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Дидактичні матеріали для молодших
Дидактичні матеріали для молодших школярів
Посібник містить дидактичні матеріали для молодших школярів.
Матеріали зібрані по темам. Допоможе зробити урок цікавим та ефективним,
полегшить підготовку вчителя до уроків.
Дидактичні матеріали для молодших школярів……………………..5
1. Unit 1. Hello friends………………………………………………….8
2. Unit 2. My school………………………………..………………….11
3. Unit 3.Family and friends………………………………………..…16
4. Unit 4. My pets……………………………………………………..23
5. My toys……………………………………………………………...30
6. My food……………………………………………………………..36
7. Parts of the body…………………………………………………….40
8. Reading lab………………………………………………………….45
Список використаної літератури……………………………..113
Дидактичні матеріали для молодших школярів.
Методи вивчення англійської мови у першому класі
базуються на дитиноцентричному, компетентнісному,
діяльнісному підходах у поєднанні із засобами,
спрямованими на здобуття очікуваних освітніх
результатів. Це висвітлено у працях О. Бочковської, Г.
Галушки, І. Душніцької, В. Казачінер, О. Колесник, О.
Савченко, Є. Ярової.
Дитину потрібно зацікавити і спонукати її до
сприйняття навчального матеріалу. Початкова школа має
досить великий інструментарій дидактичних ігор,
нестандартних уроків. Однією з головних умов
ефективності навчальної гри – зацікавленість в результаті
та артистизм вчителя. Використання сценічних прийомів
у процесі предметного навчання є значущим у творчому
розвитку особистості. Тому справжній педагог повинен
бути в постійному творчому пориві оптимізації як
професійного, так і особистісного потенціалу, оскільки
педагогічна майстерність – це своєрідний сплав особистої
культури, знань і світогляду [23, c. 5]. Основним
генератором творчої діяльності дітей передусім має бути
творча і цілісна особистість учителя – людини
небайдужої до справжньої краси в людях, природі, мис-
тецтві. Звернення до джерел театральної діяльності дає
можливість по-новому поглянути на викладання низки
навчальних предметів, сформувати в собі нові якості,
долучитися до елементів творчості та гри. Завдяки
синтезу мистецтв формується цілісність соціальної і
естетичної освіти та виховання, відбувається становлення
духовного світу особистості. Драматизація на уроці дає
учням можливість моделювання різних життєвих
ситуацій, а також набути навичок подолання
комунікативних проблем, уникнення конфліктних
ситуацій та створення комфортного освітнього
У процесі навчання англійської мови однією з
основних проблем є засвоєння та збереження в пам’яті
лексичного матеріалу. Робота розпочинається, як
правило, із семантизації, тобто розкриття значення нових
лексичних одиниць. Від ефективності та
цілеспрямованості цього етапу залежить уся подальша
робота над лексикою, тому педагог має обрати
найефективніший спосіб презентації нових слів
відповідно до вікових особливостей дітей [8, c. 32].
Отже, застосування дидактичних ігор на уроках
англійської мови має суттєвий вплив на формування
навичок учіння, спонукає до пізнавальної активності, дає
можливість пережити ситуацію успіху. Суттєвим
чинником у розвитку ключових компетентностей учнів є
компетентнісний підхід. Освоєння переваг
компетентнісного підходу передбачає використання
вчителем власних ідей, проектів, реалізації творчих
Unit 1. Hello Friends
1. Use the puppet of Smiling Sam and say “Hello, I am Smiling
Sam”. Say “Hello, Sam” and encourage students to greet Sam.
2. Give students Flashcards with Smilephone and tell that they are
Sam`s friends now. Children should draw themselves on the
screen and show their drawing and presenthimself/herself.
3. Writing time! Give children sheets of paper with words Hello!
Hi! and a paper hand. Say the task “Trace these words and then
colour your paper hand and write a word Hello! or Hi!”
Hello, I am ___
4. Hold up flashcards and tell your students they will be actors of
the theatre today. Join the class into two teams. Group 1 plays
the role of boys. Group 2 plays the role of girls. Explain that it is
the end of the lesson and we say “Goodbye” to each other.
5. Also you can greet each pupil in different way. They point and
say the way how they want to greet you or each other today and
play this action.
6. Emotions. Give your students card with different emotions and
clothespins. They may show how they are or hitch a picture with
appropriative emotion.
Unit 2. My school
1. Say the words (bag, pen, pencil, book, pencil case, chair, table)
and get pupils to point to the corresponding objects.
a bag a pen a pencil a book
a pencil case a chair a table
2. Matching. Ask students to trace the line matching the picture
with its name and say “It is a …”
a bag
a pencil case
a book
a pen
a chair
3. Missing letter. Ask children to write a missing letter and read the
4. Complete the text. Write the word instead of picture.
It is a …. . It is yellow.
It is a …. . It is red.
It is a ….. ……. . It is yellow.
It is a ……. . It is blue.
5. Hold a pencil case in front of the class. Say “a bag”. Then, hold
up a pencil and say “a pencil”. After that, hold up a glue,
scissors, a crayon and say “a glue, scissors, a crayon”. Repeat the
above procedure a few times and get pupils repeat after you.
Finally, give them a colouring paper and explain that they should
colout them. After pupils have coloured their pictures ask a few
to come up and show pictures and say “It is a …”
6. Stick the flashcards on the board. Choose a student to come to
the board. Ask the rest of the pupils to look at the pictures
carefully for a few seconds and tell them to close their eyes. The
student at the board has to remove one of the pictures. After
he/she has done it, the rest of the pupils open their eyes and try
to guess which picture is missing by asking about the school
object depicted on the missing card using the structure “Is it a
…?”. The pupils answers, “Yes, it is” or “No, it is not”.
7. Use these puzzles to check how your pupils remember the
names of school things. Encourage them to say such sentences “I
have got a ….. . It is ….. (redgreenblueorangepink)
8. Reading time! Read the text about Ann`s school things and fill in
the gaps. After that say what school things have you got in your
bag? Do you like to go to school?
Hello! My name is Ann. I have got a bag. The bag is big and pink.
Also I have two red pens, ten colourful pencils, four books, one green
ruler and orange scissors in my bag. I like to go to school.
1) Ann has got a ….
2) The bag is …… and …….
3) She has got two ….. pens.
4) Ann has got ….. colourful pencils.
5) She has got four ……
6) Ann has got one green …….
7) Ann has got orange …..
8) She likes to go to …..
9. Do your pupils know all the words on theme “School things”?
Check it using this worksheet. Pupils should circle or line the
appropriative word.
Unit 3. Family and friends
1. Show pupils the screen of the smilephone and ask what they saw
on the screen. Some of them can name family members. Use
flashcards (father, mother, brother, sister) to introduce the new
vocabulary. Say each word and ask pupils to repeat after you.
After that name one of the family member and ask some of
pupils to point the member they hear.
2. Give your students word cards with missing letters. Write
missing letters on the board and ask children to spell letters and
complete the word cards with these letters.
o, n, e, m, l, o, a, e, r
3. Ask students to trace the letters in each row to write the names of
family members. Then draw a line to match each family member
name to its picture.
4. Family tree. Propose children to make a Family tree. Give them
patterns, scissors and glue. Ask pupils to cut the names of family
members and paste.
5. Family members. Give your students card with different family
members and clothespins. Then tell the names of the family
members (It is a ….). Pupils may hitch a picture of the
appropriative family member.
6. Baby shark craft! Doo doo doo doo do your pupils love Baby
Shark? Yes, of course. Help your students cut the drawings and
act out the video “Baby shark” with this fun Play Set. Great for
practicing family members.
7. Find the names of family members and circle them.
8. Cardboard tube family craft. This craft using cardboard tubes can
be customized to be like your family, or you can use your
imagination and make an entirely different family! No matter
what your cardboard tube family looks like, make sure to make it
with lots of love.
 cardboard tubes
 scissors
 yarn for hair
 craft paint
 paint brush
 construction paper or patterned paper
 googly eyes
 glue stick
 black marker
 small buttons
With scissors, trim the cardboard tubes into different sizes – longer for
the adults and shorter for the children. Paint the skin tone of your family
on 1/3 of the tubes, and let it dry.
For the shirt, line up a strip of coloured or patterned paper to the tube,
and trim to size. With a glue stick, wrap and glue the paper into place.
You could also use craft paint for the shirt instead of paper, and paint on
the tube.
Decorate the shirt by glueing buttons, ribbon, beads or stickers. Glue the
eyes in place, and draw a nose and mouth with a black marker.
For the hair, wrap yarn around your hand. Cut a small length and tie the
bundle together at the centre. Trim folded ends or leave folded for a
curly hair look. Glue a few strands to the tube to hold into place.
You can make the cardboard tubes to look like your family, or you can
create a whole new family to play with!
Unit 4. My Pets
1. Use flashcards to introduce the new vocabulary. Say each word
and ask pupils to repeat after you. Then say “It is a …” and if it
is true students say “Yes, it is”, if it is false they say “No, it is
2. Match the animal with its name
3. Read the word and trace. Then say “It is a …”
9. At the Zoo. Propose children to imagine that we are at the Zoo.
Give them patterns, scissors and glue. Ask pupils to cut the
names of animals and paste.
10. Puzzle. Do you know what animal is it? Ask pupils this question.
Give children puzzle cards and tell to assemble the puzzle and
they should say what animal they have.
11. Give your students card with different animals and clothespins.
Then tell the names of the animals (It is a ….). Pupils may hitch
a picture of the appropriative animal.
12. Craft 1. Say pupils that they are going to make a family dice.
Explain to them how to cut out the dice by doing actions
yourself. Then fold on the lines and ask your pupils to do the
same. Come up to those pupils who need your help. Demonstrate
what lines students should glue and construct your dice from the
bottom connecting a picture. Let the dices to become dry and
encourage students to demonstrate their dices and pointing to the
animals and say “It is a …”
13. Practice farm animal vocabulary with this simple worksheet.
Review the names of the animals and the sounds they make as
you color them. Then, use a crayon or pencil to match the
animals to their silhouettes. When you’re finished, ask students
if they have ever been to a farm. What animals did they see?
14. Meet the animals on the farm! As you color the different
animals, talk about what sounds they make. Listen to the names
of farm animals and point to the animals as you hear them.
15. This worksheet makes a great listening exercise for the song
“The Animals On The Farm .” Listen to the song once, then
listen to it again and fill in the blanks. A word box is provided to
assist students with spelling. For an extra challenge, have
students fold over the top part of the sheet (with the word box)
and try to write the words on their own.
It may be helpful to pause the song between verses to
allow students time to write the words. Check your work by
listening to the song again. Follow up by singing the song
For more advanced students who are familiar with the
song, try having the students make up silly songs by inserting
their own vocabulary!
16. Let`s play! How quickly can you find the names of the animals
when letters in the word stand in the wrong order? Let`s check it!
17. To test children`s knowledge offer them to solve a crossword
puzzle “Animals”.
Unit 5. My Toys
1. Present new vocabulary to pupils saying “This is a kite monster
doll plane train car bike ball. Encourage pupils to repeat
words several times, showing them toys. Then say “My favourite
toy is …”. Ask students what are their favourite toys and help
them to answer the question. Repeat this action several times for
better remembering.
a kite a monster a doll
a plane a train a car
a bike a ball
2. Read the sentences. Look at the pictures and guess what word
is missing. Then fill in the missingwords.
Tom has got four …. .
Ann has got two….. .
Dan has got five ……… .
Sam has got six …….. .
3. Take two toyboxes. The first is for toys and the second is for
school things. Then put different things ( a ruler, a book, a pen, a
pencil, a ball, a doll, a car etc.) on the table and say your pupils
to divide all things in two boxes. Encourage pupils to say,
“Look! I have got a ….”
4. Give your students card with different toys and clothespins. Then
tell the names of the toys (It is a ….). Pupils may hitch a picture
of the appropriative toy.
5. Christmas is coming! What do you want for Christmas? Color
and then cut out the toys on the right hand side. Paste them into
the shelves. After, turn the paper over and have students draw a
picture of their favorite toy and say, “My favourite toy is ….”
6. Everyone loves going to the toy store! Write the correct word
under each toy. Follow up this worksheet by doing a toy store
roleplay. Make a toy store with items from around the classroom
and have students take turns shopping for presents for others.
7. Ho-ho-ho! Have you got a Christmas tree? No? Let`s decorate
our school Christmas tree with colourful balls! Give pupils
worksheets with Christmas tree and balls. Color and then cut out
the balls. Paste them into the Christmas tree. While pupils
drawing repeat the words “Santa” and “Christmas tree” several
times pointing to them. Also you can practice colours.
8. Guess the toy and write its name. Ask students to trace the line
matching the picture with its name and say “This is a …”
l a b l __ball__
a r c ________
l o d l ________
k e i b ________
t a r e n ________
l p n a e ________
9. Show the icon “Match” and raw pupil`s attention on the pictures.
Ask them to trace the line matching two halves of their toys
drawing a line between them. Ask a few students to come up
with their pictures in front of the class, show their matching and
say “This is a ….”
10. Find and circle each of the words from the list below. Words
may appear horizontally, vertically or diagonally, but forwards
Answer key
11. Reading time! Read the text and fill in the gaps.
I like to play with my friends. They have got many toys. Tom has
got a red bike and many balloons. Kate has got a long skipping‑rope, a
big ball and a kite. Mary has got a pretty doll and a drum.
1) Tom has got a red and many……...
2) Kate has got a long….. , a big……. and a ……..
3) Mary has got and a …….
Unit 6. My Food
1. Present new vocabulary to pupils saying “It is a sandwich pizza
cake juice hot dog banana apple cheese chicken sausages.
Encourage pupils to repeat words several times, showing them
food. Then say “My favourite food is …”. Ask students what are
their favourite foods and help them to answer the question.
Repeat this action several times for better remembering.
sandwich cake pizza sausages chicken
juice banana apple cheese
2. Complete the words and say what is your favourite fruitfood.
3. Read, match and colour.
4. Give your students card with different fruits and vegetables and
clothespins. Then ask your students what are their favourite
fruits and vegetables (My favourite fruitvegetable is ….). Pupils
may hitch a picture of the appropriative food.
5. If you want to check the knowledge of your students on theme
“Vegetables” use this checklist. Pupils should circle the
appropriative word.
6. Give your pupils worksheets and tell that they are going to listen
to the conversation of animals. Read and point to each animal
and its box with food according to the text. Then read the text
again making pauses for pupils to repeat. After that join pupils
into groups of four and ask a group of volunteers to come to the
front of the class. Give cards with food to pupils. Read the text
again and let pupils to act out the dialogue showing the
flashcards they have.
Text1. A monkey likes bananas
Text2. A hamster likes carrots
Text 3. A mouse likes cheese
Text 4. A dog likes sausages and sandwiches
Unit 7. Parts of the body
1. Practice parts of the body with “My Teddy Bear.” Do the
worksheet together with your students, reading out each number
and the parts of the body word. Write the number in the circle.
For more advanced students, have them read the word and find
the correct picture. Write the corresponding number in the circle.
Pointing to the different body parts.
2. Use these parts of the body flashcards with the classic kids’
song, “Head Shoulders Knees & Toes.”
3. Make your own teddy bear with this simple worksheet. First
trace the different parts of the body while discussing what they
are. Next, color your bear!
4. This worksheet helps you to examine your student`s knowledge
about parts of the body. Pupils should circle or line the
appropriative word.
colored construction paper – any color you like; pencil or marker; glue
stick; large googly eyes; scissors.
Pick the colors you would like your parrot to be! You can use any colors
you like! Using the marker, trace one of your feet on one color paper,
and trace your hand on two different colored sheets of paper. Your foot
cut out will be the parrot’s body, and your hands will be the wings!
Draw a beak for your bird! Try looking at pictures of parrots and see
how different parrots have different colored beaks to pick what color to
use! Cut it out and glue it into place on your parrot’s head. The heel of
the foot cut out will be the head. Make sure to glue the beak on the baby
toe side of the foot! Then glue one eye to finish the face.
Glue the wings onto the parrot’s body on the big toe side of the foot
with the fingers pointing out.
You can add extra hand cut outs to the tail or wings of your bird to make
a larger bird, or a more colorful birds!
Reading lab
b [b], d [d], g [g], k [k], o [o], e [e], i [ı], l [l]
p [p], n [n], s [s], t [t]
r [r], h [h]
w [w]
-ey [ı]
f [f], m [m]
ay, ai [eı]; ei [eı]
This is a table.
This is a plate.
This is a pear.
This is a chair.
This is a Teddy bear.
The table is brown.
The plate is white.
The pear is yellow.
The chair is brown.
The Teddy bear is black.
The table is on the carpet,
The plate is on the table.
The pear is on the plate.
This is a pen.
This is a book.
This is a notebook.
This is a bag.
This is a desk.
The pen is black.
The book is grey.
The notebook is pink.
The bag is brown.
The desk is green and yellow.
The pen is on the desk.
The book is on the desk, too. The notebook is near the book.
The bag is in the desk.
The desk is on the floor.
Unit 1. Hello Friends
Unit 2. My school
Unit 3. Family and friends
Unit 4. My Pets
Unit 5. My Toys
l a b l ________
a r c ________
l o d l ________
k e i b ________
t a r e n ________
l p n a e ________
Unit 6. My Food
Unit 7. Parts of the body
Використана література
1. Гунько С. Новий підхід до вивчення англійської
мови на початковому етапі / С. Гунько // Поч. шк.:
науково-метод. журн. – 2011. - № 8. – С. 32-34.
2. Савченко О. Початкова освіта в контексті ідей
Нової української школи / О. Савченко // Рідна
школа. – 2018. - № 1-2. – С.3-7.
5. Державний стандарт початкової загальної освіти
[Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:

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  • 1. 2 Дидактичні матеріали для молодших школярів 2023
  • 2. 3 Дидактичні матеріали для молодших школярів Посібник містить дидактичні матеріали для молодших школярів. Матеріали зібрані по темам. Допоможе зробити урок цікавим та ефективним, полегшить підготовку вчителя до уроків.
  • 3. 4 Зміст Дидактичні матеріали для молодших школярів……………………..5 1. Unit 1. Hello friends………………………………………………….8 2. Unit 2. My school………………………………..………………….11 3. Unit 3.Family and friends………………………………………..…16 4. Unit 4. My pets……………………………………………………..23 5. My toys……………………………………………………………...30 6. My food……………………………………………………………..36 7. Parts of the body…………………………………………………….40 8. Reading lab………………………………………………………….45 Додатки………………………………………………………………..47 Список використаної літератури……………………………..113
  • 4. 5 Дидактичні матеріали для молодших школярів. Методи вивчення англійської мови у першому класі базуються на дитиноцентричному, компетентнісному, діяльнісному підходах у поєднанні із засобами, спрямованими на здобуття очікуваних освітніх результатів. Це висвітлено у працях О. Бочковської, Г. Галушки, І. Душніцької, В. Казачінер, О. Колесник, О. Савченко, Є. Ярової. Дитину потрібно зацікавити і спонукати її до сприйняття навчального матеріалу. Початкова школа має досить великий інструментарій дидактичних ігор, нестандартних уроків. Однією з головних умов ефективності навчальної гри – зацікавленість в результаті та артистизм вчителя. Використання сценічних прийомів у процесі предметного навчання є значущим у творчому розвитку особистості. Тому справжній педагог повинен бути в постійному творчому пориві оптимізації як професійного, так і особистісного потенціалу, оскільки
  • 5. 6 педагогічна майстерність – це своєрідний сплав особистої культури, знань і світогляду [23, c. 5]. Основним генератором творчої діяльності дітей передусім має бути творча і цілісна особистість учителя – людини небайдужої до справжньої краси в людях, природі, мис- тецтві. Звернення до джерел театральної діяльності дає можливість по-новому поглянути на викладання низки навчальних предметів, сформувати в собі нові якості, долучитися до елементів творчості та гри. Завдяки синтезу мистецтв формується цілісність соціальної і естетичної освіти та виховання, відбувається становлення духовного світу особистості. Драматизація на уроці дає учням можливість моделювання різних життєвих ситуацій, а також набути навичок подолання комунікативних проблем, уникнення конфліктних ситуацій та створення комфортного освітнього середовища. У процесі навчання англійської мови однією з основних проблем є засвоєння та збереження в пам’яті лексичного матеріалу. Робота розпочинається, як
  • 6. 7 правило, із семантизації, тобто розкриття значення нових лексичних одиниць. Від ефективності та цілеспрямованості цього етапу залежить уся подальша робота над лексикою, тому педагог має обрати найефективніший спосіб презентації нових слів відповідно до вікових особливостей дітей [8, c. 32]. Отже, застосування дидактичних ігор на уроках англійської мови має суттєвий вплив на формування навичок учіння, спонукає до пізнавальної активності, дає можливість пережити ситуацію успіху. Суттєвим чинником у розвитку ключових компетентностей учнів є компетентнісний підхід. Освоєння переваг компетентнісного підходу передбачає використання вчителем власних ідей, проектів, реалізації творчих задумів.
  • 7. 8 Unit 1. Hello Friends 1. Use the puppet of Smiling Sam and say “Hello, I am Smiling Sam”. Say “Hello, Sam” and encourage students to greet Sam. 2. Give students Flashcards with Smilephone and tell that they are Sam`s friends now. Children should draw themselves on the screen and show their drawing and presenthimself/herself. Hello!
  • 8. 9 3. Writing time! Give children sheets of paper with words Hello! Hi! and a paper hand. Say the task “Trace these words and then colour your paper hand and write a word Hello! or Hi!” Hello, I am ___
  • 9. 10 4. Hold up flashcards and tell your students they will be actors of the theatre today. Join the class into two teams. Group 1 plays the role of boys. Group 2 plays the role of girls. Explain that it is the end of the lesson and we say “Goodbye” to each other. 5. Also you can greet each pupil in different way. They point and say the way how they want to greet you or each other today and play this action. Hello! Goodbye! Goodbye!
  • 10. 11 6. Emotions. Give your students card with different emotions and clothespins. They may show how they are or hitch a picture with appropriative emotion. Unit 2. My school 1. Say the words (bag, pen, pencil, book, pencil case, chair, table) and get pupils to point to the corresponding objects. a bag a pen a pencil a book a pencil case a chair a table
  • 11. 12 2. Matching. Ask students to trace the line matching the picture with its name and say “It is a …” a bag a pencil case a book a pen a chair 3. Missing letter. Ask children to write a missing letter and read the word.
  • 12. 13 4. Complete the text. Write the word instead of picture. It is a …. . It is yellow. It is a …. . It is red. It is a ….. ……. . It is yellow. It is a ……. . It is blue. 5. Hold a pencil case in front of the class. Say “a bag”. Then, hold up a pencil and say “a pencil”. After that, hold up a glue, scissors, a crayon and say “a glue, scissors, a crayon”. Repeat the above procedure a few times and get pupils repeat after you. Finally, give them a colouring paper and explain that they should colout them. After pupils have coloured their pictures ask a few to come up and show pictures and say “It is a …” 6. Stick the flashcards on the board. Choose a student to come to the board. Ask the rest of the pupils to look at the pictures
  • 13. 14 carefully for a few seconds and tell them to close their eyes. The student at the board has to remove one of the pictures. After he/she has done it, the rest of the pupils open their eyes and try to guess which picture is missing by asking about the school object depicted on the missing card using the structure “Is it a …?”. The pupils answers, “Yes, it is” or “No, it is not”. 7. Use these puzzles to check how your pupils remember the names of school things. Encourage them to say such sentences “I have got a ….. . It is ….. (redgreenblueorangepink) 8. Reading time! Read the text about Ann`s school things and fill in the gaps. After that say what school things have you got in your bag? Do you like to go to school?
  • 14. 15 Hello! My name is Ann. I have got a bag. The bag is big and pink. Also I have two red pens, ten colourful pencils, four books, one green ruler and orange scissors in my bag. I like to go to school. 1) Ann has got a …. 2) The bag is …… and ……. 3) She has got two ….. pens. 4) Ann has got ….. colourful pencils. 5) She has got four …… 6) Ann has got one green ……. 7) Ann has got orange ….. 8) She likes to go to ….. 9. Do your pupils know all the words on theme “School things”? Check it using this worksheet. Pupils should circle or line the appropriative word.
  • 15. 16 Unit 3. Family and friends 1. Show pupils the screen of the smilephone and ask what they saw on the screen. Some of them can name family members. Use
  • 16. 17 flashcards (father, mother, brother, sister) to introduce the new vocabulary. Say each word and ask pupils to repeat after you. After that name one of the family member and ask some of pupils to point the member they hear. 2. Give your students word cards with missing letters. Write missing letters on the board and ask children to spell letters and complete the word cards with these letters. o, n, e, m, l, o, a, e, r
  • 17. 18 3. Ask students to trace the letters in each row to write the names of family members. Then draw a line to match each family member name to its picture. 4. Family tree. Propose children to make a Family tree. Give them patterns, scissors and glue. Ask pupils to cut the names of family members and paste.
  • 18. 19 5. Family members. Give your students card with different family members and clothespins. Then tell the names of the family members (It is a ….). Pupils may hitch a picture of the appropriative family member. 6. Baby shark craft! Doo doo doo doo do your pupils love Baby Shark? Yes, of course. Help your students cut the drawings and
  • 19. 20 act out the video “Baby shark” with this fun Play Set. Great for practicing family members. 7. Find the names of family members and circle them. 8. Cardboard tube family craft. This craft using cardboard tubes can be customized to be like your family, or you can use your
  • 20. 21 imagination and make an entirely different family! No matter what your cardboard tube family looks like, make sure to make it with lots of love. WHAT YOU’LL NEED:  cardboard tubes  scissors  yarn for hair  craft paint  paint brush  construction paper or patterned paper  googly eyes  glue stick  black marker  small buttons STEPS: With scissors, trim the cardboard tubes into different sizes – longer for the adults and shorter for the children. Paint the skin tone of your family on 1/3 of the tubes, and let it dry. For the shirt, line up a strip of coloured or patterned paper to the tube, and trim to size. With a glue stick, wrap and glue the paper into place.
  • 21. 22 You could also use craft paint for the shirt instead of paper, and paint on the tube. Decorate the shirt by glueing buttons, ribbon, beads or stickers. Glue the eyes in place, and draw a nose and mouth with a black marker. For the hair, wrap yarn around your hand. Cut a small length and tie the bundle together at the centre. Trim folded ends or leave folded for a curly hair look. Glue a few strands to the tube to hold into place. You can make the cardboard tubes to look like your family, or you can create a whole new family to play with!
  • 22. 23 Unit 4. My Pets 1. Use flashcards to introduce the new vocabulary. Say each word and ask pupils to repeat after you. Then say “It is a …” and if it is true students say “Yes, it is”, if it is false they say “No, it is not”. 2. Match the animal with its name
  • 23. 24 3. Read the word and trace. Then say “It is a …” 9. At the Zoo. Propose children to imagine that we are at the Zoo. Give them patterns, scissors and glue. Ask pupils to cut the names of animals and paste.
  • 24. 25 10. Puzzle. Do you know what animal is it? Ask pupils this question. Give children puzzle cards and tell to assemble the puzzle and they should say what animal they have. 11. Give your students card with different animals and clothespins. Then tell the names of the animals (It is a ….). Pupils may hitch a picture of the appropriative animal.
  • 25. 26 12. Craft 1. Say pupils that they are going to make a family dice. Explain to them how to cut out the dice by doing actions yourself. Then fold on the lines and ask your pupils to do the same. Come up to those pupils who need your help. Demonstrate what lines students should glue and construct your dice from the bottom connecting a picture. Let the dices to become dry and encourage students to demonstrate their dices and pointing to the animals and say “It is a …”
  • 26. 27 13. Practice farm animal vocabulary with this simple worksheet. Review the names of the animals and the sounds they make as you color them. Then, use a crayon or pencil to match the animals to their silhouettes. When you’re finished, ask students if they have ever been to a farm. What animals did they see? 14. Meet the animals on the farm! As you color the different animals, talk about what sounds they make. Listen to the names of farm animals and point to the animals as you hear them.
  • 27. 28 15. This worksheet makes a great listening exercise for the song “The Animals On The Farm .” Listen to the song once, then listen to it again and fill in the blanks. A word box is provided to assist students with spelling. For an extra challenge, have students fold over the top part of the sheet (with the word box) and try to write the words on their own. It may be helpful to pause the song between verses to allow students time to write the words. Check your work by listening to the song again. Follow up by singing the song together. For more advanced students who are familiar with the song, try having the students make up silly songs by inserting their own vocabulary!
  • 28. 29 16. Let`s play! How quickly can you find the names of the animals when letters in the word stand in the wrong order? Let`s check it! 17. To test children`s knowledge offer them to solve a crossword puzzle “Animals”.
  • 29. 30 Unit 5. My Toys 1. Present new vocabulary to pupils saying “This is a kite monster doll plane train car bike ball. Encourage pupils to repeat words several times, showing them toys. Then say “My favourite toy is …”. Ask students what are their favourite toys and help them to answer the question. Repeat this action several times for better remembering. a kite a monster a doll a plane a train a car a bike a ball
  • 30. 31 2. Read the sentences. Look at the pictures and guess what word is missing. Then fill in the missingwords. Tom has got four …. . Ann has got two….. . Dan has got five ……… . Sam has got six …….. . 3. Take two toyboxes. The first is for toys and the second is for school things. Then put different things ( a ruler, a book, a pen, a pencil, a ball, a doll, a car etc.) on the table and say your pupils to divide all things in two boxes. Encourage pupils to say, “Look! I have got a ….”
  • 31. 32 4. Give your students card with different toys and clothespins. Then tell the names of the toys (It is a ….). Pupils may hitch a picture of the appropriative toy. 5. Christmas is coming! What do you want for Christmas? Color and then cut out the toys on the right hand side. Paste them into the shelves. After, turn the paper over and have students draw a picture of their favorite toy and say, “My favourite toy is ….”
  • 32. 33 6. Everyone loves going to the toy store! Write the correct word under each toy. Follow up this worksheet by doing a toy store roleplay. Make a toy store with items from around the classroom and have students take turns shopping for presents for others. 7. Ho-ho-ho! Have you got a Christmas tree? No? Let`s decorate our school Christmas tree with colourful balls! Give pupils worksheets with Christmas tree and balls. Color and then cut out the balls. Paste them into the Christmas tree. While pupils drawing repeat the words “Santa” and “Christmas tree” several times pointing to them. Also you can practice colours.
  • 33. 34 8. Guess the toy and write its name. Ask students to trace the line matching the picture with its name and say “This is a …” l a b l __ball__ a r c ________ l o d l ________ k e i b ________ t a r e n ________ l p n a e ________ 9. Show the icon “Match” and raw pupil`s attention on the pictures. Ask them to trace the line matching two halves of their toys drawing a line between them. Ask a few students to come up with their pictures in front of the class, show their matching and say “This is a ….”
  • 34. 35 10. Find and circle each of the words from the list below. Words may appear horizontally, vertically or diagonally, but forwards only. Worksheet Answer key 11. Reading time! Read the text and fill in the gaps. I like to play with my friends. They have got many toys. Tom has got a red bike and many balloons. Kate has got a long skipping‑rope, a big ball and a kite. Mary has got a pretty doll and a drum. 1) Tom has got a red and many……... 2) Kate has got a long….. , a big……. and a …….. 3) Mary has got and a …….
  • 35. 36 Unit 6. My Food 1. Present new vocabulary to pupils saying “It is a sandwich pizza cake juice hot dog banana apple cheese chicken sausages. Encourage pupils to repeat words several times, showing them food. Then say “My favourite food is …”. Ask students what are their favourite foods and help them to answer the question. Repeat this action several times for better remembering. sandwich cake pizza sausages chicken juice banana apple cheese 2. Complete the words and say what is your favourite fruitfood.
  • 36. 37 3. Read, match and colour. 4. Give your students card with different fruits and vegetables and clothespins. Then ask your students what are their favourite fruits and vegetables (My favourite fruitvegetable is ….). Pupils may hitch a picture of the appropriative food.
  • 37. 38 5. If you want to check the knowledge of your students on theme “Vegetables” use this checklist. Pupils should circle the appropriative word. 6. Give your pupils worksheets and tell that they are going to listen to the conversation of animals. Read and point to each animal and its box with food according to the text. Then read the text again making pauses for pupils to repeat. After that join pupils into groups of four and ask a group of volunteers to come to the front of the class. Give cards with food to pupils. Read the text again and let pupils to act out the dialogue showing the flashcards they have. Text1. A monkey likes bananas Text2. A hamster likes carrots Text 3. A mouse likes cheese
  • 38. 39 Text 4. A dog likes sausages and sandwiches
  • 39. 40 Unit 7. Parts of the body 1. Practice parts of the body with “My Teddy Bear.” Do the worksheet together with your students, reading out each number and the parts of the body word. Write the number in the circle. For more advanced students, have them read the word and find the correct picture. Write the corresponding number in the circle. Pointing to the different body parts. 2. Use these parts of the body flashcards with the classic kids’ song, “Head Shoulders Knees & Toes.”
  • 40. 41 3. Make your own teddy bear with this simple worksheet. First trace the different parts of the body while discussing what they are. Next, color your bear! 4. This worksheet helps you to examine your student`s knowledge about parts of the body. Pupils should circle or line the appropriative word.
  • 41. 42 5. PARROT CRAFT WITH FOOT AND HAND CUT OUTS. THINGS YOU’LL NEED: colored construction paper – any color you like; pencil or marker; glue stick; large googly eyes; scissors. STEPS Pick the colors you would like your parrot to be! You can use any colors you like! Using the marker, trace one of your feet on one color paper, and trace your hand on two different colored sheets of paper. Your foot cut out will be the parrot’s body, and your hands will be the wings! Draw a beak for your bird! Try looking at pictures of parrots and see how different parrots have different colored beaks to pick what color to use! Cut it out and glue it into place on your parrot’s head. The heel of the foot cut out will be the head. Make sure to glue the beak on the baby toe side of the foot! Then glue one eye to finish the face.
  • 42. 43 Glue the wings onto the parrot’s body on the big toe side of the foot with the fingers pointing out. You can add extra hand cut outs to the tail or wings of your bird to make a larger bird, or a more colorful birds!
  • 43. 44 Reading lab b [b], d [d], g [g], k [k], o [o], e [e], i [ı], l [l] big ill kid bed egg bell dog doll ill bed dog big bell egg doll kid p [p], n [n], s [s], t [t] pen pond spend sit not spot desk leg end egg dog big doll ill bell bed kid spell r [r], h [h] red rest dress trip hill hen hop hot egg film get pond milk net sit not let pot end ill w [w] well wet west twig lip kiss still him trip hill dress hot hen hop red rest film leg spend kid -ey [ı] money key abbey monkey honey
  • 44. 45 f [f], m [m] sit not pot let top get milk film end leg bed spend pond desk doll bell dog pen kid leg ay, ai [eı]; ei [eı] day gay may pay paint they grey hey prey sley how now clown brown cow sound ground cloud shout count thin thick this with that This is a table. This is a plate. This is a pear. This is a chair. This is a Teddy bear. The table is brown. The plate is white. The pear is yellow. The chair is brown. The Teddy bear is black. The table is on the carpet, The plate is on the table. The pear is on the plate.
  • 45. 46 This is a pen. This is a book. This is a notebook. This is a bag. This is a desk. The pen is black. The book is grey. The notebook is pink. The bag is brown. The desk is green and yellow. The pen is on the desk. The book is on the desk, too. The notebook is near the book. The bag is in the desk. The desk is on the floor.
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  • 53. 54 Unit 2. My school
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  • 65. 66 Unit 3. Family and friends
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  • 99. 100
  • 100. 101 l a b l ________ a r c ________ l o d l ________ k e i b ________ t a r e n ________ l p n a e ________
  • 101. 102
  • 102. 103
  • 103. 104 Unit 6. My Food
  • 104. 105
  • 105. 106
  • 106. 107
  • 107. 108
  • 108. 109 Unit 7. Parts of the body
  • 109. 110
  • 110. 111
  • 111. 112
  • 112. 113 Використана література 1. Гунько С. Новий підхід до вивчення англійської мови на початковому етапі / С. Гунько // Поч. шк.: науково-метод. журн. – 2011. - № 8. – С. 32-34. 2. Савченко О. Початкова освіта в контексті ідей Нової української школи / О. Савченко // Рідна школа. – 2018. - № 1-2. – С.3-7. 3. 4. 5. Державний стандарт початкової загальної освіти [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http// 6. p