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Chapter 25.1 – Teenagers

Hello dear readers and welcome back to A Piratical Legacy, which follows the trials and tribulations of the Buccaneer family as they attempt to
rule Pirate Island for 10 generations. Of course, rule is a relative term. I'd more call their leadership "flailing about aimlessly while not screwing
things up too badly."

If you haven't read the previous chapters, this one isn't going to make a whole lot of sense to you so I suggest backtracking and reading all 28ish
uploads previous to this one first. Finished? Great! Now dive right in!
"Ready for another day of squeezing the poor, my darling husband?" Grace asked Lee in a seductive voice.

"It's at the top of my to-do list," Lee purred in agreement. "Ready to get that fourth business up to level ten, my sweet?"

"It shouldn't be a problem at all," Grace giggled. "I love you, Lee."

"I love you too, babe."

Grace Buccaneer, fifth generation heiress of the Buccaneer family, often greeted her husband this way when they woke up in the morning. They
were a terribly romantic couple - in their opinion, at least.
And a morning of sappy greetings and discussions about how best to
extort their fellow citizens of Pirate Island inevitably led to Grace     "There would be if she would actually accept cubic zirconium in
doing a better job than usual selling wedding supplies at the fourth of   place of diamonds," Rhys muttered under his breath. "How was I
her eventual five businesses.                                             supposed to know it was fake?"

"Mr. Fitzhugh, is it? Do you see marriage in your future?"                "Pardon?"

"Well... I haven't really given it that much thought," Rhys said with a   "Oh, nevermind," Rhys said. "Yeah, I'll take one of the cakes. I think
shrug. "The women I love tend to die a lot. Getting married just          I'm having a pity party tonight and I could use the comfort food."
seems cruel."
                                                                          "Nadine will be happy to box it up for you," Grace said with a smile
"But surely there's someone special in your life right now?" Grace        as she moved on to the next vict-- customer.
"I don't believe we've met," Grace said, catching sight of the next   to the cash register. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
perplexed customer. "Grace Buccaneer."
                                                                      "Abdicate in favor of the Toyonaga family," Octavia said under her
"Octavia Toyonaga," the slender woman in the blue dress said,         breath as she counted out the price of the bottle.
offering her fingertips. "Charmed, I'm sure."
                                                                      "What was that?"
"Can I help you with anything?" Grace asked. "I do recommend that
particular wine, I might add. It's an excellent vintage."             "I said, 'You must miss your family'," Octavia said. "Working such
                                                                      long hours, I mean."
"What?" Octavia said, looking up. It took her a moment to realize
Grace was talking to her. "Oh! Yes! Well, I'll take one."             "How nice of you to take an interest," Grace said with a fake smile.
                                                                      "My family and I are fine, however. Do stop by again!"
That was easy, Grace thought to herself as she led the Roman woman
That evening Grace finally received the final star she needed for her wedding business to reach level ten thanks to Samantha Ottomas.

"Bit late to be looking for wedding dresses," Grace commented, nodding her head at Samantha's prominent baby bump.

"What? Oh!" Samantha blushed. "This is my husband's baby. But he's a notorious playboy and romancer and I'm probably going to have to leave
him one of these days. The dress is for my second wedding."

"Good for you," Grace said awkwardly. She patted Samantha on the back. "Nice to see a woman who thinks ahead. But you're still really weird."

"I know!" Samantha said gleefully.

"Don't feed the idiots," Brandi Letourneau complained as she walked past. Grace decided she'd better heed that advice, closed up shop for the
evening, and headed home.
When she got there, her son Coxinga (Zing) had company over. Toshiko Buccaneer, daughter of Grace's favorite cousin Morgan, was playing
video games while she waited for Zing to finish his homework.

"Let's play Splinter Cell!" Toshiko said enthusiastically. "I found out there's this downloadable level where you can get an acoustic grenade
launcher, Auntie Grace. I've always wanted to try it out but I don't have Splinter Cell at home."

"Sounds like fun!" Grace grinned. "I hardly ever get to play since Zing, Andrew, and Lee hog the machine so much."

"Typical men," Toshiko snorted disgustedly. "I think it's because they know the women in their lives are better at shooter and strategy games than
they are."

"I think you're right," Grace agreed.
"I heard that!" Zing called from the corner. He'd finished his              realist, Toshi?"
homework and was busy fixing the computer. "Mom, the network's
down again!"                                                                "R-e-a-l-i-s-t," Toshi said mechanically. "Why do you ask?"

"Kick the router," Grace advised. "That usually works."                     "I'm writing an essay on why Professor Butters should let us lick
                                                                            frosty gateposts," Shih said. "It'll help us understand better why we
"Only for a few minutes at a time," Ching Shih, Grace's younger             shouldn't do it, and as long as she has warm water nearby so we don't
child, said disgustedly. "And then it thinks it's connected but it really   have to rip our tongues off to get unstuck it's perfectly safe."
isn't, and everything times out, and if you're trying to upload
something it screws up."                                                    "I wonder if I could incorporate that into an anti-terrorist weapon,"
                                                                            Toshiko mused. "Hmmm..."
"You sound a little bitter," Toshiko observed.
                                                                            "Probably not."
"Not bitter," Shih insisted. "I'm a realist, that's all. How do you spell
"Between you and Shih, this family is definitely weird," Zing said        financial statements, and that to me says that things must be pretty
once he'd finished fixing the computer.                                   dire. I'm going to be starting my own business soon to see if I can get
                                                                          the family out of the hole for good."
"You're the one who likes to pretend he's a dishonest vendor of
previously owned vehicles," Toshiko pointed out.                          "You're such an optimist," Toshi laughed. "Red Hands?"

"That's not weird, that's practicing my sales techniques," Zing           "Why not?" Zing shrugged. "And yeah, I think I'm probably the best
insisted. "You can't tell anyone, Toshi, but I'm pretty sure my parents   thing that's ever happened to this family. I'll make sure they're rich
are broke. Mom's spent a lot of money on her businesses, and Dad          before I leave it in Shih's hands. She can be the heir."
entertains clients pretty much every day and I think he only charges
some of it to his corporate account. They won't let me see their          "You're too kind," Toshi laughed.
After Toshiko went home, Zing headed out into the garden to use the
wishing well. He'd been watching for a while and nobody else had           "Errr... wishing for my first kiss," Zing called back.
used it so he felt pretty safe in wishing for money.
                                                                           "Great!" Roche said approvingly. "Go get 'em, boy! Now, what was I
"Every little bit can help the family," he said to himself as the          doing again?"
sparkling bag of simoleons landed at his feet. "I'll just slip this into
mom's petty cash drawer and maybe save the wedding business from           "Spraying for aphids," Zing said as he shoved the money into his
going under entirely."                                                     pockets and strode nonchalantly to the car that was waiting to take
                                                                           him to his part-time job.
"What're you doing over there?" Roche called from the other side of
the yard where he was working in the garden.                               "Oh yeah..."
"Mind if we stop for a second on the way?" he asked the driver as he got in.

The driver looked at her watch. "Sure, no problemo kid," she said agreeably. "We're a bit early."

"Aphids... aphids..." Roche said to himself as he inspected his cucumber plants. "Stupid aphids. Wrecking my plants." He pulled out a container of
pesticides and started spraying.

And spraying.

And spraying!

Even when he stopped, the pesticides were still swirling around him ominously. He coughed. "Err... maybe I used a little too much?"
When the cloud settled, Roche looked down at himself in dismay. "I'm green! That will never do."

He raced inside and called the gypsy matchmaker, who promised to drop off a bottle of antidote immediately.

"Better make that ten bottles," Roche said. "You never know... it could happen again!"
Within a few moments, the old voodoo lady had stopped by and delivered the potion. "It'll keep for years if you don't use it all," she said. "You
don't shortchange me like your ancestors used to, so I give you the good stuff."

"Thanks," Roche said, eyeing the bright yellow solution cautiously. "And you're sure this stuff will work?"

"There is money-back guarantee if you haff problems," the lady assured him. "I be goingk now. Good luck, Mister Buccaneer."
Fortunately, the stuff worked like a charm, though Roche's clothes didn't change back.

"Not exactly the height of fashion," he said, looking down at himself. "Still, I guess it's better than being naked!" He made a mental note to get to
the store later that day.
"Grandpa, you turned green!" Ching Shih said excitedly when Roche tucked her in later that evening.

"Indeed I did, Shih," Roche said solemnly. "Too many pesticides."

"I'm gonna be green one day," Shih said sleepily. "G'night, Grandpa."

"Sleep tight, darling," Roche said with a smile as he smoothed the covers over his somnolent garnddaughter. "And I don't doubt you will be green
one day if you want to be. You can do anything you set your mind to doing."
A few doors down, another of Pirate Island's sixth generation of residents was practicing his piano skills. And singing loudly while he did so.

"Oh Ceiling Cat! Oh Ceiling Cat! I can has cheezburger? Kthxbai!"
"Gah! Shere Khan, it's six in the morning!" Pierce Buccaneer and his wife Rani, uncle and aunt to the young lad, protested.

"I r fail?" Shere Khan asked sadly. "Teh lose?"

"Maybe practice without singing for a while," Pierce said. "And after Angora's party tonight I'll give you a hand with some of your tougher

"Gee, thanks Uncle Pierce!" Shere Khan said happily. "Between you and Toshi, I'll be the best musical cat in the world!"

"Just as long as you don't mix music with explosives," Pierce said, shuddering.
Angora, Shere Khan's less musically-inclined cousin, preferred other          "What curtains?"
pursuits to that of making music. Specifically, she preferred cheating at
chess while playing against her grandfather Benjamin's fellow Steel Chefs.    "The plaid ones."

"I don't know how you keep winning," Skylar complained. "Your moves           "Huh?" Skylar scratched his head as he stared at the empty wall. "I'm just
come out of nowhere!"                                                         not seeing it."

"I'm naturally talented," Angora said modestly. "By the way, the space ship   "It's gone now," Angora said.
is still over there. You don't want to look away yet."
                                                                              "Oh." Skylar returned his attention to the chess board and threw up his hand
"Are you sure?" the chef asked, craning his head. "I don't even see a         with disgust. "Might as well end this one now," he said. "You'll have me in
window on that wall."                                                         checkmate in four more moves. You're just too good for me, Angora."

"It's behind the curtains."                                                   "I practice a lot."
"Grandpa's friends are dumb," Angora announced to Shere Khan once Skylar had left.

"Epic fail," Shere Khan said with disgust. He'd watched the entire exchange.

"I think it's the bubbles," Angora added. "Remind me never to touch a bubble blower even when I'm a teenager and want to, okay Khan? I'm gonna
stick to juice."

"Juice FTW," Shere Khan said, and the cousins shook on it. "Your birthday is tomorrow night, right?"

The next day Shere Khan's parents helped get ready for their niece's
birthday party by scattering feathers all over the yard. As there were   "You guys are Phail," Shere Khan said scornfully. "You're making a
several felines in the family, they felt it would be weird if there      mess. Anyway, didn't you hear me? I got an A plus!"
wasn't any evidence of dead birds to be found. At least, that was the
explanation they gave to Pierce when he questioned them on it.           "That's great!" Moll said, putting her pillow down and catching her
                                                                         breath. She gave Khan a hug. "Congratulations, dear!"
"Mom! Dad! I got an A plus!" Shere Khan announced as he ran off
the school bus. "Uhh... what are you doing?"                             "That's better," Khan said. "Uhh... cleaning - you're doing it wrong.
                                                                         Angie's party starts in less than an hour."
"Bird massacre," Rajah explained.
                                                                         "Fine, fine," Rajah grumbled, but he stooped to clean up the mess
"Very tragic," Moll added.                                               anyway. "I'm proud of you, son."
That night was the night of the biggest party Pirate Island had seen in quite some time. It seemed like every single one of Angora's relatives was on
hand to watch her grow up into a teen, though Toshi was the only one under the age of twenty-five who could make it.
"So when can I start dating?" Angora asked cheerfully once she'd popped up into teenagerhood. Her parents shared a concerned glance.


"Just like Grandpa Benjamin," Angora grinned. "So... dates? Soon?"

"At least she's not Romance," Pierce said.

"Hey! I heard that!" De*, Angora's paternal grandmother, called out.

* simself of Fireflower314
"You'll do fine, my dear," De added once Angora had changed and fixed her hair. "You do the family proud!"
"So, do you think I'll give my parents a heart attack if I tell them I   great grandfather... did it. Just buy the cheapest ones you can get off
want fifty first dates?" Angora asked her grandfather, Bart              of the matchmaker."
Buccaneer, after she'd eaten her slice of cake.
                                                                         "But that's no fun," Angora insisted. "Half the time you get flaming
"Don't advertise that to your elderly male relatives," Bart advised,     bags of dog poo on your doorstep if you do it that way. I want to
looking pained.                                                          have good dates!"

"I don't mind at all!" Benjamin called from the kitchen table.           "Not until you're thirty," Bart insisted. "Or away at college."

"Err... there are exceptions to that, of course," Bart amended. "I       "Aw, man..."
suggest you do it the way my great-grandfather... your great-great-
"So what do you think of your niece and her aspiration choices?" De    they're eighteen or nineteen."
asked Rose, Pierce's younger sister and her youngest daughter.
                                                                       "And their families think they're a handful now..." Andrew Thayer
"I think Pierce and Rani are going to have their hands full!" Rose     chuckled. "I have a feeling this generation of college kids is going to
giggled. "I'm soooo glad I don't have any kids yet."                   be a crazy one."

"I'm not," De snorted. "I want more grandbabies, Rose. Soon?"          "How is your family doing over in Paris?" De asked solicitously.
                                                                       "You're from that branch of the family tree, right?"
"College placeholder here," Rose shrugged. "I'm not done til Zing or
Shih pledges the Greek house."                                         "Great, and yes," Andrew nodded. "I'm just in town visiting my
                                                                       parents and Pierce suggested I stop by for the party. I haven't been
"Well, it won't be that long now," De said. "Their teen years are      home in ages!"
whizzing by and I think they're going to head to university when
The next day, Shere Khan was again the proud recipient of a top-
level report card, which he eagerly shared with his father.              "You really remind me of my grandparents, Eddie and Tosha," Rajah
                                                                         said. "My guess is knowledge."
"Awesome!" Rajah said approvingly. "So today's your birthday, huh?
Quite a coup, getting a top report card and turning into a teen on the   "Yeah, I want to be just like Great-Grandpa," Khan said eagerly.
same day."                                                               "I've read all of his books! His research was absolutely amazing, dad.
                                                                         I mean, when he created us he basically created an entire superior
"Yep. I pwn," Shere Khan agreed.                                         species! FTW!"

"Have you given any thought to your aspiration?" Rajah prodded           "Pretty impressive stuff," Rajah agreed. "But you are going to date
gently. "It's a big choice, after all."                                  and stuff, right?"

"Dad, you've known me my whole life," Shere Khan said. "What do          "Don't worry," Khan said. "I'll be a closet Romance sim. Is can be
you think I'm going to pick?"                                            hugs tiem nao pls?"
"Grandpa, come on!" Khan insisted a few hours later. "The party's starting! You don't want to miss it, do you?"

"I guess I'd better stop spying on the neighbors, then," Benjamin said. "Getting a bit too dark to see anything, for one thing."

"But there's no cake," Khan said. "The cake is a lie."


"No, I just made that up."
"I wish... errr... I can has cheezburger? And a bukkit? And a cookie that nobody eated but me? And hugs? And fud? And... and... and
And the lolkitten grew up into a lolcat, and Ceiling Cat saw that it was good. And much cake was nommed.

"Sweet shirt!" Toshi said admiringly once Shere Khan had changed. "Addie Finch is definitely the hottest rock star ever! I can't believe Uncle
Pierce actually knows her!"

"Well, he is in the music business too," Khan said. "Hey, why don't we do something tomorrow after school since we're all old enough to take off
without our parents now?"

"That sounds cool!" Toshi grinned. "I'll give Angora a call tomorrow, okay?"

"Arrr! Don't be goin' outside unless ye wish t' regret it, mate!"

"De, darling, what have I told you about encouraging him?" Bart scolded his wife.

"He said he had something important to tell you," De shrugged. "Sometimes he's got important things to say."

"Most of the time he just wants us to find him a bottle of rum," Bart pointed out.

"Arr! I'm still here, ye scurvy antecedents," Captain Jack Bear complained.

"Yes, but you're plush. It's not like you can do anything if we ignore you," Bart said.

"Don't say I didn't warn ye," the bear smirked.
"There'll be no living with him after this," Bart muttered.
"So, Grandpa Jack warned your dad and he didn't listen, huh?" Kelly chuckled.

"Well, it was kind of dumb for dad to soak in the hot tub during a thunderstorm," Morgan said. "Really, Grandpa Jack's advice was common sense.
Though I wonder how he knew it would storm?"
"Grandma, Angie, Khan, Hugo and I are going to the Youth Centre,       "And you won't be sneaking out to play with explosives?"
                                                                       "Nope! Angie and I want to get cellphones but it's nothing more
"Have you finished your homework, Toshi?" De asked sternly.            exciting than that, except maybe some espresso."

"Not quite, but Angie is coming over before we go out so we can do     "Wellll... I suppose it's okay," De said after a few moments thought.
the group part of the project. Please, Grandma? Mom and mom are at     "Just remember it's a school night. Curfew is ten."
work but I know they'll be okay with it if you or Grandpa says yes."
"Okay, so the guys said they'll meet us there in an hour," Toshi said to Angora once her cousin arrived. "So we don't have much time to finish our
chemistry homework. I can't believe Grandpa won't let us study violent exothermic reactions except by computer simulation."

"Grandpa knows you pretty well," Angora responded. "Plus all the other parents would be pretty upset if their kids lost a finger during the 'violent
exothermic reaction' experiment. Just face facts, Toshi... you're going to have to focus on the music end of things until you're in college."

"I know, and it totally sucks," Toshi said, making a face. Then her face lit up and a devilish grin crossed her features. "First one to laugh has to
dance with Shere Khan when we go out later... last one to laugh gets to dance with Hugo."

"Made you laugh!" Toshi giggled as she tickled her cousin furiously.    almost their whole lives but turned out to be completely unrelated,
"You're stuck with Shere Khan, my dear cousin... I get to have Hugo     and everyone thought it was awesome."
all to myself!"
                                                                        "That's a story," Angora pointed out. "This is real life!"
"What? But he's practically related to us!" Angora said, making a
face while trying to control her laughing. "That's so gross, Toshi."    "C'mon, you like him too," Toshi said. "I know you do... I read your
"Yeah, but have you seen how cute he is?"
"He's pretty cute, but he's still your cousin," Angora said.
                                                                        "Are you girls going to get any of your homework done?" Bart called
"Second or third cousin at least," Toshi insisted. "Plus, I'm adopted   from the dining room.
so it's not like there's any blood there anyway. His mom even wrote a
story about people getting together who thought they were siblings      With a sigh, the girls went upstairs and got to work.
Fortunately, the work wasn't terribly exhaustive and in less than an hour, Toshi and Angie were at the youth centre.

"Yes!" Toshi said, slipping a bill into the cell phone vending machine. "These phones are totally moddable, Angie. I already know how to rig one
to be used as a detonator when fighting the evil terrorists. But you gotta have the right ringtone installed or it won't work."

"Are you for real, Toshi?" Angora asked, giving her cousin a look as she got her own phone. "Or do you just make this stuff up?"

"Some of it's real, and some of it's wishful thinking," Toshiko said. "But once we're finished college I'm sure I'll be able to do all of it. I am a
certified genius, you know."

"I admit you're pretty smart, but sometimes I think your dreams are a little crazy, Toshiko," Angora chuckled. She looked around the room. "Ooh,
they got a photobooth! Let's take our pictures!"
"Not bad, Angora... not bad at all," Toshiko proclaimed once the machine had spit out two copies of the photos. "We are definitely the awesomest
chicks on this island."

"Yeah, but here come the guys," Angora said, pointing to where Hugo and Shere Khan were walking through the door. "Let's go upstairs!"
The music was blasting, the lights were doing a crazy dance over the   "Why Toshiko, you're too generous," Angora laughed, clutching her
dance floor... and Toshiko was daring her cousin to do something       hands to her chest in mock excitement.
that might not be the best idea.
                                                                       "What do you think they're talking about?" Shere Khan asked Hugo
"I totally dare you to flirt with Hugo," Toshiko giggled.              from a few steps away. The music was loud enough that the guys
                                                                       couldn't hear the girls' conversation -- which was probably a good
"What? I thought you liked him!" Angora hissed.                        thing.

"Only kinda," Toshi shrugged. "I don't really want a boyfriend right   "Who knows?" Hugo shrugged. "Girls are so weird, dude. Especially
now. Too much danger of hormone explosions and stuff. So you can       Toshiko."
have him."
                                                                       "Her weirdness -- let me sho u it," Shere Khan agreed.
At that moment, Angora spun on her heel and sidled up to Hugo.         helplessly.
"Hugo, I must say you look absolutely ravishing tonight," she
managed to say, blushing furiously as she attempted to stroke his      "What'd I do?" Hugo asked the world at large. Angora's answer was a
cheek.                                                                 blushing giggle, while Toshiko had to clutch the wall for support she
                                                                       was laughing so hard.
"Wha--?" Hugo caught Angora's hand and pushed it gently away.
"Err... Angie, have you and Toshiko been hitting the bubbles again?"   "You guys are nuts," Shere Khan said, shaking his head. "And I eated
                                                                       your squirrels."
Angora spun back around and collapsed against Toshiko in a fit of
giggles.                                                               "Eww!"

"U r teh strange," Shere Khan proclaimed while Hugo looked at him      "Figuratively speaking, I mean."
By this point the club had begun to fill up a bit, though there seemed to be more chaperones than high school students on the dance floor.

"Woot! You go, Mr. Spade!" Toshiko cheered as she watched one of the chaperones attempt to dance.

"You pwn!" Shere Khan added gleefully. "Full of win!"
The rest of the evening ended up being pretty fun despite the large
numbers of adults who felt like hanging out at a place geared towards    "You're all much weirder kids than my generation," Hugo's Uncle
teenagers.                                                               Nick proclaimed sadly.

"... and then Ceiling Cat opened my eyes, and I saw the truth," Shere    "You're a Jedi too?" Pascal Curious-Deity said enthusiastically. "I'm
Khan nodded enthusiastically.                                            sorry, but I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. I'm a Master
                                                                         in the Jedi Order myself and I didn't know there were any other
"Dude, don't go trying to convert me to your strange religion," Hugo     Force-users on the island!"
said, shaking his finger mock-seriously. "I'm a follower of the Jedi."
                                                                         "Whoa, extreme triple nerd overload alert!" Hugo said, shuddering.
"DO NOT WANT!"                                                           "C'mon, Khan, let's play kicky-bag."
"Kicky-bag FTW!"
"Much as Angie and I hate to interrupt your male bonding rituals, it's almost ten and my parents are going to kill me if I'm late getting home,"
Toshiko said, breaking into the game. "C'mon, guys, let's jet. Hugo, you can walk me home if you like. Well, most of the way home. I live further
than you do."

"Why don't we all just walk together?" Shere Khan asked. "We can drop Hugo off first, then you, and then Ang and I can go the rest of the way to
our house."

"... or we could do that," Toshiko said brightly. "You're brilliant, Shere Khan."

"My brilliance. Let me show you it."

"Numbskull," Angora added under her breath as the four teens sauntered away.
Still, Toshiko was pretty happy with how the evening had gone and when she got home she wrote all about it in her blog... with the entry set to
female friends only, since she spent most of the entry talking about her crush on Hugo.
"I'm concerned," Orikes Pseudo said the next morning to her husband Will.

"About what?" Will asked solicitously.

"About our son!" Orikes said. "You know we've never seen him bring a girl home from school who isn't related to him. Or a boy, for that matter!
Our son is a teenager! He should be dating like crazy!"

"Maybe he's just a late bloomer," Will shrugged. "Or maybe he's icked out by the fact that nine tenths of the girls on the island are distantly related
to him."

"I suppose that could be it," Orikes said. "Still. Moar date!"

"Now you sound like Shere Khan. I know what'll take your mind off worrying about our boy..."
"You're right, dear... smacking you over the head with a pillow definitely has cheered me up!" Orikes giggled.
"Fishie!" Green Boolprop said gleefully from upstairs. "I can see you little fishie!"

This random slide brought to you by Sarah's nVidia graphics card, which apparently does support shaders since she can see the fish...
When Hugo got home from school that afternoon his parents were still pillow-fighting in the kitchen so he was able to slip upstairs without them
noticing. It only took two seconds to send a quick email and then he was back downstairs and waiting outside nervously.
He didn't have to wait very long before the Gypsy Matchmaker showed up.

"Just make sure she's completely unrelated to me," he said emphatically as he pressed the full price in simoleons into the older woman's hand.

"Maybe that'll be a bit tough," the woman said after a moment's consideration. "Gonna haff to go outside the island. You get til midnight, okay?"

"Uhh... okay," Hugo shrugged.

"This girl from Singapore," the gypsy advised. "But I think you like."
"Whoa... that was trippy," a very pretty girl with an elaborate hairstyle said a few minutes later as she got up somewhat shakily from the ground
where she'd landed with a thud. She looked around nervously. "Oooh... this is one of those date things that I signed up for, isn't it?"

"Yeah, kinda," Hugo said, walking over to her. "I'm Hugo Pseudo. What's your name?"

"Lainey Barthelet," the girl said, shaking her head. She looked around. "Where am I, anyway?"

"Pirate Island," Hugo said. "Pretty much halfway around the world from Singapore. Speaking of that, your English is pretty awesome."

"I learn it at school," Lainey said. "Pirate Island, hmm? Well, Hugo Pseudo of Pirate Island, how long is this date supposed to last?"
"The gypsy said until midnight, so we don't have much time," Hugo said. He took a deep breath. "Lainey, you're way hotter than any of the local

"Why Hugo, how kind of you to say so," Lainey said, matching Hugo's tone. Then she burst into giggles. "Hugo Pseudo, you don't have to use
dorky pickup lines on me, okay? We both signed up for the gypsy thing. Obviously we both want to meet someone. Why don't we just try being
friends first and see where things go from there?"
Things went pretty well from there, and by quarter to midnight, Hugo was pretty well smitten with his foreign girl. "What do you say to just a little
romance?" he suggested, checking his watch. "One dance, Lainey?"

"I suppose a dance couldn't hurt," Lainey agreed with a smile. Then her face turned stern. "But keep your hands where I can see them, Hugo

"Deal," Hugo grinned.
As the clock chimed the first stroke of midnight, Hugo leaned forward to murmur in Lainey's ear. "My email... it's notelrond-at-pirateisland-dot-
net," he said.

"Got it," Lainey grinned. "I'll keep in touch, Hugo Pseudo. You can count on it." She pressed something into his hand.

Feeling emboldened by Lainey's obvious interest, Hugo decided to go for it and leaned forward to press his lips to hers. But in the millisecond
before he made contact, she vanished.

"Just like Cinderella," he said ruefully. Then he glanced down at the paper Lainey had given him. "I'm sure we'll eventually see each other again,
Lainey." And he dashed upstairs to save Lainey's email address somewhere he wasn't likely to lose it.
"I saw what you were doing last night," Hugo's younger sister Liv announced the next morning while they watched cartoons together.

"What?" Hugo gulped, his jaw dropping in surprise.

"You got a girlfriend from the matchmaker," Liv singsonged. "I saw it! And you were even gonna kiss her but you ran out of time, right?"

"Don't you dare tell anyone," Hugo hissed furiously at his sister. "Or I'll tell mom and dad that you've been sneaking bubbles again."

"No way!" Liv said, startled. "Oh, fine Hugo. I won't say anything except when we're alone. But I totally still get to tease you whenever it's just the
two of us."

"Whatever," Hugo said grumpily.
"Too much coffee..." Ruby* yawned as she cleared the cup away. "Maybe if those dratted kids would actually act like normal kids I wouldn't be up
all night being nervous."

* simself of Ah Rubyblue, writer of Goldilocks and the Nine Heirs
"I don't know what Ruby's complaining about," Mini-Robin* said to
Mini-Toast* out in the yard. "Did you hear her complaining? You'd        "I suppose that's a bonus," Toast said. "But what if I roll some dorky
think we were normal simkids instead of simselves who aged down          aspiration when we grow up? I wanna be a Pleasure sim!"
for fun."
                                                                         "What simmer would dare changing the aspiration of a simself?"
"Yeah, but now we gotta grow up into acne-land," Toast complained.       Robin asked. "Anyway, the party guests are almost here."
"All because we agreed to do that stupid quest for Professor Butters."
                                                                         "Sweet," Toast grinned.
"Well, if the Prof thinks something is up with Justinian and his
brother it makes more sense for us to spy on them instead of the older   ===
simselves," Robin pointed out. "And you got Justinian. I'm stuck with    *simselves of Robinoli (omgrobinnn, writer of It's A Legacy,
dorky Crassus."                                                          Darling) and EphemeralToast (writer of the Ugothlacy).
Nine-tenths of the simselves on the island and their spouses (if applicable) were soon waving noisemakers to encourage the two childified
simselves on their way to teendom.

"Glad it's them and not me," I muttered in an aside to my husband.
"Well, I suppose if we have to be teenagers it's a good thing we're hot   "I want to Be Friends With Justinian," Toast said. "Maybe this is
teenagers," Robin said as she and Toast posed for the obligatory          going to be easier than I thought it would."
makeover shot. "What'd you roll?"
                                                                          "Well, that'll have to wait until the adult simselves finish embarrasing
"Popularity," Toast said. "I suppose that's not so bad. Right now I'm     themselves," Robin said. "Stupid simself parties."
really wanting to Throw A Party... that's not so different from a
Pleasure sim. And my LTW is all glitchy and I want 50 1st Dates."         "At least we're in the clear."

"I rolled Knowledge again," Robin said happily. "No change there!"        "True that."
Not that the simselves did anything particularly cringe-worthy, other than Professor Butters* and her husband Flavius Marius blocking the only
door to the house for over an hour while they flirted on the landing.

*simself of ProfessorButters (loolooloo16play, writer of the Squeaky Clean Legacy). Flavius is from Blite27's (netsfn1427) Ten Caesars Legacy.
Some of the unattached simselves were a bit inclined to grumble at not having been paired up with a hot spare yet, but such is the life of a simself.
They seem to be included in other peoples' legacies either to get attention, or to be tormented. It's the rare simmer that will actually marry them off
to a hot spare with no strings attached.
Marina* was the only simself who really acted out of character... she spent the entire party playing with a toy robot in the corner and firmly
resisted any efforts to get her to interact with others.

*simself of smoothiequeen87, writer of the now completed Fitzhugh Legacy as well as several other projects.
"Well, Flavius, that was a nice party," the Professor said the next day once things had settled down. "Of course, the girls aren't in my class anymore
but I hope they'll do a good job of keeping an eye on Justinian. Do you think we should get the other simselves involved at this point?"

"I think we should let my Roman cousins see if they can handle things themselves," Flavius pointed out. "You haven't really given them a chance
yet and I know they won't be happy with the zombie-making. Poor Sejanus. He was a good kid."

"At least it was him and not you," the Professor said as she flipped through her newspaper. "I had this ... inkling... that something might happen in
the neighborhood involving Romans and zombies."

"Good thing it didn't happen to me is right," Flavius nodded. "If it had, we wouldn't have had Lucretia or Erroneous."

"Speaking of the kids, where are they anyway?" the Professor wondered. "Shouldn't we be bringing Erroneous to the birthday cake tonight?"
Lucretia was on the internet, chatting away with her Buccaneer buddies but she came when called to the living room.
"Happy birthday, Erroneous!" everyone cried as the Professor did the honours. "You're the youngest kid on Pirate Island!"
Interludes aside, it was time for another birthday party on Pirate Island. At the Toyonaga household, all of Justinian's relatives were invited to help
celebrate his birthday... including Septimus and Octavia. Sejanus seemed very uncomfortable, but nobody could tell why, and Tara (Justinian's
grandmother) felt that the more of Justinian's family surrounding him at such a time, the better. She only wished that her husband Scipio was still
alive to see it.
"I wish... hmm. What do I wish for, Grandma?" Justinian asked as he studied the brightly glowing candles.

"You can't tell anyone," Tara said gently. "Otherwise it won't come true."

"Okay," Justinian said. He screwed up his eyes, took a deep breath, and blew out the candles. I wish my daddy could be normal again...
Only time will tell if it's even possible for Justinian's wish to come true--does recording it here mean that it won't happen?--but the general
consensus is that Justinian grew up very well indeed and, in a fit of teenage rebellion, he flat-out refused to wear a toga. Still, the look suited his
somewhat volatile personality.
"A proper young Roman man should be wearing a toga," Octavia huffed when she caught sight of her great-nephew in his new clothing. "Honestly,
I don't know what youths are coming to these days. When I was a teenager, my brothers were happy to parade around in their togas."

"And how many of them still wear the toga?" Justinian pointed out nastily. "Let's see, there's my dad--but he's kind of undead--and there's Uncle
Septimus. I think that's it, Aunt Octavia. Let's just face it. The rest of the family is getting with the times, okay?"
"You're an ungrateful little brat with no appreciation for your heritage," Octavia spat. "And you'll act like a proper Roman if you know what's good
for you--understand?"

"I understand that you're a meddling busybody," Justinian said, crossing his arms and pouting in a way that only a teenager could. "What business
is it of yours if I want to dress a bit differently?"

"Just... don't go around wearing black lipstick, okay?" Octavia said, moderating her voice a little bit. Perhaps she realized that bringing Justinian
around to her way of thinking would require being on somewhat better terms with her. "I hope you had a happy birthday, my dear nephew."

"Geez... I don't think you know whether you're coming up or going down," Justinian said disdainfully, and he wandered over to talk to his other
grandparents instead.
Young Crassus, meanwhile, was avoiding the family drama by playing Tub Pirates in the dog bath out on the lawn in the middle of a hailstorm.

The boy had a sense for where the safest place on the lot would be.
As for Tara, she was indulging herself a bit with one of the other guests. Ever since Scipio had died, she'd felt a bit lonely, and when her co-worker
Hercules swept her off her feet during the party she decided to run with it.

"Just... don't tell my wife, okay?" Hercules muttered as he disentangled himself from Tara's arms when the party was over.

"Wait... wife?"

"Oh, never mind," Herc shrugged.

Sometimes I think Hercules has a death wish. He should know by now that the island deity doesn't approve of adultery... especially when it's her
own son indulging in it.
The next day, Justinian got changed into some warmer clothes and headed to the youth centre to pick up a cell phone. As a newly minted
popularity sim, he figured he would need one to keep in touch with the many friends he planned on having.
And he would need to be fit, too, if he wanted to attract the ladies or lads. While he wasn't a romancer, he did want to be popular so that he would
have his choice of girlfriend or boyfriend. He was a picky kind of guy. And while fitness didn't always lead directly to popularity (on Pirate
Island), he also felt that an athletic career was where his talents lie, and he wanted to go to college and figured an athletic scholarship was his best
opportunity. He really did consider things from several angles before going ahead with them.
Speaking of college, Rose Buccaneer was nearing the end of her time there, though she thought she ought to stay around until the next generation
of legacy kids was overrunning the place.
It wasn't so much that she minded staying and watching the place... it was more that she'd had her life on hold for years by this point and she was
eager to start a family with her boyfriend, Two Curtin, who lived on Pirate Island and wasn't getting any younger.
"Two, my love, I'm just about finished here... will you promise to marry me once I'm finally released?"

"Oh, Rose... nothing would make me happier!"

They were really a sweet couple.
A few blocks away, in downtown Paris, it was time for yet another    Grandpa Roche in the same place ever!"
birthday party. This one was for the unnaturally conceived son of
Susanna Buccaneer--Grim Reaper, and her boytoy Gavin Biggs.          "I know," Gavin said, "but your family all wants to spend your
                                                                     special day with you. Are you ready to be a teenager, Toby?"
"So is mom coming to my party?" Toby wanted to know as he
danced on his father's feet.                                         "Yeah!" Toby crowed. "'Cause then I get to meet... girls. Lots of
                                                                     girls. More girls than even you ever dated, dad. So many girls I won't
"Your mom, and all of your grandparents!" Gavin promised.            know what to do with them all."

"All of them?" Toby was astonished. "But I hardly ever see Grandma   "Just like your parents," Gavin said fondly. "I'm so proud of you,
Irony and Grandpa Wedge. And I never see Grandma Marie and           son."
It was definitely a big crowd that arrived to help celebrate Toby's birthday, and they were all enthusiastic.
"Look out ladies... here I come," Toby purred once he'd changed. "I am da MAN!"
"So what aspiration did you choose?" Grandma Irony asked politely as she got to know her near-stranger grandson.

"Romance, of course!" Toby said happily. "There never really was any other option, Grandma. The ladies of Paris aren't going to know what hit

"Oh... dear," Irony said.
"So dad, now that I'm older, why don't you tell me all about it. How       "That's how your mom and I got together," Gavin winked.
do you woo a girl anyway?"
                                                                           "Ew!" Toby shuddered. "Too much info, dad."
"Just be yourself," Gavin advised. "And whatever you do, don't push
them to do anything they don't want to. If you play things right, you'll   "Oh, and don't date the Grim Reaper or any other supernaturals,"
have the girls all asking you out on dates and you won't have to lift a    Gavin advised. "Some of them have odd ideas about pregnancy.
finger."                                                                   Once you're old enough to get into that sort of behavior, I mean."

"Really?"                                                                  "Not til college," Toby promised.
But just because he was waiting until college to indulge some behaviors didn't mean that Toby was planning to wait for all Romantic interactions.
That very evening he headed to the local bowling alley to see what Paris had to offer in the way of teen girls.

While he was there he met Ivy Rusewicz...
... and he got along with her pretty well after some initial awkwardness.

"Of course you're the only girl I like," Toby grinned charmingly.
"Well, in that case.... let's dance!" Ivy giggled.

"Show me your moves, baby," Toby winked.
"Let's go bowl with my friend Candice Nott," Ivy suggested.

Toby looked Ivy up and down. "Sounds like a great idea," he grinned.
"This is my friend Marylena Mazza," Candice said when a pretty           "Does it bother you?" Toby asked.
dark-haired girl wandered over to join them. "She goes to the same
school as I do."                                                         "Not really," Marylena admitted.

"It's nice to meet you, Marylena," Toby said smoothly.                   "Hey, I'm still here!" Candice complained. "Cut the flirting,
"You're a Romance sim, aren't you," Marylena giggled.
                                                                         "Yeah!" Ivy added.
"Who ever said that?" Toby asked.
                                                                         "But I'm a lucky guy," Toby said with a somewhat sleazy leer. "I've
"I can smell one a mile off," Marylena laughed. "Cut the act, Biggs. I   got three gorgeous dames who all want to spend time with me.
know exactly what you are."                                              What's wrong with that?"
"You can only date one of us at a time, you know," Candice pointed out. "I'd be mighty upset to find out that you were dating Ivy or Marylena
behind my back. So I'm afraid we're all going to have to be just friends with you, Toby Biggs."

"Well... I suppose I can live with that," Toby said after a few moments of internal conflict. Maybe this was what his father meant by suggesting
letting the girls come to him. "But you know where I am, doll, should you ever want anything more."

"Yes we do," Candice giggled.
Feeling the need to escape from the girls who were now discussing him like he was a hunk of meat, Toby headed out to the patio to get a breath of
fresh air. While he was out there he ran into another pretty girl and he couldn't resist trying again.

"Toby Biggs," he said, sticking out his hand.

"Sierra Bradshaw," the girl responded a bit shyly. "I haven't seen you around before."

"I go to private school," Toby said. "All boys, which stinks, let me tell you."

"You don't say..." Sierra appeared to be quite charmed by Toby.
Later on, after Toby had surreptitiously collected four female phone numbers, the DJ started playing some good music for once so all of the teens
headed out to the dance floor. Before long, things were really hopping!
"Say, Ivy, you're a pretty good dancer," Toby grinned, leaning in a bit closer than was strictly necessary.

"You're not so bad yourself," Ivy grinned.

"Aw, man..." random downtownie teen was rather disgusted by the whole thing. "With that guy on the scene, none of the rest of us are ever gonna
get girlfriends. This sucks!"
"I hear you lit the bowling alley on fire last night as well," Don Thayer nodded as he strode past the engulfed microwave on his way to the

"Ha ha, very funny," Toby complained. "Will ya help me get this thing out, Uncle Don?"

"Geez, no need to panic," Don shrugged. He pulled out an extinguisher and coolly put out the flames. "Have you decided which one you like best

At that moment, the phone started ringing.
Toby just winked and ran downstairs to answer the phone in his room. "Yeah, this is Toby," he said. "Who do I have the pleasure of talking to? ...
Yeah, I remember you from last night. ... A date? ... My place? ... Sounds terrific! I'll see you in a few minutes, doll!"
"You mean I'm the only one who's called you?" Marylena asked            doing on this date, anyway?"
when she arrived a few minutes later.
                                                                        "Why don't we head to my room and hang out?" Toby suggested.
"So far, anyway," Toby shrugged.
                                                                        "Hanging out is all you'd better be doing," Toby's Uncle Tycho
"You're honest," Marylena said approvingly. "I like that. It's funny,   admonished from the sidewalk.
though... the other ladies are more your type if I'm reading you
correctly."                                                             "I promise to leave the door open and everything," Toby said,
                                                                        shooting a glare at his uncle. "C'mon, Marylena, let's get away from
"What... romance?"                                                      the grownups."

"Exactly," Marylena nodded. She looked around. "So... what are we       "Sounds like a great idea to me," Marylena grinned.
A few minutes later, Susanna stopped by for a visit as well.            in his room right now--and don't worry, babe. Ty's keeping half an
                                                                        ear on them."
"Babe, you'll be so proud of our kid," Gavin said, greeting his lover
enthusiastically.                                                       "Good," Anna said. "I'm not ready to be a grandmother yet."

"Mmf!" Anna replied. She wiped her face. "What's Toby gone and          "Wanna really traumatize them?" Gavin grinned. "What say we head
done now?"                                                              down to my room, Anna?"

"Got his first girlfriend, that's what," Gavin grinned. "They're down   "I like the way you think!"
"Whoa, it's kinda hot in here even with the door open," Toby said, fanning       "That sounds awesome," Marylena said. "I"m pretty good with cars myself.
himself furiously. Now that he finally had a girl all to himself, he wasn't      Maybe I could help you work on it or something."
exactly sure what he should be doing.
                                                                                 "I'd like that," Toby said. He paused for a second and a disgusted look came
"Chill, Toby," Marylena chuckled. "I'm not looking to become your                over his face. "Oh man... mom must be over."
girlfriend or anything. I just think you're cute. What say we hang out and see
what happens?"                                                                   "Why do you say that?" Marylena asked. Then she heard it too. "Is that...
"I guess that's a good idea," Toby admitted.
                                                                                 "Hang on," Toby said. "I'll turn on my stereo."
"Cool room," Marylena said admiringly.
                                                                                 "Good idea."
"I love cars," Toby said. "Once I move out for college I'm going to buy an
old beater and restore it myself."                                               Before long, a few hours had passed and Marylena was consulting her
"I have to go," she said regretfully. "But I've had a really good time,   said with a wink, and she strode out of the room. "Catch ya later,
Toby. You're way more normal than I thought you would be after the        Toby."
way you were acting last night."
                                                                          "Later," Toby said breathlessly. He ran after you. "Maybe tomorrow
"Was I a total jerk?" he blushed. "Sorry... I like girls but I'm a bit    night?"
clueless still."
                                                                          "We'll see," Marylena smiled. "I had fun, Toby. Despite the barking."
"Well, maybe this will help," Marylena said, and leaning in, kissed
him gently on the lips.                                                   "Ugh, don't remind me," Toby said. "Can I at least see you out the
"Whoa," Toby said once they pulled apart. "I wasn't expecting that."
"Call me again when you've got that car or something," Marylena
Toby was still watching Marylena's retreating
backside when his mother caught up with him.      "Us? How?"                                     "I understand plenty now," Toby said. "And no
                                                                                                 guy wants to hear his parents getting it on while
"How'd it go?" she asked slyly.                   "Barking!!!"                                   he's trying to kiss his first girlfriend. Trust me."

"Oh, hey mom," Toby said absently, brushing       "Err... sorry," Anna had the grace to blush.   "Well, you may have a point there," Anna
his fingers against his lips for what was         "Guess we must have gotten a bit carried       conceded. "But other than that, how did it go?"
probably the fiftieth time.                       away."
                                                                                                 "Pretty good," Toby admitted. "But tomorrow I
"That well, huh?" Anna grinned knowingly.         "I'll say," Toby complained. "Geez, mom, way   think I'm going to invite Ivy over."
"What's her name, kiddo?"                         to ensure that I'm traumatized for life!"
                                                                                                 "You're incorrigible."
"Marylena," Toby said. "And she's pretty sweet,   "You'll understand once you're in college,"
but you and dad almost ruined it, mom!"           Anna grinned.                                  "I know."
Some things defy description. This is one of them.
But after wooing Vidcund in the photobooth downstairs, Marie decided to see if there were any other gents worthy of her time and worthy of
helping her achieve her goal of twenty woohoos. It wasn't long before she ran across Orpheus Deity.

Recognizing another romancer, Marie moved in for the kill.
And it wasn't that many hours later when she achieved that sweet, sweet state of perma-platness.
With that out of the way, Marie made a quick phone call.

"Nick, could you stop by for a moment? Indulge your mother?"
"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Nick asked once he and Marie had settled on the couch.

"Well... I may not look it, but I'm getting pretty old," Marie said. "I don't know that I have that many years left in me, son, and I'm certainly starting
to feel my age."

"Aww... you're going to live a long time still, ma," Nick said.
"Well, I certainly hope so," Marie said, "but there's no guarantee. Nick, I want you to take over my business."
"The pet store?" Nick's eyes just about popped out of his head. "I... don't know what to say!"

"Just say yes," Marie smiled. "And it's yours."

"Well... yes, in that case!"

"Wonderful," Marie said. "If you'd like, I can show you around in the morning and introduce you to the staff."

"That'd be terrific," Nick said.

"How about I invite everyone else over and we celebrate with a good old family party?" Marie suggested.
Nick agreed that would be a fabulous party. Anna was in town and even brought Toby with her.

The group did agree that Marie's place was a bit too small for mass smustling, though.
For some reason, Vidcund chose that awkward moment to come by.

"Get rid of him, will you?" Marie asked Grace. "This is a family day, not a boyfriend day."

"Eww," Grace muttered as she took in Vidcund's appearance. "Your wish is my command, mother."
"So you've given Nick the store?" Grace asked when dessert was served.

"I thought he was the best choice," Marie nodded. "He and Green really do like animals. Speaking of businesses, how's yours coming along?"

"Pretty well," Grace said. "I'm still trying to think up what the next one should be, but for now I'm just stockpiling the cash with the other four."

"Why don't you ask Zing to help you?" Marie suggested. "He takes after you and Lee in that area."

"You know," Grace said, "that's a terrific idea. Thanks mom!"

"Just doing my job," Marie grinned.
It was a time for birthdays, and my husband and I were happy to celebrate our youngest daughter's ascent to teenaged wasteland.

"Make a wish, Athena," I suggested.

"But don't tell us what it is," Chris chimed in.

"I wasn't born yesterday," Athena said witheringly.
She turned out pretty well, but you'll have to wait until part 2 to see her picture because it's pretty spoilertastic. In the meantime, while Athena was
getting changed and fixing her hair, my husband and I headed outside to take care of a few things.

"You shouldn't pet the wolves," I admonished him.

"What harm could it do?" he asked.

"Well, his eyes are glowing..." I trailed off.
"Ow! He bit me!"

"Told you so."
"Something feels really... strange."

Men. They never listen. At least with his custom skintone he wouldn't be shedding everywhere.

"And the hair's kinda cute like that," I added approvingly as I gave it a closer look.

"Can I nibble on you?" he asked, obviously trying to sound seductive.

"I don't do hairballs," I shuddered. "Sorry, dear, you'll have to do the freak thing by yourself."
"Somehow I doubt that, Sarah..."

Well? Don't stop now--onward to part 2!

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Lilac Illustrated Social Psychology Presentation.pptx
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A Piratical Legacy Chapter 25 Part 1 - Teenagers

  • 1. Chapter 25.1 – Teenagers Hello dear readers and welcome back to A Piratical Legacy, which follows the trials and tribulations of the Buccaneer family as they attempt to rule Pirate Island for 10 generations. Of course, rule is a relative term. I'd more call their leadership "flailing about aimlessly while not screwing things up too badly." If you haven't read the previous chapters, this one isn't going to make a whole lot of sense to you so I suggest backtracking and reading all 28ish uploads previous to this one first. Finished? Great! Now dive right in!
  • 2. "Ready for another day of squeezing the poor, my darling husband?" Grace asked Lee in a seductive voice. "It's at the top of my to-do list," Lee purred in agreement. "Ready to get that fourth business up to level ten, my sweet?" "It shouldn't be a problem at all," Grace giggled. "I love you, Lee." "I love you too, babe." Grace Buccaneer, fifth generation heiress of the Buccaneer family, often greeted her husband this way when they woke up in the morning. They were a terribly romantic couple - in their opinion, at least.
  • 3. And a morning of sappy greetings and discussions about how best to extort their fellow citizens of Pirate Island inevitably led to Grace "There would be if she would actually accept cubic zirconium in doing a better job than usual selling wedding supplies at the fourth of place of diamonds," Rhys muttered under his breath. "How was I her eventual five businesses. supposed to know it was fake?" "Mr. Fitzhugh, is it? Do you see marriage in your future?" "Pardon?" "Well... I haven't really given it that much thought," Rhys said with a "Oh, nevermind," Rhys said. "Yeah, I'll take one of the cakes. I think shrug. "The women I love tend to die a lot. Getting married just I'm having a pity party tonight and I could use the comfort food." seems cruel." "Nadine will be happy to box it up for you," Grace said with a smile "But surely there's someone special in your life right now?" Grace as she moved on to the next vict-- customer. persisted.
  • 4. "I don't believe we've met," Grace said, catching sight of the next to the cash register. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" perplexed customer. "Grace Buccaneer." "Abdicate in favor of the Toyonaga family," Octavia said under her "Octavia Toyonaga," the slender woman in the blue dress said, breath as she counted out the price of the bottle. offering her fingertips. "Charmed, I'm sure." "What was that?" "Can I help you with anything?" Grace asked. "I do recommend that particular wine, I might add. It's an excellent vintage." "I said, 'You must miss your family'," Octavia said. "Working such long hours, I mean." "What?" Octavia said, looking up. It took her a moment to realize Grace was talking to her. "Oh! Yes! Well, I'll take one." "How nice of you to take an interest," Grace said with a fake smile. "My family and I are fine, however. Do stop by again!" That was easy, Grace thought to herself as she led the Roman woman
  • 5. That evening Grace finally received the final star she needed for her wedding business to reach level ten thanks to Samantha Ottomas. "Bit late to be looking for wedding dresses," Grace commented, nodding her head at Samantha's prominent baby bump. "What? Oh!" Samantha blushed. "This is my husband's baby. But he's a notorious playboy and romancer and I'm probably going to have to leave him one of these days. The dress is for my second wedding." "Good for you," Grace said awkwardly. She patted Samantha on the back. "Nice to see a woman who thinks ahead. But you're still really weird." "I know!" Samantha said gleefully. "Don't feed the idiots," Brandi Letourneau complained as she walked past. Grace decided she'd better heed that advice, closed up shop for the evening, and headed home.
  • 6. When she got there, her son Coxinga (Zing) had company over. Toshiko Buccaneer, daughter of Grace's favorite cousin Morgan, was playing video games while she waited for Zing to finish his homework. "Let's play Splinter Cell!" Toshiko said enthusiastically. "I found out there's this downloadable level where you can get an acoustic grenade launcher, Auntie Grace. I've always wanted to try it out but I don't have Splinter Cell at home." "Sounds like fun!" Grace grinned. "I hardly ever get to play since Zing, Andrew, and Lee hog the machine so much." "Typical men," Toshiko snorted disgustedly. "I think it's because they know the women in their lives are better at shooter and strategy games than they are." "I think you're right," Grace agreed.
  • 7. "I heard that!" Zing called from the corner. He'd finished his realist, Toshi?" homework and was busy fixing the computer. "Mom, the network's down again!" "R-e-a-l-i-s-t," Toshi said mechanically. "Why do you ask?" "Kick the router," Grace advised. "That usually works." "I'm writing an essay on why Professor Butters should let us lick frosty gateposts," Shih said. "It'll help us understand better why we "Only for a few minutes at a time," Ching Shih, Grace's younger shouldn't do it, and as long as she has warm water nearby so we don't child, said disgustedly. "And then it thinks it's connected but it really have to rip our tongues off to get unstuck it's perfectly safe." isn't, and everything times out, and if you're trying to upload something it screws up." "I wonder if I could incorporate that into an anti-terrorist weapon," Toshiko mused. "Hmmm..." "You sound a little bitter," Toshiko observed. "Probably not." "Not bitter," Shih insisted. "I'm a realist, that's all. How do you spell
  • 8. "Between you and Shih, this family is definitely weird," Zing said financial statements, and that to me says that things must be pretty once he'd finished fixing the computer. dire. I'm going to be starting my own business soon to see if I can get the family out of the hole for good." "You're the one who likes to pretend he's a dishonest vendor of previously owned vehicles," Toshiko pointed out. "You're such an optimist," Toshi laughed. "Red Hands?" "That's not weird, that's practicing my sales techniques," Zing "Why not?" Zing shrugged. "And yeah, I think I'm probably the best insisted. "You can't tell anyone, Toshi, but I'm pretty sure my parents thing that's ever happened to this family. I'll make sure they're rich are broke. Mom's spent a lot of money on her businesses, and Dad before I leave it in Shih's hands. She can be the heir." entertains clients pretty much every day and I think he only charges some of it to his corporate account. They won't let me see their "You're too kind," Toshi laughed.
  • 9. After Toshiko went home, Zing headed out into the garden to use the wishing well. He'd been watching for a while and nobody else had "Errr... wishing for my first kiss," Zing called back. used it so he felt pretty safe in wishing for money. "Great!" Roche said approvingly. "Go get 'em, boy! Now, what was I "Every little bit can help the family," he said to himself as the doing again?" sparkling bag of simoleons landed at his feet. "I'll just slip this into mom's petty cash drawer and maybe save the wedding business from "Spraying for aphids," Zing said as he shoved the money into his going under entirely." pockets and strode nonchalantly to the car that was waiting to take him to his part-time job. "What're you doing over there?" Roche called from the other side of the yard where he was working in the garden. "Oh yeah..."
  • 10. "Mind if we stop for a second on the way?" he asked the driver as he got in. The driver looked at her watch. "Sure, no problemo kid," she said agreeably. "We're a bit early." "Great!"
  • 11. "Aphids... aphids..." Roche said to himself as he inspected his cucumber plants. "Stupid aphids. Wrecking my plants." He pulled out a container of pesticides and started spraying. And spraying. And spraying! Even when he stopped, the pesticides were still swirling around him ominously. He coughed. "Err... maybe I used a little too much?"
  • 12. When the cloud settled, Roche looked down at himself in dismay. "I'm green! That will never do." He raced inside and called the gypsy matchmaker, who promised to drop off a bottle of antidote immediately. "Better make that ten bottles," Roche said. "You never know... it could happen again!"
  • 13. Within a few moments, the old voodoo lady had stopped by and delivered the potion. "It'll keep for years if you don't use it all," she said. "You don't shortchange me like your ancestors used to, so I give you the good stuff." "Thanks," Roche said, eyeing the bright yellow solution cautiously. "And you're sure this stuff will work?" "There is money-back guarantee if you haff problems," the lady assured him. "I be goingk now. Good luck, Mister Buccaneer."
  • 14. Fortunately, the stuff worked like a charm, though Roche's clothes didn't change back. "Not exactly the height of fashion," he said, looking down at himself. "Still, I guess it's better than being naked!" He made a mental note to get to the store later that day.
  • 15. "Grandpa, you turned green!" Ching Shih said excitedly when Roche tucked her in later that evening. "Indeed I did, Shih," Roche said solemnly. "Too many pesticides." "I'm gonna be green one day," Shih said sleepily. "G'night, Grandpa." "Sleep tight, darling," Roche said with a smile as he smoothed the covers over his somnolent garnddaughter. "And I don't doubt you will be green one day if you want to be. You can do anything you set your mind to doing."
  • 16. A few doors down, another of Pirate Island's sixth generation of residents was practicing his piano skills. And singing loudly while he did so. "Oh Ceiling Cat! Oh Ceiling Cat! I can has cheezburger? Kthxbai!"
  • 17. "Gah! Shere Khan, it's six in the morning!" Pierce Buccaneer and his wife Rani, uncle and aunt to the young lad, protested. "I r fail?" Shere Khan asked sadly. "Teh lose?" "Maybe practice without singing for a while," Pierce said. "And after Angora's party tonight I'll give you a hand with some of your tougher chords." "Gee, thanks Uncle Pierce!" Shere Khan said happily. "Between you and Toshi, I'll be the best musical cat in the world!" "Just as long as you don't mix music with explosives," Pierce said, shuddering.
  • 18. Angora, Shere Khan's less musically-inclined cousin, preferred other "What curtains?" pursuits to that of making music. Specifically, she preferred cheating at chess while playing against her grandfather Benjamin's fellow Steel Chefs. "The plaid ones." "I don't know how you keep winning," Skylar complained. "Your moves "Huh?" Skylar scratched his head as he stared at the empty wall. "I'm just come out of nowhere!" not seeing it." "I'm naturally talented," Angora said modestly. "By the way, the space ship "It's gone now," Angora said. is still over there. You don't want to look away yet." "Oh." Skylar returned his attention to the chess board and threw up his hand "Are you sure?" the chef asked, craning his head. "I don't even see a with disgust. "Might as well end this one now," he said. "You'll have me in window on that wall." checkmate in four more moves. You're just too good for me, Angora." "It's behind the curtains." "I practice a lot."
  • 19. "Grandpa's friends are dumb," Angora announced to Shere Khan once Skylar had left. "Epic fail," Shere Khan said with disgust. He'd watched the entire exchange. "I think it's the bubbles," Angora added. "Remind me never to touch a bubble blower even when I'm a teenager and want to, okay Khan? I'm gonna stick to juice." "Juice FTW," Shere Khan said, and the cousins shook on it. "Your birthday is tomorrow night, right?" "Yep!"
  • 20. The next day Shere Khan's parents helped get ready for their niece's birthday party by scattering feathers all over the yard. As there were "You guys are Phail," Shere Khan said scornfully. "You're making a several felines in the family, they felt it would be weird if there mess. Anyway, didn't you hear me? I got an A plus!" wasn't any evidence of dead birds to be found. At least, that was the explanation they gave to Pierce when he questioned them on it. "That's great!" Moll said, putting her pillow down and catching her breath. She gave Khan a hug. "Congratulations, dear!" "Mom! Dad! I got an A plus!" Shere Khan announced as he ran off the school bus. "Uhh... what are you doing?" "That's better," Khan said. "Uhh... cleaning - you're doing it wrong. Angie's party starts in less than an hour." "Bird massacre," Rajah explained. "Fine, fine," Rajah grumbled, but he stooped to clean up the mess "Very tragic," Moll added. anyway. "I'm proud of you, son."
  • 21. That night was the night of the biggest party Pirate Island had seen in quite some time. It seemed like every single one of Angora's relatives was on hand to watch her grow up into a teen, though Toshi was the only one under the age of twenty-five who could make it.
  • 22. "So when can I start dating?" Angora asked cheerfully once she'd popped up into teenagerhood. Her parents shared a concerned glance. "Pleasure?" "Just like Grandpa Benjamin," Angora grinned. "So... dates? Soon?" "At least she's not Romance," Pierce said. "Hey! I heard that!" De*, Angora's paternal grandmother, called out. ==== * simself of Fireflower314
  • 23. "You'll do fine, my dear," De added once Angora had changed and fixed her hair. "You do the family proud!"
  • 24. "So, do you think I'll give my parents a heart attack if I tell them I great grandfather... did it. Just buy the cheapest ones you can get off want fifty first dates?" Angora asked her grandfather, Bart of the matchmaker." Buccaneer, after she'd eaten her slice of cake. "But that's no fun," Angora insisted. "Half the time you get flaming "Don't advertise that to your elderly male relatives," Bart advised, bags of dog poo on your doorstep if you do it that way. I want to looking pained. have good dates!" "I don't mind at all!" Benjamin called from the kitchen table. "Not until you're thirty," Bart insisted. "Or away at college." "Err... there are exceptions to that, of course," Bart amended. "I "Aw, man..." suggest you do it the way my great-grandfather... your great-great-
  • 25. "So what do you think of your niece and her aspiration choices?" De they're eighteen or nineteen." asked Rose, Pierce's younger sister and her youngest daughter. "And their families think they're a handful now..." Andrew Thayer "I think Pierce and Rani are going to have their hands full!" Rose chuckled. "I have a feeling this generation of college kids is going to giggled. "I'm soooo glad I don't have any kids yet." be a crazy one." "I'm not," De snorted. "I want more grandbabies, Rose. Soon?" "How is your family doing over in Paris?" De asked solicitously. "You're from that branch of the family tree, right?" "College placeholder here," Rose shrugged. "I'm not done til Zing or Shih pledges the Greek house." "Great, and yes," Andrew nodded. "I'm just in town visiting my parents and Pierce suggested I stop by for the party. I haven't been "Well, it won't be that long now," De said. "Their teen years are home in ages!" whizzing by and I think they're going to head to university when
  • 26. The next day, Shere Khan was again the proud recipient of a top- level report card, which he eagerly shared with his father. "You really remind me of my grandparents, Eddie and Tosha," Rajah said. "My guess is knowledge." "Awesome!" Rajah said approvingly. "So today's your birthday, huh? Quite a coup, getting a top report card and turning into a teen on the "Yeah, I want to be just like Great-Grandpa," Khan said eagerly. same day." "I've read all of his books! His research was absolutely amazing, dad. I mean, when he created us he basically created an entire superior "Yep. I pwn," Shere Khan agreed. species! FTW!" "Have you given any thought to your aspiration?" Rajah prodded "Pretty impressive stuff," Rajah agreed. "But you are going to date gently. "It's a big choice, after all." and stuff, right?" "Dad, you've known me my whole life," Shere Khan said. "What do "Don't worry," Khan said. "I'll be a closet Romance sim. Is can be you think I'm going to pick?" hugs tiem nao pls?"
  • 27. "Grandpa, come on!" Khan insisted a few hours later. "The party's starting! You don't want to miss it, do you?" "I guess I'd better stop spying on the neighbors, then," Benjamin said. "Getting a bit too dark to see anything, for one thing." "But there's no cake," Khan said. "The cake is a lie." "Really?" "No, I just made that up."
  • 28. "I wish... errr... I can has cheezburger? And a bukkit? And a cookie that nobody eated but me? And hugs? And fud? And... and... and cheezburger?"
  • 29. And the lolkitten grew up into a lolcat, and Ceiling Cat saw that it was good. And much cake was nommed. "Sweet shirt!" Toshi said admiringly once Shere Khan had changed. "Addie Finch is definitely the hottest rock star ever! I can't believe Uncle Pierce actually knows her!" "Well, he is in the music business too," Khan said. "Hey, why don't we do something tomorrow after school since we're all old enough to take off without our parents now?" "That sounds cool!" Toshi grinned. "I'll give Angora a call tomorrow, okay?" "Awesome."
  • 30. "Arrr! Don't be goin' outside unless ye wish t' regret it, mate!" "De, darling, what have I told you about encouraging him?" Bart scolded his wife. "He said he had something important to tell you," De shrugged. "Sometimes he's got important things to say." "Most of the time he just wants us to find him a bottle of rum," Bart pointed out. "Arr! I'm still here, ye scurvy antecedents," Captain Jack Bear complained. "Yes, but you're plush. It's not like you can do anything if we ignore you," Bart said. "Don't say I didn't warn ye," the bear smirked.
  • 31. "There'll be no living with him after this," Bart muttered.
  • 32. "So, Grandpa Jack warned your dad and he didn't listen, huh?" Kelly chuckled. "Well, it was kind of dumb for dad to soak in the hot tub during a thunderstorm," Morgan said. "Really, Grandpa Jack's advice was common sense. Though I wonder how he knew it would storm?"
  • 33. "Grandma, Angie, Khan, Hugo and I are going to the Youth Centre, "And you won't be sneaking out to play with explosives?" okay?" "Nope! Angie and I want to get cellphones but it's nothing more "Have you finished your homework, Toshi?" De asked sternly. exciting than that, except maybe some espresso." "Not quite, but Angie is coming over before we go out so we can do "Wellll... I suppose it's okay," De said after a few moments thought. the group part of the project. Please, Grandma? Mom and mom are at "Just remember it's a school night. Curfew is ten." work but I know they'll be okay with it if you or Grandpa says yes." "Gotcha!"
  • 34. "Okay, so the guys said they'll meet us there in an hour," Toshi said to Angora once her cousin arrived. "So we don't have much time to finish our chemistry homework. I can't believe Grandpa won't let us study violent exothermic reactions except by computer simulation." "Grandpa knows you pretty well," Angora responded. "Plus all the other parents would be pretty upset if their kids lost a finger during the 'violent exothermic reaction' experiment. Just face facts, Toshi... you're going to have to focus on the music end of things until you're in college." "I know, and it totally sucks," Toshi said, making a face. Then her face lit up and a devilish grin crossed her features. "First one to laugh has to dance with Shere Khan when we go out later... last one to laugh gets to dance with Hugo." "What?"
  • 35. "Made you laugh!" Toshi giggled as she tickled her cousin furiously. almost their whole lives but turned out to be completely unrelated, "You're stuck with Shere Khan, my dear cousin... I get to have Hugo and everyone thought it was awesome." all to myself!" "That's a story," Angora pointed out. "This is real life!" "What? But he's practically related to us!" Angora said, making a face while trying to control her laughing. "That's so gross, Toshi." "C'mon, you like him too," Toshi said. "I know you do... I read your diary." "Yeah, but have you seen how cute he is?" "What?!?" "He's pretty cute, but he's still your cousin," Angora said. "Are you girls going to get any of your homework done?" Bart called "Second or third cousin at least," Toshi insisted. "Plus, I'm adopted from the dining room. so it's not like there's any blood there anyway. His mom even wrote a story about people getting together who thought they were siblings With a sigh, the girls went upstairs and got to work.
  • 36. Fortunately, the work wasn't terribly exhaustive and in less than an hour, Toshi and Angie were at the youth centre. "Yes!" Toshi said, slipping a bill into the cell phone vending machine. "These phones are totally moddable, Angie. I already know how to rig one to be used as a detonator when fighting the evil terrorists. But you gotta have the right ringtone installed or it won't work." "Are you for real, Toshi?" Angora asked, giving her cousin a look as she got her own phone. "Or do you just make this stuff up?" "Some of it's real, and some of it's wishful thinking," Toshiko said. "But once we're finished college I'm sure I'll be able to do all of it. I am a certified genius, you know." "I admit you're pretty smart, but sometimes I think your dreams are a little crazy, Toshiko," Angora chuckled. She looked around the room. "Ooh, they got a photobooth! Let's take our pictures!"
  • 37. "Not bad, Angora... not bad at all," Toshiko proclaimed once the machine had spit out two copies of the photos. "We are definitely the awesomest chicks on this island." "Yeah, but here come the guys," Angora said, pointing to where Hugo and Shere Khan were walking through the door. "Let's go upstairs!"
  • 38. The music was blasting, the lights were doing a crazy dance over the "Why Toshiko, you're too generous," Angora laughed, clutching her dance floor... and Toshiko was daring her cousin to do something hands to her chest in mock excitement. that might not be the best idea. "What do you think they're talking about?" Shere Khan asked Hugo "I totally dare you to flirt with Hugo," Toshiko giggled. from a few steps away. The music was loud enough that the guys couldn't hear the girls' conversation -- which was probably a good "What? I thought you liked him!" Angora hissed. thing. "Only kinda," Toshi shrugged. "I don't really want a boyfriend right "Who knows?" Hugo shrugged. "Girls are so weird, dude. Especially now. Too much danger of hormone explosions and stuff. So you can Toshiko." have him." "Her weirdness -- let me sho u it," Shere Khan agreed.
  • 39. At that moment, Angora spun on her heel and sidled up to Hugo. helplessly. "Hugo, I must say you look absolutely ravishing tonight," she managed to say, blushing furiously as she attempted to stroke his "What'd I do?" Hugo asked the world at large. Angora's answer was a cheek. blushing giggle, while Toshiko had to clutch the wall for support she was laughing so hard. "Wha--?" Hugo caught Angora's hand and pushed it gently away. "Err... Angie, have you and Toshiko been hitting the bubbles again?" "You guys are nuts," Shere Khan said, shaking his head. "And I eated your squirrels." Angora spun back around and collapsed against Toshiko in a fit of giggles. "Eww!" "U r teh strange," Shere Khan proclaimed while Hugo looked at him "Figuratively speaking, I mean."
  • 40. By this point the club had begun to fill up a bit, though there seemed to be more chaperones than high school students on the dance floor. "Woot! You go, Mr. Spade!" Toshiko cheered as she watched one of the chaperones attempt to dance. "You pwn!" Shere Khan added gleefully. "Full of win!"
  • 41. The rest of the evening ended up being pretty fun despite the large numbers of adults who felt like hanging out at a place geared towards "You're all much weirder kids than my generation," Hugo's Uncle teenagers. Nick proclaimed sadly. "... and then Ceiling Cat opened my eyes, and I saw the truth," Shere "You're a Jedi too?" Pascal Curious-Deity said enthusiastically. "I'm Khan nodded enthusiastically. sorry, but I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. I'm a Master in the Jedi Order myself and I didn't know there were any other "Dude, don't go trying to convert me to your strange religion," Hugo Force-users on the island!" said, shaking his finger mock-seriously. "I'm a follower of the Jedi." "Whoa, extreme triple nerd overload alert!" Hugo said, shuddering. "DO NOT WANT!" "C'mon, Khan, let's play kicky-bag."
  • 43. "Much as Angie and I hate to interrupt your male bonding rituals, it's almost ten and my parents are going to kill me if I'm late getting home," Toshiko said, breaking into the game. "C'mon, guys, let's jet. Hugo, you can walk me home if you like. Well, most of the way home. I live further than you do." "Why don't we all just walk together?" Shere Khan asked. "We can drop Hugo off first, then you, and then Ang and I can go the rest of the way to our house." "... or we could do that," Toshiko said brightly. "You're brilliant, Shere Khan." "My brilliance. Let me show you it." "Numbskull," Angora added under her breath as the four teens sauntered away.
  • 44. Still, Toshiko was pretty happy with how the evening had gone and when she got home she wrote all about it in her blog... with the entry set to female friends only, since she spent most of the entry talking about her crush on Hugo.
  • 45. "I'm concerned," Orikes Pseudo said the next morning to her husband Will. "About what?" Will asked solicitously. "About our son!" Orikes said. "You know we've never seen him bring a girl home from school who isn't related to him. Or a boy, for that matter! Our son is a teenager! He should be dating like crazy!" "Maybe he's just a late bloomer," Will shrugged. "Or maybe he's icked out by the fact that nine tenths of the girls on the island are distantly related to him." "I suppose that could be it," Orikes said. "Still. Moar date!" "Now you sound like Shere Khan. I know what'll take your mind off worrying about our boy..."
  • 46. "You're right, dear... smacking you over the head with a pillow definitely has cheered me up!" Orikes giggled.
  • 47. "Fishie!" Green Boolprop said gleefully from upstairs. "I can see you little fishie!" ==== This random slide brought to you by Sarah's nVidia graphics card, which apparently does support shaders since she can see the fish...
  • 48. When Hugo got home from school that afternoon his parents were still pillow-fighting in the kitchen so he was able to slip upstairs without them noticing. It only took two seconds to send a quick email and then he was back downstairs and waiting outside nervously.
  • 49. He didn't have to wait very long before the Gypsy Matchmaker showed up. "Just make sure she's completely unrelated to me," he said emphatically as he pressed the full price in simoleons into the older woman's hand. "Completely." "Maybe that'll be a bit tough," the woman said after a moment's consideration. "Gonna haff to go outside the island. You get til midnight, okay?" "Uhh... okay," Hugo shrugged. "This girl from Singapore," the gypsy advised. "But I think you like."
  • 50. "Whoa... that was trippy," a very pretty girl with an elaborate hairstyle said a few minutes later as she got up somewhat shakily from the ground where she'd landed with a thud. She looked around nervously. "Oooh... this is one of those date things that I signed up for, isn't it?" "Yeah, kinda," Hugo said, walking over to her. "I'm Hugo Pseudo. What's your name?" "Lainey Barthelet," the girl said, shaking her head. She looked around. "Where am I, anyway?" "Pirate Island," Hugo said. "Pretty much halfway around the world from Singapore. Speaking of that, your English is pretty awesome." "I learn it at school," Lainey said. "Pirate Island, hmm? Well, Hugo Pseudo of Pirate Island, how long is this date supposed to last?"
  • 51. "The gypsy said until midnight, so we don't have much time," Hugo said. He took a deep breath. "Lainey, you're way hotter than any of the local girls." "Why Hugo, how kind of you to say so," Lainey said, matching Hugo's tone. Then she burst into giggles. "Hugo Pseudo, you don't have to use dorky pickup lines on me, okay? We both signed up for the gypsy thing. Obviously we both want to meet someone. Why don't we just try being friends first and see where things go from there?"
  • 52. Things went pretty well from there, and by quarter to midnight, Hugo was pretty well smitten with his foreign girl. "What do you say to just a little romance?" he suggested, checking his watch. "One dance, Lainey?" "I suppose a dance couldn't hurt," Lainey agreed with a smile. Then her face turned stern. "But keep your hands where I can see them, Hugo Pseudo!" "Deal," Hugo grinned.
  • 53. As the clock chimed the first stroke of midnight, Hugo leaned forward to murmur in Lainey's ear. "My email... it's notelrond-at-pirateisland-dot- net," he said. "Got it," Lainey grinned. "I'll keep in touch, Hugo Pseudo. You can count on it." She pressed something into his hand. Feeling emboldened by Lainey's obvious interest, Hugo decided to go for it and leaned forward to press his lips to hers. But in the millisecond before he made contact, she vanished. "Just like Cinderella," he said ruefully. Then he glanced down at the paper Lainey had given him. "I'm sure we'll eventually see each other again, Lainey." And he dashed upstairs to save Lainey's email address somewhere he wasn't likely to lose it.
  • 54. "I saw what you were doing last night," Hugo's younger sister Liv announced the next morning while they watched cartoons together. "What?" Hugo gulped, his jaw dropping in surprise. "You got a girlfriend from the matchmaker," Liv singsonged. "I saw it! And you were even gonna kiss her but you ran out of time, right?" "Don't you dare tell anyone," Hugo hissed furiously at his sister. "Or I'll tell mom and dad that you've been sneaking bubbles again." "No way!" Liv said, startled. "Oh, fine Hugo. I won't say anything except when we're alone. But I totally still get to tease you whenever it's just the two of us." "Whatever," Hugo said grumpily.
  • 55. "Too much coffee..." Ruby* yawned as she cleared the cup away. "Maybe if those dratted kids would actually act like normal kids I wouldn't be up all night being nervous." === * simself of Ah Rubyblue, writer of Goldilocks and the Nine Heirs
  • 56. "I don't know what Ruby's complaining about," Mini-Robin* said to Mini-Toast* out in the yard. "Did you hear her complaining? You'd "I suppose that's a bonus," Toast said. "But what if I roll some dorky think we were normal simkids instead of simselves who aged down aspiration when we grow up? I wanna be a Pleasure sim!" for fun." "What simmer would dare changing the aspiration of a simself?" "Yeah, but now we gotta grow up into acne-land," Toast complained. Robin asked. "Anyway, the party guests are almost here." "All because we agreed to do that stupid quest for Professor Butters." "Sweet," Toast grinned. "Well, if the Prof thinks something is up with Justinian and his brother it makes more sense for us to spy on them instead of the older === simselves," Robin pointed out. "And you got Justinian. I'm stuck with *simselves of Robinoli (omgrobinnn, writer of It's A Legacy, dorky Crassus." Darling) and EphemeralToast (writer of the Ugothlacy).
  • 57. Nine-tenths of the simselves on the island and their spouses (if applicable) were soon waving noisemakers to encourage the two childified simselves on their way to teendom. "Glad it's them and not me," I muttered in an aside to my husband.
  • 58. "Well, I suppose if we have to be teenagers it's a good thing we're hot "I want to Be Friends With Justinian," Toast said. "Maybe this is teenagers," Robin said as she and Toast posed for the obligatory going to be easier than I thought it would." makeover shot. "What'd you roll?" "Well, that'll have to wait until the adult simselves finish embarrasing "Popularity," Toast said. "I suppose that's not so bad. Right now I'm themselves," Robin said. "Stupid simself parties." really wanting to Throw A Party... that's not so different from a Pleasure sim. And my LTW is all glitchy and I want 50 1st Dates." "At least we're in the clear." "I rolled Knowledge again," Robin said happily. "No change there!" "True that."
  • 59. Not that the simselves did anything particularly cringe-worthy, other than Professor Butters* and her husband Flavius Marius blocking the only door to the house for over an hour while they flirted on the landing. ==== *simself of ProfessorButters (loolooloo16play, writer of the Squeaky Clean Legacy). Flavius is from Blite27's (netsfn1427) Ten Caesars Legacy.
  • 60. Some of the unattached simselves were a bit inclined to grumble at not having been paired up with a hot spare yet, but such is the life of a simself. They seem to be included in other peoples' legacies either to get attention, or to be tormented. It's the rare simmer that will actually marry them off to a hot spare with no strings attached.
  • 61. Marina* was the only simself who really acted out of character... she spent the entire party playing with a toy robot in the corner and firmly resisted any efforts to get her to interact with others. === *simself of smoothiequeen87, writer of the now completed Fitzhugh Legacy as well as several other projects.
  • 62. "Well, Flavius, that was a nice party," the Professor said the next day once things had settled down. "Of course, the girls aren't in my class anymore but I hope they'll do a good job of keeping an eye on Justinian. Do you think we should get the other simselves involved at this point?" "I think we should let my Roman cousins see if they can handle things themselves," Flavius pointed out. "You haven't really given them a chance yet and I know they won't be happy with the zombie-making. Poor Sejanus. He was a good kid." "At least it was him and not you," the Professor said as she flipped through her newspaper. "I had this ... inkling... that something might happen in the neighborhood involving Romans and zombies." "Good thing it didn't happen to me is right," Flavius nodded. "If it had, we wouldn't have had Lucretia or Erroneous." "Speaking of the kids, where are they anyway?" the Professor wondered. "Shouldn't we be bringing Erroneous to the birthday cake tonight?"
  • 63. Lucretia was on the internet, chatting away with her Buccaneer buddies but she came when called to the living room.
  • 64. "Happy birthday, Erroneous!" everyone cried as the Professor did the honours. "You're the youngest kid on Pirate Island!"
  • 65. Interludes aside, it was time for another birthday party on Pirate Island. At the Toyonaga household, all of Justinian's relatives were invited to help celebrate his birthday... including Septimus and Octavia. Sejanus seemed very uncomfortable, but nobody could tell why, and Tara (Justinian's grandmother) felt that the more of Justinian's family surrounding him at such a time, the better. She only wished that her husband Scipio was still alive to see it.
  • 66. "I wish... hmm. What do I wish for, Grandma?" Justinian asked as he studied the brightly glowing candles. "You can't tell anyone," Tara said gently. "Otherwise it won't come true." "Okay," Justinian said. He screwed up his eyes, took a deep breath, and blew out the candles. I wish my daddy could be normal again...
  • 67. Only time will tell if it's even possible for Justinian's wish to come true--does recording it here mean that it won't happen?--but the general consensus is that Justinian grew up very well indeed and, in a fit of teenage rebellion, he flat-out refused to wear a toga. Still, the look suited his somewhat volatile personality.
  • 68. "A proper young Roman man should be wearing a toga," Octavia huffed when she caught sight of her great-nephew in his new clothing. "Honestly, I don't know what youths are coming to these days. When I was a teenager, my brothers were happy to parade around in their togas." "And how many of them still wear the toga?" Justinian pointed out nastily. "Let's see, there's my dad--but he's kind of undead--and there's Uncle Septimus. I think that's it, Aunt Octavia. Let's just face it. The rest of the family is getting with the times, okay?"
  • 69. "You're an ungrateful little brat with no appreciation for your heritage," Octavia spat. "And you'll act like a proper Roman if you know what's good for you--understand?" "I understand that you're a meddling busybody," Justinian said, crossing his arms and pouting in a way that only a teenager could. "What business is it of yours if I want to dress a bit differently?" "Just... don't go around wearing black lipstick, okay?" Octavia said, moderating her voice a little bit. Perhaps she realized that bringing Justinian around to her way of thinking would require being on somewhat better terms with her. "I hope you had a happy birthday, my dear nephew." "Geez... I don't think you know whether you're coming up or going down," Justinian said disdainfully, and he wandered over to talk to his other grandparents instead.
  • 70. Young Crassus, meanwhile, was avoiding the family drama by playing Tub Pirates in the dog bath out on the lawn in the middle of a hailstorm. The boy had a sense for where the safest place on the lot would be.
  • 71. As for Tara, she was indulging herself a bit with one of the other guests. Ever since Scipio had died, she'd felt a bit lonely, and when her co-worker Hercules swept her off her feet during the party she decided to run with it. "Just... don't tell my wife, okay?" Hercules muttered as he disentangled himself from Tara's arms when the party was over. "Wait... wife?" "Oh, never mind," Herc shrugged. Sometimes I think Hercules has a death wish. He should know by now that the island deity doesn't approve of adultery... especially when it's her own son indulging in it.
  • 72. The next day, Justinian got changed into some warmer clothes and headed to the youth centre to pick up a cell phone. As a newly minted popularity sim, he figured he would need one to keep in touch with the many friends he planned on having.
  • 73. And he would need to be fit, too, if he wanted to attract the ladies or lads. While he wasn't a romancer, he did want to be popular so that he would have his choice of girlfriend or boyfriend. He was a picky kind of guy. And while fitness didn't always lead directly to popularity (on Pirate Island), he also felt that an athletic career was where his talents lie, and he wanted to go to college and figured an athletic scholarship was his best opportunity. He really did consider things from several angles before going ahead with them.
  • 74. Speaking of college, Rose Buccaneer was nearing the end of her time there, though she thought she ought to stay around until the next generation of legacy kids was overrunning the place.
  • 75. It wasn't so much that she minded staying and watching the place... it was more that she'd had her life on hold for years by this point and she was eager to start a family with her boyfriend, Two Curtin, who lived on Pirate Island and wasn't getting any younger.
  • 76. "Two, my love, I'm just about finished here... will you promise to marry me once I'm finally released?" "Oh, Rose... nothing would make me happier!" They were really a sweet couple.
  • 77. A few blocks away, in downtown Paris, it was time for yet another Grandpa Roche in the same place ever!" birthday party. This one was for the unnaturally conceived son of Susanna Buccaneer--Grim Reaper, and her boytoy Gavin Biggs. "I know," Gavin said, "but your family all wants to spend your special day with you. Are you ready to be a teenager, Toby?" "So is mom coming to my party?" Toby wanted to know as he danced on his father's feet. "Yeah!" Toby crowed. "'Cause then I get to meet... girls. Lots of girls. More girls than even you ever dated, dad. So many girls I won't "Your mom, and all of your grandparents!" Gavin promised. know what to do with them all." "All of them?" Toby was astonished. "But I hardly ever see Grandma "Just like your parents," Gavin said fondly. "I'm so proud of you, Irony and Grandpa Wedge. And I never see Grandma Marie and son."
  • 78. It was definitely a big crowd that arrived to help celebrate Toby's birthday, and they were all enthusiastic.
  • 79. "Look out ladies... here I come," Toby purred once he'd changed. "I am da MAN!"
  • 80. "So what aspiration did you choose?" Grandma Irony asked politely as she got to know her near-stranger grandson. "Romance, of course!" Toby said happily. "There never really was any other option, Grandma. The ladies of Paris aren't going to know what hit them..." "Oh... dear," Irony said.
  • 81. "So dad, now that I'm older, why don't you tell me all about it. How "That's how your mom and I got together," Gavin winked. do you woo a girl anyway?" "Ew!" Toby shuddered. "Too much info, dad." "Just be yourself," Gavin advised. "And whatever you do, don't push them to do anything they don't want to. If you play things right, you'll "Oh, and don't date the Grim Reaper or any other supernaturals," have the girls all asking you out on dates and you won't have to lift a Gavin advised. "Some of them have odd ideas about pregnancy. finger." Once you're old enough to get into that sort of behavior, I mean." "Really?" "Not til college," Toby promised.
  • 82. But just because he was waiting until college to indulge some behaviors didn't mean that Toby was planning to wait for all Romantic interactions. That very evening he headed to the local bowling alley to see what Paris had to offer in the way of teen girls. While he was there he met Ivy Rusewicz...
  • 83. ... and he got along with her pretty well after some initial awkwardness. "Of course you're the only girl I like," Toby grinned charmingly.
  • 84. "Well, in that case.... let's dance!" Ivy giggled. "Show me your moves, baby," Toby winked.
  • 85. "Let's go bowl with my friend Candice Nott," Ivy suggested. Toby looked Ivy up and down. "Sounds like a great idea," he grinned.
  • 86. "This is my friend Marylena Mazza," Candice said when a pretty "Does it bother you?" Toby asked. dark-haired girl wandered over to join them. "She goes to the same school as I do." "Not really," Marylena admitted. "It's nice to meet you, Marylena," Toby said smoothly. "Hey, I'm still here!" Candice complained. "Cut the flirting, loverboy." "You're a Romance sim, aren't you," Marylena giggled. "Yeah!" Ivy added. "Who ever said that?" Toby asked. "But I'm a lucky guy," Toby said with a somewhat sleazy leer. "I've "I can smell one a mile off," Marylena laughed. "Cut the act, Biggs. I got three gorgeous dames who all want to spend time with me. know exactly what you are." What's wrong with that?"
  • 87. "You can only date one of us at a time, you know," Candice pointed out. "I'd be mighty upset to find out that you were dating Ivy or Marylena behind my back. So I'm afraid we're all going to have to be just friends with you, Toby Biggs." "Well... I suppose I can live with that," Toby said after a few moments of internal conflict. Maybe this was what his father meant by suggesting letting the girls come to him. "But you know where I am, doll, should you ever want anything more." "Yes we do," Candice giggled.
  • 88. Feeling the need to escape from the girls who were now discussing him like he was a hunk of meat, Toby headed out to the patio to get a breath of fresh air. While he was out there he ran into another pretty girl and he couldn't resist trying again. "Toby Biggs," he said, sticking out his hand. "Sierra Bradshaw," the girl responded a bit shyly. "I haven't seen you around before." "I go to private school," Toby said. "All boys, which stinks, let me tell you." "You don't say..." Sierra appeared to be quite charmed by Toby.
  • 89. Later on, after Toby had surreptitiously collected four female phone numbers, the DJ started playing some good music for once so all of the teens headed out to the dance floor. Before long, things were really hopping!
  • 90. "Say, Ivy, you're a pretty good dancer," Toby grinned, leaning in a bit closer than was strictly necessary. "You're not so bad yourself," Ivy grinned. "Aw, man..." random downtownie teen was rather disgusted by the whole thing. "With that guy on the scene, none of the rest of us are ever gonna get girlfriends. This sucks!"
  • 91. "I hear you lit the bowling alley on fire last night as well," Don Thayer nodded as he strode past the engulfed microwave on his way to the dishwasher. "Ha ha, very funny," Toby complained. "Will ya help me get this thing out, Uncle Don?" "Geez, no need to panic," Don shrugged. He pulled out an extinguisher and coolly put out the flames. "Have you decided which one you like best yet?" At that moment, the phone started ringing.
  • 92. Toby just winked and ran downstairs to answer the phone in his room. "Yeah, this is Toby," he said. "Who do I have the pleasure of talking to? ... Yeah, I remember you from last night. ... A date? ... My place? ... Sounds terrific! I'll see you in a few minutes, doll!"
  • 93. "You mean I'm the only one who's called you?" Marylena asked doing on this date, anyway?" when she arrived a few minutes later. "Why don't we head to my room and hang out?" Toby suggested. "So far, anyway," Toby shrugged. "Hanging out is all you'd better be doing," Toby's Uncle Tycho "You're honest," Marylena said approvingly. "I like that. It's funny, admonished from the sidewalk. though... the other ladies are more your type if I'm reading you correctly." "I promise to leave the door open and everything," Toby said, shooting a glare at his uncle. "C'mon, Marylena, let's get away from "What... romance?" the grownups." "Exactly," Marylena nodded. She looked around. "So... what are we "Sounds like a great idea to me," Marylena grinned.
  • 94. A few minutes later, Susanna stopped by for a visit as well. in his room right now--and don't worry, babe. Ty's keeping half an ear on them." "Babe, you'll be so proud of our kid," Gavin said, greeting his lover enthusiastically. "Good," Anna said. "I'm not ready to be a grandmother yet." "Mmf!" Anna replied. She wiped her face. "What's Toby gone and "Wanna really traumatize them?" Gavin grinned. "What say we head done now?" down to my room, Anna?" "Got his first girlfriend, that's what," Gavin grinned. "They're down "I like the way you think!"
  • 95. "Whoa, it's kinda hot in here even with the door open," Toby said, fanning "That sounds awesome," Marylena said. "I"m pretty good with cars myself. himself furiously. Now that he finally had a girl all to himself, he wasn't Maybe I could help you work on it or something." exactly sure what he should be doing. "I'd like that," Toby said. He paused for a second and a disgusted look came "Chill, Toby," Marylena chuckled. "I'm not looking to become your over his face. "Oh man... mom must be over." girlfriend or anything. I just think you're cute. What say we hang out and see what happens?" "Why do you say that?" Marylena asked. Then she heard it too. "Is that... barking?" "I guess that's a good idea," Toby admitted. "Hang on," Toby said. "I'll turn on my stereo." "Cool room," Marylena said admiringly. "Good idea." "I love cars," Toby said. "Once I move out for college I'm going to buy an old beater and restore it myself." Before long, a few hours had passed and Marylena was consulting her watch.
  • 96. "I have to go," she said regretfully. "But I've had a really good time, said with a wink, and she strode out of the room. "Catch ya later, Toby. You're way more normal than I thought you would be after the Toby." way you were acting last night." "Later," Toby said breathlessly. He ran after you. "Maybe tomorrow "Was I a total jerk?" he blushed. "Sorry... I like girls but I'm a bit night?" clueless still." "We'll see," Marylena smiled. "I had fun, Toby. Despite the barking." "Well, maybe this will help," Marylena said, and leaning in, kissed him gently on the lips. "Ugh, don't remind me," Toby said. "Can I at least see you out the door?" "Whoa," Toby said once they pulled apart. "I wasn't expecting that." "Sure." "Call me again when you've got that car or something," Marylena
  • 97. Toby was still watching Marylena's retreating backside when his mother caught up with him. "Us? How?" "I understand plenty now," Toby said. "And no guy wants to hear his parents getting it on while "How'd it go?" she asked slyly. "Barking!!!" he's trying to kiss his first girlfriend. Trust me." "Oh, hey mom," Toby said absently, brushing "Err... sorry," Anna had the grace to blush. "Well, you may have a point there," Anna his fingers against his lips for what was "Guess we must have gotten a bit carried conceded. "But other than that, how did it go?" probably the fiftieth time. away." "Pretty good," Toby admitted. "But tomorrow I "That well, huh?" Anna grinned knowingly. "I'll say," Toby complained. "Geez, mom, way think I'm going to invite Ivy over." "What's her name, kiddo?" to ensure that I'm traumatized for life!" "You're incorrigible." "Marylena," Toby said. "And she's pretty sweet, "You'll understand once you're in college," but you and dad almost ruined it, mom!" Anna grinned. "I know."
  • 98. Some things defy description. This is one of them.
  • 99. But after wooing Vidcund in the photobooth downstairs, Marie decided to see if there were any other gents worthy of her time and worthy of helping her achieve her goal of twenty woohoos. It wasn't long before she ran across Orpheus Deity. Recognizing another romancer, Marie moved in for the kill.
  • 100. And it wasn't that many hours later when she achieved that sweet, sweet state of perma-platness.
  • 101. With that out of the way, Marie made a quick phone call. "Nick, could you stop by for a moment? Indulge your mother?"
  • 102. "What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Nick asked once he and Marie had settled on the couch. "Well... I may not look it, but I'm getting pretty old," Marie said. "I don't know that I have that many years left in me, son, and I'm certainly starting to feel my age." "Aww... you're going to live a long time still, ma," Nick said.
  • 103. "Well, I certainly hope so," Marie said, "but there's no guarantee. Nick, I want you to take over my business."
  • 104. "The pet store?" Nick's eyes just about popped out of his head. "I... don't know what to say!" "Just say yes," Marie smiled. "And it's yours." "Well... yes, in that case!" "Wonderful," Marie said. "If you'd like, I can show you around in the morning and introduce you to the staff." "That'd be terrific," Nick said. "How about I invite everyone else over and we celebrate with a good old family party?" Marie suggested.
  • 105. Nick agreed that would be a fabulous party. Anna was in town and even brought Toby with her. The group did agree that Marie's place was a bit too small for mass smustling, though.
  • 106. For some reason, Vidcund chose that awkward moment to come by. "Get rid of him, will you?" Marie asked Grace. "This is a family day, not a boyfriend day." "Eww," Grace muttered as she took in Vidcund's appearance. "Your wish is my command, mother."
  • 107. "So you've given Nick the store?" Grace asked when dessert was served. "I thought he was the best choice," Marie nodded. "He and Green really do like animals. Speaking of businesses, how's yours coming along?" "Pretty well," Grace said. "I'm still trying to think up what the next one should be, but for now I'm just stockpiling the cash with the other four." "Why don't you ask Zing to help you?" Marie suggested. "He takes after you and Lee in that area." "You know," Grace said, "that's a terrific idea. Thanks mom!" "Just doing my job," Marie grinned.
  • 108. It was a time for birthdays, and my husband and I were happy to celebrate our youngest daughter's ascent to teenaged wasteland. "Make a wish, Athena," I suggested. "But don't tell us what it is," Chris chimed in. "I wasn't born yesterday," Athena said witheringly.
  • 109. She turned out pretty well, but you'll have to wait until part 2 to see her picture because it's pretty spoilertastic. In the meantime, while Athena was getting changed and fixing her hair, my husband and I headed outside to take care of a few things. "You shouldn't pet the wolves," I admonished him. "What harm could it do?" he asked. "Well, his eyes are glowing..." I trailed off.
  • 110. "Ow! He bit me!" "Told you so."
  • 112. "OOOOOoooooooOOOOOO!" Men. They never listen. At least with his custom skintone he wouldn't be shedding everywhere. "And the hair's kinda cute like that," I added approvingly as I gave it a closer look. "Can I nibble on you?" he asked, obviously trying to sound seductive. "I don't do hairballs," I shuddered. "Sorry, dear, you'll have to do the freak thing by yourself."
  • 113. "Somehow I doubt that, Sarah..." Well? Don't stop now--onward to part 2!