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First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
• Souper Bowl Sunday
• Congrats Tree Lot
• Bishop’s Message
• Altar Flower List 2017
• St. Jude’s Ranch
Recycled Greeting Cards
The dictionary defines Epiphany as “the January 6 observance as a church
festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi, as the first
manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, or in the Eastern Church in
commemoration of the baptism of Christ.”  The final entry in Webster’s
under 3b is, “a revealing scene or moment.”  The festival can be traced to
the story of the wise men from the East; who upon seeing the star present
at the birth of Jesus followed the star to Bethlehem.  For them the revealing
scene was the sight of Jesus in the manger.  The concept of epiphany is as
old as faith itself.  Time and again the Bible narrative describes in detail
encountering the Holy.  Abraham hears the voice of God, Jacob wrestles
with God, and Moses is given a glimpse of God.  Prophets and psalmist
alike record experiencing God in personal and direct ways.
The contemporary English translation of Isaiah 60:1-3 reads, “Jerusalem,
stand up!  Shine!  Your new day is dawning.  The glory of the Lord shines
brightly on you.  The earth and its people are covered with darkness, but
the glory of the Lord is shining upon you.  Nations and kings will come to
the light of your dawning day.”  Isaiah wrote this poetry as an invitation to
the fallen Zion, to stand and bask in the hope and grace of God, and in so
doing draw others into the blessed community.  Centuries later, Matthew
would record Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount saying, “You are the light
of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hid.  Nor do men light a lamp
and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the
house.   Let your light so shine before all, that they may see your good
works and give glory to God who is in Heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16.
The glory of God still shines brightly.  We are called, yet today, to bask in
the love of God and to stand as representatives of God’s love.  When we,
as people of faith, say we believe and then act as if we don’t, questions
arise in those around us as to how we define our faith.  Epiphanies occur
every day in nature and through nature.  In sunrises, sunsets, in flora and
fauna, the handiwork and hope of God can be witnessed.  In birth, death,
in worship through word and song, the light and love of God can be
experienced.  Part of the difficulty in experiencing an epiphany is that in
our expectancy, we forget to open our eyes to see, or open our hearts to
be... a reflection of our Maker.
Your Friend and Pastor,
GOOD NEWS is published monthly by
First United Methodist Church of North
Hollywood, California 91601
Phone (818) 763-8231
Grant Hagiya
Rev. Jim Powell
District Superintendent
Dr. Joey K. McDonald
Jeff Thomas
Director of Music
Roger Eshleman
Nylean Rapinac
Patty Kelsey
Director, Program Ministries
Tonya Peat
Director, Outreach Ministries
The following Bible passages will be the basis for the messages in January
Please take time each week to read the selected passages.
January	 1 	 	 	 	 Bottled Hope	 	 	 	 	
January 	 8	 	 	 	 Servant Not Servile	 	 	 Isaiah 42:1-9
January	 15	 	 	 	 On Grace And Peace 	 	 	
January	 22	 	 	 	 Starting With Faith	 	 	 Matthew 4:12-23
January 	 29 	 	 	 	 Required Living	 	 	 	 Micah 6:1-8
December 4th - On this Second Sunday of Advent, we were blessed with Christmas Wreaths in
decorating the sanctuary. Mike Gillis, Henri Doble, Doug Eboch, and Shaun Vieten, lit the Candle of
Peace. Norman Kelsey & Phillip Mottaz presented this month’s announcements in Christmas Songs. We
had special music from the Stage Door Singers during worship and coffee fellowship. Today’s lectionary
scripture was Romans 15:4-13 and Pastor Joey’s message was titled, “Hope, Endurance, & Love.”
Communion was also served this morning.
December 11th - This morning we celebrated Advent with our beautiful poinsettia tree which graced the
chancel. Rachel, Phillip, and Henry Mottaz shared in the lighting of our Advent Candle of Love. Gary
Solt and Jeff Thomas performed “Blue Christmas.” Patty Kelsey shared the symbolism of the Poinsettia at
Christmas and how they relate to the Star of Bethlehem in the Moment with Children. Pastor Joey shared
a message based on James 5:7-10 in a sermon titled, “To Wait And Wonder.”
December 18th - Our darling Sunday School children performed a mini Christmas Play that was
written and directed by Doug Eboch. The children shared the story of the birth of Jesus from the
perspective of the barn animals. Many thanks to the parents, kids, the Choir, Jeff Thomas & Roger
Eshleman for putting on such a sweet production. The Advent Candles were lit by Lynn Yoshizumi, Sandy
Flemming, Pauline Long, and Charles Minetree. Libeck Kadu & Shaun Vieten shared special music,
performing, “The Holly And The Ivy.” Pastor Joey’s message, based on Isaiah 7:10-16 was called, “Signs
And Wonders.”
December 24th - Christmas Eve Worship was very quaint and special this year. At 7:00 PM worship, the
Books Family lit the Advent Candles. Thanks to Hannah, Jason, Josie & Jackson. Jeff Thomas & Gary Solt
performed, “I’ll Be Home For Christmas.” Children’s Time was about reflecting the light of Jesus.
Norman Kelsey sang, “O Holy Night.” The Acostas graced us with a Gesu Bambino. The 9:30 PM
worship brought us the beautiful sounds of our Chancel Choir. We shared in the sacrament of communion.
We also enjoyed the candle lighting ceremony at each service.
December 25th - Christmas fell on a Sunday this year and we enjoyed a beautiful celebration of the
season. Pastor Joey shared a message on Hebrews 1:1-4 (5-12), titled, “Come Home For Christmas.”
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Hebrews 2:10-18
Christmas at NoHo FUMC 2016
A multitude of thanks to all the volunteers who
made our Christmas Tree Lot possible this year!
From church members, family and friends; Boy Scouts
and parents from Troop 18; Wesley families, Evergreen
Music Conservatory, and  friends from two other
Special thanks to Dan Doggett, our  lot operations
manager, who worked tirelessly at every shift! Ed
Webster, Jim and Margaret Doggett, Ken Ellis; George
Osario; Sue and Pastor Joey McDonald were incredible
support and truly aided our tree lot to record breaking
Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time and
talents during our 18th annual tree lot season. It was an
uplifting outreach experience.
850 trees sold!
It’s that time of year football fans! So here’s the game plan:
We are collecting cans of soup on January 8, 15, 22 & 29 and on
Super/Souper Bowl Sunday, February 5, 2017!
Place your donations of soup in the BIN you think will WIN!
We will have collection bins available for each conference in the Main Sanctuary.
Help us collect 200 cans of soup and tackle hunger for the
North Hollywood Inter-Faith Food Pantry.
It was a great team effort!  At least 75 volunteers participated! We had a good feeling of camaraderie
and the customers were friendly and appreciative -- which makes it all worth while -- not to mention the
proceeds going to worthy causes. Donations have been mailed to each and every organization on our
missions display board! Once again, many thanks to everyone who shared their prayers, presence, gifts,
service and witness to this project.
What’s Happening in January?
Wednesday, January 11th - UMW General
Luncheon. 12:00 PM in the Lo-Fe-Lo Room.
Birthday celebration and pledge service. $3.00
donation includes lunch.
Sunday, January 8th - Mission Sunday canned
food collection. Proteins are requested. Please
designate a donation to Missions today.
Wednesday, January 11th- UMW Executive
Board Meeting. Lo-Fe-Lo Room. 10am - 11am.
Monday, January 16th- Tabitha Fellowship
10:30 AM in Hand in Hand.
Tuesday, January 17th - Ruth Circle meets at
7:30 PM in the Community Room.
Sunday, January 8th - Trustees Meeting
following coffee fellowship in the Pastor’s Study.
Tuesday, January 3rd
9:00 AM
Magnolia Grille
Limit 8ppl
RSVP Please
Join your Pastor for breakfast
Friday, January 13th
11:30 AM
Tea Elle C Cafe
Caravan/carpool at 11am from
Church North Lot
Wednesday, January 25th - UMW Boutique
Workshop. Community Room. 9:30 AM.
Sunday, January 22nd - UMW Sunday.
Worship this morning will be led by the women of
our congregation.
Wednesday, January 11th
12:00 PM
Lo-Fe-Lo Room
$3 Donation
Includes lunch and program.
Monthly Birthdays Acknowledged &
Celebrated Today!
January 22, 2016
10:30 AM worship will be led by
the UMW this morning.
Monday, January 16th - Martin Luther King
Holiday. Office Closed.
Thursday, January 19th - PB & J Project See
details below!
Thursday, January 19th
7:00 PM
Help us make 150 PB&J sandwiches
for the homeless who visit the food
pantry on Fridays!
If you would like to help but can’t
make it every third Thursday of each
month, please donate supplies (peanut
butter, jam, bread or sandwich bags.)
$40 will also sponsor the event!
Tuesday, January 3rd - Breakfast Club meets
at 9:00 AM. Magnolia Grille. Limit 8 ppl. RSVP.
Friday, January 13th - Tea Fellowship. 10:30
AM. Tea Elle C Cafe in Santa Clarita. Meet at
11:00 AM in the North Lot to carpool. Best to
Marriage is a wonderful way to diversify our families.  Our nephew married into an immigrant
family, and I have just learned that they came from the city of Aleppo.  Our niece-in-law’s parents
immigrated from Aleppo many years ago, and they are demoralized to see their former home
brought to ruins by insane violence and hatred.  They speak of a once proud city, where religious
tolerance was the norm, reduced now to a place of destruction and death.
There is not a strong message of hope one can associate with the city of Aleppo.  Yet, is this not the
very reason that the Christ child was born?  If we remember our biblical history, did not Herod,
when he found he was tricked by the wise men, slaughter all the children under the age of two in
and around Bethlehem?  Jesus was born into a world of human violence, and to address our human
sinfulness, Jesus is the only answer to liberate us from such violence
The fact that young innocent children are being killed in the city of Aleppo and other parts of the
world is inconceivable in our modern age.  Coming from a family of medical physicians, our niece-
in-law has just completed her residency and is beginning her own practice in pediatric oncology.  I
think of all the children she will help and save.  I think of all the children that will be given a
second chance because of her skills and care.  Then I think of what would have happened had her
family not emigrated from Aleppo.  I think of how the world would be so impoverished without her
contribution to save lives.
Into our present world, the Christ child is born anew.  Into our world of violence, the Prince of
Peace will reign.  Into our hopeless world, our Lord brings a ray of hope.  May we learn and spread
this message of our Savior.  May this Christmas be different than all of those before.  May the
Prince of Peace reign supreme.
Be the Hope, Bishop Grant J. Hagiya
Los Angeles Area Resident BishopThe United Methodist Church
A Christmas Message
Bishop Grant Hagiya
The combined Cal-Pac and Desert Southwest (DSW) team sent to Baton Rouge was intended as a
recovery team, but was changed at the last minute to an Early Response Team (ERT) on November 14 –
20, 2016. The team totaled 17, eleven from DSW and six from Cal-Pac. Cal-Pac was represented by four
churches: Ontario, Glendale, North Hollywood, and Redondo Beach.
The combined team worked on three houses. Then we worked with students from Louisiana Tech Wesley
Foundation on a fourth and finally the Cal-Pac team worked on a fifth house.
Once again, being a caring Christian presence was the most precious gift.
Once again we are collecting new and used greeting cards for holidays, birthdays, thank you's,
anniversaries, etc. to send to  the young people at St. Jude's Ranch for Children in Nevada. The recycled
cards program was established to teach entrepreneurship skills to these children that have been abused
and/or neglected. They make new greeting cards by removing the front and attaching a new back.
The benefits are two-fold: customers receive fun, "green" cards they can feel good sending to their friends
and loved ones, and the children at St. Jude's Ranch receive payment for their work and learn basic job
skills and the importance of recycling.
Card Donating Tips:
* Greeting cards for any occasion can
be used.
* Cannot accept Hallmark, Disney or
American Greetings Cards.
* Please remove the back panel.
*Only fronts of cards can be used
* Be sure the back of the cover is clear
of any writing.
* 5” x 7” size cards or smaller
* Birthday and Thank You cards are in
Please add your cards to the box decorated with Christmas wrapping paper and greeting cards which can
be found in the Lounge until Sunday, February 5th. After that, please continue to save greeting cards;
next December the collection box will be placed in the Lounge once again. If you prefer not to wait, you
can give your cards to the church office or to Lynn Yoshizumi. Thank you.
Members of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference braved
subfreezing temperatures Dec. 15th, drove 14 hours, to deliver 700
Christmas stockings to water protectors still camped near the
Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota.  
Even though the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  denied a
construction easement under a dammed section of the Missouri
River, temporarily halting the Dakota Access Pipeline, many
members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and other protesters
have chosen to stay at the camp to make sure construction does not
continue. “We sent out a call for help and raised nearly $5,000 to
purchase toys, socks, gloves and basic items for cold weather,” said
the Rev. David Wilson, superintendent of the Oklahoma Missionary
In addition, OIMC churches contributed donations and stockings.“People want to do what they can to
be a part of this great effort, whether it be contributing money, praying, assembling the stockings, and
more. It has been very affirming and heartwarming,” Wilson said.
United Methodists Bring Christmas To Standing Rock
Filled Christmas Stockings
Violent outbreaks are still occurring in some parts of the country. In the family of the worldwide United
Methodist Church, the East Congo Conference is the infant. But this baby has a long history. The
denomination’s newest episcopal area was created in 2012. However, “our fathers claimed this episcopal
area since 1975,” Bishop Gabriel Unda said.
“Some were chased from the church simply because they asked for an episcopal area. Others remained
pastors without having the right to come back again to the church,” Unda said, sitting in his small office at
the Lokale Mission that housed missionary families before years of war began. “Rebels were (once) living
here; they used the roof and ceiling as wood to cook their food,” Unda said. “When we arrived here almost
everywhere was the forest, the bush. That’s why we ask our believers as Nehemiah told the people of
Israel, ‘Get up and rebuild.’”
Geographically, the East Congo Conference is the largest in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The area
defined by this conference encompasses the provinces of Maniema and North and South Kivu to the east
— bordering Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda — and Oriental and Equateur across the northern part of
the country — which borders South Sudan and the Central African Republic. The episcopal offices are in
the city of Kindu, the capital of Maniema Province.
Even today, some parts of the conference are unsafe for travel. The Rev. Buera N’Dole is pastor of the
Malikale and Wassissi Circuit in the Walikale area of the Goma District, where war never ended.
“There is fighting every day; most of the time we sleep in the jungle and come home during the day,” he
said. His first church was destroyed, his second church burned down and heavy rain swept away his third
church.“Now we are meeting under trees,” he said. He added he does not know when people can attend
church from one day to the next, but he has a congregation of 120.“I am called to be a United Methodist
pastor; it is my faith. Christians still have faith,” he said.
N’Dole was one of the pastors who gathered in Goma United Methodist Church at the request of the Rev.
Clement Kingombe Lutala, district superintendent. The church in which he is sitting today is badly in
need of repair. Rain pours into the building and floods his home and the pastor’s home, both behind the
church.“I keep all my documents in the ceiling to protect them from water,” he said, pointing to his home.
Martin Lubamba, president of United Methodist Men for the conference, said the Goma District has 900
United Methodists. “But we could reach as many as 10,000 with the right resources,” said Lubamba.
Unda dreams of reaching all the people in his conference, but many places are inaccessible. The few roads
are hard to travel. His heart is heavy for the tribes of pygmies who live deep in the forests. He also wants to
establish women’s centers where rape victims can come for help to reorient themselves back into society.
Unda also is thankful for all the help they have received from United Methodists around the world. For
instance, the Tennessee Conference started building his new home and office on the grounds of the
mission. (For more details on the work in East Congo, go to
By Lynn Yoshizumi
The United Methodist Church is flourishing in the eastern
part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The denomination’s newest episcopal area was established in
2012, with offices in Kindu. But much of the area is
impassable because no roads exist in the region ransacked by
years of civil wars.
Wishing you a year filled with blessings!
Love, Your Church Family
January 1	 Deborah Byon
January 4 Molly Moffatt	
January 6	 Anthony Duffy
January 8	 Paul Ellis
January 9	 Dexter Moffat
January 10	 Pam Orchard
January 11	 Abbey Thomas
January 11 Emma Thomas
January 16	 Jake Orchard
January 24	 Dennis Parnell
January 24	 Steve Watts
January 26	 Annabelle Peat
January 28 Julie Shuford
January 30	 Phillip Mottaz
Ed Zung had surgery to place metal stents in his kidneys.
Mikio Matsubayashi, underwent exploratory surgery, at Houston Medical Center, to see if cancer spread.
Deanne Cox has been out and about and we were so happy to see her in church!
Susan Marcinek, friend of the Ancheta Family, was in ICU at Palmdale Regional in December.
Chuck Shafer’s brother-in-law, Tom Revelli, had a minor stroke that affected his speech and balance.
Doug Eboch’s family has been dealing with many losses of family members. Most recently, his Uncle Jim.
Ralph Seybold’s daughter-in-law, Bobbi, still suffers with severe deficits after contracting West Nile.
Keven McConnell’s Bell’s Palsy symptoms have been improving every day.
Walter Pratt is still receiving treatment for esophageal cancer.
Teri Geiger has terminal cancer.
David Vail, Uncle to Norman Kelsey, is still undergoing treatment for bladder cancer.
Our homebound parishioners: Margaret Dixon, Joyce Cunningham, and Marion Elkerton.
Would you like to sponsor our weekly
altar flowers in 2017!
Flowers are in honor or memory of loved one
are just a $25 donation!
Sign up by contacting the church office:
or stop by in person!
Dr. Joey K. McDonald
Isaiah 35:1-10 is part of a theophany which begins in chapter thirty-four.  In biblical texts,
theophanies are narratives which show how God breaks into the natural world.  In some
cases they tell of nature literally responding to theophanies.   These are recorded in
scripture about burning bushes, clouds or other dramatic means of getting the attention of
the faithful.  In these two chapters we have the basics of Holy visions. Chapter thirty-four
is mostly about the judgment of God with a call to faithfulness for those who have gone
astray.  Chapter thirty-five is mostly about the hope of God for those disenfranchised or
lost.  During Advent the value of these texts especially chapter thirty-five is quite clear.
The work of Advent is bound in time and tradition.  This is the time of year when the
Church retells the Story of God coming in the form of a child to remind us of the Holy
Hope we have in faith.  It is rooted in a tradition by Isaiah along with other Prophets who
believed God would send a messiah to heal and save.  In Isaiah thirty-five the prophet is
saying; even when hope appears lost to the mind and eye, it remains possible and plausible
for the soul and heart.
The daily scene of our existence tells us to be cynical.  To be guarded and mistrusting,
wary and even fearful.  However, Isaiah writes, “Say to those who are of a fearful heart,
‘Be strong, do not fear!  Here is your God, He will come with vengeance, with terrible
recompense, He will come and save you.’” Isaiah then lists every known affliction which
might occur to humans and this planet and states uncategorically that hope in God makes
the impossible, possible.
Advent is about time, and we certainly time everything.   Be it eggs, cars, or home
renovations, we want to know how long, how fast, how soon? Then Isaiah asks us to see
time in terms quite different.  He says to those anxious, wary or worried to rest assured
Hope is here available and present to us.  We have but to seek it in the way and wisdom of
God.  Now that is something worth waiting for.
Reflections are part of the weekly bulletin inserts for worship. This writing is originally from December 12, 2004.
Dr. McDonald’s message, “Scenes Not From A Mall,” was based on Isaiah 35:1-10.
January 	 1	 Epiphany Sunday. White or Gold.
	 	 	 Isa 60:1-6; Ps. 72:1-7, 10-14 or UMH 795; Eph. 3:1-12; Matt 2:1-12; Heb. 2:10-18
January	 8	 First Sunday After the Epiphany. White or Gold.
	 	 	 Isa. 42:1-9; Ps. 29 or UMH 761; Acts 10:34-43; Matt. 3:13-17
January	 15	 Second Sunday After the Epiphany. Green.
	 	 	 Isa. 49:1-7; Ps. 40:1-11; 1 Cor. 1:1-9; John 1:29-42
January 	 22	 Third Sunday After the Epiphany. Green.
	 	 	 Isa. 9:1-4; Ps. 27:1, 4-9; 1 Cor. 1:10-18; Matt. 4:12-23
January	 29	 Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany. Green.
	 	 	 Micah 6:1-8; Ps. 15; 1 Cor. 1:18-31; Matt. 5:1-12	
8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel
January 1 - Pastor Joey	 January 8 - Norman Kelsey 	January 15 - Patty Kelsey
	 	 January 22 - Sandra Smith 		 January 29 - Sandra Smith
Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by January 17th for the February 2017 publication
or email them to
If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office
or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you.
POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to:
First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601
Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary
Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery
Children’s Message every second & third Sunday of the month during 10:30 worship service
Communion will be celebrated on January 1st at 8:15 AM and 10:30 AM worship services.

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Good News January 2017

  • 1. First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood GOOD NEWS e-mail: JANUARY 2017 IN THIS ISSUE: • Souper Bowl Sunday • Congrats Tree Lot • Bishop’s Message • Altar Flower List 2017 • St. Jude’s Ranch Recycled Greeting Cards A NOTE FROM PASTOR JOEY The dictionary defines Epiphany as “the January 6 observance as a church festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi, as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, or in the Eastern Church in commemoration of the baptism of Christ.”  The final entry in Webster’s under 3b is, “a revealing scene or moment.”  The festival can be traced to the story of the wise men from the East; who upon seeing the star present at the birth of Jesus followed the star to Bethlehem.  For them the revealing scene was the sight of Jesus in the manger.  The concept of epiphany is as old as faith itself.  Time and again the Bible narrative describes in detail encountering the Holy.  Abraham hears the voice of God, Jacob wrestles with God, and Moses is given a glimpse of God.  Prophets and psalmist alike record experiencing God in personal and direct ways. The contemporary English translation of Isaiah 60:1-3 reads, “Jerusalem, stand up!  Shine!  Your new day is dawning.  The glory of the Lord shines brightly on you.  The earth and its people are covered with darkness, but the glory of the Lord is shining upon you.  Nations and kings will come to the light of your dawning day.”  Isaiah wrote this poetry as an invitation to the fallen Zion, to stand and bask in the hope and grace of God, and in so doing draw others into the blessed community.  Centuries later, Matthew would record Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount saying, “You are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hid.  Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.   Let your light so shine before all, that they may see your good works and give glory to God who is in Heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16. The glory of God still shines brightly.  We are called, yet today, to bask in the love of God and to stand as representatives of God’s love.  When we, as people of faith, say we believe and then act as if we don’t, questions arise in those around us as to how we define our faith.  Epiphanies occur every day in nature and through nature.  In sunrises, sunsets, in flora and fauna, the handiwork and hope of God can be witnessed.  In birth, death, in worship through word and song, the light and love of God can be experienced.  Part of the difficulty in experiencing an epiphany is that in our expectancy, we forget to open our eyes to see, or open our hearts to be... a reflection of our Maker. Your Friend and Pastor, Joey GOOD NEWS is published monthly by First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood, California 91601 Phone (818) 763-8231 Grant Hagiya Bishop Rev. Jim Powell District Superintendent Dr. Joey K. McDonald Pastor Congregation Ministers Jeff Thomas Director of Music Roger Eshleman Organist Nylean Rapinac Administrator Patty Kelsey Director, Program Ministries Tonya Peat Director, Outreach Ministries
  • 2. COME AND WORSHIP The following Bible passages will be the basis for the messages in January Please take time each week to read the selected passages. January 1 Bottled Hope January 8 Servant Not Servile Isaiah 42:1-9 January 15 On Grace And Peace January 22 Starting With Faith Matthew 4:12-23 January 29 Required Living Micah 6:1-8 HIGHLIGHTS OF WORSHIP December 4th - On this Second Sunday of Advent, we were blessed with Christmas Wreaths in decorating the sanctuary. Mike Gillis, Henri Doble, Doug Eboch, and Shaun Vieten, lit the Candle of Peace. Norman Kelsey & Phillip Mottaz presented this month’s announcements in Christmas Songs. We had special music from the Stage Door Singers during worship and coffee fellowship. Today’s lectionary scripture was Romans 15:4-13 and Pastor Joey’s message was titled, “Hope, Endurance, & Love.” Communion was also served this morning. December 11th - This morning we celebrated Advent with our beautiful poinsettia tree which graced the chancel. Rachel, Phillip, and Henry Mottaz shared in the lighting of our Advent Candle of Love. Gary Solt and Jeff Thomas performed “Blue Christmas.” Patty Kelsey shared the symbolism of the Poinsettia at Christmas and how they relate to the Star of Bethlehem in the Moment with Children. Pastor Joey shared a message based on James 5:7-10 in a sermon titled, “To Wait And Wonder.” December 18th - Our darling Sunday School children performed a mini Christmas Play that was written and directed by Doug Eboch. The children shared the story of the birth of Jesus from the perspective of the barn animals. Many thanks to the parents, kids, the Choir, Jeff Thomas & Roger Eshleman for putting on such a sweet production. The Advent Candles were lit by Lynn Yoshizumi, Sandy Flemming, Pauline Long, and Charles Minetree. Libeck Kadu & Shaun Vieten shared special music, performing, “The Holly And The Ivy.” Pastor Joey’s message, based on Isaiah 7:10-16 was called, “Signs And Wonders.” December 24th - Christmas Eve Worship was very quaint and special this year. At 7:00 PM worship, the Books Family lit the Advent Candles. Thanks to Hannah, Jason, Josie & Jackson. Jeff Thomas & Gary Solt performed, “I’ll Be Home For Christmas.” Children’s Time was about reflecting the light of Jesus. Norman Kelsey sang, “O Holy Night.” The Acostas graced us with a Gesu Bambino. The 9:30 PM worship brought us the beautiful sounds of our Chancel Choir. We shared in the sacrament of communion. We also enjoyed the candle lighting ceremony at each service. December 25th - Christmas fell on a Sunday this year and we enjoyed a beautiful celebration of the season. Pastor Joey shared a message on Hebrews 1:1-4 (5-12), titled, “Come Home For Christmas.” 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 Hebrews 2:10-18
  • 3. Christmas at NoHo FUMC 2016
  • 4. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 18TH ANNUAL TREE LOT ON A RECORD BREAKING SEASON! A multitude of thanks to all the volunteers who made our Christmas Tree Lot possible this year! From church members, family and friends; Boy Scouts and parents from Troop 18; Wesley families, Evergreen Music Conservatory, and  friends from two other churches.  Special thanks to Dan Doggett, our  lot operations manager, who worked tirelessly at every shift! Ed Webster, Jim and Margaret Doggett, Ken Ellis; George Osario; Sue and Pastor Joey McDonald were incredible support and truly aided our tree lot to record breaking success! Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time and talents during our 18th annual tree lot season. It was an uplifting outreach experience. 850 trees sold! vs. It’s that time of year football fans! So here’s the game plan: We are collecting cans of soup on January 8, 15, 22 & 29 and on Super/Souper Bowl Sunday, February 5, 2017! Place your donations of soup in the BIN you think will WIN! We will have collection bins available for each conference in the Main Sanctuary. Help us collect 200 cans of soup and tackle hunger for the North Hollywood Inter-Faith Food Pantry. It was a great team effort!  At least 75 volunteers participated! We had a good feeling of camaraderie and the customers were friendly and appreciative -- which makes it all worth while -- not to mention the proceeds going to worthy causes. Donations have been mailed to each and every organization on our missions display board! Once again, many thanks to everyone who shared their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness to this project.
  • 5. What’s Happening in January? Wednesday, January 11th - UMW General Luncheon. 12:00 PM in the Lo-Fe-Lo Room. Birthday celebration and pledge service. $3.00 donation includes lunch. Sunday, January 8th - Mission Sunday canned food collection. Proteins are requested. Please designate a donation to Missions today. Wednesday, January 11th- UMW Executive Board Meeting. Lo-Fe-Lo Room. 10am - 11am. Monday, January 16th- Tabitha Fellowship 10:30 AM in Hand in Hand. Tuesday, January 17th - Ruth Circle meets at 7:30 PM in the Community Room. Sunday, January 8th - Trustees Meeting following coffee fellowship in the Pastor’s Study. Tuesday, January 3rd 9:00 AM Magnolia Grille Limit 8ppl RSVP Please Join your Pastor for breakfast Friday, January 13th 11:30 AM Tea Elle C Cafe Caravan/carpool at 11am from Church North Lot Wednesday, January 25th - UMW Boutique Workshop. Community Room. 9:30 AM. Sunday, January 22nd - UMW Sunday. Worship this morning will be led by the women of our congregation. GENERAL LUNCHEON Wednesday, January 11th 12:00 PM Lo-Fe-Lo Room $3 Donation Includes lunch and program. Monthly Birthdays Acknowledged & Celebrated Today! *** UMW SUNDAY January 22, 2016 10:30 AM worship will be led by the UMW this morning. Monday, January 16th - Martin Luther King Holiday. Office Closed. Thursday, January 19th - PB & J Project See details below! Thursday, January 19th 7:00 PM Lounge Help us make 150 PB&J sandwiches for the homeless who visit the food pantry on Fridays! If you would like to help but can’t make it every third Thursday of each month, please donate supplies (peanut butter, jam, bread or sandwich bags.) $40 will also sponsor the event! PB & J PROJECT Tuesday, January 3rd - Breakfast Club meets at 9:00 AM. Magnolia Grille. Limit 8 ppl. RSVP. Friday, January 13th - Tea Fellowship. 10:30 AM. Tea Elle C Cafe in Santa Clarita. Meet at 11:00 AM in the North Lot to carpool. Best to
  • 6. Marriage is a wonderful way to diversify our families.  Our nephew married into an immigrant family, and I have just learned that they came from the city of Aleppo.  Our niece-in-law’s parents immigrated from Aleppo many years ago, and they are demoralized to see their former home brought to ruins by insane violence and hatred.  They speak of a once proud city, where religious tolerance was the norm, reduced now to a place of destruction and death. There is not a strong message of hope one can associate with the city of Aleppo.  Yet, is this not the very reason that the Christ child was born?  If we remember our biblical history, did not Herod, when he found he was tricked by the wise men, slaughter all the children under the age of two in and around Bethlehem?  Jesus was born into a world of human violence, and to address our human sinfulness, Jesus is the only answer to liberate us from such violence The fact that young innocent children are being killed in the city of Aleppo and other parts of the world is inconceivable in our modern age.  Coming from a family of medical physicians, our niece- in-law has just completed her residency and is beginning her own practice in pediatric oncology.  I think of all the children she will help and save.  I think of all the children that will be given a second chance because of her skills and care.  Then I think of what would have happened had her family not emigrated from Aleppo.  I think of how the world would be so impoverished without her contribution to save lives. Into our present world, the Christ child is born anew.  Into our world of violence, the Prince of Peace will reign.  Into our hopeless world, our Lord brings a ray of hope.  May we learn and spread this message of our Savior.  May this Christmas be different than all of those before.  May the Prince of Peace reign supreme. Be the Hope, Bishop Grant J. Hagiya Los Angeles Area Resident BishopThe United Methodist Church A Christmas Message from Bishop Grant Hagiya EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM RETURNS FROM BATON ROUGE The combined Cal-Pac and Desert Southwest (DSW) team sent to Baton Rouge was intended as a recovery team, but was changed at the last minute to an Early Response Team (ERT) on November 14 – 20, 2016. The team totaled 17, eleven from DSW and six from Cal-Pac. Cal-Pac was represented by four churches: Ontario, Glendale, North Hollywood, and Redondo Beach. The combined team worked on three houses. Then we worked with students from Louisiana Tech Wesley Foundation on a fourth and finally the Cal-Pac team worked on a fifth house. Once again, being a caring Christian presence was the most precious gift.
  • 7. Once again we are collecting new and used greeting cards for holidays, birthdays, thank you's, anniversaries, etc. to send to  the young people at St. Jude's Ranch for Children in Nevada. The recycled cards program was established to teach entrepreneurship skills to these children that have been abused and/or neglected. They make new greeting cards by removing the front and attaching a new back. The benefits are two-fold: customers receive fun, "green" cards they can feel good sending to their friends and loved ones, and the children at St. Jude's Ranch receive payment for their work and learn basic job skills and the importance of recycling. Card Donating Tips: * Greeting cards for any occasion can be used. * Cannot accept Hallmark, Disney or American Greetings Cards. * Please remove the back panel. *Only fronts of cards can be used * Be sure the back of the cover is clear of any writing. * 5” x 7” size cards or smaller preferred. * Birthday and Thank You cards are in demand. Please add your cards to the box decorated with Christmas wrapping paper and greeting cards which can be found in the Lounge until Sunday, February 5th. After that, please continue to save greeting cards; next December the collection box will be placed in the Lounge once again. If you prefer not to wait, you can give your cards to the church office or to Lynn Yoshizumi. Thank you. RECYCLE GREETING CARDS Members of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference braved subfreezing temperatures Dec. 15th, drove 14 hours, to deliver 700 Christmas stockings to water protectors still camped near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota.   Even though the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  denied a construction easement under a dammed section of the Missouri River, temporarily halting the Dakota Access Pipeline, many members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and other protesters have chosen to stay at the camp to make sure construction does not continue. “We sent out a call for help and raised nearly $5,000 to purchase toys, socks, gloves and basic items for cold weather,” said the Rev. David Wilson, superintendent of the Oklahoma Missionary Conference.   In addition, OIMC churches contributed donations and stockings.“People want to do what they can to be a part of this great effort, whether it be contributing money, praying, assembling the stockings, and more. It has been very affirming and heartwarming,” Wilson said. United Methodists Bring Christmas To Standing Rock Filled Christmas Stockings
  • 8. Violent outbreaks are still occurring in some parts of the country. In the family of the worldwide United Methodist Church, the East Congo Conference is the infant. But this baby has a long history. The denomination’s newest episcopal area was created in 2012. However, “our fathers claimed this episcopal area since 1975,” Bishop Gabriel Unda said. “Some were chased from the church simply because they asked for an episcopal area. Others remained pastors without having the right to come back again to the church,” Unda said, sitting in his small office at the Lokale Mission that housed missionary families before years of war began. “Rebels were (once) living here; they used the roof and ceiling as wood to cook their food,” Unda said. “When we arrived here almost everywhere was the forest, the bush. That’s why we ask our believers as Nehemiah told the people of Israel, ‘Get up and rebuild.’” Geographically, the East Congo Conference is the largest in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The area defined by this conference encompasses the provinces of Maniema and North and South Kivu to the east — bordering Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda — and Oriental and Equateur across the northern part of the country — which borders South Sudan and the Central African Republic. The episcopal offices are in the city of Kindu, the capital of Maniema Province. Even today, some parts of the conference are unsafe for travel. The Rev. Buera N’Dole is pastor of the Malikale and Wassissi Circuit in the Walikale area of the Goma District, where war never ended. “There is fighting every day; most of the time we sleep in the jungle and come home during the day,” he said. His first church was destroyed, his second church burned down and heavy rain swept away his third church.“Now we are meeting under trees,” he said. He added he does not know when people can attend church from one day to the next, but he has a congregation of 120.“I am called to be a United Methodist pastor; it is my faith. Christians still have faith,” he said. N’Dole was one of the pastors who gathered in Goma United Methodist Church at the request of the Rev. Clement Kingombe Lutala, district superintendent. The church in which he is sitting today is badly in need of repair. Rain pours into the building and floods his home and the pastor’s home, both behind the church.“I keep all my documents in the ceiling to protect them from water,” he said, pointing to his home. Martin Lubamba, president of United Methodist Men for the conference, said the Goma District has 900 United Methodists. “But we could reach as many as 10,000 with the right resources,” said Lubamba. Unda dreams of reaching all the people in his conference, but many places are inaccessible. The few roads are hard to travel. His heart is heavy for the tribes of pygmies who live deep in the forests. He also wants to establish women’s centers where rape victims can come for help to reorient themselves back into society. Unda also is thankful for all the help they have received from United Methodists around the world. For instance, the Tennessee Conference started building his new home and office on the grounds of the mission. (For more details on the work in East Congo, go to By Lynn Yoshizumi The United Methodist Church is flourishing in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The denomination’s newest episcopal area was established in 2012, with offices in Kindu. But much of the area is impassable because no roads exist in the region ransacked by years of civil wars.
  • 9. Wishing you a year filled with blessings! Love, Your Church Family January 1 Deborah Byon January 4 Molly Moffatt January 6 Anthony Duffy January 8 Paul Ellis January 9 Dexter Moffat January 10 Pam Orchard January 11 Abbey Thomas January 11 Emma Thomas January 16 Jake Orchard January 24 Dennis Parnell January 24 Steve Watts January 26 Annabelle Peat January 28 Julie Shuford January 30 Phillip Mottaz Ed Zung had surgery to place metal stents in his kidneys. Mikio Matsubayashi, underwent exploratory surgery, at Houston Medical Center, to see if cancer spread. Deanne Cox has been out and about and we were so happy to see her in church! Susan Marcinek, friend of the Ancheta Family, was in ICU at Palmdale Regional in December. Chuck Shafer’s brother-in-law, Tom Revelli, had a minor stroke that affected his speech and balance. Doug Eboch’s family has been dealing with many losses of family members. Most recently, his Uncle Jim. Ralph Seybold’s daughter-in-law, Bobbi, still suffers with severe deficits after contracting West Nile. Keven McConnell’s Bell’s Palsy symptoms have been improving every day. Walter Pratt is still receiving treatment for esophageal cancer. Teri Geiger has terminal cancer. David Vail, Uncle to Norman Kelsey, is still undergoing treatment for bladder cancer. Our homebound parishioners: Margaret Dixon, Joyce Cunningham, and Marion Elkerton. Would you like to sponsor our weekly altar flowers in 2017! Flowers are in honor or memory of loved one are just a $25 donation! Sign up by contacting the church office: 818-763-8231 or stop by in person!
  • 10. Reflections Dr. Joey K. McDonald Isaiah 35:1-10 is part of a theophany which begins in chapter thirty-four.  In biblical texts, theophanies are narratives which show how God breaks into the natural world.  In some cases they tell of nature literally responding to theophanies.   These are recorded in scripture about burning bushes, clouds or other dramatic means of getting the attention of the faithful.  In these two chapters we have the basics of Holy visions. Chapter thirty-four is mostly about the judgment of God with a call to faithfulness for those who have gone astray.  Chapter thirty-five is mostly about the hope of God for those disenfranchised or lost.  During Advent the value of these texts especially chapter thirty-five is quite clear. The work of Advent is bound in time and tradition.  This is the time of year when the Church retells the Story of God coming in the form of a child to remind us of the Holy Hope we have in faith.  It is rooted in a tradition by Isaiah along with other Prophets who believed God would send a messiah to heal and save.  In Isaiah thirty-five the prophet is saying; even when hope appears lost to the mind and eye, it remains possible and plausible for the soul and heart. The daily scene of our existence tells us to be cynical.  To be guarded and mistrusting, wary and even fearful.  However, Isaiah writes, “Say to those who are of a fearful heart, ‘Be strong, do not fear!  Here is your God, He will come with vengeance, with terrible recompense, He will come and save you.’” Isaiah then lists every known affliction which might occur to humans and this planet and states uncategorically that hope in God makes the impossible, possible. Advent is about time, and we certainly time everything.   Be it eggs, cars, or home renovations, we want to know how long, how fast, how soon? Then Isaiah asks us to see time in terms quite different.  He says to those anxious, wary or worried to rest assured Hope is here available and present to us.  We have but to seek it in the way and wisdom of God.  Now that is something worth waiting for. Reflections are part of the weekly bulletin inserts for worship. This writing is originally from December 12, 2004. Dr. McDonald’s message, “Scenes Not From A Mall,” was based on Isaiah 35:1-10.
  • 11. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORSHIP January 1 Epiphany Sunday. White or Gold. Isa 60:1-6; Ps. 72:1-7, 10-14 or UMH 795; Eph. 3:1-12; Matt 2:1-12; Heb. 2:10-18 January 8 First Sunday After the Epiphany. White or Gold. Isa. 42:1-9; Ps. 29 or UMH 761; Acts 10:34-43; Matt. 3:13-17 January 15 Second Sunday After the Epiphany. Green. Isa. 49:1-7; Ps. 40:1-11; 1 Cor. 1:1-9; John 1:29-42 January 22 Third Sunday After the Epiphany. Green. Isa. 9:1-4; Ps. 27:1, 4-9; 1 Cor. 1:10-18; Matt. 4:12-23 January 29 Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany. Green. Micah 6:1-8; Ps. 15; 1 Cor. 1:18-31; Matt. 5:1-12 8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel January 1 - Pastor Joey January 8 - Norman Kelsey January 15 - Patty Kelsey January 22 - Sandra Smith January 29 - Sandra Smith Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by January 17th for the February 2017 publication or email them to If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you. POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to: First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood 4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601 Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery Children’s Message every second & third Sunday of the month during 10:30 worship service Communion will be celebrated on January 1st at 8:15 AM and 10:30 AM worship services.