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Journal of Administrative Management,
Education and Training (JAMET)
ISSN: 1823-6049
Volume (12), Issue (4), 2016, 787-798
Available online at
H.Ghasemian.R, The Effectiveness of Training According to the Pattern of Welfare Organization in
Cognitive Empowerment, Self-Regulation and Self-Efficacy of Mentally - Physically Disabled, Journal of
Administrative Management, Education and Training, Volume (12), Issue (4), 2016, pp. 787-798
The Effectiveness of Training According to the Pattern
of Welfare Organization in Cognitive Empowerment,
Self-Regulation and Self-Efficacy of Mentally -
Physically Disabled
Introduction: This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of
training according to the pattern of welfare organization in cognitive empowerment,
self-regulation and self-efficacy of mentally - physically disabled.
Method: This study is a two-group pretest-posttest, the population of this study included
all men and women mentally and physically disabled 14 to 34 years old referred to
Tehran welfare training centers in the second half of 2015, among the research
community, a sample of 40 people with matching in kind of disability and age and in two
experimental and control groups was randomly replaced. At the beginning of entering
people to the quarter trainings and at the end of the training, psychological
empowerment questionnaires of Spritzer and Mishra, general self-efficacy scale of
Scherer and self-regulation of Bouffard were used to gather information. Information
gathered using descriptive- inferential statistics were analyzed including covariance
with SPSS software, version 22.
Results: Data analysis results showed that training has had a significant impact in
improving the self-regulation, self-efficacy and psychological empowerment of subjects
of research.
Conclusion: Considering the effectiveness of welfare training centers in self-efficacy,
self-regulation and psychological empowerment of disabled, it is recommended that the
educational programs of this center widely to be used in interventions and training
related to disabled.
Key words: training, welfare organization, cognitive empowerment, self-regulation, self-
efficacy, mentally – physically disabled
Someone said to be disabled that due to physical or mental defect, a significant disorder to be
created continuously on public health and performance, or in social affairs, economic and
vocational of him, so this disorder causes to decrease his individual, social and economic
independence. This group includes deaf, blind, physically disabled and mentally disabled; mental
Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)
retardation is a disorder that is specified with intellectual function under normal limit and disorder
in adaptive skills. Less than 18 years old is the age of starting mental retardation and the purpose
of adaptive skills is to do works that at any age typically is expected of the person (Papadatou
Tomprou, 2015). Many reasons for mental and physical disabilities are listed which include
prenatal factors that include genetic effects and chromosome changes. In addition, uterine
infections and rubella and toxoplasmosis disease (a serious disease that is transmitted through cat)
are also involved in the development. What is common, the most cause of mental retardation is
prenatal factors that are important in terms of prevention, particularly chromosomal factors such
as Down syndrome and infectious agents such as rubella, and congenital toxoplasmosis. In the
meantime, factors at birth, such as complicated childbirth and breathing problems and bleeding
skull during childbirth and… are effective (Mehrabizadeh et al., 2001). Other factors are factors
after birth, including severe blows to the child's skull (jaundice), cyanosis (blackened), infections
during infancy with fever and convulsions, hypothyroidism and .... That with the care of children,
especially before the age of four can be prevented to some degree of mental retardation
(Mehrabizadeh et al., 2001). Social environmental factors also affect, they have smaller impacts
on the incidence of mental retardation and include poverty, nutrition, family instability, poor
socio-economic status and cultural deprivation and intense stress in child's life environment
(Mehrabizadeh et al., 2001). Prevent the emergence of factors creating mental retardation in
particular factors before birth is particularly important. Family education, prevent consanguineous
marriages, prevent pregnancy after age 35 years, pregnancy hygiene (avoid radiation, drug,
trauma to the abdomen, maternal nutrition, prevention and control of congenital infections, etc.)
in primary prevention are very effective. Protect the child after birth, especially in infancy and
early therapeutic intervention in diseases such as hypothyroidism (CH) is also important in the
prevention of mental retardation. Mental retardation has no cure, and the best way to control it is
to prevent it. It seems certain medications also control the development of disorder. The main
treatment of mentally retarded individuals is to increase their compatibility, living conditions and
set environmental and efficiency expectations of the people in the family and society. Family
counseling and individual counseling is necessary in order to limit the impacts of mental
retardation. Using methods recommended by experts for achieving and maintaining operational
efficiency can increase their self-confidence and better compatibility with the normal stresses of
life of mentally retarded person. Teaching kid and family, teaching language skills, environment,
communication, social, and physical therapy as well as special education and training physical
skills can all be effective in compatibility and better growth of these people and physical
rehabilitation of them (Halahan et al., 2001). People with mental disabilities are at risk of
psychological problems and medical, mental disabilities due to limits in social relationships,
family, work, education and interpersonal relationships causes to protect the individual against
various problems such as sexual abuses, financial, and legal. About 49 percent of people with
mental disabilities experience sexual abuses in their lifetime at least ten times or more, many
disabled women are raped and about 90% experience sexual abuse at least one time (Chave,
2014). One of the problems that people with mental and physical disabilities face with it is self-
efficacy, self-efficacy in these patients is extremely low that is with negative consequences of
each month and has an important role in the maintenance of the negative consequences (Higgins
et al., 2012) Self-efficacy is raised as a concept of social learning theory and first was proposed in
1997 by Bandura. Stoke Rosen and colleagues in 1988 considered it as an important case for
health model, particularly when the model is used to predict chronic lifestyle diseases. Stoke
Rosen acknowledged in 1988 that Bandura and colleagues believe that feeling self-efficacy is an
important prerequisite for changing behavior. Self-efficacy is a confidence that the person will
feel about certain activities. This concept influences the effort and level of performance of
individual (Moroti Sharifabad and Rohani Tonekaboni, 2008). The concept of self-efficacy is
based on detailed research and theorizing about the importance of people's expectations about
their ability to successfully deal with problematic situations. Much of our knowledge about the
process and transformation of self-efficacy is obtained of Albert Bandura's studies (Klinke, 1998,
translated by Mohammad Khani, 2005). In fact, self-efficacy is person's belief in his ability to do
something. They are not trying to do anything unless they think they are capable of doing it. If a
person believes that doing something is useful but do not believe that he can do it, he will not
attempt to do it (Jones and Bartlett, 2009). Now self-efficacy is used as a conception of wide
range of different health domains. For example, self- efficacy associated with the ability to
control pain. The results also show that people with high self-efficacy before surgeries of the
mouth has had low anxiety. Research in patients with respiratory disorders has shown that high
self-efficacy predicts the psychological impacts of respiratory diseases. The feeling of self-
efficacy has been one of the predictors of recovery (Badri Gargari and Salek Hadadian, 2010).
Another area that people with mental and physical disabilities are dealt with is self-regulation,
today social services for people with disabilities throughout the world pay special attention to the
issue of self-regulation in these individuals and self-regulation is used as a way to reduce costs,
reduce the damages and improve the overall situation of people with mental and physical
disabilities (Van and Poort, 2012). Self-regulation is one of the trending topics in the field of
learning and one of the proposed concepts and known in contemporary education so today,
experts believe self-regulation is converted to a major focus of research and to one main points in
education and given its characteristics, it seems it has a significant role in achieving a
spontaneous learning process of learners (Montalvo, Torres, 2004) motivation and their academic
achievement (Jacobson and Vico, 2010; Panaoura , Gagatsis, 2009) and even success in life
(Kharazi and Kareshki, 2009) Self-regulation is a process in which the learner looks at learning as
orderly and controllable process and is responsible for academic outcomes (Zimmerman and Pon,
2006) and regulates and moderates thoughts, feelings and actions planned (Keramati, et al., 2011)
in order to achieve personal goals, monitor and continuous and comprehensive evaluation on the
academic achievement and career (Kate and Fres, 2005). Psychologists such as Pintrich (Patyprin
and Johnson, 1991) also believe that learning self-regulated is the ability of person to perform
action based on changing internal and external conditions, including the administrative processes
in the design, implementation and guiding actions. Pintrich considers the most important
strategies of the self-regulated learning as cognitive strategies, metacognitive and resource
management (according to the Pintrich, 2004). Other areas that have been considered in the
context of people with disabilities are cognitive empowerment (Cowan and Oh, 2015). Although
the concept of empowerment in the late 1980s and early 1990s in management literature and
organizational psychology, is imported, but historical survey shows that empowerment is rooted
Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)
in the past. Whetten and Cameron (1998) state that the concept is not new, but it is rooted in
different disciplines of psychology and sociology and religious studies and that turns to the past
decade, even last centuries. In the field of psychology, empowerment means the tendency of
individuals to experience self-control, self-care and freedom respectively. Spreitzer (1996- 1995)
according to the pattern of Thomas and Velthus defines psychological empowerment as a
motivational sense consisting four dimensions of competence, autonomy (freedom of choice),
significance and efficiency that these dimensions reflects one personal direction to the role of
work in the organization. Whetten and Cameron (1998) added the dimension of confidence to it
while emphasizing the multifaceted of empowerment and confirmation of the above four aspects
(quoted from Bordin& Bartram, 2007). Regarding the purpose of study and research conducted,
the main issue in this study is whether training according to the pattern of welfare organization in
cognitive empowerment, self-regulation and self-efficacy of mentally –physically disabled is
The research method is applied, this study is pretest-posttest with control group so that from
subjects are taken pretest and are exposed to stimulus or test variable and re-test is executed, and
no intervention on control group.
The study population included all men and women mentally and physically disabled 14 to 34
years old referring to Tehran welfare training centers in the second half of 2015.
1- Sample size and sampling method
Among the study population, a sample of 40 patients with matching in the type of disability and
age were assigned randomly into two experimental and control groups. It should be noted in this
study, purposive sampling and consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study
included informed consent, minimum age 14 and maximum age 34 years, the lack of psychiatric
drugs, no drugs, and no history of psychiatric disorders and at least primary education.
1-2 used tools
Spritzer and Mishra psychological empowerment questionnaire: This questionnaire has 15
questions and its aim is the assessment of psychological empowerment of employees in the
organization and its dimensions (competence, autonomy, effectiveness, significance and trust).
Likert-type response spectrum is used, in research of Teimurnajad et al (2010), to increase the
validity, the written and oral point of views of professors, scientists and experts of the Ministry of
Economic Affairs and Finance in accordance with the terms and conditions governing the
organization are used. Also, to determine the reliability, first 30 people were selected from
population and the questionnaire was given to them and then Cronbach's alpha was used to
determine the reliability of the questionnaire that the alpha value was equal to 0.95 that it can be
said that the questionnaire has an acceptable stability and reliability. Sherer General Self-Efficacy
Scale (SGSES): Some researchers have considered this concept as a general concept and called it
general self-efficacy. Scherer and Maddox (1982) argue that self-efficacy theory is a model of
cognitive processes for compatibility and they built general self-efficacy scale for the first time to
measure the general belief that not dedicated to a certain position of behavior. Sherer General
Self-efficacy scale has 17 words. Scherer and Maddox (1982) without specifying the factors and
phrases believe that the scale measures three aspects of behavior including desire to startup
behavior, desire to expand the effort to complete the task in the face of obstacles (Asgharnejad et
al., 2006).General self-efficacy questionnaire scoring method is in this case that to any Article
from one to five points (strongly disagree = 1, to strongly agree = 5) is awarded. In general, the
questionnaire contains 17 articles that Articles 3 and 8, 9, 13 and 15 from left to right and others
from right to left, their scores increase and the score reflects higher efficacy (Asgharnejad, 2006).
Reliability and Validity: Woodruff and Kashman (1993), in reviewing Sherer general self-
efficacy confirmed the validity and reliability of this scale. The internal consistency coefficient of
the scale is 83.0 and for the study of criterion validity, its correlation with the "Rotter's Internal
Locus of Control" equal to r = 0 /342 is obtained that at P <0/01 is significant (Haghayegh and
colleagues, 2011). The reliability of sample group in the study for self-efficacy variable is 0.81
(Cronbach's alpha = 0.81). Bouffard self-regulation questionnaire: the questionnaire is designed
by Bouffard et al (1995) based on cognitive theory and validated by Kadyor in Iran. Questions are
in Likert scale and have two subscales of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. To determine its
validity, factor analysis has shown that this instrument is capable to explain of 0.52 of variance in
self-regulation. Also Kadyor (2001) has reported coefficient of reliability of the questionnaire
based Cronbach's alpha on 0.71. Reliability of cognitive strategies subscale has been 0.70 and
metacognitive strategies subscale has been 0.68.
-Question: Is training according to the pattern of welfare organization effective in self-regulation,
self-efficacy and cognitive empowerment of mentally - physically disabled between 14 and 34
years in Tehran?
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of self-regulation, self-efficacy and cognitive empowerment
Descriptive statistics of self-efficacy
Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)
Descriptive statistics of cognitive empowerment
Analysis of covariance was used to check out. To be able to use analysis of covariance, it is
necessary to first examine the assumptions of this type of analysis. It is necessary to examine the
assumptions of analysis of covariance to investigate normal distribution of data, consistency of
variance, canonical correlation of independent variable and the covariate and homogeneity of
regression lines slope.
- Descriptive statistics related to self-regulation, self-efficacy and cognition empowerment are
shown in two groups. Descriptive statistics include mean, standard deviation, tilt, elongation,
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test result to investigate the normality of distribution of observations. As it
can be seen tilt and elongation of self-regulation, self-efficacy and cognitive empowerment in
pretest and posttest of both groups is between -2 to +2. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test results also
show that the variable distribution of self-regulation, self-efficacy, and cognition empowerment is
normal in both groups.
Table 2. Review the correlation assumptions of independent variable and covariate and
homogeneity of regression slopes (dependent variable: self-regulation, self-efficacy, cognition
Significant levelFMean of squaresDegree of freedomSum of squaresSource of changes
0.1172.05298.703198.703Interaction of Group × retest
Review the correlation assumptions of independent variable and covariate and homogeneity
of regression slopes (dependent variable: self-efficacy)
Significant levelFMean of squaresDegree of freedomSum of squaresSource of changes
0.0733.382137.5061137.506Interaction of Group × pretest
Review the correlation assumptions of independent variable and covariate and homogeneity
of regression slopes (dependent variable: cognition empowerment)
Significant levelFMean of squaresDegree of freedomSum of squaresSource of changes
0.0543.948164.3041164.304Interaction of Group × pretest
Levin test significant level to evaluate the homogeneity of variance was not significant (0.05 <P
and F(1-38)=1.733); thus the assumption of homogeneity of variances was confirmed. The
significant level of pretest effect is significant; therefore it can be said that the assumption of
correlation of independent variable and covariate is also observed. The significant level related to
interaction and pre-test is not significant, and this result means that the assumption of
homogeneity of regression slopes is established.
Table 3. Impacts test between subjects (dependent variable: self-regulation)
FMean of
Degree of
Sum of squaresSource of changes
Test results of impacts among subjects show after adjustment of effects of pre-test, F value is
significant for the group (0.001> P and F=16.492); In other words, after removing the effects of
pre-test, there was a significant difference between the scores of all subjects in posttest and 0.34
percent of variance of self-regulation is explained by groups of subjects (η2=0.344).
Table 4. Impacts test between subjects (dependent variable: self-efficacy)
FMean of
Degree of
Sum of squaresSource of changes
Test results of impacts among subjects show after adjustment of effects of pre-test, F value is
significant for the group (0.001> P and F=30.209); In other words, after removing the effects of
pre-test, there was a significant difference between the scores of all subjects in posttest and 0.49
percent of variance of self-efficacy is explained by groups of subjects (η2=0.488).
Table 5. Impacts test between subjects (dependent variable: cognition empowerment)
FMean of
Degree of
Sum of squaresSource of changes
Test results of impacts among subjects show after adjustment of effects of pre-test, F value is
significant for the group (0.001> P and F=13.860); In other words, after removing the effects of
pre-test, there was a significant difference between the scores of all subjects in posttest and 0.31
percent of variance of cognition empowerment is explained by groups of subjects (η2=0.312).
Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)
Table 6. Compare the score of self-regulation of subjects in two groups (dependent variable: self-
Confidence interval 95%Significant
Mean difference (I-J)Group (J)Group (I)
High limitLow limit
As seen in Table 7, the mean difference of score of self-regulation of subjects in the experimental
group with mean of self-regulation score of control groups is significant (P <0.01); therefore it
can be said training intervention according to the pattern of welfare organization significantly is
effective in self-regulation of mentally –physically disabled between 14 to 34 years in Tehran.
Table 7. Compare the score of self-efficacy of subjects in two groups (dependent variable: self-
Confidence interval 95%Significant
Mean difference (I-J)Group (J)Group (I)
High limitLow limit
As can be seen , the mean difference of score of self-efficacy of subjects in the experimental
group with mean of self-efficacy score of control groups is significant (P <0.01); therefore it can
be said training intervention according to the pattern of welfare organization significantly is
effective in self-efficacy of mentally –physically disabled between 14 to 34 years in Tehran.
Table 8. Compare the score of cognition empowerment of subjects in two groups (dependent
variable: cognition empowerment)
Confidence interval 95%Significant
Mean difference (I-J)Group (J)Group (I)
High limitLow limit
As can be seen, the mean difference of score of cognition empowerment of subjects in the
experimental group with mean of self-efficacy score of control groups is significant (P <0.01);
therefore it can be said training intervention according to the pattern of welfare organization
significantly is effective in cognition empowerment of mentally –physically disabled between 14
to 34 years in Tehran.
Discussion and conclusion
Is training according to the pattern of welfare organization effective in self-regulation, self-
efficacy and cognitive empowerment of mentally - physically disabled between 14 and 34 years
in Tehran? The results showed that welfare training centers are caused significant improvement of
self-regulation of physically-mentally disabled. Training improves process such as cognitive
processes (Neg et al., 2006), improve ability to plan (Nakama et al., 2014), improve motor
processes (Kryschak et al., 2013), better compatibility with disabilities (Dahl Alb, Williams and
Lowez, 2014), improve verbal ability (Baoliyo et al., 2015) and that hese factors are the most
important elements and components in the process of self-regulation (Spireglot et al., 2016). This
explanation is indirect because the study is the first study that has investigated the effectiveness of
training centers in disabled self-regulation. Learning a professional in long time and existing
environment that improve this activity and can be as an incentive and stimulus that individual
can act to learn and develop a skill that can change all mentally and physically structures of these
people despite monitor, manage and proper advice. When people are in an environment that
require the timely presence, compliance laws preset that for everyone is the same, existing social
network that person with people interact as colleague, friend, guider and other roles, learning
through observation of guider and friends, strengthened through help and other people in this
cycle and provide a program that a person can lead it according to it in time specified and under
the guidance that is familiar with the characteristics of people (Markowitz, 2006).The same rules
and practices can lead to improve self-regulation, self-regulation is a process in which through
change and improve the structure and run cognitive, behavioral, emotional, biological of person
leads to improve performance and efficiency. Process of self-regulation is faced with improving
motivational performance in the person, so that person from external motivations that
environment provides for him faces to internal motivations and leads to spontaneous work and
internal management, as well as with improving cognitive empowerments such as ability to plan,
problem solving, learning, following small goals and ultimately achieve the ambitious goal could
lead to improve self-regulation, because self-regulation requires proper performance of cognitive
empowerments. As well as changes in biological structures also occur in the process of self-
efficacy, improve the activity of the prefrontal cortex, an increase of neurotransmitters and
increase these neurotransmitters are the benefits of self-efficacy that directly increases
performance and compatibility of person so that increase prefrontal cortex function that is the
location of our empowerments will lead directly to improve compatibility and performance, as
well as an increase in neurotransmitters such as dopamine due to improve self- regulating can
lead to duplicate cycle in the presence of appropriate behaviors and strengthen the
neurotransmitter of dopamine which directs the person's behavior (Rob, Fres and Behr, 2007)
Training according to the pattern of welfare organization by providing a place can improve
behavioral factors, cognitive and emotional that disabled person can under the guidance of experts
and in the presence of friends learn. Exist an environment that learners are often on the same level
and individual can improve his performance by comparing and creating instant boosts has a great
impact in improving people's learning, self-regulation means increasing motivation and
improving planning and behavioral function, emotional and cognitive of individual that training
centers will be effective in all these changes with conditions that provide for disabled person, a
safe environment, a supervisor and mentor, and other people who have the same goal and in the
Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)
same and potential abilities are together as well as gradual increase of intrinsic motivation in this
environment will directly improve self-regulation of these people. -Results of data analysis
showed that welfare training centers has a significant effectiveness in improving self-efficacy of
disabled people that is in line with studies (Gag et al., 1994), Landa and Molnar (2012), Sampel
(2013). In fact, self-efficacy refers to the fact that individual to what extent accepts his
empowerments and believes him. In other words, does the person consider himself powerful and
effective in various fields or not? Self-efficacy is a concept that has a close relation with self-
confidence and self-esteem and implicitly associates with them. People with high self-efficacy in
different life situations by awareness that have from their weaknesses and abilities in the face of
difficulties and obstacles choose the best solution and by believing their ability solve the serious
problems ahead. Self-efficacy includes several components, including the ability to design and
plan and run it, effort when faced with an obstacle, the ability to achieve the objectives, the ability
to deal with problems, try out complex tasks, stability in inappropriate activities, focus on doing
what we have decided to implement it, solve unexpected problems that arise, self-confidence,
simply not give up, more effort in the face of failure, the ability to learn new things that seem
difficult and ... (Rudbakh , 2006) Training by creating a situation in which one learns art or
professional and specific performance and can also use it in the context outside the place of
learning, as well as compare self with others and compare its performance with the past can lead
to a sense of self-efficacy, the feeling that one with all the restrictions still can act usefully to self
and the environment, and gain immediate and long-term strengthens (Gag et al., 1994) Self-
efficacy is a factor that if there is a favorable environment, motivation of person and external
strengthens can quickly recover, training under the supervision of mentor and guider as well as
the environment in which do the training officially and in accordance with the specific rules, can
provide these conditions, a person who in an environment with special law acts to functional
learning that has short-term and long-term boost to person, and continuous assessments over time
can provide tailored feedback to the individual that attempted to correct their performance and
further strengthen and improve the performance that promotes individual's self-efficacy (Landau
Molnar, 2012), Self-efficacy in people with various disabilities can improve significantly quality
of life, hope, happiness, welfare, psychological, interpersonal relationships, self-confidence of
these people, as well as by creating the feeling of being able and gain environmental strengthens
is effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety (Sampele, 2013) Training can
improve self-efficacy of people according to the pattern of welfare organization by creating an
appropriate place with expertise in this area that are familiar with the characteristics of cognitive,
emotional and behavioral of people with different disabilities and have experienced necessary
training, as well as programs preset that are in accordance with characteristics of people with
disabilities have major role in increasing the efficacy of these people, coach and guider that in
accordance with the characteristics of people with disabilities apply training to these people and
provide appropriate strengthens. People with disabilities due to limitations that have in the real
environment not have the possibility of strengthening and training commensurate with their
abilities, but in these centers can gain these strengthening and skills with space and specialized
staff that is provided, being in an environment that people with abilities almost identical in
purpose of acquiring specific skills are together and the feeling of being on the side of people
similar to each other leads to improve happiness, well-being, psychological and behavioral. If
self-efficacy of these people improves, it can be expected to improve mental health of these
people and by learning professional and skills, for self, family and community to be more useful
person. Finally, the results showed that training according to the pattern of welfare organization
has a significant effectiveness in cognitive empowerment of disabled. Cognitive empowerment is
a variable that is defined with a proper understanding of tasks, doing things with intrinsic
motivation and planned that with factors such as self-efficacy, ability of self-effective and
intrinsic factor in the events, understand its importance, a sense of self-confidence, ability to plan,
follow certain programs that lead to the desired goal, behaviors modification and programs if
needed (Oruei Yazdani, 2002). People with physically-mentally disabilities in all aspects
mentioned have cognitive empowerment with defect, training centers by providing a place where
one must practice the preset programs, does repetition and learning can over time cause the
people to be able to plan, experts of this issue that can answer their questions and correct their
possible errors is one of the most important effects of these programs, also existing process makes
the person to learn and practice gradually certain skills that can improve self-efficacy of these
people, self-efficacy is a process which over time and with practice achieves, training centers by
creating a place where one can gradually and under the relevant coach gain skills directly lead to
increase self-efficacy, also this skill are also led to believe that the person knows self as the agent
of happenings and somehow the source of internal control is shaped in him, this change makes the
person as someone involved in all aspects of his life as an influential person that can affect all
aspects of psychological, it can lead to improve cognitive abilities and memory and reduce
anxiety and depression as well. Existing coach who can give feedback of possible errors and
express reforms needed, it cause learning in the individual that person can internalize the ability
to reform and later automatically impose these reforms (Rodriguez et al., 2008) Training
according to welfare organization by providing a place that people can practice continuously with
the presence of mentor that can certainly improve their learning and it is certainly is effective in
improving cognitive empowerment of these individuals. The results according to the number and
size of sample and type of measurement tools have their limitations in terms of generalizability so
it is suggested that in future research to be used larger sample sizes and comprehensive
measurement tools.
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HOSSEIN GHASEMIAN REZAMAHALEH, Master of Science in Psychology Azad University, Shahrod Branch

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  • 1. Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET) ISSN: 1823-6049 Volume (12), Issue (4), 2016, 787-798 Available online at Citation: H.Ghasemian.R, The Effectiveness of Training According to the Pattern of Welfare Organization in Cognitive Empowerment, Self-Regulation and Self-Efficacy of Mentally - Physically Disabled, Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training, Volume (12), Issue (4), 2016, pp. 787-798
  • 2. 787 The Effectiveness of Training According to the Pattern of Welfare Organization in Cognitive Empowerment, Self-Regulation and Self-Efficacy of Mentally - Physically Disabled H.Ghasemian.R ABSTRACT Introduction: This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of training according to the pattern of welfare organization in cognitive empowerment, self-regulation and self-efficacy of mentally - physically disabled. Method: This study is a two-group pretest-posttest, the population of this study included all men and women mentally and physically disabled 14 to 34 years old referred to Tehran welfare training centers in the second half of 2015, among the research community, a sample of 40 people with matching in kind of disability and age and in two experimental and control groups was randomly replaced. At the beginning of entering people to the quarter trainings and at the end of the training, psychological empowerment questionnaires of Spritzer and Mishra, general self-efficacy scale of Scherer and self-regulation of Bouffard were used to gather information. Information gathered using descriptive- inferential statistics were analyzed including covariance with SPSS software, version 22. Results: Data analysis results showed that training has had a significant impact in improving the self-regulation, self-efficacy and psychological empowerment of subjects of research. Conclusion: Considering the effectiveness of welfare training centers in self-efficacy, self-regulation and psychological empowerment of disabled, it is recommended that the educational programs of this center widely to be used in interventions and training related to disabled. Key words: training, welfare organization, cognitive empowerment, self-regulation, self- efficacy, mentally – physically disabled Introduction Someone said to be disabled that due to physical or mental defect, a significant disorder to be created continuously on public health and performance, or in social affairs, economic and vocational of him, so this disorder causes to decrease his individual, social and economic independence. This group includes deaf, blind, physically disabled and mentally disabled; mental
  • 3. Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET) 788 retardation is a disorder that is specified with intellectual function under normal limit and disorder in adaptive skills. Less than 18 years old is the age of starting mental retardation and the purpose of adaptive skills is to do works that at any age typically is expected of the person (Papadatou Tomprou, 2015). Many reasons for mental and physical disabilities are listed which include prenatal factors that include genetic effects and chromosome changes. In addition, uterine infections and rubella and toxoplasmosis disease (a serious disease that is transmitted through cat) are also involved in the development. What is common, the most cause of mental retardation is prenatal factors that are important in terms of prevention, particularly chromosomal factors such as Down syndrome and infectious agents such as rubella, and congenital toxoplasmosis. In the meantime, factors at birth, such as complicated childbirth and breathing problems and bleeding skull during childbirth and… are effective (Mehrabizadeh et al., 2001). Other factors are factors after birth, including severe blows to the child's skull (jaundice), cyanosis (blackened), infections during infancy with fever and convulsions, hypothyroidism and .... That with the care of children, especially before the age of four can be prevented to some degree of mental retardation (Mehrabizadeh et al., 2001). Social environmental factors also affect, they have smaller impacts on the incidence of mental retardation and include poverty, nutrition, family instability, poor socio-economic status and cultural deprivation and intense stress in child's life environment (Mehrabizadeh et al., 2001). Prevent the emergence of factors creating mental retardation in particular factors before birth is particularly important. Family education, prevent consanguineous marriages, prevent pregnancy after age 35 years, pregnancy hygiene (avoid radiation, drug, trauma to the abdomen, maternal nutrition, prevention and control of congenital infections, etc.) in primary prevention are very effective. Protect the child after birth, especially in infancy and early therapeutic intervention in diseases such as hypothyroidism (CH) is also important in the prevention of mental retardation. Mental retardation has no cure, and the best way to control it is to prevent it. It seems certain medications also control the development of disorder. The main treatment of mentally retarded individuals is to increase their compatibility, living conditions and set environmental and efficiency expectations of the people in the family and society. Family counseling and individual counseling is necessary in order to limit the impacts of mental retardation. Using methods recommended by experts for achieving and maintaining operational efficiency can increase their self-confidence and better compatibility with the normal stresses of life of mentally retarded person. Teaching kid and family, teaching language skills, environment, communication, social, and physical therapy as well as special education and training physical skills can all be effective in compatibility and better growth of these people and physical rehabilitation of them (Halahan et al., 2001). People with mental disabilities are at risk of psychological problems and medical, mental disabilities due to limits in social relationships, family, work, education and interpersonal relationships causes to protect the individual against various problems such as sexual abuses, financial, and legal. About 49 percent of people with mental disabilities experience sexual abuses in their lifetime at least ten times or more, many disabled women are raped and about 90% experience sexual abuse at least one time (Chave, 2014). One of the problems that people with mental and physical disabilities face with it is self- efficacy, self-efficacy in these patients is extremely low that is with negative consequences of
  • 4. 789 each month and has an important role in the maintenance of the negative consequences (Higgins et al., 2012) Self-efficacy is raised as a concept of social learning theory and first was proposed in 1997 by Bandura. Stoke Rosen and colleagues in 1988 considered it as an important case for health model, particularly when the model is used to predict chronic lifestyle diseases. Stoke Rosen acknowledged in 1988 that Bandura and colleagues believe that feeling self-efficacy is an important prerequisite for changing behavior. Self-efficacy is a confidence that the person will feel about certain activities. This concept influences the effort and level of performance of individual (Moroti Sharifabad and Rohani Tonekaboni, 2008). The concept of self-efficacy is based on detailed research and theorizing about the importance of people's expectations about their ability to successfully deal with problematic situations. Much of our knowledge about the process and transformation of self-efficacy is obtained of Albert Bandura's studies (Klinke, 1998, translated by Mohammad Khani, 2005). In fact, self-efficacy is person's belief in his ability to do something. They are not trying to do anything unless they think they are capable of doing it. If a person believes that doing something is useful but do not believe that he can do it, he will not attempt to do it (Jones and Bartlett, 2009). Now self-efficacy is used as a conception of wide range of different health domains. For example, self- efficacy associated with the ability to control pain. The results also show that people with high self-efficacy before surgeries of the mouth has had low anxiety. Research in patients with respiratory disorders has shown that high self-efficacy predicts the psychological impacts of respiratory diseases. The feeling of self- efficacy has been one of the predictors of recovery (Badri Gargari and Salek Hadadian, 2010). Another area that people with mental and physical disabilities are dealt with is self-regulation, today social services for people with disabilities throughout the world pay special attention to the issue of self-regulation in these individuals and self-regulation is used as a way to reduce costs, reduce the damages and improve the overall situation of people with mental and physical disabilities (Van and Poort, 2012). Self-regulation is one of the trending topics in the field of learning and one of the proposed concepts and known in contemporary education so today, experts believe self-regulation is converted to a major focus of research and to one main points in education and given its characteristics, it seems it has a significant role in achieving a spontaneous learning process of learners (Montalvo, Torres, 2004) motivation and their academic achievement (Jacobson and Vico, 2010; Panaoura , Gagatsis, 2009) and even success in life (Kharazi and Kareshki, 2009) Self-regulation is a process in which the learner looks at learning as orderly and controllable process and is responsible for academic outcomes (Zimmerman and Pon, 2006) and regulates and moderates thoughts, feelings and actions planned (Keramati, et al., 2011) in order to achieve personal goals, monitor and continuous and comprehensive evaluation on the academic achievement and career (Kate and Fres, 2005). Psychologists such as Pintrich (Patyprin and Johnson, 1991) also believe that learning self-regulated is the ability of person to perform action based on changing internal and external conditions, including the administrative processes in the design, implementation and guiding actions. Pintrich considers the most important strategies of the self-regulated learning as cognitive strategies, metacognitive and resource management (according to the Pintrich, 2004). Other areas that have been considered in the context of people with disabilities are cognitive empowerment (Cowan and Oh, 2015). Although the concept of empowerment in the late 1980s and early 1990s in management literature and organizational psychology, is imported, but historical survey shows that empowerment is rooted
  • 5. Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET) 790 in the past. Whetten and Cameron (1998) state that the concept is not new, but it is rooted in different disciplines of psychology and sociology and religious studies and that turns to the past decade, even last centuries. In the field of psychology, empowerment means the tendency of individuals to experience self-control, self-care and freedom respectively. Spreitzer (1996- 1995) according to the pattern of Thomas and Velthus defines psychological empowerment as a motivational sense consisting four dimensions of competence, autonomy (freedom of choice), significance and efficiency that these dimensions reflects one personal direction to the role of work in the organization. Whetten and Cameron (1998) added the dimension of confidence to it while emphasizing the multifaceted of empowerment and confirmation of the above four aspects (quoted from Bordin& Bartram, 2007). Regarding the purpose of study and research conducted, the main issue in this study is whether training according to the pattern of welfare organization in cognitive empowerment, self-regulation and self-efficacy of mentally –physically disabled is effective? Method The research method is applied, this study is pretest-posttest with control group so that from subjects are taken pretest and are exposed to stimulus or test variable and re-test is executed, and no intervention on control group. Population The study population included all men and women mentally and physically disabled 14 to 34 years old referring to Tehran welfare training centers in the second half of 2015. 1- Sample size and sampling method Among the study population, a sample of 40 patients with matching in the type of disability and age were assigned randomly into two experimental and control groups. It should be noted in this study, purposive sampling and consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study included informed consent, minimum age 14 and maximum age 34 years, the lack of psychiatric drugs, no drugs, and no history of psychiatric disorders and at least primary education. 1-2 used tools Spritzer and Mishra psychological empowerment questionnaire: This questionnaire has 15 questions and its aim is the assessment of psychological empowerment of employees in the organization and its dimensions (competence, autonomy, effectiveness, significance and trust). Likert-type response spectrum is used, in research of Teimurnajad et al (2010), to increase the validity, the written and oral point of views of professors, scientists and experts of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance in accordance with the terms and conditions governing the organization are used. Also, to determine the reliability, first 30 people were selected from population and the questionnaire was given to them and then Cronbach's alpha was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire that the alpha value was equal to 0.95 that it can be said that the questionnaire has an acceptable stability and reliability. Sherer General Self-Efficacy Scale (SGSES): Some researchers have considered this concept as a general concept and called it general self-efficacy. Scherer and Maddox (1982) argue that self-efficacy theory is a model of cognitive processes for compatibility and they built general self-efficacy scale for the first time to
  • 6. 791 measure the general belief that not dedicated to a certain position of behavior. Sherer General Self-efficacy scale has 17 words. Scherer and Maddox (1982) without specifying the factors and phrases believe that the scale measures three aspects of behavior including desire to startup behavior, desire to expand the effort to complete the task in the face of obstacles (Asgharnejad et al., 2006).General self-efficacy questionnaire scoring method is in this case that to any Article from one to five points (strongly disagree = 1, to strongly agree = 5) is awarded. In general, the questionnaire contains 17 articles that Articles 3 and 8, 9, 13 and 15 from left to right and others from right to left, their scores increase and the score reflects higher efficacy (Asgharnejad, 2006). Reliability and Validity: Woodruff and Kashman (1993), in reviewing Sherer general self- efficacy confirmed the validity and reliability of this scale. The internal consistency coefficient of the scale is 83.0 and for the study of criterion validity, its correlation with the "Rotter's Internal Locus of Control" equal to r = 0 /342 is obtained that at P <0/01 is significant (Haghayegh and colleagues, 2011). The reliability of sample group in the study for self-efficacy variable is 0.81 (Cronbach's alpha = 0.81). Bouffard self-regulation questionnaire: the questionnaire is designed by Bouffard et al (1995) based on cognitive theory and validated by Kadyor in Iran. Questions are in Likert scale and have two subscales of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. To determine its validity, factor analysis has shown that this instrument is capable to explain of 0.52 of variance in self-regulation. Also Kadyor (2001) has reported coefficient of reliability of the questionnaire based Cronbach's alpha on 0.71. Reliability of cognitive strategies subscale has been 0.70 and metacognitive strategies subscale has been 0.68. Results -Question: Is training according to the pattern of welfare organization effective in self-regulation, self-efficacy and cognitive empowerment of mentally - physically disabled between 14 and 34 years in Tehran? Table 1. Descriptive statistics of self-regulation, self-efficacy and cognitive empowerment Significant level Kolmogorov- Smirnov ElongationTiltSDMeanThe number of subjects GroupMeasurement time 0.6120.783-1.591-0.0676.5225.3020ExperimentalPretest 0.9170.548-0.2130.6124.7324.8820Control 0.8690.640-1.244-0.03475.6331.6520ExperimentalPosttest 0.6510.770-1.1380.4736.5725.0720Control Descriptive statistics of self-efficacy Significant level Kolmogorov- Smirnov ElongationTiltSDMeanThe number of subjects GroupMeasurement time 0.8180.633-1.099-0.1925.0927.9020ExperimentalPretest 0.9940.420-1.0070.1276.6128.2520Control 0.7980.646-0.909-0.3755.0235.520ExperimentalPosttest 0.6030.765-0.898-0.4696.3229.3020Control
  • 7. Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET) 792 Descriptive statistics of cognitive empowerment Significant level Kolmogorov- Smirnov ElongationTiltSDMeanThe number of subjects GroupMeasurement time 0.6370.744-1.551-0.0936.5529.7520ExperimentalPretest 0.8930.577-0.1820.5914.8227.3520Control 0.8500.610-1.234-0.1875.9434.7020ExperimentalPosttest 0.6460.739-1.060-0.4586.1427.9020Control Analysis of covariance was used to check out. To be able to use analysis of covariance, it is necessary to first examine the assumptions of this type of analysis. It is necessary to examine the assumptions of analysis of covariance to investigate normal distribution of data, consistency of variance, canonical correlation of independent variable and the covariate and homogeneity of regression lines slope. - Descriptive statistics related to self-regulation, self-efficacy and cognition empowerment are shown in two groups. Descriptive statistics include mean, standard deviation, tilt, elongation, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test result to investigate the normality of distribution of observations. As it can be seen tilt and elongation of self-regulation, self-efficacy and cognitive empowerment in pretest and posttest of both groups is between -2 to +2. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test results also show that the variable distribution of self-regulation, self-efficacy, and cognition empowerment is normal in both groups. Table 2. Review the correlation assumptions of independent variable and covariate and homogeneity of regression slopes (dependent variable: self-regulation, self-efficacy, cognition empowerment) Significant levelFMean of squaresDegree of freedomSum of squaresSource of changes 0.00024.538723.3401723.340Pretest 0.1172.05298.703198.703Interaction of Group × retest 14.91637436.284Error Review the correlation assumptions of independent variable and covariate and homogeneity of regression slopes (dependent variable: self-efficacy) Significant levelFMean of squaresDegree of freedomSum of squaresSource of changes 0.00015.895471.7461471.746Pretest 0.0733.382137.5061137.506Interaction of Group × pretest 9.74737377.640Error Review the correlation assumptions of independent variable and covariate and homogeneity of regression slopes (dependent variable: cognition empowerment) Significant levelFMean of squaresDegree of freedomSum of squaresSource of changes 0.00015.250634.6421634.642Pretest 0.0543.948164.3041164.304Interaction of Group × pretest 12.61537539.760Error
  • 8. 793 Levin test significant level to evaluate the homogeneity of variance was not significant (0.05 <P and F(1-38)=1.733); thus the assumption of homogeneity of variances was confirmed. The significant level of pretest effect is significant; therefore it can be said that the assumption of correlation of independent variable and covariate is also observed. The significant level related to interaction and pre-test is not significant, and this result means that the assumption of homogeneity of regression slopes is established. Table 3. Impacts test between subjects (dependent variable: self-regulation) Chi Eta Significant level FMean of squares Degree of freedom Sum of squaresSource of changes 0.5120.00032.8641059.47211059.472Pretest 0.3440.00016.492675.2521675.252Group 4.06237148.536Error Test results of impacts among subjects show after adjustment of effects of pre-test, F value is significant for the group (0.001> P and F=16.492); In other words, after removing the effects of pre-test, there was a significant difference between the scores of all subjects in posttest and 0.34 percent of variance of self-regulation is explained by groups of subjects (η2=0.344). Table 4. Impacts test between subjects (dependent variable: self-efficacy) Chi Eta Significant level FMean of squares Degree of freedom Sum of squaresSource of changes 0.3190.00017.532544.1951544.195Pretest 0.4880.00030.209968.7561968.756Group 11.74237312.191Error Test results of impacts among subjects show after adjustment of effects of pre-test, F value is significant for the group (0.001> P and F=30.209); In other words, after removing the effects of pre-test, there was a significant difference between the scores of all subjects in posttest and 0.49 percent of variance of self-efficacy is explained by groups of subjects (η2=0.488). Table 5. Impacts test between subjects (dependent variable: cognition empowerment) Chi Eta Significant level FMean of squares Degree of freedom Sum of squaresSource of changes 0.4280.00016.728703.6351703.635Pretest 0.3120.00013.860583.0171583.017Group 4.06237155.365Error Test results of impacts among subjects show after adjustment of effects of pre-test, F value is significant for the group (0.001> P and F=13.860); In other words, after removing the effects of pre-test, there was a significant difference between the scores of all subjects in posttest and 0.31 percent of variance of cognition empowerment is explained by groups of subjects (η2=0.312).
  • 9. Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET) 794 Table 6. Compare the score of self-regulation of subjects in two groups (dependent variable: self- regulation) Confidence interval 95%Significant level Standard error Mean difference (I-J)Group (J)Group (I) High limitLow limit 7.1120.6720.0002.0816.350***ControlExperimental As seen in Table 7, the mean difference of score of self-regulation of subjects in the experimental group with mean of self-regulation score of control groups is significant (P <0.01); therefore it can be said training intervention according to the pattern of welfare organization significantly is effective in self-regulation of mentally –physically disabled between 14 to 34 years in Tehran. Table 7. Compare the score of self-efficacy of subjects in two groups (dependent variable: self- efficacy) Confidence interval 95%Significant level Standard error Mean difference (I-J)Group (J)Group (I) High limitLow limit 7.5612.1760.0031.8235.869***ControlExperimental As can be seen , the mean difference of score of self-efficacy of subjects in the experimental group with mean of self-efficacy score of control groups is significant (P <0.01); therefore it can be said training intervention according to the pattern of welfare organization significantly is effective in self-efficacy of mentally –physically disabled between 14 to 34 years in Tehran. Table 8. Compare the score of cognition empowerment of subjects in two groups (dependent variable: cognition empowerment) Confidence interval 95%Significant level Standard error Mean difference (I-J)Group (J)Group (I) High limitLow limit 5.2541.7540.0081.0975.004***ControlExperimental As can be seen, the mean difference of score of cognition empowerment of subjects in the experimental group with mean of self-efficacy score of control groups is significant (P <0.01); therefore it can be said training intervention according to the pattern of welfare organization significantly is effective in cognition empowerment of mentally –physically disabled between 14 to 34 years in Tehran.
  • 10. 795 Discussion and conclusion Is training according to the pattern of welfare organization effective in self-regulation, self- efficacy and cognitive empowerment of mentally - physically disabled between 14 and 34 years in Tehran? The results showed that welfare training centers are caused significant improvement of self-regulation of physically-mentally disabled. Training improves process such as cognitive processes (Neg et al., 2006), improve ability to plan (Nakama et al., 2014), improve motor processes (Kryschak et al., 2013), better compatibility with disabilities (Dahl Alb, Williams and Lowez, 2014), improve verbal ability (Baoliyo et al., 2015) and that hese factors are the most important elements and components in the process of self-regulation (Spireglot et al., 2016). This explanation is indirect because the study is the first study that has investigated the effectiveness of training centers in disabled self-regulation. Learning a professional in long time and existing environment that improve this activity and can be as an incentive and stimulus that individual can act to learn and develop a skill that can change all mentally and physically structures of these people despite monitor, manage and proper advice. When people are in an environment that require the timely presence, compliance laws preset that for everyone is the same, existing social network that person with people interact as colleague, friend, guider and other roles, learning through observation of guider and friends, strengthened through help and other people in this cycle and provide a program that a person can lead it according to it in time specified and under the guidance that is familiar with the characteristics of people (Markowitz, 2006).The same rules and practices can lead to improve self-regulation, self-regulation is a process in which through change and improve the structure and run cognitive, behavioral, emotional, biological of person leads to improve performance and efficiency. Process of self-regulation is faced with improving motivational performance in the person, so that person from external motivations that environment provides for him faces to internal motivations and leads to spontaneous work and internal management, as well as with improving cognitive empowerments such as ability to plan, problem solving, learning, following small goals and ultimately achieve the ambitious goal could lead to improve self-regulation, because self-regulation requires proper performance of cognitive empowerments. As well as changes in biological structures also occur in the process of self- efficacy, improve the activity of the prefrontal cortex, an increase of neurotransmitters and increase these neurotransmitters are the benefits of self-efficacy that directly increases performance and compatibility of person so that increase prefrontal cortex function that is the location of our empowerments will lead directly to improve compatibility and performance, as well as an increase in neurotransmitters such as dopamine due to improve self- regulating can lead to duplicate cycle in the presence of appropriate behaviors and strengthen the neurotransmitter of dopamine which directs the person's behavior (Rob, Fres and Behr, 2007) Training according to the pattern of welfare organization by providing a place can improve behavioral factors, cognitive and emotional that disabled person can under the guidance of experts and in the presence of friends learn. Exist an environment that learners are often on the same level and individual can improve his performance by comparing and creating instant boosts has a great impact in improving people's learning, self-regulation means increasing motivation and improving planning and behavioral function, emotional and cognitive of individual that training centers will be effective in all these changes with conditions that provide for disabled person, a safe environment, a supervisor and mentor, and other people who have the same goal and in the
  • 11. Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET) 796 same and potential abilities are together as well as gradual increase of intrinsic motivation in this environment will directly improve self-regulation of these people. -Results of data analysis showed that welfare training centers has a significant effectiveness in improving self-efficacy of disabled people that is in line with studies (Gag et al., 1994), Landa and Molnar (2012), Sampel (2013). In fact, self-efficacy refers to the fact that individual to what extent accepts his empowerments and believes him. In other words, does the person consider himself powerful and effective in various fields or not? Self-efficacy is a concept that has a close relation with self- confidence and self-esteem and implicitly associates with them. People with high self-efficacy in different life situations by awareness that have from their weaknesses and abilities in the face of difficulties and obstacles choose the best solution and by believing their ability solve the serious problems ahead. Self-efficacy includes several components, including the ability to design and plan and run it, effort when faced with an obstacle, the ability to achieve the objectives, the ability to deal with problems, try out complex tasks, stability in inappropriate activities, focus on doing what we have decided to implement it, solve unexpected problems that arise, self-confidence, simply not give up, more effort in the face of failure, the ability to learn new things that seem difficult and ... (Rudbakh , 2006) Training by creating a situation in which one learns art or professional and specific performance and can also use it in the context outside the place of learning, as well as compare self with others and compare its performance with the past can lead to a sense of self-efficacy, the feeling that one with all the restrictions still can act usefully to self and the environment, and gain immediate and long-term strengthens (Gag et al., 1994) Self- efficacy is a factor that if there is a favorable environment, motivation of person and external strengthens can quickly recover, training under the supervision of mentor and guider as well as the environment in which do the training officially and in accordance with the specific rules, can provide these conditions, a person who in an environment with special law acts to functional learning that has short-term and long-term boost to person, and continuous assessments over time can provide tailored feedback to the individual that attempted to correct their performance and further strengthen and improve the performance that promotes individual's self-efficacy (Landau Molnar, 2012), Self-efficacy in people with various disabilities can improve significantly quality of life, hope, happiness, welfare, psychological, interpersonal relationships, self-confidence of these people, as well as by creating the feeling of being able and gain environmental strengthens is effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety (Sampele, 2013) Training can improve self-efficacy of people according to the pattern of welfare organization by creating an appropriate place with expertise in this area that are familiar with the characteristics of cognitive, emotional and behavioral of people with different disabilities and have experienced necessary training, as well as programs preset that are in accordance with characteristics of people with disabilities have major role in increasing the efficacy of these people, coach and guider that in accordance with the characteristics of people with disabilities apply training to these people and provide appropriate strengthens. People with disabilities due to limitations that have in the real environment not have the possibility of strengthening and training commensurate with their abilities, but in these centers can gain these strengthening and skills with space and specialized staff that is provided, being in an environment that people with abilities almost identical in
  • 12. 797 purpose of acquiring specific skills are together and the feeling of being on the side of people similar to each other leads to improve happiness, well-being, psychological and behavioral. If self-efficacy of these people improves, it can be expected to improve mental health of these people and by learning professional and skills, for self, family and community to be more useful person. Finally, the results showed that training according to the pattern of welfare organization has a significant effectiveness in cognitive empowerment of disabled. Cognitive empowerment is a variable that is defined with a proper understanding of tasks, doing things with intrinsic motivation and planned that with factors such as self-efficacy, ability of self-effective and intrinsic factor in the events, understand its importance, a sense of self-confidence, ability to plan, follow certain programs that lead to the desired goal, behaviors modification and programs if needed (Oruei Yazdani, 2002). People with physically-mentally disabilities in all aspects mentioned have cognitive empowerment with defect, training centers by providing a place where one must practice the preset programs, does repetition and learning can over time cause the people to be able to plan, experts of this issue that can answer their questions and correct their possible errors is one of the most important effects of these programs, also existing process makes the person to learn and practice gradually certain skills that can improve self-efficacy of these people, self-efficacy is a process which over time and with practice achieves, training centers by creating a place where one can gradually and under the relevant coach gain skills directly lead to increase self-efficacy, also this skill are also led to believe that the person knows self as the agent of happenings and somehow the source of internal control is shaped in him, this change makes the person as someone involved in all aspects of his life as an influential person that can affect all aspects of psychological, it can lead to improve cognitive abilities and memory and reduce anxiety and depression as well. Existing coach who can give feedback of possible errors and express reforms needed, it cause learning in the individual that person can internalize the ability to reform and later automatically impose these reforms (Rodriguez et al., 2008) Training according to welfare organization by providing a place that people can practice continuously with the presence of mentor that can certainly improve their learning and it is certainly is effective in improving cognitive empowerment of these individuals. The results according to the number and size of sample and type of measurement tools have their limitations in terms of generalizability so it is suggested that in future research to be used larger sample sizes and comprehensive measurement tools. References Asgharnejad, T. et al. (2006). Study Scherrer's scale efficacy psychometric properties. Journal of Psychology, Volume 7, Number 39 Afruz, GA. (2003). Mentally retarded children. Tehran: Tehran University Press. Oraei Yazdani, H. (2002), the attitude of empowerment, First Edition, Tehran, Institute of Business Studies and Research Teimurnejad, Kaveh, Sarihi Esfastany, R., (2010); the impact of organizational learning on psychological empowerment of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Journal of improvement management and transformation studies (62), summer and autumn 2010 Abd-Al-Ahyan, Namdar. (2014). Training in students with mental disabilities. Monthly exceptional education, number 24, 1-4
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