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To all who attended the
SMTM Session 2 on
Thursday @GA:
• Thanks! Hope you
enjoyed it and gained
something. Feedback
• This document lives
online at

“Show Me the $$$$!”…Session 2: Pitching

***The next class I will
teach at GA is: SMTM 3:
Insiders View of Angel
Investing (11/19/2013) ***

Email me at
m. Connect with me on
LinkedIn/Twitter for
updates, etc. (Page 23
of this deck has my

….Cheers, -TW

Learn from VC’s, Angels and Entrepreneurs:
What do INVESTORS love (and Hate!) to see in a Pitch?

General Assembly / RosePaul Investments Event

Tom Wisniewski
RosePaul Investments

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

I. Kick-off and Introductions

II. Some Context and Background: Seed-Stage Fundraising
III. Guest Speaker Q&A: Investor Perspective

BREAK: Networking and Beverages

IV. Best Practices: Pitching and Communication

V. Guest Speaker Q&A: Founder Perspective

WRAP-UP: Networking and Beverages

I. Kick-off and Introductions
a Start-Up of Sorts: …. this class and the SMTM series.

Started out with a 1 hour class and 10 students @GA 2 years ago:
• Angels and Angel Groups.


It experienced: “Product/Market Fit” “Growth” “Product Scope Creep” “Several


“Show Me the Money” series
• Simple formula:
1 part focused, actionable content
2 parts speakers, opinions and discussion
1 part networking
• Hate attending LAME classes and events


SMTM Session 1: Accelerators (July 2013)


SMTM Session 2: Pitching (Today!)


SMTM Session 3: Angel Investing (November: Tues, 11/19)


SMTM Session 4: [TBD Topic] (December: Tues, 12/17)
Seminar Rationale: Why are we here?
What is the PROBLEM?

 The "1 in 100 get funded” ratio = REALITY.
• -----> Raising seed-stage money = TOUGH.
 Poor communication ----DRIVES----> the “DING“

 Feedback = LIES?!?
 Pitching = 10-page PowerPoint.
 *NO* shortage of pitch advice! = conflicting = WTF???

However, we can change the ODDS.
Pitching = Learned ART (and Science)

So….. what helps?

 Understand the basics of “Good Communication”
 Leverage other experience: Sales, Interviewing, Dating

 Review examples the good and the bad.
 Understand the rationale, the "why”
 Study. Practice. Pitch. Repeat.

Everyone can improve their pitch. Channel some energy and
become a "student" of the pitching
Having received (and delivered!) a lot of good and BAD presentations, I have become
a student of the Pitch myself…

Tom Wisniewski: My background

Born in NYC; grew-up in Montclair, NJ


Physics and Philosophy major undergrad
(Clark University); MBA at Tuck School


1st Job: Programmer at Morgan Stanley then
moved to Investment Banking
After B-school: joined a start-up management consulting firm Mitchell Madison
Group; focus on Strategy/Operations/IT for financial services, tech, outsourcing,
private equity/VC clients (1993 to 2000)


Walker Digital: helped set-up and run an early “internet incubator” (2000)


Independent Advisor / Turn-arounds: Advised VC and PE Firms on portfolio
company strategy and new investments; joined the management team of two


• Early stage investor and advisor to start-ups
• Investor and advisor to VC and PE funds
• Member and director at New York Angels

Additional Introductions

 Pedro Torres Picon, Founder, Quotidian Ventures
 Jacob Brody, Partner, MESA+ Ventures

 Peter Sullivan, Founder/CEO of JackPocket

What would I like you to walk away with?

 Better understanding of pitching.
 A set of specific insights that will *change* your pitch.
 A “to-do” list: starting point(s), actions, things to try.
 A set of recommended resources to consult and learn more
 A few new relationships with others in the NYC startup/fundraising ecosystem: fellow entrepreneurs, investors, etc.

 Answers to specific questions about pitching that you might

So….what questions do you have about Pitching?

 xxx

II. Some Context and Background:
Seed-Stage Fundraising

Context: Common Sources of Fundraising Capital
Earlier Stage
aka Bootstrapped

Later Stage


Friends and

Angel Investment

Venture Capital
“Seed” VC

“Traditional Series A” VC

Round Size $:

• $10’s of K
to $100K

• $100’s of K
to $1M+

• $500K to

• $5M-$15M

Investment Size $:

$5K – $10’s of K

• $25K – $75K

• $250K-$750K

• $3M – $5M

Valuation (PreMon):

• < $1 M

• $1 – 5 M

• $5-10 M

• $10 – 25 M

Who/what are

• People you already
know, that trust
you, and (maybe)
understand your

• Experienced early stage
investors (individuals or a group)
• Accredited Investors.
• Angel investing is not their “job”;
may not be F/T endeavor
• E.g.: NY Angels, GoldenSeeds

• Firm with multiple professionals that
raises, invests and manages
individual funds (other people’s $)
• Working F/T (this is their job…)
• E.g.: Greycroft, RRE, Union Square

Some Context: “VC” Business Process and the “100 : 1” Ratio


Deal Sourcing
and Evaluation

Deal Structuring
and Execution


“Final Due
and Legal”
The “Universe” of

100 : 10

(and Due
10 : 3


10’s of

1000’s : the “100”

III. Guest Speaker Q&A: Investor Perspective
 Personal background and story?
 Firm background?
 Investment focus?
• Stage, investment size, sectors, etc.?
• Minimum threshold? (e.g. company generally needs to have xxx ?)

 Some recent investments?
 What do you like to see in a pitch?
 What are some “Red Flags”?
 Common mistakes generally?
 What are your “turn-ons” with start-ups and pitches in particular?

Tom Wisniewski: Investor Profile

Direct “Angel” Investor in Companies
• $25K-250K investments; Typical valuations: $1-5 Million,
• Typical Stage: at least some “product” done, some customer/sales traction
• Sector focus: Opportunistic generally within internet/software space;
- fair amount of Saas B2B, and consumer “marketplace” models, ecommerce enablers.
- NOT (or not much?): hardware, heathcare/pharma, cleantech
• NYC based: 50% investments in NYC area companies; total of ~80% NE overall (e.g
Boston, DC), 20% West Coast.
• Examples:
- Sociocast (social/behavioral big data analytics)
- LiveLook (Saas, live collaboration sales/service platform)
- Anvato (Ad insertion to live video streaming via proprietary machine vision)
- Moveline (Uber for the moving industry)
- Bizodo (Saas, paperwork automation; “Adobe 2.0” internet document sharing)
- Movio (Digital “RedBox”; content delivery via “last 100 ft” of wifi internet)
- HeTexted (Relationship advice forum generating content, media opportunities)
- Wanderu (Kayak for ground transportation)
- DealFlicks (a “Priceline” or “” for movie theater tickets)
- iCharts (tool that enables engaging, sharable, embedible chart content)


Investor in Funds
• In addition to direct investments in start-ups, invest in VC and PE funds.
• Examples:
- Social Starts (Seed fund for start-ups leveraging the Social Web)
- Brooklyn Bridge Ventures (Charlie O’Donnell’s fund)
- Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator (ERA Fund)
- Greycroft Partners (Venture Fund)
III. Best Practices: Pitching and Communication

Communication is Critical…Why?
 “Finding Diamonds in the Rough” problem. There is no shortage of
supply: lots and lots of ideas, pitches, people, etc.
• The problem for investors is finding the “diamonds”.

 The “first minute” problem. If you loose someone’s interest in the “first
minute”, you usually loose them.
• “First minute” = “first minute”…sometimes first 30 seconds!
• “First minute” = a conversation, a meeting, anything
• I need to quickly figure out whether I should “spend” more time/effort with
you, or move on to something else.
 The “0 to 60” problem. Potential investors (or potential employees,
customers, etc.) usually start out knowing nothing about you or your venture.
• Getting someone “from 0 to 60 mph” is very challenging: too much to say,
don’t know where to start.

 A Pitch is a “Sale”. You not just trying to “describe”, you are “selling”. Easy
to tell people what you are doing; harder to get them to ‘buy”.
• You are selling your “product” to prospective “customers”. Product = your
company and the opportunity it presents.
• You are interviewing for a “new job”. You and your team = great fit for…
Principles of Communication: A Starting Point
To start, lets use a simple framework: Audience, Messages, Storyline, Goals, Situation.

 Audience. Who is the audience? Who are you selling to? …If you don’t
understand someone's “perspective” you will be ineffective
• For example: “they have 6 Saas investments vs. they can’t spell Saas”
• People generally understand things by association (to things *they* know).

 Messages. What points you are making? What is the single key thought you
are trying to impart with each page?
• “the market is huge and growing” is a message; a chart, some stats, some
explanation is what makes up the page
 Storyline. What is the narrative story you are building with the collection of
messages? Does the story flow well and get to your conclusions?
 Goals. What is the goal of this specific meeting?
• Unlikely it is getting a “check”. Getting to the next step in the process.
 Situation. What the format of the pitch? What are the constraints?
• 2 minute elevator pitch vs. 10 minute Power Point pitch vs. email
The Communication Pyramid
Level of Detail in a

Level of Detail in

The Executive

1 page summary

First Page of Each

10 –page deck

Each Chapter

20 –page deck

Each Chapter with
all the Back-up

20 page deck, +++

“Good” Pitch Deck
From “Triple Play” of VC Presentations by
Mark Suster (former entrepreneur, now VC)

Slide 1 – Team Bio
Slide 2 – 50k foot view of your company
Slide 3 – Problem Definition
Slide 4 – How do you solve the problem?
Demo Web Version and
a Demo Video Example
Slide 5 – Market Sizing
Slide 5 warning: (Market Sizing Pitfalls)
Slide 6 – Competition
Slide 7 – Customer Adoption / Traction
Slide 8 – Team
Slide 9 – Financial projections
Slide 10 – Use of Proceeds
Slide 11 – Fund raising process / Next steps
Appendix – Back-up slides
How to deal with the dreaded question of

Adapted from “10 Slides to an Awesome
Pitch” by Dave McClure, 500 Start-Ups
1. Elevator Pitch
2. The Problem
3. Your Solution (Demo Here!)
4. Market Size
5. Business Model ($)
6. Proprietary Tech
7. Competition
8. Marketing Plan
9. Team / Hires
10. Money / Milestones

V. Guest Speaker Q&A: Founder Perspective


Peter Sullivan Founder CEO of JackPocket

Key Success Factors and Take-Away’s
 Find Fit. Does this investor have “fit”? Do they invest in ventures like
......if not, then move on. (or at least prioritize accordingly)
 Prepare! Don’t be lazy; invest some time.
• Steve Jobs: 30 hours to develop, 30 hours of practice…30 minutes of
• For example : “Audience”. What have they invested in? Recently?
What can you find out about their background? Interests? Hot
- How? Duh….Google: Blogs, Quora, YouTube, CrunchBase; talk
to people they know, better…talk to those they have invested in.
 Pitch, Get Feedback, Revise. Repeat. No venture idea was built in
a vacuum. The ONLY way to develop business ideas is to share them,
solicit feedback, make adjustments, develop/refine/add and…..DO IT
• 1 part “studying” pitching, 1 part “doing” pitching, 10 parts repeating
both……this is becoming a “student”
What would I like you to walk away with?

 Better understanding of pitching.
 A set of specific insights that will *change* your pitch.
 A “to-do” list: starting point(s), actions, things to try.
 A set of recommended resources to consult and learn more
 A few new relationships with others in the NYC startup/fundraising ecosystem: fellow entrepreneurs, investors, etc.

 Answers to specific questions about pitching that you might

SMTM coming up……Join us:
 SMTM Session 3:
•Angel Investing (November: Tues, 11/19)
“Curious about Angel Investing? Love to be a fly on the wall
to see how it really works?”

Who are these Angel Investors? Why do it?
Where do you find them? Why would you want to?
What are Angel Groups? How/why do the work?
What about AngelList, “Soper Angels” and Angel Funds?
How do Angel Investors differ?
What does the Angel Investment process look like?

 SMTM Session 4:
•[TBD Topic] (December: Tues, 12/17)

Thomas Wisniewski
Contact Info
Twitter: @thomaswis

This presentation:
New York Angels
New York Angels Educational Meetup:

Additional Slides

II. Pitching to Prospective Investors
Sources of Investment: Seed Fundraising, Angels and VC’s
Earlier Stage
aka Bootstrapped

Later Stage


Friends and

Angel Investment

Venture Capital
“Seed” VC

“Traditional Series A” VC

Round Size $:

• $10’s of K
to $100K

• $100’s of K
to $1M+

• $500K to

• $5M-$15M

Investment Size $:

$5K – $10’s of K

• $25K – $75K

• $250K-$750K

• $3M – $5M

Valuation (PreMon):
Stage (Pre-Round):
• Expected to

• < $1 M

• $1 – 5 M

• $5-10 M

• $10 – 25 M

• An idea, initial/rough
• Initial founders, key
• Path to ???


Detailed b-plan,
Key founders (bus & tech) full-time
Prototype/alpha done and tested,
Some piloting (paying?)
customers, some revenues?,
• All legal documentation in place,
board of directors
• Path to break-even or next funding

• Significant variation among firms
but…. Angel req. +:
- Anchor clients on board, revenue
growth (B2B),
- Growing base of users, with strong
usage trends (B2C)
- …..Growth potential! Credible
path to $100M Rev

• Don’t Expect:

• $ Rev, Customers,
Minimum Viable
Product (MVP); full
legal documentation

• Income (e.g. cash flow positive);
all key management ; completely
developed business model (e.g.
understand it will change)

• Income (e.g. cash flow positive)

Who/what are

• People you already
know, that trust
you, and (maybe)
understand your

• Experienced early stage
investors (individuals or a group)
• Accredited Investors.
• Angel investing is not their “job”;
may not be F/T endeavor
• E.g.: NY Angels, GoldenSeeds

• Firm with multiple professionals that
raises, invests and manages
individual funds (other people’s $)
• Working F/T (this is their job…)
• E.g.: Greycroft, RRE, Union Square


Given this landscape, how do I get to the pitch?


Who are the “right” investors? Where is there a “fit”?
• Reality Check. “people invest in things that they understand and have experience with”
- Target find Fit: Find investors that come from industries, sectors, business models
etc. that are same/similar to your venture and your customers
How to “get” a pitch meeting?
• Connect. The hard part.
- Avoid “cold-calls”; look for “warm introductions”
- Networking. Who do you know that knows them?
- Find them at an event. (Email sucks!)

 Really you should be thinking…How do I build a relationship first?
• Pitching by its very nature can be awkward. “This guy wants something from me.”
• Most investors mean-well, and would like to help…but are busy
 Solution: Build a relationship before you need to pitch. OK, How?
• Give, don’t Ask: what can you do for them?
• “Ask for advice, not money”
• Debate / Discuss a topic, Ask opinion about X.
• Find ways to “show” rather than “tell”:

Common “Forms” of Pitch Communication. What are they? Which should I use?

Simplistic Description

Common Situation/ Use


“1 pager Exec Summary, Word


Email attachment or handout
Online platforms e.g. Gust, AngelList

Email Brief

“Teaser paragraph of text / bullets”


“In the intro email” (w/ attachments)

Business Plan

“10-40 page Word doc”


Detailed discussions (similar use)
Stand-alone, due diligence

Pitch Deck

“10 page PowerPoint


“15 minute stand-up presentation”
Email attachement

Long-Form Pitch

“20-40 page version of 10 pager;
PowerPoint presentation”


“60-90 minute follow-up meeting with
smaller group”

Elevator Pitch

“No document, just you talking for
60 seconds”


Your quick intro after you meet
someone in person

“Video” Pitch

“10 minute video of your deck/
demo w/ you voice”


Email attachment
Online platforms e.g. Gust, AngelList

Due Diligence Docs

“All the detailed spreadsheets,
data, etc. that back-up your pitch”
e.g. Financial Projections, Sales
Funnel, Legal Docs


For detailed discussions with
interested investors, usually postterm-sheet
Online platforms e.g. Gust, AngelList


The Good News:
• you don’t need to have all of them (maybe ever, certainly 1 or 2 to start is fine)
• much of the content, messages, storylines can be shared and reused
• Preparing thoughtful docs ……refines your thinking and your venture.

Who are these “Angels”? What do they look like?
 Experienced, successful entrepreneurs: frequently multiple exits

• Some from “tech-start-ups” some from other businesses
• Usually some link to

 Successful “corporate” business people: CEO or CxO-types
 Older: most are in the 40-60 age group. But there are also notable angels
in their 20’s and 30’s e.g. newly minted start-up millionaires
 3 – 10+ Angel Investments
 ~10% of investible capital in Angel Investments
 Differ *widely* in: Industry/Functional Experience, Investment Expience,
Interests, Target Sectors/Stage, Investment $, Risk Tolerance, personal
do’s/don’ts and hot buttons.
 Lists? Not many. All are partial. AngelList? Gust? Other?

NY Angels Profile


Member Profile: ~80 investor/members; several early-stage funds; Member
backgrounds are generally representative of the tech / entrepreneurs / industries in NYC:
software, e-commerce, ad-tech, finance, media


Sector Focus: Internet, e-commerce, new-media, software; B2C and B2B. Mostly NYC


Stage. Mostly early stage (with some customers/revs), some seed stage (pre-revenue)


Valuations/ Investment Size: NYA pre-money valuations tend to range from $1M – 4M;
investments tend to range from $250K to $1M+;
• For larger rounds, NYA often leads the deal and helps find the rest of the capital by
sharing/syndicating the deal with other Angel Groups


Group Structure / Investment Decisions. NYA core structure is as a group of individual
investors. Individual investors “opt in” to deals and make their own investment decisions.
• Typical member invests $25-50K in a deal.
• In addition to the core “opt-in” model, NYA has just closed a small seed fund that will
operate in parallel (using a “democratic model” for investment decisions)


History/Background. NYA has invested $45M+ in 70+ companies.
• We are very active in the NYC entrepreneurial / early-stage ecosystem
Variations on the Theme: Other Players

“Super Angel” (vs. Angels, Angel Groups). Sophisticated angel investor with a large portfolio
of early stage investments (30? 50?) and that is investing frequently (10 + per year). E.g. David
Rose, Fabrice Grinda


Microfund or Micro VC Fund. Small VC fund ($1-10 M) often run by a single person typically
making “angel” size investments in early stage companies.


Seed Fund. VC fund focused on “seed” (aka Angel) stage investments: often pre-revenue,
pre-product. Some VC’s that typically invest in “Series A” rounds will reserve a portion of their
fund for seed investments: e.g. $250 – 750K investments at $1-5 Million valuations


Incubator/Accelerator. Entity that provides non-monetary support/services (in addition to $’s)
to early stage ventures. Typical support/services can include: space, IT infrastructure, shared
admin service, advice/feedback, introductions/networking. Public vs. private, independent vs.
captive. Examples: TechStars, ER Accelerator, DreamIT, Y-Combinator


Strategic Partner/Investor. Some operating companies will invest in ventures. Typically it is
in an industry/ sector / product-space similar to theirs (sometime with an eye toward potential
acquisition in the future)


Crowd Funding Platforms. Currently this is financing via donation or “pre-sale” of products.
Equity financing under JOBS Act is TBD. Not obvious this will be a good match for most Tech


AngelList. Similar to an angel group, but without centralized control. More of a open
“marketplace” of individual investors and ventures to facilitate funding.


Gust. Software platform that most angel groups utilize (and many small VC’s) to run their
investment process and connect angel groups together to share deals.
Additional Thoughts…..

Lots of start-up advice out there. Lots about the art of fundraising.
• Huge volume of blogs, articles, Quora-posts, etc.
• Well…….that’s good, right? Yes.
• But why doesn’t it help?
- Overwhelming
- Conflicting
- Not specific
- Not enough context
- It’s just advice, ideas, …..not interactive, not experience.
• Need to understand the “why” behind it all and adapt it to your venture, your situation.


Beware of simple answers, absolutes. As you are reading and listening to all these
opinions, data sources
• For any “fact” “rule” “truth”… if you don’t understand how it is both true/false, you don’t
really understand the point.
- Under what circumstances is this “rule for fundraising” “true”? Where does it apply
well With whom?
- How and when is it not true (Or less true)?


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Show Me the Money: Pitching and Fundraising for Tech Startups

  • 1. To all who attended the SMTM Session 2 on Thursday @GA: • Thanks! Hope you enjoyed it and gained something. Feedback welcome. • This document lives online at omaswis “Show Me the $$$$!”…Session 2: Pitching ***The next class I will teach at GA is: SMTM 3: Insiders View of Angel Investing (11/19/2013) *** • Email me at m. Connect with me on LinkedIn/Twitter for updates, etc. (Page 23 of this deck has my details) ….Cheers, -TW Learn from VC’s, Angels and Entrepreneurs: What do INVESTORS love (and Hate!) to see in a Pitch? General Assembly / RosePaul Investments Event Tom Wisniewski RosePaul Investments Thursday, October 24th, 2013
  • 2. Agenda I. Kick-off and Introductions II. Some Context and Background: Seed-Stage Fundraising III. Guest Speaker Q&A: Investor Perspective • BREAK: Networking and Beverages IV. Best Practices: Pitching and Communication V. Guest Speaker Q&A: Founder Perspective • WRAP-UP: Networking and Beverages 1 confidential
  • 3. I. Kick-off and Introductions a Start-Up of Sorts: …. this class and the SMTM series.  Started out with a 1 hour class and 10 students @GA 2 years ago: • Angels and Angel Groups.  It experienced: “Product/Market Fit” “Growth” “Product Scope Creep” “Several Pivots”  “Show Me the Money” series • Simple formula: 1 part focused, actionable content 2 parts speakers, opinions and discussion 1 part networking • Hate attending LAME classes and events  SMTM Session 1: Accelerators (July 2013)  SMTM Session 2: Pitching (Today!)  SMTM Session 3: Angel Investing (November: Tues, 11/19)  SMTM Session 4: [TBD Topic] (December: Tues, 12/17) 2 confidential
  • 4. Seminar Rationale: Why are we here? What is the PROBLEM?  The "1 in 100 get funded” ratio = REALITY. • -----> Raising seed-stage money = TOUGH.  Poor communication ----DRIVES----> the “DING“  Feedback = LIES?!?  Pitching = 10-page PowerPoint.  *NO* shortage of pitch advice! = conflicting = WTF??? CHALLENGING 3 confidential
  • 5. However, we can change the ODDS. Pitching = Learned ART (and Science) So….. what helps?  Understand the basics of “Good Communication”  Leverage other experience: Sales, Interviewing, Dating  Review examples the good and the bad.  Understand the rationale, the "why”  Study. Practice. Pitch. Repeat. Everyone can improve their pitch. Channel some energy and become a "student" of the pitching 4 confidential
  • 6. Having received (and delivered!) a lot of good and BAD presentations, I have become a student of the Pitch myself… Tom Wisniewski: My background  Born in NYC; grew-up in Montclair, NJ  Physics and Philosophy major undergrad (Clark University); MBA at Tuck School (Dartmouth)   1st Job: Programmer at Morgan Stanley then moved to Investment Banking After B-school: joined a start-up management consulting firm Mitchell Madison Group; focus on Strategy/Operations/IT for financial services, tech, outsourcing, private equity/VC clients (1993 to 2000)  Walker Digital: helped set-up and run an early “internet incubator” (2000)  Independent Advisor / Turn-arounds: Advised VC and PE Firms on portfolio company strategy and new investments; joined the management team of two companies  Currently: • Early stage investor and advisor to start-ups • Investor and advisor to VC and PE funds • Member and director at New York Angels confidential
  • 7. Additional Introductions  Pedro Torres Picon, Founder, Quotidian Ventures  Jacob Brody, Partner, MESA+ Ventures  Peter Sullivan, Founder/CEO of JackPocket 6 confidential
  • 8. What would I like you to walk away with?  Better understanding of pitching.  A set of specific insights that will *change* your pitch.  A “to-do” list: starting point(s), actions, things to try.  A set of recommended resources to consult and learn more from.  A few new relationships with others in the NYC startup/fundraising ecosystem: fellow entrepreneurs, investors, etc.  Answers to specific questions about pitching that you might have. 7 confidential
  • 9. So….what questions do you have about Pitching?  xxx 8 confidential
  • 10. II. Some Context and Background: Seed-Stage Fundraising 9 confidential
  • 11. Context: Common Sources of Fundraising Capital Earlier Stage “You” aka Bootstrapped Later Stage “Seed” Friends and Family Angel Investment Venture Capital “Seed” VC “Traditional Series A” VC Round Size $: • $10’s of K to $100K • $100’s of K to $1M+ • $500K to $1.5M • $5M-$15M Investment Size $: $5K – $10’s of K • $25K – $75K • $250K-$750K • $3M – $5M Valuation (PreMon): • < $1 M • $1 – 5 M • $5-10 M • $10 – 25 M Who/what are they? • People you already know, that trust you, and (maybe) understand your venture • Experienced early stage investors (individuals or a group) • Accredited Investors. • Angel investing is not their “job”; may not be F/T endeavor • E.g.: NY Angels, GoldenSeeds • Firm with multiple professionals that raises, invests and manages individual funds (other people’s $) • Working F/T (this is their job…) • E.g.: Greycroft, RRE, Union Square 10 confidential
  • 12. Some Context: “VC” Business Process and the “100 : 1” Ratio Fundraising Deal Sourcing and Evaluation Deal Structuring and Execution Portfolio Management “Final Due Diligence and Legal” The “Universe” of Companies “Screening” 100 : 10 “Evaluation (and Due Diligence)” 10 : 3 3:1 “Portfolio” 10’s of Companies 1000’s : the “100” 11 confidential
  • 13. III. Guest Speaker Q&A: Investor Perspective  Personal background and story?  Firm background?  Investment focus? • Stage, investment size, sectors, etc.? • Minimum threshold? (e.g. company generally needs to have xxx ?)  Some recent investments?  What do you like to see in a pitch?  What are some “Red Flags”?  Common mistakes generally?  What are your “turn-ons” with start-ups and pitches in particular? 12 confidential
  • 14. Tom Wisniewski: Investor Profile  Direct “Angel” Investor in Companies • $25K-250K investments; Typical valuations: $1-5 Million, • Typical Stage: at least some “product” done, some customer/sales traction • Sector focus: Opportunistic generally within internet/software space; - fair amount of Saas B2B, and consumer “marketplace” models, ecommerce enablers. - NOT (or not much?): hardware, heathcare/pharma, cleantech • NYC based: 50% investments in NYC area companies; total of ~80% NE overall (e.g Boston, DC), 20% West Coast. • Examples: - Sociocast (social/behavioral big data analytics) - LiveLook (Saas, live collaboration sales/service platform) - Anvato (Ad insertion to live video streaming via proprietary machine vision) - Moveline (Uber for the moving industry) - Bizodo (Saas, paperwork automation; “Adobe 2.0” internet document sharing) - Movio (Digital “RedBox”; content delivery via “last 100 ft” of wifi internet) - HeTexted (Relationship advice forum generating content, media opportunities) - Wanderu (Kayak for ground transportation) - DealFlicks (a “Priceline” or “” for movie theater tickets) - iCharts (tool that enables engaging, sharable, embedible chart content)  Investor in Funds • In addition to direct investments in start-ups, invest in VC and PE funds. • Examples: - Social Starts (Seed fund for start-ups leveraging the Social Web) - Brooklyn Bridge Ventures (Charlie O’Donnell’s fund) - Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator (ERA Fund) - Greycroft Partners (Venture Fund) 13 confidential
  • 15. III. Best Practices: Pitching and Communication 14 confidential
  • 16. Communication is Critical…Why?  “Finding Diamonds in the Rough” problem. There is no shortage of supply: lots and lots of ideas, pitches, people, etc. • The problem for investors is finding the “diamonds”.  The “first minute” problem. If you loose someone’s interest in the “first minute”, you usually loose them. • “First minute” = “first minute”…sometimes first 30 seconds! • “First minute” = a conversation, a meeting, anything • I need to quickly figure out whether I should “spend” more time/effort with you, or move on to something else.  The “0 to 60” problem. Potential investors (or potential employees, customers, etc.) usually start out knowing nothing about you or your venture. • Getting someone “from 0 to 60 mph” is very challenging: too much to say, don’t know where to start.  A Pitch is a “Sale”. You not just trying to “describe”, you are “selling”. Easy to tell people what you are doing; harder to get them to ‘buy”. • You are selling your “product” to prospective “customers”. Product = your company and the opportunity it presents. • You are interviewing for a “new job”. You and your team = great fit for… 15 confidential
  • 17. Principles of Communication: A Starting Point To start, lets use a simple framework: Audience, Messages, Storyline, Goals, Situation.  Audience. Who is the audience? Who are you selling to? …If you don’t understand someone's “perspective” you will be ineffective • For example: “they have 6 Saas investments vs. they can’t spell Saas” • People generally understand things by association (to things *they* know).  Messages. What points you are making? What is the single key thought you are trying to impart with each page? • “the market is huge and growing” is a message; a chart, some stats, some explanation is what makes up the page  Storyline. What is the narrative story you are building with the collection of messages? Does the story flow well and get to your conclusions?  Goals. What is the goal of this specific meeting? • Unlikely it is getting a “check”. Getting to the next step in the process.  Situation. What the format of the pitch? What are the constraints? • 2 minute elevator pitch vs. 10 minute Power Point pitch vs. email attachment 16 confidential
  • 18. The Communication Pyramid Level of Detail in a Document Level of Detail in Different Documents The Executive Summary 1 page summary First Page of Each “Chapter” 10 –page deck Each Chapter 20 –page deck Each Chapter with all the Back-up 20 page deck, +++ 17 confidential
  • 19. “Good” Pitch Deck From “Triple Play” of VC Presentations by Mark Suster (former entrepreneur, now VC)                 Slide 1 – Team Bio Slide 2 – 50k foot view of your company Slide 3 – Problem Definition Slide 4 – How do you solve the problem? Demo Web Version and a Demo Video Example Slide 5 – Market Sizing Slide 5 warning: (Market Sizing Pitfalls) Slide 6 – Competition Slide 7 – Customer Adoption / Traction Slide 8 – Team Slide 9 – Financial projections Slide 10 – Use of Proceeds Slide 11 – Fund raising process / Next steps Appendix – Back-up slides How to deal with the dreaded question of valuation? Adapted from “10 Slides to an Awesome Pitch” by Dave McClure, 500 Start-Ups 1. Elevator Pitch 2. The Problem 3. Your Solution (Demo Here!) 4. Market Size 5. Business Model ($) 6. Proprietary Tech 7. Competition 8. Marketing Plan 9. Team / Hires 10. Money / Milestones ats/how-to-pitch-a-vc-sept-2010 18 confidential
  • 20. V. Guest Speaker Q&A: Founder Perspective  Peter Sullivan Founder CEO of JackPocket 19 confidential
  • 21. Key Success Factors and Take-Away’s  Find Fit. Does this investor have “fit”? Do they invest in ventures like mine? ......if not, then move on. (or at least prioritize accordingly)  Prepare! Don’t be lazy; invest some time. • Steve Jobs: 30 hours to develop, 30 hours of practice…30 minutes of presentation. • For example : “Audience”. What have they invested in? Recently? What can you find out about their background? Interests? Hot buttons? - How? Duh….Google: Blogs, Quora, YouTube, CrunchBase; talk to people they know, better…talk to those they have invested in.  Pitch, Get Feedback, Revise. Repeat. No venture idea was built in a vacuum. The ONLY way to develop business ideas is to share them, solicit feedback, make adjustments, develop/refine/add and…..DO IT AGAIN! • 1 part “studying” pitching, 1 part “doing” pitching, 10 parts repeating both……this is becoming a “student” 20 confidential
  • 22. What would I like you to walk away with?  Better understanding of pitching.  A set of specific insights that will *change* your pitch.  A “to-do” list: starting point(s), actions, things to try.  A set of recommended resources to consult and learn more from.  A few new relationships with others in the NYC startup/fundraising ecosystem: fellow entrepreneurs, investors, etc.  Answers to specific questions about pitching that you might have. 21 confidential
  • 23. SMTM coming up……Join us:  SMTM Session 3: •Angel Investing (November: Tues, 11/19) “Curious about Angel Investing? Love to be a fly on the wall to see how it really works?” - Who are these Angel Investors? Why do it? Where do you find them? Why would you want to? What are Angel Groups? How/why do the work? What about AngelList, “Soper Angels” and Angel Funds? How do Angel Investors differ? What does the Angel Investment process look like?  SMTM Session 4: •[TBD Topic] (December: Tues, 12/17) 22 confidential
  • 24. Thanks! Thomas Wisniewski Contact Info Email: LinkedIn: Twitter: @thomaswis This presentation: New York Angels New York Angels Educational Meetup: 23 confidential
  • 26. II. Pitching to Prospective Investors Sources of Investment: Seed Fundraising, Angels and VC’s Earlier Stage “You” aka Bootstrapped Later Stage “Seed” Friends and Family Angel Investment Venture Capital “Seed” VC “Traditional Series A” VC Round Size $: • $10’s of K to $100K • $100’s of K to $1M+ • $500K to $1.5M • $5M-$15M Investment Size $: $5K – $10’s of K • $25K – $75K • $250K-$750K • $3M – $5M Valuation (PreMon): Stage (Pre-Round): • Expected to have: • < $1 M • $1 – 5 M • $5-10 M • $10 – 25 M • An idea, initial/rough b-plan • Initial founders, key advisors • Path to ??? • • • • Detailed b-plan, Key founders (bus & tech) full-time Prototype/alpha done and tested, Some piloting (paying?) customers, some revenues?, • All legal documentation in place, board of directors • Path to break-even or next funding • Significant variation among firms but…. Angel req. +: - Anchor clients on board, revenue growth (B2B), - Growing base of users, with strong usage trends (B2C) - …..Growth potential! Credible path to $100M Rev • Don’t Expect: • $ Rev, Customers, Minimum Viable Product (MVP); full legal documentation • Income (e.g. cash flow positive); all key management ; completely developed business model (e.g. understand it will change) • Income (e.g. cash flow positive) Who/what are they? • People you already know, that trust you, and (maybe) understand your venture • Experienced early stage investors (individuals or a group) • Accredited Investors. • Angel investing is not their “job”; may not be F/T endeavor • E.g.: NY Angels, GoldenSeeds • Firm with multiple professionals that raises, invests and manages individual funds (other people’s $) • Working F/T (this is their job…) • E.g.: Greycroft, RRE, Union Square confidential 25
  • 27. Given this landscape, how do I get to the pitch?   Who are the “right” investors? Where is there a “fit”? • Reality Check. “people invest in things that they understand and have experience with” - Target find Fit: Find investors that come from industries, sectors, business models etc. that are same/similar to your venture and your customers How to “get” a pitch meeting? • Connect. The hard part. - Avoid “cold-calls”; look for “warm introductions” - Networking. Who do you know that knows them? - Find them at an event. (Email sucks!)  Really you should be thinking…How do I build a relationship first? • Pitching by its very nature can be awkward. “This guy wants something from me.” • Most investors mean-well, and would like to help…but are busy  Solution: Build a relationship before you need to pitch. OK, How? • Give, don’t Ask: what can you do for them? • “Ask for advice, not money” • Debate / Discuss a topic, Ask opinion about X. • Find ways to “show” rather than “tell”: 26 confidential
  • 28. Common “Forms” of Pitch Communication. What are they? Which should I use? “Document” Simplistic Description Common Situation/ Use 1-pager “1 pager Exec Summary, Word doc” • • Email attachment or handout Online platforms e.g. Gust, AngelList Email Brief “Teaser paragraph of text / bullets” • “In the intro email” (w/ attachments) Business Plan “10-40 page Word doc” • • Detailed discussions (similar use) Stand-alone, due diligence Pitch Deck “10 page PowerPoint presentation” • • “15 minute stand-up presentation” Email attachement Long-Form Pitch Deck “20-40 page version of 10 pager; PowerPoint presentation” • “60-90 minute follow-up meeting with smaller group” Elevator Pitch “No document, just you talking for 60 seconds” • Your quick intro after you meet someone in person “Video” Pitch “10 minute video of your deck/ demo w/ you voice” • • Email attachment Online platforms e.g. Gust, AngelList Due Diligence Docs “All the detailed spreadsheets, data, etc. that back-up your pitch” e.g. Financial Projections, Sales Funnel, Legal Docs • For detailed discussions with interested investors, usually postterm-sheet Online platforms e.g. Gust, AngelList • The Good News: • you don’t need to have all of them (maybe ever, certainly 1 or 2 to start is fine) • much of the content, messages, storylines can be shared and reused • Preparing thoughtful docs ……refines your thinking and your venture. confidential 27
  • 29. Who are these “Angels”? What do they look like?  Experienced, successful entrepreneurs: frequently multiple exits • Some from “tech-start-ups” some from other businesses • Usually some link to  Successful “corporate” business people: CEO or CxO-types  Older: most are in the 40-60 age group. But there are also notable angels in their 20’s and 30’s e.g. newly minted start-up millionaires  3 – 10+ Angel Investments  ~10% of investible capital in Angel Investments  Differ *widely* in: Industry/Functional Experience, Investment Expience, Interests, Target Sectors/Stage, Investment $, Risk Tolerance, personal do’s/don’ts and hot buttons.  Lists? Not many. All are partial. AngelList? Gust? Other? 28 confidential
  • 30. NY Angels Profile  Member Profile: ~80 investor/members; several early-stage funds; Member backgrounds are generally representative of the tech / entrepreneurs / industries in NYC: software, e-commerce, ad-tech, finance, media  Sector Focus: Internet, e-commerce, new-media, software; B2C and B2B. Mostly NYC Area.  Stage. Mostly early stage (with some customers/revs), some seed stage (pre-revenue)  Valuations/ Investment Size: NYA pre-money valuations tend to range from $1M – 4M; investments tend to range from $250K to $1M+; • For larger rounds, NYA often leads the deal and helps find the rest of the capital by sharing/syndicating the deal with other Angel Groups  Group Structure / Investment Decisions. NYA core structure is as a group of individual investors. Individual investors “opt in” to deals and make their own investment decisions. • Typical member invests $25-50K in a deal. • In addition to the core “opt-in” model, NYA has just closed a small seed fund that will operate in parallel (using a “democratic model” for investment decisions)  History/Background. NYA has invested $45M+ in 70+ companies. • We are very active in the NYC entrepreneurial / early-stage ecosystem 29 confidential
  • 31. Variations on the Theme: Other Players  “Super Angel” (vs. Angels, Angel Groups). Sophisticated angel investor with a large portfolio of early stage investments (30? 50?) and that is investing frequently (10 + per year). E.g. David Rose, Fabrice Grinda  Microfund or Micro VC Fund. Small VC fund ($1-10 M) often run by a single person typically making “angel” size investments in early stage companies.  Seed Fund. VC fund focused on “seed” (aka Angel) stage investments: often pre-revenue, pre-product. Some VC’s that typically invest in “Series A” rounds will reserve a portion of their fund for seed investments: e.g. $250 – 750K investments at $1-5 Million valuations  Incubator/Accelerator. Entity that provides non-monetary support/services (in addition to $’s) to early stage ventures. Typical support/services can include: space, IT infrastructure, shared admin service, advice/feedback, introductions/networking. Public vs. private, independent vs. captive. Examples: TechStars, ER Accelerator, DreamIT, Y-Combinator  Strategic Partner/Investor. Some operating companies will invest in ventures. Typically it is in an industry/ sector / product-space similar to theirs (sometime with an eye toward potential acquisition in the future)  Crowd Funding Platforms. Currently this is financing via donation or “pre-sale” of products. Equity financing under JOBS Act is TBD. Not obvious this will be a good match for most Tech  AngelList. Similar to an angel group, but without centralized control. More of a open “marketplace” of individual investors and ventures to facilitate funding.  Gust. Software platform that most angel groups utilize (and many small VC’s) to run their investment process and connect angel groups together to share deals. 30 confidential
  • 32. Additional Thoughts…..  Lots of start-up advice out there. Lots about the art of fundraising. • Huge volume of blogs, articles, Quora-posts, etc. • Well…….that’s good, right? Yes. • But why doesn’t it help? - Overwhelming - Conflicting - Not specific - Not enough context - It’s just advice, ideas, …..not interactive, not experience. • Need to understand the “why” behind it all and adapt it to your venture, your situation.  Beware of simple answers, absolutes. As you are reading and listening to all these opinions, data sources • For any “fact” “rule” “truth”… if you don’t understand how it is both true/false, you don’t really understand the point. - Under what circumstances is this “rule for fundraising” “true”? Where does it apply well With whom? - How and when is it not true (Or less true)? 31 confidential