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A holistic approach to Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence
Identification • Mitigation • Value-Creation
Kienbaum Management Consultants July 2016
Conventional wisdom sees process safety and machine integrity and maintenance as two separate areas of operating practice. Viewing
them as elements of the same system is an innovative approach that not only manages composite risk but also adds significant
operating value. These components are both being addressed separately already by many companies without success. To change that,
an unconventional approach is required: data and prescriptive analytics, applied specifically to safety and maintenance.
Humans and equipment both exhibit variation, but safety and equipment
incidents are viewed separately – should they be?
Example: Three Mile Island
» Three Mile Island was a nuclear meltdown in Pennsylvania in
» No single action or inaction was identified as the cause
» Rather, a complex and interlinked series of mechanical
failures, human judgments, engineering designs,
operational implementations and team interfaces
» An initial equipment failure was proceeded with errors
made by the human operators
» The operators become overloaded with incoming data
and were unable to process and react to all of it
» The incident was the result of a combination of errors
in equipment, humans, and data
» This incident, and many others, can be avoided by viewing
risk in a composite manner
80% - 90% of all incidents are caused by human error, but the traditional focus of
process safety efforts is 80% on technical prevention
Three Mile Island: Risk from People & Machines
» Humans will be a significant risk contributor to any risk profile
» The case of Three Mile Island exemplifies this: no intentional mistake occurred
» Nonetheless, mistakes occurred and that risk will always be present
» Equipment malfunctions & breakdowns can’t be avoided, but can be planned for
» Every piece of equipment deteriorates and only by planning for that
deterioration can you limit your risk exposure
» Approaching these risks as though they create different categorical incidents
limits effectiveness of mitigation strategies – Strategies that account for both
risk types will be the most successful.
Humans need to interact with machines that might malfunction or breakdown, but risks can be mitigated and diminished
This incident, like many others, could have been avoided with a composite risk
approach and strategy
» If you have good data with KPIs, you can describe what is happening, then predict
what will happen, and prescribe actions
» Proper training, safety and asset management, and behavior based safety will enable
people to know how to act when assets don’t perform
» A risk conscious culture & workplace designed to help mitigate risks & create value
Risk comes from multiple points and should be proactively managed as major
incidents rarely result from a single cause or failure
Kienbaum Process Risk Control System
Rather, multiple failures coincide and collectively result in an exceptional event with severe consequences.
All safety and asset integrity excellence elements must be aligned and working
together to ensure risk mitigation and value creation
Key elements to holistic Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence
Source: Kienbaum
Workplace Design Management System
Data & Analytics
Safety and Asset
Behavior based safety
& asset integrity training
KPIs &
Management Cockpit
Data &
Foster a culture of risk mitigation and compliance that is central to all of the
organization’s ability to support a comprehensive risk based controls framework
Kienbaum Model: Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence
1. Enable employees to perform with a clearly defined, depicted, and communicated vision of safety and asset
integrity excellence. Implement a strategy of robust risk avoidance, adding value by mitigating composite
risk in a data-driven, continuously improving, compliant and holistic way
2. Facilitate an organizational culture of value creation, pushing for proactive moves to mitigate any risks rather
than waiting to react after a preventable incident. Empower employees to feel part of the movement as they
continuously grow and learn to mitigate risk, generating holistic value
3. Develop an effective KPI system that effectively triggers root-cause analyses, mitigates risks, develops
remedial actions and follows through on effectiveness through (planning / reporting / meeting / evaluation
structure) based on the established KPI system, to achieve sustainability for the systems and activities
4. Establish real time information composite risk dashboards that allow for fast decision making to assist with
mitigating risks and adding value. This allows further investigation of root-cause analyses of incidents and
non-incidents to begin proactive elimination of risk and further understanding of non-incidents, creating
additional value
5. Monitor and predict incident risks with data and analytics to close gaps between current performance and
sustainable excellence. Remove risks with predictive analytics before gaps materialize, while prescribing
resolutions and adding enormous value
KPIs and
Management Cockpit
Safety and Asset
Foster a culture of risk mitigation and compliance that is central to all of the
organization’s ability to support a comprehensive risk based controls framework
Kienbaum Model: Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence
Behavior based safety
& asset integrity training
6. Utilize already available data and predict potential future incidents while satisfying shareholder and delivery
objectives through efficient asset management and safety interventions
7. Eliminate risk for human, machine, and the human-machine interaction. Create value by designing an
efficient and ergonomic workplace, and make it impossible for accidents to occur. Employee engagement
and interaction is increased with proper workplace design, contributing to a cultural payoff while working in a
safer environment
8. Design and implement meaningful and effective employee training and empowerment through a well
supported and managed BBS system and asset training program. Help employees engage in safe
behaviors, providing opportunities for risk avoidance and improvement in safety for the organization
9. Enforce a comprehensive compliance approach that enables the organization to evaluate all pertinent risks
and monitor mitigation while enforcing best and safe industry practices to prevent disruption of operations
and eliminate potential risks
10.Accompany the change management, a key element of most effective risk mitigation systems, that assists
with a creative a proactive culture in the organization (e.g. through highly effective workshop formats and
long term auditing of the management system). Establish an effective communication strategy to
accompany the change process on all levels
A strategic and systematic composite risk strategy is necessary
to achieve world class Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence
Strategy: Composite risk avoidance and value creation
» Assess composite risks as part of the strategic planning process
» Understand components of risk, how to measure it and develop next steps based on data
» Human, technical, and environmental issues must be placed in the center of Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence initiatives
» When incidents are viewed in the same category, new and comprehensive ways can be developed to approach and mitigate them
» Employees perform safely when leaders actively & consistently demonstrate that safety is important through their decisions and actions
» Assets perform efficiently when they are proactively managed for risk and prescribed actions for incident avoidance
» Identify and mitigate composite risk, close gaps, while adding enormous value to the organization
Key points of a composite risk avoidance
Equipment + People
Workplace + Equipment + People
Create a company culture where the focus is on “Value Creation”
instead of value protection
FOCUS on what goes wrong
» Reduced number of adverse events
» Find underlying causes &
» Eliminate causes & improve barriers
» Learning uses only small fraction of
the data
» (10-4 = 1 incident per 10,000
FOCUS on what goes right
» Ability to succeed under varying
» Understand why normal
performance succeeds
» Use that to perform better and safer
» Learning uses most of the data
» (10-4 = 9.999 non-failures per
10,000 events)
Reactive response to incidents vs a proactive response to non-incidents
Risk Culture
Create a culture of continuous learning, where all feel responsible for value creation and risk mitigation.
An efficient management system is one of the foundations for the
successful steering of sustainable business processes
Elements and interactions within a management system and the DADA-loop
A well working management system with coordinated elements (KPIs, meetings, reports) stimulates root-cause analyses, following
through on decisions, tracking their effectiveness and further development, which adds value while mitigating risk.
DADA: Data, Analysis, Decision, Action; KPI: Key Performance Indicator; CIP: Continuous Improvement Process; BPST: Basic Problem Solving Tools
Seite 1 von 1
Datum: 23.07.2009Besprechungsrichtlinie
Tgl. Abteilungsbesprechung PROD HUS (vorläufig)
Häufigkeit: täglich Mo-Fr 08:45-09:00
Ort: HUS, Büro Herr Roth
Dauer: 15 min
Verantwortlichkeit: J. Roth
TEILNEHMER: J. Roth, Frühschicht-Meister M, Frühschicht-
Meister E, O. Carstens (Vertr.), AV?
1. Pünktlichkeit
2. Jeder ist für Ausführung seiner Aktionen verantwortlich
3. Offene & ehrliche Kommunikation
4. Ausreden lassen / nicht ins Wort fallen
5. Inhalts-Diskussionen in Detailbesprechung
6. Keine Nebengespräche / Handys aus oder stumm
7. Alle kommen vorbereitet
1. Durchsicht letzte Aktionsliste/Schichtber. JR 03‘
2. Betriebsergebnisse/ Störungen vom Vortag
 Arbeitssicherheit/ 5S Mstr 01‘
 Montage – Mechanik Mstr M 02‘
 Montage – Elektrik Mstr E 02‘
 Sonstiges JR 02‘
3. Abweich./ Probleme -> Maßnahmen alle/JR 02‘
4. Neue Tagesplanung (Prod./Verlad.) JR 02‘
5. Abstimmung der neuen Aktionen JR 01‘
1. Ursachen von Störungen bzw. Planabweichungen
2. Kurzfrist-Maßnahmen zur Leistungssteigerung generieren
3. Korrektur des Tageplanes und der Tagesziele
-> Optimale PROD-Planung & beste PROD-Leistung
1. Schichtbericht/Aktionsliste
2. KIS-Formblätter
3. Tgl./wtl. PROD-Bericht
4. Verlade-Plan
5. Produktions-Wo-Plan
1. Abgestimmter
2. Aktualisierte
Corporate Targets
Prev. Maint.
Project Planning
Maint. Rev.
TPM Meeting
MT Meeting
Profit & Loss
Project Status
PSE Dashboard
Verkleidung23. Juli 2009
Arbeitshöhe des
Trägers erschwert
Arbeitshöhe des
Trägers erschwert
Die Höhe der
Böcke ist zu
Die Höhe der
Böcke ist zu
Böcke, welche
unter Last
sind anschaffen
Böcke, welche
unter Last
sind anschaffen
Späte Material-
Späte Material-
Bestellungen zu
Bestellungen zu
Nicht genügend
Nicht genügend
Personal im
Personal im
für Operation
für Operation
Inventur im
Inventur im
Information über
Information über
(Bauteil nicht
(Bauteil nicht
Information von
Magazin bzgl.
Inventur erhalten
Information von
Magazin bzgl.
Inventur erhalten
Klare Regelung
für Entnahme
während Inventur
Klare Regelung
für Entnahme
während Inventur
konstruieren und
konstruieren und
wieder bei
montieren lassen
wieder bei
montieren lassen
Zulieferung der
Zulieferung der
Löcher sind falsch
Löcher sind falsch
Wurden nicht
Wurden nicht
Waren nie
Waren nie
Intensivere WE-
Prüfung durch QS
Intensivere WE-
Prüfung durch QS
Maße an
Maße an
Maße in
Maße in
Action Logs
Fully automated KPI information cockpits speed up your decision
making processes through real time visualization of KPI performance
Risk Dashboard KPIs &
Management Cockpit
Dashboard Examples
View performance in real
time and ensure timely
reaction to incidents
Use data to further investigate
root causes of incidents and non-
incidents to begin proactive
elimination of risk and further
understanding of non-incidents,
creating additional value
Data needs to be collected from all sources and aggregated
before it can be used for any analytics
Data collection sources, methods, and outputs
» Every possible data source should be used to measure as much as possible
» Lack of GOOD, usable data is the biggest barrier to using analytics to mitigate
• If possible, a data champion or data champions should be encouraged
• These are individuals who encourage their teams and companies to address
poor data at the source to find the root causes of problems and eliminate them
• Addressing poor data proactively is the only way to eliminate it
Existing Data Processes
» Companies already gather data from
different sources; some even use this
» Where companies fall short is
combining this data into one data set
that further information can be
gathered from; rather, they use each
data set independently
Future Data Processes
» If companies already gather data, what
is the meaning of good, usable data
• The combination of multiple data
sources into a single data set
» By combining this data from different
sources into a single data set, advanced
algorithms are used to glean new
insights, leading to innovative outcomes
Data & Analytics
Kienbaum helps companies progress through the five levels or
stages of using data and analytics to achieve big data excellence
Five levels of data analytics
Level 1: Basic analytics
» Standard RCA and application of PDCA
» Firefighting to deal with problems
Level 2: Descriptive analytics
» Applying structural lean six sigma on single source data
» Descriptive statistics and regression analyses to understand past trends
Level 3: Predictive analytics
Level 4: Prescriptive analytics
» Start modeling future outcomes with past data
» R-analyses on multiple sources
» Converting trends into future scenarios to make decisions
» Complex algorithms using multiple sources of data to convert into action
Level 5: Big data excellence
Action to take
Looking Ahead
Looking Back
Data & Analytics
Data is the start of a closed feedback loop, the DADA cycle, that
results in a proactive system and triggers discussions
Continuous performance improvement through analytics
Data modelling Data
» As change experts, Kienbaum enables organizations to
improve performance and mitigate risk by aiding in
transformation to create an environment for growth and
» We proactively improve performance by continuously
feeding the DADA circle with the data modelling output,
focusing on improvement actions
» By combining behavioral change with the prescriptive
analytics, we enable organizations to grow from a level 1
state to a level 5 state
» By working with those involved in the processes, we go
beyond prescribing actions to develop a strategy to ensure
that the actions are followed and become anchored in the
» This includes creating a feedback loop with those
carrying out the actions to continuously improve the
action plan
Remarks DADA Cycle
Data & Analytics
Once data is gathered, a model is created that is updated in real time
and gives real time output on risk levels while creating value
Risk Mitigation Process
The model output is a real time monitoring of incident risk levels that is used to alert and offer mitigation strategies to reduce
the likelihood of an incident
Data & Analytics
The model output is a real time monitoring of incident risk levels that is used to alert and offer mitigation strategies
to reduce the likelihood of an incident.
What happened
What is
What will
Incident Monitoring
Incident Mitigation
» The plan is rolled out to employees who are engaged at each step in the process
» Their safety is the primary driver and their input therefore is invaluable
» Now that we know Thomas is at risk and we have a plan to prevent an accident, we ensure
Thomas sticks to the plan and gives us feedback on how to improve the plan
Once safety risks are identified and actions are prescribed,
strategies for risk mitigation plans need to be created and executed
Data and analytics in safety
» Fatigue is addressed and managed via prescriptive analytics
» Risk factors are identified prior to accidents and can be actively mitigated in real timePlanPlan
» Using analytics, Kienbaum will create a forward-looking model that goes beyond analyzing accidents to predict risk and incidents
» By using data already being collected, we create a model that accounts for dozens of factors contributing to fatigue such as workload
» An example from the S&L industry:
» Thomas has been with the company for 22 years working in the northeast region
» It is a cold Monday afternoon in Vermont in mid January
» Thomas has already been working for 6 hours and lifted dozens of boxes, including a larger than normal workload that morning
from the weekend rush
» Given his tenure, workload for the past month, the day, and the last hour, as well as the time/date/location, and dozens of other
factors, Thomas 46% more likely than normal to be injured in the next 30 minutes
» Given this information, a pre-defined plan to mitigate this risk and prevent the potential injury to Thomas is employed in
real time
Safety and Asset
Enable the organization to meet its shareholder and service delivery
objectives efficiently and effectively through Asset Management
Data and analytics in assets
Safety and Asset
» Regular maintenance
» Example: Replace
gasket every odd-
numbered week or
after 10,000 hours of
» Conditional repairs when
» Example: Inspection of wall
thickness shows it is <25mm
» Data from the process,
current weather conditions,
operating date, and shift log
data are all aggregated
» This data is used to
determine that running
product A during the current
time will be too much for the
pipe to handle
Planned Predictive
Preventive Maintenance
» Current maintenance processes are manual and non-digital,
making them prone to errors, while fixed time or planned
maintenance is insufficient
» Example: Take shipping employee Thomas driving a truck
• According to the maintenance schedule, Thomas’s truck is
due to have new tires put on the vehicle in two weeks
• However, it is the middle of winter in the northeast and there
is a storm coming in
• Accounting for all of this information, the analytics say to
replace the tire early to avoid an equipment malfunction
» By accounting for not only the past data on tire life, but also the
data on weather conditions on equipment, among other factors,
an incident is avoided that would have otherwise occurred
» Take already available maintenance data in combination with
predictive analytics to forecast equipment failures instead of
evaluating trends
Create a system of asset management that is self-learning and
self-improving for the optimal asset lifespan
Analytics combined with TPM create more availability and increased reliability
Failure to be
Detection of
future failure
timing of
Forecast of
consequence Prescribe
action taken
» Current TPM activities can go farther to eliminate risk and add value to assets with analytics
» Current programs use data from all sources such as smart sensors, existing TPM data, and others
• With data, companies can estimate the remaining life of the asset and when a replacement is due, all while scheduling regular
preventive maintenance and maintaining the right inventory levels for spare parts
» Analytics go further to aggregate all data, and combine it with other, real-time data such as weather conditions, time, and dozens of
other available data sources into one source to use all data to analyze and make new, previously unavailable connections
» Then, models compare current, real-time states to normal or ideal states and use advanced algorithms to detect small variances for
each asset, which can warn of problems that would have otherwise been missed without aggregated data and associated algorithms
» When a problem is detected, operators, supervisors, and maintenance are notified at the optimal times, mitigating the risk of collateral
damage and secondary failure and preventing significant production downtime, maximizing equipment life, improving reliability, and
increasing availability
Improve reliability and increase availability with analytics
Safety and Asset
A composite view of risk will detect and avoid potential incidents that
would have otherwise occurred
Unifying risk mitigation strategies leads to more desired outcomes
By unifying efforts and taking a composite risk approach, a different outcome occurs:
» Now imagine that a unified system took all of this information and alerted a supervisor and Thomas that there was a
potential situation
» Thomas takes his prescribed break, and is more aware of the balding ties, all of which leads Thomas to safely finish
his shift without an incident
Risk from machinesRisk from people
» Take Thomas who is fatigued and working in poor weather
» But, Thomas has not reached a threshold for any
» Thomas’s truck is within the limit for its condition but
close to the limit for needing new tires and belts
» Taking these potential incidents separately would not create an alert that an incident is possible
» As a result, the combination of the balding tires, winter weather, and Thomas’s decreased reaction times have led to an
Overall Risk
Safety and Asset
Value creation and risk elimination for both human, machine, and the
human-machine interaction
Designing the workplace to avoid incidents and create value
Workplace design
» No one wants to make an error or for a machine to breakdown – make it
as difficult as possible by designing risk out of a workplace
» Optimize worker well-bring, productivity, while minimizing stress on
machines due to controllable factors
» Involve engineering, management, operators, and maintenance during
each phase of new equipment design & purchase to create better
equipment, fewer errors, easier operation & maintenance
» Address crucial elements such as ergonomics, ventilation, and noise
requirements for the anticipated work, machine safeguarding, materials
handling & storage, use of automated processes, and added reserve
» Incident or emergency planning for weather or stemming from contractors
and manmade issues
» Create an efficient human-machine interaction and design out as much
risk as possible by identifying and focusing design effort on critical
activities throughout development
Eliminate sources of risk
Develop and implement a comprehensive and workplace specific program from the start and prevent potential risks.
Recommended workstation design
Ensure Behavior Based Safety and Asset Integrity through data-driven
programs, that focus on both human and machine factors
Behavior based safety and integrity training
BBS and asset integrity training prepare all employees for dealing with all aspects of the job to properly
handle any potential risk scenarios.
Behavior based safety
and asset integrity training
» Behavior based safety and integrity training creates a
culture of reinforcement and communication
» Internalize risk and hazard avoidance strategies and proper
use of PPE, while ensuring properly and efficiently
functioning assets through training and continued learning
» Embed integrity management into the organization through
risk assessment, mechanical integrity, critical equipment
checks, and personnel safety
» Emphasize equipment reliability and integrity by addressing
human factors together with smart machines that send
warning signals alerting of potential risks
» Facilitate community awareness and foster a culture of
assessments and improvements
» Involve all employees, from senior management to front
line workers, to achieve a successful BBS and Asset
Integrity program
Components of BBS and Asset Integrity Training
A comprehensive approach to compliance and best practices
enables your organization to evaluate all pertinent risks
Ensure compliance and implement best practices
» Industry recognized systems can provide consistency between
organizations, but are often limited to compliance with the
standard and the expectations of the “average” industry
performer, rather than best-in-class
» Ensure compliance with Internal and legal guidelines,
regulations, and policies with safety and equipment while
recognizing best practices
» At a minimum, organizations need functional standards in place
that have been agreed upon by engineering, EH&S, operations,
and maintenance
» Companies must enforce safe practices from vendors to prevent
potential industrial accidents that could disrupt supply chain
» Implement industry best practices to eliminate as many sources
of risk as possible
Change management is a key element of most effective risk
management systems, turning cultures from reactive to proactive
Change management
Internal change drivers
» Cost pressure
» Increasing
automation and
complexity of plant
» High costs of
investment and
capital tie-up
» Market demands,
plant availability and
» Changing materials,
practices, or
guidance can
introduce new
» Increasing
» Increasing salaries
» Rising ESHQ
» High service and
quality demands of
the plant
» Increasing
demands & liability
» Complex and
dynamic logistics
External change drivers
» Strong competition for
experts and specialists
Low transparency of cost and performance
Market-compliant alignment of the processes is inadequate
Contractor management is insufficient
Organization is often not ready for change
Initial situation in many departments
Formulated maintenance strategies are only rudimentarily developed
» Continuous development of the
production process & technical
Ensure that new risk mitigation initiatives become a part of life for the entire
Ensure long term success and cultural penetration
» Underpinning all of it will be a plan to ensure the changes are sustainable
» As the rates of incidents begin to fall, the data will be re-evaluated and a new baseline
created to continually optimize both the plan and the execution of the plan
& Systems
Employees &
Change of
behavior &
Change of
Management of
behavioral change &
human Interaction
Structural &
» Strategy focus: cost oriented or continuous improvement oriented
» Communication: communicating essential statements by mail or talking instead of
» Physical environment: the right working environment – space, light, etc.
» Skills: roles and responsibilities clearly defined with the right skillset
» Equipment design: having the right instruments in place
» Process/task design: ownership of the defined processes and having the right
checklist in place
» Training: have adequate training programs and refresher training
» Incident Free Culture: Not prioritizing efficiency over risk culture or the preference
for a blaming culture
» Leadership: Regular visits and using the observations for improvement actions
» Attitude: people initiating improvement proposals
» Fatigue: not working beyond regulated working hours
» Stress: from home or working with colleagues
» Teamwork: shared understanding of their work goals, use effective channels of
communication and proactively manage conflict
Three Mile Island and other disasters could have been prevented with proper
alignment of Safety and Asset Integrity elements
Do you understand components of risk, know how to measure and implement actions accordingly?
With Safety & Asset Integrity Excellence, incidents that led to Three Mile Island could
have been mitigated entirely, and future incidents can be protected against
» People and machines create composite risk
» Prescriptive analytics allows understanding of composite risk and proper
» This approach moves operations from a cost avoidance to value creation
» Humans and machines looked at together in a cybernetic way, providing proper and
timely communication
» Prescriptive analytics results in a composite risk management and value creation
» KPI and management systems readily allow implementation of new risk culture
» Readily available maintenance data is proactively used to forecast equipment
failures and prevent accidents from happening
» Proper communication, training & culture of sharing best practice risk strategies
» A proper safety and asset integrity program can prevent errors from becoming
Kienbaum: Excellence in People & Organization
Our Consulting Concept
Quelle: Kienbaum
Structures &
Processes &
Competences &
Strategy &
Kienbaum’s Expertise
» integrated consulting concept with interdisciplinary
» A focus on results with proven experience in the
» An established transformation and change model
» Top expertise in executive search, human capital
services, communication, organization and
process consulting
» Reconciling digital and analogue processes and
business models (work 4.0)
» Practice-oriented innovation processes (dedicated
research institute)
competent / diverse
motivated / engaged
Success Factors
agile / learning
efficient / effective
connected / digital
In all of our projects we focus on people and organizations as the key factors for the lasting commercial success of our clients.
Eric M. Lavelle
Phone: +1 843 804 0020
Fax: +1 213 805 5337
Mobile: +1 843 804 0020
Coen van Driel
Phone: +31 6 14 32 85 94
Mobile: +31 6 14 32 85 94
Kienbaum Consultants Inc.
Contact information for US Kienbaum Consultants
Kienbaum Consultants Inc.
2300 Lakeview Parkway | Suite 700
Alpharetta, GA 30009
A holistic approach to Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence

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A holistic approach to Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence

  • 1. A holistic approach to Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence Identification • Mitigation • Value-Creation Kienbaum Management Consultants July 2016
  • 2. Conventional wisdom sees process safety and machine integrity and maintenance as two separate areas of operating practice. Viewing them as elements of the same system is an innovative approach that not only manages composite risk but also adds significant operating value. These components are both being addressed separately already by many companies without success. To change that, an unconventional approach is required: data and prescriptive analytics, applied specifically to safety and maintenance. Humans and equipment both exhibit variation, but safety and equipment incidents are viewed separately – should they be? Example: Three Mile Island » Three Mile Island was a nuclear meltdown in Pennsylvania in 1979 » No single action or inaction was identified as the cause » Rather, a complex and interlinked series of mechanical failures, human judgments, engineering designs, operational implementations and team interfaces occurred » An initial equipment failure was proceeded with errors made by the human operators » The operators become overloaded with incoming data and were unable to process and react to all of it » The incident was the result of a combination of errors in equipment, humans, and data » This incident, and many others, can be avoided by viewing risk in a composite manner 2
  • 3. 80% - 90% of all incidents are caused by human error, but the traditional focus of process safety efforts is 80% on technical prevention Three Mile Island: Risk from People & Machines » Humans will be a significant risk contributor to any risk profile » The case of Three Mile Island exemplifies this: no intentional mistake occurred » Nonetheless, mistakes occurred and that risk will always be present » Equipment malfunctions & breakdowns can’t be avoided, but can be planned for » Every piece of equipment deteriorates and only by planning for that deterioration can you limit your risk exposure » Approaching these risks as though they create different categorical incidents limits effectiveness of mitigation strategies – Strategies that account for both risk types will be the most successful. Humans need to interact with machines that might malfunction or breakdown, but risks can be mitigated and diminished This incident, like many others, could have been avoided with a composite risk approach and strategy » If you have good data with KPIs, you can describe what is happening, then predict what will happen, and prescribe actions » Proper training, safety and asset management, and behavior based safety will enable people to know how to act when assets don’t perform » A risk conscious culture & workplace designed to help mitigate risks & create value 3
  • 4. Risk comes from multiple points and should be proactively managed as major incidents rarely result from a single cause or failure Kienbaum Process Risk Control System Rather, multiple failures coincide and collectively result in an exceptional event with severe consequences. 4
  • 5. 5 All safety and asset integrity excellence elements must be aligned and working together to ensure risk mitigation and value creation Key elements to holistic Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence Source: Kienbaum OperativeStrategic PeopleOrganization ChangeManagement Workplace Design Management System Data & Analytics Safety and Asset Management Compliance Behavior based safety & asset integrity training KPIs & Management Cockpit Risk Culture Strategy
  • 6. 6 Data & Analytics Foster a culture of risk mitigation and compliance that is central to all of the organization’s ability to support a comprehensive risk based controls framework Kienbaum Model: Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence 1. Enable employees to perform with a clearly defined, depicted, and communicated vision of safety and asset integrity excellence. Implement a strategy of robust risk avoidance, adding value by mitigating composite risk in a data-driven, continuously improving, compliant and holistic way 2. Facilitate an organizational culture of value creation, pushing for proactive moves to mitigate any risks rather than waiting to react after a preventable incident. Empower employees to feel part of the movement as they continuously grow and learn to mitigate risk, generating holistic value 3. Develop an effective KPI system that effectively triggers root-cause analyses, mitigates risks, develops remedial actions and follows through on effectiveness through (planning / reporting / meeting / evaluation structure) based on the established KPI system, to achieve sustainability for the systems and activities implemented 4. Establish real time information composite risk dashboards that allow for fast decision making to assist with mitigating risks and adding value. This allows further investigation of root-cause analyses of incidents and non-incidents to begin proactive elimination of risk and further understanding of non-incidents, creating additional value 5. Monitor and predict incident risks with data and analytics to close gaps between current performance and sustainable excellence. Remove risks with predictive analytics before gaps materialize, while prescribing resolutions and adding enormous value Strategy KPIs and Management Cockpit Risk Culture Management System
  • 7. 7 Safety and Asset Management Foster a culture of risk mitigation and compliance that is central to all of the organization’s ability to support a comprehensive risk based controls framework Kienbaum Model: Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence Behavior based safety & asset integrity training Change Management 6. Utilize already available data and predict potential future incidents while satisfying shareholder and delivery objectives through efficient asset management and safety interventions 7. Eliminate risk for human, machine, and the human-machine interaction. Create value by designing an efficient and ergonomic workplace, and make it impossible for accidents to occur. Employee engagement and interaction is increased with proper workplace design, contributing to a cultural payoff while working in a safer environment 8. Design and implement meaningful and effective employee training and empowerment through a well supported and managed BBS system and asset training program. Help employees engage in safe behaviors, providing opportunities for risk avoidance and improvement in safety for the organization 9. Enforce a comprehensive compliance approach that enables the organization to evaluate all pertinent risks and monitor mitigation while enforcing best and safe industry practices to prevent disruption of operations and eliminate potential risks 10.Accompany the change management, a key element of most effective risk mitigation systems, that assists with a creative a proactive culture in the organization (e.g. through highly effective workshop formats and long term auditing of the management system). Establish an effective communication strategy to accompany the change process on all levels Workplace Design Compliance
  • 8. Strategy A strategic and systematic composite risk strategy is necessary to achieve world class Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence Strategy: Composite risk avoidance and value creation » Assess composite risks as part of the strategic planning process » Understand components of risk, how to measure it and develop next steps based on data » Human, technical, and environmental issues must be placed in the center of Safety and Asset Integrity Excellence initiatives » When incidents are viewed in the same category, new and comprehensive ways can be developed to approach and mitigate them » Employees perform safely when leaders actively & consistently demonstrate that safety is important through their decisions and actions » Assets perform efficiently when they are proactively managed for risk and prescribed actions for incident avoidance » Identify and mitigate composite risk, close gaps, while adding enormous value to the organization Key points of a composite risk avoidance WorkplacePeople Equipment Equipment + People Workplace + Equipment + People 8
  • 9. Create a company culture where the focus is on “Value Creation” instead of value protection FOCUS on what goes wrong » Reduced number of adverse events » Find underlying causes & malfunctions » Eliminate causes & improve barriers » Learning uses only small fraction of the data » (10-4 = 1 incident per 10,000 events) FOCUS on what goes right » Ability to succeed under varying conditions » Understand why normal performance succeeds » Use that to perform better and safer » Learning uses most of the data » (10-4 = 9.999 non-failures per 10,000 events) Reactive response to incidents vs a proactive response to non-incidents VALUE PROTECTION VALUE CREATION FAILURE SUCCESS REACTIVE PROACTIVE Risk Culture Create a culture of continuous learning, where all feel responsible for value creation and risk mitigation. 9
  • 10. An efficient management system is one of the foundations for the successful steering of sustainable business processes Elements and interactions within a management system and the DADA-loop A well working management system with coordinated elements (KPIs, meetings, reports) stimulates root-cause analyses, following through on decisions, tracking their effectiveness and further development, which adds value while mitigating risk. DADA: Data, Analysis, Decision, Action; KPI: Key Performance Indicator; CIP: Continuous Improvement Process; BPST: Basic Problem Solving Tools Seite 1 von 1 Datum: 23.07.2009Besprechungsrichtlinie Tgl. Abteilungsbesprechung PROD HUS (vorläufig) Häufigkeit: täglich Mo-Fr 08:45-09:00 Ort: HUS, Büro Herr Roth Dauer: 15 min Verantwortlichkeit: J. Roth TEILNEHMER: J. Roth, Frühschicht-Meister M, Frühschicht- Meister E, O. Carstens (Vertr.), AV? Grundregeln: 1. Pünktlichkeit 2. Jeder ist für Ausführung seiner Aktionen verantwortlich 3. Offene & ehrliche Kommunikation 4. Ausreden lassen / nicht ins Wort fallen 5. Inhalts-Diskussionen in Detailbesprechung 6. Keine Nebengespräche / Handys aus oder stumm 7. Alle kommen vorbereitet AGENDA: 1. Durchsicht letzte Aktionsliste/Schichtber. JR 03‘ 2. Betriebsergebnisse/ Störungen vom Vortag  Arbeitssicherheit/ 5S Mstr 01‘  Montage – Mechanik Mstr M 02‘  Montage – Elektrik Mstr E 02‘  Sonstiges JR 02‘ 3. Abweich./ Probleme -> Maßnahmen alle/JR 02‘ 4. Neue Tagesplanung (Prod./Verlad.) JR 02‘ 5. Abstimmung der neuen Aktionen JR 01‘ ZIELE: 1. Ursachen von Störungen bzw. Planabweichungen identifizieren 2. Kurzfrist-Maßnahmen zur Leistungssteigerung generieren 3. Korrektur des Tageplanes und der Tagesziele -> Optimale PROD-Planung & beste PROD-Leistung INPUTS: 1. Schichtbericht/Aktionsliste 2. KIS-Formblätter 3. Tgl./wtl. PROD-Bericht 4. Verlade-Plan 5. Produktions-Wo-Plan (Hallenbelegungsplan) OUTPUTS: 1. Abgestimmter Tages-Plan (Fertigungsübersicht) 2. Aktualisierte Aktionsliste/Schichtbericht Budget Forecast Corporate Targets Corporate Strategy Prev. Maint. Planning Inventory Planning Project Planning Production Planning Maint. Rev. Meeting Production Meeting TPM Meeting MT Meeting Profit & Loss Report Project Status Report BU/MT KPI Report PSE Dashboard Analysis Data Action DecisionCIP Forecast Plan Control ReportKPIs ManagementManagementMenschenMenschen MethodikMethodikMaterialMaterial Ursachenanalyse Fischgräten-Diagramm Verkleidung23. Juli 2009 Bereich Teilnahm: Datum: Problem: Starke Verzögerung beim KranträgerUngünstige Arbeits- bedingungen Ungünstige Arbeits- bedingungen Arbeitshöhe des Trägers erschwert Arbeiten Arbeitshöhe des Trägers erschwert Arbeiten Die Höhe der Böcke ist zu niedrig/hoch Die Höhe der Böcke ist zu niedrig/hoch Böcke, welche unter Last höhenverstellbar sind anschaffen Böcke, welche unter Last höhenverstellbar sind anschaffen Späte Material- Lieferungen Späte Material- Lieferungen Fehlende Stahlbauteile Fehlende Stahlbauteile Falsche Buchungen Falsche Buchungen Bestellungen zu spät Bestellungen zu spät Fehlende Buchungen Fehlende Buchungen Nicht genügend Lieferanten Nicht genügend Lieferanten Fehlendes Personal im Magazin Fehlendes Personal im Magazin Hoher Personalbedarf für Operation Hoher Personalbedarf für Operation Inventur im Magazin (eingeforeren) Inventur im Magazin (eingeforeren) Fehlende Information über Inventurzeitpunkt Fehlende Information über Inventurzeitpunkt Fehlende Hilfsvorrichtung Fehlende Hilfsvorrichtung Prozess-Änderung (Bauteil nicht vormontiert) Prozess-Änderung (Bauteil nicht vormontiert) Weitere Lieferanten aufbauen Weitere Lieferanten aufbauen Bedarfsplanung verbessern Bedarfsplanung verbessern Information von Magazin bzgl. Inventur erhalten Information von Magazin bzgl. Inventur erhalten Klare Regelung für Entnahme während Inventur Klare Regelung für Entnahme während Inventur Hilfsvorrichtung konstruieren und kaufen Hilfsvorrichtung konstruieren und kaufen Kranträger wieder bei Lieferant montieren lassen Kranträger wieder bei Lieferant montieren lassen Getrennte Zulieferung der Teile Getrennte Zulieferung der Teile Löcher sind falsch Löcher sind falsch Zeichnungen fehlen Zeichnungen fehlen Wurden nicht erstellt Wurden nicht erstellt Waren nie notwendig Waren nie notwendig Intensivere WE- Prüfung durch QS Intensivere WE- Prüfung durch QS Maße an Lieferanten verteilen Maße an Lieferanten verteilen Maße in Arbeitsanw eisung Maße in Arbeitsanw eisung Meetings Action Logs BPST Cockpits Management System 10
  • 11. Fully automated KPI information cockpits speed up your decision making processes through real time visualization of KPI performance Risk Dashboard KPIs & Management Cockpit Dashboard Examples View performance in real time and ensure timely reaction to incidents Use data to further investigate root causes of incidents and non- incidents to begin proactive elimination of risk and further understanding of non-incidents, creating additional value 11
  • 12. Data needs to be collected from all sources and aggregated before it can be used for any analytics Data collection sources, methods, and outputs » Every possible data source should be used to measure as much as possible » Lack of GOOD, usable data is the biggest barrier to using analytics to mitigate incidents • If possible, a data champion or data champions should be encouraged • These are individuals who encourage their teams and companies to address poor data at the source to find the root causes of problems and eliminate them • Addressing poor data proactively is the only way to eliminate it Existing Data Processes » Companies already gather data from different sources; some even use this data » Where companies fall short is combining this data into one data set that further information can be gathered from; rather, they use each data set independently Future Data Processes » If companies already gather data, what is the meaning of good, usable data • The combination of multiple data sources into a single data set » By combining this data from different sources into a single data set, advanced algorithms are used to glean new insights, leading to innovative outcomes ? Data & Analytics 12
  • 13. 13 Kienbaum helps companies progress through the five levels or stages of using data and analytics to achieve big data excellence Five levels of data analytics Level 1: Basic analytics » Standard RCA and application of PDCA » Firefighting to deal with problems Level 2: Descriptive analytics » Applying structural lean six sigma on single source data » Descriptive statistics and regression analyses to understand past trends Level 3: Predictive analytics Level 4: Prescriptive analytics » Start modeling future outcomes with past data » R-analyses on multiple sources » Converting trends into future scenarios to make decisions » Complex algorithms using multiple sources of data to convert into action Level 5: Big data excellence Action to take Looking Ahead Looking Back Data & Analytics
  • 14. 14 Data is the start of a closed feedback loop, the DADA cycle, that results in a proactive system and triggers discussions Continuous performance improvement through analytics Data modelling Data Analysis Decision Action » As change experts, Kienbaum enables organizations to improve performance and mitigate risk by aiding in transformation to create an environment for growth and improvement » We proactively improve performance by continuously feeding the DADA circle with the data modelling output, focusing on improvement actions » By combining behavioral change with the prescriptive analytics, we enable organizations to grow from a level 1 state to a level 5 state » By working with those involved in the processes, we go beyond prescribing actions to develop a strategy to ensure that the actions are followed and become anchored in the organization » This includes creating a feedback loop with those carrying out the actions to continuously improve the action plan Remarks DADA Cycle Data & Analytics
  • 15. Once data is gathered, a model is created that is updated in real time and gives real time output on risk levels while creating value Risk Mitigation Process The model output is a real time monitoring of incident risk levels that is used to alert and offer mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood of an incident Data & Analytics The model output is a real time monitoring of incident risk levels that is used to alert and offer mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood of an incident. Data Descriptive Analytics Monitoring Predictive Analytics What happened What is happening What will happen Incident Monitoring Model Incident Mitigation Strategy Prescriptive Analytics 15
  • 16. » The plan is rolled out to employees who are engaged at each step in the process » Their safety is the primary driver and their input therefore is invaluable » Now that we know Thomas is at risk and we have a plan to prevent an accident, we ensure Thomas sticks to the plan and gives us feedback on how to improve the plan PlanExecution Once safety risks are identified and actions are prescribed, strategies for risk mitigation plans need to be created and executed Data and analytics in safety » Fatigue is addressed and managed via prescriptive analytics » Risk factors are identified prior to accidents and can be actively mitigated in real timePlanPlan » Using analytics, Kienbaum will create a forward-looking model that goes beyond analyzing accidents to predict risk and incidents » By using data already being collected, we create a model that accounts for dozens of factors contributing to fatigue such as workload » An example from the S&L industry: » Thomas has been with the company for 22 years working in the northeast region » It is a cold Monday afternoon in Vermont in mid January » Thomas has already been working for 6 hours and lifted dozens of boxes, including a larger than normal workload that morning from the weekend rush » Given his tenure, workload for the past month, the day, and the last hour, as well as the time/date/location, and dozens of other factors, Thomas 46% more likely than normal to be injured in the next 30 minutes » Given this information, a pre-defined plan to mitigate this risk and prevent the potential injury to Thomas is employed in real time Safety and Asset Management 16
  • 17. Enable the organization to meet its shareholder and service delivery objectives efficiently and effectively through Asset Management Data and analytics in assets Safety and Asset Management Remarks » Regular maintenance actions » Example: Replace gasket every odd- numbered week or after 10,000 hours of runtime » Conditional repairs when necessary » Example: Inspection of wall thickness shows it is <25mm » Data from the process, current weather conditions, operating date, and shift log data are all aggregated » This data is used to determine that running product A during the current time will be too much for the pipe to handle Planned Predictive Preventive Maintenance » Current maintenance processes are manual and non-digital, making them prone to errors, while fixed time or planned maintenance is insufficient » Example: Take shipping employee Thomas driving a truck • According to the maintenance schedule, Thomas’s truck is due to have new tires put on the vehicle in two weeks • However, it is the middle of winter in the northeast and there is a storm coming in • Accounting for all of this information, the analytics say to replace the tire early to avoid an equipment malfunction » By accounting for not only the past data on tire life, but also the data on weather conditions on equipment, among other factors, an incident is avoided that would have otherwise occurred » Take already available maintenance data in combination with predictive analytics to forecast equipment failures instead of evaluating trends 17
  • 18. Create a system of asset management that is self-learning and self-improving for the optimal asset lifespan Analytics combined with TPM create more availability and increased reliability 18 Failure to be Avoided Detection of future failure Forecast timing of failure Forecast of likely consequence Prescribe corrective action Corrective action taken » Current TPM activities can go farther to eliminate risk and add value to assets with analytics » Current programs use data from all sources such as smart sensors, existing TPM data, and others • With data, companies can estimate the remaining life of the asset and when a replacement is due, all while scheduling regular preventive maintenance and maintaining the right inventory levels for spare parts » Analytics go further to aggregate all data, and combine it with other, real-time data such as weather conditions, time, and dozens of other available data sources into one source to use all data to analyze and make new, previously unavailable connections » Then, models compare current, real-time states to normal or ideal states and use advanced algorithms to detect small variances for each asset, which can warn of problems that would have otherwise been missed without aggregated data and associated algorithms » When a problem is detected, operators, supervisors, and maintenance are notified at the optimal times, mitigating the risk of collateral damage and secondary failure and preventing significant production downtime, maximizing equipment life, improving reliability, and increasing availability Improve reliability and increase availability with analytics Safety and Asset Management
  • 19. A composite view of risk will detect and avoid potential incidents that would have otherwise occurred Unifying risk mitigation strategies leads to more desired outcomes By unifying efforts and taking a composite risk approach, a different outcome occurs: » Now imagine that a unified system took all of this information and alerted a supervisor and Thomas that there was a potential situation » Thomas takes his prescribed break, and is more aware of the balding ties, all of which leads Thomas to safely finish his shift without an incident Risk from machinesRisk from people » Take Thomas who is fatigued and working in poor weather » But, Thomas has not reached a threshold for any alert » Thomas’s truck is within the limit for its condition but close to the limit for needing new tires and belts » Taking these potential incidents separately would not create an alert that an incident is possible » As a result, the combination of the balding tires, winter weather, and Thomas’s decreased reaction times have led to an accident Overall Risk Safety and Asset Management 19
  • 20. 20 Value creation and risk elimination for both human, machine, and the human-machine interaction Designing the workplace to avoid incidents and create value Workplace design » No one wants to make an error or for a machine to breakdown – make it as difficult as possible by designing risk out of a workplace » Optimize worker well-bring, productivity, while minimizing stress on machines due to controllable factors » Involve engineering, management, operators, and maintenance during each phase of new equipment design & purchase to create better equipment, fewer errors, easier operation & maintenance » Address crucial elements such as ergonomics, ventilation, and noise requirements for the anticipated work, machine safeguarding, materials handling & storage, use of automated processes, and added reserve capacity » Incident or emergency planning for weather or stemming from contractors and manmade issues » Create an efficient human-machine interaction and design out as much risk as possible by identifying and focusing design effort on critical activities throughout development Eliminate sources of risk Develop and implement a comprehensive and workplace specific program from the start and prevent potential risks. Recommended workstation design
  • 21. Ensure Behavior Based Safety and Asset Integrity through data-driven programs, that focus on both human and machine factors Behavior based safety and integrity training BBS and asset integrity training prepare all employees for dealing with all aspects of the job to properly handle any potential risk scenarios. Behavior based safety and asset integrity training Remarks » Behavior based safety and integrity training creates a culture of reinforcement and communication » Internalize risk and hazard avoidance strategies and proper use of PPE, while ensuring properly and efficiently functioning assets through training and continued learning » Embed integrity management into the organization through risk assessment, mechanical integrity, critical equipment checks, and personnel safety » Emphasize equipment reliability and integrity by addressing human factors together with smart machines that send warning signals alerting of potential risks » Facilitate community awareness and foster a culture of assessments and improvements » Involve all employees, from senior management to front line workers, to achieve a successful BBS and Asset Integrity program Components of BBS and Asset Integrity Training 21
  • 22. 22 A comprehensive approach to compliance and best practices enables your organization to evaluate all pertinent risks Compliance Compliance Ensure compliance and implement best practices » Industry recognized systems can provide consistency between organizations, but are often limited to compliance with the standard and the expectations of the “average” industry performer, rather than best-in-class » Ensure compliance with Internal and legal guidelines, regulations, and policies with safety and equipment while recognizing best practices » At a minimum, organizations need functional standards in place that have been agreed upon by engineering, EH&S, operations, and maintenance » Companies must enforce safe practices from vendors to prevent potential industrial accidents that could disrupt supply chain operations » Implement industry best practices to eliminate as many sources of risk as possible ✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔
  • 23. 23 Change management is a key element of most effective risk management systems, turning cultures from reactive to proactive Change management Internal change drivers » Cost pressure » Increasing automation and complexity of plant » High costs of investment and capital tie-up » Market demands, plant availability and flexibility » Changing materials, practices, or guidance can introduce new hazards » Increasing competition » Increasing salaries » Rising ESHQ standards » High service and quality demands of the plant » Increasing regulatory demands & liability » Complex and dynamic logistics External change drivers » Strong competition for experts and specialists Low transparency of cost and performance Market-compliant alignment of the processes is inadequate Contractor management is insufficient Organization is often not ready for change Initial situation in many departments Formulated maintenance strategies are only rudimentarily developed Change Management » Continuous development of the production process & technical framework
  • 24. Ensure that new risk mitigation initiatives become a part of life for the entire organization Ensure long term success and cultural penetration Plan » Underpinning all of it will be a plan to ensure the changes are sustainable » As the rates of incidents begin to fall, the data will be re-evaluated and a new baseline created to continually optimize both the plan and the execution of the plan PlanSustainability Prozesse Strategy& Organization Processes & Systems Employees & Culture Change of behavior & Change of Culture 1 2 3 Management of behavioral change & human Interaction Sustainable Change Structural & functional Change » Strategy focus: cost oriented or continuous improvement oriented » Communication: communicating essential statements by mail or talking instead of listening » Physical environment: the right working environment – space, light, etc. » Skills: roles and responsibilities clearly defined with the right skillset » Equipment design: having the right instruments in place » Process/task design: ownership of the defined processes and having the right checklist in place » Training: have adequate training programs and refresher training » Incident Free Culture: Not prioritizing efficiency over risk culture or the preference for a blaming culture » Leadership: Regular visits and using the observations for improvement actions » Attitude: people initiating improvement proposals » Fatigue: not working beyond regulated working hours » Stress: from home or working with colleagues » Teamwork: shared understanding of their work goals, use effective channels of communication and proactively manage conflict 1 2 3 24
  • 25. Three Mile Island and other disasters could have been prevented with proper alignment of Safety and Asset Integrity elements Do you understand components of risk, know how to measure and implement actions accordingly? With Safety & Asset Integrity Excellence, incidents that led to Three Mile Island could have been mitigated entirely, and future incidents can be protected against » People and machines create composite risk » Prescriptive analytics allows understanding of composite risk and proper intervention » This approach moves operations from a cost avoidance to value creation Takeaways » Humans and machines looked at together in a cybernetic way, providing proper and timely communication » Prescriptive analytics results in a composite risk management and value creation model » KPI and management systems readily allow implementation of new risk culture » Readily available maintenance data is proactively used to forecast equipment failures and prevent accidents from happening » Proper communication, training & culture of sharing best practice risk strategies » A proper safety and asset integrity program can prevent errors from becoming accidents 25
  • 26. 26 Kienbaum: Excellence in People & Organization Our Consulting Concept Quelle: Kienbaum Structures & Management Processes & Systems Competences & Culture Strategy & Direction Levers effective innovative sustainable Results Kienbaum’s Expertise » integrated consulting concept with interdisciplinary teams » A focus on results with proven experience in the field » An established transformation and change model » Top expertise in executive search, human capital services, communication, organization and process consulting » Reconciling digital and analogue processes and business models (work 4.0) » Practice-oriented innovation processes (dedicated research institute) competent / diverse motivated / engaged optimistic People Success Factors agile / learning efficient / effective competitive connected / digital Organization In all of our projects we focus on people and organizations as the key factors for the lasting commercial success of our clients.
  • 27. 27 Eric M. Lavelle Principal Phone: +1 843 804 0020 Fax: +1 213 805 5337 Mobile: +1 843 804 0020 Coen van Driel Principal Phone: +31 6 14 32 85 94 Fax: Mobile: +31 6 14 32 85 94 Kienbaum Consultants Inc. Contact information for US Kienbaum Consultants Contacts Kienbaum Consultants Inc. 2300 Lakeview Parkway | Suite 700 Alpharetta, GA 30009 USA Address