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Kieran Bradley
Existing Product
I have found a pre-existing product, a radio documentary series produced by BBC
Radio 4, called “Brexit: A Guide For the perplexed” I have chosen to look at this
episode, because I feel as if it’s the same question being asked over and over again…
“ when we leave the EU who’s going to be most effected and most vulnerable”. This
episode, presented by Chris Morris, goes in to great detail, to try and make people
understand the risks of leaving and to try and answer the big questions. My audience
will be appealed to this episode because, a lot of young people didn’t get a chance to
vote, because of there age and I know that are always asking the question about
possible risks, I feel as if they would be interested in finding out the answer and
becoming more educated on the matter. I have also chosen to look at this episode,
because I will be asking similar questions, when I come to produce my one project,
therefore this will give me a good insight in how to ask my questions and to also pick
up different techniques. Looking at the design of the webpage for this documentary,
it’s clear to see why my audience could be attracted to listening to this, because of
the vibrant colours used, and also the very detailed image of different countries that
you can see. I have also seen the use of different sound effects used throughout this
episode, they are used at exactly the right time, when the presenter is talking about a
certain action, for example he mentions about a bike bell, then adds sound effects,
which in a way brings what he says to life. Looking at the meaning of creation behind
this, I can see that the map is very informative and it shows a mood that this
documentary carries, it shows the listener that this documentary is serious, and
somewhat “sensible”
Existing Product
Starting Introduction- the start of this episode sounds very
professional and well put together, when listening this sounds as if
the presenter is outside in the open, but in fact the sounds and
outside element were produced in a studio.
Location- the location gives the listener a sense of realism and the
presenters, talks in a down to earth manner, this will make the
listener feel comfortable.
Drama/ Fictional elements- this was produced for entertainment
Music- the music used in this episode “Get Out Of London” this is
used as the music bed throughout. “Hit The Road Jack”
Get Out Of London by Intaferon. Produced in 1983.
Hit The Road Jack by Ray Charles. Produced in 1961.
These two songs were chosen for this episode, because in the
years that they were produced the older generation would have
been teenagers, therefore it will bring back nostalgia.
Existing Product
I have found a pre-existing radio documentary, called “Where are we
heading” this episode highlights the concern that some people may
have about where the country is heading when it comes to leaving
the EU, I have seen that at the beginning of this episode the
presenter asks a taxi driver to take him to “Brexit” the taxi driver
then replies “that will cost you”. The presenter then replies “ I don’t
know where that is or where I’m heading” I have seen that the
presenter has produced a play on words here and referred it back to
the title of the episode. My documentary will appeal to this audience
because the producers behind this series have made it
understandable and easy for young people and people within my
target audience to understand what the presenter is talking about
also they have to make sure that the listener is always connected to
what is being said, radio is different compared to watching a movie
or TV show, radio requires your full attention. I have found that the
producers have used a meaning of creation behind this documentary,
the producers have used the United Kingdom flag European flag and
have put Big Ben in the back ground to express the mood and feeling
that this documentary will give.
Existing Product
I have found a pre-existing radio documentary, exploring the effects of
being named after a famous person, and how that can over shadow a
person, listening to this episode I have seen that it goes in to great detail
about this issue, during the episode, a young person called “Michael
Jackson” tells his story of being named after the famous singer, saying how
he got treated differently when the singer hit the headlines. When it
comes to this documentary attracting my target audience, I think it will
definitely attract them because, this documentary has a lot of young
people being featured in it, also because this is a relatively modern topic.
Looking at the webpage for this documentary I can also see how that
would attract my target audience to listen, it has many vibrant colours
being used, also because the webpage looks inviting and looks as if it could
connect with young people, for example at the top of the screen there are
many different images of several different activities that would interest
people within my target audience. Looking at the creation of meaning
behind, this documentary, I can see that the producers have incorporated
the sea, to express a sense and feeling of isolation and loneliness.
Existing Product
I have found pre-existing radio documentary, talking about the big
question being asked by many “Taking back control” listening the
start of this documentary, it felt very relaxed, the presenter will
joke at times and make what he is taking about understandable to
young people by making references to football. I think that this
episode will attract my target audience and make them want to
listen because immigration and taking back control are two big
topics that everyone hears about and has views on, regardless of
age. I also feel as if my target audience will want to know the
answer to the question being asked and again how and if it will
effect them. One continuing element I have found after listening
to all of these products is, the presenter is always focused on the
listener, and is always trying to make them feel involved in some
way or another. Looking at this webpage I can see that they have
used certain images to make it easy for the listener to understand
what the documentary will be about, also looking at the effects of
the main images I can see that there is a main focus on big ben,
and have decided to to slightly blur out the two flags, looking in to
this, this could be because they want to put the main focus on the
UK, that’s why they have made the image of big ben very clear,
because this episode is ultimately based on taking back control.
Existing Product
I have found two pre-existing radio logo’s, I have decided to annotate
these two logo’s because I can gain a lot of inspiration when I come to
create my own. Looking at the BBC logo I can see they have decided to
use squares instead of any other shape, they have also used sand serif on
the text, they have also gone for a plain colour scheme of black and
white. This logo gives of a very professional manner, looking at the
colours that have been used and it’s general layout I can see that this
news channel is aimed at an older audience. Looking at the second logo,
I can see that this is similar to BBC, it has three letters, all are placed in
squares, and have white font being used throughout. The difference is
that, each square contains a colour, looking at this in more detail I know
that each colour represents a political party, they have used red to
highlight the Labour party, blue the highlight the Conservative party and
I see they have used black, this could be to undermine the Liberal
Democrats. Looking at this logo I can also see that each square isn’t a
lined properly, some are higher than others, this could mean that the
Conservative party are more regarded and are higher than any other
party. You can also see that the BBC logo has no major colours, especially
of those used by political party’s, this is because the BBC can not focus
on one party more than the other, they have to be non-biased and be
open to every party. Looking back at the LBC logo I can also see that at
the bottom corner of the red square it has sort of a tick and looking at it
full on it represents a message bubble, this is the radio stations way of
trying to attract younger listeners by showing them that they are up-to-
date with theology, because every young person has a phone or some
sort of electronic device.
Existing Product
I have found a collection of podcasts based on Brexit, on the
Financial Times website. This podcast is presented by Sarah Jenkins,
this episode focuses on the big question, “Are UK citizens rights at
risk?”. when listening to this podcast I found that the producer has
not used a music bed throughout this podcast, but they have
incorporated music at the beginning of the episode, also I heard that
they have used sound effects whenever they are talking about
something in particular, for example at the end of this episode a
woman talks about having lunch, and as soon as she mentioned it
the producer had incorporated sound effects of knives and forks on
a plate to ultimately bring it to life. After looking at this podcast and
a number of other pre-exiting ones, I have found that each one
carries a certain mood, depending on media outlet that it producing
the podcast, for example when listening to this podcast I have found
straight that it is intended for an older audience, this is partly the
reason why the producer has not used a music bed, and it is just
straight talking throughout, because they now that this news papers
target audience will be engaged throughout the podcast regardless
of whether a music bed is used or not. I have also found an audience
profile of a typical reader of this news paper, as you can see they are
usually aged between 18-24, they live in the south of UK
predominately London, they are usually right wing, and have an
average monthly income of £1,000 or more. Looking at the different
tools that this producer has used, for this podcast. I can see that they
have used the “Razor” tool, this would have been used to cut out any
unwanted audio. They have also mixed there music. Although they
have not used a music bed
Existing Product
Here you can see that I have found a collection of podcasts,
titled “The Guardian’s Brexit Means…” created by news
paper The Guardian, this episode goes in to detail about
the ongoing war of words between the EU and Britain, and
tries to shine some light on the ongoing talks about an
agreement. Straight away when I started to listen to this
podcast I could tell that this was aimed at an older
audience, with this being said, I was surprised to find out
that The Guardian’s typical reader is aged between 18-24,
they are usually male, with a social grade of ABC1, this
person usually lives in London, they have a monthly spare
of £125 to £499, they usually have a profession in Civil
Society and Charity and there political stance is strong left
wing. Listening to this podcast I can tell that the producer
has used a number of different tool when producing this, I
can hear the the presenter comes across in a very
professional manner and sounds very educated. The tools
that they have used within this podcast, would have been
the “Razor” tool, this would have been used to cut out
unwanted audio, they have also used different types of
music and some sound effects to bring there podcast in a
way “to life” they have also mixed there audio with there
music and I think that works really well. Also looking at the
different sounds and music that have been put in this
podcast I can see that they have been intended for the
nature of the topic, for example the topic is quite serious
and the music reflects this, as it’s not sort of music that you
could have a good time listening to, and the producers
wants the audience to understand that.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
• After looking at all of pre-existing products I have found three, of the four are based on Brexit, another common feature that I have
found, is that they all use sound effects and music, also they are all aimed at younger people, the episodes that are based on Brexit are
produced so they can be easily understood by younger listeners. Looking at the different webpages I can see that they all use vibrant
colours and are very inviting and welcoming, these are the elements that are needed to attract a younger audience. I have also
researched the pros and cons around leaving the European union, I have also looked at different sound effects that I may use when I
come to produce my product, I have also found a number of different royalty free tracks that I could also use, I have also looked at
different audience profiles, relating to BBC Radio 4, I have researched this because I want to get a wider understand of there target
audience, because then it would ultimately help me with I come to decided my own target audience. I feel as this has really been
beneficial to me, because after looking at the audience profile for example, it has helped me to understand my potential target group
for this project. Looking more at the products that I have researched I can see that near enough all of them use music in, and have
sound effects, they all cover the same topic and the langue used is near the same, and intended for the same audience. I can also see
that each producer for each show has used the same tools, for example , they have all used the “Razor” tool to cut and remove audio
and they have have all mixed there audio and music together.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work?
– After looking at and listening to all of my pre-existing products I have found a lot of inspiration that I can take away from each
documentary, I will definitely take away different elements of the sound effects used throughout each product, I will also try and
include the different references and word play that is used in each product. I will take inspiration from the colours used in the
pre-existing logos I have found. Also after listening to each pre-existing show, I have found that the producer uses a number of
different sound effects to bring that the presenter is saying to life, also I have seen that each show carries a certain mood and
the listener will notice this quite early on, and each show has a music bed that is used throughout the show, the producers has
used a number of different tools for each show, they would have more than likely used a state of the art editing software
programme, such as Adobe Audition. I have also found that the presenter does a play on words through-out the shows, this will
be used for a number of different reasons, to keep the listener engaged and I think the listener could find this quite funny in
some ways.
Questionnaire Analysis
Kieran Bradley
Audience research
Here I have found some information based on the type of person that
Radio 4 aim there shows at, by looking at this, you can see that they are
typically left wing, they live in the London, they have a monthy share of
£1,0000 or more, they are aged 55+, they are male and there social
grade is usually ABC1.
Audience research
• Observation:
• Looking at the responses from this question, I can see that 0% of people 15 and under took part in my survey, I can also see that 45% of
people aged 16-19 took apart in my survey and 54% of people, aged 20+ took part in my survey.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at these results, this tells me that a large potion of people beyond the age of 20 took part in my survey, compared to
the other ages I had included in this question.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because the topic I have decided to base my radio documentary on is aimed at the
older generation and people that are aged 20+. Also people around this age range are usually more interested in politics
than young people.
Audience research
• Observation:
• Looking at the responses from this question, I can see that 48% of people that took part in my survey were male. I can also see that 51% of
people that took part in my survey were female.
• What this says about my audience:
• This tells me that a large potion of my audience are female, but also if you look closely, there is only a small percentage between, both male
and female. This has come as a surprise to me, because I originally thought that I would get a large male response and only a small female
response, because I would say that males are more interested in politics than females are.
• How will your product appeal to this audience
• My product will appeal to this audience, because Brexit affects both males and females, especially in the way of business and
movement. Therefore I think they will want to listen to my documentary to understand the different view points and the reasoning
behind why people voted for either leave or remain.
Audience research
• Observation:
• Looking at the response from this question, I can see that 6% of people would want look for sound effects within a radio documentary, 25% of people
would look for music within a radio documentary, 38% of people would look for interesting question within a radio documentary and 29% of people
would look for good interviewing skills within a radio documentary.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at this, this tells me that my audience look for interesting questions compered to any other element. I was expecting this response because if
you have interesting questions, the listener is going to be fully focused on what you are saying and because they can’t see you, its important that you
have there attention on you.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I will make sure that I create interesting questions, to make sure that my listeners are focusing on
me when listening.
Audience research
• Observation:
• Looking at these responses to this question, I can see that 0% of people answered the title of the documentary. 3% of people answered
the person presenting the documentary and 96% of people answered the topic being covered.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at this, this tells me that my audience feel strongly about the topic being covered, when listening to a radio documentary, they
also somewhat look for the person that’s presenting the documentary. Also that they have no interest with what the documentary may
be called.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I think I’m covering an interesting topic, that will interest this audience and attract
them to my product.
Audience research
• Observation:
• Looking at the responses to this question, I can see that 6% of people answered politics and 93% of people answered issues within
society. This tells me that my audience care about issues within society over politics.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at this, I can see that my audience would most enjoy listening to a radio documentary, based on issues within society. I think in
some ways I expected this response, because of the age range of people that took part in my survey, a lot of young people favour issues
within society over politics, because the older generation are more interested in politics and it doesn’t really appeal to young people.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I think the topic that I am covering could be classed as an issue within society. This is
because it is an issue that will affect people of all ages.
Audience research
• Observation:
• Looking at these responses to this question, I can see that my audience buy t-shirts more, over any other type of merchandise. I know
this because 67% of people answered t-shirts. Compared to any other type of merchandise.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at this, I can see that my audience favour t-shirt, when it comes to buying merchandise, looking at the answers I can also see
that my audience are least likely to by a bag, I know this because 0% answered, I expected t-shirts to be receive the highest percentage,
because young people enjoy buying t-shirts, and this all ties in with a fashion statement.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I will make sure that I listen to the feedback that has been given and incorporate it in
to my product.
Audience research
• Observation:
• Looking at this response, I can see that 3% of people answered that they would prefer a radio documentary to be aired on location, 38% of people
answered that they would prefer a radio documentary to be aired in a studio and 58% of people answered that they would prefer a mixture of both.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at this, this tells me that my audience prefer a mixture, when it comes to a radio documentary being aired on location and within a studio. I
think my audience would much prefer a mixture of both, because they get a well recorded documentary that sounds professional within a studio but
also some realism with the documentary being filmed live on location.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I am planning to produce my documentary in a studio but also have some elements of it being
produced on location.
Audience research
• Observation:
• looking at the responses to this question, I can see that my audience most prefer a “red, yellow and green” colour scheme
this got 41%, I can also see that they least would prefer a “yellow, green and blue” colour scheme, with this getting 25%.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at this, this tells me that my audience, prefer a bright colour scheme, and also that they enjoy looking at quite
positive colours, when it comes to looking at a logo
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I will use that colour scheme within my product to ensure it attracts this
audience, also the bright colours will ensure this happens.
Audience research
• Observation:
• Looking at the response to this question, I can see that a mixture of both got the highest percentage, with this
getting 40%. I can also see that a podcast got the lowest percentage, with this getting 28%.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at this, this tells me that my audience enjoy a different range of formats, when listening to a radio
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I plan to create a mixture of both, when I come to produce my
Audience research
• Observation:
• Looking at the response to this question, I can see that Radio 1 has got the highest percentage, getting 77%, I can also see that Radio 4 got given the
lowest percentage, getting 0%.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at this, this tells me that my audience are of a younger age range, also that they are interested in the attraction that Radio 1
offers, they offer this in many ways, through festivals and award shows, such as “Radio 1’s Teen Awards” this age range are interested
in Radio 1 because, they play modern music and also focus on issues that are affecting young people.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I will look at different aspects of Radio 1, such as the interviewing skills that the
different presenters show, also the general mood that Radio 1 try and offer to there listeners and by doing this, this will attract my
product to this audience.
Interview 1
• Where would you most prefer a Radio Documentary to be aired, and why?
– Studio-based, because the sound will be better quality and the dialogue will be clearer.
But! With some folio sound.
• What attracts you to listen to a Radio Documentary, and why?
– The subject content, if it is interesting to me, or if the presentation is engaging.
• What do you most look for in a Radio Documentary and why?
– Good responses, with detail and less time on questions. Get the interviewees talking!
Interview 1
• Observation:
• Looking at my interview, the observation I have made is that, my audience
prefer a radio documentary to be studio based and look for good quality
and clear dialogue, they also look for good responses.
• What this says about my audience:
• This tells me that my audience look for a range of different elements when
listening to a radio documentary.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I will be producing my
radio documentary inside a studio, but also doing interviews on location.
Interview 2
• Where would you most prefer a Radio Documentary to be aired, and why?
I prefer to listen to audio documentaries via a podcast. This allows me to listen when I want
without having to worry about air times or having to stop mid broadcast. I can also listen to
a podcast when on the go, getting information when walking/driving.
• What attracts you to listen to a Radio Documentary, and why?
Often it will be the content rather than the presenter that will initially attract me to a
specific documentary. I listen to several non-fiction podcasts/radio shows based around my
interests or that feature information that I will find educational.
• What do you most look for in a Radio Documentary and why?
Well produced constructed pieces- music beds with narration over it. Interviews with the
questions in the response. Recorded at an appropriate and audible level with content that
is accessible to the target audience.
Interview 2
• Observation:
• Looking at this response, I can see that this person enjoys podcasts, because they fit to his lifestyle, for
example one of the reasons he enjoys listening to them is because he can while doing other tasks, such as
driving and walking. Also the topic of the podcast attracts him, rather than the presenter and looks for
topics based on his interests and information that he may find educational.
• What this says about my audience:
• Looking at this, I can see that my audience look for a format that is going to fit around there daily lives,
also that they are constantly looking for new information and to find out new information and may
educate them. I have also see that my audience look for the technical elements within a radio
documentary, for example the audio levels and being recorded appropriately.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience, because I will try to make my product fit around my audiences
daily lives and I also think that the topic I have decided to base my documentary on is very educational, I
think that they will find out new information.
1. Bradley, K (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 13th April)
2. Interviewees, Smith, Simon. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13.05.18)
3. Interviewees, Roberts, Joshua. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13.05.18)
4. BBC4 (2018) Brexit: A Guide for the Perplexed Episode 4, Broadcast 22/02/18
5. BBC4 (2018) Brexit: A Guide for the Perplexed Series 2, Broadcast 10/11/17
6. BBC4 (2018) Brexit: A Guide for the Perplexed Series 2, Broadcast 6/11/17

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3. research fmp 2018

  • 2. Existing Product I have found a pre-existing product, a radio documentary series produced by BBC Radio 4, called “Brexit: A Guide For the perplexed” I have chosen to look at this episode, because I feel as if it’s the same question being asked over and over again… “ when we leave the EU who’s going to be most effected and most vulnerable”. This episode, presented by Chris Morris, goes in to great detail, to try and make people understand the risks of leaving and to try and answer the big questions. My audience will be appealed to this episode because, a lot of young people didn’t get a chance to vote, because of there age and I know that are always asking the question about possible risks, I feel as if they would be interested in finding out the answer and becoming more educated on the matter. I have also chosen to look at this episode, because I will be asking similar questions, when I come to produce my one project, therefore this will give me a good insight in how to ask my questions and to also pick up different techniques. Looking at the design of the webpage for this documentary, it’s clear to see why my audience could be attracted to listening to this, because of the vibrant colours used, and also the very detailed image of different countries that you can see. I have also seen the use of different sound effects used throughout this episode, they are used at exactly the right time, when the presenter is talking about a certain action, for example he mentions about a bike bell, then adds sound effects, which in a way brings what he says to life. Looking at the meaning of creation behind this, I can see that the map is very informative and it shows a mood that this documentary carries, it shows the listener that this documentary is serious, and somewhat “sensible”
  • 3. Existing Product Starting Introduction- the start of this episode sounds very professional and well put together, when listening this sounds as if the presenter is outside in the open, but in fact the sounds and outside element were produced in a studio. Location- the location gives the listener a sense of realism and the presenters, talks in a down to earth manner, this will make the listener feel comfortable. Drama/ Fictional elements- this was produced for entertainment purposes. Music- the music used in this episode “Get Out Of London” this is used as the music bed throughout. “Hit The Road Jack” Get Out Of London by Intaferon. Produced in 1983. Hit The Road Jack by Ray Charles. Produced in 1961. These two songs were chosen for this episode, because in the years that they were produced the older generation would have been teenagers, therefore it will bring back nostalgia.
  • 4. Existing Product I have found a pre-existing radio documentary, called “Where are we heading” this episode highlights the concern that some people may have about where the country is heading when it comes to leaving the EU, I have seen that at the beginning of this episode the presenter asks a taxi driver to take him to “Brexit” the taxi driver then replies “that will cost you”. The presenter then replies “ I don’t know where that is or where I’m heading” I have seen that the presenter has produced a play on words here and referred it back to the title of the episode. My documentary will appeal to this audience because the producers behind this series have made it understandable and easy for young people and people within my target audience to understand what the presenter is talking about also they have to make sure that the listener is always connected to what is being said, radio is different compared to watching a movie or TV show, radio requires your full attention. I have found that the producers have used a meaning of creation behind this documentary, the producers have used the United Kingdom flag European flag and have put Big Ben in the back ground to express the mood and feeling that this documentary will give.
  • 5. Existing Product I have found a pre-existing radio documentary, exploring the effects of being named after a famous person, and how that can over shadow a person, listening to this episode I have seen that it goes in to great detail about this issue, during the episode, a young person called “Michael Jackson” tells his story of being named after the famous singer, saying how he got treated differently when the singer hit the headlines. When it comes to this documentary attracting my target audience, I think it will definitely attract them because, this documentary has a lot of young people being featured in it, also because this is a relatively modern topic. Looking at the webpage for this documentary I can also see how that would attract my target audience to listen, it has many vibrant colours being used, also because the webpage looks inviting and looks as if it could connect with young people, for example at the top of the screen there are many different images of several different activities that would interest people within my target audience. Looking at the creation of meaning behind, this documentary, I can see that the producers have incorporated the sea, to express a sense and feeling of isolation and loneliness.
  • 6. Existing Product I have found pre-existing radio documentary, talking about the big question being asked by many “Taking back control” listening the start of this documentary, it felt very relaxed, the presenter will joke at times and make what he is taking about understandable to young people by making references to football. I think that this episode will attract my target audience and make them want to listen because immigration and taking back control are two big topics that everyone hears about and has views on, regardless of age. I also feel as if my target audience will want to know the answer to the question being asked and again how and if it will effect them. One continuing element I have found after listening to all of these products is, the presenter is always focused on the listener, and is always trying to make them feel involved in some way or another. Looking at this webpage I can see that they have used certain images to make it easy for the listener to understand what the documentary will be about, also looking at the effects of the main images I can see that there is a main focus on big ben, and have decided to to slightly blur out the two flags, looking in to this, this could be because they want to put the main focus on the UK, that’s why they have made the image of big ben very clear, because this episode is ultimately based on taking back control.
  • 7. Existing Product I have found two pre-existing radio logo’s, I have decided to annotate these two logo’s because I can gain a lot of inspiration when I come to create my own. Looking at the BBC logo I can see they have decided to use squares instead of any other shape, they have also used sand serif on the text, they have also gone for a plain colour scheme of black and white. This logo gives of a very professional manner, looking at the colours that have been used and it’s general layout I can see that this news channel is aimed at an older audience. Looking at the second logo, I can see that this is similar to BBC, it has three letters, all are placed in squares, and have white font being used throughout. The difference is that, each square contains a colour, looking at this in more detail I know that each colour represents a political party, they have used red to highlight the Labour party, blue the highlight the Conservative party and I see they have used black, this could be to undermine the Liberal Democrats. Looking at this logo I can also see that each square isn’t a lined properly, some are higher than others, this could mean that the Conservative party are more regarded and are higher than any other party. You can also see that the BBC logo has no major colours, especially of those used by political party’s, this is because the BBC can not focus on one party more than the other, they have to be non-biased and be open to every party. Looking back at the LBC logo I can also see that at the bottom corner of the red square it has sort of a tick and looking at it full on it represents a message bubble, this is the radio stations way of trying to attract younger listeners by showing them that they are up-to- date with theology, because every young person has a phone or some sort of electronic device.
  • 8. Existing Product I have found a collection of podcasts based on Brexit, on the Financial Times website. This podcast is presented by Sarah Jenkins, this episode focuses on the big question, “Are UK citizens rights at risk?”. when listening to this podcast I found that the producer has not used a music bed throughout this podcast, but they have incorporated music at the beginning of the episode, also I heard that they have used sound effects whenever they are talking about something in particular, for example at the end of this episode a woman talks about having lunch, and as soon as she mentioned it the producer had incorporated sound effects of knives and forks on a plate to ultimately bring it to life. After looking at this podcast and a number of other pre-exiting ones, I have found that each one carries a certain mood, depending on media outlet that it producing the podcast, for example when listening to this podcast I have found straight that it is intended for an older audience, this is partly the reason why the producer has not used a music bed, and it is just straight talking throughout, because they now that this news papers target audience will be engaged throughout the podcast regardless of whether a music bed is used or not. I have also found an audience profile of a typical reader of this news paper, as you can see they are usually aged between 18-24, they live in the south of UK predominately London, they are usually right wing, and have an average monthly income of £1,000 or more. Looking at the different tools that this producer has used, for this podcast. I can see that they have used the “Razor” tool, this would have been used to cut out any unwanted audio. They have also mixed there music. Although they have not used a music bed
  • 9. Existing Product Here you can see that I have found a collection of podcasts, titled “The Guardian’s Brexit Means…” created by news paper The Guardian, this episode goes in to detail about the ongoing war of words between the EU and Britain, and tries to shine some light on the ongoing talks about an agreement. Straight away when I started to listen to this podcast I could tell that this was aimed at an older audience, with this being said, I was surprised to find out that The Guardian’s typical reader is aged between 18-24, they are usually male, with a social grade of ABC1, this person usually lives in London, they have a monthly spare of £125 to £499, they usually have a profession in Civil Society and Charity and there political stance is strong left wing. Listening to this podcast I can tell that the producer has used a number of different tool when producing this, I can hear the the presenter comes across in a very professional manner and sounds very educated. The tools that they have used within this podcast, would have been the “Razor” tool, this would have been used to cut out unwanted audio, they have also used different types of music and some sound effects to bring there podcast in a way “to life” they have also mixed there audio with there music and I think that works really well. Also looking at the different sounds and music that have been put in this podcast I can see that they have been intended for the nature of the topic, for example the topic is quite serious and the music reflects this, as it’s not sort of music that you could have a good time listening to, and the producers wants the audience to understand that.
  • 10. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? • After looking at all of pre-existing products I have found three, of the four are based on Brexit, another common feature that I have found, is that they all use sound effects and music, also they are all aimed at younger people, the episodes that are based on Brexit are produced so they can be easily understood by younger listeners. Looking at the different webpages I can see that they all use vibrant colours and are very inviting and welcoming, these are the elements that are needed to attract a younger audience. I have also researched the pros and cons around leaving the European union, I have also looked at different sound effects that I may use when I come to produce my product, I have also found a number of different royalty free tracks that I could also use, I have also looked at different audience profiles, relating to BBC Radio 4, I have researched this because I want to get a wider understand of there target audience, because then it would ultimately help me with I come to decided my own target audience. I feel as this has really been beneficial to me, because after looking at the audience profile for example, it has helped me to understand my potential target group for this project. Looking more at the products that I have researched I can see that near enough all of them use music in, and have sound effects, they all cover the same topic and the langue used is near the same, and intended for the same audience. I can also see that each producer for each show has used the same tools, for example , they have all used the “Razor” tool to cut and remove audio and they have have all mixed there audio and music together. • What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work? – After looking at and listening to all of my pre-existing products I have found a lot of inspiration that I can take away from each documentary, I will definitely take away different elements of the sound effects used throughout each product, I will also try and include the different references and word play that is used in each product. I will take inspiration from the colours used in the pre-existing logos I have found. Also after listening to each pre-existing show, I have found that the producer uses a number of different sound effects to bring that the presenter is saying to life, also I have seen that each show carries a certain mood and the listener will notice this quite early on, and each show has a music bed that is used throughout the show, the producers has used a number of different tools for each show, they would have more than likely used a state of the art editing software programme, such as Adobe Audition. I have also found that the presenter does a play on words through-out the shows, this will be used for a number of different reasons, to keep the listener engaged and I think the listener could find this quite funny in some ways.
  • 12. Audience research Here I have found some information based on the type of person that Radio 4 aim there shows at, by looking at this, you can see that they are typically left wing, they live in the London, they have a monthy share of £1,0000 or more, they are aged 55+, they are male and there social grade is usually ABC1.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: • Looking at the responses from this question, I can see that 0% of people 15 and under took part in my survey, I can also see that 45% of people aged 16-19 took apart in my survey and 54% of people, aged 20+ took part in my survey. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at these results, this tells me that a large potion of people beyond the age of 20 took part in my survey, compared to the other ages I had included in this question. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because the topic I have decided to base my radio documentary on is aimed at the older generation and people that are aged 20+. Also people around this age range are usually more interested in politics than young people.
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: • Looking at the responses from this question, I can see that 48% of people that took part in my survey were male. I can also see that 51% of people that took part in my survey were female. • What this says about my audience: • This tells me that a large potion of my audience are female, but also if you look closely, there is only a small percentage between, both male and female. This has come as a surprise to me, because I originally thought that I would get a large male response and only a small female response, because I would say that males are more interested in politics than females are. • How will your product appeal to this audience • My product will appeal to this audience, because Brexit affects both males and females, especially in the way of business and movement. Therefore I think they will want to listen to my documentary to understand the different view points and the reasoning behind why people voted for either leave or remain.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: • Looking at the response from this question, I can see that 6% of people would want look for sound effects within a radio documentary, 25% of people would look for music within a radio documentary, 38% of people would look for interesting question within a radio documentary and 29% of people would look for good interviewing skills within a radio documentary. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at this, this tells me that my audience look for interesting questions compered to any other element. I was expecting this response because if you have interesting questions, the listener is going to be fully focused on what you are saying and because they can’t see you, its important that you have there attention on you. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I will make sure that I create interesting questions, to make sure that my listeners are focusing on me when listening.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: • Looking at these responses to this question, I can see that 0% of people answered the title of the documentary. 3% of people answered the person presenting the documentary and 96% of people answered the topic being covered. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at this, this tells me that my audience feel strongly about the topic being covered, when listening to a radio documentary, they also somewhat look for the person that’s presenting the documentary. Also that they have no interest with what the documentary may be called. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I think I’m covering an interesting topic, that will interest this audience and attract them to my product.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: • Looking at the responses to this question, I can see that 6% of people answered politics and 93% of people answered issues within society. This tells me that my audience care about issues within society over politics. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at this, I can see that my audience would most enjoy listening to a radio documentary, based on issues within society. I think in some ways I expected this response, because of the age range of people that took part in my survey, a lot of young people favour issues within society over politics, because the older generation are more interested in politics and it doesn’t really appeal to young people. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I think the topic that I am covering could be classed as an issue within society. This is because it is an issue that will affect people of all ages.
  • 18. Audience research • Observation: • Looking at these responses to this question, I can see that my audience buy t-shirts more, over any other type of merchandise. I know this because 67% of people answered t-shirts. Compared to any other type of merchandise. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at this, I can see that my audience favour t-shirt, when it comes to buying merchandise, looking at the answers I can also see that my audience are least likely to by a bag, I know this because 0% answered, I expected t-shirts to be receive the highest percentage, because young people enjoy buying t-shirts, and this all ties in with a fashion statement. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I will make sure that I listen to the feedback that has been given and incorporate it in to my product.
  • 19. Audience research • Observation: • Looking at this response, I can see that 3% of people answered that they would prefer a radio documentary to be aired on location, 38% of people answered that they would prefer a radio documentary to be aired in a studio and 58% of people answered that they would prefer a mixture of both. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at this, this tells me that my audience prefer a mixture, when it comes to a radio documentary being aired on location and within a studio. I think my audience would much prefer a mixture of both, because they get a well recorded documentary that sounds professional within a studio but also some realism with the documentary being filmed live on location. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I am planning to produce my documentary in a studio but also have some elements of it being produced on location.
  • 20. Audience research • Observation: • looking at the responses to this question, I can see that my audience most prefer a “red, yellow and green” colour scheme this got 41%, I can also see that they least would prefer a “yellow, green and blue” colour scheme, with this getting 25%. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at this, this tells me that my audience, prefer a bright colour scheme, and also that they enjoy looking at quite positive colours, when it comes to looking at a logo • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I will use that colour scheme within my product to ensure it attracts this audience, also the bright colours will ensure this happens.
  • 21. Audience research • Observation: • Looking at the response to this question, I can see that a mixture of both got the highest percentage, with this getting 40%. I can also see that a podcast got the lowest percentage, with this getting 28%. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at this, this tells me that my audience enjoy a different range of formats, when listening to a radio documentary. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I plan to create a mixture of both, when I come to produce my product.
  • 22. Audience research • Observation: • Looking at the response to this question, I can see that Radio 1 has got the highest percentage, getting 77%, I can also see that Radio 4 got given the lowest percentage, getting 0%. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at this, this tells me that my audience are of a younger age range, also that they are interested in the attraction that Radio 1 offers, they offer this in many ways, through festivals and award shows, such as “Radio 1’s Teen Awards” this age range are interested in Radio 1 because, they play modern music and also focus on issues that are affecting young people. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I will look at different aspects of Radio 1, such as the interviewing skills that the different presenters show, also the general mood that Radio 1 try and offer to there listeners and by doing this, this will attract my product to this audience.
  • 24. Interview 1 • Where would you most prefer a Radio Documentary to be aired, and why? – Studio-based, because the sound will be better quality and the dialogue will be clearer. But! With some folio sound. • What attracts you to listen to a Radio Documentary, and why? – The subject content, if it is interesting to me, or if the presentation is engaging. • What do you most look for in a Radio Documentary and why? – Good responses, with detail and less time on questions. Get the interviewees talking!
  • 25. Interview 1 • Observation: • Looking at my interview, the observation I have made is that, my audience prefer a radio documentary to be studio based and look for good quality and clear dialogue, they also look for good responses. • What this says about my audience: • This tells me that my audience look for a range of different elements when listening to a radio documentary. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I will be producing my radio documentary inside a studio, but also doing interviews on location.
  • 26. Interview 2 • Where would you most prefer a Radio Documentary to be aired, and why? I prefer to listen to audio documentaries via a podcast. This allows me to listen when I want without having to worry about air times or having to stop mid broadcast. I can also listen to a podcast when on the go, getting information when walking/driving. • What attracts you to listen to a Radio Documentary, and why? Often it will be the content rather than the presenter that will initially attract me to a specific documentary. I listen to several non-fiction podcasts/radio shows based around my interests or that feature information that I will find educational. • What do you most look for in a Radio Documentary and why? Well produced constructed pieces- music beds with narration over it. Interviews with the questions in the response. Recorded at an appropriate and audible level with content that is accessible to the target audience.
  • 27. Interview 2 • Observation: • Looking at this response, I can see that this person enjoys podcasts, because they fit to his lifestyle, for example one of the reasons he enjoys listening to them is because he can while doing other tasks, such as driving and walking. Also the topic of the podcast attracts him, rather than the presenter and looks for topics based on his interests and information that he may find educational. • What this says about my audience: • Looking at this, I can see that my audience look for a format that is going to fit around there daily lives, also that they are constantly looking for new information and to find out new information and may educate them. I have also see that my audience look for the technical elements within a radio documentary, for example the audio levels and being recorded appropriately. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience, because I will try to make my product fit around my audiences daily lives and I also think that the topic I have decided to base my documentary on is very educational, I think that they will find out new information.
  • 29. Bibliography 1. Bradley, K (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 13th April) 2. Interviewees, Smith, Simon. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13.05.18) 3. Interviewees, Roberts, Joshua. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 13.05.18) 4. BBC4 (2018) Brexit: A Guide for the Perplexed Episode 4, Broadcast 22/02/18 5. BBC4 (2018) Brexit: A Guide for the Perplexed Series 2, Broadcast 10/11/17 6. BBC4 (2018) Brexit: A Guide for the Perplexed Series 2, Broadcast 6/11/17

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.