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Jay Brown
The location they use is outdoors near this lake
And in the community centre traditionally.
Angles and effects
They use a variety os shots, like over the shoulder shots.
Effects they use minimal or low budget ones which is
Surprising for a superpower series; When getting powers the
Gang is hit by lighting in a storm so they make the background
All black so they stand out, also they use slow motion as they fall
The lighting hey use is very dark and grey. It looks bland but the
Dialogue and story brings it to life. The characters costumes are
Vibrant orange which makes them Stand out from the colourless
World they’ve been put into.
The comedic writing is something I would love to add to my
Project, also the use of humour of death and making light of it is
An interesting topic I would like to explore.
Audience appeal
The whole cast have to wear the same orange jumpsuit as part of their probation
But all bring out their own unique characteristics which add to their characters
Ans something I really enjoy about misfits as it helps distinguish the characters.
It makes people want to watch misfits because in the
Trailer they clearly have an original concept, they promise
Enticing elements like drugs, sex and superpowers, also
It’s really funny and its got its own dark humour to it.
The characters represent the 7 deadly sins in
Misfits, which may not be intentional by the creator
However if it wasn’t that would be very surprising as the
Characters perfectly fit each of them individually.
Inside No.9
Another series however Inside No.9 is a new
Story with a set of whole new characters every episode.
However the creators always have a part even though
it’s a new character. It is called an Anthology series.
The location is always a new place however they pretty
Much always have the location as one place throughout the
Whole episode.
Filming style
The filming style drastically changes throughout a lot of
Episodes, ones I can remember that stand out is
‘Cold Comfort’, which takes place in a helpline call centre and,
Has cctv like cameras placed around the office, the actors have to come into
Shot, not the other way round. All the cameras are static, so no panning or
Zooming and is very much a wide angle, which I think all them aspects add,
To in my opinion an unsettling feel, like being watched on cctv. There was also
An episode titled the Devil of Christmas, which they actually bring out old 70s cameras and way of
Shooting because the episode is basically meant to be like a 70s scary knockoff show. And I was
Watching the making of it and it really interests me; however I do realise I am probably going to
A one man shooting casts and wouldn’t be able to get my hands on that kind of equipment or
Studio, I feel like it was a really cool concept to have and I like how the show has mutable ways of
Shooting and maybe I could add that to my piece.
A lot of the effects are done during the production as I saw in Devil of Christmas they sprinkled
Fake snow over the camera to create the illusion of snow. I reckon this was how they did it back
Then or even is a good way of doing it today as it would be cheap and easy.
Post production used in ‘Cold Comfort’ would be putting the shots into order of sequence, as all
The cameras would be running a once like cctv they would put the ones they wanted and edited it
To the bit they needed for when it was necessary.
In ‘Cold Comfort’ they have used natural lighting to make it look realistic of an actual office, whereas
In ‘Devil Of Christmas’ they are using big studio lighting like it was a proper 70s production.
The wide angle used in ‘Cold Comfort’ is generally dictated by the wideness of the shots as the characters come into the
Shots. I like how that is because it is unsettling and when a scene is empty using a wide shot it gives off a eerie atmosphere.
The colours are muted in ‘Cold Comfort’ to not give off any too happy feeling of comfort.
Costumes are dramatically changing to massive lengths as you are meant to think the two people who are in every episode are different people. So they
Will change their hair, glasses no glasses, their attire to fit the character so what they wear also tell you something about the character which I like, and
Will possibly incorporate into my project. The costumes they use in Devil Of Christmas is very seventies as their shooting method is very much hands on
And not as much effects. So the costumes are pretty unbelievable especially when it comes to monsters, but this adds a lot with what they were going for
As it is a mock of what programs were like back then.
Audience appeal
I think audiences will love Inside No.9 because of its unique, interesting, and creepy short stories. The twists at the end of each episode is particularly
Something I enjoy and would want to add it to my project as a twist is something I enjoy the most about films. Also the classic horror suspense keeps
Viewers on their toes and is as. Whole a great show to watch at night.
The locations they use in peepshow do vary,
However ill talk about their main hangout like
The coffee shop in friends is their apartment, mainly
The living room.
Filming style
The angles they use or the filming method is pretty
Much Pov they rarely ever don’t do that, its what makes
The show unique. I love how that is and it truly inspires
Inspires me in my own project as I feel it will add its
Own character to my project and also you get a sense
Of togetherness with the pov of whomever you are
Watching though the eyes of.
Effects and post production stuff is a rarity as the show is
Meant to be realistic so there is not much to add later on
Apart from when the show comes back on they use a little
Tune and also at the beginning of the show it obviously has
Its on theme. In the earlier seasons especially season one
They did dabble with effects like slo motion and other effects
But later shrivelled in the later seasons.
Lighting and clothes
In terms of lighting, they try and make the show look natural and realistic.
The characters are normally positioned in the frame so you can either see just their face
Or upper body as well, so very close up; this way you get to see more facial reactions and comedy, it also adds
To the realism of the show as a whole. You can arguably feel like you are apart of the show looking though
The eyes of the characters and makes the watch a lot more engaging.
The clothes they wear are pretty different with
Jez the lazy one wearing more layer back attire like bright and baggy clothes to show he’s
More fun, and mark wearing suits and darker clothing because, he’s more of a know it all
And more boring.
Audience appeal
The audience will be appealed to this show because of its English witty humour and
Great writing, also its filming style will captivate the audience and it is a breathe of fresh
Air against how other shows filming styles; and this last point is why I would like to film
That way, also it looks like fun to do and gets good shots that you wouldn’t normally get.
The Office
The office is set in literally an office primarily, as the main place that
Most sitcoms normally have.
Filming style
The filming style they use which sets them apart from
Literally all sitcoms is handheld filming, as the show is a mockumentary. I presume
They use little to no effects and post production unless it is a skit they’re doing. With
It being handheld I reckon most their production will be done during filming like zooms.
They will have to edit in interviews and such however. The use of handheld makes it
Feel like you’re in the show like it blurs really quickly as the camera moves to someone
Talking across the office. I like this aspect as it is original and I think say if you thought
You were in a horror movie wouldn’t that make it more scary?
Lighting, colours and mist en scene
The use of lighting is pretty minimal however they do americanise it and glamourise the
Lighting a lot more than their UK counterpart. The position of the actors are pretty natural of how they you would I
Real life as the cameras try and make film them do a reaction, as it is meant to look natural. The costumes are very
Bland with little colour as they work in an office and have to wear suits however everyone gets their own style to fit
Their characters. Andy for instance is probably the only one who has a colourful suit to fit with his character also his
Suit has a bow tie while most people wear ties.
Im a big fan of the handheld natural side of filming, and would like to add that to my production. Also The office
Use a lot of improv which I would like to use as I think it can get the best lines.
Audience appeal
People want to watch the office because of its unique camera work, it makes the audience feel part of the cast
That normally you wouldn’t get as strong as here is way more shots of reactions too lines and stuff like that. The humour
Is pretty Americanised and you don’t normally have to work that hard to understand it; however there is a lot of stuff
That make you think, as we don’t know a lot about peoples ives just manly what happens in the office, things happen
And it makes you think it might mean something that is your own interpretation, and I really like that as it keeps you
Invested thinking about the show.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products
have? All the shows I have put are very creative I terms of story line and concept, which I think is Vitale for a
show to be successful. Some of all the researched shows have their own way of filming, with misfits using the traditional
way only. All the shows are either comedies dark comedies or at least has comedic elements to it. All of them are series.
The lighting and effects are pretty minimal to add to the realism, as its more of an English thing to not be over the top,
all the shows have been made from people from the he uk as the office yes its an American show however the concept
was made by Ricky Gervais who Is English.
• What aspects of the research will you include within
your on work? I will include not having that much colourful shots as I want the characters and story to bring
the project to life, and when there is colour I want it to stand out for a reason like the killer will wear red for danger and blood
will stand out lots; like how in misfits the orange jumpsuits stand out from the grey bland backgrounds and lighting they have.
I want the humour to be hopefully funny like these shows, and to have death as some punchlines, like in inside No.9. I will be
definitely using a different filming style than the normal way, to get some originality and I like how it looks and makes the
audience feel involved when POV or handheld, and I think I will use both, like in peepshow and office respectively. Even with
the humour I would like the project to be unsettling and scare the audience like inside no.9. Also the use of POV im thinking
only using that for the killer and im going to change who the pov is as itll have a twist of who the 'killer' is, slightly random buti
just wanted to pu that so there is undertanding that I had this in the plans weeks before shooting.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
As you can see here in the question what scares my
The most, 53% of people said psychopathic killers apposed
23% on supernatural, 15% on real life situations and 7% on
monsters. This is what I was hoping for because in my
That’s what i’ve planned for (psychopathic killers), and this
happens to appeal to the
Audience so that is good.
Audience research
In the 13 responses Ive got there is a wide range of
Ages as I believe horror is a genre that can be very
Different people, which is also good because I can get a range of different
Inputs. I’ve also got a equal amount of younger people and older
So there’s no discrepancy between the two on the questions.
Audience research
Here we see in Whats your favourite genre of horror
A wide range of answers, however we can tell supernatural and
Natural disasters is a no go for sure. We can also see comedy
Horror getting the most at 30% which is very good because that
Was what I was hoping for and im surprised it got voted
As favourite. I reckon my audience will enjoy my product because
That’s what they will get.
Audience research
This question we can see bad acting and unrealistic
Is undesired, which could be a problem since that’s most
Likely what’s going to happen, however I will try not
Let it happen. I’ll write the script as close as I can to what
I want to see so there won’t be too much bad acting. I
Was thinking about some improvised scenes however I
Think due to the lack of actual actors maybe limit that
To not being in the final product unless deemed necessary.
Audience research
Here the glaring answer is people prefer normal filming style,
However there is a chance they have never seen POV.
Im keeping to my idea and staying with POV even though
It would probably be better if I changed, because I like the
The effects of POV and it makes the whole thing unique in my
Opinion. Its not all going to be POV I was thinking about mixing up
Styles so that can cater to this part of the audience.
Audience research
We look at the next question tackling the hard question
Of which time period is the most scary or appealing for horror
With the top dog being present day, which is good because it
May be difficult to get a film without anything that might be
From different time periods; it would be difficult to get props,
Costumes and set design For a period piece.
This is good for the audience because
My project will be in that time period which is supposedly
According to recent studies, present day is the most scary.
Audience research
This is some good research because I was planning to just do
Pov from the victims, however now that I see that it would
Be good to do both depending on the situation, I will dabble with
That, because the audience will like it and also I think its an
Interesting take on what I want to do.
Audience research
Not much to say on this one apart from the audience will be
Happy because that’s what I want too. Audience have concluded
That comedy and horror appeals to them, which is what I’m going
To produce.
Audience research
I can agree with the audience a twist is great and
Exactly what I want in my project and they will be happy
About it being in the project because they voted it.
Audience research and conclusion
Everyone answered
apart from 1 skip
respectively, I tried
to get a reasonably
even data gender
wise and I think I
did a good job,
because anyone
can like a comedy
horror, male or
In I think the research was interesting, enjoyable, and helpful
To my final product as i’ve made a couple of changes and tweaks
That will cater to the target audience I have
Gathered here today to do my survey.
What does he do well?
Ponysmasher is an incredibly gifted director that is very different to a lot of directors. His use of sound is something I really like as its so
satisfying and most of it he does in post sometimes even the speech if it doesn’t sound good already. Also the way he uses horror sounds is very
effective at scaring an audience, and I think sound is a very important part at doing that even crucial. The lightings also create a very good
horror atmosphere as there is a lot of shadows which makes you uneasy of what Is in them. I like how im very engaged to every scene and is a
great length which helps.
What will I include into my project
The sound is a definite I believe that'll be my ticket to scaring the audience, ill add a lot in post because when recording outside the sound
might get a lot of unwanted noises, and I think putting satisfying yet disturbing noises will help the viewer being engaged throughout the whole
film. Ponyshmasher had some interesing points I liked in his tip ideas video keeping it short, which I would like to discuss: for starters he talks
about keeping it short surprise surprise, but what he goes into it thinking about your idea instead having loads of backstories and such is to
think like there is a couple of scenes as he says the audience will be forgiving of loose ends; the unknown is scary, he says the only time that
you should do more is tension he says drag it, and ill definitly do that as I agree why would I want short tension, go straight into the scaryness
which will one keep the viewer engaged and will help keep it short, build to the scares as soon as you do a scareyor tension goes as the
audience will maybe laugh that they jumped, so you will have to start building again, he talks about sound being bad is a big give a way to a low
budget film and he says what he does is he tries to keep spme dialogue but the rest of the sound he normally throws away and replaces it in
post, for ultimate control, because in horror paticullary you don’t want much extra sound. He says sound is more than half the experience and
im going to take that far into my film.
• The Closer look in his video 'How to Terrify the audience', is talking how power terrifies the audience. He anylises Hannibal lectures opening
scene. They use angled shots so clarence is looking down while hannibal is looking up to signal Hannibal has all the power. Hannibals face takes
up all the screen whereas Clarence takes not even half.
• Closer look also talks about vuneraribilty. For example in movies like IT and Aliens both victims cant defend themselves as they are children and
mechanics which give them vunerablity, in the other alien movie there is a bunch of soldiers which doesn’t give the same kind of scare as the
other one does. To terrify the audience its all to do with which character has all the power.
Timelapse of practical experiment, special effects
Why I did this practical research
I was thinking that why I need a fake hand is because the plan was that the killer in
my film now trailer would cut off the victims hand so a fake hand would be needed. I
think having a fake hand instead of cutting just before the cut will add to the realism
and horror of the scene.
What I did
Basically I was researching practical effects I could use related to my film and I stumbled onto a YouTube video I
Wanted to test because it had some easy effects and effective I could do.
Step 1
I made an alginate cast by mixing alginate and water that was a one to one ratio; after mixing quickly I left my hand in for
15 minutes, but I added more water because it wasn't mixing as I wanted and also it hardens within 5 minutes so I was stressed.
Step 2
After now waiting 30 minutes for the alginate mixture to dry around my hand I slowly and carefully took it out leaving a hand shaped hole I could put my next mixture in.
Step 3
I mixed A and B of the silicon mould I had acquired and then I carefully poured it into the alginate hand hole and then let it set for 12 hours.
Step 4
Now once hardened I slowly took out the hand and tried to to rip anything. It came out okay no rips however I think some of my hand wasn’t covered or was touching the side which may of caused
Step 5
Next I coated everything I made in a skin coloured paint to get the real hand illusion.
Step 6
Now while the hand was drying I started on the fake blood and guts. I made a picture that contained corn syrup, fake blood powder and chocolate syrup and I added till I thought I had the right co
Step 7
Then I got these all tights and stuffed them with paper scrunches so it would thicken out to look like guts.
Step 8
To get the gut colour I dunked the tights in the blood mixture.
Step 9
I got all my filming equipment and I put the fake blood into a bottle so we could squirt at me when I chopped off my hand.
What I would do differently.
I would put less water in the alginate picture as that is what you are meant to do because its meant to be one to
I had some problems with the hand suddenly stopping at points so I will make sure I fully stir it out before it drys and
make sure my hand is not touching the side, by getting a bigger Bowl and more mixture.
I would change the consistency of the blood mixture as it would not squirt out at first because of the thickness so I
added water and next time I might do that again or get a water gun so it would have more force.
1. (made
2016) Reddit
2. (made 2020) Inside No.9 Devil of Christmas Youtube
3. (made 2020) Inside no.9 Cold Comfort Youtube
4. Peepshow (2003) David Mitchel and Robert Webb Objective Media Group
5. The Office (2005) Greg Daniels Deedle-Dee Productions 3 Arts Entertainment Reveille Productions (2005–12) Shine
America (2012–13) NBC Universal Television Studio (2005–07) Universal Media Studios (2007–11) Universal Television
6. audience
research (conducted March 2021)
7. DIY horror effects (made 2019) Ponysmasher Lights out (2013) Ponysmasher Closet Space (2016) Ponysmasher Coffer (2014) Ponyshamsher making of Closet space (2016)
MyAnnabelleCreation Filmmaking Tips 4 – Scares. Ponysmasher (2017)
MyAnnabelleCreation Filmmaking Tips 2 - Keeping it Short. Ponysmasher (2017)
How to terrify your audience. The closer look

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  • 2. Misfits Location The location they use is outdoors near this lake And in the community centre traditionally. Angles and effects They use a variety os shots, like over the shoulder shots. Effects they use minimal or low budget ones which is Surprising for a superpower series; When getting powers the Gang is hit by lighting in a storm so they make the background All black so they stand out, also they use slow motion as they fall Back. Lighting The lighting hey use is very dark and grey. It looks bland but the Dialogue and story brings it to life. The characters costumes are Vibrant orange which makes them Stand out from the colourless World they’ve been put into. The comedic writing is something I would love to add to my Project, also the use of humour of death and making light of it is An interesting topic I would like to explore. Audience appeal The whole cast have to wear the same orange jumpsuit as part of their probation But all bring out their own unique characteristics which add to their characters Ans something I really enjoy about misfits as it helps distinguish the characters. It makes people want to watch misfits because in the Trailer they clearly have an original concept, they promise Enticing elements like drugs, sex and superpowers, also It’s really funny and its got its own dark humour to it. The characters represent the 7 deadly sins in Misfits, which may not be intentional by the creator However if it wasn’t that would be very surprising as the Characters perfectly fit each of them individually.
  • 3. Inside No.9 Another series however Inside No.9 is a new Story with a set of whole new characters every episode. However the creators always have a part even though it’s a new character. It is called an Anthology series. Location The location is always a new place however they pretty Much always have the location as one place throughout the Whole episode. Filming style The filming style drastically changes throughout a lot of Episodes, ones I can remember that stand out is ‘Cold Comfort’, which takes place in a helpline call centre and, Has cctv like cameras placed around the office, the actors have to come into Shot, not the other way round. All the cameras are static, so no panning or Zooming and is very much a wide angle, which I think all them aspects add, To in my opinion an unsettling feel, like being watched on cctv. There was also An episode titled the Devil of Christmas, which they actually bring out old 70s cameras and way of Shooting because the episode is basically meant to be like a 70s scary knockoff show. And I was Watching the making of it and it really interests me; however I do realise I am probably going to A one man shooting casts and wouldn’t be able to get my hands on that kind of equipment or Studio, I feel like it was a really cool concept to have and I like how the show has mutable ways of Shooting and maybe I could add that to my piece. Production A lot of the effects are done during the production as I saw in Devil of Christmas they sprinkled Fake snow over the camera to create the illusion of snow. I reckon this was how they did it back Then or even is a good way of doing it today as it would be cheap and easy. Post production used in ‘Cold Comfort’ would be putting the shots into order of sequence, as all The cameras would be running a once like cctv they would put the ones they wanted and edited it To the bit they needed for when it was necessary. In ‘Cold Comfort’ they have used natural lighting to make it look realistic of an actual office, whereas In ‘Devil Of Christmas’ they are using big studio lighting like it was a proper 70s production. The wide angle used in ‘Cold Comfort’ is generally dictated by the wideness of the shots as the characters come into the Shots. I like how that is because it is unsettling and when a scene is empty using a wide shot it gives off a eerie atmosphere. The colours are muted in ‘Cold Comfort’ to not give off any too happy feeling of comfort. Costumes Costumes are dramatically changing to massive lengths as you are meant to think the two people who are in every episode are different people. So they Will change their hair, glasses no glasses, their attire to fit the character so what they wear also tell you something about the character which I like, and Will possibly incorporate into my project. The costumes they use in Devil Of Christmas is very seventies as their shooting method is very much hands on And not as much effects. So the costumes are pretty unbelievable especially when it comes to monsters, but this adds a lot with what they were going for As it is a mock of what programs were like back then. Audience appeal I think audiences will love Inside No.9 because of its unique, interesting, and creepy short stories. The twists at the end of each episode is particularly Something I enjoy and would want to add it to my project as a twist is something I enjoy the most about films. Also the classic horror suspense keeps Viewers on their toes and is as. Whole a great show to watch at night.
  • 4. Peepshow Location The locations they use in peepshow do vary, However ill talk about their main hangout like The coffee shop in friends is their apartment, mainly The living room. Filming style The angles they use or the filming method is pretty Much Pov they rarely ever don’t do that, its what makes The show unique. I love how that is and it truly inspires Inspires me in my own project as I feel it will add its Own character to my project and also you get a sense Of togetherness with the pov of whomever you are Watching though the eyes of. Post Effects and post production stuff is a rarity as the show is Meant to be realistic so there is not much to add later on Apart from when the show comes back on they use a little Tune and also at the beginning of the show it obviously has Its on theme. In the earlier seasons especially season one They did dabble with effects like slo motion and other effects But later shrivelled in the later seasons. Lighting and clothes In terms of lighting, they try and make the show look natural and realistic. The characters are normally positioned in the frame so you can either see just their face Or upper body as well, so very close up; this way you get to see more facial reactions and comedy, it also adds To the realism of the show as a whole. You can arguably feel like you are apart of the show looking though The eyes of the characters and makes the watch a lot more engaging. The clothes they wear are pretty different with Jez the lazy one wearing more layer back attire like bright and baggy clothes to show he’s More fun, and mark wearing suits and darker clothing because, he’s more of a know it all And more boring. Audience appeal The audience will be appealed to this show because of its English witty humour and Great writing, also its filming style will captivate the audience and it is a breathe of fresh Air against how other shows filming styles; and this last point is why I would like to film That way, also it looks like fun to do and gets good shots that you wouldn’t normally get.
  • 5. The Office Location The office is set in literally an office primarily, as the main place that Most sitcoms normally have. Filming style The filming style they use which sets them apart from Literally all sitcoms is handheld filming, as the show is a mockumentary. I presume They use little to no effects and post production unless it is a skit they’re doing. With It being handheld I reckon most their production will be done during filming like zooms. They will have to edit in interviews and such however. The use of handheld makes it Feel like you’re in the show like it blurs really quickly as the camera moves to someone Talking across the office. I like this aspect as it is original and I think say if you thought You were in a horror movie wouldn’t that make it more scary? Lighting, colours and mist en scene The use of lighting is pretty minimal however they do americanise it and glamourise the Lighting a lot more than their UK counterpart. The position of the actors are pretty natural of how they you would I Real life as the cameras try and make film them do a reaction, as it is meant to look natural. The costumes are very Bland with little colour as they work in an office and have to wear suits however everyone gets their own style to fit Their characters. Andy for instance is probably the only one who has a colourful suit to fit with his character also his Suit has a bow tie while most people wear ties. Im a big fan of the handheld natural side of filming, and would like to add that to my production. Also The office Use a lot of improv which I would like to use as I think it can get the best lines. Audience appeal People want to watch the office because of its unique camera work, it makes the audience feel part of the cast That normally you wouldn’t get as strong as here is way more shots of reactions too lines and stuff like that. The humour Is pretty Americanised and you don’t normally have to work that hard to understand it; however there is a lot of stuff That make you think, as we don’t know a lot about peoples ives just manly what happens in the office, things happen And it makes you think it might mean something that is your own interpretation, and I really like that as it keeps you Invested thinking about the show.
  • 6. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? All the shows I have put are very creative I terms of story line and concept, which I think is Vitale for a show to be successful. Some of all the researched shows have their own way of filming, with misfits using the traditional way only. All the shows are either comedies dark comedies or at least has comedic elements to it. All of them are series. The lighting and effects are pretty minimal to add to the realism, as its more of an English thing to not be over the top, all the shows have been made from people from the he uk as the office yes its an American show however the concept was made by Ricky Gervais who Is English. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? I will include not having that much colourful shots as I want the characters and story to bring the project to life, and when there is colour I want it to stand out for a reason like the killer will wear red for danger and blood will stand out lots; like how in misfits the orange jumpsuits stand out from the grey bland backgrounds and lighting they have. I want the humour to be hopefully funny like these shows, and to have death as some punchlines, like in inside No.9. I will be definitely using a different filming style than the normal way, to get some originality and I like how it looks and makes the audience feel involved when POV or handheld, and I think I will use both, like in peepshow and office respectively. Even with the humour I would like the project to be unsettling and scare the audience like inside no.9. Also the use of POV im thinking only using that for the killer and im going to change who the pov is as itll have a twist of who the 'killer' is, slightly random buti just wanted to pu that so there is undertanding that I had this in the plans weeks before shooting.
  • 8. Audience research As you can see here in the question what scares my audience The most, 53% of people said psychopathic killers apposed to 23% on supernatural, 15% on real life situations and 7% on monsters. This is what I was hoping for because in my project That’s what i’ve planned for (psychopathic killers), and this happens to appeal to the Audience so that is good.
  • 9. Audience research In the 13 responses Ive got there is a wide range of Ages as I believe horror is a genre that can be very Different people, which is also good because I can get a range of different Inputs. I’ve also got a equal amount of younger people and older So there’s no discrepancy between the two on the questions.
  • 10. Audience research Here we see in Whats your favourite genre of horror A wide range of answers, however we can tell supernatural and Natural disasters is a no go for sure. We can also see comedy Horror getting the most at 30% which is very good because that Was what I was hoping for and im surprised it got voted As favourite. I reckon my audience will enjoy my product because That’s what they will get.
  • 11. Audience research This question we can see bad acting and unrealistic Is undesired, which could be a problem since that’s most Likely what’s going to happen, however I will try not Let it happen. I’ll write the script as close as I can to what I want to see so there won’t be too much bad acting. I Was thinking about some improvised scenes however I Think due to the lack of actual actors maybe limit that To not being in the final product unless deemed necessary.
  • 12. Audience research Here the glaring answer is people prefer normal filming style, However there is a chance they have never seen POV. Im keeping to my idea and staying with POV even though It would probably be better if I changed, because I like the The effects of POV and it makes the whole thing unique in my Opinion. Its not all going to be POV I was thinking about mixing up Styles so that can cater to this part of the audience.
  • 13. Audience research We look at the next question tackling the hard question Of which time period is the most scary or appealing for horror With the top dog being present day, which is good because it May be difficult to get a film without anything that might be From different time periods; it would be difficult to get props, Costumes and set design For a period piece. This is good for the audience because My project will be in that time period which is supposedly According to recent studies, present day is the most scary.
  • 14. Audience research This is some good research because I was planning to just do Pov from the victims, however now that I see that it would Be good to do both depending on the situation, I will dabble with That, because the audience will like it and also I think its an Interesting take on what I want to do.
  • 15. Audience research Not much to say on this one apart from the audience will be Happy because that’s what I want too. Audience have concluded That comedy and horror appeals to them, which is what I’m going To produce.
  • 16. Audience research I can agree with the audience a twist is great and Exactly what I want in my project and they will be happy About it being in the project because they voted it.
  • 17. Audience research and conclusion Everyone answered apart from 1 skip respectively, I tried to get a reasonably even data gender wise and I think I did a good job, because anyone can like a comedy horror, male or female. In I think the research was interesting, enjoyable, and helpful To my final product as i’ve made a couple of changes and tweaks That will cater to the target audience I have Gathered here today to do my survey.
  • 18. PonySmasher What does he do well? Ponysmasher is an incredibly gifted director that is very different to a lot of directors. His use of sound is something I really like as its so satisfying and most of it he does in post sometimes even the speech if it doesn’t sound good already. Also the way he uses horror sounds is very effective at scaring an audience, and I think sound is a very important part at doing that even crucial. The lightings also create a very good horror atmosphere as there is a lot of shadows which makes you uneasy of what Is in them. I like how im very engaged to every scene and is a great length which helps. What will I include into my project The sound is a definite I believe that'll be my ticket to scaring the audience, ill add a lot in post because when recording outside the sound might get a lot of unwanted noises, and I think putting satisfying yet disturbing noises will help the viewer being engaged throughout the whole film. Ponyshmasher had some interesing points I liked in his tip ideas video keeping it short, which I would like to discuss: for starters he talks about keeping it short surprise surprise, but what he goes into it thinking about your idea instead having loads of backstories and such is to think like there is a couple of scenes as he says the audience will be forgiving of loose ends; the unknown is scary, he says the only time that you should do more is tension he says drag it, and ill definitly do that as I agree why would I want short tension, go straight into the scaryness which will one keep the viewer engaged and will help keep it short, build to the scares as soon as you do a scareyor tension goes as the audience will maybe laugh that they jumped, so you will have to start building again, he talks about sound being bad is a big give a way to a low budget film and he says what he does is he tries to keep spme dialogue but the rest of the sound he normally throws away and replaces it in post, for ultimate control, because in horror paticullary you don’t want much extra sound. He says sound is more than half the experience and im going to take that far into my film.
  • 19. Power • The Closer look in his video 'How to Terrify the audience', is talking how power terrifies the audience. He anylises Hannibal lectures opening scene. They use angled shots so clarence is looking down while hannibal is looking up to signal Hannibal has all the power. Hannibals face takes up all the screen whereas Clarence takes not even half. • Closer look also talks about vuneraribilty. For example in movies like IT and Aliens both victims cant defend themselves as they are children and mechanics which give them vunerablity, in the other alien movie there is a bunch of soldiers which doesn’t give the same kind of scare as the other one does. To terrify the audience its all to do with which character has all the power.
  • 20. Timelapse of practical experiment, special effects
  • 21. Why I did this practical research I was thinking that why I need a fake hand is because the plan was that the killer in my film now trailer would cut off the victims hand so a fake hand would be needed. I think having a fake hand instead of cutting just before the cut will add to the realism and horror of the scene.
  • 22. What I did Basically I was researching practical effects I could use related to my film and I stumbled onto a YouTube video I Wanted to test because it had some easy effects and effective I could do. Step 1 I made an alginate cast by mixing alginate and water that was a one to one ratio; after mixing quickly I left my hand in for 15 minutes, but I added more water because it wasn't mixing as I wanted and also it hardens within 5 minutes so I was stressed. Step 2 After now waiting 30 minutes for the alginate mixture to dry around my hand I slowly and carefully took it out leaving a hand shaped hole I could put my next mixture in. Step 3 I mixed A and B of the silicon mould I had acquired and then I carefully poured it into the alginate hand hole and then let it set for 12 hours. Step 4 Now once hardened I slowly took out the hand and tried to to rip anything. It came out okay no rips however I think some of my hand wasn’t covered or was touching the side which may of caused Step 5 Next I coated everything I made in a skin coloured paint to get the real hand illusion. Step 6 Now while the hand was drying I started on the fake blood and guts. I made a picture that contained corn syrup, fake blood powder and chocolate syrup and I added till I thought I had the right co Step 7 Then I got these all tights and stuffed them with paper scrunches so it would thicken out to look like guts. Step 8 To get the gut colour I dunked the tights in the blood mixture. Step 9 I got all my filming equipment and I put the fake blood into a bottle so we could squirt at me when I chopped off my hand.
  • 23. What I would do differently. I would put less water in the alginate picture as that is what you are meant to do because its meant to be one to one. I had some problems with the hand suddenly stopping at points so I will make sure I fully stir it out before it drys and make sure my hand is not touching the side, by getting a bigger Bowl and more mixture. I would change the consistency of the blood mixture as it would not squirt out at first because of the thickness so I added water and next time I might do that again or get a water gun so it would have more force.
  • 25. Bibliography 1. (made 2016) Reddit 2. (made 2020) Inside No.9 Devil of Christmas Youtube 3. (made 2020) Inside no.9 Cold Comfort Youtube 4. Peepshow (2003) David Mitchel and Robert Webb Objective Media Group 5. The Office (2005) Greg Daniels Deedle-Dee Productions 3 Arts Entertainment Reveille Productions (2005–12) Shine America (2012–13) NBC Universal Television Studio (2005–07) Universal Media Studios (2007–11) Universal Television (2011–13) 6. audience research (conducted March 2021) 7. DIY horror effects (made 2019) Ponysmasher Lights out (2013) Ponysmasher Closet Space (2016) Ponysmasher Coffer (2014) Ponyshamsher making of Closet space (2016) MyAnnabelleCreation Filmmaking Tips 4 – Scares. Ponysmasher (2017) MyAnnabelleCreation Filmmaking Tips 2 - Keeping it Short. Ponysmasher (2017) How to terrify your audience. The closer look

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.