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MariahR. Bates
*Open Me When They Tell You That
Global-Warming is not real*
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
1 | P a g e
Kason and Braedyn
Asyou growupIwantyoutounderstandthat you are allowedtoask questions.Being your
motherand havingbeen throughmanyyears of schooling,Ifeel itis my dutytogiveyou
knowledgeonimportant social justice issues.
This letteris togive youbetterinsight onthe issues thatare notbeing acknowledgedand what
youcan dotonotonlyhelp theenvironment, butusemore eco-friendly practices throughout
yourlife. I canonly hopeandpray thatyouview social justice issues asI do,however,whatever
yourstance is later in life Iwill always loveyou.
This information is authentic butinformative thatIwas taughtwhile astudent. Iam notasking
youtochange theworld,Ijust wantyoutothinkaboutcontributingto a moreeco-friendly
lifestyle onedayat atime…
Inorder tosucceed inschool, life andyour futurecareers youneedtodothree things:openup
yourmind, embrace diversity, DO NOTWATCHFOX NEWS.
Ilove you,
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
2 | P a g e
Four Forces You Need To Know
Honestly, knowledge of the four forces is very importantfor everyone to know at any
age. I did not know about the four global forces that are putting constraints on
environmental sustainability until I took an honors course called: “Global, Political, and
Ecology 290.” The professor that taught it was this cool environmental sociologist Dr. Nels
Paulson. I went into the class having an open mind because I really was not interested in
environmental “stuff.”
With that being said, I must say that this college course opened my eyes tremendously
to different ways in which our lifestyle and daily practices negatively impacts the
sustainability of the environment. The areas of environmental sociology that I found very
interesting are: Urbanization, social theories, the four global forces that are issues for the
environment, food production, and environmental justice. Of the four global forces I am
going to explain why three of them is important and on your own you can research the
fourth global force.
Giving you authentic credible information about environmental sustainability is
important to me. You will soon realize when you get into college that credible sources are
important and I believe that this will create a foundation for you to expand your knowledge
on different issues that impact the environment and social societies. As a class we read
parts of the book “The World in 2050” which I encourage you to read! The first chapter
“Martell’s Hairy Prize” stressed the importance of understanding the history of the four
global forces, which are demography, growing demand for natural resources, globalization,
and climate change. (Smith, 2011) Demography1 is the ups and downs of different
populationsaround the world. What this means is that demography measureshow much
money a person earns from their job, how many babies are born, differentage groups,
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
3 | P a g e
people of different ethnicities, and migration. To put it bluntly, this world is overpopulated,
which demography measures. Overpopulation is an issue that is not talked about, and is
the reason why demography is an issue. (pp. 9-10)
Demography transition is an important term to remember when trying to
understand overpopulation and differentways in which to stabilize fertility and death
rates. The answer to that is modernization, which lead to advancements in medicine and
production in food. At the same time fertility rates began to drop because women made the
choice to get an education, identified themselves as feminists, changed their lifestyles to
resemble urban, the ability to have access to birth control (I promise we will be talking
about that in the future just so you know.), and having a more relaxed view on family-size.
(p. 12)
There is a growingdemand for natural resources2 in this world because we are more
dependent on natural resources than in the 1900s. Some examples are the fuel that is put
in machinery that farmer’s use, the material that is used to build different
structures in cities all over the world, the use of ground water and dams. These
natural resources are on higher demand due to population, modernization, trade
and technology advancements (pp. 13-14). In the United States we consume limited
resources, i.e. fresh water3, like they aren’t, which is problematic for us in the future.
Smith (2011) defines globalization4 as a set of economic, social, and technological
processes that are making the world more interconnected and interdependent (p. 17). The
myth about globalization is that it emerged organically, born from fast internet technology
and the “invisible hand” of free markets. Historically, the emergence of globalization was
entirely through purposeful policy decisions, championed especially by the United States
and Britain (p. 20).
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
4 | P a g e
What is Environmental Justice Exactly?
My undergraduate minor is history, and I found it particularly interesting to learn about
the history of environmental sociology. From a previous paper I wrote here is my analysis of
environmental justice: “Over the past 150 years the intellectual history of sociology, specifically
environmental sociology5 was not appreciated by sociologists. Most importantly it is the
foundation of environmental justice. The standard definition of environmental justice is often
understood as an equal treatment and distribution of environmental benefits and burdens,
however it also highlights unequal outcomes of market-based and state economic and
environmental policy making on people of color, indigenous populations, and the working class
or poor (Gould, 2009, p. 49).
As with environmental sociology, there are different theories that frame the injustices in
today’s society. Sociologist Jonathan Turner defines theory as a “story” about how and why
events in the universe occur (Turner, 1991).
Examples of Environmental Justice
There are different cases from diverse parts of the world that illustratesthe affects
that environmental injustices has on the environment, and people who live within that
community. During the last part of my semester in Nels’ class we read “Flammable.” The
authors of this book, Auyero and Swistun changed how I viewed pollution in general and in
poor areas in cities all over the world. “Flammable” is a book of ethnography and
anthropologic research in Argentina. As your mother I am encouraging to read this book, it
will provide you with awareness of the conditions that people live in outside of the United
States. This book is riddled with physical and psychological destruction of people living in
poverty by a corporation that does not acknowledge their environmental injustice practices.
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
5 | P a g e
The very first story in “Flammable” is what I believe as the most important. The
story is about Sandra Martinez who is from Buenos Aires and lives in a small shantytown
called “Flammable” where her, her husband, and children live in extreme poverty. The total
amount of money she and her husband brings home is the equivalent of $82 in the United
States (Auyero, 2009). Julian, Sandra’s son was born with a mark on his head that resulted
in him having convulsions, and other health problems. The doctor’s lack of concern, resulted
in Sandra realizing that the doctorsare incompetent. In addition to the health problems the
Martinez family cannot buy the medication that is needed because they cannotafford it.
Sofia, Sandra’s daughter endures constant headaches and stomachaches, further, she was
born with birth defects (p. 2).
When Sandra was pregnant with Sofia, it was recommended that be tested to see
where her lead levels were after explaining to her doctor where she lived, and could be the
reason why Sofia was born with a birth defect. Sandra believed she is showing all the signs
of having lead poison, however due to the costof the tests, which would have confirmed her
suspicions, she could not get the proper treatmentshe needed (p. 3). Sandra’s sister is
pregnant and knows she has high levels of lead. Out of fear she could not say anything to
her husband’s boss would lose his job at the Shell Oil Company.
The desire to leave Flammable was a dream for Sandra and her family. Air pollution
is a huge problem in Flammable, it affects families and their everyday life, and they cannot
go outside at times because of the air pollutants. Sadly the Martinez family is one example
of environmental, economic, and political misfortune experiments, and their story
illustrates how the effects of toxic contamination impacts the bodies and minds of the
residents of Flammable. (p. 4)
This story is one example of environmental injustices, but also social. The residents
are concerned for their health and safety along with their children’s, however out of fear of
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
6 | P a g e
harsh repercussionsthey cannot speak up to plead for changes. Instead dreaming of one
day to move out of Flammable is the best that can be done. This is one instance where the
discursive frame of environmental justice between human and ecological survival is
demonstrated. Gould explained that environmental destruction in low-income/racially
distinct communitiesor third-world countries originates in the exploitation of the people
who live in systemically disadvantaged areas. (Gould, 2009)
Nels stated that during class once that, “Food production causes more pollution and
environmental damage than any other human activity.” (Paulson, 2015). Specifically, the
type of production that uses resourcesat high rates is industrial agriculture. Consequently,
there are ecological impactsto agriculture such as: soil-erosion, water (reduction), and
biodiversity loss (p. 5). Another case that impacts food production, and agriculture is the
swine industry in North Carolina. The traditional pork production practices are no longer
used, instead those practices of production are replaced by harsh approaches (Gould, 2009,
p. 153). It is important to understand that meat production uses the same practices as the
hog industry (p. 154).
The growth of the hog industry is focused on the eastern coastof North Carolina.6
The practices that are used is the confined animal feeding operation (CAFO), which is
divided into three different parts. This is considered a normal practice that farmers use,
however, oversaturation is problematic for the environment because the soil cannot absorb
hog waste which washes off of fields and into the local watershed (p. 159). An important
thing to consider the location of where specifically where the hog production farms are.
Primarily on the eastern coast of North Carolina where it is isolated, has higher
poverty rates, and a higher amount of African Americans living in that region. According to
Gould (2009) low-income, African Americans, and politically marginalized communities
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
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along the coast complain about the hog farms being located within the communities. The
consequences of the locations of the farms is the negative health effects. (p. 164)
Theories to Help You Understand
The treadmill of production theory is the found of Sandra Martinez’s lived
experiences for the reason that of the ways in which domination over the people in
Flammable is clear. This theory is described as a system in which there is increasing
accumulation of wealth and investments into capital intensive technologies, rising social
inequalities, and greater ecological withdrawals and additions, all of which are encouraged
and facilitated by the nation-state (Gould, 2009, p. 48). So in other wordsin order to have
increasing profits, the polluting processes are ignored and labor wages are reduced (p. 48). 7
Jeremy Bentham, a great philosopher once said “to augment the happiness of the
community is greater than any it has to diminish it.” The utilitarianism theory strives to
promote “the greatest good for the greatest number”because a “good”is perceived as a
degree to further promote happiness (Bell, 2009). Economic utilitarianism best illustrates
the food production injustices because the goal of having a CAFO, is to have as many hogs
as they can fit at one time to make more profit, and have social improvement (p. 125).8
Urbanization In General, It’s good for you and Your Peers!
Urbanization practices is another way to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle. Urbanization
helps to preserve us of natural resources and protect the environment. Recycling properly is
a given, and planting a garden free of pesticides in a community garden can be another way
to contribute to environmental sustainability.
When you decide to go to college there are things to think about in maintaining an
eco-friendly lifestyle. In cities that are becoming developmentallyurbanized it is common to
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
8 | P a g e
see differentmodes of transportation. Riding your bicycle, walking, and public
transportation is very popular, but beneficial for the environment and your health.
Not only do you get to experience the city life with your friends and other students,
but also different cultures, foods, religions, insights, and languages. Give knowledge of
what you already know to your friends and other peers. Without realizing it you will are
continuously learning new ways to be more environmentally friendly.
There are a lot of ways to help sustain the environment! Here are some helpful
reminders: do not litter, if you see garbage pick it up, limit electricity and water use
meaning only use what you need, remember to sort recyclables, create a dialogue between
your friends, and other acquaintances. While doing your part in maintaining the
environments health, maintain yours and plan to walk or bike to where you want to go.
This not only saves gas, but helps reduce air pollutants.
Something to Keep in Mind
People living areas where poverty, environmental injustices, and environmental
racism9 is dominant, which they acknowledge. Keep in mind that the continuation of the
environmental injustices is the lack of dialogue and the risks that are entailed.
Communication is important when changesneed to be made to public policies, as such,
changes cannot be made if there are interestswho purposely hinder it from taking place. 10
The “interests” who purposely hinder changes to take place are wealthy. What you
need to know in this context that money is power and power is domination. When looking at
food production good disparagementstatutes that are were passed also suggests that the
government prefers to not have a dialogue about environmental injustices.11
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
9 | P a g e
My Interests
“Flammable” gave me inspiration to be conscious and make some life style changes that
is beneficial to and for the environment. My undergraduate degree focuses on research, and
I am hoping by the time you read this that as a social scientist that I have accomplished
research that studies urban poverty in Spanish speaking countries. In addition to that I
want to present the knowledge I gained while emerged in the native people’s place of
comfort, culture, and lived experiences.
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
10 | P a g e
Auyero,J.S.(2009). Introduction.InJ.S. Auyero, Flammable(p.1).OxfordPress.
Bell,M. (2009). Environmental ProblemsandSociety.InM. Bell, An Invitation to Environmental
Sociology (pp.18-19).
Gould,A.K. (2009). EnvironmentalJustice.InA.K.Gould, Twenty Lessonsin EnvironmentalSociology (p.
217). OxfordUniversityPress.
Paulson,N.(2015, November).Neoliberalism, EnvironmentalJustice,andFarming. Food Production,4.
Smith,C.L. (2011). Martell'sHairy Prize.InC.L. Smith, TheWorld in 2050 (p.11). Plume.
Turner,J. (1991). The Strutctureof SociologicalTheory.
1 To give you a better idea of what this is here is an example of demography and a personal
savings account. The account balance depends on the rates of deposit versus spending in
comparison the account balance is the population on earth already born, the deposit is babies
being born (birth-rate), and spending is the people who pass away (death-rate). When the
deposits and spending is equal the account balance remains steady one does affect the other
what matters is the spread and whether rate adjustments are staggered in time or happen
simultaneously. (Smith, 2011)
2 Natural resources are: hydrocarbons, minerals, and fossil underground water; and renewable
assets, like rivers, arable land, wildlife, and wood for example (Smith, 2011).
Natural services are: life essentials like photosynthesis, absorption of carbon dioxide by oceans,
and the labors of bees to pollinate crops.
Gene Pool: the diversity of genes being carried around by all living organisms still existing on
earth (p. 13).
3 Fresh Water: the most necessary resourceon this planet. Without freshwater the human race would be
extinct. Smith explains thatour societies need water in proper quantity, quality,and timingto preserve
civilization as weknow it, further, humans aredependent on havinga consistentdependable supply of usable
water. (Smith, p. 85)
Russian hydrologistIgor Alexander Shiklomanov estimated that, 97% of the world’s water is salty ocean,and
unfit for drinkingand irrigation;1%is underground saltwater which is useless also.Fresh groundwater holds
the majority of what is available.Other places where fresh ground water is in lakes,wetlands,and rivers
combined. (Shiklomanov,1993)
Three points that Shiklomanov made are: the most importantsources of water for people and terrestrial
ecosystems –rivers,lakes,and rain –are actually fleetingly rareforms of water, (Smith, p. 86) relativeto rivers,
lakes,and rain far larger volumes of freshwater are frozen up insideglaciers,or stored underground in
*Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015
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aquifers,(p. 87) and lastly thenumbers that Shiklomanov estimated alonedo not tell the whole story when it
comes to human water supply. (p. 87)
4 Some examples to help you better understand are: stabilizeinternational currenciesby valuingthem the same
worth as gold,in 1971 President Nixon dropped the U.S dollar fromthe gold standard,revolution of
neoliberalism–the deregulation and elimination of tariffs and other controls on international tradeand capital
flows.(p. 19)
5 . Environmental sociology is the study of how social systems interactwith ecosystems; whilethe two systems
are different if there is a negatively change to one system itaffects the other system (Gould, p. 2)
6 These parts areknown as:the hog house, where the sowspends their lives in a confined pen, the waste
“lagoon,” where the waste is flushed,and the “spray field” where the waste is used as fertilizer and sprayed
into the grass (p.158).
The growth in the hog industry rosefrom 2 million to 10 million and externalitiesscalesuggests thatthe
volume of hog waste is problematic,and can impactlivelihood and lossof property values,health impacts on
employees and environmental impacts that may affect health and economic in surroundingcommunities.
7 Additionally,thetreadmill of Production theory is the foundation of food production,and agriculture. Similar
to Sandra Martinez’s case,in order to have increasingprofits,thepollutingprocesses areignored and labor
wages are reduced (Gould, 2009)
8 The disadvantageof this theory is thateven though havinggreat growth in the number of hogs a farmer has
seems likeit’s a good thing becauseof the monetary benefits, but in reality the conditions of where the hogs
liveis unacceptable,over saturation ruinsthe soil,and excess wastepollutes the water. All of this illustrates
the injustices thatarecurrently takingplacein today’s society.
9 Environmental Racism: a specific formof environmental inequality.Deliberately targets communities of color
for toxic waste facilities,theofficial sanctioningof poisons and pollutants in minority communities,and the
systematic exclusion of people of color from leadership roles in decisionsregardingtheproduction of
environmental conditions thataffect their lives and livelihoods. (Bell,2009,p. 29)
10 An example Bell (2009,p. 230) used was an episodefrom Oprah on the topic of Mad Cow Disease.As a result
of her making a remark about not eating another hamburger again, she was sued by the Texas Cattlemen’s
Association for defamingtheir product. Although Oprah was protected under the FirstAmendment, the
amount of money towards court costs reached over a million dollars(p.230),this further illustrates that
people who are not wealthy should not startdialogue,because of the legal risks and costs.
11 Another example is Sandra Martinez’s pregnant sister,who could not speak up to her husband’s employer,
Shell Oil Company,out of fear of retaliation and job loss,even though her health and her child’s health were
risk of havinglead poisoning.Overall,in order for changes to happen in the different cases havinga dialogueis
crucial,butwhen weighingtheir options on speakingup, while havingthe ability to move away from the toxic
livingenvironment, and not speakingup due to the dialogueof risk nothingis said.

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Understanding Global Forces Impacting the Environment

  • 2. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 1 | P a g e Kason and Braedyn Asyou growupIwantyoutounderstandthat you are allowedtoask questions.Being your motherand havingbeen throughmanyyears of schooling,Ifeel itis my dutytogiveyou knowledgeonimportant social justice issues. This letteris togive youbetterinsight onthe issues thatare notbeing acknowledgedand what youcan dotonotonlyhelp theenvironment, butusemore eco-friendly practices throughout yourlife. I canonly hopeandpray thatyouview social justice issues asI do,however,whatever yourstance is later in life Iwill always loveyou. This information is authentic butinformative thatIwas taughtwhile astudent. Iam notasking youtochange theworld,Ijust wantyoutothinkaboutcontributingto a moreeco-friendly lifestyle onedayat atime… Inorder tosucceed inschool, life andyour futurecareers youneedtodothree things:openup yourmind, embrace diversity, DO NOTWATCHFOX NEWS. Ilove you, Mom
  • 3. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 2 | P a g e Four Forces You Need To Know Honestly, knowledge of the four forces is very importantfor everyone to know at any age. I did not know about the four global forces that are putting constraints on environmental sustainability until I took an honors course called: “Global, Political, and Ecology 290.” The professor that taught it was this cool environmental sociologist Dr. Nels Paulson. I went into the class having an open mind because I really was not interested in environmental “stuff.” With that being said, I must say that this college course opened my eyes tremendously to different ways in which our lifestyle and daily practices negatively impacts the sustainability of the environment. The areas of environmental sociology that I found very interesting are: Urbanization, social theories, the four global forces that are issues for the environment, food production, and environmental justice. Of the four global forces I am going to explain why three of them is important and on your own you can research the fourth global force. Giving you authentic credible information about environmental sustainability is important to me. You will soon realize when you get into college that credible sources are important and I believe that this will create a foundation for you to expand your knowledge on different issues that impact the environment and social societies. As a class we read parts of the book “The World in 2050” which I encourage you to read! The first chapter “Martell’s Hairy Prize” stressed the importance of understanding the history of the four global forces, which are demography, growing demand for natural resources, globalization, and climate change. (Smith, 2011) Demography1 is the ups and downs of different populationsaround the world. What this means is that demography measureshow much money a person earns from their job, how many babies are born, differentage groups,
  • 4. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 3 | P a g e people of different ethnicities, and migration. To put it bluntly, this world is overpopulated, which demography measures. Overpopulation is an issue that is not talked about, and is the reason why demography is an issue. (pp. 9-10) Demography transition is an important term to remember when trying to understand overpopulation and differentways in which to stabilize fertility and death rates. The answer to that is modernization, which lead to advancements in medicine and production in food. At the same time fertility rates began to drop because women made the choice to get an education, identified themselves as feminists, changed their lifestyles to resemble urban, the ability to have access to birth control (I promise we will be talking about that in the future just so you know.), and having a more relaxed view on family-size. (p. 12) There is a growingdemand for natural resources2 in this world because we are more dependent on natural resources than in the 1900s. Some examples are the fuel that is put in machinery that farmer’s use, the material that is used to build different structures in cities all over the world, the use of ground water and dams. These natural resources are on higher demand due to population, modernization, trade and technology advancements (pp. 13-14). In the United States we consume limited resources, i.e. fresh water3, like they aren’t, which is problematic for us in the future. Smith (2011) defines globalization4 as a set of economic, social, and technological processes that are making the world more interconnected and interdependent (p. 17). The myth about globalization is that it emerged organically, born from fast internet technology and the “invisible hand” of free markets. Historically, the emergence of globalization was entirely through purposeful policy decisions, championed especially by the United States and Britain (p. 20).
  • 5. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 4 | P a g e What is Environmental Justice Exactly? My undergraduate minor is history, and I found it particularly interesting to learn about the history of environmental sociology. From a previous paper I wrote here is my analysis of environmental justice: “Over the past 150 years the intellectual history of sociology, specifically environmental sociology5 was not appreciated by sociologists. Most importantly it is the foundation of environmental justice. The standard definition of environmental justice is often understood as an equal treatment and distribution of environmental benefits and burdens, however it also highlights unequal outcomes of market-based and state economic and environmental policy making on people of color, indigenous populations, and the working class or poor (Gould, 2009, p. 49). As with environmental sociology, there are different theories that frame the injustices in today’s society. Sociologist Jonathan Turner defines theory as a “story” about how and why events in the universe occur (Turner, 1991). Examples of Environmental Justice There are different cases from diverse parts of the world that illustratesthe affects that environmental injustices has on the environment, and people who live within that community. During the last part of my semester in Nels’ class we read “Flammable.” The authors of this book, Auyero and Swistun changed how I viewed pollution in general and in poor areas in cities all over the world. “Flammable” is a book of ethnography and anthropologic research in Argentina. As your mother I am encouraging to read this book, it will provide you with awareness of the conditions that people live in outside of the United States. This book is riddled with physical and psychological destruction of people living in poverty by a corporation that does not acknowledge their environmental injustice practices.
  • 6. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 5 | P a g e The very first story in “Flammable” is what I believe as the most important. The story is about Sandra Martinez who is from Buenos Aires and lives in a small shantytown called “Flammable” where her, her husband, and children live in extreme poverty. The total amount of money she and her husband brings home is the equivalent of $82 in the United States (Auyero, 2009). Julian, Sandra’s son was born with a mark on his head that resulted in him having convulsions, and other health problems. The doctor’s lack of concern, resulted in Sandra realizing that the doctorsare incompetent. In addition to the health problems the Martinez family cannot buy the medication that is needed because they cannotafford it. Sofia, Sandra’s daughter endures constant headaches and stomachaches, further, she was born with birth defects (p. 2). When Sandra was pregnant with Sofia, it was recommended that be tested to see where her lead levels were after explaining to her doctor where she lived, and could be the reason why Sofia was born with a birth defect. Sandra believed she is showing all the signs of having lead poison, however due to the costof the tests, which would have confirmed her suspicions, she could not get the proper treatmentshe needed (p. 3). Sandra’s sister is pregnant and knows she has high levels of lead. Out of fear she could not say anything to her husband’s boss would lose his job at the Shell Oil Company. The desire to leave Flammable was a dream for Sandra and her family. Air pollution is a huge problem in Flammable, it affects families and their everyday life, and they cannot go outside at times because of the air pollutants. Sadly the Martinez family is one example of environmental, economic, and political misfortune experiments, and their story illustrates how the effects of toxic contamination impacts the bodies and minds of the residents of Flammable. (p. 4) This story is one example of environmental injustices, but also social. The residents are concerned for their health and safety along with their children’s, however out of fear of
  • 7. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 6 | P a g e harsh repercussionsthey cannot speak up to plead for changes. Instead dreaming of one day to move out of Flammable is the best that can be done. This is one instance where the discursive frame of environmental justice between human and ecological survival is demonstrated. Gould explained that environmental destruction in low-income/racially distinct communitiesor third-world countries originates in the exploitation of the people who live in systemically disadvantaged areas. (Gould, 2009) Nels stated that during class once that, “Food production causes more pollution and environmental damage than any other human activity.” (Paulson, 2015). Specifically, the type of production that uses resourcesat high rates is industrial agriculture. Consequently, there are ecological impactsto agriculture such as: soil-erosion, water (reduction), and biodiversity loss (p. 5). Another case that impacts food production, and agriculture is the swine industry in North Carolina. The traditional pork production practices are no longer used, instead those practices of production are replaced by harsh approaches (Gould, 2009, p. 153). It is important to understand that meat production uses the same practices as the hog industry (p. 154). The growth of the hog industry is focused on the eastern coastof North Carolina.6 The practices that are used is the confined animal feeding operation (CAFO), which is divided into three different parts. This is considered a normal practice that farmers use, however, oversaturation is problematic for the environment because the soil cannot absorb hog waste which washes off of fields and into the local watershed (p. 159). An important thing to consider the location of where specifically where the hog production farms are. Primarily on the eastern coast of North Carolina where it is isolated, has higher poverty rates, and a higher amount of African Americans living in that region. According to Gould (2009) low-income, African Americans, and politically marginalized communities
  • 8. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 7 | P a g e along the coast complain about the hog farms being located within the communities. The consequences of the locations of the farms is the negative health effects. (p. 164) Theories to Help You Understand The treadmill of production theory is the found of Sandra Martinez’s lived experiences for the reason that of the ways in which domination over the people in Flammable is clear. This theory is described as a system in which there is increasing accumulation of wealth and investments into capital intensive technologies, rising social inequalities, and greater ecological withdrawals and additions, all of which are encouraged and facilitated by the nation-state (Gould, 2009, p. 48). So in other wordsin order to have increasing profits, the polluting processes are ignored and labor wages are reduced (p. 48). 7 Jeremy Bentham, a great philosopher once said “to augment the happiness of the community is greater than any it has to diminish it.” The utilitarianism theory strives to promote “the greatest good for the greatest number”because a “good”is perceived as a degree to further promote happiness (Bell, 2009). Economic utilitarianism best illustrates the food production injustices because the goal of having a CAFO, is to have as many hogs as they can fit at one time to make more profit, and have social improvement (p. 125).8 Urbanization In General, It’s good for you and Your Peers! Urbanization practices is another way to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle. Urbanization helps to preserve us of natural resources and protect the environment. Recycling properly is a given, and planting a garden free of pesticides in a community garden can be another way to contribute to environmental sustainability. When you decide to go to college there are things to think about in maintaining an eco-friendly lifestyle. In cities that are becoming developmentallyurbanized it is common to
  • 9. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 8 | P a g e see differentmodes of transportation. Riding your bicycle, walking, and public transportation is very popular, but beneficial for the environment and your health. Not only do you get to experience the city life with your friends and other students, but also different cultures, foods, religions, insights, and languages. Give knowledge of what you already know to your friends and other peers. Without realizing it you will are continuously learning new ways to be more environmentally friendly. There are a lot of ways to help sustain the environment! Here are some helpful reminders: do not litter, if you see garbage pick it up, limit electricity and water use meaning only use what you need, remember to sort recyclables, create a dialogue between your friends, and other acquaintances. While doing your part in maintaining the environments health, maintain yours and plan to walk or bike to where you want to go. This not only saves gas, but helps reduce air pollutants. Something to Keep in Mind People living areas where poverty, environmental injustices, and environmental racism9 is dominant, which they acknowledge. Keep in mind that the continuation of the environmental injustices is the lack of dialogue and the risks that are entailed. Communication is important when changesneed to be made to public policies, as such, changes cannot be made if there are interestswho purposely hinder it from taking place. 10 The “interests” who purposely hinder changes to take place are wealthy. What you need to know in this context that money is power and power is domination. When looking at food production good disparagementstatutes that are were passed also suggests that the government prefers to not have a dialogue about environmental injustices.11
  • 10. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 9 | P a g e My Interests “Flammable” gave me inspiration to be conscious and make some life style changes that is beneficial to and for the environment. My undergraduate degree focuses on research, and I am hoping by the time you read this that as a social scientist that I have accomplished research that studies urban poverty in Spanish speaking countries. In addition to that I want to present the knowledge I gained while emerged in the native people’s place of comfort, culture, and lived experiences.
  • 11. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 10 | P a g e Bibliography Auyero,J.S.(2009). Introduction.InJ.S. Auyero, Flammable(p.1).OxfordPress. Bell,M. (2009). Environmental ProblemsandSociety.InM. Bell, An Invitation to Environmental Sociology (pp.18-19). Gould,A.K. (2009). EnvironmentalJustice.InA.K.Gould, Twenty Lessonsin EnvironmentalSociology (p. 217). OxfordUniversityPress. Paulson,N.(2015, November).Neoliberalism, EnvironmentalJustice,andFarming. Food Production,4. Menomonie,Wisconsin,UnitedStates. Smith,C.L. (2011). Martell'sHairy Prize.InC.L. Smith, TheWorld in 2050 (p.11). Plume. Turner,J. (1991). The Strutctureof SociologicalTheory. 1 To give you a better idea of what this is here is an example of demography and a personal savings account. The account balance depends on the rates of deposit versus spending in comparison the account balance is the population on earth already born, the deposit is babies being born (birth-rate), and spending is the people who pass away (death-rate). When the deposits and spending is equal the account balance remains steady one does affect the other what matters is the spread and whether rate adjustments are staggered in time or happen simultaneously. (Smith, 2011) 2 Natural resources are: hydrocarbons, minerals, and fossil underground water; and renewable assets, like rivers, arable land, wildlife, and wood for example (Smith, 2011). Natural services are: life essentials like photosynthesis, absorption of carbon dioxide by oceans, and the labors of bees to pollinate crops. Gene Pool: the diversity of genes being carried around by all living organisms still existing on earth (p. 13). 3 Fresh Water: the most necessary resourceon this planet. Without freshwater the human race would be extinct. Smith explains thatour societies need water in proper quantity, quality,and timingto preserve civilization as weknow it, further, humans aredependent on havinga consistentdependable supply of usable water. (Smith, p. 85) Russian hydrologistIgor Alexander Shiklomanov estimated that, 97% of the world’s water is salty ocean,and unfit for drinkingand irrigation;1%is underground saltwater which is useless also.Fresh groundwater holds the majority of what is available.Other places where fresh ground water is in lakes,wetlands,and rivers combined. (Shiklomanov,1993) Three points that Shiklomanov made are: the most importantsources of water for people and terrestrial ecosystems –rivers,lakes,and rain –are actually fleetingly rareforms of water, (Smith, p. 86) relativeto rivers, lakes,and rain far larger volumes of freshwater are frozen up insideglaciers,or stored underground in
  • 12. *Open Me When They Tell You That Global-Warming is not real* December 20, 2015 11 | P a g e aquifers,(p. 87) and lastly thenumbers that Shiklomanov estimated alonedo not tell the whole story when it comes to human water supply. (p. 87) 4 Some examples to help you better understand are: stabilizeinternational currenciesby valuingthem the same worth as gold,in 1971 President Nixon dropped the U.S dollar fromthe gold standard,revolution of neoliberalism–the deregulation and elimination of tariffs and other controls on international tradeand capital flows.(p. 19) 5 . Environmental sociology is the study of how social systems interactwith ecosystems; whilethe two systems are different if there is a negatively change to one system itaffects the other system (Gould, p. 2) 6 These parts areknown as:the hog house, where the sowspends their lives in a confined pen, the waste “lagoon,” where the waste is flushed,and the “spray field” where the waste is used as fertilizer and sprayed into the grass (p.158). The growth in the hog industry rosefrom 2 million to 10 million and externalitiesscalesuggests thatthe volume of hog waste is problematic,and can impactlivelihood and lossof property values,health impacts on employees and environmental impacts that may affect health and economic in surroundingcommunities. 7 Additionally,thetreadmill of Production theory is the foundation of food production,and agriculture. Similar to Sandra Martinez’s case,in order to have increasingprofits,thepollutingprocesses areignored and labor wages are reduced (Gould, 2009) 8 The disadvantageof this theory is thateven though havinggreat growth in the number of hogs a farmer has seems likeit’s a good thing becauseof the monetary benefits, but in reality the conditions of where the hogs liveis unacceptable,over saturation ruinsthe soil,and excess wastepollutes the water. All of this illustrates the injustices thatarecurrently takingplacein today’s society. 9 Environmental Racism: a specific formof environmental inequality.Deliberately targets communities of color for toxic waste facilities,theofficial sanctioningof poisons and pollutants in minority communities,and the systematic exclusion of people of color from leadership roles in decisionsregardingtheproduction of environmental conditions thataffect their lives and livelihoods. (Bell,2009,p. 29) 10 An example Bell (2009,p. 230) used was an episodefrom Oprah on the topic of Mad Cow Disease.As a result of her making a remark about not eating another hamburger again, she was sued by the Texas Cattlemen’s Association for defamingtheir product. Although Oprah was protected under the FirstAmendment, the amount of money towards court costs reached over a million dollars(p.230),this further illustrates that people who are not wealthy should not startdialogue,because of the legal risks and costs. 11 Another example is Sandra Martinez’s pregnant sister,who could not speak up to her husband’s employer, Shell Oil Company,out of fear of retaliation and job loss,even though her health and her child’s health were risk of havinglead poisoning.Overall,in order for changes to happen in the different cases havinga dialogueis crucial,butwhen weighingtheir options on speakingup, while havingthe ability to move away from the toxic livingenvironment, and not speakingup due to the dialogueof risk nothingis said.