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    Outline                                                      Behavior Design
         Behavior Design Statement
1   1        -   Introduction
             -   Motivation and Goal
             -   Courses
             -   Conclusion

         Anticipated Questions

         Study Plan

         Anecdotes from Students,
         Faculty, & Alumni
                                                      Stanford University

                                       Proposal for an Individually
                                       Designed Major
                                       David Ngo, Class of 2013

                                       Dear Mrs. Susan Weersing, Mrs. Sheila Booth, and IDM Committee,

                                       I have finally found a direction that aligns with my fascination for life-
                                       optimizing psychology and technology entrepreneurship. Since sixth
                                       grade, I have been fascinated about human memory, learning, motivation,
                                       and productivity. I wanted to find ways to optimize how we could live.
    “The best design                   At 20 years of age, I have discovered that creating life-optimizing
    solutions today                    solutions is through Behavior Design—using technology to create lasting
                                       behavior change. Whether it is increasing the behavior of daily exercising,
    change human
                                       decreasing work-related stress, or creating a habit of daily appreciation for
    behavior. Yet despite              life, these behavior endeavors are through effective behavior design. This
    decades of research,               is behavior design: design solutions that create lasting behavior change in
    challenges remain                  our lives. With the help of Dr. BJ Fogg, Professor Jeremy Bailenson,
    for people who                     Professor Cliff Nass, and Professor Carol Dweck, I have found an
    design to influence.”              academic direction and support for my interests of psychology and
                                       technology entrepreneurship—an IDM in Behavior Design.
    – Dr. BJ Fogg, Director of
    Stanford Persuasive Tech Lab       I hope you may all share my vision as well.
“In the next 50 years, the increasing
                              importance of designing spaces for human
                              communication and interaction will lead to
                              expansion in those aspects of computing that
                              are focused on people, rather than
                              machinery.” --Terry Winograd, Bringing Design to Software

                              Motivation and Goal
                              My personal motivation and goal for an IDM in Behavior Design is to
                              optimize my Stanford experience. Never will I be able to study at Stanford
                              as an undergraduate again. It has taken me two years of trying, failing, and
I am ready to challenge       self-searching to discover the direction of Behavior Design. But, I rather
convention and discover the   take two years now than 10 years later to find what I have found: the field
seemingly impossible.         of Behavior Design that bridges psychology and technology
                              entrepreneurship in ways that existing majors have not yet combined—a
                              new found love. I am ready to challenge convention and discover the
                              seemingly impossible.

                              My academic motivation and goal is to help spearhead the field of Behavior
                              Design with the help of Dr. BJ Fogg, Professor Jeremy Bailenson
                              (Communication), Professor Cliff Nass (Communication, courtesy in CS),
                              and Professor Carol Dweck (Psychology): to build new bridges between
                              Computer Science, Psychology, Product Design, and Human-Computer
                              Interaction in order to create solutions that improves our lives through
                              behavior change. Although Human-Computer Interaction Design is
                              designing for technology that embraces simplicity and intuition of the
                              mind, HCI is only one component of creating human-centered technology.
                              I believe the second component, Behavior Design, is also needed because it
                              focuses on designing for the long-term behavior change of using that new

                               I hope my passion, vision, and hard-work can be seen in this proposal and
                              in our face-to-face meetings. I have spent 17 hours researching the current
                              coursework, and 23 hours crafting this proposal. It is not perfect, but I am
                              very happy with it. I know that I have much to learn not only in formal
                              academics, but also in writing and conveying my mission to others in a
                              more professional setting—such as trying to gather faculty support.
                              Because Stanford actually gives their students the option to individually
                              design majors, I am thankful for this opportunity and thank you Mrs. Susan
                              Weersing, Mrs. Sheila Booth and IDM Committee for your time and

                                                                   David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011               2
                                                         “Designing for behavior change
                                                         via social and mobile tech is new,
                                                         with no leading books or
                                                         conferences to provide
                                                         guidance. Our goal is to explain
                                                         human nature clearly and map
                                                         those insights onto the emerging
                                                         opportunities in technology.”
                                                         – Dr. BJ Fogg

                                          Computer Science is invaluable to create new technology:
Computer Science & HCI – 22 units         It is the implementation of creating new technology. In
                                          other words the ability to program iPhone, Android, and
                                          other platforms will be essential in designing behavior
    CS 106A: Programming          5       changing technology. Professor BJ Fogg asserts that
    Methodology                           implementing “mobile technology is the future.” And the
    CS 106B: Programming                  future starts now.
                                          CS106/108 provide strong a fundamental understanding of
    CS 108: Object-Oriented       4       CS in Java and C++. Furthermore, CS147/247 establish a
    Systems Design                        solid technical perspective in the Human-Computer
                                          Design relationship. Having technical background is only
    CS 147: Intro. to Human-
                                  4       one facet in behavior design. Although these CS classes
    Computer Interaction Design
                                          are extremely hands-on, the exercises are pre-made
    CS 247: Human-Computer        4
                                          problems. The next component allows direct application
    Interaction Design Studio             to solve real world problems with infinite possible

                                          Entrepreneurship is the source of introducing
 Entrepreneurship – 12 Units              revolutionizing change: it is the creation of something
                                          that did not exist before—finding novel solutions to
                                          existing problems, or perhaps identifying latent problems
    MS&E 175: Innovation,             4
                                          that have never been noticed.
    Creativity, and Change
                                          MS&E 175 directly studies creativity and innovation.
                                          These classes are hands-on, providing the opportunity to
    ENGR 145: Technology              4   learn the processes of creativity, innovation and
    Entrepreneurship                      application of computer science knowledge.
    ENGR 245: Tech.                       ENGR145/245 revolve around technology
    Entrepreneurship and Lean         4   entrepreneurship. These classes allow real-world
    Startups                              application of Behavior Design.

                                                              David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011             3
“We believe            design thinking
                                                                 Psychology and Human Factors –30 Units
  is a catalyst          for innovation
                                                                          Psych 55: Intro. to the Brain and
  and bringing           new things into                                                                               4
                                                                          Cognition* (WIM)
        the                    world.”                                    Psych 131: Language and Thought              4

                                                                          Psych 198: Senior Honors Thesis              5

  Design                                                                  Psych 205: Foundations of                    3
  Thinking,                                                               Cognition
                                                                          Psych 249: Human Motivation                  3

  website                                                                 EDUC 364: Cognition and                      3
                                                                          CS 377T: Behavior Design: Using Technology
                                                                          to Creating Calming Habits

                                                                          EDUC 176X: The Design of Technologies for
                                                                          Casual Learning - Lab

                                                                          EDUC 196X: The Design of                     3
                                                                          Technologies for Casual Learning

                                                                  Although CS147/247 (HCI depth) create bridges
Design Thinking – 15 Units                                        between CS and Psychology, it does not provide enough
                                                                  depth from the Human perspective.

                                                                  Psych55/205/249 provide substantial understanding of
    ME 101: Visual Thinking                           3           Motivation and Cognition (memory, learning, decision-
                                                                  making, language). Psych 198 is the capstone project.
    ME 115A: Introduction to Human
    Values in Design                                              EDUC 364/176X/196X dive deeper into cognition and
                                                                  learning by applying CS and Psych knowledge in
    ME115B: Product Design Methods                    3           education, specifically in the learning process.

                                                                  CS377T is another hands-on class that will create real-
    ME 115C: Design and Business
                                                      3           world applications that bridges the gap between CS and
    Factors                                                       Psychology. CS377T presents a unique opportunity to
                                                                  create real-world solutions to significant problems.
    DANCE 138: Liquid Flow: Dance,
                                                      1           CS377T Behavioral Design: Creating Calming
    Design, and Engineering                                       Technologies will allow us to create new technology to
                                                                  relieve stress and improve health. If successful, we will
    Drama 105V Improv & Design                        2           be invited to share our ideas at Mobile Health 2011 in
                                                                  May 4-5, 2011. Dr. Fogg, the teacher of this course, has
                                                                  been a big supporter of my IDM.

Product Design adds another facet to Behavioral Design & Innovation: design thinking. According to one of Stanford’s statement [on their website], “design thinking is the catalyst for innovation and bringing new things into the
world.” Design thinking is key to creating new technology that will influence behavior.

ME101 is a fundamental pillar of design thinking. ME115 series teaches the importance of human values, methods, and
business of product design. Dance138 and Drama 105V provide two very unconventional, but innovative ways to
practice design thinking—from Liquid Flow Dance and Improvisation. Collectively, these courses provide a strong
foundation and unique approaches to learn design thinking.

                                                                                       David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011            4
Communication – 21 Units

   CEE 151: Negotiation                          3

   COMM 166: Virtual People                     5

   COMM 168: Experimental
   Research in Adv. User Interfaces
  COMM 169: Computers and

   DRAMA 103 Beginning Improv                    3

The ability to effectively communicate one's ideas, whether through writing or
speech, is extremely important. If people cannot understand the message, then they    Core Sequence from        Units
cannot use or contribute to the mission. Last winter in ENGR 145, David               HCI Concentration in
Morgenthaler, founder of Morgenthaler Ventures, told the class to take drama          Symbolic Systems
courses: “Captivate people because I hear a lot of ideas, but I can tell who is       CS147: Intro. to Human-   4
enthusiastic about his/her idea and who is not." (paraphrased, C. Crosland).          Computer Interaction
CEE151 teaches the important skill to negotiate. Supplementing with live practice,    CS247: Human-             4
DRAMA103 allows students to convey one’s vision with clarity, passion in              Computer Interaction
impromptu.                                                                            Design Studio
                                                                                      Comm169: Computers        5
COMM166, taught by my primary advisor Jeremy Bailenson, is key to                     and Interfaces
understanding how behavior design can be applied to virtual people—digital human      Psych131: Language        4
                                                                                      and Thought
representations. COMM 168/169 further enhances the behavior design by bridging
                                                                                      CS108: Object-Oriented    4
the disciplines between CS and PSYCH: this is another hands-on opportunity to         Programming
master designing technology for behavior design. Because Behavior Design is a         Comm168:                  5
relatively new field, Behavior Designers must be able to effectively convey the       Experimental Research
importance and their contribution to designing new technology that will improve       in Adv. User Interfaces
human lives. Furthermore, these “Communication” courses give another
perspective to learn about behaviors and design—how we are persuaded, come to
compromises, interact with interfaces, and improvise.

“When Dr. Fogg began studying how technology could influence behavior back in 1992, Total IDM units: 100
he faced some resistance to his ideas. But today he's one of the most sought-after         IDM Units completed: 22
thinkers in Silicon Valley” (CNNMoney). I hope and wish that I can contribute to this
field by spearheading a new Individually Designed Major in Behavior Design &
                                                                                                    “We must dare to
Behavior Design can be applied to every technology company—any company or mission               dream the seemingly
that desires to create a behavior change. Whether it is encouraging middle school              impossible, if we want
students to adopt recycling habits, or designing a product so that millions of high school             the seemingly
teachers can use, these endeavors require designing for behavior change.                      impossible to become
When I was applying to Stanford, I included a quote in my essay by Czech Republic                             reality.”
President Vaclav Havel: “We must dare to dream the seemingly impossible, if we want
the seemingly impossible to become reality.” Before, I dreamed of the seemingly                      –    Vaclav Havel,
                                                                                                     President of Czech
impossible to attend Stanford. Now, I dream of helping to pave the unconventional path
of creating next-generation technologies through behavior design. Thank you all for
your time.

                                                                                     David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011          5
Anticipated Questions

Why does Behavior Design belong to
Humanities and Sciences? Why not an IDMEN?
Behavior Design belongs to the Humanities & Sciences department because it attempts to create a unique bridge
between Psychology and Technology Entrepreneurship first rooted in Psychology, and then second in other
engineering perspectives. In other words, Behavior Design is fundamentally grounded in Humanities & Sciences
courses as its primary component, and heavily supplemented with Engineering courses as its secondary component.

Although the Engineering courses are the secondary component in Behavior Design, there are still many courses from
the School of Engineering. This may initially seem to merit Behavior Design as not fit for the school of Humanities
and Sciences; the courses, however, do not make Behavior Design an IDMEN because of three major reasons:

      All proposed courses from the Engineering Department do not require any Math or Science
       prerequisites. Speaking with Mrs. Darlene Lazar, Students Affairs Administrator, creating Behavior
       Design as an IDMEN would not be recommended due to this fact of prerequisites.

      All proposed courses from the Engineering Department are” non-technical”. In other words, they do
       not require a certain level in Math or Science. Only CS147/247 require technical prerequisites—
       CS106A/B (which are already completed). The upper CS courses heavily focus on Human-Computer
       Interaction from the “human” perspective (not coding). Although ME101 and ME106A/B/C constitute
       a part of the Product Design core, these courses teach “design thinking.” Design thinking is taught
       from the School of Engineering, but it is not constrained to only technical or engineering perspectives.
       Design thinking can be integrated into H&S disciplines, especially into Behavior Design because it
       allows a new, creative way of thinking which further builds a unique bridge between Psychology and
       Technology Entrepreneurship.

      A historical comparison can drive Behavior Design to its home in Humanities & Sciences: Former
       president of Sony, Norio Ohga, is often credited with the creation of the CD. He had a passion for
       classical music and wanted to compile all of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony on a single piece of media.
       Norio Ohga, however, did not invent the CD technology, nor did he possess the original patents for the
       process. The technical grounding of the CD belonged to James Russell, an American who brought the
       idea to life in 1965.

       But it was not until 1985, that Norio Ohga and Sony started to see the potential in Russell’s CD
       technology. Although Norio Ohga did not possess the technical background, he helped revolutionize
       the music industry through his love for music. Like Norio’s skill set, Behavior Design does not
       necessarily equip me with the technical background, but it does allow me to integrate my love for
       Psychology into the world of Technology Entrepreneurship from the home of the Humanities &

                                                                                   David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011        6
Anticipated Questions

Why not major in CS HCI, Psychology,
Product Design, STS, or SymSys HCI?
 CS HCI                    Psychology                    Product Design              STS
CS HCI55 Introduction to Psychology
                           CS 103---Discrete          Product Design
                                                         Psych 1 Introduction to STS Can fit Product Design
                               Mathematics for Computer
  Cognition and the Brain CS 103---Discrete               Psychology                         proposed courses
Psych 55 Introduction to      Science                  Psych 1 Introduction to          Can fit Product Design
                           Mathematics for Computer
  PSYCH 221: Applied
Cognition and the Brain       CS 106B---Programming Psychology                          proposed fit CS proposed
                                                                                             Can courses
                           Science                        Psych 20-95
  Vision and Image Systems    Abstractions                                                   courses
PSYCH 221: Applied         CS 106B---Programming                                        Can fit CS proposed
                                                                                             Cannot fit Psychology
Vision and Image to           CS 121---Introduction to Psych 20-95
  Psych 30 Intro. Systems Abstractions
  Perception                  Artificial Intelligence                 -----             coursesCommunication
                                                                                             proposed courses
                                                                                        Cannot fit Psychology
Psych 30205: Foundations of CS 121---Introduction to
  Psych Intro. to
Perception                                     -----
                            Artificial Intelligence                  ----- -----                       -----
                                                                                        or Communication
  Cognition                                                                             proposed courses
                                                                                             In-person Colleen
Psych 205: Foundations of                                                                    Connors
Cognition                               -----                        -----                       -----
                                                                                        In-person Colleen
 CS HCI: Psych 30 and Psych 55 are suggested as options to satisfy the CS HCI Science requirements. Psych 55,

Why not major in CS HCI, Psychology,
 however, is also suggested under as a Depth Track Course. Psych 205 is the continuation of Psych 55, which bridges
 CS and Psych to a certain extent, but is simply not enough to capture the important of the human perspective in
 Human-Computer Interaction.
Product Design, STS, or SymSymsthat attempts to bridge connections
 Psychology: The Cognitive Science Track is the only Psychology track (out of 4)
 between Psychology and Computer Science. Although the Cognitive Science track allows several CS courses to be
 part of the Psychology major, the 3 possible CS courses does not satisfy the bridge between CS and Psych that I
 desire. CS 103 is discrete Math-- the theory behind Computer science. Although this is important in stretching the
 mind and understanding advanced (graduate level) CS courses, it does not directly strengthen the relationship between
 Human-Computer Interaction or Behavior Design. CS106B, I must agree is essential to creating more bridges
 between CS and Psych because it provides a foundation for programming knowledge. CS 121 introduces artificial
 intelligence, and although interesting, it does not contribute to the major which I wish to pursue.

 Product Design: Product Design is essential in Behavior Design & Innovation. It teaches us another perspective of
 thinking--- design thinking, which is different from perspectives in psychology and computer science. Product Design,
 however, only requires two courses in Behavioral Sciences -- Psych 1 and any course from Psych 20 to 95. This does
 not provide enough depth in understanding the human perspective enough to design for Behavior or human-computer

 STS: Individually designed tracks are unable to incorporate the proposed courses in Psychology and Communications.

 Symbolic Systems HCI: SymSys HCI is the closest major that provides that flexibility and attempt to have a strong
 balance between Human and Computer interaction. The drawback to Symbolic Systems is that it includes substantial
 requirements in Philosophy and Linguistics. Again, although these courses are interesting and beneficial to
 challenging the mind, it does not satisfy my thirst for substantial bridges between Computer science and Psychology
 (Memory, Learning, Motivation, and Cognition).

                                                                                    David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011          7
Study Plan

Junior Year                        Senior Year                       Quotes & Picture Sources
                                                                     BJ Fogg
Fall Quarter 2011-2012             Fall Quarter 2012-2013  
HUMBIO139: Sports                  CS 147: Introduction to       4
Medicine (GER- NatSci)             Human-Computer          
ME 101: Visual Thinking        3   Interaction Design      
ME 115A: Introduction to       3   ENGR 145: Technology          4
                                                                     Lemelson-MIT Program
Human Values in Design             Entrepreneurship        
DRAMA: 103 Beginning           3   CEE 151: Negotiation          3
Improv                             Phil 50: Introductory Logic   4   Stanford University
MS&E 175: Innovation,          4   (GER-Math)              
Creativity, and Change             PSYCH198: Senior Thesis       5
                                                                     Terry Winograd
                                                                     Designing for a new Foundation in Design
Winter Quarter 2011-2012           Winter Quarter 2012-2013

ME 115B: Product Design        3   CS 247: Human-Computer        4
Methods                            Interaction Design Studio         Academic Council Advisors
Psych 205: Foundations of      3   ENGR 245: Technology          4   Jeremy Bailenson, Communications
Cognition                          Entrepreneurship and Lean
EDUC 196X: The Design of       3   Startups                          Clifford Nass, Computer Science
Technologies for Casual            COMM 168: Experimental        5   Carol Dweck, Psychology
Learning                           Research in Advanced User
EDUC 176X: The Design of       1   Interfaces
Technologies for Casual            EDUC 364: Cognition and       3   Informal Advisors
Learning - Lab                     Learning                          BJ Fogg, Persuasive Tech Lab
DANCE 138: Liquid Flow:        1   HUMBIO140: Sex Differences    3
Dance, Design, and                 in Human Physiology &
Engineering                        Disease (GER-Gender)
AFRICAAM 21: African           5
American Vernacular
English (GER-AmerCul)              Spring Quarter 2012-2013

Spring Quarter 2011-2012:          COMM 169: Computers           5
Study Abroad                       and Interfaces
                                   ME 115C: Design and           3
GER Global Comm                5   Business Factors
CS108: Object-Oriented         4   PSYCH 249 Human               3
Systems Design                     Motivation
Start Capstone Senior Thesis       Drama 105V Improv &           2
                                   COMM166: Virtual People       5
NOTE: Completed Courses on Hard
Copy Four-Year Curricular Plan

                                                                     David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011                   8
Anecdotes from
     Faculty, &
“This is great. I think if students don’t study something that really love when they are here at Stanford, they
will surely miss out on what Stanford had to offer.”
– Professor Herbert Clark, Psychology

“Your major sounds very interesting.”
– Professor Lera Boroditsky, Psychology

“You’re at the best place to do what you’re doing: Stanford pushes barriers and creates cross-disciplinary
discoveries. Your coursework does just that.”
– Dr. BJ Fogg, Director of Persuasive Tech Lab

“I am happy to get updates on what you are doing. It sounds very interesting.”
– Professor Tina Seelig, Co-Director of STVP

 “I do think there is legitimacy in studying Behavior Design. I think your current proposal [including a Senior
Capstone Project] is fine as an IDM.”
– Professor Mehran Sehami, Computer Science

 “I finally had some time to read through it. Overall it looks good. It's clear that you have put a lot of thought
into this IDM. Nice job.”
– Stephanie Hsieh, Alumni 94’

“Especially, in the field of my own specialty, in electronic commerce, behavioral design can not only help
companies to improve their electronic business processes but can also make online buying much easier for
customers, who vary vastly with regard to IT behavior. As Hauser et al. (2009) demonstrated in their highly
recognized research (Website Morphing), delicately designed e-commerce systems, where different cognitive
personality types of consumers are detected and taken into account, help consumers to make right decision and,
therefore, lead to better conversion rates. At the moment, when the level of technology is generally high, it is
extremely important to pay attention to behavioral elements in electronic environments.”
– Jerry Lindholm, Visiting Scholar from Finland 2011

                                                                                   David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011       9

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Stanford's First Behavior Design Major

  • 1. 1 Outline Behavior Design Behavior Design Statement 1 1 - Introduction - Motivation and Goal - Courses - Conclusion Anticipated Questions 2 Study Plan 3 4 Anecdotes from Students, Faculty, & Alumni Stanford University Proposal for an Individually Designed Major David Ngo, Class of 2013 Introduction Dear Mrs. Susan Weersing, Mrs. Sheila Booth, and IDM Committee, I have finally found a direction that aligns with my fascination for life- optimizing psychology and technology entrepreneurship. Since sixth grade, I have been fascinated about human memory, learning, motivation, and productivity. I wanted to find ways to optimize how we could live. “The best design At 20 years of age, I have discovered that creating life-optimizing solutions today solutions is through Behavior Design—using technology to create lasting behavior change. Whether it is increasing the behavior of daily exercising, change human decreasing work-related stress, or creating a habit of daily appreciation for behavior. Yet despite life, these behavior endeavors are through effective behavior design. This decades of research, is behavior design: design solutions that create lasting behavior change in challenges remain our lives. With the help of Dr. BJ Fogg, Professor Jeremy Bailenson, for people who Professor Cliff Nass, and Professor Carol Dweck, I have found an design to influence.” academic direction and support for my interests of psychology and technology entrepreneurship—an IDM in Behavior Design. – Dr. BJ Fogg, Director of Stanford Persuasive Tech Lab I hope you may all share my vision as well.
  • 2. “In the next 50 years, the increasing importance of designing spaces for human communication and interaction will lead to expansion in those aspects of computing that are focused on people, rather than machinery.” --Terry Winograd, Bringing Design to Software Motivation and Goal My personal motivation and goal for an IDM in Behavior Design is to optimize my Stanford experience. Never will I be able to study at Stanford as an undergraduate again. It has taken me two years of trying, failing, and I am ready to challenge self-searching to discover the direction of Behavior Design. But, I rather convention and discover the take two years now than 10 years later to find what I have found: the field seemingly impossible. of Behavior Design that bridges psychology and technology entrepreneurship in ways that existing majors have not yet combined—a new found love. I am ready to challenge convention and discover the seemingly impossible. My academic motivation and goal is to help spearhead the field of Behavior Design with the help of Dr. BJ Fogg, Professor Jeremy Bailenson (Communication), Professor Cliff Nass (Communication, courtesy in CS), and Professor Carol Dweck (Psychology): to build new bridges between Computer Science, Psychology, Product Design, and Human-Computer Interaction in order to create solutions that improves our lives through behavior change. Although Human-Computer Interaction Design is designing for technology that embraces simplicity and intuition of the mind, HCI is only one component of creating human-centered technology. I believe the second component, Behavior Design, is also needed because it focuses on designing for the long-term behavior change of using that new technology. I hope my passion, vision, and hard-work can be seen in this proposal and in our face-to-face meetings. I have spent 17 hours researching the current coursework, and 23 hours crafting this proposal. It is not perfect, but I am very happy with it. I know that I have much to learn not only in formal academics, but also in writing and conveying my mission to others in a more professional setting—such as trying to gather faculty support. Because Stanford actually gives their students the option to individually design majors, I am thankful for this opportunity and thank you Mrs. Susan Weersing, Mrs. Sheila Booth and IDM Committee for your time and consideration. David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011 2
  • 3. Courses “Designing for behavior change via social and mobile tech is new, with no leading books or conferences to provide guidance. Our goal is to explain human nature clearly and map those insights onto the emerging opportunities in technology.” – Dr. BJ Fogg Computer Science is invaluable to create new technology: Computer Science & HCI – 22 units It is the implementation of creating new technology. In other words the ability to program iPhone, Android, and other platforms will be essential in designing behavior CS 106A: Programming 5 changing technology. Professor BJ Fogg asserts that Methodology implementing “mobile technology is the future.” And the CS 106B: Programming future starts now. 5 Abstractions CS106/108 provide strong a fundamental understanding of CS 108: Object-Oriented 4 CS in Java and C++. Furthermore, CS147/247 establish a Systems Design solid technical perspective in the Human-Computer Design relationship. Having technical background is only CS 147: Intro. to Human- 4 one facet in behavior design. Although these CS classes Computer Interaction Design are extremely hands-on, the exercises are pre-made CS 247: Human-Computer 4 problems. The next component allows direct application Interaction Design Studio to solve real world problems with infinite possible solutions. Entrepreneurship is the source of introducing Entrepreneurship – 12 Units revolutionizing change: it is the creation of something that did not exist before—finding novel solutions to existing problems, or perhaps identifying latent problems MS&E 175: Innovation, 4 that have never been noticed. Creativity, and Change MS&E 175 directly studies creativity and innovation. These classes are hands-on, providing the opportunity to ENGR 145: Technology 4 learn the processes of creativity, innovation and Entrepreneurship application of computer science knowledge. ENGR 245: Tech. ENGR145/245 revolve around technology Entrepreneurship and Lean 4 entrepreneurship. These classes allow real-world Startups application of Behavior Design. David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011 3
  • 4. “We believe design thinking Psychology and Human Factors –30 Units is a catalyst for innovation Psych 55: Intro. to the Brain and and bringing new things into 4 Cognition* (WIM) the world.” Psych 131: Language and Thought 4 Psych 198: Senior Honors Thesis 5 Design Psych 205: Foundations of 3 Thinking, Cognition Psych 249: Human Motivation 3 website EDUC 364: Cognition and 3 Learning CS 377T: Behavior Design: Using Technology 4 to Creating Calming Habits EDUC 176X: The Design of Technologies for 1 Casual Learning - Lab EDUC 196X: The Design of 3 Technologies for Casual Learning Although CS147/247 (HCI depth) create bridges Design Thinking – 15 Units between CS and Psychology, it does not provide enough depth from the Human perspective. Psych55/205/249 provide substantial understanding of ME 101: Visual Thinking 3 Motivation and Cognition (memory, learning, decision- making, language). Psych 198 is the capstone project. ME 115A: Introduction to Human 3 Values in Design EDUC 364/176X/196X dive deeper into cognition and learning by applying CS and Psych knowledge in ME115B: Product Design Methods 3 education, specifically in the learning process. CS377T is another hands-on class that will create real- ME 115C: Design and Business 3 world applications that bridges the gap between CS and Factors Psychology. CS377T presents a unique opportunity to create real-world solutions to significant problems. DANCE 138: Liquid Flow: Dance, 1 CS377T Behavioral Design: Creating Calming Design, and Engineering Technologies will allow us to create new technology to relieve stress and improve health. If successful, we will Drama 105V Improv & Design 2 be invited to share our ideas at Mobile Health 2011 in May 4-5, 2011. Dr. Fogg, the teacher of this course, has been a big supporter of my IDM. Product Design adds another facet to Behavioral Design & Innovation: design thinking. According to one of Stanford’s statement [on their website], “design thinking is the catalyst for innovation and bringing new things into the world.” Design thinking is key to creating new technology that will influence behavior. ME101 is a fundamental pillar of design thinking. ME115 series teaches the importance of human values, methods, and business of product design. Dance138 and Drama 105V provide two very unconventional, but innovative ways to practice design thinking—from Liquid Flow Dance and Improvisation. Collectively, these courses provide a strong foundation and unique approaches to learn design thinking. David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011 4
  • 5. Communication – 21 Units CEE 151: Negotiation 3 COMM 166: Virtual People 5 COMM 168: Experimental 5 Research in Adv. User Interfaces COMM 169: Computers and 5 Interfaces DRAMA 103 Beginning Improv 3 The ability to effectively communicate one's ideas, whether through writing or speech, is extremely important. If people cannot understand the message, then they Core Sequence from Units cannot use or contribute to the mission. Last winter in ENGR 145, David HCI Concentration in Morgenthaler, founder of Morgenthaler Ventures, told the class to take drama Symbolic Systems courses: “Captivate people because I hear a lot of ideas, but I can tell who is CS147: Intro. to Human- 4 enthusiastic about his/her idea and who is not." (paraphrased, C. Crosland). Computer Interaction Design CEE151 teaches the important skill to negotiate. Supplementing with live practice, CS247: Human- 4 DRAMA103 allows students to convey one’s vision with clarity, passion in Computer Interaction impromptu. Design Studio Comm169: Computers 5 COMM166, taught by my primary advisor Jeremy Bailenson, is key to and Interfaces understanding how behavior design can be applied to virtual people—digital human Psych131: Language 4 and Thought representations. COMM 168/169 further enhances the behavior design by bridging CS108: Object-Oriented 4 the disciplines between CS and PSYCH: this is another hands-on opportunity to Programming master designing technology for behavior design. Because Behavior Design is a Comm168: 5 relatively new field, Behavior Designers must be able to effectively convey the Experimental Research importance and their contribution to designing new technology that will improve in Adv. User Interfaces human lives. Furthermore, these “Communication” courses give another perspective to learn about behaviors and design—how we are persuaded, come to compromises, interact with interfaces, and improvise. Conclusion “When Dr. Fogg began studying how technology could influence behavior back in 1992, Total IDM units: 100 he faced some resistance to his ideas. But today he's one of the most sought-after IDM Units completed: 22 thinkers in Silicon Valley” (CNNMoney). I hope and wish that I can contribute to this field by spearheading a new Individually Designed Major in Behavior Design & Innovation. “We must dare to Behavior Design can be applied to every technology company—any company or mission dream the seemingly that desires to create a behavior change. Whether it is encouraging middle school impossible, if we want students to adopt recycling habits, or designing a product so that millions of high school the seemingly teachers can use, these endeavors require designing for behavior change. impossible to become When I was applying to Stanford, I included a quote in my essay by Czech Republic reality.” President Vaclav Havel: “We must dare to dream the seemingly impossible, if we want the seemingly impossible to become reality.” Before, I dreamed of the seemingly – Vaclav Havel, President of Czech impossible to attend Stanford. Now, I dream of helping to pave the unconventional path Republic of creating next-generation technologies through behavior design. Thank you all for your time. David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011 5
  • 6. Anticipated Questions Why does Behavior Design belong to Humanities and Sciences? Why not an IDMEN? Behavior Design belongs to the Humanities & Sciences department because it attempts to create a unique bridge between Psychology and Technology Entrepreneurship first rooted in Psychology, and then second in other engineering perspectives. In other words, Behavior Design is fundamentally grounded in Humanities & Sciences courses as its primary component, and heavily supplemented with Engineering courses as its secondary component. Although the Engineering courses are the secondary component in Behavior Design, there are still many courses from the School of Engineering. This may initially seem to merit Behavior Design as not fit for the school of Humanities and Sciences; the courses, however, do not make Behavior Design an IDMEN because of three major reasons:  All proposed courses from the Engineering Department do not require any Math or Science prerequisites. Speaking with Mrs. Darlene Lazar, Students Affairs Administrator, creating Behavior Design as an IDMEN would not be recommended due to this fact of prerequisites.  All proposed courses from the Engineering Department are” non-technical”. In other words, they do not require a certain level in Math or Science. Only CS147/247 require technical prerequisites— CS106A/B (which are already completed). The upper CS courses heavily focus on Human-Computer Interaction from the “human” perspective (not coding). Although ME101 and ME106A/B/C constitute a part of the Product Design core, these courses teach “design thinking.” Design thinking is taught from the School of Engineering, but it is not constrained to only technical or engineering perspectives. Design thinking can be integrated into H&S disciplines, especially into Behavior Design because it allows a new, creative way of thinking which further builds a unique bridge between Psychology and Technology Entrepreneurship.  A historical comparison can drive Behavior Design to its home in Humanities & Sciences: Former president of Sony, Norio Ohga, is often credited with the creation of the CD. He had a passion for classical music and wanted to compile all of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony on a single piece of media. Norio Ohga, however, did not invent the CD technology, nor did he possess the original patents for the process. The technical grounding of the CD belonged to James Russell, an American who brought the idea to life in 1965. But it was not until 1985, that Norio Ohga and Sony started to see the potential in Russell’s CD technology. Although Norio Ohga did not possess the technical background, he helped revolutionize the music industry through his love for music. Like Norio’s skill set, Behavior Design does not necessarily equip me with the technical background, but it does allow me to integrate my love for Psychology into the world of Technology Entrepreneurship from the home of the Humanities & Sciences. David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011 6
  • 7. Anticipated Questions Why not major in CS HCI, Psychology, Product Design, STS, or SymSys HCI? CS HCI Psychology Product Design STS CS HCI55 Introduction to Psychology Psych CS 103---Discrete Product Design Psych 1 Introduction to STS Can fit Product Design Mathematics for Computer Cognition and the Brain CS 103---Discrete Psychology proposed courses Psych 55 Introduction to Science Psych 1 Introduction to Can fit Product Design Mathematics for Computer PSYCH 221: Applied Cognition and the Brain CS 106B---Programming Psychology proposed fit CS proposed Can courses Science Psych 20-95 Vision and Image Systems Abstractions courses PSYCH 221: Applied CS 106B---Programming Can fit CS proposed Cannot fit Psychology Vision and Image to CS 121---Introduction to Psych 20-95 Psych 30 Intro. Systems Abstractions Perception Artificial Intelligence ----- coursesCommunication or proposed courses Cannot fit Psychology Psych 30205: Foundations of CS 121---Introduction to Psych Intro. to Perception ----- Artificial Intelligence ----- ----- ----- or Communication Cognition proposed courses In-person Colleen Psych 205: Foundations of Connors Cognition ----- ----- ----- Limitations In-person Colleen Connors CS HCI: Psych 30 and Psych 55 are suggested as options to satisfy the CS HCI Science requirements. Psych 55, Why not major in CS HCI, Psychology, however, is also suggested under as a Depth Track Course. Psych 205 is the continuation of Psych 55, which bridges CS and Psych to a certain extent, but is simply not enough to capture the important of the human perspective in Human-Computer Interaction. Product Design, STS, or SymSymsthat attempts to bridge connections Psychology: The Cognitive Science Track is the only Psychology track (out of 4) HCI? between Psychology and Computer Science. Although the Cognitive Science track allows several CS courses to be part of the Psychology major, the 3 possible CS courses does not satisfy the bridge between CS and Psych that I desire. CS 103 is discrete Math-- the theory behind Computer science. Although this is important in stretching the mind and understanding advanced (graduate level) CS courses, it does not directly strengthen the relationship between Human-Computer Interaction or Behavior Design. CS106B, I must agree is essential to creating more bridges between CS and Psych because it provides a foundation for programming knowledge. CS 121 introduces artificial intelligence, and although interesting, it does not contribute to the major which I wish to pursue. Product Design: Product Design is essential in Behavior Design & Innovation. It teaches us another perspective of thinking--- design thinking, which is different from perspectives in psychology and computer science. Product Design, however, only requires two courses in Behavioral Sciences -- Psych 1 and any course from Psych 20 to 95. This does not provide enough depth in understanding the human perspective enough to design for Behavior or human-computer interaction. STS: Individually designed tracks are unable to incorporate the proposed courses in Psychology and Communications. Symbolic Systems HCI: SymSys HCI is the closest major that provides that flexibility and attempt to have a strong balance between Human and Computer interaction. The drawback to Symbolic Systems is that it includes substantial requirements in Philosophy and Linguistics. Again, although these courses are interesting and beneficial to challenging the mind, it does not satisfy my thirst for substantial bridges between Computer science and Psychology (Memory, Learning, Motivation, and Cognition). David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011 7 Limitations
  • 8. Study Plan Junior Year Senior Year Quotes & Picture Sources BJ Fogg Fall Quarter 2011-2012 Fall Quarter 2012-2013 viordesign.html HUMBIO139: Sports CS 147: Introduction to 4 4 Medicine (GER- NatSci) Human-Computer ME 101: Visual Thinking 3 Interaction Design ME 115A: Introduction to 3 ENGR 145: Technology 4 Lemelson-MIT Program Human Values in Design Entrepreneurship DRAMA: 103 Beginning 3 CEE 151: Negotiation 3 Improv Phil 50: Introductory Logic 4 Stanford University MS&E 175: Innovation, 4 (GER-Math) Creativity, and Change PSYCH198: Senior Thesis 5 Terry Winograd Designing for a new Foundation in Design Winter Quarter 2011-2012 Winter Quarter 2012-2013 ME 115B: Product Design 3 CS 247: Human-Computer 4 Methods Interaction Design Studio Academic Council Advisors Psych 205: Foundations of 3 ENGR 245: Technology 4 Jeremy Bailenson, Communications Cognition Entrepreneurship and Lean EDUC 196X: The Design of 3 Startups Clifford Nass, Computer Science Technologies for Casual COMM 168: Experimental 5 Carol Dweck, Psychology Learning Research in Advanced User EDUC 176X: The Design of 1 Interfaces Technologies for Casual EDUC 364: Cognition and 3 Informal Advisors Learning - Lab Learning BJ Fogg, Persuasive Tech Lab DANCE 138: Liquid Flow: 1 HUMBIO140: Sex Differences 3 Dance, Design, and in Human Physiology & Engineering Disease (GER-Gender) AFRICAAM 21: African 5 American Vernacular English (GER-AmerCul) Spring Quarter 2012-2013 Spring Quarter 2011-2012: COMM 169: Computers 5 Study Abroad and Interfaces ME 115C: Design and 3 GER Global Comm 5 Business Factors CS108: Object-Oriented 4 PSYCH 249 Human 3 Systems Design Motivation Start Capstone Senior Thesis Drama 105V Improv & 2 Design COMM166: Virtual People 5 NOTE: Completed Courses on Hard Copy Four-Year Curricular Plan David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011 8
  • 9. Anecdotes from Students, Faculty, & Alumni “This is great. I think if students don’t study something that really love when they are here at Stanford, they will surely miss out on what Stanford had to offer.” – Professor Herbert Clark, Psychology “Your major sounds very interesting.” – Professor Lera Boroditsky, Psychology “You’re at the best place to do what you’re doing: Stanford pushes barriers and creates cross-disciplinary discoveries. Your coursework does just that.” – Dr. BJ Fogg, Director of Persuasive Tech Lab “I am happy to get updates on what you are doing. It sounds very interesting.” – Professor Tina Seelig, Co-Director of STVP “I do think there is legitimacy in studying Behavior Design. I think your current proposal [including a Senior Capstone Project] is fine as an IDM.” – Professor Mehran Sehami, Computer Science “I finally had some time to read through it. Overall it looks good. It's clear that you have put a lot of thought into this IDM. Nice job.” – Stephanie Hsieh, Alumni 94’ “Especially, in the field of my own specialty, in electronic commerce, behavioral design can not only help companies to improve their electronic business processes but can also make online buying much easier for customers, who vary vastly with regard to IT behavior. As Hauser et al. (2009) demonstrated in their highly recognized research (Website Morphing), delicately designed e-commerce systems, where different cognitive personality types of consumers are detected and taken into account, help consumers to make right decision and, therefore, lead to better conversion rates. At the moment, when the level of technology is generally high, it is extremely important to pay attention to behavioral elements in electronic environments.” – Jerry Lindholm, Visiting Scholar from Finland 2011 David Ngo IDM Proposal 2011 9