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Digital Graphic Narrative
Alisia Morse
Shape Task 1
Shape Task 2
What did you like about your image?
I liked image 1 because I used a variety of shapes to create the final piece. The
green background represents the colours of a ladybirds natural habitat as you
often find them on leaves in the country side. The darkness of the green
makes the red on the lady look even more vibrant and stand out.
In image 2 I liked the contrast between the light grey house and the red door
and shutters. This again makes the features stand out and overall makes the
image look more astatically pleasing.
In image 3 I liked the the contrast between the lighter purple and the darker
purple to create contrast. The shape are also kept really simple however they
are effective as they show a lot of detail that would be in the building.
What would you improve if you did it again?
To make my images better I would go into more detail on the smaller parts.
This would include adding texture to the brickwork in the buildings and then
on the ladybird I would add shadow to the shapes to make parts of the body
stand out more than others.
What did you like about your image?
In image one I liked the detail I put into her nose the shading of the darker
areas and the highlighting if the lighter areas helped make the nose stand out
from the neutral background and makes the person look more realistic. I also
like how realistic the hat looks due to the texture.
In image two I liked the the detail I put into the yes. They are a similar shape
to the original image and the light reflecting off the eye has also been
included along with the eyelashes.
What would you improve if you did it again?
To improve both images I would add more texture to the hair. I would do this
through the the texture tool on Photoshop and then and highlights and
contours to the hair to make it look more realistic.
Film Quotes
What did you like about your image?
In image one I liked the way I used the silhouette of the lion and the rock
against the orange background. This makes it really stand out and shows how
dominant the lion character is in the movie Lion King.
In image 2 I liked the way I only used three colours to make the poster look
dramatic. The black background really makes the light grey paw prints jump
off the page and the font of the words is easy to read so it is effective.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to redo my image I would add more detail to the font of both images.
I would add gradients of colour to the text its self and would then add
shadows to make them stand off the page rather than just be there.
Text Based
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
For these images I liked how varied each text is without actually having to
change much other than the the font style of spacing.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to improve the texts I would make them more colourful. This would
make them stand out even more and make them look more interesting.
Comic Book
What did you like about your image?
I like how all the images are unique and have individual differences. They
each have different levels that I used to make features look different and to
make the image look more cartoon. I like how on all of them the colour of the
images are turned into blocks rather than tiny pixels making up a lot of detail.
What would you improve if you did it again?
To improve my images I would make one of them even more simple so that a
lot of the detail is lost. Rather than the image look like people they will look
like shapes making up a image instead.
Photo Story
What did you like about your image?
I like the way the images flow on the page from one to another this makes
them clearly set out. I also like the way all the images are black and white
right up until the last one which is in colour. This symbolises the less happier
times in the women's life leading up to the much happier time when the
other women proposes to her.
What would you improve if you did it again?
To improve this image I would take more time to do the background. I would
make the colours be more of gradient from a light pink to a dark pink. This
way it wouldn't’t be as bold and wouldn't’t take any attention away from the
actual images.
What did you like about your image?
I like the simplicity of the my drawing. All the drawings are really easy yet
clear as to what they are.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I believe that I am weak at drawing so they aren’t brilliant. I think they would
be improved by me doing them on Photoshop as they would look better and
would be a lot more effective as the colours and outlines would be clear.
Narrative Environment
What did you like about your image?
I like the gradient in the sky as it looks like a realistic sunset and makes the
image look more romantic. I also like the way I used shapes to create the
castle at the top of the hill as there is a lot of detail involved in it. The texture
on the hills also makes them look more realistic rather than just green
What would you improve if you did it again?
To improve I would create my own tress using shapes like triangles and
rectangles rather than use the custom shape tool. This would make them
more unique and look different rather than them all look the same.
Initial Ideas
The Ugly Duckling
For the Ugly duckling there are only 2/3 different backgrounds that
would need to be made as the story is based around the same area.
This would make the production process a lot faster and easier. There
are also limited amounts of characters and when there are a group of
the was together they can each be copied with just having minor
differences. This again makes it easier to create during production.
This story would be easy to adapt as you can simply change the
animal into something else e.g. a caterpillar or another type of bird
such as a robin.
Princess and the Pea
For this story you will need various backgrounds such as two castles
and a bedroom, these will both take a considerable amount of time to
create as they will need to have details in that that makes them
identifiable. However, for this story I will only need two characters
which does make during post production. This story again would be
very easy to adapt as you could simply change the pea to another
object such as a grape or orange.
Three little pigs
For the three little pigs the only background I would need is a
woodland however I would need to create homes for each pig and
also the inside of pig 3 house for when the wolf enters. The characters
will need to be made only once and then cropped and facial
expressions must be changed depending on the scene. This would be
a good story to use as it is simple and again can easily be changed into
different animals such as sheep or giraffes.
Mood board of chosen idea
For the three little Fish the basic plot of the three little pigs. Fish 1 doesn't’t like to make much effort in his life so
he decides to blow bubbles to make his house. Fish 2 is similar however he decodes to gather some sea weed and
use that to make his house. Finally fish 3 decides to make his house out of stones which know will take longer but
will also last longer. The shark then comes along and blow the bubbles always so fish one goes and hides in the
second house. The shark then moves to house two where he eats all the sea weed. Fish 1 and 2 then go and hide is
fish 3 house where they know they will be safe. The shark then pushes into the stone house however it is too hard
and he bangs his nose and he really hurts himself. The shark never returns and all fish live in the stone house
happily ever after.
Colors used:
• Each fish will be brightly
colored so that they stand out
• The sea will be a mid tone blue
so that it doesn't’t take the
attention away from the rest
of the scene
• All features of the shark will be
outlined in black to emphasis
them and make them pop out
from the page.
Page 1- Fish Playing having fun
Page 2- deciding to build there homes/ gathering equipment
Page 3- Fish 1 building house
Page 4- Fish 2 building house
Page 5- Fish 3 building house
Page 6- introduction to wolf/ wolf coming along
Page 8- popping bubble house and fish 1 running away
Page 9- eating seaweed house and fish1+2 running away
Page 10- going to fish house 3 and threatening them
Page 11- running into the house and hurting himself
Page 12- fish living happily ever after
Mood Board:
Fish Characters
Mood Board:
Shark Characters
Mood Board:
Mood Board:
Mood Board:
My book will be 10 pages long as I feel with this amount of pages I will get my story across clearly.
I will make my book 21x21 cm.
Story Overview
My story is about 3 fish friends all deciding to build there homes next to each other so that they can play
together more often. The first fish is lazy and cant be bothered taking the time to build a hoe so he makes his
house out of bubbles. The second fish gathers seaweed and makes his home out of seaweed as he has a little
more patience. Finally the last fish to take the time to make a house that will last so he makes his out of stones.
One day the hungry shark comes looking for some food. He goes to fish 1 house where he pops all the bubbles
but luckily fish one escapes and goes to fish twos house, so the shark follows. He then decides to eat the
seaweed house but again luckily the two fish escape and run to fish 3 house. They all hide inside waiting for the
shark to come. When he arrives he cant find a way in so he decides to barge into the house however, he bangs
his nose and it gets all crushed. The shark never returns and they all live happily ever after in fish 3 house.
Export Format
To export my files I will turn them in PDF files.
PDF Advantages: A PDF file will not compress when it is saved so quality will not be lost, this
means that it can be sent via a email easily. It also cant be edited so nobody will be able to change
my work once it has been completed.
PDF Disadvantages: Although it is good that they are difficult to edit once they have been
converted this also means that it is difficult for the creator to edit them which means if they spot
a mistake they must go through the process to changing it and exporting it all over again. They
also cant be opened unless you have Adobe meaning not everyone can access it.
The deadline for my work is the 3rd of February 2017
The age range for my audience is children aged 3-5. This is because the language will be simple so the upper
age range will be able to read it with assistance of there parents, while the younger end of the age group
can have the book read to them. The book will also not be specific to a certain gender as I will use a range of
colours and the characters will not have a gender. The geodemographic will be people within the UK and
other English speaking countries like the USA. The book will also appeal to the parents of the children
because as it isn’t gender specific they will not have to read different books for each child, they will just
need to read one. It may also get there child more interested in reading as the language is simple so it will
be a good place for them to learn tot read. My book will appeal to children who have a interest in the sea
life as the whole book is based around animals under the sea.
Production Methods
To produce my book I have decided to take pre- existing images and use the rotoscoping tool to make them look more digital.
This will mean taking images of a fish and changing the major features such as the eyes and making them look more cartoon
by making them bigger and more round. I will also change the colouring of the fish to make them look more simple and more
appealing to a younger audience rather than having a lot of detail.
I will also use the shapes tool to create some of the animals in my book as this is a easy tool to use and on some of the more
simple things it will be faster than rotoscoping. The lines on the edge of these shapes will be more defined and sharp so in
some cases they may look better than the things I make using the rotoscope. The shape tool will also be used for my
background the create clear boundaries and definition between the sea and the sand and also the sea and the characters.
I have decided not to use the cartoon tool as I don’t want my images to look like that. Personally I do not like the way a
cartoon effect looks so I will just use shape tool and rotoscope. I also decided to not use illustration as I am not a strong
drawer so the images wouldn't’t look professional.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
The strengths related to your piece of work
summarise to how much detail and development
you have shown me with your story and the
adaptations you have created. For example the use
of telling me that it is an alteration to the original 3
little pigs storyline provides me with information
alone with some of the plot line. Further through the
production methods you have named and
explained which techniques you are going to use to
create your surrounding environment and
characters and why those specific techniques
benefit you for your particular story.
The certain areas that need work are quite minimal
due to the fact of that your work provides me with
most of the information that I need to understand
what you are going to do. However to further
evaluate your production techniques you can
further explain why certain techniques wouldn’t
work for your story to further emphasise, in your
case, why rotoscoping would be the best choice to
develop your surrounding environment and
characters within the story. An example of using
would be the filter gallery edit and why that would
not help you.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Again like the proposal you have provided me with
a large amount of information that has helped me
understand what sort of ideas you are using to
create your story. Firstly the examples of story’s
you have produced, including one that you have
chosen are well developed, for example providing
me with the plots and even the morals of the
story’s. Moving on to the mind-mapping process
you have given me the breakdown of your story
varying through your characters to your
background/setting. This helps me understand your
plotting and what certain aspects you will use.
With the mind-mapping you could also provide the
positive and negatives within the story, for example
if the text would overload the actual story being
complex or on the other hand saying how the
bright, vibrant colours would appeal to the younger
audience you have applied your story to. You could
also provide information on what certain aspects
will be difficult to produce and which will not require
too much detail for example the characters
requiring detail and the environment supporting
them being much less so.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
You have gone into huge amounts of detail within the
proposal. This will make pitching easy and smooth as you
have got all your ideas laid down in one place. This will also
let others clearly see your work. You have stated a lot of
advantages and disadvantages of using PDF formats. This
shows that you have put a lot of thought into how you will
present and export the work. You have also gone into detail
about the story. This shows that you will be able to clearly
tell the story, making a clear story book.
There isn’t really much that needs improving with
this proposal. You have clearly shown your ideas
and how you carry them out. You have also shown
the story and how it carries out. However you may
benefit from adding more possible file formats, and
how they may benefit you.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
You have shown lots of your ideas by creating lots
of mood boards. These boards portray information
to your peers clearly. Creating mood boards for the
different topics will make it easier. The font has
clearly been thought of as you have shown many
different possibilities of what you could use.
With the moodboards adding colour samples may
help the others think of what the story may be
about. For example as you have used Fish for your
story, you could possibly add blue colour samples.
This colour will help portray your setting.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
Like the idea generation, the proposal is very
thorough and some particular strong points are the
filetype analysis and the target audience. Firstly it is
clear that you have researched the filetypes and
have come to PDF as you have found it is the most
suitable, and the target audience section is very
thorough and this clear understanding of your
audience should help you be able to market
towards them with the book.
You could consider different production methods
such as texture overlaying and warping shapes and
stating whether or not you will use them depending
on how they are used, this extra consideration
could help bring some new ideas and make you
decide to use some of these ideas within the final
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Your idea generation is very strong and
demonstrates how you recognise the plan of your
story and how you would like it to end up. The ideas
you have shown are very thorough, particularly the
mind maps, they are very good and explore
different ideas that you could use and the final one
you chose is also very good in telling the story and
exploring the different techniques which you can
To improve you could have looked at how you will
fill each page and the topic each page is made up
of within the mindmap. For example you could say
that on the first page the first fish builds his house,
the second page the second fish builds his house
etc… this will make it easier for you when you
come to produce the final product.
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
Overall my feedback was very positive. Each person said I went into a lot of detail and
that they all understood what the story was. They all seemed to like that general ideas
and liked the points I was putting across. Generally I was told to improve the section on
production techniques and develop my ideas further on that section
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I agree that I need to improve my production technique section because after reviewing
others work I realise that it will be a good idea to say why I wont use certain techniques
this will help back up my points as to why I am using other tools.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
I do not agree that I need to add a colour sample on my storyboard as I did a whole story
board just on my colour schemes. This seem irrelevant and a waste of time.
Original Script
Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house of straw while the second pig
built his house with sticks. They built their houses very quickly and then sang and danced all day
because they were lazy. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks.
A big bad wolf saw the two little pigs while they danced and played and thought, “What juicy
tender meals they will make!” He chased the two pigs and they ran and hid in their houses. The big
bad wolf went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in minutes. The
frightened little pig ran to the second pig’s house that was made of sticks. The big bad wolf now
came to this house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in hardly any time. Now, the
two little pigs were terrified and ran to the third pig’s house that was made of bricks.
The big bad wolf tried to huff and puff and blow the house down, but he could not. He kept trying
for hours but the house was very strong and the little pigs were safe inside. He tried to enter
through the chimney but the third little pig boiled a big pot of water and kept it below the chimney.
The wolf fell into it and died.
The two little pigs now felt sorry for having been so lazy. They too built their houses with bricks and
lived happily ever after.
Story Breakdown
Final script goes here.
• The fish playing games in the water
• They all decide they want to love next to each other so build a house
• Fish 1 builds a bubble house because he is lazy
• Fish2 builds a seaweed house because he is lazy
• Fish 3 builds a stone house because he take more time
• Shark comes and eats house 1 and fish 1 runs away
• Shark eats house 2 and fish 1+2 run away
• Shark tries to run into house 3 but he squishes his nose so he doesn't’t ever return
• All the fish live happily ever after
Draft Script
Final script goes here.
Once upon a time there were three little fish who were best friends and lived in the
ocean. They wanted to live next to each other so they could play all day without
having to swim miles in order to see each other. The work begin straight away and
they all built there houses. One fish built a house of bubbles because he was too
lazy to to take time and make a house that would last him forever . The second fish
built his house with seaweed because he was too lazy to take time as well. The third
little fish worked hard all day and all night and built his house with pebbles. A big
bad shark saw the houses and decided he wanted a meal. The big bad shark went
to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down! Luckily the fish
managed to get away and swim to his friends house! The big bad shark now came
to the second house and decided to eat his way into it! The fish realized what he
was doing and ran again but this time to there last friends house in the stone house.
The big bad wolf tried to run into the house to break it down but the house was too
strong and he cut his nose! This scared the shark so he swam off and never
returned. The three little fish lived happily ever after, all together in there stone
Final Script
Final script goes here.
Double Page 1- Once upon a time there were three little fish that were all best
friends. They wanted to live next to each other so they could play all day.
Page 2- One fish made a house in the sand because he was too lazy to to take his
Page 3- The second fish made her house with seaweed because she was too lazy to
take the time as well.
Double Page4- The third little fish worked hard all day and made his house in the
Double Page 5- A big bad shark saw the houses and decided he wanted a meal.
Page 6- The big bad shark went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the
house away! Luckily the fish managed to get away and swim to his friends house!
Page 7- The big bad shark now came to the second house and decided to eat his way
into it! The fish then realised what he was doing and ran again but this time to their
last friends house.
Page 8- The big bad shark tried to run into the house to break it down but the house
was too strong and he cut his nose!
Page 9- This scared the shark so he swam off and never returned.
Double Page 10- The three little fish lived happily ever after, all together in their coral
Drawing Flat Plans
Digital Flat Plans
P1 P2
p4 p5 Text text text

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Development pro forma(3)

  • 4. 4
  • 5. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked image 1 because I used a variety of shapes to create the final piece. The green background represents the colours of a ladybirds natural habitat as you often find them on leaves in the country side. The darkness of the green makes the red on the lady look even more vibrant and stand out. In image 2 I liked the contrast between the light grey house and the red door and shutters. This again makes the features stand out and overall makes the image look more astatically pleasing. In image 3 I liked the the contrast between the lighter purple and the darker purple to create contrast. The shape are also kept really simple however they are effective as they show a lot of detail that would be in the building. What would you improve if you did it again? To make my images better I would go into more detail on the smaller parts. This would include adding texture to the brickwork in the buildings and then on the ladybird I would add shadow to the shapes to make parts of the body stand out more than others.
  • 8.
  • 9. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In image one I liked the detail I put into her nose the shading of the darker areas and the highlighting if the lighter areas helped make the nose stand out from the neutral background and makes the person look more realistic. I also like how realistic the hat looks due to the texture. In image two I liked the the detail I put into the yes. They are a similar shape to the original image and the light reflecting off the eye has also been included along with the eyelashes. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve both images I would add more texture to the hair. I would do this through the the texture tool on Photoshop and then and highlights and contours to the hair to make it look more realistic.
  • 11.
  • 12. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In image one I liked the way I used the silhouette of the lion and the rock against the orange background. This makes it really stand out and shows how dominant the lion character is in the movie Lion King. In image 2 I liked the way I only used three colours to make the poster look dramatic. The black background really makes the light grey paw prints jump off the page and the font of the words is easy to read so it is effective. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to redo my image I would add more detail to the font of both images. I would add gradients of colour to the text its self and would then add shadows to make them stand off the page rather than just be there.
  • 15. Evaluation What did you like about your image? For these images I liked how varied each text is without actually having to change much other than the the font style of spacing. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to improve the texts I would make them more colourful. This would make them stand out even more and make them look more interesting.
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  • 19. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like how all the images are unique and have individual differences. They each have different levels that I used to make features look different and to make the image look more cartoon. I like how on all of them the colour of the images are turned into blocks rather than tiny pixels making up a lot of detail. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve my images I would make one of them even more simple so that a lot of the detail is lost. Rather than the image look like people they will look like shapes making up a image instead.
  • 21. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the way the images flow on the page from one to another this makes them clearly set out. I also like the way all the images are black and white right up until the last one which is in colour. This symbolises the less happier times in the women's life leading up to the much happier time when the other women proposes to her. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve this image I would take more time to do the background. I would make the colours be more of gradient from a light pink to a dark pink. This way it wouldn't’t be as bold and wouldn't’t take any attention away from the actual images.
  • 23. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the simplicity of the my drawing. All the drawings are really easy yet clear as to what they are. What would you improve if you did it again? I believe that I am weak at drawing so they aren’t brilliant. I think they would be improved by me doing them on Photoshop as they would look better and would be a lot more effective as the colours and outlines would be clear.
  • 25. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the gradient in the sky as it looks like a realistic sunset and makes the image look more romantic. I also like the way I used shapes to create the castle at the top of the hill as there is a lot of detail involved in it. The texture on the hills also makes them look more realistic rather than just green mounds. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve I would create my own tress using shapes like triangles and rectangles rather than use the custom shape tool. This would make them more unique and look different rather than them all look the same.
  • 27. The Ugly Duckling For the Ugly duckling there are only 2/3 different backgrounds that would need to be made as the story is based around the same area. This would make the production process a lot faster and easier. There are also limited amounts of characters and when there are a group of the was together they can each be copied with just having minor differences. This again makes it easier to create during production. This story would be easy to adapt as you can simply change the animal into something else e.g. a caterpillar or another type of bird such as a robin. Princess and the Pea For this story you will need various backgrounds such as two castles and a bedroom, these will both take a considerable amount of time to create as they will need to have details in that that makes them identifiable. However, for this story I will only need two characters which does make during post production. This story again would be very easy to adapt as you could simply change the pea to another object such as a grape or orange. Three little pigs For the three little pigs the only background I would need is a woodland however I would need to create homes for each pig and also the inside of pig 3 house for when the wolf enters. The characters will need to be made only once and then cropped and facial expressions must be changed depending on the scene. This would be a good story to use as it is simple and again can easily be changed into different animals such as sheep or giraffes. Idea Generation
  • 28. Mood board of chosen idea
  • 29. Plot: For the three little Fish the basic plot of the three little pigs. Fish 1 doesn't’t like to make much effort in his life so he decides to blow bubbles to make his house. Fish 2 is similar however he decodes to gather some sea weed and use that to make his house. Finally fish 3 decides to make his house out of stones which know will take longer but will also last longer. The shark then comes along and blow the bubbles always so fish one goes and hides in the second house. The shark then moves to house two where he eats all the sea weed. Fish 1 and 2 then go and hide is fish 3 house where they know they will be safe. The shark then pushes into the stone house however it is too hard and he bangs his nose and he really hurts himself. The shark never returns and all fish live in the stone house happily ever after. Colors used: • Each fish will be brightly colored so that they stand out • The sea will be a mid tone blue so that it doesn't’t take the attention away from the rest of the scene • All features of the shark will be outlined in black to emphasis them and make them pop out from the page. Page 1- Fish Playing having fun Page 2- deciding to build there homes/ gathering equipment Page 3- Fish 1 building house Page 4- Fish 2 building house Page 5- Fish 3 building house Page 6- introduction to wolf/ wolf coming along Page 8- popping bubble house and fish 1 running away Page 9- eating seaweed house and fish1+2 running away Page 10- going to fish house 3 and threatening them Page 11- running into the house and hurting himself Page 12- fish living happily ever after
  • 31.
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  • 39.
  • 40. Proposal Dimensions My book will be 10 pages long as I feel with this amount of pages I will get my story across clearly. I will make my book 21x21 cm. Story Overview My story is about 3 fish friends all deciding to build there homes next to each other so that they can play together more often. The first fish is lazy and cant be bothered taking the time to build a hoe so he makes his house out of bubbles. The second fish gathers seaweed and makes his home out of seaweed as he has a little more patience. Finally the last fish to take the time to make a house that will last so he makes his out of stones. One day the hungry shark comes looking for some food. He goes to fish 1 house where he pops all the bubbles but luckily fish one escapes and goes to fish twos house, so the shark follows. He then decides to eat the seaweed house but again luckily the two fish escape and run to fish 3 house. They all hide inside waiting for the shark to come. When he arrives he cant find a way in so he decides to barge into the house however, he bangs his nose and it gets all crushed. The shark never returns and they all live happily ever after in fish 3 house. Export Format To export my files I will turn them in PDF files. PDF Advantages: A PDF file will not compress when it is saved so quality will not be lost, this means that it can be sent via a email easily. It also cant be edited so nobody will be able to change my work once it has been completed. PDF Disadvantages: Although it is good that they are difficult to edit once they have been converted this also means that it is difficult for the creator to edit them which means if they spot a mistake they must go through the process to changing it and exporting it all over again. They also cant be opened unless you have Adobe meaning not everyone can access it.
  • 41. Deadline The deadline for my work is the 3rd of February 2017 Audience The age range for my audience is children aged 3-5. This is because the language will be simple so the upper age range will be able to read it with assistance of there parents, while the younger end of the age group can have the book read to them. The book will also not be specific to a certain gender as I will use a range of colours and the characters will not have a gender. The geodemographic will be people within the UK and other English speaking countries like the USA. The book will also appeal to the parents of the children because as it isn’t gender specific they will not have to read different books for each child, they will just need to read one. It may also get there child more interested in reading as the language is simple so it will be a good place for them to learn tot read. My book will appeal to children who have a interest in the sea life as the whole book is based around animals under the sea. Production Methods To produce my book I have decided to take pre- existing images and use the rotoscoping tool to make them look more digital. This will mean taking images of a fish and changing the major features such as the eyes and making them look more cartoon by making them bigger and more round. I will also change the colouring of the fish to make them look more simple and more appealing to a younger audience rather than having a lot of detail. I will also use the shapes tool to create some of the animals in my book as this is a easy tool to use and on some of the more simple things it will be faster than rotoscoping. The lines on the edge of these shapes will be more defined and sharp so in some cases they may look better than the things I make using the rotoscope. The shape tool will also be used for my background the create clear boundaries and definition between the sea and the sand and also the sea and the characters. I have decided not to use the cartoon tool as I don’t want my images to look like that. Personally I do not like the way a cartoon effect looks so I will just use shape tool and rotoscope. I also decided to not use illustration as I am not a strong drawer so the images wouldn't’t look professional.
  • 42. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The strengths related to your piece of work summarise to how much detail and development you have shown me with your story and the adaptations you have created. For example the use of telling me that it is an alteration to the original 3 little pigs storyline provides me with information alone with some of the plot line. Further through the production methods you have named and explained which techniques you are going to use to create your surrounding environment and characters and why those specific techniques benefit you for your particular story. The certain areas that need work are quite minimal due to the fact of that your work provides me with most of the information that I need to understand what you are going to do. However to further evaluate your production techniques you can further explain why certain techniques wouldn’t work for your story to further emphasise, in your case, why rotoscoping would be the best choice to develop your surrounding environment and characters within the story. An example of using would be the filter gallery edit and why that would not help you. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Again like the proposal you have provided me with a large amount of information that has helped me understand what sort of ideas you are using to create your story. Firstly the examples of story’s you have produced, including one that you have chosen are well developed, for example providing me with the plots and even the morals of the story’s. Moving on to the mind-mapping process you have given me the breakdown of your story varying through your characters to your background/setting. This helps me understand your plotting and what certain aspects you will use. With the mind-mapping you could also provide the positive and negatives within the story, for example if the text would overload the actual story being complex or on the other hand saying how the bright, vibrant colours would appeal to the younger audience you have applied your story to. You could also provide information on what certain aspects will be difficult to produce and which will not require too much detail for example the characters requiring detail and the environment supporting them being much less so.
  • 43. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? You have gone into huge amounts of detail within the proposal. This will make pitching easy and smooth as you have got all your ideas laid down in one place. This will also let others clearly see your work. You have stated a lot of advantages and disadvantages of using PDF formats. This shows that you have put a lot of thought into how you will present and export the work. You have also gone into detail about the story. This shows that you will be able to clearly tell the story, making a clear story book. There isn’t really much that needs improving with this proposal. You have clearly shown your ideas and how you carry them out. You have also shown the story and how it carries out. However you may benefit from adding more possible file formats, and how they may benefit you. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? You have shown lots of your ideas by creating lots of mood boards. These boards portray information to your peers clearly. Creating mood boards for the different topics will make it easier. The font has clearly been thought of as you have shown many different possibilities of what you could use. With the moodboards adding colour samples may help the others think of what the story may be about. For example as you have used Fish for your story, you could possibly add blue colour samples. This colour will help portray your setting.
  • 44. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? Like the idea generation, the proposal is very thorough and some particular strong points are the filetype analysis and the target audience. Firstly it is clear that you have researched the filetypes and have come to PDF as you have found it is the most suitable, and the target audience section is very thorough and this clear understanding of your audience should help you be able to market towards them with the book. You could consider different production methods such as texture overlaying and warping shapes and stating whether or not you will use them depending on how they are used, this extra consideration could help bring some new ideas and make you decide to use some of these ideas within the final product. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Your idea generation is very strong and demonstrates how you recognise the plan of your story and how you would like it to end up. The ideas you have shown are very thorough, particularly the mind maps, they are very good and explore different ideas that you could use and the final one you chose is also very good in telling the story and exploring the different techniques which you can use. To improve you could have looked at how you will fill each page and the topic each page is made up of within the mindmap. For example you could say that on the first page the first fish builds his house, the second page the second fish builds his house etc… this will make it easier for you when you come to produce the final product.
  • 45. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. Overall my feedback was very positive. Each person said I went into a lot of detail and that they all understood what the story was. They all seemed to like that general ideas and liked the points I was putting across. Generally I was told to improve the section on production techniques and develop my ideas further on that section Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree that I need to improve my production technique section because after reviewing others work I realise that it will be a good idea to say why I wont use certain techniques this will help back up my points as to why I am using other tools. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I do not agree that I need to add a colour sample on my storyboard as I did a whole story board just on my colour schemes. This seem irrelevant and a waste of time.
  • 46. Original Script Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house of straw while the second pig built his house with sticks. They built their houses very quickly and then sang and danced all day because they were lazy. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks. A big bad wolf saw the two little pigs while they danced and played and thought, “What juicy tender meals they will make!” He chased the two pigs and they ran and hid in their houses. The big bad wolf went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in minutes. The frightened little pig ran to the second pig’s house that was made of sticks. The big bad wolf now came to this house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in hardly any time. Now, the two little pigs were terrified and ran to the third pig’s house that was made of bricks. The big bad wolf tried to huff and puff and blow the house down, but he could not. He kept trying for hours but the house was very strong and the little pigs were safe inside. He tried to enter through the chimney but the third little pig boiled a big pot of water and kept it below the chimney. The wolf fell into it and died. The two little pigs now felt sorry for having been so lazy. They too built their houses with bricks and lived happily ever after.
  • 47. Story Breakdown Final script goes here. • The fish playing games in the water • They all decide they want to love next to each other so build a house • Fish 1 builds a bubble house because he is lazy • Fish2 builds a seaweed house because he is lazy • Fish 3 builds a stone house because he take more time • Shark comes and eats house 1 and fish 1 runs away • Shark eats house 2 and fish 1+2 run away • Shark tries to run into house 3 but he squishes his nose so he doesn't’t ever return • All the fish live happily ever after
  • 48. Draft Script Final script goes here. Once upon a time there were three little fish who were best friends and lived in the ocean. They wanted to live next to each other so they could play all day without having to swim miles in order to see each other. The work begin straight away and they all built there houses. One fish built a house of bubbles because he was too lazy to to take time and make a house that would last him forever . The second fish built his house with seaweed because he was too lazy to take time as well. The third little fish worked hard all day and all night and built his house with pebbles. A big bad shark saw the houses and decided he wanted a meal. The big bad shark went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down! Luckily the fish managed to get away and swim to his friends house! The big bad shark now came to the second house and decided to eat his way into it! The fish realized what he was doing and ran again but this time to there last friends house in the stone house. The big bad wolf tried to run into the house to break it down but the house was too strong and he cut his nose! This scared the shark so he swam off and never returned. The three little fish lived happily ever after, all together in there stone house!
  • 49. Final Script Final script goes here. Double Page 1- Once upon a time there were three little fish that were all best friends. They wanted to live next to each other so they could play all day. Page 2- One fish made a house in the sand because he was too lazy to to take his time. Page 3- The second fish made her house with seaweed because she was too lazy to take the time as well. Double Page4- The third little fish worked hard all day and made his house in the coral. Double Page 5- A big bad shark saw the houses and decided he wanted a meal. Page 6- The big bad shark went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house away! Luckily the fish managed to get away and swim to his friends house! Page 7- The big bad shark now came to the second house and decided to eat his way into it! The fish then realised what he was doing and ran again but this time to their last friends house. Page 8- The big bad shark tried to run into the house to break it down but the house was too strong and he cut his nose! Page 9- This scared the shark so he swam off and never returned. Double Page 10- The three little fish lived happily ever after, all together in their coral house!
  • 51. Digital Flat Plans P1 P2 p3 p4 p5 Text text text