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On 22nd October 2018, I started producing my own show for a community radio station in York called, Two Rivers Radio, I named my show
“An Alright Show With Kieran Bradley” I decided to name it this, because I wanted it to be laid back and not to serious. I have done a total of 3,
1 hour long shows for Two Rivers, I have created my own jingles by recording different styles of voices, using a handheld recorder, I did this
because by having a jingle it would give my show some identity and make me different from all of the other presenters and I conducted
interviews by setting up a date and time, with my interviewee, I travelled down to London and interview them using a handheld recorder and a
set of questions I had produced. I did this interview because I wanted to explore alcoholism and to try and answer the question “Does the UK
have a drinking problem?” I also wanted to bring awareness of the dangers of alcohol and I thought that there would be no better way to do
this than to conduct an interview with a recovering alcoholic, because then I would get his story and reasons why. I also did the interview
because I wanted answer to some question that I have always wanted to ask, and by doing this I got that. Also because it would be great
content for my show and it’s what my audience want to hear. I have produced all of the branding for my show, when thinking about my
audience it is important that I create a good brand for my show to generate a good listening percentage, also it is important that I stay brand
loyal when on air, doing my show, this means not putting the spotlight on any other radio station and done all of the editing and producing
on a software called Adobe Audition, having used this software several times, I have started to see it’s strengths and weaknesses. The
strengths I have found are, this software is easy to use and you can pick it up fast, also another strength I have found it that the level of
editing quality is high. I really enjoy using this software and I wouldn’t use any other. The weaknesses I have found when using this software
are, it gets competitive when editing a lot of audio, as it can be hard to focus on certain sound waves. The shows that I have done before my
Final Major Project were a build up to this. Since I started this course back in 2016 I have done every Final Major Product based around Radio,
and since I started at Two Rivers, I’ve wanted to do a live radio show as my FMP, I have decided to do my radio show on Alcoholism, because
alcohol is something I have been around my entire life. I have really enjoyed producing shows for this station, and being able to use real radio
equipment, using real radio equipment gave me a much bigger advantage, than just using software and a handheld recorder, you get a real
feel for radio, and by using real equipment I have learned a lot about the different tools, that I can now take forward. I would of liked to of
done it in an actual radio studio, instead of a pub, but that is something I can work up to. I conducted an interview for my Final Major Product,
to do this I needed to research about different types of questions to ask, surrounding alcohol. After producing my question, I booked a train
to London, where I took a voice recorder and my laptop, then started recording, before this I had done several calls with my interviewee. The
recording went really well, all of my questions were answered in detail and my interviewee was a lot more open than I had expected them to
be and everything I wanted to cover got covered. When I first started my Final Major Project, I had the idea to make a documentary covering
alcohol, where I interview a number of different people, Doctors, Police, a Youth Worker, to try and get their expert opinions on it, I wanted to
see how much of a problem it really is and these sources would be reliable and accurate as they are professionals with first hand experiences
and knowledge. Although. it was really hard to get a response from any of these people because I understand that it can be time consuming
and an element of confidentiality for individual cases can be quite a big factor in the reason for me not getting any responses. so I had to go
back to the drawing board, I decided to do a radio show covering it, but I was still finding it difficult to find someone to interview, then
I created my own Jingles for my show, to do this I recorded a number of people doing
unique voices, I decided to do unique voices because it would put me apart from all of the
other presenters and I would be bringing something new to the table, in a sense, and they
are unique because one one else has got them, and I’m the only presenter with a jingle for
each show! I then took that audio and edited it in Adobe Audition, I have chosen this
software, because it’s very reliable when wanting to edit software and easy to use. I have
found a lot of strengths to this software, having used it a lot. I decided to do this because I
found out that no one has created jingles for any shows at Two Rivers, and I wanted to do
something different, I wanted my show to sound as professional as possible. When creating
my jingles I researched existing ones, I found a lot of pre-existing ones from BBC Radio 1, I
got a lot from the ones I researched, they have helped me gain inspiration, and also helped
me discover the sort of theme I want my jingles to be and the sort of music that I want to
have. I recorded my jingles using a handheld recorder, I had chosen this method, because
having used to several times in the past, this method has given me good results, I have
found strengths to this method, compared to others. The strengths being, I found a good
level of sound quality using this method, it’s also easy to transport to places. Another
strength I found was it’s easy to export my audio files from this device, and then on to my
software. I then edited it and put some royalty free music behind it. I used royalty free
music because I didn’t want a full song behind my jingle, I just wanted some instrumental
I created the name for my show, I decided to call my show “An Alright Show With Kieran
Bradley” because I didn’t want it to be serious, the name of the show convoy's an informal
approach, but that doesn’t take away the seriousness of some of the topics I cover. I want
my show to have a relaxed and joyful feel to it, where people could tune in and listen to
some good music, I also wanted my show to be entertaining, and informal to my audience. I
think my show gives this and more to my audience. Music is the driving force behind all of
my shows, and I try and bring some new music with each show I do. I research different
bands before the show, I do this to find new and up-coming music from different bands, to
then play on my show. I edited all my shows, myself, I did this because by doing it just
myself, it gives me the chance to learn new skills and get prepared for when I might not be
in a team and may have to just do it by myself. I did the editing on Adobe Audition. I enjoy
that process because it gives me the chance to improve my editing skills further.
I have done both pre-recorded shows and live shows, I decided to explore both because by
doing pre-recorded shows, that gives me a great chance to further improve my skills, such as
learning the controls, how to play music while being live on air, getting my timings right, and
also just allows me to get a real feel for a radio environment. But with this being said, there
are cons to doing pre-recorded shows, this being that you don’t get the chance to experience
a radio studio or any radio equipment, you just have a room with a voice recorder. When I did
my first live show, it didn’t go to well, I was nervous and froze. I definitely prefer doing live
shows because that is what Radio should be, doing a live radio show is also better than a pre-
recorded on, because it allows me to interact with the audience and it makes it more
immersive and relatable for my audience, because they can hear my voice and in a way speak
to me, they know I’m there in a way. You get to experience all of the professional equipment
and you are in the ”thick of it” what I mean by this is, I’m actually around and working with
real radio equipment, I’m not just in a room with a voice recorder. I get to actually experience
radio. My Final Major Product Radio Show was broadcast on 29th April, before the broadcast I
needed to create a script, get together my jingles, music and interview that I had conducted.
This took my a few weeks to a month, to get the structure in place, I got my script together by
producing it on a Word document, I started the brief outline of what I wanted to say, then over
time I just added to it when I thought about more of what I wanted to say. The most important
Here is the script I produced for my Final Major Product Radio
Show, I have produced a script for every show I have done with
Two Rivers Radio. Having a script helps me in many ways, it
reminds me of what to say, and has everything that I want to
cover on it, when typing up a script I tend not to put
everything that I want to say on it, because I have found from
past experience that I end up sounding robotic and that isn’t
what I want. In regards to criteria, I have certain things that I
have to put in my show, when broadcasting, as put forward by
the station, for example, I need to mention about some topics
that are York related, so usually, find something music related
in York that I can talk about. If a segment finishes early in my
show, I have songs to fill the gap so I don’t have any “dead air”
in regards to timings, I plan my timings when doing my script
and I look at how long each song is to make sure I have
enough time for it.
When I come to record for my production, I have planned to go down to London on 26th
March, to interview a 48 year old male that has had problems with alcohol, and has
now recovered and also works as a support worker, helping young people that are
experiencing problems with alcohol. This person was the best person to interview
about this topic, because I knew I’d get an honest and open response from them, and
they could draw a positive outcome from a negative experience. In regards to location,
I will be recording in a quiet room, to make sure my quality of sound is to a high
standard. I have also arranged my location for when I have finished my production, I
will be airing my product, on my show, on Two Rivers Radio, a community radio station
in York. Another location that I will use, is the studio, at college. I will use this to
record a person relaying facts about alcohol. I gave all the people involved in my
production a release form, which by them signing gives me permission to use voices
and audio of them, on the radio and anywhere that I’d like. I went through all the right
channels to make sure all the legal elements were done correctly.
I have had a conversation, with my contact, from Two Rivers Radio, I also plan to
contact him soon, to talk more about the interview that I will be conducting. In
regards to meeting with contacts and actually finding people, to speak to, I have
found that difficult, I have found that this topic is very sensitive, and that people
aren’t as willing and open about it, as I had imagined. I have struggled to get
meetings, but with that being said, it is looking very promising. I feel I tried my
hardest to try and get an interviewee, I sent out dozens of emails to different
people. I eventually found my interviewee through a member of my family. I stayed
in contact with my interviewee by phone and video call. I found that my interviewee
was very keen to get his story out, he told me he wanted to give something back to
the community and this was his way of doing and also by doing the work he does.
In regards to arranging a meet up, no problems occurred at all, we set a date and
that was it.
I have produced my live radio show. On the day I found that there were a few obstacles in the
way, when I got to the studio, everything was set up and ready to go, but the laptop that had the
software “PlayIt” that we use to play the songs and jingles, was forgotten, so therefore I had to
put my songs, interview and jingles in to itunes and play them off there. This wasn’t ideal,
because I found that one song plays after the other, and this was testing while presenting. If I
had the software things would of gone better, because then I wouldn’t of had to use itunes and I
would have been able to play my music and jingles more smoothly. Because of these obstacles, I
decided to edit the show, to make it flow more smoothly. I did this using Adobe Audition, I used
this software, because having used it a lot before it has given me great results when it comes to
my editing. It allows me to edit smoothly, I found strengths with it’s tools, using the razor tool
was quick, easy and effective. The weaknesses I found was that it’s hard to focus on some audio
waves when editing. In regards to meetings with my contacts I have found them frequent and
positive. My contact has been very clear and helpful, throughout my project, we spoke regularly
and I was given feedback from them on all my shows and they told me how to improve.
Show 1. Date: 22/10/18. Content: Reviewed the new album “Welcome to the
Neighbourhood” by Boston Manor.
This was my first show for Two Rivers Radio, I decided to do my first show pre-
recorded to improve my editing skills. The show went really well, I produced a
script and made jingles for it. The strengths of this show, were that with it
being pre-recorded I had the comfort of knowing that not much could go
wrong, in regards to speaking, because I could edit it, another strength I found
was that the timings would be prefect because I could edit them and place them
in nicely. The weaknesses I found where that by doing pre-record, it takes the
fun out of radio, because I was unable to use any radio equipment.
Show 2. Date: 14/1/19. Content: With the release of Sheffield rockers Bring Me
The Horizon’s new album ”Amo” I take a look at some of the great bands to
come out of Yorkshire.
This was my second show, I decided to do my second one live because I wanted
to experience doing a live show. I got off to a bit of a rocky start, I was nervous,
and I didn’t quite know what to say, even though I had a script in front of me,
but with that being said, it turned out really well, I got a flow going and
everything fell in to place. The strengths of doing a live show are, it gives me
the chance to get hands on experience with radio equipment, I learned more
I have produced a number of different radio shows before, and for everyone I have
produced a script for. I plan to produce a script for this radio show, and also produce
five questions that I can ask my interviewee. I plan to use Microsoft Word, when
producing my script, I used Word because it was been very reliable and effective in the
past. I printed out the questions and gave them to my interviewee so he had a full
understanding of what I was asking him.
Having done a number of shows for this radio station, I have created my own jingles,
with music. I will be using this throughout my show, I have chosen to use jingles,
because it brings my show to life, in a way. And adds more character to it. Having a
jingle for my show is a really great thing, because it gives me an identity and will
make sure the listener remembers me and my show. Having a jingle promotes me in
such a big way. I created the jingles using a handheld recorder and an editing
software called Adobe Audition. My jingle contain a number of people, doing unique
voices, and saying various lines.
Release Forms:
I will make sure that every person that takes part in my Radio production, completes a
release form. These are very important, because these forms allow me to use this
When it comes to managing, I have managed with project well, I have had good time
management, for example I have used my free time whenever I needed to complete work. The
part of this product that took the longest, was finding an interviewee. Next time I would start the
search for one a lot sooner, in the end this was overcome by finding someone, through a family
member. When it comes to contacts I have made sure they understand and know the “in’s and
out’s”. What I mean by this, is the topic I am covering, the interview I’m looking to conduct and
the questions I will be putting forward and they will be told that it will be aired on the radio for
people to listen to. So they are not mislead about what I’m looking to do, and wanting to cover. I
will also make sure that I mange my time well for when I go to meet with my contact, this is
important, because I only have so many weeks to complete this project. I also have a return train
to catch. I will make sure I approach this in a professional manner, I will do this by conducting my
time efficiently and make sure that I use appropriate language, this is important because it will be
recorded and played on the radio, and I don’t want to come across in a bad light of
unprofessional. It was very important that I oversaw this project from start to finish, because this
is my project it’s the most important one out of all of them all. I have come across a lot of flaws
while doing this project, from spending a lot of time finding an interviewee, to nor having the
correct software on the day of doing my live radio show, but I have got there in the end and it has
all fallen in to place.
When I come to edit my interviews, I plan to edit them in a software called,
Adobe Audition. I have chosen this software, because having used it
previously before, I have found that it delivers a high standard quality, when
editing. I also plan to use this software, because I know how to use the tools
on the software. Exporting and Importing on to this software was quick and
easy, it was also compatible in the version I needed it to be for my radio.
The tools are every easy to use within this software, the Razor tool and the
Select tool were easy to find and use, the only trouble I had at times were
editing some audio sound waves, as they were hard at times to pin point
and cut. The storage on this software is good quality and puts me at ease
when wanting to store my files, I also store my files on a memory stick, and
this software makes it easy to do that, because it’s very compatible. I have
decided to use music from artists, that have suffered with addiction,
because I think this will fit in well with the topic that I’m covering, before I
play them on my show, I will edit them down using, Adobe Audition. I will
also be using music that carries a certain mood, for example, when I’m
talking about facts I will use music that will react with my listeners emotions
and makes them think about what I’m saying. For example in one section
the music I used was quite emotional and thought focused, I knew it would
Unfortunately I couldn’t get hold of a BBC Radio script, after
looking for some time. I have however found some really good
tips that will help me in regards to writing my own script,
looking at these tips have really helped me. Looking at the
different tips below, “Does it make sense” is a tip that I follow
when writing my script, I also now “fact check” when writing my
script. I have also talked to the people at Two Rivers, regarding
my scripts, to see if they can offer me any help in improving it.
Timing Content
0:30 Jingle
3:58 Slowly Slowly-Cold War
0:30 Jingle
3:25 Neck Deep- Motion Sickness
1:30 Introduce to show, and topic
3.00 Bring Me The Horizon- Sugar, Honey ice & tea
1:10 Tell my audience about facts, on drinking
I will play a segment that I have recoded of someone,
reading drinking facts.
4:00+ Play my edited and recorded interview. I will play the
interview I recorded with Winston, talking about his
past drinking troubles.
1:10 Talk about events that are York related. I will bring
awareness to the amazing work that York Mind do.
6:00+ New music releases
Equipment/ Props Locations needed
The equipment, I will be is a voice
recorder. I will be using this when I
interview people within my target
group. I will also be using a number
of different types of software, I will
be using Adobe Audition to edit my
interviews and also add jingles that
I have made. I will also be creating
a script, containing the different
questions that I will be asking my
interviewees, I have also used
Survey Monkey, to conduct a
survey, intended for my target
audience. I will also be using a
I will be using the studio, when I
come to conduct my interviews, I
have chosen this location, because I
think it would best suit me for
interviewing. I have also decided to
to an interview, on location. I have
decided to do this because then I
will have a mixture of both location
types, I will be using this location to
record a person, relaying facts
about alcohol, I have another
location for my actual interview. I
will also be doing vox pops on the
street, to see what people have to
Potential Issue Solution
A potential issue, could be that the
computer that I plan to edit my audio
on, does not have the software needed
for me to my editing.
A solution to this would be, for me to
make sure that the computer that I plan
to do my editing on has the correct
software needed.
A potential issue, could be that
equipment may not be available for me
to record my radio documentary.
A solution to this would be, for me to
make sure that I book the equipment in
advance, to make sure that I get it on
A potential issue could be, that I lose
my work because I didn’t save
Weather Delaying Travel plans
Kit not working, not being charged.
A solution to this would be, for me to
save my work regularly. By doing this I
ensure that none of it will get lost. I
would also ensure that I create a
backup for my work.
A solution to this would be, to make sure I check
the weather before hand. And then make any new
A solution to this would be, make sure that all kit is
working, if not make sure that I find replacements.
Potential Issue How will the issue be
eye strain This issue could be avoided by, taking
regular breaks from looking at the
wrist pains This issue could be avoided by, making
sure that I am positioned correctly and
are comfortable.
Trips and falls This issue could be avoided, by making
sure that there are no leads or other
object that may be a hazard when
walking around the classroom.
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
Headache This issue could be avoided by, making
sure that I drink plenty of water and take
regular breaks.
Sound levels/ hearing loss This issue could be avoided by, making
sure that I control the sound levels
correctly and make sure that I don’t
have the volume to high when listening
to my audio.
Kit coming in to contact with water
This issue could be avoided by, making
sure that I get the correct amount of
sleep and that I eat correctly so I then
don’t start to lose focus.
This issue could be avoided by making
sure I keep kit away from all water.
This issue can be avoided by making
sure that I manage my time well and
keep up to date with work.
Health and
I needed these documents to be signed by my interviewee before I started any
recording, to show that I had permission. These documents benefit me in my
research and planning process. I distributed them by printing them off and
handing them out. I also made sure all legal elements were covered, by making
sure I read through it first and explained thoroughly to the people involved in my
• WHEN DID FIRST START TO REALIZE THAT YOU MAY HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM?I chose to ask these specific questions, because they pin point exactly
what I want to explore and know, I wanted to get to the bottom of why
my interviewee had a drinking problem, I was hoping to get a clear and
informative response from my interviewee.

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Final Major Project, Problem Solving.
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Kieran Bradley
Final Major Project, Research Practitioners 2019
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Kieran Bradley
Final Major Project, Research.
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Final Major Project Planning 2019

  • 2. PLANNING On 22nd October 2018, I started producing my own show for a community radio station in York called, Two Rivers Radio, I named my show “An Alright Show With Kieran Bradley” I decided to name it this, because I wanted it to be laid back and not to serious. I have done a total of 3, 1 hour long shows for Two Rivers, I have created my own jingles by recording different styles of voices, using a handheld recorder, I did this because by having a jingle it would give my show some identity and make me different from all of the other presenters and I conducted interviews by setting up a date and time, with my interviewee, I travelled down to London and interview them using a handheld recorder and a set of questions I had produced. I did this interview because I wanted to explore alcoholism and to try and answer the question “Does the UK have a drinking problem?” I also wanted to bring awareness of the dangers of alcohol and I thought that there would be no better way to do this than to conduct an interview with a recovering alcoholic, because then I would get his story and reasons why. I also did the interview because I wanted answer to some question that I have always wanted to ask, and by doing this I got that. Also because it would be great content for my show and it’s what my audience want to hear. I have produced all of the branding for my show, when thinking about my audience it is important that I create a good brand for my show to generate a good listening percentage, also it is important that I stay brand loyal when on air, doing my show, this means not putting the spotlight on any other radio station and done all of the editing and producing on a software called Adobe Audition, having used this software several times, I have started to see it’s strengths and weaknesses. The strengths I have found are, this software is easy to use and you can pick it up fast, also another strength I have found it that the level of editing quality is high. I really enjoy using this software and I wouldn’t use any other. The weaknesses I have found when using this software are, it gets competitive when editing a lot of audio, as it can be hard to focus on certain sound waves. The shows that I have done before my Final Major Project were a build up to this. Since I started this course back in 2016 I have done every Final Major Product based around Radio, and since I started at Two Rivers, I’ve wanted to do a live radio show as my FMP, I have decided to do my radio show on Alcoholism, because alcohol is something I have been around my entire life. I have really enjoyed producing shows for this station, and being able to use real radio equipment, using real radio equipment gave me a much bigger advantage, than just using software and a handheld recorder, you get a real feel for radio, and by using real equipment I have learned a lot about the different tools, that I can now take forward. I would of liked to of done it in an actual radio studio, instead of a pub, but that is something I can work up to. I conducted an interview for my Final Major Product, to do this I needed to research about different types of questions to ask, surrounding alcohol. After producing my question, I booked a train to London, where I took a voice recorder and my laptop, then started recording, before this I had done several calls with my interviewee. The recording went really well, all of my questions were answered in detail and my interviewee was a lot more open than I had expected them to be and everything I wanted to cover got covered. When I first started my Final Major Project, I had the idea to make a documentary covering alcohol, where I interview a number of different people, Doctors, Police, a Youth Worker, to try and get their expert opinions on it, I wanted to see how much of a problem it really is and these sources would be reliable and accurate as they are professionals with first hand experiences and knowledge. Although. it was really hard to get a response from any of these people because I understand that it can be time consuming and an element of confidentiality for individual cases can be quite a big factor in the reason for me not getting any responses. so I had to go back to the drawing board, I decided to do a radio show covering it, but I was still finding it difficult to find someone to interview, then
  • 3. PLANNING I created my own Jingles for my show, to do this I recorded a number of people doing unique voices, I decided to do unique voices because it would put me apart from all of the other presenters and I would be bringing something new to the table, in a sense, and they are unique because one one else has got them, and I’m the only presenter with a jingle for each show! I then took that audio and edited it in Adobe Audition, I have chosen this software, because it’s very reliable when wanting to edit software and easy to use. I have found a lot of strengths to this software, having used it a lot. I decided to do this because I found out that no one has created jingles for any shows at Two Rivers, and I wanted to do something different, I wanted my show to sound as professional as possible. When creating my jingles I researched existing ones, I found a lot of pre-existing ones from BBC Radio 1, I got a lot from the ones I researched, they have helped me gain inspiration, and also helped me discover the sort of theme I want my jingles to be and the sort of music that I want to have. I recorded my jingles using a handheld recorder, I had chosen this method, because having used to several times in the past, this method has given me good results, I have found strengths to this method, compared to others. The strengths being, I found a good level of sound quality using this method, it’s also easy to transport to places. Another strength I found was it’s easy to export my audio files from this device, and then on to my software. I then edited it and put some royalty free music behind it. I used royalty free music because I didn’t want a full song behind my jingle, I just wanted some instrumental
  • 4. PLANNING I created the name for my show, I decided to call my show “An Alright Show With Kieran Bradley” because I didn’t want it to be serious, the name of the show convoy's an informal approach, but that doesn’t take away the seriousness of some of the topics I cover. I want my show to have a relaxed and joyful feel to it, where people could tune in and listen to some good music, I also wanted my show to be entertaining, and informal to my audience. I think my show gives this and more to my audience. Music is the driving force behind all of my shows, and I try and bring some new music with each show I do. I research different bands before the show, I do this to find new and up-coming music from different bands, to then play on my show. I edited all my shows, myself, I did this because by doing it just myself, it gives me the chance to learn new skills and get prepared for when I might not be in a team and may have to just do it by myself. I did the editing on Adobe Audition. I enjoy that process because it gives me the chance to improve my editing skills further.
  • 5. PLANNING I have done both pre-recorded shows and live shows, I decided to explore both because by doing pre-recorded shows, that gives me a great chance to further improve my skills, such as learning the controls, how to play music while being live on air, getting my timings right, and also just allows me to get a real feel for a radio environment. But with this being said, there are cons to doing pre-recorded shows, this being that you don’t get the chance to experience a radio studio or any radio equipment, you just have a room with a voice recorder. When I did my first live show, it didn’t go to well, I was nervous and froze. I definitely prefer doing live shows because that is what Radio should be, doing a live radio show is also better than a pre- recorded on, because it allows me to interact with the audience and it makes it more immersive and relatable for my audience, because they can hear my voice and in a way speak to me, they know I’m there in a way. You get to experience all of the professional equipment and you are in the ”thick of it” what I mean by this is, I’m actually around and working with real radio equipment, I’m not just in a room with a voice recorder. I get to actually experience radio. My Final Major Product Radio Show was broadcast on 29th April, before the broadcast I needed to create a script, get together my jingles, music and interview that I had conducted. This took my a few weeks to a month, to get the structure in place, I got my script together by producing it on a Word document, I started the brief outline of what I wanted to say, then over time I just added to it when I thought about more of what I wanted to say. The most important
  • 6. PLANNING Here is the script I produced for my Final Major Product Radio Show, I have produced a script for every show I have done with Two Rivers Radio. Having a script helps me in many ways, it reminds me of what to say, and has everything that I want to cover on it, when typing up a script I tend not to put everything that I want to say on it, because I have found from past experience that I end up sounding robotic and that isn’t what I want. In regards to criteria, I have certain things that I have to put in my show, when broadcasting, as put forward by the station, for example, I need to mention about some topics that are York related, so usually, find something music related in York that I can talk about. If a segment finishes early in my show, I have songs to fill the gap so I don’t have any “dead air” in regards to timings, I plan my timings when doing my script and I look at how long each song is to make sure I have enough time for it.
  • 7. PLANNING Location: When I come to record for my production, I have planned to go down to London on 26th March, to interview a 48 year old male that has had problems with alcohol, and has now recovered and also works as a support worker, helping young people that are experiencing problems with alcohol. This person was the best person to interview about this topic, because I knew I’d get an honest and open response from them, and they could draw a positive outcome from a negative experience. In regards to location, I will be recording in a quiet room, to make sure my quality of sound is to a high standard. I have also arranged my location for when I have finished my production, I will be airing my product, on my show, on Two Rivers Radio, a community radio station in York. Another location that I will use, is the studio, at college. I will use this to record a person relaying facts about alcohol. I gave all the people involved in my production a release form, which by them signing gives me permission to use voices and audio of them, on the radio and anywhere that I’d like. I went through all the right channels to make sure all the legal elements were done correctly.
  • 8. PLANNING Meetings: I have had a conversation, with my contact, from Two Rivers Radio, I also plan to contact him soon, to talk more about the interview that I will be conducting. In regards to meeting with contacts and actually finding people, to speak to, I have found that difficult, I have found that this topic is very sensitive, and that people aren’t as willing and open about it, as I had imagined. I have struggled to get meetings, but with that being said, it is looking very promising. I feel I tried my hardest to try and get an interviewee, I sent out dozens of emails to different people. I eventually found my interviewee through a member of my family. I stayed in contact with my interviewee by phone and video call. I found that my interviewee was very keen to get his story out, he told me he wanted to give something back to the community and this was his way of doing and also by doing the work he does. In regards to arranging a meet up, no problems occurred at all, we set a date and that was it.
  • 9. REFLECTION OF MEETING AND PRODUCTION I have produced my live radio show. On the day I found that there were a few obstacles in the way, when I got to the studio, everything was set up and ready to go, but the laptop that had the software “PlayIt” that we use to play the songs and jingles, was forgotten, so therefore I had to put my songs, interview and jingles in to itunes and play them off there. This wasn’t ideal, because I found that one song plays after the other, and this was testing while presenting. If I had the software things would of gone better, because then I wouldn’t of had to use itunes and I would have been able to play my music and jingles more smoothly. Because of these obstacles, I decided to edit the show, to make it flow more smoothly. I did this using Adobe Audition, I used this software, because having used it a lot before it has given me great results when it comes to my editing. It allows me to edit smoothly, I found strengths with it’s tools, using the razor tool was quick, easy and effective. The weaknesses I found was that it’s hard to focus on some audio waves when editing. In regards to meetings with my contacts I have found them frequent and positive. My contact has been very clear and helpful, throughout my project, we spoke regularly and I was given feedback from them on all my shows and they told me how to improve.
  • 10. PRODUCTION Show 1. Date: 22/10/18. Content: Reviewed the new album “Welcome to the Neighbourhood” by Boston Manor. This was my first show for Two Rivers Radio, I decided to do my first show pre- recorded to improve my editing skills. The show went really well, I produced a script and made jingles for it. The strengths of this show, were that with it being pre-recorded I had the comfort of knowing that not much could go wrong, in regards to speaking, because I could edit it, another strength I found was that the timings would be prefect because I could edit them and place them in nicely. The weaknesses I found where that by doing pre-record, it takes the fun out of radio, because I was unable to use any radio equipment. Show 2. Date: 14/1/19. Content: With the release of Sheffield rockers Bring Me The Horizon’s new album ”Amo” I take a look at some of the great bands to come out of Yorkshire. This was my second show, I decided to do my second one live because I wanted to experience doing a live show. I got off to a bit of a rocky start, I was nervous, and I didn’t quite know what to say, even though I had a script in front of me, but with that being said, it turned out really well, I got a flow going and everything fell in to place. The strengths of doing a live show are, it gives me the chance to get hands on experience with radio equipment, I learned more
  • 11. PLANNINGScript: I have produced a number of different radio shows before, and for everyone I have produced a script for. I plan to produce a script for this radio show, and also produce five questions that I can ask my interviewee. I plan to use Microsoft Word, when producing my script, I used Word because it was been very reliable and effective in the past. I printed out the questions and gave them to my interviewee so he had a full understanding of what I was asking him. Jingles: Having done a number of shows for this radio station, I have created my own jingles, with music. I will be using this throughout my show, I have chosen to use jingles, because it brings my show to life, in a way. And adds more character to it. Having a jingle for my show is a really great thing, because it gives me an identity and will make sure the listener remembers me and my show. Having a jingle promotes me in such a big way. I created the jingles using a handheld recorder and an editing software called Adobe Audition. My jingle contain a number of people, doing unique voices, and saying various lines. Release Forms: I will make sure that every person that takes part in my Radio production, completes a release form. These are very important, because these forms allow me to use this
  • 12. PLANNING Manage: When it comes to managing, I have managed with project well, I have had good time management, for example I have used my free time whenever I needed to complete work. The part of this product that took the longest, was finding an interviewee. Next time I would start the search for one a lot sooner, in the end this was overcome by finding someone, through a family member. When it comes to contacts I have made sure they understand and know the “in’s and out’s”. What I mean by this, is the topic I am covering, the interview I’m looking to conduct and the questions I will be putting forward and they will be told that it will be aired on the radio for people to listen to. So they are not mislead about what I’m looking to do, and wanting to cover. I will also make sure that I mange my time well for when I go to meet with my contact, this is important, because I only have so many weeks to complete this project. I also have a return train to catch. I will make sure I approach this in a professional manner, I will do this by conducting my time efficiently and make sure that I use appropriate language, this is important because it will be recorded and played on the radio, and I don’t want to come across in a bad light of unprofessional. It was very important that I oversaw this project from start to finish, because this is my project it’s the most important one out of all of them all. I have come across a lot of flaws while doing this project, from spending a lot of time finding an interviewee, to nor having the correct software on the day of doing my live radio show, but I have got there in the end and it has all fallen in to place.
  • 13. PLANNING Sound/Editing When I come to edit my interviews, I plan to edit them in a software called, Adobe Audition. I have chosen this software, because having used it previously before, I have found that it delivers a high standard quality, when editing. I also plan to use this software, because I know how to use the tools on the software. Exporting and Importing on to this software was quick and easy, it was also compatible in the version I needed it to be for my radio. The tools are every easy to use within this software, the Razor tool and the Select tool were easy to find and use, the only trouble I had at times were editing some audio sound waves, as they were hard at times to pin point and cut. The storage on this software is good quality and puts me at ease when wanting to store my files, I also store my files on a memory stick, and this software makes it easy to do that, because it’s very compatible. I have decided to use music from artists, that have suffered with addiction, because I think this will fit in well with the topic that I’m covering, before I play them on my show, I will edit them down using, Adobe Audition. I will also be using music that carries a certain mood, for example, when I’m talking about facts I will use music that will react with my listeners emotions and makes them think about what I’m saying. For example in one section the music I used was quite emotional and thought focused, I knew it would
  • 14. PLANNING Unfortunately I couldn’t get hold of a BBC Radio script, after looking for some time. I have however found some really good tips that will help me in regards to writing my own script, looking at these tips have really helped me. Looking at the different tips below, “Does it make sense” is a tip that I follow when writing my script, I also now “fact check” when writing my script. I have also talked to the people at Two Rivers, regarding my scripts, to see if they can offer me any help in improving it.
  • 15. PLANNING Timing Content 0:30 Jingle 3:58 Slowly Slowly-Cold War 0:30 Jingle 3:25 Neck Deep- Motion Sickness 1:30 Introduce to show, and topic 3.00 Bring Me The Horizon- Sugar, Honey ice & tea 1:10 Tell my audience about facts, on drinking I will play a segment that I have recoded of someone, reading drinking facts. 4:00+ Play my edited and recorded interview. I will play the interview I recorded with Winston, talking about his past drinking troubles. 1:10 Talk about events that are York related. I will bring awareness to the amazing work that York Mind do. 6:00+ New music releases Running Order
  • 16. PLANNING Equipment/ Props Locations needed The equipment, I will be is a voice recorder. I will be using this when I interview people within my target group. I will also be using a number of different types of software, I will be using Adobe Audition to edit my interviews and also add jingles that I have made. I will also be creating a script, containing the different questions that I will be asking my interviewees, I have also used Survey Monkey, to conduct a survey, intended for my target audience. I will also be using a I will be using the studio, when I come to conduct my interviews, I have chosen this location, because I think it would best suit me for interviewing. I have also decided to to an interview, on location. I have decided to do this because then I will have a mixture of both location types, I will be using this location to record a person, relaying facts about alcohol, I have another location for my actual interview. I will also be doing vox pops on the street, to see what people have to Resourc es
  • 17. PLANNING Potential Issue Solution A potential issue, could be that the computer that I plan to edit my audio on, does not have the software needed for me to my editing. A solution to this would be, for me to make sure that the computer that I plan to do my editing on has the correct software needed. A potential issue, could be that equipment may not be available for me to record my radio documentary. A solution to this would be, for me to make sure that I book the equipment in advance, to make sure that I get it on time. A potential issue could be, that I lose my work because I didn’t save regularly. Weather Delaying Travel plans Kit not working, not being charged. A solution to this would be, for me to save my work regularly. By doing this I ensure that none of it will get lost. I would also ensure that I create a backup for my work. A solution to this would be, to make sure I check the weather before hand. And then make any new arrangements. A solution to this would be, make sure that all kit is working, if not make sure that I find replacements. Contingency Planning
  • 18. PLANNING Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? eye strain This issue could be avoided by, taking regular breaks from looking at the screen. wrist pains This issue could be avoided by, making sure that I am positioned correctly and are comfortable. Trips and falls This issue could be avoided, by making sure that there are no leads or other object that may be a hazard when walking around the classroom. Health and Safety
  • 19. PLANNING Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Headache This issue could be avoided by, making sure that I drink plenty of water and take regular breaks. Sound levels/ hearing loss This issue could be avoided by, making sure that I control the sound levels correctly and make sure that I don’t have the volume to high when listening to my audio. Fatigue Kit coming in to contact with water Stress This issue could be avoided by, making sure that I get the correct amount of sleep and that I eat correctly so I then don’t start to lose focus. This issue could be avoided by making sure I keep kit away from all water. This issue can be avoided by making sure that I manage my time well and keep up to date with work. Health and Safety
  • 20. PLANNING Release Forms I needed these documents to be signed by my interviewee before I started any recording, to show that I had permission. These documents benefit me in my research and planning process. I distributed them by printing them off and handing them out. I also made sure all legal elements were covered, by making sure I read through it first and explained thoroughly to the people involved in my production.
  • 21. PLANNING • QUESTION FOR MY INTERVIEW: • WHAT DO YOU THINK THE REASONS ARE FOR THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL BEING SO HIGH IN THE UK? • DO YOU THINK MEASURES NEED TO BE TAKEN TO REDUCE THE CONSUMPTION? • DO THINK ATTITUDES HAVE CHANGED TOWARDS DRINKING? • WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO ANY YOUNG PERSON WANTING TO TRY ALCOHOL FOR THE FIRST TIME? • WHEN DID FIRST START TO REALIZE THAT YOU MAY HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM?I chose to ask these specific questions, because they pin point exactly what I want to explore and know, I wanted to get to the bottom of why my interviewee had a drinking problem, I was hoping to get a clear and informative response from my interviewee.