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Section 1 Writing
Unit 4 Continuous Writing
• To provide a variety of approaches when writing the introductory paragraph
• To give example of paragraph writing
• To write the composition
Smart TIPS
1. Introduce a topic in an interesting way for descriptive, narrative, factual and reflective writing
2. Practice writing
1. Beginning 2004, the SPM English 1119 paper will have a few changes.
2. Paper 1 consists of Directed Writing (35 marks) and Continuous Writing (50 marks)
3. Students must complete Paper 1 in one hour and forty-five minutes.
The introductory paragraph must capture the interest of the reader and make him/her want to read further. The
following are some suggestions:
• Begin with an episodic narration.
Star with one event which is part of a series of events in a story.
(you may include direct speech)
• Begin with a genera statement.
• Begin with a definition.
• Begin with a quotation/proverb/saying
Argument Writing
Factual WritingNarrative Writing
Descriptive Writing Reflective Writing
Example of Introductory Paragraph
Exercise 1
Write an introductory paragraph on each of the following topics.
1. Describe an occasion when you received an unexpected gift.
2. Write about the thrills of a first experience.
3. Give an account of a visit you made to a sick friend in hospital. Describe your feelings.
4. Write a story on a boastful child.
5. Write a short story beginning with this line: ‘But you agreed to take me! She cried. ‘ Iwill never believe you
Examples of introductory paragraphs in descriptive writing
Exercise 2
Write an introductory paragraph on each of the following topics.
Topic 1 : My neighbour.
Example: The moment Mr Seng is up and about, you cannot miss his
cheery 'Good morning, Alice'. Practically everyone gets a personalized
greeting. Even if you get up on the wrong side of the bed, you are 'right'
again, with Mr Seng's cheerful and pleasant disposition. What would people
like me do without Mr Seng?
Topic 2 : Write about some of your classmates and the way they behave.
Example : It takes all sorts to make the world. ‘ If you step into my class,
the various personalities from Rama t Wee Lin will intrigue you.
Topic 3 : Describe a place you often go to.
Example : Port Dickson holds much fascination for me. I go there often
to enjoy the peace and quiet of a holiday resort by the sea, and to escape
from the bustle and bustle of city life.
A General
Topic 1: Describe an occasion when you were very frightened.
Example: The bus was travelling at high speed. 1 have been used to several trips like this
before but this time 1 felt frightened. The driver was a new face, the weather was
bad and the road was slippery. The passengers were unusually quiet and had looks
of anxiety, just as I had.An
Topic 2: ‘ I sensed from the beginning that something was going to happen ….’ Continue the story.
Example: I sensed from the beginning that something was going to happen. Mother was sitting at the
dining table, staring at the window. I could tell from her countenance that she was upset.
'Mother, is there anything wrong?' My question broke the stillness of the wet early morning.
'No, nothing, dear. I'm just... just tired.' Mother tried to conceal her feelings but I knew her
only too well.
1. My mother
2. Describe about some of your friends whom you meet regularly.
3. Write about some of your friends whom you meet regularly.
4. Describe an open-air for an-flight magazine designed to attract tourist to visit your country.
Examples of introductory paragraphs in argumentative writing
Exercise 3
Write an introductory paragraph on each of the following topics.
1. Should smoking be banned in public places?
2. Advertisements are informative and interesting. How far do you agree with this opinion?
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being the only child in a family.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a village?
5. Discuss steps that could be taken to eradicate drug addiction among youths in your country.
Examples of introductory paragraphs in descriptive or factual writing
Topic 1: Should co-curricular activities be made compulsory in schools?
Example: Co-curricular activities involve students' participation in clubs or societies and
sporting activities outside school hours. In my opinion, I strongly believe that
co-curricular activities are a waste of time and energy, and should not be made
compulsory in schools.
Topic 2: If you receive RM200 000, what single item would you buy and why?
Example: Money makes the world go round. If I were to receive RM200 000. I would not think twice
about using the money to buy my dream house. It has always been my desire to own a holiday
bungalow by the sea.
Topic 3: Give the advantages and disadvantages of possessing wealth.
Example: Wealth is very often an important criterion in determining one's lifestyle. There are, however,
advantages and disadvantages of possessing wealth.
Topic 4 : Discuss steps that could be taken to help the handicapped in your country.
Example: Wherever we go, we see handicapped people, very often neglected
and in a pitiful condition. There are many ways that the public and private
sectors, and charitable bodies can help the disabled in the country.A
Exercise 4
Write an introductory paragraph on each of the following topics.
1. Household chores
2. Superstitions
3. Hobbies
4. Write about the damage caused by flood
5. The importance of learning a foreign language.
Smart TIPS
A useful strategy is to write a topic sentence and elaborate on this.
Argumentative Writing: Pros and Cons
Topic : What are the advantages and disadvantages of owning a car?
Example: One of the advantages of owning a car is the convenience and
comfort it offers to us. We need not spend a lot of time waiting for
public transport. We step out and drive to our destination. Rain or shine,
night or day, it does not matter. Owning a car is certainly beneficial.
However, owning a car also brings with it a fair share of problems.
A car needs to be maintained and looked after just like any other possession.
This involves expenditure and more so when there is a breakdown and repair of
some sort is required.
Exercise 1
Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of these topics.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to
work by public transport?
2. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of living in a
1. In your topic sentence, give one
2. Elaborate on the topic sentence
by giving reasons.
Topic : Pets
Example : Pets are most certainly a joy to have for they are man's best
friends without expecting much in return. They are a source of comfort
in sorrow and loneliness, and yet an added joy in happy times.
Argumentative Writing: Views
Topic: Do money and possessions bring happiness?
Example: According to a well-known proverb 'Money is the root
of all evil'. I wholeheartedly agree with this and that is why I say
money and possessions do not bring happiness. With money, it is
possible to acquire possessions and often people who have a lot
become arrogant and overconfident. With money to spare, people
sometimes develop unhealthy habits. Drinking alcoholic beverages
in excess, smoking and gambling are just some of the vices that the rich indulge in.
Exercise 2
Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on-each of these
1. Does television help to educate the young?
2. Should cigarette advertisements be banned in the mass
Descriptive Writing: Place
Topic: An unusual place
Example: Kuala Lumpur is an unusual city. It has a blend of the old and new.
Not many cities have this unusual characteristic. On the one side are huge
colonial buildings and on the other modern high-rise buildings,
offices and shopping complexes. Many tourists are often attracted by
this blend of the old and new.
Exercise 3
Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of these topics.
1. An ideal place for relaxation.
2. A quaint village.
Descriptive Writing: Person
Topic: An unforgettable character.
Example: I was shocked to hear of her death. Only the other day she seemed so
full of life and energy. She visited some orphans and cooked a big meal
for them. Puan Hamidah was| me, a tower of strength. In spite of her
heavy burden, she always wore a smile. She seemed to have this rare
1. The topic sentence in the example is
a proverb.
2. Here, you should state if you agree
or disagree with the question.
3. Follow it up with reasons.
1. In the topic sentence, follow the
2. The sentences that follow the
topic sentence must show:
• how ideal the place for
• how quaint the village is
Exercise 4
Now you try. Write a parallel on each of these topics.
1. An interesting character.
2. My childhood friend.
Narrative Writing: Event/Incident
Topic: Unexpected failure.
Example: I did not expect to fail again. How could I? Maybe it was
true after all, that I was a miserable failure in life. I worked
so hard to pass the examination. I put in more hours
each day. When my friends invited me out, I always refused.
In fact, I even gave watching television. Yet, this was the
result—failure in three subjects out of eight.
Exercise 5
Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of these topics.
1 Surprise visit.
2 An unforgettable journey.
Reflective Writing
Topic 1: Shopping habits.
Example: Shopping is really a fun activity for most people. They love to
spend their leisure time in shopping complexes, department stores
or supermarkets just to window shop or look for good bargains. There
are all sorts of people who go shopping. There are the fastidious persons
who take hours just to look around before purchasing anything. Then,
there are those who go out for a specific purpose just to buy what is
required and leave quickly. Finally, there are those who always go to
a sale and end up with some useless thing!
Exercise 6
Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of use topic.
1. Study habits.
2. Weekends.
1 Write a topic sentence which
gives one | aspect of his/her
2 Elaborate the topic sentence by
filling in with facts.
1 Write a topic sentence which sets the
• a surprise visit
• an unforgettable journey
2 Follow this up with facts of the
1. Make some general
• students have different study habits
• people spend their weekends in
different ways
2 Follow this up with:
• different approaches these students
Topic 2 : Neighbours.
Example: Neighbours are persons living next door to us. However, this
definition is very restrictive. Today, the term ‘neighbour’ includes
people living in a wider area. Persons living across, opposite, on the
next street and even within the same area are often regarded as neighbours.
Exercise 7
Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of use topics.
1 Friends.
2 Tourist guides.
Factual Writing
Topic: The value of learning English
Example: English is the passport to studying abroad. With a good English
grade, one can apply to universities in Britain, the United States,
Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other English speaking countries.
Being able to communicate in English helps student to adapt faster to
life in a foreign country.
Exercise 8
Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of these topics.
1 The value of learning cooking.
2 The importance of eating fruit and vegetables.
Event Incident
Planning strategy
Write the story using the planning strategy.
1 Give a general definition on
• Friends
• Tourist guides in the topic
2 Elaborate on the definition.
1 Write a topic sentence with an
idea on the
• value of learning cooking
• importance of eating fruit
and vegetables
• Elaborate it.
Exercise 1
Give in a sentence the main event/incident you would write about the following topics
1 Describe a visit to a dentist.
2 Give an account of a day trip to a shopping mail.
3 Write about an accident you witnessed.
4 Describe a long bus journey.
5 A thunderstorm in my area.
Write an account that of a memorable experience.
Writing the composition: Step to follow
Let us assume that you have-chosen to write about graduation day.
Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing.
• graduation day • flowers • memorable • nervous • happy/excited
• parents • clothes • scroll • camera • party/celebration
Step 2 Planning Write the storyline.
Exercise 2
Choose two of following topics. Write down the main event/incident in one sentence.
Then, write the storyline. Complete it within 15 minutes.
1. Write a holiday you spent with friend.
2. Relate a wedding ceremony which you attended.
3. Describe any interesting journey have made.
4. Describe a young child’s first day at kindergarten
5. An unforgettable day.
Activities leading up to
Graduation Day (the
memorable experience)
Paragraph 1
Graduate Day 24 June
Paragraph 2
In the Great Hall
o shopping (clothes,
shoes, etc)
o cards and message
o dressed ‘to kill’
o felt extra special in
grown and mortar board
o photo-taking
o Students and parents
o Looking out parents-
tried to spot them
Paragraph 3
The moment
Paragraph 4
Incidents after
oWalking up to stage
to received scroll
oEverything over in a
o Photo-taking
o Lunch in restaurant
o Graduation party at
friend house in the
o Will not forget
Exercise 3
Write an account of a frightening experience. Use the given storyline to help you.
Incident: A close encounter with a tiger on a camping trip.
School vacation – went camping with classmates.
On the way – tired –spotted wooden hut – went in to rest – fell asleep.
• woke up with a start—heard roar
• peeped through a hole—saw tiger circling hut
• terrified—panic-stricken
• tiger scratched wooden walls occasionally—seemed intent on getting in
• fears grew—sat on floor—huddled together—trembled—as quiet as mice
• tiger roared again and again—aggressive
• waiting to be mauled by the tiger—might break into hut any moment
• suddenly—heard distant voices
• yelled at the top of our voices—'Help! Tiger!'
• gunshots—then silence
• four Rangers rushed in
• relieved—happy—tears of joy
• abandoned camping trip—Rangers warned of presence of wild animals
• escorted out of jungle by Rangers
• will never be able to forget this frightening experience
Model Composition 1
I can never forget the day I graduated from university. This was the day my family and I waited
for, and it took three years to achieve it. It was the day I could formally and officially be called an
accountant. I can still recall every moment of that memorable experience.
Weeks before graduation day, my friends and I were busy shopping for clothes, shoes and
accessories for the big event. Together with my family, we planned a quiet celebration lunch after
morning ceremony.
Meanwhile, congratulatory cards and messages came pouring in. For sentimental reasons, I put
Bern all in an album' entitled 'My Graduation'. Even today, I often flip through the pages and nostalgia
sweeps over me.
Finally the day arrived. It was 24 June 2005, and my parents, friends and I were dressed 'to kill'.
I felt extra special in my gown and mortar board because of all the attention I was getting. Cameras
clicked away. I posed for countless photographs with my parents and friends.
Soon, it was time for us to take our seats in the great hall. 1 still remember looking out to see if
could spot my parents in the vast sea of faces in the hall. This, of course, was impossible.
Then the long awaited moment arrived. I walked up to the stage in a daze to receive my scroll.
There were butterflies in my stomach and I could feel my heart pounding. In spite of my nervousness, I
walked boldly and confidently. The short path to the stage seemed to be neverending. It was like a film
in slow motion. Finally, I stretched out both my arms for my scroll. I was a great moment for me and
for my parents. After all the days spent in preparation for the event, everything was over in a few
After the ceremony, we headed for the photo studio to have some photographs taken by
‘professionals’. Then my parents treated me to a wonderful lunch in a cosy restaurant.
Later in the evening, I joined my friends for a graduation party at a friend's house. We had a
great time - enjoying the delicious barbecued meat and reminiscing funny and serious moments.
We took more photographs. There would probably never be another occasion like this. It was the end to
carefree days and the beginning of another chapter in our lives.
It was indeed a memorable experience and I do not think I can ever forget any part of it.
Exercise 4
You have a temporary job as a waiter/waitress during the long school vocation. Describe what
happened during the first day of work.
Incident: First of work.
• reason for getting temporary employment
• place of work—fast food restaurant
• nature of work—take orders—inform kitchen staff—serve food on trays—hand bills to customers-
clean up tables
• met different types of customers
• some rude, e.g. one man annoyed with slow service—shouted at me
• some pleasant, e.g. a lady with two young children—patient—polite
• busy—especially lunch hour—big crowd—on feet all the time
• only half-hour break for lunch at 2 p.m.
• tired—could hardly eat—gulped down sandwiches and drank some water
• continued working
• even had to mop the floor when some children spilt drinks
• worked under an eagle-eyed supervisor—must keep smiling and be courteous at all times
• exhausted when day was over—relieved—really happy to go home—eye-opener—working life is hard work
Short Story
Planning Strategy
Write the storyline using the planning strategy.
Exercise 5
Each topic, say in one sentence what the story is about.
• Tell the story of a quarrel between you and friend.
• Write a story entitled ‘A Narrow Escape’
• Begin a story with: ‘It was late at night. I heard someone calling me….”
‘Before, I arrived at her house, I feared Mrs. Philips would say some say some harsh words to me but …’
Writing the composition: Step to follow.
Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing
• angry
• scared
• why would Mrs. Philips be angry?
• prepared myself
• had scolded her son
• civic- consciousness
Step 2 Planning Write the storyline.
Naughty children playing in the neighborhood.
• Throwing stones
• Shattered windows
• Shouted and threatened them
• Caught one boy
• Mr Sen – a neighbour – walked by – suggested – let him go
• Discovered – afraid of eviction
• Sudden tea invitation
• Uneasy – afraid of scolding
• Surprise –request to replant ferms
• Told story about son and other boys
• Unexpected ending – Mrs Philips commended me for civic – consciousness
• Conclusion – happy and relieved
Step 3 Writing Write a draft – expand/elaborate the notes in the
Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures.
Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft.
Model Composition 2
Before I arrived at her house, I feared Mrs. Philips would say some harsh words to me but to my
surprise, she welcomed me warmly. I kept wondering why she was not angry with me. My mind
kept going back to that incident which happened less than twenty-four hours ago.
It was a cool evening and I was jogging in the neighbourhood. As I turned a corner, I
noticed a group of boys throwing stones and pebbles at a vacant house. It was the sound of
shattering glass that caught my attention first. I shouted at the boys to stop. They ignored me
and laughed. Seeing this, my anger rose. I threatened to report them to the police. One of them
shouted back, 'You don't even know our names!' As I got nearer, the rest began to disperse in
different directions. I managed to get hold of the collar of that arrogant boy and shook him hard
several times. While doing so, I kept shouting at him.
'Don't you have anything better to do than to destroy property? Who's your father? Who's
you mother? I'll report you to the police, you rude, badly brought up kid ...'
In the midst of this outrage, one of my neighbours, Mr Sen, walked by. He asked me what
happened. 'Just give him a warning and let him go. After all, he is the son of your landlady.'
Hearing that, my fingers immediately released their grip. I let go of the boy's collar and he
ran for his life.
The next morning, while I remained glum sitting in my room, I heard Mrs Philips calling
me 'Oh no,' I thought to myself, 'this is it!'
I looked out of the window only to hear Mrs Philips say, 'Jack, come over for tea
tomorrow evening at four.' Then she drove off. I kept worrying about what would happen. Mrs
Philips would probably give me a piece of her mind. '
Standing before the door to the Philips' home, I took a deep breath and then knocked
softly. Soon, Mrs. Philips stood at the door, inviting me in with open arms. As I followed her to
the dining-room, I muttered, 'Mrs Philips ... er ... er ... I can explain. PI ... please let me tell you
how it all happened.' ,
'My dear Jack, I have no idea what you're saying but let me tell you why I asked you
over forj Then you can tell me ... er ... what you're trying to say. Will that be all right?'
'Yes, ma'am,'I answered meekly.
Surprise! Surprise! Mrs Philips only wanted my help to replant her ferns. I could now
smile and enjoy my tea.
My confidence grew and soon I was relating the little incident to her. To my surprise,
she said she had heard about the incident from one of her neighbours and had already
reprimanded her V boy. Instead of being angry, she commended me for my civic-
consciousness. I left the Philips' house with happy feelings. I felt relieved and was actually
overwhelmed with joked.
Exercise 6
Choose two the following topics. Write down the story is about in one sentence. Then, write the storyline. Complete
it within 15 minutes.
1. Continue the story: ‘I woke up with a terrible headache…..
2. Write a story which illustrates: 'Honesty pays'.
3. Write about an occasion when someone tried to cheat you.
4. Relate a true or imaginary story in which you saved someone from danger.
5. Write a story which ends with: 'That was the happiest day in my life.
Exercise 7
Write a story entitled ‘The trick backfired’. Use the given storyline to help you.
• start of new school term—a newcomer
• bespectacled, serious looking, soft
• intelligent—scored high marks in all
• soon became teacher's pet
• decided to have some harmless fun
with him
• he was talking to the teacher in the staff
• played a trick—put a rat in his bag
• came in and sat down
• put his hand into his bag to take a book
• saw the rat and screamed
• burst out laughing—expected him to follow suitable
• he became hysterical and ran out of the class
• we were stunned
• a few of us ran after him-^-found him shivering
crying uncontrollably
• discovered the reason—terrified of rats—his fat
used to lock him up in a shed where there were.
when he did not score an 'A' for any subject
• apologized—began to understand him better
• became firm friends
Exercise 8
Write a story bout your school sport day when the guest of honour failed to arrive on time. Use the given storyline
to help you.
2 p.m – all guest had arrived – teachers, officials and competitors ready.
waiting anxiously for Mrr. Louis, our guest of honour, to arrive
2.30 p.m – still no sign of Mr Louis – start of sport delayed
headmaster – instructed one of the teachers to telephone Mr. Louis’s residence – prizes to be given away by
suddenly – a taxi drove up – door flung open – guest of honour jumped out
headmaster and welcoming committee rushed to great Mr. Louis
Mr. Louis – made brief speech – explained delay – car broke down – apologized
crowd cheered – happy – guest of honour managed to turn up for prize – giving ceremony
Exercise 9
Write a composition on the following topics.
1 ‘It all started the day my headmistress called me into her office… ‘ Continue the story.
2 Write a story about a primary schoolboy who was kidnapped outside his school.
Planning strategy
1. Describe the place under heading like:
• Location
• Places to visit/see
• Highlight to do
• Accommodation
• Weather
2. To make your writing more vivi, use some of the
• Adjective, e.g. panoramic view, twinkling
light, pollution-free water, roan freely
• Pairs of words, eg, hustle and bustle
• Idiomatic expressions, eg in all weathers
• Figurative language, e.g, rough it out
• People, etc • Similes, eg as pretty as a picture
Exercise 1
Write about five places you would like to see. Where are they? Why do think you would like to see them?
Exercise 2
Read the following sentences.
• If you had a choice, where would you like to live?
• Some people like the peace and quiet of the country.
• Some people feel that life is empty if they away from the noise and excitement of a city.
• Some people are never happy if they do not hear the sound of the sea.
Write five line about the topic. You may like this: ‘ I would like live…….’
Describe a place you would like to go for a holiday.
Writing the composition: Step to follow
1. Jonker Street Malacca To see antique
Step 2 Planning Paragraphing
Expansion of notes
Paragraph 1: 'Pearl of the Orient' — north-west of Peninsular Malaysia —
founded by Francis Light — linked to mainland by the Penang
Bridge — one of the longest in Asia
Paragraph 2: Penang Hill — funicular railway — panoramic view — cool
Paragraph 3 : Beaches — beach hotels/chalets — swimming
Paragraph 4: Botanical Garden — monkeys — peanuts — roam freely
Paragraph 5: Butterfly Farm — Kek Lok Si Temple/Snake Temple —
Anglican Church/Malay mosque
Paragraphs : Variety of food — cheap — delicious
Paragraph 7: Ideal getaway
Step 3 Writing Write a draft – expand/elaborate the notes in the storyline.
Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures.
Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft.
Paragraph 2, 3, 4
and 5: places to visit
Penang food.
Conclusion: Sum up.
location, historical
Model Composition 3
Penang, known as the 'Pearl of the Orient', is my choice for a holiday destination. It is a small island off
the north-west roast peninsular Malaysia. Historically, it was founded by Francis Light and
was once part of the Straits Settlements. It is linked to the mainland by the Penang Bridge, one of the
longest in Asia.
One of the pleasant places to visit is Penang Hill. For me, a trip to Penang is not complete
without a ride up the funicular railway to the top. From there, I can get a panoramic view of the whole
island and even the Indian Ocean. By night, the view of twinkling lights of the city below is simply
breathtaking. I also like the cool weather and peaceful environment, away from the hustle Kid bustle of
city life. It is a place where I can relax and feel as if I am in another world.
On the lowlands, the palm-fringed sandy beaches are a paradise for sea-lovers. I can choose to
gay in the luxurious, but expensive five-star beach hotels along Tanjung Bungah or rough it out in |he
cheaper chalets. Here, I can go swimming in the crystal-clear, pollution-free water or sit under shady
trees, sipping refreshingly cool coconut water.
I also look forward to seeing the troops of monkeys in the Botanical Garden. I cannot resist
feeding them with peanuts just like other visitors to this popular place. The monkeys are really not 'raid
of people and actually roam all over the grounds freely.
There are also many other interesting places to visit. Firstly, there is the Butterfly Farm.
Situated next to the Forest Recreation Park, it has 5000 multi-coloured butterflies. The farm also
includes a water garden with waterfalls and duck ponds. Another place that is a must is the Kek Lok Si
Temple in Air Itam which is reputed to be the largest and finest temple in South-East Asia. It has giant-
sized statues of the four heavenly kings in Chinese mythology who are meant to guard the northern,
southern, eastern and western frontiers of the temples in heaven. The next temple to see is the famous
Snake Temple where you can see snakes entwined round twigs and branches on the premises. Other
famous religious places are the first Anglican Church and the Malay mosque. The former is
distinguished by white columns rising from a marble floor while the latter resembles foolish
Finally, one of the chief attractions that lures me to Penang is the variety of food—especially
hawker food available. This is the place to savour the unbeatable Penang laksa. There really is no other
place in Malaysia where you can find food that is as cheap, plentiful and delicious!
In short, Penang island is my ideal getaway for holidays. Besides beautiful tourist spots to go to,
there is plenty of mouth-watering food to enjoy.
Exercise 3
Write the first three sentences in the first paragraph for each of these topics.
1. My hometown.
2. A popular shopping complex that you go to.
3. Describe a place which gives you great pleasure.
4. My ideal getaway.
5. A national park.
Exercise 4
Use the clustering technique to brainstorm one of the following topics.
1. A recreation area in my hometown.
2. Write an account of the tourist attractions in your country.
3. Describe a famous place you have visited.
4. Write about a city/place that you have visited during your holidays.
5. An abandoned house.
Exercise 5
Describe the place you would like to take your foreign pen friend to when he/she visits you.
Here are some points to help you.
Exercise 6
Describe a shopping centre which you often go to. Here are some points to help you.
1. Name of shopping centre—location—
reason(s) for popularity
2. Overall description of shopping centre—
painted green and white - colourful decor—
splendid display of goods
3. Floor by floor description
• Ground floor—supermarket
• First floor—men's, ladies and children's
• Second floor—furnishing and household
• Third floor—toy's world
4. Facilities
Lifts—escalators—free parking at
underground car park—restaurants—bench
for tired shoppers
5. Why I like to shop there
• One-stop shopping centre—convenient-
open even on Sundays
• Large variety of goods—reasonably priced
• Shop in air-conditioned comfort
• No parking problems
1. Cameron Highlands
• Location—popular hill resort—scenic
beauty—cool weather
2. Places to see
• Flower gardens—roses,
chrysanthemums, etc.
• Vegetable farm—cabbages, tomatoes,
• Tea estates
• Waterfalls
3. Things to do
• Buying fresh vegetables, fruit and
flowers at the farms
• For nature lovers—jungle treks, catch
• For others—morning/evening walks
• At night—read/relax or chat by fireside
4. Food
• Choice of western and local cuisine
5. Accommodation
• Hotels—bungalows—chalets
6. Cool weather
• Enjoy the cool weather—away from
humid lowland heat
• Rejuvenated—feel alert and active
7. Ideal getaway
• Idyllic holiday
3. dignified
Planning strategy
1. Describe the person(s) under headings like:
• physical features - general appearance: age,
height, built details - face, neck, hands, body
• characteristics, e.g. helpful/kind/caring/
• idiosyncrasies/habits/mannerisms/actions
• what he/she says and thinks
• what others say to and about him/her
• interests/hobbies
• career/work and achievements
• family
2. For descriptive writing (person) you
need to use some of the following to make
your writing more vivid.
• Adjectives, e.g. dynamic personality,
home-made cakes
• Adverbs, e.g. listens patiently
• Pairs of words, e.g. hale and hearty
• Idiomatic expressions, e.g. down to
• Figurative language, e.g. running
• Similes, e.g. as smooth as silk
Exercise 7
Describe the appearance of the people below. Beside each sketch are six adjectives. Ticks three words that best
describes the person.
Character and personalities
Exercise 8
Choose the pleasant and unpleasant characteristics from the list arid write them in the correct boxes. Use a to find
the meanings of words that you do not know.
helpful lazy vain brave honest friendly wise boring
stingy greedy sly sneaky generous sarcastic bossy enthusiastic
charming Meticulous quarrelsome doting diligent mercenary gullible vivacious
well –
Unpleasant Characteristic
_________________ ________________
_________________ ________________
_________________ ________________
_________________ ________________
Pleasant Characteristic
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
Exercise 10
Choose words from the list to describe the feelings of the following people:
1. A frightened person _____________________________
2. A person in pain _____________________________
3. An excited person _____________________________
4. An angry person _____________________________
5. A sleepy person _____________________________
6. A happy person _____________________________
7. A person at an interview _____________________________
8. A young child at a recreation centre _____________________________
9. A person whose close relative has died _____________________________
10. A person at the scene of a robbery _____________________________
My favourite aunt.
Writing the composition: Step to follow
excited curious
confident envious
pleased hopeful
annoyed shocked
contented worried
fearful unhappy
spiteful upset
anxious cheerful
relaxed angry
miserable sleepy
If your aunt still alive, use the present tense
If your aunt has passed away, then you must
use the past tense
Step 2 Planning Paragraphing
Expansion of notes.
Paragraph 1 : Miss Rosalind Samuel—maternal aunt, 45 years
Paragraph 2 : 161cm—petite—slim figure—fair complexion—smiling
eyes—lustrous, black, shoulder-length hair—face
—smooth as silk, rosy cheeks and luscious, pink lips—
slender, smooth neck—hour-glass figure
Paragraph 3 : very particular about appearance—wardrobe, cosmetics,
perfumes, handbags, accessories—dynamic personality
Paragraph 4 : comic side—contorts her face in many expressions causing
Paragraph 5 : caring—brings 'goodies' for us to eat—invites us for dinner
Paragraph 6 : helpful—helps us with homework—drives us to piano
lessons/club for swimming—go shopping for clothes
Paragraph 7 : dependable—always there when needed—calm and composed
Paragraph 8 : conclusion—nomination for 'Model Aunt' goes to
Aunt Rosalind
Step 5 Writing Write a draft—expand/elaborate the notes in the
Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures.
Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft.
Introduce her.
Physical description.
Paragraphs 3 and 4:
Personality description
Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7:
Relative what she does to
show what a good aunt
she is.
Conclude with a statement
reaffirm your
Model Composition 4
I cannot help but admire the immaculately dressed and beautiful lady. At the age of forty-five, she hold
herself very well and has the charm and grace to go with it. I hope to be like her some day. She is Miss
Rosalind Samuel, my maternal aunt.
Aunt Rosalind stands 161 cm, with a petite, slim figure and distinguished features to match. She
has a fair complexion, smiling eyes and lustrous, black, shoulder-length hair. Her face is as smooth as
talk, and she has rosy cheeks and luscious, pink lips. Her slender, smooth neck often displays the many
necklaces she so tastefully chooses and her hour-glass figure is the envy of everyone who sees her.
She is very particular about her wardrobe, her choice of cosmetics and perfume. For different
clothes, she has shoes, handbags and accessories to match. Always flawlessly well made-up and
fashionable, my aunt is really attractive. Her dynamic personality is seen even in her movements
and activities. She takes exercise-routines and nutrition very seriously and that explains why she is
fit as a fiddle.
My Aunt Rosalind also has a comic side to her which really makes her so much fun to be with.
She can contort her face into many different expressions which makes both children and adults
roar with laughter. Her imagination spills over, especially when she goes to a fancy dress party. She is
usually the funniest and the most original. Her witty comments and sense of humour make her the
life and soul of any party or gathering.
Exercise 11
Write a composition on ‘My favourite uncle’. Use the clustering technique to brainstorm the topic. Fill the
‘balloons’ with details
Exercise 12
Describe your neighbour. Here are some points to help you.
1. Mr. Zimmerman—fifty-eight years old—
widower—retired teacher—lives alone in small
bungalow with spacious garden— grown-up
4. Friendly—never fails to greet young and old
—welcomes children to his house, especially
during the fruit seasons—give fruit from his
Although our household has a helper for domestic chores, my aunt knows how very busy my
mother is. So, she makes it a point to bring over home-made cakes, curry puffs and other mouth-
watering 'goodies' for us to relish every now and then. In addition, every Saturday night, we are guests
at her home for dinner. We do not only enjoy the delicious food, but also the exchange of ideas and a
running commentary on the week's events. These are really fun evenings.
Often during the week, my aunt is at our home helping us with our homework or ferrying us to
piano lessons or to the club for swimming. The list of activities also includes shopping for clothes, lifts
and household items. Aunt Rosalind's advice on the selection of our clothes and shoes is
fantastic. She has very good taste and excellent fashion sense. She herself is the centre of attention with
her youthful looks and elegantly tailored outfits. On many occasions, she is mistaken as 'one
the girls'.
A standing order from her is that we are to call her in any crisis or problem. No matter how
busy she is, she always listens patiently. She always speaks in a very composed tone, telling us what to
do, or she would rush over to our house to help us. She is really as cool as a cucumber at all times.
The nomination for 'Model Aunt' will certainly go to Aunt Rosalind. She is a beautiful,
dynamic, helpful, humorous and loving person.
children working in other states
2. Physical features—tall—lanky—dark complexion
3. Caring and helpful—gives free English tuition to
poor neighbourhood children— coaches boys in
badminton—won competitions
garden to friends and neighbours
5. Leisure—gardening—favourite hobby— plants
fruit trees—flowers—proud owner! of the 'best'
garden in the neighbourhood —goes for evening
6. Idiosyncrasies—loves to sing while gardening—
favourite song—favourite expression 'pardon
me'—swings a walking] stick while walking
Exercise 13
Wrote a composition on the following people.
1. My penfriend from another country.
2. The most interesting boy/girl in my class.
3. Write about a well known person in your country.
1. You may have to do one of the following:
• To present a viewpoint (i.e. ro argue for or
against a topic OR to argue in such a way sa
as to persuade the reader to agree with you)
• To discuss the pros and cons of the topic
• To try to solve a given problem
2. Use these strategies:
• Introduction – state your stand on the topic
• Middle paragraph – present the facts clearly
and forcefully, give accurate facts, use
specific examples and illustrations to
support your argument
• Conclusion – reiterate your stand
Pros and Cons
What are the advantages and disadvantages of students participating in sport?
Writing the composition: Step to follow
Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing
• Healthy
• Release stress and tension
• No time for homework
• Spend too much time in school
Step 2 Planning a. Give a topic sentence for each
paragraph (i.e for each
b. Expansion of notes.
Paragraph 1: Sports—activities carried
out for pleasure/exercise
Paragraph 2: Good for health
Paragraph 3: Sports participation instils
discipline and develops
leadership qualities
Paragraph 4: Sports participation helps
students to release stress and
Paragraph 5: Sports participation leads
students to neglect their
homework, studies and even
Paragraph 6: Exposure to sports means
students are prone to
Paragraph 7: Involves high expenses
Paragraph 8: Moderation is the key to
success in anything
Step 3 Writing Write the draft (write the introduction,
conclusion and elaborate each topic sentence).
Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Improve on vocabulary and sentence
Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft.
Introduce the topic. Give definition.
Advantage 1—Elaborate topic sentence. What good
does sports do for the body?
Advantage 2—Elaborate topic sentence. How? Give
examples on discipline and leadership qualities.
Advantage 3—Elaborate topic sentence. How?
Disadvantage 1—Elaborate topic sentence. How?
Give examples.
Disadvantage 2—Elaborate topic sentence. What
injuries? What are the consequences?
Disadvantage 3—Elaborate topic sentence. Where
else could the money be channeled to?
Conclusion: Give your view—do the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages? Or do not be
committed to either side.
‘Sports' are activities carried out for pleasure or exercise. Playing games like tennis and football or [king
part in athletics are sports activities.
One of the main reasons for encouraging students to take part in sports is that it is good for health.
In sports, especially outdoor activities, fresh air is taken into the lungs, resulting in greater oxygen flow
into the heart. With improved blood circulation, other organs of the body function well. Muscles get
toned, excess fat is burnt and impurities are excreted through the sweat glands. All this, together with a
good diet, makes a healthy body.
The second advantage is that sports participation instils discipline and develops leadership qualities
among students. For example, students must attend the various practices and training programmes
punctually. When they are late, they are reprimanded and soon they realize that obeying orders is
important. In addition, some students involved in sports activities may get elected as captains, secretaries
and other positions. Students holding these positions usually develop leadership qualities.
Thirdly, sports participation helps students to release stress and tension. The increasing amount of
homework and the fear of failure at examinations do not allow students to relax. Taking part in sports
allows them to unwind. After a game or workout at the gymnasium, the students feel much better and j
are ready to study after a good bath. This way of releasing stress is healthy unlike some methods many
students resort to, e.g. smoking, loitering in shopping complexes or taking drugs.
Exercise 1
Write three topic sentences for each of the following. Then add three sentences to each topic sentence to
complete the paragraph.
1. What are the advantages of being an only child
2. What are the disadvantages of living in a village?
3 What are the advantages of using the Internet?
Exercise 2
What are the advantages and disadvantages of co-education? Here are some points to help you:
On the other hand, there are disadvantages of participating in sports. It often leads students to
neglect their homework, studies and even family. When students are over-enthusiastic, driven by great
interest or the desire to win at competitions, they tend to spend more and more time away from home.
Eventually, this eats into the students' study time and time spent with the family. This, in turn, may lead
to poor academic performance and a breakdown in family communication. This is certainly not to be
Furthermore, exposure to sports means students are prone to injuries like torn tendons, sore
muscles, sprains and even fractures. Injured students have to stay away from school for some time,
causing them to miss lessons and, consequently, fall behind in their studies.
Finally, sports participation involves a lot of expenses. Students need to spend money on
equipment like tennis rackets and track shoes. They may also want to wear sports outfits which their
friends have. In addition, transport to and fro for practice and pocket-money for refreshments means
more money has to be spent. This money can be put to better use by buying more books or food.
In conclusion, we can say that moderation is the key to success in anything. Therefore, if participation in
sports is kept in moderation, it should not pose a danger or threat to the student. However, if the student
is over-enthusiastic, then the disadvantages could turn 6ut to be very real.
• Topic sentence: A co-educational school
enables boys and girls to
exchange ideas.
Note: Boys and girls think
differently – healthy
exchanges of ideas
• Topic sentence: The spirit of competition is
stronger among boys and girls
when they study together.
Note: Boys and girls love to
compete – boy want to prove
– better than girls – work
harder – vice versa – academic
performance improves.
• Topic sentence : Student in co-educational
school are better able to adapt
to society.
Notes : Learn to mix with opposite
sex – better social etiquette –
no culture shock –
• Topic sentence : Socializing among boy and
girls is common.
Notes : Dating – early age – neglect
studies – spend time –
parties, picnics, discotheques,
etc. – academic performance
• Topic sentence : In the presence of girls, boys
usually want to show off.
Notes: Fear – looked down by girls –
would rather not ask teacher
to explain again even if do not
understand lesson.
• Topic sentence : The confidence of some girls
can be affected by the
presence of boy
Note : Teasing by boys – girls
sensitive – shy – become
very quiet – do not ask
teacher question – take a
backseat in discussion.
Exercise 3
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of a large family?
Here are some points to help you:
Exercise 4
Give your views and write the following questions.
1. What are the pros and cons of going for tuition?
2. Give the pros and cons of studying in boarding schools
3. The authorities in Kuala Lumpur encourage the use of public transportation to reduce traffic
congestion in the city. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to work by the Light
Rail Transit (LRT)?
Give points to support a stand taken. Pints can be given in favour of proposition or against a proposition.
Where would you choose to live in – the country or the town? Why?
Writing the composition: Step to follow
Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing
• Prefer to live in the country
• Able to go for walks
• A lot of greenery
• Can grow own vegetables
• Clean, fresh air
• People are more friendly
• No traffic jams
• Siblings cars get help and support from one
• The household chores can be divided
among the children so that no one is
• The older children learn responsibility from
an early age.
• Parents are not able to give individual
attention to every child.
• If the breadwinner is not a high income
earner, there is the problem of funds to
support the family.
• There is no privacy if the house is small.
Step 2 Planning a. Give a topic sentence for each paragraph
(i.e. for each advantage/disadvantage).
b. Expansion of notes
Paragraph 1 : Love the country—feel happy, contented and
Paragraph 2 : Fresh, clean air, clear streams teeming with
fish-less pollution—enjoy catching fish for
barbecue-swimming in rivers
Paragraph 3 : House with spacious compound—can grown
Fruit , vegetable – free from pesticides, chemicals
Paragraph 4 : Prefer attitude of people—warm, friendly,
co-operative—town folk—distant, impersonal,
Paragraph 5 : Prefer quiet, peaceful life—no distraction—
different from hectic life in town
Paragraph 6 : Do not like entertainment available in town
Paragraph 7 : For me, there is no place like the country
Step 3 Writing Write a draft—expand/elaborate the notes in
the storyline.
Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Improve on vocabulary and sentence
Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft.
Introduction: Express your
Paragraph 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6:
Reasons for choosing to live in
the country.
Conclusion: Reaffirm your view
Model Composition 6
I have always loved the country and will continue to do so. When 1 am in the country, I feel happy,
contented and relaxed.
In the country, the air is fresh and clean and the clear streams are teeming with fish. There is less!
pollution as there are no factories to emit smoke or discharge waste into rivers. I enjoy going for a dif in the
cool waters of the rivers and catching fish to barbecue over a charcoal fire. All these activities are not possible
in a town area.
Another reason why I like the country is that each house usually has a spacious compound. In my free
time, I can tend the garden. Apart from growing a variety of beautiful flowers like bougainvilleas and ferns to
beautify the surroundings, I can plant vegetables and fruit trees. Home-grown fruit am vegetables are free from
unhealthy pesticides and harmful chemicals. Living in town, on the other hand, is different. With land being so
expensive and scarce, most people can only afford to live in link houses or flats. So, there is space for perhaps
only a few pots of flowers and ferns but definitely no I for vegetables and fruit trees!
Furthermore, I prefer the attitude of the people living in the country. There is genuine care and
concern for one another and a willingness to help whenever one needs help. It is not uncommon to
witness the whole neighbourhood helping out in a kenduri or on less happy occasions like funerals.
The people co-operate, not out of duty but out of sincere friendship. More meaningful relationships are
formed and it is a joy to be a part of this. However, in the town, it is even possible that neighbours do not
know one another. Every one does his 'own thing'. Often, even next door neighbours do not bother
to get to know one another and are only acquaintances.
I prefer the quiet and peaceful life of the country. I am able to do a lot of things that I enjoy. The
slow pace of life suits me. I can do a lot of reading or write books without any distractions. In the town
the environment is noisy and the pace of life is hectic. I find it stressful to cope with the never ending
traffic jams, the rush to and fro, and the pressures of work in the office. There is hardly any time for
leisurely lunches or long chats with friends.
Last of all, I do not like the types of entertainment available in the town. Pubs, discotheques, video!'.
arcades, snooker joints and coffee houses are places where the rich and idle frequent. Often the crowd
gets rowdy and fights are common. Since I do not like to go to such places, I often stay home watch television.
For me there is no place like the country. I only hope that it will not be spoilt by progress and
Exercise 5
For each topic, state your view and at least three points in support of your viewpoint.
1. Do you consider television harmful or beneficial?
2. Which is better: life in busy city or life in a quiet village?
3. Should women go to work or stay at home to take care of their family?
Exercise 6
Where would you choose to study in – a boarding school or day school?
Here are some points to help you.
Exercise 7
Pets to make life more pleasant. How far do you agree with this opinion?
Here are some points to help you.
My choice – a boarding school
• Topic sentence: Students learn to be independent.
Notes: Make own beds—wash and iron clothes—look after personal belongings—study
on own without parents to push them
• Topic sentence: Students learn to use their time wisely.
Notes: Planned daily schedule—fixed times for meals, studies, games,
relaxation—closely supervised
• Topic sentence: There is easy access to facilities after school hours.
Notes: Library, games facilities, computer rooms—all within walking distance
• Topic sentence: There are no hassles commuting between the home and school.
Notes: No transport problem—no wasting of time going to and fro
• Topic sentence: Everyone learns to give and take.
Notes: No place for selfishness
• Topic sentence: Every student eventually learns to be less fussy about food.
Notes: No home-cooked foods—have to get used to hostel food
Positive Points
• When we shower our love upon pets, we get
immense happiness and contentment.
• Taking care of pets gives us a sense of
• Lovable pets, like dogs, give us a lot of
pleasure when they greet us with licks and
wagging tails.
• Pets, especially dogs, are faithful and helpful
companions to people.
Negative Points
• We cannot leave our homes for
holidays without making arrangements
for someone to feed our pets.
• There is a lot of work involved in the
keeping of pets.
• When our pets are ill, we need to take
them to the veterinarian.
• There is mental agony when a pet dies.
Exercise 8
Write a composition on the following topics.
1. 'Money is the root of all evil'. How far do you agree with this proverb?
2. Do international sport events help to promote friendships? What is your opinion?
3. Boys and girls should be given equal opportunities in education. Give your views
4. National service — is it a good idea?
5. Students need private tuition. What is your opinion
Example: Touring
Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing
• Knowledgeable
• See different places—different ways people live
• For pleasure—different types of tours—go by
air, road, sea
• Other benefits of travelling
• Hazards of travelling
Step 2 Planning a. Paragraphing headings.
b. Notes
Paragraph 1 : Touring—popular among young and old all over the world.
Paragraph 2 : Widens one's general knowledge—first-hand information
obtained by seeing things for oneself
Paragraph 3 : Exposure to different people, cultures, ideas, lifestyles
• results in greater understanding of human nature
• a more tolerant attitude
• compassion for others
Paragraph 4 : For relaxation, pleasure, freedom from stress and tension
• change of environment—a great way to relax
• no routines, no deadlines to meet
Paragraphs 5 : Hazards of travelling while on tour
• road, sea, air accidents
• drivers, air traffic controllers at airports, pilots need to be
more careful
Paragraphs 6 : Anxiety, stress and strain
• when driving—possible traffic jams, careless drivers,
probability of car breakdown
• when going by train—ticketing problems
• when going by plane—airport procedures, delays, lost luggage
Paragraph 7 : Touring is beneficial
• enriching experience
• feel fresh, healthy
• have different outlook on life
People go on tours all the time, use the
present tense.
Paragraph 2, 3, and 4:
Benefits of touring.
Paragraph 5: Hazards
of travelling
Paragraph 6: Problem
Conclusion: Opinion.
Step 3 Writing Write the draft.
Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Improve on
vocabulary and sentence structures.
Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft.
Exercise 1
Use the listing technique and brainstorm for the following topics.
1. Fashion in my country.
2. Fire.
Exercise 2
Give three paragraph heading for the following topics.
1. Good health.
2. Consumerism.
Model Composition 7
Touring is popular among both young and old all over the world. Today, with faster, efficient and more
comfortable transport, people from all walks of life go on tours, locally or abroad.
Going on tours can be a very rewarding experience. In fact, with the right attitude, one discovers t
travelling greatly widens one's general knowledge. One of the best ways to get to know one's country is
to travel either on conducted tours or on your own with friends or family. There is nothing e getting to
know your country on the soles of your feet. And with overseas travel, one gets to know ire about the
world outside.
When one travels, one is exposed to people from different places and countries, different cultures,
and lifestyles. One becomes more understanding and tolerant. Many close links are formed. Despite
geographical, language and other barriers, friendships develop. Sometimes it may even lead to marriage!
Travelling opens one's eyes to greater understanding and compassion for others.
Often, going on a tour brings great excitement and pleasure. It is a chance to get away. In this
high technology era, lifestyles become increasingly stressful. Going away for a holiday helps one to relax
physically and mentally. A different environment, a change of scene, meeting new people, the relaxed
atmosphere without routines and deadlines to meet—all these help to make life more pleasant.
In recent years, owing to increasing traffic—on land, sea and air—there have been some tragic
accidents. We read of such accidents in the newspapers. Perhaps a solution is to be more cautious and
efficient. Air traffic controllers at airports, pilots and drivers should show more concern and care for
accuracy and safety measures. However, sometimes, an inevitable mishap occurs.
It has been said that going on tours can cause more stress and strain instead of relieving tension.
When travelling by road, there is always the anxiety of the journey, possible traffic jams, careless divers
and the probability of a car breakdown. But, if one chooses to travel by train, getting tickets may be
difficult during peak seasons. As for air travel, airport procedures can be nerve-racking. The passport
checks, clearance of luggage and other little things add to the strain of the trip. A tour may turn into a
very stressful and unpleasant one if there are delays, lost luggage and other problems.
A Hazards and inconveniences are part and parcel of touring. One must be flexible and ready to
adjust and make changes. Generally, touring can be an enriching experience. Most people come back
from tours looking fresh, healthy and with a different outlook on life. Touring is certainly beneficial.
Exercise 3
Add three to five sentences to these topic sentences.
1. The danger of during addiction must be made know especially to school students,….
2. Waste materials can be recycled…
Exercise 4
Exercising. Here are some points to help you.
Introduction: What is exercising?
Why do we exercise? For pleasure, health, etc.
Benefits of Exercising Possible Negative Effect of Exercising
1. Healthier bodies
• Good blood circulation
• Mentally and physical alert
2. Form of discipline
• Punctuality
• Strive harder to do better
3. Better physical appearance
• Toned muscles
• Burn excess fat
• Better-shaped body
4. Injury, especially muscle tears, sprains
and fracture
5. Fatigue in exercising
• Could lead heart attack if not on
programmed exercise after a certain
Conclusion: Is exercising beneficial?
Exercise 5
Write a composition on the following topics.
1. Homework
2. Strange customs
3. Music
4. Games
The uses of money and its effects on people.
Writing the composition: Step to follow
Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing
• Buy food, clothes
• For education
• For holidays
• Miser, stingy
• Spend too much – become bankrupt
• For holidays
Step 2 Planning a. Paragraphing headings.
b. Notes.
Paragraph 1 : _________________________________________________
Paragraph 2 : Uses of money
Basic necessities – food, shelter, clothing
‘Extras’/Luxuries – better home, better car, branded clothes,
fine dining, holidays.
Paragraph 3 : Money – most important thing in life
Slog – gain money
Keep money – do not spend it.
Paragraph 4 : Such people – few real friends
Calculative – stingy – self-centred – selfish
Paragraph 5 : Suffer more stress
Any unforeseen expenditure – upset – seldom happy, contented
Paragraph 6: Money – not top priority in one’s life
Healthy, happiness, quality time with family, friends more important.
Extra money – buy ‘extra’ things – otherwise, leading a simple life more important.
Paragraph 7 : Money – a needed commodity but it is not everything in life
Step 3 Writing Write the final draft.
Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Improve on vocabulary and sentence
Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft.
Model Composition 8
Money means many things to many people. For me, money is a necessary commodity but it is not of
utmost importance.
What I mean by this is, we need money for almost everything—food, shelter and clothing. We
need money for not only our basic necessities but also for the 'extras' in life. By 'extras' I am referring
to the items that border on comfort and luxury. Such items may include a better home, a better car,
branded clothes, fine dining and holidays away from home.
Many people consider money as the most important thing in life. They will slog and do
anything to gain money. Nothing else matters to them. These people only want to keep a lot of money
but do not like to spend it. If one takes this approach, a number of consequences can be foreseen.
Firstly, such people will have few real friends. These people are usually very calculative and
stingy. They are also self-centred and tend to be selfish.
Secondly, these people will probably lead very boring lives—no holidays, no outings or any
activity that requires money to be spent out of one’s pocket.
Next, such people usually suffer far more stress than others in life. Each time an unforeseen
expenditure arises, they will become unduly upset. Such people are seldom happy or lead peaceful or
contented lives.
I certainly would not like to fall into this category of people. As I said earlier, money is needed
but it
should not take top priority in one's life. For me, health, happiness and quality time with family and
friends are more important. If there is extra money, I will be happy to have some 'extras' but otherwise,
leading a simple life with my immediate needs taken care of, is good enough. No amount of money can
[.buy health or happiness.
Money—a necessary commodity but it is not everything in life!
Exercise 1
Use the listing technique to brainstorm for the following topics.
1. Ways to improve your English speaking skills.
2. The importance of education.
Exercise 2
Give three paragraph headings for the following topics.
1. Causes of unemployment.
2. Ways people spend their leisure time
Exercise 3
Add three to five sentences to the topic sentences.
1. Students do not read widely.
2. One way to promote tourism is to advertise in the mass media.
Exercise 4
Local hand/crafts.
Here are some points to help you:
• There is a large variety of local handicrafts in Malaysia.
• Two of the most well-known handicrafts are batik printing and songket weaving.
• Other popular souvenir items from Kelantan are silverware and the wau or kites.
• In Sarawak, the handicrafts which attract tourists are clay pottery and basketry.
• Pewterware.
• Prices of handicrafts vary from place to place and shop to shop.
• Malaysian handicrafts are becoming increasingly popular and well known due to the promotional efforts of
the Tourist Development Corporation.
Exercise 5
The value of learning English.
Here are some points to help you:
• International language
• Internet: access to a lot of knowledge
• More opportunities to study overseas — United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, India, etc.
• Be able to communicate when touring English speaking countries
• A lot of reference material — books, magazines — in English
• More and more countries emphasizing the study of English — will be left behind if do not know English
Exercise 6
Write a composition on the following topics.
1. The promotion of tourism in Malaysia.
2. Causes of unemployment.
3. Describe some of the ways you can spend your school holidays beneficially.
Narrative (Event / Incident)
1. Which do you consider to be the most exciting day in your life? Write about it.
2. One day you found an injured kitten by the roadside. Write about this incident.
3. Describe an occasion when a friend made you very angry.
4. Write about a joyous occasion.
5. A family outing turns out to be a disaster. Write a real or imaginary account of such an incident.
6. Describe any amusing incident which you witnessed or in which you played a part.
Narrative (short story)
1. Write a story based on 'A miser and his money'.
2. 'It all started the day my mother called me into her room.' Continue the story.
3. Write a story about an unexpected windfall.
4. Write a story about a pet that changed the life of an old, lonely man.
5. Write a story based on a 'secret'.
6. 'The lights went out suddenly ...'Continue the story.
Descriptive (Place)
1. Describe the area you live in for a penfriend from overseas.
2. The places trial you like to go to during your leisure time.
3. Write about a place which brings back happy memories for you.
4. Describe your school, highlighting the favourite places of the students.
5. What would be of particular interest in your country to a tourist from abroad?
6. Describe the sights, sounds and activities at the school canteen during recess.
Descriptive (Person)
1. A helpful neighbour.
2. An ambitious boy or girl.
3. Compare two family members or two friends.
4. Describe a very old person whom you are fond of.
5. Write about a person who has helped you in your life.
6. Write about a teacher whom you respect and will never forget.
Argumentative (Pros and Cons)
1. Discuss the arguments for and against educating children in boarding schools.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a working mother?
3. For home use, which is better—a desktop computer or a notebook? Give the pros and cons of
both the desktop computer and the notebook.
4. Give the advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment.
5. What are the pros and cons of working and studying part-time for a university degree?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going on conducted tours when you travel?
Argumentative (Views)
1. Women are better drivers. Argue either for or against this statement.
2. Preparations for a holiday are sometimes more enjoyable than the holiday itself.
What are your experiences and opinions?
3. 'Pets help to make life more pleasant'. How far do you agree with this opinion?
4. Discuss steps that could be taken to help the senior citizens in the country.
5. Should boys and girls be given equal opportunities in education? Give your views.
6. It is said that travel widens our knowledge. What is your opinion?
1. Fear.
2. Keeping fit.
3. Senior citizens.
4. Reading.
5. Public transport.
6. Fashions.
1. The benefits and pleasure I hope to get from my study of English.
2. Public transport in my country.
3. Relate how a festival is celebrated in Malaysia.
4. Write about the rubber industry in Malaysia.
5. The uses of palm oil.
6. The care of old folks and disabled children.
242033937 continuous-writing
242033937 continuous-writing

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242033937 continuous-writing

  • 1. Section 1 Writing Unit 4 Continuous Writing Aims • To provide a variety of approaches when writing the introductory paragraph • To give example of paragraph writing • To write the composition Smart TIPS 1. Introduce a topic in an interesting way for descriptive, narrative, factual and reflective writing 2. Practice writing EXAM INFO 1. Beginning 2004, the SPM English 1119 paper will have a few changes. 2. Paper 1 consists of Directed Writing (35 marks) and Continuous Writing (50 marks) 3. Students must complete Paper 1 in one hour and forty-five minutes. INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPHS Guidelines The introductory paragraph must capture the interest of the reader and make him/her want to read further. The following are some suggestions: • Begin with an episodic narration. Star with one event which is part of a series of events in a story. (you may include direct speech) • Begin with a genera statement. • Begin with a definition. • Begin with a quotation/proverb/saying CONTINUOUS WRITING Argument Writing Factual WritingNarrative Writing Descriptive Writing Reflective Writing
  • 2. Example of Introductory Paragraph Exercise 1 Write an introductory paragraph on each of the following topics. 1. Describe an occasion when you received an unexpected gift. 2. Write about the thrills of a first experience. 3. Give an account of a visit you made to a sick friend in hospital. Describe your feelings. 4. Write a story on a boastful child. 5. Write a short story beginning with this line: ‘But you agreed to take me! She cried. ‘ Iwill never believe you again. Examples of introductory paragraphs in descriptive writing Exercise 2 Write an introductory paragraph on each of the following topics. Topic 1 : My neighbour. Example: The moment Mr Seng is up and about, you cannot miss his cheery 'Good morning, Alice'. Practically everyone gets a personalized greeting. Even if you get up on the wrong side of the bed, you are 'right' again, with Mr Seng's cheerful and pleasant disposition. What would people like me do without Mr Seng? An Episodic Narratio n Topic 2 : Write about some of your classmates and the way they behave. Example : It takes all sorts to make the world. ‘ If you step into my class, the various personalities from Rama t Wee Lin will intrigue you. An Episode Narratio n Topic 3 : Describe a place you often go to. Example : Port Dickson holds much fascination for me. I go there often to enjoy the peace and quiet of a holiday resort by the sea, and to escape from the bustle and bustle of city life. A General Statement Topic 1: Describe an occasion when you were very frightened. Example: The bus was travelling at high speed. 1 have been used to several trips like this before but this time 1 felt frightened. The driver was a new face, the weather was bad and the road was slippery. The passengers were unusually quiet and had looks of anxiety, just as I had.An Episodic Narration Topic 2: ‘ I sensed from the beginning that something was going to happen ….’ Continue the story. Example: I sensed from the beginning that something was going to happen. Mother was sitting at the dining table, staring at the window. I could tell from her countenance that she was upset. 'Mother, is there anything wrong?' My question broke the stillness of the wet early morning. 'No, nothing, dear. I'm just... just tired.' Mother tried to conceal her feelings but I knew her only too well. An Episodic Narration
  • 3. 1. My mother 2. Describe about some of your friends whom you meet regularly. 3. Write about some of your friends whom you meet regularly. 4. Describe an open-air for an-flight magazine designed to attract tourist to visit your country. Examples of introductory paragraphs in argumentative writing Exercise 3 Write an introductory paragraph on each of the following topics. 1. Should smoking be banned in public places? 2. Advertisements are informative and interesting. How far do you agree with this opinion? 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being the only child in a family. 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a village? 5. Discuss steps that could be taken to eradicate drug addiction among youths in your country. Examples of introductory paragraphs in descriptive or factual writing Topic 1: Should co-curricular activities be made compulsory in schools? Example: Co-curricular activities involve students' participation in clubs or societies and sporting activities outside school hours. In my opinion, I strongly believe that co-curricular activities are a waste of time and energy, and should not be made compulsory in schools. Topic 2: If you receive RM200 000, what single item would you buy and why? Example: Money makes the world go round. If I were to receive RM200 000. I would not think twice about using the money to buy my dream house. It has always been my desire to own a holiday bungalow by the sea. A Definition A Saying Topic 3: Give the advantages and disadvantages of possessing wealth. Example: Wealth is very often an important criterion in determining one's lifestyle. There are, however, advantages and disadvantages of possessing wealth. A General Statement Topic 4 : Discuss steps that could be taken to help the handicapped in your country. Example: Wherever we go, we see handicapped people, very often neglected and in a pitiful condition. There are many ways that the public and private sectors, and charitable bodies can help the disabled in the country.A General Stateme nt
  • 4. Exercise 4 Write an introductory paragraph on each of the following topics. 1. Household chores 2. Superstitions 3. Hobbies 4. Write about the damage caused by flood 5. The importance of learning a foreign language. BODY/MIDDLE PARAGRAPHS Smart TIPS A useful strategy is to write a topic sentence and elaborate on this. Argumentative Writing: Pros and Cons Topic : What are the advantages and disadvantages of owning a car? Example: One of the advantages of owning a car is the convenience and comfort it offers to us. We need not spend a lot of time waiting for public transport. We step out and drive to our destination. Rain or shine, night or day, it does not matter. Owning a car is certainly beneficial. However, owning a car also brings with it a fair share of problems. A car needs to be maintained and looked after just like any other possession. This involves expenditure and more so when there is a breakdown and repair of some sort is required. Exercise 1 Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of these topics. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to work by public transport? 2. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of living in a condominium. Smart TIPS SPM 1. In your topic sentence, give one advantages. 2. Elaborate on the topic sentence by giving reasons. Topic : Pets Example : Pets are most certainly a joy to have for they are man's best friends without expecting much in return. They are a source of comfort in sorrow and loneliness, and yet an added joy in happy times. A General Statement
  • 5. Argumentative Writing: Views Topic: Do money and possessions bring happiness? Example: According to a well-known proverb 'Money is the root of all evil'. I wholeheartedly agree with this and that is why I say money and possessions do not bring happiness. With money, it is possible to acquire possessions and often people who have a lot become arrogant and overconfident. With money to spare, people sometimes develop unhealthy habits. Drinking alcoholic beverages in excess, smoking and gambling are just some of the vices that the rich indulge in. Exercise 2 Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on-each of these topics. 1. Does television help to educate the young? 2. Should cigarette advertisements be banned in the mass media? Descriptive Writing: Place Topic: An unusual place Example: Kuala Lumpur is an unusual city. It has a blend of the old and new. Not many cities have this unusual characteristic. On the one side are huge colonial buildings and on the other modern high-rise buildings, offices and shopping complexes. Many tourists are often attracted by this blend of the old and new. Exercise 3 Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of these topics. 1. An ideal place for relaxation. 2. A quaint village. Descriptive Writing: Person Topic: An unforgettable character. Example: I was shocked to hear of her death. Only the other day she seemed so full of life and energy. She visited some orphans and cooked a big meal for them. Puan Hamidah was| me, a tower of strength. In spite of her heavy burden, she always wore a smile. She seemed to have this rare quality. Smart TIPS SPM 1. The topic sentence in the example is a proverb. 2. Here, you should state if you agree or disagree with the question. 3. Follow it up with reasons. Smart TIPS SPM 1. In the topic sentence, follow the example 2. The sentences that follow the topic sentence must show: • how ideal the place for relaxation. • how quaint the village is
  • 6. Exercise 4 Now you try. Write a parallel on each of these topics. 1. An interesting character. 2. My childhood friend. Narrative Writing: Event/Incident Topic: Unexpected failure. Example: I did not expect to fail again. How could I? Maybe it was true after all, that I was a miserable failure in life. I worked so hard to pass the examination. I put in more hours each day. When my friends invited me out, I always refused. In fact, I even gave watching television. Yet, this was the result—failure in three subjects out of eight. Exercise 5 Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of these topics. 1 Surprise visit. 2 An unforgettable journey. Reflective Writing Topic 1: Shopping habits. Example: Shopping is really a fun activity for most people. They love to spend their leisure time in shopping complexes, department stores or supermarkets just to window shop or look for good bargains. There are all sorts of people who go shopping. There are the fastidious persons who take hours just to look around before purchasing anything. Then, there are those who go out for a specific purpose just to buy what is required and leave quickly. Finally, there are those who always go to a sale and end up with some useless thing! Exercise 6 Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of use topic. 1. Study habits. 2. Weekends. Smart TIPS SPM 1 Write a topic sentence which gives one | aspect of his/her character. 2 Elaborate the topic sentence by filling in with facts. Smart TIPS SPM 1 Write a topic sentence which sets the scene. • a surprise visit • an unforgettable journey 2 Follow this up with facts of the visit/journey Smart TIPS SPM 1. Make some general comments: • students have different study habits • people spend their weekends in different ways 2 Follow this up with: • different approaches these students
  • 7. Topic 2 : Neighbours. Example: Neighbours are persons living next door to us. However, this definition is very restrictive. Today, the term ‘neighbour’ includes people living in a wider area. Persons living across, opposite, on the next street and even within the same area are often regarded as neighbours. Exercise 7 Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of use topics. 1 Friends. 2 Tourist guides. Factual Writing Topic: The value of learning English Example: English is the passport to studying abroad. With a good English grade, one can apply to universities in Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other English speaking countries. Being able to communicate in English helps student to adapt faster to life in a foreign country. Exercise 8 Now you try. Write a parallel paragraph on each of these topics. 1 The value of learning cooking. 2 The importance of eating fruit and vegetables. NARRATIVE WRITING Event Incident Planning strategy Write the story using the planning strategy. Smart TIPS SPM 1 Give a general definition on • Friends • Tourist guides in the topic sentence 2 Elaborate on the definition. Smart TIPS SPM 1 Write a topic sentence with an idea on the • value of learning cooking • importance of eating fruit and vegetables • Elaborate it.
  • 8. Exercise 1 Give in a sentence the main event/incident you would write about the following topics 1 Describe a visit to a dentist. 2 Give an account of a day trip to a shopping mail. 3 Write about an accident you witnessed. 4 Describe a long bus journey. 5 A thunderstorm in my area. Example Write an account that of a memorable experience. Writing the composition: Step to follow Let us assume that you have-chosen to write about graduation day. Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing. • graduation day • flowers • memorable • nervous • happy/excited • parents • clothes • scroll • camera • party/celebration Step 2 Planning Write the storyline. Exercise 2 Choose two of following topics. Write down the main event/incident in one sentence. Then, write the storyline. Complete it within 15 minutes. 1. Write a holiday you spent with friend. 2. Relate a wedding ceremony which you attended. 3. Describe any interesting journey have made. 4. Describe a young child’s first day at kindergarten 5. An unforgettable day. Introduction: Activities leading up to Graduation Day (the memorable experience) Paragraph 1 Graduate Day 24 June 2005 Paragraph 2 In the Great Hall o shopping (clothes, shoes, etc) o cards and message received o dressed ‘to kill’ o felt extra special in grown and mortar board o photo-taking o Students and parents o Looking out parents- tried to spot them Paragraph 3 The moment Paragraph 4 Incidents after Conclusion oWalking up to stage to received scroll oNervous oEverything over in a o Photo-taking session o Lunch in restaurant with o Graduation party at friend house in the evening. o Will not forget memorable
  • 9. Exercise 3 Write an account of a frightening experience. Use the given storyline to help you. Incident: A close encounter with a tiger on a camping trip. School vacation – went camping with classmates. On the way – tired –spotted wooden hut – went in to rest – fell asleep. • woke up with a start—heard roar • peeped through a hole—saw tiger circling hut • terrified—panic-stricken • tiger scratched wooden walls occasionally—seemed intent on getting in • fears grew—sat on floor—huddled together—trembled—as quiet as mice • tiger roared again and again—aggressive • waiting to be mauled by the tiger—might break into hut any moment • suddenly—heard distant voices • yelled at the top of our voices—'Help! Tiger!' • gunshots—then silence • four Rangers rushed in • relieved—happy—tears of joy • abandoned camping trip—Rangers warned of presence of wild animals • escorted out of jungle by Rangers • will never be able to forget this frightening experience Model Composition 1 I can never forget the day I graduated from university. This was the day my family and I waited for, and it took three years to achieve it. It was the day I could formally and officially be called an accountant. I can still recall every moment of that memorable experience. Weeks before graduation day, my friends and I were busy shopping for clothes, shoes and accessories for the big event. Together with my family, we planned a quiet celebration lunch after morning ceremony. Meanwhile, congratulatory cards and messages came pouring in. For sentimental reasons, I put Bern all in an album' entitled 'My Graduation'. Even today, I often flip through the pages and nostalgia sweeps over me. Finally the day arrived. It was 24 June 2005, and my parents, friends and I were dressed 'to kill'. I felt extra special in my gown and mortar board because of all the attention I was getting. Cameras clicked away. I posed for countless photographs with my parents and friends. Soon, it was time for us to take our seats in the great hall. 1 still remember looking out to see if could spot my parents in the vast sea of faces in the hall. This, of course, was impossible. Then the long awaited moment arrived. I walked up to the stage in a daze to receive my scroll. There were butterflies in my stomach and I could feel my heart pounding. In spite of my nervousness, I walked boldly and confidently. The short path to the stage seemed to be neverending. It was like a film in slow motion. Finally, I stretched out both my arms for my scroll. I was a great moment for me and for my parents. After all the days spent in preparation for the event, everything was over in a few seconds. After the ceremony, we headed for the photo studio to have some photographs taken by ‘professionals’. Then my parents treated me to a wonderful lunch in a cosy restaurant. Later in the evening, I joined my friends for a graduation party at a friend's house. We had a great time - enjoying the delicious barbecued meat and reminiscing funny and serious moments. We took more photographs. There would probably never be another occasion like this. It was the end to carefree days and the beginning of another chapter in our lives. It was indeed a memorable experience and I do not think I can ever forget any part of it.
  • 10. Exercise 4 You have a temporary job as a waiter/waitress during the long school vocation. Describe what happened during the first day of work. Incident: First of work. • reason for getting temporary employment • place of work—fast food restaurant • nature of work—take orders—inform kitchen staff—serve food on trays—hand bills to customers- clean up tables • met different types of customers • some rude, e.g. one man annoyed with slow service—shouted at me • some pleasant, e.g. a lady with two young children—patient—polite • busy—especially lunch hour—big crowd—on feet all the time • only half-hour break for lunch at 2 p.m. • tired—could hardly eat—gulped down sandwiches and drank some water • continued working • even had to mop the floor when some children spilt drinks • worked under an eagle-eyed supervisor—must keep smiling and be courteous at all times • exhausted when day was over—relieved—really happy to go home—eye-opener—working life is hard work Short Story Planning Strategy Write the storyline using the planning strategy.
  • 11. Exercise 5 Each topic, say in one sentence what the story is about. • Tell the story of a quarrel between you and friend. • Write a story entitled ‘A Narrow Escape’ • Begin a story with: ‘It was late at night. I heard someone calling me….” Example: ‘Before, I arrived at her house, I feared Mrs. Philips would say some say some harsh words to me but …’ Writing the composition: Step to follow. Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing • angry • scared • why would Mrs. Philips be angry? • prepared myself • had scolded her son • civic- consciousness Step 2 Planning Write the storyline. Naughty children playing in the neighborhood. • Throwing stones • Shattered windows • Shouted and threatened them • Caught one boy • Mr Sen – a neighbour – walked by – suggested – let him go • Discovered – afraid of eviction • Sudden tea invitation • Uneasy – afraid of scolding • Surprise –request to replant ferms • Told story about son and other boys • Unexpected ending – Mrs Philips commended me for civic – consciousness • Conclusion – happy and relieved Step 3 Writing Write a draft – expand/elaborate the notes in the storyline. Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures. Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft.
  • 12. Model Composition 2 Before I arrived at her house, I feared Mrs. Philips would say some harsh words to me but to my surprise, she welcomed me warmly. I kept wondering why she was not angry with me. My mind kept going back to that incident which happened less than twenty-four hours ago. It was a cool evening and I was jogging in the neighbourhood. As I turned a corner, I noticed a group of boys throwing stones and pebbles at a vacant house. It was the sound of shattering glass that caught my attention first. I shouted at the boys to stop. They ignored me and laughed. Seeing this, my anger rose. I threatened to report them to the police. One of them shouted back, 'You don't even know our names!' As I got nearer, the rest began to disperse in different directions. I managed to get hold of the collar of that arrogant boy and shook him hard several times. While doing so, I kept shouting at him. 'Don't you have anything better to do than to destroy property? Who's your father? Who's you mother? I'll report you to the police, you rude, badly brought up kid ...' In the midst of this outrage, one of my neighbours, Mr Sen, walked by. He asked me what happened. 'Just give him a warning and let him go. After all, he is the son of your landlady.' Hearing that, my fingers immediately released their grip. I let go of the boy's collar and he ran for his life. The next morning, while I remained glum sitting in my room, I heard Mrs Philips calling me 'Oh no,' I thought to myself, 'this is it!' I looked out of the window only to hear Mrs Philips say, 'Jack, come over for tea tomorrow evening at four.' Then she drove off. I kept worrying about what would happen. Mrs Philips would probably give me a piece of her mind. ' Standing before the door to the Philips' home, I took a deep breath and then knocked softly. Soon, Mrs. Philips stood at the door, inviting me in with open arms. As I followed her to the dining-room, I muttered, 'Mrs Philips ... er ... er ... I can explain. PI ... please let me tell you how it all happened.' , 'My dear Jack, I have no idea what you're saying but let me tell you why I asked you over forj Then you can tell me ... er ... what you're trying to say. Will that be all right?' 'Yes, ma'am,'I answered meekly. Surprise! Surprise! Mrs Philips only wanted my help to replant her ferns. I could now smile and enjoy my tea. My confidence grew and soon I was relating the little incident to her. To my surprise, she said she had heard about the incident from one of her neighbours and had already reprimanded her V boy. Instead of being angry, she commended me for my civic- consciousness. I left the Philips' house with happy feelings. I felt relieved and was actually overwhelmed with joked. Exercise 6 Choose two the following topics. Write down the story is about in one sentence. Then, write the storyline. Complete it within 15 minutes. 1. Continue the story: ‘I woke up with a terrible headache….. 2. Write a story which illustrates: 'Honesty pays'. 3. Write about an occasion when someone tried to cheat you. 4. Relate a true or imaginary story in which you saved someone from danger. 5. Write a story which ends with: 'That was the happiest day in my life.
  • 13. Exercise 7 Write a story entitled ‘The trick backfired’. Use the given storyline to help you. • start of new school term—a newcomer • bespectacled, serious looking, soft spoken • intelligent—scored high marks in all subjects • soon became teacher's pet • decided to have some harmless fun with him • he was talking to the teacher in the staff room • played a trick—put a rat in his bag • came in and sat down • put his hand into his bag to take a book • saw the rat and screamed • burst out laughing—expected him to follow suitable • he became hysterical and ran out of the class • we were stunned • a few of us ran after him-^-found him shivering crying uncontrollably • discovered the reason—terrified of rats—his fat used to lock him up in a shed where there were. when he did not score an 'A' for any subject • apologized—began to understand him better • became firm friends Exercise 8 Write a story bout your school sport day when the guest of honour failed to arrive on time. Use the given storyline to help you. 2 p.m – all guest had arrived – teachers, officials and competitors ready. waiting anxiously for Mrr. Louis, our guest of honour, to arrive 2.30 p.m – still no sign of Mr Louis – start of sport delayed headmaster – instructed one of the teachers to telephone Mr. Louis’s residence – prizes to be given away by headmaster suddenly – a taxi drove up – door flung open – guest of honour jumped out headmaster and welcoming committee rushed to great Mr. Louis Mr. Louis – made brief speech – explained delay – car broke down – apologized crowd cheered – happy – guest of honour managed to turn up for prize – giving ceremony Exercise 9 Write a composition on the following topics. 1 ‘It all started the day my headmistress called me into her office… ‘ Continue the story. 2 Write a story about a primary schoolboy who was kidnapped outside his school. DESCRIPTIVE WRITING Place Planning strategy 1. Describe the place under heading like: • Location • Places to visit/see • Highlight to do • Accommodation • Weather 2. To make your writing more vivi, use some of the following: • Adjective, e.g. panoramic view, twinkling light, pollution-free water, roan freely • Pairs of words, eg, hustle and bustle • Idiomatic expressions, eg in all weathers • Figurative language, e.g, rough it out
  • 14. • People, etc • Similes, eg as pretty as a picture Exercise 1 Write about five places you would like to see. Where are they? Why do think you would like to see them? Example Exercise 2 Read the following sentences. • If you had a choice, where would you like to live? • Some people like the peace and quiet of the country. • Some people feel that life is empty if they away from the noise and excitement of a city. • Some people are never happy if they do not hear the sound of the sea. Write five line about the topic. You may like this: ‘ I would like live…….’ Example Describe a place you would like to go for a holiday. Writing the composition: Step to follow 1. Jonker Street Malacca To see antique 2. 3. 4. 5.
  • 15. Step 2 Planning Paragraphing Expansion of notes Paragraph 1: 'Pearl of the Orient' — north-west of Peninsular Malaysia — founded by Francis Light — linked to mainland by the Penang Bridge — one of the longest in Asia Paragraph 2: Penang Hill — funicular railway — panoramic view — cool weather Paragraph 3 : Beaches — beach hotels/chalets — swimming Paragraph 4: Botanical Garden — monkeys — peanuts — roam freely Paragraph 5: Butterfly Farm — Kek Lok Si Temple/Snake Temple — Anglican Church/Malay mosque Paragraphs : Variety of food — cheap — delicious Paragraph 7: Ideal getaway Step 3 Writing Write a draft – expand/elaborate the notes in the storyline. Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures. Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft. Paragraph 2, 3, 4 and 5: places to visit Penang food. Conclusion: Sum up. Introduction: location, historical background. Model Composition 3 Penang, known as the 'Pearl of the Orient', is my choice for a holiday destination. It is a small island off the north-west roast peninsular Malaysia. Historically, it was founded by Francis Light and was once part of the Straits Settlements. It is linked to the mainland by the Penang Bridge, one of the longest in Asia. One of the pleasant places to visit is Penang Hill. For me, a trip to Penang is not complete without a ride up the funicular railway to the top. From there, I can get a panoramic view of the whole island and even the Indian Ocean. By night, the view of twinkling lights of the city below is simply breathtaking. I also like the cool weather and peaceful environment, away from the hustle Kid bustle of city life. It is a place where I can relax and feel as if I am in another world. On the lowlands, the palm-fringed sandy beaches are a paradise for sea-lovers. I can choose to gay in the luxurious, but expensive five-star beach hotels along Tanjung Bungah or rough it out in |he cheaper chalets. Here, I can go swimming in the crystal-clear, pollution-free water or sit under shady trees, sipping refreshingly cool coconut water. I also look forward to seeing the troops of monkeys in the Botanical Garden. I cannot resist feeding them with peanuts just like other visitors to this popular place. The monkeys are really not 'raid of people and actually roam all over the grounds freely. There are also many other interesting places to visit. Firstly, there is the Butterfly Farm. Situated next to the Forest Recreation Park, it has 5000 multi-coloured butterflies. The farm also includes a water garden with waterfalls and duck ponds. Another place that is a must is the Kek Lok Si Temple in Air Itam which is reputed to be the largest and finest temple in South-East Asia. It has giant- sized statues of the four heavenly kings in Chinese mythology who are meant to guard the northern, southern, eastern and western frontiers of the temples in heaven. The next temple to see is the famous Snake Temple where you can see snakes entwined round twigs and branches on the premises. Other famous religious places are the first Anglican Church and the Malay mosque. The former is distinguished by white columns rising from a marble floor while the latter resembles foolish architecture. Finally, one of the chief attractions that lures me to Penang is the variety of food—especially hawker food available. This is the place to savour the unbeatable Penang laksa. There really is no other place in Malaysia where you can find food that is as cheap, plentiful and delicious! In short, Penang island is my ideal getaway for holidays. Besides beautiful tourist spots to go to, there is plenty of mouth-watering food to enjoy.
  • 16. Exercise 3 Write the first three sentences in the first paragraph for each of these topics. 1. My hometown. 2. A popular shopping complex that you go to. 3. Describe a place which gives you great pleasure. 4. My ideal getaway. 5. A national park. Exercise 4 Use the clustering technique to brainstorm one of the following topics. 1. A recreation area in my hometown. 2. Write an account of the tourist attractions in your country. 3. Describe a famous place you have visited. 4. Write about a city/place that you have visited during your holidays. 5. An abandoned house. Exercise 5 Describe the place you would like to take your foreign pen friend to when he/she visits you. Here are some points to help you. Exercise 6 Describe a shopping centre which you often go to. Here are some points to help you. 1. Name of shopping centre—location— reason(s) for popularity 2. Overall description of shopping centre— painted green and white - colourful decor— splendid display of goods 3. Floor by floor description • Ground floor—supermarket • First floor—men's, ladies and children's clothes • Second floor—furnishing and household items • Third floor—toy's world 4. Facilities Lifts—escalators—free parking at underground car park—restaurants—bench for tired shoppers 5. Why I like to shop there • One-stop shopping centre—convenient- open even on Sundays • Large variety of goods—reasonably priced • Shop in air-conditioned comfort • No parking problems 1. Cameron Highlands • Location—popular hill resort—scenic beauty—cool weather 2. Places to see • Flower gardens—roses, chrysanthemums, etc. • Vegetable farm—cabbages, tomatoes, etc, • Tea estates • Waterfalls 3. Things to do • Buying fresh vegetables, fruit and flowers at the farms • For nature lovers—jungle treks, catch butterflies • For others—morning/evening walks • At night—read/relax or chat by fireside 4. Food • Choice of western and local cuisine 5. Accommodation • Hotels—bungalows—chalets 6. Cool weather • Enjoy the cool weather—away from humid lowland heat • Rejuvenated—feel alert and active 7. Ideal getaway • Idyllic holiday
  • 17. 3. dignified stout frail adolescent thin elderly Personal Planning strategy 1. Describe the person(s) under headings like: • physical features - general appearance: age, height, built details - face, neck, hands, body • characteristics, e.g. helpful/kind/caring/ dependable/generous/friendly/selfish/cruel • idiosyncrasies/habits/mannerisms/actions • what he/she says and thinks • what others say to and about him/her • interests/hobbies • career/work and achievements • family 2. For descriptive writing (person) you need to use some of the following to make your writing more vivid. • Adjectives, e.g. dynamic personality, home-made cakes • Adverbs, e.g. listens patiently • Pairs of words, e.g. hale and hearty • Idiomatic expressions, e.g. down to earth • Figurative language, e.g. running commentary • Similes, e.g. as smooth as silk Exercise 7 Describe the appearance of the people below. Beside each sketch are six adjectives. Ticks three words that best describes the person. 1. Character and personalities Exercise 8 Choose the pleasant and unpleasant characteristics from the list arid write them in the correct boxes. Use a to find the meanings of words that you do not know. helpful lazy vain brave honest friendly wise boring stingy greedy sly sneaky generous sarcastic bossy enthusiastic charming Meticulous quarrelsome doting diligent mercenary gullible vivacious Feelings chubby well-fed tall gigantic small stout 2 paunchy slim lanky well – dressed scrawny elderly Unpleasant Characteristic _________________ ________________ _ _________________ ________________ _ _________________ ________________ _ _________________ ________________ Pleasant Characteristic _________________ _________________ _ _________________ _________________ _ _________________ _________________ _ _________________ _________________
  • 18. Exercise 10 Choose words from the list to describe the feelings of the following people: 1. A frightened person _____________________________ _ 2. A person in pain _____________________________ _ 3. An excited person _____________________________ _ 4. An angry person _____________________________ _ 5. A sleepy person _____________________________ _ 6. A happy person _____________________________ _ 7. A person at an interview _____________________________ _ 8. A young child at a recreation centre _____________________________ _ 9. A person whose close relative has died _____________________________ _ 10. A person at the scene of a robbery _____________________________ _ Example My favourite aunt. Writing the composition: Step to follow excited curious confident envious pleased hopeful annoyed shocked contented worried fearful unhappy spiteful upset anxious cheerful relaxed angry miserable sleepy Smart TIPS SPM If your aunt still alive, use the present tense If your aunt has passed away, then you must use the past tense
  • 19. Step 2 Planning Paragraphing Expansion of notes. Paragraph 1 : Miss Rosalind Samuel—maternal aunt, 45 years Paragraph 2 : 161cm—petite—slim figure—fair complexion—smiling eyes—lustrous, black, shoulder-length hair—face —smooth as silk, rosy cheeks and luscious, pink lips— slender, smooth neck—hour-glass figure Paragraph 3 : very particular about appearance—wardrobe, cosmetics, perfumes, handbags, accessories—dynamic personality Paragraph 4 : comic side—contorts her face in many expressions causing laughter Paragraph 5 : caring—brings 'goodies' for us to eat—invites us for dinner Paragraph 6 : helpful—helps us with homework—drives us to piano lessons/club for swimming—go shopping for clothes Paragraph 7 : dependable—always there when needed—calm and composed Paragraph 8 : conclusion—nomination for 'Model Aunt' goes to Aunt Rosalind Step 5 Writing Write a draft—expand/elaborate the notes in the storyline. Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures. Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft. Introduce her. Physical description. Paragraphs 3 and 4: Personality description Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7: Relative what she does to show what a good aunt she is. Conclude with a statement reaffirm your view/opinion Model Composition 4 I cannot help but admire the immaculately dressed and beautiful lady. At the age of forty-five, she hold herself very well and has the charm and grace to go with it. I hope to be like her some day. She is Miss Rosalind Samuel, my maternal aunt. Aunt Rosalind stands 161 cm, with a petite, slim figure and distinguished features to match. She has a fair complexion, smiling eyes and lustrous, black, shoulder-length hair. Her face is as smooth as talk, and she has rosy cheeks and luscious, pink lips. Her slender, smooth neck often displays the many necklaces she so tastefully chooses and her hour-glass figure is the envy of everyone who sees her. She is very particular about her wardrobe, her choice of cosmetics and perfume. For different clothes, she has shoes, handbags and accessories to match. Always flawlessly well made-up and fashionable, my aunt is really attractive. Her dynamic personality is seen even in her movements and activities. She takes exercise-routines and nutrition very seriously and that explains why she is fit as a fiddle. My Aunt Rosalind also has a comic side to her which really makes her so much fun to be with. She can contort her face into many different expressions which makes both children and adults roar with laughter. Her imagination spills over, especially when she goes to a fancy dress party. She is usually the funniest and the most original. Her witty comments and sense of humour make her the life and soul of any party or gathering.
  • 20. Exercise 11 Write a composition on ‘My favourite uncle’. Use the clustering technique to brainstorm the topic. Fill the ‘balloons’ with details Exercise 12 Describe your neighbour. Here are some points to help you. 1. Mr. Zimmerman—fifty-eight years old— widower—retired teacher—lives alone in small bungalow with spacious garden— grown-up 4. Friendly—never fails to greet young and old —welcomes children to his house, especially during the fruit seasons—give fruit from his Although our household has a helper for domestic chores, my aunt knows how very busy my mother is. So, she makes it a point to bring over home-made cakes, curry puffs and other mouth- watering 'goodies' for us to relish every now and then. In addition, every Saturday night, we are guests at her home for dinner. We do not only enjoy the delicious food, but also the exchange of ideas and a running commentary on the week's events. These are really fun evenings. Often during the week, my aunt is at our home helping us with our homework or ferrying us to piano lessons or to the club for swimming. The list of activities also includes shopping for clothes, lifts and household items. Aunt Rosalind's advice on the selection of our clothes and shoes is fantastic. She has very good taste and excellent fashion sense. She herself is the centre of attention with her youthful looks and elegantly tailored outfits. On many occasions, she is mistaken as 'one the girls'. A standing order from her is that we are to call her in any crisis or problem. No matter how busy she is, she always listens patiently. She always speaks in a very composed tone, telling us what to do, or she would rush over to our house to help us. She is really as cool as a cucumber at all times. The nomination for 'Model Aunt' will certainly go to Aunt Rosalind. She is a beautiful, dynamic, helpful, humorous and loving person. MY FAVOURITE UNCLE Physical Features
  • 21. children working in other states 2. Physical features—tall—lanky—dark complexion 3. Caring and helpful—gives free English tuition to poor neighbourhood children— coaches boys in badminton—won competitions garden to friends and neighbours 5. Leisure—gardening—favourite hobby— plants fruit trees—flowers—proud owner! of the 'best' garden in the neighbourhood —goes for evening walks 6. Idiosyncrasies—loves to sing while gardening— favourite song—favourite expression 'pardon me'—swings a walking] stick while walking Exercise 13 Wrote a composition on the following people. 1. My penfriend from another country. 2. The most interesting boy/girl in my class. 3. Write about a well known person in your country. ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING Guideline 1. You may have to do one of the following: • To present a viewpoint (i.e. ro argue for or against a topic OR to argue in such a way sa as to persuade the reader to agree with you) • To discuss the pros and cons of the topic • To try to solve a given problem 2. Use these strategies: • Introduction – state your stand on the topic • Middle paragraph – present the facts clearly and forcefully, give accurate facts, use specific examples and illustrations to support your argument • Conclusion – reiterate your stand Pros and Cons Example What are the advantages and disadvantages of students participating in sport? Writing the composition: Step to follow Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing Advantages • Healthy • Release stress and tension Disadvantages • No time for homework • Spend too much time in school Step 2 Planning a. Give a topic sentence for each paragraph (i.e for each advantage/disadvantage) b. Expansion of notes.
  • 22. Paragraph 1: Sports—activities carried out for pleasure/exercise Paragraph 2: Good for health Paragraph 3: Sports participation instils discipline and develops leadership qualities Paragraph 4: Sports participation helps students to release stress and tension Paragraph 5: Sports participation leads students to neglect their homework, studies and even family Paragraph 6: Exposure to sports means students are prone to injuries Paragraph 7: Involves high expenses Paragraph 8: Moderation is the key to success in anything Step 3 Writing Write the draft (write the introduction, conclusion and elaborate each topic sentence). Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures. Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft. Introduce the topic. Give definition. Advantage 1—Elaborate topic sentence. What good does sports do for the body? Advantage 2—Elaborate topic sentence. How? Give examples on discipline and leadership qualities. Advantage 3—Elaborate topic sentence. How? Disadvantage 1—Elaborate topic sentence. How? Give examples. Disadvantage 2—Elaborate topic sentence. What injuries? What are the consequences? Disadvantage 3—Elaborate topic sentence. Where else could the money be channeled to? Conclusion: Give your view—do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Or do not be committed to either side. ‘Sports' are activities carried out for pleasure or exercise. Playing games like tennis and football or [king part in athletics are sports activities. One of the main reasons for encouraging students to take part in sports is that it is good for health. In sports, especially outdoor activities, fresh air is taken into the lungs, resulting in greater oxygen flow into the heart. With improved blood circulation, other organs of the body function well. Muscles get toned, excess fat is burnt and impurities are excreted through the sweat glands. All this, together with a good diet, makes a healthy body. The second advantage is that sports participation instils discipline and develops leadership qualities among students. For example, students must attend the various practices and training programmes punctually. When they are late, they are reprimanded and soon they realize that obeying orders is important. In addition, some students involved in sports activities may get elected as captains, secretaries and other positions. Students holding these positions usually develop leadership qualities. Thirdly, sports participation helps students to release stress and tension. The increasing amount of homework and the fear of failure at examinations do not allow students to relax. Taking part in sports allows them to unwind. After a game or workout at the gymnasium, the students feel much better and j are ready to study after a good bath. This way of releasing stress is healthy unlike some methods many students resort to, e.g. smoking, loitering in shopping complexes or taking drugs.
  • 23. Exercise 1 Write three topic sentences for each of the following. Then add three sentences to each topic sentence to complete the paragraph. 1. What are the advantages of being an only child 2. What are the disadvantages of living in a village? 3 What are the advantages of using the Internet? Exercise 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of co-education? Here are some points to help you: On the other hand, there are disadvantages of participating in sports. It often leads students to neglect their homework, studies and even family. When students are over-enthusiastic, driven by great interest or the desire to win at competitions, they tend to spend more and more time away from home. Eventually, this eats into the students' study time and time spent with the family. This, in turn, may lead to poor academic performance and a breakdown in family communication. This is certainly not to be encouraged. Furthermore, exposure to sports means students are prone to injuries like torn tendons, sore muscles, sprains and even fractures. Injured students have to stay away from school for some time, causing them to miss lessons and, consequently, fall behind in their studies. Finally, sports participation involves a lot of expenses. Students need to spend money on equipment like tennis rackets and track shoes. They may also want to wear sports outfits which their friends have. In addition, transport to and fro for practice and pocket-money for refreshments means more money has to be spent. This money can be put to better use by buying more books or food. In conclusion, we can say that moderation is the key to success in anything. Therefore, if participation in sports is kept in moderation, it should not pose a danger or threat to the student. However, if the student is over-enthusiastic, then the disadvantages could turn 6ut to be very real. Advantages • Topic sentence: A co-educational school enables boys and girls to exchange ideas. Note: Boys and girls think differently – healthy exchanges of ideas • Topic sentence: The spirit of competition is stronger among boys and girls when they study together. Note: Boys and girls love to compete – boy want to prove – better than girls – work harder – vice versa – academic performance improves. • Topic sentence : Student in co-educational school are better able to adapt to society. Notes : Learn to mix with opposite sex – better social etiquette – no culture shock – college/university/working life. Disadvantages • Topic sentence : Socializing among boy and girls is common. Notes : Dating – early age – neglect studies – spend time – parties, picnics, discotheques, etc. – academic performance drops • Topic sentence : In the presence of girls, boys usually want to show off. Notes: Fear – looked down by girls – would rather not ask teacher to explain again even if do not understand lesson. • Topic sentence : The confidence of some girls can be affected by the presence of boy Note : Teasing by boys – girls sensitive – shy – become very quiet – do not ask teacher question – take a backseat in discussion.
  • 24. Exercise 3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of a large family? Here are some points to help you: Exercise 4 Give your views and write the following questions. 1. What are the pros and cons of going for tuition? 2. Give the pros and cons of studying in boarding schools 3. The authorities in Kuala Lumpur encourage the use of public transportation to reduce traffic congestion in the city. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to work by the Light Rail Transit (LRT)? View Give points to support a stand taken. Pints can be given in favour of proposition or against a proposition. Example Where would you choose to live in – the country or the town? Why? Writing the composition: Step to follow Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing • Prefer to live in the country • Able to go for walks • A lot of greenery • Can grow own vegetables • Clean, fresh air • People are more friendly • No traffic jams Advantages • Siblings cars get help and support from one another. • The household chores can be divided among the children so that no one is overburdened. • The older children learn responsibility from an early age. Disadvantages • Parents are not able to give individual attention to every child. • If the breadwinner is not a high income earner, there is the problem of funds to support the family. • There is no privacy if the house is small.
  • 25. Step 2 Planning a. Give a topic sentence for each paragraph (i.e. for each advantage/disadvantage). b. Expansion of notes . Paragraph 1 : Love the country—feel happy, contented and relaxed Paragraph 2 : Fresh, clean air, clear streams teeming with fish-less pollution—enjoy catching fish for barbecue-swimming in rivers Paragraph 3 : House with spacious compound—can grown Fruit , vegetable – free from pesticides, chemicals Paragraph 4 : Prefer attitude of people—warm, friendly, co-operative—town folk—distant, impersonal, unco-operative Paragraph 5 : Prefer quiet, peaceful life—no distraction— different from hectic life in town Paragraph 6 : Do not like entertainment available in town Paragraph 7 : For me, there is no place like the country Step 3 Writing Write a draft—expand/elaborate the notes in the storyline. Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures. Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft. Introduction: Express your viewpoint. Paragraph 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: Reasons for choosing to live in the country. Conclusion: Reaffirm your view Model Composition 6 I have always loved the country and will continue to do so. When 1 am in the country, I feel happy, contented and relaxed. In the country, the air is fresh and clean and the clear streams are teeming with fish. There is less! pollution as there are no factories to emit smoke or discharge waste into rivers. I enjoy going for a dif in the cool waters of the rivers and catching fish to barbecue over a charcoal fire. All these activities are not possible in a town area. Another reason why I like the country is that each house usually has a spacious compound. In my free time, I can tend the garden. Apart from growing a variety of beautiful flowers like bougainvilleas and ferns to beautify the surroundings, I can plant vegetables and fruit trees. Home-grown fruit am vegetables are free from unhealthy pesticides and harmful chemicals. Living in town, on the other hand, is different. With land being so expensive and scarce, most people can only afford to live in link houses or flats. So, there is space for perhaps only a few pots of flowers and ferns but definitely no I for vegetables and fruit trees! Furthermore, I prefer the attitude of the people living in the country. There is genuine care and concern for one another and a willingness to help whenever one needs help. It is not uncommon to witness the whole neighbourhood helping out in a kenduri or on less happy occasions like funerals. The people co-operate, not out of duty but out of sincere friendship. More meaningful relationships are formed and it is a joy to be a part of this. However, in the town, it is even possible that neighbours do not know one another. Every one does his 'own thing'. Often, even next door neighbours do not bother to get to know one another and are only acquaintances. I prefer the quiet and peaceful life of the country. I am able to do a lot of things that I enjoy. The slow pace of life suits me. I can do a lot of reading or write books without any distractions. In the town the environment is noisy and the pace of life is hectic. I find it stressful to cope with the never ending traffic jams, the rush to and fro, and the pressures of work in the office. There is hardly any time for leisurely lunches or long chats with friends. Last of all, I do not like the types of entertainment available in the town. Pubs, discotheques, video!'. arcades, snooker joints and coffee houses are places where the rich and idle frequent. Often the crowd gets rowdy and fights are common. Since I do not like to go to such places, I often stay home watch television. For me there is no place like the country. I only hope that it will not be spoilt by progress and development.
  • 26. Exercise 5 For each topic, state your view and at least three points in support of your viewpoint. 1. Do you consider television harmful or beneficial? 2. Which is better: life in busy city or life in a quiet village? 3. Should women go to work or stay at home to take care of their family? Exercise 6 Where would you choose to study in – a boarding school or day school? Here are some points to help you. Exercise 7 Pets to make life more pleasant. How far do you agree with this opinion? Here are some points to help you. My choice – a boarding school • Topic sentence: Students learn to be independent. Notes: Make own beds—wash and iron clothes—look after personal belongings—study on own without parents to push them • Topic sentence: Students learn to use their time wisely. Notes: Planned daily schedule—fixed times for meals, studies, games, relaxation—closely supervised • Topic sentence: There is easy access to facilities after school hours. Notes: Library, games facilities, computer rooms—all within walking distance • Topic sentence: There are no hassles commuting between the home and school. Notes: No transport problem—no wasting of time going to and fro • Topic sentence: Everyone learns to give and take. Notes: No place for selfishness • Topic sentence: Every student eventually learns to be less fussy about food. Notes: No home-cooked foods—have to get used to hostel food Positive Points • When we shower our love upon pets, we get immense happiness and contentment. • Taking care of pets gives us a sense of importance. • Lovable pets, like dogs, give us a lot of pleasure when they greet us with licks and wagging tails. • Pets, especially dogs, are faithful and helpful companions to people. Negative Points • We cannot leave our homes for holidays without making arrangements for someone to feed our pets. • There is a lot of work involved in the keeping of pets. • When our pets are ill, we need to take them to the veterinarian. • There is mental agony when a pet dies.
  • 27. Exercise 8 Write a composition on the following topics. 1. 'Money is the root of all evil'. How far do you agree with this proverb? 2. Do international sport events help to promote friendships? What is your opinion? 3. Boys and girls should be given equal opportunities in education. Give your views 4. National service — is it a good idea? 5. Students need private tuition. What is your opinion REFLECTIVE WRITING Example: Touring Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing • Knowledgeable • See different places—different ways people live • For pleasure—different types of tours—go by air, road, sea • Other benefits of travelling • Hazards of travelling Step 2 Planning a. Paragraphing headings. b. Notes Paragraph 1 : Touring—popular among young and old all over the world. Paragraph 2 : Widens one's general knowledge—first-hand information obtained by seeing things for oneself Paragraph 3 : Exposure to different people, cultures, ideas, lifestyles • results in greater understanding of human nature • a more tolerant attitude • compassion for others Paragraph 4 : For relaxation, pleasure, freedom from stress and tension • change of environment—a great way to relax • no routines, no deadlines to meet Paragraphs 5 : Hazards of travelling while on tour • road, sea, air accidents • drivers, air traffic controllers at airports, pilots need to be more careful Paragraphs 6 : Anxiety, stress and strain • when driving—possible traffic jams, careless drivers, probability of car breakdown • when going by train—ticketing problems • when going by plane—airport procedures, delays, lost luggage Paragraph 7 : Touring is beneficial • enriching experience • feel fresh, healthy • have different outlook on life Smart TIPS SPM People go on tours all the time, use the present tense. Introduction. Paragraph 2, 3, and 4: Benefits of touring. Paragraph 5: Hazards of travelling Paragraph 6: Problem encouraged. Conclusion: Opinion.
  • 28. Step 3 Writing Write the draft. Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures. Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft. Exercise 1 Use the listing technique and brainstorm for the following topics. 1. Fashion in my country. 2. Fire. Exercise 2 Give three paragraph heading for the following topics. 1. Good health. 2. Consumerism. Model Composition 7 Touring is popular among both young and old all over the world. Today, with faster, efficient and more comfortable transport, people from all walks of life go on tours, locally or abroad. Going on tours can be a very rewarding experience. In fact, with the right attitude, one discovers t travelling greatly widens one's general knowledge. One of the best ways to get to know one's country is to travel either on conducted tours or on your own with friends or family. There is nothing e getting to know your country on the soles of your feet. And with overseas travel, one gets to know ire about the world outside. When one travels, one is exposed to people from different places and countries, different cultures, and lifestyles. One becomes more understanding and tolerant. Many close links are formed. Despite geographical, language and other barriers, friendships develop. Sometimes it may even lead to marriage! Travelling opens one's eyes to greater understanding and compassion for others. Often, going on a tour brings great excitement and pleasure. It is a chance to get away. In this high technology era, lifestyles become increasingly stressful. Going away for a holiday helps one to relax physically and mentally. A different environment, a change of scene, meeting new people, the relaxed atmosphere without routines and deadlines to meet—all these help to make life more pleasant. In recent years, owing to increasing traffic—on land, sea and air—there have been some tragic accidents. We read of such accidents in the newspapers. Perhaps a solution is to be more cautious and efficient. Air traffic controllers at airports, pilots and drivers should show more concern and care for accuracy and safety measures. However, sometimes, an inevitable mishap occurs. It has been said that going on tours can cause more stress and strain instead of relieving tension. When travelling by road, there is always the anxiety of the journey, possible traffic jams, careless divers and the probability of a car breakdown. But, if one chooses to travel by train, getting tickets may be difficult during peak seasons. As for air travel, airport procedures can be nerve-racking. The passport checks, clearance of luggage and other little things add to the strain of the trip. A tour may turn into a very stressful and unpleasant one if there are delays, lost luggage and other problems. A Hazards and inconveniences are part and parcel of touring. One must be flexible and ready to adjust and make changes. Generally, touring can be an enriching experience. Most people come back from tours looking fresh, healthy and with a different outlook on life. Touring is certainly beneficial.
  • 29. Exercise 3 Add three to five sentences to these topic sentences. 1. The danger of during addiction must be made know especially to school students,…. 2. Waste materials can be recycled… Exercise 4 Exercising. Here are some points to help you. Introduction: What is exercising? Why do we exercise? For pleasure, health, etc. Benefits of Exercising Possible Negative Effect of Exercising 1. Healthier bodies • Good blood circulation • Mentally and physical alert 2. Form of discipline • Punctuality • Strive harder to do better 3. Better physical appearance • Toned muscles • Burn excess fat • Better-shaped body 4. Injury, especially muscle tears, sprains and fracture 5. Fatigue in exercising • Could lead heart attack if not on programmed exercise after a certain age. Conclusion: Is exercising beneficial? Exercise 5 Write a composition on the following topics. 1. Homework 2. Strange customs 3. Music 4. Games FACTUAL WRITING Example The uses of money and its effects on people. Writing the composition: Step to follow Step 1 Prewriting Brainstorming technique: Listing Use • Buy food, clothes • For education • For holidays Effects: • Miser, stingy • Spend too much – become bankrupt • For holidays
  • 30. Step 2 Planning a. Paragraphing headings. b. Notes. Paragraph 1 : _________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 : Uses of money Basic necessities – food, shelter, clothing ‘Extras’/Luxuries – better home, better car, branded clothes, fine dining, holidays. Paragraph 3 : Money – most important thing in life Slog – gain money Keep money – do not spend it. Paragraph 4 : Such people – few real friends Calculative – stingy – self-centred – selfish Paragraph 5 : Suffer more stress Any unforeseen expenditure – upset – seldom happy, contented Paragraph 6: Money – not top priority in one’s life Healthy, happiness, quality time with family, friends more important. Extra money – buy ‘extra’ things – otherwise, leading a simple life more important. Paragraph 7 : Money – a needed commodity but it is not everything in life Step 3 Writing Write the final draft. Step 4 Editing Check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Improve on vocabulary and sentence structures. Step 5 Rewriting Write the final draft. Model Composition 8 Money means many things to many people. For me, money is a necessary commodity but it is not of utmost importance. What I mean by this is, we need money for almost everything—food, shelter and clothing. We need money for not only our basic necessities but also for the 'extras' in life. By 'extras' I am referring to the items that border on comfort and luxury. Such items may include a better home, a better car, branded clothes, fine dining and holidays away from home. Many people consider money as the most important thing in life. They will slog and do anything to gain money. Nothing else matters to them. These people only want to keep a lot of money but do not like to spend it. If one takes this approach, a number of consequences can be foreseen. Firstly, such people will have few real friends. These people are usually very calculative and stingy. They are also self-centred and tend to be selfish. Secondly, these people will probably lead very boring lives—no holidays, no outings or any activity that requires money to be spent out of one’s pocket. Next, such people usually suffer far more stress than others in life. Each time an unforeseen expenditure arises, they will become unduly upset. Such people are seldom happy or lead peaceful or contented lives. I certainly would not like to fall into this category of people. As I said earlier, money is needed but it should not take top priority in one's life. For me, health, happiness and quality time with family and friends are more important. If there is extra money, I will be happy to have some 'extras' but otherwise, leading a simple life with my immediate needs taken care of, is good enough. No amount of money can [.buy health or happiness. Money—a necessary commodity but it is not everything in life!
  • 31. Exercise 1 Use the listing technique to brainstorm for the following topics. 1. Ways to improve your English speaking skills. 2. The importance of education. Exercise 2 Give three paragraph headings for the following topics. 1. Causes of unemployment. 2. Ways people spend their leisure time Exercise 3 Add three to five sentences to the topic sentences. 1. Students do not read widely. 2. One way to promote tourism is to advertise in the mass media. Exercise 4 Local hand/crafts. Here are some points to help you: • There is a large variety of local handicrafts in Malaysia. • Two of the most well-known handicrafts are batik printing and songket weaving. • Other popular souvenir items from Kelantan are silverware and the wau or kites. • In Sarawak, the handicrafts which attract tourists are clay pottery and basketry. • Pewterware. • Prices of handicrafts vary from place to place and shop to shop. • Malaysian handicrafts are becoming increasingly popular and well known due to the promotional efforts of the Tourist Development Corporation. Exercise 5 The value of learning English. Here are some points to help you: • International language • Internet: access to a lot of knowledge • More opportunities to study overseas — United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, India, etc. • Be able to communicate when touring English speaking countries • A lot of reference material — books, magazines — in English • More and more countries emphasizing the study of English — will be left behind if do not know English Exercise 6 Write a composition on the following topics. 1. The promotion of tourism in Malaysia. 2. Causes of unemployment. 3. Describe some of the ways you can spend your school holidays beneficially.
  • 32. COMPOSITION TOPICS Narrative (Event / Incident) 1. Which do you consider to be the most exciting day in your life? Write about it. 2. One day you found an injured kitten by the roadside. Write about this incident. 3. Describe an occasion when a friend made you very angry. 4. Write about a joyous occasion. 5. A family outing turns out to be a disaster. Write a real or imaginary account of such an incident. 6. Describe any amusing incident which you witnessed or in which you played a part. Narrative (short story) 1. Write a story based on 'A miser and his money'. 2. 'It all started the day my mother called me into her room.' Continue the story. 3. Write a story about an unexpected windfall. 4. Write a story about a pet that changed the life of an old, lonely man. 5. Write a story based on a 'secret'. 6. 'The lights went out suddenly ...'Continue the story. Descriptive (Place) 1. Describe the area you live in for a penfriend from overseas. 2. The places trial you like to go to during your leisure time. 3. Write about a place which brings back happy memories for you. 4. Describe your school, highlighting the favourite places of the students. 5. What would be of particular interest in your country to a tourist from abroad? 6. Describe the sights, sounds and activities at the school canteen during recess. Descriptive (Person) 1. A helpful neighbour. 2. An ambitious boy or girl. 3. Compare two family members or two friends. 4. Describe a very old person whom you are fond of. 5. Write about a person who has helped you in your life. 6. Write about a teacher whom you respect and will never forget. Argumentative (Pros and Cons) 1. Discuss the arguments for and against educating children in boarding schools. 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a working mother? 3. For home use, which is better—a desktop computer or a notebook? Give the pros and cons of both the desktop computer and the notebook. 4. Give the advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment. 5. What are the pros and cons of working and studying part-time for a university degree? 6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going on conducted tours when you travel? Argumentative (Views)
  • 33. 1. Women are better drivers. Argue either for or against this statement. 2. Preparations for a holiday are sometimes more enjoyable than the holiday itself. What are your experiences and opinions? 3. 'Pets help to make life more pleasant'. How far do you agree with this opinion? 4. Discuss steps that could be taken to help the senior citizens in the country. 5. Should boys and girls be given equal opportunities in education? Give your views. 6. It is said that travel widens our knowledge. What is your opinion? Reflective 1. Fear. 2. Keeping fit. 3. Senior citizens. 4. Reading. 5. Public transport. 6. Fashions. Factual 1. The benefits and pleasure I hope to get from my study of English. 2. Public transport in my country. 3. Relate how a festival is celebrated in Malaysia. 4. Write about the rubber industry in Malaysia. 5. The uses of palm oil. 6. The care of old folks and disabled children.