SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Action Items

               Who? Assign
               only to a Team
Date   What?   present        When Done?   Where?
1. Action items. Action items are to-do's assigned to attendees at the meeting
How?   Decision or Open?

                           2. Decisions. All decisions that may affect future choices of the group should
                           3. Open issues. New issues raised at the meeting but not resolved there shou
d to attendees at the meeting. Record the task, the person responsible and the date agreed upon to complete the task.

 choices of the group should be recorded.
g but not resolved there should be recorded so they can be carried over to a future meeting.
complete the task.
                                                          What is Important?
revised 8/28Charter Worksheet
      Team                                                                                                                       6 Sigma Terms

                                                        Team Charter Worksheet
     Define Phase                                                                                                                Cost Savings Site
       Team Charter     Title:
     Statement                                              Major Milestones for this project                                    Result/Date due

                  Business Case for Action (Current Situation)                                        Vision (Opportunities)
     Why have you selected this project over others?                         Opportunities -

     Processes Affected:                                                     What pain are you currently experiencing

                                                                             Value-added Proposition -

     AS-IS Process -                                                         Stretch Goals and Key Benefits -

                                                                             TO-BE Process -
     High Level Business Requirements -
                                                                             How Vision supports Business, Customers, Actors -
     Consequences of No Change -

     Competitive Analysis -                                                  How Vision supports SM Stategy and Scorecard -

     How much is this project worth (estimate)?                              Scope -

                                 Goal Statement                                                           Project Scope

Smart Goals                                                       Lower acceptable limit
  Specific (What?)
                                                                    What authority does team have?
  Measurable (Where are targets?)

  Attainable (How?)
                                                                    Upper acceptable limit
  Relevant (Why?)

  Time Bound (When?)

  ProjectTime-Line - Month 1           Month 1         Month 1      Month 1          Month 1            Month 1   Month 1

    Actors (Alignment of Key People)             Mechanisms                                          Metrics
             Team Selection

Stakeholders-                      Trigger Points                         Link to SM Scorecard-

  Sponsor -                                                                 Affect on Cash Flow and Margin-
  Key Business Partners -            System Resources-                      ROI - Benefit - Investment

  Team Leader (Owner) -                                                     What can we measure, how often, and by whom -
                                     Training needed-
  Team Members (cross functional                                            Deliverables-
                                                                            Quick Wins-
  Finance Expert-
                                                                            Key Process Indicators affected -
  IT Resources -
  Other Resources Need                                                      Measureable Results -

  Best Communication Methods -

  Best Training Methods -

                    DMAIC            deals mostly with root causes
                    DMADV            what design features (opportunities) we have under our control that we can work on that will impact the ccrs
                    DMADDD           Design Digitize Drawdown

1) Why are you working on this project rather than others? Explain quantitatively.
      2) Show from schematic how vital (result)? to big Y; Analyze numbers. BUSINESS CASE
      3) What are you trying to achieve X relates GOAL
      4) What are the critical Customer Requirements and how were they determined?
      5) What are the risks of this project and is there a plan to minimize them?

      6) What is our communication plan going forward (who is setting up meetings and



                                                                        What is Important?
                                                                              Voice of the Customer

                                 VOB           CBR's               CTQ's
                       Voice of the Business                       Critical to Quality
                                               Critical Business
                                                                   Delivery time
                       What do comustomers
                                                                   Spec Reqs
                       want? Quality? Cost?
                                                                   Service level
                       Delivery? Service &
                       Business Issues

Who Receives an
Output to the

External Customers -
Who pays money for
your product?


End Customers
Internal - Depts
who receive
outputs from your


Commodity Mgrs




Supply Chain Mgmt
E OPPORTUNITIES                                                             What complaints do you get from your
at is Important?                                                            customers about the outputs of your process?
ce of the Customer                                                          Write them in the Voice of the Business
                                                                            Identify them as CBR's CTQ's or CTP's
                                                                            From these identify CCR's
                                                                            Identify how to measure the current status of the C
                                                                            If possible, Dollarize the Cost Currently Incurred

       CTP's                   CCR's                 VOC
       Critical to Process     Critical Customer     Voice of the Customer Key measures
       Cost/Unit               Requirements          How does this effect the
                               Must have - Must be   ultimate customer?       What and How
       Regulation Compliance
                               Key issues            Would the Customer Pay
                                                     for it?
       Training hours
ints do you get from your
 out the outputs of your process?
the Voice of the Business
s CBR's CTQ's or CTP's
entify CCR's
 measure the current status of the CCR's
llarize the Cost Currently Incurred

               Opportunity Dollarized







































































What is Important?
   Kano Analysis
                                              What's Important?

                                               Supplier Input Using a Survey

                                                        12 Steps to creating a Survey
Step 1 - Objective :               Describe the Objective of your survey in a few bullet points.
                                   Avoid accumulating objectives. 2 or 3 main points are a limit to
                                   a good survey. Although it may sound restrictive, it is very
                                   unlikely that your interviewees will be able to stomach more
                                   than this (with the exception of highly specialized business to
                                   business surveys focussed on professionals)

                                   Failing to describe your objective will make you lose sight of the
                                   overall purpose of the survey and will have serious
                                   consequences on the length, the accuracy and the sequencing
                                   of your questions.

Step 2 - Population :              Define the total population concerned with your survey
                                   Match this definition with the objective stated in Step 1, i.e.
                                   neither too wide or too narrow
Step 3 - Pre-study :               A Pre-study (caution, a pre-study is NOT a pre-test) should
                                   never be overlooked
                                   Carry out the study on a few individuals concerned with your
                                   Avoid prejudices (yours or more likely, your customer's !)
                                   which could make you jump to conclusions even before the
                                   beginning of the survey

Step 4 - Assumptions :             State clearly the points (in accordance with Step 1), that you
                                   wish to clarify or verify, or even contradict

                                   Do not filter these assumptions according to your own
                                   prejudices, i.e. avoid attitudes such as quot;I don't need to check
                                   that point because I feel that ... quot; unless you already have
                                   evidence of the phenomenon in the first place.

Step 5 - Writing the Questions :   Check the wording of your questions so that they are ...

                                     1. Understandable
                                     2. Unbiased
                                     3. Non suggestive
                                     4. Not built in a way that interviewees react defensively
5. Not long-winded and repetitive so as to avoid weariness

Step 6 - Contact Methods :   Pre test your questionnaire on a representative sample of the
                             given population
                             If cards have to be shown to the interviewees, then add to pre
                             Choose Contact mode
                               1. Mail Questionnaire
                               2. Personal interviewing (arranged or quot;interceptquot;)
                                3. Phone interviewing
                             (New methods may include fax, Email, or even Html forms, but
                             one may wish to stress the difficulty in using these new media.
                             In a sense, they bear a strong resemblance with the phone in so
                             far as the interviewee is invisible and difficult to identify. These
                             media can only be used for short questions aimed at checking
                             precise assumptions. As for the population involved, it goes
                             without saying that Web usage is not pervasive enough - even
                             in the USA - in order to use this medium to survey wide
                             populations of interviewees. At the moment, the web is best
                             suited for Internet survey, but things might change in the near
                             Modify questions in accordance with Pre test results
                             Modify sequencing of questions in accordance with Pre test
                             Suppress redundant questions (this is often a sore point)

                             Insert missing questions

                             If cards have to be shown to the interviewees, ensure that
                             contents match questionnaire.
Step 7 - Sampling :          Define the representative sample
                             Give a sufficient size to the sample (methods of appraisal of
                             error margins can be used)
Step 8 - Administration :    Administer Questionnaire in a neutral fashion (i.e. preventing
                             interviewers from introducing personal biases while asking the
                             questions. This may imply that these interviewers must be
                             either trained or skilled professionals, and that a clear, thorough
                             and comprehensive debriefing session takes place).
Step 9 - Non responses :     Response rate is an important factor. Do not just overlook
                             them. They are a good indicator the quality of your
                             questionnaire (amongst other things, namely if a gift is sent to
                             all respondents)

Step 10 - Interpretation :   Interpretation should be distinct from the opinion of the collector
                             of the data
Step 11 - Analysis :         Analyse ALL the responses (avoid partial analysis)
Step 11 - Analysis :

                       Do not extend results that are valid for the given sample to the
                       entire population without taking the necessary precautions

                       Note: A famous example of a bad survey analysis that is given
                       by the focus groups that led Coca Cola to change their flagship
                       product at the end of the 1980's. The analysts of the focus
                       groups were adamant that traditional Coke had to be changed,
                       but the assumption was wrong, the methodology too, and
                       eventually, the decision that arose from these groups almost led
                       the Atlanta giant to a disaster.
Step 12 - Report :     Write a report that will describe the results comprehensively
                       Avoid biased conclusions
                       Minimise prejudices
                       Avoid quot;politically correctquot; conclusions
                       Mention numbers and percentages (both are necessary)
Use Compass Polls   example

                                                          What's Important?
revised 4/8

                                               Supplier Input Process Output to Customers (SI
Starting Date
Ending Date
Suppliers         Suppliers Inputs to Process

External Inputs   Requirement supplied to SM

Internal Inputs   Requirement supplied to SM
         What's Important?                                              revised      uploaded

upplier Input Process Output to Customers (SIPOC)
                     SIPOC Diagram

            AS-IS PROCESS FLOW                   Outputs from Process   Customers

         (see Functional Deployment Process Map) Results of Process     External to SM

                                                 Results of Process     Internal to SM
SIPOC stands for suppliers, inputs, process, output, and
       customers. You obtain inputs from suppliers, add value
       through your process, and provide an output that meets or
       exceeds your customer's requirements.
       Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer: Method that
       helps you not to forget something when mapping
help   processes.
                                                                        What's Important?
                                                           Supplier Input Process Output to Customers

                                                                             Financially Valuating Key Meas

                                                  (Total Investment + Cost of Capital) / Benefit per month= Paybac

Key measures   Hard Dollar       Soft Dollar      Operating    Non Capital Financing
               Benefits          Benefits         Activities   Investing   Activities
                                                  Costs (qual) Activities
Example          $1,000,000.00       $50,000.00      $1,000.00          $-
Payback Pareto






hat's Important?
ocess Output to Customers (SIPOC)

ancially Valuating Key Measures
            Cost Benefit Analysis
pital) / Benefit per month= Payback Months

          Team Costs Capital Costs Cost to Train      Payback $       Payback      5 years           NPV of
          $1000n                   & Implement                        Months       Benefit?          Future
                                   $1000n                                                            Funds

            $50,000.00   $100,000.00     $10,000.00    $949,000.00         2.54     $4,745,000.00         4%
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                               $-        #DIV/0!              $-
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
                                                                  0      #DIV/0!                 0
0   #DIV/0!   0
                 0   #DIV/0!   0
                 0   #DIV/0!   0
                 0   #DIV/0!   0
                 0   #DIV/0!   0
                 0   #DIV/0!   0
                 0   #DIV/0!   0
                 0   #DIV/0!   0
                 0   #DIV/0!   0

Payback Pareto

                                   Column Q
Total 5 year   How long        Savings this   Where can    Estimated
Benefit        will it take to year           Benefit be   Parallel
               achieve                        applied      Benefit
               Benefit?                       elsewhere?
 $4,934,800.00 6mo                     ###

Column Q
                                               What's Important?
                                                           Process Mapping

                                           PURCHASE ORDER PROCESS

                                                     Rules, Regulations, Standards,
                                             Polices, Procedures, Work Instructions, Goals,
                                                  Metrics, & People (Process Owner)
                                             QPL/QSL: Vendor Master; Material Master;

                                                               SOP 8-4; SIC 3.2

                                                       314W checklist GVM Profile


 SUPPLIER INPUT (Requisitioner,                        PROCUREMENT PROCESS
 Customer, Planner, Commodity

Materials or Information consumed            Work done (by the Buyer) to the Inputs to
 or transformed by the Process to              Transform Inputs into Output (PO)
          produce output
            Master Data

   Vendor, Info Record, Source List, QPL
       Requisition/Demand                       Create and Transmit PO from Inputs.

        (Schedule Sharing)
        Review & Approval


                                             People, Equipment, Tools, Software that perform the Process
                                                              Commodity Team

                                                                    PO Type

         OUTPUT TO CUSTOMER (Receiving, AP,

                Requisitioner or Planner

                    and the Supplier)

          Information or Product created by the

         Good PO that can be performed to by the
              Supplier, received, and paid.
                            What is Important?
revised 4/8

                       Functional Deployment Process Map
                               AS_IS Process Flow
Process Mapping help


Start boundary
ss Map

                                                       What costs are
                                                       associatied with
                                                       each step
          Qualitative Review (Value Added Analysis)
                  Would anyone pay for this?
         Customer?   Operations? Other       fruit
                                                          What's Important?
                                                           Supplier Input Process
                                                            Output to Customers

                                             Using Science to Influence to Reduce Uncertain

                                 force, have to, coersion, rules and regulations,

                                 do it cuz you want to, ought to, peer pressure, ethics

                                 Willing total and deliberate, do it cuz you want to,

                                 Contrast Phenomenon
                                 Contrast something or some other process with yours as a competing activity

                                 how it will be used-illustrate aspects of use

                                 Context established before making a requrest
                                 Selling something as something it is not - Humbie - Military/status symbol
                                 Pet Rock, Chia Pet

                                 Concensus                                                            Jim wants it
                                 Amplifier - number of people behaving a certain way                  Stock goes up
                                 Bandwagon effect = everyone is doing it                              Management supports
                                 Product endorsements                                                 IBM and Intels secret too
                                 Similar groups of people do it                                       6 sigma is above the ben
                                 Like people do like things

Phone service ads that mention   once you can get someone to take a stand on something…the bigger a commitment they will b
Moto phones need to say more     Value system appeal -
                                 Get commitment to become active - even a one word commitment
                                 Have people write down your own ideas…then share with the team
                                 Make their commitments public - issue minutes after meeting, have instrumental member issu
                                 Make goals public
                                 Want voluntary commitments - easist done when you know their values then to talk someone i
                                 Ask your friends for a commitment - people play golf together - build relationships
Reciprocity - doing someone a favor and getting a return-

           People perceive things to be more valuable if they think it is scarce or in limited accessability
           Phrasing scarcity in terms of a loss is 2 - 4 times more effective than possitive
           Make it Unique
           Competition for something scarce
           Exclusive Information is more persuasive - Limited number - only supplier
           Limited run - Collectables market

Limited edition cell phone - combines several different features
Have a one of a kind cell phone - with unique personalized addons
Have a cell phone contest that cell phones have a unique phone number in them to call and may win vaca

           What is the market segment? Who should we target?
           Why should we target them? What's the benefit to the customer?

           What are the features
duce Uncertainty

Jim wants it
Stock goes up
Management supports
IBM and Intels secret tool revealed
6 sigma is above the bench

r a commitment they will begin to make

nstrumental member issue minutes, presentation sharing

es then to talk someone into something they don’t believe in
r in limited accessability

 to call and may win vacation to ?
                             What is Important?

            Emotional/Subjective Aspects of the Customer Requirements
                                   Measuring Perceptions

Touch and Feel
            Stylish                                             Functional
            Simple                                              Complex
            Powerful                                            Weak
            Easy to Use                                         Hard to Use
            Stylish                                             Functional
            Simple                                              Complex
            Powerful                                            Weak

Visual      Stylish                                             Functional
            Simple                                              Complex
            Powerful                                            Weak

            Stylish                                             Functional
            Simple                                              Complex
            Powerful                                            Weak

            Stylish                                             Functional
            Simple                                              Complex
            Powerful                                            Weak
              Kansei Engineering

              means psychological feeling or image of a product. Kansei
              engineering refers to the translation of consumers' psychological
              feeling about a product into perceptual design elements. Kansei
              engineering is also sometimes referred to as quot;sensory engineeringquot; or
              quot;emotional usability.quot;
              Random Sample of Market Segment
              Know audience so words have meaning
              Use a Factor analysis to compute 2-5 major customer drivers

Hard to Use

                                                                                 What is Importan

                       Quick Win      Easy to Implement              Fast to
                      Opportunity            (ü)                  Implement (ü)

                                                                            Kill a Defect WEFEC
                                                                 defect 1
                                    Within sphere of influence
                                    Easy to implement
                                    Fast to implement
                                    Easily reversible
                                    Cheap to implement
     What is Important?
                          Quick Win Diagram

                                     Benefits will be
                      Within the
                                                        Implement   Implemented by:
       Cheap to        Team’s
     Implement (ü)    Control (ü)                        (Yes/No)

Kill a Defect WEFEC
    defect2          defect3        defect4
                                                        What is Important?
                                                            QFD = House of Quality
                                                       QFD is a good tool to employ in all phases

1. Derive top-level product requirements or technical characteristics from customer needs (Product Planning Matrix
2. Develop product concepts to satisfy these requirements.
3. Evaluate product concepts to select most optimum (Concept Selection Matrix).
4. Partition system concept or architecture into subsystems or assemblies and flow-down higher- level requirement
5. Derive lower-level product requirements (assembly or part characteristics) and specifications from subsystem/as
6. For critical assemblies or parts, flow-down lower-level product requirements (assembly or part characteristics) to
7. Determine manufacturing process steps to meet these assembly or part characteristics.
8. Based in these process steps, determine set-up requirements, process controls and quality controls to assure ac
is Important?
  ouse of Quality
tool to employ in all phases

om customer needs (Product Planning Matrix).

 lies and flow-down higher- level requirements or technical characteristics to these subsystems or assemblies.
 ristics) and specifications from subsystem/assembly requirements (Assembly/Part Deployment Matrix).
irements (assembly or part characteristics) to process planning.
 part characteristics.
 ess controls and quality controls to assure achievement of these critical assembly or part characteristics.
                                                          What is Important?
revised 4/8
                                                 Documentation Related to this Process

                                  Doc. Number   Title     Creation date Last Revised
Related Specifications


              Work Instructions




Training Materials

Key Terms             Term                                                        Definition
d to this Process
                          Req to Pay Reference Guide

        Approvers   URL   Audit Results   Changes needed

What knobs when turned will improve y   CTQ Flowdown -variance allocation
                                        Capability Flowup
                                        Transfer functions - predict the Y and X influence

y=                                                             y=

x knobs (inputs)                                                           x knobs
what drives the Y?                                                         what drives the Y?

y=                                                             y=

x knobs                                                                    x knobs
what drives the Y?                                                         what drives the Y?
nd X influence


what drives the Y?


what drives the Y?
Average high - Average low = effect

Plot Y data

Capability analysis

IMR chart

one way anova
revised 4/8

                                                                                               What can we meas

                                                                                       MEASUREMENT WO
6 Sigma Terms
Search Minitab Website                                            X Factors

                                               Quantitative Verifiable    Predictive Process
                 Predictive Input Indicators      Measurement                 Indicators


Cycle Time

                                               Random Selection will eliminate bias
                                                                        Surveys are often biased, must sample the Non-Resp
Is population finite or infinate?

Risks in Decisions                           Defendant's True Status
Not Guilty                Correct Decision
Guilty                    Alph Error

                                              Patientt's True Status
Healthy                   Correct Decision
Ill                       Alph Error

                          Test Statistics Drive the P Value

                          Observed value of Population Parameter
                          Subtract the standard value
                          Divided by measure of dispersion

                        Assuming that Null Hypothesis is true
Risk and Circumstance always go in the oposite direction
                        construct a reference distribution for the test statistic
                        how reliable is the sample in representing the populat
Determine what to MEASURE
                                   How are we doing?
          What can we measure that shows our current status?
                  Representative Samples are a must

                                                                 Top Level quot;Yquot; is observable
                                                                 at the Business Unit level
                                                                 and often verified with the Strong
  MEASUREMENT WORKSHEET                                          End Customer                Relationship
                                                            Y Factors

                                       Output Performance
              Quantiative Verifiable   Indicators                   Quantitative Verifiable
                 Measurement           CTQ's       CTP's               Measurement             Priority

ten biased, must sample the Non-Responders
nite or infinate?

  Defendant's True Status
           Beta Error
           Correct Decsion                                                       1 compared to a sample
                                                                                 1 compared to 1
                                                                             x   Multiple
   Patientt's True Status
             Beta Error
             Correct Decsion

                                                                                 Don’t have to worry about normality
Drive the P Value

e of Population Parameter
andard value
 sure of dispersion                          expected variability in the y

Null Hypothesis is true
oposite direction
 rence distribution for the test statistic
the sample in representing the population?
Medium         Week           No
Relationship   Relationship   Relationship

                                                    Sampling Plan
                                             function of the risk of being
                                               wrong; variability of the
                                             population; difference to be
Factor         Factor         Factor                  detected
1 compared to a sample 1 sample                                                1
1 compared to 1        F test
                       Bartlett or Lavine

Don’t have to worry about normality if you are working with averages - Central Limits Theorum
Determine what to MEASURE
                                                                       How are we doing?
revised 4/8
                                               What can we measure that shows our current status?
Search Minitab Website                                            From SIPOC Gather Input and Output Indicators

                                                           X FACTORS                                                                         Y FACTOR
          Input Indicators                             Process Indicators                             Steps                        Output Indicators

          What measures evaluate the degree to                                                                                     What measures evaluate dimen
          which the inputs to a process provided by                                                    What are the steps and      the output - may focus on the
          suppliers are consistent with what the       What measure evaluates the                     activities used to convert   performance of the business as
          process needs to effectively and efficiently effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the   the inputs into customer     that associated with the deliver
          convert into customer satisfying outputs transforation processes                            satisfying outputs?          services and products to custom

          Ex. Number of Receipts                       Ex. Number of defective Receipts               Ex. Backup Receipt           Ex. Payment issues
ent status?

          Y FACTOR                            Most
Output Indicators                           important

What measures evaluate dimensions of
the output - may focus on the
performance of the business as well as
that associated with the delivery of the
services and products to customers

Ex. Payment issues
Determine what to MEASUR
                                                                                How are we doing?
              revised 4/8
                                                                                    Data Collection
              Search Minitab Website
                                                                    What can we measure that shows our curre
Performance                                    Data Source that Strongly affects
Measurement Operational Definition                         Output                Display
            Describe Defect                   Continuous           Discrete      Analysis Tool
            Or Metric                                      Ordinal     Nominal

                                How will data be used?
                                     ID Largest Contributors
                                  Is Data Normally Distributed?
                                    Sigma Level and Variation
                                      Root Cause Analysis?
                                      Correlation Analysis?

              Is Comparision of 1 sample or two or many

              What is NULL Hypothesis= 0= no relationship= Start with this assumption is TRUE

              Want to accept the Alternative Hypothesis

              Sometimes we do not want to look for an alternative
ne what to MEASURE
w are we doing?
ta Collection                                             MiniTab
sure that shows our current status?                       Charts
        Sample Size                          When will    How will    Other Data
                          Who will collect   Data be      Data be     collected at
        Cost?                                collected    collected   same time
        Practical?                           Frequency?   Random?

                      How will Data be Displayed?

                                Pareto Chart
                                Control Chart
                               Scatter Diagram
Determine wha
                                                                                             How are w
                                                                                       What can we measu
                                                                                         Measurement Sy
          MSA help

          Search Minitab Website                                             Where are sources of Variation in

Process   Procedure             Transaction       Source of Data                 Report Used

          Measurement system analysis (MSA) is an experimental and mathematical method of determining
          There are five parameters to investigate in an MSA: bias, linearity, stability, repeatability and repro
          According to AIAG (2002), a general rule of thumb for measurement system acceptability is:
          Under 10 percent error is acceptable.
Determine what to MEASURE
       How are we doing?
  What can we measure that shows our current status?
    Measurement Systems Analysis

re sources of Variation in Measurement System?

           Physical Verification     Bias to Standard       Repeatable?     Accurate?        Precise?

 al method of determining how much the variation within the measurement process contributes to overall process variability.
ity, repeatability and reproducibility.
tem acceptability is:
How can Variation be eliminated

overall process variability.
Determine what to MEASURE
                                         How are we doing?
          revised 4/8

                             What can we measure that shows our current status?
Search Minitab Website
                                             Display and Evaluate
                                    Understanding Variation, Stability, and Capablity

                                                      Use MiniTab

                                         Evaluate Measurement System

                         How much error could be in the tool being used to gather da

ur current status?       MiniTab

and Capablity
                                   Normality Test
                                              Look at Pvalue if lower than .05 Null must go
                                              Compare line with dots - same shows Normal
                                              If not normal use Box-Cox
                                   Control Chart
                                              IM chart with reference data

                                   Gage R&R
                                                Nested if did not use the same thing to test
                                                R&R by Operator - Precision
                                                Total Gage R&R must be less than 10 - 30%


                                                Cpk        potential capability

g used to gather data?
Determine what to MEASURE
                                                            How are we doing?
        revised 4/14

                                                What can we measure that shows our current status?
                                                         Determine Process Performance

                                                         What is the Cost of Poor Quality
COPQ help

                                                                    AS-IS Process

                                                                                                 Items from A
                                                               Item                       Item
        Prevention                                       MTD           YTD          MTD
                  Quality Management
                  Preventative Maintenance
                  Factory Training
                  Supply Chain Process Improvement

                  Material Inspection
                  Engineering Maintenance

        Internal Failure
                  Excess Inventory
                  Obsolete Inventory
        External Failure
                  Warranty Costs
                  Call Centers

                                              Totals            0            0            0

                                                                    TO-BE Process

                                                                                     Items from Cause
                                                               Item                       Item
        Prevention                                       MTD           YTD          MTD
                  Quality Management
                  Preventative Maintenance
                  Factory Training
                  Supply Chain Process Improvement
         Factory Inspection
         Material Inspection
         Engineering Maintenance

Internal Failure
         Excess Inventory
         Obsolete Inventory
External Failure
         Warranty Costs
         Call Centers

                                   Totals   0   0   0
 e doing?
 hows our current status?
ss Performance                                                                                 Help

of Poor Quality                               Characterize Costs in AS-IS Process
                                              Estimate costs fitting the 4 Categories
                                              In TO-BE Process Try to eliminate costs of Appraisal, Internal Failure and External Failure.

              Items from AS-IS Process
       Item              Item                    Item                   Item
               YTD       MTD        YTD          MTD         YTD        MTD         YTD
                                                                                                        COPQ – Suppliers
                                                                                                        Cost of Poor Quality from Supplier

                                                                                                        Suppliers can generally affect our c
                                                                                                        a) Producing defective material.
                                                                                                        b) Damaging material during delive

                                                                                                        Our COPQ will generally cover the
                                                                                                        1) Cost of labor to fix the problem.
                                                                                                        2) Cost of extra material used.
                                                                                                        3) Cost of extra utilities .
                                                                                                        4) Cost of lost opportunity
                                                                                                        a) Loss of sales/revenue (profit ma
                                                                                                        b) Potential loss of market share
                                                                                                        c) Lower service level to customers

                     0          0         0             0          0           0           0

    Items from Cause and Effect Diagram
       Item              Item                    Item                   Item
               YTD       MTD        YTD          MTD         YTD        MTD         YTD
0   0   0   0   0   0   0
rnal Failure and External Failure.

COPQ – Suppliers
Cost of Poor Quality from Suppliers

Suppliers can generally affect our cost due to:
a) Producing defective material.
b) Damaging material during delivery.

Our COPQ will generally cover the followings:
1) Cost of labor to fix the problem.
2) Cost of extra material used.
3) Cost of extra utilities .
4) Cost of lost opportunity
a) Loss of sales/revenue (profit margin)
b) Potential loss of market share
c) Lower service level to customers/consumers
                                                                     What is Wrong?
revised 4/8

                                                                    IDENTIFY ROOT CAUSE

              What is the REAL Problem that needs to be solved?

              What is the root cause that is resulting in the effect?

                                                              5 WHY'S
                                                Ask WHY 5 TIMES to arrive at root cause






                                REAL PROBLEM:



             INPUT DEFECTS:
             what inputs were defective?

t cause      PROCESS DEFECTS:

             look at fdpm and find process defects

             what documents need to be changed


             Identify, prioritize, and quantify impact of key factors affecting
             product process performance

             Derive transfer functions which capture key relationships

             Select high level desing alternatives
                         paradigm busting most often occurs here

             Track CTQ Flow Down, assess attainment of goals
                       document assumptions
                       Revise business case if necessary
                       KISS or KILL
                                                    What is Wrong?

                                                Transfer Functions - Finding
                                                   Relationships in Data

           Transfer Function = Regression Model
           Y= the function (x1,x2,x3…)                     indicator functions 0= no affect; n for affect
                                                           Taste =

                                                           Assembly - bottlenecks make this difficult
                                                           Productivity = F(Layout, WIP, capacities, changeover times
                                                           Use Process simulation instead

                                                           Relationship based on scientific principles

                                                           Empirical data
                                                                      ANOVA, Multiple Regressions
                                                                      Designed experimentation or existing data

                                                           Financial relationships
                                                           Income      COGS
                                                                       Direct Costs
                                                                       Indirect Costs

                                                                       Business Models

                                                           Simulation as transfer functions
                                                                      Simulation software

                                                                       Physical simulations (experiment)

What if some of the Xs are things outside of my control
           Interaction between these and other variables
           Calculate the if the affect on the Big Y
Transfer function

                             Fitted Line Plot      Is there a relationship between X and Y?

acities, changeover times)

tion or existing data

                                        Red Band is 95% confidence of existing residuals
                                        Blue Band is 95% predictive of future residuals
            Process Model

                                        Alph Risk reject the null lhypothesis when it is true
                                        Beta Risk accept the null hypothesis when it is false
                                                              What is Wrong?

                                                             IDENTIFY ROOT CAUSE
                                                      How does the variablity in X drive the Y
                                            Hierarchical Transfer Fuctions and how Variability in the X's

At Risk Program is being looked at by one team

           Quantifying how capability of Y drives limits on X's

                                                      Monte Carlo Simutation
                                                                Low cost test
                                                                Insurance policy for system performance
                                                                Random number generation
                                                                Transfer Functions use Random numbers as Inputs

                      Select Input Values             Transfer Function                Calculated Output values

                                                      Research time + Review Time =    Total Cycle Time

                                                      Indicator variable               split worksheet

umbers as Inputs

Output values
                   What is Wrong?
revised 4/8

                      PROCESS TITLE

The 4 M's
Methods, Machines, Materials, Manpower
The 4 P’s
          Place, Procedure, People, Policies
The 4 S’s
          Surroundings, Suppliers, Systems, Skills

ople, Policies

iers, Systems, Skills
                                            What is Wrong?
revised 4/8


                                                USE MINITAB

                     Column E   Column F   Column G    Column H       Column I

                   Data           15       10          9          5          3

revised 4/8             Process steps
                                 1 List process step and input
   Process/Product               2 List potential failure modes                                                       Failure
                                 3 List potential effects
                                 4 Assign severity rating
                                 5 List potential causes
                                 6 Assign occurrence Rating
                                 7 List current controls
                                 8 Assign detection rating
                                 9 Calculate Risk Priority number 1-10
                               10 Use RPNs to help decide on high priority failure modes
                               11 Plan to reduce or eliminate the risk associated with high priority failure modes
                               12 Re-computing RPN to reflect impact of action taken on failure mode
   Item                 Potential Potential               Cause(s)
   Process    Process   Failure Effects of                of the                Current                   Risk
   Steps      inputs    Mode       the Failure Severity Failure     Occurance Controls Detection Priority

   Failure Modes & Effects Analysis
                                      FMEA Team:
                                         Black Belt:

   Item Process Steps

                                                                     Potential Effects of Failure


                                    Potential Failure Mode

                                                                                                                      Potential Cause(s) of Failure

                                                                                                                                                                             Current Controls
   Text                            Text                             Text                            Number           Text                             Number                Text

                                                                                                        5        Correct                                  7          Stock checked twice
Stock                            Stock in                    Unable to locate
                                                                                                                 location is                                         a year
inventory                        wrong                       stock
                                 Damage                      Insufficient
                                 d                           product
                  What is Wrong?
                                 Help                      FMEA           Meeting schedule
                Failure Mode Effects Analysis                                       1 Review/create process flow diagr
                     RISK ANALYSIS                                                  2 Review information/begin FMEA
                                                                                3 - 4 Finish FMEA/assign actions

ailure modes
           How can the process go wrong?
                                Actions                                       Results

          Recommended Action     Responsibility Date       Action Taken   Severity   Occurance

                                                 Risk Priority Number


                                               Recommended Action

                            Responsibility and Target Completion Date
                                                                                  FMEA Date: (original)
Review/create process flow diagram and review FMEA procedures
Review information/begin FMEA
Finish FMEA/assign actions


           Detection Priority
Responsibility and Target Completion Date

                                                            Action Taken







                                                     Risk Priority Number
            Number Calculatio

                                                         What is Wrong?
           revised 4/8

                                                             Sources of Variation

                                              Show Correlation between Defect and
When preparing to numerically analyze sources of variation in Minitab, ALWAYS do a tree diagram and multivari chart

           to assess the data
           Process Variation

           Source 1 Where in the process?

           Measurement Variation
           Source 2 Where in the Measurement Tool?

                                                Total Variation

                                                σ   2

           Factor is an input to your process                                                              Time
           Crossed or Nested
                                                 Highest level of sampling          T1                     T2

           Crossed are controlable factors
           Temporature, flow rate

                                                 Sub level of sampling              P1,P2,P3               P4,P5,P6
           Nested factors are parts, locations
Sub-Sub level of sampling   L1,L2,L3   L1,L2,L3

component veriation = day/dow/

                  Behavior of the process is observed in production

                  Data is collected of a long enough period of time to
                  capture a high percentage of the historical

                  Graphs are used to illustrate and identify major
                  causes of total variation
multivari chart   Statistical methods are used

                  Minitab can be used to model data between
                  Multiple X factors and Y with General Linear Model

                  MultiVari Study- graphical tool to assess

                  Construct Tree Diagram

                  Box Plot
                  Understand the data:
                  Nested - Random
                  Crossed - Fixed


           +             Measurement



                                                     What is Wrong?
          Analysis of Variance
          Use Averages                               Analysis of Variation

          One Way ANOVA - one factor
          Multi Way ANOVA -
          Two way ANOVA - two fixed variables       MiniTab

Analysis of Variance Table

Degress of Freedom
Sum of the Squares
Mean of Sigma
            Is Sample size, sample rate and sample structure good?
            Tree Diagram
            Input a MODEL into MiniTab
            Model = representation of a relationship of items

            Response= factor1+factor2+factor3
            Response= Mean+factor1+factor2+factor3
            Expect factors to be 0 variation

            Balanced ANOVA
            Nested ANOVA
            General Linear ANOVA (mix fixed and random)

            Measurement System
                     %R to R, % P to T

                        Excellent if MSA is 10%

Random effect puts a variance on the X - tells you how big the proble is
Fixed descrete effects estimates the differences or contrast between the categories
Fixed continuous effects give you an equation describing the effect

If you treat a variable (X) as random, estimating the effect on Y

If you treat a variable (X) as continuous, you will attach an equation on it

mean square error is the estimate of the unexplained residual variability

contrasts are generally measured from the mean
                                                      What is Wrong?

                                                      Regression - Curve Fitting
                                                          Find what is important
                                              by estimating the relationship of X and Y

Matrix Plot - identifies where there is no data in your test - wrong decisions may be made introducing bias
Fit is the relationship between X and Y

                      Minimize the Residual Variance

                      Sigma is the estimate of residual values

                      Red and Blue lines are bands estimated events
be made introducing bias

                      Appliying regression techniques to passive data extablish Correlation not Causation

                      Use simple linear regression when you only have one continuous Y against one continuous X

                      Graphical tool for evaluationg correlation is a scatter plot or a matrix plot

                      One of the dangers in using Multiple Regression Analysis is confounded data

                      To compare coefficients in the model, code the data on a -1 and +1 then all are on an equal scaled and can be comp

                      On a fitted line plot a prediction interval tells us the interval around the fitted line where the next point will occur
scaled and can be compared

ext point will occur
                                              What is Wrong?

                                              Residuals - What is Left Over

                                       Residual = Observed Valu - Predicted Value

                                       Assumptions Tested
                  Residuals Equal                Independe
                  Plot      Variance   Normality nce       Random      Lack of Fit
Vs Run Order
Vs. X
Vs. Predicted Y
Normal Prob.

                  OK                   not enough data
                  straight line        normal distribution

OFAT= one factor at a time
you can see a lot by looking         yogi

                       Collect Data from the Process Passively

                       Confounded Data - Lack of interdependance of data
                       Are we seeing a variable change due to another variable affecting it
                       Care should be taken to draw conclusions - ie. Infomercial claims

                       Find FIT and Residuals
                       time series       Assumptions: residuals are independent look for trends
                       nomality plot     residuals are normally distriubed
                       control chart     From a stable population
                                         Equal population variance

                       Is there some systematic reaction going on?
                       Are there Outliers - can seriously affect the results

                       R sq is the amount of variation that is explained
                                          R sq over 100% indicates that data is not dependent

                       Slop is the residual value on the Regression Plot
                                           for every unit of response, slop up or down value of unit

Control Chart                              slop = 13.1387
In Control

Prediction (Fit) against Residuals
       What is Wrong?

        Regression - Curve Fitting
            Find what is important
by estimating the relationship of X and Y
How can we evaluate a response due to multiple factors
            Have I caught the important causes?
R sqd adjusted begins to be significant
           want R sq and R sq adjusted to close to one another

Slopes are in different units
No simple graph in 2 dimensions
Correlation between X factors can dramactically affect results

            Time Series on
            Matrix Plot
Correlation coefficient
            measure of the strenghth of correlation
            P value shows if hypothese is good

           SE Standard Error Coefficient
                     Remaining error variation
                     T = Signal to Noise ratio

Model Lack of Fit
          Replication error - If you run the same test several times, you wont get the same measurement error
                     Input error
                     error of observation

Bucketize Error
           Tot Error=Model error, lack of fit error (missing variations), observation error, Measurement (X's) error (p v
           Care most about: Lack of Fit error (all the right X's with measurements)
           Measurement error depends on how big it is
           Observation error is important to know how much is affecting LOF
measurement error

asurement (X's) error (p value)
                                                      What is Wrong?

                                                Theory of Solving Problems Inventively

                                               Classify solutions that come out of invention
                                               Most problems have been solved in other fields

                                   State problem as contradiction

There are 40 Inovative Principles which can be viewed here

          Divide an object or system into independent parts
          Make an object easy to disassemble
          Separate the only necessary part (or property) or an interfering part of property from an object or system
Symmetry Change

The Collaborative Innovation (CI) Process

Additional Resources:

Inventive Problem Solving (IPS) -- A powerful method for eliminating technological roadblocks related to the developm

Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) -- an efficient and effective method for analyzing, predicting and eliminating

Directed Evolution (DE) -- A method for developing a comprehensive set of scenarios describing future generations o

                       I-TRIZ began evolving in the mid-1980s
                       when TRIZ, in its classical form, ceased
                       development. The research and
                       development of I-TRIZ has continued
                       unabated since its inception. As a result, I-
                       TRIZ not only contains enhanced versions of
                       classical TRIZ tools, but includes an
                       expanded knowledge base, new tools for
                       applying this knowledge and for analyzing
                       problems more effectively, and the following
                       comprehensive applications:

rom an object or system

ks related to the development and use of products and processes. Applicable to all engineering disciplines, IPS can be used to solve problem

redicting and eliminating failures in systems, products, and processes.

ibing future generations of a system. DE is based on an extensive set of patterns that reveal the evolutionary tendencies of technological sys
                                    What needs to be done?
revised 4/7

                                    GENERATE SOLUTIONS




       FROM FMEA



       FROM 6 HATS


               Remove showstoppers

               Remove items that do not fit the
               Narrow list to best 4 - 7 using
               CDAM: combine, delete, add or

               Solution Matrix based on Sigma
               impact, Timeing, Cost and
               Weight ideas by performance

               Prioritize Solutions based on data
                                  What needs to be done?
revised 4/8

                                     AFFINITY DIAGRAM


                                     GROUP LIKE (AFFINITY) SOLUTIONS TOGETHER

                1. Rapidly group ideas that seem to belong
                2. It isn't important to define why they belong
                3. Clarify any ideas in question.
IONS TOGETHER   4. Copy an idea into in more than one affinity
                set if appropriate.
                5. Look for small sets. Should they belong in
                a larger group?
                6. Do large sets need to be broken down
                more precisely? the ideas have been sorted,
                7. When most of
                you can start to enter titles for each affinity
                                    What needs to be done?
revised 4/8
     revised        uploaded

                                         Nominal Group

               List Team Members

      List Causes
To find the priority of a list of causes according to the team:

1 List Team and Causes

2 Count the number of Causes (n)
3 Team Members individually assign a value to each cause.
               The highest priority should be noted as n.
               The least important cause should be noted as 1
4 Each team member continues to choose the next most important and the next least important until all cau
5 Record each members scoring
3 Total all scores for each cause.
4 Sort total scores decending
5 Pareto the results.

ast important until all causes are assigned a value.
               What needs to be done?
revised 4/8

                    Solution Map

                CORE PREMISE:
Start with core premise (goal you
want to achieve), root cause, or
problem statement. Brainstorm
related clusters of potential
solutions in the boxes.
Brainstorm solutions from around
the core premise
When one person offers and idea,
have other team mebers try to
expand it or turn it into another
revised 4/8

                               What needs to be done?

                                FORCE FIELD ANALYSIS

                        What needs to be done?
revised 4/8

                 Functional Deployment Process Map
                        TO - BE Process Flow
Process Steps

Start boundary
                      Design - If this is a new
ss Map
                      process the 2B will be
                      the new Design which
                      will be Verified by the

              Qualitative Review (Value Added Analysis)
                      Would anyone pay for this?

                                                  Low Hanging
         Customer?     Operations? Other          fruit
                                                  What needs to be done?
revised 4/8

                                             Evaluate your new Process
Process Steps

                                                                  What is
                                                       What is    the Cost
                               Fits          Impact on the Time   Benefit    Other
                 Show Stopper? Organization? Sigma?    Impact?    Impact?    Impacts?
Start boundary

       Can this
       step be
       Combined Don't need Need to     This Step
       with     this step - Add this   has been
       another? Delete      Step       Modified        Qualitative Review (Value Added Analysis)
                                                               Would anyone pay for this?
                                                   Customer?        Operations? Other     fruit
revised 4/8

                                                                         IMPROVE PERFORMANCE
                                                                          What needs to be done?

                                                                                PILOT THE PROJECT

                                                                              Implementation checklist

Pilot Team                                                                   Detailed Implementation
                                    Training Plan   Communication Plan       Event
Select Small Group


                RSM                                 Validated/Refined Model
                                                               Identified sigma x's
                Variance Allocation                            Optimized design parameters
                                                               Reduced variation
                sensitivity Analysis
                Monte Carlo Simulation

                     How well are
Customer                wants
Expectations          satisfied?
                                                              Requirements          3


Capability Flow-UP
Take part of a process (where you have the
RMANCE                                least confidence, and pilot or simulate the
e done?                               process

      Controls Measures               Verify Results


              Capability Flow-up
                         Set Xs according to design parameters
                         Flow-up to CCRs thruough transfer function
                         Determine whether Ys hit targets

              features        3
                                                 Processes         4
                         What needs to be done?
revised   4/8

                              Verify Results
End Product:


Process Tested:

Desired Results:

Process Steps tested:
s to be done?

        Pilot Observations:

        GAP Analysis/Root

        Follow-up Actions:

Control Performance
revised 4/8                                               How do we guarantee performance?

                                                                     Implementation Plan

Potential Problems (RISK) of    Recommended Internal
implementing Solution (FMEA)    Controls               quot;Hardwired Controlsquot;

                                What Data is to be
Process Control System          collected              Who will collect this Data

                                Documented Procedures Documented Guidelines
Training Plan                   Changed               Changed

                                                       Method of
Communication Plan              Leadership support     Communication

                                Business Case from
Budget and Benefits Case        quot;Definequot;               Solution Benefits

Detailed Implementation Event   Objectives             Milestones
trol Performance
e guarantee performance?

Implementation Plan

           Check Lists

           How will this Data be   When will it be     What is the Out of
           Shown                   Regularly Reviewed? Control Plan?

           Documented Forms        Training Materials
           Changed                 Changed              Audience

           When?                   Who is responsible

                                   Benefits to          Other Non-Financial
           Cost to Implement       Customers            Benefits

           Roles and                                    Dates/Time/Room/M
           Respnsibilities         Resource Planning    aterials
Control Performance
revised 4/8                                                How do we guarantee performance?
                                                      Documentation Related to this New

                                                              Review Documentation and
                                                            Change to reflect New Process
                                Doc. Number   Title         Creation date Last Revised
Related Specifications
            Work Instructions
Training Materials

Key Terms          Term                                                               Definition
ted to this New

         Approvers   URL   Audit Results   Changes needed

Control Performance
revised 4/14                                                  How do we guarantee performance?

                                                                     Poka-Yoke Mistake Proofing

                                                          Example: You leave your Gas Cap with your
                                                          keys on top of your hood to avoid forgetting
                                                          to put it back on.

Review 2Be Process. Where
can possible Errors be made
                              Where does Error Occur that if undectected, will cause a defect that your custom
that will cause a Defect?

                              What can be done to order the process so that the Error is Self Evident before it

                              What can be done to quot;hardcodequot; the Process so that the Error will not be passe

                              What can be done using a Checklist to identify the Error before it is pass on?

                              What Does Digitization Add to Six Sigma ?….

                                       E-Training - Ability to Train & Test Thousands of people in Mont
                                       E-Processes – Digitized Improvement Actions Stay in Control
                                       E-Tools – e-Surveys, Simulators, and Modeling Tools Improve
                                       phases of Six Sigma Projects
                                       E-Tracking - Ability to Monitor All Vital Xs and the improvement
                                       E-Visibility - Ability to Monitor All Business Ys and The Sectors
                                       the Results (good and bad)
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
Six Sigma Tools Template
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Six Sigma Tools Template

  • 1. Action Items Who? Assign only to a Team Member Date What? present When Done? Where?
  • 2. 1. Action items. Action items are to-do's assigned to attendees at the meeting How? Decision or Open? 2. Decisions. All decisions that may affect future choices of the group should 3. Open issues. New issues raised at the meeting but not resolved there shou
  • 3. d to attendees at the meeting. Record the task, the person responsible and the date agreed upon to complete the task. choices of the group should be recorded. g but not resolved there should be recorded so they can be carried over to a future meeting.
  • 5. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What is Important? revised 8/28Charter Worksheet Team 6 Sigma Terms Team Charter Worksheet Define Phase Cost Savings Site Team Charter Title: Problem Statement Major Milestones for this project Result/Date due Business Case for Action (Current Situation) Vision (Opportunities) Why have you selected this project over others? Opportunities - Processes Affected: What pain are you currently experiencing Value-added Proposition - AS-IS Process - Stretch Goals and Key Benefits - TO-BE Process - High Level Business Requirements - How Vision supports Business, Customers, Actors - Consequences of No Change - Competitive Analysis - How Vision supports SM Stategy and Scorecard - How much is this project worth (estimate)? Scope - Goal Statement Project Scope 11:42:1111/27/2008SIXSigmaToolstemplate-122781483509-phpapp03.xls
  • 6. Smart Goals Lower acceptable limit Specific (What?) What authority does team have? Measurable (Where are targets?) Attainable (How?) Upper acceptable limit Relevant (Why?) Time Bound (When?) ProjectTime-Line - Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Actors (Alignment of Key People) Mechanisms Metrics Team Selection 11:42:1111/27/2008SIXSigmaToolstemplate-122781483509-phpapp03.xls
  • 7. Stakeholders- Trigger Points Link to SM Scorecard- Sponsor - Affect on Cash Flow and Margin- Champion- Key Business Partners - System Resources- ROI - Benefit - Investment Team Leader (Owner) - What can we measure, how often, and by whom - Training needed- Team Members (cross functional Deliverables- experts)- Quick Wins- Finance Expert- Key Process Indicators affected - IT Resources - Other Resources Need Measureable Results - Best Communication Methods - Best Training Methods - DMAIC deals mostly with root causes DMADV what design features (opportunities) we have under our control that we can work on that will impact the ccrs DMADDD Design Digitize Drawdown 11:42:1111/27/2008SIXSigmaToolstemplate-122781483509-phpapp03.xls
  • 10. 1) Why are you working on this project rather than others? Explain quantitatively. BUSINESS CASE & OPPORTUNITY 2) Show from schematic how vital (result)? to big Y; Analyze numbers. BUSINESS CASE 3) What are you trying to achieve X relates GOAL STATEMENT 4) What are the critical Customer Requirements and how were they determined? 5) What are the risks of this project and is there a plan to minimize them? 6) What is our communication plan going forward (who is setting up meetings and communicating)? 11:42:1211/27/2008SIXSigmaToolstemplate-122781483509-phpapp03.xls
  • 13. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What is Important? Voice of the Customer VOB CBR's CTQ's Voice of the Business Critical to Quality Critical Business Price/Unit Requirements Delivery time What do comustomers Spec Reqs want? Quality? Cost? Service level Delivery? Service & Safety? Business Issues Who Receives an Output to the Process? External Customers - Who pays money for your product? Vendors End Customers
  • 14. Internal - Depts who receive outputs from your process Buyers Commodity Mgrs
  • 18. E OPPORTUNITIES What complaints do you get from your at is Important? customers about the outputs of your process? ce of the Customer Write them in the Voice of the Business Identify them as CBR's CTQ's or CTP's From these identify CCR's Identify how to measure the current status of the C If possible, Dollarize the Cost Currently Incurred CTP's CCR's VOC Critical to Process Critical Customer Voice of the Customer Key measures Cost/Unit Requirements How does this effect the Productivity Must have - Must be ultimate customer? What and How Regulation Compliance Key issues Would the Customer Pay Rework for it? Safety Training hours
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. ints do you get from your out the outputs of your process? the Voice of the Business s CBR's CTQ's or CTP's entify CCR's measure the current status of the CCR's llarize the Cost Currently Incurred Opportunity Dollarized Sort 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  • 27. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $-
  • 29. Help
  • 30.
  • 31. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What's Important? Supplier Input Using a Survey 12 Steps to creating a Survey Step 1 - Objective : Describe the Objective of your survey in a few bullet points. Avoid accumulating objectives. 2 or 3 main points are a limit to a good survey. Although it may sound restrictive, it is very unlikely that your interviewees will be able to stomach more than this (with the exception of highly specialized business to business surveys focussed on professionals) Failing to describe your objective will make you lose sight of the overall purpose of the survey and will have serious consequences on the length, the accuracy and the sequencing of your questions. Step 2 - Population : Define the total population concerned with your survey Match this definition with the objective stated in Step 1, i.e. neither too wide or too narrow Step 3 - Pre-study : A Pre-study (caution, a pre-study is NOT a pre-test) should never be overlooked Carry out the study on a few individuals concerned with your study Avoid prejudices (yours or more likely, your customer's !) which could make you jump to conclusions even before the beginning of the survey Step 4 - Assumptions : State clearly the points (in accordance with Step 1), that you wish to clarify or verify, or even contradict Do not filter these assumptions according to your own prejudices, i.e. avoid attitudes such as quot;I don't need to check that point because I feel that ... quot; unless you already have evidence of the phenomenon in the first place. Step 5 - Writing the Questions : Check the wording of your questions so that they are ... 1. Understandable 2. Unbiased 3. Non suggestive 4. Not built in a way that interviewees react defensively
  • 32. 5. Not long-winded and repetitive so as to avoid weariness factor Step 6 - Contact Methods : Pre test your questionnaire on a representative sample of the given population If cards have to be shown to the interviewees, then add to pre test Choose Contact mode 1. Mail Questionnaire 2. Personal interviewing (arranged or quot;interceptquot;) 3. Phone interviewing (New methods may include fax, Email, or even Html forms, but one may wish to stress the difficulty in using these new media. In a sense, they bear a strong resemblance with the phone in so far as the interviewee is invisible and difficult to identify. These media can only be used for short questions aimed at checking precise assumptions. As for the population involved, it goes without saying that Web usage is not pervasive enough - even in the USA - in order to use this medium to survey wide populations of interviewees. At the moment, the web is best suited for Internet survey, but things might change in the near future) Modify questions in accordance with Pre test results Modify sequencing of questions in accordance with Pre test results Suppress redundant questions (this is often a sore point) Insert missing questions If cards have to be shown to the interviewees, ensure that contents match questionnaire. Step 7 - Sampling : Define the representative sample Give a sufficient size to the sample (methods of appraisal of error margins can be used) Step 8 - Administration : Administer Questionnaire in a neutral fashion (i.e. preventing interviewers from introducing personal biases while asking the questions. This may imply that these interviewers must be either trained or skilled professionals, and that a clear, thorough and comprehensive debriefing session takes place). Step 9 - Non responses : Response rate is an important factor. Do not just overlook them. They are a good indicator the quality of your questionnaire (amongst other things, namely if a gift is sent to all respondents) Step 10 - Interpretation : Interpretation should be distinct from the opinion of the collector of the data Step 11 - Analysis : Analyse ALL the responses (avoid partial analysis)
  • 33. Step 11 - Analysis : Do not extend results that are valid for the given sample to the entire population without taking the necessary precautions Note: A famous example of a bad survey analysis that is given by the focus groups that led Coca Cola to change their flagship product at the end of the 1980's. The analysts of the focus groups were adamant that traditional Coke had to be changed, but the assumption was wrong, the methodology too, and eventually, the decision that arose from these groups almost led the Atlanta giant to a disaster. Step 12 - Report : Write a report that will describe the results comprehensively Avoid biased conclusions Minimise prejudices Avoid quot;politically correctquot; conclusions Mention numbers and percentages (both are necessary)
  • 34. Use Compass Polls example Survey
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What's Important? revised 4/8 Supplier Input Process Output to Customers (SI Starting Date Ending Date Suppliers Suppliers Inputs to Process External Inputs Requirement supplied to SM Internal Inputs Requirement supplied to SM
  • 38. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What's Important? revised uploaded upplier Input Process Output to Customers (SIPOC) SIPOC Diagram AS-IS PROCESS FLOW Outputs from Process Customers (see Functional Deployment Process Map) Results of Process External to SM Results of Process Internal to SM
  • 39. SIPOC stands for suppliers, inputs, process, output, and customers. You obtain inputs from suppliers, add value through your process, and provide an output that meets or exceeds your customer's requirements. Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer: Method that helps you not to forget something when mapping help processes.
  • 40. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What's Important? Supplier Input Process Output to Customers Financially Valuating Key Meas (Total Investment + Cost of Capital) / Benefit per month= Paybac Key measures Hard Dollar Soft Dollar Operating Non Capital Financing Benefits Benefits Activities Investing Activities Costs (qual) Activities Costs Example $1,000,000.00 $50,000.00 $1,000.00 $-
  • 41. Payback Pareto $120,000.00 $100,000.00 $80,000.00 $60,000.00 $40,000.00 $20,000.00 $- Example
  • 42. E OPPORTUNITIES hat's Important? ocess Output to Customers (SIPOC) ancially Valuating Key Measures Cost Benefit Analysis pital) / Benefit per month= Payback Months Team Costs Capital Costs Cost to Train Payback $ Payback 5 years NPV of $1000n & Implement Months Benefit? Future $1000n Funds $50,000.00 $100,000.00 $10,000.00 $949,000.00 2.54 $4,745,000.00 4% $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- $- #DIV/0! $- 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0
  • 43. 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 Payback Pareto Column Q
  • 44. Total 5 year How long Savings this Where can Estimated Benefit will it take to year Benefit be Parallel achieve applied Benefit Benefit? elsewhere? $4,934,800.00 6mo ### $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 45. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Column Q
  • 46. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What's Important? Process Mapping PURCHASE ORDER PROCESS CONTROLS Rules, Regulations, Standards, Polices, Procedures, Work Instructions, Goals, Metrics, & People (Process Owner) QPL/QSL: Vendor Master; Material Master; SOP 8-4; SIC 3.2 314W checklist GVM Profile ↓ SUPPLIER INPUT (Requisitioner, PROCUREMENT PROCESS Customer, Planner, Commodity Team) Materials or Information consumed Work done (by the Buyer) to the Inputs to or transformed by the Process to Transform Inputs into Output (PO) produce output Master Data Vendor, Info Record, Source List, QPL Requisition/Demand Create and Transmit PO from Inputs. (Schedule Sharing) Review & Approval MECHANISM People, Equipment, Tools, Software that perform the Process SAP Buyer Commodity Team WWCM PO Type TIGERS
  • 47.
  • 48. ROCESS OUTPUT TO CUSTOMER (Receiving, AP, Requisitioner or Planner and the Supplier) Information or Product created by the Process Good PO that can be performed to by the Supplier, received, and paid.
  • 49.
  • 50. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What is Important? revised 4/8 Functional Deployment Process Map AS_IS Process Flow Process Mapping help Department Sub-Process Start boundary
  • 51. ss Map What costs are associatied with each step Qualitative Review (Value Added Analysis) Would anyone pay for this? Low Hanging Customer? Operations? Other fruit
  • 52. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What's Important? Supplier Input Process Output to Customers (SIPOC) Using Science to Influence to Reduce Uncertain Compliance force, have to, coersion, rules and regulations, Conformity do it cuz you want to, ought to, peer pressure, ethics Internalization Willing total and deliberate, do it cuz you want to, Contrast Phenomenon Contrast something or some other process with yours as a competing activity Illustration how it will be used-illustrate aspects of use Context established before making a requrest Selling something as something it is not - Humbie - Military/status symbol Pet Rock, Chia Pet Concensus Jim wants it Amplifier - number of people behaving a certain way Stock goes up Bandwagon effect = everyone is doing it Management supports Product endorsements IBM and Intels secret too Similar groups of people do it 6 sigma is above the ben Like people do like things Uncertainty Consistancy Phone service ads that mention once you can get someone to take a stand on something…the bigger a commitment they will b Moto phones need to say more Value system appeal - Get commitment to become active - even a one word commitment Have people write down your own ideas…then share with the team Make their commitments public - issue minutes after meeting, have instrumental member issu Make goals public Want voluntary commitments - easist done when you know their values then to talk someone i Ask your friends for a commitment - people play golf together - build relationships
  • 53. Reciprocity - doing someone a favor and getting a return- Scarcity People perceive things to be more valuable if they think it is scarce or in limited accessability Phrasing scarcity in terms of a loss is 2 - 4 times more effective than possitive Make it Unique Competition for something scarce Exclusive Information is more persuasive - Limited number - only supplier Limited run - Collectables market Limited edition cell phone - combines several different features Have a one of a kind cell phone - with unique personalized addons Have a cell phone contest that cell phones have a unique phone number in them to call and may win vaca What is the market segment? Who should we target? Why should we target them? What's the benefit to the customer? What are the features
  • 54. duce Uncertainty Jim wants it Stock goes up Management supports IBM and Intels secret tool revealed 6 sigma is above the bench r a commitment they will begin to make nstrumental member issue minutes, presentation sharing es then to talk someone into something they don’t believe in relationships
  • 55. r in limited accessability to call and may win vacation to ?
  • 56. OPPORTUNITIES What is Important? Kansei Emotional/Subjective Aspects of the Customer Requirements Measuring Perceptions Touch and Feel Stylish Functional Simple Complex Powerful Weak Easy to Use Hard to Use Usability Stylish Functional Simple Complex Powerful Weak Visual Stylish Functional Simple Complex Powerful Weak Stylish Functional Simple Complex Powerful Weak Stylish Functional Simple Complex Powerful Weak
  • 57. Kansei Definition Kansei Engineering means psychological feeling or image of a product. Kansei engineering refers to the translation of consumers' psychological feeling about a product into perceptual design elements. Kansei engineering is also sometimes referred to as quot;sensory engineeringquot; or quot;emotional usability.quot; Random Sample of Market Segment Know audience so words have meaning Use a Factor analysis to compute 2-5 major customer drivers Hard to Use source more...
  • 58. DEFINE OPPORTUN What is Importan Quic Goals: Elilminate Change Rearrange Combine Simplify Imagine Potential Quick Win Easy to Implement Fast to Opportunity (ü) Implement (ü) Kill a Defect WEFEC defect 1 Within sphere of influence Easy to implement Fast to implement Easily reversible Cheap to implement
  • 59. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What is Important? Quick Win Diagram Benefits will be gained Within the Implement Implemented by: Cheap to Team’s Implement (ü) Control (ü) (Yes/No) (ü) Kill a Defect WEFEC defect2 defect3 defect4
  • 60. Implemented date
  • 61. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What is Important? QFD = House of Quality QFD QFD is a good tool to employ in all phases 1. Derive top-level product requirements or technical characteristics from customer needs (Product Planning Matrix 2. Develop product concepts to satisfy these requirements. 3. Evaluate product concepts to select most optimum (Concept Selection Matrix). 4. Partition system concept or architecture into subsystems or assemblies and flow-down higher- level requirement 5. Derive lower-level product requirements (assembly or part characteristics) and specifications from subsystem/as 6. For critical assemblies or parts, flow-down lower-level product requirements (assembly or part characteristics) to 7. Determine manufacturing process steps to meet these assembly or part characteristics. 8. Based in these process steps, determine set-up requirements, process controls and quality controls to assure ac
  • 62.
  • 63. PPORTUNITIES is Important? ouse of Quality tool to employ in all phases om customer needs (Product Planning Matrix). lies and flow-down higher- level requirements or technical characteristics to these subsystems or assemblies. ristics) and specifications from subsystem/assembly requirements (Assembly/Part Deployment Matrix). irements (assembly or part characteristics) to process planning. part characteristics. ess controls and quality controls to assure achievement of these critical assembly or part characteristics.
  • 64.
  • 65. DEFINE OPPORTUNITIES What is Important? revised 4/8 Documentation Related to this Process Doc. Number Title Creation date Last Revised Related Specifications Policies Procedures Work Instructions Guidelines Forms Websites Training Materials Key Terms Term Definition
  • 66. RTUNITIES ortant? d to this Process Req to Pay Reference Guide Approvers URL Audit Results Changes needed Definition
  • 67. y=f(x1..x2..x3…) What knobs when turned will improve y CTQ Flowdown -variance allocation Capability Flowup Transfer functions - predict the Y and X influence y= y= x= x knobs (inputs) x knobs what drives the Y? what drives the Y? y= y= x= x knobs x knobs what drives the Y? what drives the Y?
  • 68. nd X influence x= what drives the Y? x= what drives the Y?
  • 69. Average high - Average low = effect Plot Y data Capability analysis IMR chart one way anova
  • 70.
  • 71. revised 4/8 What can we meas Represen MiniTab MEASUREMENT WO 6 Sigma Terms Search Minitab Website X Factors Quantitative Verifiable Predictive Process Predictive Input Indicators Measurement Indicators Scrap Rework Cycle Time Random Selection will eliminate bias Surveys are often biased, must sample the Non-Resp
  • 72. Is population finite or infinate? Risks in Decisions Defendant's True Status Inocent Not Guilty Correct Decision Guilty Alph Error Patientt's True Status Inocent Healthy Correct Decision Ill Alph Error Test Statistics Drive the P Value Observed value of Population Parameter Subtract the standard value Divided by measure of dispersion Assuming that Null Hypothesis is true Risk and Circumstance always go in the oposite direction construct a reference distribution for the test statistic how reliable is the sample in representing the populat
  • 73. Determine what to MEASURE How are we doing? What can we measure that shows our current status? Representative Samples are a must Top Level quot;Yquot; is observable at the Business Unit level and often verified with the Strong MEASUREMENT WORKSHEET End Customer Relationship Y Factors Output Performance Quantiative Verifiable Indicators Quantitative Verifiable Measurement CTQ's CTP's Measurement Priority ten biased, must sample the Non-Responders
  • 74. nite or infinate? Defendant's True Status Guilty Beta Error Correct Decsion 1 compared to a sample 1 compared to 1 x Multiple Patientt's True Status Guilty Beta Error Correct Decsion Don’t have to worry about normality Drive the P Value e of Population Parameter andard value sure of dispersion expected variability in the y Null Hypothesis is true oposite direction rence distribution for the test statistic the sample in representing the population?
  • 75. Medium Week No Relationship Relationship Relationship Sampling Plan function of the risk of being wrong; variability of the population; difference to be Factor Factor Factor detected
  • 76. 1 compared to a sample 1 sample 1 1 compared to 1 F test Bartlett or Lavine Don’t have to worry about normality if you are working with averages - Central Limits Theorum
  • 77. Determine what to MEASURE How are we doing? revised 4/8 What can we measure that shows our current status? Search Minitab Website From SIPOC Gather Input and Output Indicators X FACTORS Y FACTOR Input Indicators Process Indicators Steps Output Indicators What measures evaluate the degree to What measures evaluate dimen which the inputs to a process provided by What are the steps and the output - may focus on the suppliers are consistent with what the What measure evaluates the activities used to convert performance of the business as process needs to effectively and efficiently effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the the inputs into customer that associated with the deliver convert into customer satisfying outputs transforation processes satisfying outputs? services and products to custom Ex. Number of Receipts Ex. Number of defective Receipts Ex. Backup Receipt Ex. Payment issues
  • 78. ent status? MiniTab Y FACTOR Most Output Indicators important What measures evaluate dimensions of the output - may focus on the performance of the business as well as that associated with the delivery of the services and products to customers Ex. Payment issues
  • 79. Determine what to MEASUR How are we doing? revised 4/8 Data Collection Search Minitab Website What can we measure that shows our curre Performance Data Source that Strongly affects Measurement Operational Definition Output Display Describe Defect Continuous Discrete Analysis Tool Or Metric Ordinal Nominal How will data be used? ID Largest Contributors Is Data Normally Distributed? Sigma Level and Variation Root Cause Analysis? Correlation Analysis? Is Comparision of 1 sample or two or many What is NULL Hypothesis= 0= no relationship= Start with this assumption is TRUE Want to accept the Alternative Hypothesis Sometimes we do not want to look for an alternative
  • 80. ne what to MEASURE w are we doing? ta Collection MiniTab sure that shows our current status? Charts Sample Size When will How will Other Data Who will collect Data be Data be collected at Cost? collected collected same time Practical? Frequency? Random? How will Data be Displayed? Pareto Chart Histogram Control Chart Scatter Diagram
  • 81.
  • 82. Determine wha How are w What can we measu Measurement Sy MSA help Search Minitab Website Where are sources of Variation in Process Procedure Transaction Source of Data Report Used Measurement system analysis (MSA) is an experimental and mathematical method of determining There are five parameters to investigate in an MSA: bias, linearity, stability, repeatability and repro According to AIAG (2002), a general rule of thumb for measurement system acceptability is: Under 10 percent error is acceptable.
  • 83. Determine what to MEASURE How are we doing? What can we measure that shows our current status? Measurement Systems Analysis Definitions re sources of Variation in Measurement System? Physical Verification Bias to Standard Repeatable? Accurate? Precise? al method of determining how much the variation within the measurement process contributes to overall process variability. ity, repeatability and reproducibility. tem acceptability is:
  • 84. How can Variation be eliminated overall process variability.
  • 85. Determine what to MEASURE How are we doing? revised 4/8 What can we measure that shows our current status? Search Minitab Website Display and Evaluate Understanding Variation, Stability, and Capablity Use MiniTab Evaluate Measurement System How much error could be in the tool being used to gather da
  • 86. ASURE g? ur current status? MiniTab and Capablity Normality Test Look at Pvalue if lower than .05 Null must go Compare line with dots - same shows Normal If not normal use Box-Cox Control Chart IM chart with reference data Gage R&R Nested if did not use the same thing to test R&R by Operator - Precision Total Gage R&R must be less than 10 - 30% Capability Cpk potential capability g used to gather data?
  • 87. Determine what to MEASURE How are we doing? revised 4/14 What can we measure that shows our current status? Determine Process Performance What is the Cost of Poor Quality COPQ help AS-IS Process Items from A Item Item Prevention MTD YTD MTD Quality Management Preventative Maintenance Factory Training Supply Chain Process Improvement Appraisal Inspection Material Inspection Engineering Maintenance Internal Failure Scrap Excess Inventory Obsolete Inventory Rework External Failure Warranty Costs Call Centers Totals 0 0 0 TO-BE Process Items from Cause Item Item Prevention MTD YTD MTD Quality Management Preventative Maintenance Factory Training Supply Chain Process Improvement
  • 88. Appraisal Factory Inspection Material Inspection Engineering Maintenance Internal Failure Scrap Excess Inventory Obsolete Inventory Rework External Failure Warranty Costs Call Centers Totals 0 0 0
  • 89. t to MEASURE e doing? hows our current status? ss Performance Help of Poor Quality Characterize Costs in AS-IS Process Estimate costs fitting the 4 Categories In TO-BE Process Try to eliminate costs of Appraisal, Internal Failure and External Failure. Items from AS-IS Process Item Item Item Item YTD MTD YTD MTD YTD MTD YTD COPQ – Suppliers Cost of Poor Quality from Supplier Suppliers can generally affect our c a) Producing defective material. b) Damaging material during delive Our COPQ will generally cover the 1) Cost of labor to fix the problem. 2) Cost of extra material used. 3) Cost of extra utilities . 4) Cost of lost opportunity a) Loss of sales/revenue (profit ma b) Potential loss of market share c) Lower service level to customers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Items from Cause and Effect Diagram Item Item Item Item YTD MTD YTD MTD YTD MTD YTD
  • 90. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 91. rnal Failure and External Failure. COPQ – Suppliers Cost of Poor Quality from Suppliers Suppliers can generally affect our cost due to: a) Producing defective material. b) Damaging material during delivery. Our COPQ will generally cover the followings: 1) Cost of labor to fix the problem. 2) Cost of extra material used. 3) Cost of extra utilities . 4) Cost of lost opportunity a) Loss of sales/revenue (profit margin) b) Potential loss of market share c) Lower service level to customers/consumers
  • 92.
  • 93. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? revised 4/8 IDENTIFY ROOT CAUSE Help PROBLEM STATEMENT What is the REAL Problem that needs to be solved? What is the root cause that is resulting in the effect? 5 WHY'S Ask WHY 5 TIMES to arrive at root cause Problem: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? REAL PROBLEM:
  • 94. PPORTUNITY rong? OT CAUSE SOURCES OF VARIATION OR DEFECTS: INPUT DEFECTS: what inputs were defective? t cause PROCESS DEFECTS: look at fdpm and find process defects DOCUMENTATION/MATERIALS what documents need to be changed DMADV Identify, prioritize, and quantify impact of key factors affecting product process performance Derive transfer functions which capture key relationships Select high level desing alternatives paradigm busting most often occurs here Track CTQ Flow Down, assess attainment of goals document assumptions Revise business case if necessary KISS or KILL
  • 95. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? Transfer Functions - Finding Relationships in Data Transfer Function = Regression Model Y= the function (x1,x2,x3…) indicator functions 0= no affect; n for affect Pancakes Taste = Assembly - bottlenecks make this difficult Productivity = F(Layout, WIP, capacities, changeover times Use Process simulation instead Relationship based on scientific principles physics etchrate thermodynamics Empirical data ANOVA, Multiple Regressions Designed experimentation or existing data Financial relationships Income COGS Direct Costs Indirect Costs Business Models Simulation as transfer functions Simulation software Physical simulations (experiment) What if some of the Xs are things outside of my control Measure Interaction between these and other variables Calculate the if the affect on the Big Y
  • 96. Transfer function Fitted Line Plot Is there a relationship between X and Y? acities, changeover times) tion or existing data Red Band is 95% confidence of existing residuals Blue Band is 95% predictive of future residuals Process Model Alph Risk reject the null lhypothesis when it is true Beta Risk accept the null hypothesis when it is false
  • 97. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? IDENTIFY ROOT CAUSE How does the variablity in X drive the Y Hierarchical Transfer Fuctions and how Variability in the X's At Risk Program is being looked at by one team Quantifying how capability of Y drives limits on X's Monte Carlo Simutation Low cost test Insurance policy for system performance Random number generation Transfer Functions use Random numbers as Inputs Select Input Values Transfer Function Calculated Output values Research time + Review Time = Total Cycle Time Indicator variable split worksheet
  • 99. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? revised 4/8 FISHBONE
  • 100. Help PROCESS TITLE The 4 M's Methods, Machines, Materials, Manpower The 4 P’s Place, Procedure, People, Policies The 4 S’s Surroundings, Suppliers, Systems, Skills
  • 101. S TITLE ople, Policies iers, Systems, Skills
  • 102. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? revised 4/8 Pareto Stratification USE MINITAB Data 16 14 12 10 Data 8 6 4 2 0 Column E Column F Column G Column H Column I Data 15 10 9 5 3
  • 104. ANALYZ W revised 4/8 Process steps 1 List process step and input Process/Product 2 List potential failure modes Failure 3 List potential effects 4 Assign severity rating 5 List potential causes 6 Assign occurrence Rating 7 List current controls 8 Assign detection rating 9 Calculate Risk Priority number 1-10 10 Use RPNs to help decide on high priority failure modes 11 Plan to reduce or eliminate the risk associated with high priority failure modes 12 Re-computing RPN to reflect impact of action taken on failure mode Process Potential Item Potential Potential Cause(s) Process Process Failure Effects of of the Current Risk Steps inputs Mode the Failure Severity Failure Occurance Controls Detection Priority Failure Modes & Effects Analysis
  • 105. Process/Product: FMEA Team: Black Belt: Process Item Process Steps Potential Effects of Failure Occurrence inputs Severity Potential Failure Mode Potential Cause(s) of Failure Current Controls Text Text Text Number Text Number Text 5 Correct 7 Stock checked twice Stock Stock in Unable to locate location is a year inventory wrong stock full location Damage Insufficient d product
  • 106. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? Help FMEA Meeting schedule Failure Mode Effects Analysis 1 Review/create process flow diagr RISK ANALYSIS 2 Review information/begin FMEA 3 - 4 Finish FMEA/assign actions ailure modes How can the process go wrong? Actions Results Target Completion Recommended Action Responsibility Date Action Taken Severity Occurance
  • 107. 10 Detection Number Risk Priority Number Calculation 0 0 0 0 350 Recommended Action Text Actions Responsibility and Target Completion Date Text Page: (Revised) FMEA Date: (original)
  • 108. Review/create process flow diagram and review FMEA procedures Review information/begin FMEA Finish FMEA/assign actions s Risk Detection Priority
  • 109. Responsibility and Target Completion Date Text Action Taken Text Severity Number of Results Occurrence Number Detection n Risk Priority Number Number Calculatio 0 0 0 0 0
  • 110. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? revised 4/8 Sources of Variation Show Correlation between Defect and Problem When preparing to numerically analyze sources of variation in Minitab, ALWAYS do a tree diagram and multivari chart to assess the data Process Variation Source 1 Where in the process? Measurement Variation Source 2 Where in the Measurement Tool? Total Variation σ 2 Process Variation = σ2 Factor is an input to your process Time Crossed or Nested Highest level of sampling T1 T2 Crossed are controlable factors Temporature, flow rate Sub level of sampling P1,P2,P3 P4,P5,P6 Nested factors are parts, locations
  • 111. Sub-Sub level of sampling L1,L2,L3 L1,L2,L3 component veriation = day/dow/
  • 112. SOV Behavior of the process is observed in production mode. Data is collected of a long enough period of time to capture a high percentage of the historical variation Graphs are used to illustrate and identify major causes of total variation multivari chart Statistical methods are used Minitab can be used to model data between Multiple X factors and Y with General Linear Model MultiVari Study- graphical tool to assess factors Construct Tree Diagram Box Plot Understand the data: Nested - Random Crossed - Fixed ANOVA + Measurement system variation σ2 T3 P7,P8,P9
  • 114. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? Analysis of Variance Use Averages Analysis of Variation One Way ANOVA - one factor Multi Way ANOVA - Two way ANOVA - two fixed variables MiniTab Analysis of Variance Table Degress of Freedom Sum of the Squares Mean of Sigma P-Value
  • 115. ANOVA Is Sample size, sample rate and sample structure good? Tree Diagram Input a MODEL into MiniTab Model = representation of a relationship of items MiniTab Response= factor1+factor2+factor3 Response= Mean+factor1+factor2+factor3 Expect factors to be 0 variation Balanced ANOVA Nested ANOVA General Linear ANOVA (mix fixed and random) Measurement System %R to R, % P to T Excellent if MSA is 10% Random effect puts a variance on the X - tells you how big the proble is Fixed descrete effects estimates the differences or contrast between the categories Fixed continuous effects give you an equation describing the effect If you treat a variable (X) as random, estimating the effect on Y If you treat a variable (X) as continuous, you will attach an equation on it mean square error is the estimate of the unexplained residual variability contrasts are generally measured from the mean
  • 116. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? Regression - Curve Fitting Find what is important by estimating the relationship of X and Y Matrix Plot - identifies where there is no data in your test - wrong decisions may be made introducing bias
  • 117. Fit is the relationship between X and Y Minimize the Residual Variance Sigma is the estimate of residual values Red and Blue lines are bands estimated events be made introducing bias Appliying regression techniques to passive data extablish Correlation not Causation Use simple linear regression when you only have one continuous Y against one continuous X Graphical tool for evaluationg correlation is a scatter plot or a matrix plot One of the dangers in using Multiple Regression Analysis is confounded data To compare coefficients in the model, code the data on a -1 and +1 then all are on an equal scaled and can be comp On a fitted line plot a prediction interval tells us the interval around the fitted line where the next point will occur
  • 118. scaled and can be compared ext point will occur
  • 119. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? Residuals - What is Left Over Residual = Observed Valu - Predicted Value Assumptions Tested Residuals Equal Independe Plot Variance Normality nce Random Lack of Fit Vs Run Order Vs. X Vs. Predicted Y Normal Prob. OK not enough data straight line normal distribution OFAT= one factor at a time
  • 120. you can see a lot by looking yogi Collect Data from the Process Passively Confounded Data - Lack of interdependance of data Are we seeing a variable change due to another variable affecting it Care should be taken to draw conclusions - ie. Infomercial claims Outliers Find FIT and Residuals time series Assumptions: residuals are independent look for trends nomality plot residuals are normally distriubed control chart From a stable population Equal population variance Is there some systematic reaction going on? Are there Outliers - can seriously affect the results R sq is the amount of variation that is explained R sq over 100% indicates that data is not dependent Slop is the residual value on the Regression Plot for every unit of response, slop up or down value of unit Control Chart slop = 13.1387 In Control Prediction (Fit) against Residuals scatter
  • 121. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? Regression - Curve Fitting Find what is important by estimating the relationship of X and Y How can we evaluate a response due to multiple factors Have I caught the important causes?
  • 122. R sqd adjusted begins to be significant want R sq and R sq adjusted to close to one another Slopes are in different units No simple graph in 2 dimensions Correlation between X factors can dramactically affect results Graph Time Series on Matrix Plot Dotplot Correlation coefficient measure of the strenghth of correlation P value shows if hypothese is good SE Standard Error Coefficient Remaining error variation T = Signal to Noise ratio Model Lack of Fit Approximation Replication error - If you run the same test several times, you wont get the same measurement error Input error error of observation Bucketize Error Tot Error=Model error, lack of fit error (missing variations), observation error, Measurement (X's) error (p v Care most about: Lack of Fit error (all the right X's with measurements) Measurement error depends on how big it is Observation error is important to know how much is affecting LOF
  • 124. ANALYZE THE OPPORTUNITY What is Wrong? Theory of Solving Problems Inventively Classify solutions that come out of invention Most problems have been solved in other fields State problem as contradiction There are 40 Inovative Principles which can be viewed here Segmentation Divide an object or system into independent parts Make an object easy to disassemble Separation Separate the only necessary part (or property) or an interfering part of property from an object or system Symmetry Change The Collaborative Innovation (CI) Process Additional Resources: Inventive Problem Solving (IPS) -- A powerful method for eliminating technological roadblocks related to the developm Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) -- an efficient and effective method for analyzing, predicting and eliminating Directed Evolution (DE) -- A method for developing a comprehensive set of scenarios describing future generations o
  • 125. I-TRIZ began evolving in the mid-1980s when TRIZ, in its classical form, ceased development. The research and development of I-TRIZ has continued unabated since its inception. As a result, I- TRIZ not only contains enhanced versions of classical TRIZ tools, but includes an expanded knowledge base, new tools for applying this knowledge and for analyzing problems more effectively, and the following comprehensive applications: rom an object or system ks related to the development and use of products and processes. Applicable to all engineering disciplines, IPS can be used to solve problem redicting and eliminating failures in systems, products, and processes. ibing future generations of a system. DE is based on an extensive set of patterns that reveal the evolutionary tendencies of technological sys
  • 127. LE SOLUTIONS Then Remove showstoppers Remove items that do not fit the organization Narrow list to best 4 - 7 using CDAM: combine, delete, add or modify Solution Matrix based on Sigma impact, Timeing, Cost and Benefits Weight ideas by performance factor Prioritize Solutions based on data
  • 129. HELP 1. Rapidly group ideas that seem to belong together. 2. It isn't important to define why they belong together. 3. Clarify any ideas in question. IONS TOGETHER 4. Copy an idea into in more than one affinity set if appropriate. 5. Look for small sets. Should they belong in a larger group? 6. Do large sets need to be broken down more precisely? the ideas have been sorted, 7. When most of you can start to enter titles for each affinity set
  • 130. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE What needs to be done? revised 4/8 revised uploaded Nominal Group Technique List Team Members List Causes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • 131. To find the priority of a list of causes according to the team: 1 List Team and Causes 2 Count the number of Causes (n) 3 Team Members individually assign a value to each cause. The highest priority should be noted as n. The least important cause should be noted as 1 4 Each team member continues to choose the next most important and the next least important until all cau 5 Record each members scoring 3 Total all scores for each cause. 4 Sort total scores decending 5 Pareto the results. Priority 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 132. ast important until all causes are assigned a value.
  • 133. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE What needs to be done? revised 4/8 Solution Map CORE PREMISE:
  • 134. Start with core premise (goal you want to achieve), root cause, or problem statement. Brainstorm related clusters of potential solutions in the boxes. Brainstorm solutions from around the core premise When one person offers and idea, have other team mebers try to expand it or turn it into another idea.
  • 136. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE What needs to be done? revised 4/8 Functional Deployment Process Map TO - BE Process Flow Process Steps Department Sub-Process Start boundary
  • 137. DMADDD Design - If this is a new ss Map process the 2B will be the new Design which will be Verified by the Pilot Qualitative Review (Value Added Analysis) Would anyone pay for this? Low Hanging Customer? Operations? Other fruit
  • 138.
  • 139. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE What needs to be done? revised 4/8 Evaluate your new Process Process Steps Department What is Sub-Process What is the Cost Fits Impact on the Time Benefit Other Show Stopper? Organization? Sigma? Impact? Impact? Impacts? Start boundary
  • 140. cess Can this step be Combined Don't need Need to This Step with this step - Add this has been another? Delete Step Modified Qualitative Review (Value Added Analysis) Would anyone pay for this? Low Hanging Customer? Operations? Other fruit
  • 141. revised 4/8 IMPROVE PERFORMANCE What needs to be done? PILOT THE PROJECT Implementation checklist Pilot Team Detailed Implementation Training Plan Communication Plan Event Select Small Group Design DOE RSM Validated/Refined Model Identified sigma x's Variance Allocation Optimized design parameters Reduced variation sensitivity Analysis Monte Carlo Simulation Product Requirements Design Features 1 How well are Customer wants Expectations satisfied? Product Requirements 3 Measurements Measurements
  • 143. Take part of a process (where you have the RMANCE least confidence, and pilot or simulate the e done? process Controls Measures Verify Results Verify Capability Flow-up Set Xs according to design parameters Flow-up to CCRs thruough transfer function Determine whether Ys hit targets Mfg Processes Process Operation Design features 3 Mfg Processes 4
  • 144. Measureme nts Measurem ents
  • 145. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE What needs to be done? revised 4/8 Verify Results End Product: Customer: Process Tested: Desired Results: Process Steps tested:
  • 146. ERFORMANCE s to be done? Pilot Observations: GAP Analysis/Root Cause: Follow-up Actions: Questions:
  • 147. Control Performance revised 4/8 How do we guarantee performance? Implementation Plan Potential Problems (RISK) of Recommended Internal implementing Solution (FMEA) Controls quot;Hardwired Controlsquot; What Data is to be Process Control System collected Who will collect this Data Documented Procedures Documented Guidelines Training Plan Changed Changed Method of Communication Plan Leadership support Communication Business Case from Budget and Benefits Case quot;Definequot; Solution Benefits Detailed Implementation Event Objectives Milestones
  • 148.
  • 149. trol Performance e guarantee performance? Implementation Plan Check Lists How will this Data be When will it be What is the Out of Shown Regularly Reviewed? Control Plan? Documented Documented Forms Training Materials Changed Changed Audience When? Who is responsible Benefits to Other Non-Financial Cost to Implement Customers Benefits Roles and Dates/Time/Room/M Respnsibilities Resource Planning aterials
  • 150.
  • 151.
  • 152.
  • 153. Control Performance revised 4/8 How do we guarantee performance? Documentation Related to this New Process Review Documentation and Change to reflect New Process Doc. Number Title Creation date Last Revised Related Specifications Policies Procedures Work Instructions Forms Websites Training Materials Key Terms Term Definition
  • 154. rmance performance? ted to this New s Approvers URL Audit Results Changes needed Definition
  • 155. Control Performance revised 4/14 How do we guarantee performance? Poka-Yoke Mistake Proofing Example: You leave your Gas Cap with your keys on top of your hood to avoid forgetting to put it back on. Review 2Be Process. Where can possible Errors be made Where does Error Occur that if undectected, will cause a defect that your custom that will cause a Defect? What can be done to order the process so that the Error is Self Evident before it What can be done to quot;hardcodequot; the Process so that the Error will not be passe What can be done using a Checklist to identify the Error before it is pass on? What Does Digitization Add to Six Sigma ?…. E-Training - Ability to Train & Test Thousands of people in Mont E-Processes – Digitized Improvement Actions Stay in Control E-Tools – e-Surveys, Simulators, and Modeling Tools Improve phases of Six Sigma Projects E-Tracking - Ability to Monitor All Vital Xs and the improvement E-Visibility - Ability to Monitor All Business Ys and The Sectors the Results (good and bad)