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SfW Method: Delay Test Generation for Simple
             Chain Wrapper Architecture
                                                           Marcel Baláž
                                                      Institute of Informatics
                                                   Slovak Academy of Sciences
                                                    845 07 Bratislava, Slovakia

   Abstract—The aim of the presented work is to improve the                          II. S CAN - BASED D ELAY T EST
quality of testing of SoC digital cores surrounded with test
wrappers. The paper presents a new effective delay fault test           A test for delay faults, unlike tests for most of other
generation method for the transition faults based on the skewed-     faults, consists of vector-pairs. The first vector of a vector-
load test. The generated delay fault test can be applied to
a SoC core through a test wrapper architecture with only a           pair ensures the initial state of a core and the second one sets
simple boundary scan chain. This eliminates the necessity to         the propagation state of the core. The transition between the
use an enhanced boundary scan chain for the application of           two states can result in a delay fault in the functional operation
the delay fault test. The effectiveness of the developed method      mode. Therefore, the transition has to be excited at the rated-
for a transition delay test generation was verified on the set of     speed clock in the test mode as well. The main challenges
combinational and sequential circuits. The experiments show a
significant reduction of test vector application time.                in the scan-based delay fault testing constitute transportation
                                                                     or generation of an exciting vector and its application at full
                      I. I NTRODUCTION                               circuit speed.
   Embedded digital blocks and their interconnections have to           Three basic approaches should be considered for a vector-
be verified by an at-speed testing to satisfy the quality and the     pair test application through core’s internal scan chains: a
reliability of nowadays SoCs. Once a chip is fabricated, it must     skewed-load test [4], a broadside test [5] and an enhanced
be tested for a pre-specified clock frequency and therefore, the      scan test. The skewed-load and the broadside tests use scan
testing has to cover also speed related faults.                      chain composed of simple scan cells (one memory element
   Many delay fault models and related test generation tech-         per one cell — Figure 1a). The first vector of a vector-pair
niques have been defined and used in digital circuits [1]. The        is shifted in as a standard test vector. The difference between
common feature of most of the delay fault models is that             these two test approaches lies in the way how to produce the
the test is composed of vector-pairs v1, v2 , where v1 is            second vector. The broadside test uses circuit’s response and
the initialization vector and v2 is the excitation vector for        the skewed-load test uses one additional shift to produce the
delay fault detection. The basic delay fault models are: the         desired excitation vector. On the other hand, the enhanced scan
transition fault-, the gate delay fault-, and the path delay fault   test uses enhanced scan cells (two memory elements per one
model. The transition and the path delay fault models are the        cell — Figure 1b). The test architecture is much larger in
most frequently applied ones to combinational and scan-based         comparison with simple scan chains but its advantage is in
sequential circuits. Several new models [2], [3] have been           the capability of arbitrary vector-pairs application.
developed to use or combine some of the positive features               The adaptation of existing scan methods to core-based SoCs
of the basic models.                                                 is an open issue, in particular in terms of test development for
   The scan chain design is the most frequently used method          core providers and test access mechanism (TAM) development
to increase testability of deeply embedded cores in SoC.             for system integration. Although IEEE Std. 1500-2005 [6]
However, using the scan-based test architectures in vector-pair      and recent research advances support structural scan tests,
testing is not a trivial problem. Test generation algorithms         the most achievements are based on one-vector tests. Several
for combinational and scan-based synchronous circuits are            approaches deal with vector-pair application for test wrapper
well known while test application techniques through test            structures differently. The oscillation test method [7] requires
wrappers are still under development. This paper presents            special address registers in each scan cell. Other test methods
a new developed method — called SfW (skewed-load for                 use principles of one of the three basic test approaches for
wrapper). The SfW method generates a test for the transition         internal scan chains. The approach in [8] is based on the broad-
fault model applicable through a simple boundary scan chain.         side test and requires only simple scan cells (with one memory
   The paper is organized as follows. Delay test issues for scan-    cell). The broadside effect is not achieved inside one core
based architectures are described in Section II. The proposed        separately but it is obtained among several cores. The necessity
SfW method is described in Section III, and experimental             of other cores assistance during a test restricts widespread
results are presented in Section IV.                                 usage of this approach. The most common approach for

978-1-4244-8971-8/10$26.00 c 2010 IEEE
Strategy 2. The vector-pairs covering the transition faults
                                                                            create one sequence of binary values in which each vector-pair
                                                                            corresponds to Strategy 1 and also two consecutive vector-
                                                                            pairs are generated by one or more bit shifts.
                                                                            Example 1. Let delay fault test for a core with three in-
                                                                            puts consist of following vector-pairs: 110, 100 , 001, 010 ,
                                                                             101, 011 . Then the test sequence according to Strategy 1
                                                                            and 2 is 11001011. The application of the test sequence is
                                                                            illustrated in Figure 2. The simple boundary scan chain is
                                                                            created with WC_SD1_CII scan cells (Figure 1a) which are
                                                                            compliant with IEEE Std. 1500-2005 [6]. Every step of the test
                                                                            application corresponds to one shift in scan chain. In the third
                                                                            step the first initializing vector 110 is applied to the core.
                                                                            In the fourth step the first excitation vector 100 is applied
 Figure 1.   a) An example of simple scan cell, and b) enhanced scan cell
                                                                            and thus the first vector-pair as well. The eighth step is the
                                                                            last step when the last excitation vector 011 is applied.
providing a delay test on embedded cores is the enhanced scan                  The transition fault test consists of vector-pairs where one
test (enhanced scan cells with two memory elements in each                  vector-pair covers one or more transition faults. The excitation
are used, e. g. [9]). No approach uses simple boundary scan                 vector of a vector-pair is actually a stuck-at test vector
chain without assistance of surrounding cores. The vector-pair              according to basic principle of the delay fault test. For this
test approaches, which use simple scan chain are mostly based               reason, the majority of existing automatic test generator for
on (pseudo)random vectors (the first presented skewed-load                   transition faults is based on test vectors for stuck-at-0 and
test used 100,000 random vector-pairs [10]). In comparison                  stuck-at-1 faults.
with the deterministic stuck-at test the application time of this              The bit sequence formed by random or pseudo-random
type of delay test is multiple times longer.                                vectors corresponds to Strategy 1 and 2. This type of bit
   The main idea was to develop a method to generate a                      sequence is very long (more than thousands of vector-pairs),
delay test which would, together with its ability to use test               which leads to intolerable increase of test application time
wrapper with a simple boundary scan chain, have comparable                  for larger circuits. This solution also needs the use of a fault
application time with a deterministic stuck-at test.                        simulator to determine the fault coverage.
                                                                               The proposed SfW method for generating a bit sequence
                         III. S F W M ETHOD                                 is based on deterministic tests and thus it generates a de-
   The new method was developed for a delay fault test                      terministic test sequence for transition faults. However, it is
generation aimed at embedded cores. The proposed method is                  not possible to use standard tests for stuck-at faults like it
designated for a transition faults test generation with primary             is used in other test generators for delay faults [11], [12].
application through the simple boundary scan chain (one                     Existing stuck-at tests are optimized mostly for a minimal
memory element per one scan cell). The simple boundary scan                 number of test vectors. For that reason selection of appropriate
chain occupies smaller area than the enhanced boundary scan                 vectors for the transition fault test in accordance to Strategy 1
chain but for its simpler construction it is not suitable for               and 2 is very limited due to shift dependency. Therefore, the
an ordinary delay fault test. Therefore, it was necessary to                SfW method uses modified stuck-at test, which consists of
propose a method to generate tests for delay faults applicable              sets of test vectors for every detectable stuck-at fault in the
through the simple boundary scan chain. The method is                       core. This approach increased the probability of delay fault
based on the skewed-load test (launch-on-shift test) for the                test generation for test Strategy 1 and 2, and also the overall
internal scan chains and the basic principle is characterized               coverage of delay faults.
by Strategy 1.                                                                 Initialization and excitation vectors can be merged into a
                                                                            one bit sequence if the corresponding bits are identical, or
Strategy 1. A vector-pair to detect transition faults is applied
                                                                            at least one of them is undefined. This condition is known
through a simple boundary scan chain as a one bit sequence,
                                                                            as vector consistency and the bit sequence is referred to as
where an excitation vector is created by one bit shift of an
initialization vector.
                                                                            Definition 1. Let v1 denote the initialization vector and v2
  The basic requirements of the proposed method for a
                                                                            the excitation vector in the circuit with N inputs then m =
optimal test length of a generated test for transition faults
                                                                            (m1 , m2 , . . . mN +1 ) with m1 = v11 , mN +1 = v2N is m-
were (1) a test application via a simple boundary scan chain
                                                                            vector only if mi for i = 2, 3, . . . N is determined by one of
without the use of neighboring test cores (Strategy 1), and
                                                                            the possibilities in Table I.
(2) the minimal test application time. The second strategy was
formulated to minimize the test application time.                             M-vector is the bit sequence N + 1 bits long, where
Figure 2.   An example of the test application to test wrapper with the simple boundary scan chain

                            Table I
        A LLOWED BIT COMBINATION FOR DEFINING M - VECTOR                      Each singular m-vector covers a transition fault as the only
                        v1i   v2i−1     mi                                 one; therefore it must certainly be included in the generated
                         0      0       0                                  test sequence. The application of a initialization vector and a
                         0      X       0
                         X      0       0
                                                                           excitation vector consequently creates a partial sensitive path
                         1      1       1                                  in the core. The sensitive path is created between the primary
                         1      X       1
                         X      1       1
                                                                           inputs and a wire where the transition fault is tested. M-vector
                         X      X       X                                  may also cover other transition faults which occur on the
                                                                           sensitive path.
                                                                           Definition 3. Let ms ∈ S be the singular m-vector and mf ∈
excitation vector (v2) is generated by one shift operation of              Mf be the m-vector covering the transition fault f , then mf
the initialization vector (v1).                                            overlaps ms if (msi = 0 ∧ mf i = 1) ∨ (msi = 1 ∧ mf i = 0)
                                                                           for i = 1, 2, . . . N , where N is number of bits of mf (and ms).
   To find an appropriate initialization vector, the SfW method
uses a set of excitation vectors for the second type of transition            If the set Mf contains only one m-vector, which can overlap
fault on the same wire. The set of excitation vectors does not             one singular m-vector, this overlap is performed. If the set Mf
cover the whole set of initialization vectors for the second               contains more vectors, which can overlap the same singular
transition fault on the same wire. Therefore, the proposed                 m-vector the selection of the best one is performed in several
method includes a simulator of initialization values. It per-              steps. The number of replaced undefined bits in the singular m-
forms two basic operations: (1) In case no vector from the set             vector is considered and also overlapping m-vectors for fault
is suitable for m-vector creation the simulator is used to find             f are compared with overlapping m-vectors for other faults.
a suitable initialization vector. (2) If there is a vector from               If the set Mf contains no m-vector, which overlaps any
the set, which is also an initialization vector for a opposite             singular m-vector, it is necessary to choose the representing
transition fault, the simulator finds its minimal form (vector              m-vector of the set Mf . The selection of the best m-vectors
bits, which initially provide test value propagation to outputs            for transition faults without any overlap on singular m-vectors
are replaced by undefined values) and thus also provides a                  is made with the constraint to find the minimal number of
minimal form of m-vector.                                                  m-vectors, which would cover all remaining faults.
   One of the method requirements is the shortest test applica-               The SfW method generates a minimized set of m-vectors,
tion of the generated test sequence which is achieved only by              which covers all diagnosable transition faults in the core
a short generated test sequence. The length of the sequence                under test. The set can be formed into one of three test
is determined by two factors: (1) the number of m-vectors in               types. Each type is applicable to various types of test wrapper
the sequence, and (2) the capability to cover more transition              architectures.
faults by one m-vector.
                                                                                             IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
   The SfW method generates more m-vectors for each transi-
tion fault. Set of m-vectors for each transition fault is searched            The SfW method for delay test generation was validated
to find the minimal number of m-vectors, which would cover                  with numerous experiments. The test pattern generator Ata-
all faults in the core. Searching the set of m-vectors starts with         lanta [13] was used to generate excitation vectors. This stuck-
singular m-vectors.                                                        at fault generator provides generation of multiple test vectors
                                                                           for every fault. This feature was mandatory, since the proposed
Definition 2. M-vector is known as singular m-vector only if                method is based on it. Experiments were performed using
none of other m-vectors can cover the transition fault.                    combinational benchmark circuits ISCAS’85 and sequential
Table II
              circuit     number of          number of           test sequence       test sequence     test coverage    test coverage
                        m-vectors [SfW]   vector-pairs [11]   length (bit) [SfW]   length (bit) [11]          [SfW]              [11]
              c880                  203                 257                7 523             30 840           85,0%           100,0%
              c1355                 545                 461               17 565             37 802           59,8%            99,8%
              c1908                 739                 440               16 596             29 040           82,1%            99,7%
              c3540                 801                 755               12 905             75 500           73,6%            96,3%
              c5315               1 690                 421               96 327            149 876           87,3%            99,5%
              s344                   51                  96                  614              4 608           92,2%           100,0%
              s382                   46                 120                  473              5 760           86,1%           100,0%
              s526                   85                 209                  914             10 032           85,6%            99,9%
              s832                  119                 450                  854             20 700           71,3%            99,2%
              s1196                 238                 532                2 443             34 048           80,3%           100,0%
              s1423                 220                 382               13 462             69 524           90,2%            99,1%
              s5378                 430              1 069                40 871            457 532           82,0%            99,8%

benchmark circuits ISCAS’89 with internal scan chains. Two                method based on the skewed-load test principle generates a
parameters were observed: the transition fault coverage and               delay fault test which is suitable for test wrappers with the
the test application time.                                                simple boundary scan chain; this eliminates the necessity to
   The SfW method was developed with the goal to reduce                   use the extended boundary scan chain for the application of
the application time for delay test through a core wrapper.               a delay fault test. The test generated by the SfW method is
The test application time depends on the length of the test               multiple times shorter in comparison with the standard delay
sequence. As mentioned earlier, the application of the standard           test application. The SfW method offers a good alternative
deterministic delay test in the embedded cores is provided                to other approaches which use the enhanced scan cells or
through the core wrapper with extended scan cells. For this               assistance of surrounding cores.
application type, the test sequence is given by equation 2×D×
N where D represents the number of vector-pairs and N is the
number of core inputs (the length of input scan chain). Table II           This work has been supported by Slovak national project
reports the experimental results for the proposed SfW method              VEGA 2/0135/08.
and Priority-based Extension method [11]. For the majority                                              R EFERENCES
of the presented circuits, the number of m-vectors is smaller
                                                                           [1] M. L. Bushnell and V. D. Agrawal, Essentials of Electronic Testing
than the number of vector-pairs generated by [11]. The test                    for Digital, Memory & Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits. Boston: Kluwer
sequence generated by SfW method is significantly shorter                       Academic Publishers, 2000.
for all circuits; for most circuits even multiple times shorter.           [2] I. Pomeranz and S. Reddy, “Transition path delay faults: a new path
                                                                               delay fault model for small and large delay defects,” IEEE Trans. Very
For example, application of the delay test generated by [11]                   Large Scale Integr. Syst., vol. 16, pp. 98–107, 2008.
for circuit s832 is 24-times longer.                                       [3] X. Lin and J. Rajski, “Propagation delay fault: a new fault model to
   The last two columns of the Table II show the transition                    test delay faults,” in Proc. of the 2005 Asia and South Pacific Design
                                                                               Automation Conf. Shanghai, China: ACM, 2005, pp. 178–183.
fault coverage of both methods. The coverage of the SfW                    [4] J. Savir, “Skewed-load transition test: Part i, calculus,” in Test Conf.,
method is presented without an input reordering, which can                     1992. Proc.. Int., 1992, p. 705.
eliminate the shift dependency between the closest input bits.             [5] J. Savir and S. Patil, “Broad-side delay test,” IEEE Trans. Computer-
                                                                               Aided Design, vol. 13, pp. 1057–1064, 1994.
The shift dependency is determined by the type of the test                 [6] “IEEE Standard Testability Method for Embedded Core-Based Inte-
application (Strategy 1). The input reordering can improve the                 grated Circuits, IEEE Std 1500-2005,” 2005.
test coverage significantly (the test coverage improvement for              [7] H. J. Vermaak and H. G. Kerkhoff, “Enhanced p1500 compliant wrapper
                                                                               suitable for delay fault testing of embedded cores,” in IEEE European
circuit c1908 can be more than 9%). The future work will                       Test Workshop, 2003, pp. 121–126.
be mostly aimed to find a method for the best order of core                 [8] Q. Xu and N. Nicolici, “DFT infrastructure for broadside two-pattern
inputs.                                                                        test of core-based SOCs,” Computers, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 55,
                                                                               no. 4, pp. 470–485, 2006.
   In general, a core can be designed with larger test wrapper             [9] P. Chen, J. Lin, and T. Chang, “IEEE standard 1500 compatible delay
area with higher transition fault coverage and slower test                     test framework,” Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE
application; or with smaller test area with lower coverage but                 Transactions on, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1152–1156, 2009.
                                                                          [10] S. Patil and J. Savir, “Skewed-Load transition test: Part II, coverage,”
with significantly faster application. The main advantage of                    in Test Conference, 1992. Proceedings., International, 1992, p. 714.
the SfW method is the capability to test transition faults of             [11] X. Liu, “Atpg and dft algorithms for delay fault testing,” Ph.D. disser-
circuits with a simple test wrapper which cannot be tested for                 tation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute- State University, 2004.
                                                                          [12] E. Gramatova, “Test generation experiments for delay faults in digital
the delay faults until now.                                                    circuits,” in Electronic Devices and Systems IMAPS CS Int. Conf. Brno
                                                                               University of Technology, 2006, pp. 74–78.
                        V. C ONCLUSION                                    [13] H. K. Lee and D. S. Ha, “On the generation of test patterns for
                                                                               combinational circuits,” Dep’t of Electrical Eng., Virginia Polytechnic
  The paper presents the new test generation method for one                    Institute, Tech. Rep. 12_93, 1993.
delay fault model, for transition faults. The proposed SfW

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  • 1. SfW Method: Delay Test Generation for Simple Chain Wrapper Architecture Marcel Baláž Institute of Informatics Slovak Academy of Sciences 845 07 Bratislava, Slovakia E-mail: Abstract—The aim of the presented work is to improve the II. S CAN - BASED D ELAY T EST quality of testing of SoC digital cores surrounded with test wrappers. The paper presents a new effective delay fault test A test for delay faults, unlike tests for most of other generation method for the transition faults based on the skewed- faults, consists of vector-pairs. The first vector of a vector- load test. The generated delay fault test can be applied to a SoC core through a test wrapper architecture with only a pair ensures the initial state of a core and the second one sets simple boundary scan chain. This eliminates the necessity to the propagation state of the core. The transition between the use an enhanced boundary scan chain for the application of two states can result in a delay fault in the functional operation the delay fault test. The effectiveness of the developed method mode. Therefore, the transition has to be excited at the rated- for a transition delay test generation was verified on the set of speed clock in the test mode as well. The main challenges combinational and sequential circuits. The experiments show a significant reduction of test vector application time. in the scan-based delay fault testing constitute transportation or generation of an exciting vector and its application at full I. I NTRODUCTION circuit speed. Embedded digital blocks and their interconnections have to Three basic approaches should be considered for a vector- be verified by an at-speed testing to satisfy the quality and the pair test application through core’s internal scan chains: a reliability of nowadays SoCs. Once a chip is fabricated, it must skewed-load test [4], a broadside test [5] and an enhanced be tested for a pre-specified clock frequency and therefore, the scan test. The skewed-load and the broadside tests use scan testing has to cover also speed related faults. chain composed of simple scan cells (one memory element Many delay fault models and related test generation tech- per one cell — Figure 1a). The first vector of a vector-pair niques have been defined and used in digital circuits [1]. The is shifted in as a standard test vector. The difference between common feature of most of the delay fault models is that these two test approaches lies in the way how to produce the the test is composed of vector-pairs v1, v2 , where v1 is second vector. The broadside test uses circuit’s response and the initialization vector and v2 is the excitation vector for the skewed-load test uses one additional shift to produce the delay fault detection. The basic delay fault models are: the desired excitation vector. On the other hand, the enhanced scan transition fault-, the gate delay fault-, and the path delay fault test uses enhanced scan cells (two memory elements per one model. The transition and the path delay fault models are the cell — Figure 1b). The test architecture is much larger in most frequently applied ones to combinational and scan-based comparison with simple scan chains but its advantage is in sequential circuits. Several new models [2], [3] have been the capability of arbitrary vector-pairs application. developed to use or combine some of the positive features The adaptation of existing scan methods to core-based SoCs of the basic models. is an open issue, in particular in terms of test development for The scan chain design is the most frequently used method core providers and test access mechanism (TAM) development to increase testability of deeply embedded cores in SoC. for system integration. Although IEEE Std. 1500-2005 [6] However, using the scan-based test architectures in vector-pair and recent research advances support structural scan tests, testing is not a trivial problem. Test generation algorithms the most achievements are based on one-vector tests. Several for combinational and scan-based synchronous circuits are approaches deal with vector-pair application for test wrapper well known while test application techniques through test structures differently. The oscillation test method [7] requires wrappers are still under development. This paper presents special address registers in each scan cell. Other test methods a new developed method — called SfW (skewed-load for use principles of one of the three basic test approaches for wrapper). The SfW method generates a test for the transition internal scan chains. The approach in [8] is based on the broad- fault model applicable through a simple boundary scan chain. side test and requires only simple scan cells (with one memory The paper is organized as follows. Delay test issues for scan- cell). The broadside effect is not achieved inside one core based architectures are described in Section II. The proposed separately but it is obtained among several cores. The necessity SfW method is described in Section III, and experimental of other cores assistance during a test restricts widespread results are presented in Section IV. usage of this approach. The most common approach for 978-1-4244-8971-8/10$26.00 c 2010 IEEE
  • 2. Strategy 2. The vector-pairs covering the transition faults create one sequence of binary values in which each vector-pair corresponds to Strategy 1 and also two consecutive vector- pairs are generated by one or more bit shifts. Example 1. Let delay fault test for a core with three in- puts consist of following vector-pairs: 110, 100 , 001, 010 , 101, 011 . Then the test sequence according to Strategy 1 and 2 is 11001011. The application of the test sequence is illustrated in Figure 2. The simple boundary scan chain is created with WC_SD1_CII scan cells (Figure 1a) which are compliant with IEEE Std. 1500-2005 [6]. Every step of the test application corresponds to one shift in scan chain. In the third step the first initializing vector 110 is applied to the core. In the fourth step the first excitation vector 100 is applied Figure 1. a) An example of simple scan cell, and b) enhanced scan cell and thus the first vector-pair as well. The eighth step is the last step when the last excitation vector 011 is applied. providing a delay test on embedded cores is the enhanced scan The transition fault test consists of vector-pairs where one test (enhanced scan cells with two memory elements in each vector-pair covers one or more transition faults. The excitation are used, e. g. [9]). No approach uses simple boundary scan vector of a vector-pair is actually a stuck-at test vector chain without assistance of surrounding cores. The vector-pair according to basic principle of the delay fault test. For this test approaches, which use simple scan chain are mostly based reason, the majority of existing automatic test generator for on (pseudo)random vectors (the first presented skewed-load transition faults is based on test vectors for stuck-at-0 and test used 100,000 random vector-pairs [10]). In comparison stuck-at-1 faults. with the deterministic stuck-at test the application time of this The bit sequence formed by random or pseudo-random type of delay test is multiple times longer. vectors corresponds to Strategy 1 and 2. This type of bit The main idea was to develop a method to generate a sequence is very long (more than thousands of vector-pairs), delay test which would, together with its ability to use test which leads to intolerable increase of test application time wrapper with a simple boundary scan chain, have comparable for larger circuits. This solution also needs the use of a fault application time with a deterministic stuck-at test. simulator to determine the fault coverage. The proposed SfW method for generating a bit sequence III. S F W M ETHOD is based on deterministic tests and thus it generates a de- The new method was developed for a delay fault test terministic test sequence for transition faults. However, it is generation aimed at embedded cores. The proposed method is not possible to use standard tests for stuck-at faults like it designated for a transition faults test generation with primary is used in other test generators for delay faults [11], [12]. application through the simple boundary scan chain (one Existing stuck-at tests are optimized mostly for a minimal memory element per one scan cell). The simple boundary scan number of test vectors. For that reason selection of appropriate chain occupies smaller area than the enhanced boundary scan vectors for the transition fault test in accordance to Strategy 1 chain but for its simpler construction it is not suitable for and 2 is very limited due to shift dependency. Therefore, the an ordinary delay fault test. Therefore, it was necessary to SfW method uses modified stuck-at test, which consists of propose a method to generate tests for delay faults applicable sets of test vectors for every detectable stuck-at fault in the through the simple boundary scan chain. The method is core. This approach increased the probability of delay fault based on the skewed-load test (launch-on-shift test) for the test generation for test Strategy 1 and 2, and also the overall internal scan chains and the basic principle is characterized coverage of delay faults. by Strategy 1. Initialization and excitation vectors can be merged into a one bit sequence if the corresponding bits are identical, or Strategy 1. A vector-pair to detect transition faults is applied at least one of them is undefined. This condition is known through a simple boundary scan chain as a one bit sequence, as vector consistency and the bit sequence is referred to as where an excitation vector is created by one bit shift of an m-vector. initialization vector. Definition 1. Let v1 denote the initialization vector and v2 The basic requirements of the proposed method for a the excitation vector in the circuit with N inputs then m = optimal test length of a generated test for transition faults (m1 , m2 , . . . mN +1 ) with m1 = v11 , mN +1 = v2N is m- were (1) a test application via a simple boundary scan chain vector only if mi for i = 2, 3, . . . N is determined by one of without the use of neighboring test cores (Strategy 1), and the possibilities in Table I. (2) the minimal test application time. The second strategy was formulated to minimize the test application time. M-vector is the bit sequence N + 1 bits long, where
  • 3. Figure 2. An example of the test application to test wrapper with the simple boundary scan chain Table I A LLOWED BIT COMBINATION FOR DEFINING M - VECTOR Each singular m-vector covers a transition fault as the only v1i v2i−1 mi one; therefore it must certainly be included in the generated 0 0 0 test sequence. The application of a initialization vector and a 0 X 0 X 0 0 excitation vector consequently creates a partial sensitive path 1 1 1 in the core. The sensitive path is created between the primary 1 X 1 X 1 1 inputs and a wire where the transition fault is tested. M-vector X X X may also cover other transition faults which occur on the sensitive path. Definition 3. Let ms ∈ S be the singular m-vector and mf ∈ excitation vector (v2) is generated by one shift operation of Mf be the m-vector covering the transition fault f , then mf the initialization vector (v1). overlaps ms if (msi = 0 ∧ mf i = 1) ∨ (msi = 1 ∧ mf i = 0) for i = 1, 2, . . . N , where N is number of bits of mf (and ms). To find an appropriate initialization vector, the SfW method uses a set of excitation vectors for the second type of transition If the set Mf contains only one m-vector, which can overlap fault on the same wire. The set of excitation vectors does not one singular m-vector, this overlap is performed. If the set Mf cover the whole set of initialization vectors for the second contains more vectors, which can overlap the same singular transition fault on the same wire. Therefore, the proposed m-vector the selection of the best one is performed in several method includes a simulator of initialization values. It per- steps. The number of replaced undefined bits in the singular m- forms two basic operations: (1) In case no vector from the set vector is considered and also overlapping m-vectors for fault is suitable for m-vector creation the simulator is used to find f are compared with overlapping m-vectors for other faults. a suitable initialization vector. (2) If there is a vector from If the set Mf contains no m-vector, which overlaps any the set, which is also an initialization vector for a opposite singular m-vector, it is necessary to choose the representing transition fault, the simulator finds its minimal form (vector m-vector of the set Mf . The selection of the best m-vectors bits, which initially provide test value propagation to outputs for transition faults without any overlap on singular m-vectors are replaced by undefined values) and thus also provides a is made with the constraint to find the minimal number of minimal form of m-vector. m-vectors, which would cover all remaining faults. One of the method requirements is the shortest test applica- The SfW method generates a minimized set of m-vectors, tion of the generated test sequence which is achieved only by which covers all diagnosable transition faults in the core a short generated test sequence. The length of the sequence under test. The set can be formed into one of three test is determined by two factors: (1) the number of m-vectors in types. Each type is applicable to various types of test wrapper the sequence, and (2) the capability to cover more transition architectures. faults by one m-vector. IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS The SfW method generates more m-vectors for each transi- tion fault. Set of m-vectors for each transition fault is searched The SfW method for delay test generation was validated to find the minimal number of m-vectors, which would cover with numerous experiments. The test pattern generator Ata- all faults in the core. Searching the set of m-vectors starts with lanta [13] was used to generate excitation vectors. This stuck- singular m-vectors. at fault generator provides generation of multiple test vectors for every fault. This feature was mandatory, since the proposed Definition 2. M-vector is known as singular m-vector only if method is based on it. Experiments were performed using none of other m-vectors can cover the transition fault. combinational benchmark circuits ISCAS’85 and sequential
  • 4. Table II E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF S F W METHOD AND P RIORITY- BASED E XTENSION METHOD [11] circuit number of number of test sequence test sequence test coverage test coverage m-vectors [SfW] vector-pairs [11] length (bit) [SfW] length (bit) [11] [SfW] [11] c880 203 257 7 523 30 840 85,0% 100,0% c1355 545 461 17 565 37 802 59,8% 99,8% c1908 739 440 16 596 29 040 82,1% 99,7% c3540 801 755 12 905 75 500 73,6% 96,3% c5315 1 690 421 96 327 149 876 87,3% 99,5% s344 51 96 614 4 608 92,2% 100,0% s382 46 120 473 5 760 86,1% 100,0% s526 85 209 914 10 032 85,6% 99,9% s832 119 450 854 20 700 71,3% 99,2% s1196 238 532 2 443 34 048 80,3% 100,0% s1423 220 382 13 462 69 524 90,2% 99,1% s5378 430 1 069 40 871 457 532 82,0% 99,8% benchmark circuits ISCAS’89 with internal scan chains. Two method based on the skewed-load test principle generates a parameters were observed: the transition fault coverage and delay fault test which is suitable for test wrappers with the the test application time. simple boundary scan chain; this eliminates the necessity to The SfW method was developed with the goal to reduce use the extended boundary scan chain for the application of the application time for delay test through a core wrapper. a delay fault test. The test generated by the SfW method is The test application time depends on the length of the test multiple times shorter in comparison with the standard delay sequence. As mentioned earlier, the application of the standard test application. The SfW method offers a good alternative deterministic delay test in the embedded cores is provided to other approaches which use the enhanced scan cells or through the core wrapper with extended scan cells. For this assistance of surrounding cores. application type, the test sequence is given by equation 2×D× ACKNOWLEDGMENT N where D represents the number of vector-pairs and N is the number of core inputs (the length of input scan chain). Table II This work has been supported by Slovak national project reports the experimental results for the proposed SfW method VEGA 2/0135/08. and Priority-based Extension method [11]. For the majority R EFERENCES of the presented circuits, the number of m-vectors is smaller [1] M. L. Bushnell and V. D. Agrawal, Essentials of Electronic Testing than the number of vector-pairs generated by [11]. The test for Digital, Memory & Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits. Boston: Kluwer sequence generated by SfW method is significantly shorter Academic Publishers, 2000. for all circuits; for most circuits even multiple times shorter. [2] I. Pomeranz and S. Reddy, “Transition path delay faults: a new path delay fault model for small and large delay defects,” IEEE Trans. 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