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A Business White Paper

                         Taking a SIP:
                         What Executives Should Know
                         About IP Transformation in
                         the Contact Center

                         August 2008
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center

Table of Contents

    3         Executive Summary
    3         IP Transformation within the Contact Center
    4         SIP: The Protocol of Choice
    5         Enabling the Next-Generation Dynamic Contact Center
              Creating a Breakthrough Customer Experience
              Improving Agent Experience and Contact Center Performance
              Comprehensive Operational Improvements with SIP-Enabled IP

    10 The Freedom to Migrate Instead of Rip-and-Replace
    11 Conclusion
    12 About the Genesys IP Contact Center Solution
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                               3 of 12

Executive Summary
                        As contact centers consider migrating from traditional digital switching platforms to
                        IP-based solutions, there’s an exciting development that is simplifying IP communications
                        and extending the benefits beyond telephony network cost savings. The emergence of the
                        SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) open standard is speeding the adoption of IP-based solutions
                        and simultaneously delivering compelling business benefits and opportunities for innovation.

                        With SIP, contact centers are empowered to join the IP transformation — shifting from a
                        closed, proprietary communications infrastructure to an open, standards-based environment.
                        This IP transformation drives greater business value for contact centers by providing the
                        foundation for improving agent productivity, virtualizing agent resources, reducing infra-
                        structure costs and, above all, improving the customer’s experience. Through the power and
                        flexibility of SIP-enabled IP solutions, companies can now fully realize a customer-centric
                        strategy with innovative, multimedia customer service offerings as the centerpiece.

                        This white paper is intended for executives who are seeking to understand why SIP is a
                        must-have technology for the contact center today, and how SIP-enabled IP solutions can
                        help contact centers strategically align with the goals of the enterprise through an easily
                        integrated, open standards-based software approach.

IP Transformation within the Contact Center
                        While momentum has been building for IP-based solutions in contact centers, the floodgates
                        of opportunity have now been flung open with the widespread vendor adoption of open
                        standards such as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Now, it’s more efficient, cost-effective,
                        and beneficial than ever before to move to an IP solution. Contact centers that are poised to
                        replace aging time-division multiplexing (TDM) systems or deploy new systems for branch
                        offices or enterprise departments can now embrace the transformation to IP with greater
                        confidence. The resulting benefits include these powerful capabilities:

                               •	 Universal access enabling any employee, located either within the walls
                                  of the contact center or outside (such as mobile applications for field
                                  service, home agents, subject matter experts, or branch offices), to interact
                                  efficiently with the company’s customers.
                               •	 Leveraging Multimedia interaction, such as instant messages, video,
                                  presence, and Web collaboration to enhance the customer experience in
                                  innovative ways.
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                                                                 4 of 12

                               •	 Virtual Centralized Contact Center, for multi-site and remote-site
                                  operations hosted in the corporate data center or by a managed service
                                  provider, to increase productivity and speed deployment of new capabilities.
                               •	 Consistent application of business rules through application software
                                  — not embedded in proprietary hardware — that controls interaction
                                  management for voice and other communications

                                                                Source: Gartner - “Forecast: Contact Centers,Worldwide, 2002-2011” (by Drew Kraus, December 2007)

                        Figure 1. Total TDM vs. IP Agents Shipments, Worldwide, 2002-2011
                        The rise of SIP-enabled solutions brings an additional transforming benefit: the
                        opportunity to migrate gradually to IP by retiring the legacy ACD (automatic call
                        distributor) — literally unlocking it from the physical PBX and reshaping it as a flexible,
                        software-based application able to leverage all the capabilities of IP.

SIP: The Protocol of Choice
                        Why is SIP so important for IP transformation? By moving to a SIP-enabled software
                        solution, contact centers can begin to free themselves from proprietary hardware
                        constraints and costs.

                        When the move to IP began with digital PBXs, vendors created systems that essentially
                        duplicated the features traditional PBXs offered. To do this, vendors developed
                        proprietary protocols to address missing functionality in open standards. Then along
                        came SIP.

                        SIP (based on IETF RFC 3261) — now the protocol of choice for IP communications
                        — provides the richness needed to replace proprietary protocols and create a more
                        efficient and collaborative means of communication. With the SIP open standard,
                        organizations are now becoming unlocked from the constraining proprietary IP solutions.
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                                           5 of 12

                        The beauty of SIP is its simplicity: it can be used for any type of communication session,
                        from voice to instant messaging to video or any combination of these — a session can
                        even be a collaborative multimedia conference call. Independent of the application
                        and channel, SIP is also flexible and scalable — making it perfect for deployment
                        in a future-proof application environment. SIP also works well with other Internet
                        applications because it was designed to closely resemble the HTTP and SMTP Internet
                        protocols, (the ones that power the Internet and e-mail).

                          GSN Uses SIP for PBX Migration
                          Global Speech Networks (GSN), based in Melbourne, Australia, works with
                          companies to centralize multi-site IVR operations. When the company decided
                          to offer a hosted contact center agent solution, it determined that SIP-enabled IP
                          technology was the most effective way to go.

                          Now GSN can offer a compelling story for prospective customers. With many digital
                          PBXs approaching “end of life,” GSN’s customers can use the company’s hosted
                          contact center solution for a phased approach to migrate away from the PBX. GSN
                          replaces legacy call center functionality with its SIP-enabled software-based contact
                          center from the “cloud.” By using SIP-enabled IP, GSN was able to dramatically
                          expand its market with an entirely new service.

                        SIP provides two overwhelming                            “SIP enables the power of open systems to be
                        advantages that contact center decision                  brought to the world of telecommunications,
                        makers need to understand. The first
                                                                                 particularly in the contact center. Due to the rich
                        is the freedom of choice in hardware
                                                                                 multimedia requirements, open systems allow
                        and software — resulting in greater
                        flexibility, easier integration, faster
                                                                                 customers to select non-proprietary hardware
                        deployment, and cost efficiencies.                       and software for queuing, routing, and applying
                                                                                 treatments to interactions. For these reasons, we
                        Second, the flexibility of SIP to handle                 expect SIP to emerge as the de facto standard for
                        much more than only voice makes                          enterprise IP communications.”
                        it a game-changing technology for                        — Art Schoeller, Senior Analyst, Yankee Group
                        contact centers. Using SIP, companies
                        can move beyond simply doing things
                        better to providing new services that
                        drive customer satisfaction and agent
                        effectiveness to entirely new levels.
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                                             6 of 12

Enabling the Next-Generation Dynamic Contact Center
                        Organizations can harness the powerful multimedia, multi-channel capabilities of
                        SIP-enabled IP to realize a revitalized, next-generation dynamic contact center — a
                        contact center fully-enabled with real-time intelligence, flexibility, open applications,
                        and the ability to proactively respond to and take advantage of customer behavior.

                        Most contact centers today must manually react to external conditions, making it
                        difficult to respond to fluctuating traffic. For example, traffic may surge one moment,
                        putting great strain on resources, and then drop unpredictably the next, forcing customer
                        service agents to sit idle. This model puts a great burden on operations, as businesses
                        struggle to simultaneously optimize agent availability and task allocation, control costs,
                        generate revenue, and drive customer satisfaction.

                        A dynamic contact center is a more advanced model with built-in processes to make
                        proactive adjustments in real time to automatically manage fluctuating variables by
                        optimizing and balancing traffic, resources, and call outcomes.

                        IP transformation is a critical foundation for creating a dynamic contact center, allowing
                        companies to achieve unprecedented optimization of cost, quality, and revenue. With a
                        spectrum of exceptional customer services, a well-managed distributed/remote agent
                        workforce, and enhanced agent productivity, the SIP-enabled contact center delivers on
                        the customer-centric strategy central to organizations today.

Creating a Breakthrough Customer Experience
                        By enabling contact centers to leverage multimedia interactions as never before,
                        SIP-enabled IP solutions can literally transform the customer experience to improve
                        customer retention and set the stage for cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.

                               78%                              82%                           44%

                             Say contact center agents have       Would do business with a     Of defecting customers cite a
                             a significant influence on their     company based on a great     poor contact center experience
                             opinion of a company                 contact center experience    as the sole reason
                                                                                                                     Source: Genesys Research

                        Figure 2. The Customer Experience is Central to Your Business
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                                  7 of 12

                          GRAA Experiences Seamless Integration of Multimedia
                          and New Agents
                          Groupama Rhone Alpes Auvergne (GRAA), a division of the French insurance
                          conglomerate Groupama, decided to leverage SIP to incorporate multimedia
                          capabilities so that customers could use devices such as smartphones to interact in a
                          more productive manner with the contact center. The company envisioned customers
                          sending a picture of a car accident to their carrier from the scene or receiving an
                          SMS message with insurance adjuster appointment details.

                          At the same time, GRAA needed to incorporate 200 additional agents working
                          in eight new locations. Using a SIP-enabled software solution, GRAA was able
                          to add new agents and capabilities and begin migrating agents to an IP environment
                          at a significantly lower cost than if it had to purchase PBX hard phones and a
                          CTI-enabled PBX license. Now, GRAA plans to completely migrate to SIP-enabled
                          IP for all its agents.

                        With a SIP-enabled IP solution, contact centers can transform every customer touch-point
                        into an opportunity to deliver on a company’s brand promise. Multi-channel integration
                        means that contact centers gain the flexibility to respond to and interact with customers in
                        a multitude of ways, regardless of the channel in which the interaction was started. Imagine
                        the ability to detect the multimedia capabilities of a customer’s phone or device at the point
                        of contact. The agent then has the widest range of response choices available to assist the
                        customer: for instance, an instructional video could be sent to a video-enabled device, or
                        a menu of options could appear on a mobile phone as an alternative to traditional IVR.
                        Contact centers can use “co-browsing” or “page push” technologies to guide customers to
                        the information they need or to suggest a relevant product or service.

                         By embracing SIP/IP, contact centers can dramatically improve customer satisfaction by:

                               •	 Communicating	with	customers	via	the	channel	that	each	most	prefers:	
                                  voice, e-mail, IM, chat, or video
                               •	 Leveraging	presence	technology	to	help	agents	resolve	a	customer’s	issue	
                                  by instantly determining status, location, and availability of subject matter
                               •	 Incorporating	agents,	branch	employees,	and	experts	anytime,	anywhere	—	
                                  irrespective of location and telephony infrastructure, enabling a dynamic
                                  customer-centric experience
                               •	 Fully	exploiting	multimedia	to	create	a	blended,	consistent,	multi-channel	
                                  experience that better resolves customer queries and issues
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                               8 of 12

Improving Agent Experience and Contact Center Performance
                        Not only is the customer experience elevated to an all-time high, the SIP-enabled IP
                        solutions also give agent productivity and satisfaction a powerful boost.

                        For example, SIP enables contact centers to leverage universal employee access — the
                        ability to extend the resource pool to encompass any agent or expert. This means that
                        contact centers can enable branch employees, home offices, and expert agents — regard-
                        less of their location — to efficiently manage their time and resources, gain greater con-
                        trol of their ability to assist with customer service, and improve first-call resolution rates.

                        Figure 3 Universal Access through a SIP-Enabled Solution
                        Universal access also allows contact centers to more effectively manage spikes in volume
                        by routing certain customer calls to remote sites, which prevents customers from waiting
                        on hold, or even being blocked, due to single contact center saturation during the peak
                        hours, and results in better customer service performance.

                        In addition, through presence technology in SIP-enabled solutions, subject matter
                        experts can make themselves more available for customer contact and issue resolution,
                        while leveraging home-based agents lowers costs, decreases agent turnover, and ensures
                        greater flexibility to quickly meet fluctuations in volume.

                        Due to routing rules based upon criteria such as customer priority, agent skill set,
                        availability of experts, and other business rules that ensure intelligent use of valuable
                        resources, the customer is quickly put in touch with the best resource — expert, home,
                        or branch agent — for their specific need.
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                              9 of 12

Comprehensive Operational Improvements with SIP-Enabled IP
                        While customer service is a central benefit, deploying a SIP-enabled open IP solution
                        also delivers a gamut of operational improvements for the contact center due to the
                        creation of a simplified, flexible environment that is extensible and scalable to support
                        future business needs.

                        Companies can now consolidate contact center environments to ensure centralized
                        administration and improved resource virtualization. Contact centers with multiple sites
                        can be managed as one virtual pool of agents, which better utilizes resources, strengthens
                        customer service, and reduces maintenance costs. Remote agent management in such a
                        virtual environment also allows changes to a single agent or agent group allocation to be
                        made in real time without having to reprogram the switch. In addition, small remote sites
                        can be brought online much faster.

                        SIP-enabled IP also reduces the total cost of ownership as contact centers gain a greater
                        choice of vendors and simplified upgrades. As customer service software is separated
                        from proprietary communications devices, contact centers can further reduce costs by
                        eliminating hardware-based ACDs altogether.

                        Finally, SIP-enabled solutions can provide contact       In cases where the entire contact
                        centers with more flexible, cost-effective approaches    center is disrupted, software-based
                        to business continuity by delivering uninterrupted       SIP solutions enable companies to
                        service levels through capabilities such as              quickly reroute calls to other centers or
                        emergency default routing, backup and recovery
                                                                                 branch employees as part of a business
                        of established sessions, and hot standby. In the
                                                                                 continuity response.
                        event that a system goes down, the software-based
                        SIP solution can ensure high availability through a
                        back-up system that saves any calls that might be impacted. In a disaster situation where
                        the entire contact center is disrupted, companies have the ability to quickly reroute calls
                        to other centers or branch employees.
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                          10 of 12

The Freedom to Migrate Instead of Rip-and-Replace
                     The power and simplicity of the SIP open standard mean that contact centers can begin
                     to reap the benefits of an open IP solution without ripping out and replacing current
                     infrastructure — and instead migrating at a pace that suits their unique requirements. A
                     SIP-enabled IP contact center solution makes IP transformation feasible by integrating
                     with a contact center’s existing PBX infrastructure. This allows organizations to introduce
                     innovative contact center functions by separating the ACD from the PBX and replacing
                     it with a SIP-enabled solution. For contact centers not requiring advanced enterprise
                     telephony (such as personal voice mail), they have the option of replacing the hardware
                                                        switch entirely with a software-based switch for call
As customer service software is separated from          control, routing, and management functionality. In this
proprietary communications devices, contact centers     case, contact centers save costs on hardware and main-
can further reduce costs by eliminating hardware-       tenance by eliminating the proprietary hardware and
based ACDs altogether.                                  simplifying the management of the environment.

                        Figure 4 Genesys SIP/IP Enables Flexible Migration
                        As shown in Figure 4, the Genesys solution supports TDM, IP, or hybrid IP/TDM
                        environments and thus enables flexible migration from TDM to IP. Contact centers that
                        have already invested in PBX can still leverage the existing PBX infrastructure while also
                        implementing open standards-based IP components. In all cases, the Genesys solution
                        enables a single, centralized virtual contact center environment for the optimal utilization
                        and management of all agents as well as other resources.
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                             11 of 12

                          Replacing ACDs With Better Routing
                          After moving the company’s internal voice traffic to IP, a leading financial services
                          firm has been replacing its legacy ACDs with SIP/IP technology. In addition to
                          eliminating its dependency on proprietary hardware, the company needed the
                          ability to perform intelligent skills-based routing at the agent level — the legacy
                          ACD used a complicated scheme of multiple groups instead of true agent-level
                          skills-based routing.
                          By taking a pure software approach using a SIP-enabled IP solution, the company
                          was able to meet all of its objectives for the complete replacement of its legacy
                          ACD hardware. Now, instead of hardware that needs to be maintained at multiple
                          locations all over the country, the company relies upon a centrally-located,
                          SIP-enabled software solution to intelligently route calls to the best agent.

                        Therefore, contact centers have the following flexible options for SIP/IP adoption:
                               •	 Keep	existing	PBX	in	current	site	while	expanding	new	branch	offices	
                                  with SIP/IP
                               •	 Keep	existing	PBX	in	current	site	while	provisioning	remote	agents	in	
                                  SOHO (Small-Office-Home-Office) with SIP/IP
                               •	 Keep	existing	PBX	in	current	site	while	adding	new	agents	with	SIP/IP	at	
                                  the same site
                               •	 Keep	existing	PBX	in	current	site	while	gradually	converting	some	agents	
                                  with SIP/IP at the same site. Re-provision the newly idle PBX ports for
                                  other staff in the organization
                               •	 Re-deploy	PBX	for	internal	organizational	usage,	while	converting	the	
                                  contact center into SIP/IP environment

                        With the emergence of the SIP protocol as the open standard that frees organizations
                        from proprietary hardware, contact centers are finally able to safely reap the extensive
                        business benefits of implementing open standards-based SIP/IP solutions. By leveraging
                        the dynamic multimedia capabilities of SIP, contact centers can seamlessly deliver
                        exceptional customer service and increase satisfaction, while also optimizing agent and
                        resource efficiency. With a dynamic contact center model, contact centers can react
                        faster to external conditions and respond more quickly to fluctuating variables by better
                        balancing traffic, resources, and call outcomes.
                        Companies that actively migrate toward SIP-enabled IP solutions are better prepared to
                        ensure universal access, allowing any employee to assist with customer service for faster
                        issue resolution and better business continuity through a more flexible, cost-effective,
                        multi-channel approach.
Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center                                                                                                12 of 12

                           SIP offers a way for contact centers to migrate to IP-based solutions while continuing to
                           leverage current investments in the contact center infrastructure. By selecting SIP-enabled
                           IP solutions that don’t require an expensive rip-and-replace, organizations can begin to
                           transform their contact centers at a pace that best suits their needs and future-proofs their
                           environment against technology and business changes. SIP-enabled IP also reduces the total
                           cost of ownership as contact centers gain a greater choice of vendors, simplify upgrades, and
                           reduce costs on hardware and maintenance.

                           Organizations that embrace SIP-enabled IP solutions in their contact centers especially gain
                           a distinct competitive advantage in customer service, flexibility, and operational efficiency.
                           By leveraging the power and flexibility of SIP-enabled IP solutions, enterprises will be best
                           positioned to deliver the types of new services required in an increasingly customer-centric
                           business environment.

About the Genesys IP Contact Center Solution
                           The Genesys IP Contact Center Solution, including the Genesys SIP Server, provides the
                           freedom to select the hardware infrastructure and contact center applications that best meet
                           an organization’s business needs today, while future proofing the environment for tomorrow.
                           The Genesys SIP Server provides open and flexible multimedia, and agent monitoring
                           functions that integrate the Genesys suite with any SIP-enabled IP infrastructure.

                           The Genesys IP offering is SIP-enabled and provides:

                                  •	 Integration	with	leading	SIP-based	applications	provides	more	vender	
                                     choices, simplified upgrades, and reduced maintenance costs
                                  •	 Migration	to	IP	at	an	organization’s	own	pace	while	maintaining	the	
                                     current system functionality; no need to rip-and-replace
                                  •	 Support	for	multiple	customer	service	communication	channels,	including	
                                     voice, e-mail, chat, IM, and video

Genesys Worldwide                                              Americas                                       Europe, Middle East, Africa                   Asia Pacific
Genesys, an Alcatel-Lucent company, is the world’s leading     Corporate Headquarters                         EMEA Headquarters                             APAC Headquarters
provider of contact center and customer service management
                                                               Genesys                                        Genesys House                                 Genesys Laboratories
software — with more than 4,000 customers in 80 countries.
Genesys software directs more than 100 million interactions    2001 Junipero Serra Blvd.                      Frimley Business Park                         Australasia Pty Ltd
every day, dynamically connecting customers with the           Daly City, CA 94014                            Frimley                                       Level 17, 124 Walker Street
right resources — self-service or assisted-service — to        USA                                            Camberley                                     North Sydney NSW 2060
fulfill customer requests, optimize customer care goals and                                                   Surrey GU16 7SG                               Australia
efficiently use agent resources. Genesys helps organizations   Tel: +1 650 466 1100                           United Kingdom
drive contact center efficiency, stop customer frustration     Fax: +1 650 466 1260                                                                         Tel: +61 2 9463 8500
and accelerate business innovation.                            E-mail:                    Tel: +44 1276 45 7000
                                                                                  Fax: +44 1276 45 7001
For more information visit:, or call
+1 888 GENESYS or 1-650-466-1100.
                                                               Genesys and the Genesys logo are registered trademarks of Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All other company names
                                                               and logos may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby recognized. © 2008 Genesys
2833.v2-08/08-U.S.                                             Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • 1. A Business White Paper Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center August 2008
  • 2. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center Table of Contents 3 Executive Summary 3 IP Transformation within the Contact Center 4 SIP: The Protocol of Choice 5 Enabling the Next-Generation Dynamic Contact Center Creating a Breakthrough Customer Experience Improving Agent Experience and Contact Center Performance Comprehensive Operational Improvements with SIP-Enabled IP 10 The Freedom to Migrate Instead of Rip-and-Replace 11 Conclusion 12 About the Genesys IP Contact Center Solution
  • 3. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 3 of 12 Executive Summary As contact centers consider migrating from traditional digital switching platforms to IP-based solutions, there’s an exciting development that is simplifying IP communications and extending the benefits beyond telephony network cost savings. The emergence of the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) open standard is speeding the adoption of IP-based solutions and simultaneously delivering compelling business benefits and opportunities for innovation. With SIP, contact centers are empowered to join the IP transformation — shifting from a closed, proprietary communications infrastructure to an open, standards-based environment. This IP transformation drives greater business value for contact centers by providing the foundation for improving agent productivity, virtualizing agent resources, reducing infra- structure costs and, above all, improving the customer’s experience. Through the power and flexibility of SIP-enabled IP solutions, companies can now fully realize a customer-centric strategy with innovative, multimedia customer service offerings as the centerpiece. This white paper is intended for executives who are seeking to understand why SIP is a must-have technology for the contact center today, and how SIP-enabled IP solutions can help contact centers strategically align with the goals of the enterprise through an easily integrated, open standards-based software approach. IP Transformation within the Contact Center While momentum has been building for IP-based solutions in contact centers, the floodgates of opportunity have now been flung open with the widespread vendor adoption of open standards such as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Now, it’s more efficient, cost-effective, and beneficial than ever before to move to an IP solution. Contact centers that are poised to replace aging time-division multiplexing (TDM) systems or deploy new systems for branch offices or enterprise departments can now embrace the transformation to IP with greater confidence. The resulting benefits include these powerful capabilities: • Universal access enabling any employee, located either within the walls of the contact center or outside (such as mobile applications for field service, home agents, subject matter experts, or branch offices), to interact efficiently with the company’s customers. • Leveraging Multimedia interaction, such as instant messages, video, presence, and Web collaboration to enhance the customer experience in innovative ways.
  • 4. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 4 of 12 • Virtual Centralized Contact Center, for multi-site and remote-site operations hosted in the corporate data center or by a managed service provider, to increase productivity and speed deployment of new capabilities. • Consistent application of business rules through application software — not embedded in proprietary hardware — that controls interaction management for voice and other communications Source: Gartner - “Forecast: Contact Centers,Worldwide, 2002-2011” (by Drew Kraus, December 2007) Figure 1. Total TDM vs. IP Agents Shipments, Worldwide, 2002-2011 The rise of SIP-enabled solutions brings an additional transforming benefit: the opportunity to migrate gradually to IP by retiring the legacy ACD (automatic call distributor) — literally unlocking it from the physical PBX and reshaping it as a flexible, software-based application able to leverage all the capabilities of IP. SIP: The Protocol of Choice Why is SIP so important for IP transformation? By moving to a SIP-enabled software solution, contact centers can begin to free themselves from proprietary hardware constraints and costs. When the move to IP began with digital PBXs, vendors created systems that essentially duplicated the features traditional PBXs offered. To do this, vendors developed proprietary protocols to address missing functionality in open standards. Then along came SIP. SIP (based on IETF RFC 3261) — now the protocol of choice for IP communications — provides the richness needed to replace proprietary protocols and create a more efficient and collaborative means of communication. With the SIP open standard, organizations are now becoming unlocked from the constraining proprietary IP solutions.
  • 5. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 5 of 12 The beauty of SIP is its simplicity: it can be used for any type of communication session, from voice to instant messaging to video or any combination of these — a session can even be a collaborative multimedia conference call. Independent of the application and channel, SIP is also flexible and scalable — making it perfect for deployment in a future-proof application environment. SIP also works well with other Internet applications because it was designed to closely resemble the HTTP and SMTP Internet protocols, (the ones that power the Internet and e-mail). GSN Uses SIP for PBX Migration Global Speech Networks (GSN), based in Melbourne, Australia, works with companies to centralize multi-site IVR operations. When the company decided to offer a hosted contact center agent solution, it determined that SIP-enabled IP technology was the most effective way to go. Now GSN can offer a compelling story for prospective customers. With many digital PBXs approaching “end of life,” GSN’s customers can use the company’s hosted contact center solution for a phased approach to migrate away from the PBX. GSN replaces legacy call center functionality with its SIP-enabled software-based contact center from the “cloud.” By using SIP-enabled IP, GSN was able to dramatically expand its market with an entirely new service. SIP provides two overwhelming “SIP enables the power of open systems to be advantages that contact center decision brought to the world of telecommunications, makers need to understand. The first particularly in the contact center. Due to the rich is the freedom of choice in hardware multimedia requirements, open systems allow and software — resulting in greater flexibility, easier integration, faster customers to select non-proprietary hardware deployment, and cost efficiencies. and software for queuing, routing, and applying treatments to interactions. For these reasons, we Second, the flexibility of SIP to handle expect SIP to emerge as the de facto standard for much more than only voice makes enterprise IP communications.” it a game-changing technology for — Art Schoeller, Senior Analyst, Yankee Group contact centers. Using SIP, companies can move beyond simply doing things better to providing new services that drive customer satisfaction and agent effectiveness to entirely new levels.
  • 6. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 6 of 12 Enabling the Next-Generation Dynamic Contact Center Organizations can harness the powerful multimedia, multi-channel capabilities of SIP-enabled IP to realize a revitalized, next-generation dynamic contact center — a contact center fully-enabled with real-time intelligence, flexibility, open applications, and the ability to proactively respond to and take advantage of customer behavior. Most contact centers today must manually react to external conditions, making it difficult to respond to fluctuating traffic. For example, traffic may surge one moment, putting great strain on resources, and then drop unpredictably the next, forcing customer service agents to sit idle. This model puts a great burden on operations, as businesses struggle to simultaneously optimize agent availability and task allocation, control costs, generate revenue, and drive customer satisfaction. A dynamic contact center is a more advanced model with built-in processes to make proactive adjustments in real time to automatically manage fluctuating variables by optimizing and balancing traffic, resources, and call outcomes. IP transformation is a critical foundation for creating a dynamic contact center, allowing companies to achieve unprecedented optimization of cost, quality, and revenue. With a spectrum of exceptional customer services, a well-managed distributed/remote agent workforce, and enhanced agent productivity, the SIP-enabled contact center delivers on the customer-centric strategy central to organizations today. Creating a Breakthrough Customer Experience By enabling contact centers to leverage multimedia interactions as never before, SIP-enabled IP solutions can literally transform the customer experience to improve customer retention and set the stage for cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. 78% 82% 44% Say contact center agents have Would do business with a Of defecting customers cite a a significant influence on their company based on a great poor contact center experience opinion of a company contact center experience as the sole reason Source: Genesys Research Figure 2. The Customer Experience is Central to Your Business
  • 7. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 7 of 12 GRAA Experiences Seamless Integration of Multimedia and New Agents Groupama Rhone Alpes Auvergne (GRAA), a division of the French insurance conglomerate Groupama, decided to leverage SIP to incorporate multimedia capabilities so that customers could use devices such as smartphones to interact in a more productive manner with the contact center. The company envisioned customers sending a picture of a car accident to their carrier from the scene or receiving an SMS message with insurance adjuster appointment details. At the same time, GRAA needed to incorporate 200 additional agents working in eight new locations. Using a SIP-enabled software solution, GRAA was able to add new agents and capabilities and begin migrating agents to an IP environment at a significantly lower cost than if it had to purchase PBX hard phones and a CTI-enabled PBX license. Now, GRAA plans to completely migrate to SIP-enabled IP for all its agents. With a SIP-enabled IP solution, contact centers can transform every customer touch-point into an opportunity to deliver on a company’s brand promise. Multi-channel integration means that contact centers gain the flexibility to respond to and interact with customers in a multitude of ways, regardless of the channel in which the interaction was started. Imagine the ability to detect the multimedia capabilities of a customer’s phone or device at the point of contact. The agent then has the widest range of response choices available to assist the customer: for instance, an instructional video could be sent to a video-enabled device, or a menu of options could appear on a mobile phone as an alternative to traditional IVR. Contact centers can use “co-browsing” or “page push” technologies to guide customers to the information they need or to suggest a relevant product or service. By embracing SIP/IP, contact centers can dramatically improve customer satisfaction by: • Communicating with customers via the channel that each most prefers: voice, e-mail, IM, chat, or video • Leveraging presence technology to help agents resolve a customer’s issue by instantly determining status, location, and availability of subject matter experts • Incorporating agents, branch employees, and experts anytime, anywhere — irrespective of location and telephony infrastructure, enabling a dynamic customer-centric experience • Fully exploiting multimedia to create a blended, consistent, multi-channel experience that better resolves customer queries and issues
  • 8. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 8 of 12 Improving Agent Experience and Contact Center Performance Not only is the customer experience elevated to an all-time high, the SIP-enabled IP solutions also give agent productivity and satisfaction a powerful boost. For example, SIP enables contact centers to leverage universal employee access — the ability to extend the resource pool to encompass any agent or expert. This means that contact centers can enable branch employees, home offices, and expert agents — regard- less of their location — to efficiently manage their time and resources, gain greater con- trol of their ability to assist with customer service, and improve first-call resolution rates. Figure 3 Universal Access through a SIP-Enabled Solution Universal access also allows contact centers to more effectively manage spikes in volume by routing certain customer calls to remote sites, which prevents customers from waiting on hold, or even being blocked, due to single contact center saturation during the peak hours, and results in better customer service performance. In addition, through presence technology in SIP-enabled solutions, subject matter experts can make themselves more available for customer contact and issue resolution, while leveraging home-based agents lowers costs, decreases agent turnover, and ensures greater flexibility to quickly meet fluctuations in volume. Due to routing rules based upon criteria such as customer priority, agent skill set, availability of experts, and other business rules that ensure intelligent use of valuable resources, the customer is quickly put in touch with the best resource — expert, home, or branch agent — for their specific need.
  • 9. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 9 of 12 Comprehensive Operational Improvements with SIP-Enabled IP While customer service is a central benefit, deploying a SIP-enabled open IP solution also delivers a gamut of operational improvements for the contact center due to the creation of a simplified, flexible environment that is extensible and scalable to support future business needs. Companies can now consolidate contact center environments to ensure centralized administration and improved resource virtualization. Contact centers with multiple sites can be managed as one virtual pool of agents, which better utilizes resources, strengthens customer service, and reduces maintenance costs. Remote agent management in such a virtual environment also allows changes to a single agent or agent group allocation to be made in real time without having to reprogram the switch. In addition, small remote sites can be brought online much faster. SIP-enabled IP also reduces the total cost of ownership as contact centers gain a greater choice of vendors and simplified upgrades. As customer service software is separated from proprietary communications devices, contact centers can further reduce costs by eliminating hardware-based ACDs altogether. Finally, SIP-enabled solutions can provide contact In cases where the entire contact centers with more flexible, cost-effective approaches center is disrupted, software-based to business continuity by delivering uninterrupted SIP solutions enable companies to service levels through capabilities such as quickly reroute calls to other centers or emergency default routing, backup and recovery branch employees as part of a business of established sessions, and hot standby. In the continuity response. event that a system goes down, the software-based SIP solution can ensure high availability through a back-up system that saves any calls that might be impacted. In a disaster situation where the entire contact center is disrupted, companies have the ability to quickly reroute calls to other centers or branch employees.
  • 10. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 10 of 12 The Freedom to Migrate Instead of Rip-and-Replace The power and simplicity of the SIP open standard mean that contact centers can begin to reap the benefits of an open IP solution without ripping out and replacing current infrastructure — and instead migrating at a pace that suits their unique requirements. A SIP-enabled IP contact center solution makes IP transformation feasible by integrating with a contact center’s existing PBX infrastructure. This allows organizations to introduce innovative contact center functions by separating the ACD from the PBX and replacing it with a SIP-enabled solution. For contact centers not requiring advanced enterprise telephony (such as personal voice mail), they have the option of replacing the hardware switch entirely with a software-based switch for call As customer service software is separated from control, routing, and management functionality. In this proprietary communications devices, contact centers case, contact centers save costs on hardware and main- can further reduce costs by eliminating hardware- tenance by eliminating the proprietary hardware and based ACDs altogether. simplifying the management of the environment. Figure 4 Genesys SIP/IP Enables Flexible Migration As shown in Figure 4, the Genesys solution supports TDM, IP, or hybrid IP/TDM environments and thus enables flexible migration from TDM to IP. Contact centers that have already invested in PBX can still leverage the existing PBX infrastructure while also implementing open standards-based IP components. In all cases, the Genesys solution enables a single, centralized virtual contact center environment for the optimal utilization and management of all agents as well as other resources.
  • 11. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 11 of 12 Replacing ACDs With Better Routing After moving the company’s internal voice traffic to IP, a leading financial services firm has been replacing its legacy ACDs with SIP/IP technology. In addition to eliminating its dependency on proprietary hardware, the company needed the ability to perform intelligent skills-based routing at the agent level — the legacy ACD used a complicated scheme of multiple groups instead of true agent-level skills-based routing. By taking a pure software approach using a SIP-enabled IP solution, the company was able to meet all of its objectives for the complete replacement of its legacy ACD hardware. Now, instead of hardware that needs to be maintained at multiple locations all over the country, the company relies upon a centrally-located, SIP-enabled software solution to intelligently route calls to the best agent. Therefore, contact centers have the following flexible options for SIP/IP adoption: • Keep existing PBX in current site while expanding new branch offices with SIP/IP • Keep existing PBX in current site while provisioning remote agents in SOHO (Small-Office-Home-Office) with SIP/IP • Keep existing PBX in current site while adding new agents with SIP/IP at the same site • Keep existing PBX in current site while gradually converting some agents with SIP/IP at the same site. Re-provision the newly idle PBX ports for other staff in the organization • Re-deploy PBX for internal organizational usage, while converting the contact center into SIP/IP environment Conclusion With the emergence of the SIP protocol as the open standard that frees organizations from proprietary hardware, contact centers are finally able to safely reap the extensive business benefits of implementing open standards-based SIP/IP solutions. By leveraging the dynamic multimedia capabilities of SIP, contact centers can seamlessly deliver exceptional customer service and increase satisfaction, while also optimizing agent and resource efficiency. With a dynamic contact center model, contact centers can react faster to external conditions and respond more quickly to fluctuating variables by better balancing traffic, resources, and call outcomes. Companies that actively migrate toward SIP-enabled IP solutions are better prepared to ensure universal access, allowing any employee to assist with customer service for faster issue resolution and better business continuity through a more flexible, cost-effective, multi-channel approach.
  • 12. Taking a SIP: What Executives Should Know About IP Transformation in the Contact Center 12 of 12 SIP offers a way for contact centers to migrate to IP-based solutions while continuing to leverage current investments in the contact center infrastructure. By selecting SIP-enabled IP solutions that don’t require an expensive rip-and-replace, organizations can begin to transform their contact centers at a pace that best suits their needs and future-proofs their environment against technology and business changes. SIP-enabled IP also reduces the total cost of ownership as contact centers gain a greater choice of vendors, simplify upgrades, and reduce costs on hardware and maintenance. Organizations that embrace SIP-enabled IP solutions in their contact centers especially gain a distinct competitive advantage in customer service, flexibility, and operational efficiency. By leveraging the power and flexibility of SIP-enabled IP solutions, enterprises will be best positioned to deliver the types of new services required in an increasingly customer-centric business environment. About the Genesys IP Contact Center Solution The Genesys IP Contact Center Solution, including the Genesys SIP Server, provides the freedom to select the hardware infrastructure and contact center applications that best meet an organization’s business needs today, while future proofing the environment for tomorrow. The Genesys SIP Server provides open and flexible multimedia, and agent monitoring functions that integrate the Genesys suite with any SIP-enabled IP infrastructure. The Genesys IP offering is SIP-enabled and provides: • Integration with leading SIP-based applications provides more vender choices, simplified upgrades, and reduced maintenance costs • Migration to IP at an organization’s own pace while maintaining the current system functionality; no need to rip-and-replace • Support for multiple customer service communication channels, including voice, e-mail, chat, IM, and video Genesys Worldwide Americas Europe, Middle East, Africa Asia Pacific Genesys, an Alcatel-Lucent company, is the world’s leading Corporate Headquarters EMEA Headquarters APAC Headquarters provider of contact center and customer service management Genesys Genesys House Genesys Laboratories software — with more than 4,000 customers in 80 countries. Genesys software directs more than 100 million interactions 2001 Junipero Serra Blvd. Frimley Business Park Australasia Pty Ltd every day, dynamically connecting customers with the Daly City, CA 94014 Frimley Level 17, 124 Walker Street right resources — self-service or assisted-service — to USA Camberley North Sydney NSW 2060 fulfill customer requests, optimize customer care goals and Surrey GU16 7SG Australia efficiently use agent resources. Genesys helps organizations Tel: +1 650 466 1100 United Kingdom drive contact center efficiency, stop customer frustration Fax: +1 650 466 1260 Tel: +61 2 9463 8500 and accelerate business innovation. E-mail: Tel: +44 1276 45 7000 Fax: +44 1276 45 7001 For more information visit:, or call +1 888 GENESYS or 1-650-466-1100. Genesys and the Genesys logo are registered trademarks of Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All other company names and logos may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby recognized. © 2008 Genesys 2833.v2-08/08-U.S. Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.