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68ga Anti-Hr2 Case Study
The data obtained from this clinical case show that 68Ga–DTPAAnti–HER2 has the capability to
identify HER2–expressing metastatic lesions from breast cancer. Importantly, HER2 overexpression
was foreseen in lymph nodes and lung metastases by molecular imaging when the
immunohistochemistry analysis was indeterminate for both metastatic sites and, even if 18F–FDG
seems to be better to visualize tumours, 68Ga–DTPAAnti–HER2 showed high specificity to detect
the pulmonary metastatic lesions. The origin of the moderate uptake using 68Ga–DTPAAnti–HER2
remains to be determined, but may be related to low levels of HER2 expression.
Noteworthy, 68Ga had a significant background activity in the liver and heart (SUVmax=9.45 and
8.7, respectively) that did not represent a problem in the present case as signal noise did not interfere
with the detection of the pulmonary masses. Nevertheless, due to the background noise frequently
reduces the detection of tissue lesions11, the latter is proposed as the best time point to obtain
images with an optimal signal–to–noise ratio12.
Later time points, however, were not assessed in this study because of the short half–life of 68Ga
(68 min). In any case, the possibility to detect an equivocal lesion in a tissue that normally clears
background activity over time, ... Show more content on ...
As a result of the availability of targeted therapies, determining tumour mutation status in patients
with advanced breast cancer is now a key component of diagnosis, with the hope, where possible, of
optimizing treatment outcomes. Thus, the use of molecular imaging represents a useful tool as
metastasis can be early characterized using non–invasive PET/CT instead of performing a biopsy
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Fire And Post Fire Management
In 2005, Pomeroy, Washington experienced a storm with multiple lightning strikes causing ignitions
that started a large scale fire. This was designated as the School Fire Complex – the location of our
study (Figure 1). The fire burned for fourteen days, consuming 21,000 hectares of land, including 87
buildings and 56% of the Umatilla National Forest Land. Almost half the federally owned land had
been previously thinned for fire management (MODIS 2005). During the 2015 Fire Ecology and
Management class (FOR 326) field trip to the School Fire Complex, the class surveyed a series of
sites in order to create a research project to obtain a better understanding of fire and post–fire
management. The goal of this research is to ... Show more content on ...
Both hypothesizes can be combined to one; that if an area is high–severity, high pre–fire density,
and logged (HHL) it will have a higher density than the high–severity, low pre–fire density, and
logged (HLL).
The lands that burned during this fire were mainly comprised of a mixed–conifer forest. The main
tree species found before and after the fire are Douglas– fir, grand fir, Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa
pine; PIPO), and Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine; PICO). Other species found include other varieties
of spruce, pine, and larch. In some areas of the site a rich understory has formed or still exists; these
were dominated by Salix scouleriana (Scouler's willow; SASC) with a limited variety of forbs
present beneath the shrubs. Post–fire management tactics included salvage logging and grass
seeding. This seeding of native grasses was spread across burned areas in combination with mulch
in the form of agriculture straw as well as shredded wood strips (Robichaud, 2009).
In order to collect data, protocol was followed as described in by P. Morgan and P. Higueraa's
(YEAR)School Fire Field Trip Handout and Assignment packet. In September 2015 the FOR 326
class from University of Idaho followed this protocol to find and collect data from 32 sites on two
different days. To determine site locations, trip leaders took each group to a random pre–determined
area that corresponded with fire
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Abortion: The Responsibility Of A Young Mother's Life
The ability for women to obtain an abortion legally is a right that they should have. By giving
women the right to obtain an abortion, they gain more control over their lives. One way that
allowing women to have abortion allows them to have control over their lives is when they have
personal or financial issues, ranging from being a rape victim to no longer being able to afford the
investment of a child. If abortions were illegal, then it would be equivalent to either punishing a
woman for surviving a traumatizing event or forcing her into a greater financial struggle by having a
baby. Another way that legal abortions can allow a woman to take control of her life would be in
regards to teen pregnancies. As stated in the book, "[b]abies born to teens present a tremendous
responsibility for young mothers and their families..." (p.217). The responsibilities that come with a
baby may start when the young mother and her family are not ready to undertake, due to either
financial state or emotional state. By allowing legal abortions, these pregnant teens can have the
option to return to a normal life and have a child when they and their families are prepared for one.
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This situation is understood to be the most correct time for an abortion to be performed. However,
the situations mentioned previously are times where the mother's life could as be saved. Of course
not in the same sense of life or death, but having an abortion in the previous examples allow the
mothers to continue their lives as normally possible. In both situations, it is the pregnant woman's
life that is being affected, so she should be allowed the right and access to make the
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Children's Song Analysis
This song is intended for those that want to make a difference in children life's. In this case, this
would be us that are in the major child development. As a child development major, we only want
the best for the children so they can development adequately. In order for the children to
development adequately, we need parents, teachers, friends, and counselors to unite together to
improve the lives to the children. They children need to be sure that they are in a safe place where
they have people they can count on. For example, parents should not neglect or abuse their children.
Parents should always be aware of what's going on with their children in order to better assist them.
As for teachers, they should be aware of aby signs of abuse or
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Bitumen Love In Boy At The Window By Richard Wilbur
Bitumen Love Nothing is forever. Leaves fall off tress and fade away, making the presence of a once
beautiful and healthy tree, a cold and dead caucus. Just like trees, a childhood of an innocent, sweet
little boy vanishes over time, morphing the child into a depressed human with no joy; no happiness;
no life. "Boy at the Window," by Richard Wilbur, portrays a sense of hope, warmth, and
compassion. Through this piece of literature, Wilbur explicitly presents a young boy's emotions
towards a snowman through pint of view, personification, connotation, and irony. There are some
children who have large imaginations, while others only exceed to the edge if what they know. The
boy in this poem leads the reader to believe that his imagination expands further than anyone else's.
Although this little boy has a great imagination, his point of view isn't the happiest. In the first
stanza in "Boy at the Window" only the boy's point of view is shown. Through Wilbur's diction, the
child is expressed with melancholy emotions. The little boy wants the snowman to come inside
because there will be a blizzard. The boy has tears in his eyes and line three states, "The small boy
weeps to hear the wind prepare..." As the boy stares at the butter life beyond the window pane, his
heart only longs for the snowman's presence inside and feels pain. Some pieces of literature focus on
a character's point of view, but Richard Wilbur focuses on two points of view. While the first is the
boy, the second
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A Report On Dehradun : Dehradun
Dehradun : Dehradun is located in the Doon Valley in the foothills of the Himalayas nestled between
two of India 's mightiest rivers – the Ganges on the east and the Yamuna on the west. The Dehradun
district has various types of physical geography from Himalayan Mountains to Plains. Raiwala is the
lowest point at 315 meters above sea level, and the highest points are within the Tiuni hills, rising to
3700 m above sea level. The Doon valley has the Terai and Bhabar forests within it as well as the
Shiwalik hills and Lesser Himalayan Range containing hill stations such as Mussoorie and Chakrata.
The Pteridophytes are known as botanical snakes of plant kingdom. They are the oldest land plants
on earth, flourished so well in past and dominated the earth vegetation about 280–230 million years
ago. Although they are now replaced by seed bearing vascular plants of the present day vegetation
still they are considered as a connecting link between non–vascular and vascular plants. Presently,
Pteridophytes do not form dominant vegetation anywhere in the world flora. They further grouped in
to two broad groups Fern–allies and Ferns. Among these the ferns constitute a major element of the
Pteridophytic flora. They are most dominating and diverse group of pteridophytes throughout the
world and includes ca 300 genera and ca 12000 known species (Chandra 2000). Most of the fern
species are distributed in tropical and subtropical areas with limited distribution in temperate
regions. They
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Counseling Reflective Journal
Individual was open and responsive throughout the counseling session. Individual answered
questions asked by the clinician. Aby stated she was feeling fine but kind of tired because she wasn't
sleeping well. However, Ind stated she had no depressed feeling during last week. Ind was a little
hyper verbal probably because she was very excited about the theatrical activities that she has been
involved lately. One of them was like a 5 minutes free topic monologue. Ind shared she felt
confident while doing it. Ind disclosed the name of her presentation was "No shame". Aby disclosed
she invited her father and stepmom what represents a big step and her openness toward the
improvement of their relation. Ind also shared that she was really excited because
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Case Study Of Corporate Ethics Of Amana Bank
Task 02
What is Corporate ethics?
The study of business policies and business practices regarding to potentially controversial issues of
the business, as corporate governance, insider trading, discrimination, corporate social responsibility
and fiduciary responsibilities etc. Here, business ethics are often guided by laws and regulation,
while other times provide a basic framework that businesses may choose to follow in order to gain
public acceptance.
The Code of Ethics of the Peoples Bank is designed to:
Facilitate greater empowerment and faster decision–making at all levels of the activities of Peoples
Bank and
It ensure that as a significant player in the financial services industry, Peoples bank adhere to the
highest standards of ... Show more content on ...
Advertising and maintaining public relationship plays a vital role to make success of these two
banks, where this fact is very important for both the banks to enhance the customer image of the
Advertising and Public relations build confidence, communicates differentiators of each banks and
clearly states the key messages.
There is no better way to use in order to define the brand of these two banks, raise the visibility and,
ultimately to increase the customer base of the bank, than public relations and advertising. These
elements allow the banks in order to deliver its carefully crafted messages to target customers in a
valuable and also in a credible manner.
The main objective of PR campaign will likely be to differentiate the client's brand from the
competition in the industry. When it comes to this two banks, the average customer may find no
difficult to tell the difference between these two banks because of the different nature of the
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Outsourcing Of The National Labor Committee Thinks Otherwise
American companies and their products, have increasingly been pursed to be manufactured abroad.
This however is one of the biggest discrepancies we confront within our economy. Although many
businesses argue this is beneficial in order for them to turn a higher profit and be successful, the
National Labor Committee thinks otherwise. Outsourcing has become one of the leading factors in
product recalls, exploitation of workers, and a major contributor to the unemployment statistics in
the US. Although outsourcing is a contributor to mass production and a products supply and demand
growth, it has also been known for some of the largest product recalls. "In the largest product recall
in China in 2008, the baby formula of Sanlu (the largest company in the industry by volume was
found to contain melamine originated from contaminated milk supply outsourced to local farmers."
(Lu, Ng, & Tao, 2012, p. 2). Lu, Ng, & Tao simplify the term outsourcing by expressing how
"Outsourcing involves contracting with external suppliers for the delivery of parts and components
with pre–specified quality levels." (Lu, Ng, & Tao, 2012, p. 2). This is a clear indication that product
quality is never fully tested when outsourcing. Quality controllers are given a general guideline to
aby with, and once met the product may be produced. As a consumer there is nothing more
important than a products quality and reputation. It would be ethically unfair to a consumer to save
their hard earned money in
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National Honor Society Membership Essay
National Honor Society Membership Application Essay Leadership, scholarship, service, and
character are not only values held by the NHS, but that I hold myself. I believe that because of this, I
would be a good fit for the NHS and would be able to strive towards improving my community,
support my peers, and seek out further opportunities to serve others. Leadership, to me, is not
necessarily always equated with a formal title, but rather it is characterized by the attitude, behavior,
mindset, and actions of a person. Being a leader means being positive and supportive of others,
providing them the opportunity to be heard and know that their opinion matters, motivating them to
accomplish shared goals through teamwork. Over the past years, ... Show more content on ...
As a part of the Europe Trip group, I took part in various efforts to raise money for our trip, like pop
can collections at school and around neighborhoods, fundraiser nights at Faros during which the
group received a percentage of the sales, submarine sandwiches and soup sales, Cookies–and–
Canvas events, and Rock–a–Thons. Additionally, I wrote several grants in order to cover the costs of
the bus for the trip, one to the Barry Community Foundation and the other to the Barry County
Youth Advisory Council (YAC). Outside of the Europe Trip, I go to Spectacular every summer,
which is a leadership, sports, arts, and worship camp sponsored by my church, Community of
Christ, and held at Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa. Through Spectacular (Spec), I have built
relationships with countless numbers of teens and adults throughout the United States in a positive
and safe environment. It has taught me to value every single person and that leadership comes in
many different forms. Each time I have participated has been a life changing experience and I
cannot wait to bring what I have learned there into action through projects for the
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How China Has The Richest Woody Plants Of 95 Families
Zhang ,Jian Xin (2005) summarized that China have the richest woody plants of 95 families,338
genera and 1128 species.
Kucuk and Erturk (2013) surveyed Protected Areas in Turkey reported that flora and fauna are very
rich with a high endemism and wider genetic diversity with more than 90000 species including flora
and fauna which cover approximately 9500 vascular plants, 4000 lower plants.
Shrestha (2003) presented an appraisal report on Oaks in Himalayan region which are evergreen,
mostly gregarious, medium to large sized tree, distributed at elevations of 800 to 3800 m asl . Out of
35 species reported in this region abundantly in temperate forests (Negi and Naithani,1995) ,8
species occur in Nepal (DPR, 1997) Quercus floribunda , Q. glauca , Q. lamellose , Q. lanata., Q.
leuchotrichophora, Q. mespilifolioides, Q. oxyodon and Q. semecarpifolia .
DPR.1997. Flora of Nepal: Fagaceae, Vol 1, Part 20. Kathmandu: Department of Plant Resources,
Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation, HMGN. 12 p
Negi SS and HB Naithani.1995. Oaks of India, Nepal and Bhutan. Dehradun: International Book
Musselman (2003) referred prominence of Trees from mythological quotes from Koran and Bible.
These holy books reflect the place of trees in cultures of millennia ago, their uses, the local species
of importance and moreover their inspirational and symbolic significance, based on the perception
of the tree as symbol of the life given by the Creator.
Indreica and Kelemen
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Infraspecific Variation Essay
Because, previous studies (e.g. Radušienė and Janulis, 2004) showed that most of the raw material
of commercial medicinal and aromatic species yet being collected from spontaneous populations in
many parts of the world. Although, samples of some medicinal and aromatic herbs are cultured.
These populations were selected from different regions of the country; therefore some degrees of
infraspecific variations were expected. These types of variations are seen in different genus as well
as families. Lukovic et al. (2009) stated that plants respond to environmental variations, particularly
to water availability through morphological, anatomical and biochemical adjustments that help them
cope with such variations. for example, Pereira et al. ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Tehran and Polor populations were far from each other. It seems that these populations
had different taxonomic rank from the rest or at least were ecotypes.
The essential oil compositions and their percentages differed between the studied populations. The
major parts of oil highly varied between the samples. Various studies (e.g. Figueiredo et al., 2008;
Lakuŝić et al., 2012) proved that populations of the same species collected from different habitat
have diverse essential oil composition. Because, the essential oils biosynthesis is under the influence
of many abiotic and biotic factors. Formisano et al., (2015) stated the plant phytochemical
composition is strongly influenced by the environment condition, and this is particularly true for
medicinal herbs.
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, oxygenated hydrocarbon, monoterpene hydrocarbon and oxygenated
monoterpene constituted major parts of essential oil. The mounts of these compounds widely
differed between the examined samples; therefore, the profile of essential oil compositions differed
between the examined samples. Glynn et al., (2007) reported variations of terpene content with
environmental stress. The growth–differentiation balance hypothesis postulates that there is a
physiological trade–off between growth and secondary metabolism.
These variations were
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Personal Narrative: A Day At Goldsboro
A plethora of Christmas tree lots are ready to sell a variety of tress for this upcoming holiday season.
Usually after the Thanksgiving holiday is over people would go out that next day to find their
special tree, two lots around the city of Goldsboro were open before Thanksgiving.
The Optimist Club lot located on Cashwell Drive near the Family YMCA, and the Saint Luke
Methodist Church. Located right beside the CVS Pharmacy and Rite Aid, opened for business on the
18th for the early bird holiday shoppers.
Ty'Quon Smith visited the church lot Tuesday and ordered two wreaths, made from the fresh branch
"I've been doing this type of thing for my grandmother for the past four years. The holidays are very
important to her so they're even more important to me," he said "I've heard about the church doing
this so I wanted to come out here this year and see for myself. I'm also glad that I'm the supporting
the church." ... Show more content on ...
The fundraiser earnings goes to youth programs in the surrounding area.
The lot there has a variety of Abies fraseris. They have them in many sizes. Anywhere from 5 up to
15 feet of pure Christmas tree. Price ranging from thirty all the way up to three hundred dollars for
one of these great trees. Before any tree leaves the lot it gets trimmed and the bottom gets cut.
Stands for the trees are available after.
Wreaths are sold in just three sizes, 12,16, and 20 inches, from twenty up to thirty
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The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collin
Suzanne Collin's "Hunger Games" seems to be about a dystopian society struggle to become a
utopia. However, when the readers read further in to the book or watches the movie one can see that
is about all the characters that make use human.
As human, we feel the need to build an ethical framework based on our needs for authority rather
than tradition. The Capitol in the Hunger Games exploits human needs to keep authority in place.
After rising seas and poverty consumed much of the land, the Capitol, which was least affective had
the superiority over the other district. The capitol residents lived in luxury while the surrounding
districts are poor and subdued. The citizens of the Capitol brutally abuse the twelve districts of
Panem one of the country that was left dried out by the sea, all in flavor of giving themselves a high
standard of living while intentionally keeping the twelve district in a state of abject poverty. One
way the Capitol tried to strengthen their authority is by inventing the annual hunger games were in
each district of Panem two children are "reaped" to fight until their death for the amusement of
Capitol citizens. The citizens in Panem, because they are poor and the Capitol citizens has the
authority over them they have no choice but to unwilling part take in this game. The movie and the
book show how much the Capitol limits their ability to empathize with the less fortunate city. Since
recently there was a research that shows the upper–class
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Cocletzi Research Paper
Rachael Goodson Paper Discussion #2, Spring 2018 Summary of Cocletzi Paper This paper was
about the bidirectional anatomical effects of mistletoe–host the sweet gum tree (L. styraciflua) and
the Mexican royal oak (Q. germana). The main reason that the researchers wanted to do this study
was because while multiple studies have been completed on how a parasite effects the host little has
been done to study the effect of the host on the parasite. The researchers used standard techniques
for light and transmission electron microscopes to study the effect of mistletoe on the sweet gum
tree and the Mexican royal oak and vice versa. The key results for this paper were as follows, the
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Why A College Education Should Be Free
Foundations of Writing
Argument Paper
Aby Adams
Why Education should be free Everyone needs education if they plan to go anywhere in their future.
Even as teenagers, education is so important. It prepares teenagers for their future and college
education. But it is so expensive. Once one graduates from high school they're off on their own
paying their own expenses on top of all the college education expenses. Education is so expensive,
especially in today's world. So why is it not free yet? First off, if education was free, college
students wouldn't be in so much debt. The average college student graduates college with $60,000 in
debt. Today college students are highly in debt, and some are in debt for the rest of their lives. Just
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Noble Fir
Introduction Abies magnifica and Abies procera, often referred to as red fir and noble fir, are two
closely related evergreen coniferous tree species residing in moist soils at mid and high elevations of
western North America (Zavarin et al. 1978). Ranging from 10–20 centimeters in sizes, these two
firs are distinguished by their "hockey–stick" structured needles among their genus (Parker 1963).
Red fir, in particular, has the subgroups California red firs and intermediate Shasta red fir
(Mathiasen and Daugherty 2008). Controversies on whether red fir and noble fir hybridize have long
been debated in the scientific world (Critchfield 1988; Silen et al. 1965).
Morphologically, red firs consist of cones larger than 15 centimeters, chained barks, more diamond–
shaped needles that exclude a groove, as well as basal bud scales pubescent throughout (Parker
1963; Hunt 1993). Noble firs tend to be smaller than 15 centimeters and include narrow ridged
barks, grooved needles, and central basal bud scales (Parker 1963; Hunt 1993). Based on his
research of thirteen separated sites, Parker reasoned that most of the fir at higher altitudes in
southern Oregon as well as north western California were noble fir (Parker 1963). Nevertheless,
classification of the morphological affiliations of red fir, noble fir, and Shasta red fir are disputable
due to their variations. Mathiasen and Daugherty analyzed the characteristic of different degrees of
mistletoe infection of host–specific mountain
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Digital Indi Startup Plans Of 2016
Digital India: Startup Plans of 2016
Start–up India is harmonious with the PM's innovation approach when he addressed Digital India
program. The Start–up India Action plan is a great start but will need continued support and
evolution to make this a true, deep revolution for the future India.
Starting own business is the dream project of many individuals which is underpinned by many
facilities in our country. Hundreds and thousands of business are being launched every day with a
low success but a heavy failure rate. However, business owners love taking risks than to avoid a
forever jump into the startup idea.
India Government is promoting Startup India plans to promote business in India
Start up India Hub
The main purpose of compliance management is based on self–certification to minimize any
regulatory burden on startups. This self–certification scheme which can be completed by your
handheld device only will be applied to laws like gratuity payment, labour contract, employees
provident fund (EPF), Environment pollution acts that include Air and Water pollution.
India hub provide advisory service on business structuring, financing, the growth of management
The enterprise as described in the action plan must be innovative which is to be examined by DIPP.
Besides, it needs a recommendation from Government incubator setup. However, it is it can slow
down the startup process.
Simplified business process
From this financial year ie – April 1, 2016 India
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The Simpsons Tuesdays With Morrie
The writers both have incorporated ideas from the novel Tuesdays with Morrie in the shows. In the
Simpsons Homers dad Abie has become sort of like Morrie, he tells a writer his stories who then
creates articles and posts them in the newspaper. Just like Morrie many have taken a liking to his
experiences. In The Middle Mike's father–in–law has read Tuesdays with Morrie and has been
inspired by the book. He decides that he wants to tell Mike his stories, and have his own Tuesday
sessions. I know they are referencing the novel because in the Simpsons the episode is called
Thursdays with Abie, and the writer wants to make a book of Abies stories, after killing him. It's sort
of the same idea as the novel, but they have added their own humorous
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The Priest River Experimental Forest
The paper introduces one of the earliest experimental forests that is also regarded as a forestry
research center, the Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF). The forest was established in 1911,
lies between the Priest River and the Selkirk Mountains in the State of Idaho. By interpreting its
particular existing conditions, including geography, climate, hydrology, soil, vegetation, readers can
easily understand its significant role in the region of Northern Rocky Mountain, providing many
valuable forestry information or both management organizations and forestry administrations. The
diversity of the soil type in the Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF) provides good conditions
for some mixed conifer vegetation species that are also ... Show more content on ...
Key words:
Priest River Experimental Forest; AMAT; Collaborative Project; Genetic Variability; Northern
Mountain Conifers; Rocky Mountain Region
1. Introduction: As one of the earliest experimental forests that is also regarded as a forestry research
center, the Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF) was set up to provide valuable information for
both management organizations and forestry administrations. All of these resources would improve
forestry management and sustainability research in the western region. The Priest River
Experimental Forest (PREF) was established in 1911. It lies between the Priest River and the Selkirk
Mountains in the State of Idaho. The Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF) contains two
Research Natural Areas: Canyon Creek (977acres), which was established in 1937; and Wellner
Cliff (310acres), which was established in 2006. Headquarters area is located in the West of the
forest, including an office or lab building, three residential buildings, a bunkhouse with mess hall,
and a modest shop. Before 1930, the forest was served as the headquarters for the Priest River
Forest Experiment Station. After that, it was combined into the Northern Rocky Mountain Forest
and Range and now is managed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station.
2. Existing Conditions
2.1. Geography The elevation of the Priest
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Script : For The Holy Virgin Church
Script:For the holy virgin church in Haret zuwayla
Elements of the church
Group Name: XO
Reem Yasser:
Nouran Essam:
Hiba El–Safwa:
Reem El–Alfy:
Shorouk Ehab:
The Holy Virgin Mary Church, Haret Zuwayla
Christianity is one of the most common heavenly religions where Christians tend to have certain
beliefs that may differ from other religions. Copts, to be specific, is a term used to describe
Egyptians who only worshipped one God. Christianity was not used to be practiced before the 4th
century, due to political issues of the Roman law. However, after the 4th century, Constantine was
able to legalize Christian religious practices. Therefore, several Coptic Churches were developed to
be able to serve Christians at that time. Some of these churches were in old Cairo, for its popularity
at the time. Old Cairo is where various Coptic Churches were developed. The oldest and most
ancient one is The Holy Virgin Church at Haret Zuwayla.
The Church of the Virgin, Orthodox Church, is located in Harat Zuwayla, which is in the North East
of Cairo, Egypt. The church is believed to be built at a much lower level than the street level as
described by Betlar. He said "During my visit to Egypt, the Church's level was below ground level
by 14 feet or by its height by 18 metres," (Habib, 1979) It was first constructed during the 10th
century and was
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Positive Discipline Effects On Children
Parents have been disciplining their children for decades using a wide range of techniques using
both negative and positive forms. Kennedy stated that effective discipline should be merely "the
process of teaching a child right from wrong" (Kennedy). Effective forms of discipline are viewed
very differently by different people. Parents have a choice when disciplining their child, they can
either use positive forms or negative forms of discipline. Grusec et al., stated that children need
"clear and consistent rules, support, and acceptance rather than rejection", in order to grow up to
value and respect authority (465–471). So, if children benefit from positive discipline, what happens
when a child is exposed to negative discipline throughout their life. Negative discipline can be seen
in a wide range of ways, such as, physical punishment, punitive discipline, inconsistency, and lack
of affection. I believe that negative discipline that is used with children, leaves lasting negative
physical, mental, and emotional effects. Theorist over the years have tried to tell everyone what
types of discipline are correct and good. Grusec et al., described how some theorists believe that
"children experience feelings of hostility towards their parents when exposed to harsh or negative
discipline" (465–471). The relationship between parents and their children are discussed in the
article "The Effects of Positive and Negative Parenting Practices on Adolescent Mental Health
Outcomes in a
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Honda Ethos Pathos Logos
Honda effectively uses pathos to persuade the audience to buy their car. The ad uses visual imagery
to show the audience that the inner beauty of objects and people are often more interesting and
important than their outer beauty. Pathos has a huge effect on an audience because people make
many decisions based off of their emotions. The Honda ad attempts to affect their audience emotions
to get them to buy their product. This ad uses many tools like visuals, sounds, and messages to affect
the audience emotionally. This ad also uses nostalgia to tap into the audience's emotions which
causes them to buy their product. The ad by Honda uses pathos by invoking nostalgia within the
audience which causes an emotional reaction. Nostalgia is an affection, ... Show more content on ...
Incorporating inner beauty is emotionally effective because it's something most people can relate to.
"It's not about what's on the outside; it's the inside that counts" is a common quote we use in life,
and most people try to apply that quote to different circumstances. People try to see inner beauty in
objects, but most importantly, people try to see inner beauty in other people. Making a commercial
about a car that deals with inner beauty automatically makes people compare the car with a person,
and how they would see inner beauty in a person. The main objective of the ad is to get the audience
to give humanity to their product which causes them to have an emotional connection to a car. It was
important for Honda to emphasize he inside of the car because most people buy cars because how it
looks; there're many people who aren't informed about the different features of a car and only judge
the outside, so telling the audience about the inside of the car gives them a new perspective of how
to buy car. This ad is also trying to target people who may think the outside of the car is ugly, so
Honda forcing the audience to have an emotional connection to the inside of the car gives people
who think the car is ugly on the outside a reason to buy their
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Faat Kin And Jean Relationship
In Faat Kine, Kine is a Muslim and Jean is a Christian. Sembene mainly conveys a sense of tension
through the relationship of Kine and Jean. In the beginning of the film, Jean was flirting with Kine
at the gas station. They were both single and shared affection with each other. However, they didn't
continue develop their relationship due to religion. Later on in the film, Aby and Djip intended to
find a husband for Kine so they were discussing about the potential candidates. Djip said Jean would
be a good fit and Aby replied that Jean and his family are Catholics. Then when Djip and Aby went
to Jean's office and informed him about their thought. Jean thought it was a crazy idea and said Kine
is a Muslim and he is a Christian. It shows a very
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The American Dream in The Lost Beautifulness and The...
The American Dream in The Lost Beautifulness and The Gilded Six–Bits The America Dream is
defined in general as a dream of a land that is better richer for everyone based on accomplishment
and opportunity. This dream is usually sought after by people who have been deprived of their social
and human values. People who have not been able to achieve this dream based on restrictions of
their situations that plague their lives. These situations can be different for everyone, race, sex,
handicap, etc. My question is this goal obtainable? To me there is one thing that powers this dream a
desire to be of higher class, socially and financially. The one thing that drives this monster concept
of the American dream has always been around since the ... Show more content on
This drive for her to feel like an American was drove from money. This ultimately put her on the
street after her landlord saw the good work that she did. Money the landlord knew he could charge
extra because the apartment was now in much better shape. In "The Gilded Six–Bits" Joe, sees
himself in a similar situation which involved money. Joe had met a man by the name of Otis D.
Slemmons who had opened up an ice cream parlor down the street. Joe was quite impressed of the
heavy set man with hit gold teeth. Joe was talking about the man's big gut in quote: "All rich mens is
got some belly on 'em." (Hurston 1521). Joe wanted the dream so bad that he even wanted a gut
because all rich men had them. This shows how money influences people to do whatever they can to
make themselves higher in society. The American dream is all about money, money is opportunity
and money is accomplishment. Joe was also later devastated by this monster of a dream, when he
caught Otis in bed with his wife. Is this what the dream is about tearing down everything you
worked hard for all your life? Did Hanneh really dream of being thrown into the street? Did Joe
really dream of a big fat rich man sleeping with his wife? In the end the power that both drove these
people to realize what the American dream is was money. They both wanted money and they both
dreamed of money, and in the end it got the best of Hanneh and
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Bsbmgt516A: Facilitate Continuous Improvement
BSBMGT516A: Facilitate Continuous Improvement
Assessment 1–Case Study
Fast Forwarding
Improvement project report 1. Delivery service tracking program development program
The change and adjust improvements
Delay and missing delivery problems can be solved by installing tracking system software in 'Fast
Forwarding' company offices.Customer can track their parcels and mails and company can check
delivery route.
Liaising and reasons
IT support is the vital part for this improvement. 'Fast forwarding' must arrange software team to
establish and maintain tracking system. IT outsourcing is an appropriate choice for organisation.
Information for analysis
At first, outsourcing system to IT company expertise in developing ... Show more content on ...
'Fast forwarding' has problem about information told by employees. Creating staffs education
program will improve their knowledge and they will inform customer more accurately.
Liaising and reasons
All staffs will be rotated in inside educational program. Department manager from different
department will be instructor to explain and describe about their works and responsibility.
Information for analysis * Organisation structure * Organisation operation in various department *
Organisation aims, goals and visions * Staffs relation
Data recording mechanisms
Sum up education paper and print out into newsletters. Editor team should rotate between different
department members.
Training and up skilling needs
Communication skill is in need. Writing and practicing speech for management shoul be trained.
Lack of readiness and inspiration are to be feared. Encouragement from company director and
department manager should help.
Reporting lines
After program, all the staffs should report to their department manager then manager will sum up
their report into department report.
Measurement could settle by sending questionaire about 'Fast forward' to all staffs. Query their
answer and random asking in person to measure accuracy of questionaire.
Knowledges and understanding about 'Fast forwarding' could be evaluated in following
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ABy Major Characters In The Scarlet Letter
The Interpretation of the 'A' by Major Characters in The Scarlet Letter
People have different cultures and experiences throughout their lives; therefore, they all have
different perspectives of the same object. Various authors use different perspectives of people to
make objects mean different based on how people approach it. Not only the readers see the object in
different ways, but also the characters in the story. The Scarlet Letter uses various symbolism such
as 'A ', rosebush, the forest and more which might mean different to each person. Nathaniel
Hawthorne, the author of The Scarlet Letter, uses the symbolism of 'A ' to indicate different
meanings throughout the story. However, some readers get confused what exactly 'A ' means ...
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The quote foreshadows that she will be able to serve herself and Pearl after prison with her
needlework. Even though he gives positive diction such as able and elaborate to describe the scarlet
letter, Hawthorne still reminds the reader that 'A ' means adultery and that is Hester 's major
appearance. In the Governor 's house, Hawthorne depicts reflection of Hester and the scarlet letter in
the large and curved mirror as "exaggerated and gigantic proportions", and adds more information
that the scarlet letter is "most prominent feature of her appearance," bringing all the readers back to
reality that it does not mean that she is not a sinner because now 'A ' stood for Able to Hester
(Hawthorne 57). Throughout the story, Hawthorne uses 'A ' to characterize Hester explaining how
other people treat Hester and how she interpret the 'A ' as.
Hawthorne expresses Pearl, the daughter of Hester, as the scarlet letter and the scarlet letter as Pearl.
Pearl has an obsession to the scarlet letter. Pearl refuses to go to Hester in the forest when Hester
was not wearing 'A '. Pearl thinks only when Hester is wearing 'A ', Hester is her mother and "should
Hester repudiate the letter, she will repudiate Pearl" (Baym). The action of Pearl refusing to go to
Hester when Hester is not wearing the scarlet letter clearly shows Pearl has a deep connection with
the letter. Pearl was the "result of Hester 's
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Ulysses S. Grant: United States Army During The Civil War
Aby Kettels
8 Social Studies
Period 7
Wed. Jan. 27, 2016
Ulysses S. Grant
Grant was born April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, OH, Married to Julia Grant. He died on July 23,
1885 in Wilton, NY. Grant was a part of the Republican Party. Grant was a commanding general in
the Army during the Civil War. Ulysses was the eighteenth president. Grant worked closely to
Abraham Lincoln to lead the Union Army into victory over the Confederacy in the American Civil
War. He was the 6th Commanding General in the United States Army. He was elected in 1876.
Grant was president from March 4, 1869 – March 4, 1877. He was succeeded by Rutherford B.
Hayes and preceded by Andrew Johnson. While in office and in service Grant took control of
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Harry Harlow's Effect On Monkeys
Harry Harlow was a well–respected researcher. Harlow was known for taking risk in his research.
He wanted to know the effects of having a broken a support system. However, studying this subject
would have a big effect on his reputation. He either would damage his reputation or continue to gain
his reputation as a prestigious researcher. His wife, Peggy, was making her way into fame. Her
studies showed how a support network was an important factor to a child life. Her idea was that if
the child had an stable, supporting environment, then child would become successful. Peggy was
diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. Her sickness broke Harlow. He was heading into a breaking
point. He was demonstrating the same symptoms he had when he got divorce ... Show more content
on ...
Harlow was soon coming to a end in his career. Harlow finally realizes that his position as a lab
director wasn't healthy for him. HE knew that a life of loneliness is not the best place for him to live
in. It was just making it worse for his depression. Harlow was always defensive of his career. Even
when his wife died, he didn't give his wife enough credit for the work that she did. He say that he
was better at creating research while his wife was better at putting the information together.
Harlow's research impacts the lives of many people. He opened people minds up throughout every
study. He presents the evidence that he systematic obtain. The events that were happening in his life
were too overwhelming. His work wasn't health for him anymore and was putting a toll on his
behavior and self–esteem. One of things the book does is that it explains how a study leads to
another study. It also shows you the process of the research. This book was extremely interesting. It
shows a different perspective on child
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Dating
Online dating has become more famous and usable in America and other developed countries. Many
people have access to internet and Smart phones, so they can easily use the dating apps. Although
social media and online dating play vital role in connection of relationship and friendship; they have
negative impacts too. There are some advantages and disadvantages of online dating.
There are many shy people that cannot propose a marriage or friendship relationship, so online
dating and social media are good option for them. It is easy to discuss some issues related to
romance and dating rather than face to face meeting. However, some people like only talking and
texting rather than having sex or being together. On the other hand, some people are ugly, so it is
tough for them to find someone for dating in public; it is easier to find both ugly and beautiful
features on online dating.
Another advantage of online dating is that some people are super busy, so they cannot find extra
time to go outside and find someone for dating. It easier to find someone for relationship through
online dating sites rather than to go outside. Fluency in language and good communication skills are
very important for dating, therefore some people do not have them, that is why they prefer online
dating at the beginning of relationship.
There are also some disadvantages of online dating, which are relatively worse than its advantages.
According to "Catfish Documentary Film of Yaniv Schulman" Nev becomes
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How Did Florence Blancchfield Become An Army Nurse
The Military Life of Florence Blanchfield
Florence Aby Blanchfield was born on April 1, 1884 and after attending Walnut Springs public
schools. She decided to become an army nurse.( Editor) I believe that was her main
purpose during her life.` To begin, Florence Blanchfield was a hard worker that went to multiple
colleges before training to be an Army nurse. Florence Blanchfield joined the Army in 1917,("Col.
Florence Blanchfield, 87; Ex–Head of Nurse Corps. Dies") that's when Florence was best known for
being the very first woman to get regular commission in the Army. Also she concerned herself with
nurses getting permission to get married while still in the army.( Editors)
Secondly, Miss Florence Blanchfield
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Analysis of Anzia Yezierska's 'The Lost Beautifulness'
Q1. "The lost beautifulness" by Anzia Yezierska In Anzia Yezierska's short story "The lost
beautifulness," the protagonist Hanneh Hayyeh scrimps and saves to be able to paint her apartment
white to make it look respectable for her son Ady when he comes home from fighting World War I.
Hayyeh wants some kind of hope to cling to in her desperate immigrant's life. Although the dialect
of the characters is Russian–Jewish and the setting is in an early 20th century urban environment,
the idea of immigrant aspirations and the conflict between rich and poor is a common theme in
American literature. Initially, people make fun of Hanneh because they think she is overly enamored
with her 'wonderful' son and even her husband dislikes how much money she foolishly sinks into a
property that is not her own. But they are eventually touched by the care and concern she puts into
her apartment to make it look better. However, her cruel landlord, the only truly unlikeable character
in the story, exploits Hanneh's hard work and raises her rent, saying that in America that is how
capitalism works ruthlessly. When he raises the rent, Hanneh tries to give her landlord his
comeuppance by destroying her handiwork, but in the process she destroys her soul, effectively
extinguishing her belief that everyone can make it in America. The story is not judgmental of the
wealthy Hanneh's employer Mrs. Preston is well aware of the injustice of a world in which she eats
strawberries and cream and Hanneh
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A Research Study On The School Fire Occurred On Public Land
Introduction The first question to be addressed in this study is, will there be varying tree seedling
species diversity in relation to varying levels of burn severity? My hypothesis for this question is
that we will see the highest tree species diversity where we see a moderate level of burn severity.
The second question of the study asks, did the presence of salvage logging lead to a difference in the
tree seedling densities as compared to unlogged sites? My hypothesis for this question is that there
will be a greater density of tree species in the salvage logged site than the unlogged site.
The School Fire occurred on public land in Washington's Umatilla National Forest in August, 2005.
It burned approximately 21,000 ha of ... Show more content on ...
Once sites were selected, site specific measurements were then recorded including the elevation (m),
percent slope of transects, aspect (in magnetic degrees), and the latitude and longitude, using a GPS
for accuracy. Sampling on logged sites was done using 30 m belt transects extending out at varying
widths depending on stand density. At low seedling stand densities belts were extended out to 6 m (3
m on each side of line), while at high seedling densities belt widths measured 2 m (1 m each side of
line). On unlogged sites belt transects also varied with densities. On sample sites that were unburned
with low densities (site code ULU), belt lengths measured 10 m and widths of either 2 m or 1 m.
Sites with high severity and high densities (HHU) were measured with either 15m or 10 m belt
lengths with 2 m belt widths. Once belt transect lengths and belt widths were established,
measurements were recorded. Since this paper focuses on tree seedling and saplings, methods of
larger tree measurements and understory canopy cover measurements will not be discussed. Tree
seedlings and saplings were recorded only if they fell within the area encompassed by the belt
transect length and width. If they did, the four–letter species code was recorded per individual
seedling (ex: PIPO for ponderosa pine), its status (1 if living, 0 if dead), height (cm) from ground
level, and the number of internodes to determine approximate
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Essay On The Role Of Women In Antigone
6. The Role of Women The characters of Shakespeare's work are usually bound to the stereotypical
views of his time, especially in the case of gender. The Shakespearean tragedy Antigone centers
around the protagonist and her character foils, Portia and Calpurnia in Julius Caesar, who are
depicted as emotionally impulsive and controlled by their pathos. For example, Portia goes to
excessive measures and injures herself to prove her trustworthiness to her husband. At the same
time, rendering her dedication to Brutus a weakness in itself. She says, "I have made strong proof of
my constancy, giving myself a voluntary wound here, in the thigh. Can I bear that with patience, and
not my husband's secrets?" Like Calpurnia, she exhibits her dependence on her husband and falls
into the social role where a woman's value is solely what her husband permits her to have. For
Julius's wife, she spends the majority of the play work being brushed aside and scorned by her
husband for her dream and apparent inability to make sense of it. On the other hand, Antigone
serves as a female character who is able to successfully balance her logos and pathos. Therefore, she
is able to succeed ... Show more content on ...
At the start of the novela. George tells Lennie of the ranch, their dream and the motivation behind
their aspirations. Here, Lennie is no longer in danger of society's misjudgements and the two friends
are free from the intolerant world around them. Despite their efforts, their hardships, and their
struggle, the rabbits were anything but in reach of the protagonists. Even the most well thought out
plans can fall apart, and like a mouse, the most precious things can be destroyed by the unfairness
and cruelty of life. Perhaps the most difficult fact that humans struggle with is how life moves on.
Like a reaper's scythe slicing through grass, time continues to move forward and carry
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Time Management, Leadership Handbook
Time Management
Before analyzing time management need to know how time is currently being used. Two questions
to ask: First, the amount of time I have? Secondly, how is my time being used? The first question is
easier to answer as most people work eight hours day that may vary times and locations depending
on type of work. The second question can be more challenging to identify where time is being used.
For example, is most of one's time speaking on the phone, answering e–mails, writing reports, or
waiting for others to finish their job before starting their task? To assist with identifying these it is
recommended to keep a time log that details where the hours in the workday are used. Below is a
sample of a time log that can be used ... Show more content on ...
Some common time wasters are: doing a wrong task, underestimating the time it takes to do a task,
not delegating tasks appropriately, delaying/procrastinating, and letting conversations go too long.
Improving Time Management Habits
We know time is very valuable and there is a lot to be done in limited hours. The first exercise
discussed above involved using a time log and identifying how time is currently being used. Once
certain tasks are identified as time wasters, there are three steps one can do to improve his or her
time management: 1. Controlling environment, which includes physical items surrounding as well as
mental environment with things we watch and think about. 2. Using technology when practical to be
more efficient. For example, e–mail allows responding to many more people at once than phone or
mailing; however, it can be less personable and have less of a response than other communication
methods. 3. Avoid time stealers, which include time wasters, television, and social networking
websites. While some jobs can benefit from social networking, majority of the time people find time
passing by when utilizing social media.
Finally, managing paperwork is another area where time management habits can be improved. One
tip is to not keep any hard copies of digital documents such as pdf's and e–mails. Since these are
readily accessible and backed up in cloud–computing, it is unnecessary to keep
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1.2 Privacy And Confidentiality Research Paper
Principle 1.2: Privacy and Confidentiality
Respect for the student decision to deny disclosure of private information. Any information provided
by the students or parents should not be shared outside of the school setting unless mandated by law
as well as being careful to not seek information from the parent or student that is not pertinent to the
school setting.
Students and parents should be informed of the confidentiality and legal situations that would
involve informing third party sources while services are in place as well as reminding the
parents/student as needed of these guidelines. A student, parent, or school employee's sexual
orientation, gender identity, or transgender status will not be shared unless permission has been
given by said individual. Health laws should be reviewed before disclosing health issues with any
individual in regards to student, parent, or school employee and only shared if there is believed to be
a risk to the public.
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School psychologist respects any materials that are being used, does not used outdated or ineffective
material and does not share the materials with anyone who is not qualified to use materials. Parents
may request to see their student assessments and in most cases they should receive the students
answers, however in some cases they can request the test manual if someone qualified to administer
explains the test to the parent.
The purpose of special education programs and identification is to provide equal access to education
for children aby providing services that can assist with obtaining educational success. It is important
to remember that not every child who appears to initially be struggling will continue to struggle or
qualify for additional assistance or special education services. As well, a student who did not
previously struggle or show signs of needing services may present as such at a different moment in
their educational
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Interview On Ethnography
The method I will be using for this interview is Ethnography. Ethnography is a qualitative research
method used where researchers immerse themselves in other cultures for the purpose of recording
information about their lifestyle for comparative research. During The interview, I asked brief
questions regarding my participants religion. We get up close and personal with our research
I interviewed Nick Anderson, A member of the Beulah United Church of God, on Sunday 20th ,
2016. the reason why you chose nick The interview held place at ... SETTINGS ? I first began the
interview by introducing myself, and informing Nick the purpose of the interview. I mentioned the
... WHAT DID YOU SAY ??. After notifying him I started asking ... Show more content on ...
Nicks says "I really didn't start practicing my faith on my own until I turned 15 years old. I began
reading the Bible and attended church classes .Around that age I got a different perspective about
christianity. Being that I was born a christian I was curious about other religions.
The next question I asked, was does your religion play an important role in your life? If so how ?
Nick answer, Yes it does. My lifestyle is different. I don't live accordingly to others. I aby by what's
written in the bible. It shaped my morals, how I think about things. We believe that Jesus died on the
cross and resurrected. WE WORSHIP GOD. CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY. WE LOVE ..
After i asked , Do you ever question your faith? He responded "No". It was something I was taught
and something that stuck to me". till this day I still didn't find a sufficient reason to switch to
something else".
I then asked if everyone in his family is a Christian believer and he says everyone except his aunt.
Someone evangelized to her and she converted to islam.
I then acted what does christianity mean to him? He explained it was a way of getting closer to God.
He says " you can express worries and burdens in prayer. It's like a way to achieve
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Aby's Up Losers: A Short Story
This week has been totally crazy. At the beginning of it, my best friend Aby got a job writing songs
at Hi or Hey records. Then, after a year singing at the hottest clubs in Los Angeles, I got called in to
sing for Five Seconds to Summer to see if I would get a record deal. After a long year of hard work,
I got my chance. And, I finally got a record deal. Aby got transferred onto my management and we
finally wrote some songs. Well we wrote four of them. Cool for the Summer, Someone New, Pity
Party, and New Americana. After a long day of recording, I plop down on the couch in our
apartment. Looking around, Aby is no where to be found so I turn on my favorite show, Pretty Little
Liars. I pick up the note on the coffee table, Working late tonight see you tomorrow. ... Show more
content on ...
Pulling it out I smile, it was a group chat with all four boys. MIKEY: What's up losers? Me:
Watching Pretty Little Liars and wishing I have food. *cries for eternity* Lukey Pookey: I have
some bread sticks yasss Me: Of course you do, you breadstick. Aren't you lot in the same hotel
suite? Cal: Yeah, why? Me: Because I'm bored and Aby won't be home until tomorrow. That's
fricking why. Ashton: DON'T SWEAR. Me: You little ball of sunshine STOP TELLING ME THAT.
Mikey: Come party with us! Me: Someone come pick me up I don't feel like driving ugh Cal: Not
me I'm making grilled cheese Ashton: I'm lazy soooo no Lukey Pookey: I'm being sat on by Michael
so sorry I cannot MIKEY: I'll go if you do something for mehh :) Me: What chu want Clifford?
MIKEY: I GET A HUG Me: Sure I'll hug you Cal: I get a hug too Lukey Pookey: Me too Ashton: I
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The Music : Where Is Wherever, Is It A Song Written And...
Whenever, wherever, is a song written and produced by the famous Colombian writer and singer,
Shakira. Unpopular instruments that relate to the flute family are concluded to be used by the tone of
this song, giving it a mixture of pop and African beat. This song also has a Latino style and at the
same time gypsies tone in the melody of its music. It has a fairly, wild tone at the very beginning of
the song and then it turns into an overexcited, happy melody. The song talks about how lucky the
narrator was to find the love of her life. She laughs at distance because she was lucky enough, that
she met a person from a faraway land and by luck they are together. In the song, the narrator states, "
[l]ucky that I love a foreign land for, / [t]he luck fact of your existences" (Shakira, lines 3 & 4), this
lets the audiences know that the love of her life is from a foreign land. It also suggest that the
narrator is not a discriminatory person since she is in love with a foreigner and even with the land he
is from just for the simple fact that he was born on that land. This song contains many poetic devices
that generate the rhythm of this masterpiece. One of the poetic devices used is a quatrain, which is:
[b]aby I would climb the Andes solely, / [t]o count the freckles on your body, / [n]ever could
imagine there were only, / [t]en Million ways to love somebody" (par. 2). In this four lines the
ending words, solely, body, only, and somebody, all rhyme, which is the reason why it
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68Ga Anti-Hr2 Case Study

  • 1. 68ga Anti-Hr2 Case Study The data obtained from this clinical case show that 68Ga–DTPAAnti–HER2 has the capability to identify HER2–expressing metastatic lesions from breast cancer. Importantly, HER2 overexpression was foreseen in lymph nodes and lung metastases by molecular imaging when the immunohistochemistry analysis was indeterminate for both metastatic sites and, even if 18F–FDG seems to be better to visualize tumours, 68Ga–DTPAAnti–HER2 showed high specificity to detect the pulmonary metastatic lesions. The origin of the moderate uptake using 68Ga–DTPAAnti–HER2 remains to be determined, but may be related to low levels of HER2 expression. Noteworthy, 68Ga had a significant background activity in the liver and heart (SUVmax=9.45 and 8.7, respectively) that did not represent a problem in the present case as signal noise did not interfere with the detection of the pulmonary masses. Nevertheless, due to the background noise frequently reduces the detection of tissue lesions11, the latter is proposed as the best time point to obtain images with an optimal signal–to–noise ratio12. Later time points, however, were not assessed in this study because of the short half–life of 68Ga (68 min). In any case, the possibility to detect an equivocal lesion in a tissue that normally clears background activity over time, ... Show more content on ... As a result of the availability of targeted therapies, determining tumour mutation status in patients with advanced breast cancer is now a key component of diagnosis, with the hope, where possible, of optimizing treatment outcomes. Thus, the use of molecular imaging represents a useful tool as metastasis can be early characterized using non–invasive PET/CT instead of performing a biopsy ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Fire And Post Fire Management Introduction In 2005, Pomeroy, Washington experienced a storm with multiple lightning strikes causing ignitions that started a large scale fire. This was designated as the School Fire Complex – the location of our study (Figure 1). The fire burned for fourteen days, consuming 21,000 hectares of land, including 87 buildings and 56% of the Umatilla National Forest Land. Almost half the federally owned land had been previously thinned for fire management (MODIS 2005). During the 2015 Fire Ecology and Management class (FOR 326) field trip to the School Fire Complex, the class surveyed a series of sites in order to create a research project to obtain a better understanding of fire and post–fire management. The goal of this research is to ... Show more content on ... Both hypothesizes can be combined to one; that if an area is high–severity, high pre–fire density, and logged (HHL) it will have a higher density than the high–severity, low pre–fire density, and logged (HLL). Methods The lands that burned during this fire were mainly comprised of a mixed–conifer forest. The main tree species found before and after the fire are Douglas– fir, grand fir, Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine; PIPO), and Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine; PICO). Other species found include other varieties of spruce, pine, and larch. In some areas of the site a rich understory has formed or still exists; these were dominated by Salix scouleriana (Scouler's willow; SASC) with a limited variety of forbs present beneath the shrubs. Post–fire management tactics included salvage logging and grass seeding. This seeding of native grasses was spread across burned areas in combination with mulch in the form of agriculture straw as well as shredded wood strips (Robichaud, 2009). In order to collect data, protocol was followed as described in by P. Morgan and P. Higueraa's (YEAR)School Fire Field Trip Handout and Assignment packet. In September 2015 the FOR 326 class from University of Idaho followed this protocol to find and collect data from 32 sites on two different days. To determine site locations, trip leaders took each group to a random pre–determined area that corresponded with fire ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Abortion: The Responsibility Of A Young Mother's Life The ability for women to obtain an abortion legally is a right that they should have. By giving women the right to obtain an abortion, they gain more control over their lives. One way that allowing women to have abortion allows them to have control over their lives is when they have personal or financial issues, ranging from being a rape victim to no longer being able to afford the investment of a child. If abortions were illegal, then it would be equivalent to either punishing a woman for surviving a traumatizing event or forcing her into a greater financial struggle by having a baby. Another way that legal abortions can allow a woman to take control of her life would be in regards to teen pregnancies. As stated in the book, "[b]abies born to teens present a tremendous responsibility for young mothers and their families..." (p.217). The responsibilities that come with a baby may start when the young mother and her family are not ready to undertake, due to either financial state or emotional state. By allowing legal abortions, these pregnant teens can have the option to return to a normal life and have a child when they and their families are prepared for one. ... Show more content on ... This situation is understood to be the most correct time for an abortion to be performed. However, the situations mentioned previously are times where the mother's life could as be saved. Of course not in the same sense of life or death, but having an abortion in the previous examples allow the mothers to continue their lives as normally possible. In both situations, it is the pregnant woman's life that is being affected, so she should be allowed the right and access to make the ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Children's Song Analysis This song is intended for those that want to make a difference in children life's. In this case, this would be us that are in the major child development. As a child development major, we only want the best for the children so they can development adequately. In order for the children to development adequately, we need parents, teachers, friends, and counselors to unite together to improve the lives to the children. They children need to be sure that they are in a safe place where they have people they can count on. For example, parents should not neglect or abuse their children. Parents should always be aware of what's going on with their children in order to better assist them. As for teachers, they should be aware of aby signs of abuse or ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Bitumen Love In Boy At The Window By Richard Wilbur Bitumen Love Nothing is forever. Leaves fall off tress and fade away, making the presence of a once beautiful and healthy tree, a cold and dead caucus. Just like trees, a childhood of an innocent, sweet little boy vanishes over time, morphing the child into a depressed human with no joy; no happiness; no life. "Boy at the Window," by Richard Wilbur, portrays a sense of hope, warmth, and compassion. Through this piece of literature, Wilbur explicitly presents a young boy's emotions towards a snowman through pint of view, personification, connotation, and irony. There are some children who have large imaginations, while others only exceed to the edge if what they know. The boy in this poem leads the reader to believe that his imagination expands further than anyone else's. Although this little boy has a great imagination, his point of view isn't the happiest. In the first stanza in "Boy at the Window" only the boy's point of view is shown. Through Wilbur's diction, the child is expressed with melancholy emotions. The little boy wants the snowman to come inside because there will be a blizzard. The boy has tears in his eyes and line three states, "The small boy weeps to hear the wind prepare..." As the boy stares at the butter life beyond the window pane, his heart only longs for the snowman's presence inside and feels pain. Some pieces of literature focus on a character's point of view, but Richard Wilbur focuses on two points of view. While the first is the boy, the second ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. A Report On Dehradun : Dehradun Dehradun : Dehradun is located in the Doon Valley in the foothills of the Himalayas nestled between two of India 's mightiest rivers – the Ganges on the east and the Yamuna on the west. The Dehradun district has various types of physical geography from Himalayan Mountains to Plains. Raiwala is the lowest point at 315 meters above sea level, and the highest points are within the Tiuni hills, rising to 3700 m above sea level. The Doon valley has the Terai and Bhabar forests within it as well as the Shiwalik hills and Lesser Himalayan Range containing hill stations such as Mussoorie and Chakrata. The Pteridophytes are known as botanical snakes of plant kingdom. They are the oldest land plants on earth, flourished so well in past and dominated the earth vegetation about 280–230 million years ago. Although they are now replaced by seed bearing vascular plants of the present day vegetation still they are considered as a connecting link between non–vascular and vascular plants. Presently, Pteridophytes do not form dominant vegetation anywhere in the world flora. They further grouped in to two broad groups Fern–allies and Ferns. Among these the ferns constitute a major element of the Pteridophytic flora. They are most dominating and diverse group of pteridophytes throughout the world and includes ca 300 genera and ca 12000 known species (Chandra 2000). Most of the fern species are distributed in tropical and subtropical areas with limited distribution in temperate regions. They ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Counseling Reflective Journal Individual was open and responsive throughout the counseling session. Individual answered questions asked by the clinician. Aby stated she was feeling fine but kind of tired because she wasn't sleeping well. However, Ind stated she had no depressed feeling during last week. Ind was a little hyper verbal probably because she was very excited about the theatrical activities that she has been involved lately. One of them was like a 5 minutes free topic monologue. Ind shared she felt confident while doing it. Ind disclosed the name of her presentation was "No shame". Aby disclosed she invited her father and stepmom what represents a big step and her openness toward the improvement of their relation. Ind also shared that she was really excited because ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Case Study Of Corporate Ethics Of Amana Bank Task 02 What is Corporate ethics? The study of business policies and business practices regarding to potentially controversial issues of the business, as corporate governance, insider trading, discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities etc. Here, business ethics are often guided by laws and regulation, while other times provide a basic framework that businesses may choose to follow in order to gain public acceptance. The Code of Ethics of the Peoples Bank is designed to: Facilitate greater empowerment and faster decision–making at all levels of the activities of Peoples Bank and It ensure that as a significant player in the financial services industry, Peoples bank adhere to the highest standards of ... Show more content on ... Advertising and maintaining public relationship plays a vital role to make success of these two banks, where this fact is very important for both the banks to enhance the customer image of the banks. Advertising and Public relations build confidence, communicates differentiators of each banks and clearly states the key messages. There is no better way to use in order to define the brand of these two banks, raise the visibility and, ultimately to increase the customer base of the bank, than public relations and advertising. These elements allow the banks in order to deliver its carefully crafted messages to target customers in a valuable and also in a credible manner. The main objective of PR campaign will likely be to differentiate the client's brand from the competition in the industry. When it comes to this two banks, the average customer may find no difficult to tell the difference between these two banks because of the different nature of the ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Outsourcing Of The National Labor Committee Thinks Otherwise American companies and their products, have increasingly been pursed to be manufactured abroad. This however is one of the biggest discrepancies we confront within our economy. Although many businesses argue this is beneficial in order for them to turn a higher profit and be successful, the National Labor Committee thinks otherwise. Outsourcing has become one of the leading factors in product recalls, exploitation of workers, and a major contributor to the unemployment statistics in the US. Although outsourcing is a contributor to mass production and a products supply and demand growth, it has also been known for some of the largest product recalls. "In the largest product recall in China in 2008, the baby formula of Sanlu (the largest company in the industry by volume was found to contain melamine originated from contaminated milk supply outsourced to local farmers." (Lu, Ng, & Tao, 2012, p. 2). Lu, Ng, & Tao simplify the term outsourcing by expressing how "Outsourcing involves contracting with external suppliers for the delivery of parts and components with pre–specified quality levels." (Lu, Ng, & Tao, 2012, p. 2). This is a clear indication that product quality is never fully tested when outsourcing. Quality controllers are given a general guideline to aby with, and once met the product may be produced. As a consumer there is nothing more important than a products quality and reputation. It would be ethically unfair to a consumer to save their hard earned money in ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. National Honor Society Membership Essay National Honor Society Membership Application Essay Leadership, scholarship, service, and character are not only values held by the NHS, but that I hold myself. I believe that because of this, I would be a good fit for the NHS and would be able to strive towards improving my community, support my peers, and seek out further opportunities to serve others. Leadership, to me, is not necessarily always equated with a formal title, but rather it is characterized by the attitude, behavior, mindset, and actions of a person. Being a leader means being positive and supportive of others, providing them the opportunity to be heard and know that their opinion matters, motivating them to accomplish shared goals through teamwork. Over the past years, ... Show more content on ... As a part of the Europe Trip group, I took part in various efforts to raise money for our trip, like pop can collections at school and around neighborhoods, fundraiser nights at Faros during which the group received a percentage of the sales, submarine sandwiches and soup sales, Cookies–and– Canvas events, and Rock–a–Thons. Additionally, I wrote several grants in order to cover the costs of the bus for the trip, one to the Barry Community Foundation and the other to the Barry County Youth Advisory Council (YAC). Outside of the Europe Trip, I go to Spectacular every summer, which is a leadership, sports, arts, and worship camp sponsored by my church, Community of Christ, and held at Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa. Through Spectacular (Spec), I have built relationships with countless numbers of teens and adults throughout the United States in a positive and safe environment. It has taught me to value every single person and that leadership comes in many different forms. Each time I have participated has been a life changing experience and I cannot wait to bring what I have learned there into action through projects for the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. How China Has The Richest Woody Plants Of 95 Families Zhang ,Jian Xin (2005) summarized that China have the richest woody plants of 95 families,338 genera and 1128 species. Kucuk and Erturk (2013) surveyed Protected Areas in Turkey reported that flora and fauna are very rich with a high endemism and wider genetic diversity with more than 90000 species including flora and fauna which cover approximately 9500 vascular plants, 4000 lower plants. Shrestha (2003) presented an appraisal report on Oaks in Himalayan region which are evergreen, mostly gregarious, medium to large sized tree, distributed at elevations of 800 to 3800 m asl . Out of 35 species reported in this region abundantly in temperate forests (Negi and Naithani,1995) ,8 species occur in Nepal (DPR, 1997) Quercus floribunda , Q. glauca , Q. lamellose , Q. lanata., Q. leuchotrichophora, Q. mespilifolioides, Q. oxyodon and Q. semecarpifolia . DPR.1997. Flora of Nepal: Fagaceae, Vol 1, Part 20. Kathmandu: Department of Plant Resources, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation, HMGN. 12 p Negi SS and HB Naithani.1995. Oaks of India, Nepal and Bhutan. Dehradun: International Book Distributors Musselman (2003) referred prominence of Trees from mythological quotes from Koran and Bible. These holy books reflect the place of trees in cultures of millennia ago, their uses, the local species of importance and moreover their inspirational and symbolic significance, based on the perception of the tree as symbol of the life given by the Creator. Indreica and Kelemen ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Infraspecific Variation Essay Because, previous studies (e.g. Radušienė and Janulis, 2004) showed that most of the raw material of commercial medicinal and aromatic species yet being collected from spontaneous populations in many parts of the world. Although, samples of some medicinal and aromatic herbs are cultured. These populations were selected from different regions of the country; therefore some degrees of infraspecific variations were expected. These types of variations are seen in different genus as well as families. Lukovic et al. (2009) stated that plants respond to environmental variations, particularly to water availability through morphological, anatomical and biochemical adjustments that help them cope with such variations. for example, Pereira et al. ... Show more content on ... Moreover, Tehran and Polor populations were far from each other. It seems that these populations had different taxonomic rank from the rest or at least were ecotypes. The essential oil compositions and their percentages differed between the studied populations. The major parts of oil highly varied between the samples. Various studies (e.g. Figueiredo et al., 2008; Lakuŝić et al., 2012) proved that populations of the same species collected from different habitat have diverse essential oil composition. Because, the essential oils biosynthesis is under the influence of many abiotic and biotic factors. Formisano et al., (2015) stated the plant phytochemical composition is strongly influenced by the environment condition, and this is particularly true for medicinal herbs. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, oxygenated hydrocarbon, monoterpene hydrocarbon and oxygenated monoterpene constituted major parts of essential oil. The mounts of these compounds widely differed between the examined samples; therefore, the profile of essential oil compositions differed between the examined samples. Glynn et al., (2007) reported variations of terpene content with environmental stress. The growth–differentiation balance hypothesis postulates that there is a physiological trade–off between growth and secondary metabolism. These variations were ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Personal Narrative: A Day At Goldsboro A plethora of Christmas tree lots are ready to sell a variety of tress for this upcoming holiday season. Usually after the Thanksgiving holiday is over people would go out that next day to find their special tree, two lots around the city of Goldsboro were open before Thanksgiving. The Optimist Club lot located on Cashwell Drive near the Family YMCA, and the Saint Luke Methodist Church. Located right beside the CVS Pharmacy and Rite Aid, opened for business on the 18th for the early bird holiday shoppers. Ty'Quon Smith visited the church lot Tuesday and ordered two wreaths, made from the fresh branch clippings. "I've been doing this type of thing for my grandmother for the past four years. The holidays are very important to her so they're even more important to me," he said "I've heard about the church doing this so I wanted to come out here this year and see for myself. I'm also glad that I'm the supporting the church." ... Show more content on ... The fundraiser earnings goes to youth programs in the surrounding area. The lot there has a variety of Abies fraseris. They have them in many sizes. Anywhere from 5 up to 15 feet of pure Christmas tree. Price ranging from thirty all the way up to three hundred dollars for one of these great trees. Before any tree leaves the lot it gets trimmed and the bottom gets cut. Stands for the trees are available after. Wreaths are sold in just three sizes, 12,16, and 20 inches, from twenty up to thirty ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collin Suzanne Collin's "Hunger Games" seems to be about a dystopian society struggle to become a utopia. However, when the readers read further in to the book or watches the movie one can see that is about all the characters that make use human. As human, we feel the need to build an ethical framework based on our needs for authority rather than tradition. The Capitol in the Hunger Games exploits human needs to keep authority in place. After rising seas and poverty consumed much of the land, the Capitol, which was least affective had the superiority over the other district. The capitol residents lived in luxury while the surrounding districts are poor and subdued. The citizens of the Capitol brutally abuse the twelve districts of Panem one of the country that was left dried out by the sea, all in flavor of giving themselves a high standard of living while intentionally keeping the twelve district in a state of abject poverty. One way the Capitol tried to strengthen their authority is by inventing the annual hunger games were in each district of Panem two children are "reaped" to fight until their death for the amusement of Capitol citizens. The citizens in Panem, because they are poor and the Capitol citizens has the authority over them they have no choice but to unwilling part take in this game. The movie and the book show how much the Capitol limits their ability to empathize with the less fortunate city. Since recently there was a research that shows the upper–class ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Cocletzi Research Paper Rachael Goodson Paper Discussion #2, Spring 2018 Summary of Cocletzi Paper This paper was about the bidirectional anatomical effects of mistletoe–host the sweet gum tree (L. styraciflua) and the Mexican royal oak (Q. germana). The main reason that the researchers wanted to do this study was because while multiple studies have been completed on how a parasite effects the host little has been done to study the effect of the host on the parasite. The researchers used standard techniques for light and transmission electron microscopes to study the effect of mistletoe on the sweet gum tree and the Mexican royal oak and vice versa. The key results for this paper were as follows, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Why A College Education Should Be Free Foundations of Writing Argument Paper Aby Adams Why Education should be free Everyone needs education if they plan to go anywhere in their future. Even as teenagers, education is so important. It prepares teenagers for their future and college education. But it is so expensive. Once one graduates from high school they're off on their own paying their own expenses on top of all the college education expenses. Education is so expensive, especially in today's world. So why is it not free yet? First off, if education was free, college students wouldn't be in so much debt. The average college student graduates college with $60,000 in debt. Today college students are highly in debt, and some are in debt for the rest of their lives. Just from ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Noble Fir Introduction Abies magnifica and Abies procera, often referred to as red fir and noble fir, are two closely related evergreen coniferous tree species residing in moist soils at mid and high elevations of western North America (Zavarin et al. 1978). Ranging from 10–20 centimeters in sizes, these two firs are distinguished by their "hockey–stick" structured needles among their genus (Parker 1963). Red fir, in particular, has the subgroups California red firs and intermediate Shasta red fir (Mathiasen and Daugherty 2008). Controversies on whether red fir and noble fir hybridize have long been debated in the scientific world (Critchfield 1988; Silen et al. 1965). Morphologically, red firs consist of cones larger than 15 centimeters, chained barks, more diamond– shaped needles that exclude a groove, as well as basal bud scales pubescent throughout (Parker 1963; Hunt 1993). Noble firs tend to be smaller than 15 centimeters and include narrow ridged barks, grooved needles, and central basal bud scales (Parker 1963; Hunt 1993). Based on his research of thirteen separated sites, Parker reasoned that most of the fir at higher altitudes in southern Oregon as well as north western California were noble fir (Parker 1963). Nevertheless, classification of the morphological affiliations of red fir, noble fir, and Shasta red fir are disputable due to their variations. Mathiasen and Daugherty analyzed the characteristic of different degrees of mistletoe infection of host–specific mountain ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Digital Indi Startup Plans Of 2016 Digital India: Startup Plans of 2016 Start–up India is harmonious with the PM's innovation approach when he addressed Digital India program. The Start–up India Action plan is a great start but will need continued support and evolution to make this a true, deep revolution for the future India. Starting own business is the dream project of many individuals which is underpinned by many facilities in our country. Hundreds and thousands of business are being launched every day with a low success but a heavy failure rate. However, business owners love taking risks than to avoid a forever jump into the startup idea. India Government is promoting Startup India plans to promote business in India Start up India Hub The main purpose of compliance management is based on self–certification to minimize any regulatory burden on startups. This self–certification scheme which can be completed by your handheld device only will be applied to laws like gratuity payment, labour contract, employees provident fund (EPF), Environment pollution acts that include Air and Water pollution. India hub provide advisory service on business structuring, financing, the growth of management skills. The enterprise as described in the action plan must be innovative which is to be examined by DIPP. Besides, it needs a recommendation from Government incubator setup. However, it is it can slow down the startup process. Simplified business process From this financial year ie – April 1, 2016 India ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Simpsons Tuesdays With Morrie The writers both have incorporated ideas from the novel Tuesdays with Morrie in the shows. In the Simpsons Homers dad Abie has become sort of like Morrie, he tells a writer his stories who then creates articles and posts them in the newspaper. Just like Morrie many have taken a liking to his experiences. In The Middle Mike's father–in–law has read Tuesdays with Morrie and has been inspired by the book. He decides that he wants to tell Mike his stories, and have his own Tuesday sessions. I know they are referencing the novel because in the Simpsons the episode is called Thursdays with Abie, and the writer wants to make a book of Abies stories, after killing him. It's sort of the same idea as the novel, but they have added their own humorous ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Priest River Experimental Forest The paper introduces one of the earliest experimental forests that is also regarded as a forestry research center, the Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF). The forest was established in 1911, lies between the Priest River and the Selkirk Mountains in the State of Idaho. By interpreting its particular existing conditions, including geography, climate, hydrology, soil, vegetation, readers can easily understand its significant role in the region of Northern Rocky Mountain, providing many valuable forestry information or both management organizations and forestry administrations. The diversity of the soil type in the Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF) provides good conditions for some mixed conifer vegetation species that are also ... Show more content on ... Key words: Priest River Experimental Forest; AMAT; Collaborative Project; Genetic Variability; Northern Mountain Conifers; Rocky Mountain Region 1. Introduction: As one of the earliest experimental forests that is also regarded as a forestry research center, the Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF) was set up to provide valuable information for both management organizations and forestry administrations. All of these resources would improve forestry management and sustainability research in the western region. The Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF) was established in 1911. It lies between the Priest River and the Selkirk Mountains in the State of Idaho. The Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF) contains two Research Natural Areas: Canyon Creek (977acres), which was established in 1937; and Wellner Cliff (310acres), which was established in 2006. Headquarters area is located in the West of the forest, including an office or lab building, three residential buildings, a bunkhouse with mess hall, and a modest shop. Before 1930, the forest was served as the headquarters for the Priest River Forest Experiment Station. After that, it was combined into the Northern Rocky Mountain Forest and Range and now is managed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2. Existing Conditions 2.1. Geography The elevation of the Priest ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Script : For The Holy Virgin Church Script:For the holy virgin church in Haret zuwayla Elements of the church Group Name: XO Credits: Reem Yasser: Nouran Essam: Hiba El–Safwa: Reem El–Alfy: Shorouk Ehab: The Holy Virgin Mary Church, Haret Zuwayla Christianity is one of the most common heavenly religions where Christians tend to have certain beliefs that may differ from other religions. Copts, to be specific, is a term used to describe Egyptians who only worshipped one God. Christianity was not used to be practiced before the 4th century, due to political issues of the Roman law. However, after the 4th century, Constantine was able to legalize Christian religious practices. Therefore, several Coptic Churches were developed to be able to serve Christians at that time. Some of these churches were in old Cairo, for its popularity at the time. Old Cairo is where various Coptic Churches were developed. The oldest and most ancient one is The Holy Virgin Church at Haret Zuwayla. The Church of the Virgin, Orthodox Church, is located in Harat Zuwayla, which is in the North East of Cairo, Egypt. The church is believed to be built at a much lower level than the street level as described by Betlar. He said "During my visit to Egypt, the Church's level was below ground level by 14 feet or by its height by 18 metres," (Habib, 1979) It was first constructed during the 10th century and was ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Positive Discipline Effects On Children Parents have been disciplining their children for decades using a wide range of techniques using both negative and positive forms. Kennedy stated that effective discipline should be merely "the process of teaching a child right from wrong" (Kennedy). Effective forms of discipline are viewed very differently by different people. Parents have a choice when disciplining their child, they can either use positive forms or negative forms of discipline. Grusec et al., stated that children need "clear and consistent rules, support, and acceptance rather than rejection", in order to grow up to value and respect authority (465–471). So, if children benefit from positive discipline, what happens when a child is exposed to negative discipline throughout their life. Negative discipline can be seen in a wide range of ways, such as, physical punishment, punitive discipline, inconsistency, and lack of affection. I believe that negative discipline that is used with children, leaves lasting negative physical, mental, and emotional effects. Theorist over the years have tried to tell everyone what types of discipline are correct and good. Grusec et al., described how some theorists believe that "children experience feelings of hostility towards their parents when exposed to harsh or negative discipline" (465–471). The relationship between parents and their children are discussed in the article "The Effects of Positive and Negative Parenting Practices on Adolescent Mental Health Outcomes in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Honda Ethos Pathos Logos Honda effectively uses pathos to persuade the audience to buy their car. The ad uses visual imagery to show the audience that the inner beauty of objects and people are often more interesting and important than their outer beauty. Pathos has a huge effect on an audience because people make many decisions based off of their emotions. The Honda ad attempts to affect their audience emotions to get them to buy their product. This ad uses many tools like visuals, sounds, and messages to affect the audience emotionally. This ad also uses nostalgia to tap into the audience's emotions which causes them to buy their product. The ad by Honda uses pathos by invoking nostalgia within the audience which causes an emotional reaction. Nostalgia is an affection, ... Show more content on ... Incorporating inner beauty is emotionally effective because it's something most people can relate to. "It's not about what's on the outside; it's the inside that counts" is a common quote we use in life, and most people try to apply that quote to different circumstances. People try to see inner beauty in objects, but most importantly, people try to see inner beauty in other people. Making a commercial about a car that deals with inner beauty automatically makes people compare the car with a person, and how they would see inner beauty in a person. The main objective of the ad is to get the audience to give humanity to their product which causes them to have an emotional connection to a car. It was important for Honda to emphasize he inside of the car because most people buy cars because how it looks; there're many people who aren't informed about the different features of a car and only judge the outside, so telling the audience about the inside of the car gives them a new perspective of how to buy car. This ad is also trying to target people who may think the outside of the car is ugly, so Honda forcing the audience to have an emotional connection to the inside of the car gives people who think the car is ugly on the outside a reason to buy their ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Faat Kin And Jean Relationship In Faat Kine, Kine is a Muslim and Jean is a Christian. Sembene mainly conveys a sense of tension through the relationship of Kine and Jean. In the beginning of the film, Jean was flirting with Kine at the gas station. They were both single and shared affection with each other. However, they didn't continue develop their relationship due to religion. Later on in the film, Aby and Djip intended to find a husband for Kine so they were discussing about the potential candidates. Djip said Jean would be a good fit and Aby replied that Jean and his family are Catholics. Then when Djip and Aby went to Jean's office and informed him about their thought. Jean thought it was a crazy idea and said Kine is a Muslim and he is a Christian. It shows a very ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The American Dream in The Lost Beautifulness and The... The American Dream in The Lost Beautifulness and The Gilded Six–Bits The America Dream is defined in general as a dream of a land that is better richer for everyone based on accomplishment and opportunity. This dream is usually sought after by people who have been deprived of their social and human values. People who have not been able to achieve this dream based on restrictions of their situations that plague their lives. These situations can be different for everyone, race, sex, handicap, etc. My question is this goal obtainable? To me there is one thing that powers this dream a desire to be of higher class, socially and financially. The one thing that drives this monster concept of the American dream has always been around since the ... Show more content on ... This drive for her to feel like an American was drove from money. This ultimately put her on the street after her landlord saw the good work that she did. Money the landlord knew he could charge extra because the apartment was now in much better shape. In "The Gilded Six–Bits" Joe, sees himself in a similar situation which involved money. Joe had met a man by the name of Otis D. Slemmons who had opened up an ice cream parlor down the street. Joe was quite impressed of the heavy set man with hit gold teeth. Joe was talking about the man's big gut in quote: "All rich mens is got some belly on 'em." (Hurston 1521). Joe wanted the dream so bad that he even wanted a gut because all rich men had them. This shows how money influences people to do whatever they can to make themselves higher in society. The American dream is all about money, money is opportunity and money is accomplishment. Joe was also later devastated by this monster of a dream, when he caught Otis in bed with his wife. Is this what the dream is about tearing down everything you worked hard for all your life? Did Hanneh really dream of being thrown into the street? Did Joe really dream of a big fat rich man sleeping with his wife? In the end the power that both drove these people to realize what the American dream is was money. They both wanted money and they both dreamed of money, and in the end it got the best of Hanneh and ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Bsbmgt516A: Facilitate Continuous Improvement BSBMGT516A: Facilitate Continuous Improvement Assessment 1–Case Study Fast Forwarding Improvement project report 1. Delivery service tracking program development program The change and adjust improvements Delay and missing delivery problems can be solved by installing tracking system software in 'Fast Forwarding' company offices.Customer can track their parcels and mails and company can check delivery route. Liaising and reasons IT support is the vital part for this improvement. 'Fast forwarding' must arrange software team to establish and maintain tracking system. IT outsourcing is an appropriate choice for organisation. Information for analysis At first, outsourcing system to IT company expertise in developing ... Show more content on ... 'Fast forwarding' has problem about information told by employees. Creating staffs education program will improve their knowledge and they will inform customer more accurately. Liaising and reasons All staffs will be rotated in inside educational program. Department manager from different department will be instructor to explain and describe about their works and responsibility. Information for analysis * Organisation structure * Organisation operation in various department * Organisation aims, goals and visions * Staffs relation Data recording mechanisms Sum up education paper and print out into newsletters. Editor team should rotate between different department members. Training and up skilling needs
  • 52. Communication skill is in need. Writing and practicing speech for management shoul be trained. Constraints Lack of readiness and inspiration are to be feared. Encouragement from company director and department manager should help. Reporting lines After program, all the staffs should report to their department manager then manager will sum up their report into department report. Measurements Measurement could settle by sending questionaire about 'Fast forward' to all staffs. Query their answer and random asking in person to measure accuracy of questionaire. Evaluation Knowledges and understanding about 'Fast forwarding' could be evaluated in following ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. ABy Major Characters In The Scarlet Letter The Interpretation of the 'A' by Major Characters in The Scarlet Letter People have different cultures and experiences throughout their lives; therefore, they all have different perspectives of the same object. Various authors use different perspectives of people to make objects mean different based on how people approach it. Not only the readers see the object in different ways, but also the characters in the story. The Scarlet Letter uses various symbolism such as 'A ', rosebush, the forest and more which might mean different to each person. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of The Scarlet Letter, uses the symbolism of 'A ' to indicate different meanings throughout the story. However, some readers get confused what exactly 'A ' means ... Show more content on ... The quote foreshadows that she will be able to serve herself and Pearl after prison with her needlework. Even though he gives positive diction such as able and elaborate to describe the scarlet letter, Hawthorne still reminds the reader that 'A ' means adultery and that is Hester 's major appearance. In the Governor 's house, Hawthorne depicts reflection of Hester and the scarlet letter in the large and curved mirror as "exaggerated and gigantic proportions", and adds more information that the scarlet letter is "most prominent feature of her appearance," bringing all the readers back to reality that it does not mean that she is not a sinner because now 'A ' stood for Able to Hester (Hawthorne 57). Throughout the story, Hawthorne uses 'A ' to characterize Hester explaining how other people treat Hester and how she interpret the 'A ' as. Hawthorne expresses Pearl, the daughter of Hester, as the scarlet letter and the scarlet letter as Pearl. Pearl has an obsession to the scarlet letter. Pearl refuses to go to Hester in the forest when Hester was not wearing 'A '. Pearl thinks only when Hester is wearing 'A ', Hester is her mother and "should Hester repudiate the letter, she will repudiate Pearl" (Baym). The action of Pearl refusing to go to Hester when Hester is not wearing the scarlet letter clearly shows Pearl has a deep connection with the letter. Pearl was the "result of Hester 's ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Ulysses S. Grant: United States Army During The Civil War Aby Kettels 8 Social Studies Period 7 Wed. Jan. 27, 2016 Ulysses S. Grant Grant was born April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, OH, Married to Julia Grant. He died on July 23, 1885 in Wilton, NY. Grant was a part of the Republican Party. Grant was a commanding general in the Army during the Civil War. Ulysses was the eighteenth president. Grant worked closely to Abraham Lincoln to lead the Union Army into victory over the Confederacy in the American Civil War. He was the 6th Commanding General in the United States Army. He was elected in 1876. Grant was president from March 4, 1869 – March 4, 1877. He was succeeded by Rutherford B. Hayes and preceded by Andrew Johnson. While in office and in service Grant took control of Kentucky ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Harry Harlow's Effect On Monkeys Harry Harlow was a well–respected researcher. Harlow was known for taking risk in his research. He wanted to know the effects of having a broken a support system. However, studying this subject would have a big effect on his reputation. He either would damage his reputation or continue to gain his reputation as a prestigious researcher. His wife, Peggy, was making her way into fame. Her studies showed how a support network was an important factor to a child life. Her idea was that if the child had an stable, supporting environment, then child would become successful. Peggy was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. Her sickness broke Harlow. He was heading into a breaking point. He was demonstrating the same symptoms he had when he got divorce ... Show more content on ... Harlow was soon coming to a end in his career. Harlow finally realizes that his position as a lab director wasn't healthy for him. HE knew that a life of loneliness is not the best place for him to live in. It was just making it worse for his depression. Harlow was always defensive of his career. Even when his wife died, he didn't give his wife enough credit for the work that she did. He say that he was better at creating research while his wife was better at putting the information together. Harlow's research impacts the lives of many people. He opened people minds up throughout every study. He presents the evidence that he systematic obtain. The events that were happening in his life were too overwhelming. His work wasn't health for him anymore and was putting a toll on his behavior and self–esteem. One of things the book does is that it explains how a study leads to another study. It also shows you the process of the research. This book was extremely interesting. It shows a different perspective on child ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Dating Online dating has become more famous and usable in America and other developed countries. Many people have access to internet and Smart phones, so they can easily use the dating apps. Although social media and online dating play vital role in connection of relationship and friendship; they have negative impacts too. There are some advantages and disadvantages of online dating. There are many shy people that cannot propose a marriage or friendship relationship, so online dating and social media are good option for them. It is easy to discuss some issues related to romance and dating rather than face to face meeting. However, some people like only talking and texting rather than having sex or being together. On the other hand, some people are ugly, so it is tough for them to find someone for dating in public; it is easier to find both ugly and beautiful features on online dating. Another advantage of online dating is that some people are super busy, so they cannot find extra time to go outside and find someone for dating. It easier to find someone for relationship through online dating sites rather than to go outside. Fluency in language and good communication skills are very important for dating, therefore some people do not have them, that is why they prefer online dating at the beginning of relationship. There are also some disadvantages of online dating, which are relatively worse than its advantages. According to "Catfish Documentary Film of Yaniv Schulman" Nev becomes ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. How Did Florence Blancchfield Become An Army Nurse The Military Life of Florence Blanchfield Florence Aby Blanchfield was born on April 1, 1884 and after attending Walnut Springs public schools. She decided to become an army nurse.( Editor) I believe that was her main purpose during her life.` To begin, Florence Blanchfield was a hard worker that went to multiple colleges before training to be an Army nurse. Florence Blanchfield joined the Army in 1917,("Col. Florence Blanchfield, 87; Ex–Head of Nurse Corps. Dies") that's when Florence was best known for being the very first woman to get regular commission in the Army. Also she concerned herself with nurses getting permission to get married while still in the army.( Editors) Secondly, Miss Florence Blanchfield ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Analysis of Anzia Yezierska's 'The Lost Beautifulness' Q1. "The lost beautifulness" by Anzia Yezierska In Anzia Yezierska's short story "The lost beautifulness," the protagonist Hanneh Hayyeh scrimps and saves to be able to paint her apartment white to make it look respectable for her son Ady when he comes home from fighting World War I. Hayyeh wants some kind of hope to cling to in her desperate immigrant's life. Although the dialect of the characters is Russian–Jewish and the setting is in an early 20th century urban environment, the idea of immigrant aspirations and the conflict between rich and poor is a common theme in American literature. Initially, people make fun of Hanneh because they think she is overly enamored with her 'wonderful' son and even her husband dislikes how much money she foolishly sinks into a property that is not her own. But they are eventually touched by the care and concern she puts into her apartment to make it look better. However, her cruel landlord, the only truly unlikeable character in the story, exploits Hanneh's hard work and raises her rent, saying that in America that is how capitalism works ruthlessly. When he raises the rent, Hanneh tries to give her landlord his comeuppance by destroying her handiwork, but in the process she destroys her soul, effectively extinguishing her belief that everyone can make it in America. The story is not judgmental of the wealthy Hanneh's employer Mrs. Preston is well aware of the injustice of a world in which she eats strawberries and cream and Hanneh ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. A Research Study On The School Fire Occurred On Public Land Introduction The first question to be addressed in this study is, will there be varying tree seedling species diversity in relation to varying levels of burn severity? My hypothesis for this question is that we will see the highest tree species diversity where we see a moderate level of burn severity. The second question of the study asks, did the presence of salvage logging lead to a difference in the tree seedling densities as compared to unlogged sites? My hypothesis for this question is that there will be a greater density of tree species in the salvage logged site than the unlogged site. Methods The School Fire occurred on public land in Washington's Umatilla National Forest in August, 2005. It burned approximately 21,000 ha of ... Show more content on ... Once sites were selected, site specific measurements were then recorded including the elevation (m), percent slope of transects, aspect (in magnetic degrees), and the latitude and longitude, using a GPS for accuracy. Sampling on logged sites was done using 30 m belt transects extending out at varying widths depending on stand density. At low seedling stand densities belts were extended out to 6 m (3 m on each side of line), while at high seedling densities belt widths measured 2 m (1 m each side of line). On unlogged sites belt transects also varied with densities. On sample sites that were unburned with low densities (site code ULU), belt lengths measured 10 m and widths of either 2 m or 1 m. Sites with high severity and high densities (HHU) were measured with either 15m or 10 m belt lengths with 2 m belt widths. Once belt transect lengths and belt widths were established, measurements were recorded. Since this paper focuses on tree seedling and saplings, methods of larger tree measurements and understory canopy cover measurements will not be discussed. Tree seedlings and saplings were recorded only if they fell within the area encompassed by the belt transect length and width. If they did, the four–letter species code was recorded per individual seedling (ex: PIPO for ponderosa pine), its status (1 if living, 0 if dead), height (cm) from ground level, and the number of internodes to determine approximate ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Essay On The Role Of Women In Antigone 6. The Role of Women The characters of Shakespeare's work are usually bound to the stereotypical views of his time, especially in the case of gender. The Shakespearean tragedy Antigone centers around the protagonist and her character foils, Portia and Calpurnia in Julius Caesar, who are depicted as emotionally impulsive and controlled by their pathos. For example, Portia goes to excessive measures and injures herself to prove her trustworthiness to her husband. At the same time, rendering her dedication to Brutus a weakness in itself. She says, "I have made strong proof of my constancy, giving myself a voluntary wound here, in the thigh. Can I bear that with patience, and not my husband's secrets?" Like Calpurnia, she exhibits her dependence on her husband and falls into the social role where a woman's value is solely what her husband permits her to have. For Julius's wife, she spends the majority of the play work being brushed aside and scorned by her husband for her dream and apparent inability to make sense of it. On the other hand, Antigone serves as a female character who is able to successfully balance her logos and pathos. Therefore, she is able to succeed ... Show more content on ... At the start of the novela. George tells Lennie of the ranch, their dream and the motivation behind their aspirations. Here, Lennie is no longer in danger of society's misjudgements and the two friends are free from the intolerant world around them. Despite their efforts, their hardships, and their struggle, the rabbits were anything but in reach of the protagonists. Even the most well thought out plans can fall apart, and like a mouse, the most precious things can be destroyed by the unfairness and cruelty of life. Perhaps the most difficult fact that humans struggle with is how life moves on. Like a reaper's scythe slicing through grass, time continues to move forward and carry ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Time Management, Leadership Handbook Time Management Before analyzing time management need to know how time is currently being used. Two questions to ask: First, the amount of time I have? Secondly, how is my time being used? The first question is easier to answer as most people work eight hours day that may vary times and locations depending on type of work. The second question can be more challenging to identify where time is being used. For example, is most of one's time speaking on the phone, answering e–mails, writing reports, or waiting for others to finish their job before starting their task? To assist with identifying these it is recommended to keep a time log that details where the hours in the workday are used. Below is a sample of a time log that can be used ... Show more content on ... Some common time wasters are: doing a wrong task, underestimating the time it takes to do a task, not delegating tasks appropriately, delaying/procrastinating, and letting conversations go too long. Improving Time Management Habits We know time is very valuable and there is a lot to be done in limited hours. The first exercise discussed above involved using a time log and identifying how time is currently being used. Once certain tasks are identified as time wasters, there are three steps one can do to improve his or her time management: 1. Controlling environment, which includes physical items surrounding as well as mental environment with things we watch and think about. 2. Using technology when practical to be more efficient. For example, e–mail allows responding to many more people at once than phone or mailing; however, it can be less personable and have less of a response than other communication methods. 3. Avoid time stealers, which include time wasters, television, and social networking websites. While some jobs can benefit from social networking, majority of the time people find time passing by when utilizing social media. Finally, managing paperwork is another area where time management habits can be improved. One tip is to not keep any hard copies of digital documents such as pdf's and e–mails. Since these are readily accessible and backed up in cloud–computing, it is unnecessary to keep ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. 1.2 Privacy And Confidentiality Research Paper Principle 1.2: Privacy and Confidentiality Respect for the student decision to deny disclosure of private information. Any information provided by the students or parents should not be shared outside of the school setting unless mandated by law as well as being careful to not seek information from the parent or student that is not pertinent to the school setting. Students and parents should be informed of the confidentiality and legal situations that would involve informing third party sources while services are in place as well as reminding the parents/student as needed of these guidelines. A student, parent, or school employee's sexual orientation, gender identity, or transgender status will not be shared unless permission has been given by said individual. Health laws should be reviewed before disclosing health issues with any individual in regards to student, parent, or school employee and only shared if there is believed to be a risk to the public. ... Show more content on ... School psychologist respects any materials that are being used, does not used outdated or ineffective material and does not share the materials with anyone who is not qualified to use materials. Parents may request to see their student assessments and in most cases they should receive the students answers, however in some cases they can request the test manual if someone qualified to administer explains the test to the parent. Conclusion The purpose of special education programs and identification is to provide equal access to education for children aby providing services that can assist with obtaining educational success. It is important to remember that not every child who appears to initially be struggling will continue to struggle or qualify for additional assistance or special education services. As well, a student who did not previously struggle or show signs of needing services may present as such at a different moment in their educational ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Interview On Ethnography The method I will be using for this interview is Ethnography. Ethnography is a qualitative research method used where researchers immerse themselves in other cultures for the purpose of recording information about their lifestyle for comparative research. During The interview, I asked brief questions regarding my participants religion. We get up close and personal with our research participants I interviewed Nick Anderson, A member of the Beulah United Church of God, on Sunday 20th , 2016. the reason why you chose nick The interview held place at ... SETTINGS ? I first began the interview by introducing myself, and informing Nick the purpose of the interview. I mentioned the ... WHAT DID YOU SAY ??. After notifying him I started asking ... Show more content on ... Nicks says "I really didn't start practicing my faith on my own until I turned 15 years old. I began reading the Bible and attended church classes .Around that age I got a different perspective about christianity. Being that I was born a christian I was curious about other religions. The next question I asked, was does your religion play an important role in your life? If so how ? Nick answer, Yes it does. My lifestyle is different. I don't live accordingly to others. I aby by what's written in the bible. It shaped my morals, how I think about things. We believe that Jesus died on the cross and resurrected. WE WORSHIP GOD. CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY. WE LOVE .. After i asked , Do you ever question your faith? He responded "No". It was something I was taught and something that stuck to me". till this day I still didn't find a sufficient reason to switch to something else". I then asked if everyone in his family is a Christian believer and he says everyone except his aunt. Someone evangelized to her and she converted to islam. I then acted what does christianity mean to him? He explained it was a way of getting closer to God. He says " you can express worries and burdens in prayer. It's like a way to achieve ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Aby's Up Losers: A Short Story This week has been totally crazy. At the beginning of it, my best friend Aby got a job writing songs at Hi or Hey records. Then, after a year singing at the hottest clubs in Los Angeles, I got called in to sing for Five Seconds to Summer to see if I would get a record deal. After a long year of hard work, I got my chance. And, I finally got a record deal. Aby got transferred onto my management and we finally wrote some songs. Well we wrote four of them. Cool for the Summer, Someone New, Pity Party, and New Americana. After a long day of recording, I plop down on the couch in our apartment. Looking around, Aby is no where to be found so I turn on my favorite show, Pretty Little Liars. I pick up the note on the coffee table, Working late tonight see you tomorrow. ... Show more content on ... Pulling it out I smile, it was a group chat with all four boys. MIKEY: What's up losers? Me: Watching Pretty Little Liars and wishing I have food. *cries for eternity* Lukey Pookey: I have some bread sticks yasss Me: Of course you do, you breadstick. Aren't you lot in the same hotel suite? Cal: Yeah, why? Me: Because I'm bored and Aby won't be home until tomorrow. That's fricking why. Ashton: DON'T SWEAR. Me: You little ball of sunshine STOP TELLING ME THAT. Mikey: Come party with us! Me: Someone come pick me up I don't feel like driving ugh Cal: Not me I'm making grilled cheese Ashton: I'm lazy soooo no Lukey Pookey: I'm being sat on by Michael so sorry I cannot MIKEY: I'll go if you do something for mehh :) Me: What chu want Clifford? MIKEY: I GET A HUG Me: Sure I'll hug you Cal: I get a hug too Lukey Pookey: Me too Ashton: I WANT ONE ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Music : Where Is Wherever, Is It A Song Written And... Whenever, wherever, is a song written and produced by the famous Colombian writer and singer, Shakira. Unpopular instruments that relate to the flute family are concluded to be used by the tone of this song, giving it a mixture of pop and African beat. This song also has a Latino style and at the same time gypsies tone in the melody of its music. It has a fairly, wild tone at the very beginning of the song and then it turns into an overexcited, happy melody. The song talks about how lucky the narrator was to find the love of her life. She laughs at distance because she was lucky enough, that she met a person from a faraway land and by luck they are together. In the song, the narrator states, " [l]ucky that I love a foreign land for, / [t]he luck fact of your existences" (Shakira, lines 3 & 4), this lets the audiences know that the love of her life is from a foreign land. It also suggest that the narrator is not a discriminatory person since she is in love with a foreigner and even with the land he is from just for the simple fact that he was born on that land. This song contains many poetic devices that generate the rhythm of this masterpiece. One of the poetic devices used is a quatrain, which is: [b]aby I would climb the Andes solely, / [t]o count the freckles on your body, / [n]ever could imagine there were only, / [t]en Million ways to love somebody" (par. 2). In this four lines the ending words, solely, body, only, and somebody, all rhyme, which is the reason why it ... Get more on ...