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March 5, 2015 // 8:00 AM
of the Be t mail Ma keting
xample Yo 've ve Seen
(An Why They' e G eat)
Written by Lindsay Kolowich | @lkolo25
Whe e Ma kete Go to G o
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MARKETING / 3 days ago
12 of the Best Email Marketing
Examples You've Ever Seen
(And Why They're Great)
MARKETING / 1 day ago
Is Personalization Creepy? 6
Experts Weigh In
At one point or another, we all need inspiration to do our jobs better. It
doesn't matter whether you're a marketing veteran who has navigated
through years of changing technology or a newbie fresh out of college -- we
all need examples of outstanding content. It helps us get through creative
ruts, make the case to our boss for experimentation, and improve our own
Most of the time, inspiration is easy to find because most marketing content
is publicly available. You can scour the internet or go on your favorite social
network to see what your connections are talking about.
But there's one marketing channel that is really, really hard to find good
examples of unless you're already in the know: email. There's nothing casual
about it -- you usually need to be subscribed to an email list to find great
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examples of emails. And even if you're subscribed to good emails, they are
often bombarding you day after day, so it's hard to notice the gems.
Because it's so difficult to find good email marketing examples, we decided
to do the scouring and compiling for you. Read on to discover some great
emails and get the lowdown on what makes them great -- or just keep on
scrolling to get a general feel for each. However you like to be inspired is
fine by us!
And for more help creating effective emails,
download our free guide to awesome email
12 Examples of Effective Email
1) Warby Parker
What goes better with a new prescription than a new pair of glasses? The
folks at Warby Parker made that connection very clear in their email to my
boss. The subject line was: "Uh-oh, your prescription is expiring." What a
clever email trigger. And you've gotta love 'em for reminding you your
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prescription needs updating.
Speaking of which, check out the clever co-marketing at the bottom of the
email: If you don't know where to go to renew your subscription, the
information for an optometrist is right in the email. Now there's no excuse not
to shop for new glasses!
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2) charity: water
When people talk about email marketing, lots of them forget to mention
transactional emails. These are the automated emails you get in your inbox
after taking a certain action on a website. This could be anything from filling
out a form to purchasing a product to updating you on the progress of your
order. Often, these are plain text emails that email marketers set and forget.
Well, charity: water took an alternate route. Once someone donates to a
charity: water projects, their money takes a long journey. Most charities don't
tell you about that journey at all -- charity: water uses automated emails to
show donors how their money is making an impact over time. With the
project timeline and accompanying table, you don't even really need to read
the email -- you know immediately where you are in the whole process so
you can move on to other things in your inbox.
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3) BuzzFeed
I already have a soft, soft spot for BuzzFeed content (70 pictures of dogs in
their Halloween costumes, anyone?), but that isn't the only reason I fell in
love with its emails.
First of all, BuzzFeed has awesomely written subject lines and preview text.
They are always short and punchy -- which fits in perfectly with the rest of
BuzzFeed's content. I especially love how the preview text will accompany
the subject line.
For example, if the subject line is a question, the preview text is the answer.
Or if the subject line is a command (like the one below), the preview text
seems like the next logical thought right after it:
Once you open up the email, the copy continues to be great. Just take a look
at that glorious alt text action happening where the BuzzFeed logo and first
image should be. The email still conveys what it is supposed to convey --
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and looks great -- whether you use an image or not. That's definitely
something to admire.
Without images:
With images:
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4) Canva
The beauty of Canva's emails is in their simplicity. When they come out with
a new design concept, they let their email subscribers know by sending an
email like the one you see below. Each one gives a brief description, shows
a preview, and then encourages the reader to try it themselves. My
colleague Niti (who's an email marketer herself) is a huge fan of their emails
-- in fact, she says Canva's emails have some of the best tie-ins to a product
that she's seen in any email campaign.
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5) Birchbox
The subject line of this email from beauty product subscription service
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Birchbox got my colleague Pam clicking. It read: "We Forgot Something in
Your February Box!" Of course, if you read the email copy below, they didn't
actually forget to put that discount code in her box -- but it was certainly a
clever way to get her attention. And the discount code for Rent the Runway,
a dress rental company that likely fits the interest profile of most Birchbox
customers, certainly didn't disappoint.
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6) Cook Smarts
I've been a huge fan of Cook Smarts' "Weekly Eats" newsletter for a while.
The company sends yummy yummy recipes in meal plan form to my inbox
every week. But I didn't just include it because of its delicious recipes ... I'm
truly a fan of its emails. I love the layout: Each email features three distinct
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sections (one for the menu, one for kitchen how-to's, and one for the tips).
This means you don't have to go hunting to find the most interesting part of
its blog posts -- you know exactly where to look after an email or two.
I also love Cook Smarts' "Forward to a Friend" call-to-action in the top-right
of the email. Emails are super shareable on -- you guessed it -- email, so
you should also think about reminding your subscribers to forward your
emails to friends, coworkers, or heck, even family!
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7) Dropbox
You might think it'd be hard to love an email from a company whose product
you haven't been using. But Dropbox found a way to make their "come back
to us!" email cute and funny, thanks to a pair of whimsical cartoons and an
emoticon. Plus, they kept the email short and sweet to emphasize the
message that they don't want to intrude, they just want to remind the
recipient that they exist and why they could be helpful. When sending these
types of email, you might include an incentive for recipients to come back to
using your service, like a limited-time coupon.
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8) Paperless Post
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When you think of "holiday email marketing," your mind might jump straight
to Christmas, but there are other holidays sprinkled throughout the rest of the
year that you can create campaigns around.
Take the email below from Paperless Post, for example. I love the header of
this email. First, it provides a clear call-to-action that includes a sense of
urgency. Then, the subheader asks a question that forces recipients to think
to themselves, "Wait, when is Mother's Day again? Did I buy Mom a card?"
Below this copy, the simple grid design is both easy to scan and is quite
visually appealing. Each card picture is a CTA in and of itself -- click on any
one of them and you will be taken to a purchase page.
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9) Stitcher
Humans crave personalized experiences. It's science. When emails appear
to be created especially for you, you feel special -- you’re not just getting
what everyone else is getting. You might even feel like the company sending
you the email knows you in some way, and that they care about your
preferences and making you happy.
That's why I love on-demand podcast/radio show app Stitcher's
"Recommended For You" email. I tend to listen to episodes from the same
podcast instead of branching out to new ones. But Stitcher wants me to
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discover (and subscribe to) all the other awesome content they have -- and I
probably wouldn't without their encouragement.
I think this email is also quite a brilliant use of responsive design. The colors
are bright, and it's not too hard to scroll and click -- notice the CTAs are
large enough for me to hit with my thumbs. Also, the mobile email actually
has features that make sense for recipients who are on their mobile device.
Check out the CTA at the bottom of the email, for example: The "Open
Stitcher Radio" button prompts the app to open on your phone.
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10) Turnstyle Cycle
When I got this email from spin studio TurnStyle Cycle, I felt like I was
reading an email from a good friend.
Design-wise, they kept it simple: a branded header followed by plain text
and a simple footer. But the copy was what caught my eye. It's friendly, yet
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sincere: "We know you are busy and would hate to see you miss out;"
"Please let us know if we can help accommodate in any way possible;"
"Feel free to give us a call - we want to help :)". Plus, they provided me with
the exact details I needed to know -- a reminder of what I'd signed up for and
when, the expiration date, and a phone number to reach them.
The only thing missing here was a CTA button directed at the class
schedule; but otherwise, the genuineness of the email copy really stuck out
to me and made me feel close to the brand.
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11) Poppin
Your customers want to hear from you about exclusive deals and other ways
they can save money. Offering coupons and discounts via email can be an
effective tool for both customer acquisition and customer loyalty. I think office
supply vendor Poppin did a great job with this email where they offer a 15%
off promotion. The bright, bold colors and soft fonts match their cool, modern
branding, and the design is simple with four distinct calls-to-action. Plus, I
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don't know about you, but I always love a good pun.
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12) Drybar
Sometimes, the best emails have the simplest designs. Design-wise, this
email takes the cake. It's super easy to scan, making it easy for you to
digest what it's about. The copy is simple but clever and aligns perfectly with
their brand. And they are telling you exactly what you need to know about the
new product; nothing more, nothing less. Because this email is about driving
awareness of a new product rather than converting someone to become a
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lead or customer, that's all you really should be noticing. So hats off to
Drybar for using design to better communicate its message!
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These are just some of our favorite emails. Who sends you emails that
you love? Share your favorites in the comments, and we'll check them out
for future posts like these.
Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2013 and has
since been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
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Topics: Email Marketing
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Is Personalization Creepy? 6 Experts Weigh
Written by Jami Oetting
This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like
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this, subscribe to Agency Post.
You would think that personalization of content and ads would be a welcome
tactic, considering how many people complain about irrelevant advertising.
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How to Use Excel: 14 Simple Excel Shortcuts,
Tips & Tricks
Written by Rachel Sprung
Sometimes, Excel seems too good to be true. All I have to do is enter a
formula, and pretty much anything I'd ever need to do manually can be done
automatically. Need to merge two sheets with similar data? Excel can do it.
Need to do simple math? Excel can do it. Need to combine information in
multiple cells? Excel can do it.
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Why People Unfollow Your Brand on Social
Media [New Data]
Written by Andrea Lehr
One of the most important things a brand can do is understand its target
audience. What do they worry about? Where do they hang out? How do they
prefer to interact with brands?
When they dive into answering these questions, many businesses discover
that social media is a goldmine for their marketing efforts. Not only are
social networks a popular place for people to hang out on, but also
consumers expect brands to have a presence on social media.
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The 3 Pillars of Consumer Confidence
Written by
No matter what your ecommerce strategy involves, gaining consumer
confidence is crucial to achieving success in 2015. Unfortunately, there are
no shortcuts: consumer confidence can only be earned through hard work,
but it's a whole heck of a lot easier when you use these three easy steps as
your guide.
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Why Journalists Are Outranking Marketers
in Search (And How We Can Compete)
Written by Victoria Young
In the shifting sands of SEO, there’s one constant: It’s much better to top the
SERPs than it is to rank on page two. How much better? Nearly 800%
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And, as you’ll see in the tables below, when it comes to ranking in search,
publications -- that is, actual news sites -- still do it best. The inbound
marketing movement, however, has helped bridge the gap that divides
brands and publications.
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How to Make the Most of a 30 Minute
Written by Eric Pratt
Hiring good people is difficult, time consuming, and costly. If you're in a
constant cycle of hiring like most growing organizations, I don't have to tell
you about the time warp it can cause-- but what about the cost?
The more interviews you do, the more you spend. The more of your time
that's absorbed in lengthy interviews the more likely you are to take shortcuts
and make mistakes.
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How Often Should You Post on Social Media?
Benchmarks for 9 Different Industries
Written by Maggie Hibma
How often should you post to your social media accounts?
For many marketers, this question is tough. Here’s why: Social media is a
very flexible and fluid part of your marketing strategy. It’s not easy to draw
the line between how much you could be posting and how much
you should be posting.
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How to Use Analytics to Make Smarter
Marketing Decisions [Free Webinar]
Written by Rachel Sprung
Every marketer needs data. You need data to show your boss the value of
your work. You need data to determine if a campaign is running smoothly.
You need data to make decisions about what you should continue working
on -- and what you shouldn't.
But that doesn't mean every data point you can get your hands on is
important to track. With only so much time in the day to measure your
marketing performance, what pieces of data should you actually be
monitoring? What are some of the vanity metrics that you don't really need
to track?
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38 Incredibly Amusing Twitter Bios
Written by Jess Marranco
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Perhaps one of the most challenging parts of making an impact on social
media is coming up with something profound in 140 characters. That’s right;
I’m talking about the tweet.
A tweet is short, sweet, and to the point. And crafting one often leaves us
staring blankly at that little blinking cursor, hoping for a way to rephrase the
tweet to let up some characters for an image, a link, or that ever-essential
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5 Infographics to Teach You How to Easily
Make Infographics in PowerPoint [Free
Written by Erik Devaney
Despite the spattering of headlines that have popped up over the past
couple years proclaiming "infographics are dead," infographics are, in fact,
alive and well.
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We just checked -- they're totally healthy. I mean, there are a lot of them, but
when marketers spend the time aligning the topic, content, and style of their
infographics with the needs and preferences of their target audiences,
they're still finding success.
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Battle of the Brands: Which Famous Rival
Company Has Better Marketing?
Written by Erik Devaney
Ba da ba ba ba, I’m lovin’ it.
We can instantly identify their logos. We can hum along to their jingles.
We’re on a first name basis with their mascots. We can repeat their slogans
as mantra.
How were big brands like McDonald’s able to attain such a ubiquitous
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The Essential Guide to Using Mobile
Messaging Apps in Your Marketing
Written by Jami Oetting
This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like
this, subscribe to Agency Post.
Millennials. Generation Z. The two groups comprise the most coveted set of
consumers. They are future clients and customers, and they will determine if
a brand lasts or lags behind. But they are a confusing group -- to brands
(and their parents).
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2 Years, 5,000 Tattoos, and $75M in
Revenue: Inside Tough Mudder's Rapid
Growth Strategy
Written by Dave Gerhardt
On this episode of The Growth Show, HubSpot CMO Mike Volpe sits down
with Will Dean, the founder and CEO of Tough Mudder.
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The world "culture" is a little misleading. People often
think that it's about having foosball tables and free beer
in the fridge. That has nothing to do with the culture.
Culture is how people behave when you’re not looking.
- Will Dean
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15 Expert Tips on Accelerating Your Sales
Written by Emma Snider
This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To
read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.
Before you sell your thousandth customer, your hundredth customer, or even
your tenth customer, you have to sell that crucial first customer. For a new
startup with no case studies or testimonials at its disposal, this can be a
daunting task.
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New European Social Media Benchmarks:
How Does Your Company Stack Up?
Written by Siobhán McGinty
Do you spend hours reporting on your monthly marketing activities, but are
not really sure how you’re performing among your industry peers? Do you
find it difficult to find social media stats related to your industry? Are you
currently developing or revisiting your social media strategy, and unsure
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currently developing or revisiting your social media strategy, and unsure
of how many times you should post or what to include in your posts?
If you share any of these uncertainties or challenges, you’re not alone --
many other marketers also worry about the performance of their social
media accounts.
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How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: A
Beginner's Guide
Written by Rachel Sprung
While Google keeps us on our toes with all the algorithm updates they keep
rollin' out, one thing has stayed pretty consistent for inbound marketers
looking to optimize their websites for search: keyword research.
Well, the need to do keyword research has stayed the same. How you
actually do it hasn't.
So I'm going to lay out a keyword research process you can follow to help
you come up with and narrow down a list of terms you should be targeting.
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5 Pointless Marketing Metrics You Can Stop
Tracking Today
Written by Rachel Sprung
In life, many people believe that more = better. More traffic, visitors, and
customers? Yep, that's better. More time in your day to do the things you
love? That's better. More collaboration between Sales and Marketing?
That's definitely better.
But in many areas of marketing, more doesn't always mean better.
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Creating A Thoughtful Content Strategy in
Higher Education Marketing
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Written by
Previously we discussed important questions your team must ask when
deciding if it’s the right time to start using inbound marketing without losing
your more traditional audience. We looked at why you want to shake things
up. We talked about who your audience is and specifically discussed how
you are defining your “traditional” audience. Finally, we reviewed what
inbound channels you are currently using and evaluated what makes sense
for your higher education institution.
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The Growth Show: A VC's Advice on
Content, Cash & Churn
Written by Dave Gerhardt
Content marketing is a little bit like a bank account
where you get the benefits of compounding returns.“
- Tomasz Tunguz
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Tomasz Tunguz is a partner at Redpoint Ventures and former Product
Manager at Google, best known for his data-driven blog posts on the key
questions facing startups, including fundraising tips, startup benchmarks,
management best practices, and team building insights.
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Facebook Cover Photo Do's and Don'ts
[+Pre-Sized Templates]
Written by Ginny Soskey
When people arrive at your Facebook Page, where do you think they first
look? I'll give you some hints. It's a visual piece of content that sits at the top
of your page. Its dimensions are 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall. It takes
up almost a quarter of the screen on most desktop browsers.
That's right -- it's your Facebook cover photo.
Since it's one of the most noticeable parts of your page, it's crucial that you
follow Facebook cover photo best practices.
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How to Avoid the Risks of Bundling
Written by Pete Raymond
Retailers, etailers, service providers, and pretty much anyone who sells
anything ever use bundling techniques to improve sales and make
customers happy. After all, who wouldn’t want to receive a discount on
more? The problem is that bundling comes with a unique set of problems
that could hurt your sales in the long run. Becoming aware of the risks is the
first step to avoiding them!
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Google Plans to Index Tweets in Real Time:
How This Could Impact Your SEO
Written by Eric Enge
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Years ago, it was commonplace to find real-time tweets in Google Search
results. Twitter and Google had inked a deal that gave the search giant
access to the social network's data stream. In turn, Google would display
tweets in search results in real time. But that agreement expired, and in the
middle of 2011, Google lost access to Twitter's data stream.
Now, nearly four years later, the gang's back together.
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6 Essential Skills Every CMO Should Have in
Written by Casey Newman
Let’s face it—Chief Marketing Officers have it rough. They’re tasked with
proving their work has a real impact on driving business while managing
staff, keeping up with technology advancements and dealing with more
expectations than ever. And, until recently, the average CMO was destined
for a much shorter than average tenure.
What was once a position reserved for creatives and strategists has
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evolved to include technical aspects and data science elements. CMOs now
wield more power, and CEOs are increasingly looking to them to provide
strategic input, according to recent research from IBM.
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10 Tips When Hiring for a Job You Know
Nothing About
Written by Doug Davidoff
It will only be a matter of time before you are put in a position where you
have to hire someone in an area where you lack expertise, or know
absolutely nothing about it. Hiring is always a difficult task, fraught with risk.
When you add the fact that it’s in an area where you may lack expertise, the
risk is even higher.
In this case when I talk about hiring, I’m not limiting the action to bringing on
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8 Rookie Mistakes You Might Be Making
With Buyer Personas
Written by Siobhán McGinty
Creating buyer personas is an essential part of building a successful
inbound marketing strategy. Buyer personas help you better understand your
current and potential customers, what their pain points are, what information
they need, and how you can position your offering to meet their needs.
Without documented buyer personas, essential inbound marketing tasks
such as creating engaging content can be challenging.
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How to Talk to Pretty Much Anyone About
Pretty Much Anything
Written by Katie Burke
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Edith Wharton once said, “Ah, good conversation -- there’s nothing like it, is
there? The air of ideas is the only air worth breathing.”
Ms. Wharton had a way with words (written and otherwise), but she would
likely be horrified to know that most of our daily conversations
nowadays start with shorthand texts or three-line emails.
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Gap, Starbucks, Vodafone & Airbnb: 4
Important Lessons From Famous Rebrands
Written by Erik Devaney
If you've ever been part of a company or worked on a product that's
undergone a rebrand, you know how absolutely crazy it can be.
From establishing goals, to iterating on designs, to actually implementing
your branding changes on your website and across all of your marketing
channels, it’s a lot of work.
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10 Overused Words to Remove From Your
LinkedIn Profile
Written by Emma Snider
This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To
read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.
Whether you're looking for a job, attempting to establish your thought
leadership, or widening your circle of connections to include influencers or
potential clients, your LinkedIn profile is a key component of your personal
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The Anatomy of a Compelling Elevator Pitch
Written by Emma Snider
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This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To
read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.
As organizations flatten out, employees don't have to corner senior
management in an elevator to get their thoughts heard. They could just
schedule a meeting, or even walk up to a leader's office or desk. So is there
even a need to have an elevator pitch at the ready?
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How to Easily Write Better Emails
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
Email has become the primary way most of us communicate in the business
world -- so much so that it often replaces face-to-face interactions. Just think
about how many people you've emailed, but never actually met.
This is especially common for marketers today. For example, as a blogger
who manages contributors, sets up interviews, and coordinates across
teams, I send a lot of emails to people who've never met me.
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5 Tips for Delivering Better Presentations
Written by Jeannie Krill
Giving presentations can be slightly nerve wracking or incredibly fun,
depending on who you are.
If you’re part of the group that dreads a presentation or giving a speech,
you’re not alone. According to the Washington Post, America’s biggest
phobia is the fear of public speaking – 25.3% of people in the US are afraid
of speaking in front of large groups of people.
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Gluten-Free, Juicing & Veganism: Marketing
Strategies Behind 3 Major Diets
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Written by Lindsay Kolowich
Vegan. Gluten-free. Paleo. Juicing. Mediterranean. Whether you abide by
them or not, there's no arguing that many diets have grown immensely
popular in ways that aren't so different from widely worn shoe brands or your
favorite wearables.
We have a long history of food faddism in the U.S. and Europe. In the 1920s
and 1930s, an all-grape diet was popular among wealthy women in the U.S.
and France.
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How to Subscribe to a Podcast on Your
Phone & Computer
Written by Dave Gerhardt
Podcasts: You know they're becoming more and more popular by the day,
and you want to join in on the fun. Maybe you're finally catching up on NPR's
smash hit, Serial. Maybe you want to find something to help make your
commute a little more enjoyable. Maybe you need to do some podcast
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research to help your company get their own up and running.
Regardless of why you want to jump on this new trend, the truth is that it can
be tricky to figure out how to keep up with all of your favorite shows on all of
your favorite devices.
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Don't Wait for Inspiration to Strike: 7
Methods to Spark Creativity
Written by Jami Oetting
This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like
this, subscribe to Agency Post.
Advertising is the business of creativity. And an agency’s existence
depends on its ability to produce and cultivate creative ideas.
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Copywriting Lessons From Companies
Doing It Right
Written by Patrick Armitage
The written word’s been getting written off lately. SnapChat, Instagram,
Pinterest, infographics, emojis, and video have been stealing the limelight
as words, copy, content, whatever you want to call it take a backseat. We’ve
become enamored with the idea that showing, rather than telling, provides a
better brand experience.
But the backbone of successfully using these newfangled channels starts
with a brand vision well-articulated through strong copy.
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15 Google Marketing Tools You Should Be
Written by Pamela Vaughan
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You may have heard of this little thing called Google. You know, where 1.17
billion people go to find stuff on the web?
But Google is more than just a search engine. So much more.
In fact, Google offers a ton of tools in addition to its search engine that can
be hugely valuable if you're a marketer.
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5 Customer Retention Tools for Long Term
Ecommerce Success
Written by
A study in the Harvard Business Review showed that increasing customer
retention by 5% can lead to a 25% - 95% increase in profit. But what is
customer retention, and how do you increase it by 5%?
Customer retention is the act of getting more of your customers to stay loyal
to your brand or business. A successful customer retention strategy turns
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one time shoppers into loyal, repeat purchasers that buy more, more often.
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How to Avoid Turning Off Traditional
Stakeholders in Higher Education Marketing
Written by
Higher education institutions are typically an established brand with an
abundance of history and traditions. The spectrum of stakeholders in even
just one institution can make it difficult to change course in your
marketing. But with research, testing, and a whole lot of strategy, you can
keep your marketing fresh and customized and start involving more inbound
in your approach.
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A Data-Driven Guide to Writing Better
Headlines [Free Ebook]
Written by Brittany Leaning
A captivating title is your first (and maybe only) chance to grab your target
audience’s attention and draw them toward your content. But titles shouldn’t
be created based on what feels right or what sounds cool -- it's much more
effective to let data guide your title creation decisions.
That’s why HubSpot and Outbrain teamed up to bring you a data-driven
guide to writing effective titles and headlines.
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8 Design Trends to Watch in 2015
Written by Lindsay Kolowich
Each passing year tests the longevity of design trends. Which ones will stick
it out another year, and which ones are already passé? Perhaps most
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importantly, what are the emerging trends marketers and designers alike
need to stay on top of?
There are a few trends from last year that are continuing to go strong in
2015, like semi-flat design and more sophisticated typography.
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4 SEO Tactics to Embrace in 2015
Written by Martin Link
Remember when the meta keyword tag was popular? Or when a good SEO
strategy was to put keywords in everything (URL, title, description, headings,
images ALT text, side nav, main nav, footer nav, in the keywords and 231
times in the body content)?
Welcome to 2015, where the world of search is a completely different game.
In fact, in 2015 you need to check site pages to be certain keywords aren’t
overused in key elements.
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How to Quickly & Easily Create a Buyer
Persona [Free Tool]
Written by Lisa Toner
Whenever people ask for a primer on inbound marketing, I always start by
talking about buyer personas. Why? Because without knowing who your
ideal customers are -- their backgrounds, goals, challenges, and so on -- it's
very difficult to create an effective marketing strategy to attract more of those
types of people. Without understanding your ideal customers inside and out
-- and integrating that research across your entire marketing funnel -- you
risk stifling the growth of your business.
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How to Play to Your Strengths in a Job
Interview: Tips for Every Personality Type
Written by Meghan Keaney Anderson
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"Looks great on paper. Bad interviewer."
Of all the feedback a recruiter can get, these words can be the most
disheartening. Even if you've found someone with ideal experience and
tremendous potential, a candidate who struggles in the interview can leave
too many open questions to accept.
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How to Set Up Multi-Product Ads on
Facebook [Quick Tip]
Written by Siobhán McGinty
In June of last year, Facebook announced a new ad format called "multi-
product ads" that caught the attention of many Facebook advertisers. This
new format was designed to do three things: generate more website
visitors, drive better conversion rates, and improve remarketing results.
Quick movers were able to make the most of the new ad format using the
Facebook Ads API, but others had to wait for Facebook to fully incorporate
the format into its advertising product.
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5 Ways to Squeeze the Most Use out of Your
Content Offers
Written by Jessica Plunkett
You’ve heard the expression “don’t reinvent the wheel.” The same is true for
content – don’t reinvent it, repurpose it.
Start with a white paper, guide or ebook that you’ve written to support a
product or service that you sell. With this one piece of content, you can
easily repurpose content five times through different channels. Here's how!
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17 Inspirational Quotes on Leadership &
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Management From Daniel Pink
Written by
Most people have one approach when it comes to management and
leadership. To motivate their team, managers will resort to punishments or
rewards. They offer up fun prizes for the top performers and performance
plans to those at the bottom -- and hope that those incentives will make their
team produce top-notch results.
But that approach doesn't always work. People need to feel meaning in their
actions and jobs, not just consequences.
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4 Mistakes People Make When Measuring
Brand Awareness (And How to Avoid Them)
Written by Adria Saracino
One of our main jobs as marketers is to acquire new customers. To
start acquiring them, we need to get our company name out there. Or as
marketers would say, "build brand awareness."
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marketers would say, "build brand awareness."
The tough thing about brand awareness is that it historically has been a lofty,
fluffy goal that many executives don't value ... but it's actually a crucial
component of the buyer's journey.
Read More
The Growth Show: How Shopify Grew 10X in
3 Years
Written by Dave Gerhardt
On this episode of The Growth Show, HubSpot’s Mike Volpe and Meghan
Keaney Anderson sit down with Craig Miller, Chief Marketing Officer at
“When you call it a marketing team, no one knows for
sure what you're supposed to do. But when you call it a
growth team, everyone knows exactly what the goal is
and what you need to do everyday.
- Craig Miller
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How to Make the Most of Your Content: An
Integrated Promotion Strategy for the
Modern Marketer
Written by Eric Murphy
The content marketing struggle is real; every marketer knows the difficulty of
serving up the right content to the right audience at the right time.
Unfortunately, it won’t be getting easier any time soon. The Content
Marketing Institute’s 2015 Reports show that 69% of B2C and 70% of B2B
marketers are creating more content this year than last year.
Consumers are already inundated with content everywhere they go, and in
an age of increasing adoption and production, brands are reeling in the
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an age of increasing adoption and production, brands are reeling in the
wake of wasted content investments.
Read More ›

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12 of the Best Email Marketing Examples You've Ever Seen (And Why They're Great)

  • 1. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API March 5, 2015 // 8:00 AM of the Be t mail Ma keting xample Yo 've ve Seen (An Why They' e G eat) Written by Lindsay Kolowich | @lkolo25 Whe e Ma kete Go to G o SHARE Marketing SUBSCRIBE SOFTWARE ABOUT CASE STUDIES PARTNERS PRICING BLOGS
  • 2. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API MARKETING / 3 days ago 12 of the Best Email Marketing Examples You've Ever Seen (And Why They're Great) MARKETING / 1 day ago Is Personalization Creepy? 6 Experts Weigh In At one point or another, we all need inspiration to do our jobs better. It doesn't matter whether you're a marketing veteran who has navigated through years of changing technology or a newbie fresh out of college -- we all need examples of outstanding content. It helps us get through creative ruts, make the case to our boss for experimentation, and improve our own marketing. Most of the time, inspiration is easy to find because most marketing content is publicly available. You can scour the internet or go on your favorite social network to see what your connections are talking about. But there's one marketing channel that is really, really hard to find good examples of unless you're already in the know: email. There's nothing casual about it -- you usually need to be subscribed to an email list to find great
  • 3. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API examples of emails. And even if you're subscribed to good emails, they are often bombarding you day after day, so it's hard to notice the gems. Because it's so difficult to find good email marketing examples, we decided to do the scouring and compiling for you. Read on to discover some great emails and get the lowdown on what makes them great -- or just keep on scrolling to get a general feel for each. However you like to be inspired is fine by us! And for more help creating effective emails, download our free guide to awesome email newsletters. 12 Examples of Effective Email Marketing 1) Warby Parker What goes better with a new prescription than a new pair of glasses? The folks at Warby Parker made that connection very clear in their email to my boss. The subject line was: "Uh-oh, your prescription is expiring." What a clever email trigger. And you've gotta love 'em for reminding you your
  • 4. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API prescription needs updating. Speaking of which, check out the clever co-marketing at the bottom of the email: If you don't know where to go to renew your subscription, the information for an optometrist is right in the email. Now there's no excuse not to shop for new glasses!
  • 5. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 2) charity: water When people talk about email marketing, lots of them forget to mention transactional emails. These are the automated emails you get in your inbox after taking a certain action on a website. This could be anything from filling out a form to purchasing a product to updating you on the progress of your order. Often, these are plain text emails that email marketers set and forget. Well, charity: water took an alternate route. Once someone donates to a charity: water projects, their money takes a long journey. Most charities don't tell you about that journey at all -- charity: water uses automated emails to show donors how their money is making an impact over time. With the project timeline and accompanying table, you don't even really need to read the email -- you know immediately where you are in the whole process so you can move on to other things in your inbox.
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  • 7. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 8. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 9. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 3) BuzzFeed I already have a soft, soft spot for BuzzFeed content (70 pictures of dogs in their Halloween costumes, anyone?), but that isn't the only reason I fell in love with its emails. First of all, BuzzFeed has awesomely written subject lines and preview text. They are always short and punchy -- which fits in perfectly with the rest of BuzzFeed's content. I especially love how the preview text will accompany the subject line. For example, if the subject line is a question, the preview text is the answer. Or if the subject line is a command (like the one below), the preview text seems like the next logical thought right after it: Once you open up the email, the copy continues to be great. Just take a look at that glorious alt text action happening where the BuzzFeed logo and first image should be. The email still conveys what it is supposed to convey --
  • 10. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API and looks great -- whether you use an image or not. That's definitely something to admire. Without images: With images:
  • 11. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 4) Canva The beauty of Canva's emails is in their simplicity. When they come out with a new design concept, they let their email subscribers know by sending an email like the one you see below. Each one gives a brief description, shows a preview, and then encourages the reader to try it themselves. My colleague Niti (who's an email marketer herself) is a huge fan of their emails -- in fact, she says Canva's emails have some of the best tie-ins to a product that she's seen in any email campaign.
  • 12. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 5) Birchbox The subject line of this email from beauty product subscription service
  • 13. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Birchbox got my colleague Pam clicking. It read: "We Forgot Something in Your February Box!" Of course, if you read the email copy below, they didn't actually forget to put that discount code in her box -- but it was certainly a clever way to get her attention. And the discount code for Rent the Runway, a dress rental company that likely fits the interest profile of most Birchbox customers, certainly didn't disappoint.
  • 14. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 6) Cook Smarts I've been a huge fan of Cook Smarts' "Weekly Eats" newsletter for a while. The company sends yummy yummy recipes in meal plan form to my inbox every week. But I didn't just include it because of its delicious recipes ... I'm truly a fan of its emails. I love the layout: Each email features three distinct
  • 15. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API sections (one for the menu, one for kitchen how-to's, and one for the tips). This means you don't have to go hunting to find the most interesting part of its blog posts -- you know exactly where to look after an email or two. I also love Cook Smarts' "Forward to a Friend" call-to-action in the top-right of the email. Emails are super shareable on -- you guessed it -- email, so you should also think about reminding your subscribers to forward your emails to friends, coworkers, or heck, even family!
  • 16. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 17. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 18. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 7) Dropbox You might think it'd be hard to love an email from a company whose product you haven't been using. But Dropbox found a way to make their "come back to us!" email cute and funny, thanks to a pair of whimsical cartoons and an emoticon. Plus, they kept the email short and sweet to emphasize the message that they don't want to intrude, they just want to remind the recipient that they exist and why they could be helpful. When sending these types of email, you might include an incentive for recipients to come back to using your service, like a limited-time coupon.
  • 19. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 8) Paperless Post
  • 20. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API When you think of "holiday email marketing," your mind might jump straight to Christmas, but there are other holidays sprinkled throughout the rest of the year that you can create campaigns around. Take the email below from Paperless Post, for example. I love the header of this email. First, it provides a clear call-to-action that includes a sense of urgency. Then, the subheader asks a question that forces recipients to think to themselves, "Wait, when is Mother's Day again? Did I buy Mom a card?" Below this copy, the simple grid design is both easy to scan and is quite visually appealing. Each card picture is a CTA in and of itself -- click on any one of them and you will be taken to a purchase page.
  • 21. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 22. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 9) Stitcher Humans crave personalized experiences. It's science. When emails appear to be created especially for you, you feel special -- you’re not just getting what everyone else is getting. You might even feel like the company sending you the email knows you in some way, and that they care about your preferences and making you happy. That's why I love on-demand podcast/radio show app Stitcher's "Recommended For You" email. I tend to listen to episodes from the same podcast instead of branching out to new ones. But Stitcher wants me to
  • 23. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API discover (and subscribe to) all the other awesome content they have -- and I probably wouldn't without their encouragement. I think this email is also quite a brilliant use of responsive design. The colors are bright, and it's not too hard to scroll and click -- notice the CTAs are large enough for me to hit with my thumbs. Also, the mobile email actually has features that make sense for recipients who are on their mobile device. Check out the CTA at the bottom of the email, for example: The "Open Stitcher Radio" button prompts the app to open on your phone.
  • 24. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 25. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 26. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 27. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 28. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 10) Turnstyle Cycle When I got this email from spin studio TurnStyle Cycle, I felt like I was reading an email from a good friend. Design-wise, they kept it simple: a branded header followed by plain text and a simple footer. But the copy was what caught my eye. It's friendly, yet
  • 29. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API sincere: "We know you are busy and would hate to see you miss out;" "Please let us know if we can help accommodate in any way possible;" "Feel free to give us a call - we want to help :)". Plus, they provided me with the exact details I needed to know -- a reminder of what I'd signed up for and when, the expiration date, and a phone number to reach them. The only thing missing here was a CTA button directed at the class schedule; but otherwise, the genuineness of the email copy really stuck out to me and made me feel close to the brand.
  • 30. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 11) Poppin Your customers want to hear from you about exclusive deals and other ways they can save money. Offering coupons and discounts via email can be an effective tool for both customer acquisition and customer loyalty. I think office supply vendor Poppin did a great job with this email where they offer a 15% off promotion. The bright, bold colors and soft fonts match their cool, modern branding, and the design is simple with four distinct calls-to-action. Plus, I
  • 31. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API don't know about you, but I always love a good pun.
  • 32. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 12) Drybar Sometimes, the best emails have the simplest designs. Design-wise, this email takes the cake. It's super easy to scan, making it easy for you to digest what it's about. The copy is simple but clever and aligns perfectly with their brand. And they are telling you exactly what you need to know about the new product; nothing more, nothing less. Because this email is about driving awareness of a new product rather than converting someone to become a
  • 33. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API lead or customer, that's all you really should be noticing. So hats off to Drybar for using design to better communicate its message!
  • 34. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
  • 35. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API These are just some of our favorite emails. Who sends you emails that you love? Share your favorites in the comments, and we'll check them out for future posts like these. Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2013 and has since been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
  • 36. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Topics: Email Marketing Subscribe to HubSpot's Marketing Blog Join 380,000+ fellow marketers! Get HubSpot's latest marketing articles straight to your inbox. Enter your email address below: COMMENTS Is Personalization Creepy? 6 Experts Weigh In Written by Jami Oetting This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like SUBSCRIBE
  • 37. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API this, subscribe to Agency Post. You would think that personalization of content and ads would be a welcome tactic, considering how many people complain about irrelevant advertising. Read More How to Use Excel: 14 Simple Excel Shortcuts, Tips & Tricks Written by Rachel Sprung Sometimes, Excel seems too good to be true. All I have to do is enter a formula, and pretty much anything I'd ever need to do manually can be done automatically. Need to merge two sheets with similar data? Excel can do it. Need to do simple math? Excel can do it. Need to combine information in multiple cells? Excel can do it. Read More › ›
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  • 39. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The 3 Pillars of Consumer Confidence Written by No matter what your ecommerce strategy involves, gaining consumer confidence is crucial to achieving success in 2015. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts: consumer confidence can only be earned through hard work, but it's a whole heck of a lot easier when you use these three easy steps as your guide. Read More Why Journalists Are Outranking Marketers in Search (And How We Can Compete) Written by Victoria Young In the shifting sands of SEO, there’s one constant: It’s much better to top the SERPs than it is to rank on page two. How much better? Nearly 800% better. ›
  • 40. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API And, as you’ll see in the tables below, when it comes to ranking in search, publications -- that is, actual news sites -- still do it best. The inbound marketing movement, however, has helped bridge the gap that divides brands and publications. Read More How to Make the Most of a 30 Minute Interview Written by Eric Pratt Hiring good people is difficult, time consuming, and costly. If you're in a constant cycle of hiring like most growing organizations, I don't have to tell you about the time warp it can cause-- but what about the cost? The more interviews you do, the more you spend. The more of your time that's absorbed in lengthy interviews the more likely you are to take shortcuts and make mistakes. Read More › ›
  • 41. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API How Often Should You Post on Social Media? Benchmarks for 9 Different Industries Written by Maggie Hibma How often should you post to your social media accounts? For many marketers, this question is tough. Here’s why: Social media is a very flexible and fluid part of your marketing strategy. It’s not easy to draw the line between how much you could be posting and how much you should be posting. Read More ›
  • 42. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API How to Use Analytics to Make Smarter Marketing Decisions [Free Webinar] Written by Rachel Sprung Every marketer needs data. You need data to show your boss the value of your work. You need data to determine if a campaign is running smoothly. You need data to make decisions about what you should continue working on -- and what you shouldn't. But that doesn't mean every data point you can get your hands on is important to track. With only so much time in the day to measure your marketing performance, what pieces of data should you actually be monitoring? What are some of the vanity metrics that you don't really need to track? Read More 38 Incredibly Amusing Twitter Bios Written by Jess Marranco ›
  • 43. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Perhaps one of the most challenging parts of making an impact on social media is coming up with something profound in 140 characters. That’s right; I’m talking about the tweet. A tweet is short, sweet, and to the point. And crafting one often leaves us staring blankly at that little blinking cursor, hoping for a way to rephrase the tweet to let up some characters for an image, a link, or that ever-essential hashtag. Read More 5 Infographics to Teach You How to Easily Make Infographics in PowerPoint [Free Templates] Written by Erik Devaney Despite the spattering of headlines that have popped up over the past couple years proclaiming "infographics are dead," infographics are, in fact, alive and well. ›
  • 44. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API We just checked -- they're totally healthy. I mean, there are a lot of them, but when marketers spend the time aligning the topic, content, and style of their infographics with the needs and preferences of their target audiences, they're still finding success. Read More Battle of the Brands: Which Famous Rival Company Has Better Marketing? Written by Erik Devaney Ba da ba ba ba, I’m lovin’ it. We can instantly identify their logos. We can hum along to their jingles. We’re on a first name basis with their mascots. We can repeat their slogans as mantra. How were big brands like McDonald’s able to attain such a ubiquitous status? Read More › ›
  • 45. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The Essential Guide to Using Mobile Messaging Apps in Your Marketing Written by Jami Oetting This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post. Millennials. Generation Z. The two groups comprise the most coveted set of consumers. They are future clients and customers, and they will determine if a brand lasts or lags behind. But they are a confusing group -- to brands (and their parents). Read More ›
  • 46. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 2 Years, 5,000 Tattoos, and $75M in Revenue: Inside Tough Mudder's Rapid Growth Strategy Written by Dave Gerhardt On this episode of The Growth Show, HubSpot CMO Mike Volpe sits down with Will Dean, the founder and CEO of Tough Mudder. Read More The world "culture" is a little misleading. People often think that it's about having foosball tables and free beer in the fridge. That has nothing to do with the culture. Culture is how people behave when you’re not looking. “ - Will Dean ›
  • 47. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 15 Expert Tips on Accelerating Your Sales Written by Emma Snider This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales. Before you sell your thousandth customer, your hundredth customer, or even your tenth customer, you have to sell that crucial first customer. For a new startup with no case studies or testimonials at its disposal, this can be a daunting task. Read More New European Social Media Benchmarks: How Does Your Company Stack Up? Written by Siobhán McGinty Do you spend hours reporting on your monthly marketing activities, but are not really sure how you’re performing among your industry peers? Do you find it difficult to find social media stats related to your industry? Are you currently developing or revisiting your social media strategy, and unsure ›
  • 48. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API currently developing or revisiting your social media strategy, and unsure of how many times you should post or what to include in your posts? If you share any of these uncertainties or challenges, you’re not alone -- many other marketers also worry about the performance of their social media accounts. Read More How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: A Beginner's Guide Written by Rachel Sprung While Google keeps us on our toes with all the algorithm updates they keep rollin' out, one thing has stayed pretty consistent for inbound marketers looking to optimize their websites for search: keyword research. Well, the need to do keyword research has stayed the same. How you actually do it hasn't. So I'm going to lay out a keyword research process you can follow to help you come up with and narrow down a list of terms you should be targeting. ›
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  • 50. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Written by Previously we discussed important questions your team must ask when deciding if it’s the right time to start using inbound marketing without losing your more traditional audience. We looked at why you want to shake things up. We talked about who your audience is and specifically discussed how you are defining your “traditional” audience. Finally, we reviewed what inbound channels you are currently using and evaluated what makes sense for your higher education institution. Read More The Growth Show: A VC's Advice on Content, Cash & Churn Written by Dave Gerhardt › Content marketing is a little bit like a bank account where you get the benefits of compounding returns.“ - Tomasz Tunguz
  • 51. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Tomasz Tunguz is a partner at Redpoint Ventures and former Product Manager at Google, best known for his data-driven blog posts on the key questions facing startups, including fundraising tips, startup benchmarks, management best practices, and team building insights. Read More Facebook Cover Photo Do's and Don'ts [+Pre-Sized Templates] Written by Ginny Soskey When people arrive at your Facebook Page, where do you think they first look? I'll give you some hints. It's a visual piece of content that sits at the top of your page. Its dimensions are 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall. It takes up almost a quarter of the screen on most desktop browsers. That's right -- it's your Facebook cover photo. Since it's one of the most noticeable parts of your page, it's crucial that you follow Facebook cover photo best practices. Read More › ›
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  • 54. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API evolved to include technical aspects and data science elements. CMOs now wield more power, and CEOs are increasingly looking to them to provide strategic input, according to recent research from IBM. Read More 10 Tips When Hiring for a Job You Know Nothing About Written by Doug Davidoff It will only be a matter of time before you are put in a position where you have to hire someone in an area where you lack expertise, or know absolutely nothing about it. Hiring is always a difficult task, fraught with risk. When you add the fact that it’s in an area where you may lack expertise, the risk is even higher. In this case when I talk about hiring, I’m not limiting the action to bringing on employees. Read More › ›
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  • 56. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Edith Wharton once said, “Ah, good conversation -- there’s nothing like it, is there? The air of ideas is the only air worth breathing.” Ms. Wharton had a way with words (written and otherwise), but she would likely be horrified to know that most of our daily conversations nowadays start with shorthand texts or three-line emails. Read More Gap, Starbucks, Vodafone & Airbnb: 4 Important Lessons From Famous Rebrands Written by Erik Devaney If you've ever been part of a company or worked on a product that's undergone a rebrand, you know how absolutely crazy it can be. From establishing goals, to iterating on designs, to actually implementing your branding changes on your website and across all of your marketing channels, it’s a lot of work. Read More › ›
  • 57. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 10 Overused Words to Remove From Your LinkedIn Profile Written by Emma Snider This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales. Whether you're looking for a job, attempting to establish your thought leadership, or widening your circle of connections to include influencers or potential clients, your LinkedIn profile is a key component of your personal brand. Read More The Anatomy of a Compelling Elevator Pitch [Infographic] Written by Emma Snider ›
  • 58. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales. As organizations flatten out, employees don't have to corner senior management in an elevator to get their thoughts heard. They could just schedule a meeting, or even walk up to a leader's office or desk. So is there even a need to have an elevator pitch at the ready? Read More How to Easily Write Better Emails [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich Email has become the primary way most of us communicate in the business world -- so much so that it often replaces face-to-face interactions. Just think about how many people you've emailed, but never actually met. This is especially common for marketers today. For example, as a blogger who manages contributors, sets up interviews, and coordinates across teams, I send a lot of emails to people who've never met me. ›
  • 59. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Read More 5 Tips for Delivering Better Presentations Written by Jeannie Krill Giving presentations can be slightly nerve wracking or incredibly fun, depending on who you are. If you’re part of the group that dreads a presentation or giving a speech, you’re not alone. According to the Washington Post, America’s biggest phobia is the fear of public speaking – 25.3% of people in the US are afraid of speaking in front of large groups of people. Read More Gluten-Free, Juicing & Veganism: Marketing Strategies Behind 3 Major Diets › ›
  • 60. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Written by Lindsay Kolowich Vegan. Gluten-free. Paleo. Juicing. Mediterranean. Whether you abide by them or not, there's no arguing that many diets have grown immensely popular in ways that aren't so different from widely worn shoe brands or your favorite wearables. We have a long history of food faddism in the U.S. and Europe. In the 1920s and 1930s, an all-grape diet was popular among wealthy women in the U.S. and France. Read More How to Subscribe to a Podcast on Your Phone & Computer Written by Dave Gerhardt Podcasts: You know they're becoming more and more popular by the day, and you want to join in on the fun. Maybe you're finally catching up on NPR's smash hit, Serial. Maybe you want to find something to help make your commute a little more enjoyable. Maybe you need to do some podcast ›
  • 61. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API research to help your company get their own up and running. Regardless of why you want to jump on this new trend, the truth is that it can be tricky to figure out how to keep up with all of your favorite shows on all of your favorite devices. Read More Don't Wait for Inspiration to Strike: 7 Methods to Spark Creativity Written by Jami Oetting This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post. Advertising is the business of creativity. And an agency’s existence depends on its ability to produce and cultivate creative ideas. Read More › ›
  • 62. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Copywriting Lessons From Companies Doing It Right Written by Patrick Armitage The written word’s been getting written off lately. SnapChat, Instagram, Pinterest, infographics, emojis, and video have been stealing the limelight as words, copy, content, whatever you want to call it take a backseat. We’ve become enamored with the idea that showing, rather than telling, provides a better brand experience. But the backbone of successfully using these newfangled channels starts with a brand vision well-articulated through strong copy. Read More 15 Google Marketing Tools You Should Be Using Written by Pamela Vaughan ›
  • 63. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API You may have heard of this little thing called Google. You know, where 1.17 billion people go to find stuff on the web? But Google is more than just a search engine. So much more. In fact, Google offers a ton of tools in addition to its search engine that can be hugely valuable if you're a marketer. Read More 5 Customer Retention Tools for Long Term Ecommerce Success Written by A study in the Harvard Business Review showed that increasing customer retention by 5% can lead to a 25% - 95% increase in profit. But what is customer retention, and how do you increase it by 5%? Customer retention is the act of getting more of your customers to stay loyal to your brand or business. A successful customer retention strategy turns ›
  • 64. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API one time shoppers into loyal, repeat purchasers that buy more, more often. Read More How to Avoid Turning Off Traditional Stakeholders in Higher Education Marketing Written by Higher education institutions are typically an established brand with an abundance of history and traditions. The spectrum of stakeholders in even just one institution can make it difficult to change course in your marketing. But with research, testing, and a whole lot of strategy, you can keep your marketing fresh and customized and start involving more inbound in your approach. Read More › ›
  • 65. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API A Data-Driven Guide to Writing Better Headlines [Free Ebook] Written by Brittany Leaning A captivating title is your first (and maybe only) chance to grab your target audience’s attention and draw them toward your content. But titles shouldn’t be created based on what feels right or what sounds cool -- it's much more effective to let data guide your title creation decisions. That’s why HubSpot and Outbrain teamed up to bring you a data-driven guide to writing effective titles and headlines. Read More 8 Design Trends to Watch in 2015 [Infographic] Written by Lindsay Kolowich Each passing year tests the longevity of design trends. Which ones will stick it out another year, and which ones are already passé? Perhaps most ›
  • 66. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API importantly, what are the emerging trends marketers and designers alike need to stay on top of? There are a few trends from last year that are continuing to go strong in 2015, like semi-flat design and more sophisticated typography. Read More 4 SEO Tactics to Embrace in 2015 Written by Martin Link Remember when the meta keyword tag was popular? Or when a good SEO strategy was to put keywords in everything (URL, title, description, headings, images ALT text, side nav, main nav, footer nav, in the keywords and 231 times in the body content)? Welcome to 2015, where the world of search is a completely different game. In fact, in 2015 you need to check site pages to be certain keywords aren’t overused in key elements. Read More › ›
  • 67. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API How to Quickly & Easily Create a Buyer Persona [Free Tool] Written by Lisa Toner Whenever people ask for a primer on inbound marketing, I always start by talking about buyer personas. Why? Because without knowing who your ideal customers are -- their backgrounds, goals, challenges, and so on -- it's very difficult to create an effective marketing strategy to attract more of those types of people. Without understanding your ideal customers inside and out -- and integrating that research across your entire marketing funnel -- you risk stifling the growth of your business. Read More How to Play to Your Strengths in a Job Interview: Tips for Every Personality Type Written by Meghan Keaney Anderson ›
  • 68. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API "Looks great on paper. Bad interviewer." Of all the feedback a recruiter can get, these words can be the most disheartening. Even if you've found someone with ideal experience and tremendous potential, a candidate who struggles in the interview can leave too many open questions to accept. Read More How to Set Up Multi-Product Ads on Facebook [Quick Tip] Written by Siobhán McGinty In June of last year, Facebook announced a new ad format called "multi- product ads" that caught the attention of many Facebook advertisers. This new format was designed to do three things: generate more website visitors, drive better conversion rates, and improve remarketing results. Quick movers were able to make the most of the new ad format using the Facebook Ads API, but others had to wait for Facebook to fully incorporate the format into its advertising product. ›
  • 69. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Read More 5 Ways to Squeeze the Most Use out of Your Content Offers Written by Jessica Plunkett You’ve heard the expression “don’t reinvent the wheel.” The same is true for content – don’t reinvent it, repurpose it. Start with a white paper, guide or ebook that you’ve written to support a product or service that you sell. With this one piece of content, you can easily repurpose content five times through different channels. Here's how! Read More 17 Inspirational Quotes on Leadership & › ›
  • 70. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Management From Daniel Pink Written by Most people have one approach when it comes to management and leadership. To motivate their team, managers will resort to punishments or rewards. They offer up fun prizes for the top performers and performance plans to those at the bottom -- and hope that those incentives will make their team produce top-notch results. But that approach doesn't always work. People need to feel meaning in their actions and jobs, not just consequences. Read More 4 Mistakes People Make When Measuring Brand Awareness (And How to Avoid Them) Written by Adria Saracino One of our main jobs as marketers is to acquire new customers. To start acquiring them, we need to get our company name out there. Or as marketers would say, "build brand awareness." ›
  • 71. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API marketers would say, "build brand awareness." The tough thing about brand awareness is that it historically has been a lofty, fluffy goal that many executives don't value ... but it's actually a crucial component of the buyer's journey. Read More The Growth Show: How Shopify Grew 10X in 3 Years Written by Dave Gerhardt On this episode of The Growth Show, HubSpot’s Mike Volpe and Meghan Keaney Anderson sit down with Craig Miller, Chief Marketing Officer at Shopify. › “When you call it a marketing team, no one knows for sure what you're supposed to do. But when you call it a growth team, everyone knows exactly what the goal is and what you need to do everyday. “ - Craig Miller
  • 72. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Read More How to Make the Most of Your Content: An Integrated Promotion Strategy for the Modern Marketer Written by Eric Murphy The content marketing struggle is real; every marketer knows the difficulty of serving up the right content to the right audience at the right time. Unfortunately, it won’t be getting easier any time soon. The Content Marketing Institute’s 2015 Reports show that 69% of B2C and 70% of B2B marketers are creating more content this year than last year. Consumers are already inundated with content everywhere they go, and in an age of increasing adoption and production, brands are reeling in the ›
  • 73. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API an age of increasing adoption and production, brands are reeling in the wake of wasted content investments. Read More ›