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A 9C Asian Voyage
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The Maritime Trade of the Belitung
Things in the wrong place
Left. An octagonal cup with musician found in Hejiacun, Xian China, at a Tang Dynasty (618-906) site.
Probably origin Central Asia or the Middle East. Shaanxi History Museum, Xian.
Right. Green-splashed white ware dish found in Samarra Iraq, made in China during Tang Dynasty.
Samarra Museum for Islamic Art. Berlin.
Trade between China and its western neighbours must have carried on long ago. But around 114 BC it was
expanded during the Han Dynasty (207 BC – 220 AD), when an imperial envoy led by Zhang Qian 張騫
to contact the people in the western regions (Ferghana 大宛 , Yuezhi 月氏 , Bactria 大夏 , India 身毒 ,
Parthia 安 息 , Sogdian 粟 特 etc.). mainly for diplomatic reason, in particular alliance against the
Xiongnu 匈奴 of Mongolia and partly for trade.
The History of the Silk Road
The Galloping Horse was found
in tomb at Leitai, Wuwei, Gansu
China in 1969, along the Silk
Road. The figurine showed a
galloping horse running so fast
that it was stepping on a flying
The Galloping Horse, Late 2C –
Early 13C (Eastern Han).
Bronze. H34.5 x L45 cm. Gansu
Provincial Museum Lanzhou.
The India to Mesopotamia maritime link began during 3rd
millennium BC. During the time of Augustus
Caesar up to 120 ships were sailing to India every year from the Red Sea ports. The sea routes to the
Japan and Korea was developed in the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC). The maritime Silk Route section
between China and the Middle East was developed during the Tang dynasty (618-907). Eventually these
maritime routes were linked, making it possible to travel all the way from China to modern day Iraq.
Development of the Maritime Silk Route
Development of various sections of the Asian maritime route. Ref Sailing Sinbad’s Seas. Andrew Lawler. Science 26 Jun
The use of sail, advances in ship building, the knowledge of the weather, the availability of safe harbours,
political stability are all important for the developments for maritime trade. In general, the maritime trades
allow biggest load to be carried with a shorter journey time.
The Maritime Route
Roman ship like this could be used for the maritime trade between India and the Read port, during Roman time. Roman
mosaic find in modern Tunisia. (Ref. Wikimedia).
Century Powers
Tang Dynasty (618-907), A major dynasty in China. It was a trading empire and an economic powerhouse.
Srivijayan Empire (650-1277) of Tamil origin controlled the sea lanes of Malacca & the Java sea.
Pallava Dynasty (275-897). Imperial Cholas (848-1070) controlled the South India and Sri Lanka.
Abbasid Caliph (750-1258) Basra or Hormuz were final destinations of the Asian maritime trades
Byzantine Empire (c330-1453) controlled and land & maritime silk trades out of Asia into Europe.
Venice Republic (697-1797) in 9C was the rising power of the Mediterranean maritime trade
9C Middle East - Abbasid
The Abbasid Empire (750-1258 黑 衣
大 食 國 also 阿 拔 斯 ) was largely
based on the old Persian Empire, which
covered modern day Iraq, Iran and
Afghanistan. The capital was moved to
the new city of Bagdad, located on the
major trade routes on land and in the
The minaret, the Malwiya Tower, at the Great
Mosque of Samarra built in 851 under the
Abbasid Empire. It was the largest mosque in
the world.
The Abbasid period is generally
considered to be a golden age of Islamic
art, science and architecture.
Commissions were set up to translate
Greek and Persian scientific,
philosophical and literary works into
Arabic. In the mid-10C, a group of
professional soldiers, Buyids, took over
the caliphate and Abbasid survived in
name until the Mongols conquer in the
In first half of 9C, the Pallava dynasty (275-
897), a Tamil South Indian maritime power
was trading with Cambodia, Annan (modern
Vietnam), Java, Sumatra, Malaysia and
9C India – Pallava and Chola
In second half of 9C, the Pallava was
replaced by Medieval Chola dynasty, (848-
1070) which became a military, economic
and cultural power in South Asia and
Southeast Asia. It had a powerful blue-water
navy which could mount strikes and raids far
into Southeast Asia, as it did in 1025 on
Kedah, Malaysia.
A huge gopuram (Hindu temple tower) of the
Brihadeeswara Temple complex, in Thanjavur, Tamil
Nadu was completed in 1010 CE.
9C Southeast Asia - Srivijaya
Candi Prambanan is a 9C (c950) Hindu temple in Central
Java, Indonesia, build during the Sanjaya Dynasty.
First reference of Srivijaya’s existence (650-
1377) was reported by a Chinese monk in 671.
Around early 8C both the Malay Peninsula and
Sumatra were under the Srivijayan domination.
The Srivijaya controlled the final section of the
maritime Silk Route. Trading ships would stop
here before completing their journey to China.
Srivijaya declined in power after the 1025
invasion by the Chola Empire.
Unlike previous military dynasty like Qin
and Han, Tang Dynasty (618-907) is more
of a trading empire on which Chinese
prosperity depended on. During this
period many monks travelled to India to
study Buddhist scriptures but most of them
left no records of their travel.
9C China – Tang Dynasty
In the 7C, travelling monks was Yijing 義
淨 (635-713) travelled to India between
671 and 695, by the sea, visited at the
Malaysian Peninsula and the Srivijaya
kingdom for two years. He recorded that
the journey from Guangzhou to
Palembang (Sumatra) took only 20 days.
The Guangzhou-Palembang route was so
‘routine’ that he managed to travel to
Sumatra 3 times in his life. He also
recorded 21 monks travelled to India by
land and 30 travelled by sea.
Faxian 法 顯 (337-c422) who stayed in
Sri Lanka for 2 years, reported seeing a
Chinese merchant (with a silk fan) in the
island. In Sumatra he travelled on a “large
merchant boat” carrying 200 people.
9C Rebellion in China
In 755 An Lushan Rebellion 安史之亂 left northern China devastated. It was a turning point in the
history of Tang Dynasty (618-907) . An Lushan, a military commander, was half Sogdian and half Turk.
The conflict paradoxically stimulated the Chinese economy in the south and on the eastern coastal
regions, as the central authority lost its grips, while regional governors took over the local economies.
In the first half 9C, with a new set of reforms, the Chinese economy recovered. Guangzhou the main
port for Asian maritime trade was reopened once again.
The face of the Leshan Gaint Buddha 樂山大佛 , 71m (233 ft) high, begun in 713 and finished in 803. - 24.10.2006
Map of the Belitung ship journey from the Asian Civilization Museum, Singapore.
The Journey of the Belitung ship
It was in under these historical environments that the Belitung ship’s voyage took place, in the second
quantile of the 9C. It was probably travelled from the Chinese port of Guangzhou (Canton) to Basra in
modern Iraq. The voyage would have taken about 5 months, but instead it was sank off the Belitung Island,
in the Java Sea, close to the strait between Sumatra and Java. The shipwreck was discovered in 1998.
The date of the Belitung ship comes from 3 pieces of evidences. First Chinese coins were all made before
845. Radiocarbon dating of organic material – wood, star anise, resin - gives a dates between 670 and
890. Most importantly, one ceramic bowl is inscribed with a specific day in the summer of 826, giving the
earliest date for the wreck. The study of the ceramics suggested they were made in the 830s or 840s.
The date of the Journey
Inscription Summer of 826 All Chinese coins made before 845
In 758 Guangzhou (Canton) was looted by Arab and Persian pirates, at the time of the An Lushan
Rebellion. The government reacted by closing the port for about five decades. Foreign vessels was
diverted to Hanoi, which was under Chinese control. When Guangzhou port was reopened, it resumed as
the main entry point into China. In mid-9C the foreign population of Guangzhou were reported to be about
9C China - Guangzhou
The oldest Chinese mosque in China, Huaishen Mosque 懷聖寺 , Guangzhou, founded in early 7C. Photo taken c1873.
Modern day Basra., Iraq.
.Shipyard in modern
Guangzhou, China
The sea route from China to the Middle East was well trodden by the Arab sailors by the time the Belitung
ship set sail. It was some 400 years later, after the journey of the Chinese monk Faxian, who arrived back
to China from India by sea in 412. The construction of the Belitung ship suggested it was from the Middle
East, probably port of Basra, main port of entry into the Abbasid Empire. On the way, the Belitung could
have stopped by Palembang of Srivijayan Empire and somewhere in South India (perhaps Kollam) or Sri
Lanka (perhaps Galle) before sailing into the Persian Gulf for its final destination.
The Route
The Java Sea
The most obvious route from China to Abbasid was to sail through the Malacca strait, but the wreck was
found in the Java Sea. The excavation team speculated that the Belitung was heading toward Java,
possibly to pick up valuable species like cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.
The trade wind pattern of the South China Sea is such the ship would mostly likely to arrived in
Guangzhou the about the summer months (July) and leaving China from the October onward.
On route, the ship would be likely to stop in south India and in Sumatra or somewhere on the Malaysian
Once the ship arrived in Guangzhou, the Chinese authorities would seized the cargo of any foreign
merchant, collected 30% tax and then returned the goods after six months.
The Seasons
On the eastward journey from the Middle East the ship would mostly to set sail in the summer months on
the South-West Monsoon.
Large sections of the wooden keel and
hull were found by the archaeologists.
Every timber was fastened with
stitching. No sign of iron fastening or
nail were found. From the construction
techniques, it was clear the ship came
from the Gulf.
The Ship
The ship had two rectangular sails (not
the triangular lateen sail). It also had
two steering oars instead of a rudder.
Temporal canopy can be constructed
in mid-ship or at the stern of the ship
as shelters.
An 18 metres replicate of the Belitung
ship was built, called the Jewel of
Muscat. The dhow was constructed in
Oman. The entire ship was tied
together using coconut husks without
peg or metal nail.
The Jewel of Muscat
The Jewel of Muscat was constructed using
African timber, teak and rosewood, juniper and
palm wood. Coconut husks were used to sew the
boat together. The stitching holes were filled with
The stitching pattern.
The Jewel of Muscat
On completion the ship, the Jewel of Muscat sailed the 5000 kilometres from Oman to Singapore via Galle in Sri Lanka,
after nearly 6 months of sailing.
The Cargoes & their origins
By and large the ship carried mostly Chinese ceramics. The bulk of it were the 60,000 pieces of ceramic bowls from the
Changsha kiln, together with other more precious metal goods..
Tea and silk
No tea or silk were found, these items maybe carried by the Belitung ship, but did not survive the length of time. China is
known for its silk and rich Roman were dressed in it. Drinking of tea was popular in Tang. Tea was grounded into powder
and then stirred in hot water before drinking. But it was in Song, the following dynasty, when ‘tea cakes’ were made for
long distance transport. A grinder wheel was found on Belitung wreck.
Top left – A grinding wheel found with the wreck. Stoneware with brown glaze Changsha kiln, Hunan. Bottom left – A piece of
Chinese silk with a dragon emblem. Right – A well-known Tang dynasty painting (detail), called ‘A Palace Concert’, a prized
exhibit in the National Palace Museum of Taipei, showing courtiers drinking tea and making music.
Tea and silk
Among the Middle East exports were glass, ceramics, metal ware, frankincense and pearls in the above.
Burning frankincense
It is customary to use wide-mouth ceramic urns for packaging breakable goods in China. The practice is still used today.
Very often straws or husks are added to cushion the goods in the urn. The ceramic items on the Belitung ship were
packed this way. Because of the packaging, many ceramic items have survived unbroken around the wreck.
Packaging urn
A collection of the packaging stoneware urns made in Guangdong province.
Packaging urn
Personal belongings were found on the Belitung ship, suggesting it was manned by an international crew. On board,
there was a Chinese inkstone and a ceramic grinder used to prepare tea. The ship was built in the Middle East. Among
the possessions from the Middle East were two turquoise-glazed amphorae, a jar and a glass bottle. To help the ship to
navigate in the Southeast Asia, there would be local navigators and pilots from the major ports of the time – Vietnam,
Indonesia (mainly Sumatra and Java), Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
International crew
Left. A Chinese inkstone, a palette for Chinese ink for writing. Middle. A tiny blue-glass bottle, likely from west Asia perhaps
for medicine or for cosmetics. Right: A piloncito coins like one found on the ship used in Indonesia until the 13C. Ref:
Shipwrecked p 43.
Gaming on Board
Among the objects salvaged were a bone die and ivory gaming pieces for gambling or for board games. The game
pieces resemble similar pieces found in China for the game GO. 棋圍
Life on Board
Top Left. Grater in the form of a fish, Stoneware with brown glaze from the Changsha kiln, Hunan. China.
Bottom Left. Spoon, copper alloy.
Right. Lantern. Stoneware with green glaze. South China design.
Some more personal items from the Belitung wreck. Asian Civilizations Museum. Singapore.
The main cargo of the ship was Chinese ceramics. Thousands of ceramic bowls were tightly coiled
inside storage jars. The 18-metre long ship was carrying some 70,000 bowls, weighed about 25 tons.
The Ceramics Cargo
Location of Chinese Kilns in Tang Dynasty
Excavated Tang Dynasty Kiln
The vast majority of the ceramics stoneware, some 55,000 bowls, on the ship were from the kiln of Changsha, Hunan, in
middle China south of the Yangtze River. .Changsha wares were popular within China as well.
Changsha wares
Underglaze iron brown and copper-green pigments. Changsha Kilns. Hunan.
Changsha wares have been found throughout Southeast Asia and especially in Indonesia. It is possible that at least
part of the these wares were destined for sales in a Javanese port of densely populated Sailendra Kingdom of Central
Changsha wares
Ewers with West Asian influenced motifs – including palms, lions and warriors. Changsha Kilns. Hunan, clearly for exports..
Green-splashed wares, probably Gongxian Kilns Henan 巩县
Chinese green-splashed wares were widely imitated in the Middle East. Several colours were produced in China, but
green colour had particular appealed to the Middle East. Most green-splash wares were made in Gongxian kilns in
Henan province, Northern China.
Celadon (Yue) ware of Eastern China
Some 900 Chinese green-glazed wares
were made in Southern China, Zhejiang
province (Yue ware) and Guangdong
province near Guangzhou.
Bottle with lugs and incised floral
sprays. Stoneware with iron-green
celadon glaze, also known as Yue
Bottle stopper with moulded flowers.
Stoneware celadon glaze. Yue ware.
White ware of Northern China
Highly prized for their
delicacy and durability.
White Glazed Stoneware.
Bottle with quatrefoil from
Gongxian, Henan kilns and
the two pieces in front were
from Xing kilns, Hebei.
Chinese white wares were immensely desirable, both within China and abroad. The 300 pieces found in the wreck are of
high quality and were probably very expensive. These delicate and durable wares were made in Northern China.
This is the prized object from the Belitung wreck. It is the largest known example of a solid gold cup from the Tang
dynasty. Two similar gilded bronze with an iron core, octagonal cups were excavated in 1970, at Heijiacun, near Xian
China, decorated with Sasanian Musician. It was estimated the Belitung gold cup had an equivalent value equal to ten
year salary of a middle ranking official of the Tang Dynasty. The gold objects together with the silver objects was
hidden, in a special compartment in the bottom of the boat. The metal objects is the most important find of Tang gold
and silver ever made.
The Octagonal Gold Cup
Octagonal footed solid gold cup from the Belitung wreck, with Central Asian Dancer. Made in China probably Yangzhou, Jiangsu.
The Gold Bowl and Plate
Among the gold dinner set were a pair of oval lobed Gold Bowl with two ducks (for drinking wine) and a pair of square
lobed plates. These were most likely made in Yangzhou, Jiangsu. China.
Left. Oval lobed gold bowls. H 3, L 15.6, W10.2 cm. Right. Lobed dish with a Buddhist swastika. H1, L14.5. w14.5 cm..
The Silver boxes
These silver were most likely made in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, where it well-known for making metalware. The
boxes were used for storing cosmetics, incense and medicines. The Belitung metal wares were the first Tang Dynasty
metal wares discovered outside of China.
The Silver Plate
A silver platter decorated with a rhinoceros, which can only found in Africa, India and Indonesia. The Belitung ship
coincided with the time when the most prolific production of gold and silver wares during the late Tang Dynasty. .
The Silver Wine Bottle
A magnificent silver Bottle, partly gilded,
with a pair of mandarin ducks. This is
the only example of a silver wine flask
dating to the Tang Dynasty. Rice wine
and plum wine were popular drinks in
Tang China. They were served warm
from bottle and drunk from oval cups.
Silver wind bottle with handle, probably
made in south China and partly gilded.
Bronze Mirrors
Square mirror
With auspicious
Animals and flowers.
Lobed mirror with
flying birds and
floral springs.
Foliated mirror with
flying birds.
Mirror with lion and
grapevine design,
with drawing below.
These are designs on the back of bronze mirrors from the shipwreck. Some 29 bronze mirrors were found. The mirrors
were mostly silver and highly reflective. One mirror was identified as made in Yangzhou, where it was well-known for
making the best mirrors in Tang Dynasty. Bronze mirrors were very popular in China.
The Belitung ship carried 10 tons of lead
ingots. Some 2000 or more lead ingots
were left on the seabed. The lead ingots
were either used as ballast and as a
export cargo, since Tang China was a
significant producer of lead in Asia at the
time. There was a large lead mine in
Huameng, close to Guangzhou.
Lead Ingots
The lead ingots were stored inside jar. It
is not certain that the lead ingots were
originated in China.
Only star-anise spice from China was found on the Belitung ship. None of the south sea spices were
Star Anise Spice
With 70,000 pieces of Chinese ceramics were found in a single ship. It strongly suggests that mass production
techniques were used in China to made thousands of standardised ceramics. This would include the use of on
assembly lines, job production or batch production methods. A single piece of ceramic would had to pass through
many specialist workers during the production process. Mass production technique were used in the 10C-12C during
the Song Dynasty. The discovery of the Beliturng wreck pushed the date back by at least a century earlier.
Mass Production in China
The centrepiece at the Asian Civilisations Museum showing a model of the Belitung ship, float on a sea of mass produced ceramics bowls.
China as a single market
Sunrise on the Grand Canal of China. Probably c1816-17. William Havell (Reading 1782 – London 1857). English. [The Grand Canal was the
single most important transport link that bind northern China, eastern China and southern China together. It was completed in the Sui Dynasty
(581-618 AD). It is 1794 km long, connecting China’s major river systems – Hai River, Yellow River, Huai River, Yangzi River and Qiantang
River. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the bank along the canal was the economic trading hub of the empire.
The cargo on the Belitung wreck were sourced from northern, eastern, middle and south China. To make this possible, a
distribution shipping network must have existed to deliver the mass produced goods to the final consumers. In another
words, China became a single market. Mass produced goods were able to be transported freely across China, instead of
isolated in local markets. This was supported by the centralised administration system created by the Tang Dynasty.
Mass Production, Mass Profit
Map and description displays at the Asian Civilization Museum on China’s mass production.
The Financiers
Who were the likely financiers of the
cargoes from the Belitiung ship? They
are likely to be the rich and powerful
political elites. In early 9C, tens of
thousands of vessels were commissioned
by the court and from rich provincial
governors. People involved with the
maritime trades were likely to be :-
Court officials
Guest from
West Asia
Fresco from the tomb of the Crown Prince Li Huai. 684.
Foreign merchant like Li Susha, a very
rich Persian trader who was presented to
the emperor Jingzong in 824.
People with well connected court
eunuchs, court officials and military
People who were well connected to the
Imperial family.
Corrupted officials who conducted directly
with the maritime trade, even though
forbidden by the law of the time to
engage in private businesses - like Wang
E, the military commissioner of the prefect
of Guangzhou from 795 and 801 and his
successors Hu Zheng, military
commissioner of Guangzhou 826 and
Some of the precursors of industrialization existed as early as the 9C from our look at the Belitung wreck. Steel was first
made some 2000 years ago. Mass production techniques were practiced. A single large market existed in China. There
are plenty of coal in China. The delay of the Industrial Revolution has always been a puzzle to many historians and
scholars. This is particularly true during the Song dynasty (immediately after the Tang Dynasty from the following 10C
onward), when scientific discoveries and major inventions were also made.
Chinese Industrial Revolution?
A blast furnace operates with a bellows powered by a waterwheels. An illustration printed in 1313 AD.
Description and artefact displays at the Asian Civilization Museum. Singapore..
The new Asian Civilization Museum Asian Civilization Museum of Singapore..
The museum was founded in 1997 specialised in the material history of China, Southeast Asia, South Asia and West
Asia. The Belitung Shipwreck gallery in the museum housed one of the most important excavation of artefacts from the
Tang Dynasty. It was one of the largest and unique finds. It tells us about 9C China and documented the east-west
Asian maritime trading in history.
A pair of flying ducks on the gold wine drinking bowl.
All rights reserved. Rights belong to their respective
owners. Available free for non-commercial and personal
The End
Music – Deborah’s Theme by Ennio Morricome
History Powerpoints
9th Century Asian Voyage

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9th Century Asian Voyage

  • 1. First created 4 Mar 2017. Version 1.0 - 21 Jul 2017. Daperro. London. A 9C Asian Voyage All rights reserved. Rights belong to their respective owners. Available free for non-commercial, Educational and personal use. The Maritime Trade of the Belitung
  • 2. Things in the wrong place Left. An octagonal cup with musician found in Hejiacun, Xian China, at a Tang Dynasty (618-906) site. Probably origin Central Asia or the Middle East. Shaanxi History Museum, Xian. Right. Green-splashed white ware dish found in Samarra Iraq, made in China during Tang Dynasty. Samarra Museum for Islamic Art. Berlin.
  • 3. Trade between China and its western neighbours must have carried on long ago. But around 114 BC it was expanded during the Han Dynasty (207 BC – 220 AD), when an imperial envoy led by Zhang Qian 張騫 to contact the people in the western regions (Ferghana 大宛 , Yuezhi 月氏 , Bactria 大夏 , India 身毒 , Parthia 安 息 , Sogdian 粟 特 etc.). mainly for diplomatic reason, in particular alliance against the Xiongnu 匈奴 of Mongolia and partly for trade. The History of the Silk Road The Galloping Horse was found in tomb at Leitai, Wuwei, Gansu China in 1969, along the Silk Road. The figurine showed a galloping horse running so fast that it was stepping on a flying swallow. The Galloping Horse, Late 2C – Early 13C (Eastern Han). Bronze. H34.5 x L45 cm. Gansu Provincial Museum Lanzhou.
  • 4. The India to Mesopotamia maritime link began during 3rd millennium BC. During the time of Augustus Caesar up to 120 ships were sailing to India every year from the Red Sea ports. The sea routes to the Japan and Korea was developed in the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC). The maritime Silk Route section between China and the Middle East was developed during the Tang dynasty (618-907). Eventually these maritime routes were linked, making it possible to travel all the way from China to modern day Iraq. Development of the Maritime Silk Route Development of various sections of the Asian maritime route. Ref Sailing Sinbad’s Seas. Andrew Lawler. Science 26 Jun 2014
  • 5. The use of sail, advances in ship building, the knowledge of the weather, the availability of safe harbours, political stability are all important for the developments for maritime trade. In general, the maritime trades allow biggest load to be carried with a shorter journey time. The Maritime Route Roman ship like this could be used for the maritime trade between India and the Read port, during Roman time. Roman mosaic find in modern Tunisia. (Ref. Wikimedia).
  • 6. 9th Century Powers Tang Dynasty (618-907), A major dynasty in China. It was a trading empire and an economic powerhouse. Srivijayan Empire (650-1277) of Tamil origin controlled the sea lanes of Malacca & the Java sea. Pallava Dynasty (275-897). Imperial Cholas (848-1070) controlled the South India and Sri Lanka. Abbasid Caliph (750-1258) Basra or Hormuz were final destinations of the Asian maritime trades Byzantine Empire (c330-1453) controlled and land & maritime silk trades out of Asia into Europe. Venice Republic (697-1797) in 9C was the rising power of the Mediterranean maritime trade
  • 7. 9C Middle East - Abbasid The Abbasid Empire (750-1258 黑 衣 大 食 國 also 阿 拔 斯 ) was largely based on the old Persian Empire, which covered modern day Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. The capital was moved to the new city of Bagdad, located on the major trade routes on land and in the sea. The minaret, the Malwiya Tower, at the Great Mosque of Samarra built in 851 under the Abbasid Empire. It was the largest mosque in the world. The Abbasid period is generally considered to be a golden age of Islamic art, science and architecture. Commissions were set up to translate Greek and Persian scientific, philosophical and literary works into Arabic. In the mid-10C, a group of professional soldiers, Buyids, took over the caliphate and Abbasid survived in name until the Mongols conquer in the 13C.
  • 8. In first half of 9C, the Pallava dynasty (275- 897), a Tamil South Indian maritime power was trading with Cambodia, Annan (modern Vietnam), Java, Sumatra, Malaysia and China. 9C India – Pallava and Chola In second half of 9C, the Pallava was replaced by Medieval Chola dynasty, (848- 1070) which became a military, economic and cultural power in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It had a powerful blue-water navy which could mount strikes and raids far into Southeast Asia, as it did in 1025 on Kedah, Malaysia. A huge gopuram (Hindu temple tower) of the Brihadeeswara Temple complex, in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu was completed in 1010 CE.
  • 9. 9C Southeast Asia - Srivijaya Candi Prambanan is a 9C (c950) Hindu temple in Central Java, Indonesia, build during the Sanjaya Dynasty. First reference of Srivijaya’s existence (650- 1377) was reported by a Chinese monk in 671. Around early 8C both the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra were under the Srivijayan domination. The Srivijaya controlled the final section of the maritime Silk Route. Trading ships would stop here before completing their journey to China. Srivijaya declined in power after the 1025 invasion by the Chola Empire.
  • 10. Unlike previous military dynasty like Qin and Han, Tang Dynasty (618-907) is more of a trading empire on which Chinese prosperity depended on. During this period many monks travelled to India to study Buddhist scriptures but most of them left no records of their travel. 9C China – Tang Dynasty In the 7C, travelling monks was Yijing 義 淨 (635-713) travelled to India between 671 and 695, by the sea, visited at the Malaysian Peninsula and the Srivijaya kingdom for two years. He recorded that the journey from Guangzhou to Palembang (Sumatra) took only 20 days. The Guangzhou-Palembang route was so ‘routine’ that he managed to travel to Sumatra 3 times in his life. He also recorded 21 monks travelled to India by land and 30 travelled by sea. Faxian 法 顯 (337-c422) who stayed in Sri Lanka for 2 years, reported seeing a Chinese merchant (with a silk fan) in the island. In Sumatra he travelled on a “large merchant boat” carrying 200 people.
  • 11. 9C Rebellion in China In 755 An Lushan Rebellion 安史之亂 left northern China devastated. It was a turning point in the history of Tang Dynasty (618-907) . An Lushan, a military commander, was half Sogdian and half Turk. The conflict paradoxically stimulated the Chinese economy in the south and on the eastern coastal regions, as the central authority lost its grips, while regional governors took over the local economies. In the first half 9C, with a new set of reforms, the Chinese economy recovered. Guangzhou the main port for Asian maritime trade was reopened once again. The face of the Leshan Gaint Buddha 樂山大佛 , 71m (233 ft) high, begun in 713 and finished in 803. - 24.10.2006
  • 12. Map of the Belitung ship journey from the Asian Civilization Museum, Singapore. The Journey of the Belitung ship It was in under these historical environments that the Belitung ship’s voyage took place, in the second quantile of the 9C. It was probably travelled from the Chinese port of Guangzhou (Canton) to Basra in modern Iraq. The voyage would have taken about 5 months, but instead it was sank off the Belitung Island, in the Java Sea, close to the strait between Sumatra and Java. The shipwreck was discovered in 1998.
  • 13. The date of the Belitung ship comes from 3 pieces of evidences. First Chinese coins were all made before 845. Radiocarbon dating of organic material – wood, star anise, resin - gives a dates between 670 and 890. Most importantly, one ceramic bowl is inscribed with a specific day in the summer of 826, giving the earliest date for the wreck. The study of the ceramics suggested they were made in the 830s or 840s. The date of the Journey Inscription Summer of 826 All Chinese coins made before 845
  • 14. In 758 Guangzhou (Canton) was looted by Arab and Persian pirates, at the time of the An Lushan Rebellion. The government reacted by closing the port for about five decades. Foreign vessels was diverted to Hanoi, which was under Chinese control. When Guangzhou port was reopened, it resumed as the main entry point into China. In mid-9C the foreign population of Guangzhou were reported to be about 9C China - Guangzhou The oldest Chinese mosque in China, Huaishen Mosque 懷聖寺 , Guangzhou, founded in early 7C. Photo taken c1873.
  • 15. Modern day Basra., Iraq. .Shipyard in modern Guangzhou, China The sea route from China to the Middle East was well trodden by the Arab sailors by the time the Belitung ship set sail. It was some 400 years later, after the journey of the Chinese monk Faxian, who arrived back to China from India by sea in 412. The construction of the Belitung ship suggested it was from the Middle East, probably port of Basra, main port of entry into the Abbasid Empire. On the way, the Belitung could have stopped by Palembang of Srivijayan Empire and somewhere in South India (perhaps Kollam) or Sri Lanka (perhaps Galle) before sailing into the Persian Gulf for its final destination. The Route
  • 16. The Java Sea The most obvious route from China to Abbasid was to sail through the Malacca strait, but the wreck was found in the Java Sea. The excavation team speculated that the Belitung was heading toward Java, possibly to pick up valuable species like cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Cinnamon Nutmeg Clove
  • 17. The trade wind pattern of the South China Sea is such the ship would mostly likely to arrived in Guangzhou the about the summer months (July) and leaving China from the October onward. On route, the ship would be likely to stop in south India and in Sumatra or somewhere on the Malaysian Peninsula. Once the ship arrived in Guangzhou, the Chinese authorities would seized the cargo of any foreign merchant, collected 30% tax and then returned the goods after six months. The Seasons On the eastward journey from the Middle East the ship would mostly to set sail in the summer months on the South-West Monsoon.
  • 18. Large sections of the wooden keel and hull were found by the archaeologists. Every timber was fastened with stitching. No sign of iron fastening or nail were found. From the construction techniques, it was clear the ship came from the Gulf. The Ship The ship had two rectangular sails (not the triangular lateen sail). It also had two steering oars instead of a rudder. Temporal canopy can be constructed in mid-ship or at the stern of the ship as shelters.
  • 19. An 18 metres replicate of the Belitung ship was built, called the Jewel of Muscat. The dhow was constructed in Oman. The entire ship was tied together using coconut husks without peg or metal nail. The Jewel of Muscat The Jewel of Muscat was constructed using African timber, teak and rosewood, juniper and palm wood. Coconut husks were used to sew the boat together. The stitching holes were filled with putty. The stitching pattern.
  • 20. The Jewel of Muscat On completion the ship, the Jewel of Muscat sailed the 5000 kilometres from Oman to Singapore via Galle in Sri Lanka, after nearly 6 months of sailing.
  • 21. The Cargoes & their origins By and large the ship carried mostly Chinese ceramics. The bulk of it were the 60,000 pieces of ceramic bowls from the Changsha kiln, together with other more precious metal goods..
  • 22. Tea and silk No tea or silk were found, these items maybe carried by the Belitung ship, but did not survive the length of time. China is known for its silk and rich Roman were dressed in it. Drinking of tea was popular in Tang. Tea was grounded into powder and then stirred in hot water before drinking. But it was in Song, the following dynasty, when ‘tea cakes’ were made for long distance transport. A grinder wheel was found on Belitung wreck. Top left – A grinding wheel found with the wreck. Stoneware with brown glaze Changsha kiln, Hunan. Bottom left – A piece of Chinese silk with a dragon emblem. Right – A well-known Tang dynasty painting (detail), called ‘A Palace Concert’, a prized exhibit in the National Palace Museum of Taipei, showing courtiers drinking tea and making music.
  • 23. Tea and silk Among the Middle East exports were glass, ceramics, metal ware, frankincense and pearls in the above. Pearl Burning frankincense
  • 24. It is customary to use wide-mouth ceramic urns for packaging breakable goods in China. The practice is still used today. Very often straws or husks are added to cushion the goods in the urn. The ceramic items on the Belitung ship were packed this way. Because of the packaging, many ceramic items have survived unbroken around the wreck. Packaging urn
  • 25. A collection of the packaging stoneware urns made in Guangdong province. Packaging urn
  • 26. Personal belongings were found on the Belitung ship, suggesting it was manned by an international crew. On board, there was a Chinese inkstone and a ceramic grinder used to prepare tea. The ship was built in the Middle East. Among the possessions from the Middle East were two turquoise-glazed amphorae, a jar and a glass bottle. To help the ship to navigate in the Southeast Asia, there would be local navigators and pilots from the major ports of the time – Vietnam, Indonesia (mainly Sumatra and Java), Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. International crew Left. A Chinese inkstone, a palette for Chinese ink for writing. Middle. A tiny blue-glass bottle, likely from west Asia perhaps for medicine or for cosmetics. Right: A piloncito coins like one found on the ship used in Indonesia until the 13C. Ref: Shipwrecked p 43.
  • 27. Gaming on Board Among the objects salvaged were a bone die and ivory gaming pieces for gambling or for board games. The game pieces resemble similar pieces found in China for the game GO. 棋圍
  • 28. Life on Board Top Left. Grater in the form of a fish, Stoneware with brown glaze from the Changsha kiln, Hunan. China. Bottom Left. Spoon, copper alloy. Right. Lantern. Stoneware with green glaze. South China design. Some more personal items from the Belitung wreck. Asian Civilizations Museum. Singapore.
  • 29. The main cargo of the ship was Chinese ceramics. Thousands of ceramic bowls were tightly coiled inside storage jars. The 18-metre long ship was carrying some 70,000 bowls, weighed about 25 tons. The Ceramics Cargo
  • 30. Location of Chinese Kilns in Tang Dynasty
  • 32. The vast majority of the ceramics stoneware, some 55,000 bowls, on the ship were from the kiln of Changsha, Hunan, in middle China south of the Yangtze River. .Changsha wares were popular within China as well. Changsha wares Underglaze iron brown and copper-green pigments. Changsha Kilns. Hunan.
  • 33. Changsha wares have been found throughout Southeast Asia and especially in Indonesia. It is possible that at least part of the these wares were destined for sales in a Javanese port of densely populated Sailendra Kingdom of Central Changsha wares Ewers with West Asian influenced motifs – including palms, lions and warriors. Changsha Kilns. Hunan, clearly for exports..
  • 34. Green-splashed wares, probably Gongxian Kilns Henan 巩县 Chinese green-splashed wares were widely imitated in the Middle East. Several colours were produced in China, but green colour had particular appealed to the Middle East. Most green-splash wares were made in Gongxian kilns in Henan province, Northern China.
  • 35. Celadon (Yue) ware of Eastern China Some 900 Chinese green-glazed wares were made in Southern China, Zhejiang province (Yue ware) and Guangdong province near Guangzhou. Bottle with lugs and incised floral sprays. Stoneware with iron-green celadon glaze, also known as Yue ware. Bottle stopper with moulded flowers. Stoneware celadon glaze. Yue ware.
  • 36. White ware of Northern China Highly prized for their delicacy and durability. White Glazed Stoneware. Bottle with quatrefoil from Gongxian, Henan kilns and the two pieces in front were from Xing kilns, Hebei. Chinese white wares were immensely desirable, both within China and abroad. The 300 pieces found in the wreck are of high quality and were probably very expensive. These delicate and durable wares were made in Northern China.
  • 37. This is the prized object from the Belitung wreck. It is the largest known example of a solid gold cup from the Tang dynasty. Two similar gilded bronze with an iron core, octagonal cups were excavated in 1970, at Heijiacun, near Xian China, decorated with Sasanian Musician. It was estimated the Belitung gold cup had an equivalent value equal to ten year salary of a middle ranking official of the Tang Dynasty. The gold objects together with the silver objects was hidden, in a special compartment in the bottom of the boat. The metal objects is the most important find of Tang gold and silver ever made. The Octagonal Gold Cup Octagonal footed solid gold cup from the Belitung wreck, with Central Asian Dancer. Made in China probably Yangzhou, Jiangsu.
  • 38. The Gold Bowl and Plate Among the gold dinner set were a pair of oval lobed Gold Bowl with two ducks (for drinking wine) and a pair of square lobed plates. These were most likely made in Yangzhou, Jiangsu. China. Left. Oval lobed gold bowls. H 3, L 15.6, W10.2 cm. Right. Lobed dish with a Buddhist swastika. H1, L14.5. w14.5 cm..
  • 39. The Silver boxes These silver were most likely made in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, where it well-known for making metalware. The boxes were used for storing cosmetics, incense and medicines. The Belitung metal wares were the first Tang Dynasty metal wares discovered outside of China.
  • 40. The Silver Plate A silver platter decorated with a rhinoceros, which can only found in Africa, India and Indonesia. The Belitung ship coincided with the time when the most prolific production of gold and silver wares during the late Tang Dynasty. .
  • 41. The Silver Wine Bottle A magnificent silver Bottle, partly gilded, with a pair of mandarin ducks. This is the only example of a silver wine flask dating to the Tang Dynasty. Rice wine and plum wine were popular drinks in Tang China. They were served warm from bottle and drunk from oval cups. Silver wind bottle with handle, probably made in south China and partly gilded.
  • 42. Bronze Mirrors Square mirror With auspicious Animals and flowers. Lobed mirror with flying birds and floral springs. Foliated mirror with flying birds. Mirror with lion and grapevine design, with drawing below. These are designs on the back of bronze mirrors from the shipwreck. Some 29 bronze mirrors were found. The mirrors were mostly silver and highly reflective. One mirror was identified as made in Yangzhou, where it was well-known for making the best mirrors in Tang Dynasty. Bronze mirrors were very popular in China.
  • 43. The Belitung ship carried 10 tons of lead ingots. Some 2000 or more lead ingots were left on the seabed. The lead ingots were either used as ballast and as a export cargo, since Tang China was a significant producer of lead in Asia at the time. There was a large lead mine in Huameng, close to Guangzhou. Lead Ingots The lead ingots were stored inside jar. It is not certain that the lead ingots were originated in China.
  • 44. Only star-anise spice from China was found on the Belitung ship. None of the south sea spices were found. Star Anise Spice
  • 45. With 70,000 pieces of Chinese ceramics were found in a single ship. It strongly suggests that mass production techniques were used in China to made thousands of standardised ceramics. This would include the use of on assembly lines, job production or batch production methods. A single piece of ceramic would had to pass through many specialist workers during the production process. Mass production technique were used in the 10C-12C during the Song Dynasty. The discovery of the Beliturng wreck pushed the date back by at least a century earlier. Mass Production in China The centrepiece at the Asian Civilisations Museum showing a model of the Belitung ship, float on a sea of mass produced ceramics bowls.
  • 46. China as a single market Sunrise on the Grand Canal of China. Probably c1816-17. William Havell (Reading 1782 – London 1857). English. [The Grand Canal was the single most important transport link that bind northern China, eastern China and southern China together. It was completed in the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD). It is 1794 km long, connecting China’s major river systems – Hai River, Yellow River, Huai River, Yangzi River and Qiantang River. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the bank along the canal was the economic trading hub of the empire. The cargo on the Belitung wreck were sourced from northern, eastern, middle and south China. To make this possible, a distribution shipping network must have existed to deliver the mass produced goods to the final consumers. In another words, China became a single market. Mass produced goods were able to be transported freely across China, instead of isolated in local markets. This was supported by the centralised administration system created by the Tang Dynasty.
  • 47. Mass Production, Mass Profit Map and description displays at the Asian Civilization Museum on China’s mass production.
  • 48. The Financiers Who were the likely financiers of the cargoes from the Belitiung ship? They are likely to be the rich and powerful political elites. In early 9C, tens of thousands of vessels were commissioned by the court and from rich provincial governors. People involved with the maritime trades were likely to be :- Court officials Guest from West Asia Japanese guest Northeast minority guest Fresco from the tomb of the Crown Prince Li Huai. 684. Foreign merchant like Li Susha, a very rich Persian trader who was presented to the emperor Jingzong in 824. People with well connected court eunuchs, court officials and military governors.. People who were well connected to the Imperial family. Corrupted officials who conducted directly with the maritime trade, even though forbidden by the law of the time to engage in private businesses - like Wang E, the military commissioner of the prefect of Guangzhou from 795 and 801 and his successors Hu Zheng, military commissioner of Guangzhou 826 and 828.
  • 49. Some of the precursors of industrialization existed as early as the 9C from our look at the Belitung wreck. Steel was first made some 2000 years ago. Mass production techniques were practiced. A single large market existed in China. There are plenty of coal in China. The delay of the Industrial Revolution has always been a puzzle to many historians and scholars. This is particularly true during the Song dynasty (immediately after the Tang Dynasty from the following 10C onward), when scientific discoveries and major inventions were also made. Chinese Industrial Revolution? A blast furnace operates with a bellows powered by a waterwheels. An illustration printed in 1313 AD.
  • 50. Global Trade Competition Description and artefact displays at the Asian Civilization Museum. Singapore..
  • 51. The new Asian Civilization Museum Asian Civilization Museum of Singapore.. The museum was founded in 1997 specialised in the material history of China, Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Asia. The Belitung Shipwreck gallery in the museum housed one of the most important excavation of artefacts from the Tang Dynasty. It was one of the largest and unique finds. It tells us about 9C China and documented the east-west Asian maritime trading in history.
  • 52. A pair of flying ducks on the gold wine drinking bowl. All rights reserved. Rights belong to their respective owners. Available free for non-commercial and personal use. The End Music – Deborah’s Theme by Ennio Morricome

Editor's Notes

  1. In the Autumn, around 825 AD, an Arabic dhow left the port of Guangzhou (Canton) China and set sail to Gulf area for the Abbasid Empire. The ship was built in Oman and manned by an international crew, including Chinese and Arabs, for a 5 months voyage, leaden with ceramics and treasures. After 2 to 3 weeks later, the ship reached the Java Sea sailing though the treacherous waters around the island of Belitung. It was heading toward Java to pick up some South Sea spices, in exchange of some of its ceramic bowls made in China. It was near the Belitung Island that the heavily laden dhow met its fate and sank with its precious cargo. The wreck laid beneath the waves undisturbed for over 12 centuries, before discovered by a local fishermen diving for sea cucumbers. The wreck was found in shallow water less than 3 km from land and was vulnerable to looting. A team of divers and archaeologists were assembled for the excavation of the wreck. From the wreck, the ship tells a story of China during the 9C and the flourishing maritime trades between China and the countries all along its route to the Middle East.
  2. The Tang Dynasty of China (618-907) was a fairly open society at the time, more open than other subsequent dynasties yet to come. Unlike previous dynasties like the Qin and Han, which were military empires, the Tang dynasty was also a trading empire, on which its prosperity depended. It had contacts with India and the Middle East, as well as Korea and Japan in the east by land and by sea. Both the Silk Road and the Silk Route were open to traffic. In particular the Sea Route was open to more bulky and heavier cargoes, which would be impossible for long distant journeys. Hence, we saw the rise of large-scale trades in ceramics. As of today, The Belitung wreck, now on display in the Asian Civilizations Museum in Singapore, was the oldest wreck so far found on the maritime trade between China and the Middle East. It was also one of the largest if not the biggest excavated on Tang artefacts. The Belitung ship was an Arab dhow possible sailing from the Persian Gulf from modern Iraq to the southern Chinese port of Guangzhou (Canton). It was carrying some 70,000 pieces of artefacts. The majority of the cargo were low value goods, like the mass produced 50,000 pieces of Changsha ware. But that is not the whole story, it was also carried some precious gold and silver wares, hidden in the bottom of the boat. I believe the Belitung wreck was the biggest single find in gold objects of the Tang Dynasty. The most precious was the gold octagonal cup, which is the biggest gold cup of Tang Dynasty found so far today. The cargo of copper mirrors was also the biggest single find ever discovered. More surprisingly, the Belitung ship was manned by an international crew, include Chinese person or persons on board. From the cargo, we can see the mass production was already practised in China. The southern China city of Guangzhou was well integrated into the economy of China. China was becoming a single market for its manufacturing ceramic goods. This is earlier than I thought before. As in arts, Tang Dynasty was becoming the foundation stone of the Chinese economy as well. It therefore beg the well-known riddle “why China was not the first country to begin the Industrial Revolution”. So far historians have not been able to provide us a clear answer. I can only speculate that the authoritarian nature of the Chinese society and the lack of impartial justice system may have something to do with it. (21 Mar 2017, first on Facebook)
  3. At time of unrest, the Silk Road could be closed to business and military protection is important for the Silk Road trade.
  4. India to Mesopotamia Route see Wikipedia / Indian maritime history The Indian maritime trade routes with the Middle East date back as far back as the Roman time. By the time of Augustus up to 120 ships were setting sail to India every year for the Red Sea port (Wikipedia / Indian Maritime History). China and Middle East Route see Wikipedia / Silk Road / Tang dynasty reopens the route. The Chinese monk Faxian 法顯 (active 350-414) travelled to India and met a Chinese merchant in Sri Lanka. Valerie Hansen. The Silk Road p261.
  5. “In Sri Lanka Faxia 法顯 visited an image of the Buddha made from jade and other precious substances that stood over 22 feet tall. While he was in the temple, a merchant, probably Chinese presented a white silk fan as a donation.” p261. “ In Sumatra he found passage was a “large merchant boat” carrying two hundred people, which was tied to a smaller boat intended for use as a life boat” p264 Valerie Hanson, The Silk Road, A New History with Documents. See also Wikipedia / Faxian.
  6. Under the Abbasid caliphate (750–1258), which succeeded the UmayyadsEssay The Art of the Umayyad Period (661–750) (661–750) in 750, the focal point of Islamic political and cultural life shifted eastward from Syria to Iraq, where, in 762, Baghdad, the circular City of Peace (madinat al-salam), was founded as the new capital. The Abbasids later also established another city north of Baghdad, called SamarraEssay Ernst Emil Herzfeld (1879–1948) in Samarra ’ (an abbreviation of the sentence “He who sees it rejoices”), which replaced the capital for a brief period (836–83). The first three centuries of Abbasid rule were a golden age in which Baghdad and Samarra’ functioned as the cultural and commercial capitals of the Islamic world. During this period, a distinctive style emerged and new techniques were developed that spread throughout the Muslim realm and greatly influenced Islamic art and architecture .Since the style set by the capital was used throughout the Muslim world, Baghdad and Samarra’ became associated with the new artistic and architectural trend. As virtually nothing remains from Abbasid Baghdad today, the site of Samarra’ is particularly significant for understanding the art and architecture of the Abbasid period. In Samarra’, a new way of carving surfaces, the so-called beveled style, as well as a repetition of abstract geometric or pseudo-vegetal forms , later to be known in the West as “arabesque,” were widely used as wall decoration and became popular in other media such as wood, metalwork, and pottery. In pottery, Samarra’ also witnessed an extensive use of color in decoration and, possibly, the introduction of the technique of luster painting over a white glaze. Admired for its glittering effect reminiscent of precious metal, luster painting, the most notable technical achievement at the time, spread in the following centuries from Iraq to Egypt, Syria, Iran, and Spain and eventually also contributed to the development of ceramic decoration in the Western world. In terms of architecture, along with the palace of Jawsaq al-Khaqani (ca. 836 onward), the mosques of al-Mutawakkil (848–52) and Abu Dulaf (859–61) in Samarra’ were important in setting the style that was emulated in regions as far as Egypt or Central Asia, where it was adapted to need and taste.In the tenth century, Abbasid political unity weakened and independent or semi-autonomous local dynasties were established in Egypt, Iran, and other parts of the realm. Following the capture of Baghdad by the Buyids (932–1062) and Seljuqs (1040–1194) in 945 and 1055, Abbasid caliphs retained little more than moral and spiritual influence as the heads of Orthodox Sunni Islam. The Abbasid realm witnessed a brief revival under caliphs al-Nasir (r. 1180–1225) and al-Mustansir (r. 1226–42), when Baghdad once again became the greatest center for the arts of the book in the Islamic world and the Mustansiriyya Madrasa (1228–33), the first college for the four canonical schools of Sunni law, was built. However, this burst of artistic vitality came to a temporary halt with the sack of Baghdad by the Ilkhanid branch of the MongolsEssay The Art of the Ilkhanid Period (1256–1353) in 1258. Though surviving Abbasids fled to Mamluk Egypt , these caliphs would only have nominal influence. The end of the Abbasid caliphate thus marked the end of the universal Arab-Muslim empire. Req The Met The Art of the Abbasid Period (750-1258)
  7. Earlier Pallavas Dynasty (250-340), traded with Rome till 300 AD, exporting luxury goods such as spices, fine silks, precious gems and exotic animals such as monkeys and peacocks. Middle Pallavas (340-537). Later Pallava dynasty at Kanchipuram (612-897), Wikipedia / Pallava dynasty. The Pallavas maritime trade extended as far as Cambodia, Annam (modern Vietnam), Java, Sumatra, Malaysia and China. DK India 2002, p45. - Kanchi Kailasanathar Temple, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, (built 685-705) Shiva Shore Temple, Mamallapuram (Mahabalipuram), Tamil Nadu (built 700-728) Wikipedia / Shore Temple Imperial Chola (848-1070). Chola invasion 1025 - Decline of Srivijay led to priacy and raid disrupted the trade and security in the region. Attracted to the wealth of Srivijaya Rajendra Chola, the Cola king launched naval raids on ports of Srivijaya and conquered Kadaram (modern Kedah) in 1025. The Chola are known to have benefited from both piracy and foreign trade. At times, the Chola seafaring led to outright plunder and conquest as far as Southeast Asia.
  8. Wikipedia / Srivijaya / 5.5.17 671 The earliest reference of it existence by Chinese monk, Yijing. 682 Earliest inscription found near Palembang, Sumatra. 7-early 11C Srivijaya rose to become a hegemon in SE Asia. 8-12C became an important centre for expansion of Buddhism.
  9. Ref : The Travel Records of Chinese Pilgrims Faxian, Xuanzang and Yijing by Tansen Sen.
  10. During the An Lushan Rebellion 安史之亂 (755) Arab and Persian pirates burned and looted Guangzhou in 758, and foreigners were massacred at Yangzhou in 760. The Tang government reacted by shutting the port of Canton down for roughly five decades, and foreign vessels docked at Hanoi instead. However, when the port reopened it continued to thrive. In another bloody episode at Guangzhou in 879, the Chinese rebel Huang Chao sacked the city, and purportedly slaughtered thousands of native Chinese, along with foreign Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Muslims in the process. Huang's rebellion was eventually suppressed in 884. Ref : Maritime Silk Route. FactsandFigure credited this to (Wikipedia – Tang Dynasty / An Lushan Rebellion 20.4.17)
  11. Silk Road – Valerie Hansen p 165   The sea routes continued to grow in importance. Many of those sailing to Chinese ports in the ninth century were Arabs who came from the ports of Iraq particularly Basra; the trip took around five months. One early description of China written in Arabic dates to 851; the anonymous author gathered testimony from people who had personally visited China. He reports the Chinese authorities at the port of Guangzhou, the main port of entry for those coming from Iraq, sized the cargo of any foreign merchant, collected a 30% tax, and then returned the goods after six months. The Chinese merchants bought ivory, frankincense, cast copper, and tortoise shells, and they paid in bronze coins; in exchange they offered “gold, silver, pearls, silk, and rich stuffs in great abundance” as well as “an excellent kind of cohesive green clay with which they make cups as fine as phials in which the light of water is seen.” That is porcelain. Since the authorities, all merchants had to report their exact itineraries before they could enter China. The author is remarkably positive about China. He portrays the Chinese legal system as fair, even to foreigners, and he describes the bankruptcy law of the Chinese in great detail. In 916 a geographer name Abu Zayd copied this account in full and then wrote a sequel to it. Overall, he finds the earlier account accurate, and he mentions a “man of undoubted credit” who helped him make corrections. This informant, he writes, “ told us also that since those days [the years before 851] the affairs of China had put on quite another face; and since much is related, to show the reason why the voyages to China are interrupted, and how the country has been ruined, many customs abolished, and the empire divided.” He elaborates: an 877 uprising in Guangzhou led by a former examination candidate named Huang Chao, led to the deaths “in addition to the Chinese [of one hundred and twenty thousand people, Muslims, Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians who had sought refuge in the city. Many doubt the accuracy of the figure; another Arabic source reports that 200.000 perished in Guangzhou, while Chinese sources give no specific at all. Whatever the exact death toll, the Huang Chao rebels dealt a severe blow to the Guangzhou and the sea trade.   After looting Guangzhou, the rebels arrived in Chang’an early in 881, burned down the Western Market, seized the palace, and sacked the City …. (Google books end here}. Destination – Shipwreck p 118.
  12. The date of the journey is probably around 828 AD or say 1200 years ago. Ref – Tang Shipwreck booklet published by Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore 2017. no. 2
  13. The Silk Road Encyclopedia. By Su-il Jeong. – “.. (Guangzhou) a major international trading port under the Tang Dynasty, with roughly ten ships arriving each day. [ie over 3500 ships each year)”. “in the New Book of Tang by Jia Tan (730-805) provides a ddetailed description of the ocean route from Guangzhou to the est coast of the Persian Gulf, as well as the more distant east coast of Africa. The route led from Guangzhou to Sumatra, Ceylon, Obollah (Persian Gulf), Daru’dSalam (In East Africa) and back again. The voyage took a total of 133 days by sea, with fully 33 stops in different countries and regions along the way…” “By the ninth and tenth centuries, shipbuilding techniques had advanced significantly with the construction of wave-resistant “dragon bone ships”, while the adoption of compassess allowed for much safer and swifter sailing.” Wikipedia / Islam in China / Tang dynasty / 5.5.17 – “Saad ibn abi Waqqas and the three other Sahabas who were preaching from 616*18 were noticed by Emperor Wu-De by 618 AD. Guangzhou is home to four mosques, including the famous Huaisheng Mosque believed to have been built by Saad ibn Abi Waqqas, the second cousin of Muhammad.” “Islam was brought to China during the Tang Dynasty by Arab traders, who were primarily concerned with trading and commerce. It was because of this low profile that the 845 anti-Buddhist Persecution said absolutely nothing about Islam.” Wikipedia / Guangzhou Massacre / 6.5.17 – “Arab and Persian pirates raided and looted warehouses in Guangzhou in AD 758, according to a local Guangzhou government report on 30 Oct 758. Facts and Details / Maritime Silk Road / Seaports and Maritime Trade During tht Tang Dynasty / 6.5.17 – “During the An Lushan Rebellion Arab and Persian pirated burned Guangzhou in 758 and foreigners were massacred at Yangzhou in 760. The Tang government reacted by shutting the port of Guangzhou down for five decades, and foreign vessels docked at Hanoi instead.”
  14. By at least the first century of the Common Era sailors had learned both how to harness the monsoon winds and how to navigate the straits of Malacca so that they could sail all the way from China to India, but they had to stop for several months in Srivijaya (modern-day Palembang, on the islands of Sumatra in Indonesia) to wait for the winds to shift. Valerie Hansen, The Silk Road, p261. One early description of China written in Arabic dates to 851; the anomymous author gathered testimony from people who had personally visited China. He reports that the Chinese authorities at the port of Guangzhou, the main port of entry for those coming from Iraq, seized the cargo of any foreign merchant, collected a 30% tax and then retuned the goods after six month. (ref Valerie Hansen p266)
  15. Shipwreck p101 and Tang Shipwreck.
  16. The Jewel of Muscat – Reconstructing a 9C sewn-plank Boat. Shipwreck p121.
  17. Ref – Shipwreck p90.
  18. Willgent. I am working on a Powerpoint on the Belitung Wreck. It is about three quarter finished. It will come out soon. When I was in Singapore, I have really track it down, because hardly anyone knows it exist, not even the taxi driver. Finally I found my museum on my last full day of my visit. I took all the photos and discovered that my camera did not recorded it. I have to go back to the museum and did it again. But finally I was successful. I am so happy I did. The wreck is not talk about very much about in China, because it was an Arab ship. It is one of the most significant find of Tang Dynasty relics. When I was at school, Chinese history was not very badly taught. I hated it, because I have to remember the dates, places and people name. History is about the powerful people and not about the daily life of the Chinese. History is distort. Bad things in history was omitted, like the Guangzhou massacre of foreign nationals in 878-879, in which 120000 - 200000 were killed. We only find this out from eye witness account in Arabic. (search for Guangzhou Massacre on Wikipedia). History is a record of what actually happens and not about national pride. Most if not all Chinese are ignorance about it. Even my brother was very surprise about this. Wikipedia tells the truth that is why it is being ban in China. I shall send you a copy of the Powerpoint when I have finish.