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The Many Faces of Israel


       June 12, 2008

                Jennifer Bane, St. Monica (Marc Nuno & Siobhan O’Neill) ($1,000)

                                ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS
                                      FIRST PRIZE ($500)
                          Chinyerum Okpara, St. Joseph (Linda Petrich)

                                    SECOND PRIZE ($300)
               Sandra Lattouf, Ramona Convent (Maureen Linehan & Elisa Perez)

                                      THIRD PRIZE ($200)
                     Gabby Garcia-O’Connor, Notre Dame (Cindy Lee-Moon)
                            Rachel Samec, Louisville (Josh Wilson)

                                  HONORABLE MENTION ($100)
       Christian Romo, St. Francis (Mark Fredette); Paul Ferrier, JSerra (Melea Walden);
                 Jerry Mathews, Bishop Montgomery (Bernadette St. James);
  Theresa Duong, St. Joseph (Cynthia Madsen); Jillian Jones, St. Bernard (Margaret Govero);
  Steve Shushnar, St. Francis (Mark Fredette); Josephine Sunga, Holy Family (Roger DeSilva);
        Emily Park, Villanova (Brian Grisin); Hannah Hoffman, Villanova (Brian Grisin);
 Kevin Kim, St. Monica, (Marc Nuno & Siobhan O’Neill); Caselyn Larino, Pomona (Allicen Naal)

                              POETRY CONTEST WINNERS
                                      FIRST PRIZE ($500)
                  Rouel Soberano, Bishop Montgomery (Bernadette St. James)
                          Angeli Aguas, St. Joseph (Cynthia Madsen)

                                         SECOND PRIZE ($300)
                            Patrick Villar, Chaminade (Kristina Ortega)

                                        THIRD PRIZE ($200)
                         Danielle Fischer, Notre Dame (Cindy Lee-Moon)

                                   HONORABLE MENTION ($100)
    Dina Nichols, Notre Dame (Cindy Lee-Moon); Selene Smith, Marymount (Rita Morgan);
       Ramin Sobati, Chaminade (Kristina Ortega); Adelle Barte, Louisville (Mary Wilson);
Nashaw Jafari, Bishop Montgomery (John Fitzsimons); Matthew De La Peza, St. Francis (Mark Fredette);
   Steven Holtzen, Don Bosco (Claude LeBlanc); Jennifer Van Trieste, Louisville (Josh Wilson);
   Audrey Stanford, St. Joseph (Cynthia Madsen); Sharlena Singleton, Pomona (Allicen Naal)

                                  ART CONTEST WINNERS
                                        FIRST PRIZE ($500)
                        Leanne Villarivera, Notre Dame (Cindy Lee-Moon)

                                      SECOND PRIZE ($300)
                              Becky Calvo, Louisville (Mary Wilson)

                                       THIRD PRIZE ($200)
                        Abel Regalado, Bishop Alemany (Mary Killmond)

                                       HONORABLE MENTION ($100)
Lianna Preston, St. Monica (Siobhan O’Neill); Dakota Brown, Bishop Alemany (Mary Killmond);
                 Elaine Ortiz, Ramona Convent (Maureen Linehan & Elisa Perez);
A.J. Hernandez, Servite (Chris Weir); Stephanie Soto, Ramona Convent (Maureen Linehan & Elisa Perez);
Michael McGuire, Chaminade (Kristina Ortega); Chris Barlog, Bishop Alemany (Mary Killmond);
                                 Edward Gomez, Servite (Chris Weir)

                                  SPECIAL JUDGES’ AWARD
                   SONG – Nicole Del Castillo, St. Joseph (Linda Petrich) ($200)
2           VIDEO – 9th Grade Class, Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary (Fatima Nicdao)
                  The Many Faces of Israel
                              June 12, 2008


WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS              Dr. Daniel Lieber, Chair
Shalom U’veracha                       The Holy Land Democracy Project

TRIBUTE TO SUPERINTENDENT              Stanley Kandel, Holy Land Democracy
NANCY COONIS                           Project Advisory Council

                                       Superintendent of Secondary
                                       Schools, Archdiocese of Los Angeles

REMARKS FROM                           Terri Smooke, Co-Chair, Jewish Community
THE JEWISH FEDERATION                  Relations Committee,
                                       The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles

   Teacher’s Commendation              Bernadette St. James, St. Joseph
                                       Cynthia Madsen, St. Joseph
   Reading of 1st Prize Poems          Rouel Soberano, Bishop Montgomery
   Distribution of Prizes              Angeli Aguas, St. Joseph (Cynthia Madsen)

MUSICAL INTERLUDE                      Nancy Coonis and Dennis Munoz,
                                       Principal St. Bernard High School

SPECIAL JUDGES’ AWARD                  Linda Petrich, St Joseph
                                       Fatima Nicdao, Sacred Heart of Mary

Performance of Special Judges Award    Fatima Nicdao and the 9th Grade Class
VIDEO                                  Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary

CAPERNUM TO THE CLASSROOM              Chris Weir, Servite High School

   Teacher’s Commendation              Cindy Lee-Moon, Notre Dame
   Distribution of Prizes

Performance of Special Judges Award
SONG                                   Nicole Del Castillo, St. Joseph

   Comments                            Linda Petrich, St. Joseph
   Distribution of Prizes

DR. DAVID LIEBER AWARD OF EXCELLENCE   Jennifer Bane, St. Monica High School
INTRODUCTION                           Dr. Daniel Lieber

CLOSING REMARKS                        Dr. Daniel Lieber
Tzeitchem B’shalom
Dr. David Lieber
      Award for Excellence
                   Prayer Before Sleep
              Jennifer Bane, St Monica High School
           Siobhan O’Neill and Mark Nuno, Instructors

    This morning, I pressed my head against the Western Wall of
    Solomon’s Temple and I cried. Something inside me awoke,
        my soul aflame like the bush that inspired Moses. My
     fingertips gripped the ancient stone as I slipped my prayer
    between the cracks of rock, and I turned to face the crowds
        of other Jewish people preparing themselves to pray.

        I could feel you through the rocks, traveling from my
      trembling hands through my veins until you reached my
    heart – and there you stopped. I turned back to the rock, in
     awe, and I could feel your presence within me, drying the
    tears sweeping over my cheeks. My body fought back chills,
       but it could not resist – every hair on my body stood at
               attention, and I ceased to even breathe.

     I let you affect me. My skin tingled, and my eyes began to
     see the world on a small but so meaningful scrap of paper
       which was lodged somewhere in the stones that my very
                         faith was built upon.

      On my way home, I walked rather slowly, because your
    presence that I now felt so greatly was too sacred to disturb
    with careless footsteps. The streets of Jerusalem filled with
    the sound of prayers and songs from almost every window.
    Now I passed by more buildings that were ancient, like the
     Temple of Solomon where the wall I came to every week
       stood for thousands of years, and suddenly the blood
                 running within me felt even older.

I love Israel. If someone told me I could never return to
Israel, as people have often told my ancestors, I don’t know
what I would do. I would have to be brave, like Jews before
  me, but I would be so unbearably homesick. That is why
  I came to the wall today, to pray to you. I thought about
 this last night as I drifted into a deep sleep, and I thought
   about the Diaspora, and of how my grandfather died in
        the Holocaust, and suddenly I felt that I needed
                       to talk to you directly.

I am overwhelmed that this land I live in and carry so much
affection for is filled with violence, war and dissent. It is so
   beautiful, and it is so much a part of me, that I too am
 divided. I wait for the day when all Jews will join me and
              press their hands against the wall.

 When they feel the stone in my favorite place on this earth,
then they will want to return here, too. They will dream day
   and night of returning to the roots they descended from.
 I am tied to Israel, and today at the wall, I understood that.
    I could feel the beating of the hearts of all Jews in the
 world, and I realized that we are all striving to return to the
    connection to one another – family. We are not alone,
      I repeated to myself on my walk home through the
            ancient city – we will abandon our fear.

   Oh God of Israel – you have made us all one. We will
        abandon our fear, because we are one.

  I wish every Jew living anywhere in the world could hear
this. No matter what persecutions or setbacks that we suffer,
we will return to the land of our forefathers and the land of
  our religion, whether it be Israel, or the arms of our God.

And because I really meant what I wrote on the paper I put
 in the wall today I will say it again. I know it is short, but
     sometimes there are few words to describe passion
                      – THANK YOU. .


First Prize Essay
               Chinyerum Okpara, St Joseph High School
                       Linda Petrich, Instructor

T   he Jews’ connection with the Land of Israel dates back almost 4,000
    years. God promised Abraham that he and his descendants would
inherit the Land of Israel as an everlasting possession. Biblically, Jewish rights
to the Land of Israel are eternal and unconditional.
  Jews did not leave the Holy Land willingly; they were forced out during
the Diaspora (dispersion). Israel was invaded and Jews were deported into
exile by their conquerors … Yet these tragic events and the numerous
persecutions that have happened since have not silenced Jewish longing for
a home in the Holy Land, nor changed God’s promise to bless Abraham and
his offspring.
  The Jews made a promise never to forget their promised land. To fulfill
their promise during their exile, the Jews initiated the concept of Israel into
virtually every aspect of daily life. To this day, Jews everywhere face toward
Jerusalem when reciting their daily prayers. A prayer for return to Zion is
part of the standard Jewish blessing over meals. The High Holiday services
and the Passover Seder meal conclude with the hope and promise of “Next
Year in Jerusalem!”
  The restoration of Israel and the gathering of the exiles are at the core
of all Jewish prayers for redemption and for the coming of the Messiah.
Jews remember the destruction of the First and Second Temples, and the
exile from Jerusalem, with an annual day of fasting and mourning. At
the end of a Jewish wedding, it is customary for the groom to break a
glass with his right foot to symbolize the destruction of the Temple.
Through these customs and rituals, Jews show their trust in God’s
faithfulness and keep alive their hope to return to Zion.
  After the Holocaust and the loss of 6 million Jews, two million of them
children, many Jews wondered whether it was possible to continue
believing in God’s covenant with Israel. The State of Israel was the
answer to what they were looking for. Israel became a State in 1948.
Having a Jewish state meant that Jewish children could grow up in their
own country where Jewish police, Jewish soldiers and Jewish citizens
protect the land and its entire people. To Jewish people, Israel is more
than just the land God promised to Abraham and his descendants, the
Promised Land is at the very center of all Jewish beliefs and practices. The
formation of the State of Israel meant that God has not abandoned his
people and that he is true to his word.                                              7
Second Prize Essay
             Sandra Lattouf, Ramona Convent Secondary School
                Maureen Linehan and Elisa Perez, Instructors

    W       hen I first heard about the country of Israel, before I learned more
            about it, a picture came to mind of what it would look like: a desert-
    looking place with light brown clay houses and dirt roads. If you were
    to ask me what people in Israel look like, before I was more educated, I
    would say, “a bunch of people wearing robes and sandals. Men wear
    those little hats on their heads and would walk around with the Torah
    in their hands. And women are at home teaching their daughters how
    to take care of the household.” Now I’ve learned that Israel is nothing
    like my dim-witted picture… Jewish people have no real description, just
    like Americans, Jewish people can come from any background, whether
    it’s from Spain, Russia, Eastern Europe or Germany. Just like Americans,
    they are also strongly opinionated and religiously bonded, and that’s
    what keeps them together. It’s like everyone knows each other! I’ve also
    found out that people don’t really dress like in my mental picture, either.
    Actually, my mental picture seems to be more and more like a fantasy
    than a reality as I go on with this essay.
       So after I’ve explained all this to you, you might be laughing at me for my
    outrageous and uneducated hypothesis. What makes my assumptions about
    Israel truly tragic is the fact that I’m Arab. Both my parents emigrated from
    Lebanon during the war and now live in Monrovia. I had no clue that Israel
    was a democratic country, let alone it being one of the only democratic
    countries in the Middle East.
       Every time I hear the news about the Middle East, whether it is CNN or BBC,
    they always show the viewers dirt roads and sidewalks, destroyed buildings
    and villages, a desert-looking area with nothing on the land, and children
    and women in robes. I have now found out, thanks to the project, that there
    are two main reasons why these images popped into my mental picture: the
    news only shows places which are usually small towns and villages that are
    either being targeted by terrorists or occupied by an army, and that the
    people shown wearing robes are either just simply poor or Muslims. And
    because I have been educated, I can understand the news better, the people
    shown on the news, and especially the people affected by the attacks. The
    most important fact that I have learned is that even though these are people
    who live across the world from me, there are not that many differences
    between us. And because we are more similar than different, we need to
8   treat each other more like neighbors; better yet, like brothers and sisters.
Third Prize Essay
           Gabby Garcia-O’Connor, Notre Dame High School
                    Cindy Lee-Moon, Instructor

T     he State of Israel is a democratic oasis in the Middle East. The tiny country
      of Israel is dwarfed in size and surrounded by Arab neighboring countries,
many of which have totalitarian governments. The Jewish state was born out
of the worldwide suffering of the Jewish people longing for a place where
they could live free of persecution. This dream was finally realized in 1948,
with the emergence of the modern State of Israel.
   Israel is the only Jewish state in the world. However, the demographics of
Israel are very diverse. Israeli citizens come from all over the world. Peoples
of all colors, beliefs and ethnicities reside in Israel. All people, regardless of
their religion or background, are given the rights and responsibilities that
come with being a citizen of a democratic state. One of these responsibilities
is service in the armed forces. The Israeli army is truly a citizens’ army, similar
to the Minutemen of the American Revolution.
   Israel’s commitment to democracy can be seen in various ways. All citizens
have the right to vote, own property and express their opinions through
freedom of speech and press. Israelis are encouraged to be active in their
democratic government. As a matter of fact, throughout the day, the media
keeps the population informed of the government’s actions, thus motivating
their participation.
   The Holy Land Democracy Project has helped me to understand why it is
important that the United States continues to support and assist Israel. We
share a commonality in that both countries were born out of persecution. Like
the United States, Israel believes in democratic rule, respect and acceptance of
different views. We presently live in a world that threatens individuality,
religious freedoms and democracy. Israel is a shining beacon of democracy in
an area of the world that is especially intolerant of anything that is not
accepted in their mainstream. Hopefully, Israel will inspire other nations,
ethnicities and religious groups to embrace tolerance rather than hatred.

Third Prize Essay
                      Rachel Samec, Louisville High School
                             Josh Wilson, Instructor

     A     fter learning about Israel from the Holy Land Democracy Project
           I realized there was much about Israel I did not know that I had
     misunderstood. In everything from the size of Israel to the people, I
     had views that were in some ways completely incorrect, and I really
     appreciate knowing what is the truth and what is not.
        It probably started the first day, when we looked at the many faces
     of Israel, that I realized my errors. When you hear of Judaism as an
     ethnicity, you also hear of common characteristics that generalize a
     people. You expect people to look a certain way, and I had always
     associated Jewish people with Israel. I personally thought of a certain
     type of hair, face and clothes but right away I realized I could
     completely misjudge people. By looking at a picture, I would place
     people in categories completely unrelated to them. I did not expect
     the diversity that was truly apparent from the lessons.
        Before, I did not know how young a state Israel was. I thought it
     had existed for a very long time. With so much attention given to
     Israel, I expected it to be a huge place. When I learned the true size,
     I was so surprised at all the controversy surrounding it. When I look
     at a map, there are a lot of places that small I have never heard of,
     but I am pretty sure most everyone has heard of Israel.
       After this project I am more aware of the real importance of Israel. I
     have always sympathized with the Jewish people while learning about
     their religious history, because they have so frequently and wrongly
     been persecuted. I think it is a good idea for them to have an area
     where they are in control and can freely express their religion, write in
     Hebrew and have their own flag. They need to have a place where
     they are the majority and can be in control, free from persecution.

Honorable Mention Essay
                 Christian Romo, St. Francis High School
                         Mark Fredette, Instructor

I n Christian’s fictional narrative, a young Israeli émigré is disillusioned by the
  constant trials and hardships of Jewish history and decides to disconnect
himself from his faith and family. His wanderings bring him to a part of Poland
where most of his family had perished in concentration camps.
   A chance encounter with an idealistic young Russian intent on making
Aliyah (moving to Israel) changes his view about his own future and that of
the Jewish people. After helping him find the Israeli embassy in Warsaw, the
protagonist finds himself face to face with an embassy official:
   The man smiled and asked: “How may I help you?”
   “Take me home,” was all I said.

                      Paul Ferrier, JSerra High School
                        Melea Walden, Instructor

In every sense of the word, the Jewish people have throughout history
 had a deep relationship with the land of Israel. This relationship was
founded upon the Jewish people’s historical, cultural and religious
connections with the land and has continued since in a tragic cycle of
persecution, conflict and restoration. Now such connections are disputed
… It is apparent that no race or religion is more religiously or historically
connected to the Palestinian region than the Jewish people. Based on
these two factors it becomes clear that the State of Israel and the Jewish
people have every right to exist where they are. The Jewish state, for the
sake of its people, should and must live on.

Jerry Mathews, Bishop Montgomery High School
                       Bernadette St James, Instructor

     I srael is the rare nation in the Middle East that promotes democratic
       values. The country allows citizens to vote for their leaders and
     allows citizens the right to a fair trial, traits that parallel America’s
     established democracy.
       Since their independence, Israel has applied the Law of Return. This
     Law of Return states that if you’re at least one-eighteenth Jewish, you
     may “return” to Israel. Once in Israel, this Jew is given full, complete
     rights. They are also welcomed into the community, like a friend not
     seen in years.
       There are many hopes for the future of Israel… many people are
     looking to unite Arabs and Jews for future generations. One of these
     hopeful programs is the Hand in Hand School. This school allows
     Arabs and Jews … to learn and play together. As they have stated,
     they have an “eye for the future.” The current state of violence will
     cease if parents teach their children to be tolerant of other cultures.

                    Thomas Duong, St. Joseph High School
                        Cynthia Madsen, Instructor

     T   he face of a person contains many different textures that make
         that face … The country of Israel is the same.
       The history of Israel is the eyes and the nose of the face. The
     people’s past watches out for mistakes long ago that should not be
     repeated in the future.
       The many cultures, religions and lifestyles are the lips and mouth of
     the face. The culture of each person is the mouth, through which
     speech is passed. The religions and lifestyles are the lips that hold the
     culture together. Over the years, people with different faces came to
     Israel to work and live. They brought all kinds of cultures with them
     to spread in Israel. A state of so many faces of freedom smile at one
     another with such pleasure that it gives a person a warm feeling of
     happiness in their heart.
       The many “faces’” of Israel are like a family, uniting together over
     time. When a family like Israel becomes one, they all stick together …

Jillian Jones, St. Bernard High School
                       Margaret Govero, Instructor

A    t age 18, the Israelis start to hold many responsibilities; they are
     able to vote and they have to serve their country by joining the
army. Men serve for three years and women for two. The Israelis
don’t really have a problem with serving their country, they would
rather die and keep their country strong than live and let it fall.
Israelis value their country because of what those before them had to
go through to gain independence.

               Steve Shushnar, St. Francis High School
                      Mark Fredette, Instructor

T   he first thing we learned about was Israel’s location among the
    Eastern world. I learned that Israel is just a small piece of land
surrounded by many countries that are not in favor of an Israeli state.
In fact, these countries have invaded Israel, bombed Israel and even
attacked innocent Israeli civilians. It is not like such occurrences are
ancient history … just two years ago, Hezbollah sent 4000 rockets into
Israel and kidnapped 2 soldiers. For some reason, there were many
riots and protests in other Middle Eastern countries against Israel
doing this. That just made no sense to me. How could people be
against Israel taking out rockets that are aimed at their country?
  Another thing that made sense to me after reading about the
country was why the United States has been supporting Israel so much
over the years. Israel is one of the few countries in the Middle East
that is a democracy. Since many countries in the Middle East do not
like Israel, they also do not like the United States because we support
a country that they do not like.
  History has proven that Jews are not safe without their own
  The main viewpoint that I obtained through learning about Israel is
that this area is much more than a country to the people who live
there. It is their home. It is where they belong.

Josephine Sunga, Holy Family High School
                            Roger DeSilva, Instructor

     O     ften when we think of Israel, our heads are full of blurred notions of
           terrorism, war, Middle Eastern conflicts, the chosen People of God,
     or simply an alien nation that claims superiority on religious grounds. The
     physical face we assume for them is looking downward, head bowed in
     silence, hands held close in prayer. What we ought to be paying
     attention to, however, is the heart that lies behind those hands ….
        The emotional face of Israel is always changing. It is in constant
     fluctuation between the desire for a normal life and a sense of duty to
     one’s country. Teenagers in particular are victim to contradicting feelings,
     since it is always a struggle for them to balance their school, family, social
     lives, religion and, on top of it all, an obligation to serve in the army. As
     shown in the videos of the four Israeli teenagers, Sasha, Shlomi, Na’ama
     and Yaki, courage for their nation and all they hold dear to them is very
     easily challenged by fear for their own lives, fear of terrorism and death.
     This chronic threat and anxiety proves that the face of Israel can change
     in a second from valiance in doing God’s will to utter panic.

                    Emily Park, Villanova Preparatory School
                             Brian Grisin, Instructor

     U    sually, culture and politics of other countries are hard to learn
          unless one actually visits the country. However, this project was
     very easy to understand because of the detailed explanation from the
     book and the various pictures from the Power Point.
       The news about wars and famine in the Middle East made me
     believe that all countries in the Middle East are autocratic countries.
     Therefore, Israel’s commitment to democracy was very surprising.
       The election system in Israel was also different than what I thought.
     Israelis vote for one party and its platform, and seats are assigned to
     each party in proportion to its percentage of the total vote. This
     system ensures a wide spectrum of political views in the Knesset,
     including the major centrist parties, small parties and a number of
     religious parties.

Hannah Hoffman, Villanova Preparatory High School
                     Brian Grisin, Instructor

A    fter years of struggles, the United Nations voted to establish a Jewish
     State in Palestine in 1947. This was a landmark achievement for
Jews. They could finally claim the land that many believed God had given
to them, and act as any other nation. They could govern their nation as
they pleased, and decide how they wanted to live and worship.
  Although Israel is the Jewish homeland, all are accepted to live and
worship there as they please. This freedom granted by the Jews
demonstrates their comprehension that not everyone believes the
same things …

              Kevin Kim, St. Monica Catholic High School
              Marc Nuno and Siobhan O’Neill, Instructors

K    evin’s fictional account deals with the experience of a young boy
     named Ephraim, on his first trip to Israel. Passover is coming soon,
and Ephraim and his mother spend their first full day in Israel in the
shuk (marketplace), shopping for the seder meal. A wrong turn down
an alleyway brings Ephraim face to face with a symbol which had
appeared to him, blurred, in a dream:
   That shape was the Star of David. As she led Ephraim away, his mother
instructed him, “You should always take pride in it, Ephraim. Always.”

Caselyn Larino, Pomona Catholic High School
                              Allicen Naal, Instructor

     T   he people of Israel, also called the Jewish people, trace their origins
         to Abraham, who established the belief that there is only one God,
     the Creator of the universe. Abraham, his son Isaac and grandson Jacob
     are referred to as patriarchs of the Israelites. All three Patriarchs lived in
     the Land of Canaan, which came to be known as the Land of Israel. The
     name Israel derives from the name given to Jacob.
       The people of modern day Israel share the same language and
     culture, shaped by their Jewish heritage and religion, and based
     through generations starting with the founding father Abraham.
     Jews have had a continuous presence in the Land of Israel for the past
     3,300 years. Jews have striven continuously to reestablish their bond
     with the Land of Israel, although foes of the Jewish people did their
     best to obliterate the Jewish connection with the Land.
       After thousands of years of exile, the Jewish people have returned
     to their land.


First Prize Poetry
                   Israel of Light
     Rouel Soberano, Bishop Montgomery High School
             Bernadette St James, Instructor

            An ancient land rises in the east …
        As the sun sets the mountains cast shadows
            Enveloping the land in darkness …
                  But the sun always rises
           And through the darkest of the dark
                  Light always prevails …

              A sacred land shines in the east …
                       A city upon the hill
           Upon which hope and freedom radiate
        Like the warm rays of the benevolent sun …
           In this land, people walk hand in hand
     Basking in the freedom gained through hard years
                    Of fighting and conflict
                     Of suffering and death
                     Of pain and misery …
                   But also of hope and light
                       For a better future
                       As the shining land
          Rises like a beacon out of the darkness …

A homeland stands in the east …
       Standing united as God’s people
Standing united as people hoping for peace
   Standing united as one human race …
   In this sacred land of promise and hope
           Of diversity and freedom
            Of light out of darkness,
          I promise to let the sun in,
    Never ceasing to fight the good fight
            Defending what is right
            Protecting the very right
         Of people to live and learn,
     Never ceasing to always seek truth
            And serve with honor …

          As Israel rises in the East
         As people live in freedom,
   As the sacred land retains its promise,
As devotion and love for freedom hold true,
            Israel shall never fall

           And shall always be
            Jerusalem of Gold,
       Shining as a beacon of hope
              In a dark land.

First Prize Poetry
                     Figment of My Imagination
                     Angeli Aguas, St. Joseph High School
                         Cynthia Madsen, Instructor

Middle, meaning in between.
The Middle East which is located in between it all.
Caught in a trap were there is nowhere to fall.

This place is no longer a figment of my imagination
for I have a bit more of an interpretation.
I can now make the educated guess that none the less, they’re people.
Yet the difference being a majority wake up from a good night’s rest in fear
that they may shed a tear because of the loss of a loved one
brought to them by a gun.
To dare and think that bombs and combustion is their human consumption.
It’s a bit of a mind tease to think that at such a young age
you’re entitled to serve your country.
The same year they blow out their 18 candles they are handed 18 rifles or
something of the sort.
Yes, that may be an exaggeration but none the less they take pride in their home
No questions asked, they know their history.
I’ve went from a fabricated image of turbans, dirt roads and heat that you
couldn’t beat.
To fashion sense, stop lights, and a cool breeze that doesn’t seize.

Hearing the fictitious stories almost makes me want to
fall on the ground.
But now I seem to have found a bit more.

Over the course of 60 years they’ve been through it all.
In combat for peace and justice; their hearts are restless.
Seeking nothing but serenity;
Through dedication they have built a democracy.

I’ve went from a fabricated image of turbans, dirt roads, and heat that you
couldn’t beat
to fashion sense, stop lights, and a cool breeze that doesn’t seize.

Second Prize Poetry
                      Patrick Villar, Chaminade High School
                            Kristina Ortega, Instructor

O Israel,
land of democracy and home to all,
I see the sea of diverse faces standing proudly, tall.
A country with a historical past,
rich with stories of triumph and hardships of man,
I listen to your tales told by the faces of your people, Israel.

Through your people’s glittering eyes,
Reflecting rays of hope and light,
I see Zion forever grounded, shining so bright.
A free nation given to the Jews,
Rekindling hope in times of trial,
I watch your people standing united as one, Israel.

Amidst periods of darkness,
Tested by the fires of war and persecution,
your people have looked towards this solution.
A land free from genocide, endless death, and racism,
I see people free in the fields of Zion, Israel.

Fleeing from the pyramids and Auschwitz,
lands of death and oppression,
I see you now grinning with a proud expression.
Whether reform, conservative or orthodox,
your people united for survival, Israel.

Fighting for peace and democracy,
advocates and allies of all who cherish justice,
I can see your risen, waving flag, O Israel.
A democracy run by a cabinet,
Seeking to provide help for all,
I see your courts, Israel.

Stand forever proud and tall O Israel,
a holy land of an ancient past,
I hear the joyous singing of your people.
A country for all to know,
Devoted to justice and peace,
Israel, Israel
Third Prize Poetry
                   Danielle Fischer, Notre Dame High School
                          Cindy Lee-Moon, Instructor

The earth has a face but a map is no mirror.
A speck on a map tells no stories.

When character overtakes statistics
It breathes life into history’s rigid words.
A country of thoroughly united individuals,
The same core, but unique.

Roots run deep
Follow the vein from fingertips to the heart
Trace up through mother’s blood,
In dust and stone and paper.
People flung like specks of ink
In streaks across the globe’s broad canvas
Banished too many times over
Some blended, watered down,
Some erased.
So the paper scarred, vowed never to forget.

New upon old. Remember.

Fear of the bleach, fear of dilution
Hope for a true physical presence
Hope to be worthy of the word of God;
Written to be sometimes close, sometimes distant,
Tattooed into the land, their history just the same.
Need of a common place to bleed to, to bleed for.

It’s remarkable, really.
A land so new, to skip the mistakes
Skip the social evolution,
The given violence that stained, mottling the history of other countries.
To be new, aware, intelligent
born into democracy
born into equality
welcoming immigration
and to still have culture.
Culture deep enough to compose a country.
Thousands of years in ink
to define, unite, defend.

New upon old. Remarkable.

Progressive, true, but others set it back a stage.
Back to when all ink was splayed, bleeding everywhere
People grabbing for space
no matter who belonged before.
Surrounded by woe-wishers
Yet wanting nothing more than peace
Despite the necessity to fight,
The willingness to fight
To prevent a fatal miss-stroke of the pen
One failure and home is physically lost.
So much at stake, but so much dignity
to value the life of the attacker
Knowing their face is the mirror.
Look for the humanity, at the person
Hope that they will do the same.

New upon old. Israel.

Honorable Mention Poetry
                     Adelle Barte, Louisville High School
                           Mary Wilson, Instructor
                                Jewish Roots
Do you know who I am?
       I live a life,
       Of long ancestry.
                  From the time of Abraham
                  And the promise of a land …

Light the path ..
        The path to believe and hope for the people,
                  God’s people,
                          The Holy people of Israel,
                                 The Holy Land,
                                         My Holy Jewish brothers and sisters

                     Ramin Sobati, Louisville High School
                         Kristina Ortega, Instructor

                      The Little Nation That Could
                       What a great man Herzl was …

                   In 1903, there was a large immigration
            From Europe to Israel, which started a foundation …
            In 1948, the Jews rejoiced and gained Independence
                 At the ceremony, every Jew in attendance

                  The Jews are fighting for their own good
                   To preserve the little nation that could

              Sharlena Singleton, Pomona Catholic High School
                           Allicen Naal, Instructor
                      There are different places in Israel,
                              Lots of faces there be
                       The lowest point is a salty place
                               Called the Dead Sea
                             Safe from persecution,
                       It is a homeland for the Jews …
Dina Nichols, Notre Dame High School
             Cindy Lee-Moon, Instructor
        A Land and a People Connected
                   God’s covenant
                  A place in history
                  Never forgotten

           Jews away from the homeland
                 Yet still connected
         By a common faith, culture, history
              Some long to come back

          A Declaration of Independence
A dream becomes a reality, Israel is proclaimed a state
              Prayers are answered
                A new beginning
                    To flourish
                     To thrive
                  To remember

     Matthew De La Peza, St Francis High School
            Mark Fredette, Instructor

               A Boy’s Hometown
        Mom and Dad yelling at each other,
   He storms out the door and runs to the beach.
          Drops of sorrow down his face
       Longing to see the face of his brother.

      The sparkling ocean whispers in his ears,
        “I am your home. I am truly yours.”

        He closes his eyes and sees his sibling
                 On the battlefield.
               Suddenly an explosion
         Causes the water to start rippling.

  As his mind races, he hears a voice full with pride.
         Herzl speaks to him with reassurance,
      “Have confidence, boy. We are strong…”
Nashaw Jafari, Bishop Montgomery High School
               John Fitzimons, Instructor

                Look over there my children,
                  Do you see that orchid?
      It overflows this garden with its luscious scent
        And gathers people from around the world
                  To wonder at its beauty.
     This orchid shares the gifts it receives from God
                 Do not worry my children,
               God’s grace will never run out
               My children look at Jerusalem

       Jennifer Van Trieste, Louisville High School
                 Josh Wilson, Instructor

                 Many Faces, One Shore
               From afar, it’s all one color –
              A violet, stormy shade of jade.
        Each stone does not mesh with its brother:
            One solid mass, one small country.

         When pushed against by harsh untruths,
         They pushed forward to their old home.
            This red rock here lost all in youth
           But found everything on this shore.

         This smooth, black rock – typical friend –
             Is just a girl like me. These pains
          This teen could never comprehend …

          This green does not share their beliefs,
             But he is home as neighbor still.
           He can still share in the stones’ grief,
             Because he is still a stone as well.

              These stones carry many faces,
             Tell many stories of their hopes.
            But they exist – one – a jade place;
           One people come from many shores.

Steven Holtzen,
      Don Bosco Technical Institute
       Claude LeBlanc, Instructor

Shining bright, nature’s treasure.

Ruby, blood shed in Israel,
Blood shed in Israel’s name …
A face of Israel
Blanketed in misery.

Rolling hills and lands of honey,
Emerald fields stretched endlessly …
Lands bestowed upon them
by the Lord

Gems, wrought in the bellows of the earth,
Survive, enduring pressure,
To live on,
And be reformed.
Into a gem,
Wrought in the Lord’s guiding hands,
The craftsman,
To form a gem of countless faces
And matchless beauty.

Audrey Stanford, St. Joseph High School
                    Cynthia Madsen, Instructor
                          Israel, Israel, Israel

       Animals roam where the people of old proudly stood
               Standing like ghosts on an open prairie
     The griffon vulture flies free calling to the people below ..
                 Barely audible on the open wind …
                  This time not speaking of the past
                         But of the future …

                          Israel, Israel, Israel

          Old ones with memories as countless as the stars
                     Glance wearily at the past
                   Placing their withering hands
                   On the shoulders of the youth
                  Youth glance up in a hasty rush
            Latching on to the dreams of the children …
                        All together yelling

                          Israel, Israel, Israel

          All together saying, crying, hoping, and wishing

                          Israel, Israel, Israel

Selene Smith, Marymount High School
          Rita Morgan, Instructor
 Israel, beautiful, cultural, unique, diverse …
          But on the news, all we see?
         Terror, fear, combat, difficulty
       Our ignorance should be banned.

        Did we never connect the dots?
      Israel: an insignificant news story?
              We should think not!

              Rich in achievements,
             But also in normalcy …
    Israelis are more similar to Americans
       Than most of us seem to believe

        Democratic government and
       Religious freedom. Please note:
          A wide variety of people,
          All with the right to vote.

Never again will israel be an apathetic subject
            To Americans today,
    Because we know it’s so much more
    Than what the news anchor will say.


First Prize Art Contest

                   The Many Faces of Israel
             Leanne Villarivera, Notre Dame High School
                    Cindy Lee-Moon, Instructor

I decided to show what I have learned about Israel in the form of artwork.
  Each letter that spells out Israel has a picture symbolizing a special
meaning that I thought was significant.
   The “I” represents the integration of American customs. People from
Israel are thought to be total strangers to most Americans, but they are
just like many of us. Israel has combined many American traditions into
their lifestyles. The many faces of Israel listen to the same type of music as
us and watch movies and shows that are shown in Israel as well. The two
hands illustrate the combination of America and Israel.
   The “S” stands for shalom. Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace. Israel
is know for having a lot of violence. I have learned that the many faces of
Israel are in desperate need of peace in their society. The wars have
impacted the many faces of Israel.
   The “R” portrays religion and culture. I have learned that Judaism is not
only a major religion in Israel, but can also be a culture. The many faces
of Israel seek Judaism. I have learned that Judaism is a lifestyle to the many
faces of Israel. The people sacrifice time in order to worship and I greatly
admire that.


Leanne Villarivera, continued

        The “A” depicts agonizing pain. The many faces of Israel have been
     through a large number of unfortunate events. Many lives, homes and
     valuable possessions were lost in the wars, bombings, shootings and
     horrifying killings. This picture illustrates a young girl expressing her
     excruciating pain. This symbolizes that the impact of the war and all the
     killings affect a majority of the many faces of Israel. This single face is just
     one in a million of all the others who have suffered large amounts of
     anguish and pain.
        The “E” stands for equality. The many faces of Israel are very diverse.
     Many faces of different cultures live in Israel. All the people there are given
     the gift of equality. Every single face of Israel is treated like any other
     individual. I just wish the rest of the world had this special gift. My
     illustration for equality is the world and people standing around it while
     holding hands. This shows that the many faces of Israel stand, hand-in-
     hand. They get along and have not too many racial problems, compared
     to other places.
        The “L” demonstrates lives at risk. I have learned that living in Israel
     means risking your life every day. The many faces of Israel have been
     involved in numerous life-threatening incidents, such as suicide bombings.
     My painting depicts a suicide bombing. The many faces of Israel are at risk
     and do not even know it. Since Israel is such a small area, the death of one
     Israeli can affect many people since everyone seems to know each other.
        Learning about Israel has taught me to have a greater respect for the
     many faces of Israel. This experience in being able to learn has opened my
     eyes to the fabulous faces and lifestyles of Israel. I have learned that the
     many faces of Israel are what makes this country so unique.

Second Prize Art Contest

                 Becky Calvo, Louisville High School
                       Mary Wilson, Instructor

T  he photo above is a picture I made representing the “Many Faces of
   Israel.” On the face is a picture of The Dome of the Rock, The Western
Wall, a map of Israel, and the Israeli flag. I thought it would be best to
represent how culture can be weaved into the heart of others.

Third Prize Art Contest

                  Abel Regalado, Bishop Alemany High School
                           Mary Killmond, Instructor

     I n my collage for “The Many Faces of Israel” I have included many pictures
       that vary in meaning. I have pictures of life in Israel, basically what occurs
     there and how life is lived out. I felt that in order to get a better
     understanding of Israel’s day to day life, I would have to search for themes
     that represented the many characteristics of Israel. I wanted to reveal
     these different ‘faces’ of Israel through photographs and symbols. You
     have the faces of the sad and depressed, or even dead. You also have the
     faces of the happiest children you will ever see. I added both of these
     different perspectives so that one might look at this and realize that Israel
     is a country like our own. With people and children who laugh and cry
     just as we do. I also added the different scenery in Israel: From the
     sculptures and the buildings, to the historical sites and the beautiful
     pictures that capture the great beauty of the land of Israel. I added
     pictures of the military and consequences of war. Children being exposed
     to violence at so young of an age, armed with guns and smoking
     cigarettes. It is hard to believe that a country with so much beauty and
     with people just like ourselves could have suffered so much violence and
     death over the years.
We humbly thank all of the inspiring educators and outstanding
  Catholic secondary schools who have partnered with us in building bridges
    between our communities and sharing the miracle of Israel with over
   10,000 students in Los Angeles, Orange County, Fresno and Bakersfield.

TEACHER                      SCHOOL
Victor Arenas                Bishop Amat Memorial High School
Joe Banfield                 St. Anthony High School
Maggie Bove-LaMonica         Verbum Dei High School
Michele Butorac              St. Matthias High School
Eric Cadena                  Chaminade High School
Cindy Campbell               San Joaquin Memorial High School
Jennifer Campbell            Bishop Amat High School
Edward Clark                 Damien High School
John Collins                 Pomona Catholic High School
Kathleen DeSantis            San Joaquin Memorial High School
Roger DeSilva                Notre Dame High School
Jeanine DiCesaris-Kraybill   Pomona Catholic High School
John Fitzsimons              Bishop Montgomery High School
Mark Fredette                St. Francis High School
Margaret Govero              St. Bernard Catholic High School
Brian Grisin                 Villanova Preparatory School
Holly Haynes                 Mater Dei High School
Shane Johnson                Villanova Preparatory School
Mary Killmond                Bishop Alemany High School
April Kramer                 Chaminade High School
Claude LeBlanc               Don Bosco Technical Institute
Cindy Lee - Moon             Notre Dame High School
Maureen Linehan              Ramona Convent Secondary School
Cynthia Madsen               St. Joseph High School
Mary Marsella                Garces Memorial High School
Sonya Mercado                St. Bonaventure High School
Rita Morgan                  Marymount High School
Denis Munoz                  St. Bernard Catholic High School
Allicen Naal                 Pomona Catholic High School
Fatima Nicdao                Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary High School
Marc Nuno                    St. Monica Catholic High School
Siobhan O'Neill              St. Monica Catholic High School
Kristina Ortega              Chaminade High School
Jason Parrot                 St. Bernard Catholic High School
Elisa Perez                  Ramona Convent Secondary School
Linda Petrich                St. Joseph High School
Michelle Purghart            Holy Family High School College Preparatory
Tomas Renna                  Bishop Montgomery High School
Susan Rizo                   Garces Memorial High School
Stephen Schumacher           Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Mike Sifter                  Alverno High School
Bernadette St. James         Bishop Montgomery High School
Joe Swoboda                  Servite High School
Melea Walden                 Jserra Catholic High School
Chris Weir                   Servite High School
Josh Wilson                  Louisville High School
Mary Wilson                  Louisville High School
Theresa Yugar                Sacred Heart High School
Dr. Daniel Lieber, Chair
                                 Elaine Albert, Director
                        Rabbi Hal Greenwald, Assistant Director
                      Dr. David Ackerman, Educational Coordinator
                                   Advisory Council
        Michael Altman, Malka Blitz, Julie Bram, Gary Cypres, Steven H. Feder,
           Irwin S. Field, Cliff Goldstein, Abner Goldstine, Dennis A.Gura,
            Stanley Kandel, Leslie Kessler, Sharon Krischer, Linda Mayman,
               Marla Rosen, Faith Schames,Terri Smooke, Karl Sussman
                                     Action Group
         Dr. Parviz Afshani, Marc L. Benezra, Stuart Bernstein, Prof. Gerald Bubis,
         Susie Chodakiewitz, Avi Davis, Deborah Kattler Kupetz, Ernest Z. Klein,
 Paul Kujawsky, Dr.Ariel Malamud, Jo Ann Oster, Dr. Irwin Reich, Nathan D.Wirtschafter
                     Jewish Community Relations Committee
                     Terri Smooke and Glenn Sonnenberg, Co-Chairs
                                 Marc Carrel, Vice Chair
                            Andrew Cushnir, Executive Director
                                The Jewish Federation
                          Stanley P. Gold, Chairman of the Board
                             Richard V. Sandler, Vice Chairman
                        Bettina Kurowski, General Campaign Chair
                                 John R. Fishel, President

                   The Holy Land Democracy Project is a joint project of
                   The Jewish Federation, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles,
                    the Diocese of Orange and the Diocese of Fresno.

           Exhibit photography generously contributed by Orly Halevy

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2007-2008 Student Awards

  • 1. The Many Faces of Israel THE FIFTH ANNUAL STUDENT AWARDS CEREMONY June 12, 2008 Program
  • 2. 2008 HOLY LAND DEMOCRACY PROJECT DR. DAVID LIEBER AWARD OF EXCELLENCE Jennifer Bane, St. Monica (Marc Nuno & Siobhan O’Neill) ($1,000) ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS FIRST PRIZE ($500) Chinyerum Okpara, St. Joseph (Linda Petrich) SECOND PRIZE ($300) Sandra Lattouf, Ramona Convent (Maureen Linehan & Elisa Perez) THIRD PRIZE ($200) Gabby Garcia-O’Connor, Notre Dame (Cindy Lee-Moon) Rachel Samec, Louisville (Josh Wilson) HONORABLE MENTION ($100) Christian Romo, St. Francis (Mark Fredette); Paul Ferrier, JSerra (Melea Walden); Jerry Mathews, Bishop Montgomery (Bernadette St. James); Theresa Duong, St. Joseph (Cynthia Madsen); Jillian Jones, St. Bernard (Margaret Govero); Steve Shushnar, St. Francis (Mark Fredette); Josephine Sunga, Holy Family (Roger DeSilva); Emily Park, Villanova (Brian Grisin); Hannah Hoffman, Villanova (Brian Grisin); Kevin Kim, St. Monica, (Marc Nuno & Siobhan O’Neill); Caselyn Larino, Pomona (Allicen Naal) POETRY CONTEST WINNERS FIRST PRIZE ($500) Rouel Soberano, Bishop Montgomery (Bernadette St. James) Angeli Aguas, St. Joseph (Cynthia Madsen) SECOND PRIZE ($300) Patrick Villar, Chaminade (Kristina Ortega) THIRD PRIZE ($200) Danielle Fischer, Notre Dame (Cindy Lee-Moon) HONORABLE MENTION ($100) Dina Nichols, Notre Dame (Cindy Lee-Moon); Selene Smith, Marymount (Rita Morgan); Ramin Sobati, Chaminade (Kristina Ortega); Adelle Barte, Louisville (Mary Wilson); Nashaw Jafari, Bishop Montgomery (John Fitzsimons); Matthew De La Peza, St. Francis (Mark Fredette); Steven Holtzen, Don Bosco (Claude LeBlanc); Jennifer Van Trieste, Louisville (Josh Wilson); Audrey Stanford, St. Joseph (Cynthia Madsen); Sharlena Singleton, Pomona (Allicen Naal) ART CONTEST WINNERS FIRST PRIZE ($500) Leanne Villarivera, Notre Dame (Cindy Lee-Moon) SECOND PRIZE ($300) Becky Calvo, Louisville (Mary Wilson) THIRD PRIZE ($200) Abel Regalado, Bishop Alemany (Mary Killmond) HONORABLE MENTION ($100) Lianna Preston, St. Monica (Siobhan O’Neill); Dakota Brown, Bishop Alemany (Mary Killmond); Elaine Ortiz, Ramona Convent (Maureen Linehan & Elisa Perez); A.J. Hernandez, Servite (Chris Weir); Stephanie Soto, Ramona Convent (Maureen Linehan & Elisa Perez); Michael McGuire, Chaminade (Kristina Ortega); Chris Barlog, Bishop Alemany (Mary Killmond); Edward Gomez, Servite (Chris Weir) SPECIAL JUDGES’ AWARD SONG – Nicole Del Castillo, St. Joseph (Linda Petrich) ($200) 2 VIDEO – 9th Grade Class, Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary (Fatima Nicdao)
  • 3. THE HOLY LAND DEMOCRACY PROJECT The Many Faces of Israel THE FIFTH ANNUAL AWARDS CEREMONY June 12, 2008 PROGRAM WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Dr. Daniel Lieber, Chair Shalom U’veracha The Holy Land Democracy Project TRIBUTE TO SUPERINTENDENT Stanley Kandel, Holy Land Democracy NANCY COONIS Project Advisory Council REMARKS FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE Nancy Coonis, Superintendent of Secondary Schools, Archdiocese of Los Angeles REMARKS FROM Terri Smooke, Co-Chair, Jewish Community THE JEWISH FEDERATION Relations Committee, The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles POETRY PRIZE PRESENTATIONS Teacher’s Commendation Bernadette St. James, St. Joseph Cynthia Madsen, St. Joseph Reading of 1st Prize Poems Rouel Soberano, Bishop Montgomery Distribution of Prizes Angeli Aguas, St. Joseph (Cynthia Madsen) MUSICAL INTERLUDE Nancy Coonis and Dennis Munoz, Principal St. Bernard High School SPECIAL JUDGES’ AWARD Linda Petrich, St Joseph Fatima Nicdao, Sacred Heart of Mary Performance of Special Judges Award Fatima Nicdao and the 9th Grade Class VIDEO Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary CAPERNUM TO THE CLASSROOM Chris Weir, Servite High School A TEACHERS PERSPECTIVE ART PRIZE PRESENTATION Teacher’s Commendation Cindy Lee-Moon, Notre Dame Distribution of Prizes Performance of Special Judges Award SONG Nicole Del Castillo, St. Joseph ESSAY PRIZE PRESENTATION Comments Linda Petrich, St. Joseph Distribution of Prizes DR. DAVID LIEBER AWARD OF EXCELLENCE Jennifer Bane, St. Monica High School INTRODUCTION Dr. Daniel Lieber CLOSING REMARKS Dr. Daniel Lieber Tzeitchem B’shalom 3
  • 4. Dr. David Lieber Award for Excellence Prayer Before Sleep Jennifer Bane, St Monica High School Siobhan O’Neill and Mark Nuno, Instructors This morning, I pressed my head against the Western Wall of Solomon’s Temple and I cried. Something inside me awoke, my soul aflame like the bush that inspired Moses. My fingertips gripped the ancient stone as I slipped my prayer between the cracks of rock, and I turned to face the crowds of other Jewish people preparing themselves to pray. I could feel you through the rocks, traveling from my trembling hands through my veins until you reached my heart – and there you stopped. I turned back to the rock, in awe, and I could feel your presence within me, drying the tears sweeping over my cheeks. My body fought back chills, but it could not resist – every hair on my body stood at attention, and I ceased to even breathe. I let you affect me. My skin tingled, and my eyes began to see the world on a small but so meaningful scrap of paper which was lodged somewhere in the stones that my very faith was built upon. On my way home, I walked rather slowly, because your presence that I now felt so greatly was too sacred to disturb with careless footsteps. The streets of Jerusalem filled with the sound of prayers and songs from almost every window. Now I passed by more buildings that were ancient, like the Temple of Solomon where the wall I came to every week stood for thousands of years, and suddenly the blood running within me felt even older. 4
  • 5. I love Israel. If someone told me I could never return to Israel, as people have often told my ancestors, I don’t know what I would do. I would have to be brave, like Jews before me, but I would be so unbearably homesick. That is why I came to the wall today, to pray to you. I thought about this last night as I drifted into a deep sleep, and I thought about the Diaspora, and of how my grandfather died in the Holocaust, and suddenly I felt that I needed to talk to you directly. I am overwhelmed that this land I live in and carry so much affection for is filled with violence, war and dissent. It is so beautiful, and it is so much a part of me, that I too am divided. I wait for the day when all Jews will join me and press their hands against the wall. When they feel the stone in my favorite place on this earth, then they will want to return here, too. They will dream day and night of returning to the roots they descended from. I am tied to Israel, and today at the wall, I understood that. I could feel the beating of the hearts of all Jews in the world, and I realized that we are all striving to return to the connection to one another – family. We are not alone, I repeated to myself on my walk home through the ancient city – we will abandon our fear. Oh God of Israel – you have made us all one. We will abandon our fear, because we are one. I wish every Jew living anywhere in the world could hear this. No matter what persecutions or setbacks that we suffer, we will return to the land of our forefathers and the land of our religion, whether it be Israel, or the arms of our God. And because I really meant what I wrote on the paper I put in the wall today I will say it again. I know it is short, but sometimes there are few words to describe passion – THANK YOU. . 5
  • 7. First Prize Essay Chinyerum Okpara, St Joseph High School Linda Petrich, Instructor (excerpt) T he Jews’ connection with the Land of Israel dates back almost 4,000 years. God promised Abraham that he and his descendants would inherit the Land of Israel as an everlasting possession. Biblically, Jewish rights to the Land of Israel are eternal and unconditional. Jews did not leave the Holy Land willingly; they were forced out during the Diaspora (dispersion). Israel was invaded and Jews were deported into exile by their conquerors … Yet these tragic events and the numerous persecutions that have happened since have not silenced Jewish longing for a home in the Holy Land, nor changed God’s promise to bless Abraham and his offspring. The Jews made a promise never to forget their promised land. To fulfill their promise during their exile, the Jews initiated the concept of Israel into virtually every aspect of daily life. To this day, Jews everywhere face toward Jerusalem when reciting their daily prayers. A prayer for return to Zion is part of the standard Jewish blessing over meals. The High Holiday services and the Passover Seder meal conclude with the hope and promise of “Next Year in Jerusalem!” The restoration of Israel and the gathering of the exiles are at the core of all Jewish prayers for redemption and for the coming of the Messiah. Jews remember the destruction of the First and Second Temples, and the exile from Jerusalem, with an annual day of fasting and mourning. At the end of a Jewish wedding, it is customary for the groom to break a glass with his right foot to symbolize the destruction of the Temple. Through these customs and rituals, Jews show their trust in God’s faithfulness and keep alive their hope to return to Zion. After the Holocaust and the loss of 6 million Jews, two million of them children, many Jews wondered whether it was possible to continue believing in God’s covenant with Israel. The State of Israel was the answer to what they were looking for. Israel became a State in 1948. Having a Jewish state meant that Jewish children could grow up in their own country where Jewish police, Jewish soldiers and Jewish citizens protect the land and its entire people. To Jewish people, Israel is more than just the land God promised to Abraham and his descendants, the Promised Land is at the very center of all Jewish beliefs and practices. The formation of the State of Israel meant that God has not abandoned his people and that he is true to his word. 7
  • 8. Second Prize Essay Sandra Lattouf, Ramona Convent Secondary School Maureen Linehan and Elisa Perez, Instructors (excerpt) W hen I first heard about the country of Israel, before I learned more about it, a picture came to mind of what it would look like: a desert- looking place with light brown clay houses and dirt roads. If you were to ask me what people in Israel look like, before I was more educated, I would say, “a bunch of people wearing robes and sandals. Men wear those little hats on their heads and would walk around with the Torah in their hands. And women are at home teaching their daughters how to take care of the household.” Now I’ve learned that Israel is nothing like my dim-witted picture… Jewish people have no real description, just like Americans, Jewish people can come from any background, whether it’s from Spain, Russia, Eastern Europe or Germany. Just like Americans, they are also strongly opinionated and religiously bonded, and that’s what keeps them together. It’s like everyone knows each other! I’ve also found out that people don’t really dress like in my mental picture, either. Actually, my mental picture seems to be more and more like a fantasy than a reality as I go on with this essay. So after I’ve explained all this to you, you might be laughing at me for my outrageous and uneducated hypothesis. What makes my assumptions about Israel truly tragic is the fact that I’m Arab. Both my parents emigrated from Lebanon during the war and now live in Monrovia. I had no clue that Israel was a democratic country, let alone it being one of the only democratic countries in the Middle East. Every time I hear the news about the Middle East, whether it is CNN or BBC, they always show the viewers dirt roads and sidewalks, destroyed buildings and villages, a desert-looking area with nothing on the land, and children and women in robes. I have now found out, thanks to the project, that there are two main reasons why these images popped into my mental picture: the news only shows places which are usually small towns and villages that are either being targeted by terrorists or occupied by an army, and that the people shown wearing robes are either just simply poor or Muslims. And because I have been educated, I can understand the news better, the people shown on the news, and especially the people affected by the attacks. The most important fact that I have learned is that even though these are people who live across the world from me, there are not that many differences between us. And because we are more similar than different, we need to 8 treat each other more like neighbors; better yet, like brothers and sisters.
  • 9. Third Prize Essay Gabby Garcia-O’Connor, Notre Dame High School Cindy Lee-Moon, Instructor (excerpt) T he State of Israel is a democratic oasis in the Middle East. The tiny country of Israel is dwarfed in size and surrounded by Arab neighboring countries, many of which have totalitarian governments. The Jewish state was born out of the worldwide suffering of the Jewish people longing for a place where they could live free of persecution. This dream was finally realized in 1948, with the emergence of the modern State of Israel. Israel is the only Jewish state in the world. However, the demographics of Israel are very diverse. Israeli citizens come from all over the world. Peoples of all colors, beliefs and ethnicities reside in Israel. All people, regardless of their religion or background, are given the rights and responsibilities that come with being a citizen of a democratic state. One of these responsibilities is service in the armed forces. The Israeli army is truly a citizens’ army, similar to the Minutemen of the American Revolution. Israel’s commitment to democracy can be seen in various ways. All citizens have the right to vote, own property and express their opinions through freedom of speech and press. Israelis are encouraged to be active in their democratic government. As a matter of fact, throughout the day, the media keeps the population informed of the government’s actions, thus motivating their participation. The Holy Land Democracy Project has helped me to understand why it is important that the United States continues to support and assist Israel. We share a commonality in that both countries were born out of persecution. Like the United States, Israel believes in democratic rule, respect and acceptance of different views. We presently live in a world that threatens individuality, religious freedoms and democracy. Israel is a shining beacon of democracy in an area of the world that is especially intolerant of anything that is not accepted in their mainstream. Hopefully, Israel will inspire other nations, ethnicities and religious groups to embrace tolerance rather than hatred. 9
  • 10. Third Prize Essay Rachel Samec, Louisville High School Josh Wilson, Instructor (excerpt) A fter learning about Israel from the Holy Land Democracy Project I realized there was much about Israel I did not know that I had misunderstood. In everything from the size of Israel to the people, I had views that were in some ways completely incorrect, and I really appreciate knowing what is the truth and what is not. It probably started the first day, when we looked at the many faces of Israel, that I realized my errors. When you hear of Judaism as an ethnicity, you also hear of common characteristics that generalize a people. You expect people to look a certain way, and I had always associated Jewish people with Israel. I personally thought of a certain type of hair, face and clothes but right away I realized I could completely misjudge people. By looking at a picture, I would place people in categories completely unrelated to them. I did not expect the diversity that was truly apparent from the lessons. Before, I did not know how young a state Israel was. I thought it had existed for a very long time. With so much attention given to Israel, I expected it to be a huge place. When I learned the true size, I was so surprised at all the controversy surrounding it. When I look at a map, there are a lot of places that small I have never heard of, but I am pretty sure most everyone has heard of Israel. After this project I am more aware of the real importance of Israel. I have always sympathized with the Jewish people while learning about their religious history, because they have so frequently and wrongly been persecuted. I think it is a good idea for them to have an area where they are in control and can freely express their religion, write in Hebrew and have their own flag. They need to have a place where they are the majority and can be in control, free from persecution. 10
  • 11. Honorable Mention Essay Christian Romo, St. Francis High School Mark Fredette, Instructor I n Christian’s fictional narrative, a young Israeli émigré is disillusioned by the constant trials and hardships of Jewish history and decides to disconnect himself from his faith and family. His wanderings bring him to a part of Poland where most of his family had perished in concentration camps. A chance encounter with an idealistic young Russian intent on making Aliyah (moving to Israel) changes his view about his own future and that of the Jewish people. After helping him find the Israeli embassy in Warsaw, the protagonist finds himself face to face with an embassy official: The man smiled and asked: “How may I help you?” “Take me home,” was all I said. Paul Ferrier, JSerra High School Melea Walden, Instructor (excerpt) In every sense of the word, the Jewish people have throughout history had a deep relationship with the land of Israel. This relationship was founded upon the Jewish people’s historical, cultural and religious connections with the land and has continued since in a tragic cycle of persecution, conflict and restoration. Now such connections are disputed … It is apparent that no race or religion is more religiously or historically connected to the Palestinian region than the Jewish people. Based on these two factors it becomes clear that the State of Israel and the Jewish people have every right to exist where they are. The Jewish state, for the sake of its people, should and must live on. 11
  • 12. Jerry Mathews, Bishop Montgomery High School Bernadette St James, Instructor (excerpt) I srael is the rare nation in the Middle East that promotes democratic values. The country allows citizens to vote for their leaders and allows citizens the right to a fair trial, traits that parallel America’s established democracy. Since their independence, Israel has applied the Law of Return. This Law of Return states that if you’re at least one-eighteenth Jewish, you may “return” to Israel. Once in Israel, this Jew is given full, complete rights. They are also welcomed into the community, like a friend not seen in years. There are many hopes for the future of Israel… many people are looking to unite Arabs and Jews for future generations. One of these hopeful programs is the Hand in Hand School. This school allows Arabs and Jews … to learn and play together. As they have stated, they have an “eye for the future.” The current state of violence will cease if parents teach their children to be tolerant of other cultures. Thomas Duong, St. Joseph High School Cynthia Madsen, Instructor (excerpt) T he face of a person contains many different textures that make that face … The country of Israel is the same. The history of Israel is the eyes and the nose of the face. The people’s past watches out for mistakes long ago that should not be repeated in the future. The many cultures, religions and lifestyles are the lips and mouth of the face. The culture of each person is the mouth, through which speech is passed. The religions and lifestyles are the lips that hold the culture together. Over the years, people with different faces came to Israel to work and live. They brought all kinds of cultures with them to spread in Israel. A state of so many faces of freedom smile at one another with such pleasure that it gives a person a warm feeling of happiness in their heart. The many “faces’” of Israel are like a family, uniting together over time. When a family like Israel becomes one, they all stick together … 12
  • 13. Jillian Jones, St. Bernard High School Margaret Govero, Instructor (excerpt) A t age 18, the Israelis start to hold many responsibilities; they are able to vote and they have to serve their country by joining the army. Men serve for three years and women for two. The Israelis don’t really have a problem with serving their country, they would rather die and keep their country strong than live and let it fall. Israelis value their country because of what those before them had to go through to gain independence. Steve Shushnar, St. Francis High School Mark Fredette, Instructor (excerpt) T he first thing we learned about was Israel’s location among the Eastern world. I learned that Israel is just a small piece of land surrounded by many countries that are not in favor of an Israeli state. In fact, these countries have invaded Israel, bombed Israel and even attacked innocent Israeli civilians. It is not like such occurrences are ancient history … just two years ago, Hezbollah sent 4000 rockets into Israel and kidnapped 2 soldiers. For some reason, there were many riots and protests in other Middle Eastern countries against Israel doing this. That just made no sense to me. How could people be against Israel taking out rockets that are aimed at their country? Another thing that made sense to me after reading about the country was why the United States has been supporting Israel so much over the years. Israel is one of the few countries in the Middle East that is a democracy. Since many countries in the Middle East do not like Israel, they also do not like the United States because we support a country that they do not like. History has proven that Jews are not safe without their own homeland. The main viewpoint that I obtained through learning about Israel is that this area is much more than a country to the people who live there. It is their home. It is where they belong. 13
  • 14. Josephine Sunga, Holy Family High School Roger DeSilva, Instructor (excerpt) O ften when we think of Israel, our heads are full of blurred notions of terrorism, war, Middle Eastern conflicts, the chosen People of God, or simply an alien nation that claims superiority on religious grounds. The physical face we assume for them is looking downward, head bowed in silence, hands held close in prayer. What we ought to be paying attention to, however, is the heart that lies behind those hands …. The emotional face of Israel is always changing. It is in constant fluctuation between the desire for a normal life and a sense of duty to one’s country. Teenagers in particular are victim to contradicting feelings, since it is always a struggle for them to balance their school, family, social lives, religion and, on top of it all, an obligation to serve in the army. As shown in the videos of the four Israeli teenagers, Sasha, Shlomi, Na’ama and Yaki, courage for their nation and all they hold dear to them is very easily challenged by fear for their own lives, fear of terrorism and death. This chronic threat and anxiety proves that the face of Israel can change in a second from valiance in doing God’s will to utter panic. Emily Park, Villanova Preparatory School Brian Grisin, Instructor (excerpt) U sually, culture and politics of other countries are hard to learn unless one actually visits the country. However, this project was very easy to understand because of the detailed explanation from the book and the various pictures from the Power Point. The news about wars and famine in the Middle East made me believe that all countries in the Middle East are autocratic countries. Therefore, Israel’s commitment to democracy was very surprising. The election system in Israel was also different than what I thought. Israelis vote for one party and its platform, and seats are assigned to each party in proportion to its percentage of the total vote. This system ensures a wide spectrum of political views in the Knesset, including the major centrist parties, small parties and a number of religious parties. 14
  • 15. Hannah Hoffman, Villanova Preparatory High School Brian Grisin, Instructor (excerpt) A fter years of struggles, the United Nations voted to establish a Jewish State in Palestine in 1947. This was a landmark achievement for Jews. They could finally claim the land that many believed God had given to them, and act as any other nation. They could govern their nation as they pleased, and decide how they wanted to live and worship. Although Israel is the Jewish homeland, all are accepted to live and worship there as they please. This freedom granted by the Jews demonstrates their comprehension that not everyone believes the same things … Kevin Kim, St. Monica Catholic High School Marc Nuno and Siobhan O’Neill, Instructors K evin’s fictional account deals with the experience of a young boy named Ephraim, on his first trip to Israel. Passover is coming soon, and Ephraim and his mother spend their first full day in Israel in the shuk (marketplace), shopping for the seder meal. A wrong turn down an alleyway brings Ephraim face to face with a symbol which had appeared to him, blurred, in a dream: That shape was the Star of David. As she led Ephraim away, his mother instructed him, “You should always take pride in it, Ephraim. Always.” 15
  • 16. Caselyn Larino, Pomona Catholic High School Allicen Naal, Instructor (excerpt) T he people of Israel, also called the Jewish people, trace their origins to Abraham, who established the belief that there is only one God, the Creator of the universe. Abraham, his son Isaac and grandson Jacob are referred to as patriarchs of the Israelites. All three Patriarchs lived in the Land of Canaan, which came to be known as the Land of Israel. The name Israel derives from the name given to Jacob. The people of modern day Israel share the same language and culture, shaped by their Jewish heritage and religion, and based through generations starting with the founding father Abraham. Jews have had a continuous presence in the Land of Israel for the past 3,300 years. Jews have striven continuously to reestablish their bond with the Land of Israel, although foes of the Jewish people did their best to obliterate the Jewish connection with the Land. After thousands of years of exile, the Jewish people have returned to their land. 16
  • 17. Poetry 17
  • 18. First Prize Poetry Israel of Light Rouel Soberano, Bishop Montgomery High School Bernadette St James, Instructor An ancient land rises in the east … As the sun sets the mountains cast shadows Enveloping the land in darkness … But the sun always rises And through the darkest of the dark Light always prevails … A sacred land shines in the east … A city upon the hill Upon which hope and freedom radiate Like the warm rays of the benevolent sun … In this land, people walk hand in hand Basking in the freedom gained through hard years Of fighting and conflict Of suffering and death Of pain and misery … But also of hope and light For a better future As the shining land Rises like a beacon out of the darkness … 18
  • 19. A homeland stands in the east … Standing united as God’s people Standing united as people hoping for peace Standing united as one human race … In this sacred land of promise and hope Of diversity and freedom Of light out of darkness, I promise to let the sun in, Never ceasing to fight the good fight Defending what is right Protecting the very right Of people to live and learn, Never ceasing to always seek truth And serve with honor … As Israel rises in the East As people live in freedom, As the sacred land retains its promise, As devotion and love for freedom hold true, Israel shall never fall And shall always be Jerusalem of Gold, Shining as a beacon of hope In a dark land. 19
  • 20. First Prize Poetry Figment of My Imagination Angeli Aguas, St. Joseph High School Cynthia Madsen, Instructor Middle, meaning in between. The Middle East which is located in between it all. Caught in a trap were there is nowhere to fall. This place is no longer a figment of my imagination for I have a bit more of an interpretation. I can now make the educated guess that none the less, they’re people. Yet the difference being a majority wake up from a good night’s rest in fear that they may shed a tear because of the loss of a loved one brought to them by a gun. To dare and think that bombs and combustion is their human consumption. It’s a bit of a mind tease to think that at such a young age you’re entitled to serve your country. The same year they blow out their 18 candles they are handed 18 rifles or something of the sort. Yes, that may be an exaggeration but none the less they take pride in their home No questions asked, they know their history. I’ve went from a fabricated image of turbans, dirt roads and heat that you couldn’t beat. To fashion sense, stop lights, and a cool breeze that doesn’t seize. Hearing the fictitious stories almost makes me want to fall on the ground. But now I seem to have found a bit more. Over the course of 60 years they’ve been through it all. In combat for peace and justice; their hearts are restless. Seeking nothing but serenity; Through dedication they have built a democracy. I’ve went from a fabricated image of turbans, dirt roads, and heat that you couldn’t beat to fashion sense, stop lights, and a cool breeze that doesn’t seize. 20
  • 21. Second Prize Poetry Israel Patrick Villar, Chaminade High School Kristina Ortega, Instructor O Israel, land of democracy and home to all, I see the sea of diverse faces standing proudly, tall. A country with a historical past, rich with stories of triumph and hardships of man, I listen to your tales told by the faces of your people, Israel. Through your people’s glittering eyes, Reflecting rays of hope and light, I see Zion forever grounded, shining so bright. A free nation given to the Jews, Rekindling hope in times of trial, I watch your people standing united as one, Israel. Amidst periods of darkness, Tested by the fires of war and persecution, your people have looked towards this solution. A land free from genocide, endless death, and racism, I see people free in the fields of Zion, Israel. Fleeing from the pyramids and Auschwitz, lands of death and oppression, I see you now grinning with a proud expression. Whether reform, conservative or orthodox, your people united for survival, Israel. Fighting for peace and democracy, advocates and allies of all who cherish justice, I can see your risen, waving flag, O Israel. A democracy run by a cabinet, Seeking to provide help for all, I see your courts, Israel. Stand forever proud and tall O Israel, a holy land of an ancient past, I hear the joyous singing of your people. A country for all to know, Devoted to justice and peace, Israel, Israel 21
  • 22. Third Prize Poetry Danielle Fischer, Notre Dame High School Cindy Lee-Moon, Instructor The earth has a face but a map is no mirror. A speck on a map tells no stories. When character overtakes statistics It breathes life into history’s rigid words. Characters. A country of thoroughly united individuals, The same core, but unique. Normal. Roots run deep Follow the vein from fingertips to the heart Trace up through mother’s blood, In dust and stone and paper. People flung like specks of ink In streaks across the globe’s broad canvas Banished too many times over Some blended, watered down, Some erased. So the paper scarred, vowed never to forget. New upon old. Remember. Fear of the bleach, fear of dilution Hope for a true physical presence Hope to be worthy of the word of God; Written to be sometimes close, sometimes distant, Tattooed into the land, their history just the same. Need of a common place to bleed to, to bleed for. 22
  • 23. It’s remarkable, really. A land so new, to skip the mistakes Skip the social evolution, The given violence that stained, mottling the history of other countries. To be new, aware, intelligent born into democracy born into equality welcoming immigration and to still have culture. Culture deep enough to compose a country. Thousands of years in ink to define, unite, defend. New upon old. Remarkable. Progressive, true, but others set it back a stage. Back to when all ink was splayed, bleeding everywhere People grabbing for space no matter who belonged before. Surrounded by woe-wishers Yet wanting nothing more than peace Despite the necessity to fight, The willingness to fight To prevent a fatal miss-stroke of the pen One failure and home is physically lost. So much at stake, but so much dignity to value the life of the attacker Knowing their face is the mirror. Look for the humanity, at the person Hope that they will do the same. New upon old. Israel. 23
  • 24. Honorable Mention Poetry Adelle Barte, Louisville High School Mary Wilson, Instructor Jewish Roots Do you know who I am? I live a life, Of long ancestry. From the time of Abraham And the promise of a land … Light the path .. The path to believe and hope for the people, God’s people, The Holy people of Israel, The Holy Land, My Holy Jewish brothers and sisters Ramin Sobati, Louisville High School Kristina Ortega, Instructor The Little Nation That Could What a great man Herzl was … In 1903, there was a large immigration From Europe to Israel, which started a foundation … In 1948, the Jews rejoiced and gained Independence At the ceremony, every Jew in attendance The Jews are fighting for their own good To preserve the little nation that could Sharlena Singleton, Pomona Catholic High School Allicen Naal, Instructor There are different places in Israel, Lots of faces there be The lowest point is a salty place Called the Dead Sea Safe from persecution, It is a homeland for the Jews … 24
  • 25. Dina Nichols, Notre Dame High School Cindy Lee-Moon, Instructor A Land and a People Connected Canaan God’s covenant A place in history Never forgotten Diaspora Jews away from the homeland Yet still connected By a common faith, culture, history Some long to come back A Declaration of Independence A dream becomes a reality, Israel is proclaimed a state Prayers are answered A new beginning To flourish To thrive To remember Matthew De La Peza, St Francis High School Mark Fredette, Instructor A Boy’s Hometown Mom and Dad yelling at each other, He storms out the door and runs to the beach. Drops of sorrow down his face Longing to see the face of his brother. The sparkling ocean whispers in his ears, “I am your home. I am truly yours.” He closes his eyes and sees his sibling On the battlefield. Suddenly an explosion Causes the water to start rippling. As his mind races, he hears a voice full with pride. Herzl speaks to him with reassurance, “Have confidence, boy. We are strong…” 25
  • 26. Nashaw Jafari, Bishop Montgomery High School John Fitzimons, Instructor Look over there my children, Do you see that orchid? It overflows this garden with its luscious scent And gathers people from around the world To wonder at its beauty. This orchid shares the gifts it receives from God Do not worry my children, God’s grace will never run out My children look at Jerusalem Jennifer Van Trieste, Louisville High School Josh Wilson, Instructor Many Faces, One Shore From afar, it’s all one color – A violet, stormy shade of jade. Each stone does not mesh with its brother: One solid mass, one small country. When pushed against by harsh untruths, They pushed forward to their old home. This red rock here lost all in youth But found everything on this shore. This smooth, black rock – typical friend – Is just a girl like me. These pains This teen could never comprehend … This green does not share their beliefs, But he is home as neighbor still. He can still share in the stones’ grief, Because he is still a stone as well. These stones carry many faces, Tell many stories of their hopes. But they exist – one – a jade place; One people come from many shores. 26
  • 27. Steven Holtzen, Don Bosco Technical Institute Claude LeBlanc, Instructor Expressions Gems, Shining bright, nature’s treasure. Ruby, blood shed in Israel, Blood shed in Israel’s name … A face of Israel Blanketed in misery. Emerald, Rolling hills and lands of honey, Emerald fields stretched endlessly … Lands bestowed upon them by the Lord Survival Gems, wrought in the bellows of the earth, Survive, enduring pressure, Reforming. To live on, And be reformed. Into a gem, Wrought in the Lord’s guiding hands, The craftsman, To form a gem of countless faces And matchless beauty. 27
  • 28. Audrey Stanford, St. Joseph High School Cynthia Madsen, Instructor Israel, Israel, Israel Animals roam where the people of old proudly stood Standing like ghosts on an open prairie The griffon vulture flies free calling to the people below .. Barely audible on the open wind … This time not speaking of the past But of the future … Israel, Israel, Israel Old ones with memories as countless as the stars Glance wearily at the past Placing their withering hands On the shoulders of the youth Youth glance up in a hasty rush Latching on to the dreams of the children … All together yelling Israel, Israel, Israel All together saying, crying, hoping, and wishing Israel, Israel, Israel 28
  • 29. Selene Smith, Marymount High School Rita Morgan, Instructor Israel, beautiful, cultural, unique, diverse … But on the news, all we see? Terror, fear, combat, difficulty Our ignorance should be banned. Did we never connect the dots? Israel: an insignificant news story? We should think not! Rich in achievements, But also in normalcy … Israelis are more similar to Americans Than most of us seem to believe Democratic government and Religious freedom. Please note: A wide variety of people, All with the right to vote. Never again will israel be an apathetic subject To Americans today, Because we know it’s so much more Than what the news anchor will say. 29
  • 31. First Prize Art Contest The Many Faces of Israel Leanne Villarivera, Notre Dame High School Cindy Lee-Moon, Instructor I decided to show what I have learned about Israel in the form of artwork. Each letter that spells out Israel has a picture symbolizing a special meaning that I thought was significant. The “I” represents the integration of American customs. People from Israel are thought to be total strangers to most Americans, but they are just like many of us. Israel has combined many American traditions into their lifestyles. The many faces of Israel listen to the same type of music as us and watch movies and shows that are shown in Israel as well. The two hands illustrate the combination of America and Israel. The “S” stands for shalom. Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace. Israel is know for having a lot of violence. I have learned that the many faces of Israel are in desperate need of peace in their society. The wars have impacted the many faces of Israel. The “R” portrays religion and culture. I have learned that Judaism is not only a major religion in Israel, but can also be a culture. The many faces of Israel seek Judaism. I have learned that Judaism is a lifestyle to the many faces of Israel. The people sacrifice time in order to worship and I greatly admire that. (continued) 31
  • 32. Leanne Villarivera, continued The “A” depicts agonizing pain. The many faces of Israel have been through a large number of unfortunate events. Many lives, homes and valuable possessions were lost in the wars, bombings, shootings and horrifying killings. This picture illustrates a young girl expressing her excruciating pain. This symbolizes that the impact of the war and all the killings affect a majority of the many faces of Israel. This single face is just one in a million of all the others who have suffered large amounts of anguish and pain. The “E” stands for equality. The many faces of Israel are very diverse. Many faces of different cultures live in Israel. All the people there are given the gift of equality. Every single face of Israel is treated like any other individual. I just wish the rest of the world had this special gift. My illustration for equality is the world and people standing around it while holding hands. This shows that the many faces of Israel stand, hand-in- hand. They get along and have not too many racial problems, compared to other places. The “L” demonstrates lives at risk. I have learned that living in Israel means risking your life every day. The many faces of Israel have been involved in numerous life-threatening incidents, such as suicide bombings. My painting depicts a suicide bombing. The many faces of Israel are at risk and do not even know it. Since Israel is such a small area, the death of one Israeli can affect many people since everyone seems to know each other. Learning about Israel has taught me to have a greater respect for the many faces of Israel. This experience in being able to learn has opened my eyes to the fabulous faces and lifestyles of Israel. I have learned that the many faces of Israel are what makes this country so unique. 32
  • 33. Second Prize Art Contest Becky Calvo, Louisville High School Mary Wilson, Instructor T he photo above is a picture I made representing the “Many Faces of Israel.” On the face is a picture of The Dome of the Rock, The Western Wall, a map of Israel, and the Israeli flag. I thought it would be best to represent how culture can be weaved into the heart of others. 33
  • 34. Third Prize Art Contest Abel Regalado, Bishop Alemany High School Mary Killmond, Instructor I n my collage for “The Many Faces of Israel” I have included many pictures that vary in meaning. I have pictures of life in Israel, basically what occurs there and how life is lived out. I felt that in order to get a better understanding of Israel’s day to day life, I would have to search for themes that represented the many characteristics of Israel. I wanted to reveal these different ‘faces’ of Israel through photographs and symbols. You have the faces of the sad and depressed, or even dead. You also have the faces of the happiest children you will ever see. I added both of these different perspectives so that one might look at this and realize that Israel is a country like our own. With people and children who laugh and cry just as we do. I also added the different scenery in Israel: From the sculptures and the buildings, to the historical sites and the beautiful pictures that capture the great beauty of the land of Israel. I added pictures of the military and consequences of war. Children being exposed to violence at so young of an age, armed with guns and smoking cigarettes. It is hard to believe that a country with so much beauty and with people just like ourselves could have suffered so much violence and death over the years. 34
  • 35. We humbly thank all of the inspiring educators and outstanding Catholic secondary schools who have partnered with us in building bridges between our communities and sharing the miracle of Israel with over 10,000 students in Los Angeles, Orange County, Fresno and Bakersfield. TEACHER SCHOOL Victor Arenas Bishop Amat Memorial High School Joe Banfield St. Anthony High School Maggie Bove-LaMonica Verbum Dei High School Michele Butorac St. Matthias High School Eric Cadena Chaminade High School Cindy Campbell San Joaquin Memorial High School Jennifer Campbell Bishop Amat High School Edward Clark Damien High School John Collins Pomona Catholic High School Kathleen DeSantis San Joaquin Memorial High School Roger DeSilva Notre Dame High School Jeanine DiCesaris-Kraybill Pomona Catholic High School John Fitzsimons Bishop Montgomery High School Mark Fredette St. Francis High School Margaret Govero St. Bernard Catholic High School Brian Grisin Villanova Preparatory School Holly Haynes Mater Dei High School Shane Johnson Villanova Preparatory School Mary Killmond Bishop Alemany High School April Kramer Chaminade High School Claude LeBlanc Don Bosco Technical Institute Cindy Lee - Moon Notre Dame High School Maureen Linehan Ramona Convent Secondary School Cynthia Madsen St. Joseph High School Mary Marsella Garces Memorial High School Sonya Mercado St. Bonaventure High School Rita Morgan Marymount High School Denis Munoz St. Bernard Catholic High School Allicen Naal Pomona Catholic High School Fatima Nicdao Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary High School Marc Nuno St. Monica Catholic High School Siobhan O'Neill St. Monica Catholic High School Kristina Ortega Chaminade High School Jason Parrot St. Bernard Catholic High School Elisa Perez Ramona Convent Secondary School Linda Petrich St. Joseph High School Michelle Purghart Holy Family High School College Preparatory Tomas Renna Bishop Montgomery High School Susan Rizo Garces Memorial High School Stephen Schumacher Santa Margarita Catholic High School Mike Sifter Alverno High School Bernadette St. James Bishop Montgomery High School Joe Swoboda Servite High School Melea Walden Jserra Catholic High School Chris Weir Servite High School Josh Wilson Louisville High School Mary Wilson Louisville High School Theresa Yugar Sacred Heart High School 35
  • 36. Dr. Daniel Lieber, Chair Elaine Albert, Director Rabbi Hal Greenwald, Assistant Director Dr. David Ackerman, Educational Coordinator Advisory Council Michael Altman, Malka Blitz, Julie Bram, Gary Cypres, Steven H. Feder, Irwin S. Field, Cliff Goldstein, Abner Goldstine, Dennis A.Gura, Stanley Kandel, Leslie Kessler, Sharon Krischer, Linda Mayman, Marla Rosen, Faith Schames,Terri Smooke, Karl Sussman Action Group Dr. Parviz Afshani, Marc L. Benezra, Stuart Bernstein, Prof. Gerald Bubis, Susie Chodakiewitz, Avi Davis, Deborah Kattler Kupetz, Ernest Z. Klein, Paul Kujawsky, Dr.Ariel Malamud, Jo Ann Oster, Dr. Irwin Reich, Nathan D.Wirtschafter Jewish Community Relations Committee Terri Smooke and Glenn Sonnenberg, Co-Chairs Marc Carrel, Vice Chair Andrew Cushnir, Executive Director The Jewish Federation Stanley P. Gold, Chairman of the Board Richard V. Sandler, Vice Chairman Bettina Kurowski, General Campaign Chair John R. Fishel, President The Holy Land Democracy Project is a joint project of The Jewish Federation, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the Diocese of Orange and the Diocese of Fresno. Exhibit photography generously contributed by Orly Halevy