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      June 5, 2011
                   2011 CREATIVE CONTEST WINNERS
                               POETRY CONTEST WINNERS
                                          FIRST PRIZE
                 Leila Ehsan, St. Monica (Rita Morgan and Siobhan O’Neill)
                                         SECOND PRIZE
                      Aniela Tolentino, Mater Dei (Carol Koppenheffer)
                              Tristan Vanech, Loyola (Tika Lee)
                                          THIRD PRIZE
                           Jesse Flores, Cathedral (Hilary Aguirre)
                                      HONORABLE MENTION
     Melanie Chavez, Bishop Conaty (Lisa Gabriel); Kala Kopecek, St. Joseph (Linda Petrich,
         Cynthia Madsen and Allison Ek); Austin Niehaus, Notre Dame (Dave Savage)

                                 ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS
                                            FIRST PRIZE
               Karah Alexander, St. Monica (Rita Morgan and Siobhan O’Neill)
                                          SECOND PRIZE
           Ariana Castellanos, San Joaquin (Cindy Campbell and Kathleen DeSantis)
                            Chris Nofal, St. Francis (Mark Fredette)
                                           THIRD PRIZE
                          David A. Nuno, Cathedral (Hilary Aguirre)
                                        HONORABLE MENTION
      Andrew Blair, Bishop Montgomery (John Fitzsimons); Matthew Burdette, Villanova
            Preparatory (Brian Grisin); Alfredo DeLoera, Damien (Douglas Hoffman);
    Christian Guttierez, Verbum Dei (Karen Chambers); Julia Klein, Mater Dei (Colleen Hall);
                Matthew Partyka, St. Monica (Rita Morgan and Siobhan O’Neill)

                                  ART CONTEST WINNERS
                                           FIRST PRIZE
                         Alexis Lackerman, Rosary (Maureen Tunstill)
                                          SECOND PRIZE
                             Grant Hodges, Servite (Joe Swoboda)
                                           THIRD PRIZE
                Stephen Misak, Bishop Montgomery (Bernadette St. James)
                                       HONORABLE MENTION
    Emma Akmakdjian, GHCHS (Annet Kohen); Athena Azpeitia, Mater Dei (Colleen Hall);
      Jared Baker, Loyola (Tika Lee); Grant Higa, Bishop Montgomery (John Fitzsimons);
                  Lauren Hugo, Bishop Montgomery (Bernadette St. James)
  Joshua Melton, Oaks Christian (Aaron Marcarelli); Felicity Nelson, Louisville (Mary Wilson)
Adrienne Shamoon, Louisville (Mary Wilson); Stephanie Treat, Santa Margarita (James Nielsen)

                            MULTIMEDIA CONTEST WINNERS
                                           FIRST PRIZE
                         Jonathan Benn, St. Francis (Mark Fredette)
                                          SECOND PRIZE
                               Nathan Wong, Loyola (Tika Lee)
                                           THIRD PRIZE
                       Katie Coyle, Oaks Christian (Aaron Marcarelli)
                                      HONORABLE MENTION
     Monica Eskander/ Lucas Gutierrez/ Zachary Hart/ Kendra Athan, Bishop Montgomery
               (Bernadette St. James); Cielito Kirkham, Louisville (Mary Wilson)
                         June 5, 2011

WELCOME                         Sister Angela Hallahan
                                Secondary School Religion Coordinator
                                Archdiocese of Los Angeles
TABLE ACTIVITIES                Discovering Israel Together
REMARKS FROM                    Jay Sanderson
THE JEWISH FEDERATION           President
                                The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
THE HOLY LAND                   Dr. Daniel Lieber
DEMOCRACY PROJECT               Chair
                                The Holy Land Democracy Project
   Teacher Commendation         Rita Morgan, St. Monica
  Student Award                 Leila Ehsan
   Teacher Commendation         Rita Morgan, St. Monica
   Student Award                Karah Alexander
   Teacher Commendation         Maureen Tunstill, Rosary
   Student Award                Alexis Lackerman


  Teacher Commendation          Mark Fredette, St. Francis
  Student Award                 Jonathan Benn

CAPERNAUM TO THE CLASSROOM: Victoria Anderson, Norte Vista

CLOSING THOUGHTS                Cosette Carleo, Karlygush Smith,
L’hitraot!                      Karly Goins, Bishop Montgomery


First Prize Poetry
      Leila Ehsan, St. Monica High School
 Rita Morgan and Siobhan O’Neill, Instructors


           If you asked my composition,
                 I would say, I am dirt,
                      I am gravel.
                  I am sky, sun, water.
            I am country, city and town.
               I am beach, I am desert.
              If you asked my color,
           I would say I am Black, Grey,
                Yellow, and Brown.
              I am Red, I am Green.
                   But I stay true
              To the White and Blue
            If you asked me of my faith,
        I would say that I am Jew, Christian,
                 Muslim and Druze.
                With me, you are free
                     to choose.
           If you asked me of my duties,
                I would say I am lover.
                    I am defender.
              I have glory, I have might
                    And I fight for
                 What I think is right.
             If you asked me who I was,
           I would say that I am the man
                   Kneeled in prayer.
          I am the daughter off at battle.
         I am the mother working all day.
           I am the loving grandparents.
                I am the son at school.
                    I am neighbor.
                      I am friend.
          If you were unsatisfied, and thus
                 Asked for my name
        I would say that I am all, and more.
         I am dirt, color, faith, duty, person
                    And I am one.
                For I have many faces,
                And one united front
             Held together by my people
                  Forever and ever.
                       I am Israel.
Second Prize Poetry
                      Aniela Tolentino, Mater Dei High School
                           Ms. Koppenheffer, Instructor

    I am land of many faces and I face many a man;
    Some may question my identity, but I know who I am.
    I am the land where many places have caused the fall of many men;
    Yet I rise up with hope and splendor, because my spirit can.

    I am laden with tradition and carry a rich history,
    Hues of skin from ebony to ivory attest to my diversity.
    The young, the old, the rich, the poor – are all welcome in my land.
    We seek to reach out to each other, we attempt to understand
    That no single one group is better and that we’re best when we’re united.
    No one group should be ostracized; no one person should be slighted.

    Sometimes I am the old wise man who recalls the path he took
    By following traditions and sticking to his Holy Book.
    With a mezuzah in his home as a reminder of His presence,
    With constant religious symbols to remind him of his essence.

    At times the face of ebony is one I choose to take
    And though my roots are from Ethiopia, I’ve chosen to partake
    In the celebration of Israel – a celebration of my Self;
    Where I can express my own identity and simply be myself.

    At times I’m the teenager with a t-shirt and tight jeans,
    But I’m still an Israeli, I still know what it means
    To be a part of a rich culture – one that celebrates diversity,
    And always hopes in dreams, and rises from adversity.

    I’ve weathered many battles and I’ve lived through quite a few
    But the biggest battle of all is the one where people do
    Not know and appreciate the complexity of who I am.
    Where they close their minds, they stereotype, they don’t know how I can
    Honor the many faces, races and religions for which I stand.

    And now you’re all invited to one big commemoration
    For each human that makes a part of me and is worth a celebration.
    I know that it may take a while for all of us to come together
    But it starts with understanding why a united people’s better.

Second Prize Poetry
                      Tristan Vanech, Loyola High School
                               Ms. Lee, Instructor

She roamed around under the moon
Then folded her wings to rest
And her mind journeyed back to her cocoon
“How naive was I,” she would jest.

She thought, “I know the place I will go
After I grow my wings,
I shall see Israel, I’ll fly over that plateau
I wonder what it brings.”

A perspective only from what she heard
For she was at her beginning stage
From friends she took their word
Her assumptions were these at an early age.

Israelis are only Jews, aren’t they?
Ha, of course they’re not,
This area to her was gray
But now she could answer on the spot.

Muslims, Christians and more
Live and thrive in that land,
Religious diversity does soar
They accept any religious brand.

The Dome of the Rock stands
On their most holy place, the Temple Mount.
But the Jews don’t mind, they share the land –
To them, staying peaceful is all that counts.

The butterfly’s development and new perceptions reflect my changed under-
standing of the Middle East and Israel’s place … Her assumptions from what she
heard “from friends” are exaggerations of the myths I have heard or assump-
tions I have made.

Third Prize Poetry
               Jesse Flores, Cathedral High School
                     Ms. Aguirre, Instructor


                      You are no different from us
              Yet the portraits we paint are of sheer terror.
               These images shed and replaced by reality.
                A reality we are no longer strangers to,
                 One where we are united under grace.

                  The blinds opened to shone Truth.
                  Truth of a country I knew little of.
            Where you dream and aspire to all you can be.
                        The culture we share,
                       The friend I see in you.
            Hidden under a guise torn to show your Beauty.
                 Your own uniqueness that I welcome
           With open mind and open heart you are a brother.

                       Your home plagued by hostility,
              Hostility grown out of confusion and insecurity.
    Lives lost for a better future, invigorated by optimistic prospects,
                      You serve your country with zeal.

                  The many faces shone to the world.
          Discoveries made of relative connections between us
                 Personalities that show homogeneity,
                Leads to bonds that harbor compassion.
                    Israel, home to a diverse people,
                       Land of God that unites all,
                               We are one.

Honorable Mention Poetry
       Kala Kopecek, St. Joseph High School
    Ms. Petrich, Ms. Madsen, Ms. Ek, Instructors


     Not a third world country
                A booming, thriving land
                     Its size is trivial
             Its accomplishments are many

     Not the home for terrorists
            A safe haven for the persecuted
               Freedom for the religious
                  Diversity is welcome

     Not strangers
                Children, Wives, Uncles
                All with dreams like us
                Our brothers and sisters

Honorable Mention Poetry
     Melanie Chavez, Bishop Conaty – Our Lady of Loretto High School
                          Ms. Gabriel, Instructor


                        Abraham the father of my people,
                              God the father of life,
                          Israel the land of my people,
                                 Jew is what I am.

                      I was born the daughter of my parents
                              I did not choose my life
                                     It chose me.
                                  Jew is what I am.

                     In the year 587 Babylonians exiled us.
                    Destroyed our temple, but not our spirits.
                   My ancestors travelled from place to place
                They knew soon they would have their land back
                  Jews would call Israel their home once again.
                               Jew is what I am.

                            Brown hair, Brown eyes,
                         Star of David around my neck.
               A reminder of what my grandparents went through
                   Concentration camps where they were held
               My grandmother’s brothers were tortured and killed.
               My grandmother has numbers imprinted on her arm
               My family survived never denying their Jewish faith.
                                Jew is what I am.

                                Israel is my home.
                             I am strong, I am Proud,
                                    I am a Jew.
                                 Jew is what I am.

Honorable Mention Poetry
       Austin Niehaus, Notre Dame High School
                Mr. Savage, Instructor


                    Forget not the Sabbath,
             Its mention is like a pleasant offering.
            During it the dove found resting place,
                 And there the weary may relax.
         The day is honored by the children of faith,
           Careful to observe it are fathers and sons.
              Engraved upon two tablets of stone,
            From great power and mighty strength.
            And they all came in covenant together,
    In unison they said, “We shall do and we shall listen.”
     And they commenced and answered, “God is one.”
        Blessed is he that gives strength to the weary.
   And all of his commandments to be completed together
          Strengthen the loins and gather up power.
         The nation that is in motion, like lost sheep,
           By covenant he will remember to recall it,
       So that an evil happening may not befall them,
        Just as you have sworn by the waters of Noah.


First Prize Essay
                Karah Alexander, St. Monica High School
                Ms. Morgan and Ms. O’Neill, Instructors

                                 “Me, We”

E  very time I turn on the news they would depict the Middle East as a war
   zone … every time you hear the region “Middle East,” I immediately think
back to the early eighth and ninth century, when the Middle East [had] the
largest and most brutal African slave market. When hearing about this week-
long study our class was going to take part in about Israel and the Middle East,
my mind immediately shut down, and I actually grew very upset; why in the
world would I want to learn and understand more about a region that brutal-
ized and caused so much harm amongst my ancestors? But through presenta-
tions, videos, speakers and book study, my whole perception was going to

Teenagers [in Israel] … are not sad or defiant when being notified that they
must serve -- instead they show excitement and pleasure, which brings out
the honor of their country. Though my family is pacifist … I showed nothing
but great respect towards those teens who show so much honor toward their
homeland in being willing to fight for their country.

I could go on and on about all what learned about Israel … How much their
lifestyles relate to ours in the United States … and how much their govern-
ment resembles ours, as they live under a democracy. My whole view on the
Middle East took a drastic turn, probably because my ignorance stepped aside.
It was time for me to step out of the past, a past that I am not even so definite
in understanding, and start looking at things in a new light, with an open
mind. [Israel] is far more than the battlefield the news always seems to portray
…. Sometimes the media, history books and in my case our so called ‘extreme
cultural views’ can twist different situations and cause a total misunderstand-
ing, which can lead to a great deal of ignorance among people.

After learning so much about such a wonderful country, Israel and the Middle
East are no longer a part of the word “they” but now, like the great
Muhammed Ali so poetically said, it is “Me, We.”

I am one with them. I understand.

Second Prize Essay
             Arieana Castellanos, San Joaquin Memorial High School
                             Ms. Campbell, Instructor

     T  he faces of Israel are tear-streaked. They are heavy with exhaustion and
        scarred with the effects of a war-torn past. They are happy and thankful for
     the life they have. They laugh, they cry. They are ready for a long overdue
     peace. They long for a country where a military draft is not a necessity. They
     long for acceptance of their religious and political freedom from their neighbors.
     Those are the faces of Israel ….

     It’s face …. Is that of a fighter. A fighter in a boxing ring who never gets a break.
     It’s not bitter, but tired. Israel’s face, the country itself, is stubborn and will not
     back down.

     [Israel’s] not a house, it is a home.

Second Prize Essay
                     Chris Nofal, St. Francis High School
                           Mr. Fredette, Instructor

M      y views about the Middle East have been greatly affected by this project.
       I myself am Lebanese and Palestinian and not very educated about either
one. I thought that the entire Middle East consists of many different Arabs fight-
ing over land and being in constant chaos and turmoil … I now know that the
Israelis, mainly Jews, just want somewhere where they can live in peace. Even
though it’s a Jewish state, they were and are still willing to coexist with the Pales-
tinians in Israel. Being part Palestinian, I feel that the Palestinian people should
revolt against Hamas and bring them down, so that they do the sensible thing
and make peace with the Israelis.

I still believe that many countries in the Middle East are in turmoil and want to
keep fighting wars, but I have learned that Israel is not one of them … I feel
that the press utterly condemns them for every bad thing they do. I have learned
that Israel, for the most part, retaliates after being attacked several times, for
they do not want to cause anyone harm. Once they retaliate, the world con-
demns Israel for being a bully and responding with such force. Israel will never
be rid of war unless the Palestinians and the Israelis agree to a compromise, one
wipes out the other, or the Palestinians take control of their own lives and free
themselves of Hamas and Hezbollah.

Third Prize Essay
                         David Nuno, Cathedral High School
                               Ms. Aguirre, Instructor

     E   stablished in 1948, the modern state of Israel is home to people from diverse
         ethnic backgrounds and religious practices. With a president, prime minister,
     parliament and over twenty-five political parties, Israeli citizens are guaranteed
     many rights similar to the many freedoms Americans enjoy. In fact, Israel is the
     most democratic country in the Middle East. Israel’s commitment to democracy
     and democratic values, however, is unsurprising, as it was founded by individuals
     seeking freedom and refuge from years of inequity and persecution. While mod-
     ern-day Israel’s establishment is only recent, the deep and historical connection
     of the Jewish people to the Holy Land dates back over three thousand years.

     With the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and therefore no center of wor-
     ship for Jews, Rabbinic Judaism allowed Jews to preserve their religion and rela-
     tionships in spite of their exile. Several modern-day Jewish rituals, customs, and
     prayers that have been passed down for generations, in fact, serve as reminders
     of the Holy Land, their exile and the Jewish promise to return to it and restore it.
     Jews’ attachment to Israel permeates nearly every facet of their daily routines.

     Nevertheless, while Jews held a deep feeling of attachment toward the Land of
     Israel, they remained passive when it came to its actual restoration. Believing that
     such actions would demonstrate their lack of faith in God, Jews patiently prayed
     and adhered to their religious practices. It was not until the second half of the
     19th century that an active movement for Jewish return to the Holy Land
     emerged. The Age of Enlightenment’s emphasis on rationality and equality, along
     with the French revolution, brought about a new political model. Jews, particu-
     larly those in eastern Europe, often faced fierce discrimination, and exclusion from
     the national movements of Europe. Furthermore, nationalism and liberalism cre-
     ated a new Jewish self-awareness in which Jews began to ask questions about
     their history, cultural origins and identity beyond religious terms. Zionism, a na-
     tionalist Jewish political movement, thus emerged.

Honorable Mention Essays
                    Alfredo DeLoera, Damien High School
                           Mr. Hoffman, Instructor

I   n the last week, I’ve been exposed to Israel in a different way.

I thought it was a large nation with constant religious wars. In reality, it’s a hum-
ble nation of everyday people. I had the misconception that all women were
covered up all the time, so there was definitely a shock when I saw the “Distant
Friends” video and there were girls in bikinis.

It was a big surprise to me to see how the teenagers in “Distant Friends” were a
lot like me and my friends. I was really surprised when Shlomi said he listened to
Guns ‘N Roses, Iron Maiden and Nirvana, because I love all those bands …. I
learned that all of the citizens of Israel join the military as opposed to choosing
[to join], but what really surprised me was that the people were more than ready,
they were excited to serve.

Honorable Mention Essays
                          Julia Klein, Mater Dei High School
                                  Ms. Hall, Instructor

     T   he Jewish people don’t think of Israel as just a place of heritage, but it is
         thought of as a sacred place where their traditions began and grew. Unlike
     the Jewish people, many Americans take their homeland for granted. Sadly,
     the majority of Americans don’t realize how truly fortunate they are to live in
     a land of freedom.

     Jews have lived in Israel for more than 3.200 years. During these years, the Jewish
     people have had a continuous presence in Israel. Jews were not always in political
     control of the land, and also were not always the ruling majority of the popula-
     tion. The land is thought to be so holy that just walking in it can gain you a place
     in heaven. Many of the daily prayers also ask for a return to Israel. Lastly … Jew-
     ish holidays root back to Israel, where it all began.

     I feel it is amazing how the Jewish people cherish their homeland every day. I
     am going to try to make sure I thank God more often about how fortunate I am
     to live in America …

Honorable Mention Essays
                Matthew Partyka, St. Monica High School
                Ms. Morgan and Ms. O’Neill, Instructors

T  he Jewish people show us how we can rise from tragedy and how we
   should not be afraid to express our true identities. Most importantly, the
Jewish people have shown us that human will can triumph all.

Prior to this project, I had this idea that Israel was a major source for many of the
problems in the Middle East and that they had a difficult time getting along with
others. Part of this idea stemmed from my lack of participation in global news
events. This project and the recent revolution in Egypt have encouraged me to
become more involved in the news and to be more aware of events occurring in
different parts of the world. It has also given me the desire to better understand
how these events may pertain to my life and how they can affect me in my future.
The most interesting thing I learned from this project was how being Jewish not
only defines a religion, but how it also defines a way of life and a nationality. I
find that concept fascinating and I don’t think many people realize what that
truly means.

Being a Catholic, I understand and appreciate the religious significance the Holy
Land provides and the rich Jewish culture it shares with the rest of the world.

Honorable Mention Essays
                 Matthew Burdette, Villanova Preparatory School
                             Mr. Grisin, Instructor

     Israel’s commitment to Democracy is truly outstanding, as they are one of the
      greatest examples of a working democracy in the Middle East – especially
     when surrounded by neighboring countries who seem to abhor their freedom.

     The Knesset is composed of 120 members, who pass all laws … Each member serves
     a four year term, being elected by anyone 18 or older, through means of the secret
     ballot, much like the United States. Unlike our two [political] parties, they have
     dozens, truly representing every viewpoint … The draft is not an encroachment
     upon the freedoms of the people of Israel, it is insurance for the continuance of those
     freedoms. They are not lessening their democracy in instituting the mandatory draft,
     just securing it.

Honorable Mention Essays
                Austin Niehaus, Notre Dame High School
                         Mr. Savage, Instructor

S  tarting a new life anywhere can bring hardships … You could say that Wilm-
   ington is to Hispanics much like Israel is to the Jews; this is where they
thrived … Like my grandparents, the Jews have always been hard workers,
but no matter how much they tried to assimilate and work in everyday society
they still had prejudiced views held against them.

Now I look up to my grandparents and Jews as strong people who I strive to be
like, the people who defy the odds, and have an outlook on life that is, “The glass
is half full.”

Honorable Mention Essays
                   Christian Gutierez, Verbum Dei High School
                             Ms. Chambers, Instructor

     T   hroughout time, the Jewish people have searched for a place, a home, or
         a land to call their own where there is no discrimination or anti-Semitic
     acts forced upon them … After having their land lost, the Jewish people spread
     themselves throughout the entire world, but they were not accepted any-
     where. Finally, one man named Theodore Herzl stood up and said, “We’ve
     been trying to fit in – but every place we go, we are not accepted. We need a
     place of our own. Israel is the only place where we have been together without
     discrimination and among our own and at peace.”

     After World War II the UN thought back to Herzl and concluded that the land of
     Israel needed to be shared by the Arab people and the Israelis.


First Prize Art
                         Alexis Lackerman, Rosary High School
                                 Ms. Tunstill, Instructor


     Iwanted to make my project relevant to what we have been studying in class,
      so I chose to take the phrase “step in their shoes” literally by basing my project
     around a pair of shoes. The right shoe is the “Past” shoe. It shows what the Jewish
     people have come from (discrimination, prejudice, etc…) and also what they
     value. The outline of Israel is blue because the colors of the flag of Israel are white
     and blue. The pair of old eyes symbolizes the old generation, and the barbed wire
     and the yellow star of David represents the terrible tragedy of the Holocaust.

     The left shoe is the “Present” shoe, showing a “present-day”star of David. The
     I.D.F logo represents the Israeli Defense Forces and the military which every young
     person must enter when they reach the age of 18. The pair of young eyes represents
     the new generations building up Israel. The hand is reaching up to the yellow
     flower to show that the people of Israel are reaching towards the bright future.
     The vines and purple growing around the hand and shoe represent the growing
     of the population both within Israel and in other parts of the world.

Second Prize Art
                      Grant Hodges, Servite High School
                      Mr. Swoboda, Mr. Weir, Instructors

C    oming into this week I heard
     we would learn about Israel. I
thought to myself, “I already
know that the people there are
Jews and that Jesus was born
there.” But at the end of the
week I realized it really wasn’t all
that simple. The people aren’t all
of the Jewish faith, and not all of
the people are really too different
from us. The first person you see
on my project near the top right
corner of the country is an Israeli
teenage boy. He is 14 years old
and likes rock music and playing
guitar. He goes to school and thinks
about joining the military to serve
his country in combat. Not much
different from a teenager here, is
it? To his left is a Russian immigrant
to the country. Her parents moved
there when she was very young
and is now living a very normal
life as an adult who is now very
successful and high in business. This is very similar to a person moving out of state
here. On the bottom left corner is a man who left Columbia to come here. He did
this when he was an adult and found a better lifestyle here than in Columbia. He
now works for the military as an engineer and for intelligence rather than combat.

Third Prize Art
                  Stephen Misak, Bishop Montgomery High School
                             Ms. St. James, Instructor

                                       T his sculpture represents my understanding of
                                         the Middle East, including my idea of The
                                       Many Faces of Israel.

                                       The tower in the center is the beacon that is
                                       Israel, calling everyone home to the land of God.
                                       The many different colors and the variety of
                                       people on the tower represent the strength from
                                       the unity of a diverse people.

                                       The people all stand together protecting the land
                                       and the values they stand for. Though they do not
                                       look alike, they share a common bond that goes
                                       deeper than anything else.

                                      The tower stands surrounded by a dark disarray
     of strange objects. These represent the nations that surround the tower, but none
     of them touch it. The tower stands deeply planted in the ground and rises up
     above it all out of the darkness that surrounds it.

     The common faith in God shared by the people can be seen and felt in Israel
     through its entire population and it is the power of this faith and the tenacity of
     the people that makes the tower stand tall and proud in the midst of all that is
     surrounding it.

     The person holding the crystal represents Israel offering to make peace with all
     those around them and to share their deep bond with everyone.

     The sculpture overall portrays the image of Israel as a light in a dark land. Its light
     will never be extinguished because the fuel that keeps it lit will never run out and
     can never be taken away from Israel and its people.

     And lastly there to his left is an older Arab woman who fled to Israel in the war of
     Independence. She sought a better future for her family. Any person in our coun-
     try would also leave where they were in order to have a better life. People over
     there, as you can see, are not much more different from us. This overall display I
     have presented is to symbolize that even though the people there are diverse,
     they still come together to create a peaceful world, as any people would want for
     their country.

First Prize Multi-Media
     Jonathan Benn, St. Francis High School
            Mr. Fredette, Instructor

The Jewish Federation’s Holy Land
                                        Democracy Project educates non-Jewish
                                        high    school   students     throughout
                                        Los Angeles about modern Israel by
                                        sending their teachers there. The result
     is a cadre of educators at Catholic, Evangelical and Charter schools
     who have shared powerful, first-hand experiences with more than
     22,000 diverse students. Educators study the history and diversity of the
     Jewish people, the democracy of Israel, as well as the challenges and
     complexities of Arab/Israeli relations. The program includes teacher training,
     a curriculum called The Many Faces of Israel, and a contest showcasing
     students’ essays, poetry and art depicting what they learned about the
     only democracy in the Middle East. The resulting understanding of Israel
     creates a new perspective on Jewish life around the world. Since the pro-
     gram’s inception in 2004, more than 50 schools have participated and
     more than 90 educators have made this perspective-changing journey
     and returned to share their experience with their students.

                             Tikkun olam, a Hebrew expression which means
                             “repair the world,” is a historic and core Jewish
                             value – and why reaching out to address the needs
                             of the entire community is one of the goals of
                             The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. The
                             central coordinating organization for the Jewish
                             community, the Federation fulfills this goal by
     operating and funding a broad range of humanitarian programs on a
     non-sectarian basis, open to people of all faiths and backgrounds. These
     essential programs offer food for the hungry, care for the elderly, help to
     battered women, job training for those seeking employment, interest-
     free loans to those in need, literacy programs for our young people, and
     much more.

We humbly thank all of the inspiring educators and outstanding schools who
 have partnered with us in building bridges between our communities and
   sharing the miracle of Israel with over 22,000 students in Los Angeles,
          Orange County, Fresno, Bakersfield and San Bernardino.
TEACHER                      SCHOOL
Hilary Aguirre-Yribarren     Cathedral High School
Janice Allen                 Oaks Christian High School
Anunciacion Anderson         Junipero Serra High School
Victoria Anderson            Norte Vista High School
Maria Andrade-Johnson        Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Victor Arenas                Bishop Amat Memorial High School
Randy Aust                   Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Justin Bailey                Pacifica Christian High School
Joe Banfield                 St. Anthony High School
Maggie Bove-LaMonica         Verbum Dei High School
Roxanne Brush                St. Genevieve High School
Judy Burton                  Alliance College-Ready Public Schools
Michele Butorac              St. Matthias High School
Eric Cadena                  Chaminade College Preparatory
Cindy Campbell               San Joaquin Memorial High School
Jennifer Campbel             St. Anthony High School
Raul Carranza                College-Ready Academy High School #7
Karen Chambers               Verbum Dei High School
Edward Clark                 Damien High School
John Collins                 Pomona Catholic High School
Scott Comer                  Pacifica Christian High School
Kat Cook                     Bishop Amat Memorial High School
Nancy Coonis                 Notre Dame Academy
Vera De Artola               Notre Dame High School
Kathleen DeSantis            San Joaquin Memorial High School
Roger DeSilva                Notre Dame High School
Jeffrey Dewey                Oaks Christian High School
Karina Diaz                  Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School
Jeanine DiCesaris-Kraybill   Pomona Catholic High School
Allison Ek                   St. Joseph High School
Stephen Felkner              Junipero Serra High School
John Fitzsimons              Bishop Montgomery High School
Mark Fredette                St. Francis High School
Lisa Gabriel                 Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School
Shannon Gavin                Rosary High School
Blair Gillam                 Oaks Christian High School
Marcos Gonzalez              San Gabriel Mission High School
Margaret Govero              St. Bernard Catholic High School
Brian Grisin                 Villanova Preparatory School
April Gutierrez              Sacred Heart High School
Stephen Hagberg              Oaks Christian High School
Colleen Hall                 Mater Dei High School
Holly Haynes                 Mater Dei High School
Kevin Hernandez              Huntington Park College-Ready Academy High School
Rodolfo Hernandez            Bishop Amat Memorial High School
Michael Herrera              St. Bonaventure High School
Douglas Hoffman              Damien High School
Stephanie Hofmann            Gertz-Ressler High School
Christopher James            Leuzinger High School
Shane Johnson          Villanova Preparatory School
 Mary Killmond          Bishop Alemany High School
 William Klein          Marymount High School
 Annet Kohen            Granada Hills Charter High School
 Carol Koppenheffer     Mater Dei High School
 Claude LeBlanc         Don Bosco Technical Institute
 Tika Lee               Loyola High School
 Cindy Lee - Moon       Notre Dame High School
 Maureen Linehan        Ramona Convent Secondary School
 Cynthia Madsen         St. Joseph High School
 Aaron Marcarelli       Oaks Christian School
 Dean Marolla           College-Ready Academy High School #5
 Mary Marsella          Garces Memorial High School
 Chalio Medrano         Huntington Park College-Ready Academy High School
 Sonya Mercado          St. Bonaventure High School
 Conan Moats            Heritage College-Ready Academy High School
 Kathy Morgan           St. Monica Catholic High School
 Rita Morgan            St. Monica Catholic High School
 Denis Munoz            St. Bernard Catholic High School
 Allicen Naal           Pomona Catholic High School
 Fatima Nicdao          St. Monica Catholic High School
 James Nielsen          Santa Margarita Catholic High School
 Lisa Nollette          Rosary High School
 Ray Nolte              Damien High School
 Marc Nuno              St. Monica Catholic High School
 Nate Nylander          Oaks Christian School
 Siobhan O’Neill        St. Monica Catholic High School
 Kristina Ortega        Chaminade College Preparatory
 Robert Pambello        Heritage College-Ready Academy High School
 Jason Parrot           St. Bernard Catholic High School
 Jeanette Pascua        Notre Dame High School
 Gary Pate              Oaks Christian School
 William Perales        Mary Star of the Sea
 Elisa Perez            Ramona Convent Secondary School
 Linda Petrich          St. Joseph High School
 Michelle Purghart      Holy Family High School College Preparatory
 Tomas Renna            Bishop Montgomery High School
 April Risteff          Chaminade College Prepatory
 Susan Rizo             Garces Memorial High School
 Vanessa Sandoval       College-Ready Academy High School #5
 David Savage           Notre Dame High School
 Stephen Schumacher     Santa Margarita Catholic High School
 Michael Sifter         Alverno High School
 Tom Silva              Pacifica Christian High School
 Craig Smith            Santa Margarita High School
 Bernadette St. James   Bishop Montgomery High School
 Joe Swoboda            Servite High School
 Maureen Tunstill       Rosary High School
 Steve Viau             Mater Dei High School
 Melea Walden           Jserra Catholic High School
 Chris Weir             Servite High School
 Josh Wilson            Louisville High School
 Mary Wilson            Louisville High School
 Robin Winkler          Granada Hills Charter High School
 Theresa Yugar          Sacred Heart High School
 Dennis Yumul           St. Genevieve High School

Advisory Council
     Malka Blitz, Julie I. Bram, Eric J. Diamond, Irwin S. Field, Dalia Franco,
        Abner D. Goldstine, Dennis A. Gura, Stanley Kandel, Leslie Kessler,
            Sharon L. Krischer, Arlene Kupietzky, Dr. Daniel Lieber, Chair,
               Linda Mayman, Alex Miller, Marla Rosen, Faith Schames,
                        Moshe Shmuel, Terri Smooke, Lisa Ullmann

                  Community Engagement Executive Committee
            Loryn D Arkow, Marc Carrel, Vice Chair, Daniel T. Gryczman,
                          David Lash, Glenn A. Sonnenberg, Chair

                                     The Jewish Federation
                          Richard V. Sandler, Chairman of the Board
                                      Jay Sanderson, President
           Andrew Cushnir, Executive Vice President/Chief Program Officer
        Catherine Schneider, Senior Vice President/Community Engagement
      Rabbi Hal Greenwald, Assistant Director/Holy Land Democracy Project


               Additional exhibit photography generously provided by Pini Dror Photography.

     The Holy Land Democracy Project is an initiative of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles in
 partnership with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the Diocese of Orange, the Diocese of Fresno, the Diocese
of San Bernardino, Oaks Christian School, Granada Hills Charter High School and Pacifica Christian High School.

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2010-2011 Student Awards

  • 2. HOLY LAND DEMOCRACY PROJECT 2011 CREATIVE CONTEST WINNERS POETRY CONTEST WINNERS FIRST PRIZE Leila Ehsan, St. Monica (Rita Morgan and Siobhan O’Neill) SECOND PRIZE Aniela Tolentino, Mater Dei (Carol Koppenheffer) Tristan Vanech, Loyola (Tika Lee) THIRD PRIZE Jesse Flores, Cathedral (Hilary Aguirre) HONORABLE MENTION Melanie Chavez, Bishop Conaty (Lisa Gabriel); Kala Kopecek, St. Joseph (Linda Petrich, Cynthia Madsen and Allison Ek); Austin Niehaus, Notre Dame (Dave Savage) ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS FIRST PRIZE Karah Alexander, St. Monica (Rita Morgan and Siobhan O’Neill) SECOND PRIZE Ariana Castellanos, San Joaquin (Cindy Campbell and Kathleen DeSantis) Chris Nofal, St. Francis (Mark Fredette) THIRD PRIZE David A. Nuno, Cathedral (Hilary Aguirre) HONORABLE MENTION Andrew Blair, Bishop Montgomery (John Fitzsimons); Matthew Burdette, Villanova Preparatory (Brian Grisin); Alfredo DeLoera, Damien (Douglas Hoffman); Christian Guttierez, Verbum Dei (Karen Chambers); Julia Klein, Mater Dei (Colleen Hall); Matthew Partyka, St. Monica (Rita Morgan and Siobhan O’Neill) ART CONTEST WINNERS FIRST PRIZE Alexis Lackerman, Rosary (Maureen Tunstill) SECOND PRIZE Grant Hodges, Servite (Joe Swoboda) THIRD PRIZE Stephen Misak, Bishop Montgomery (Bernadette St. James) HONORABLE MENTION Emma Akmakdjian, GHCHS (Annet Kohen); Athena Azpeitia, Mater Dei (Colleen Hall); Jared Baker, Loyola (Tika Lee); Grant Higa, Bishop Montgomery (John Fitzsimons); Lauren Hugo, Bishop Montgomery (Bernadette St. James) Joshua Melton, Oaks Christian (Aaron Marcarelli); Felicity Nelson, Louisville (Mary Wilson) Adrienne Shamoon, Louisville (Mary Wilson); Stephanie Treat, Santa Margarita (James Nielsen) MULTIMEDIA CONTEST WINNERS FIRST PRIZE Jonathan Benn, St. Francis (Mark Fredette) SECOND PRIZE Nathan Wong, Loyola (Tika Lee) THIRD PRIZE Katie Coyle, Oaks Christian (Aaron Marcarelli) HONORABLE MENTION Monica Eskander/ Lucas Gutierrez/ Zachary Hart/ Kendra Athan, Bishop Montgomery (Bernadette St. James); Cielito Kirkham, Louisville (Mary Wilson) 2
  • 3. THE JEWISH FEDERATION’S HOLY LAND DEMOCRACY PROJECT EIGHTH ANNUAL AWARDS CEREMONY June 5, 2011 PROGRAM WELCOME Sister Angela Hallahan Secondary School Religion Coordinator Archdiocese of Los Angeles TABLE ACTIVITIES Discovering Israel Together REMARKS FROM Jay Sanderson THE JEWISH FEDERATION President The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles THE HOLY LAND Dr. Daniel Lieber DEMOCRACY PROJECT Chair The Holy Land Democracy Project POETRY PRIZE PRESENTATIONS Teacher Commendation Rita Morgan, St. Monica Student Award Leila Ehsan ESSAY PRIZE PRESENTATION Teacher Commendation Rita Morgan, St. Monica Student Award Karah Alexander ART PRIZE PRESENTATION Teacher Commendation Maureen Tunstill, Rosary Student Award Alexis Lackerman SHOWING OF 1ST PLACE VIDEO Jonathan Benn MUTIMEDIA PRIZE PRESENTATIONS Teacher Commendation Mark Fredette, St. Francis Student Award Jonathan Benn CAPERNAUM TO THE CLASSROOM: Victoria Anderson, Norte Vista A TEACHER’S PERSPECTIVE CLOSING THOUGHTS Cosette Carleo, Karlygush Smith, L’hitraot! Karly Goins, Bishop Montgomery 3
  • 5. First Prize Poetry Leila Ehsan, St. Monica High School Rita Morgan and Siobhan O’Neill, Instructors Excerpt If you asked my composition, I would say, I am dirt, I am gravel. I am sky, sun, water. I am country, city and town. I am beach, I am desert. If you asked my color, I would say I am Black, Grey, Yellow, and Brown. I am Red, I am Green. But I stay true To the White and Blue If you asked me of my faith, I would say that I am Jew, Christian, Muslim and Druze. With me, you are free to choose. If you asked me of my duties, I would say I am lover. I am defender. I have glory, I have might And I fight for What I think is right. If you asked me who I was, I would say that I am the man Kneeled in prayer. I am the daughter off at battle. I am the mother working all day. I am the loving grandparents. I am the son at school. I am neighbor. I am friend. If you were unsatisfied, and thus Asked for my name I would say that I am all, and more. I am dirt, color, faith, duty, person And I am one. For I have many faces, And one united front Held together by my people Forever and ever. I am Israel. 5
  • 6. Second Prize Poetry Aniela Tolentino, Mater Dei High School Ms. Koppenheffer, Instructor Excerpt I am land of many faces and I face many a man; Some may question my identity, but I know who I am. I am the land where many places have caused the fall of many men; Yet I rise up with hope and splendor, because my spirit can. I am laden with tradition and carry a rich history, Hues of skin from ebony to ivory attest to my diversity. The young, the old, the rich, the poor – are all welcome in my land. We seek to reach out to each other, we attempt to understand That no single one group is better and that we’re best when we’re united. No one group should be ostracized; no one person should be slighted. Sometimes I am the old wise man who recalls the path he took By following traditions and sticking to his Holy Book. With a mezuzah in his home as a reminder of His presence, With constant religious symbols to remind him of his essence. At times the face of ebony is one I choose to take And though my roots are from Ethiopia, I’ve chosen to partake In the celebration of Israel – a celebration of my Self; Where I can express my own identity and simply be myself. At times I’m the teenager with a t-shirt and tight jeans, But I’m still an Israeli, I still know what it means To be a part of a rich culture – one that celebrates diversity, And always hopes in dreams, and rises from adversity. I’ve weathered many battles and I’ve lived through quite a few But the biggest battle of all is the one where people do Not know and appreciate the complexity of who I am. Where they close their minds, they stereotype, they don’t know how I can Honor the many faces, races and religions for which I stand. And now you’re all invited to one big commemoration For each human that makes a part of me and is worth a celebration. I know that it may take a while for all of us to come together But it starts with understanding why a united people’s better. 6
  • 7. Second Prize Poetry Tristan Vanech, Loyola High School Ms. Lee, Instructor Excerpt She roamed around under the moon Then folded her wings to rest And her mind journeyed back to her cocoon “How naive was I,” she would jest. She thought, “I know the place I will go After I grow my wings, I shall see Israel, I’ll fly over that plateau I wonder what it brings.” A perspective only from what she heard For she was at her beginning stage From friends she took their word Her assumptions were these at an early age. Israelis are only Jews, aren’t they? Ha, of course they’re not, This area to her was gray But now she could answer on the spot. Muslims, Christians and more Live and thrive in that land, Religious diversity does soar They accept any religious brand. The Dome of the Rock stands On their most holy place, the Temple Mount. But the Jews don’t mind, they share the land – To them, staying peaceful is all that counts. The butterfly’s development and new perceptions reflect my changed under- standing of the Middle East and Israel’s place … Her assumptions from what she heard “from friends” are exaggerations of the myths I have heard or assump- tions I have made. 7
  • 8. Third Prize Poetry Jesse Flores, Cathedral High School Ms. Aguirre, Instructor Excerpt You are no different from us Yet the portraits we paint are of sheer terror. These images shed and replaced by reality. A reality we are no longer strangers to, One where we are united under grace. The blinds opened to shone Truth. Truth of a country I knew little of. Where you dream and aspire to all you can be. The culture we share, The friend I see in you. Hidden under a guise torn to show your Beauty. Your own uniqueness that I welcome With open mind and open heart you are a brother. Your home plagued by hostility, Hostility grown out of confusion and insecurity. Lives lost for a better future, invigorated by optimistic prospects, You serve your country with zeal. The many faces shone to the world. Discoveries made of relative connections between us Personalities that show homogeneity, Leads to bonds that harbor compassion. Israel, home to a diverse people, Land of God that unites all, We are one. 8
  • 9. Honorable Mention Poetry Kala Kopecek, St. Joseph High School Ms. Petrich, Ms. Madsen, Ms. Ek, Instructors Excerpt Not a third world country A booming, thriving land Its size is trivial Its accomplishments are many Not the home for terrorists A safe haven for the persecuted Freedom for the religious Diversity is welcome Not strangers Children, Wives, Uncles All with dreams like us Our brothers and sisters 9
  • 10. Honorable Mention Poetry Melanie Chavez, Bishop Conaty – Our Lady of Loretto High School Ms. Gabriel, Instructor Excerpt Abraham the father of my people, God the father of life, Israel the land of my people, Jew is what I am. I was born the daughter of my parents I did not choose my life It chose me. Jew is what I am. In the year 587 Babylonians exiled us. Destroyed our temple, but not our spirits. My ancestors travelled from place to place They knew soon they would have their land back Jews would call Israel their home once again. Jew is what I am. Brown hair, Brown eyes, Star of David around my neck. A reminder of what my grandparents went through Concentration camps where they were held My grandmother’s brothers were tortured and killed. My grandmother has numbers imprinted on her arm My family survived never denying their Jewish faith. Jew is what I am. Israel is my home. I am strong, I am Proud, I am a Jew. Jew is what I am. 10
  • 11. Honorable Mention Poetry Austin Niehaus, Notre Dame High School Mr. Savage, Instructor Excerpt Forget not the Sabbath, Its mention is like a pleasant offering. During it the dove found resting place, And there the weary may relax. The day is honored by the children of faith, Careful to observe it are fathers and sons. Engraved upon two tablets of stone, From great power and mighty strength. And they all came in covenant together, In unison they said, “We shall do and we shall listen.” And they commenced and answered, “God is one.” Blessed is he that gives strength to the weary. And all of his commandments to be completed together Strengthen the loins and gather up power. The nation that is in motion, like lost sheep, By covenant he will remember to recall it, So that an evil happening may not befall them, Just as you have sworn by the waters of Noah. 11
  • 13. First Prize Essay Karah Alexander, St. Monica High School Ms. Morgan and Ms. O’Neill, Instructors Excerpt “Me, We” E very time I turn on the news they would depict the Middle East as a war zone … every time you hear the region “Middle East,” I immediately think back to the early eighth and ninth century, when the Middle East [had] the largest and most brutal African slave market. When hearing about this week- long study our class was going to take part in about Israel and the Middle East, my mind immediately shut down, and I actually grew very upset; why in the world would I want to learn and understand more about a region that brutal- ized and caused so much harm amongst my ancestors? But through presenta- tions, videos, speakers and book study, my whole perception was going to change. Teenagers [in Israel] … are not sad or defiant when being notified that they must serve -- instead they show excitement and pleasure, which brings out the honor of their country. Though my family is pacifist … I showed nothing but great respect towards those teens who show so much honor toward their homeland in being willing to fight for their country. I could go on and on about all what learned about Israel … How much their lifestyles relate to ours in the United States … and how much their govern- ment resembles ours, as they live under a democracy. My whole view on the Middle East took a drastic turn, probably because my ignorance stepped aside. It was time for me to step out of the past, a past that I am not even so definite in understanding, and start looking at things in a new light, with an open mind. [Israel] is far more than the battlefield the news always seems to portray …. Sometimes the media, history books and in my case our so called ‘extreme cultural views’ can twist different situations and cause a total misunderstand- ing, which can lead to a great deal of ignorance among people. After learning so much about such a wonderful country, Israel and the Middle East are no longer a part of the word “they” but now, like the great Muhammed Ali so poetically said, it is “Me, We.” I am one with them. I understand. 13
  • 14. Second Prize Essay Arieana Castellanos, San Joaquin Memorial High School Ms. Campbell, Instructor Excerpt T he faces of Israel are tear-streaked. They are heavy with exhaustion and scarred with the effects of a war-torn past. They are happy and thankful for the life they have. They laugh, they cry. They are ready for a long overdue peace. They long for a country where a military draft is not a necessity. They long for acceptance of their religious and political freedom from their neighbors. Those are the faces of Israel …. It’s face …. Is that of a fighter. A fighter in a boxing ring who never gets a break. It’s not bitter, but tired. Israel’s face, the country itself, is stubborn and will not back down. [Israel’s] not a house, it is a home. 14
  • 15. Second Prize Essay Chris Nofal, St. Francis High School Mr. Fredette, Instructor Excerpt M y views about the Middle East have been greatly affected by this project. I myself am Lebanese and Palestinian and not very educated about either one. I thought that the entire Middle East consists of many different Arabs fight- ing over land and being in constant chaos and turmoil … I now know that the Israelis, mainly Jews, just want somewhere where they can live in peace. Even though it’s a Jewish state, they were and are still willing to coexist with the Pales- tinians in Israel. Being part Palestinian, I feel that the Palestinian people should revolt against Hamas and bring them down, so that they do the sensible thing and make peace with the Israelis. I still believe that many countries in the Middle East are in turmoil and want to keep fighting wars, but I have learned that Israel is not one of them … I feel that the press utterly condemns them for every bad thing they do. I have learned that Israel, for the most part, retaliates after being attacked several times, for they do not want to cause anyone harm. Once they retaliate, the world con- demns Israel for being a bully and responding with such force. Israel will never be rid of war unless the Palestinians and the Israelis agree to a compromise, one wipes out the other, or the Palestinians take control of their own lives and free themselves of Hamas and Hezbollah. 15
  • 16. Third Prize Essay David Nuno, Cathedral High School Ms. Aguirre, Instructor Excerpt E stablished in 1948, the modern state of Israel is home to people from diverse ethnic backgrounds and religious practices. With a president, prime minister, parliament and over twenty-five political parties, Israeli citizens are guaranteed many rights similar to the many freedoms Americans enjoy. In fact, Israel is the most democratic country in the Middle East. Israel’s commitment to democracy and democratic values, however, is unsurprising, as it was founded by individuals seeking freedom and refuge from years of inequity and persecution. While mod- ern-day Israel’s establishment is only recent, the deep and historical connection of the Jewish people to the Holy Land dates back over three thousand years. With the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and therefore no center of wor- ship for Jews, Rabbinic Judaism allowed Jews to preserve their religion and rela- tionships in spite of their exile. Several modern-day Jewish rituals, customs, and prayers that have been passed down for generations, in fact, serve as reminders of the Holy Land, their exile and the Jewish promise to return to it and restore it. Jews’ attachment to Israel permeates nearly every facet of their daily routines. Nevertheless, while Jews held a deep feeling of attachment toward the Land of Israel, they remained passive when it came to its actual restoration. Believing that such actions would demonstrate their lack of faith in God, Jews patiently prayed and adhered to their religious practices. It was not until the second half of the 19th century that an active movement for Jewish return to the Holy Land emerged. The Age of Enlightenment’s emphasis on rationality and equality, along with the French revolution, brought about a new political model. Jews, particu- larly those in eastern Europe, often faced fierce discrimination, and exclusion from the national movements of Europe. Furthermore, nationalism and liberalism cre- ated a new Jewish self-awareness in which Jews began to ask questions about their history, cultural origins and identity beyond religious terms. Zionism, a na- tionalist Jewish political movement, thus emerged. 16
  • 17. Honorable Mention Essays Alfredo DeLoera, Damien High School Mr. Hoffman, Instructor Excerpt I n the last week, I’ve been exposed to Israel in a different way. I thought it was a large nation with constant religious wars. In reality, it’s a hum- ble nation of everyday people. I had the misconception that all women were covered up all the time, so there was definitely a shock when I saw the “Distant Friends” video and there were girls in bikinis. It was a big surprise to me to see how the teenagers in “Distant Friends” were a lot like me and my friends. I was really surprised when Shlomi said he listened to Guns ‘N Roses, Iron Maiden and Nirvana, because I love all those bands …. I learned that all of the citizens of Israel join the military as opposed to choosing [to join], but what really surprised me was that the people were more than ready, they were excited to serve. 17
  • 18. Honorable Mention Essays Julia Klein, Mater Dei High School Ms. Hall, Instructor Excerpt T he Jewish people don’t think of Israel as just a place of heritage, but it is thought of as a sacred place where their traditions began and grew. Unlike the Jewish people, many Americans take their homeland for granted. Sadly, the majority of Americans don’t realize how truly fortunate they are to live in a land of freedom. Jews have lived in Israel for more than 3.200 years. During these years, the Jewish people have had a continuous presence in Israel. Jews were not always in political control of the land, and also were not always the ruling majority of the popula- tion. The land is thought to be so holy that just walking in it can gain you a place in heaven. Many of the daily prayers also ask for a return to Israel. Lastly … Jew- ish holidays root back to Israel, where it all began. I feel it is amazing how the Jewish people cherish their homeland every day. I am going to try to make sure I thank God more often about how fortunate I am to live in America … 18
  • 19. Honorable Mention Essays Matthew Partyka, St. Monica High School Ms. Morgan and Ms. O’Neill, Instructors Excerpt T he Jewish people show us how we can rise from tragedy and how we should not be afraid to express our true identities. Most importantly, the Jewish people have shown us that human will can triumph all. Prior to this project, I had this idea that Israel was a major source for many of the problems in the Middle East and that they had a difficult time getting along with others. Part of this idea stemmed from my lack of participation in global news events. This project and the recent revolution in Egypt have encouraged me to become more involved in the news and to be more aware of events occurring in different parts of the world. It has also given me the desire to better understand how these events may pertain to my life and how they can affect me in my future. The most interesting thing I learned from this project was how being Jewish not only defines a religion, but how it also defines a way of life and a nationality. I find that concept fascinating and I don’t think many people realize what that truly means. Being a Catholic, I understand and appreciate the religious significance the Holy Land provides and the rich Jewish culture it shares with the rest of the world. 19
  • 20. Honorable Mention Essays Matthew Burdette, Villanova Preparatory School Mr. Grisin, Instructor Excerpt Israel’s commitment to Democracy is truly outstanding, as they are one of the greatest examples of a working democracy in the Middle East – especially when surrounded by neighboring countries who seem to abhor their freedom. The Knesset is composed of 120 members, who pass all laws … Each member serves a four year term, being elected by anyone 18 or older, through means of the secret ballot, much like the United States. Unlike our two [political] parties, they have dozens, truly representing every viewpoint … The draft is not an encroachment upon the freedoms of the people of Israel, it is insurance for the continuance of those freedoms. They are not lessening their democracy in instituting the mandatory draft, just securing it. 20
  • 21. Honorable Mention Essays Austin Niehaus, Notre Dame High School Mr. Savage, Instructor Excerpt S tarting a new life anywhere can bring hardships … You could say that Wilm- ington is to Hispanics much like Israel is to the Jews; this is where they thrived … Like my grandparents, the Jews have always been hard workers, but no matter how much they tried to assimilate and work in everyday society they still had prejudiced views held against them. Now I look up to my grandparents and Jews as strong people who I strive to be like, the people who defy the odds, and have an outlook on life that is, “The glass is half full.” 21
  • 22. Honorable Mention Essays Christian Gutierez, Verbum Dei High School Ms. Chambers, Instructor Excerpt T hroughout time, the Jewish people have searched for a place, a home, or a land to call their own where there is no discrimination or anti-Semitic acts forced upon them … After having their land lost, the Jewish people spread themselves throughout the entire world, but they were not accepted any- where. Finally, one man named Theodore Herzl stood up and said, “We’ve been trying to fit in – but every place we go, we are not accepted. We need a place of our own. Israel is the only place where we have been together without discrimination and among our own and at peace.” After World War II the UN thought back to Herzl and concluded that the land of Israel needed to be shared by the Arab people and the Israelis. 22
  • 23. Art 23
  • 24. First Prize Art Alexis Lackerman, Rosary High School Ms. Tunstill, Instructor Empathy Iwanted to make my project relevant to what we have been studying in class, so I chose to take the phrase “step in their shoes” literally by basing my project around a pair of shoes. The right shoe is the “Past” shoe. It shows what the Jewish people have come from (discrimination, prejudice, etc…) and also what they value. The outline of Israel is blue because the colors of the flag of Israel are white and blue. The pair of old eyes symbolizes the old generation, and the barbed wire and the yellow star of David represents the terrible tragedy of the Holocaust. The left shoe is the “Present” shoe, showing a “present-day”star of David. The I.D.F logo represents the Israeli Defense Forces and the military which every young person must enter when they reach the age of 18. The pair of young eyes represents the new generations building up Israel. The hand is reaching up to the yellow flower to show that the people of Israel are reaching towards the bright future. The vines and purple growing around the hand and shoe represent the growing of the population both within Israel and in other parts of the world. 24
  • 25. Second Prize Art Grant Hodges, Servite High School Mr. Swoboda, Mr. Weir, Instructors C oming into this week I heard we would learn about Israel. I thought to myself, “I already know that the people there are Jews and that Jesus was born there.” But at the end of the week I realized it really wasn’t all that simple. The people aren’t all of the Jewish faith, and not all of the people are really too different from us. The first person you see on my project near the top right corner of the country is an Israeli teenage boy. He is 14 years old and likes rock music and playing guitar. He goes to school and thinks about joining the military to serve his country in combat. Not much different from a teenager here, is it? To his left is a Russian immigrant to the country. Her parents moved there when she was very young and is now living a very normal life as an adult who is now very successful and high in business. This is very similar to a person moving out of state here. On the bottom left corner is a man who left Columbia to come here. He did this when he was an adult and found a better lifestyle here than in Columbia. He now works for the military as an engineer and for intelligence rather than combat. 25
  • 26. Third Prize Art Stephen Misak, Bishop Montgomery High School Ms. St. James, Instructor T his sculpture represents my understanding of the Middle East, including my idea of The Many Faces of Israel. The tower in the center is the beacon that is Israel, calling everyone home to the land of God. The many different colors and the variety of people on the tower represent the strength from the unity of a diverse people. The people all stand together protecting the land and the values they stand for. Though they do not look alike, they share a common bond that goes deeper than anything else. The tower stands surrounded by a dark disarray of strange objects. These represent the nations that surround the tower, but none of them touch it. The tower stands deeply planted in the ground and rises up above it all out of the darkness that surrounds it. The common faith in God shared by the people can be seen and felt in Israel through its entire population and it is the power of this faith and the tenacity of the people that makes the tower stand tall and proud in the midst of all that is surrounding it. The person holding the crystal represents Israel offering to make peace with all those around them and to share their deep bond with everyone. The sculpture overall portrays the image of Israel as a light in a dark land. Its light will never be extinguished because the fuel that keeps it lit will never run out and can never be taken away from Israel and its people. And lastly there to his left is an older Arab woman who fled to Israel in the war of Independence. She sought a better future for her family. Any person in our coun- try would also leave where they were in order to have a better life. People over there, as you can see, are not much more different from us. This overall display I have presented is to symbolize that even though the people there are diverse, they still come together to create a peaceful world, as any people would want for their country. 26
  • 27. First Prize Multi-Media Jonathan Benn, St. Francis High School Mr. Fredette, Instructor 27
  • 28. The Jewish Federation’s Holy Land Democracy Project educates non-Jewish high school students throughout Los Angeles about modern Israel by sending their teachers there. The result is a cadre of educators at Catholic, Evangelical and Charter schools who have shared powerful, first-hand experiences with more than 22,000 diverse students. Educators study the history and diversity of the Jewish people, the democracy of Israel, as well as the challenges and complexities of Arab/Israeli relations. The program includes teacher training, a curriculum called The Many Faces of Israel, and a contest showcasing students’ essays, poetry and art depicting what they learned about the only democracy in the Middle East. The resulting understanding of Israel creates a new perspective on Jewish life around the world. Since the pro- gram’s inception in 2004, more than 50 schools have participated and more than 90 educators have made this perspective-changing journey and returned to share their experience with their students. Tikkun olam, a Hebrew expression which means “repair the world,” is a historic and core Jewish value – and why reaching out to address the needs of the entire community is one of the goals of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. The central coordinating organization for the Jewish community, the Federation fulfills this goal by operating and funding a broad range of humanitarian programs on a non-sectarian basis, open to people of all faiths and backgrounds. These essential programs offer food for the hungry, care for the elderly, help to battered women, job training for those seeking employment, interest- free loans to those in need, literacy programs for our young people, and much more. 28
  • 29. We humbly thank all of the inspiring educators and outstanding schools who have partnered with us in building bridges between our communities and sharing the miracle of Israel with over 22,000 students in Los Angeles, Orange County, Fresno, Bakersfield and San Bernardino. TEACHER SCHOOL Hilary Aguirre-Yribarren Cathedral High School Janice Allen Oaks Christian High School Anunciacion Anderson Junipero Serra High School Victoria Anderson Norte Vista High School Maria Andrade-Johnson Santa Margarita Catholic High School Victor Arenas Bishop Amat Memorial High School Randy Aust Santa Margarita Catholic High School Justin Bailey Pacifica Christian High School Joe Banfield St. Anthony High School Maggie Bove-LaMonica Verbum Dei High School Roxanne Brush St. Genevieve High School Judy Burton Alliance College-Ready Public Schools Michele Butorac St. Matthias High School Eric Cadena Chaminade College Preparatory Cindy Campbell San Joaquin Memorial High School Jennifer Campbel St. Anthony High School Raul Carranza College-Ready Academy High School #7 Karen Chambers Verbum Dei High School Edward Clark Damien High School John Collins Pomona Catholic High School Scott Comer Pacifica Christian High School Kat Cook Bishop Amat Memorial High School Nancy Coonis Notre Dame Academy Vera De Artola Notre Dame High School Kathleen DeSantis San Joaquin Memorial High School Roger DeSilva Notre Dame High School Jeffrey Dewey Oaks Christian High School Karina Diaz Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School Jeanine DiCesaris-Kraybill Pomona Catholic High School Allison Ek St. Joseph High School Stephen Felkner Junipero Serra High School John Fitzsimons Bishop Montgomery High School Mark Fredette St. Francis High School Lisa Gabriel Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School Shannon Gavin Rosary High School Blair Gillam Oaks Christian High School Marcos Gonzalez San Gabriel Mission High School Margaret Govero St. Bernard Catholic High School Brian Grisin Villanova Preparatory School April Gutierrez Sacred Heart High School Stephen Hagberg Oaks Christian High School Colleen Hall Mater Dei High School Holly Haynes Mater Dei High School Kevin Hernandez Huntington Park College-Ready Academy High School Rodolfo Hernandez Bishop Amat Memorial High School Michael Herrera St. Bonaventure High School Douglas Hoffman Damien High School Stephanie Hofmann Gertz-Ressler High School Christopher James Leuzinger High School 29
  • 30. Shane Johnson Villanova Preparatory School Mary Killmond Bishop Alemany High School William Klein Marymount High School Annet Kohen Granada Hills Charter High School Carol Koppenheffer Mater Dei High School Claude LeBlanc Don Bosco Technical Institute Tika Lee Loyola High School Cindy Lee - Moon Notre Dame High School Maureen Linehan Ramona Convent Secondary School Cynthia Madsen St. Joseph High School Aaron Marcarelli Oaks Christian School Dean Marolla College-Ready Academy High School #5 Mary Marsella Garces Memorial High School Chalio Medrano Huntington Park College-Ready Academy High School Sonya Mercado St. Bonaventure High School Conan Moats Heritage College-Ready Academy High School Kathy Morgan St. Monica Catholic High School Rita Morgan St. Monica Catholic High School Denis Munoz St. Bernard Catholic High School Allicen Naal Pomona Catholic High School Fatima Nicdao St. Monica Catholic High School James Nielsen Santa Margarita Catholic High School Lisa Nollette Rosary High School Ray Nolte Damien High School Marc Nuno St. Monica Catholic High School Nate Nylander Oaks Christian School Siobhan O’Neill St. Monica Catholic High School Kristina Ortega Chaminade College Preparatory Robert Pambello Heritage College-Ready Academy High School Jason Parrot St. Bernard Catholic High School Jeanette Pascua Notre Dame High School Gary Pate Oaks Christian School William Perales Mary Star of the Sea Elisa Perez Ramona Convent Secondary School Linda Petrich St. Joseph High School Michelle Purghart Holy Family High School College Preparatory Tomas Renna Bishop Montgomery High School April Risteff Chaminade College Prepatory Susan Rizo Garces Memorial High School Vanessa Sandoval College-Ready Academy High School #5 David Savage Notre Dame High School Stephen Schumacher Santa Margarita Catholic High School Michael Sifter Alverno High School Tom Silva Pacifica Christian High School Craig Smith Santa Margarita High School Bernadette St. James Bishop Montgomery High School Joe Swoboda Servite High School Maureen Tunstill Rosary High School Steve Viau Mater Dei High School Melea Walden Jserra Catholic High School Chris Weir Servite High School Josh Wilson Louisville High School Mary Wilson Louisville High School Robin Winkler Granada Hills Charter High School Theresa Yugar Sacred Heart High School Dennis Yumul St. Genevieve High School 30
  • 31. Advisory Council Malka Blitz, Julie I. Bram, Eric J. Diamond, Irwin S. Field, Dalia Franco, Abner D. Goldstine, Dennis A. Gura, Stanley Kandel, Leslie Kessler, Sharon L. Krischer, Arlene Kupietzky, Dr. Daniel Lieber, Chair, Linda Mayman, Alex Miller, Marla Rosen, Faith Schames, Moshe Shmuel, Terri Smooke, Lisa Ullmann Community Engagement Executive Committee Loryn D Arkow, Marc Carrel, Vice Chair, Daniel T. Gryczman, David Lash, Glenn A. Sonnenberg, Chair The Jewish Federation Richard V. Sandler, Chairman of the Board Jay Sanderson, President Andrew Cushnir, Executive Vice President/Chief Program Officer Catherine Schneider, Senior Vice President/Community Engagement Rabbi Hal Greenwald, Assistant Director/Holy Land Democracy Project Additional exhibit photography generously provided by Pini Dror Photography. The Holy Land Democracy Project is an initiative of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles in partnership with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the Diocese of Orange, the Diocese of Fresno, the Diocese of San Bernardino, Oaks Christian School, Granada Hills Charter High School and Pacifica Christian High School.