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Manipulative and
● Outline History of Massage Therapy
● Discuss Different types and benefits of Massage
● Discuss Chiropractic therapy, techniques,
advantages and disadvantages
Massage is the practice of rubbing and kneading the
body using the hands. During a massage, a massage therapist will apply
gentle or strong pressure to the muscles and joints of the body to ease pain
and tension. A massage therapist is a person trained in giving massages.
 The first known Chinese text is called
“The Yellow Emperor’s Classic Book
of Internal Medicine”
a staple of massage therapy
alternative medicine
(acupuncture, acupressure and
herbal remedies).
 Egyptian tomb paintings show that massage therapy was also
a part of their medical tradition
 Egyptians get the credit for pioneering reflexology.
 Monks studying Buddhism in China brought massage
therapy to Japan in 1000 BCE and put their own twist on it,
calling it “anma,” later known as Shiatsu. This technique
is designed to regulate and strengthen organs by rebalancing
energy levels through the stimulation of pressure points in
hopes of bringing natural resistance to illness.
Massage therapy in Ancient Greece and the
Roman Empire
Ancient Greece (800-700 B.C.E.)
 athletes and philosophers introduce massage to greece
 Specific techniques included decreasing the “knots”
throughout muscle tissue in the body through therapeutic
Hippocrates (500 B.C.E.)
 The fifth century B.C.E. era was vital
to the history of medicine, as this was
the era of Hippocrates.
 Hippocrates prescribed treatments for
injuries, which included friction and
rubbing as a form of healing. Within
his treatments and prescriptions,
Hippocrates promoted overall
wellness by encouraging a good diet,
exercise, ample sleep, and music.
Anyone wishing to study medicine must master
the art of massage - Hippocrates
• Roman physician Galen, in the 1st Century
BCE, used massage therapy on emperors,
echoing Hippocrates’ ideas of treating
injuries and illnesses.
• The wealthy Romans would have
massages in their homes, but the general
public would flock to the Roman baths
for “spa” treatments and full-body
massages, to stimulate circulation and
loosen their joints.
Modern Western Medicine (1800s-Present Day)
 Modern Massage Therapy was largely developed during the 19th
century Pehr Henrik Ling created what we know today as Swedish
 The demand for masseurs and masseuses increased in the early
 Physiotherapists who used it in regular medicine helped massage
therapy to become a legitimate and respectable form of
Types of
What Are the
● Do not get massages if hypertensive.
Seven Popular Types of Massages
1. Swedish Massage
2. Hot Stone Massage
3. Lymphatic Drainage
4. Deep Tissue Massage
5. Sports Massage
6. Reflexology Massage
7. Pregnancy Massage
1. Swedish massage
The massage therapist will use
a combination of:
• kneading
• long, flowing strokes in the
direction of the heart
• deep circular motions
• vibration and tapping
• passive joint movement
Usually a Swedish massage
will last for 60–90 minutes.
For this massage, youll remove your clothes, though you may choose
to keep your underwear on. You’ll be covered with a sheet while
lying on the massage table. The massage therapist will move the
sheet to uncover areas that they are actively working on.
Swedish Massage is, by far, the most popular form of massage in the
United States. This type of massage is intended to increase oxygen in
the blood and remove toxins from muscles. This is accomplished by
using a variety of techniques that apply pressure to surface muscles
with movements that follow the direction of blood flow to the heart.
The result is improved circulation, reduced stress, relaxed muscles,
greater flexibility and improved overall health and wellness.
2. Hot stone massage
• best for people who have
muscle pain and tension
Hot stone massage may help:
ease muscle tension
improve blood flow
alleviate pain
promote relaxation
relieve stress
• heated stones are placed on
different areas around your whole
• therapist may hold a stone as they
massage different parts of your
body using Swedish massage
techniques using gentle pressure.
Usually the massage is 90 minutes
3. Aromatherapy massage
• best for people who want to have
an emotional healing component
to their massage.
This type of massage can help:
boost your mood
reduce stress and anxiety
reduce symptoms of depression
relieve muscle tension
relieve pain
An aromatherapy massage is 60–
90 minutes.
• combine soft, gentle pressure with the
use of essential oils.
• Essential oils are diluted before being
applied to the skin.
• During the massage, you’ll be given a
full-body massage while inhaling
essential oils through a diffuser and
absorbing them through your skin.
4. Deep tissue massage
• uses more pressure than a
Swedish massage.
• a good option if you have chronic
muscle problems, such as
soreness, injury, or imbalance. It
can help relieve tight muscles,
chronic muscle pain, and anxiety.
• therapist will use slow strokes and
deep finger pressure to relieve
tension from the deepest layers of
your muscles and connective
• The massage will last for 60–90
5. Sports massage
• a good option if you have a
repetitive use injury to a muscle,
such as what you may get from
playing a sport.
• also a good option if you’re
prone to injuries because it can be
used to help prevent sports injuries.
• can be done as a full-body
massage or the massage therapist
may focus on the parts of the body
that need the most attention.
• Deep pressure may be alternated
with soothing strokes depending on
your needs.
• The massage will last for 60–90
6. Trigger point massage
• best suited for people who have
injuries, chronic pain, or a specific
issue or condition.
• The massage will last for 60–90
• uses broad, flowing strokes that are
gentle and relaxing combined with
stronger, deeper pressure.
• The massage will include work on
your entire body, though your
therapist will focus on specific
areas of your body that need to be
7. Reflexology massage
• best for people who are looking to
relax or restore their natural
energy levels. The massage will
last for 60–90 minutes.
• uses gentle to firm pressure on
different pressure points of
the feet, hands, and ears. You can
wear loose, comfortable clothing
that allows access to your legs.
8. Shiatsu massage
• best for people who want to feel
relaxed and relieve
stress, pain, and tension.
• It’s a Japanese type of massage
promotes emotional and physical
calm and relaxation
helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and
may relieve headache
reduces muscle tension
• works the whole body, but your
therapist may focus on areas of your
body that need extra attention.
• Therapist use their hands, palms,
and thumbs to massage certain
points of your body.
• Pulsing or rhythmic pressure is used.
the massage, your
9. Prenatal massage
• a safe way for women to get a
massage during pregnancy. It can
help reduce pregnancy body
aches, reduce stress, and ease
muscle tension.
• The massage will last for 45–60
• uses mild pressure similar to
Swedish massage.
• The therapist will focus on areas
such as your lower back, hips, and
• During the massage, you’ll either
lie on your side or on a specially
designed table with a cutout for
your belly. If you’ve had pain in
your calves or other parts of your
leg, see a doctor before you have a
10. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
• a form of gentle massage that
encourages the movement of lymph
fluids around the body.
Lymph flow – the arrows show the directions in
which the skin should be brushed to improve
the lymphatic drainage.
- Red dots indicate lymph nodes
1.Strong rubbing
2.Light rubbing
• 1. Effleurage method
• Naturally, this technique applies very gentle stroking
motions. Hands are laid flat, side by side, and glide softly
over the body.
• This technique often bookends the beginning and the
end of a massage, or is used to as a bridge when
combining two different techniques.
• 2. Applied pressure
• This is used to relax the body and to alleviate tension
built up in pressure points.
• Pressure is applied using various parts of the hand,
including the palm, thumbs, and space between the index
finger and thumb. Some massage methods not only
incorporate hands, but also elbows and feet.
3. Rubbing
• Rubbing massages are used to treat muscles, joints and
to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation.
• The method applies pressure with the thumbs in circular
motions while targeting specific areas.
• 4. Kneading
• technique used to relax the muscles and stimulate
circulation. It reduces tension, aches and pain. It is usually
very pleasant and deeply relaxing. It often focuses on the
trapezius muscles located between the neck and shoulders.
• The therapist's two hands move in opposite directions using
the thumbs, fingers and heel of the hand. A higher degree of
pressure is applied directly on the muscles to make them
move under the skin, which releases tension.
Massage may be helpful because
• It counteracts all that sitting you
• It eases muscle pain
• It soothes anxiety and depression
• It improves sleep
• It boosts immunity
• It relieves headaches
• Fighting Fibromyalgia Symptoms
• It Lowers Blood Pressure
Massage can cause:
• Nerve Injury
• Fractures
• Internal bleeding
Massage may not be appropriate if you have:
• Bleeding disorders or take blood-
thinning medication
• Burns or healing wounds
• Deep vein thrombosis
• Fractures
• Severe osteoporosis
• Severe thrombocytopenia
• Athletic trainers
• Exercise Physiologist
• Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides
• Physical Therapist
Careers Related to Massage Therapist:
What are Self
• Self massage techniques are
techniques that you can do yourself
to get rid of muscle tightness
and trigger points throughout your
• Many self massage techniques can be
performed with your fingers, hands,
and elbows
• others require simple items such as
tennis balls, foam rollers, or trigger
point tools
Self Massage with these simple tools:
1.Tennis Ball/Massage Ball
2.Trigger point massager
3.Your hands
4.Foam roller
• relieve muscle spasm or pain
• myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (MPDS), which is caused by
the presence of trigger points
• Releases tension and promotes relaxation
• Rejuvenates your mind and body
• Calms your nervous system
• Stimulates your lymphatic system
• Detoxes your body
• Stimulates your energy
Why Self Massage?
• Improves blood circulation
• Lubricates your joints
• Increases your mental alertness
• Increases your chance of sleeping better
• less expensive
• It’s less time consuming than booking an appointment with a
• You can focus on areas that are really bothering you and apply
increased pressure especially on tender areas.
Why Self Massage?
Neck Self Massage
• What you’ll need – Your Hands
• How to do it:
• Place two or three fingertips on the back of
your neck where your neck meets your shoulders.
• Apply firm pressure and hold the area.
• Release when the muscle feels more relaxed.
• Roll your shoulders forwards and back slowly.
• Repeat three times.
Shoulder Self Massage
• What you’ll need – Your Hands
• How to do it:
• position the fingers of your right hand over
your right shoulder (your upper trapezius will be
underneath your palm).
• squeeze your upper trapezius three times and
then roll your fingers over the muscle starting
from the outside and moving towards the base
of your neck.
• repeat on your left side.
Foot Self Massage
• What you’ll need – Massage Ball Or Tennis Ball
• How to do it:
• sit in a comfortable chair with your feet bare or
with a sock on.
• position the tennis ball under your foot.
• roll back and forth from heel to toe using firm
• if you come across a painful or tender area,
work the knot out by rolling in small circles.
• do this exercise on both of your feet.
• to add more pressure, try performing this
technique while standing.
Daniel David Palmer
"chiropractic" comes from the Greek word
meaning "hand" and praktos meaning ‘done’.
Chiropractic was founded in 1895
Prior to his “discovery” of chiropractic, D.D.
Palmer was a magnetic healer. He also had
interests in phrenology (diagnosing disease based
on the bumps of the skull) and spiritualism.
He argued that all disease is caused by subluxated bones,
which 95% of the time are spinal bones, and which disrupt
the flow of innate intelligence.
Subluxation theory
“innate intelligence” flowed from the brain to the rest of
the body through the spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
It results from disruption in the flow of innate
Disruption in flow is caused by spinal subluxations,
which are small misalignments in the spine that
compress the spinal nerves.
The first state law licensing chiropractors was
passed in 1913, and by 1931, 39 states had given
chiropractors legal recognition
● A type of therapy in which the hands are used to manipulate the
spine or other parts of the body.
Chiropractic therapy may be used to treat
conditions such as back pain, neck pain,
headache, and hand or foot problems, and to
improve overall health.
● Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine mostly concerned
with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of
the muscoskeletal system, especially the spine.
● The main chiropractic treatment technique involves manual therapy,
especially spinal manipulation therapy (SMT), and manipulations of
other joints and soft tissues.
● The musculoskeletal system provides form, support, stability,
and movement to the body. It is made up of the bones of the
skeleton, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and
other connective tissue that supports and binds tissues and
organs together.
● The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord,
sensory organs, and all of the nerves that connect these
organs with the rest of the body. Together, these organs are
responsible for the control of the body and communication
among its parts.
● Chiropractors use hands-on spinal manipulation and other
alternative treatments, the theory being that proper alignment of the
body's musculoskeletal structure, particularly the spine, will enable
the body to heal itself without surgery or medication.
● A chiropractor is a health care professional focused on the
diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders, with an
emphasis on treatment through manual adjustment and/or
manipulation of the spine.
● Neuromuscular diseases are those that affect the
muscles and their direct nervous system control;
problems with central nervous control can cause
either spasticity or some degree of paralysis (from
both lower and upper motor neuron disorders),
depending on the location and the nature of the
● A chiropractic college grants a D.C. or Doctorate of
Chiropractic degree. Chiropractors are licensed as
health care providers in every U.S. state and
dozens of countries around the world.
● Once chiropractic students graduate, they must
pass four sets of national board exams as well as
state board exams in the states where they want to
3 Reasons You Need a Chiropractor:
1. Improved Joint Mobility – Chiropractic adjustments relax the
muscles that cause joint stiffness.
2. Less Back and Neck Pain – Treatment revolves the existing
neck and back pain and helps prevent flare-ups.
3. Improved Sleep – Pain treatment helps patients get more
restful sleep. This leads to increased energy levels.
Back pain
Sports injury
Herniated disk
Cauda equine syndrome
Vertebral artery dissection
Include other treatments:
● manual or manipulative
● postural and exercise
● ergonomic training (how to
walk, sit, and stand to limit
back strain).
Importance of
● Chiropractic is an
important part of any
wellness routine, just
like working out and
eating right.
● can treat problems before they
lead to more serious issues, and
it can prevent problems from
developing in the first place.
➔ Chiropractors see patients
struggling with pain and
injuries, but some healthy
individuals also seek
chiropractic adjustments as
preventative care.
• Chiropractic Care Health Benefits
Improved immune system
Better sleep
Increased Flexibility
Improved moods
Better posture
More energy
Is chiropractic treatment safe?
● Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the
safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies
available for the treatment of
neuromusculoskeletal complaints.
● Although chiropractic has excellent safety
record, no health treatment is completely free
of potential adverse effects.
Is chiropractic treatment appropriate for children?
● YES, children can benefit from chiropractic care.
● Injuries may cause many symptoms including back
and neck pain, stiffness, soreness or even
● Chiropractic care is always adopted to the individual
Chiropractic therapies/treatments
● Therapeutic Exercise
Chiropractors commonly prescribe specific strengthening
exercises for their patients with back, neck and extremity
problems. Therapeutic exercises may include:
 Strength Training
 Flexibility Training
 Endurance Training
 Stability or Balance Training
Strength Training
Flexibility Training
Endurance Training
Stability or Balance Training
Ankle Plantar Flexion
Therapeutic stretches
● Is an important way to prevent scar tissue from forming.
Even after the spinal injury has healed, maintaining a
regular stretching program helps keep tissues flexible,
increases mobility, and protects you from new injuries.
Spinal traction
● Many chiropractors uses this spinal traction, in which traction
devices are applied to distract areas of the spine. This treatment
helps gently separate the vertebrae resulting in disc
decompression, reduced nerve root pressure, and less pain
Soft tissue manual therapy
● Chiropractors uses a variety of hands-on soft tissue
therapies to improve the function of the soft tissue
● ( muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joint capsules).
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1A MASSAGE and CHIROPRACTIC therapy.pptx

  • 2. Objectives: ● Outline History of Massage Therapy ● Discuss Different types and benefits of Massage therapy ● Discuss Chiropractic therapy, techniques, advantages and disadvantages
  • 4. Massage is the practice of rubbing and kneading the body using the hands. During a massage, a massage therapist will apply gentle or strong pressure to the muscles and joints of the body to ease pain and tension. A massage therapist is a person trained in giving massages.
  • 5. 2700 BCE: ANCIENT CHINA  The first known Chinese text is called “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic Book of Internal Medicine” HISTORY a staple of massage therapy alternative medicine (acupuncture, acupressure and herbal remedies).
  • 6. 2500 BCE: ANCIENT EGYPT  Egyptian tomb paintings show that massage therapy was also a part of their medical tradition  Egyptians get the credit for pioneering reflexology.
  • 7. 1000 BCE: JAPANESE MASSAGE  Monks studying Buddhism in China brought massage therapy to Japan in 1000 BCE and put their own twist on it, calling it “anma,” later known as Shiatsu. This technique is designed to regulate and strengthen organs by rebalancing energy levels through the stimulation of pressure points in hopes of bringing natural resistance to illness.
  • 8. Massage therapy in Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire Ancient Greece (800-700 B.C.E.)  athletes and philosophers introduce massage to greece  Specific techniques included decreasing the “knots” throughout muscle tissue in the body through therapeutic rubbing.
  • 9. Hippocrates (500 B.C.E.)  The fifth century B.C.E. era was vital to the history of medicine, as this was the era of Hippocrates.  Hippocrates prescribed treatments for injuries, which included friction and rubbing as a form of healing. Within his treatments and prescriptions, Hippocrates promoted overall wellness by encouraging a good diet, exercise, ample sleep, and music. Anyone wishing to study medicine must master the art of massage - Hippocrates
  • 10. • Roman physician Galen, in the 1st Century BCE, used massage therapy on emperors, echoing Hippocrates’ ideas of treating injuries and illnesses. • The wealthy Romans would have massages in their homes, but the general public would flock to the Roman baths for “spa” treatments and full-body massages, to stimulate circulation and loosen their joints.
  • 11. Modern Western Medicine (1800s-Present Day)  Modern Massage Therapy was largely developed during the 19th century Pehr Henrik Ling created what we know today as Swedish massage.  The demand for masseurs and masseuses increased in the early 1900s.  Physiotherapists who used it in regular medicine helped massage therapy to become a legitimate and respectable form of medicine.
  • 13. ● Do not get massages if hypertensive. Seven Popular Types of Massages 1. Swedish Massage 2. Hot Stone Massage 3. Lymphatic Drainage 4. Deep Tissue Massage 5. Sports Massage 6. Reflexology Massage 7. Pregnancy Massage
  • 14. 1. Swedish massage The massage therapist will use a combination of: • kneading • long, flowing strokes in the direction of the heart • deep circular motions • vibration and tapping • passive joint movement techniques Usually a Swedish massage will last for 60–90 minutes.
  • 15. For this massage, youll remove your clothes, though you may choose to keep your underwear on. You’ll be covered with a sheet while lying on the massage table. The massage therapist will move the sheet to uncover areas that they are actively working on. Swedish Massage is, by far, the most popular form of massage in the United States. This type of massage is intended to increase oxygen in the blood and remove toxins from muscles. This is accomplished by using a variety of techniques that apply pressure to surface muscles with movements that follow the direction of blood flow to the heart. The result is improved circulation, reduced stress, relaxed muscles, greater flexibility and improved overall health and wellness.
  • 16. 2. Hot stone massage • best for people who have muscle pain and tension Hot stone massage may help: ease muscle tension improve blood flow alleviate pain promote relaxation relieve stress • heated stones are placed on different areas around your whole body. • therapist may hold a stone as they massage different parts of your body using Swedish massage techniques using gentle pressure. Usually the massage is 90 minutes long.
  • 17. 3. Aromatherapy massage • best for people who want to have an emotional healing component to their massage. This type of massage can help: boost your mood reduce stress and anxiety reduce symptoms of depression relieve muscle tension relieve pain An aromatherapy massage is 60– 90 minutes. • combine soft, gentle pressure with the use of essential oils. • Essential oils are diluted before being applied to the skin. • During the massage, you’ll be given a full-body massage while inhaling essential oils through a diffuser and absorbing them through your skin.
  • 18. 4. Deep tissue massage • uses more pressure than a Swedish massage. • a good option if you have chronic muscle problems, such as soreness, injury, or imbalance. It can help relieve tight muscles, chronic muscle pain, and anxiety. • therapist will use slow strokes and deep finger pressure to relieve tension from the deepest layers of your muscles and connective tissues. • The massage will last for 60–90 minutes.
  • 19. 5. Sports massage • a good option if you have a repetitive use injury to a muscle, such as what you may get from playing a sport. • also a good option if you’re prone to injuries because it can be used to help prevent sports injuries. • can be done as a full-body massage or the massage therapist may focus on the parts of the body that need the most attention. • Deep pressure may be alternated with soothing strokes depending on your needs. • The massage will last for 60–90 minutes.
  • 20. 6. Trigger point massage • best suited for people who have injuries, chronic pain, or a specific issue or condition. • The massage will last for 60–90 minutes. • uses broad, flowing strokes that are gentle and relaxing combined with stronger, deeper pressure. • The massage will include work on your entire body, though your therapist will focus on specific areas of your body that need to be released.
  • 21. 7. Reflexology massage • best for people who are looking to relax or restore their natural energy levels. The massage will last for 60–90 minutes. • uses gentle to firm pressure on different pressure points of the feet, hands, and ears. You can wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows access to your legs.
  • 22. 8. Shiatsu massage • best for people who want to feel relaxed and relieve stress, pain, and tension. • It’s a Japanese type of massage that: promotes emotional and physical calm and relaxation helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression may relieve headache reduces muscle tension • works the whole body, but your therapist may focus on areas of your body that need extra attention. • Therapist use their hands, palms, and thumbs to massage certain points of your body. • Pulsing or rhythmic pressure is used. the massage, your
  • 23. 9. Prenatal massage • a safe way for women to get a massage during pregnancy. It can help reduce pregnancy body aches, reduce stress, and ease muscle tension. • The massage will last for 45–60 minutes. • uses mild pressure similar to Swedish massage. • The therapist will focus on areas such as your lower back, hips, and legs. • During the massage, you’ll either lie on your side or on a specially designed table with a cutout for your belly. If you’ve had pain in your calves or other parts of your leg, see a doctor before you have a massage.
  • 24. 10. Lymphatic Drainage Massage • a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. Lymph flow – the arrows show the directions in which the skin should be brushed to improve the lymphatic drainage. - Red dots indicate lymph nodes
  • 25. 6 COMMON TECHNIQUES IN MASSAGE THERAPY 1.Strong rubbing 2.Light rubbing 3.Compression 4.Vibration 5.Tapotement 6.Kneading
  • 26.
  • 27. • 1. Effleurage method • Naturally, this technique applies very gentle stroking motions. Hands are laid flat, side by side, and glide softly over the body. • This technique often bookends the beginning and the end of a massage, or is used to as a bridge when combining two different techniques.
  • 28. • 2. Applied pressure • This is used to relax the body and to alleviate tension built up in pressure points. • Pressure is applied using various parts of the hand, including the palm, thumbs, and space between the index finger and thumb. Some massage methods not only incorporate hands, but also elbows and feet.
  • 29. 3. Rubbing • Rubbing massages are used to treat muscles, joints and to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation. • The method applies pressure with the thumbs in circular motions while targeting specific areas.
  • 30. • 4. Kneading • technique used to relax the muscles and stimulate circulation. It reduces tension, aches and pain. It is usually very pleasant and deeply relaxing. It often focuses on the trapezius muscles located between the neck and shoulders. • The therapist's two hands move in opposite directions using the thumbs, fingers and heel of the hand. A higher degree of pressure is applied directly on the muscles to make them move under the skin, which releases tension.
  • 31.
  • 32. Massage may be helpful because • It counteracts all that sitting you do • It eases muscle pain • It soothes anxiety and depression • It improves sleep • It boosts immunity • It relieves headaches • Fighting Fibromyalgia Symptoms • It Lowers Blood Pressure
  • 33. Massage can cause: • Nerve Injury • Fractures • Internal bleeding
  • 34. Massage may not be appropriate if you have: • Bleeding disorders or take blood- thinning medication • Burns or healing wounds • Deep vein thrombosis • Fractures • Severe osteoporosis • Severe thrombocytopenia
  • 35. • Athletic trainers • Exercise Physiologist • Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides • Physical Therapist Careers Related to Massage Therapist:
  • 37. • Self massage techniques are techniques that you can do yourself to get rid of muscle tightness and trigger points throughout your body. • Many self massage techniques can be performed with your fingers, hands, and elbows • others require simple items such as tennis balls, foam rollers, or trigger point tools Self Massage with these simple tools: 1.Tennis Ball/Massage Ball 2.Trigger point massager 3.Your hands 4.Foam roller
  • 38. • relieve muscle spasm or pain • myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (MPDS), which is caused by the presence of trigger points • Releases tension and promotes relaxation • Rejuvenates your mind and body • Calms your nervous system • Stimulates your lymphatic system • Detoxes your body • Stimulates your energy Why Self Massage?
  • 39. • Improves blood circulation • Lubricates your joints • Increases your mental alertness • Increases your chance of sleeping better • less expensive • It’s less time consuming than booking an appointment with a professional. • You can focus on areas that are really bothering you and apply increased pressure especially on tender areas. Why Self Massage?
  • 40. Neck Self Massage • What you’ll need – Your Hands • How to do it: • Place two or three fingertips on the back of your neck where your neck meets your shoulders. • Apply firm pressure and hold the area. • Release when the muscle feels more relaxed. • Roll your shoulders forwards and back slowly. • Repeat three times.
  • 41. Shoulder Self Massage • What you’ll need – Your Hands • How to do it: • position the fingers of your right hand over your right shoulder (your upper trapezius will be underneath your palm). • squeeze your upper trapezius three times and then roll your fingers over the muscle starting from the outside and moving towards the base of your neck. • repeat on your left side.
  • 42. Foot Self Massage • What you’ll need – Massage Ball Or Tennis Ball • How to do it: • sit in a comfortable chair with your feet bare or with a sock on. • position the tennis ball under your foot. • roll back and forth from heel to toe using firm pressure. • if you come across a painful or tender area, work the knot out by rolling in small circles. • do this exercise on both of your feet. • to add more pressure, try performing this technique while standing.
  • 44. Daniel David Palmer "chiropractic" comes from the Greek word meaning "hand" and praktos meaning ‘done’. Chiropractic was founded in 1895 Prior to his “discovery” of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer was a magnetic healer. He also had interests in phrenology (diagnosing disease based on the bumps of the skull) and spiritualism.
  • 45. He argued that all disease is caused by subluxated bones, which 95% of the time are spinal bones, and which disrupt the flow of innate intelligence. Subluxation theory “innate intelligence” flowed from the brain to the rest of the body through the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. It results from disruption in the flow of innate intelligence. Disruption in flow is caused by spinal subluxations, which are small misalignments in the spine that compress the spinal nerves.
  • 46. The first state law licensing chiropractors was passed in 1913, and by 1931, 39 states had given chiropractors legal recognition
  • 47. CHIROPRATIC THERAPY ● A type of therapy in which the hands are used to manipulate the spine or other parts of the body. Chiropractic therapy may be used to treat conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headache, and hand or foot problems, and to improve overall health.
  • 48. ● Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine mostly concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the muscoskeletal system, especially the spine. ● The main chiropractic treatment technique involves manual therapy, especially spinal manipulation therapy (SMT), and manipulations of other joints and soft tissues.
  • 49. ● The musculoskeletal system provides form, support, stability, and movement to the body. It is made up of the bones of the skeleton, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and other connective tissue that supports and binds tissues and organs together. ● The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and all of the nerves that connect these organs with the rest of the body. Together, these organs are responsible for the control of the body and communication among its parts.
  • 50. ● Chiropractors use hands-on spinal manipulation and other alternative treatments, the theory being that proper alignment of the body's musculoskeletal structure, particularly the spine, will enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication. ● A chiropractor is a health care professional focused on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders, with an emphasis on treatment through manual adjustment and/or manipulation of the spine.
  • 51. ● Neuromuscular diseases are those that affect the muscles and their direct nervous system control; problems with central nervous control can cause either spasticity or some degree of paralysis (from both lower and upper motor neuron disorders), depending on the location and the nature of the problem.
  • 52. Facts ● A chiropractic college grants a D.C. or Doctorate of Chiropractic degree. Chiropractors are licensed as health care providers in every U.S. state and dozens of countries around the world. ● Once chiropractic students graduate, they must pass four sets of national board exams as well as state board exams in the states where they want to practice.
  • 53.
  • 54. 3 Reasons You Need a Chiropractor: 1. Improved Joint Mobility – Chiropractic adjustments relax the muscles that cause joint stiffness. 2. Less Back and Neck Pain – Treatment revolves the existing neck and back pain and helps prevent flare-ups. 3. Improved Sleep – Pain treatment helps patients get more restful sleep. This leads to increased energy levels.
  • 56. Treat: Back pain Sports injury Migraine RISKS Herniated disk Cauda equine syndrome Vertebral artery dissection
  • 57. Include other treatments: ● manual or manipulative therapies ● postural and exercise education ● ergonomic training (how to walk, sit, and stand to limit back strain).
  • 59. ● Chiropractic is an important part of any wellness routine, just like working out and eating right.
  • 60. ● can treat problems before they lead to more serious issues, and it can prevent problems from developing in the first place.
  • 61. ➔ Chiropractors see patients struggling with pain and injuries, but some healthy individuals also seek chiropractic adjustments as preventative care.
  • 62.
  • 63. • Chiropractic Care Health Benefits Improved immune system Better sleep Increased Flexibility Improved moods Better posture More energy
  • 64. Is chiropractic treatment safe? ● Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. ● Although chiropractic has excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects.
  • 65. Is chiropractic treatment appropriate for children? ● YES, children can benefit from chiropractic care. ● Injuries may cause many symptoms including back and neck pain, stiffness, soreness or even discomfort. ● Chiropractic care is always adopted to the individual patient.
  • 66. Chiropractic therapies/treatments ● Therapeutic Exercise Chiropractors commonly prescribe specific strengthening exercises for their patients with back, neck and extremity problems. Therapeutic exercises may include:  Strength Training  Flexibility Training  Endurance Training  Stability or Balance Training
  • 70. Stability or Balance Training Ankle Plantar Flexion
  • 71. Therapeutic stretches ● Is an important way to prevent scar tissue from forming. Even after the spinal injury has healed, maintaining a regular stretching program helps keep tissues flexible, increases mobility, and protects you from new injuries.
  • 72. Spinal traction ● Many chiropractors uses this spinal traction, in which traction devices are applied to distract areas of the spine. This treatment helps gently separate the vertebrae resulting in disc decompression, reduced nerve root pressure, and less pain
  • 73. Soft tissue manual therapy ● Chiropractors uses a variety of hands-on soft tissue therapies to improve the function of the soft tissue ● ( muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joint capsules).
  • 74. You can proceed to your quiz at 4pm

Editor's Notes

  1. a staple of massage therapy alternative medicine (acupuncture, acupressure and herbal remedies).
  2. Anyone wishing to study medicine must master the art of massage - Hippocrates
  3. Do not get massages if hypertensive. Seven Popular Types of Massages Swedish Massage Hot Stone Massage Lymphatic Drainage Deep Tissue Massage Sports Massage Reflexology Massage Pregnancy Massage
  4. For this massage, you’ll remove your clothes, though you may choose to keep your underwear on. You’ll be covered with a sheet while lying on the massage table. The massage therapist will move the sheet to uncover areas that they are actively working on. Swedish Massage is, by far, the most popular form of massage in the United States. This type of massage is intended to increase oxygen in the blood and remove toxins from muscles. This is accomplished by using a variety of techniques that apply pressure to surface muscles with movements that follow the direction of blood flow to the heart. The result is improved circulation, reduced stress, relaxed muscles, greater flexibility and improved overall health and wellness.
  5. Lymph flow – the arrows show the directions in which the skin should be brushed to improve the lymphatic drainage. - Red dots indicate lymph nodes
  6. Strong rubbing Light rubbing Compression Vibration Tapotement Kneading
  7. Self Massage with these simple tools: Tennis Ball/Massage Ball Trigger point massager Your hands Foam roller
  8. Neck self massage
  9. Chiropractic therapy may be used to treat conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headache, and hand or foot problems, and to improve overall health.
  10. The musculoskeletal system provides form, support, stability, and movement to the body. It is made up of the bones of the skeleton, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and other connective tissue that supports and binds tissues and organs together. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and all of the nerves that connect these organs with the rest of the body. Together, these organs are responsible for the control of the body and communication among its parts.
  11. Neuromuscular diseases are those that affect the muscles and their direct nervous system control; problems with central nervous control can cause either spasticity or some degree of paralysis (from both lower and upper motor neuron disorders), depending on the location and the nature of the problem.
  12. 3 Reasons You Need a Chiropractor: Improved Joint Mobility – Chiropractic adjustments relax the muscles that cause joint stiffness. Less Back and Neck Pain – Treatment revolves the existing neck and back pain and helps prevent flare-ups. Improved Sleep – Pain treatment helps patients get more restful sleep. This leads to increased energy levels.
  13. Chiropractic Care Health Benefits Improved immune system Better sleep Increased Flexibility Improved moods Better posture More energy
  14. Ankle Plantar Flexion