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Forecast of future trends
: focused on BrilliantTS
Jun. 2015
Prof. Ph/D. Jae-Ho Bae
Dept. of Industrial Systems, Osan University
Brilliant Card를 어떻게 이해해야 할까?
one of IoT Devices
one of FinTech Devices
Future Trends of FinTech
: results of 2014/trends for 2015
refer from Life.SREDAVC 2015
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
1 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
2 The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
3 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
4 Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on FinTech
5 The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
6 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
7 Paypal and Ebay separation
8 China is moving forward!
9 Mobile banks found their buyers
10 M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
10 major trends of the 2014 Year1
FinTech investments TRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and Ebay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
2012년 예측에 따르면,
1) FinTech 분야는 벤처 투자의 주요 대상이 될 것이며,
2) 매년 두배 가량 성장할 것
으로 예상되었음.
실제 2013년은 두배 성장하여, $2.2B가 되었음.
2014년의 경우는 $6.8B가 되었는데, 이는 3배 성장한 결과임.
향후 5년 동안은 최소 매년 2배 이상 성장할 것임.
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and Ebay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
첫 IPO가 실현되지 않으면, 시장이 형성되었다고 판단하기 어려움.
첫 IPO 대상으로 “Square”가 될 것으로 예상되었으나,
P2P 대출 플랫폼인 “Lending Club”이 첫 IPO 기업이 됨.
이어서 SME를 위한 대출 서비스를 제공하는 “Ondeck”가 IPO 기업이 됨.

(성공적으로 IPO 되기는 했으나, 높은 투자 배율을 얻어내지는 못함)

적어도 3개의 성공적인 IPO 기업이 나타날 것으로 예상 됨.
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and Ebay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
2013년 기준, 

기업가치 $1B 이상의 기업으로 3개 기업만 존재.
“Square”, “Lending Club”, “Stripe”
2014년엔 7개 기업이 추가됨.
“Transwise”, “Kreditech”, “CreditKarma”, “Wonga”,

“Powa”, “SoFi”, “Raise”
2015년엔 10개 이상의 기업이 추가될 것으로 예상됨.
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on FinTech
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and Ebay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
Apple이 드디어 mobile wallet인 ApplePay 런칭

(기술적인 진보라가 보다는 브랜드 파워, 고객 충성도 기반 주목)
Samsung은 Paypal과의 협력 강화, Loop 인수

(기술적으로는 Apple 보다 앞섬)
2015년 화두
- Xiaomi가 다음 차례가 될 것인가?
- Apple의 Square 인수가 현실화 될 것인가?
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and Ebay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
Zuckerberg의 WhatsApp 인수.
- 이를 통해 P2P transfer가 더욱 간단해 질 것으로 예상
이 분야의 선두 주자는
- “Line”, “WeChat”, “Kakao”
- Facebook에서 P2P transfer 런칭할 것으로 예상

(David Marcus, ex-CEO PayPal, currently heading Messengers

& Payment at Facebook)
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and Ebay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
Rocketinternet이 IPO를 수행함으로 세상에 던진 파장.
- Rocketinternet은 Startup incuvator 

(IPO를 수행하는 startup이 아니라는 점)
- 미국 기업이 아닌, 독일 기업이라는 점
- 두가지 중요한 원칙을 앞세우는 기업이라는 점.

1) “An idea is nothing. Execution is everything”.

2) “There are many interesting markets outside the US”.
Rocketinternet은 “FinTech is next big thing!”이라고 주장.
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and eBay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
E-commerce (eBay) 시대는 지고,
FinTech (Paypal) 시대는 도래하고...
기업 분리 이후, Paypal의 성장률이 eBay를 앞섬.
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and Ebay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
전자상거래의 거인 Alibaba가 역대 최고의 IPO를 이룸.
이어서 자회사가 FinTech 분야에 집중
- Alipay는 Applepay의 100배 이상
- “언제 IPO를 할 것인가”가 유일한 의문
2014년 중국은 FinTech와 Biotech startup을 대상으로 한

$6.5B 규모의 벤처 캐피털을 런칭했음.
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and Ebay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
세계에서 가장 유명한 mobile bank인 “American Simple”이

스페인의 BBVA 그룹에 $117M에 인수됨.
이는 두가지 측면에서 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상
- Mobile bank는 소비자 기반이 있으며, 높은 수익을 보이고

있으나 새로운 제품이 없는 기업에게는 매우 매력적인 상품임.
- 글로벌 경쟁자들 간의 인수/합병에 박차가 가해질 것임

(Moven, Instabank, Rocketbankt 등)
10 major trends of the 2014 Year
FinTech investmentsTRIPLED
The first (and second) IPO in FinTech
10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club”
Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch
The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers
Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships?
Paypal and Ebay separation
China is moving forward!
Mobile banks found their buyers
mPOS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
2014년 논쟁의 여지없는 FinTech 강자는 mPOS 보유자 임

(Square, SumUp, ibox, LifePay 등)
2015년 mPOS 사업자는 수익 향상을 위하여 

아시아와 아프리카에 추가적 FinTech 서비스와 공격적 투자를

감행할 것임.
Largest deals
of 2014
What awaits FinTech in 2015?
1 Blurring of Boundaries
2 TheTransition from Individual services to Ecosystems
3 The Growth of the Asisan Markets
4 Analytics
5 P2P-Transfer in instance messengers, social networks and other platforms
6 Mobile Payment using NFC, QR, BLE and payment cards
7 E-Wallet
8 Growing Importance of the Role of Major Retailers
9 Growing Importance of Telecommunication Companies in FinTech Industry
10 Cryptocurrencies
Forecast: mPOS
1. 단순한 mPOS 시스템에서 mPOS 생태계로의 전환

(Square의 사례 주목)
2. 투자자들의 관점에서 보면, mPOS 업체들의 수익률
이 낮음.
3. 2014년의 경우 낮은 비용을 무기로 시장 확장.

mPOS 생태계를 구축하더라도, 자체로는 수익성이

크게 개선될 여지가 적음.
In early Oct. Square closed another
round of investment of $150M.
In the course of the transaction Square
was valued at $6B.
The main investor was the Government
of Singapore Investment Corporation
Forecast: T-Commerce
Revenue by an average click from a social
network generates for a merchant:
In the 1st quarter of 2014, US largest retailers,
according to the survey, used the following means
of improving the shopping experience in stores:
Facebook 102 cents
Instagram 70 cents
Vimeo 59 cents
Youtube 44 cents
Google+ 39 cents
Plyvore 39 cents
Twitter 36 cents
Pinterest 32 cents
LinkedIn 21 cents
Forecast: mWallets/eWallets
Whole Foods: During the first three weeks after the introduction
Whole Foods reported 150 thousand Apple Pay transactions.
McDonald’s: more than half of mobile payment goes through Apple
Pay (first three weeks).
Walgreens: mobile payments doubled after the launch of Apple Pay.
9.1% InfoScout의 조사에 따르면, iPhone 6/6+나 AppleWatch
소지자의 9.1%가 Apple Pay 도입 5주 이내에 이 기능을
10 %Apple Pay 기능을 알고 있는 사람들 중 10% 정도는 다음
의 이유로 사용을 꺼리게 된다고 함.

32% - Apple Pay 활용하는 방법이 익숙하지 않음.

30% - 현재의 결제 방식에 만족하고 있음.

19% - 보안 문제가 염려됨.
More informations are available:
긍정적 전망에도 불구하고,
Forecast: remarkable ASIA FinTech Players
• Ezetap: Square와 유사한 인도 기업
• Softspace: 동남아의 white-label mPOS-solution 제조업체
• AliPay: 부가 설명이 필요 없는 Alibaba의 FinTech 자회사
• Qiandaibao: 중국 mobile payment의 0.3% 점유율을 보이는 기업
• Fenqile: 중국의 micro-loan startup
• WeLand: 홍콩의 P2P 대출 업체
• Qufenqi: 대학생, 젊은 전문가를 대상으로 하는 micro-loan 업체
• Ayannah: 필리핀의 cross-border transfer 기업
• UnionPay: 중국 최대의 카드사. 전세계VISA에 이은 2위(결제규모)
• Unocoin: Bitcoin 구매/판매/eWallet 통합을 이한 인도 업체
• Wacai: Personal accounting service를 제공하는 중국 기업
• Tongbanjie: Personal finance 서비스를 제공하는 중국 기업
• Yingying Lical: Tonagbanjie나 Wacai와 유사한 중국 기업
2015 trends forecast for BrilliantTS

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2015 trends forecast for BrilliantTS

  • 1. Forecast of future trends : focused on BrilliantTS Jun. 2015 Prof. Ph/D. Jae-Ho Bae Dept. of Industrial Systems, Osan University
  • 2. Brilliant Card를 어떻게 이해해야 할까? one of IoT Devices one of FinTech Devices or
  • 3. Future Trends of FinTech : results of 2014/trends for 2015 refer from Life.SREDAVC 2015
  • 4. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED 2 The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 3 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” 4 Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on FinTech 5 The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? 7 Paypal and Ebay separation 8 China is moving forward! 9 Mobile banks found their buyers 10 M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector
  • 5. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investments TRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and Ebay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector 2012년 예측에 따르면, 1) FinTech 분야는 벤처 투자의 주요 대상이 될 것이며, 2) 매년 두배 가량 성장할 것 으로 예상되었음. 실제 2013년은 두배 성장하여, $2.2B가 되었음. 2014년의 경우는 $6.8B가 되었는데, 이는 3배 성장한 결과임. 향후 5년 동안은 최소 매년 2배 이상 성장할 것임.
  • 6. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and Ebay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector 첫 IPO가 실현되지 않으면, 시장이 형성되었다고 판단하기 어려움. 첫 IPO 대상으로 “Square”가 될 것으로 예상되었으나, P2P 대출 플랫폼인 “Lending Club”이 첫 IPO 기업이 됨. 이어서 SME를 위한 대출 서비스를 제공하는 “Ondeck”가 IPO 기업이 됨.
 (성공적으로 IPO 되기는 했으나, 높은 투자 배율을 얻어내지는 못함) 2015년에는,
 적어도 3개의 성공적인 IPO 기업이 나타날 것으로 예상 됨.
  • 7. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and Ebay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector 2013년 기준, 
 기업가치 $1B 이상의 기업으로 3개 기업만 존재. “Square”, “Lending Club”, “Stripe” 2014년엔 7개 기업이 추가됨. “Transwise”, “Kreditech”, “CreditKarma”, “Wonga”,
 “Powa”, “SoFi”, “Raise” 2015년엔 10개 이상의 기업이 추가될 것으로 예상됨.
  • 8. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on FinTech The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and Ebay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector Apple이 드디어 mobile wallet인 ApplePay 런칭
 (기술적인 진보라가 보다는 브랜드 파워, 고객 충성도 기반 주목) Samsung은 Paypal과의 협력 강화, Loop 인수
 (기술적으로는 Apple 보다 앞섬) 2015년 화두 - Xiaomi가 다음 차례가 될 것인가? - Apple의 Square 인수가 현실화 될 것인가?
  • 9. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and Ebay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector Zuckerberg의 WhatsApp 인수. - 이를 통해 P2P transfer가 더욱 간단해 질 것으로 예상 이 분야의 선두 주자는 - “Line”, “WeChat”, “Kakao” 2015년에는 - Facebook에서 P2P transfer 런칭할 것으로 예상
 (David Marcus, ex-CEO PayPal, currently heading Messengers
 & Payment at Facebook)
  • 10. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and Ebay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector Rocketinternet이 IPO를 수행함으로 세상에 던진 파장. - Rocketinternet은 Startup incuvator 
 (IPO를 수행하는 startup이 아니라는 점) - 미국 기업이 아닌, 독일 기업이라는 점 - 두가지 중요한 원칙을 앞세우는 기업이라는 점.
 1) “An idea is nothing. Execution is everything”.
 2) “There are many interesting markets outside the US”. Rocketinternet은 “FinTech is next big thing!”이라고 주장.
  • 11. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and eBay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector E-commerce (eBay) 시대는 지고, FinTech (Paypal) 시대는 도래하고... 기업 분리 이후, Paypal의 성장률이 eBay를 앞섬.
  • 12. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and Ebay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector 전자상거래의 거인 Alibaba가 역대 최고의 IPO를 이룸. 이어서 자회사가 FinTech 분야에 집중 - Alipay는 Applepay의 100배 이상 - “언제 IPO를 할 것인가”가 유일한 의문 2014년 중국은 FinTech와 Biotech startup을 대상으로 한
 $6.5B 규모의 벤처 캐피털을 런칭했음.
  • 13. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and Ebay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers M-POS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector 세계에서 가장 유명한 mobile bank인 “American Simple”이
 스페인의 BBVA 그룹에 $117M에 인수됨. 이는 두가지 측면에서 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상 - Mobile bank는 소비자 기반이 있으며, 높은 수익을 보이고
 있으나 새로운 제품이 없는 기업에게는 매우 매력적인 상품임. - 글로벌 경쟁자들 간의 인수/합병에 박차가 가해질 것임
 (Moven, Instabank, Rocketbankt 등)
  • 14. 10 major trends of the 2014 Year 1 2 3 4 5 FinTech investmentsTRIPLED The first (and second) IPO in FinTech 10 companies joined “FinTech Billionaires Club” Apple (and Samsung) place a stake on Finch The future of payments and transfers belongs to messengers 6 7 8 9 10 Rocketinternet’s IPO & FinTech - Is there any relationships? Paypal and Ebay separation China is moving forward! Mobile banks found their buyers mPOS is the fastest-growing FinTech Sector 2014년 논쟁의 여지없는 FinTech 강자는 mPOS 보유자 임
 (Square, SumUp, ibox, LifePay 등) 2015년 mPOS 사업자는 수익 향상을 위하여 
 아시아와 아프리카에 추가적 FinTech 서비스와 공격적 투자를
 감행할 것임.
  • 15.
  • 17. What awaits FinTech in 2015? 1 Blurring of Boundaries 2 TheTransition from Individual services to Ecosystems 3 The Growth of the Asisan Markets 4 Analytics 5 P2P-Transfer in instance messengers, social networks and other platforms 6 Mobile Payment using NFC, QR, BLE and payment cards 7 E-Wallet 8 Growing Importance of the Role of Major Retailers 9 Growing Importance of Telecommunication Companies in FinTech Industry 10 Cryptocurrencies
  • 18. Forecast: mPOS 1. 단순한 mPOS 시스템에서 mPOS 생태계로의 전환
 (Square의 사례 주목) 2. 투자자들의 관점에서 보면, mPOS 업체들의 수익률 이 낮음. 3. 2014년의 경우 낮은 비용을 무기로 시장 확장.
 mPOS 생태계를 구축하더라도, 자체로는 수익성이
 크게 개선될 여지가 적음. $150,000,000 In early Oct. Square closed another round of investment of $150M. In the course of the transaction Square was valued at $6B. The main investor was the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC).
  • 19.
  • 20. Forecast: T-Commerce Revenue by an average click from a social network generates for a merchant: In the 1st quarter of 2014, US largest retailers, according to the survey, used the following means of improving the shopping experience in stores: Facebook 102 cents Instagram 70 cents Vimeo 59 cents Youtube 44 cents Google+ 39 cents Plyvore 39 cents Twitter 36 cents Pinterest 32 cents LinkedIn 21 cents
  • 21. Forecast: mWallets/eWallets Whole Foods: During the first three weeks after the introduction Whole Foods reported 150 thousand Apple Pay transactions. McDonald’s: more than half of mobile payment goes through Apple Pay (first three weeks). Walgreens: mobile payments doubled after the launch of Apple Pay. 9.1% InfoScout의 조사에 따르면, iPhone 6/6+나 AppleWatch 소지자의 9.1%가 Apple Pay 도입 5주 이내에 이 기능을 활용하였음. 10 %Apple Pay 기능을 알고 있는 사람들 중 10% 정도는 다음 의 이유로 사용을 꺼리게 된다고 함.
 32% - Apple Pay 활용하는 방법이 익숙하지 않음.
 30% - 현재의 결제 방식에 만족하고 있음.
 19% - 보안 문제가 염려됨. More informations are available:
  • 23.
  • 24. Forecast: remarkable ASIA FinTech Players • Ezetap: Square와 유사한 인도 기업 • Softspace: 동남아의 white-label mPOS-solution 제조업체 • AliPay: 부가 설명이 필요 없는 Alibaba의 FinTech 자회사 • Qiandaibao: 중국 mobile payment의 0.3% 점유율을 보이는 기업 • Fenqile: 중국의 micro-loan startup • WeLand: 홍콩의 P2P 대출 업체 • Qufenqi: 대학생, 젊은 전문가를 대상으로 하는 micro-loan 업체 • Ayannah: 필리핀의 cross-border transfer 기업 • UnionPay: 중국 최대의 카드사. 전세계VISA에 이은 2위(결제규모) • Unocoin: Bitcoin 구매/판매/eWallet 통합을 이한 인도 업체 • Wacai: Personal accounting service를 제공하는 중국 기업 • Tongbanjie: Personal finance 서비스를 제공하는 중국 기업 • Yingying Lical: Tonagbanjie나 Wacai와 유사한 중국 기업