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Cheng YingYan, Ellena (Left)
Shao ZhouYi, Joy    (Middle)
Wang ZhiWei, Eva     (Right)

Hong Kong Polytechnic University
School of Design
2009-2010 Master of Interaction Design
Team members /02

1 Project Background /06

2 Project Objective /08


3          Research Process                / 12       7      Competitive Analysis                     / 32
                                                             7.1	 			Rationale					/32

4          Persona             / 14                   											7.2	 			Matrix	of	Competitor	Comparison						/33

           4.1	 			Rationale							/14                      7.3	 			Advantages	and	Disadvantages							/34

											4.2	 			OPUS’	Persona							/16
                                                      8      Design Objectives and Criteria                     / 36
5          Secondary Research                  / 18
           5.1	 			Rationale							/18                9      Design Opportunities                      / 40
                                                             9.1	 			Physical	Freedom					/42

6          Design Direction              / 22         											9.2	 			Pleasant	Reading	Experience						/44

           6.1	 			Physical						/24                         9.3					Communicate	with	Others							/48

								       			Psychological						/24

																							Social					/24                 10      Visits & Interviews                    / 52
           6.2				Design	Direction							/26                  10.1				Rationale							/52

                                                      													10.2			First	and	Second		visits							/54
												6.3				Ideas							/30
                                                      													10.3			Third		visits							/58

                                                      													10.4			Fourth		visits							/62

11      Scenarios             / 69                       14     Interaction Models                  / 82
        11.1				Rationale							/69                              14.1				Rationale							/82

													11.2			Scenarios							/70                  														14.2			Evolution	of	Interaction	Models							/82
                                                         														14.3			Interaction	Models							/83

12      Brainstorm and Sketches                   / 72
        12.1				Rationale							/75                      15     Information Architecture                     / 86
													12.2			Refinement	of	Sketches							/76            15.1				Rationale							/87

                                                         													15.2			Information	Architecture							/88

13      Task Analysis                / 78
        13.1				Rationale							/78

														13.2			Envisioned							/79

														13.3			Task	Analysis							/80


16      Final Design               / 93                  18      Acknowledgements /102
       16.1				Interface							/94

													16.2			Physical	Form							/98              19      References /104
													16.3			Technology							/99
                                                         20       Appendix /106
17      Lessons Learned /100
ASTRI collaboration with PolyU on
        eBooks for children education.

        There are 4 projects altogether as part of a larger collaboration between
        ASTRI and PolyU:

6   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   7

8   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
VE                                                                         2
The project’s objective is to design a tough and
durable eBook for children 7 years of age that
allows children to learn to read.

The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design process and have the students follow
through an entire design cycle. The workshop starts from understanding the design problem all
the way to creating a final design.

                                                      MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   9
10   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
     MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   11
12   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The research process allows designers to start with a
vague and undetermined problem and refining
it to the final product and interactions.

Through the entire process, the design is refined based on new findings and insights. By testing it
iteratively, the design had a chance to be improved step by step.

                                                        MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   13


        A persona is a representation of a typical user that will use the system. It in-
        cludes various information, such as demographics, interests, and life style, etc.
        The reason to have a persona is to design for a specific person and avoid de-
        signing features that will not be used by the target users. By having a concrete
        person in mind, the design team can be more focused and the design will be
        more grounded on real scenarios.

14   Hong Kong Polytechnic University


MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   15
OPUS’s Persona

16   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
WHO - 7-year-old children

HOW - The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design

WHY- The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design

WHAT- The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design

WHEN- The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design

WHERE- The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design

                                                  MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   17

18   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Secondary Research includes research that others have done prior to this
project. It includes resources like books, journals, internet articles, and more.
It is used to give the design team a basic understanding of the issues and what
previous work can they leverage and what areas require primary research.
With a basic understanding of issues regarding designing for children physi-
cally, psychologically, and socially, the design team can be better prepared to
exploring the details in the right areas. The secondary research gave the team
a preliminary view of the design directions.

                                                          MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   19
20   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   21
22   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Based on the secondary research, the findings were
categorized into three categories: physical,
psychological, and social.

                                 MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   23
For the physical aspect, it was determined that children have very rich
                             movement and the physical form of the eBook must accommodate for the
                             children’s movements.

                             Psychologically, there are many differences between children and
                             adults. The eBook will have to keep in mind of the persona and how he can
                             benefit from the design of the eBook.

                             For the social aspect, studies have shown that students learn much better
                             among peers (reference required). Reading has
                             raditionally been a private activity and little interaction is shared among the
                             children. This project wants to leverage the improved learning based on com-
                             munication and make reading a social
                             experience. With these directions determined, the design can be more fo-
                             cused and the initial ideas of what the eBook can be began to be shaped.

24   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
DESIGN DIRECTION                          >

   MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   25
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MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   27
28   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
 Acoording to sendary research
 based on design direction

MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   29
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MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   31


        By understanding the existing competition for eBooks, it gives the team a view of which areas are
        fulfilled and which area requires a better design solution.

32   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Matrix of Competitor Comparison

There were two main competitors identified for the project. The first group are existing eBooks
that are mainly geared towards adults. The second group is the existing learn-to-read toys for chil-
dren. It was identified that the eBooks can hold many content in it, but the fun factor is really low.
On the opposite spectrum, the toys are fun to read and suitable for children, but parents must buy
a new toy in order to teach their children new content. The solution to the problem is an eBook
for children that holds the same quantity of content as eBooks for adults but more fun to use than
existing toys for children.

                                                          MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   33
Advantages & Disadvantages

        The advantages and disadvantages of the existing eBooks were evaluated. This provides insight
        for opportunities and pitfalls that the current project should consider.

                                        + Light, thin, and portable (Kindle/Sony)
                                               + Usage with both hands (Kindle)
                          + Provides highlighting and annotations (Sony)
                                                                + Touch screen (Sony)

                                                                    + Large amount of books (K/S)
                                                              + Books are never out of print (K/S)
                                                                       + Simulates real paper (K/S)
                                                           + Large amount of content available (K)
                                                      + Simple to use and add additional books(K)
                                                              + Shop for new books anywhere (K)
                                                      + Free wireless internet (limited to USA) (K)
                                                                             + Low book prices (K)
                                                                                 + Supports PDF (S)
                                                               + Front and back lights available (S)
                                                          + Doesn’t need to be recharged often (S)

34   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Kindle                     Sony Reader

- Lack of touch screen (Kindle)
- Opinion of many users that is it not attractive (Kindle)
- Screen has refresh lag (1 second for each page turn).(Sony)

- ebook is only “borrowed” (K)
- ebooks cannot be read on computer (K)
- Low resolution small screen (6 in)(S)
- Cannot search book text(S)
- Cannot jump to page(S)

                                           MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   35
        TIVES &

36   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Based on the previous research, we creat the fol-
lowing design criteria.

                             MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   37
38   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   39

        9.1 Provide Freedom

        9.2 Pleasant Reading Experience

        9.3 Communicate with Others

40   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   41
Provide Freedom
        --Give children more physical freedom to use it


        Can only read and write on the book
        --Provide different interactions on the eBook
                                                                 eBook issues to be addressed:
                                                                                      Accessory can be lost
                                                                                        Shortage of battery

        Each book only contains one story
        --Store various books on the book
                                                                 eBook issues to be addressed:
                                                                                            Small scre space
                                                        Tired to read---- make sure they don’t read too much

        Can’t modify the physical book
        --Allow children to manipulate content of the eBook
                                                                 eBook issues to be addressed:
                                                                                      Durable physical form

42   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
CURRENT SCENARIO                                              NEW SCENARIO

                       Peter had an interesting class about dinosaurs in the morning. He
                       found the topic really interesting and wanted to find out more
                       with his best friend Steve.

He had lunch with Steve and they wanted to
read about dinosaurs together, but they don’t
have access to any books about dino-                                                                     2
                                                        Peter took out his eBook and they
                                                                 read about dinosaurs and learned the names of
                                                                 a dozen of dinosaurs together by the end of

So they played hide   and seek instead.

                                                               MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   43
Pleasant reading experience
       --Consider children’s emotion,
         provide motivation to read, easy to use


        Nothing to initiate or continue reading
        --The avatar can help:
          It’s emotion will signify when the children should read.
          Two avatars can act as the ‘angel’ and ‘devil’ exemplars.
          Help create plan habitually.
          Assis in reflection of the book.
          Encourage children to ask questions.
          Remind and motivate child to continue reading.

                                                               eBook issues to be addressed:
                                                                       Avatar should not be intrusive.
                                                                                 Must be easy to use.

44   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Can’t find answers to their questions
--Built-in encyclopedia and dictionary can help find the answer.

Bored with the content
--Switch from text to pictures or animations
                                                        eBook issues to be addressed:
                                                                  Make sure that children still read
                                                            -- text follow the pictures and cartoon.

Passively absorbing the content
--Create stories using pictures and the eBook turned it into text.
  At the end, there is a game for Peter to see if he learned what was in his story.

                                                  MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook      45

                            After school, Peter is deciding if he should   watch television,
                            play games or read.


                            He decides that he wants to start reading Harry Potter because his
                            friend said it’s interesting. However, there are too much text
                            and too difficult for him.

46   Hong Kong Polytechnic University


                             So he gave       up and went to watch TV.


He picked up his eBook and sees              what his avatar, Jerry, has in store for him.
--Jerry reminded Peter that he planned to read Harry Potter today, so Peter started reading it with Jerry.
--Jerry asked questions throughout the story and looked up answers in the encyclopedia with Peter.
He turned the book into an           animation that reads the story with him.

                              NEW SCENARIO

                                                                  MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   47
Communicate with others
       --Encourage interaction with others
           because studies have shown that children learn better with peers


       Difficult to find friends to read together
       --Provide a list to show friends that are available to read
         Display of book(s) that friends want to read
                                                                eBook issues to be addressed:
                                                               Make sure that they are reading and not chatting

        Difficult to find a book to read
        --A list of books that friends recommends

       Different stage and speed of reading between children
       --Provide mini-reading-games around 10-15 min about previous reading while the
         faster friend waits

48   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Can’t find answers to the questions
--Encourage asking friends or group discussions through eBook

Can’t share book with too many people
--Provide a remote control to allow more children to view it.
  Each children has one eBook and they read the same story together remotely.

                                        Can’t communicate with friends in small screen
                                        --Connect eBook into one big screen

                                                          MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   49

                            Later that day, Peter found a book about dinosaurs and wanted to
                            go find Steve to read.

                                          But his mom thinks it’s   too late.

50   Hong Kong Polytechnic University


 So Peter stayed   home and read a book about dinosaurs alone.


...So Peter went on his eBook to see if Steve was available to read
with him. He saw that Steve was free and also wanted to read dinosaurs,
       so he contacted Steve and they read dinosaurs together.

                 NEW SCENARIO

                                            MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   51

        The interviews and visits provided the chance for the team to observe the be-
        havior and perspectives of the children and teachers. Being able to talk with
        the users and experts gave a lot of insights. The primary research and feed-
        back provided by the students and teachers greatly improved the design by
        allowing the design team to make informed decisions.

52   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   53
First visit
        Home life was understood. The child’s life was also very busy and she had many choices of what
        to learn. She showed that she was very excited in reading, which provided some more input to the
        persona as a child who is intrinsically interested in reading.

        Second visit
        It was obvious that children are excited by technology, as demonstrated by their usage of the first
        generation eBooks from ASTRI. They are also very creative and comfortable with advanced tech-
        nology such as portable game consoles.

54   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

There were 4 visits altogether. The first was a home visit
to a family and the team had the chance to interview the
parents and a girl about her reading habits and daily life.
This provided a chance for the team to look at the ar-
tifacts, understand the reading levels and capabilities of
children around 7 years old, and see the interests of the

The second visit was at the school. The team prepared
questions for the students and requested that the children
drawn how their dream eBook would look. The teachers
were also interviewed separate to understand how they
motivate children to learn and what materials are being
taught in class.

                                                         MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   55

          1          A lot of pictures in textbooks

          2          All their books are different sizes

          3          Love using their existing eBook

         4           Familiar with portable game consoles

56   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1   Same amount of pictures and text
    ratio in reading

2   Doesn’t need to follow standard A4 sizes

3   Acceptance of technology with learning

4   Can design more complex interactions

                            MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   57
Third visit
        The children were very capable in understanding the workflow. They were also highly intrigued
        by the game portion of the eBook. Having seen that, it was important for the eBook to encourage
        the children to learn new material first before they go onto the games and test their knowledge.

58   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

By the third visit, the paper prototypes and a foam model of the physical
were tested.

The benefit of using a low fidelity prototype is to test the features and not
be concerned with the aesthetics yet. Once the process of the eBook is con-
firmed, the team can go onto creating more detailed designs. During the us-
ability test, we showed the children in pairs of two of how they would interact
with the eBook to see if they would be able to operate and
understand the concepts.

The children were tested in pairs of two to encourage more communication
between each other, since children have the tendency to be shy and not think
aloud during a usability test. To test both the physical prototype and workflow
at the same time, the paper prototype was slotted into a clear film attached to
the physical prototype. When the children touches the screen, the facilitator
would manually remove the appropriate screens, so that the proper screen
would be showing after every action performed by the children. The interac-
tion model was the main area of focus during this visit. By testing the paper
prototype with the physical prototype, the design team can observe how the
children would hold onto the eBook during usage and if that changes over-
time due to fatigue or other unanticipated reasons.

                                    MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   59

          1            Reading is private activity, children
                       share their thoughts.

          2            No concept of looking up dictionary.

          3            More proficient in Chinese

          4            Ask parents if they have questions.

          5            Focus on games

60   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1   Discuss after finish reading

2   Link words to pictures directly

3   Chinese in UI and explanations

4   Keep allowing children to ask questions at the end

5   Remove game from homepage

                            MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   61
Fourth visit
        This was the final visit and the workflow and features
        were fairly stable. From this visit, we understood that
        children do not understand tabs, and it would help if
        items that they see on one screen are persisted to the next
        one. While the overall workflow was understood, they
        children did not understand how some of the features
        were represented and required some explanation before
        they can continue on their tasks.


        In the fourth visit, a high fidelity prototype was created and a more refined physical form was
        also available. The high fidelity prototype provided insight to the usability of the design and how
        children understood the controls used. Once again, the children were tested in pairs and they
        walked through a Flash prototype by completing some predefined tasks. The main focus of this
        visit was about the interface design and ease of use.

62   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   63

                       Didn’t understand why there is a book
          1            beside friend

                       Not interested in friend’s reading
          2            progress

          3            Directly to games after reading

         4             Hold eBook from bottom corners

          5            Children proficient in using pens

          6            Didn’t understand tabs
                       Didn’t understand ask parents later
                       Didn’t understand “calling” feature
                       Only understood next and previous arrows
                       Confirmed all children understood reading aloud
                       Put eBook on lap or table while reading
        12             Smaller sizes did not affect task

64   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1    Didn’t understand why there is a book

     Removed progress, but can talk and share
2    notes anytime

     Automatically allow children to discuss book
3    before allowing them to play games

     Made bottom corners larger. Earphones on
     the bottom to avoid cables tangling

5    Provide pen to take notes and draw during

6    Go to Home for navigate
     Simplify wording to “ask questions”
     Simplify metaphor to knocking for communication
     Removed pagination
     Keep reading aloud
     Earphone is indented
12   Selected smaller size for physical freedom

                            MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   65
66   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
        MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   67

68   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Scenarios provide an easy method to describe the eBook’s context of use.
These are high level scenarios that provide the context but not the actual us-
age of the eBook.

                                                        MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   69


70   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

                       MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   71
        12.1 Rationale

        12.2 Refinement of Sketches

72   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

     MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   73
74   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The brainstorming provides a chance to generate design ideas. By going through
the brainstorming process, it provides a chance for creative ideas to be born and
those ideas can be refined after the braining storming session.

The sketches were a rough and quick means for the team to contemplate about
possible physical forms. Given the roughness and amount that was generated, the

team can openly critique all of the designs and improve those with potential.

                                       MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   75
Refinement of Sketches

76   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   77

        The task analysis involves steps that the user will have to take before reading,
        during reading, and after reading. By understanding all the steps and decisions
        that a user have to take to finish the task makes the design more grounded
        based on the user’s behavior.

78   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

                                         The task analysis involves steps that the user will have to
                                         take before reading, during reading, and after reading. By
                                         understanding all the steps and decisions that a user have
                                         to take to finish the task makes the design more grounded
                                         based on the user’s behavior.


The task analysis involves steps that the user will have to
take before reading, during reading, and after reading. By
understanding all the steps and decisions that a user have
to take to finish the task makes the design more grounded
based on the user’s behavior.

                                                         MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   79
80   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   81

        The interaction models describe the relationship between different aspects of
        the eBook. By examining the relationship between them, the interaction that
        has to happen becomes apparent and clear.

        Evolution of Interaction Models

        On the final interaction model, the children are having their individual experi-
        ence that mirrors each other until they start reading. Once they begin reading,
        they share their experience of the same content and they get to exchange notes
        and thought with each other in the process to improve each other’s experience.

82   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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86   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The interaction models describe the relationship between different aspects of
the eBook. By examining the relationship between them, the interaction that
has to happen becomes apparent and clear.

                                   MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   87
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MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   91
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     MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   93
        The interface creates a simple and interactive means for the children to learn
        to read. During the interviews, it was apparent that the students are comfort-
        able with using a pen while interacting with a digital device. Therefore OPUS
        used a pen that allows drag and drop on many of the features. The interface
        also wants to create a sense of discovery for the children, therefore the infor-
        mation does not show up until the children ‘discovers’ it.

        On demand assistance provides the least interruption to the children’s reading
        experience. If they don’t understand the content or don’t know how to pro-
        nounce a word, they can find on without leaving the context of what they are
        currently reading. They can also write and exchange notes at any point during
        their reading.

94   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
8:30 PM

        +         +        Doraemon and I take plane to make a snow man.

        We play baseball and read a book together.

                                                                      8:30 PM

                                                          8:30 PM

Today             wants to                               to

  M cdou

                                                                           8:30 PM

                                                                                     MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   95
96   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The games focus on testing if the children
understood the content.

1) Examines if the children remembered the content
2) Examines if the children can apply the content
3) Examines if the children can use the content in a new context

Once the children understand the content, their reading level is automatically
adjusted and more challenging material will be provided in the future.

The actual appearance of the interface is customizable by the children to in-
crease their sense of attachment to the OPUS.

                                                        MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   97
Physical Form

        The corners of the form is larger and rounded because the usability tests
        found that is where children tends to hold the eBook. The rubber around the
        edges makes the eBook more tough and durable as well as provides a more
        aesthetically pleasing appearance.

98   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Multi-touch screen
Earphone outlets
USB connection

                     MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   99
“Throughout the entire process of designing the eBook, it was ap-
        parently that user’s involvement is crucial. Without the visits and
        interviews, the design team cannot make informed decisions or

        Starting with a board scope and then refining the ideas until the

        final design is born was a very interesting process and it provides
        the knowledge of how a process can iteratively improve the design.

100   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   101
102   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Price Memorial
Alison Wilson and Katy Clarke, Primary Longman Express, 2A
(Hong Kong: Longman Hong Kong Education, 2005), 10.

                                                 MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   103
104   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
[1] Click and Jane
---What are kids learning to read when they learn to read online?
Virginia Heffernan
New York Times Magazine; Feb 1, 2009; Alumni - Research Library
pg. 13

[2] Defending Young Children’s Play as the Ladder to Literacy
Charles H. Wolfgang
Tobie S. Sanders

[3] Learning to read words (EPS Prize Lecture)
Kate Nation, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
The Quarterly Journal of Experiemental Psychology, Psychology Press

[4] Promoting Reading: Using eBooks With Gifted and Advanced Readers
Christine L Weber; Terence W Cavanaugh
Gifted Child Today; Fall 2006; 29, 4; Alumni - Research Library
pg. 56

[5] PUBLISHING; eBooks catching on with children; Undaunted by technology,
young readers are embracing digital storytelling.
Alana Semuels. Los Angeles Times.
Los Angeles, Calif.: Dec 25. 2008. pg. C. 1

[6] The Dimensions of Reading Attitudes for Turkish Children
Ann W. Engin & Fred H. Wallbrown
University of South Carolina and Kent State University
The Journal of Social Psychology, 1983, 120, 169-181.

[7] The efficacy of electronic books in fostering kindergarten children’s emergent
story understanding
Maria T. De Jong & Adriana G. Bus
Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
Reading Research Quarterly. Vol. 39, No. 4. October/November/December 2004

                                                      MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   105

       10 Vists and interviews / Low fidelity interface

106   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   107
108   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   109

        14 Interaction Model / Original Interaction Model

                                                  Interacts with

             Read & Share                                          Stores

                                               Creates & Reads

        1. Provide Freedom
           -- Give children more physical freedom to use it

110   Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Share info with

                      & Accompanies





 info to
                                  info from


                                                                2. Pleansant Experience
                                                       -- Provide pleasant reading experience

                                                         MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   111

                                              Communicate together
                                                Through eBook

             Interact with                                                      Interact with

                                         STEP 1.See if friends available

                                   STEP 2.See books that friend wants to read

                                             STEP 3.Start the story

                                           Allows users to communicate

          Goes on                                                                Goes on

        3. Communicate with friends
           -- Improve communication with others

112   Hong Kong Polytechnic University

      16 Final Design / Physcial Form

        Original Physical Form

MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook   113

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Ebook Project Log

  • 2.
  • 3. TEAM Cheng YingYan, Ellena (Left) Shao ZhouYi, Joy (Middle) Wang ZhiWei, Eva (Right) Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design 2009-2010 Master of Interaction Design
  • 4. CONTENTS Team members /02 1 Project Background /06 2 Project Objective /08 RESEARCH 3 Research Process / 12 7 Competitive Analysis / 32 7.1 Rationale /32 4 Persona / 14 7.2 Matrix of Competitor Comparison /33 4.1 Rationale /14 7.3 Advantages and Disadvantages /34 4.2 OPUS’ Persona /16 8 Design Objectives and Criteria / 36 5 Secondary Research / 18 5.1 Rationale /18 9 Design Opportunities / 40 9.1 Physical Freedom /42 6 Design Direction / 22 9.2 Pleasant Reading Experience /44 6.1 Physical /24 9.3 Communicate with Others /48 Psychological /24 Social /24 10 Visits & Interviews / 52 6.2 Design Direction /26 10.1 Rationale /52 10.2 First and Second visits /54 6.3 Ideas /30 10.3 Third visits /58 10.4 Fourth visits /62
  • 5. DESIGN 11 Scenarios / 69 14 Interaction Models / 82 11.1 Rationale /69 14.1 Rationale /82 11.2 Scenarios /70 14.2 Evolution of Interaction Models /82 14.3 Interaction Models /83 12 Brainstorm and Sketches / 72 12.1 Rationale /75 15 Information Architecture / 86 12.2 Refinement of Sketches /76 15.1 Rationale /87 15.2 Information Architecture /88 13 Task Analysis / 78 13.1 Rationale /78 13.2 Envisioned /79 13.3 Task Analysis /80 OPUS 16 Final Design / 93 18 Acknowledgements /102 16.1 Interface /94 16.2 Physical Form /98 19 References /104 16.3 Technology /99 20 Appendix /106 17 Lessons Learned /100
  • 6. ASTRI collaboration with PolyU on eBooks for children education. There are 4 projects altogether as part of a larger collaboration between ASTRI and PolyU: 6 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 7. 1 PROJECT BACK- GROUND MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 7
  • 8. PROJECT OBJECTI 8 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 9. VE 2 The project’s objective is to design a tough and durable eBook for children 7 years of age that allows children to learn to read. The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design process and have the students follow through an entire design cycle. The workshop starts from understanding the design problem all the way to creating a final design. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 9
  • 10. 10 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 11. ESEARCH MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 11
  • 12. 12 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 13. RESEARCH PROCESS 3 The research process allows designers to start with a vague and undetermined problem and refining it to the final product and interactions. Through the entire process, the design is refined based on new findings and insights. By testing it iteratively, the design had a chance to be improved step by step. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 13
  • 14. PERSONA Rationale A persona is a representation of a typical user that will use the system. It in- cludes various information, such as demographics, interests, and life style, etc. The reason to have a persona is to design for a specific person and avoid de- signing features that will not be used by the target users. By having a concrete person in mind, the design team can be more focused and the design will be more grounded on real scenarios. 14 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 15. 4 Brainstorming MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 15
  • 16. OPUS’s Persona 16 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 17. WHO - 7-year-old children HOW - The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design WHY- The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design WHAT- The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design WHEN- The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design WHERE- The workshop is designed to follow an iterative design MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 17
  • 18. SECOND- ARY RESEARCH 18 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 19. 5 Rationale Secondary Research includes research that others have done prior to this project. It includes resources like books, journals, internet articles, and more. It is used to give the design team a basic understanding of the issues and what previous work can they leverage and what areas require primary research. With a basic understanding of issues regarding designing for children physi- cally, psychologically, and socially, the design team can be better prepared to exploring the details in the right areas. The secondary research gave the team a preliminary view of the design directions. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 19
  • 20. 20 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 21. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 21
  • 22. DESIGN DIRECTI 22 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 23. 6 Based on the secondary research, the findings were categorized into three categories: physical, psychological, and social. ON MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 23
  • 24. For the physical aspect, it was determined that children have very rich movement and the physical form of the eBook must accommodate for the children’s movements. Psychologically, there are many differences between children and adults. The eBook will have to keep in mind of the persona and how he can benefit from the design of the eBook. For the social aspect, studies have shown that students learn much better among peers (reference required). Reading has raditionally been a private activity and little interaction is shared among the children. This project wants to leverage the improved learning based on com- munication and make reading a social experience. With these directions determined, the design can be more fo- cused and the initial ideas of what the eBook can be began to be shaped. 24 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 25. DESIGN DIRECTION > MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 25
  • 26. 26 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 27. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 27
  • 28. 28 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 29. IDEAS Acoording to sendary research based on design direction > MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 29
  • 30. 30 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 31. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 31
  • 32. COMPET- ITIVE ANALYSIS 7 Rationale By understanding the existing competition for eBooks, it gives the team a view of which areas are fulfilled and which area requires a better design solution. 32 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 33. Matrix of Competitor Comparison There were two main competitors identified for the project. The first group are existing eBooks that are mainly geared towards adults. The second group is the existing learn-to-read toys for chil- dren. It was identified that the eBooks can hold many content in it, but the fun factor is really low. On the opposite spectrum, the toys are fun to read and suitable for children, but parents must buy a new toy in order to teach their children new content. The solution to the problem is an eBook for children that holds the same quantity of content as eBooks for adults but more fun to use than existing toys for children. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 33
  • 34. Advantages & Disadvantages The advantages and disadvantages of the existing eBooks were evaluated. This provides insight for opportunities and pitfalls that the current project should consider. + + Light, thin, and portable (Kindle/Sony) + Usage with both hands (Kindle) + Provides highlighting and annotations (Sony) + Touch screen (Sony) + Large amount of books (K/S) + Books are never out of print (K/S) + Simulates real paper (K/S) + Large amount of content available (K) + Simple to use and add additional books(K) + Shop for new books anywhere (K) + Free wireless internet (limited to USA) (K) + Low book prices (K) + Supports PDF (S) + Front and back lights available (S) + Doesn’t need to be recharged often (S) 34 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 35. Kindle Sony Reader _ - Lack of touch screen (Kindle) - Opinion of many users that is it not attractive (Kindle) - Screen has refresh lag (1 second for each page turn).(Sony) - ebook is only “borrowed” (K) - ebooks cannot be read on computer (K) - Low resolution small screen (6 in)(S) - Cannot search book text(S) - Cannot jump to page(S) MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 35
  • 36. DESIGN OBJEC- TIVES & CRITERIA 8 36 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 37. Based on the previous research, we creat the fol- lowing design criteria. > MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 37
  • 38. 38 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 39. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 39
  • 40. DESIGN OPPORT 9.1 Provide Freedom 9.2 Pleasant Reading Experience 9.3 Communicate with Others 40 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 41. UNITIES 9 MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 41
  • 42. Provide Freedom --Give children more physical freedom to use it CURRENT PROBLEMS Can only read and write on the book --Provide different interactions on the eBook eBook issues to be addressed: Accessory can be lost Shortage of battery Each book only contains one story --Store various books on the book eBook issues to be addressed: Small scre space Tired to read---- make sure they don’t read too much Can’t modify the physical book --Allow children to manipulate content of the eBook eBook issues to be addressed: Durable physical form 42 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 43. CURRENT SCENARIO NEW SCENARIO 1 Peter had an interesting class about dinosaurs in the morning. He found the topic really interesting and wanted to find out more with his best friend Steve. 2 He had lunch with Steve and they wanted to read about dinosaurs together, but they don’t have access to any books about dino- 2 saurs. Peter took out his eBook and they read about dinosaurs and learned the names of a dozen of dinosaurs together by the end of lunch. 3 So they played hide and seek instead. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 43
  • 44. Pleasant reading experience --Consider children’s emotion, provide motivation to read, easy to use CURRENT PROBLEMS Nothing to initiate or continue reading --The avatar can help: It’s emotion will signify when the children should read. Two avatars can act as the ‘angel’ and ‘devil’ exemplars. Help create plan habitually. Assis in reflection of the book. Encourage children to ask questions. Remind and motivate child to continue reading. eBook issues to be addressed: Avatar should not be intrusive. Must be easy to use. 44 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 45. Can’t find answers to their questions --Built-in encyclopedia and dictionary can help find the answer. Bored with the content --Switch from text to pictures or animations eBook issues to be addressed: Make sure that children still read -- text follow the pictures and cartoon. Passively absorbing the content --Create stories using pictures and the eBook turned it into text. At the end, there is a game for Peter to see if he learned what was in his story. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 45
  • 46. 1 After school, Peter is deciding if he should watch television, play games or read. 2 He decides that he wants to start reading Harry Potter because his friend said it’s interesting. However, there are too much text and too difficult for him. 46 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 47. CURRENT SCENARIO 3 So he gave up and went to watch TV. 3 He picked up his eBook and sees what his avatar, Jerry, has in store for him. --Jerry reminded Peter that he planned to read Harry Potter today, so Peter started reading it with Jerry. --Jerry asked questions throughout the story and looked up answers in the encyclopedia with Peter. He turned the book into an animation that reads the story with him. NEW SCENARIO MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 47
  • 48. Communicate with others --Encourage interaction with others because studies have shown that children learn better with peers CURRENT PROBLEMS Difficult to find friends to read together --Provide a list to show friends that are available to read Display of book(s) that friends want to read eBook issues to be addressed: Make sure that they are reading and not chatting Difficult to find a book to read --A list of books that friends recommends Different stage and speed of reading between children --Provide mini-reading-games around 10-15 min about previous reading while the faster friend waits 48 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 49. Can’t find answers to the questions --Encourage asking friends or group discussions through eBook Can’t share book with too many people --Provide a remote control to allow more children to view it. Each children has one eBook and they read the same story together remotely. Can’t communicate with friends in small screen --Connect eBook into one big screen MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 49
  • 50. 1 Later that day, Peter found a book about dinosaurs and wanted to go find Steve to read. 2 But his mom thinks it’s too late. 50 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 51. CURRENT SCENARIO 3 So Peter stayed home and read a book about dinosaurs alone. 3 ...So Peter went on his eBook to see if Steve was available to read with him. He saw that Steve was free and also wanted to read dinosaurs, so he contacted Steve and they read dinosaurs together. NEW SCENARIO MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 51
  • 52. VISITS & INTER- VIEWS Rationale The interviews and visits provided the chance for the team to observe the be- havior and perspectives of the children and teachers. Being able to talk with the users and experts gave a lot of insights. The primary research and feed- back provided by the students and teachers greatly improved the design by allowing the design team to make informed decisions. 52 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 53. 10 MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 53
  • 54. First visit Home life was understood. The child’s life was also very busy and she had many choices of what to learn. She showed that she was very excited in reading, which provided some more input to the persona as a child who is intrinsically interested in reading. Second visit It was obvious that children are excited by technology, as demonstrated by their usage of the first generation eBooks from ASTRI. They are also very creative and comfortable with advanced tech- nology such as portable game consoles. 54 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 55. Methodology There were 4 visits altogether. The first was a home visit to a family and the team had the chance to interview the parents and a girl about her reading habits and daily life. This provided a chance for the team to look at the ar- tifacts, understand the reading levels and capabilities of children around 7 years old, and see the interests of the children. The second visit was at the school. The team prepared questions for the students and requested that the children drawn how their dream eBook would look. The teachers were also interviewed separate to understand how they motivate children to learn and what materials are being taught in class. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 55
  • 56. Insights 1 A lot of pictures in textbooks 2 All their books are different sizes 3 Love using their existing eBook 4 Familiar with portable game consoles 56 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 57. Solutions 1 Same amount of pictures and text ratio in reading 2 Doesn’t need to follow standard A4 sizes 3 Acceptance of technology with learning 4 Can design more complex interactions MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 57
  • 58. Third visit The children were very capable in understanding the workflow. They were also highly intrigued by the game portion of the eBook. Having seen that, it was important for the eBook to encourage the children to learn new material first before they go onto the games and test their knowledge. 58 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 59. Methodology By the third visit, the paper prototypes and a foam model of the physical were tested. The benefit of using a low fidelity prototype is to test the features and not be concerned with the aesthetics yet. Once the process of the eBook is con- firmed, the team can go onto creating more detailed designs. During the us- ability test, we showed the children in pairs of two of how they would interact with the eBook to see if they would be able to operate and understand the concepts. The children were tested in pairs of two to encourage more communication between each other, since children have the tendency to be shy and not think aloud during a usability test. To test both the physical prototype and workflow at the same time, the paper prototype was slotted into a clear film attached to the physical prototype. When the children touches the screen, the facilitator would manually remove the appropriate screens, so that the proper screen would be showing after every action performed by the children. The interac- tion model was the main area of focus during this visit. By testing the paper prototype with the physical prototype, the design team can observe how the children would hold onto the eBook during usage and if that changes over- time due to fatigue or other unanticipated reasons. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 59
  • 60. Insights 1 Reading is private activity, children share their thoughts. 2 No concept of looking up dictionary. 3 More proficient in Chinese 4 Ask parents if they have questions. 5 Focus on games 60 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 61. Solutions 1 Discuss after finish reading 2 Link words to pictures directly 3 Chinese in UI and explanations 4 Keep allowing children to ask questions at the end 5 Remove game from homepage MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 61
  • 62. Fourth visit This was the final visit and the workflow and features were fairly stable. From this visit, we understood that children do not understand tabs, and it would help if items that they see on one screen are persisted to the next one. While the overall workflow was understood, they children did not understand how some of the features were represented and required some explanation before they can continue on their tasks. Methodology In the fourth visit, a high fidelity prototype was created and a more refined physical form was also available. The high fidelity prototype provided insight to the usability of the design and how children understood the controls used. Once again, the children were tested in pairs and they walked through a Flash prototype by completing some predefined tasks. The main focus of this visit was about the interface design and ease of use. 62 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 63. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 63
  • 64. Insights Didn’t understand why there is a book 1 beside friend Not interested in friend’s reading 2 progress 3 Directly to games after reading 4 Hold eBook from bottom corners 5 Children proficient in using pens 6 Didn’t understand tabs Didn’t understand ask parents later Didn’t understand “calling” feature Only understood next and previous arrows Confirmed all children understood reading aloud Put eBook on lap or table while reading 12 Smaller sizes did not affect task 64 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 65. Solutions 1 Didn’t understand why there is a book Removed progress, but can talk and share 2 notes anytime Automatically allow children to discuss book 3 before allowing them to play games Made bottom corners larger. Earphones on 4 the bottom to avoid cables tangling 5 Provide pen to take notes and draw during reading 6 Go to Home for navigate Simplify wording to “ask questions” Simplify metaphor to knocking for communication Removed pagination Keep reading aloud Earphone is indented 12 Selected smaller size for physical freedom MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 65
  • 66. 66 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 67. ESIGN MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 67
  • 68. 11 68 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 69. SCE- NARIOS Rationale Scenarios provide an easy method to describe the eBook’s context of use. These are high level scenarios that provide the context but not the actual us- age of the eBook. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 69
  • 70. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 70 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 71. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 71
  • 72. BRAIN- STORM & SKETCH 12.1 Rationale 12.2 Refinement of Sketches 72 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 73. ES 12 MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 73
  • 74. 74 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 75. Rationale The brainstorming provides a chance to generate design ideas. By going through the brainstorming process, it provides a chance for creative ideas to be born and those ideas can be refined after the braining storming session. The sketches were a rough and quick means for the team to contemplate about possible physical forms. Given the roughness and amount that was generated, the team can openly critique all of the designs and improve those with potential. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 75
  • 76. Refinement of Sketches 76 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 77. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 77
  • 78. 13 TASK ANALY- SIS Rationale The task analysis involves steps that the user will have to take before reading, during reading, and after reading. By understanding all the steps and decisions that a user have to take to finish the task makes the design more grounded based on the user’s behavior. 78 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 79. Current The task analysis involves steps that the user will have to take before reading, during reading, and after reading. By understanding all the steps and decisions that a user have to take to finish the task makes the design more grounded based on the user’s behavior. Envisioned The task analysis involves steps that the user will have to take before reading, during reading, and after reading. By understanding all the steps and decisions that a user have to take to finish the task makes the design more grounded based on the user’s behavior. > MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 79
  • 80. 80 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 81. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 81
  • 82. Rationale The interaction models describe the relationship between different aspects of the eBook. By examining the relationship between them, the interaction that has to happen becomes apparent and clear. Evolution of Interaction Models On the final interaction model, the children are having their individual experi- ence that mirrors each other until they start reading. Once they begin reading, they share their experience of the same content and they get to exchange notes and thought with each other in the process to improve each other’s experience. 82 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 83. 14 INTER- ACTION MODEL > MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 83
  • 84. 84 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 85. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 85
  • 86. 15 INFOR- MATION ARCHI- TECTURE 86 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 87. Rationale The interaction models describe the relationship between different aspects of the eBook. By examining the relationship between them, the interaction that has to happen becomes apparent and clear. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 87
  • 88. 88 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 89. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 89
  • 90. 90 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 91. PUS MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 91
  • 92. 92 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 93. 16 FINAL DESIGN MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 93
  • 94. Interface The interface creates a simple and interactive means for the children to learn to read. During the interviews, it was apparent that the students are comfort- able with using a pen while interacting with a digital device. Therefore OPUS used a pen that allows drag and drop on many of the features. The interface also wants to create a sense of discovery for the children, therefore the infor- mation does not show up until the children ‘discovers’ it. On demand assistance provides the least interruption to the children’s reading experience. If they don’t understand the content or don’t know how to pro- nounce a word, they can find on without leaving the context of what they are currently reading. They can also write and exchange notes at any point during their reading. 94 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 95. 8:30 PM + + Doraemon and I take plane to make a snow man. + We play baseball and read a book together. 8:30 PM 8:30 PM Today wants to to M cdou 8:30 PM MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 95
  • 96. 96 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 97. The games focus on testing if the children understood the content. 1) Examines if the children remembered the content 2) Examines if the children can apply the content 3) Examines if the children can use the content in a new context Once the children understand the content, their reading level is automatically adjusted and more challenging material will be provided in the future. The actual appearance of the interface is customizable by the children to in- crease their sense of attachment to the OPUS. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 97
  • 98. Physical Form The corners of the form is larger and rounded because the usability tests found that is where children tends to hold the eBook. The rubber around the edges makes the eBook more tough and durable as well as provides a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. 98 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 99. Technology Wi-Fi 3G Multi-touch screen Stylus Webcam Microphone Speakers Earphone outlets USB connection MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 99
  • 100. “Throughout the entire process of designing the eBook, it was ap- parently that user’s involvement is crucial. Without the visits and interviews, the design team cannot make informed decisions or understand. Starting with a board scope and then refining the ideas until the ” final design is born was a very interesting process and it provides the knowledge of how a process can iteratively improve the design. LESSONS LEARNED 100 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 101. 17 MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 101
  • 102. ACKNOW MENTS 102 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 103. ASTRI Price Memorial Alison Wilson and Katy Clarke, Primary Longman Express, 2A (Hong Kong: Longman Hong Kong Education, 2005), 10. 18 LEDGE- MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 103
  • 104. 19 REFER- ENCE 104 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 105. [1] Click and Jane ---What are kids learning to read when they learn to read online? Virginia Heffernan New York Times Magazine; Feb 1, 2009; Alumni - Research Library pg. 13 [2] Defending Young Children’s Play as the Ladder to Literacy Charles H. Wolfgang Tobie S. Sanders [3] Learning to read words (EPS Prize Lecture) Kate Nation, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK The Quarterly Journal of Experiemental Psychology, Psychology Press [4] Promoting Reading: Using eBooks With Gifted and Advanced Readers Christine L Weber; Terence W Cavanaugh Gifted Child Today; Fall 2006; 29, 4; Alumni - Research Library pg. 56 [5] PUBLISHING; eBooks catching on with children; Undaunted by technology, young readers are embracing digital storytelling. Alana Semuels. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Dec 25. 2008. pg. C. 1 [6] The Dimensions of Reading Attitudes for Turkish Children Ann W. Engin & Fred H. Wallbrown University of South Carolina and Kent State University The Journal of Social Psychology, 1983, 120, 169-181. [7] The efficacy of electronic books in fostering kindergarten children’s emergent story understanding Maria T. De Jong & Adriana G. Bus Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands Reading Research Quarterly. Vol. 39, No. 4. October/November/December 2004 MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 105
  • 106. 20 APPENDIX DESIGN 10 Vists and interviews / Low fidelity interface 106 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 107. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 107
  • 108. 108 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 109. MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 109
  • 110. DESIGN 14 Interaction Model / Original Interaction Model Interacts with Read & Share Stores Creates & Reads 1. Provide Freedom -- Give children more physical freedom to use it 110 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 111. Share info with Reminds & Accompanies asks Stores answers Becomes Stores Provides info to Gathers info from Encyclop edia 2. Pleansant Experience -- Provide pleasant reading experience MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 111
  • 112. DISTANCE Read + Communicate together Through eBook Interact with Interact with STEP 1.See if friends available STEP 2.See books that friend wants to read STEP 3.Start the story Allows users to communicate Goes on Goes on 3. Communicate with friends -- Improve communication with others 112 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 113. OPUS 16 Final Design / Physcial Form Original Physical Form MDes Interaction Design - Next Generation eBook 113