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March 25, 2015 // 6:00 AM
G eat Ma keting Blog Yo
P obably Don't Follo (B t
Sho l )
Written by Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré | @NikkiElizDemere
Whe e Ma kete Go to G o
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MARKETING / 3 days ago
8 Great Marketing Blogs You
Probably Don't Follow (But
MARKETING / 16 hrs ago
A Visual History of Apple Ads:
4 Decades in the Making
In the past couple of years, a few excellent, and informative sources of
marketing wisdom have risen to prominence. With thoughtful content,
original ideas, clear how-tos, and consistent schedules, these blogs have
become household names (at least in your marketing department).
While these blogs deserve the recognition and readership they've cultivated,
many people assume that those are the only places you should go for
original, quality marketing ideas. Those people are missing out. There are
plenty of up-and-coming blogs worthy of following -- you just have to know
where to look.
If you’re on the hunt for new voices and perspectives to read in the
marketing space, below are eight up-and-coming blogs that the
community thinks should get more attention. Check out the blogs below, and
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be sure to hop back to the thread for even more suggestions
(and don't forget to upvote your favorite ones!).
1) StoryNeedle
Thanks to's @MaelRoth for recommending StoryNeedle -- in a
sea of really great content marketing blogs, this one manages to stand out
with its strong emphasis on content strategy and good old-fashioned
storytelling. Is rich narrative possible in structured content? Is SEO
irrelevant? What does JavaScript have to do with your content structure?
Michael Andrews takes on all this and more.
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Violeta Nedkova’s blog is as impossible to “put in a box” as the author
herself. One day she’ll be talking about the creative process, and the next
she’ll be listing useful marketing tools. What you can count on, however, is
that whatever she writes will be so interesting that you’ll forget that you were
supposed to plan your social media calendar during that half-hour. This
blog’s standout feature is how it combines marketing savvy with creativity in
multiple media.
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3) Jim Gray
The reason to read this minimalist blog can be boiled down into one quote:
“You can’t growth hack your way out of a churn problem. All the tricks in the
book to load your funnel won’t save you if customers are actively fleeing your
product as fast as you can shovel them into the funnel.” Gray’s witty take-no-
prisoners approach to discussing growth hacking and inbound marketing is
as funny as it is informative.
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4) InterGeek
InterGeek has your bread-and-butter SEO and blogging tips, ideal for the
harried business owner (or their even more harried assistant) to pick up
immediately useful and up-to-date information. But Luke also introduces
higher-level hacks like Comment Collection (if you don’t know what this is
and how it can bring engaged readers to your blog, read on.)
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Email marketing is this blog’s specialty, with topics like “How IKEA Sends
Super-Targeted Promotional Emails” and “How to Bridge the Gap Between
Education to Activation.” Email marketing is closely connected with blogging
and social media, but while there are a number of bloggers covering the last
two, really good material on email marketing can be few and far between.
Or, at least, it used to be. (Thanks for sharing VERO with us on, @Damienbrz!)
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6) RooJoom
RooJoom’s approach to content marketing is refreshingly story-centric, even
though it’s still all about optimizing lead generation and sales funnels. Their
blog talks about scalable B2B content marketing strategies and using PR,
social media, and retargeting to boost content ROI, but what I love about
RooJoom is that, at the end of the day, it all comes down to telling great
stories. That’s what we all want to read, right? Give us something useful,
helpful, and above all, interesting. RooJoom covers all of those bases.
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7) The Oktopost Blog
If you’ve been looking for a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know
about social media marketing, Oktopost has it covered. For those mystified
by social media, this blog is the ideal tutor; and for those who know their way
around the social sphere, they can still pick up some new perspectives and
a few pointers. They’re well worth following on Twitter, too, @Oktopost.
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You have to love a blog that’s not afraid to ask the really important
questions, like “Why Are B2B Brands So Obsessed with Native
Advertising?” On this blog you’ll find more “Whys” than on a road trip with a
six-year-old, but you’ll also get some pretty good answers. As's @ElizavetaNV says, it’s a “nice mix of sales/data/marketing
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Do you have a blog to recommend? Add it to the thread!
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A Visual History of Apple Ads: 4 Decades in
the Making
Written by Mindy Parkhurst
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Apple started advertising in 1976, and for nearly 39 years since, we have
watched the evolution of Apple ad campaigns. From print ads to TV
commercials, Apple ads have made us laugh, made us cry, and made us
wonder, “What were they thinking?”
As an Apple enthusiast and former employee, it was fun to research and
write this post. I have been using Apple products for nearly 25 years, and I
vividly remember a good portion of these ads. Let’s take a journey back in
time and experience the evolution of Apple and its ad campaigns.
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A Simple Guide to Designing a Logo
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
I think most of us can agree there are generic logos in the world that we
easily forget, and then there are great logos that we'll always be able to
recognize (even without the brand's name attached). But what is it about a
logo that makes you recognize it? What is it about the design that can elicit
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a memory or even a specific emotion?
If you're in the process of creating a logo for your company, you're in a
unique position to make a powerful impact on how consumers perceive your
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10 LinkedIn Groups Every Entrepreneur
Should Follow
Written by Justin Pavoni
There are at least three problems with this list. First, “entrepreneurship” is an
extremely broad subject. Second, opinions are ubiquitous. Third, LinkedIn
groups aren’t exactly scarce. Trying to highlight the best ones is somewhat
of a fool’s errand, but you may be pleasantly surprised by what you find! With
that in mind, here are ten recommendations to get you started...
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15 Examples of Great Mobile Website Design
Written by Rachel Sprung
Now more than ever, businesses are focusing on creating delightful
mobile website experiences. After all, 80% of Internet users are using
smartphones to search online.
What's more, marketers are gearing up for a big change Google plans to
make to their algorithm starting on April 21, 2015. Google wrote in their
official blog that they will be "expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a
ranking signal," and their update should have a significant effect on
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How a Good Content Strategy Can Repair
Your "SEO Problem"
Written by Ronell Smith
“We’re in dire need of some SEO help,” said the owner of a small,
successful business located in central Texas. “I can’t put my finger on what’s
wrong, but something’s clearly amiss. No one’s reading or sharing the
content on our blog, and the information we share on social media just sits
It’s impossible to work in marketing without hearing grievances like this
one over and over.
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6 Reasons Why Marketers Should Bet on
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Written by Alisa Meredith
It started with a few tweets here and there asking me to start a podcast (“I
don’t have time to read all your blog posts!”), a couple of guest appearances
on hangouts and other marketing podcasts, and next thing I know, for
Inbound Marketing Week this year, I launched The Superheroes of
Marketing podcast.
There is more to it than that, obviously. And the challenges were well,
challenging… I’m not good with hardware. Wires and plugs all look the same
to me. As an introvert, the performance part of the project is exhausting. Like
everyone else, I’m busy. Really busy. Podcasting is extremely time
consuming (more so than I expected).
But, here I am, planning, scheduling, recording and editing a weekly podcast
with my co-host, Kelly Kranz. Am I crazy? Maybe. But here's why it works.
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How to Use LinkedIn: The Ultimate List of
LinkedIn Tips
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Written by Pamela Vaughan
With more than 347 million users, LinkedIn is the most popular social
network for professionals as well as one of the top social networks overall.
But do you know how to use LinkedIn to its fullest potential?
With new social networks sprouting up constantly, LinkedIn is a platform that
often gets underutilized or put on the back burner. But the truth is, LinkedIn
can be extremely powerful -- especially when you're aware of all the
platform's hidden features that don't get nearly enough exposure as they
deserve. So to help you master LinkedIn, we've compiled the ultimate list of
LinkedIn tips you may be overlooking ... but definitely shouldn't.
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What the Top 4 Social Networks Can Do For
Your Social Commerce Revenue
Written by Tracey Wallace
The social commerce marketplace has grown more than 4-fold since 2012.
Then, social commerce represented some $3 billion in retail sales. In 2015,
social commerce accounts for some $14 billion. That’s one heck of a growth
Indeed, nearly all social platforms provide a commerce offering for retailers
and shoppers alike. In doing so, social commerce is expected to pull in
more than 5% of total retail sales for 2015. If your ecommerce brand isn’t
utilizing social outlets as an extension of your sales funnel, then you’re likely
missing out on new customers and failing to engage those who have already
purchased. This affects your customer lifetime value and churn, and you’ll
see the monetary impact of that on your bottom line month over month.
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Space, Place & Design: How One Agency
Transformed the Modern Event Experience
Written by Jami Oetting
This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like
this, subscribe to Agency Post.
Are our digital lives blocking our ability to experience physical things? Can
technology make us less or more human?
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How to Stay Hungry, Humble & Focused on
Growth When Your Business Is Doing Well
Written by Katie Burke
Being humble keeps you hungry.
– Christine Tsai, Founding Partner, 500 Startups (Click
to Tweet)
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Venture capitalists aren’t often known for their humility, but Christine
Tsai represents a notable exception to the rule. A founding partner at 500
Startups and former Googler and YouTube leader, Christine is the
embodiment of someone who brought growth to life as both an investor and
an operator.
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7 Tools for Finding & Connecting With
Influential Bloggers
Written by Ann Smarty
The blogosphere has been a major online marketing medium for years now.
Bloggers are trusted voices who can bring in customers and help you build
your community. They're capable of exposing others to your message and
getting the buzz started -- but only if you approach the task diligently.
Reaching out to potential bloggers is a more intricate process nowadays
than it was even five years ago.
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The Anatomy of a Successful Facebook Post
Written by Shari Monnes
When it comes to using Facebook for business, many people wonder what
the secret for success is. What kinds of posts get the best results, and how
can you increase engagement? Are there things you should be doing that
you’re not?
While there is no one single right way of creating a perfect post, there are
some best practices you can follow to help make your posts more
successful. We’ve dissected the key elements of successful Facebook
posts so you can properly optimize yours.
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An Introductory SQL Tutorial: How to Write
Simple Queries
Written by Rachel Sprung
Ever heard of the computer language called SQL? You may have heard
about it in the context of data analysis, but never really thought it would apply
to you as a marketer. Or, you may have thought to yourself, "That's for the
really advanced data users. I could never do that."
Well, you couldn't be more wrong! The most successful marketers are data-
driven, and one of the most important parts of being data-driven is being
able to collect data from databases quickly.
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Why We Acquired Rekindle
Written by Brian Halligan
As you may have seen, HubSpot has acquired Rekindle, a Boston based
technology startup with unique IP and innovations that we believe will help
HubSpot and our customers advance. But how? Below I’ve taken the time to
share some of my thoughts on why we made this specific acquisition and
how we view acquisitions like these as part of our commitment to rapid
growth and transforming the marketing and sales landscape.
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3 Big Retailers That Also Rock Ecommerce
Written by Morgan Jacobson
Ecommerce and mobile commerce are obviously here to stay, much to the
chagrin of major brick-and-mortar retailers. We’ve seen some of the biggest
names in shopping go under, with Borders Books perhaps the most
obvious. Then there’s the story of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video, which
failed after the introduction of Netflix. Those that don’t conform to buyers’
need for convenience and privacy simply can’t survive.
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How to Produce an Internet Radio Show
Written by Michael Reynolds
There are lots of ways to generate and publish content for your inbound
marketing efforts. From the tried and true written word that powers your
corporate blog to infographics, webinars, video and ebooks, the number of
channels available to you seem almost endless.
It can be frustrating at times to try to cut through the noise with this much
content being published. While publishing relevant information can help you
create a loyal community of constituents, do you ever wonder if you could
reach more people by adapting your content to a different style?
If you're struggling to figure out "what's next," you might want to explore the
idea of hosting your own live internet radio show.
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Starting a New Job? 8 Tips for Having a
Great First Day
Written by Lauren Pedigo
Congrats! After all the time you spent perfecting your resume, networking
with people, and researching the company, you landed an interview -- and
nailed it. The next day, you were offered the job (and gleefully accepted it).
The hard part is over, right?
Truthfully, the hard part is just beginning.
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The Inbound Marketing Kit You've Been
Waiting For [Free Download]
Written by Erik Devaney
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As an ancient Greek philosopher once said, "So many inbound marketing
resources on the web; so little time to read them."
A wise and prophetic (and entirely fabricated) insight, indeed.
For modern marketers living in the age of information overload, prioritizing
the resources you want to learn from can be overwhelming.
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12 Tools & Resources to Help You Create
Better Buyer Personas
Written by Siobhán McGinty
At first, creating buyer personas seems simple. They're just semi-fictional
representations of your ideal customers, after all.
But when you actually get into the nitty-gritty of creating them, it's easy to get
tripped up. One of the biggest challenges you are likely to encounter
revolves around actually gathering the information you need to construct your
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10 Simple Web Copywriting Tips for
Increasing Conversions
Written by Eric Murphy
Web copy is often the difference between visitors and leads, and leads and
customers. It plays an integral role for consumers at every stage of the
buying cycle, from awareness to decision making and advocacy.
Most marketers can identify poor web copy when they see it. Why? Because
poor web copy doesn’t read smoothly, stir emotions, influence behaviors, or
make explicit calls to action—it feels purposeless—and that’s just bad
marketing. And yet, web copywriting is a strategy that sometimes falls by the
wayside, overlooked for other site priorities like gated content, video,
design, and functionality.
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The Essential Reading List for Growth
Hackers: 15 Experts to Follow
Written by Laxman Papineni
I've always been in awe of growth hacking. Although I see a lot of different
definitions surrounding this buzzword, I like growth hacker Aaron Ginn’s
summation the best:
One reason I like this definition is because it hints at the how
much entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals can learn from the depth
of understanding growth hackers have about how companies grow -- and
their ability to draw connections between how a company is performing, and
the actions needed to lead to healthy, rapid growth that improve
performance and set a company up for success.
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A growth hacker is someone whose passion and focus is
pushing a metric through use of a testable and scalable
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Think Grammar Doesn't Matter? It Could Be
Holding You Back From a Promotion
Written by Allison VanNest
Many people think that once they leave school, they don't need to worry
about grammar. In the real world, most people will just figure out what you
mean ... right?
Not quite. Turns out, quality writing can help you get ahead in your career --
and poor writing can hold you back. So if you want to get ahead in the
workplace, change careers, or find a job, then it’s time to dust off that
dictionary, thumb through your thesaurus, and get a grip on grammar.
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A Wikipedia Expert's Thoughts on the NYPD
Editing Controversy
Written by William Beutler
Editor's Note: Recently, Capital NewYork reported that NYPD computers
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had been used to make edits to Wikipedia entries on police-related
topics. We asked Wikipedia expert and President of Beutler Ink William
Beutler to comment on this news story.
New Yorkers and the social web alike were stunned to learn that NYPD
computers had been used to make surreptitious Wikipedia edits on entries
related to police department controversies, including pages covering the
"stop-and-frisk" policy and the deaths of Eric Garner and Amadou Diallo.
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8 Phrases You'll Hear When You Have a Big
Problem in Your Creative Department
Written by Jami Oetting
This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like
this, subscribe to Agency Post.
People don't always come out and say what they really mean. Often,
managers have to decipher how a department is really doing by studying the
numbers, observing behavior, and paying close attention to the words their
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employees use.
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The #1 Productivity Investment Sales
Teams Are Making This Year [Research]
Written by Emma Snider
This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To
read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.
There are several levers sales leaders can pull to boost their teams'
productivity. The tricky part is knowing which to prioritize. Should they double
down on rep training? Implement new technology? Or would the organization
benefit most from a compensation plan shake-up?
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How to Respond to People on Twitter: A
Simple Guide for Businesses [Infographic]
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
Thanks to Twitter, businesses are closer to consumers than ever before.
Tweets haven't replaced phone calls and handwritten letters, but they've
become a popular way for consumers to vocalize their questions, praise, or
complaints -- all in plain view of anyone who can find the conversation online.
But customers don't just expect you to read their tweets about you -- they
also expect you to reply.
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5 Landing Page A/B Tests (And Their
Surprising Results)
Written by Ryan Lynch
Intuition is a powerful and often unexplainable phenomenon of human nature.
Using hunches based off of past experience and knowledge, we often
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believe we can predict another person’s actions or intentions. This cognitive
miracle empowers humans to trust their gut feelings and make decisions
with little to no objective support. It’s a beautiful thing, but one that often has
negative repercussions on your marketing.
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A Simple Formula for Writing Kick-Ass Blog
Written by Corey Eridon
Look, I said ass.
And in a minute, you'll know why. It's one thing to write great content, but it's
another thing to get it read and ranked -- which is where nailing the
title comes in. Titles are what sell the content. They represent it in search
engines, in email, and on social media. It's no surprise, then, that one of the
most common questions we get is around crafting titles.
So let's just dive right in, shall we? This post will outline a simple formula
for writing kick-ass titles and headlines.
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Improve Conversion Rates by Changing Your
Shipping Options [Infographic]
Written by Susannah Morris
For ecommerce companies, shipping options have a big impact on
conversion rates. In fact, 93% of online shoppers say that free shipping
would encourage them to make more purchases online. And beyond
conversion rates, shipping options can also be a lever to increase average
purchase value and increase the lifetime value of your customers.
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The 10 Essential Videos All Schools Should
Have on Their Website
Written by David Ross
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A picture's worth a thousand words, but a video is worth even more in your
marketing efforts for your educational institution. Videos can help your
campus come to life for prospective students, as they see the people,
programs, and places that make your school great. Especially if you have a
lot of prospective students not from the immediate vincinity of your campus,
video can be a good way to reach those who don't have the opportunity to
visit. Here are ten types of videos you should include in your marketing
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9 Smart Ways to Measure Your Sales
Enablement Efforts
Written by Debbie Farese
Any marketer can tell you that marketing has become a data-driven
discipline. Most of us can tell you what metrics we track for our efforts at the
top and middle of the funnel. Traffic? Check. Leads? Check. Opportunities?
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But as our efforts fall further down the funnel, measurement gets much
harder. When it comes sales enablement, there’s no one number that can
measure the results of your efforts or tell you what projects to prioritize.
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How to Add a CTA Button to Your Facebook
Page [Quick Tip]
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
Facebook added a very handy feature in December 2014: the option to
place a simple call-to-action button at the top of your Facebook Page. While
only available to select businesses at first, Facebook has recently started to
roll it out to the U.S. and the rest of the world.
The CTA's functionality is pretty simple: You choose from seven pre-made
button options ("Sign Up," "Shop Now," "Contact Us," "Book Now," "Use
App," Watch Video," and "Play Game") and link it to any website you want.
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3 Neuroscience Findings That'll Make You a
Better Marketer
Written by
Marketers are constantly trying to grab the attention of their audience in new
and innovative ways. This feat is made more and more challenging by the
influx of data and data-related searches on the internet.
Let's play a little game of "Did You Know?" with the help of research from
the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
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8 Mistakes Brands Make With Instagram
Written by Craig Kilgore
Since coming into existence in 2010, Instagram has given brands the
opportunity to engage with their audience and tell their story through the
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power of visuals. The Facebook-owned app was one of the fastest growing
major social networks in 2014, and is now home to more than 300 million
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14 Ways to Increase Your Clickthrough Rate
on Twitter
Written by Neil Patel
Tweeting is easy. You can type up anything in three seconds and press
"tweet." But sending a clickable tweet -- that, my friend, is a science.
Thankfully, making your tweets clickable doesn't "just happen" based on the
whim of the Twitter gods. It happens when you intentionally apply a certain
set of principles.
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Google and Consumers Agree: You Need a
Mobile-Friendly Ecommerce Site
Written by Tracey Wallace
Brands with both a physical and digital presence make almost 30% more in
revenue. Consumers report a higher level of satisfaction with brands that
have both a brick-and-mortar and online store, according to a recent study.
Legacy brands who once hailed shopping malls as their “mecca” are now
having to close shop, and once-startup, online-only brands, including Warby
Parker and Birchbox, are moving in and opening their doors.
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What Does a Great Buyer Persona Look Like?
Dissecting 3 Real-Life Examples
Written by Lisa Toner
Any project you undertake gets easier when you have real examples to
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guide you -- but it's not always easy to find them. Take buyer personas, for
instance. Most companies keep theirs under lock and key, making it really
difficult for other marketers to find inspiration and guidance to make their
So we decided to help.
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A Vivid Vision for HubSpot's Content
Written by Joe Chernov
The program began as it always did -- with a spritely, “Welcome to
INBOUND Radio on SiriusXM channel 125.” Host Mike Volpe went on to
introduce the day’s guests. First up was a prominent Stanford medical
researcher, who’d made a breakthrough in Parkinson’s treatment thanks to
the millions of iPhone and Apple Watch users who volunteered to have their
health monitored through their mobile devices. “Giving away your health data
is about as inbound as it gets,” observed Volpe when he wrapped up the
interview from HubSpot’s brand new Cambridge recording studio.
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4 Truths Healthcare Providers Need to
Know About Content Marketing
Written by Carrie Dagenhard
Healthcare marketing isn’t easy. (But you already knew that, didn’t you?)
New Affordable Care Act stipulations, HIPAA laws, and increasing
government involvement have regulatory committees tightening their grip on
all forms of outbound communication.
This means that while marketing departments and compliance professionals
have always butted heads, the new state of healthcare has created an
unyielding stalemate between the two departments. But there is a cure.
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7 Negotiation Techniques That'll Boost Your
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Power at the Bargaining Table
Written by Jami Oetting
This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like
this, subscribe to Agency Post.
You didn’t get into this business to spend your days arguing. Conflict
resolution was certainly not in your job description when you started out as a
designer, account manager, or copywriter. Instead, you daydream about
quiet days agonizing over creative -- not being on stage in a courtroom.
But the reality is that you have to lead the charge for your agency, and that
sometimes requires you to deal with hard-bargaining clients who want more
work at less money.
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How to Easily Create Custom Pin It URLs for
Written by
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Nowadays, many marketers -- especially those in the ecommerce space --
are using Pinterest to achieve their business goals. After all, Pinterest
boasts the highest average checkout value of all social media referral
One way they're using Pinterest is by adding Pin It buttons to their websites
to leverage the platform’s shopping power. After all, adding these Pin It
buttons gives fans another outlet for sharing your stuff with their networks --
which helps drive more traffic to your website while organically increasing
your Pinterest following.
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How Inbound Marketing Can Boost
Enrollment for Daycares
Written by Johnny Hughes
If you’re a child care owner, director, or start-up who’s tired of struggling to
find new ways to fill the enrollment for your daycare, then inbound marketing
might be the golden ticket you’ve been looking for.
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In this article, you will learn what stages a parent goes through when
selecting a new child care facility and discover fresh marketing techniques
proven to help you boost enrollment immediately with inbound marketing.
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10 Companies That Totally Nail Copywriting
Written by Corey Eridon
You all know The Old Spice Guy, right? The years-old "The Man Your Man
Could Smell Like" campaign was memorable for many reasons, but one of
them was that it gave Old Spice a voice. A voice that came through in every
video, commercial, tagline, Facebook update, tweet -- you name it.
And do you know who is behind all of that marketing collateral?
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Industry Benchmarks for Social Media
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Engagement: How Much Should Your Posts
Written by Maggie Hibma
One of the best feelings as a marketer is when you spend time crafting the
perfect message for your social accounts and then your audience actually
engages with that post. Interactions like shares, comments, retweets, and
favorites tell you that your messages are resonating with your fans and
But how you know when the number of interactions you’re getting is good?
And what does “good” mean, anyway?
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11 Expert Tips for Growing Your Company's
Written by Siobhán McGinty
Most marketers dream about the day their blog has "made it."
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How we define "making it" differs. Maybe it's when we reach a certain traffic
or lead goal. Maybe it's the day one of our posts finally gets shared by an
influencer. Or maybe, it's when your blog makes a "blogs to watch" roundup.
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How to Grow Your Email List by Running a
Written by Jessica Webb
Marketers often think of running contests for things like branding, customer
delight, and fan engagement -- but that's not all they're good for. Created a
certain way, contests can also help you fill your funnel, making your
audience and your boss happy at the same time.
We've seen this happen first-hand at HubSpot. Last December, my team
had the idea to run a contest, but wanted to see if there was a way to tie it
more closely to business objectives.
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Creating Internal Buy-In for Inbound
Marketing in Higher Education
Written by
You’ve read all the books, you’ve listened to all the top influencer podcasts,
and you’ve analyzed case study upon case study. You’re sold and ready to
start implementing an inbound strategy for your higher education institution.
Now comes the tough part, selling your colleagues on the value.
When Val Fox, a director in Bentley University's marketing and
communication department, wanted to implement Hubspot for their
PreparedU program, one of the first things she had to do was “sell people
internally” on the idea.
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7 Ways to Create a Long-Lasting
Relationship Between Content and Design
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Written by Danielle Irigoyen
When it comes to building a strong brand, no matter what your industry,
every company's key to success starts with stellar content and equally stellar
design. Whether you’re creating a website, infographic, print ad, email
campaign, blog post, social media account, etc., there’s always a need for
some degree of both parts.
Read More
14 Tools & Resources for Conducting Market
Written by Jami Oetting
This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like
this, subscribe to Agency Post.
We are creatures of habit, especially when it comes to buying behavior. We
know the location of our favorite products in the store, and we trust that they'll
work year after year. In fact, research shows Americans buy the same 150
items, which accounts for 85% of household needs.
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Read More ›

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8 Great Marketing Blogs You Probably Don't Follow (But Should)

  • 1. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API March 25, 2015 // 6:00 AM G eat Ma keting Blog Yo P obably Don't Follo (B t Sho l ) Written by Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré | @NikkiElizDemere Whe e Ma kete Go to G o SHARE Marketing SUBSCRIBE SOFTWARE ABOUT CASE STUDIES PARTNERS PRICING BLOGS
  • 2. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API MARKETING / 3 days ago 8 Great Marketing Blogs You Probably Don't Follow (But Should) MARKETING / 16 hrs ago A Visual History of Apple Ads: 4 Decades in the Making In the past couple of years, a few excellent, and informative sources of marketing wisdom have risen to prominence. With thoughtful content, original ideas, clear how-tos, and consistent schedules, these blogs have become household names (at least in your marketing department). While these blogs deserve the recognition and readership they've cultivated, many people assume that those are the only places you should go for original, quality marketing ideas. Those people are missing out. There are plenty of up-and-coming blogs worthy of following -- you just have to know where to look. If you’re on the hunt for new voices and perspectives to read in the marketing space, below are eight up-and-coming blogs that the community thinks should get more attention. Check out the blogs below, and
  • 3. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API be sure to hop back to the thread for even more suggestions (and don't forget to upvote your favorite ones!). 1) StoryNeedle Thanks to's @MaelRoth for recommending StoryNeedle -- in a sea of really great content marketing blogs, this one manages to stand out with its strong emphasis on content strategy and good old-fashioned storytelling. Is rich narrative possible in structured content? Is SEO irrelevant? What does JavaScript have to do with your content structure? Michael Andrews takes on all this and more.
  • 4. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 2) Violeta Nedkova’s blog is as impossible to “put in a box” as the author herself. One day she’ll be talking about the creative process, and the next she’ll be listing useful marketing tools. What you can count on, however, is that whatever she writes will be so interesting that you’ll forget that you were supposed to plan your social media calendar during that half-hour. This blog’s standout feature is how it combines marketing savvy with creativity in multiple media.
  • 5. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 3) Jim Gray The reason to read this minimalist blog can be boiled down into one quote: “You can’t growth hack your way out of a churn problem. All the tricks in the book to load your funnel won’t save you if customers are actively fleeing your product as fast as you can shovel them into the funnel.” Gray’s witty take-no- prisoners approach to discussing growth hacking and inbound marketing is as funny as it is informative.
  • 6. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 4) InterGeek InterGeek has your bread-and-butter SEO and blogging tips, ideal for the harried business owner (or their even more harried assistant) to pick up immediately useful and up-to-date information. But Luke also introduces higher-level hacks like Comment Collection (if you don’t know what this is and how it can bring engaged readers to your blog, read on.)
  • 7. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 5) VERO Email marketing is this blog’s specialty, with topics like “How IKEA Sends Super-Targeted Promotional Emails” and “How to Bridge the Gap Between Education to Activation.” Email marketing is closely connected with blogging and social media, but while there are a number of bloggers covering the last two, really good material on email marketing can be few and far between. Or, at least, it used to be. (Thanks for sharing VERO with us on, @Damienbrz!)
  • 8. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 6) RooJoom RooJoom’s approach to content marketing is refreshingly story-centric, even though it’s still all about optimizing lead generation and sales funnels. Their blog talks about scalable B2B content marketing strategies and using PR, social media, and retargeting to boost content ROI, but what I love about RooJoom is that, at the end of the day, it all comes down to telling great stories. That’s what we all want to read, right? Give us something useful, helpful, and above all, interesting. RooJoom covers all of those bases.
  • 9. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 7) The Oktopost Blog If you’ve been looking for a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about social media marketing, Oktopost has it covered. For those mystified by social media, this blog is the ideal tutor; and for those who know their way around the social sphere, they can still pick up some new perspectives and a few pointers. They’re well worth following on Twitter, too, @Oktopost.
  • 10. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 8) RADIUS You have to love a blog that’s not afraid to ask the really important questions, like “Why Are B2B Brands So Obsessed with Native Advertising?” On this blog you’ll find more “Whys” than on a road trip with a six-year-old, but you’ll also get some pretty good answers. As's @ElizavetaNV says, it’s a “nice mix of sales/data/marketing topics.”
  • 11. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Do you have a blog to recommend? Add it to the thread!
  • 12. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Topics: Blogging Subscribe to HubSpot's Marketing Blog Join 380,000+ fellow marketers! Get HubSpot's latest marketing articles straight to your inbox. Enter your email address below: COMMENTS A Visual History of Apple Ads: 4 Decades in the Making Written by Mindy Parkhurst SUBSCRIBE
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  • 14. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API a memory or even a specific emotion? If you're in the process of creating a logo for your company, you're in a unique position to make a powerful impact on how consumers perceive your brand. Read More 10 LinkedIn Groups Every Entrepreneur Should Follow Written by Justin Pavoni There are at least three problems with this list. First, “entrepreneurship” is an extremely broad subject. Second, opinions are ubiquitous. Third, LinkedIn groups aren’t exactly scarce. Trying to highlight the best ones is somewhat of a fool’s errand, but you may be pleasantly surprised by what you find! With that in mind, here are ten recommendations to get you started... Read More › ›
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  • 16. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API How a Good Content Strategy Can Repair Your "SEO Problem" Written by Ronell Smith “We’re in dire need of some SEO help,” said the owner of a small, successful business located in central Texas. “I can’t put my finger on what’s wrong, but something’s clearly amiss. No one’s reading or sharing the content on our blog, and the information we share on social media just sits there.” It’s impossible to work in marketing without hearing grievances like this one over and over. Read More 6 Reasons Why Marketers Should Bet on Podcasting ›
  • 17. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Written by Alisa Meredith It started with a few tweets here and there asking me to start a podcast (“I don’t have time to read all your blog posts!”), a couple of guest appearances on hangouts and other marketing podcasts, and next thing I know, for Inbound Marketing Week this year, I launched The Superheroes of Marketing podcast. There is more to it than that, obviously. And the challenges were well, challenging… I’m not good with hardware. Wires and plugs all look the same to me. As an introvert, the performance part of the project is exhausting. Like everyone else, I’m busy. Really busy. Podcasting is extremely time consuming (more so than I expected). But, here I am, planning, scheduling, recording and editing a weekly podcast with my co-host, Kelly Kranz. Am I crazy? Maybe. But here's why it works. < Read More How to Use LinkedIn: The Ultimate List of LinkedIn Tips ›
  • 18. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Written by Pamela Vaughan With more than 347 million users, LinkedIn is the most popular social network for professionals as well as one of the top social networks overall. But do you know how to use LinkedIn to its fullest potential? With new social networks sprouting up constantly, LinkedIn is a platform that often gets underutilized or put on the back burner. But the truth is, LinkedIn can be extremely powerful -- especially when you're aware of all the platform's hidden features that don't get nearly enough exposure as they deserve. So to help you master LinkedIn, we've compiled the ultimate list of LinkedIn tips you may be overlooking ... but definitely shouldn't. < Read More ›
  • 19. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API What the Top 4 Social Networks Can Do For Your Social Commerce Revenue Written by Tracey Wallace The social commerce marketplace has grown more than 4-fold since 2012. Then, social commerce represented some $3 billion in retail sales. In 2015, social commerce accounts for some $14 billion. That’s one heck of a growth trajectory. Indeed, nearly all social platforms provide a commerce offering for retailers and shoppers alike. In doing so, social commerce is expected to pull in more than 5% of total retail sales for 2015. If your ecommerce brand isn’t utilizing social outlets as an extension of your sales funnel, then you’re likely missing out on new customers and failing to engage those who have already purchased. This affects your customer lifetime value and churn, and you’ll see the monetary impact of that on your bottom line month over month. Read More ›
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  • 22. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The Anatomy of a Successful Facebook Post Written by Shari Monnes When it comes to using Facebook for business, many people wonder what the secret for success is. What kinds of posts get the best results, and how can you increase engagement? Are there things you should be doing that you’re not? While there is no one single right way of creating a perfect post, there are some best practices you can follow to help make your posts more successful. We’ve dissected the key elements of successful Facebook posts so you can properly optimize yours.
  • 23. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Read More An Introductory SQL Tutorial: How to Write Simple Queries Written by Rachel Sprung Ever heard of the computer language called SQL? You may have heard about it in the context of data analysis, but never really thought it would apply to you as a marketer. Or, you may have thought to yourself, "That's for the really advanced data users. I could never do that." Well, you couldn't be more wrong! The most successful marketers are data- driven, and one of the most important parts of being data-driven is being able to collect data from databases quickly. Read More › ›
  • 24. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Why We Acquired Rekindle Written by Brian Halligan As you may have seen, HubSpot has acquired Rekindle, a Boston based technology startup with unique IP and innovations that we believe will help HubSpot and our customers advance. But how? Below I’ve taken the time to share some of my thoughts on why we made this specific acquisition and how we view acquisitions like these as part of our commitment to rapid growth and transforming the marketing and sales landscape. Read More 3 Big Retailers That Also Rock Ecommerce Written by Morgan Jacobson Ecommerce and mobile commerce are obviously here to stay, much to the chagrin of major brick-and-mortar retailers. We’ve seen some of the biggest names in shopping go under, with Borders Books perhaps the most obvious. Then there’s the story of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video, which failed after the introduction of Netflix. Those that don’t conform to buyers’ need for convenience and privacy simply can’t survive. ›
  • 25. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Read More How to Produce an Internet Radio Show Written by Michael Reynolds There are lots of ways to generate and publish content for your inbound marketing efforts. From the tried and true written word that powers your corporate blog to infographics, webinars, video and ebooks, the number of channels available to you seem almost endless. It can be frustrating at times to try to cut through the noise with this much content being published. While publishing relevant information can help you create a loyal community of constituents, do you ever wonder if you could reach more people by adapting your content to a different style? If you're struggling to figure out "what's next," you might want to explore the idea of hosting your own live internet radio show. Read More › ›
  • 26. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Starting a New Job? 8 Tips for Having a Great First Day Written by Lauren Pedigo Congrats! After all the time you spent perfecting your resume, networking with people, and researching the company, you landed an interview -- and nailed it. The next day, you were offered the job (and gleefully accepted it). The hard part is over, right? Truthfully, the hard part is just beginning. Read More The Inbound Marketing Kit You've Been Waiting For [Free Download] Written by Erik Devaney ›
  • 27. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API As an ancient Greek philosopher once said, "So many inbound marketing resources on the web; so little time to read them." A wise and prophetic (and entirely fabricated) insight, indeed. For modern marketers living in the age of information overload, prioritizing the resources you want to learn from can be overwhelming. Read More 12 Tools & Resources to Help You Create Better Buyer Personas Written by Siobhán McGinty At first, creating buyer personas seems simple. They're just semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers, after all. But when you actually get into the nitty-gritty of creating them, it's easy to get tripped up. One of the biggest challenges you are likely to encounter revolves around actually gathering the information you need to construct your personas. ›
  • 28. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Read More 10 Simple Web Copywriting Tips for Increasing Conversions Written by Eric Murphy Web copy is often the difference between visitors and leads, and leads and customers. It plays an integral role for consumers at every stage of the buying cycle, from awareness to decision making and advocacy. Most marketers can identify poor web copy when they see it. Why? Because poor web copy doesn’t read smoothly, stir emotions, influence behaviors, or make explicit calls to action—it feels purposeless—and that’s just bad marketing. And yet, web copywriting is a strategy that sometimes falls by the wayside, overlooked for other site priorities like gated content, video, design, and functionality. Read More › ›
  • 29. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The Essential Reading List for Growth Hackers: 15 Experts to Follow Written by Laxman Papineni I've always been in awe of growth hacking. Although I see a lot of different definitions surrounding this buzzword, I like growth hacker Aaron Ginn’s summation the best: One reason I like this definition is because it hints at the how much entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals can learn from the depth of understanding growth hackers have about how companies grow -- and their ability to draw connections between how a company is performing, and the actions needed to lead to healthy, rapid growth that improve performance and set a company up for success. Read More A growth hacker is someone whose passion and focus is pushing a metric through use of a testable and scalable methodology. “ ›
  • 30. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Think Grammar Doesn't Matter? It Could Be Holding You Back From a Promotion Written by Allison VanNest Many people think that once they leave school, they don't need to worry about grammar. In the real world, most people will just figure out what you mean ... right? Not quite. Turns out, quality writing can help you get ahead in your career -- and poor writing can hold you back. So if you want to get ahead in the workplace, change careers, or find a job, then it’s time to dust off that dictionary, thumb through your thesaurus, and get a grip on grammar. Read More A Wikipedia Expert's Thoughts on the NYPD Editing Controversy Written by William Beutler Editor's Note: Recently, Capital NewYork reported that NYPD computers ›
  • 31. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API had been used to make edits to Wikipedia entries on police-related topics. We asked Wikipedia expert and President of Beutler Ink William Beutler to comment on this news story. New Yorkers and the social web alike were stunned to learn that NYPD computers had been used to make surreptitious Wikipedia edits on entries related to police department controversies, including pages covering the "stop-and-frisk" policy and the deaths of Eric Garner and Amadou Diallo. Read More 8 Phrases You'll Hear When You Have a Big Problem in Your Creative Department Written by Jami Oetting This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post. People don't always come out and say what they really mean. Often, managers have to decipher how a department is really doing by studying the numbers, observing behavior, and paying close attention to the words their ›
  • 32. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API employees use. Read More The #1 Productivity Investment Sales Teams Are Making This Year [Research] Written by Emma Snider This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales. There are several levers sales leaders can pull to boost their teams' productivity. The tricky part is knowing which to prioritize. Should they double down on rep training? Implement new technology? Or would the organization benefit most from a compensation plan shake-up? Read More › ›
  • 33. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API How to Respond to People on Twitter: A Simple Guide for Businesses [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich Thanks to Twitter, businesses are closer to consumers than ever before. Tweets haven't replaced phone calls and handwritten letters, but they've become a popular way for consumers to vocalize their questions, praise, or complaints -- all in plain view of anyone who can find the conversation online. But customers don't just expect you to read their tweets about you -- they also expect you to reply. Read More 5 Landing Page A/B Tests (And Their Surprising Results) Written by Ryan Lynch Intuition is a powerful and often unexplainable phenomenon of human nature. Using hunches based off of past experience and knowledge, we often ›
  • 34. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API believe we can predict another person’s actions or intentions. This cognitive miracle empowers humans to trust their gut feelings and make decisions with little to no objective support. It’s a beautiful thing, but one that often has negative repercussions on your marketing. Read More A Simple Formula for Writing Kick-Ass Blog Titles Written by Corey Eridon Look, I said ass. And in a minute, you'll know why. It's one thing to write great content, but it's another thing to get it read and ranked -- which is where nailing the title comes in. Titles are what sell the content. They represent it in search engines, in email, and on social media. It's no surprise, then, that one of the most common questions we get is around crafting titles. So let's just dive right in, shall we? This post will outline a simple formula for writing kick-ass titles and headlines. ›
  • 35. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API < Read More Improve Conversion Rates by Changing Your Shipping Options [Infographic] Written by Susannah Morris For ecommerce companies, shipping options have a big impact on conversion rates. In fact, 93% of online shoppers say that free shipping would encourage them to make more purchases online. And beyond conversion rates, shipping options can also be a lever to increase average purchase value and increase the lifetime value of your customers. Read More The 10 Essential Videos All Schools Should Have on Their Website Written by David Ross › ›
  • 36. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API A picture's worth a thousand words, but a video is worth even more in your marketing efforts for your educational institution. Videos can help your campus come to life for prospective students, as they see the people, programs, and places that make your school great. Especially if you have a lot of prospective students not from the immediate vincinity of your campus, video can be a good way to reach those who don't have the opportunity to visit. Here are ten types of videos you should include in your marketing efforts. Read More 9 Smart Ways to Measure Your Sales Enablement Efforts Written by Debbie Farese Any marketer can tell you that marketing has become a data-driven discipline. Most of us can tell you what metrics we track for our efforts at the top and middle of the funnel. Traffic? Check. Leads? Check. Opportunities? Check. ›
  • 37. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API But as our efforts fall further down the funnel, measurement gets much harder. When it comes sales enablement, there’s no one number that can measure the results of your efforts or tell you what projects to prioritize. Read More How to Add a CTA Button to Your Facebook Page [Quick Tip] Written by Lindsay Kolowich Facebook added a very handy feature in December 2014: the option to place a simple call-to-action button at the top of your Facebook Page. While only available to select businesses at first, Facebook has recently started to roll it out to the U.S. and the rest of the world. The CTA's functionality is pretty simple: You choose from seven pre-made button options ("Sign Up," "Shop Now," "Contact Us," "Book Now," "Use App," Watch Video," and "Play Game") and link it to any website you want. Read More › ›
  • 38. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 3 Neuroscience Findings That'll Make You a Better Marketer Written by Marketers are constantly trying to grab the attention of their audience in new and innovative ways. This feat is made more and more challenging by the influx of data and data-related searches on the internet. Let's play a little game of "Did You Know?" with the help of research from the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Read More 8 Mistakes Brands Make With Instagram Written by Craig Kilgore Since coming into existence in 2010, Instagram has given brands the opportunity to engage with their audience and tell their story through the ›
  • 39. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API power of visuals. The Facebook-owned app was one of the fastest growing major social networks in 2014, and is now home to more than 300 million accounts. Read More 14 Ways to Increase Your Clickthrough Rate on Twitter Written by Neil Patel Tweeting is easy. You can type up anything in three seconds and press "tweet." But sending a clickable tweet -- that, my friend, is a science. Thankfully, making your tweets clickable doesn't "just happen" based on the whim of the Twitter gods. It happens when you intentionally apply a certain set of principles. Read More › ›
  • 40. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Google and Consumers Agree: You Need a Mobile-Friendly Ecommerce Site Written by Tracey Wallace Brands with both a physical and digital presence make almost 30% more in revenue. Consumers report a higher level of satisfaction with brands that have both a brick-and-mortar and online store, according to a recent study. Legacy brands who once hailed shopping malls as their “mecca” are now having to close shop, and once-startup, online-only brands, including Warby Parker and Birchbox, are moving in and opening their doors. Read More What Does a Great Buyer Persona Look Like? Dissecting 3 Real-Life Examples Written by Lisa Toner Any project you undertake gets easier when you have real examples to ›
  • 41. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API guide you -- but it's not always easy to find them. Take buyer personas, for instance. Most companies keep theirs under lock and key, making it really difficult for other marketers to find inspiration and guidance to make their own. So we decided to help. Read More A Vivid Vision for HubSpot's Content Written by Joe Chernov The program began as it always did -- with a spritely, “Welcome to INBOUND Radio on SiriusXM channel 125.” Host Mike Volpe went on to introduce the day’s guests. First up was a prominent Stanford medical researcher, who’d made a breakthrough in Parkinson’s treatment thanks to the millions of iPhone and Apple Watch users who volunteered to have their health monitored through their mobile devices. “Giving away your health data is about as inbound as it gets,” observed Volpe when he wrapped up the interview from HubSpot’s brand new Cambridge recording studio. Read More › ›
  • 42. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 4 Truths Healthcare Providers Need to Know About Content Marketing Written by Carrie Dagenhard Healthcare marketing isn’t easy. (But you already knew that, didn’t you?) New Affordable Care Act stipulations, HIPAA laws, and increasing government involvement have regulatory committees tightening their grip on all forms of outbound communication. This means that while marketing departments and compliance professionals have always butted heads, the new state of healthcare has created an unyielding stalemate between the two departments. But there is a cure. Read More 7 Negotiation Techniques That'll Boost Your ›
  • 43. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Power at the Bargaining Table Written by Jami Oetting This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post. You didn’t get into this business to spend your days arguing. Conflict resolution was certainly not in your job description when you started out as a designer, account manager, or copywriter. Instead, you daydream about quiet days agonizing over creative -- not being on stage in a courtroom. But the reality is that you have to lead the charge for your agency, and that sometimes requires you to deal with hard-bargaining clients who want more work at less money. Read More How to Easily Create Custom Pin It URLs for Pinterest Written by ›
  • 44. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Nowadays, many marketers -- especially those in the ecommerce space -- are using Pinterest to achieve their business goals. After all, Pinterest boasts the highest average checkout value of all social media referral shoppers. One way they're using Pinterest is by adding Pin It buttons to their websites to leverage the platform’s shopping power. After all, adding these Pin It buttons gives fans another outlet for sharing your stuff with their networks -- which helps drive more traffic to your website while organically increasing your Pinterest following. Read More How Inbound Marketing Can Boost Enrollment for Daycares Written by Johnny Hughes If you’re a child care owner, director, or start-up who’s tired of struggling to find new ways to fill the enrollment for your daycare, then inbound marketing might be the golden ticket you’ve been looking for. ›
  • 45. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API In this article, you will learn what stages a parent goes through when selecting a new child care facility and discover fresh marketing techniques proven to help you boost enrollment immediately with inbound marketing. Read More 10 Companies That Totally Nail Copywriting Written by Corey Eridon You all know The Old Spice Guy, right? The years-old "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign was memorable for many reasons, but one of them was that it gave Old Spice a voice. A voice that came through in every video, commercial, tagline, Facebook update, tweet -- you name it. And do you know who is behind all of that marketing collateral? Read More Industry Benchmarks for Social Media › ›
  • 46. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Engagement: How Much Should Your Posts Receive? Written by Maggie Hibma One of the best feelings as a marketer is when you spend time crafting the perfect message for your social accounts and then your audience actually engages with that post. Interactions like shares, comments, retweets, and favorites tell you that your messages are resonating with your fans and followers. But how you know when the number of interactions you’re getting is good? And what does “good” mean, anyway? Read More 11 Expert Tips for Growing Your Company's Blog Written by Siobhán McGinty Most marketers dream about the day their blog has "made it." ›
  • 47. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API How we define "making it" differs. Maybe it's when we reach a certain traffic or lead goal. Maybe it's the day one of our posts finally gets shared by an influencer. Or maybe, it's when your blog makes a "blogs to watch" roundup. Read More How to Grow Your Email List by Running a Contest Written by Jessica Webb Marketers often think of running contests for things like branding, customer delight, and fan engagement -- but that's not all they're good for. Created a certain way, contests can also help you fill your funnel, making your audience and your boss happy at the same time. We've seen this happen first-hand at HubSpot. Last December, my team had the idea to run a contest, but wanted to see if there was a way to tie it more closely to business objectives. Read More › ›
  • 48. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Creating Internal Buy-In for Inbound Marketing in Higher Education Written by You’ve read all the books, you’ve listened to all the top influencer podcasts, and you’ve analyzed case study upon case study. You’re sold and ready to start implementing an inbound strategy for your higher education institution. Now comes the tough part, selling your colleagues on the value. When Val Fox, a director in Bentley University's marketing and communication department, wanted to implement Hubspot for their PreparedU program, one of the first things she had to do was “sell people internally” on the idea. Read More 7 Ways to Create a Long-Lasting Relationship Between Content and Design ›
  • 49. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Written by Danielle Irigoyen When it comes to building a strong brand, no matter what your industry, every company's key to success starts with stellar content and equally stellar design. Whether you’re creating a website, infographic, print ad, email campaign, blog post, social media account, etc., there’s always a need for some degree of both parts. Read More 14 Tools & Resources for Conducting Market Research Written by Jami Oetting This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post. We are creatures of habit, especially when it comes to buying behavior. We know the location of our favorite products in the store, and we trust that they'll work year after year. In fact, research shows Americans buy the same 150 items, which accounts for 85% of household needs. ›
  • 50. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Read More ›