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Irritable bowel syndrome = IRS                               Functional disorders
                                                             See also : placebo effect

Further reading :                                  
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Tenesmus =          Painful spasm of the anal sphincter
along with an urgent desire to defecate without the
significant production of feces; associated with irritable
bowel syndrome
4. Risk Factors: Psychosocial
                                                                    1.   Anxiety
                                                                    2.   Major Depression
                                                                    3.   Somatization Disorder
                                                                    4.   Sexual abuse or physical abuse
                                                                    5.   Stressful life events
                                                                    6.   Substance Abuse

                                                              5. Types
                                                                    1.   Alternating Diarrhea and Constipation
                                                                    2.   Nervous Diarrhea
                                                                    3. Predominant Constipation
                                                                    4.   Upper abdominal bloating and discomfort

                                                              6. Symptoms
                                                                    1. ALTERED BOWEL HABITS
                                                                             1.   Diarrhea
                                                                             2.   Constipation
                                                                             3.   Scybalous stools
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  1. Epidemiology
       1.    Lifetime Prevalence: 10-22%                            2. RECURRENT AND CHRONIC ABDOMINAL
       2. Slightly more common in women                                PAIN
       3.    Prevalence for elderly same as for young                        1.   Upper abdominal discomfort after
       4.    MOST COMMON CONDITION SEEN BY                                        eating
             GASTROENTEROLOGISTS                                             2.   Left Lower Quadrant Abdominal Pain
                                                                             3.   Right Lower Quadrant Abdominal Pain
                                                                             4. ABDOMINAL PAIN RELIEVED
                                                                                WITH DEFECATION

  2. Pathophysiology
       1.    Organic gastrointestinal hypersensitivity
       2.    Provoked by psychosocial risk factors
                                                                    3. Gaseousness
                                                                             1.   Excessive Flatulence or Eructation
                                                                             2.   Normal patients experience about 13 farts
                                                                                  per day

  3. Associated Conditions
       1.    Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease                        4. Nausea or Vomiting
       2.    Dysphagia
       3.    Globus Hystericus
       4.    Fatigue
       5.    Non-cardiac Chest Pain
       6.    Urologic dysfunction
       7.    Gynecologic disease (e.g. Chronic Pelvic Pain)
       8.    Fibromyalgia
       9.    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
       10.   Temperomandibular joint syndrome
       11.   Food Allergy
       12.   Low-fiber diet
7. Diagnosis: Rome Criteria                                    9. Red Flags: Symptoms and signs
      1. ABDOMINAL SYMPTOMS PERSISTENT OR                         suggestive of other diagnosis
         RECURRENT FOR 3 MONTHS                                     1.    Nighttime Diarrhea
               1.   Abdominal Pain or discomfort                    2.    Nocturnal stool Incontinence
               2.   Symptoms relieved with Defecation               3.    Nocturnal awakening due to abdominal discomfort
               3.   Irregular pattern of Defecation (>25% of        4.    Abdominal Pain that interferes with normal sleep
                    time)                                           5.    Visible or occult blood in stool
                         1. Change in stool frequency               6.    Weight loss
                         2. Change in stool consistency
                                                                    7.    Recurrent Fever
                                                                    8.    Family History of Colon Cancer
                                                                    9.    Family History of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
                                                                    10.   Elderly
               1.   Altered stool frequency
               2.   Altered stool consistency                       11. LABORATORY ABNORMALITY
                         1. Constipation                                      1.   Leukocytosis
                         2. Diarrhea                                          2.   Anemia
                                                                              3.   Increased Erythrocyte Sedimentation
                                                                                   Rate (ESR)

               3. ALTERED STOOL PASSAGE
                        1.   Straining for normal
                             consistency stool
                        2.   Urgency of Defecation
                        3.   Incomplete evacuation

               4. MUCUS IN STOOLS
               5. ABDOMINAL BLOATING OR

8. Diagnosis: Manning Criteria
      1.   Abdominal Pain
      2.   Loose stools
      3.   Increased stool frequency
      5.   Abdominal distention
      6.   Mucus in stools
      7.   Sensation of incomplete evacuation
10.Differential Diagnosis                          11. Psychiatric illness
      1. COLONIC ADENOCARCINOMA                            1. Depression
                                                           2. Somatization
                                                           3. Anxiety Disorder or Panic Disorder

             1. Ulcerative Colitis
             2. Crohn's Disease                    12. Medications
                                                          1. Laxatives
                                                          2. Constipating medications

      3. Abdominal Angina (Ischemic colitis)

      4. Pseudo-obstruction (Diabetes
         Mellitus, Scleroderma)

      5. Intermittent sigmoid volvulus

      6. Toxic Megacolon or bacterial overgrowth

      7. Endocrine causes
            1. Hypothyroidism
                or Hyperthyroidism
            2. Diabetes Mellitus
            3. Addison's Disease

      8. Malabsorption
            1. Celiac Sprue (strongly consider
                if Diarrhea with red flags)
            2. Lactose Intolerance
            3. Pancreatic insufficiency

      9. Giardiasis

      10. Endometriosis
11.Evaluation                                                 12.Labs: Initial, based on predominant
     1. General                                                  symptom
           1. Avoid a piecemeal work-up                             1. CONSTIPATION DOMINANT
                 1. Perform a complete                                     1.   Complete Blood Count (CBC)
                      evaluation the first time                            2.   Serum Electrolytes or Chemistry panel
                 2. Avoid over-investigation                                    (chem8)
                                                                           3.   Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
                                                                           4.   Flexible Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy

               DIAGNOSIS OF EXCLUSION                               2. DIARRHEA PREDOMINANT
                   1. Diagnostic criteria above                            1.   Stool Ova and Parasites
                      are sufficient to treat                              2.   Fecal Leukocytes
                                                                           3.   Complete Blood Count (CBC)
                                                                           4.   Serum Electrolytes or chemistry panel

            3. INDICATIONS FOR FULL                                        5.   Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
               EVALUATION AND                                              6.   Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
               GASTROENTEROLOGY                                            7.   Flexible Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy
                     1.   Red flags present (see
                          above) or                                        8.   Celiac Sprue (Transglutaminase,
                     2.   Onset over age 50 years                               endomysial Antibody)
                                                                                    1.   Usually associated with red
                                                                                         flag signs or symptoms

            1.   History of Gastrointestinal Symptoms
            2.   Family History of gastrointestinal disease
            3.   Marital History                                    3. PAIN DOMINANT
            4.   Sexual Abuse (strong correlation)                        1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)

     3. REASONABLE EXAM                                             4. Reference
            1.   Thorough abdominal examination
            2.   Also focus on possible endocrine                          1. Fass (2001) Arch Intern Med
                 causes                                                       161:2081

            1.   Lactose Intolerance
            2.   Sorbitol
            3.   Wheat (Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy)
13.Diagnostic studies                                                          7. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
      1. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy                                                8. Avoid Fatty meals
             1. More uncomfortable in Irritable                                9. Corn, wheat and citrus may
                  Bowel Syndrome                                                  also exacerbate IBS

      2. Consider additional studies as indicated              5.   AVOID PROVOCATIVE OR ADDICTIVE
            1. Upper GI Study
            2. Barium Enema
                                                                      1. Stimulant Laxatives (except brief
                                                                              1. CORRECTOL
                                                                              2. DULCOLAX
                                                                              3. CASCARA

14.Management: General Measure
             1.   Maintain a strong doctor-patient                     2. SEDATIVES OR TRANQUILIZERS
                  relationship                                            (BENZODIAZEPINES)
             2.   Offer frequent reassurance
             3.   Identify and treat emotional stressors
             4.   Answer patients questions in unhurried
                                                                       3. NARCOTICS

             1.   Irritable Bowel is a real functional bowel
             2.   Explain physiology and absence of
                  serious illness

             1.   Teach relaxation techniques
             2.   Teach coping mechanisms for chronic

             1. Get adequate fluid intake (>64
             2. Bulk agents (gradually increase)
                    1. METAMUCIL
                    2. CITRUCEL
                    3. High fiber-bran
             3. Consider avoiding provocative
                    1. Consider Elimination Diet
                    2. Avoid caffeine
                    3. Avoid Alcohol
                    4. Avoid Legumes and other
                       gas producing foods
                    5. Avoid Dairy products
                    6. Avoid carbonated
                       beverages (Sorbitol)
3.   DICYCLOMINE (Bentyl) 10-20
                                                                               mg, 15 min before meal
                                                                          4.   HYOSCYAMINE (Levsin) 0.125 to
15.Management: Symptom specific                                                0.25 mg before meal
     1. DIARRHEA
           1.   Consider eliminating lactose, caffeine
                from diet                                   4. CONSTIPATION
           2.   CHOLESTYRAMINE 4 grams qhs to 6                   1. Use gastro-colic response
                times daily
           3.   LOPERAMIDE (Imodium) 2-4 mg qid prn
                                                                         1. Wake-up, eat breakfast
                    1. Before meals                                         and anticipate stool in AM
                    2. As needed in stressful social
           4.   ONDANSETRON (Serotonin antagonist)
                    1. Reduces rapid transit
           5.   ALOSETRON (LOTRONEX)                               2. FIRST LINE: BULK AGENTS (E.G.
                    1. Risk of Constipation and                       FIBER, PSYLLIUM, BRAN)
                          ischemic colitis                                1.   Titrate to 20-30 grams per day
                               1. Iatrogenic deaths have                  2.   Risk of bloating initially
                               2. Black box warning:
                                    Signed informed
                                    consent needed
                    2. FDA approved only for women                 3. SECOND LINE (USE AT BEDTIME
                          with IBS with Diarrhea                      FOR AM STOOL)
                    3. Dose: 1 mg daily (may advance
                                                                         1. Osmotic agents
                          to bid)
                                                                                   1.   LACTULOSE 1-2
           6.   PEPPERMINT
                                                                                        teaspoons at bedtime
                    1. Pittler (1998) Am J                                         2.   POLYETHYLENE
                          Gastroenterol 93:1131                                         GLYCOL solution 8
                                                                                        ounces at bedtime
                                                                                   3.   MILK OF
                                                                                        MAGNESIA 1-2
                                                                                        tablespoons at
     2. COMORBID MOOD DISORDERS                                                         bedtime
           1.   Major Depression                                                   4.   MIRALAX
                    1. SSRI MEDICATIONS OR
                        OTHER ANTIDEPRESSANTS
           2.   Anxiety
                    1. BUSPAR
                    2. AMITRIPTYLINE (ELAVIL)                             2. Consider Stimulant
                                                                             Laxatives if osmotic agents
                                                                                  1. Senna or Cascara
     3. PAIN DOMINANT SYMPTOMS                                                    2. Bisacodyl
           1. CHRONIC PAIN
                    1.   AMITRIPTYLINE (Elavil) 25
                         mg qhs
                    2.   DESIPRAMINE (Norpramin)
                         50 mg tid                                 4. THIRD LINE (PRESCRIPTION
                    3.   Tegaserod (Zelnorm)                          AGENTS)
                              1. Nyhlin (2004) Scand
                                                                          1.   Amitiza (LUBIPROSTONE)
                                   J Gastroenterol
                                   39:119                          5. RESTRICTED USE AGENT
                    4.   SSRI medications may be                      (EMERGENCY USE ONLY DUE TO
                         effective as adjunct                         RISK)
                              1. Tabas (2004) Am J                        1.   TEGASEROD (Zelnorm): 5-
                                   Gastroenterol 99:914                        HT4 agonist
                                                                                  1. Dose: 6 mg bid 30
                                                                                      minutes before meals

           2. POST-PRANDIAL PAIN:
                    1.   Avoid chronic use                         6. OTHER AGENTS POTENTIALLY
                    2.   Trial for 2 weeks and stop if no             USEFUL
                         effect                                           1.   Guar-Gum
1.  Parisi (2002) Dig Dis Sci
                       2.   Peppermint
                                1. Pittler (1998) Am J
                                    Gastroenterol 93:1131
                       3.   LOXIGLUMIDE
                            RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST)

              1.   SIMETHICONE 40 to 125 mg up to qid
              2.   BETA-GALACTOSIDASE (Beano)

     1.   International Foundation for Functional GI
     2.   American College of Gastroenterology
     3.   Mind-Body Digestive Center

     1.  Camilleri (2000) Gastroenterology 120:652
     2.  Camilleri (1999) Am J Med 107(5A):27F
     3.  Chang (2006) Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol
     4. Drossman (1999) Am J Med 107(5A):41S
     5. Hammer (1999) Am J Med 107(5A):5S
     6. Heymann-Monnikes (2000) Am J Gastroenterol
     7. Holten (2003) Am Fam Physician 67(10):2157
     8. Jailwala (2000) Ann Intern Med 133:136
     9. Mertz (2003) N Engl J Med 349:2136
     10. Naliboff (1999) Curr Rev Pain 3:144
     11. Ringel (2001) Annu Rev Med 52:319
     12. Viera (2002) Am Fam Physician 66:1867
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                              Irritable Bowel

         Overview      Search Term:   Irritable Bowel (disease: Irritable bowel syndrome)
                       Overview                                                                                                 Print page

                       A disorder with chronic or recurrent colonic symptoms without a clearcut etiology. This condition is
Data Correlations      characterized by chronic or recurrent ABDOMINAL PAIN, bloating, MUCUS in FECES, and an erratic
                       disturbance of DEFECATION.
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                         COPA                                         100              Zinc finger, B-box                       100
                         EP400                                        95               Nucleotide-binding, alpha-beta plai…     100
                         ANP32A                                       92               RNA recognition motif, RNP-1             99

                         HNRNPU                                       90               mRNA Processing Reactome                 98

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                            Individual Studies

                         Ulcerative colitis                                            Jejunum from diarrhea-IBS patients and
                                                                                       healthy individuals
                              Homo sapiens |        RNA Expression
                         IBS: Patients who have undergone a diagnostic        Homo sapiens |        RNA Expression
                         program for gastrointestinal symptoms and where Comparison of gene expression profile of
                         the diagnosis irritable bowel syndrome was      diarrhea-irritable bowel syndrome patients and
                         reached.                                        healthy volunteers.
                         Authors: Seidelin JB, Hansen M, Kirkeby LT Authors: Martinez C, Santos J
                         et al.                                     Organization: Institut de Recerca HUVH
                         Organization: University of Copenhagen     Digestive disea…
                         Department of M…

                            View All Individual Studies

                         Literature      | 6,617 results     View All                    Clinical Trials | 347 trials
                                                                                                                              View All

                         Postinfectious irritable bowel
                         syndrome.                                                       A Study to Evaluate the Safety,
                         Authors: Robin Spiller, Klara Garsed                            Tolerability and Pharmacodynamics of
                         Gastroenterology 2009 May                                       DDP733 for IBS-c
                                                                                         conditions: Irritable Bowel Syndrome With
                         Lactobacillus acidophilus modulates                             Constipation ; Irritable Bowel Syndrome
                         intestinal pain and induces opioid and                          interventions: DDP733
                         cannabinoid receptors.
                         Authors: Christel Rousseaux, Xavier
                                                                                         Acupuncture for Irritable Bowel
                         Thuru, Agathe Gelot, Nicolas Barnich,
                         Christel Neut, Laurent Dubuquoy,                                Syndrome
                         Caroline Dubuquoy, Emilie Merour, Karen                         conditions: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
                         Geboes, Mathias Chamaillard,…                                   interventions: Acupuncture
                         Nature medicine 2007 Jan

                         Associated Researchers                                          News      | 5 stories   View All

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                         on research involving Irritable Bowel.                          Irritable Bowel Syndrome Can Have Genetic
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                         Nicholas J Talley       Peter J Whorwell
                                                                                         It's Worth The Risk To Get Relief, IBS Patients
                         Lesley A Houghton       Eamonn M M                              Say In New Study
                                                 Quigley                                 Medical News Today. - May 06, 2009
                         Michael Camilleri
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                                                     Sigmoid Volvulus
               Ads by Google   Hemorrhoid Symptoms   Treatment of Piles   Oil Spill Prevention      Bowel Adhesions            Bowel Black


               Sigmoid volvulus occurs when the last part of the large bowel
               just before the rectum (the sigmoid shaped sigmoid colon)
                                                                                         Treatment for
               twists on its self.
               It is by far the most common type of volvulus, accounting for             Leading Rehab in
               75 to 90 % of all volvulus.                                               South Africa.
               Sigmoid volvulus accounts for up to 8 % of all cases of                   Residential Care.
               intestinal obstruction. It is commoner in the elderly, patients 
               with chronic illnesses, those in long term institutions like
               nursing homes, and patients with mental illness.                          Free Swine Flu
               The use of anti-psychotic medications which often have anti-              What You Need to
               cholinergic constipatory effect has been blamed for the                   Know Before You Get
               increased incidence of sigmoid volvulus in the later sets of              a Swine Flu Shot.

               It can also been seen in children under the age of ten. Men are           Deep Vein
               more often affected than women.                                           Thrombosis
                                                                                         A resource for
               Common to all patients with this condition is chronic                     physicians and
               constipation, which leads to a long redundant sigmoid colon               patients about
               with narrowing of the mesentery (the part where blood vessels             thrombosis!
               pass in to reach the gut).                                      

                                                                                         Osteoarthritis pain
               Volvulus of the sigmoid colon is commoner in Africans, Asians,
               and South Americans. This has been attributed to their
                                                                                         Answers to your
               consumption of high roughage diet. This in it self offers
                                                                                         questions about
               protection against many bowel disorders including constipation.
                                                                                         Osteoarthritis, joint
               There is a common type of sigmoid volvulus almost restricted              pain & more!
               to those of African descent called ileo-sigmoid knoting, and
               affects even young adults.                                      1 Tip of a flat belly :
                                                                               Cut down 1 Kilo of
               In parts of the world with round worm infestation, a heavy load
                                                                               your belly every day
               of worm has been associated with sigmoid volvulus in young
                                                                               by using this 1 weird
                                                                               old tip.
               This is also true in South American Countries like Brazil where
               acquired Mega colon diseases of the large bowel lead to sigmoid

               How to Recognise Volvulus of the Sigmoid Colon

               Volvulus affecting the sigmoid colon will cause a cramping left lower abdominal pain, with associated
               distension, complete failure to open the bowel (obstipation), and there may be nausea.

               Vomiting is usually a very late sign. Fever may occur, especially if the blood supply
               to that part of the gut is affected, and there is perforation of the bowel.
                                                                                                                    Diagnosed with
               Tests Available                                                                                      University researched
                                                                                                                    guide for patients and
               Doctors may wish to do a combination of the following investigations to confirm
                                                                                                                    families. Order Here
               the presence of a sigmoid volvulus:                                                        

               X-RAY                                                                                                1 Tip of a Flat Belly
A normal plain abdominal x-ray will demonstrate a huge air filled distended bowel
                                                                                      Cut down 3 lbs of
like the shape of an inverted U, with the convexity of the U facing the right upper
                                                                                      your belly every week
abdominal quadrant. This shape has been described as the kidney bean shape,
                                                                                      by using this 1 weird
coffee bean shape, bent inner tube shape, ace of spades or ‘Omega loop Sign’. You
can see an example down in the resource section.

                                                                                      Cerebral Palsy
With a water soluble barium enema, the dilatation in the sigmoid colon can be         Therapy
demonstrated to be due to a twist, as it will show an area of complete obstruction    Cerebral Palsy
with some twisting in the so called bird beak or bird of prey sign.                   treatment for children
                                                                                      and adults
Colonoscopy could be done in rare cases, which would help to confirm diagnosis, as

well as treating the obstruction.
                                                                                  Treatment of
Treatment                                                                         Many helpful
                                                                                  information and tips
Once the diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus is confirmed, treatment must be immediate, for affected women.
as delay means more likelihood of bowel wall death and gangrene.                  Find out more
Up to 80% of people with this condition die from gangrene if intervention is
delayed.                                                                              Fast Kidney Stone
There are two approaches to treatment. The first step is to free the acute            All Natural, Safe &
obstruction, and then to fix the redundant part of the bowel in a bid to reduce or    Effective Disintegrates
defer re-occurrence.                                                                  Stone Within Days
In the UK, a rigid sigmoidoscope is often passed into the sigmoid colon through the
anus under direct vision.

Once the junction between the rectum and sigmoid is negotiated and passed, it could open up the
obstruction, letting off the trapped wind in the twisted bowel.

This is followed by spontaneous unwinding of the obstruction, with massive explosion of faeces to the
exterior. A flatus tube is then left in place.

The patient may need fluid replacement, and resuscitation if severely dehydrated, if signs of infection have
set in.

If there is evidence suggestive of perforation, then the abdomen is opened and dealt with.

In up to 90% of patients with sigmoid volvulus, the condition reoccurs after untwisting, without a definitive
operation. For this reason, any one with a sigmoid volvulus would need to be operated during the same
admission if fit enough, to fix down the excessive bowel length.


Prevention of volvulus is basically a matter of preventing chronic constipation.

A diet too high in high fibre diet would lead to elongation of the bowel, and large redundant sigmoid or
mega colon.

Other causes of mega colon include diabetes mellitus, celiac sprue, low potassium levels in the blood for a
long time, and excessive use of laxatives.

Please see more resources on sigmoid volvulus below:

Additional Resources for Gastric Volvulus

Great Books on Volvulus

Picture of Sigmoid Volvulus

Gastric Volvulus

Intestinal Volvulus

Caecal Volvulus

Transverse Volvulus
Recipe for Great Healthy Meals

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Abdominal angina
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abdominal angina is postprandial abdominal pain that occurs in                        Abdominal angina (bowelgina)
individuals with insufficient blood flow to meet mesenteric visceral
demands.[1] The term angina is used in reference to angina pectoris, a           ICD-10                K55.
similar symptom due to obstruction of the coronary artery. The American          ICD-9                 557.1
Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary defines abdominal angina as
"Intermittent abdominal pain, frequently occurring at a fixed time after
eating, caused by inadequacy of the mesenteric circulation. Also called intestinal angina."

       1 Pathophysiology
       2 Frequency
       3 Clinical
       4 Treatment
       5 See also
       6 References

The pathophysiology is similar to that seen in angina pectoris and intermittent claudication. The most common cause of
abdominal angina is atherosclerotic vascular disease, where the occlusive process commonly involves the ostia and the
proximal few centimeters of the mesenteric vessels. It can be associated with:

       carcinoid[2]

       aortic coarctation[3]

       antiphospholipid syndrome[4]

       Internationally: Extremely rare. True incidence is unknown
       Race: No data available
       Sex: Females outnumber males by approximately 3 to 1
       Age: Mean age of affected individuals is slightly older than 60 years

       Hallmark of condition: Disabling midepigastric or central abdominal pain within 10–15 minutes after eating.
       Physical examination: The abdomen typically is scaphoid and soft, even during an episode of pain. Patients present with
        stigmata of weight loss and signs of peripheral vascular disease, particularly aortoiliac occlusive disease, may be present.
       Causes: Smoking is an associated risk factor. In most series, approximately 75-80% of patients smoke.

Stents have been used in the treatment of abdominal angina.[5][6]

See also
   Abdominal pain
      Ischemic colitis

  1. ^ Kapadia S, Parakh R, Grover T, Agarwal S (2005). "Side-to-side aorto-mesenteric anastomosis for management of abdominal
     angina". Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology 24 (6): 256–7. PMID
  2. ^ deVries H, Wijffels RT, Willemse PH, et al. (2005). "Abdominal angina in patients with a midgut carcinoid, a sign of severe
     pathology". World journal of surgery 29 (9): 1139–42. doi:10.1007/s00268-005-7825-x. PMID 16086212.
  3. ^ Ingu A, Morikawa M, Fuse S, Abe T (2003). "Acute occlusion of a simple aortic coarctation presenting as abdominal angina".
     Pediatric cardiology 24 (5): 488–9. doi:10.1007/s00246-002-0381-3. PMID 14627320.
  4. ^ Choi BG, Jeon HS, Lee SO, Yoo WH, Lee ST, Ahn DS (2002). "Primary antiphospholipid syndrome presenting with abdominal
     angina and splenic infarction". Rheumatol. Int. 22 (3): 119–21. doi:10.1007/s00296-002-0196-9. PMID 12111088.
  5. ^ Senechal Q, Massoni JM, Laurian C, Pernes JM (2001). "Transient relief of abdominal angina by Wallstent placement into an
     occluded superior mesenteric artery". The Journal of cardiovascular surgery 42 (1): 101–5. PMID 11292915.
  6. ^ Busquet J (1997). "Intravascular stenting in the superior mesenteric artery for chronic abdominal angina". Journal of endovascular 
     surgery : the official journal of the International Society for Endovascular Surgery 4 (4): 380–4. PMID 9418203.
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Categories: Pain

      This page was last modified on 5 September 2009 at 12:04.
      Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms
       of Use for details.
       Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.
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32 Irs

  • 1. Irritable bowel syndrome = IRS Functional disorders See also : placebo effect Further reading : ice=1645&bytRel=26&blnBW=255&strBB=LR&blnClassSort= 0 Tenesmus = Painful spasm of the anal sphincter along with an urgent desire to defecate without the significant production of feces; associated with irritable bowel syndrome 181075954
  • 2. 4. Risk Factors: Psychosocial 1. Anxiety 2. Major Depression 3. Somatization Disorder 4. Sexual abuse or physical abuse 5. Stressful life events 6. Substance Abuse 5. Types 1. Alternating Diarrhea and Constipation 2. Nervous Diarrhea 3. Predominant Constipation 4. Upper abdominal bloating and discomfort 6. Symptoms 1. ALTERED BOWEL HABITS 1. Diarrhea 2. Constipation 3. Scybalous stools Irritable Bowel Syndrome 1. Epidemiology 1. Lifetime Prevalence: 10-22% 2. RECURRENT AND CHRONIC ABDOMINAL 2. Slightly more common in women PAIN 3. Prevalence for elderly same as for young 1. Upper abdominal discomfort after 4. MOST COMMON CONDITION SEEN BY eating GASTROENTEROLOGISTS 2. Left Lower Quadrant Abdominal Pain 3. Right Lower Quadrant Abdominal Pain 4. ABDOMINAL PAIN RELIEVED WITH DEFECATION 2. Pathophysiology 1. Organic gastrointestinal hypersensitivity 2. Provoked by psychosocial risk factors 3. Gaseousness 3. SEVERE GASTROENTERITIS EPISODE MAY BE 1. Excessive Flatulence or Eructation ASSOCIATED 2. Normal patients experience about 13 farts per day 3. Associated Conditions 1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 4. Nausea or Vomiting 2. Dysphagia 3. Globus Hystericus 4. Fatigue 5. Non-cardiac Chest Pain 6. Urologic dysfunction 7. Gynecologic disease (e.g. Chronic Pelvic Pain) 8. Fibromyalgia 9. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 10. Temperomandibular joint syndrome 11. Food Allergy 12. Low-fiber diet
  • 3. 7. Diagnosis: Rome Criteria 9. Red Flags: Symptoms and signs 1. ABDOMINAL SYMPTOMS PERSISTENT OR suggestive of other diagnosis RECURRENT FOR 3 MONTHS 1. Nighttime Diarrhea 1. Abdominal Pain or discomfort 2. Nocturnal stool Incontinence 2. Symptoms relieved with Defecation 3. Nocturnal awakening due to abdominal discomfort 3. Irregular pattern of Defecation (>25% of 4. Abdominal Pain that interferes with normal sleep time) 5. Visible or occult blood in stool 1. Change in stool frequency 6. Weight loss 2. Change in stool consistency 7. Recurrent Fever 8. Family History of Colon Cancer 9. Family History of Inflammatory Bowel Disease 10. Elderly 2. TWO OR MORE BELOW (ONE QUARTER OF DAYS) 1. Altered stool frequency 2. Altered stool consistency 11. LABORATORY ABNORMALITY 1. Constipation 1. Leukocytosis 2. Diarrhea 2. Anemia 3. Increased Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 3. ALTERED STOOL PASSAGE 1. Straining for normal consistency stool 2. Urgency of Defecation 3. Incomplete evacuation 4. MUCUS IN STOOLS 5. ABDOMINAL BLOATING OR DISTENTION 8. Diagnosis: Manning Criteria 1. Abdominal Pain 2. Loose stools 3. Increased stool frequency 4. ABDOMINAL PAIN RELIEVED WITH DEFECATION 5. Abdominal distention 6. Mucus in stools 7. Sensation of incomplete evacuation
  • 4. 10.Differential Diagnosis 11. Psychiatric illness 1. COLONIC ADENOCARCINOMA 1. Depression 2. Somatization 3. Anxiety Disorder or Panic Disorder 2. INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE 1. Ulcerative Colitis 2. Crohn's Disease 12. Medications 1. Laxatives 2. Constipating medications 3. Abdominal Angina (Ischemic colitis) 4. Pseudo-obstruction (Diabetes Mellitus, Scleroderma) 5. Intermittent sigmoid volvulus 6. Toxic Megacolon or bacterial overgrowth syndrome 7. Endocrine causes 1. Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism 2. Diabetes Mellitus 3. Addison's Disease 8. Malabsorption 1. Celiac Sprue (strongly consider if Diarrhea with red flags) 2. Lactose Intolerance 3. Pancreatic insufficiency 9. Giardiasis 10. Endometriosis
  • 5. 11.Evaluation 12.Labs: Initial, based on predominant 1. General symptom 1. Avoid a piecemeal work-up 1. CONSTIPATION DOMINANT 1. Perform a complete 1. Complete Blood Count (CBC) evaluation the first time 2. Serum Electrolytes or Chemistry panel 2. Avoid over-investigation (chem8) 3. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 4. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy 2. IRRITABLE BOWEL IS NO LONGER DIAGNOSIS OF EXCLUSION 2. DIARRHEA PREDOMINANT 1. Diagnostic criteria above 1. Stool Ova and Parasites are sufficient to treat 2. Fecal Leukocytes 3. Complete Blood Count (CBC) 4. Serum Electrolytes or chemistry panel 3. INDICATIONS FOR FULL 5. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) EVALUATION AND 6. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) GASTROENTEROLOGY 7. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy 1. Red flags present (see above) or 8. Celiac Sprue (Transglutaminase, 2. Onset over age 50 years endomysial Antibody) 1. Usually associated with red flag signs or symptoms 2. CAREFUL HISTORY 1. History of Gastrointestinal Symptoms 2. Family History of gastrointestinal disease 3. Marital History 3. PAIN DOMINANT 4. Sexual Abuse (strong correlation) 1. Complete Blood Count (CBC) 3. REASONABLE EXAM 4. Reference 1. Thorough abdominal examination 2. Also focus on possible endocrine 1. Fass (2001) Arch Intern Med causes 161:2081 4. LOOK FOR FOOD INTOLERANCE 1. Lactose Intolerance 2. Sorbitol 3. Wheat (Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy)
  • 6. 13.Diagnostic studies 7. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners (fructose) 1. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy 8. Avoid Fatty meals 1. More uncomfortable in Irritable 9. Corn, wheat and citrus may Bowel Syndrome also exacerbate IBS 2. Consider additional studies as indicated 5. AVOID PROVOCATIVE OR ADDICTIVE 1. Upper GI Study MEDICATIONS 2. Barium Enema 1. Stimulant Laxatives (except brief use) 1. CORRECTOL 2. DULCOLAX 3. CASCARA 14.Management: General Measure 1. SEE THE PATIENT FREQUENTLY 1. Maintain a strong doctor-patient 2. SEDATIVES OR TRANQUILIZERS relationship (BENZODIAZEPINES) 2. Offer frequent reassurance 3. Identify and treat emotional stressors 4. Answer patients questions in unhurried environment 3. NARCOTICS 2. DO NOT DOWNPLAY SYMPTOMS AS PSYCHIATRIC 1. Irritable Bowel is a real functional bowel problem 2. Explain physiology and absence of serious illness 3. REDUCE STRESSORS 1. Teach relaxation techniques 2. Teach coping mechanisms for chronic illness 4. GENERAL DIET RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Get adequate fluid intake (>64 ounces/day) 2. Bulk agents (gradually increase) 1. METAMUCIL 2. CITRUCEL 3. High fiber-bran 3. Consider avoiding provocative agents 1. Consider Elimination Diet 2. Avoid caffeine 3. Avoid Alcohol 4. Avoid Legumes and other gas producing foods 5. Avoid Dairy products (lactose) 6. Avoid carbonated beverages (Sorbitol)
  • 7. 3. DICYCLOMINE (Bentyl) 10-20 mg, 15 min before meal 4. HYOSCYAMINE (Levsin) 0.125 to 15.Management: Symptom specific 0.25 mg before meal medications 1. DIARRHEA 1. Consider eliminating lactose, caffeine from diet 4. CONSTIPATION 2. CHOLESTYRAMINE 4 grams qhs to 6 1. Use gastro-colic response times daily 3. LOPERAMIDE (Imodium) 2-4 mg qid prn 1. Wake-up, eat breakfast 1. Before meals and anticipate stool in AM 2. As needed in stressful social situations 4. ONDANSETRON (Serotonin antagonist) 1. Reduces rapid transit 5. ALOSETRON (LOTRONEX) 2. FIRST LINE: BULK AGENTS (E.G. 1. Risk of Constipation and FIBER, PSYLLIUM, BRAN) ischemic colitis 1. Titrate to 20-30 grams per day 1. Iatrogenic deaths have 2. Risk of bloating initially occured 2. Black box warning: Signed informed consent needed 2. FDA approved only for women 3. SECOND LINE (USE AT BEDTIME with IBS with Diarrhea FOR AM STOOL) 3. Dose: 1 mg daily (may advance 1. Osmotic agents to bid) 1. LACTULOSE 1-2 6. PEPPERMINT teaspoons at bedtime 1. Pittler (1998) Am J 2. POLYETHYLENE Gastroenterol 93:1131 GLYCOL solution 8 ounces at bedtime 3. MILK OF MAGNESIA 1-2 tablespoons at 2. COMORBID MOOD DISORDERS bedtime 1. Major Depression 4. MIRALAX 1. SSRI MEDICATIONS OR OTHER ANTIDEPRESSANTS 2. Anxiety 1. BUSPAR 2. AMITRIPTYLINE (ELAVIL) 2. Consider Stimulant Laxatives if osmotic agents fail 1. Senna or Cascara 3. PAIN DOMINANT SYMPTOMS 2. Bisacodyl 1. CHRONIC PAIN 1. AMITRIPTYLINE (Elavil) 25 mg qhs 2. DESIPRAMINE (Norpramin) 50 mg tid 4. THIRD LINE (PRESCRIPTION 3. Tegaserod (Zelnorm) AGENTS) 1. Nyhlin (2004) Scand 1. Amitiza (LUBIPROSTONE) J Gastroenterol 39:119 5. RESTRICTED USE AGENT 4. SSRI medications may be (EMERGENCY USE ONLY DUE TO effective as adjunct RISK) 1. Tabas (2004) Am J 1. TEGASEROD (Zelnorm): 5- Gastroenterol 99:914 HT4 agonist 1. Dose: 6 mg bid 30 minutes before meals 2. POST-PRANDIAL PAIN: ANTICHOLINERGIC 1. Avoid chronic use 6. OTHER AGENTS POTENTIALLY 2. Trial for 2 weeks and stop if no USEFUL effect 1. Guar-Gum
  • 8. 1. Parisi (2002) Dig Dis Sci 47:1696 2. Peppermint 1. Pittler (1998) Am J Gastroenterol 93:1131 3. LOXIGLUMIDE (CHOLECYSTOKININ-A RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST) 5. EXCESSIVE FLATUS (GAS) 1. SIMETHICONE 40 to 125 mg up to qid 2. BETA-GALACTOSIDASE (Beano) 16.Resources 1. International Foundation for Functional GI Disorders 1. 2. American College of Gastroenterology 1. 3. Mind-Body Digestive Center 1. 17.References 1. Camilleri (2000) Gastroenterology 120:652 2. Camilleri (1999) Am J Med 107(5A):27F 3. Chang (2006) Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol 9(4):314 4. Drossman (1999) Am J Med 107(5A):41S 5. Hammer (1999) Am J Med 107(5A):5S 6. Heymann-Monnikes (2000) Am J Gastroenterol 95:981 7. Holten (2003) Am Fam Physician 67(10):2157 8. Jailwala (2000) Ann Intern Med 133:136 9. Mertz (2003) N Engl J Med 349:2136 10. Naliboff (1999) Curr Rev Pain 3:144 11. Ringel (2001) Annu Rev Med 52:319 12. Viera (2002) Am Fam Physician 66:1867
  • 9. MY NEXTBIO DATA IMPORT COMMUNITY CORPORATE HOME Sign In Register for free Irritable Bowel Overview Search Term: Irritable Bowel (disease: Irritable bowel syndrome) Overview Print page RESEARCH A disorder with chronic or recurrent colonic symptoms without a clearcut etiology. This condition is Data Correlations characterized by chronic or recurrent ABDOMINAL PAIN, bloating, MUCUS in FECES, and an erratic disturbance of DEFECATION. PUBLICATIONS View Complete Description Literature Clinical Trials News Data Correlations | 2 studies View All NEXTBIO Genes Score Biogroups Score COMMUNITY COPA 100 Zinc finger, B-box 100 Users EP400 95 Nucleotide-binding, alpha-beta plai… 100 Groups ANP32A 92 RNA recognition motif, RNP-1 99 HNRNPU 90 mRNA Processing Reactome 98 51752 88 NFAT Pathway 98 Bookmark this page CALR 88 Transcription Factor CREB and Its E… 97 Forward this page View Top Genes View Top Biogroups E-mail feedback Individual Studies Ulcerative colitis Jejunum from diarrhea-IBS patients and healthy individuals Homo sapiens | RNA Expression IBS: Patients who have undergone a diagnostic Homo sapiens | RNA Expression program for gastrointestinal symptoms and where Comparison of gene expression profile of the diagnosis irritable bowel syndrome was diarrhea-irritable bowel syndrome patients and reached. healthy volunteers. Authors: Seidelin JB, Hansen M, Kirkeby LT Authors: Martinez C, Santos J et al. Organization: Institut de Recerca HUVH Organization: University of Copenhagen Digestive disea… Department of M… View All Individual Studies Literature | 6,617 results View All Clinical Trials | 347 trials View All Postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome. A Study to Evaluate the Safety, Authors: Robin Spiller, Klara Garsed Tolerability and Pharmacodynamics of Gastroenterology 2009 May DDP733 for IBS-c conditions: Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Lactobacillus acidophilus modulates Constipation ; Irritable Bowel Syndrome intestinal pain and induces opioid and interventions: DDP733 cannabinoid receptors. Authors: Christel Rousseaux, Xavier Acupuncture for Irritable Bowel Thuru, Agathe Gelot, Nicolas Barnich, Christel Neut, Laurent Dubuquoy, Syndrome Caroline Dubuquoy, Emilie Merour, Karen conditions: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Geboes, Mathias Chamaillard,… interventions: Acupuncture Nature medicine 2007 Jan Associated Researchers News | 5 stories View All Thought leaders and organizations working on research involving Irritable Bowel. Irritable Bowel Syndrome Can Have Genetic Causes Authors View All Medical News Today. Nicholas J Talley Peter J Whorwell It's Worth The Risk To Get Relief, IBS Patients Lesley A Houghton Eamonn M M Say In New Study Quigley Medical News Today. - May 06, 2009 Michael Camilleri
  • 10. Clinical Trials Sponsors View All Community National Center for Dynogen Complementary Pharmaceuticals NextBio Users | 1 person View All and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Irene Gabashvili Department of Astellas Pharma Founder Veterans Affairs Inc Aurametrix Penn State University NextBio Groups Organizations View All No NextBio groups were found for “Irritable Bowel”. University College University of Be the first to start a group and share your Cork California interests with others within the NextBio community. Mayo Clinic College McMaster of Medicine University University Hospital of South Manchester Resources Contact Us Customer Support © 2009 NextBio | privacy policy | terms of service | site map
  • 11. Subscribe To This Site Sigmoid Volvulus Ads by Google Hemorrhoid Symptoms Treatment of Piles Oil Spill Prevention Bowel Adhesions Bowel Black Search Sigmoid volvulus occurs when the last part of the large bowel just before the rectum (the sigmoid shaped sigmoid colon) Treatment for twists on its self. Anorexia It is by far the most common type of volvulus, accounting for Leading Rehab in 75 to 90 % of all volvulus. South Africa. Professional Sigmoid volvulus accounts for up to 8 % of all cases of Residential Care. intestinal obstruction. It is commoner in the elderly, patients with chronic illnesses, those in long term institutions like nursing homes, and patients with mental illness. Free Swine Flu Report The use of anti-psychotic medications which often have anti- What You Need to cholinergic constipatory effect has been blamed for the Know Before You Get increased incidence of sigmoid volvulus in the later sets of a Swine Flu Shot. patients. It can also been seen in children under the age of ten. Men are Deep Vein more often affected than women. Thrombosis A resource for Common to all patients with this condition is chronic physicians and constipation, which leads to a long redundant sigmoid colon patients about with narrowing of the mesentery (the part where blood vessels thrombosis! pass in to reach the gut). Osteoarthritis pain Volvulus of the sigmoid colon is commoner in Africans, Asians, relief and South Americans. This has been attributed to their Answers to your consumption of high roughage diet. This in it self offers questions about protection against many bowel disorders including constipation. Osteoarthritis, joint There is a common type of sigmoid volvulus almost restricted pain & more! to those of African descent called ileo-sigmoid knoting, and affects even young adults. 1 Tip of a flat belly : Cut down 1 Kilo of In parts of the world with round worm infestation, a heavy load your belly every day of worm has been associated with sigmoid volvulus in young by using this 1 weird persons. old tip. This is also true in South American Countries like Brazil where acquired Mega colon diseases of the large bowel lead to sigmoid volvulus. How to Recognise Volvulus of the Sigmoid Colon Volvulus affecting the sigmoid colon will cause a cramping left lower abdominal pain, with associated distension, complete failure to open the bowel (obstipation), and there may be nausea. Vomiting is usually a very late sign. Fever may occur, especially if the blood supply to that part of the gut is affected, and there is perforation of the bowel. Diagnosed with Leukaemia? Tests Available University researched guide for patients and Doctors may wish to do a combination of the following investigations to confirm families. Order Here the presence of a sigmoid volvulus: X-RAY 1 Tip of a Flat Belly
  • 12. : A normal plain abdominal x-ray will demonstrate a huge air filled distended bowel Cut down 3 lbs of like the shape of an inverted U, with the convexity of the U facing the right upper your belly every week abdominal quadrant. This shape has been described as the kidney bean shape, by using this 1 weird coffee bean shape, bent inner tube shape, ace of spades or ‘Omega loop Sign’. You tip. can see an example down in the resource section. BARIUM ENEMA Cerebral Palsy With a water soluble barium enema, the dilatation in the sigmoid colon can be Therapy demonstrated to be due to a twist, as it will show an area of complete obstruction Cerebral Palsy with some twisting in the so called bird beak or bird of prey sign. treatment for children and adults Colonoscopy could be done in rare cases, which would help to confirm diagnosis, as well as treating the obstruction. Treatment of Osteoporosis Treatment Many helpful information and tips Once the diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus is confirmed, treatment must be immediate, for affected women. as delay means more likelihood of bowel wall death and gangrene. Find out more Up to 80% of people with this condition die from gangrene if intervention is delayed. Fast Kidney Stone Relief There are two approaches to treatment. The first step is to free the acute All Natural, Safe & obstruction, and then to fix the redundant part of the bowel in a bid to reduce or Effective Disintegrates defer re-occurrence. Stone Within Days In the UK, a rigid sigmoidoscope is often passed into the sigmoid colon through the anus under direct vision. Once the junction between the rectum and sigmoid is negotiated and passed, it could open up the obstruction, letting off the trapped wind in the twisted bowel. This is followed by spontaneous unwinding of the obstruction, with massive explosion of faeces to the exterior. A flatus tube is then left in place. The patient may need fluid replacement, and resuscitation if severely dehydrated, if signs of infection have set in. If there is evidence suggestive of perforation, then the abdomen is opened and dealt with. In up to 90% of patients with sigmoid volvulus, the condition reoccurs after untwisting, without a definitive operation. For this reason, any one with a sigmoid volvulus would need to be operated during the same admission if fit enough, to fix down the excessive bowel length. Prevention Prevention of volvulus is basically a matter of preventing chronic constipation. A diet too high in high fibre diet would lead to elongation of the bowel, and large redundant sigmoid or mega colon. Other causes of mega colon include diabetes mellitus, celiac sprue, low potassium levels in the blood for a long time, and excessive use of laxatives. Please see more resources on sigmoid volvulus below: Additional Resources for Gastric Volvulus Great Books on Volvulus Picture of Sigmoid Volvulus Gastric Volvulus Intestinal Volvulus Caecal Volvulus Transverse Volvulus
  • 13. Recipe for Great Healthy Meals You Can Help Keep This Site Going If you choose to, you can help keep this site free by making very little donations. Some have donated £0.20. Your sponsorship will cover the cost of running this site and of writing the information herein. Disclaimers The information presented on this site is strictly for educational purposes only. It by no means constitutes a recommendation of treatment or substitute for medical consultations. Medical knowledge is dynamic. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and up-to- date- ness of the content of this site, or its owners or partners will not accept responsibility or liability of any sort for the use of information here-in in any manner. Search Web © 2006. Bethelgroups Limited. All rights reserved¦Contact Us ¦ Want a UK Job? Check Here¦ Get African Food Delivered to You ¦ UK Railways Tickets¦ Bethelgroups Online Shop ¦ Best Mobile Phone Deals ¦ Free Ringtones
  • 14. Abdominal angina From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Abdominal angina is postprandial abdominal pain that occurs in Abdominal angina (bowelgina) individuals with insufficient blood flow to meet mesenteric visceral demands.[1] The term angina is used in reference to angina pectoris, a ICD-10 K55. similar symptom due to obstruction of the coronary artery. The American ICD-9 557.1 Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary defines abdominal angina as "Intermittent abdominal pain, frequently occurring at a fixed time after eating, caused by inadequacy of the mesenteric circulation. Also called intestinal angina." Contents  1 Pathophysiology  2 Frequency  3 Clinical  4 Treatment  5 See also  6 References Pathophysiology The pathophysiology is similar to that seen in angina pectoris and intermittent claudication. The most common cause of abdominal angina is atherosclerotic vascular disease, where the occlusive process commonly involves the ostia and the proximal few centimeters of the mesenteric vessels. It can be associated with:  carcinoid[2]  aortic coarctation[3]  antiphospholipid syndrome[4] Frequency  Internationally: Extremely rare. True incidence is unknown  Race: No data available  Sex: Females outnumber males by approximately 3 to 1  Age: Mean age of affected individuals is slightly older than 60 years Clinical  Hallmark of condition: Disabling midepigastric or central abdominal pain within 10–15 minutes after eating.  Physical examination: The abdomen typically is scaphoid and soft, even during an episode of pain. Patients present with stigmata of weight loss and signs of peripheral vascular disease, particularly aortoiliac occlusive disease, may be present.  Causes: Smoking is an associated risk factor. In most series, approximately 75-80% of patients smoke. Treatment Stents have been used in the treatment of abdominal angina.[5][6] See also
  • 15. Abdominal pain  Ischemic colitis References 1. ^ Kapadia S, Parakh R, Grover T, Agarwal S (2005). "Side-to-side aorto-mesenteric anastomosis for management of abdominal angina". Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology 24 (6): 256–7. PMID 16424623. 2. ^ deVries H, Wijffels RT, Willemse PH, et al. (2005). "Abdominal angina in patients with a midgut carcinoid, a sign of severe pathology". World journal of surgery 29 (9): 1139–42. doi:10.1007/s00268-005-7825-x. PMID 16086212. 3. ^ Ingu A, Morikawa M, Fuse S, Abe T (2003). "Acute occlusion of a simple aortic coarctation presenting as abdominal angina". Pediatric cardiology 24 (5): 488–9. doi:10.1007/s00246-002-0381-3. PMID 14627320. 4. ^ Choi BG, Jeon HS, Lee SO, Yoo WH, Lee ST, Ahn DS (2002). "Primary antiphospholipid syndrome presenting with abdominal angina and splenic infarction". Rheumatol. Int. 22 (3): 119–21. doi:10.1007/s00296-002-0196-9. PMID 12111088. 5. ^ Senechal Q, Massoni JM, Laurian C, Pernes JM (2001). "Transient relief of abdominal angina by Wallstent placement into an occluded superior mesenteric artery". The Journal of cardiovascular surgery 42 (1): 101–5. PMID 11292915. 6. ^ Busquet J (1997). "Intravascular stenting in the superior mesenteric artery for chronic abdominal angina". Journal of endovascular  surgery : the official journal of the International Society for Endovascular Surgery 4 (4): 380–4. PMID 9418203. Retrieved from "" Categories: Pain  This page was last modified on 5 September 2009 at 12:04.  Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.  Contact us