference in the dependent variable, Van de Stadt et al., do not allow for
latent individual effects. They do, however, allow for dynamics, by including the lagged
subjective welfare measure as a regress or (though they cannot reject the null that its
coefficient is unity). The authors focus on the narrow concept in the expectation that it will
offer sharper results on the welfare effects of economic variables; They also use a better
income measure, built up from a detailed survey. One can also expect the income
measurement error to be correlated with other variables of interest. For example, it is often
conjectured that the rich tend to understate their incomes when asked by a stranger in an
interview for some survey. (This is not implausible in Russia in the mid-1990s.) They are
also less likely to be unemployed.
Then the negative correlation between unemployment and subjective welfare
could be due entirely to this structure of measurement errors; unemployment will appear to
lower subjective wellbeing even if it has no real welfare effect beyond the loss of income.
Similarly, if the time period over which incomes are measured is too short — and it is a
longer-term income concept that drives self-assessments of welfare — the authors can expect
unemployment and possibly other characteristics to be correlated with the difference between
the two income measures. Unemployment might have a significant negative effect on
subjective welfare at given current income simply because respondents naturally worry about
future income too. That does not of course mean that leisure is undesirable, or that there are
no adverse incentive effects of unemployment compensation. The otherwise remarkably high
estimate of the level of unemployment benefits needed to create unemployment implied by
the results in the literature.
Page 35
Winkelmann and Winkelmann, (1998) could well reflect this structure of income
measurement error, whereby the income effect is underestimated while the unemployment
coefficient is overestimated.
The likely endogeneity of income to subjective welfare also clouds past efforts to test for the
claim that it is income relative to some reference group — not absolute income — that
matters to wellbeing. Stadt et al., (1985) and Clark and Oswald (1996) regress a subjective
welfare indicator on both “own income” and an estimate of “comparison group income”,
namely the mean income of people with similar characteristics. The “comparison group”
income is found to have a significant negative coefficient with own income entering
positively; the authors conclude that it is relative income that matters to welfare. However,
the significant effect of predicted income could also reflect a misspecification. Suppose that
earnings are influenced by latent personality traits in subjective welfare via the effects of
higher job satisfaction on labour turnover and disputes (as discussed in, for example Frank,
1985, and indeed Clark and Oswald, 1996). Then the significance of predicted income
could be due solely to a correlation between own income and unobserved determinants of
subjective welfare. Income endogeneity can generate spurious comparison group effects. The
inability of the standard trade theoretic models to explain widening wage inequality calls for
Although all the empirical studies acknowledge the inherent ambiguities of wage predictions
in the higher-dimensional Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) framework, the theoretical literature has
not grown sufficiently to explain this puzzling empirical finding. However, mention should
be made of papers by Feenstra and Hanson (1995) and Marjit, Broll and Sengupta (2000)
who have explained the increasing wage inequality in developing countries theoretically in
terms of specific structural characteristics of the less developed countries, such as features of
employee markets, structures of production, nature of capital mobility etc.
The paper of Feenstra and Hanson (1995) is based on the famous Dornbusch- Fischer-
Samuelson continuum-of-goods framework. According to them, inflows of foreign capital
induced greater production of skilled-intensive commodities in Mexico, thereby leading to a
relative decrease in the demand for unskilled employee.
Page 36
Marjit, Broll and Sengupta (2000) have examined the impact of trade liberalization on the
wage inequality in the presence of informal sectors. They have shown that the impact of trade
on skilled-unskilled wage gap crucially hinges on the nature of capital mobility between the
formal and informal sectors.
A study conducted by Koshan (1975) pointed out that inspite of statutory provisions and
enforcing agencies in India, the welfare facilities were absent and the cement industry was
the only one where provisions were adequately enforced. The study suggested that need for
overhauling and tightening the machinery of inspection. Appointment of welfare inspectors
for different industries, distinguishing the duties of factory inspectors from those of welfare
inspectors to submit annual and quarterly reports and empowering the welfare inspectors to
fine in case of default, were some of the steps suggested in his study.
Jetli, K. Narindar et. al (2006) examines the whole gamut of employee related issues during
the post-Independence period. The approach to the subject is mainly descriptive, interspersed
by comments at places. He describes demographic trends, employment policies and
strategies, constitutional provisions, legal framework, and institutions pertaining to employee
and its welfare, current employee policy issues, employee laws pertaining to women and their
empowerment and approaches of WTO and India on matters related to employee. He also
includes glimpses of India’s Five Year Plans from First Five Years Plan (1951-56) to Tenth
Fiver Year Plan (2002-07).
Its resolution of 1947, the International Employee Organisation (ILO) defined the
employee welfare, as "such services, facilities and amenities like adequate canteens, rest and
recreation facilities, arrangements for travel to and from work and accommodation of
workers employed at a distance from their houses and such other services amenities and
facilities which contribute to improve the conditions under which workers are employee".
The study team appointed by the Government of India in 1959 to examine employee
welfare activities, then divided the whole range of these existing activities in three groups, (I)
welfare within the precincts of an establishment – medical aid, crèches, supply of drinking
housing, adult education, visual instruments etc., and (III) Social Security.
Page 37
Research is defined as “scientific & systematic search for pertinent information on a specific
topic. Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research is a systemized effort to gain
knew knowledge. It is a careful inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch
of knowledge. The search for knowledge through objectives and systematic method of
finding solution to a problem is a research.
A research is the arrangement of the condition for the collection and analysis of the data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
In fact, the research is design in the collection structure within which research is conducted it
constitutes the blue print of the collection, measurement and analysis of the data. As search
the design includes an outline of the research will do from writing the hypothesis and its
operational implication to the final analysis of data.
The study is based on both primary data and secondary data.
The primary data is collected using a printed questionnaire. The opinions of the consumer
buying behaviour of cars are collected using the questionnaire.
The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part was aimed at collecting the social-
economic data and the next part is used to collected data regarding the consumer buying
behaviour of cars.
The secondary data are gathered from various online websites and from number of other
website which gives information about consumer buying behaviour of cars
Page 38
The target population for the study consists of the various people who belong to different age,
income, & gender. To collect opinions of the consumer buying behaviour of cars, random
sampling technique was adopted.
The study was aimed to collect data from various people in general places in a region due to
time constraint, 200 samples were chosen.
The collected data using the printed questionnaires was analysed using simple statistical tool
like percentage. The data was also presented in graphical form.
Duration of the study was for a period of one month.
 The workers fear to answer certain questions, because they thought that it will affect
their job.
 Time constraint is another limiting factor. The respondents could be approached only
during break hours and also there was a specified time to complete the project in the
 Inferences were drawn from a sample. Generalization is not free from sampling
errors, so the navigator should not go deep into total position.
 Management did not disclose the confidential reports.
 The navigator has to depend mainly on primary data.
 The attitude, views and thinking pattern of each person is different. This is reflected in
their answers also.
Page 39
From the above table it is interpreted that the majority 31% of the respondents are in the age
group of 31-40 ,29% belomgs to the age group 41-50. The percentage of respondents below
30 and above 50 years constitutes 20% only.
Age No. of
Below 30yr 40 20
31 – 40yr 62 31
41 – 50yr 58 29
51yr & above 40 20
Total 200 100
Page 40
From the above table it is interpreted that 67% of the respondents of Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt
Ltd is male and 33% of the respondents are female.
Gender No. Of Respondents Percentage
Male 134 67
Female 66 33
Total 200 100
Male, 67%
Female, 33%
Male Female
Page 41
From the above table it is interpreted that 68% of the respondents of Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt
Ltd is married and 32% are unmarried.
Marital Status No. Of Respondents Percentage
Married 136 68
Unmarried 64 32
Total 200 100
Page 42
From the above table it is interpreted that 60% of the workers are management professional,
26% are front office staff, 25% are accountants, and 19% are agents.
Designation No. Of Respondents Percentage
professional 60 30
Front office staff 52 26
Accountants 50 25
Agents 38 19
Total 200 100
Front office
staff ,
26% Accountants,
Agents, 19%
Page 43
From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are having the experience
upto 5 years,34% of the respondents have the experience of 6-10 years and 15% of the
respondents are having more than 11 and above 15 years of experience.
Experience No. Of Respondents Percentage
0 – 5 72 36
6 – 10 68 34
11 – 15 30 15
Above 15 30 15
Total 200 100
Page 44
According to the above table 30% of the respondents are having the salary below 5000,and
25% of the respondents respondents have salary between 10000-15000, 25% have salary
above 15000. 20% of the respondents have the salare between 5000 and 10000.
Salary No. Of Respondents Percentage
Below 5000 60 30
5000-10000 40 20
10000-15000 50 25
Above 15000 50 25
Total 200 100
Page 45
From the above table it is interpreted that 35% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the
promotion activities,28% of the respondents are satisfied by the promotion activities,25% are
moderately satisfied and the least 12% are dissatisfied by the promotion activities.
Promotion No Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 70 35
Satisfied 56 28
Moderately Satisfied 50 25
Dissatisfied 24 12
Total 200 100
35% Satisfied,
Satisfied Moderately
Page 46
From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied with
the medical facilities,28% of the respondents are satisfied by the medical facilities
provided,22% are moderately satisfied and the least 10% are dissatisfied and 10% are highly the promotion activities.
Medical Facility No. Of
Highly Satisfied 60 30
Satisfied 56 28
Moderately Satisfied 44 22
Dissatisfied 20 10
Highly Dissatisfied 20 10
Total 200 100
Page 47
Leave Facility
No. Of
Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 72 36
Satisfied 50 25
Satisfied 56 28
Dissatisfied 14 7
Dissatisfied 8 4
Total 200 100
From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied with
the leave facilities,25% of the respondents are satisfied by the leave facilities provided,28%
are moderately satisfied and 7% are dissatisfied and 4% are highly dissatisfied.
Satisfied Moderately
Dissatisfied Highly
Page 48
From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are satisfied with the rest
room facilities, 25% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the rest room facilities
provided,20% are moderately satisfied and 10% are dissatisfied and 9% are highly
dissatisfied by the rest room facility
Rest room Facility No. Of
Highly Satisfied 50 25
Satisfied 72 36
Moderately Satisfied 40 20
Dissatisfied 20 10
Highly Dissatisfied 18 9
Total 200 100
Satisfied, 25
Satisfied, 36
Satisfied, 20
Dissatisfied, 10 Highly
Dissatisfied, 9
Page 49
From the above table it is interpreted that 38% of the respondents are satisfied with the
transportation facilities, 28% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the transportation
facilities provided,18% are moderately satisfied and 8% are dissatisfied and 8% are highly
dissatisfied by the transportation facilities.
No. Of
Highly Satisfied 52 28
Satisfied 76 38
Moderately Satisfied 36 18
Dissatisfied 16 8
Highly Dissatisfied 16 8
Total 200 100
Satisfied Moderately
Dissatisfied Highly
Page 50
From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied
with the safety equipment facilities, 25% of the respondents are satisfied by the safety
equipment facilities provided,20% are dissatisfied and 15% aremoderately satisfied and 10%
are dissatisfied by the safety equipment facilities.
Safety Equipment
Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 60 30
Satisfied 50 25
Moderately Satisfied 30 15
Dissatisfied 40 20
Highly Dissatisfied 20 10
Total 200 100
Satisfied Moderately
Dissatisfied Highly
Page 51
From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are satisfied by the
advance payment facilities, 28% of the respondents are moderately satisfied by advance
payment facilities provided,22% are highly satisfied and 10% are dissatisfied and 10% are
highlydissatisfied by the advance payment facilities.
Advanced Payment
Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 44 22
Satisfied 60 30
Moderately Satisfied 56 28
Dissatisfied 20 10
Highly Dissatisfied 20 10
Total 200 100
Page 52
From the above table it is interpreted that 48% of the respondents feel excellent in case of
relation ship with the superior, 28% feel satisfactory, 22% feel good and the least 2% feel
poor relation ship with superior.
Relationship with
No. Of Respondents Percentage
Excellent 96 48
Satisfactory 56 28
Good 44 22
Poor 4 2
Total 200 100
Excellent Satisfactory Good Poor
Page 53
From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the
social securities, 30% of the respondents are satisfied by the social securities provided,20%
are moderately satisfied & 18% are dissatisfied and 10% are dissatisfied by the social
securities provided.
Social security Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 64 32
Satisfied 60 30
Moderately Satisfied 40 20
Dissatisfied 36 18
Total 200 100
Satisfied, 32% Satisfied, 30%
Satisfied, 20%
Page 54
From the above table it is interpreted that 38% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the
working of Trade union, 28% of the respondents are moderately satisfied by the working of
Trade union,25% are satisfied, 12% are dissatisfied.
Working of Trade union No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 76 38
Satisfied 50 25
Moderately Satisfied 56 28
Dissatisfied 24 12
Total 200 100
Page 55
From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the
policy and administration of the company, 29% of the respondents are moderately satisfied
by the policy and administration of the company,22% are satisfied,10% are dissatisfied.
Policy and Administration No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 72 36
Satisfied 44 22
Moderately Satisfied 58 29
Dissatisfied 20 10
Total 200 100
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately
Page 56
From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the
bonus payment of the company, 28% of the respondents are satisfied,24% are moderately
satisfied,12% are dissatisfied by the bonus payment.
Bonus No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 72 36
Satisfied 56 28
Moderately Satisfied 48 24
Dissatisfied 24 12
Total 200 100
Highly Satisfied,
Satisfied, 28 Moderately
Satisfied, 24
Dissatisfied, 12
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately
Page 57
From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are satisfied by the PF
payment of the company, 25% of the respondents are highly satisfied,25% are moderately
satisfied,18% are dissatisfied by the PF payment.
PF No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 50 25
Satisfied 64 32
Moderately Satisfied 50 25
Dissatisfied 36 18
Total 200 100
Highly Satisfied,
3200% Moderately
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately
Page 58
From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the
HRA of the company, 29% of the respondents are moderately satisfied,25% are satisfied,10%
are dissatisfied by the HRA payment.
HRA No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 72 36
Satisfied 50 25
Moderately Satisfied 58 29
Dissatisfied 20 10
Total 200 100
Highly Satisfied,
Satisfied, 25
Satisfied, 29
Dissatisfied, 10
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
Page 59
From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are satisfied by the TA of
the company, 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied,19% are moderately satisfied,15%
are dissatisfied.
TA No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 60 30
Satisfied 72 36
Moderately Satisfied 38 19
Dissatisfied 30 15
Total 200 100
Satisfied, 30
Satisfied, 36
Satisfied, 19
Dissatisfied, 15
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately
Page 60
From the above table it is interpreted that 35% of the respondents are satisfied by the
Festival allowance, 32% of the respondents are highly satisfied,21% are moderately
satisfied,12% are dissatisfied by the Festival allowance.
Festival Allowance No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 64 32
Satisfied 70 35
42 21
Dissatisfied 24 12
Total 200 100
Satisfied, 32
Satisfied, 35
Satisfied, 21
Dissatisfied, 12
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately
Page 61
From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the
ESI, 33% of the respondents are satisfied,28%
are moderately satisfied,9% are dissatisfied by the ESI.
ESI No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 60 30
Satisfied 66 33
Moderately Satisfied 56 28
Dissatisfied 18 9
Total 200 100
Highly Satisfied,
Satisfied, 33 Moderately
Satisfied, 28
Dissatisfied, 9
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
Page 62
From the above table it is interpreted that 35% of the respondents are satisfied by the
ventillation, 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied, 21% are moderately satisfied, and
14% are dissatisfied by the ventillation.
Ventillation No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 60 30
Satisfied 70 35
Moderately Satisfied 42 21
Dissatisfied 28 14
Total 200 100
Highly Satisfied,
Satisfied, 35
Satisfied, 21
Dissatisfied, 14
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately
Page 63
From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are satisfied by the
Temperature in the company, 26% of the respondents are highly satisfied, 25% are
moderately satisfied, and 17% are dissatisfied by the temperature.
Temperature No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 52 26
Satisfied 64 32
Moderately Satisfied 50 25
Dissatisfied 34 17
Total 200 100
Highly Satisfied,
Satisfied, 32%
Satisfied, 25%
Page 64
From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the
lighting,32% of the respondents are satisfied, 22% are moderately satisfied, and 12% are
dissatisfied by the lightning.
Lighting No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 68 34
Satisfied 64 32
Moderately Satisfied 44 22
Dissatisfied 24 12
Total 200 100
Satisfied Moderately
Page 65
From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied by their
spacing,28% of the respondents are satisfied, 26% are moderately satisfied, and 10% are
dissatisfied by the spacing in the company.
Space No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 72 36
Satisfied 56 28
Moderately Satisfied 52 26
Dissatisfied 20 10
Total 200 100
Satisfied Moderately
Page 66
From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are highly satisfied by their
seating arrangement,30% of the respondents are satisfied, 30% are moderately satisfied, and
8% are dissatisfied by their seating arrangement in the company.
No. Of Respondents Percentage
Highly Satisfied 64 32
Satisfied 60 30
Moderately Satisfied 60 30
Dissatisfied 16 8
Total 200 100
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately
Page 67
 It was found that the majority of the respondents are in the age group of 31-40 ,some
belongs to the age group 41-50. The percentage of respondents below 30 and above
50 years constitutes were few only.
 The majority respondents of Maulik leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is male and minority are
 Most of the respondents of Maulik leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is married and some are
 It was found that majority of the respondents are having the experience upto 5 years,
some of the respondents have the experience of 6-10 years and few of the respondents
are having more than 11 and above 15 years of experience.
 It was found that majority of the workers are management professional, some are
front office staff, few are accountants, and minority are agents.
 In case of salary majority of the respondents are having the salary below 5000, and
some of the respondents respondents have salary between10000-15000, few have
salary above 15000. minority of the respondents have the salare between 5000 and
 From the study it was found that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with
the promotion activities, some of the respondents aresatisfied by the promotion
activities, few are moderately satisfied and the least minority are dissatisfied by the
promotion activities.
 Regarding the medical facilities majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with
the medical facilities, some of the respondents are satisfied by the medical facilities
provided, few are moderately satisfied and the least are dissatisfied and highly
 The study reveals that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with the leave
facilities, some of the respondents are satisfied by the leave facilities provided, few
are moderately satisfied and minority are dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied by the
leave facility.
Page 68
 It was found that majority of the respondents are satisfied the rest room facilities,
some of the respondents are highly satisfied by the rest room facilities provided, few
are moderately satisfied and minority are dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied by the
rest room facility.
 As far as transportation facility is concerned majority of the respondents are satisfied,
some of the respondents are highly satisfied by the transportation facilities provided,
few are moderately satisfied and minority are dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied by
the transportation facilities.
 Majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with the safety equipment facilities,
some of the respondents are satisfied by the safety equipment facilities provided, few
are dissatisfied and minority of the respondents are moderately satisfied and
dissatisfied by the safety equipment facilities
 It is proved that majority of the respondents are satisfied by the advance payment
facilities, some of the respondents are moderately satisfied by advance payment
facilities provided, few are highly satisfied and minority are dissatisfied and highly
dissatisfied by the advance payment facilities.
 The study indicates that majority of the respondents feel excellent in case of
relationship with the superior, some feel satisfactory, few feel good and the least feel
poor relation ship with superior.
 As far as social securities is concerned majority of the respondents are highly
satisfied by the social securities, some of the respondents are satisfied by the social
securities provided, few are moderately satisfied & least are dissatisfied by the social
securities provided.
 It was found that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the working of
Trade union, some of the respondents are moderately satisfied by the working of
Trade union, few are satisfied and least are dissatisfied.
 The study reveals that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the policy
and administration of the company, some of the respondents are moderately satisfied
by the policy and administration of the company, few are satisfied and least are
 The study reveals that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the bonus
payment of the company, some of the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately
satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the bonus payment.
Page 69
 It was found that majority of the respondents are satisfied by the PF payment of the
company, some of the respondents are highly satisfied and moderately satisfied, few
are dissatisfied by the PF payment
 Regarding HRA majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the HRA of the
company, some of the respondents are moderately satisfied, few are satisfied and least
are dissatisfied by the HRA payment
 As far as TA is concerned majority of the respondents are satisfied by the TA of the
company, some of the respondents are highly satisfied, few are moderately satisfied
and least are dissatisfied.
 It was found that majority of the respondents are satisfied by the Festival allowance,
some of the respondents are highly satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are
dissatisfied by the Festival allowance
 Regarding ESI majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the ESI, some of
the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by
the ESI.
 Majority of the respondents are satisfied by the ventillation, some of the respondents
are highly satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the
 Considering temperature majority of the respondents are satisfied by the Temperature
in the company, some of the respondents are highly satisfied, few are moderately
satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the temperature
 It was found that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the lighting, some
of the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied
by the lightning.
 It was found that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by their spacing,
some of the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are
dissatisfied by the spacing in the company
 Regarding the seating arrangement majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by
their seating arrangement, some of the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately
satisfied and least are dissatisfied by their seating arrangement in the company.
Page 70
From the study we can found that few employees are not fully satisfied with the welfare measures
provided by the company. The management should consider this and necessary arrangements
should be made to provide adequate facilities to improve the efficiency of the workers.
 We can also understand from the findings that there are few employees not being
satisfied with the medical facilities available in the organization. The management
should pay kind attention in this regard to improve the medical facilities.
 The management shall adopt appropriate communication system to ensure that all
the future plans and company policies being reached to all the employees in the
 The management should take appropriate action to improve the transportation
facilities as some of the employees are dissatisfied by the transportation facilities
provided by the organization.
 The company can also establish a council constituting of members from all the
departments to device the welfare measures and to make the employees much more
 Library facility should be provided to the employees for improving their knowledge.
 The company should provide necessary lunch room and rest room facilities to all the
employees since some employees are highly dissatisfied by the rest room facilities.
Page 71
The researcher is benefited with the study, because the topic will help the management to get an
effective feedback from the employees about the employee welfare measures prevailing in the
It also provides researcher an opportunity to expose with functions of the human resource
department and able to well versed with statutory and non-statutory welfare measures adopted in
the organization.
The study provides various suggestions to the management including various welfare measures to
enhance level of satisfaction of employees in the “MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS PVT LTD”.
At the same time employees got opportunity to express their view about various components of the
satisfaction level prevailing in“MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS PVT LTD”.
It is also expected that improvement will be made and appropriate actions will be taken based on
the suggestions and opinions given by the respondents and researcher.
Page 72
AGE : a) below 30 b) 31-40 yr c) 41-50 yr d) 51 yr above
1. For how many years you are working in Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd. Company?
a) 1-5 years b) 5-10 years c) 10-15 years d) Above 15 years
2. Are you married?
a) Yes b) No
3. What is your designation in Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd Company?
a) Front Office Staff b) Accountant c) Management Professional
d) Agents
4. How do you feel about the policy & administration of your Company in welfare
a) Satisfied b) Average c) Dissatisfied d) Highly Dissatisfied
5. Are you satisfied with the promotion facilities provided by the Company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
6. Are you satisfied with leave facilities provided by the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
Page 73
7. Are you satisfied with the Rest room facilities provided by the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
8. Are you satisfied with the transportation facilities provided by the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
9. What is your opinion on Safety equipment facilities in the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
10. What is your opinion on Advance Payment facility provided by the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
11. What is your opinion on relationship with superiors in the company?
a) Excellent b) Satisfactory c) Good d) Poor
12. Are you satisfied with the social security provided by the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
13. What is your opinion on working with trade union?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
14. What is your opinion on Policy and Administration?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
15. Are you satisfied with your Bonus provided by the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
Page 74
16. Are you satisfied with the Provident Fund Payment?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
17. Are you satisfied with your HRA (House Rent Allowance) in the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
18. Are you satisfied with your Tax Allowance (TA) in the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
19. What is our opinion on Festival Allowance provided by the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
20. What is your opinion on ESI (Employee State Insurance) provided by the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
21. Are you satisfied on ventilation in the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
22. Are you satisfied on temperature in the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
23. Are you satisfied on lighting in the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
Page 75
23. Are you satisfied on spacing in the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
24. Are you satisfied on seat arrangement in the company?
a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

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  • 1. Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Meaning of Employee Welfare Employee welfare means “the efforts to make life worth living for workers”. 1.2 Definition of Employee Welfare According to Todd “employee welfare means anything done for the comfort and improvement, intellectual or social, of the employees over and above the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry. Employee Welfare is an important facet of industrial relations, the extra dimension, giving satisfaction to the worker in a way which evens a good wage cannot. With the growth of industrialization and mechanization, it has acquired added importance. The workers in industry cannot cope with the pace of modern life with minimum sustenance amenities. He needs an added stimulus to keep body and soul together. Employers have also realized the importance of their role in providing these extra amenities. And yet, they are not always able to fulfill workers’ demands however reasonable they might be. They are primarily concerned with the viability of the enterprise. Employee welfare, though it has been proved to contribute to efficiency in production, is expensive. Each employer depending on his priorities gives varying degrees of importance to employee welfare. It is because the government is not sure that all employers are progressive minded and will provide basic welfare measures that it introduces statutory legislation from time to time to bring about some measures of uniformity in the basic amenities available to industrial workers. After employees have been hired, trained and remunerated, they need to be retained and maintained to serve the organization better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of the wellbeing of the employees, they do not generally result in any monetary benefit to the employees. No rare these facilities provided by employers alone. Governmental and non- governmental agencies and trade unions too, contribute towards employee welfare. Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits and facilities offered to employees by the employer. Through such generous fringe benefits the employer makes the life worth living for employees. The welfare amenities are extended in
  • 2. Page 2 addition to normal wages and other economic rewards available to employees as per the legal provisions. Welfare measures may also be provided by the government, trade unions and non-government agencies in addition to the employer. The basic purpose of employee welfare is to enrich the life of the employees and keep them happy and contended. Employee welfare today has become a very controversial topic. It covers a very broad field. To being with, let us briefly discuss the main concepts or, rather, the general, meaning full ideas which have been evolved about it so far. The term welfare suggest many ideas, meanings and connotations, such as the state of well-belling, health, happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. The concept of welfare can be approached from various angles. Welfare has been described as a total concept. It is a desirable state of existence involving for certain components of welfare, such a health, food, clothing, and housing, medical assistance, insurance, education, recreation. Job security, and so on. The word employee means any productivity activity. In a broader sense, therefore, the phrase employee welfare means the adoption of measures to promote the physical, social, psychological and general wellbeing of the working population. Welfare work in any industry aims, or should aim, at improving the working and living conditions of workers and their families. The concept of employee welfare originates in the desire for a humanitarian approach to the sufferings of the working class. Later, it becomes a utilitarian philosophy which worked as a motivating force for labor and for those who were interested in it. Employee welfare has been defined in various ways, though unfortunately no single definition has found universal acceptance. “Efforts to make life worth living for worker” “The oxford dictionary” 1.3 Importance of employee welfare activities:- Employee welfare in India has a special significance as the constitution provides for the promotion of welfare of the employee for human conditions of work and securing to all workers. The various welfare measures provided by the employee will have immediate impact on the health, physical and mental efficiency, alertness, morale and overall efficiency of the workers and thereby contributing to the highest productivity.
  • 3. Page 3 Social security measure provided by employer will act as a protection to the workers. Employee welfare means activities designed for the promotion of the economic, social and cultural wellbeing of the employees. Employee welfare includes both statutory as well as non-statutory activities undertaken by the employers, trade unions and both the central and state governments for the physical and mental development of the workers. Employee welfare enables workers to have richer and more satisfying life. It raises the standard of living of workers by indirectly reducing the burden on their pocket. Welfare measures improve the physical and physiological health of the employees, which in turn enhance their efficiency and productivity. Employee welfare promotes a sense of belongings among the workers, preventing them from resorting to unhealthy practices like absenteeism, employee unrest strike, etc. welfare work improves the relations between employees and employers. It promotes a real change of heart and a change of outlook of the part of both the employers and employees. 1.4 Reasons for the employee welfare activities in India:- 1) Increase in efficiency of employees: Employee welfare activities increase the efficiency of employees to work. These facilities help in developing the feeling of dedication among them. Due to the increase in efficiency the production and the productivity of the enterprise increase considerably. 2) Helpful in reducing the state of poverty among employees: Most of the workers in our country are unable in providing for base necessities for themselves and to their family members. This is because of the extreme poverty among Indian workers. Provision of employee welfare activities plays an important role in reducing such poverty and in providing essential amenities to the workers. 3) Establishment of Organizational peace: Employee welfare activities help in establishing sound relations between employees and employers. When the employees of the organization feel that they are getting all the possible facilities and the employers are very caring to them, then such good
  • 4. Page 4 feeling increases enthusiasm among employees which will establish peace in the organization. 4) Helpful in reducing the rate of absenteeism and employee turnover: The rate of absenteeism and employee turnover is much higher in India as compared to that of developed countries of the world. Provision of employee welfare activities help in reducing this because the workers feel themselves well settled at one place. 1.5 Concept of Employee welfare The concept of employee welfare is flexible and elastic and differs widely with time, region, industry, social values and customs, degree of industrialization, the general socioeconomic development of the people and the political ideologies prevailing at a particular time. It is also molded according to the age-groups, socio-cultural background, marital and economic status and educational level of the workers in various industries In its broad connotation, the term welfare refers to a state of living of an individual or group in a desirable relationship with total environment – ecological, economic, and social. Conceptually as well as operationally, employee welfare is a part of social welfare which, in turn, is closely linked to the concept and the role of the State which is applicable in the plant. The concept of social welfare, in its narrow contours, has been equated with economic welfare. As these goals are not always be realized by individuals through their efforts alone, the government came into the picture and gradually began to take over the responsibility for the free and full development of human personality of its population. Employee welfare is an extension of the term Welfare and its application to employee. During the industrialization process, the stress on employee productivity increased; and brought about changes in the thinking on employee welfare. In its broad connotation, the term welfare refers to a state of living of an individual or group in desirable relationship with total environment – ecological, economic, and social. Conceptually as well as operationally, employee welfare is a part of social welfare which, in turn, is closely linked to the concept and the role of the State. The concept of social welfare, in its narrow contours, has been equated with economic welfare. Pigou defined it as “that part of general welfare which can be brought directly or indirectly into relations with the
  • 5. Page 5 measuring rod of money” (Pigou, 1962). According to Willensky and Ladeaux, social welfare alludes to “those formally organized and socially sponsored institutions, agencies and programs which function to maintain or improve the economic conditions, health or interpersonal competence of some parts or all of a population” (Willensky and Ladeaux, 1918). As these goals may not always be realized by individuals through their efforts alone, the government came into the picture and gradually began to take over the responsibility for the free and full development of human personality of its population. Employee welfare is an extension of the term Welfare and its application to employee. During the industrialization process, the stress on employee productivity increased; and brought about changes in the thinking on employee welfare. An early study under the UN observed as follows “in our opinion most underdeveloped countries are in the situation that investment in people is likely to prove as productive, in the purely material sense, as any investment in material resources and in many cases, investment in people would lead to a greater increase of the flow of goods and services than would follow upon any comparable investment in material capital”. The theory that welfare expenditure, especially expenditure on health and education, is productive investment has led to the view that workers could work more productively if they were given a fair deal both at the work place and in the community. The concept of employee welfare has received inspiration from the concepts of democracy and welfare state. Democracy does not simply denote a form of government; it is rather a way of life based on certain values such as equal rights and privileges for all. The operation of welfare services, in actual practice, brings to bear on it different reflections representing the broad cultural and social conditions. In short, employee welfare is the voluntary efforts of the employers to establish, within the existing industrial system, working and sometimes living and cultural conditions of the employees beyond what is required by law, the custom of the industry and the conditions of the market The constituents of employee welfare included working hours, working conditions, safety, industrial health insurance, workmen’s compensation, provident funds, gratuity, pensions ,protection against indebtedness, industrial housing, restrooms, canteens, crèches, wash places ,toilet facilities, lunches, cinemas, theatres.
  • 6. Page 6 1.6 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS Pvt. Ltd the manufacturing activity is mainly depend on the efficiency of the employees. This study is undertaken with a view to understand the different welfare measures taken and facilities provided by the company. Gather the opinion of the employees about these facilities and also to know the reason for the dissatisfaction, if any. 1.7 SCOPE OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE Employee welfare facilities have a great scope to develop a sense of responsibilities and dignity among the workers enabling them to be worthy and enlightened citizens. MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS Pvt. Ltd also needs to make a study about employees attitudes towards the welfare amenities provided to them. All such aspects help to reduce industrial strike and peace in the industrial organization. 1.8 SIGNIFICANCE OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE The logic behind providing welfare facilities is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied work force for the organization and also for the nation. Employees are important stakeholders. Employee welfare measures are endeavoring to establish effective systems for performance evaluation. It helps to increase employee’s productivity efficiency and protect workers from social evils. It helps to enhance goodwill and public image of the organization. Also it helps to improve industrial relations and peace.
  • 7. Page 7 1.9 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY Primary Objective: To study about effectiveness of employee welfare measures. Secondary Objectives: 1) To identify the welfare facilities provided in the organization. 2) To find out the employees level of satisfaction through the welfare measures. 3) To find out the draw backs in current welfare measures. 4) To know the suggestions and recommendations of the employees. 5) To put forward the matters to be rectified and further welfare measures to be adopted.
  • 8. Page 8 COMPANY PROFILE 1.22 HISTORICAL BACKGROUNDS: Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd. (MLC) Which manufacturers the full range leather footwear is located at Pondicherry. The footwear factory was established in the year 1987 and it has been manufacturing high quality footwear for its prestigious customers overseas. Its founders coming from a family that’s into footwear since 1940’s, so traditional is a word that characterizes this company because of its proud history. At the same time they have also proved extremely innovative, modern and creative. Industrial methods make products for the entire world, and the company is thankful to its skilled exacting professionals who retain their time-honored values and savoir-fair of true artisans. This company has taken full advantage of the many synergies generated within the group while retaining its identity and remaining faithful to their distinctive difference. 1.23 OBJECTIVE OF THE ORGANIZATION: The main objectives of the company are: 1. To satisfy the needs and want of its customers with safe manufacturing, quality control and to improve their exports. 2. To make Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd Zero-injury organization. 1.24 COMPANY’S BUSINESS: Right from their origins as an MLC, due to its hard work, no compromise in quality and prompt service has made its product world renowned in Complete Leather Footwear products.
  • 9. Page 9 MLC PROPOSES ITS EXPERTISE FOR: 1. Special Orders 2. Product Customization MISSION AND VALUE: The mission of the Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is to represent the most refined qualities of western “Art de vivre” around the world. It continues to be synonymous with both elegance and creativity. Its products with cultural values embedded; blend with tradition and innovation, kindles dream and fantasy. In view of this mission five priorities reflect the fundamental values shared by all, those who are all directly or indirectly with MLC. 1. Be creative and innovative 2. Aim for product excellence 3. Bolster the image of our brands with passionate determination 4. Act as entrepreneurs 5. Strive to be the best in all we do. BE CREATIVE AND INNOVATE: Companies are determined to nurture and grow their creative resources. This long- term success is rooted in a combination of artistic creativity and technological innovation. They have always been and always will be creators. Their ability to attract the best creative talents, to empower them to create leading-edge designs is the lifeblood of our Company. The same goes for technological innovation. This value – creativity/innovation – is a priority for all companies. It is the foundation of their continued success. AIM FOR PRODUCT EXCELLELNCE: Companies pay the closest attention to every detail and ensure the utter perfection of their products. They symbolize the nobility and perfection of traditional craftsmanship. Each and every one of the objects their customers buy and use exemplifies our brands tradition of impeccable quality. Never should Group companies disappoint, but rather continue to
  • 10. Page 10 surprise their customers with the quality, endurance and finish of their products, They never compromise when it comes to product quality BOLSTER THE IMAGE OF OUR BRANDS WITH PASSIONATE DETERMINATION: Group brands enjoy exceptional reputation. This would not amount to much, and could not be sustained, if was not backed by the creative superiority and extreme quality of their products. However, without this aura, this extra dimension that somewhat defies logic, this force of expression that transcends reality, the sublime that is the stuff of our dreams, Dior would not be Dior, Moet would not be Moet. The Power of the customer’s brands is part of Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd heritage. They are an asset that is both priceless and irreplaceable. Therefore, Companies exercise stringent control over every minute detail of their brands image. In each of the elements of their communications with the public (announcements, speeches, messages, etc.) it is the brand that speaks. Each message must do right by the brand. In this area as well, there is absolutely no room for compromise. ACT AS ENRTREPRENEURS: The Organizational structure is decentralized, which fosters efficiency, productivity and creativity. This type of organization is highly motivating and dynamic. It encourages individual initiative and offers real responsibilities – sometimes early on in one’s career. It requires highly entrepreneurial executive teams in each company. This entrepreneurial spirit requires a healthy dose of common sense from managers, as well as hard work pragmatism, efficiency, and the ability to motivate people in the pursuit of ambitious goals. One needs to share and enjoy this entrepreneurial spirit to one day manage a subsidiary or company of Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd. STRIVE TO BE THE BEST IN ALL WE DO: Last but not least is their ambition is to be their best. In each company, executive teams strive to constantly improve, never be complacent and always try to broaden their skills, improve the quality of their work and come up with new ideas. The Company encourages this spirit, thirst for progress, among all of its associates.
  • 11. Page 11 A UNIFIED MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY: 1. Recruit the most talented people 2. Priority on training 3. Develop career mobility IN MAULIK LEATHERCRATS PVT LTD THEY BELIEVE AND PRACTICE: 1. Respect for people 2. Respect for process 3. Respect for performance 1.25 VALUES OF THE GROWTH 1. TRUTH 1. Make honest commitments and strive to deliver. 2. Give and receive honest feedback about performance and potential. 2. COURAGE 1. Empower teams and hold them responsible. 2. Stand – up for what is right. 3. Accept failures and learn from them. 3. ACTION 1. Cut bureaucracy and irrelevant analysis 2. Act decisively without passing the buck. 4. CARING 1. Coach the team and create opportunity for development. 2. Recognize contribution.
  • 12. Page 12 1.26 CUSTOMER PROFILE Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd knows that its customers largely decide each and every organization’s success or the victory, whereas, the customer’s decision depends on price and quality. They are alone the one who decides the specification of their needs but their wishes change with environmental changes. They are said to be the real owners. The organization depends on customers and the customers do not depend on organization. MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS PVT LTD EXPORT POLICY  Use standards of environmental safety, which are scientifically sustainable and commonly acceptable.  Review and continuously improve processes, the performance of product, service and operations as measured by their environmental impact.  Work in co-operation with members of industry Government agencies, relevant environmental bodies, suppliers and customers to promote the achievement of high standards of environmental care. QUALITY POLICY  Maulik Leathercrafts Private Limited considers quality as one of the key drivers for its growth and leadership in the market in which it operates.  The factory is committed to respond creatively and competitively to the changing needs and aspirations of its consumers through relentless pursuit of technological excellence, innovation, quality management across its business, using superior quality products and service that are appropriate to tis commitment to building value.  The factory recognizes that its employees are the primary source of success in its operations and is committed to training and providing them the necessary tool as and techniques as well as empowering them to ensure broad compliance of this policy in the organization at all levels.  The factory is committed to fulfil its legal and statutory obligations and international standards of product safety and hygiene and will not knowingly produce that is harmful to consumers or their belonging.
  • 13. Page 13  The factory will maintain an open communication channel to get the feedback from its customers and will carefully monitor the feedback to continuously improve it products and services and set quality standards to fulfill them. 1.27 SAFETY AND HEALTHY POLICY: STANDARD OF CONDUCT  1. Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd conducts its operation with honesty, integrity, and openness and with respect for the human rights and interests of its employees.  2. The company shall similarly respect the legitimate interests of those with whom it has relationships. OBEYING THE LAW  The company and employees are required to comply with the regulations of the countries in which it operates. EMPLOYEES 1. The company is committed to diversity in a working environment where there is mutual trust and respect and where everyone feels responsible for the performance and reputation of the company. 2. The company will recruit, employ and promote employees on the sole basis of the qualifications and abilities needed for the work to be performed. 3. The company is committed to safe and healthy working conditions for all employees. It will not use any form of forced, compulsory or child employee. 4. It is committed to working with employees to develop and enhance each individual’s skills and capabilities.
  • 14. Page 14 CONSUMERS  Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is committed to providing branded products and services which consistently offer value in terms of price and quality and which are safe for their intended use. Products and services will be accurately and properly labeled, advertised and communicated. THE ENVIRONMENT 1. The company is committed to making continuous improvements in the management of environmental impact and to the longer-term goal of developing a sustainable business. 2. The company will work in partnership with others to promote environmental care, increase understanding of environmental issues and disseminate good practice. INNOVATION In its scientific innovation to meet consumer needs the company will respect the concerns of tis consumers and of society. The company will work on the basis of sound science, applying rigorous standards of product safety. COMPETITION It believes in vigorous yet fair competition and supports the development of appropriate competition laws. The company and employees will conduct their operations in accordance with principles of fair competition and all applicable regulations. BUSINESS INTEGRITY The company does not give or receive, whether directly or indirectly, bribes or other improper advantages for business of financial gain. No employee may offer, give or receive any gift or payment, which is, or may be construed as being, a bribe. Any demand for or offer of, a bribe must be rejected immediately and reported to management. The company accounting records and supporting documents must accurately describe and reflect the nature of the underlying transactions. No undisclosed or unrecorded account, fund or arrest will be established or maintained.
  • 15. Page 15 CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS All employees are expected to avoid personal activities and financial interests, which could conflict with their responsibilities to the company. The employee’s must not seek gain for themselves or other through misuse of their positions. 1.28 FUNCTIONS OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Production Department is required for transforming raw materials into finished. This departments aims at higher productivity of resources so that the greatest outputs are obtained from the least inputs. Production process involves planning, directing and controlling the operations till the successful completion. Effective utilization of resources is made, time is shortened, wastes and scrapings are avoided and harmonious working is made in the company. The important bearing on productivity is quality, quantity, cost and time of production. SHOE MANUFACTURING PROCESS IN Maulik Leather crafts Pvt Ltd.: dfdfdfdfd Raw Leather Finished Leather Uppers Upper Last Finished Shoe Tannery Ancillary Lasting Section
  • 16. Page 16 STORES DEPARTMENT 1. To provide smooth flow of raw materials and other items necessary to meet production requirements. 2. To ensure that there is no excess materials than the requirement. 3. To keep minimum amount of stock so as to avoid damage and wastage. 4. To minimize the annual ordering costs. OBJECTIVES OF STORES 1. To provide smooth flow of raw materials and other items necessary to meet production requirements. 2. To ensure that there is no excess materials than the requirement. 3. To keep minimum amount of stock so as to avoid damage and wastage. 4. To minimize the annual ordering costs. FUNCTIONS OF STORES DEPARTMENT 1. To verify the stocks. 2. To arrange for inspection, receipt and storage of material. 3. To receive and issue materials for the works in progress. 4. To take steps for disposing the goods. 5. To maintain the stock levels.
  • 17. Page 17 LABELING, PACKAGING, PACKING AND MARKING GOODS: An important stage after manufacturing of goods or their procurement is their preparation for shipment. This involves labelling, packaging, packing and marking of export consignments. Labelling requirements differ from country to country and the same is ascertained well in advance from the buyer. The label indicates quality, quantity, method of use etch. Packaging fulfils a vital role in helping to get the export products to the market in top condition, as well as in presenting the goods to the overseas buyer in an attractive way. While packaging, quality is not compromised merely to cut down costs, packaging is in conformity with the instructions issued by the importer. Packaging is in conformity with the instructions issued by the importer. Packaging to the external containers used for transportation. The shape of packing cases play a very important role in packing the cargo, UPLOADING ENTERED IN ARRIVAL REGISTER QUALITY CONTROL COUNTING ENETERED IN REGISTER AND SYSTEM LEDGER KEPT IN RACKS S U P P L I E R
  • 18. Page 18 and the nature of packing material is used based on the quantum of items to be exported. As regard specification for the size, weight and strength care is taken to ensure that the weight of standard case does not exceed certain limit for easy handling of the cargo. Before packing and sealing the goods, Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd ensures that all the contents are properly placed in the case and the list of contents of packing notes are prepared so that the buyer, the Customer authorities and the Insurance authorities can easily check the contents of each and every case. Marking means marking the address, number of packages etc. The Company marks regarding port of destination, place of destination, order number and date, gross, net and tare weight and handling instructions. FINANCE DEPARTMENT: This department functions under the head of the Financial Controller. This department administers the overall financial activities of the company. Books of accounts are maintained in this department. The functions of finance department includes, 1. To ensure enough funds for various requirements. 2. To provide flexibility in financial planning by matching business need to the funds raised. 3. To maintain good liquidity position of the company. 4. To maintain good image and credit worthiness with outside public. 5. The most important function is to pay cheque for the purchase of uppers, products and stationeries for office use. 6. The pay salary to all the employees working in the organization.
  • 19. Page 19 ACCOUNTS: Accounts, which state the day-to-day transactions, monthly balance, report which handling of information system. PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT The personnel department is under the control of man of HRD. In MLC the personnel department is called as HRD (Human Resource Department). This department is the bridge between the company management & the workers. The personnel department provides the needs of the workers by acting as a barrier. The HRD has good relationship with the workers. The time office is the place to collect the details of the workers from the staff supervisors and from the security. The security room takes the list of workers who are entering and leaving the company. It is just like a attendance. It contains at what time the worker is entering and leaving the company. The security submits these records to HRD. In case of night shifts, security maintains the records and submits to the time office the next morning. The time office collects the report given by security and supervisors and are taken to HRD and on seeing the performance of the workers he is given promotion or increments. FUNCTIONS OF HRD The HRD in this concern focuses on the following functions 1. Man power planning, forecasting, scheduling. 2. Interviewing, screening, testing and recruiting new bands. 3. Personnel appraisals/ rating efficiency. 4. Arranging and conducting educational/ training programs
  • 20. Page 20 5. Assignment of works 6. Wage and salary administration 7. Welfare measures 8. Maintaining statutory records under employee acts. 9. Counseling 10. Disciplinary proceedings 11. Preparing project reports. 12. Advising and management in workloads remuneration etc. 1.29 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The prime function of the H.R.D starts with training and development. The object of training is to impart skill and will to work. All the workers are provided training periodically and systematically to use the best work methods. The various activities of HRD relating to Training & Development are: a) Face to face meeting b) Periodical review meeting c) Direct communication d) Informal Communication
  • 21. Page 21 e) Group discussion f) Individual skill appreciation and recognition e) Literary programs. 1.30 FACILITIES TO WORKERS  The Company provides transport facilities for workers.  Tea and snacks is given free to all workers.  Mineral water is provided for employees to use in the mill.  First aid facilities are available. 1.31 PRICING POLICY The company has demand oriented pricing policy. The company fix the price is according to the market demand.
  • 22. Page 22 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 INTRODUCTION Review of literature is a systematic survey on the facts and figures of previous researches on a particular topic. It is a collection of major findings of past researches. It is useful to understand what has happened in the topic during the past period. In every research, there are certain preliminary works and the review of literature is one of them. A detailed literature on employee welfare measures and other related issues are given in this chapter. 2.2 EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES Sailesh Sindhu (2012) felt that, employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace. Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. Business houses provide many such statutory and non-statutory things and policies to maintain satisfactory level of their employee. Mishra & Manju Bhagat (2010) in their “Principles for Successful Implementation of Employee Welfare Activities”, stated that employee absenteeism in Indian industries can be reduced to a great extent by providing good housing, health and family care, canteen, educational and training facilities and provision of welfare activities. This principle for successful implementation of employee welfare activities is nothing but an extension of democratic values in an industrialized society. P.KPadhi (2007)stated that, the term welfare suggests the state of wellbeing and implies wholesomeness of the human being. It is a desirable state of existence involving the mental, physical, moral and emotional factor of a person. Adequate levels of earnings, safe and humane conditions of work and access to some minimum social security benefits are the major qualitative dimensions of employment which enhance quality of life of workers and their productivity.
  • 23. Page 23 Ramesh M. (2012) pointed out that the main thrust of employee policy and employee law is to change in line with the global changes that is from welfare and regulative orientation to develop role in market oriented economy, from regulatory mechanization to voluntarism, tripartism to bipartism so that the employers and employees are themselves able to mutually decide without government intervention. Torjman (2004) demonstrated that welfare facilities and recreation accounts for healthy individual besides encasing among their happiness and emotional quotient. S. Poongavanam (2011) felt that the welfare measure will improve the physique, intelligence, morality and standard of living of the workers, which in turn will improve their efficiency and productivity. From the study on employee welfare facilities in AFT, the researcher concluded that, the various welfare facilities such as health, safety, canteen, uniform, education and gift facilities in AFT, enables workers to live a rich and more satisfactory life. It also contributes to increasing productivity of the enterprise improving efficiency of the worker and raises their standard of living. Thus the employee welfare facilities provided by AFT are good. K. Jayanthi, P. Ashok Kumar and V. Manju, (2012) stated that employee sector addresses multi-dimensional socio-economic aspects affecting employee welfare, productivity, living standards of employee force and social security. To raise living standards of the work force and achieve higher productivity, skill upgradation through suitable training is of utmost importance. Manpower development to provide adequate employee force of appropriate skills and quality to different sectors is essential for rapid socio-economic development. Employment generation in all the productive sectors is one of the basic objectives. Based on the findings the Industry may consider the suggestion to maintain a good Employee Welfare Measures and providing of the necessary support measures for sorting out problems relating to employment. Morris Altman (2000) says that standard neo-classical theory argues that an economy is negatively affected by increased labor rights and power since it is assumed that economic agents are always x-efficient; performing at the height of efficiency. However, a behavioral model of the firm suggests that more rights and power, with its positive impact on labor
  • 24. Page 24 standards, need not produce the deleterious results predicted by conventional economic wisdom, due to their productivity-efficiency enhancing impact on the firm. This suggests that Organizations should not assess the impact of enhanced labour power and control in terms of a zero sum game. Various theories of employee welfare reflect the attitude and belief of the management, which is instrumental in providing and maintaining welfare activities. These theories are:  The policing theory,  The religious theory,  Philanthropic theory,  Paternalistic theory,  Placating theory,  The public relation theory,  The functional theory and  The quid pro quo theory. (Mahagaonkar, 1986). 2.3 EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON STATUTORY EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES Joshi (1927) felt that employee welfare covers all the efforts which employers make for the benefit of their employees over and above the minimum standard of working conditions fixed by the Factories Act, and over and above the provisions of social legislation providing against accident, old age, unemployment and sickness. Ramesh M. (2012) stated that the primary objective of every management is to provide better working facilities to the employees in the interest of obtaining speedy, safe and efficient work. Earlier studies of employment stability among welfare recipients and other low wage workers, as well as its effects on their wages over time, have relied heavily on data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) from the 1980s and early 1990s. Hershey and Pavetti (1997), while Holzer and Lalonde (2000) focus on less-skilled young women and men more broadly. Both the studies find somewhat high turnover rates and relatively short job spells among unskilled workers with little experience; in particular, Hershey and Pavetti reports average job durations of 37 weeks (or 9 months) for recipients,
  • 25. Page 25 while Holzer and Lalonde finds average weekly turnover rates of about 2 percent (and therefore median job durations of about 6 months). Stephen Bazen (1994) says minimum wage fixing came to be increasingly questioned during the 1980s owing to high unemployment and the rise of liberal economic thinking. This led many countries to dilute minimum wage protection by freezing the rates or altering the coverage. However, close examination of the relevant research reveals that empirical support for the criticisms of minimum wages is fairly weak and fragmented. At the end of the 1980s and beginning of the 1990s, many countries, Great Britain being a notable exception, pursued a more active minimum wage policy. Conclusions reveal that with a re-examination of the goals and form of minimum wage legislation in the light of recent history. The study team appointed by the Government of India in 1959 to examine employee welfare activities, then divided the whole range of these existing activities in three groups, (I) welfare within the precincts of an establishment – medical aid, crèches, supply of drinking water etc., (II) welfare outside the establishment provision for indoor and outdoor recreation, housing, adult education, visual instruments etc., and (III) Social Security. Shyam (1999) states in his article that major reforms to promote health include ensuring water safety, sanitation, strengthening of nutritional food practices, hygiene in homes and eateries, preventing early marriages, health, education in schools and target groups, public education against habit forming factors (alcohol and tobacco) safety in work place and agricultural operations, promotion of exercise, sports, promotion of establishment of bicycle tracks in towns, health management information recovering both public andprivate medical sector. Work harassment is probably a much more severe and frequent problem in Western society than people are aware of. Leymann (l992) estimates that approximately one of every seventh suicide is related to work harassment, and among male Swedes the figure is even higher: Leymann's estimation is as high as one in five. If the figure is correct, suicide due to harassment is a far more frequent cause of death than physical accidents at the workplace. In Scandinavian countries, laws regarding industrial welfare also stipulate regulations about mental welfare at the workplace,
  • 26. Page 26 and several lawsuits have been successfully filed against work harassment. This may explain the great interest in issues related to the question in Scandinavia. Rajeshwar W. Hendre (2013) says that statutory welfare provisions as mentioned in the chapter V of the Factories Act, 1948 are basic and can be seen from various angles like economic, social, psychological, technical and administrative. Its implementation is joint responsibility of the four active stakeholders namely- workers, Trade Unions, management and the Government. In case of OEM’s it is assumed to be far beyond than myopic version of mere fulfilment of statutory provisions. However, the precise measurement of level of implementation brought out some area like canteen, sitting facilities and facilities for storing and drying clothing shall be improved by the companies. This will indicate to what extent we should take the same for other companies such as vendors and component manufacturers. Ewan Clague noted that “the larger plant tends to have lower injury frequency rates” However it depends upon type of industry. Very large companies may employ a staff of safety specialists and industrial hygienists (Grimaldi and Simonds, 1996). The same of welfare facilities as health, safety and welfare have combined impact on the overall wellbeing and health of workers. Tenth Planning commission states that, it is very difficult to enforce compliance of laws relating to the safety and health of workers, resulting the bulk of the workforce does not get a reasonable level of protection. Such tendencies get accentuated when market forces motivate the minimization of the cost of employee input. This is the reason that anyone to assess implementation of welfare provisions. Social Security manifests the ‘natural desire of communities for protection from life’s problems, from disease and deprivation… it is the protection which society provides for its members through a series of public measures- against the economic and social distress that otherwise would be caused by the stoppage, or substantial reduction, of earnings resulting from sickness, maternity, employment injury, unemployment, invalidity, old age and death; the provision of medical care; and the provision of subsidies for families with children’ (ILO, 1998).
  • 27. Page 27 2.4 EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON NON-STATUTORY EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES Conventions and Recommendations of ILO (1949) sets forth a fundamental principle at its 26th conference held in Philadelphia recommended some of the measures in the area of welfare measures which includes adequate protection for life and health of workers in all occupations, provision for child welfare and maternity protection, provision of adequate nutrition, housing and facilities for recreation and culture, the assurance of equality of educational and vocational Opportunity etc. Devina Upadhyay and Anu Gupta (2012) felt that the HR managers focuses not only on providing the mandatory welfare facilities as deemed necessary by the labour tribunal but also provide certain other amenities like medical check-up ,bonus ,birthday and anniversary gift, library ,sports facilities, recreation facilities like cultural programmes, movie watch ,safety spectacles etc., to mention just a few .Provision of these welfare measures today act as one of the main cost component which human resource specialists justify by naming it as an exercise to build the job satisfaction and morale of people. A study conducted by Saiyaddin (1983) examined the purpose and cost of non-statutory welfare activities for the organizations. Five public and six private sector organizations were selected for the study. The study brought out an important conclusion that the most predominant theme in the minds of organizations when they think of the voluntary welfare measures was not only the output and efficiency but also increasing loyalty and morale. In respect of cost, the study revealed, that the public sector organizations spend more on welfare activities, as compared to private sector. While public sector spends more on transportation and recreation, private sector was found to be spending more on housing according to the study. Jayadevadas (1980) based on his study of coir workers, suggested that the model before the trade unions in Kerala was that of modern industrial employment characterized by high wage rates, stable employment, fair working conditions, non-wage benefits, and long-term
  • 28. Page 28 economic security. Guha has argued that given the multiplicity of sectors, and employment and socio economic patterns in each State, as well as of grassroots organisations and NGOs, it is undesirable to impose uniform patterns on social security systems. Kazutaka Kogi and Tsuyoshi Kawakami (1997) give several examples from many countries of the rapid development in research on welfare, epidemiology, ergonomics, psycho-social issues, occupational medicine, toxicology, occupational hygiene, environmental health, and biological monitoring in the Asia-Pacific region. These examples are chosen primarily to illustrate the large range of subjects researched and the wide number of countries involved. Ataul-Huq-Pramanik (2000) says the concept of welfare state gained popularity during the period when the free market mechanism already established its pre-eminence. The free market mechanism of the west together with the personal freedom being nurtured in an environment of democratic political institutions led to the emergence of the welfare state. The reason why the welfare state gained popularity during the period when the industrialized world was enjoying economic prosperity was because of the growing need for protecting the rights of citizens from any unforeseen events regardless of their existing socio-economic conditions. P.Swpana (2011) stated that the Company to start a new scheme i.e., FTAR (Free Treatment after Retirement) especially to the retired employees and this benefit can be enjoyed by the employees and as well as by the company. For this the company need not pay any amount in the form of investment because the company can collect money every month from their salary like provident fund till their retirement and can be used after retirement. 2.5 EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON LEVEL OF SATISFACTION TOWARDS EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES Parul P Bhati, and Dr.Ashokkumar M (2013) conclude their research, in terms of proving that the different welfare provisions provided to the employees working in an organization under the Factories Act 1948 are having positive relation with the employee satisfaction.
  • 29. Page 29 Jon - Chao Hong, Sung-De Yang, Li-Jung Wang, En-Fu Chiou, Fan-Yin Su, sui - Lan Huang (2006) says everyone works in expectation of some rewards, and welfare is one of them. In order to understand the impact of employee benefits on employees' work-motivation and productivity, questionnaires were sent to corporations which had undertaken employee benefit programmes. Some of the significant results of this study are: employee benefit programmes have greater impact on work-motivation than on productivity; monetary benefit programmes are most highly valued by both executives and workers; there is a cognitive gap between management and worker on the importance of employee benefit programmes; different genders have different benefit demands; unmarried employees, more than married employees, perceive that employee benefits have a greater impact on job performance. Employees with different education levels and positions perceive different employee benefit impacts; and employee benefit programmes have greater influence on younger employees' job performance. A closely related economics literature is concerned with "fairness". Survey evidence such as Kahneman, Knetsch and Thaler (1986) shows that people have strong views about fairness in economic exchange. Laboratory evidence on so-called ultimatum games (Guth et al, 1982, Bolton, 1991, and Smith, 1994) suggests that individuals will throw away real income to obtain a fairer division of a smaller pie. It seems likely that decisions about fairness rest on some sort of comparative process, but the details are not well understood. Hamermesh (1977). The author takes a sample of American employees, covering the years 1969 and 1973, and estimates job satisfaction equations. This seems to be the earliest article of its kind in the economics literature. Although Hamermesh's focus is upon occupational choice and the effects of training, and he does not discuss - at least in any detail - ideas of relative deprivation, his regression equations include the residual from a wage equation as an explanatory variable.7 That residual enters positively and significantly in a job satisfaction regression, which is akin to finding that y-y*, in the earlier notation, affects utility. More recently, Lévy-Garboua and Montmarquette (1994) and Sloane and Williams (1994), using Canadian and British data respectively, have examined the correlation between predicted income and job satisfaction.
  • 30. Page 30 P.V.V.Satyanarayana (2011) says that generally, welfare measures are recreational, medical, educational, housing, sanitation and so on. Every organization provides the statutory welfare measures but some organization provides some more welfare facilities to the employees so that they may retain the employees and their quality of work life. By the result of improved quality of work life among the employees and their involvement in job gets increased and results in increased productivity of the organization. The organizations maintaining smooth relationship between workers and management, which leads to attainment of organization efforts. By conducting this study we could infer that the Employees of Sugar Factories in East Godavari District are satisfied with the welfare measures provided by their organization. 2.6 EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON PROBLEMS INVOLVED IN IMPLEMENTING EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES Ramesh Kumar Bhardwaj (2012) point out that Government has enacted a plethora of employee welfare legislations from time to time. Workers have been provided with many welfare facilities and amenities under these legislations. But these enactments have not been enforced in their true letter and spirit. Welfare amenities have not been properly provided to the workers except in units managed by progressive employers or in modern units where the latest technology demands maintenance of adequate standards. It is also experienced and observed that majority of the Employee welfare officers are not being appointed as per the prescribed qualification. In spite of this, it is true that the inspection and supervision of the Employee welfare amenities is not on a satisfactory level. K.K. Chaudhuri, states that HR policies are being made flexible. From leaves to compensations, perks to office facilities, many companies are willing to customize policies to suit different employee segments. The older employees want social security benefits, younger employees want cash in hand because they can’t think of sticking to a company for many years and retire from the same company. Therefore ‘one jacket fits all’ will not be right to motivate the talents and retain them. Ramesh. M (2012) stated that in today’s competitive environment, attracting and retaining skilled personnel depends upon the competitive and compensation package the company
  • 31. Page 31 offers. Everyday innovative, attractive compensation packages are luring the personnel. Thus, organization needs to provide more attractive compensation and qualitative packages to enhance the motivation of the people. In the present competitive business environment, the management is planning to reduce. Abdus Sattar Abbasi, et. al (2010) stated that welfare and protection of all stakeholders including shareholders, employees, customers, environment and society at large is the core responsibility of organization. Therefore, corporate leaders/managers should be held accountable for financial and non-financial losses e.g. Ethical breaches and other threats to organizational reputation. Every member should have the right to question anything she/he thinks is not good for the welfare and protection of all stakeholders of an organization. Ransley (2009) suggests that the absence of a comprehensive and sustainable welfare policy in Kenya has contributed to the unsatisfactory provision of welfare services, terms and conditions of service, poor morale, poor performance by the police and lack of professionalism (Republic of Kenya, 2009). Based on the prevailing situation, the paper attempts to assess the role of employee welfare services on performance of the national police service in Kisii Central District with specific reference to health services. M. V. Pyle and Simon George (2010) has pointed out that "Even one discontented employee or an employee nursing a grievance can eventually infect an entire organization with the germ of discontent which, in turn, will result in lower efficiency, poor morale and reduction in overall production". Terry Sullivan (1978) says Industrial relations can be said to be concerned with who makes the rules relating to employment matters, what rules will exist and how any adjustments to such rules will be made. In a large number of industrial relations systems the process of adjustment is by collective bargaining, and most industrial relations commentators and practitioners would accept that the scope for adjustment is constrained by economic, social and political forces. However, the practicalities and dynamics of this adjustment process are such that decision can only be in terms of what Williamson calls ‘bounded rationality’. This is a situation where at the moment of decision, given the quantity and quality of information that is held, that decision seems rational and acceptable. However, innate imperfections in
  • 32. Page 32 information and its flow eventually show the decision to be something less than satisfactory. Further, many writers believe that collective bargaining is characterized by management and employee having, at the very least, potentially conflicting objectives so that for each ‘bounded rationality’ is different. The practical results are often some ‘compromise’ or ‘optimal’ outcome that temporarily satisfies the welfare of the parties but can rarely maximize it. However, we should note that while the parties may reach a jointly satisfactory outcome, that outcome could be less than optimal for society as a whole; an inflationary wage settlement is the most obvious example. Kevin Olson (2003) says the United States adopted a new welfare regime in 1996. The centerpiece of this legislation is a notion of personal responsibility that redefines the relation between individuals and the state. This law was used as a foil to outline a new paradigm of legal research. Welfare must be understood, as part of a self-referential legal system. Law is legitimated by particular kinds of fair, democratic political agreement. When material inequalities undermine political participation, however, the law must insure the bases of its own legitimacy through welfare. Welfare law is thus vital to a nation’s legal system as a whole. Seen from this perspective, the current American welfare system fails to fulfil the basic pre-suppositions of legal legitimacy. 2.7 EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES Assessment of effectiveness of welfare provisions can be measured by 1) Trend analysis and 2) Opinion survey (Aswathappa, 2007). The former is indirect method, which measures trends of efficiency, turnover and social evil as an impact of welfare activities, observed at pre and post implementation of welfare provisions. The latter is most effective and real time method based on measurement of employee’s satisfaction and perception relating to welfare provision. Hence, the second method is adopted for assessment of implementation of welfare measures in the companies. Employee welfare is an extension of the term Welfare and its application to employee. During the industrialization process, the stress on employee productivity increased; and brought about changes in the thinking on employee welfare. An early study under the UN observed as follows “in our opinion most underdeveloped countries are in the situation that investment in people is likely to prove as productive, in the purely material sense, as any investment in material resources and in many cases, investment in
  • 33. Page 33 people would lead to a greater increase of the flow of goods and services than would follow upon any comparable investment in material capital” (UN, 1951). The theory states that welfare expenditure, especially expenditure on health and education, is productive investment has led to the view that workers could work more productively if they were given a fair deal both at the work place and in the community. Robert M. Feinberg (1978) says that the job search theory, as developed since the early 1960s, is primarily a theory predicting the behaviour of unemployed job-seekers responding to the costs of acquiring information about the wage possibilities available to them. However, implications can be derived for the influence on the individual's Employee Force Participation (LFP) decision of the factors used in search theory, and these implications have never been tested. This paper will present a number of hypotheses regarding LFP and then test these hypotheses against a broad and diverse cross-section sample of male heads of households, using ordinary least squares regression analysis. The results generally confirm the hypotheses and the view that the variables of the job search theory have a significant influence on the LFP decision. Lawrence A. Leger (1993) says both employee groups and the national press frequently justify demands for protection against industrial adjustment on the grounds that it leads to the destruction of communities and traditional ways of life, with a devastating effect on welfare. To justify this claim in the context of a Ricardian open-economy model requires quite strong restrictions on worker preferences, but a plausible case can be made. It presents a model based on the attachment of workers to their socio-cultural environment, and suggests some policy options for redressing trade-induced inequities. Steven J. Haider, et. al (2003) says nationally, the welfare caseload declined by more than 50% between 1994 and 2000. Considerable research has been devoted to understanding what caused this decline. Much of the literature examining these changes has modelled the total caseload (the stock) directly. Klerman and Haider (forthcoming) model shows the underlying flows and show analytically` and empirically that previous methods are likely to be biased because they ignore important dynamics. However, due to their focus on the bias of the stock models, they present only limited results concerning the robustness of their findings and utilize only a single measure of economic conditions, the unemployment rate. The author
  • 34. Page 34 examines the robustness of the basic stock-flow model developed in Klerman and Haider (forthcoming), considering both richer dynamic specifications and richer measures of economic condition. We find that more complex dynamic specifications do not change the substantive conclusions ,but richer measures of the economy do. While a model that only includes the unemployment rate attributes about half of the California caseload decline between 1995 and 1998 to the economy, models that incorporate richer measures of the economy attribute more than 90% of the decline to the economy. This is not the first use of panel data to study subjective welfare. The two closest Antecedents are Van De Stadt et al., (1985), Winkelmann and Winkelmann(1998). The former paper used panel data in modelling a money metric of subjective welfare in the Netherlands. In addition to the difference in the dependent variable, Van de Stadt et al., do not allow for latent individual effects. They do, however, allow for dynamics, by including the lagged subjective welfare measure as a regress or (though they cannot reject the null that its coefficient is unity). The authors focus on the narrow concept in the expectation that it will offer sharper results on the welfare effects of economic variables; They also use a better income measure, built up from a detailed survey. One can also expect the income measurement error to be correlated with other variables of interest. For example, it is often conjectured that the rich tend to understate their incomes when asked by a stranger in an interview for some survey. (This is not implausible in Russia in the mid-1990s.) They are also less likely to be unemployed. Then the negative correlation between unemployment and subjective welfare could be due entirely to this structure of measurement errors; unemployment will appear to lower subjective wellbeing even if it has no real welfare effect beyond the loss of income. Similarly, if the time period over which incomes are measured is too short — and it is a longer-term income concept that drives self-assessments of welfare — the authors can expect unemployment and possibly other characteristics to be correlated with the difference between the two income measures. Unemployment might have a significant negative effect on subjective welfare at given current income simply because respondents naturally worry about future income too. That does not of course mean that leisure is undesirable, or that there are no adverse incentive effects of unemployment compensation. The otherwise remarkably high estimate of the level of unemployment benefits needed to create unemployment implied by the results in the literature.
  • 35. Page 35 Winkelmann and Winkelmann, (1998) could well reflect this structure of income measurement error, whereby the income effect is underestimated while the unemployment coefficient is overestimated. The likely endogeneity of income to subjective welfare also clouds past efforts to test for the claim that it is income relative to some reference group — not absolute income — that matters to wellbeing. Stadt et al., (1985) and Clark and Oswald (1996) regress a subjective welfare indicator on both “own income” and an estimate of “comparison group income”, namely the mean income of people with similar characteristics. The “comparison group” income is found to have a significant negative coefficient with own income entering positively; the authors conclude that it is relative income that matters to welfare. However, the significant effect of predicted income could also reflect a misspecification. Suppose that earnings are influenced by latent personality traits in subjective welfare via the effects of higher job satisfaction on labour turnover and disputes (as discussed in, for example Frank, 1985, and indeed Clark and Oswald, 1996). Then the significance of predicted income could be due solely to a correlation between own income and unobserved determinants of subjective welfare. Income endogeneity can generate spurious comparison group effects. The inability of the standard trade theoretic models to explain widening wage inequality calls for explanations. Although all the empirical studies acknowledge the inherent ambiguities of wage predictions in the higher-dimensional Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) framework, the theoretical literature has not grown sufficiently to explain this puzzling empirical finding. However, mention should be made of papers by Feenstra and Hanson (1995) and Marjit, Broll and Sengupta (2000) who have explained the increasing wage inequality in developing countries theoretically in terms of specific structural characteristics of the less developed countries, such as features of employee markets, structures of production, nature of capital mobility etc. The paper of Feenstra and Hanson (1995) is based on the famous Dornbusch- Fischer- Samuelson continuum-of-goods framework. According to them, inflows of foreign capital induced greater production of skilled-intensive commodities in Mexico, thereby leading to a relative decrease in the demand for unskilled employee.
  • 36. Page 36 Marjit, Broll and Sengupta (2000) have examined the impact of trade liberalization on the wage inequality in the presence of informal sectors. They have shown that the impact of trade on skilled-unskilled wage gap crucially hinges on the nature of capital mobility between the formal and informal sectors. 2.8 EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES IN INDIA A study conducted by Koshan (1975) pointed out that inspite of statutory provisions and enforcing agencies in India, the welfare facilities were absent and the cement industry was the only one where provisions were adequately enforced. The study suggested that need for overhauling and tightening the machinery of inspection. Appointment of welfare inspectors for different industries, distinguishing the duties of factory inspectors from those of welfare inspectors to submit annual and quarterly reports and empowering the welfare inspectors to fine in case of default, were some of the steps suggested in his study. Jetli, K. Narindar et. al (2006) examines the whole gamut of employee related issues during the post-Independence period. The approach to the subject is mainly descriptive, interspersed by comments at places. He describes demographic trends, employment policies and strategies, constitutional provisions, legal framework, and institutions pertaining to employee and its welfare, current employee policy issues, employee laws pertaining to women and their empowerment and approaches of WTO and India on matters related to employee. He also includes glimpses of India’s Five Year Plans from First Five Years Plan (1951-56) to Tenth Fiver Year Plan (2002-07). Its resolution of 1947, the International Employee Organisation (ILO) defined the employee welfare, as "such services, facilities and amenities like adequate canteens, rest and recreation facilities, arrangements for travel to and from work and accommodation of workers employed at a distance from their houses and such other services amenities and facilities which contribute to improve the conditions under which workers are employee". The study team appointed by the Government of India in 1959 to examine employee welfare activities, then divided the whole range of these existing activities in three groups, (I) welfare within the precincts of an establishment – medical aid, crèches, supply of drinking housing, adult education, visual instruments etc., and (III) Social Security.
  • 37. Page 37 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY MEANING OF RESEARCH Research is defined as “scientific & systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research is a systemized effort to gain knew knowledge. It is a careful inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. The search for knowledge through objectives and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is a research. RESEARCH DESIGN A research is the arrangement of the condition for the collection and analysis of the data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. In fact, the research is design in the collection structure within which research is conducted it constitutes the blue print of the collection, measurement and analysis of the data. As search the design includes an outline of the research will do from writing the hypothesis and its operational implication to the final analysis of data. TYPE OF DATA USED TO STUDY The study is based on both primary data and secondary data. PRIMARY DATA The primary data is collected using a printed questionnaire. The opinions of the consumer buying behaviour of cars are collected using the questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part was aimed at collecting the social- economic data and the next part is used to collected data regarding the consumer buying behaviour of cars. SECONDARY DATA The secondary data are gathered from various online websites and from number of other website which gives information about consumer buying behaviour of cars
  • 38. Page 38 SAMPLE DESIGN The target population for the study consists of the various people who belong to different age, income, & gender. To collect opinions of the consumer buying behaviour of cars, random sampling technique was adopted. SIZE OF THE SAMPLE The study was aimed to collect data from various people in general places in a region due to time constraint, 200 samples were chosen. TOOLS USED FOR ANALYSIS The collected data using the printed questionnaires was analysed using simple statistical tool like percentage. The data was also presented in graphical form. DURATION OF THE STUDY Duration of the study was for a period of one month. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY  The workers fear to answer certain questions, because they thought that it will affect their job.  Time constraint is another limiting factor. The respondents could be approached only during break hours and also there was a specified time to complete the project in the organization.  Inferences were drawn from a sample. Generalization is not free from sampling errors, so the navigator should not go deep into total position.  Management did not disclose the confidential reports.  The navigator has to depend mainly on primary data.  The attitude, views and thinking pattern of each person is different. This is reflected in their answers also.
  • 39. Page 39 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION [Table4.1] AGE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS [Chart4.1] AGE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that the majority 31% of the respondents are in the age group of 31-40 ,29% belomgs to the age group 41-50. The percentage of respondents below 30 and above 50 years constitutes 20% only. Age No. of Respondents Percentage Below 30yr 40 20 31 – 40yr 62 31 41 – 50yr 58 29 51yr & above 40 20 Total 200 100
  • 40. Page 40 [Table 4.2] GENDER WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS [Chart 4.2] GENDER WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 67% of the respondents of Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is male and 33% of the respondents are female. Gender No. Of Respondents Percentage Male 134 67 Female 66 33 Total 200 100 Male, 67% Female, 33% Male Female 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
  • 41. Page 41 [Table 4.3] MARITAL STATUS OF RESPONDENTS [Chart4.3] MARITAL STATUS OF RESPONDENTS INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 68% of the respondents of Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is married and 32% are unmarried. Marital Status No. Of Respondents Percentage Married 136 68 Unmarried 64 32 Total 200 100
  • 42. Page 42 [Table 4.4] DESIGNATION OF THE RESPONDENTS [Chart.4.4] DESIGNATION OF THE RESPONDENTS INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 60% of the workers are management professional, 26% are front office staff, 25% are accountants, and 19% are agents. Designation No. Of Respondents Percentage Management professional 60 30 Front office staff 52 26 Accountants 50 25 Agents 38 19 Total 200 100 Management professional, 30% Front office staff , 26% Accountants, 25% Agents, 19% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
  • 43. Page 43 [Table 4.5] EXPERIENCE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS [Chart 4.5] EXPERIENCE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are having the experience upto 5 years,34% of the respondents have the experience of 6-10 years and 15% of the respondents are having more than 11 and above 15 years of experience. Experience No. Of Respondents Percentage 0 – 5 72 36 6 – 10 68 34 11 – 15 30 15 Above 15 30 15 Total 200 100
  • 44. Page 44 [Table 4.6] SALARY WISE CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS [Chart 4.7] SALARY WISE CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS INTERPRETATION According to the above table 30% of the respondents are having the salary below 5000,and 25% of the respondents respondents have salary between 10000-15000, 25% have salary above 15000. 20% of the respondents have the salare between 5000 and 10000. Salary No. Of Respondents Percentage Below 5000 60 30 5000-10000 40 20 10000-15000 50 25 Above 15000 50 25 Total 200 100
  • 45. Page 45 [Table 4.7] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON PROMOTION [Chart 4.7] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON PROMOTION INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 35% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the promotion activities,28% of the respondents are satisfied by the promotion activities,25% are moderately satisfied and the least 12% are dissatisfied by the promotion activities. Promotion No Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 70 35 Satisfied 56 28 Moderately Satisfied 50 25 Dissatisfied 24 12 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 35% Satisfied, 28% Moderately Satisfied, 25% Dissatisfied, 12% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 46. Page 46 [Table 4.8] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON MEDICAL FACILITY [Chart 4.8] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON MEDICAL FACILITY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the medical facilities,28% of the respondents are satisfied by the medical facilities provided,22% are moderately satisfied and the least 10% are dissatisfied and 10% are highly the promotion activities. Medical Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 60 30 Satisfied 56 28 Moderately Satisfied 44 22 Dissatisfied 20 10 Highly Dissatisfied 20 10 Total 200 100
  • 47. Page 47 [Table 4.9] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON LEAVE FACILITY Leave Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 72 36 Satisfied 50 25 Moderately Satisfied 56 28 Dissatisfied 14 7 Highly Dissatisfied 8 4 Total 200 100 [Chart 4.9] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON LEAVE FACILITY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the leave facilities,25% of the respondents are satisfied by the leave facilities provided,28% are moderately satisfied and 7% are dissatisfied and 4% are highly dissatisfied. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
  • 48. Page 48 [Table 4.10] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON REST ROOM FACILITY [Chart 4.10] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON REST ROOM FACILITY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are satisfied with the rest room facilities, 25% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the rest room facilities provided,20% are moderately satisfied and 10% are dissatisfied and 9% are highly dissatisfied by the rest room facility Rest room Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 50 25 Satisfied 72 36 Moderately Satisfied 40 20 Dissatisfied 20 10 Highly Dissatisfied 18 9 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 25 Satisfied, 36 Moderately Satisfied, 20 Dissatisfied, 10 Highly Dissatisfied, 9 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
  • 49. Page 49 [Table 4.11] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON TRANSPORTATION FACILITY [Chart 4.11] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON TRANSPORTATION FACILITY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 38% of the respondents are satisfied with the transportation facilities, 28% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the transportation facilities provided,18% are moderately satisfied and 8% are dissatisfied and 8% are highly dissatisfied by the transportation facilities. Transportation Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 52 28 Satisfied 76 38 Moderately Satisfied 36 18 Dissatisfied 16 8 Highly Dissatisfied 16 8 Total 200 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
  • 50. Page 50 [Table 4.12] RSPONDENT’S OPINION ON SAFETY EQUIPMENT FACILITY [Chart 4.12] RSPONDENT’S OPINION ON SAFETY EQUIPMENT FACILITY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the safety equipment facilities, 25% of the respondents are satisfied by the safety equipment facilities provided,20% are dissatisfied and 15% aremoderately satisfied and 10% are dissatisfied by the safety equipment facilities. Safety Equipment Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 60 30 Satisfied 50 25 Moderately Satisfied 30 15 Dissatisfied 40 20 Highly Dissatisfied 20 10 Total 200 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
  • 51. Page 51 [Table 4.13] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON ADVANCE PAYMENT FACILITY [Chart 4.13] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON ADVANCE PAYMENT FACILITY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are satisfied by the advance payment facilities, 28% of the respondents are moderately satisfied by advance payment facilities provided,22% are highly satisfied and 10% are dissatisfied and 10% are highlydissatisfied by the advance payment facilities. Advanced Payment Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 44 22 Satisfied 60 30 Moderately Satisfied 56 28 Dissatisfied 20 10 Highly Dissatisfied 20 10 Total 200 100
  • 52. Page 52 [Table 4.14] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON RELATIONSHIP WITH SUPERIORS [Chart 4.14] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON RELATIONSHIP WITH SUPERIORS INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 48% of the respondents feel excellent in case of relation ship with the superior, 28% feel satisfactory, 22% feel good and the least 2% feel poor relation ship with superior. Relationship with Superior No. Of Respondents Percentage Excellent 96 48 Satisfactory 56 28 Good 44 22 Poor 4 2 Total 200 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Excellent Satisfactory Good Poor
  • 53. Page 53 [Table 4.15] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON SOCIAL SECURITY [Chart 4.15] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON SOCIAL SECURITY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the social securities, 30% of the respondents are satisfied by the social securities provided,20% are moderately satisfied & 18% are dissatisfied and 10% are dissatisfied by the social securities provided. Social security Facility No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 64 32 Satisfied 60 30 Moderately Satisfied 40 20 Dissatisfied 36 18 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 32% Satisfied, 30% Moderately Satisfied, 20% Dissatisfied, 18% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
  • 54. Page 54 [Table 4.16] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON WORKING OF TRADE UNION [Chart 4.16] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON WORKING OF TRADE UNION INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 38% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the working of Trade union, 28% of the respondents are moderately satisfied by the working of Trade union,25% are satisfied, 12% are dissatisfied. Working of Trade union No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 76 38 Satisfied 50 25 Moderately Satisfied 56 28 Dissatisfied 24 12 Total 200 100
  • 55. Page 55 [Table 4.17] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION [Chart 4.17] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the policy and administration of the company, 29% of the respondents are moderately satisfied by the policy and administration of the company,22% are satisfied,10% are dissatisfied. Policy and Administration No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 72 36 Satisfied 44 22 Moderately Satisfied 58 29 Dissatisfied 20 10 Total 200 100 S… 0 10 20 30 40 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 56. Page 56 [Table 4.18] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON BONUS [Chart 4.18] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON BONUS INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the bonus payment of the company, 28% of the respondents are satisfied,24% are moderately satisfied,12% are dissatisfied by the bonus payment. Bonus No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 72 36 Satisfied 56 28 Moderately Satisfied 48 24 Dissatisfied 24 12 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 36 Satisfied, 28 Moderately Satisfied, 24 Dissatisfied, 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 57. Page 57 [Table 4.19] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON PROVIDENT FUND PAYMENT [Table 4.19] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON PROVIDENT FUND PAYMENT INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are satisfied by the PF payment of the company, 25% of the respondents are highly satisfied,25% are moderately satisfied,18% are dissatisfied by the PF payment. PF No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 50 25 Satisfied 64 32 Moderately Satisfied 50 25 Dissatisfied 36 18 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 2500% Satisfied, 3200% Moderately Satisfied, 2500% Dissatisfied, 1800% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 58. Page 58 [Table 4.20] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON HOUSE RENTAL ALLOWANCE [Table 4.20] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON HOUSE RENTAL ALLOWANCE INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the HRA of the company, 29% of the respondents are moderately satisfied,25% are satisfied,10% are dissatisfied by the HRA payment. HRA No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 72 36 Satisfied 50 25 Moderately Satisfied 58 29 Dissatisfied 20 10 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 36 Satisfied, 25 Moderately Satisfied, 29 Dissatisfied, 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 59. Page 59 [Table 4.21] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON TAX ALLOWANCE [Chart 4.21] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON TAX ALLOWANCE INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are satisfied by the TA of the company, 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied,19% are moderately satisfied,15% are dissatisfied. TA No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 60 30 Satisfied 72 36 Moderately Satisfied 38 19 Dissatisfied 30 15 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 30 Satisfied, 36 Moderately Satisfied, 19 Dissatisfied, 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 60. Page 60 [Table 4.22] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON FESTIVAL ALLOWANCE [Chart 4.22] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON FESTIVAL ALLOWANCE INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 35% of the respondents are satisfied by the Festival allowance, 32% of the respondents are highly satisfied,21% are moderately satisfied,12% are dissatisfied by the Festival allowance. Festival Allowance No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 64 32 Satisfied 70 35 Moderately Satisfied 42 21 Dissatisfied 24 12 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 32 Satisfied, 35 Moderately Satisfied, 21 Dissatisfied, 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 61. Page 61 [Table 4.23] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON EMPLOYEE STATE INSURANCE [Chart 4.23] RESPONDENT’S OPINION ON EMPLOYEE STATE INSURANCE INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the ESI, 33% of the respondents are satisfied,28% are moderately satisfied,9% are dissatisfied by the ESI. ESI No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 60 30 Satisfied 66 33 Moderately Satisfied 56 28 Dissatisfied 18 9 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 30 Satisfied, 33 Moderately Satisfied, 28 Dissatisfied, 9 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 62. Page 62 [Table 4.24] RESPONDENT’S SATISFACTION ON VENTILLATION IN THE COMPANY [Chart 4.24] RESPONDENT’S SATISFACTION ON VENTILLATION IN THE COMPANY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 35% of the respondents are satisfied by the ventillation, 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied, 21% are moderately satisfied, and 14% are dissatisfied by the ventillation. Ventillation No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 60 30 Satisfied 70 35 Moderately Satisfied 42 21 Dissatisfied 28 14 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 30 Satisfied, 35 Moderately Satisfied, 21 Dissatisfied, 14 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
  • 63. Page 63 [Table 4.25] RESPONDENT’S SATISFACTION ON TEMPERATURE IN THE COMPANY [Chart 4.25] RESPONDENT’S SATISFACTION ON TEMPERATURE IN THE COMPANY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are satisfied by the Temperature in the company, 26% of the respondents are highly satisfied, 25% are moderately satisfied, and 17% are dissatisfied by the temperature. Temperature No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 52 26 Satisfied 64 32 Moderately Satisfied 50 25 Dissatisfied 34 17 Total 200 100 Highly Satisfied, 26% Satisfied, 32% Moderately Satisfied, 25% Dissatisfied, 17% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
  • 64. Page 64 [Table 4.26] RESPONDENT’S SATISFACTION ON LIGHTING IN THE COMPANY [Chart 4.26] RESPONDENT’S SATISFACTION ON LIGHTING IN THE COMPANY [Table 4.26]RESPONDENTS OPINION ON SPACE INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are highly satisfied by the lighting,32% of the respondents are satisfied, 22% are moderately satisfied, and 12% are dissatisfied by the lightning. Lighting No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 68 34 Satisfied 64 32 Moderately Satisfied 44 22 Dissatisfied 24 12 Total 200 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 65. Page 65 [Table 4.27] RESPONDENT’S SATISFACTION ON SPACING IN THE COMPANY [Chart 4.27] RESPONDENT’S SATISFACTION ON SPACING IN THE COMPANY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 36% of the respondents are highly satisfied by their spacing,28% of the respondents are satisfied, 26% are moderately satisfied, and 10% are dissatisfied by the spacing in the company. Space No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 72 36 Satisfied 56 28 Moderately Satisfied 52 26 Dissatisfied 20 10 Total 200 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 66. Page 66 [TABLE 4.28] RESPONDENTS SATISFACTION ON SEAT ARRANGEMENT IN THE COMPANY [Chart 4.28] RESPONDENTS SATISFACTION ON SEAT ARRANGEMENT IN THE COMPANY INTERPRETATION From the above table it is interpreted that 32% of the respondents are highly satisfied by their seating arrangement,30% of the respondents are satisfied, 30% are moderately satisfied, and 8% are dissatisfied by their seating arrangement in the company. Seating arrangement No. Of Respondents Percentage Highly Satisfied 64 32 Satisfied 60 30 Moderately Satisfied 60 30 Dissatisfied 16 8 Total 200 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied
  • 67. Page 67 FINDINGS  It was found that the majority of the respondents are in the age group of 31-40 ,some belongs to the age group 41-50. The percentage of respondents below 30 and above 50 years constitutes were few only.  The majority respondents of Maulik leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is male and minority are female.  Most of the respondents of Maulik leathercrafts Pvt Ltd is married and some are single.  It was found that majority of the respondents are having the experience upto 5 years, some of the respondents have the experience of 6-10 years and few of the respondents are having more than 11 and above 15 years of experience.  It was found that majority of the workers are management professional, some are front office staff, few are accountants, and minority are agents.  In case of salary majority of the respondents are having the salary below 5000, and some of the respondents respondents have salary between10000-15000, few have salary above 15000. minority of the respondents have the salare between 5000 and 10000.  From the study it was found that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with the promotion activities, some of the respondents aresatisfied by the promotion activities, few are moderately satisfied and the least minority are dissatisfied by the promotion activities.  Regarding the medical facilities majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with the medical facilities, some of the respondents are satisfied by the medical facilities provided, few are moderately satisfied and the least are dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied.  The study reveals that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with the leave facilities, some of the respondents are satisfied by the leave facilities provided, few are moderately satisfied and minority are dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied by the leave facility.
  • 68. Page 68  It was found that majority of the respondents are satisfied the rest room facilities, some of the respondents are highly satisfied by the rest room facilities provided, few are moderately satisfied and minority are dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied by the rest room facility.  As far as transportation facility is concerned majority of the respondents are satisfied, some of the respondents are highly satisfied by the transportation facilities provided, few are moderately satisfied and minority are dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied by the transportation facilities.  Majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with the safety equipment facilities, some of the respondents are satisfied by the safety equipment facilities provided, few are dissatisfied and minority of the respondents are moderately satisfied and dissatisfied by the safety equipment facilities  It is proved that majority of the respondents are satisfied by the advance payment facilities, some of the respondents are moderately satisfied by advance payment facilities provided, few are highly satisfied and minority are dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied by the advance payment facilities.  The study indicates that majority of the respondents feel excellent in case of relationship with the superior, some feel satisfactory, few feel good and the least feel poor relation ship with superior.  As far as social securities is concerned majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the social securities, some of the respondents are satisfied by the social securities provided, few are moderately satisfied & least are dissatisfied by the social securities provided.  It was found that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the working of Trade union, some of the respondents are moderately satisfied by the working of Trade union, few are satisfied and least are dissatisfied.  The study reveals that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the policy and administration of the company, some of the respondents are moderately satisfied by the policy and administration of the company, few are satisfied and least are dissatisfied.  The study reveals that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the bonus payment of the company, some of the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the bonus payment.
  • 69. Page 69  It was found that majority of the respondents are satisfied by the PF payment of the company, some of the respondents are highly satisfied and moderately satisfied, few are dissatisfied by the PF payment  Regarding HRA majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the HRA of the company, some of the respondents are moderately satisfied, few are satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the HRA payment  As far as TA is concerned majority of the respondents are satisfied by the TA of the company, some of the respondents are highly satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied.  It was found that majority of the respondents are satisfied by the Festival allowance, some of the respondents are highly satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the Festival allowance  Regarding ESI majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the ESI, some of the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the ESI.  Majority of the respondents are satisfied by the ventillation, some of the respondents are highly satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the ventillation.  Considering temperature majority of the respondents are satisfied by the Temperature in the company, some of the respondents are highly satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the temperature  It was found that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by the lighting, some of the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the lightning.  It was found that majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by their spacing, some of the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by the spacing in the company  Regarding the seating arrangement majority of the respondents are highly satisfied by their seating arrangement, some of the respondents are satisfied, few are moderately satisfied and least are dissatisfied by their seating arrangement in the company.
  • 70. Page 70 SUGGESTIONS From the study we can found that few employees are not fully satisfied with the welfare measures provided by the company. The management should consider this and necessary arrangements should be made to provide adequate facilities to improve the efficiency of the workers.  We can also understand from the findings that there are few employees not being satisfied with the medical facilities available in the organization. The management should pay kind attention in this regard to improve the medical facilities.  The management shall adopt appropriate communication system to ensure that all the future plans and company policies being reached to all the employees in the organization.  The management should take appropriate action to improve the transportation facilities as some of the employees are dissatisfied by the transportation facilities provided by the organization.  The company can also establish a council constituting of members from all the departments to device the welfare measures and to make the employees much more satisfied.  Library facility should be provided to the employees for improving their knowledge.  The company should provide necessary lunch room and rest room facilities to all the employees since some employees are highly dissatisfied by the rest room facilities.
  • 71. Page 71 CONCLUSION The researcher is benefited with the study, because the topic will help the management to get an effective feedback from the employees about the employee welfare measures prevailing in the organization. It also provides researcher an opportunity to expose with functions of the human resource department and able to well versed with statutory and non-statutory welfare measures adopted in the organization. The study provides various suggestions to the management including various welfare measures to enhance level of satisfaction of employees in the “MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS PVT LTD”. At the same time employees got opportunity to express their view about various components of the satisfaction level prevailing in“MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS PVT LTD”. It is also expected that improvement will be made and appropriate actions will be taken based on the suggestions and opinions given by the respondents and researcher.
  • 72. Page 72 QUESTIONANAIRES STUDYON EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION IN MAULIK LEATHERCRAFTS (P) LTD PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME : QUALIFICATION: GENDER : AGE : a) below 30 b) 31-40 yr c) 41-50 yr d) 51 yr above 1. For how many years you are working in Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd. Company? a) 1-5 years b) 5-10 years c) 10-15 years d) Above 15 years 2. Are you married? a) Yes b) No 3. What is your designation in Maulik Leathercrafts Pvt Ltd Company? a) Front Office Staff b) Accountant c) Management Professional d) Agents 4. How do you feel about the policy & administration of your Company in welfare activities? a) Satisfied b) Average c) Dissatisfied d) Highly Dissatisfied 5. Are you satisfied with the promotion facilities provided by the Company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 6. Are you satisfied with leave facilities provided by the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
  • 73. Page 73 7. Are you satisfied with the Rest room facilities provided by the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 8. Are you satisfied with the transportation facilities provided by the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 9. What is your opinion on Safety equipment facilities in the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 10. What is your opinion on Advance Payment facility provided by the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 11. What is your opinion on relationship with superiors in the company? a) Excellent b) Satisfactory c) Good d) Poor 12. Are you satisfied with the social security provided by the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 13. What is your opinion on working with trade union? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 14. What is your opinion on Policy and Administration? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 15. Are you satisfied with your Bonus provided by the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
  • 74. Page 74 16. Are you satisfied with the Provident Fund Payment? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 17. Are you satisfied with your HRA (House Rent Allowance) in the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 18. Are you satisfied with your Tax Allowance (TA) in the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 19. What is our opinion on Festival Allowance provided by the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 20. What is your opinion on ESI (Employee State Insurance) provided by the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 21. Are you satisfied on ventilation in the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 22. Are you satisfied on temperature in the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 23. Are you satisfied on lighting in the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
  • 75. Page 75 23. Are you satisfied on spacing in the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied 24. Are you satisfied on seat arrangement in the company? a) Satisfied b) Highly satisfied c) Moderately Satisfied d) Dissatisfied