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Innovation team
Innovation team
1- a- Effect of estrogen on uterus: it promotes the
proliferation of epithelial linging ( glands + stroma) and
increases the size of uterus.
b-Effect on breast: it promotes the development of
mammary gland (ducts + stroma ) and increases its size.
It also promotes fat deposition in the breast.
It causes pigmentation of areola.
c- Effect on the skeleton: - it has inhibitory effect on
osteoclasting activity and promotes the osteoblasting
- It also promotes fusion of epiphyses with shaft of long
- It promotes changes in configuration in females (
narrow shoulders and wide pelvis).
2- Male sexual functions control :
a. Hypothalamic control : arcuate nuclei secrete GNRH
stimulate anterior pituitary gland to secrete
LH(stimulate testosterone secretion) and FSH(
stimulate spermatogenesis)
b. Anterior pituitary regulation: secrete LH and FSH
c. Feedback control of testosterone secretion: secreted
testosterone feedback negatively to hypothalamus
inhibit production of GnRH so decrease anterior
pituitary gland secretion of LH and FSH.
Innovation team
d. Feedback control of spermatogenesis: sertoli cells
secrete inhibin direct inhibitory on FSH secretion from
anterior pituitary gland.
3- Contents of broad ligament:
a- Mesosalpinx
b- Mesometrium
c- Suspensory ligament.
4- Contents of deep perineal pouch in male:
a- Membranous urethra.
b- Muscles: sphincter urethra- deep transverse perinei.
c- Internal pudendal artery.
d- Bulbourethral glands.
e- Vessels of the bulb.
f- Dorsal nerve of penis.
5- Boundaries of ovarian fossa:
a- Anteriorly: medial umbilical ligament.
b- Posteriorly: ureter and internal iliac artery.
c- Laterally: obturator nerve.
6- Causes of genital ulceration:
1-herpes simplex virus 2
2- syphilis “ Treponema pallidum”
Innovation team
3- Lymphogranuloma venerum “ chlamydia trachomatis
serotypes L1,L2,L3”
4- Chancroid “ haemophilus ducreyii”
Value of microscopy:
1- It can be used to detect cytological changes which are
large giant cells with intrnuclear inclusions.
2- It can be seen only by the dark ground microscopy as
thin cylinders– immunofluorescence microscopy.
3- It is obligatory intracellular parasite can’t be detected
by microscopy.
4- It appears as gram negative bacilli or coccobacilli.
7- Culture is done for:
1- Confirmation of gonococcal infection.
2- To determine the antibiotic sensitivity of the organism.
3- For medicolegal issues.
8- Types of invasive ductal carcinoma:
1- invasive ductal carcinoma of no special type ( NOS)
2- Medullary type.
4- Colloid ( mucinous) type.
5- Tubular type.
6- Inflammatory type.
Innovation team
9- Paget’s disease:
a- It is ( in situ or invasive) ductal carcinoma accompanied
by involvement of the epidermis of the nipple.
b- The epidermis is invaded by tumor giant cells “ paget’s
c- The skin over the nipple appears like erythematous
eruption that can be misdiagnosed as eczema, there
may be subareolar mass or not.
10- a-Types of endometrial carcinoma:
Type 1 “ Estrogen dependent neoplasm”
- It occurs mainly in post menopausal women.
- It is dependent on estrogen stimulation.
- It has better prognosis.
Type 2 “ Non- estrogen dependent”
- It occurs mainly in old age females.
- It doesn’t depend on prolonged estrogen stimulation.
- It has worse prognosis.
b- Borderline serous tumors:
- Increase in stratification of the lining epithelium which
is partially ciliated columnar epithelium.
- Complex papillae.
- No invasion of the stroma.
- Mild degree of atypia and mitotic figures
Innovation team
11- Complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia
-lower urinary tract manifestations
- Frequency, urgency, nocturia.
-difficulty in starting and stopping of urinary stream.
-painful urinary bladder distension.
-Stone formation.
-hypertrophy, dilatation and urinary bladder diverticulae.
-bilateral hydronephrosis
12- Virilizing androgen : Testosterone
Anabolic androgen: nandrolone phenopropionate
13- Testosterone alone – Testosterone and
14- Oxytocin : 1- induction of uterine contraction when
vaginal labour is necessary as in DM or preeclampsia.
2- augmentation of weak uterine contractions.
3- to prevent post partum or post abortal hemorrhage.
4-to induce milk ejection.
15- Composed of :
Innovation team
1. Middle piece : from neck to annulus , contain :
axoneme , 9 outer dense fibers , mitochondrial sheath.
2. Principal piece : from annulus to end piece contain
axoneme , 7 outer dense fibers , fibrous sheath
3. End piece : axoneme covered b flagellar membrane.
16- Histological structure of epididymis: multiple oval
cut sections with sperms in their lumina , epididymal duct
lined by psuedostratified squamous epithelium formed of
two types of cells : principal cells and basal cells ,
supported by vascular connective tissue , smooth muscles
- Function: sperms short term storage , absorption of
excess fluid and removal of residual bodies , final
maturation of sperm.
17- Histological features of mucosa of fallopian tube:
Lining epithelium is partially ciliated columnar epithelium
wthich is formed of : - columnar cells which are secretory
cells that produce mucous film over the lining epithelium.
- Ciliated columnar cells which beat in one direction to
move the overlying mucos in one direction towards the
Lamina propria formed of loose connective tissue rich
in blood vessels.
Parts of fallopian tube:
1- Intramural part
Innovation team
2- Isthmus
3- Ampulla
18- Infundibulum.
4 differences:
Point of
Primary ovarian
ovarian follicle
Size Small er Larger and
reaches about
200 micrometer
Granulosa cells Oocyte may be
surrounded by
unilaminar or
granulosa cells
Oocyte is
surrounded by 6-
10 layers of
granulosa cells
Theca cells They begin to
appear around
the multilaminar
primary follicle
differentiate into
2 layers: theca
interna and theca
Innovation team
Antrum absent Granulosa cells
begin to secrete
liquor folliculi
which will form
the antrum
Innovation team
Innovation team
1-functions of estrogen on breast and bone:
On breast:
- initiate growth of breast and milk producing apparatus
-stromal tissue development
-duct system growth
-fat deposition that give external appearance of mature
female breast
-areola pigmentation
On bone:
-inhibit osteoclastic activity so stimulate bone growth
- uniting of epiphyses with the shaft of long bones
Innovation team
- Changes in body configuration, narrow shoulders and a
broad hip
2-hormonal control of spermatogenesis:
-testosterone: stimulate meiotic division of primary to
secondary spermatocyte.
-LH: stimulate testosterone secretion from lyding cell.
-FSH: stimulate sertoli cell conversion of spermatid to
-estrogen: essential for spermiogenesis.
-growth hormones: control testes metabolic function
Promote spermatogonia early division.
3- Normal uterus position, its ligaments:
-normal position is anteflexion and anteversion
*anteflexion: the forward angle between long axis of
body of uterus and that of cervix = 170
*anteversion: the forward angle between long axis of
vagina and that of the cervix = 90
-if uterus directed backward is retroverted and
Innovation team
*retroverted: angle between vagina and cervix is more
than 90
*retroflexed: angle between cervix and the body is more
than 170
*uterosacral ligament
*pubocervical ligament
* Transverse cervical (cardinal, lateral cervical)
*ovarian ligament
*round ligament
* Broad ligament
4- Prostatic gland lobes, structures passing inside it:
-prostatic lobes:
*median lobe: behind prostatic urethra, bounded by
ejaculatory ducts, projects up to form bladder uvula .
* right and left lateral lobes:
On each side of prostatic urethra.
*anterior lobe (isthmus): connect lateral lobes, contain
few glandular tissue.
* Posterior lobe.
-structures inside:
Prostatic urethra, ejaculatory ducts and prostatic utricle.
Innovation team
5-male superficial perineal pouch contents:
-root of penis
- Superficial perineal muscles:
Superficial transverse perineum, ischo cavernous, bulbo
-internal pudendal artery and its two terminal branches
and scrotal artery.
- Deep dorsal vein of the penis.
-dorsal nerve of the penis and scrotal nerves .
6-Benign prostatic hyperplasia:
-lower urinary tract manifestations
- Frequency, urgency, nocturia.
-difficulty in starting and stopping of urinary stream.
-painful urinary bladder distension.
-Stone formation.
-hypertrophy, dilatation and urinary bladder
-bilateral hydronephrosis.
Innovation team
7-Breast proliferative fibrocystic changes:
a. Cyst formation:
-Smaller cysts lined by cuboidal to columnar
epithelium but larger cysts lined by flattened or
atrophic epithelium
-apocrine metaplasia in lining epithelium
-cuboidal or columnar epithelium transforms to
large polygonal cells with abundant granular
b. Fibrosis:
Stroma is composed of compressed fibrous
tissue and infiltrated by lymphocytes.
c. Adenosis:
Increase in acini number
d. Epithelial hyperplasia:
Mild moderate or severe ductal epithelial lining
Project into duct lumen forming papillae lead to
nipple discharge
May show atypical nuclear features
e. Sclerosing adenosis:
Proliferation of lining epithelium and
myoepithelial cells
Marked stromal fibrosis compress lumina of
ducts and acini
Innovation team
8-short account on:
a. endometrial hyperplasia
increase in endometrial number results from
prolonged unopposed estrogen stimulation may
be :
-simple: increased endometrial glands number.
- Complex.
- complex with atypia
b. ovarian teratomas
20% of ovarian tumors
a- mature benign cystic : cyst composed of
stratified squamous epithelium with hair shaft
and sebaceous gland (ectodermal origin) teeth
structure , bone , cartilage ( mesodermal)thyroid
tissue , bronchial or GIT epithelium (endodermal)
b- teratoma with malignant transformation.
c- Immature (malignant) solid teratoma : solid
tumor with necrosis and hemorrhage
d- Monodermal ( highly specialized ) teratoma : the
most common
Struma ovarii : mature thyroid tissue
Ovarian carcinoid : intestinal epithelium
c. prognostic factors for carcinoma of the breast
Innovation team
1. Tumor stage: size, lymph node involvement,
distant metastasis.
2. Histologic type: non metastasizing,
uncommonly metastasizing, moderately to
aggressively metastasizing.
3. Tumor grade.
4. Receptor status of the tumor :
Estrogen and progesterone receptor
Human epidermal growth factor 2
5. Abundant growth of new vessels
6. chromosomal aneuploidy and proliferative
index .
9- Combined contraceptive pills side effects.
1. GIT disturbances
2. Edema , headache
3. Thromboembolism , bleeding
4. Mental depression
5. Gall bladder disease
6. Ocular reactions
10- Anabolic steroids therapeutic uses.
1. Short stature
2. Hypoproteinaemia of nephrosis.
Innovation team
3. Debilitated postoperative patients , burns and
premature babies .
11- gram – diplococci inside PNL:
a- cause: neisseria gonorrhea
b- another investigations:
oxidase test (positive )
production of acid from glucose
c- 2 other bacteria cause urethritis
Chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasma
12- Cause of soft cancre and its lab diagnosis:
Heamophilus Ducreyi
- By gram method: short gram negative rods
- Culture is done on chocolate blood agar +
isovitalex + vancomycin in co2 at 37 c for 48
hours .
13- Differences between mucosa of:
Seminal vesicle Fallopian tube
Extremely folded
thrown into primary ,
secondary and 3ry folds
Numerous long
Branching primary ,
secondary and 3ry folds
Innovation team
especially at the
14- Lyding interstitial cells LM and EM and their site:
Site: in tunica vasculosa between seminiferous
tubules or singly or clusters with fibroblasts ,
macrophages and mast cells .
LM: large polyhedral cells with large nuclei and
eosinophilic vaculated cytoplasm.
EM: cytoplasm rich in sER and mitochondria ,
numerous lipid droplets with no secretory granules .
15- One reason for:
a- Presence of tight junction between sertoli cells.
Forming blood testis barrier above level of
spermatogonia dividing seminiferous epithelium
into two completely separated compartment :
- Basal: contain fibroblasts , myoid cells , blood
vessels , basal lamina and spermatogonia.
- Primary , secondary spermatocyte ,
spermatids and sperms.
b- Vacuolated appearance of vaginal mucosa in H
and E stain
Innovation team
Due to accumulation of large amount of glycogen
c- Vacuolated appearance of granulose lutein cells
in H and E
Lipid droplets and lipochrome pigments
16- Uterus myometrium layers:
1. Sub mucosal layer (stratum submucosum )
2. Vascular layer
3. Supravascular layer
4. Subserosal layer
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
Innovation team
"‫تعجز‬ ‫وال‬ ‫باهلل‬ ‫واستعن‬"^_^

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PPT Item # 7 - BB Inspection Services Agmt
PPT Item # 7 - BB Inspection Services AgmtPPT Item # 7 - BB Inspection Services Agmt
PPT Item # 7 - BB Inspection Services Agmt

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  • 2. Innovation team 1- a- Effect of estrogen on uterus: it promotes the proliferation of epithelial linging ( glands + stroma) and increases the size of uterus. b-Effect on breast: it promotes the development of mammary gland (ducts + stroma ) and increases its size. It also promotes fat deposition in the breast. It causes pigmentation of areola. c- Effect on the skeleton: - it has inhibitory effect on osteoclasting activity and promotes the osteoblasting activity. - It also promotes fusion of epiphyses with shaft of long bones. - It promotes changes in configuration in females ( narrow shoulders and wide pelvis). 2- Male sexual functions control : a. Hypothalamic control : arcuate nuclei secrete GNRH stimulate anterior pituitary gland to secrete LH(stimulate testosterone secretion) and FSH( stimulate spermatogenesis) b. Anterior pituitary regulation: secrete LH and FSH c. Feedback control of testosterone secretion: secreted testosterone feedback negatively to hypothalamus inhibit production of GnRH so decrease anterior pituitary gland secretion of LH and FSH.
  • 3. Innovation team d. Feedback control of spermatogenesis: sertoli cells secrete inhibin direct inhibitory on FSH secretion from anterior pituitary gland. 3- Contents of broad ligament: a- Mesosalpinx b- Mesometrium c- Suspensory ligament. 4- Contents of deep perineal pouch in male: a- Membranous urethra. b- Muscles: sphincter urethra- deep transverse perinei. c- Internal pudendal artery. d- Bulbourethral glands. e- Vessels of the bulb. f- Dorsal nerve of penis. 5- Boundaries of ovarian fossa: a- Anteriorly: medial umbilical ligament. b- Posteriorly: ureter and internal iliac artery. c- Laterally: obturator nerve. 6- Causes of genital ulceration: 1-herpes simplex virus 2 2- syphilis “ Treponema pallidum”
  • 4. Innovation team 3- Lymphogranuloma venerum “ chlamydia trachomatis serotypes L1,L2,L3” 4- Chancroid “ haemophilus ducreyii” Value of microscopy: 1- It can be used to detect cytological changes which are large giant cells with intrnuclear inclusions. 2- It can be seen only by the dark ground microscopy as thin cylinders– immunofluorescence microscopy. 3- It is obligatory intracellular parasite can’t be detected by microscopy. 4- It appears as gram negative bacilli or coccobacilli. 7- Culture is done for: 1- Confirmation of gonococcal infection. 2- To determine the antibiotic sensitivity of the organism. 3- For medicolegal issues. 8- Types of invasive ductal carcinoma: 1- invasive ductal carcinoma of no special type ( NOS) 2- Medullary type. 4- Colloid ( mucinous) type. 5- Tubular type. 6- Inflammatory type.
  • 5. Innovation team 9- Paget’s disease: a- It is ( in situ or invasive) ductal carcinoma accompanied by involvement of the epidermis of the nipple. b- The epidermis is invaded by tumor giant cells “ paget’s cells” c- The skin over the nipple appears like erythematous eruption that can be misdiagnosed as eczema, there may be subareolar mass or not. 10- a-Types of endometrial carcinoma: Type 1 “ Estrogen dependent neoplasm” - It occurs mainly in post menopausal women. - It is dependent on estrogen stimulation. - It has better prognosis. Type 2 “ Non- estrogen dependent” - It occurs mainly in old age females. - It doesn’t depend on prolonged estrogen stimulation. - It has worse prognosis. b- Borderline serous tumors: - Increase in stratification of the lining epithelium which is partially ciliated columnar epithelium. - Complex papillae. - No invasion of the stroma. - Mild degree of atypia and mitotic figures
  • 6. Innovation team 11- Complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia -lower urinary tract manifestations - Frequency, urgency, nocturia. -difficulty in starting and stopping of urinary stream. -painful urinary bladder distension. -infection. -Stone formation. -hypertrophy, dilatation and urinary bladder diverticulae. -bilateral hydronephrosis 12- Virilizing androgen : Testosterone Anabolic androgen: nandrolone phenopropionate 13- Testosterone alone – Testosterone and progesterone. 14- Oxytocin : 1- induction of uterine contraction when vaginal labour is necessary as in DM or preeclampsia. 2- augmentation of weak uterine contractions. 3- to prevent post partum or post abortal hemorrhage. 4-to induce milk ejection. 15- Composed of :
  • 7. Innovation team 1. Middle piece : from neck to annulus , contain : axoneme , 9 outer dense fibers , mitochondrial sheath. 2. Principal piece : from annulus to end piece contain axoneme , 7 outer dense fibers , fibrous sheath 3. End piece : axoneme covered b flagellar membrane. 16- Histological structure of epididymis: multiple oval cut sections with sperms in their lumina , epididymal duct lined by psuedostratified squamous epithelium formed of two types of cells : principal cells and basal cells , supported by vascular connective tissue , smooth muscles - Function: sperms short term storage , absorption of excess fluid and removal of residual bodies , final maturation of sperm. 17- Histological features of mucosa of fallopian tube: Lining epithelium is partially ciliated columnar epithelium wthich is formed of : - columnar cells which are secretory cells that produce mucous film over the lining epithelium. - Ciliated columnar cells which beat in one direction to move the overlying mucos in one direction towards the uterus. Lamina propria formed of loose connective tissue rich in blood vessels. Parts of fallopian tube: 1- Intramural part
  • 8. Innovation team 2- Isthmus 3- Ampulla 18- Infundibulum. 4 differences: Point of comparison Primary ovarian follicle Secondary ovarian follicle Size Small er Larger and reaches about 200 micrometer Granulosa cells Oocyte may be surrounded by unilaminar or multilaminar granulosa cells Oocyte is surrounded by 6- 10 layers of granulosa cells Theca cells They begin to appear around the multilaminar primary follicle They differentiate into 2 layers: theca interna and theca externa.
  • 9. Innovation team Antrum absent Granulosa cells begin to secrete liquor folliculi which will form the antrum
  • 11. Innovation team 1-functions of estrogen on breast and bone: On breast: - initiate growth of breast and milk producing apparatus -stromal tissue development -duct system growth -fat deposition that give external appearance of mature female breast -areola pigmentation On bone: -inhibit osteoclastic activity so stimulate bone growth - uniting of epiphyses with the shaft of long bones
  • 12. Innovation team - Changes in body configuration, narrow shoulders and a broad hip 2-hormonal control of spermatogenesis: -testosterone: stimulate meiotic division of primary to secondary spermatocyte. -LH: stimulate testosterone secretion from lyding cell. -FSH: stimulate sertoli cell conversion of spermatid to sperm. -estrogen: essential for spermiogenesis. -growth hormones: control testes metabolic function Promote spermatogonia early division. 3- Normal uterus position, its ligaments: -normal position is anteflexion and anteversion *anteflexion: the forward angle between long axis of body of uterus and that of cervix = 170 *anteversion: the forward angle between long axis of vagina and that of the cervix = 90 -if uterus directed backward is retroverted and retroflexed
  • 13. Innovation team *retroverted: angle between vagina and cervix is more than 90 *retroflexed: angle between cervix and the body is more than 170 -ligaments: *uterosacral ligament *pubocervical ligament * Transverse cervical (cardinal, lateral cervical) *ovarian ligament *round ligament * Broad ligament 4- Prostatic gland lobes, structures passing inside it: -prostatic lobes: *median lobe: behind prostatic urethra, bounded by ejaculatory ducts, projects up to form bladder uvula . * right and left lateral lobes: On each side of prostatic urethra. *anterior lobe (isthmus): connect lateral lobes, contain few glandular tissue. * Posterior lobe. -structures inside: Prostatic urethra, ejaculatory ducts and prostatic utricle.
  • 14. Innovation team 5-male superficial perineal pouch contents: -root of penis - Superficial perineal muscles: Superficial transverse perineum, ischo cavernous, bulbo spongiosus. -internal pudendal artery and its two terminal branches and scrotal artery. - Deep dorsal vein of the penis. -dorsal nerve of the penis and scrotal nerves . 6-Benign prostatic hyperplasia: -lower urinary tract manifestations - Frequency, urgency, nocturia. -difficulty in starting and stopping of urinary stream. -painful urinary bladder distension. -infection. -Stone formation. -hypertrophy, dilatation and urinary bladder diverticulae. -bilateral hydronephrosis.
  • 15. Innovation team 7-Breast proliferative fibrocystic changes: a. Cyst formation: -Smaller cysts lined by cuboidal to columnar epithelium but larger cysts lined by flattened or atrophic epithelium -apocrine metaplasia in lining epithelium -cuboidal or columnar epithelium transforms to large polygonal cells with abundant granular cytoplasm. b. Fibrosis: Stroma is composed of compressed fibrous tissue and infiltrated by lymphocytes. c. Adenosis: Increase in acini number d. Epithelial hyperplasia: Mild moderate or severe ductal epithelial lining hyperplasia Project into duct lumen forming papillae lead to nipple discharge May show atypical nuclear features e. Sclerosing adenosis: Proliferation of lining epithelium and myoepithelial cells Marked stromal fibrosis compress lumina of ducts and acini
  • 16. Innovation team 8-short account on: a. endometrial hyperplasia increase in endometrial number results from prolonged unopposed estrogen stimulation may be : -simple: increased endometrial glands number. - Complex. - complex with atypia b. ovarian teratomas 20% of ovarian tumors a- mature benign cystic : cyst composed of stratified squamous epithelium with hair shaft and sebaceous gland (ectodermal origin) teeth structure , bone , cartilage ( mesodermal)thyroid tissue , bronchial or GIT epithelium (endodermal) b- teratoma with malignant transformation. c- Immature (malignant) solid teratoma : solid tumor with necrosis and hemorrhage d- Monodermal ( highly specialized ) teratoma : the most common Struma ovarii : mature thyroid tissue Ovarian carcinoid : intestinal epithelium c. prognostic factors for carcinoma of the breast
  • 17. Innovation team 1. Tumor stage: size, lymph node involvement, distant metastasis. 2. Histologic type: non metastasizing, uncommonly metastasizing, moderately to aggressively metastasizing. 3. Tumor grade. 4. Receptor status of the tumor : Estrogen and progesterone receptor Human epidermal growth factor 2 5. Abundant growth of new vessels 6. chromosomal aneuploidy and proliferative index . 9- Combined contraceptive pills side effects. 1. GIT disturbances 2. Edema , headache 3. Thromboembolism , bleeding 4. Mental depression 5. Gall bladder disease 6. Ocular reactions 10- Anabolic steroids therapeutic uses. 1. Short stature 2. Hypoproteinaemia of nephrosis.
  • 18. Innovation team 3. Debilitated postoperative patients , burns and premature babies . 11- gram – diplococci inside PNL: a- cause: neisseria gonorrhea b- another investigations: oxidase test (positive ) production of acid from glucose c- 2 other bacteria cause urethritis Chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasma 12- Cause of soft cancre and its lab diagnosis: Heamophilus Ducreyi - By gram method: short gram negative rods - Culture is done on chocolate blood agar + isovitalex + vancomycin in co2 at 37 c for 48 hours . 13- Differences between mucosa of: Seminal vesicle Fallopian tube Extremely folded thrown into primary , secondary and 3ry folds Numerous long Branching primary , secondary and 3ry folds
  • 19. Innovation team especially at the ampulla. 14- Lyding interstitial cells LM and EM and their site: Site: in tunica vasculosa between seminiferous tubules or singly or clusters with fibroblasts , macrophages and mast cells . LM: large polyhedral cells with large nuclei and eosinophilic vaculated cytoplasm. EM: cytoplasm rich in sER and mitochondria , numerous lipid droplets with no secretory granules . 15- One reason for: a- Presence of tight junction between sertoli cells. Forming blood testis barrier above level of spermatogonia dividing seminiferous epithelium into two completely separated compartment : - Basal: contain fibroblasts , myoid cells , blood vessels , basal lamina and spermatogonia. - Primary , secondary spermatocyte , spermatids and sperms. b- Vacuolated appearance of vaginal mucosa in H and E stain
  • 20. Innovation team Due to accumulation of large amount of glycogen c- Vacuolated appearance of granulose lutein cells in H and E Lipid droplets and lipochrome pigments 16- Uterus myometrium layers: 1. Sub mucosal layer (stratum submucosum ) 2. Vascular layer 3. Supravascular layer 4. Subserosal layer
  • 68. Innovation team "‫تعجز‬ ‫وال‬ ‫باهلل‬ ‫واستعن‬"^_^