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Jay Brown
What attracted me to this project?
• I think that the topic of it being on bodybuilding is what attracted me
to it the most. I also decided to do it more about myself, as I didn’t
need to rely on anyone else and this made this direction more
appealing. The style that attracted me, was the documentary format.
I had been doing some of my best work, under this style and wanted
to continue that into my FMP. I wanted to progress my work under a
topic I am deeply passionate about in a format I have had success it.
What research did you undertake and
how did it help develop your project?
• I researched many filmmakers that made similar content to what I
wanted to do. This helped because I could take inspiration in the
topics they brought up in the video, styles they used, and any genre
tropes that I could use to make my video fit into the type I wanted it
to be. I researched my documentary style, and I picked participatory.
This helped me shape how my documentary would feel. It also
effected scenes as I wanted to keep the participatory style present. I
did research from my target audience, and I found what they wanted,
and see if I agreed and would make it fit around them; or stick to my
guns and make my own decision.
How did you develop and improve your
ideas throughout the project?
• I refined how I wanted it from PowerPoint to PowerPoint. I think the
most change happened in planning. I think then because I was able to
visualise how I exactly wanted it. I also had to decide what I was
happy to actually do. I was planning to do more scientific based
footage and topics but considering I don’t use that kind of stuff that
much, I felt like it wasn’t me. It would be disingenuous to who I am,
and spectators would be able to tell. I went more personal than I
originally planned, even though the topic was about me, I think going
personal was a good idea. I think this because it makes me relate to
the audience more, which is what I wanted from my research.
What was the outcome of the project/task?
• I would say I am very happy with the outcome of my project. I feel like in
the class I am the one they didn’t expect to put so much effort in and do
well. Everyone I have presented my video to has really enjoyed it and think
I am going to get a distinction. That kind of feedback gives me pressure to
do that. I do think that my project is distinction level, as I looked at a lot of
distinction level projects and I have done more than what they have. I think
what is holding me back is that my video isn’t something you would see on
for example the BBC. It’s a web-based video, however I feel like that is an
unfair way to hold me back. I planned from the start that I wanted to do a
web-based video. Nearly all my initial influences and videos I researched
were YouTube videos. I have put so much effort into all the areas of my
project and I feel like if I didn't achieve a distinction, I would feel like all the
extra effort I put Into this would be for nothing.
Personal Response
How did you feel about the project
before you started?
• I felt initially nervous because this is the project that matters the
most. I knew I wanted a distinction on this final one. I was going to
put all my effort into it. I knew I wanted to produce a documentary
video, but I wanted to get a really good topic to my video. I felt a bit
nervous because I had just come off making a really good Newcastle
United FC documentary and didn’t know if I could top it. I just
wanted to show even though the previous projects hadn’t been that
good, I wanted to show what I could do.
What do you think about your project
development and how did it help you to refine
your idea?
• I watched many YouTube videos to see what I could take as
inspiration, and how I could somewhat incorporate aspects into my
own thing. I refined my idea basically from videos of the same genre, I
analysed them and saw aspects that I liked or didn't like that I
thought how could I do them better. For example, on Dylan
Mcknight's video that I researched, I saw that his intro was just a
black screen with a dramatic opening line. I decided to keep the
dramatic opening line but do a fast-paced montage. I think this
worked really well, as I could basically improve on things that have
already proved to work.
Did you collaborate on your project or
engage contributors, etc?
• I had a little help from Stephen Royle who gave me advice on some
shots that work well and also how to use equipment. I also had help
from Scott, my tutor, who would check my work every so often, to see
if I was on track.
How did you feel when the project
was completed and why?
• I felt really relieved as I just wanted to show my mates it for weeks. I
also felt proud as I felt I had to refilm things about 100 times. I felt
proud that everyone I showed it to really enjoyed it and I felt
confident as a result. I set out and did what I planned to do; I think I
have achieved something I can show anyone. Normally before I would
be embarrassed to show my work, but I am confident in my ability
What were the good points about the project/task
and what did you learn from them?
• I felt like my organisational skills got better because, I was able to
reschedule after I had problems with the footage, which happened a
lot. My editing skills have got better, I have learnt how to do different
effects such as the typewriter effect I used to end my video. I made a
montage that I think worked well. Additionally, I think that my
resilience has improved as the amount of work I have done for this, is
the most I have done for any project. My writing skills have improved
due to the sheer amount of writing that I have achieved.
What challenges did you face and how did
you respond to them?
• When it came to re filming, when I found out I couldn’t use
the footage I already did, I was devastated. I knew I had to keep calm
and just get on with it. It may have also helped as I was also able to
see what I could do better, when I was going to film again. For
example, when I had to redo my supplement section, I used two
different angles as I had concluded after the first time, I filmed that
this would make the scene more visually attractive. I also had
problem with time, and I still have that ongoing problem essentially,
so getting all my work done to a level that is very good, is a hard task.
That is why having a good schedule of when you will do work is so
important and why sticking to it as all the more crucial.
What were the negative points about
the experience, and what could you have done
to improve them?
• I think the anxiety of just doing the project is something that I found
difficult at first. I think the best thing to improve this is just doing
more work. When you prolong work and bury your head in the sand,
you start to feel the pressure. Keeping on top of my work is
something I tried to do consistently, so I could get feedback. I hated
all the technical difficulties I had. I found that very demoralising. I
should have done some more experiments, so I could have mitigated
any possible problems that occurred.
What is your opinion of your final piece?
What elements do you think are successful and
• I really liked a lot of elements of my production. The introduction is
something I am very happy with. Because within 15 seconds you
know basically who I am and want the video is about. I like how I was
in front of the camera, I seemed very calm in front of it, and I think
you can tell. The structure of the video I think flows really well,
especially since I have lots of different shots and areas that I filmed in.
Nothing really feels out of place, which I like. My interview with Harry
Strike was really good and I got lots of useful information from him. I
liked that people found it funny and liked watching it, because then I
know that it works well with my target audience.
In what ways was the overall project
a success?
• I believe my written content was some of my best work. My proposal
was really good in my opinion. One of my best written pieces of the
project. I think that I have made mass improvements in many areas
during this project and that is what I would say is my biggest success.
Organisational skills have improved, as I had a lot more scenes I had
to film, and a lot more work. I would also say my confidence in my
own ability has gone up a lot since I have got a lot of praise from this
project. I think my skills with the camera have improved quite a
lot too, and my problem solving with things as I have had lots of that
to do.
How would you rate the final piece?
• I would honestly say distinction. The amount of work I have done for
this project. I believe I deserve it. I would say with my video, I couldn’t
have done much more with it, I think it is a really good video in its
genre and in general. I have had people compare it to big youtubers. I
have compared my work with Ewan Wild who got a distinction and I
think I have a better project.
How well did your project apply the
characteristics and conventions of the medium
you worked in?
• I did a documentary, and I also did participation style. When I used a
microphone in shot, it was because I am doing participation style and
a convention of that is showing behind the scene type footage, so the
viewer can relate with the audience. I used a shaky camera,
Interviews, voiceover, and many other things as my conventions of
How did your design appeal to your
target audience?
• Firstly, I applied a lot of conventions of the genre I was making my
video in (bodybuilding content). I included workout montage,
supplements, etc. also did a survey where I asked many questions. I
tried to follow some of the things they voted on, like the introduction
time. The majority voted they wanted an introduction no longer than
15 seconds; my video applies to this vote. I also did how long should a
YouTube documentary be, and they said 10-15 minutes. I used my
advice and did a ten-minute documentary. I went on the low end
because, I generally find shorter videos more appealing. I thought it
would be better to do a highly edited shorter duration video as well
instead of a longer less edited one.
What elements did not go well and why?
• I think I should've planned a bit more around how exactly I wanted
each shot. I think this would've helped because, there would be
delays in production because I would spend time looking at what
angles worked and didn't work. I would use a different device to
record audio. I didn’t particularly enjoy or find it easiest working with
the ones that college provide. I think there's too much room for it not
to work. It had faulted 3 times in my production, which is
unacceptable in production.
What meaning and messages did you want
to convey and were you successful?
• In my written work I believe I conveyed the message hard work and
perseverance is the key to success. My predicted grades were that I
would get no better grade than merit. I believe that I will get a merit
or higher so, how I have put in the work, I think people around me are
motivated from how much I have done. In my video I believe the
same message is conveyed. I put in the hard work in my workout life
and now I have a respectable personal physique. That’s what
transformation videos are about, respect amongst the community.
What feedback did you get from your
peers and viewings?
• All my peers that watched it, like it and gave lots of praise. From
teachers I got some praise but some negatives. I only changed things
that I agreed with. I think that’s what is best as it is my own project
and if I agree in my own work, I will stick by it. No one knows the
Pre-proposal and proposal
• The proposals are essentially the first flame that triggered your whole project, put into words; even if your idea is a rough start of where it
turns out. I really wanted to have my best project yet, so having a good concept would really be the first step to having something I am truly
proud of. I knew I was going to do a documentary style as I had found a passion for it on my two previous documentary projects. I thought
about what I was passionate about, and I concluded that bodybuilding is what I know most about and what I am most interested in.
Pre Proposal
Initially I made a proposal and contacted a local coach to see if I could compete. A project like this would in my opinion be very interesting, as
there is an end goal and a purpose of the project. It gives direction for the project. Unfortunately, after completing a full pre-proposal, I found
out that doing a competition could be detrimental to my physique and may set me back months, as well as because I am relatively tall, I would
have to compete at a quite high standard competition as well as that we got less time on the project so I would be pushing it quite late to get
my edit to a good standard. Getting to such a low body fat, there as a lot of consequences that come with it and having less energy is one of
these negatives. Meaning my work could be affected. This is why I came to the conclusion that I would have to come up with a new idea,
however I wanted to still do some kind of body building related video.
It came to proposal time and using the information I got from my contextual , I made a proposal. At this point in my creative media career, I
wasn’t too confident in my writing ability, so this is an area I wanted to strengthen on this FMP. I put lots of details in and I got my spelling and
grammar checked throughout the project. I put tons of detail and effort into this, and I think I got it to an almost perfect point, making it to
one of my strengths on this project entirely. I think that my rationale is very good as I put a lot of thought into it making it personal to me and
why I wanted to do this concept. Even though I have found that some ideas have changed from this original plan, I believe this is all a part of
the creative journey and expanding and adapting is what makes a project great. It would be detrimental to the project if I didn’t explore
different concepts from my original plan, it's like how managers who struggle to adapt in football are the ones who get sacked by Christmas. I
Came to a conclusion on this project that doing a personal transformation video on myself is something I would be incredibly interested in and
something I will be motivated throughout the whole project. All in all, these proposals are something I am incredibly proud of on this project.
• I do believe that this was a very well written part of my work. Since it
is all text, I tried to pride myself upon making it very
eloquently written. I think this is why it is one of my best pieces of
work because I do think that they mark well for well written work.
• I really liked my rationale as I gave reasons that were quite personal
to me, on why I wanted to make this project. I think I listed good
reasons and wrote it well.
• I didn't exactly know how I wanted to video to be, so there are things
I wrote that I haven't been able to do or haven't needed to do.
However, I acknowledge these weren't meaningless as it
demonstrates the number of ideas I had and that I tried out more
than one way of doing my video.
• I wish I was able to do my preproposal as there is a lot of potential in
• Contextual is something I really loved doing, I think it is an important component
of the project as it really rounds out your concept and helps you broaden them
initial ideas. Nothing is finalised and you can explore what you do and things that
you write down don’t tend to matter if you don’t end up using it. I think this was
the start of how I started putting in a lot more effort into work. I didn't even try to
add a lot of work, I just had lots of things to research and to write about and
before I knew it, I had a good PowerPoint full of information. This research posed
well for my actual research for the project as this work was more research of
what you wanted to research. By doing well on this it set me up nicely for the
research section of the project. I felt a lot of freedom and didn't feel worried for
the project, and it was a really nice experience doing this part of the project for
me. I would say my initial influences is a big strength in this section, as I had lots
of information from things, I already knew from liking the topic I was going for
and I was able to build on that into more of a professional sphere.
• I really enjoyed doing the contextual. I believe I enjoyed doing this section
because, it felt quite relaxing to do. I didn’t have the pressure of having to
complete an FMP yet. I still didn't have a grasp on my idea yet, so doing
research on what I wanted to do was fun and freeing. We have never done
a contextual before, so I liked how it was new, even though at first, I was
confused on how to start.
• I felt like it really enhanced my research and proposal, as it gave me more
time to refine my idea of what I wanted to do. I also was figuring out what I
was going to do further research on.
• I did my contextual quite fast and had a lot of information on my slides.
This gave me a lot of confidence in my own ability which has extended
throughout this project.
• I started quite slowly on this contextual, as I didn't fully understand
the concept. When first starting it is quite a weird idea, as I found
doing research upon what you will research quite confusing. However,
as time progressed, I got more used to it, and started expanding my
PowerPoint to something I was happy with, and which benefited my
• I feel like I could've done a little more work, as I only got 23 slides.
However, I do believe I had more than enough information for me to
use for my proposal and research.
Contextual checklist
• Context
-Demonstrated reasoning behind project and briefly explained
- in depth synopsis about what the aim, expectations and plans are for my
chosen FMP
- included 8 in depth examples of work/ people I am inspired by
- demonstrated understanding of chosen FMP style and researched its
characteristics thoroughly
- shown independence reaching out to people to help make/ improve my
- acknowledged, outlined and explained the strengths and limitations of my
- written about my past experiences and the skills acquired over the last
two years that will benefit my work, and identified things I want to improve
on and new things I want to try.
- written in-depth about my hopes for my FMP
-shown a broad range of ideas and defined each one
- included a bibliography
• Research is a very important and large PowerPoint; it is probably the most I had to write on the entire
project. However, I didn’t feel I was adding things for the sake of it, rather things just happened naturally,
and it escalated into a lot of writing and information. This is when things became a little more serious and I
had to research things that I will most likely use for my production. I became really interested in the topics I
covered as I am already passionate about body building so, I really enjoyed this part. I also enjoyed picking a
documentary style as this helps shape my production to how I wanted it to look and tropes that link with the
style I picked would feature in the video. I found this to be highly interesting and helpful, as I could imagine
what my project would look like more. I went into great depth about topics I would cover in the video and
also existing products that I can take inspiration from. I would say these existing products are my strong
point as the detail and quantity of information that I produced and how it helped shape this project. I used
information I got from these slides throughout the whole project. I would say my biggest inspiration was
Dylan McKnight, and I did plenty of information upon him as I found his content to be very similar to what I
wanted to produce. I found that a web like documentary is what I find the most appealing and what I wanted
to do. I already know tons of information that I used for my own project, and I believe these styles of
documentary's are the future essentially. This was my reasoning behind the type of style, I also find these
the most entertaining. I also did interviews and surveys for a bit of a different type of research; I asked
questions that I used for the entire production, for example introduction length. I used what they said for a
basis for my introduction on my project.
• I got a lot out of research. I discovered a lot more of what I wanted to
get out of my project and how I wanted it to look. I got the chance to
expand my work, through researching topics I love.
• After I looked back at all the work I had done, I had compiled tonnes
of information that I later used throughout my project. I was really
quite proud with all the work I did.
• I had never looked at documentary styles before, and I think it really
helped give my documentary a style, it helped me shape how I
wanted it to look.
• I think this is where I really kicked on and started to believe I could do
better than what I had done on previous projects.
• Some information I got seemed to later be quite useless and I wish
I figured out exactly what I wanted my project to be, so could have
focussed all my attention on that straight away. However, that is quite
a difficult ask and I also believe all the stages of development for my
project were necessary and demonstrated natural progression.
• I wish I did some more professional research on documentary's, I did
a few but I wish I had some more. I think this because I wish I could've
used some more professional aspects to my video that I don’t have
Research checklist
• Research
-Outlined and explained the different styles of documentary.
-Chosen which style I’d like to attempt why I would like to attempt it and how I plan on going about attempting it.
- gone into further depth about my chosen style and characteristics.
– outlined The benefit of using the characteristics to my advantage and technique that I will be using.
-looked at seven different people/work as existing products and their audience profiles as well as highlighting and
explaining any techniques or ideas I’d like to incorporate into my own work.
–Research into other media types that tie into my work e.g posters.
- outlined and explained a potential structure to my project.
- researched six pieces of accompanying music that I could use in my work. I have also written when I would like to
incorporate it why I have chosen it and the tone it sets.
- I have also conducted my own audience research. I have planned a survey. I have Explained how I distributed and
where I have distributed it to. I have collected it in and analysed it adapting my work to fit the data.
- A have established what style my documentary will be, as I picked a web-based style documentary that you would find on YouTube;
I also gave in depth rationale behind this decision.
-Clothing research for my merchandise that I will create, with external qualitative research included.
- I have also conducted two in person interviews and analysed these as well
- I have also outlined topics I feel I need to research; I have then gone on to do so much thoroughly.
Finally I have included a bibliography
Problem solving
• The problem-solving PowerPoint consists of technical and practical
problems that you have to produce hypothetical and non-hypothetical
solutions for. I also did experiments so that for the actual production things
should happen more smoothly. This proved to be helpful as many things
went wrong and I believe that producing solutions, made my problem
solving a lot more straight forward. My biggest weakness is that I had a lot
of problems I didn’t plan for because I had never experienced it before and
didn’t know it was possible to get these types of problems. The thing I am
most proud of is my rotoscoping as that was a technique I really enjoyed,
and it was something I learned to do having no experience. I wish I could
have used it in my final production; however, I feel like I didn’t have time,
and I wanted to really perfect everything else before I did it. Simply I also
believe the video didn’t need it, as I am happy without it in. I did a lot of
tables of problems which did help, and this took plenty of time to complete
and I am happy with this.
• My experiments were good, as I not only got footage at the gym
which directly correlates with what I would be doing for my video. I
also tried rotoscoping which I found very fun and was difficult and
time consuming.
• My tables of information were very good also because it
contained tons of Information that I needed, when I found a problem.
• I think I could've done a bit more effort into my posters, as they were
average. I didn’t actually do a poster in the end, but I still think I
could've done a little more.
• It took a lot of time doing the tables, so that took away from time
spent on other things, and really all I got from the tables was a neater
and more detailed version of what I already wrote.
Problem solving checklist
-Explained in depth the reasons why I am problem solving.
-Listed four different technical problems in case they occur later in the project.
-Went into greater depth after making a technical and practical problem table, which had why it’s a problem, solution, backup solution and evaluation sections.
-Listed three different Theoretical problems, if they ever occur to mitigate stagnation later in project.
-Went into greater depth after making a theoretical problems table, which had why it’s a problem, solution, backup solution and evaluation sections.
- Filmed multiple experiment videos, that I edited into a usable YouTube Link.
-Practised use of light, angle and position, that helped my later project.
-Went into great depth about why I chose these experiments and how they helped.
-Constructed two different posters, out of footage I got from my experiment footage.
-Wrote in depth about how lifting and angle is an illusion on muscle appearance.
-Looked back at previous projects and analysed my camera work and audio and the ways I could improve these areas.
-Made a typewriter effect which I later used in my project to great success.
-Challenged myself to try Rotoscoping. Which is a scribble like animation effect. I used a tablet and pen to do this. Which took countless time of research to do.
-In depth writing of problems I faced while doing production that I didn’t write about.
• Planning is the point where you have to now have to be putting everything
together. I initially struggled with this, as putting it all together how I
wanted, seemed like a daunting and very different task, to the other
PowerPoints. I had to figure out locations, sound and script. What I am
particularly proud of is my topic breakdown, and all the slides I did on every
scene and how I exactly wanted it. This helped loads, as it is how I based
every time I filmed, off these slides. There's a lot of positives I have doing
this, as after the struggle at first the whole filming process became simpler
in my eyes. I could now picture what I was doing. I don’t believe the weekly
production schedule helped, as things are constantly changing. I used it
more as a template of when around I should do things. It's impossible to
plan every day of a 4-week period and not have things come up that
prevent you from doing filming one day and having to do it the next day.
• My storyboarding was very helpful, and I used that a lot for
production. I think it really aided to the success of my scenes being
• My breakdown of scenes, and the shot list, are very good and helped
me know what I needed to film, and how it would exactly look.
• I think this whole PowerPoint shows a clear understanding of what I
had to film (organisational) and how it would look (aesthetic).
• Perhaps I could've elaborated further on my shot list, as some details
may seem vague. I do struggle with visualisation and organisation; so,
this PowerPoint was tricky.
• I started very slow, as this PowerPoint was very different to
the others. Whereas the other ones, I could just type lots, I had to be
more concise on this. I had to exactly figure out what I wanted
my production to be. This was very tricky for me to start. It all was
now real and had to be done. Once I got into the groove, I really
kicked on. However, the start was hard.
Film production sound design
I think my sound design was well for lots of parts of
this. I tried to keep my viewer entertained through
audio as well as visually. I used audio that was
satisfying to hear, making whoever watching to
hopefully be entertained throughout. I believe I got
this effect as I had everyone in my class watch the
entirety of the video some multiple times, and they
were entertained throughout. To further back the
entertainment I had praise for the introduction
sound effects I put on and the song use. I balanced
all my audio to around -12 dB, this ensures that the
sound stays consistent and loud I have been taught
and through my own trial and error that this (-12 dB)
is the perfect balance between loud and quiet to
listen to.
Film production aesthetic qualities
• I think I had a lot of aesthetic qualities to my video. I used lots of different effects on my footage to make it look how it
does. For example, on all the footage where my muscles are involved, I would play around with the colour settings,
increasing shadows, blacks, etc. I would just play around until I found the right look, that is similar to all the research I did. I
tried to get creative footage, I would use different angles for interviews, for my posing scene I shot through a ring light. I
used title graphics, Intermission trippy effects and I generally tried to get good and appropriate lighting for every shot I
had. For interviews I would use 3.0 lighting and for gym footage I would try and use overhead lighting and get into the
right angles to make my body appear bigger. I found great success with this, after planning it out and finding what works
best. My video also featured B roll, and a variety of close ups to longer shots. Compared to other content similar to mine, I
have a lot more and nicer shots. I have seen no use of B roll or effects like what I have used and a lot of video similar to
mine is very raw footage, and is less concerned about aesthetic qualities like I am. I believe I have shown individuality to
do this with my video, and I did what I thought would look nice in my creative direction and I tried to be different to a lot
of videos I see like mine. In my montage I also used slow motion effects, and a variety of shots. I used some low shots and
some high shots as well as many more. A negative for my aesthetic is that I wish I did more aesthetic shots, even though I
had a lot, I wish I had more b roll and more time to make some cool effects. I would’ve tried rotoscoping, as I really
enjoyed doing so, but unfortunately its very time consuming, and things would have to take a hit to do so if I went for it.
This isn’t a big issue as I didn’t rely on rotoscoping, and my video stands on its own two feet without it. I also think that it
didn’t need it. It may have affected its quality and it may have been overkill.
Film production technical qualities
• I had a lot of footage I liked but editing made it 100 times better. None of my audio
would have been good without editing. I am very glad I chose not to use camera audio. I
used a microphone and put that into premiere. I obviously had to adjust all my audio to
be the same -12 dB, like I have said in sound design. I used music in the right tension to
entertain and also to add to the exciting and fast paced feeling of my video. I think some
of my footage perhaps I cut to choppy, I haven't got any feedback saying that, but
personally I think that. What I did get feedback on was that the ending and my interviews
was too long, I disagree. I disagree because, if say you were interested in the topic it
doesn’t drag whatsoever, for the interview. It is not very long either, so I don’t see how it
drags personally. The ending I also disagree with because, its only around 15 seconds, it’s
the whole point of the video. The finale, you could say. I very strongly disagree with this.
Luckily this feedback was from my tutor Scott, which was helpful but I had confidence in
my work, and if I do get feedback, I will change it, if I agree with it. I think this was my
best edited piece of work yet, I like the pacing of the video. I don’t think it seems like a
ten-minute video, and I think it shows as the whole class watched the entire duration
and enjoyed the entirety.
Time management
• Time management is of course very important when doing projects. Especially this FMP when there is
deadlines for everything, from getting your PowerPoints ready enough for feedback, to having to hand the
entirety in for grading. Since the project is graded from the worst section, everything has to be the same
high quality. Having one pass level grade on one section, even if the rest s higher, will mess my whole project
around. I think this is where time management comes in; it helps get consistency and quality to the sections
of work. If you need to do more work, to improve a section, planning your time management correctly to do
so, is so worthwhile. This is where I did well. Because I was trying to get all my sections to the highest
possible level I could reach, I was bound to find complications. Especially when previous to this, my biggest
achievement was a pass level. I ran into problem after problem, yet I stayed consistent to every deadline.
That’s time management. I had a pretty laid-back schedule, choosing to work when I wanted to, however I
would always get my work done early, then put it in for feedback, and repeat. I think this relaxing work
schedule allows me to work at my own pace and get me comfortable with what I am doing. I know all my
work is good, and knowing that I will get a good grade, has made me more relaxed and I am free to work
with only little pressure. Of course, I believe some amount of pressure Is healthy, I see that if you have no
pressure whatsoever, there are individuals who chose just to slack off. I have put countless hours into my
work and have reached something I am proud of. Would I say my type of schedule was wrong or had
negatives? No, I don’t believe so, I got all my work done on time, for every deadline, and my peers would ask
to look at my work for inspiration. I felt confident more than any project, and this was all down to having
consistent but relaxed time management.
What could have been better?
• I wish I filmed myself doing something different to legs for my
workout. I think the exercises for legs are less good for camera. I wish
I had at least tried to do some rotoscoping because I had written that
I wanted to try some different stuff than my other documentary's. I
believe that this documentary is lightyears better than my other ones,
but I still wanted to do more. I do regret not trying it, but I feel like
my project would be worse if I put all that time into it.
The differences between proposed and final
• I think that I intended to be more information and educational, but I
went for a bit more entertainment with a little bit of education. I
didn’t do any scientific based information, just what I hear is good. I
think if I did more scientific stuff it would not be genuine to me, as I
don’t currently talk about the science behind how I train often. I
probably had in mind some more arty type shots, but at the end of
the day it just didn’t really fit with what the topic was.
What would you do differently in the
future and why?
• I would try rotoscoping. I really want to delve into some visually
aesthetic content. My friend Matt Turley has really inspired me with
this. I think I would do this because I think it would add something to
my videos that you don’t get from any other person within the genre I
am doing. I want to maybe do a film in the future. I am really excited
for what the future brings in media. When I compete, I really want to
document that, I think that would make a really interesting
How could you develop your skills for future
• I want to do the York College media course. I am hoping to expand my
skills on this, and I am looking forward to doing so. I am planning to
start making more YouTube videos over the summer, so that will help
progress my skills.
What personal attributes could you develop
to ensure you are working at a professional level?
• I would say confidence to make something that’s a bit weirder than
what I have been doing already. I feel like if I were to make something
on the BBC or Netflix, I would need to be stricter with my routine, as I
worked on a 'when I wanted to' sort of basis. I would need to treat it
more like a job.
Social media comments
All positive feedback here,
which is really good to here. I
got comments from people I
barely know and also from
people I don’t know. One
thing in particular I like is
from Lifetime chronic. Natty
meaning natural, so in this
case he is saying I am on
steroids. This is particularly
good because I had said I
have to look the part for
people to want to watch it, I
said this back on my research,
so this information is
particularly good to hear from
a stranger.
Person 1
Can you name a positive and negative about my video?
A positive I would say for this video, is that it is highly entertaining. You
were naturally good in front of camera, and you can see that in your
video. A negative I would say is that some parts are quite choppy
edited, and some smoother transitions between the choppiness could
be a good idea.
• What would you rate it out of 10
Person 2
Can you name a positive and negative about my video?
• I liked how the shots of you at the end really makes your body stand
out, the shadows you put on really gives that illusion of 3 dimensions
to your body. I didn't like when you didn’t use a microphone as the
audio seems to catch a lot of other noise, but apart from that top
• What would you rate it out of 10
Person 3
• The positives of the documentary were the montages and the variety of shots
you took in the video, I also like the variety of music that is used in the video, I
also like the b-roll, I also like that you will be talking whilst doing something
you're talking about for example sitting in the ice bath whilst talking about the
benefits, I also like the introduction to the segments with you talking to the
camera and telling the audience what is happening.
• The negatives of the documentary are the audio in some shots can be drowned
out by other Noise in the location for example the market with people talking-
also the echoing in the house. I don't like when putting the ice in the bath you are
rustling the bag whilst pour the ice whilst you are talking. before the ice bath as
well where there is a clear jump between you and the video.
What would you rate it out of 10
• 7.5/10
Person 4
1. You are very impressive as a presenter, confident, clear and very likeable
2. You really know the subject matter.
3. The music is inspiring, some good choices of tracks which build momentum in each scene
4. The progress you make in body transformation is remarkable. The before and after shots are very powerful.
Cons( where it might improve);
1. The introduction needs a bit more work. Can you explain what the movie is about and why you are making it? Maybe show the photos of before you
started power lifting ( Ibiza boat photo and the other before photo) and say you were unhappy with the way you looked and lacking confidence. So, you
decided to do something about .. “and this is my journey to get healthier and happier” . That could be quite powerful. It might just be moving the scene
where explain this at the end moved to the start of the movie.
2. Maybe give a title to each part of the movie or
-How my story started
-Nutrition and diet
- Next steps
3. Closing scene - can you say something inspiring at the end? Summarise what you’ve learned on this journey that might inspire others?
4. Can the editing be polished up a bit. Maybe don’t stop the music abruptly when moving to next scene. Just fade the music into next scene.
We’ll hope that helps. It’s really inspirational what you’ve achieved. ‘Main thing is the intro
• to work on. Just set the scene with some more narrative and show you before photos and say why you wanted to go on this transformational journey.
The viewer will then understand what the film is about and buy into what you are doing.
What would you rate it out of 10
• 7.5/10
My analysis of the feedback
• I think there are some decent points here about my video. I agree with some not all. I do
take pride that the people I got feedback found it hard to give negatives, some felt like
they were knit picking. My favourite positive feedback was that I was good Infront of
camera. I was a bit worried that would I come off likeable or not? The reassurance is nice
to hear. A negative that I found interesting was the introduction. Obviously, I understand
it isn't a common introduction if you haven't seen many YouTube videos, but I did
research on a lot of content in my genre and this type of intro was relevant in all. I do
think a quick introduction is powerful, it sets up a quick way to drag you in. That’s what
the majority of media is these days. I was never thinking about doing a long dragged-out
speech about everything about me and what you're about to see. From my introduction
you do get a lot and you know what you're going to see. The music also stopping
abruptly is also interesting, understandably not everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoy
watching and editing in this style. Choppy fast edits, is how I like to edit and is what I also
put into my research throughout. My other projects, especially my Newcastle one have
this style, and I have built on it from there. Overall, it's very useful to get feedback and it
is something I find enjoyable. I will definitely take some into consideration, come my next

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evaluation fmp.pptx

  • 2. What attracted me to this project? • I think that the topic of it being on bodybuilding is what attracted me to it the most. I also decided to do it more about myself, as I didn’t need to rely on anyone else and this made this direction more appealing. The style that attracted me, was the documentary format. I had been doing some of my best work, under this style and wanted to continue that into my FMP. I wanted to progress my work under a topic I am deeply passionate about in a format I have had success it.
  • 3. What research did you undertake and how did it help develop your project? • I researched many filmmakers that made similar content to what I wanted to do. This helped because I could take inspiration in the topics they brought up in the video, styles they used, and any genre tropes that I could use to make my video fit into the type I wanted it to be. I researched my documentary style, and I picked participatory. This helped me shape how my documentary would feel. It also effected scenes as I wanted to keep the participatory style present. I did research from my target audience, and I found what they wanted, and see if I agreed and would make it fit around them; or stick to my guns and make my own decision.
  • 4. How did you develop and improve your ideas throughout the project? • I refined how I wanted it from PowerPoint to PowerPoint. I think the most change happened in planning. I think then because I was able to visualise how I exactly wanted it. I also had to decide what I was happy to actually do. I was planning to do more scientific based footage and topics but considering I don’t use that kind of stuff that much, I felt like it wasn’t me. It would be disingenuous to who I am, and spectators would be able to tell. I went more personal than I originally planned, even though the topic was about me, I think going personal was a good idea. I think this because it makes me relate to the audience more, which is what I wanted from my research.
  • 5. What was the outcome of the project/task? • I would say I am very happy with the outcome of my project. I feel like in the class I am the one they didn’t expect to put so much effort in and do well. Everyone I have presented my video to has really enjoyed it and think I am going to get a distinction. That kind of feedback gives me pressure to do that. I do think that my project is distinction level, as I looked at a lot of distinction level projects and I have done more than what they have. I think what is holding me back is that my video isn’t something you would see on for example the BBC. It’s a web-based video, however I feel like that is an unfair way to hold me back. I planned from the start that I wanted to do a web-based video. Nearly all my initial influences and videos I researched were YouTube videos. I have put so much effort into all the areas of my project and I feel like if I didn't achieve a distinction, I would feel like all the extra effort I put Into this would be for nothing.
  • 7. How did you feel about the project before you started? • I felt initially nervous because this is the project that matters the most. I knew I wanted a distinction on this final one. I was going to put all my effort into it. I knew I wanted to produce a documentary video, but I wanted to get a really good topic to my video. I felt a bit nervous because I had just come off making a really good Newcastle United FC documentary and didn’t know if I could top it. I just wanted to show even though the previous projects hadn’t been that good, I wanted to show what I could do.
  • 8. What do you think about your project development and how did it help you to refine your idea? • I watched many YouTube videos to see what I could take as inspiration, and how I could somewhat incorporate aspects into my own thing. I refined my idea basically from videos of the same genre, I analysed them and saw aspects that I liked or didn't like that I thought how could I do them better. For example, on Dylan Mcknight's video that I researched, I saw that his intro was just a black screen with a dramatic opening line. I decided to keep the dramatic opening line but do a fast-paced montage. I think this worked really well, as I could basically improve on things that have already proved to work.
  • 9. Did you collaborate on your project or engage contributors, etc? • I had a little help from Stephen Royle who gave me advice on some shots that work well and also how to use equipment. I also had help from Scott, my tutor, who would check my work every so often, to see if I was on track.
  • 10. How did you feel when the project was completed and why? • I felt really relieved as I just wanted to show my mates it for weeks. I also felt proud as I felt I had to refilm things about 100 times. I felt proud that everyone I showed it to really enjoyed it and I felt confident as a result. I set out and did what I planned to do; I think I have achieved something I can show anyone. Normally before I would be embarrassed to show my work, but I am confident in my ability now.
  • 12. What were the good points about the project/task and what did you learn from them? • I felt like my organisational skills got better because, I was able to reschedule after I had problems with the footage, which happened a lot. My editing skills have got better, I have learnt how to do different effects such as the typewriter effect I used to end my video. I made a montage that I think worked well. Additionally, I think that my resilience has improved as the amount of work I have done for this, is the most I have done for any project. My writing skills have improved due to the sheer amount of writing that I have achieved.
  • 13. What challenges did you face and how did you respond to them? • When it came to re filming, when I found out I couldn’t use the footage I already did, I was devastated. I knew I had to keep calm and just get on with it. It may have also helped as I was also able to see what I could do better, when I was going to film again. For example, when I had to redo my supplement section, I used two different angles as I had concluded after the first time, I filmed that this would make the scene more visually attractive. I also had problem with time, and I still have that ongoing problem essentially, so getting all my work done to a level that is very good, is a hard task. That is why having a good schedule of when you will do work is so important and why sticking to it as all the more crucial.
  • 14. What were the negative points about the experience, and what could you have done to improve them? • I think the anxiety of just doing the project is something that I found difficult at first. I think the best thing to improve this is just doing more work. When you prolong work and bury your head in the sand, you start to feel the pressure. Keeping on top of my work is something I tried to do consistently, so I could get feedback. I hated all the technical difficulties I had. I found that very demoralising. I should have done some more experiments, so I could have mitigated any possible problems that occurred.
  • 15. What is your opinion of your final piece? What elements do you think are successful and why? • I really liked a lot of elements of my production. The introduction is something I am very happy with. Because within 15 seconds you know basically who I am and want the video is about. I like how I was in front of the camera, I seemed very calm in front of it, and I think you can tell. The structure of the video I think flows really well, especially since I have lots of different shots and areas that I filmed in. Nothing really feels out of place, which I like. My interview with Harry Strike was really good and I got lots of useful information from him. I liked that people found it funny and liked watching it, because then I know that it works well with my target audience.
  • 16. In what ways was the overall project a success? • I believe my written content was some of my best work. My proposal was really good in my opinion. One of my best written pieces of the project. I think that I have made mass improvements in many areas during this project and that is what I would say is my biggest success. Organisational skills have improved, as I had a lot more scenes I had to film, and a lot more work. I would also say my confidence in my own ability has gone up a lot since I have got a lot of praise from this project. I think my skills with the camera have improved quite a lot too, and my problem solving with things as I have had lots of that to do.
  • 17. How would you rate the final piece? • I would honestly say distinction. The amount of work I have done for this project. I believe I deserve it. I would say with my video, I couldn’t have done much more with it, I think it is a really good video in its genre and in general. I have had people compare it to big youtubers. I have compared my work with Ewan Wild who got a distinction and I think I have a better project.
  • 18. How well did your project apply the characteristics and conventions of the medium you worked in? • I did a documentary, and I also did participation style. When I used a microphone in shot, it was because I am doing participation style and a convention of that is showing behind the scene type footage, so the viewer can relate with the audience. I used a shaky camera, Interviews, voiceover, and many other things as my conventions of documentary.
  • 19. How did your design appeal to your target audience? • Firstly, I applied a lot of conventions of the genre I was making my video in (bodybuilding content). I included workout montage, supplements, etc. also did a survey where I asked many questions. I tried to follow some of the things they voted on, like the introduction time. The majority voted they wanted an introduction no longer than 15 seconds; my video applies to this vote. I also did how long should a YouTube documentary be, and they said 10-15 minutes. I used my advice and did a ten-minute documentary. I went on the low end because, I generally find shorter videos more appealing. I thought it would be better to do a highly edited shorter duration video as well instead of a longer less edited one.
  • 20. What elements did not go well and why? • I think I should've planned a bit more around how exactly I wanted each shot. I think this would've helped because, there would be delays in production because I would spend time looking at what angles worked and didn't work. I would use a different device to record audio. I didn’t particularly enjoy or find it easiest working with the ones that college provide. I think there's too much room for it not to work. It had faulted 3 times in my production, which is unacceptable in production.
  • 21. What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful? • In my written work I believe I conveyed the message hard work and perseverance is the key to success. My predicted grades were that I would get no better grade than merit. I believe that I will get a merit or higher so, how I have put in the work, I think people around me are motivated from how much I have done. In my video I believe the same message is conveyed. I put in the hard work in my workout life and now I have a respectable personal physique. That’s what transformation videos are about, respect amongst the community.
  • 22. What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings? • All my peers that watched it, like it and gave lots of praise. From teachers I got some praise but some negatives. I only changed things that I agreed with. I think that’s what is best as it is my own project and if I agree in my own work, I will stick by it. No one knows the research.
  • 23. Pre-proposal and proposal • The proposals are essentially the first flame that triggered your whole project, put into words; even if your idea is a rough start of where it turns out. I really wanted to have my best project yet, so having a good concept would really be the first step to having something I am truly proud of. I knew I was going to do a documentary style as I had found a passion for it on my two previous documentary projects. I thought about what I was passionate about, and I concluded that bodybuilding is what I know most about and what I am most interested in. Pre Proposal Initially I made a proposal and contacted a local coach to see if I could compete. A project like this would in my opinion be very interesting, as there is an end goal and a purpose of the project. It gives direction for the project. Unfortunately, after completing a full pre-proposal, I found out that doing a competition could be detrimental to my physique and may set me back months, as well as because I am relatively tall, I would have to compete at a quite high standard competition as well as that we got less time on the project so I would be pushing it quite late to get my edit to a good standard. Getting to such a low body fat, there as a lot of consequences that come with it and having less energy is one of these negatives. Meaning my work could be affected. This is why I came to the conclusion that I would have to come up with a new idea, however I wanted to still do some kind of body building related video. Proposal It came to proposal time and using the information I got from my contextual , I made a proposal. At this point in my creative media career, I wasn’t too confident in my writing ability, so this is an area I wanted to strengthen on this FMP. I put lots of details in and I got my spelling and grammar checked throughout the project. I put tons of detail and effort into this, and I think I got it to an almost perfect point, making it to one of my strengths on this project entirely. I think that my rationale is very good as I put a lot of thought into it making it personal to me and why I wanted to do this concept. Even though I have found that some ideas have changed from this original plan, I believe this is all a part of the creative journey and expanding and adapting is what makes a project great. It would be detrimental to the project if I didn’t explore different concepts from my original plan, it's like how managers who struggle to adapt in football are the ones who get sacked by Christmas. I Came to a conclusion on this project that doing a personal transformation video on myself is something I would be incredibly interested in and something I will be motivated throughout the whole project. All in all, these proposals are something I am incredibly proud of on this project.
  • 24. Positives • I do believe that this was a very well written part of my work. Since it is all text, I tried to pride myself upon making it very eloquently written. I think this is why it is one of my best pieces of work because I do think that they mark well for well written work. • I really liked my rationale as I gave reasons that were quite personal to me, on why I wanted to make this project. I think I listed good reasons and wrote it well.
  • 25. Negatives • I didn't exactly know how I wanted to video to be, so there are things I wrote that I haven't been able to do or haven't needed to do. However, I acknowledge these weren't meaningless as it demonstrates the number of ideas I had and that I tried out more than one way of doing my video. • I wish I was able to do my preproposal as there is a lot of potential in that.
  • 26. Contextual • Contextual is something I really loved doing, I think it is an important component of the project as it really rounds out your concept and helps you broaden them initial ideas. Nothing is finalised and you can explore what you do and things that you write down don’t tend to matter if you don’t end up using it. I think this was the start of how I started putting in a lot more effort into work. I didn't even try to add a lot of work, I just had lots of things to research and to write about and before I knew it, I had a good PowerPoint full of information. This research posed well for my actual research for the project as this work was more research of what you wanted to research. By doing well on this it set me up nicely for the research section of the project. I felt a lot of freedom and didn't feel worried for the project, and it was a really nice experience doing this part of the project for me. I would say my initial influences is a big strength in this section, as I had lots of information from things, I already knew from liking the topic I was going for and I was able to build on that into more of a professional sphere.
  • 27. Positives • I really enjoyed doing the contextual. I believe I enjoyed doing this section because, it felt quite relaxing to do. I didn’t have the pressure of having to complete an FMP yet. I still didn't have a grasp on my idea yet, so doing research on what I wanted to do was fun and freeing. We have never done a contextual before, so I liked how it was new, even though at first, I was confused on how to start. • I felt like it really enhanced my research and proposal, as it gave me more time to refine my idea of what I wanted to do. I also was figuring out what I was going to do further research on. • I did my contextual quite fast and had a lot of information on my slides. This gave me a lot of confidence in my own ability which has extended throughout this project.
  • 28. Negatives • I started quite slowly on this contextual, as I didn't fully understand the concept. When first starting it is quite a weird idea, as I found doing research upon what you will research quite confusing. However, as time progressed, I got more used to it, and started expanding my PowerPoint to something I was happy with, and which benefited my project. • I feel like I could've done a little more work, as I only got 23 slides. However, I do believe I had more than enough information for me to use for my proposal and research.
  • 29. Contextual checklist • Context -Demonstrated reasoning behind project and briefly explained - in depth synopsis about what the aim, expectations and plans are for my chosen FMP - included 8 in depth examples of work/ people I am inspired by - demonstrated understanding of chosen FMP style and researched its characteristics thoroughly - shown independence reaching out to people to help make/ improve my project - acknowledged, outlined and explained the strengths and limitations of my ideas - written about my past experiences and the skills acquired over the last two years that will benefit my work, and identified things I want to improve on and new things I want to try. - written in-depth about my hopes for my FMP -shown a broad range of ideas and defined each one - included a bibliography
  • 30. Research • Research is a very important and large PowerPoint; it is probably the most I had to write on the entire project. However, I didn’t feel I was adding things for the sake of it, rather things just happened naturally, and it escalated into a lot of writing and information. This is when things became a little more serious and I had to research things that I will most likely use for my production. I became really interested in the topics I covered as I am already passionate about body building so, I really enjoyed this part. I also enjoyed picking a documentary style as this helps shape my production to how I wanted it to look and tropes that link with the style I picked would feature in the video. I found this to be highly interesting and helpful, as I could imagine what my project would look like more. I went into great depth about topics I would cover in the video and also existing products that I can take inspiration from. I would say these existing products are my strong point as the detail and quantity of information that I produced and how it helped shape this project. I used information I got from these slides throughout the whole project. I would say my biggest inspiration was Dylan McKnight, and I did plenty of information upon him as I found his content to be very similar to what I wanted to produce. I found that a web like documentary is what I find the most appealing and what I wanted to do. I already know tons of information that I used for my own project, and I believe these styles of documentary's are the future essentially. This was my reasoning behind the type of style, I also find these the most entertaining. I also did interviews and surveys for a bit of a different type of research; I asked questions that I used for the entire production, for example introduction length. I used what they said for a basis for my introduction on my project.
  • 31. Positives • I got a lot out of research. I discovered a lot more of what I wanted to get out of my project and how I wanted it to look. I got the chance to expand my work, through researching topics I love. • After I looked back at all the work I had done, I had compiled tonnes of information that I later used throughout my project. I was really quite proud with all the work I did. • I had never looked at documentary styles before, and I think it really helped give my documentary a style, it helped me shape how I wanted it to look. • I think this is where I really kicked on and started to believe I could do better than what I had done on previous projects.
  • 32. Negatives • Some information I got seemed to later be quite useless and I wish I figured out exactly what I wanted my project to be, so could have focussed all my attention on that straight away. However, that is quite a difficult ask and I also believe all the stages of development for my project were necessary and demonstrated natural progression. • I wish I did some more professional research on documentary's, I did a few but I wish I had some more. I think this because I wish I could've used some more professional aspects to my video that I don’t have already.
  • 33. Research checklist • Research -Outlined and explained the different styles of documentary. -Chosen which style I’d like to attempt why I would like to attempt it and how I plan on going about attempting it. - gone into further depth about my chosen style and characteristics. – outlined The benefit of using the characteristics to my advantage and technique that I will be using. -looked at seven different people/work as existing products and their audience profiles as well as highlighting and explaining any techniques or ideas I’d like to incorporate into my own work. –Research into other media types that tie into my work e.g posters. - outlined and explained a potential structure to my project. - researched six pieces of accompanying music that I could use in my work. I have also written when I would like to incorporate it why I have chosen it and the tone it sets. - I have also conducted my own audience research. I have planned a survey. I have Explained how I distributed and where I have distributed it to. I have collected it in and analysed it adapting my work to fit the data. - A have established what style my documentary will be, as I picked a web-based style documentary that you would find on YouTube; I also gave in depth rationale behind this decision. -Clothing research for my merchandise that I will create, with external qualitative research included. - I have also conducted two in person interviews and analysed these as well - I have also outlined topics I feel I need to research; I have then gone on to do so much thoroughly. Finally I have included a bibliography
  • 34. Problem solving • The problem-solving PowerPoint consists of technical and practical problems that you have to produce hypothetical and non-hypothetical solutions for. I also did experiments so that for the actual production things should happen more smoothly. This proved to be helpful as many things went wrong and I believe that producing solutions, made my problem solving a lot more straight forward. My biggest weakness is that I had a lot of problems I didn’t plan for because I had never experienced it before and didn’t know it was possible to get these types of problems. The thing I am most proud of is my rotoscoping as that was a technique I really enjoyed, and it was something I learned to do having no experience. I wish I could have used it in my final production; however, I feel like I didn’t have time, and I wanted to really perfect everything else before I did it. Simply I also believe the video didn’t need it, as I am happy without it in. I did a lot of tables of problems which did help, and this took plenty of time to complete and I am happy with this.
  • 35. Positive • My experiments were good, as I not only got footage at the gym which directly correlates with what I would be doing for my video. I also tried rotoscoping which I found very fun and was difficult and time consuming. • My tables of information were very good also because it contained tons of Information that I needed, when I found a problem.
  • 36. Negatives • I think I could've done a bit more effort into my posters, as they were average. I didn’t actually do a poster in the end, but I still think I could've done a little more. • It took a lot of time doing the tables, so that took away from time spent on other things, and really all I got from the tables was a neater and more detailed version of what I already wrote.
  • 37. Problem solving checklist -Explained in depth the reasons why I am problem solving. -Listed four different technical problems in case they occur later in the project. -Went into greater depth after making a technical and practical problem table, which had why it’s a problem, solution, backup solution and evaluation sections. -Listed three different Theoretical problems, if they ever occur to mitigate stagnation later in project. -Went into greater depth after making a theoretical problems table, which had why it’s a problem, solution, backup solution and evaluation sections. - Filmed multiple experiment videos, that I edited into a usable YouTube Link. -Practised use of light, angle and position, that helped my later project. -Went into great depth about why I chose these experiments and how they helped. -Constructed two different posters, out of footage I got from my experiment footage. -Wrote in depth about how lifting and angle is an illusion on muscle appearance. -Looked back at previous projects and analysed my camera work and audio and the ways I could improve these areas. -Made a typewriter effect which I later used in my project to great success. -Challenged myself to try Rotoscoping. Which is a scribble like animation effect. I used a tablet and pen to do this. Which took countless time of research to do. -In depth writing of problems I faced while doing production that I didn’t write about.
  • 38. Planning • Planning is the point where you have to now have to be putting everything together. I initially struggled with this, as putting it all together how I wanted, seemed like a daunting and very different task, to the other PowerPoints. I had to figure out locations, sound and script. What I am particularly proud of is my topic breakdown, and all the slides I did on every scene and how I exactly wanted it. This helped loads, as it is how I based every time I filmed, off these slides. There's a lot of positives I have doing this, as after the struggle at first the whole filming process became simpler in my eyes. I could now picture what I was doing. I don’t believe the weekly production schedule helped, as things are constantly changing. I used it more as a template of when around I should do things. It's impossible to plan every day of a 4-week period and not have things come up that prevent you from doing filming one day and having to do it the next day.
  • 39. Positives • My storyboarding was very helpful, and I used that a lot for production. I think it really aided to the success of my scenes being organised. • My breakdown of scenes, and the shot list, are very good and helped me know what I needed to film, and how it would exactly look. • I think this whole PowerPoint shows a clear understanding of what I had to film (organisational) and how it would look (aesthetic).
  • 40. Negatives • Perhaps I could've elaborated further on my shot list, as some details may seem vague. I do struggle with visualisation and organisation; so, this PowerPoint was tricky. • I started very slow, as this PowerPoint was very different to the others. Whereas the other ones, I could just type lots, I had to be more concise on this. I had to exactly figure out what I wanted my production to be. This was very tricky for me to start. It all was now real and had to be done. Once I got into the groove, I really kicked on. However, the start was hard.
  • 41. Film production sound design I think my sound design was well for lots of parts of this. I tried to keep my viewer entertained through audio as well as visually. I used audio that was satisfying to hear, making whoever watching to hopefully be entertained throughout. I believe I got this effect as I had everyone in my class watch the entirety of the video some multiple times, and they were entertained throughout. To further back the entertainment I had praise for the introduction sound effects I put on and the song use. I balanced all my audio to around -12 dB, this ensures that the sound stays consistent and loud I have been taught and through my own trial and error that this (-12 dB) is the perfect balance between loud and quiet to listen to.
  • 42. Film production aesthetic qualities • I think I had a lot of aesthetic qualities to my video. I used lots of different effects on my footage to make it look how it does. For example, on all the footage where my muscles are involved, I would play around with the colour settings, increasing shadows, blacks, etc. I would just play around until I found the right look, that is similar to all the research I did. I tried to get creative footage, I would use different angles for interviews, for my posing scene I shot through a ring light. I used title graphics, Intermission trippy effects and I generally tried to get good and appropriate lighting for every shot I had. For interviews I would use 3.0 lighting and for gym footage I would try and use overhead lighting and get into the right angles to make my body appear bigger. I found great success with this, after planning it out and finding what works best. My video also featured B roll, and a variety of close ups to longer shots. Compared to other content similar to mine, I have a lot more and nicer shots. I have seen no use of B roll or effects like what I have used and a lot of video similar to mine is very raw footage, and is less concerned about aesthetic qualities like I am. I believe I have shown individuality to do this with my video, and I did what I thought would look nice in my creative direction and I tried to be different to a lot of videos I see like mine. In my montage I also used slow motion effects, and a variety of shots. I used some low shots and some high shots as well as many more. A negative for my aesthetic is that I wish I did more aesthetic shots, even though I had a lot, I wish I had more b roll and more time to make some cool effects. I would’ve tried rotoscoping, as I really enjoyed doing so, but unfortunately its very time consuming, and things would have to take a hit to do so if I went for it. This isn’t a big issue as I didn’t rely on rotoscoping, and my video stands on its own two feet without it. I also think that it didn’t need it. It may have affected its quality and it may have been overkill.
  • 43. Film production technical qualities • I had a lot of footage I liked but editing made it 100 times better. None of my audio would have been good without editing. I am very glad I chose not to use camera audio. I used a microphone and put that into premiere. I obviously had to adjust all my audio to be the same -12 dB, like I have said in sound design. I used music in the right tension to entertain and also to add to the exciting and fast paced feeling of my video. I think some of my footage perhaps I cut to choppy, I haven't got any feedback saying that, but personally I think that. What I did get feedback on was that the ending and my interviews was too long, I disagree. I disagree because, if say you were interested in the topic it doesn’t drag whatsoever, for the interview. It is not very long either, so I don’t see how it drags personally. The ending I also disagree with because, its only around 15 seconds, it’s the whole point of the video. The finale, you could say. I very strongly disagree with this. Luckily this feedback was from my tutor Scott, which was helpful but I had confidence in my work, and if I do get feedback, I will change it, if I agree with it. I think this was my best edited piece of work yet, I like the pacing of the video. I don’t think it seems like a ten-minute video, and I think it shows as the whole class watched the entire duration and enjoyed the entirety.
  • 44. Time management • Time management is of course very important when doing projects. Especially this FMP when there is deadlines for everything, from getting your PowerPoints ready enough for feedback, to having to hand the entirety in for grading. Since the project is graded from the worst section, everything has to be the same high quality. Having one pass level grade on one section, even if the rest s higher, will mess my whole project around. I think this is where time management comes in; it helps get consistency and quality to the sections of work. If you need to do more work, to improve a section, planning your time management correctly to do so, is so worthwhile. This is where I did well. Because I was trying to get all my sections to the highest possible level I could reach, I was bound to find complications. Especially when previous to this, my biggest achievement was a pass level. I ran into problem after problem, yet I stayed consistent to every deadline. That’s time management. I had a pretty laid-back schedule, choosing to work when I wanted to, however I would always get my work done early, then put it in for feedback, and repeat. I think this relaxing work schedule allows me to work at my own pace and get me comfortable with what I am doing. I know all my work is good, and knowing that I will get a good grade, has made me more relaxed and I am free to work with only little pressure. Of course, I believe some amount of pressure Is healthy, I see that if you have no pressure whatsoever, there are individuals who chose just to slack off. I have put countless hours into my work and have reached something I am proud of. Would I say my type of schedule was wrong or had negatives? No, I don’t believe so, I got all my work done on time, for every deadline, and my peers would ask to look at my work for inspiration. I felt confident more than any project, and this was all down to having consistent but relaxed time management.
  • 45. What could have been better? • I wish I filmed myself doing something different to legs for my workout. I think the exercises for legs are less good for camera. I wish I had at least tried to do some rotoscoping because I had written that I wanted to try some different stuff than my other documentary's. I believe that this documentary is lightyears better than my other ones, but I still wanted to do more. I do regret not trying it, but I feel like my project would be worse if I put all that time into it.
  • 46. The differences between proposed and final project • I think that I intended to be more information and educational, but I went for a bit more entertainment with a little bit of education. I didn’t do any scientific based information, just what I hear is good. I think if I did more scientific stuff it would not be genuine to me, as I don’t currently talk about the science behind how I train often. I probably had in mind some more arty type shots, but at the end of the day it just didn’t really fit with what the topic was.
  • 47. What would you do differently in the future and why? • I would try rotoscoping. I really want to delve into some visually aesthetic content. My friend Matt Turley has really inspired me with this. I think I would do this because I think it would add something to my videos that you don’t get from any other person within the genre I am doing. I want to maybe do a film in the future. I am really excited for what the future brings in media. When I compete, I really want to document that, I think that would make a really interesting documentary.
  • 48. How could you develop your skills for future projects? • I want to do the York College media course. I am hoping to expand my skills on this, and I am looking forward to doing so. I am planning to start making more YouTube videos over the summer, so that will help progress my skills.
  • 49. What personal attributes could you develop to ensure you are working at a professional level? • I would say confidence to make something that’s a bit weirder than what I have been doing already. I feel like if I were to make something on the BBC or Netflix, I would need to be stricter with my routine, as I worked on a 'when I wanted to' sort of basis. I would need to treat it more like a job.
  • 51. Social media comments All positive feedback here, which is really good to here. I got comments from people I barely know and also from people I don’t know. One thing in particular I like is from Lifetime chronic. Natty meaning natural, so in this case he is saying I am on steroids. This is particularly good because I had said I have to look the part for people to want to watch it, I said this back on my research, so this information is particularly good to hear from a stranger.
  • 52. Person 1 Can you name a positive and negative about my video? A positive I would say for this video, is that it is highly entertaining. You were naturally good in front of camera, and you can see that in your video. A negative I would say is that some parts are quite choppy edited, and some smoother transitions between the choppiness could be a good idea. • What would you rate it out of 10 9/10
  • 53. Person 2 Can you name a positive and negative about my video? • I liked how the shots of you at the end really makes your body stand out, the shadows you put on really gives that illusion of 3 dimensions to your body. I didn't like when you didn’t use a microphone as the audio seems to catch a lot of other noise, but apart from that top notch. • What would you rate it out of 10 8/10
  • 54. Person 3 • The positives of the documentary were the montages and the variety of shots you took in the video, I also like the variety of music that is used in the video, I also like the b-roll, I also like that you will be talking whilst doing something you're talking about for example sitting in the ice bath whilst talking about the benefits, I also like the introduction to the segments with you talking to the camera and telling the audience what is happening. • The negatives of the documentary are the audio in some shots can be drowned out by other Noise in the location for example the market with people talking- also the echoing in the house. I don't like when putting the ice in the bath you are rustling the bag whilst pour the ice whilst you are talking. before the ice bath as well where there is a clear jump between you and the video. What would you rate it out of 10 • 7.5/10
  • 55. Person 4 Pros: 1. You are very impressive as a presenter, confident, clear and very likeable 2. You really know the subject matter. 3. The music is inspiring, some good choices of tracks which build momentum in each scene 4. The progress you make in body transformation is remarkable. The before and after shots are very powerful. Cons( where it might improve); 1. The introduction needs a bit more work. Can you explain what the movie is about and why you are making it? Maybe show the photos of before you started power lifting ( Ibiza boat photo and the other before photo) and say you were unhappy with the way you looked and lacking confidence. So, you decided to do something about .. “and this is my journey to get healthier and happier” . That could be quite powerful. It might just be moving the scene where explain this at the end moved to the start of the movie. 2. Maybe give a title to each part of the movie or -How my story started -Nutrition and diet -Technique - Next steps 3. Closing scene - can you say something inspiring at the end? Summarise what you’ve learned on this journey that might inspire others? 4. Can the editing be polished up a bit. Maybe don’t stop the music abruptly when moving to next scene. Just fade the music into next scene. We’ll hope that helps. It’s really inspirational what you’ve achieved. ‘Main thing is the intro • to work on. Just set the scene with some more narrative and show you before photos and say why you wanted to go on this transformational journey. The viewer will then understand what the film is about and buy into what you are doing. What would you rate it out of 10 • 7.5/10
  • 56. My analysis of the feedback • I think there are some decent points here about my video. I agree with some not all. I do take pride that the people I got feedback found it hard to give negatives, some felt like they were knit picking. My favourite positive feedback was that I was good Infront of camera. I was a bit worried that would I come off likeable or not? The reassurance is nice to hear. A negative that I found interesting was the introduction. Obviously, I understand it isn't a common introduction if you haven't seen many YouTube videos, but I did research on a lot of content in my genre and this type of intro was relevant in all. I do think a quick introduction is powerful, it sets up a quick way to drag you in. That’s what the majority of media is these days. I was never thinking about doing a long dragged-out speech about everything about me and what you're about to see. From my introduction you do get a lot and you know what you're going to see. The music also stopping abruptly is also interesting, understandably not everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoy watching and editing in this style. Choppy fast edits, is how I like to edit and is what I also put into my research throughout. My other projects, especially my Newcastle one have this style, and I have built on it from there. Overall, it's very useful to get feedback and it is something I find enjoyable. I will definitely take some into consideration, come my next project.