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Education remains the greatest tool for the development of any
nation, no matters how well-outlined goals of education were,
there would be no impact without the necessary support from
the government. The past and present governments came as a
result of the efforts of education, but it had not given education
the necessary support to enhance democratic stability. The
education policy of Nigeria was a great effort on the part of the
formulators but the reality on ground did not match the policy
on paper. No nation can hope to develop without sound
education. This paper therefore examined the problems of
education, so as to ensure quality education for sustainable
democracy in Nigeria.
Education is the key weapon any well focused nation employs to develop and survive in this
competitive world. It is major investment in human resources which services is to transmit cultural
values and behavior patterns of society to young and potential members by which means a society
is able to achieve a basic social conformity and ensure traditions are preserved. Secondly, it is a
means of inculcating in individuals the critical and creative minds to be able to make inventions
and discoveries in their day to day social changes. These are the conservative and the creative
functions of education (Egonwan, 2002).
The value or importance of education has made the nation to position it strategically as the
catalyst for good governance. This is clearly stated in the National Policy on Education (FRN, 1981).
“Not only is education the greatest force that can be used to bring about redress, it is also the
greatest investment that the nation can make for the quick development of its economic, political,
sociological and human resources.” (Mangkwat 2001)
The National Policy on education document further mentioned that our nation seeks to use
education to achieve the following goals:
-- a free and democratic society;
-- a just and egalitarian society;
-- a great and dynamic economy; and
-- a land of bright and full opportunity for all citizens.
For these goals to be attained, it is education that remains the means. Thus our education system
is designed to help Nigeria:
(I) Inculcate national consciousness and national unity;
(II) Inculcate the right value and attitude for the survival of the individual and the Nigerian
(III) Train the minds of the citizens to understand the world around; and
(IV) Acquire appropriate skills, abilities and competence, both mental and physical, as
equipment for the individual to live in and contribute to the development of his society.
Education therefore is the right of every individual as guaranteed in the 1999 constitution;
in Act 26 of the United Nations and in Act17 of the African Charter on Human and People’s
Rights. Education is an expensive enterprise but a necessity and pre-requisite for the
development of democratic system of government. It is therefore the responsibility of
government as the potent instrument for human socialization, development and,
ultimately, self-actualization to also call for qualitative education “because sound education
nourishes the mind and the “most honourable of useful pursuits that contributes to the
extension of human intellect” (Bulus, 2000p.3).
In a discourse of this nature certain pertinent questions come to mind: What are the issues
prevalent in our education system that affect the quality of it’s products? What are the
implications for the future of education and Nigeria’s democracy? And how can this myriad
of problems be tackled so as to guarantee for a stable democracy?
Problems of the Education sector
The Education policy of Nigeria is a great effort on the part of the
formulators but the reality on ground does not match the policy on
paper. No nation can hope to develop scientifically, technologically,
economically, socially and politically without sound education. “A
National Newspaper reported in November, 2014 that a study carried
out by UNESCO on Nigerian Education found a drop in the past 15-16
years and that Nigerian graduates can no longer speak good English”
(Sheke & Omoraka, 2002). The lack of development in the country can be
ascribed to the lack of qualitative education at all levels. There appears
to be a fall in the quality and standard of education in the country and
this is responsible for our slow pace of development. Qualitative
education is an instrument for rapid socio-economic development of any
country. There are some factors that militate against the quality of
Inadequate Funding
The issue of funding has been a very contentious in Nigeria. Nigeria since
independence has not met the UNESCO or United Nations (UN) recommended
26% allocation to the education from the Nation’s total budget. For instance, the
Federal Government in 1995, 1996 and 1997 earned N752.33 billion, N1,033.74
billion, and N1,099.84 billion respectively and education was allocated for these
years N9.798 billion, N13.35 billion a N16.84 billion respectively (Ogbimi, 1997
p.30. Furthermore, the budgetary allocations show inadequacy and
inconsistency. For instance 1987 was 14%’ 1988 3.5%’ 1990 4.7%; 1991 4.6%;
1992 10%; 1993 12.7%; 1996 10.8%; 1997 11.5%; 1998 3.5%; 1990 4.7%;
19914.6% 1992 10%; 1993 12.7%; 1995 7%; 1996 10.8%; 1997 11.5%; 1998
10.94%; (Adewole, 2000 p.100. )
Inadequate funding has hampered the provision of some basic learning materials
necessary for effective and efficient teaching and learning. Resulting from above,
there have been several strikes in our institutions because of poor funding, lack
of salaries or poor remuneration, etc. These strikes have affected the quality of
education causing skepticism about the worth of the certificates in their Nigerian
educational institutions.
The cases of indiscipline in schools is very much on the increase. “Cases of cultism,
examination malpractice, riots and Vandalization of property have become common in our
institutions” Adenipekun, ( 2004). Several lives have been lost in our institutions due to cult
activities. Teachers have been held hostage by the same cult groups and even forced to
pass students who failed thereby bastardizing the education system.
Also the issue of examination malpractice has become a common denominator in schools.
Many schools in Nigeria have become special malpractice centre’s where invigilators and
school authorities are bough so as to allow candidates in WAEC, NECO,JAMB, etc.
examinations to cheat. It is no longer news to hear people leaving the cities for the villages
schools. Students register as external candidates in remote schools so as to perpetrate
malpractice with supervisors and invigilators, “forming an unholy alliance” Adenipekun,
Another form of indiscipline is student unrest. These have led to closure of schools and lost
of time and when schools resume, there is great rush to complete the syllabus, etc.
Further instance of indiscipline is moral decadence in the society that has crept into the
education enterprise. Many teachers are now no longer sincere to the profession as they
award marks to the highest bidder. They compromise professional ethics for pecuniary
Lack of adequate and competent teachers
There is lack of teachers in many schools. Where they are available, some are not
well trained to deliver education, as it should be. The success of any education
system lies on a core of knowledgeable, well-trained and competent teachers. as
at 2000, the UBE (Universal Basic Education) Scheme was expected to register 1.2
million children but 60%of the teachers were reported to be unqualified, with a
shortfall of 200,000, to sufficiently man the schools (Jegede, 2002:24). On
competence, (Jegede, 2002) states that:
In developing countries as many as 30% of teachers are untrained both
professionally and academically. in the primary school sector alone, teachers
readiness and their capacity to work the new technology enriched environment
seem to indicate that the problems of an under-trained personnel need serious
and immediate attention if we wish to avoid using yesterday’s teachers to
educate tomorrow’s children.
A study Ukeje (1999) found that teachers supply to the Northern part of Nigeria
were very inadequate and most teachers were grade II. This has become a
serious situation, as no nation can rise above the quality of her teachers.
Lack of adequate infrastructure
Lack of adequate classrooms, hostels, staff quarters, offices, laboratories, libraries,
recreational facilities, halls, tables, chairs, textbooks, teaching aids, etc. has affected
the quality of education in the country.
A World Bank study Bulus, (2000) revealed that in 1996 there was need for 18,800
additional classrooms in Bauchi, Plateau, Gombe and Yobe states and in those states,
8,031 classrooms needed urgent renovation. Furthermore, the study found that
instructional material and infrastructural facilities were inadequate.
Another study (Olaofe, 2000) reports that 2.8 million in Nigeria lacked desks and chairs
while 4,896 primary schools lack any building whatsoever and therefore lessons take
place under trees. If 4,896 schools are without buildings, then what about teaching and
learning aids?
Politicization of Education
There are cases of government playing politics with education.
Schools are established by way of pronouncement and not reality.
Funds are not provided for infrastructural facilities and at the end
of the day, it is parents or the communities that end up providing
these and even more. Education is a serious affair that
politicization need not be part of. Many Government secondary
schools established from 1980 to date in most States of Nigeria
relied and still do so on the efforts of parent teachers’ Association
(PTA) and the host communities for building classrooms, staff
rooms, etc.
Poor welfare package for the teacher
The welfare of teachers suffered during the Shagari regime, where teachers had
to stay for months without salaries as it is happening now in most states of the
country. Thus the National Primary Education Commission (NPEC) and State
Primary Education Boards (SPEB) were established to handle the primary
education level and arrest the decay, especially in matters of teachers’ welfare.
That singular act injected much life and confidence into the affairs of this level of
education. The present civilian regime scrapped the NPEC but left the State
Boards, but the State Boards are now left at the mercy of the State and many of
them by their conducts appear not to have the interest of primary schools at
heart. Village schools lacked conducive classrooms for teaching and learning.
The consequences
There are consequences for democracy as a result of the problems affecting education,
where these are not tackled.
One of the consequences is the loss of respect by teachers and education. Many Nigerians
see education as not a necessity for political relevance but materials possession. This has
made it possible for the educated to stoop so low as compromise education and good
governance on the pedestal of god fatherism and lucre.
One other danger is that the system has suffered greatly that secondary school graduates
for Nigeria cannot compete with those from West African countries like Liberia and Ghana
A study (Ukeje, 1999 P.3)revealed that Nigeria beat Ghana and Liberia only in Biology out
of eleven (11) subjects but came last in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Literature
in English and History. This portraits danger for the education of this country considering
that these countries do not have the resources of Nigeria.
The education system then serves as a conducive place for gangs, and cults to thrive
because standards in the education system has been abused and the system have been left
at the mercy of “Anything goes”.
The greatest consequence is that educational standards become low and the quality of
manpower produced cannot advance the national goals of qualitative manpower for
national development. The society therefore suffers, and values are abused, thereby giving
rise to threat to democracy
Complementary Roles of Education and Democracy
Education and democracy are like inseparable twins. Education enhances
democracy and democracy is expected to enhance conducive atmosphere for
education to thrive well, especially in the areas of adequate modern facilities that
will enhance teaching and learning which makes the people to learn effectively.
Therefore, it can be asserted that education has had positive impact on
One of the impacts is serving as an avenue for transmitting political and cultural
values such as national unity, tolerance, respect for the rule of law, political
consciousness, self-reliance, patriotism and so on. Any citizen of a nation that is
well educated cannot be misled and it is expected of him/her to always ensure
the well-being of the nation.
Education also helps to propagate political ideology of a nation. This helps to
inculcate in the citizenry the values and virtues of the nation.
Furthermore, education serves as the means through which people’s attitude,
central values and perceptions on how they are governed can be shaped or
changed. The citizens know their rights and where the representative are
derailing or conduct themselves in manners that threaten democracy, they
ensure that they use civilized ways to resist such conducts, there by ensuring the
survival of democracy.
Education serves as the fertile ground for the training of political leaders, political
experts, and the manpower requirements of society. In this way the democratic
machinery are strengthened for national development.
In a similar manner democracy serves education in a number of ways. Democracy
ensures compliance with fair distribution of education institutions, facilities,
amenities, etc. There is also the policy of geographical spread in admission into
schools and institution. This to a large extent ensures representation of all
segments of the country.
Furthermore, politics has influenced the curricula of schools. Such influence takes
into consideration the national goals of the nation. For instance the introduction
of Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa in the curriculum of schools is to ensure national unity
in the country.
Also to address educational problems, lobbying and debase take place which help to
fashion legislation that would take care of the education sector. For instance the UBE
scheme bill had to go through the national Assembly. The Bill makes it mandatory for
children of school age to attend school free for the first nine years.
Finally, stable democracy guarantees stable education system and also well-funded
education suffers under democracy than the Military. For instance, the Shagari era
witnessed incessant strikes by teachers, which affected education at the period and the
consequences are being felt to the present time.
Also with the advent of democracy in1999, the federal Government launched the Universal
basic Education programme, which was well received, but today we cannot say that there is
the expected development or progress that would outshine the situation in the schools and
institutions during the military era. There is though great assistance to institutions through
the Education Tax Fund (ETF), a creation of the Military.
There is therefore need to ensure more support to education because where education is
endangered democracy is equally endangered then the national goals cannot be actualized
and also the educational system will produce half-baked products who are even more
dangerous to the non-literates.
Education in Nigeria is beset by numerous gigantic problems
which can be handled properly in a democratic system, yet
these problems appear to persist. For the past few years
there have been crises of shortfalls and no release of funds
for the execution or completion of some capital projects
which border on quality education. These no doubt affect
education and where education is affected democracy is also
Therefore, there is need for the present government to
support education so as to actualize the goals of the nation
as enshrined in the national policy on Education.
1. The present democratic dispensation needs to ensure the issue of bringing
back the National Primary Education Commission(NPEC) so that it can handle the
primary sector and allocations to State Primary Education Boards (SPEBS)be
channeled directly and not through the State Governments where such funds are
likely to be diverted.
2. There should be deliberate attempt by the federal and state Governments to
gradually, actualize the 26% allocation to education from their budgets as
recommended by the United Nations (UN).
3. There is need for a well-planned strategy for the renovation and equipping of
all schools taking into consideration the necessary tools required for effective
teaching and learning.
4. The government should avoid unnecessary interference in the day to day
administration of education.
5. The war against corruption and other anti-social behaviors be intensified so
that it is seen by all and sundry that there are no sacred cows. In this way, the
get-rich-quick syndrome will be addressed and the citizenry will begin to take
pride in genuine achievements, and education will receive the necessary boost
and respect necessary for it serve as a catalyst for society’s transformation.
6. There should be the intensification of lobby by heads of institutions towards
government and private support so that the sector will not continue to suffer.
7. The elected and appointed statesmen in the democracy need education for
their success and continued reliance, therefore they should always be reminded
that quality education is the necessary for sustainable democracy in Nigeria.
Adenipekun, O. (2004). Education: Exams Fraud comes in at least 33 ways,
saysonyechere, Examss Ethicsboss. Vanguard Thursday March 3rd
Adeole, A..(2000). towards Effective implementation of the Universal Basic
Education Scheme. Keynote paper at a Conference on UBE, FCE Pankshin, August
Bulus, I(2000). Privatization/Commercialization of the Educational Sector in
Nigeria: A Blessing or a curse. A Guest paper Presented at NANS Lecture,
University of Jos, 21st
Egwonwan, J.A. (2002).“Refocusing Education in Nigeria: Philosophy and Policy
Issue”. in S.O. Oriaifo, P.O.E. Nwaokola, G.C. ignorgbor (Eds). Refocusing
Education in Nigeria (pp 22-32). Benin City :Da-Sylva Influence.
Jegedex, O.(2002 Decemebr).Evoling a National Policy on Distance Education: An
Agenda for implementation; in Education Today: Distance Education. (A
Quarterly Journal of the FME), 9 (3), 14-29.
Mamgvwat, S (2001) Revitalizing Education for sustainable democracy (The
conference: A journal of contemporary education through vol.2;No 1printed by
Akins Press, Jos.
Oriaifo,S.O; Nwaokolo POE, Igborgbor, G G,(Eds). Refocusing Education in Nigeria
(pp 176-180).Being City: Da-Siyya influence.
Ogbimi, F. (1997). Education is key to Democratization. The Guardian Sept. 23,
Olaofe, IO.A. (2000). Enhancing Effective Language teaching at primary Schools
for the Success of the UBE Programme in Nigeria. A keynote Address presented
at a Refresher Workshop for Primary School Supervisors, Secretaries and
Headmasters, FCE., Zaria.
Sheke, T.R.& Omoraka, V.O. (2002).Strengthening the Teaching Profession as a
Strategy for Refocusing teacher Education in Nigeria.
Ukeje, B.O. (1999). Teacher Education in Nigeria: Current Status, 21st
Challenges and strategies for Improvement. A key notes Address at the inter-
University collaborative Workshop on Teacher Education, 6th
Dec., University of
Jos, Jos.
The End.
Thank You.

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2nd ICESD 2016 Conference Paper 10

  • 2. ABSTRACT Education remains the greatest tool for the development of any nation, no matters how well-outlined goals of education were, there would be no impact without the necessary support from the government. The past and present governments came as a result of the efforts of education, but it had not given education the necessary support to enhance democratic stability. The education policy of Nigeria was a great effort on the part of the formulators but the reality on ground did not match the policy on paper. No nation can hope to develop without sound education. This paper therefore examined the problems of education, so as to ensure quality education for sustainable democracy in Nigeria.
  • 3. Introduction Education is the key weapon any well focused nation employs to develop and survive in this competitive world. It is major investment in human resources which services is to transmit cultural values and behavior patterns of society to young and potential members by which means a society is able to achieve a basic social conformity and ensure traditions are preserved. Secondly, it is a means of inculcating in individuals the critical and creative minds to be able to make inventions and discoveries in their day to day social changes. These are the conservative and the creative functions of education (Egonwan, 2002). The value or importance of education has made the nation to position it strategically as the catalyst for good governance. This is clearly stated in the National Policy on Education (FRN, 1981). “Not only is education the greatest force that can be used to bring about redress, it is also the greatest investment that the nation can make for the quick development of its economic, political, sociological and human resources.” (Mangkwat 2001) The National Policy on education document further mentioned that our nation seeks to use education to achieve the following goals: -- a free and democratic society; -- a just and egalitarian society; -- a great and dynamic economy; and -- a land of bright and full opportunity for all citizens. For these goals to be attained, it is education that remains the means. Thus our education system is designed to help Nigeria:
  • 4. (I) Inculcate national consciousness and national unity; (II) Inculcate the right value and attitude for the survival of the individual and the Nigerian society; (III) Train the minds of the citizens to understand the world around; and (IV) Acquire appropriate skills, abilities and competence, both mental and physical, as equipment for the individual to live in and contribute to the development of his society. Education therefore is the right of every individual as guaranteed in the 1999 constitution; in Act 26 of the United Nations and in Act17 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights. Education is an expensive enterprise but a necessity and pre-requisite for the development of democratic system of government. It is therefore the responsibility of government as the potent instrument for human socialization, development and, ultimately, self-actualization to also call for qualitative education “because sound education nourishes the mind and the “most honourable of useful pursuits that contributes to the extension of human intellect” (Bulus, 2000p.3). In a discourse of this nature certain pertinent questions come to mind: What are the issues prevalent in our education system that affect the quality of it’s products? What are the implications for the future of education and Nigeria’s democracy? And how can this myriad of problems be tackled so as to guarantee for a stable democracy?
  • 5. Problems of the Education sector The Education policy of Nigeria is a great effort on the part of the formulators but the reality on ground does not match the policy on paper. No nation can hope to develop scientifically, technologically, economically, socially and politically without sound education. “A National Newspaper reported in November, 2014 that a study carried out by UNESCO on Nigerian Education found a drop in the past 15-16 years and that Nigerian graduates can no longer speak good English” (Sheke & Omoraka, 2002). The lack of development in the country can be ascribed to the lack of qualitative education at all levels. There appears to be a fall in the quality and standard of education in the country and this is responsible for our slow pace of development. Qualitative education is an instrument for rapid socio-economic development of any country. There are some factors that militate against the quality of education.
  • 6. Inadequate Funding The issue of funding has been a very contentious in Nigeria. Nigeria since independence has not met the UNESCO or United Nations (UN) recommended 26% allocation to the education from the Nation’s total budget. For instance, the Federal Government in 1995, 1996 and 1997 earned N752.33 billion, N1,033.74 billion, and N1,099.84 billion respectively and education was allocated for these years N9.798 billion, N13.35 billion a N16.84 billion respectively (Ogbimi, 1997 p.30. Furthermore, the budgetary allocations show inadequacy and inconsistency. For instance 1987 was 14%’ 1988 3.5%’ 1990 4.7%; 1991 4.6%; 1992 10%; 1993 12.7%; 1996 10.8%; 1997 11.5%; 1998 3.5%; 1990 4.7%; 19914.6% 1992 10%; 1993 12.7%; 1995 7%; 1996 10.8%; 1997 11.5%; 1998 10.94%; (Adewole, 2000 p.100. ) Inadequate funding has hampered the provision of some basic learning materials necessary for effective and efficient teaching and learning. Resulting from above, there have been several strikes in our institutions because of poor funding, lack of salaries or poor remuneration, etc. These strikes have affected the quality of education causing skepticism about the worth of the certificates in their Nigerian educational institutions.
  • 7. Indiscipline The cases of indiscipline in schools is very much on the increase. “Cases of cultism, examination malpractice, riots and Vandalization of property have become common in our institutions” Adenipekun, ( 2004). Several lives have been lost in our institutions due to cult activities. Teachers have been held hostage by the same cult groups and even forced to pass students who failed thereby bastardizing the education system. Also the issue of examination malpractice has become a common denominator in schools. Many schools in Nigeria have become special malpractice centre’s where invigilators and school authorities are bough so as to allow candidates in WAEC, NECO,JAMB, etc. examinations to cheat. It is no longer news to hear people leaving the cities for the villages schools. Students register as external candidates in remote schools so as to perpetrate malpractice with supervisors and invigilators, “forming an unholy alliance” Adenipekun, (2004). Another form of indiscipline is student unrest. These have led to closure of schools and lost of time and when schools resume, there is great rush to complete the syllabus, etc. Further instance of indiscipline is moral decadence in the society that has crept into the education enterprise. Many teachers are now no longer sincere to the profession as they award marks to the highest bidder. They compromise professional ethics for pecuniary benefits.
  • 8. Lack of adequate and competent teachers There is lack of teachers in many schools. Where they are available, some are not well trained to deliver education, as it should be. The success of any education system lies on a core of knowledgeable, well-trained and competent teachers. as at 2000, the UBE (Universal Basic Education) Scheme was expected to register 1.2 million children but 60%of the teachers were reported to be unqualified, with a shortfall of 200,000, to sufficiently man the schools (Jegede, 2002:24). On competence, (Jegede, 2002) states that: In developing countries as many as 30% of teachers are untrained both professionally and academically. in the primary school sector alone, teachers readiness and their capacity to work the new technology enriched environment seem to indicate that the problems of an under-trained personnel need serious and immediate attention if we wish to avoid using yesterday’s teachers to educate tomorrow’s children. A study Ukeje (1999) found that teachers supply to the Northern part of Nigeria were very inadequate and most teachers were grade II. This has become a serious situation, as no nation can rise above the quality of her teachers.
  • 9. Lack of adequate infrastructure Lack of adequate classrooms, hostels, staff quarters, offices, laboratories, libraries, recreational facilities, halls, tables, chairs, textbooks, teaching aids, etc. has affected the quality of education in the country. A World Bank study Bulus, (2000) revealed that in 1996 there was need for 18,800 additional classrooms in Bauchi, Plateau, Gombe and Yobe states and in those states, 8,031 classrooms needed urgent renovation. Furthermore, the study found that instructional material and infrastructural facilities were inadequate. Another study (Olaofe, 2000) reports that 2.8 million in Nigeria lacked desks and chairs while 4,896 primary schools lack any building whatsoever and therefore lessons take place under trees. If 4,896 schools are without buildings, then what about teaching and learning aids?
  • 10. Politicization of Education There are cases of government playing politics with education. Schools are established by way of pronouncement and not reality. Funds are not provided for infrastructural facilities and at the end of the day, it is parents or the communities that end up providing these and even more. Education is a serious affair that politicization need not be part of. Many Government secondary schools established from 1980 to date in most States of Nigeria relied and still do so on the efforts of parent teachers’ Association (PTA) and the host communities for building classrooms, staff rooms, etc.
  • 11. Poor welfare package for the teacher The welfare of teachers suffered during the Shagari regime, where teachers had to stay for months without salaries as it is happening now in most states of the country. Thus the National Primary Education Commission (NPEC) and State Primary Education Boards (SPEB) were established to handle the primary education level and arrest the decay, especially in matters of teachers’ welfare. That singular act injected much life and confidence into the affairs of this level of education. The present civilian regime scrapped the NPEC but left the State Boards, but the State Boards are now left at the mercy of the State and many of them by their conducts appear not to have the interest of primary schools at heart. Village schools lacked conducive classrooms for teaching and learning.
  • 12. The consequences There are consequences for democracy as a result of the problems affecting education, where these are not tackled. One of the consequences is the loss of respect by teachers and education. Many Nigerians see education as not a necessity for political relevance but materials possession. This has made it possible for the educated to stoop so low as compromise education and good governance on the pedestal of god fatherism and lucre. One other danger is that the system has suffered greatly that secondary school graduates for Nigeria cannot compete with those from West African countries like Liberia and Ghana A study (Ukeje, 1999 P.3)revealed that Nigeria beat Ghana and Liberia only in Biology out of eleven (11) subjects but came last in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Literature in English and History. This portraits danger for the education of this country considering that these countries do not have the resources of Nigeria. The education system then serves as a conducive place for gangs, and cults to thrive because standards in the education system has been abused and the system have been left at the mercy of “Anything goes”. The greatest consequence is that educational standards become low and the quality of manpower produced cannot advance the national goals of qualitative manpower for national development. The society therefore suffers, and values are abused, thereby giving rise to threat to democracy
  • 13. Complementary Roles of Education and Democracy Education and democracy are like inseparable twins. Education enhances democracy and democracy is expected to enhance conducive atmosphere for education to thrive well, especially in the areas of adequate modern facilities that will enhance teaching and learning which makes the people to learn effectively. Therefore, it can be asserted that education has had positive impact on democracy. One of the impacts is serving as an avenue for transmitting political and cultural values such as national unity, tolerance, respect for the rule of law, political consciousness, self-reliance, patriotism and so on. Any citizen of a nation that is well educated cannot be misled and it is expected of him/her to always ensure the well-being of the nation. Education also helps to propagate political ideology of a nation. This helps to inculcate in the citizenry the values and virtues of the nation.
  • 14. Furthermore, education serves as the means through which people’s attitude, central values and perceptions on how they are governed can be shaped or changed. The citizens know their rights and where the representative are derailing or conduct themselves in manners that threaten democracy, they ensure that they use civilized ways to resist such conducts, there by ensuring the survival of democracy. Education serves as the fertile ground for the training of political leaders, political experts, and the manpower requirements of society. In this way the democratic machinery are strengthened for national development. In a similar manner democracy serves education in a number of ways. Democracy ensures compliance with fair distribution of education institutions, facilities, amenities, etc. There is also the policy of geographical spread in admission into schools and institution. This to a large extent ensures representation of all segments of the country. Furthermore, politics has influenced the curricula of schools. Such influence takes into consideration the national goals of the nation. For instance the introduction of Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa in the curriculum of schools is to ensure national unity in the country.
  • 15. Also to address educational problems, lobbying and debase take place which help to fashion legislation that would take care of the education sector. For instance the UBE scheme bill had to go through the national Assembly. The Bill makes it mandatory for children of school age to attend school free for the first nine years. Finally, stable democracy guarantees stable education system and also well-funded education suffers under democracy than the Military. For instance, the Shagari era witnessed incessant strikes by teachers, which affected education at the period and the consequences are being felt to the present time. Also with the advent of democracy in1999, the federal Government launched the Universal basic Education programme, which was well received, but today we cannot say that there is the expected development or progress that would outshine the situation in the schools and institutions during the military era. There is though great assistance to institutions through the Education Tax Fund (ETF), a creation of the Military. There is therefore need to ensure more support to education because where education is endangered democracy is equally endangered then the national goals cannot be actualized and also the educational system will produce half-baked products who are even more dangerous to the non-literates.
  • 16. Conclusion Education in Nigeria is beset by numerous gigantic problems which can be handled properly in a democratic system, yet these problems appear to persist. For the past few years there have been crises of shortfalls and no release of funds for the execution or completion of some capital projects which border on quality education. These no doubt affect education and where education is affected democracy is also affected. Therefore, there is need for the present government to support education so as to actualize the goals of the nation as enshrined in the national policy on Education.
  • 17. Recommendations 1. The present democratic dispensation needs to ensure the issue of bringing back the National Primary Education Commission(NPEC) so that it can handle the primary sector and allocations to State Primary Education Boards (SPEBS)be channeled directly and not through the State Governments where such funds are likely to be diverted. 2. There should be deliberate attempt by the federal and state Governments to gradually, actualize the 26% allocation to education from their budgets as recommended by the United Nations (UN). 3. There is need for a well-planned strategy for the renovation and equipping of all schools taking into consideration the necessary tools required for effective teaching and learning. 4. The government should avoid unnecessary interference in the day to day administration of education.
  • 18. 5. The war against corruption and other anti-social behaviors be intensified so that it is seen by all and sundry that there are no sacred cows. In this way, the get-rich-quick syndrome will be addressed and the citizenry will begin to take pride in genuine achievements, and education will receive the necessary boost and respect necessary for it serve as a catalyst for society’s transformation. 6. There should be the intensification of lobby by heads of institutions towards government and private support so that the sector will not continue to suffer. 7. The elected and appointed statesmen in the democracy need education for their success and continued reliance, therefore they should always be reminded that quality education is the necessary for sustainable democracy in Nigeria.
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  • 20. Mamgvwat, S (2001) Revitalizing Education for sustainable democracy (The conference: A journal of contemporary education through vol.2;No 1printed by Akins Press, Jos. Oriaifo,S.O; Nwaokolo POE, Igborgbor, G G,(Eds). Refocusing Education in Nigeria (pp 176-180).Being City: Da-Siyya influence. Ogbimi, F. (1997). Education is key to Democratization. The Guardian Sept. 23, p.39. Olaofe, IO.A. (2000). Enhancing Effective Language teaching at primary Schools for the Success of the UBE Programme in Nigeria. A keynote Address presented at a Refresher Workshop for Primary School Supervisors, Secretaries and Headmasters, FCE., Zaria. Sheke, T.R.& Omoraka, V.O. (2002).Strengthening the Teaching Profession as a Strategy for Refocusing teacher Education in Nigeria. Ukeje, B.O. (1999). Teacher Education in Nigeria: Current Status, 21st Century Challenges and strategies for Improvement. A key notes Address at the inter- University collaborative Workshop on Teacher Education, 6th Dec., University of Jos, Jos.