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1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
1. Camp Kaub -> Fun Freunde Ferien:
The Kamp Knaub website is a holiday
camp for children. There, the children
can have fun in nature, play and do
sports together, enjoy their free time
and discover lots of new things. It is an
unforgettable adventure where the
undiscovered talents can be explored
and the children have a great time. The
motto of the website and the camp is:
Fun Friends Holiday. Two years in a
row, the children and youth camp in
Kaub was chosen as the National Service Project (NSP) of Round Table Germany (2022, Niepold). In
this camp, participants have the opportunity to exercise, learn new disciplines and sharpen their
It starts with a very appealing picture on the homepage of children playing football in nature. In the
picture there is a text in the colours of nature, orange, brown and green. These colours are used
throughout the website, which makes the whole website more vivid and appealing as everything is
kept consistent. It’s very nice that they use the colours of nature appropriate to the topic of the holiday
camp, because it says the children can have fun everywhere, whether on water, on land or in the air
in the water. According to 'GoCampingplatz', the camp has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. There is a nice
slide where the latest and most current events and other important information can be viewed, for
example, the 5-year anniversary. The slide is followed by pictures that is made like a Instagram feed.
If you move the mouse over these pictures, you can read a description of them. This is followed by a
button that you can use to load more pictures. Which also makes the page more lively. This is followed
by a section in the colour brown, like the earth, in which a map is shown on where you can get an
overview of Camp Kaub. It is a very descriptive tool to roughly find your way around. You can also
download the map (pdf). Also there many other useful things, that you can download, for instance a
list of what you should bring with you, as well as a map how to find the way to the camp. Finally, you
will find a section where you can access the FAQ and contact information. In addition, you will find
links to the Facebook and Instagram account. Finally, the footer contains general information, such as
the imprint and information on data protection. There is also a button to support this non-profit
organisation through donations.
When scrolling through the page, you are followed by a menu bar on the right side of the page.
All in all, I really like the way the site is set up. It's easy to find your way around and you can use the
menu to quickly get to the information you need. It is written in simple language and is easy to
understand. I also find the site very nicely and attractively designed, as it is very colourful and includes
many pictures and various other elements. The page also has a fast loading speed, which also leaves
a good impression. A very positive aspect is that the site is responsive and can therefore be accessed
easily on all devices. One thing that stands out negatively is that the page has no favicon, which looks
a bit unprofessional when you see the tab. Also, one could see as a negative point that there is no
search function on the site. The authority score of this website is 30.
1 Camp Kaub Website
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
2. Die Brotpuristen:
The Bread Purists are a
company whose main feature is
good and fresh bread. They
have one location of their
bakery in Spreyer (Germany), as
well as 3 locations for their
'bread trucks'.
‘Only bread is baked in the
company, no rolls, nothing
sweet. Great quality, small
assortment.’ (Spangenberger,
The advertising promises are kept, because Wachtel GmbH, for example, says that the bread 'tastes
amazingly good, smells unbelievably fantastic and feels so good in the mouth and hands‘.
The website starts with a large picture of the Bread Purists team, with everyone wearing the working
t-shirt. This is followed by a menu through which you get a rough overview of the site's features. This
is very helpful to quickly find your way around the site. There is also a button next to the menu where
you can pre-order bread. This button is a bit confusing because you think you can order bread at home,
but this is not the case, you can only reserve bread in a branch. In the menu you will also find a creative
tool that allows you to access the website's media library. There you can find videos and content on
different seasons. There is also a so-called 'live bread update' where you can check which bread is
currently available. This is a very innovative tool that I have not seen very often. This is followed by a
carousel with pictures showing the process of making the fresh bread. Further down you will find a
text about breads and later again a carousel with photos of all the types of bread that are available.
The choice of different style elements of the website is not large. For the most part, the elements are
repetitive, with short text passages followed by a carousel of images. That is a bit monotonous.
Afterwards there is another very large picture showing the bakery. In my opinion, the picture is not
meaningful and takes up too much unnecessary space. Next, you can see the exact locations of the
branch, as well as the trucks with their opening hours. Finally, there is a line where you can subscribe
to the newsletter. This is kept very minimalistic. In the footer you will find icons that lead to the
Instagram and Facebook channel of the page, as well as the typical mandatory fields of the footer,
such as the imprint. There you will also find a recruiting campaign with which ‘they try to reach a
young target group on the internet and via social media.’ (Spangenberger, 2021).
In summary, the site doesn't offer much. You learn the most important things about bread, but the
site is not particularly attractive or creatively designed. It is very monotonous and has hardly any
colours, mainly the page is very clean and white, which almost leaves a dead impression.
The loading speed is very good, just as I think the favicon is very nice and fits the style of the website.
The authority score of this website is 37.
2 Die Brotpuristen Website
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
3. Grimm Heimat:
Grimm Heimat Nordhessen is a website about 'A journey through Grimm's homeland'. You are guided
through the different places and landscapes of the various stories of the Brothers Grimm. The website
is playful and elaborately designed. It is a lot of fun to scroll through the website. The tourism area
focuses on active, nature and cultural tourism (Weirauch, 2020).
On the left side of the web page there is a line on which an icon with a carriage accompanies the
scrolling process. The carriage icon fits very well with the flair of the page, as it is also fairytale-like.
The carriage accompanies you until the end of the scrolling process. The site itself describes the sites
as ‘A journey through the homeland of the Brothers Grimm is a journey into a land full of stories and
adventures. Ten stops take guests and locals into the Grimms' fairy-tale land and invite them to linger
and reflect.’. (Schulte, 2022). So you are accompanied through the ten stories of the Brothers Grimm.
For each fairy tale, you learn the location of the story, this is accompanied by a small text, as well as
some matching pictures. Quotations or videos are also inserted from time to time. It is all very varied
and makes you curious to learn more. After each section, there is an option to click on the carriage to
learn more about that topic. You will also see the possibility of booking a holiday in that place. There
is the possibility to book hotels there, as well as an image of the map with the location. ‘The gentle
low mountain landscape is characterised by its extensive forests, charming rivers and blue-shimmering
lakes, romantic extensive forests, charming rivers and blue-shimmering lakes, romantic castles and
palaces and its traditional half-timbered towns.’ (Weirauch, 2020). You can find a menu, which helps
you to find your way through the website fast. There is also a search bar. This makes it enormously
easier to find your way around. You can simply enter search terms and land on the desired position.
Right at the top of the page there is the option to book a holiday, as well as the option to view
upcoming events in this regard. In addition to the standard links, the footer contains the website's
social media channels. In the footer, you will also find a map of Germany, on which North Hesse is
marked, as an illustration. The footer is completely red, which matches the colour theme of the
3 Grimm Heimat Website
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
Basically, the colours of the website are white and red. This fits very well with the fairytale flair. A
feather is used as the favicon. This is very creative and symbolises the way of writing at that time when
stories were still written with pen and ink.
The whole mood conveyed by the website is very nostalgic. It takes you back to your childhood and
makes you want to spend a holiday in a hotel in a place like this and experience the action first hand.
The website also has a responsive design and works flawlessly on all devices. The loading time is also
very fast despite the many different media. Technically, the site makes a very good impression. The
page is available in German and Dutch. The authority score of this website is 67.
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
4. Kik:
4 Kik Website
This company sells all different kinds of items people use in their daily life but sets their focus mostly
on clothes which are not very expensive.
When first looking at the website at this time (October) the first page is covered in a Halloween theme.
The models are wearing costumes and all different kinds of Halloween decorations are sold. Scrolling
further, an autumn collection of clothes is being sold. The whole website has a very basic design and
has just a plain white background with black writing. The pictures presenting the clothes have only the
body of the models in it and not their faces which makes it look less personal and friendly.
At the top of the website the visitors have the chance to search for the articles they are looking for.
The menu consists of the categories “women”, “men”, “girls”, “boys”, “home” and a brochure. The
website is structured very clearly but nothing special.
Kik tries to better their image and go with the trends. It is famous for producing clothes in very bad
conditions and not paying their employees enough. It makes it very obvious when looking at the prices
of the different items. For example, they are selling Pullovers for ten Euros or Leggings for five Euros.
(Teevs, 2010)
As for the evaluation part, the people responsible for the design of the website were not very creative
and it looks like they did not put a lot of effort into the design. However, the website does its job and
the visitors can find everything they look for in a fast way. Kik got a score of 55 for the authority
checkup which is surprisingly good (Websiteseochecker, 2022).
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
5. KiezBett:
The company produces sustainable zero waste
beds made from wood.
The front page of the website welcomes the
visitor with product varieties in different
settings. All of them share the same colour
pallets and are mostly natural and nude colours.
Scrolling down, the first information about the
products pop up. The second picture on the next
page does not really fit the vibe the company is
trying to keep alive. There are two people sitting
in one of the beds and their heads are replaced
with animal heads. Scrolling further, there
comes another picture which is not really
aesthetically pleasing. There are just two tree
trunks laying in the forest.
The visitor has the chance to read a lot about the company itself but also go through a choosing
process where the person can specify their search answers. There is also the option to buy accessories
such as a night table or mattress covers. There is not much variety of different kinds of beds. The
options are between pending beds and some with storage space.
With every model there comes a detailed description about the measures, wood, designs and also the
sustainability. They advertise their products with all natural elements and no waste materials. For
every bed that has been sold, Kiezbett plants four new trees (Kramer, 2018).
In conclusion, Kiezbett is a company which tries to do good for our environment and produces all its
products in Germany. The website provides a good overview of the different models and varieties.
The design could be even more appealing if all the colours would match and the photos at the end of
the website were taken in a more professional manner. Kiezbett got “only” a 25 for the authority
score. That makes it even more clear that it is not the best website and should be improved
(Websiteseochecker, 2022).
5 KiezBett Website
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
6. Gymondo:
6 Gymondo Website
Gymondo is like an Online-Gym for beginners and advanced athletes.
When first looking at the website, there are 5 women in sports outfits who are smiling at the camera
and each other. With their colourful outfits, different shapes and different ethnicities they create a
very welcoming environment. On the next pages, there are different celebrities and their programs
listed. Every program has a specific goal, a scale how difficult it is to manage and length how long it
takes to accomplish that goal. It gives a very simple overview and many options to choose from. The
whole website makes a friendly first impression. But is there more to it than just its pretty package?
On the second page the visitor has the chance to choose the goal they came on the website for as well
as the difficulty they are most comfortable with. There is also the possibility to sort the results by
popularity or newness. Unfortunately, there is no search function so the visitor has to scroll through
all the results to find what they are looking for. When clicking on a program, there are exact
introductions for the workouts and what the content will be. Sometimes there is equipment required
but those are items like a chair which most people should have at home. If someone is not sure about
the investment there is the possibility to look at example workouts which are similar to the program.
There are different packages regarding costs and how long someone wants to use the website.
Normally, the costs for one month are 12,99 € but when doing a year contract the payment per month
decreases to 6,49 €. To try it out, the first month is free.
The descriptions for the different programs are long enough to be well-informed but also short enough
so interested people want to hear more about it. Some programs like Sophia Thiel´s “Bodysystem” not
only offer effective training but also how to eat healthier and how to get 100 % motivation. “”
had some people test one of the programs that went on for 6 weeks. On the first day for example it
was just a 15-minute workout and included challenge where the person has 60 seconds to do as many
repetitions of e.g. Squads as possible (n.A., 2020).
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
The website provides a good overview of the different programs and due to the bright and warm
colours it looks very friendly. Through the different shapes and ethnicities of the women on the first
page it also creates a welcoming environment for all women. But men should not be excluded. Some
programs can be done by any gender and that should be clear on the website as well. Also, the person
doing a program always has to weigh themselves instead of working with a measuring tape which
often makes more sense. Gymondo got a score of 50 at the authority check which is seen as an
acceptable score (Websiteseochecker, 2022)
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
7. Viita:
I want to discuss where you can buy luxury wearables that were founded by Martin
Konrad. As he suffered a muscle hardening because he trained too much, the Austrian couldn’t make
a career as a decathlete. In order to help other people, the athlete wanted to develop a device which
is able to measure the efficiency of the human body and that’s how he came up with the idea of his
product. The viita-watches have an Artificial Intelligence that measures how much a person drinks,
sleeps, rests, is active, etc. and notifies the user when he/she/they should for example have a glass of
water (viita, 2022). First, I want to have a closer look at the visual aspects. Clicking on the website, the
first thing you see on the homepage is the slogan „The health, soft- & hardware company“ which is
written in big letters so that it takes over the whole screen. When you scroll down a little bit, there
are three symbols: a heart, a watch and another one that is hard to identify. The design in general is
pretty simple, the writing is black with a grey background which makes it easy to read even when the
viewer is far away. Below the three symbols an overview of the history of the company is presented
in a grid which is simple and easy to understand. Underneath, there is a short summary of how the
company was developed. The chosen layout is not the best option as it is not left-aligned and there
are big gaps between some of the words. Underneath there is an animation of pictures which are
always changing. The next section is about all the products that are offered by viita. The visual aspects
change completely as everything is in colour now. Furthermore, there are a lot of animations, moving
letters and pictures which is the reason why the text is often hard to read and the viewer can get
distracted. Furthermore, one picture of a product takes over the whole page which can be
uncomfortable to look at. On the “about“-page there are many more pictures that feature Bugatti
because they have a collaboration. As they are spread all over the website and they are not positioned
in a specific order, the site seems a little chaotic. Summarising the visual aspects you can say that the
readability could have been improved by not choosing that many animations and such big lettering.
The structure of the viita-website is kept simple as there are only the three categories “home“,
“products“ and “about“. You can either visit them in this order by scrolling down the page or choose
a specific one from the menu which can be found on the top right. It also has to be mentioned that
7 Viita Website
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
there is no search function that can be used. Communication with the company is possible as an e-
mail address, a phone number and an address can be found at the bottom of the page. It would have
made it even easier for the customer if a field for writing a direct message would have been integrated.
You can consider a responsive website because access is possible with different
devices like tablet, laptop and mobile phone. One negative aspect is that the loading time is pretty
long. It takes time to get to the homepage but also if you choose something on the menu you have to
be patient. I will have a closer look at the content on the page now. There is not much written text but
you can find all the necessary information without having to read long articles. It is easy to understand
for everyone and well-written. But if a customer wants more specific information about a product, for
example how it works or how much it costs, he/she/they will not be able to find it on this site. If you
click on a product a new website is opened and you enter the page of one of the partners of viita, e.g.
Bugatti or Swarovski. There is a detailed report on every product and the display, sensor-technology,
etc. is explained. When discussing a website, the authority should also be checked.
has a domain rating of 32, trust flow of 14, and a citation flow of 20 (linkody, 2022). Ending the
discussion of this website I want to say that it is fine but there is room for improvement especially
taking the visual aspects into consideration. It might be really attractive for people who are searching
for luxury products and something that is different from mainstream watches.
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
8. Earthbar:
The next website-example is which is a C2B-site. It even won an award on, which is a competition forum where web-designers submit their work and in the end
a winner is chosen (wikipedia, 2022). But is the website really that good? This is the question I want
to discuss in the following. Herman-Scheer founded the company in 1971 that was a vitamin shop at
that time. New products have been developed, and now the brand offers a variety of food, for example
smoothies, acai bowls and supplements. The company states that their design was inspired by “a
highly curated experience, much like a modern art gallery“ (Gordon, 2022). When visiting their website
you notice that the presentation is kept quite simple. The background is white and the lettering is blag
which gives the page a modern look. Furthermore, it leads the focus toward the picture and content
rather than distracting visual elements. For catching slogans and headlines a bigger writing is used and
the explanation is written in smaller letters. This makes the experience easy for the viewer as
he/she/they can filter the information and quickly find what they are looking for. There are also many
pictures of the products in high quality. The vitamins and food are presented in front of a white or
minimalistic background. This is attractive for the customer as some colour is brought on the website
but it is not too chaotic. Overall, the design is consistent throughout the whole page. The navigation
is well structured. On the menu you can choose the options “shop“, “about us“, “careers“, “locations“
and “order ahead“. In the online shop it is possible to either view all products, shop by category or
apply filters. Then the pictures with the name of the products appear and by clicking on them the
customer will get a closer description of it. The content of this explanation is very detailed and
structured as it answers the three questions: What it does, what’s inside and how it fits with the earth
bar standard. This means the content is well-researched and transparent which lets the website seem
trustworthy from the visitors point of view. Clicking on the career button you come to a search
function where you can choose the type of job, country, etc. and get to the job that suits your
individual search. Applying is also very easy because there is a button which leads you to the job
description and the apply function. Taking again a look at the content it has to be mentioned that the
job description is also well summarised, the key competences are mentioned and there is an overview
8 Earthbar Website
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
of the responsibilities an applicant will have. Like this the visitor knows what to expect in a job and
will not be disappointed or shocked in the end. There is also the option to sign in in the talent
community and receive job updates via email. As mentioned before, in the menu you can also click on
location. On the left of the display you will find the shops listed with pictures and on the right there is
a map where you can even choose the card or satellite presentation. Moreover, there is a search
function as well. Like this the customer will not have a problem finding the nearest location or a
specific shop the consumer is looking for. As the results have shown, the navigation on
is uncomplicated which leads to a great shopping experience. On the bottom the instagram- and
facebook sites are linked which is always a good feature on a website. Furthermore, it is responsive
because you can access it with all your devices without having complications or a less unattractive
layout. I will now have a closer look at the authority. The domain rating is 38, there are 3,400 backlinks
and 546 linking websites. In Conclusion, I can say that this is an attractive website for consumers
because the layout and colours are appealing and everything is well-structured with good content and
explanations (earthbar, 2022).
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
9. Yale School of Arts:
A not so good example is the website of the Yale school of Arts. It is a part of the Yale University where
undergraduates can follow a Master programme in Graphic Design, Photography, Sculpture and
Painting/ Printmaking. The concept of the Internet page is quite interesting because every student is
allowed access to it and is allowed to add information, change the design, etc (Pruitt, 2022). On the
Internet it is discussed on forums like reddit (reddit, 2022) and often mentioned as one of the worst
websites (Digital, 2022). But is everybody exaggerating, or does it really have to be improved? In order
to answer this question, I will first have a closer look on the design and visual appearance. When
landing on the home page, the design is a little bit overwhelming. There are many small boxes with
text written on them that are placed all over the screen in no specific order. A variety of type sizes has
been used and the fields come in numerous colours which are really bright. Not only the boxes but
also the background is colourful, that’s why the viewer has a hard time processing all the visual
elements and focussing on the information. Furthermore, the background is moving. There is the
option to pause the animations but when clicking on the website they are on. Sometimes unserious
memes like a cat as a cashier are shown which makes the website seem less professional. I want to
move on with the content. On the homepage you can read a short description of what the Yale Arts
University is, and the wiki-concept of the website is explained. The most important information is
often printed in bold. This makes it easier to understand the key messages. In the category “about the
school“ everything you need to know about the Master Of Fine Arts Degree which is the only one they
offer, is explained in detail. Visitors to the page can also read about the school itself, guest lecturers
and exhibitions. All the necessary information is provided and well-written. If you click on “Apply to
the school“ you get to a page where you can not only fill out an application but also get to know more
about for example housing, courses, tuition or fees. This might be attractive for future students
because they don’t have to do much research this way. There are also extra pages about exhibitions,
publications, news, and public events. The navigation through those is a little bit complicated. You
have to click a link on the bottom of the website which leads you to a sitemap. It is a long version of
the menu with 63 different links. There are so many that you can easily be confused and don’t have a
9 Yale School of Arts Website
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
clear overview anymore. Facebook and Instagram are linked at the bottom of the page which makes
it easy to find Yale’s social media sites. You can also find them when clicking on contact. Under this
section is also a variety of email addresses for different matters. It is good that you have a person you
can write to no matter what the issue is but there are so many to choose from that it can get confusing.
The address of the school is not at the bottom of the page as most people would assume, it’s at the
top which might seem odd. In general, the website is pretty text-heavy, and the individual pages are
quite long. A few more pictures and shorter comments would be more suitable. Checking the
authority, you get 91 as a result for the Domain Rating, 34,000 backlinks and 3,400 linking websites
(ahrefs, 2022). Summarising, you can say that there is room for improvement, especially regarding
appearance. There should be more consistency and less distracting backgrounds and colour. After all,
it suits the university because it is designed in an artistic way. One suggestion would be that you
incorporate the Yale-logo in order to create a connection.
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
10. Raiffeisen:
Raiffeisen is a website of an
Austrian bank. When accessing
the website, you get a clear
overview of everything the bank
offers. In the top left corner you
see the logo, which is made
from the colours black and
yellow. Centred at the top of
the page is a searching bar,
which allows the user to find
desired web pages more easily.
On the right side at the very top
there is an icon which allows the
user to log into their account in order to access private data. There are different index tabs, which
open up a menu when hovering over them. It includes “private customers”, “business customers”,
“online banking”, “real estate”, “my bank” and one tab called “we make it possible”, which gives
insight about motivations and morals of Raiffeisen. Every tab is very structured and desired topics are
easy to find. When scrolling to the very bottom of the page, you can find buttons which lead to web
pages like the imprint, disclaimers, data protection, cookies or conditions. Slightly above those, there
is a field with the email address in case of questions arising, as well as a button which leads to a contact
form on the website. There is nothing which I am missing on the website, everything is highly
accessible and easy to understand.
Directly when opening the website, a window pops open asking about the cookie preferences. It is
very easy to deal with, since the buttons are clearly visible, and everything is very structured. The
index tabs show multiple sub tabs when hovering over them, which is a very positive aspect. Another
plus is the search function on the website: Not only does it show the most searched for key points
when clicking on it, but it also allows the user to see the most relevant searches as you type your word
in it.
Raiffeisen scores a domain authority of 53, so it falls into the category of a good domain authority
score. (, 2022) That means that it automatically gets shown as a higher result
on the search engine results pages, since domain authority is one of the most, if not the most,
important factor when doing SEO (search engine optimization). (Growth Marketing Genie, n.d.) It is
linked to over fourteen thousand root domains and connected to 192 keywords. (SEOMoz Inc., 2022)
Personally, the website of Raiffeisen seems very attractive. They made sure to use their signature
colour yellow in every aspect: Buttons are yellow, headers have a yellow underline and advertising
pictures on the website all have certain yellow highlights in them. All in all, it is very pleasing to the
eye to see everything being connected to each other. Furthermore, it is kept simple and structured,
so it does not overwhelm the user.
10 Raiffeisen Website
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
11. Klettercenter:
This website belongs to a
climbing hall in Austria. On the
homepage there is
information about opening
times, latest news, a short
description of the facility and
a slideshow with pictures of
the inside. At the top there
are multiple index tabs that
give insight on offers from the
climbing business, a gallery
with pictures, a site with
downloads and links, contact
and a few other tabs. It is
noticeable however, that there is not a clear order to some tabs. The link tab is different topics and
documents mixed together and there is no structure in it. Also, there are a few things missing that
would help make a well-rounded website. For example, a search function on the website would make
it easier for the user to navigate. Things like data protection information and cookie information is
missing too from a professional website.
First, the website gives off a good impression regarding the functionality. The buttons on the top are
all clickable and lead to the connected webpage. After further observing however, a few points are
noticeable. For example, on the home page there are different fields with content. Even though they
look like clickable surfaces, most of them are just info fields and are not connected to a web page with
more content. The one at the bottom left is connected to another page, but you can only click on the
little red writing at the bottom right saying “> mehr Information”. The field right next to it is connected
to another page, but when opening it, it says “Not Found” and that the url is not available. The same
goes for the contact field at the bottom of the page. Furthermore, the website is not secure. That
means that visitors should refrain from sharing sensitive information with or on the website, since it
has no encrypted and authenticated connection.
This website scored a 19 in the website authority check. This is considered a poor score and will result
in the website not being shown as one of the first few results of a search engine. It is also connected
to zero other domains. (SmallSEOTools, n.d.)
When first looking at the website it looks very disorganised and messy. There are a lot of aspects which
could use improving: The colours are not matching and look randomly put together. The main area of
content is small and not stretched onto the whole screen. Instead, there is a lot of background area.
The website creator chose a grey background with the name of the climbing hall written down on it
many times. It is not easy to read however, since half of the text is mirrored.
11 Klettercenter Website
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
12. Jandrisits:
12 Jandrisits Website
This website, belonging to a locksmith, is clearly not very elaborate. It only has three buttons at the
very top to choose from. First, you might think that there will be sub tabs opening up when hovering
over the buttons, but that is not the case. The website only offers a home page, a web page with a
contact form and one page with the location of the business on a map as well as the address in text
form. There is a lot of content missing in my opinion, such as a description of the company, prices and
offers, opening hours, maybe a search function, imprint, data protection information, cookie
information and other elements.
It is easy to navigate on this website since there are only three different pages to choose from. On the
home page there is a slideshow with pictures, and it is very disappointing for the user to not be able
to click through the pictures at one’s own speed. When missing one picture you would have to wait
until the whole slideshow is over which is not very user-friendly. On the other hand, the contact form
is nicely made and very easy to handle. The last tab is also well-made: It has a map with the location
of the business, which makes it easy for the user to find it.
This website got an authority score of 2, which is nearly the worst score. It is also connected to zero
other linked domains. This means that search engines like Google or Yahoo automatically put the
website lower down as a result. (SmallSEOTools, n.d.)
This website is visually not very attractive. On the one hand it is not overwhelming by an overly use of
too many colours. On the other hand, it looks quite boring. Every background of every area, as well as
the pictures are very grey. Only some writings add a bit of colour to the website. The font used on the
title is a matter of taste. Some might say it looks corny and unprofessional, while others think it fits
the theme of the website belonging to a locksmith. All in all, it definitely could use some upscaling and
improving of multiple aspects.
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
13. Conclusion
Summarising everything that has been stated, it is safe to say that no website we evaluated was
perfect, but some of them were really good compared to others. There were huge differences
concerning layout, text, functionality, etc. These aspects are important for companies because the
websites influence how the organisation is perceived by the customers. If a business wants to be taken
seriously, a good structure and appealing visuals are essential. A company is represented on its
website and should make a very good impression at first sight. The customers decide in the first few
seconds when visiting a website, if they like it and want to continue fulfilling the purpose they had in
the first place. Therefore, it is going to be extremely rewarding to give it a lot of effort and make it as
easy as possible for the customer to find what they are searching for.
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
14. Reflexion
While doing this task we learned how to evaluate websites and what criteria you can use.
Furthermore, our research showed that even the websites of big and famous organisations are not
always good, e.g. the one of the Yale School of Arts. This created a certain awareness that we should
question every website and not assume that it is good only because it is the one of a big company.
This task also helped us all to learn a lot for the making of our own websites. It gave us an insight on
what is important for the users and what is the first thing one might notice. Furthermore, we found
out what to avoid and what might not be a good idea to add to our website. We definitely gained more
knowledge about different topics, such as website authority, security and website design. It will be a
big advantage in the website creation assignment.
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
15. References
- Growth Marketing Genie. (n.d.). What is Website Authority, and How Can You Make Yours
Higher? Retrieved from growthmarketinggenie:
- SEOMoz Inc. (2022). Free Domain Authority Checker. Retrieved from moz:
- SmallSEOTools. (n.d.). Domain Authority Checker. Retrieved from SmallSEOTools:
- (2022). Domain Authority Checker - DA checker - Check domain
authority. Retrieved from
- Kramer, F. (2018, December 11). Pepper Mynta. Retrieved from Kiezbett - Ein nachhaltiges
zero waste Bett aus Massivholz:
- n.A. (25. November 2020). jolie. Retrieved from Gymondo: Wir haben das Online-Fittnesstudio
- Teevs, C. (2010, April 07). Spiegel. Retrieved from Kik-Beschäftigte klagen über katastrophale
- Niepold, R. (2022). Kinder- und Jungendcamp Kaub. Retrieved from:
- Wachtel (2022). Die Brotpuristen in Spreyer. Retrieved from:
- Spangenberger, U. (2021, June 03). Die Bäcker ohne Lust auf Nachtarbeit, Retrieved
- Schulte, U. (2022). Eine Reise durch die Heimat der Brüder Grimm. Retrieved from:
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
- Weirauch, D. (2020, August 11). Sieben Gründe, warum die GrimmHeimat NordHessen
sehenswert ist (Seven reasons why the GrimmHeimat NordHessen is worth a visit). Retrieved
- ahrefs. (2022, december 13). Website “Authority” Checker. Retrieved from ahrefs:
- Digital, T. (2022, december 13). Bad Websites – The 40 Worst Websites on the Web. Retrieved
from Thomas Digital:
- earthbar. (2022, december 13). Be more than well. Retrieved from earthbar:
- Gordon, C. (2022, march 16). Earthbar's Modern Aesthetic Is As Refreshing As Possible.
Retrieved from dieline:
- linkody. (2022, december 13). Website Rating Report - Retrieved from
- Pruitt, M. (2022, december 13). A Recommended Redesign of the Yale School of Art Website.
Retrieved from Maggie Pruitt:
- reddit. (2022, december 13). This is Yale's Art School Website. Yes that Yale. Retrieved from
- viita. (2022, december 13). VIITA WATCHES SMARTWATCHES. Retrieved from viita:
- wikipedia. (2022, december 13). Awwwards. Retrieved from wikipedia:
- Websiteseochecker. (2022). Retrieved from Domain Authority Checker - DA checker - Check
domain authority:
- Websiteseochecker. (2022). Retrieved from Domain Authority Checker - DA checker - Check
domain authority:
- Websiteseochecker. (2022). Retrieved from Domain Authority Checker - DA checker - Check
domain authority:
1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites
16. Table of Figures
1 Camp Kaub Website.............................................................................................................................1
2 Die Brotpuristen Website ....................................................................................................................2
3 Grimm Heimat Website .......................................................................................................................3
4 Kik Website ..........................................................................................................................................5
5 KiezBett Website..................................................................................................................................6
6 Gymondo Website ...............................................................................................................................7
7 Viita Website........................................................................................................................................9
8 Earthbar Website...............................................................................................................................11
9 Yale School of Arts Website ...............................................................................................................13
10 Raiffeisen Website ...........................................................................................................................15
11 Klettercenter Website......................................................................................................................16
12 Jandrisits Website............................................................................................................................17

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  • 1. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 1 1. Camp Kaub -> Fun Freunde Ferien: The Kamp Knaub website is a holiday camp for children. There, the children can have fun in nature, play and do sports together, enjoy their free time and discover lots of new things. It is an unforgettable adventure where the undiscovered talents can be explored and the children have a great time. The motto of the website and the camp is: Fun Friends Holiday. Two years in a row, the children and youth camp in Kaub was chosen as the National Service Project (NSP) of Round Table Germany (2022, Niepold). In this camp, participants have the opportunity to exercise, learn new disciplines and sharpen their senses. It starts with a very appealing picture on the homepage of children playing football in nature. In the picture there is a text in the colours of nature, orange, brown and green. These colours are used throughout the website, which makes the whole website more vivid and appealing as everything is kept consistent. It’s very nice that they use the colours of nature appropriate to the topic of the holiday camp, because it says the children can have fun everywhere, whether on water, on land or in the air in the water. According to 'GoCampingplatz', the camp has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. There is a nice slide where the latest and most current events and other important information can be viewed, for example, the 5-year anniversary. The slide is followed by pictures that is made like a Instagram feed. If you move the mouse over these pictures, you can read a description of them. This is followed by a button that you can use to load more pictures. Which also makes the page more lively. This is followed by a section in the colour brown, like the earth, in which a map is shown on where you can get an overview of Camp Kaub. It is a very descriptive tool to roughly find your way around. You can also download the map (pdf). Also there many other useful things, that you can download, for instance a list of what you should bring with you, as well as a map how to find the way to the camp. Finally, you will find a section where you can access the FAQ and contact information. In addition, you will find links to the Facebook and Instagram account. Finally, the footer contains general information, such as the imprint and information on data protection. There is also a button to support this non-profit organisation through donations. When scrolling through the page, you are followed by a menu bar on the right side of the page. All in all, I really like the way the site is set up. It's easy to find your way around and you can use the menu to quickly get to the information you need. It is written in simple language and is easy to understand. I also find the site very nicely and attractively designed, as it is very colourful and includes many pictures and various other elements. The page also has a fast loading speed, which also leaves a good impression. A very positive aspect is that the site is responsive and can therefore be accessed easily on all devices. One thing that stands out negatively is that the page has no favicon, which looks a bit unprofessional when you see the tab. Also, one could see as a negative point that there is no search function on the site. The authority score of this website is 30. 1 Camp Kaub Website
  • 2. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 2 2. Die Brotpuristen: The Bread Purists are a company whose main feature is good and fresh bread. They have one location of their bakery in Spreyer (Germany), as well as 3 locations for their 'bread trucks'. ‘Only bread is baked in the company, no rolls, nothing sweet. Great quality, small assortment.’ (Spangenberger, 2021). The advertising promises are kept, because Wachtel GmbH, for example, says that the bread 'tastes amazingly good, smells unbelievably fantastic and feels so good in the mouth and hands‘. The website starts with a large picture of the Bread Purists team, with everyone wearing the working t-shirt. This is followed by a menu through which you get a rough overview of the site's features. This is very helpful to quickly find your way around the site. There is also a button next to the menu where you can pre-order bread. This button is a bit confusing because you think you can order bread at home, but this is not the case, you can only reserve bread in a branch. In the menu you will also find a creative tool that allows you to access the website's media library. There you can find videos and content on different seasons. There is also a so-called 'live bread update' where you can check which bread is currently available. This is a very innovative tool that I have not seen very often. This is followed by a carousel with pictures showing the process of making the fresh bread. Further down you will find a text about breads and later again a carousel with photos of all the types of bread that are available. The choice of different style elements of the website is not large. For the most part, the elements are repetitive, with short text passages followed by a carousel of images. That is a bit monotonous. Afterwards there is another very large picture showing the bakery. In my opinion, the picture is not meaningful and takes up too much unnecessary space. Next, you can see the exact locations of the branch, as well as the trucks with their opening hours. Finally, there is a line where you can subscribe to the newsletter. This is kept very minimalistic. In the footer you will find icons that lead to the Instagram and Facebook channel of the page, as well as the typical mandatory fields of the footer, such as the imprint. There you will also find a recruiting campaign with which ‘they try to reach a young target group on the internet and via social media.’ (Spangenberger, 2021). In summary, the site doesn't offer much. You learn the most important things about bread, but the site is not particularly attractive or creatively designed. It is very monotonous and has hardly any colours, mainly the page is very clean and white, which almost leaves a dead impression. The loading speed is very good, just as I think the favicon is very nice and fits the style of the website. The authority score of this website is 37. 2 Die Brotpuristen Website
  • 3. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 3 3. Grimm Heimat: Grimm Heimat Nordhessen is a website about 'A journey through Grimm's homeland'. You are guided through the different places and landscapes of the various stories of the Brothers Grimm. The website is playful and elaborately designed. It is a lot of fun to scroll through the website. The tourism area focuses on active, nature and cultural tourism (Weirauch, 2020). On the left side of the web page there is a line on which an icon with a carriage accompanies the scrolling process. The carriage icon fits very well with the flair of the page, as it is also fairytale-like. The carriage accompanies you until the end of the scrolling process. The site itself describes the sites as ‘A journey through the homeland of the Brothers Grimm is a journey into a land full of stories and adventures. Ten stops take guests and locals into the Grimms' fairy-tale land and invite them to linger and reflect.’. (Schulte, 2022). So you are accompanied through the ten stories of the Brothers Grimm. For each fairy tale, you learn the location of the story, this is accompanied by a small text, as well as some matching pictures. Quotations or videos are also inserted from time to time. It is all very varied and makes you curious to learn more. After each section, there is an option to click on the carriage to learn more about that topic. You will also see the possibility of booking a holiday in that place. There is the possibility to book hotels there, as well as an image of the map with the location. ‘The gentle low mountain landscape is characterised by its extensive forests, charming rivers and blue-shimmering lakes, romantic extensive forests, charming rivers and blue-shimmering lakes, romantic castles and palaces and its traditional half-timbered towns.’ (Weirauch, 2020). You can find a menu, which helps you to find your way through the website fast. There is also a search bar. This makes it enormously easier to find your way around. You can simply enter search terms and land on the desired position. Right at the top of the page there is the option to book a holiday, as well as the option to view upcoming events in this regard. In addition to the standard links, the footer contains the website's social media channels. In the footer, you will also find a map of Germany, on which North Hesse is marked, as an illustration. The footer is completely red, which matches the colour theme of the website. 3 Grimm Heimat Website
  • 4. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 4 Basically, the colours of the website are white and red. This fits very well with the fairytale flair. A feather is used as the favicon. This is very creative and symbolises the way of writing at that time when stories were still written with pen and ink. The whole mood conveyed by the website is very nostalgic. It takes you back to your childhood and makes you want to spend a holiday in a hotel in a place like this and experience the action first hand. The website also has a responsive design and works flawlessly on all devices. The loading time is also very fast despite the many different media. Technically, the site makes a very good impression. The page is available in German and Dutch. The authority score of this website is 67.
  • 5. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 5 4. Kik: 4 Kik Website This company sells all different kinds of items people use in their daily life but sets their focus mostly on clothes which are not very expensive. When first looking at the website at this time (October) the first page is covered in a Halloween theme. The models are wearing costumes and all different kinds of Halloween decorations are sold. Scrolling further, an autumn collection of clothes is being sold. The whole website has a very basic design and has just a plain white background with black writing. The pictures presenting the clothes have only the body of the models in it and not their faces which makes it look less personal and friendly. At the top of the website the visitors have the chance to search for the articles they are looking for. The menu consists of the categories “women”, “men”, “girls”, “boys”, “home” and a brochure. The website is structured very clearly but nothing special. Kik tries to better their image and go with the trends. It is famous for producing clothes in very bad conditions and not paying their employees enough. It makes it very obvious when looking at the prices of the different items. For example, they are selling Pullovers for ten Euros or Leggings for five Euros. (Teevs, 2010) As for the evaluation part, the people responsible for the design of the website were not very creative and it looks like they did not put a lot of effort into the design. However, the website does its job and the visitors can find everything they look for in a fast way. Kik got a score of 55 for the authority checkup which is surprisingly good (Websiteseochecker, 2022).
  • 6. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 6 5. KiezBett: The company produces sustainable zero waste beds made from wood. The front page of the website welcomes the visitor with product varieties in different settings. All of them share the same colour pallets and are mostly natural and nude colours. Scrolling down, the first information about the products pop up. The second picture on the next page does not really fit the vibe the company is trying to keep alive. There are two people sitting in one of the beds and their heads are replaced with animal heads. Scrolling further, there comes another picture which is not really aesthetically pleasing. There are just two tree trunks laying in the forest. The visitor has the chance to read a lot about the company itself but also go through a choosing process where the person can specify their search answers. There is also the option to buy accessories such as a night table or mattress covers. There is not much variety of different kinds of beds. The options are between pending beds and some with storage space. With every model there comes a detailed description about the measures, wood, designs and also the sustainability. They advertise their products with all natural elements and no waste materials. For every bed that has been sold, Kiezbett plants four new trees (Kramer, 2018). In conclusion, Kiezbett is a company which tries to do good for our environment and produces all its products in Germany. The website provides a good overview of the different models and varieties. The design could be even more appealing if all the colours would match and the photos at the end of the website were taken in a more professional manner. Kiezbett got “only” a 25 for the authority score. That makes it even more clear that it is not the best website and should be improved (Websiteseochecker, 2022). 5 KiezBett Website
  • 7. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 7 6. Gymondo: 6 Gymondo Website Gymondo is like an Online-Gym for beginners and advanced athletes. When first looking at the website, there are 5 women in sports outfits who are smiling at the camera and each other. With their colourful outfits, different shapes and different ethnicities they create a very welcoming environment. On the next pages, there are different celebrities and their programs listed. Every program has a specific goal, a scale how difficult it is to manage and length how long it takes to accomplish that goal. It gives a very simple overview and many options to choose from. The whole website makes a friendly first impression. But is there more to it than just its pretty package? On the second page the visitor has the chance to choose the goal they came on the website for as well as the difficulty they are most comfortable with. There is also the possibility to sort the results by popularity or newness. Unfortunately, there is no search function so the visitor has to scroll through all the results to find what they are looking for. When clicking on a program, there are exact introductions for the workouts and what the content will be. Sometimes there is equipment required but those are items like a chair which most people should have at home. If someone is not sure about the investment there is the possibility to look at example workouts which are similar to the program. There are different packages regarding costs and how long someone wants to use the website. Normally, the costs for one month are 12,99 € but when doing a year contract the payment per month decreases to 6,49 €. To try it out, the first month is free. The descriptions for the different programs are long enough to be well-informed but also short enough so interested people want to hear more about it. Some programs like Sophia Thiel´s “Bodysystem” not only offer effective training but also how to eat healthier and how to get 100 % motivation. “” had some people test one of the programs that went on for 6 weeks. On the first day for example it was just a 15-minute workout and included challenge where the person has 60 seconds to do as many repetitions of e.g. Squads as possible (n.A., 2020).
  • 8. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 8 The website provides a good overview of the different programs and due to the bright and warm colours it looks very friendly. Through the different shapes and ethnicities of the women on the first page it also creates a welcoming environment for all women. But men should not be excluded. Some programs can be done by any gender and that should be clear on the website as well. Also, the person doing a program always has to weigh themselves instead of working with a measuring tape which often makes more sense. Gymondo got a score of 50 at the authority check which is seen as an acceptable score (Websiteseochecker, 2022)
  • 9. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 9 7. Viita: I want to discuss where you can buy luxury wearables that were founded by Martin Konrad. As he suffered a muscle hardening because he trained too much, the Austrian couldn’t make a career as a decathlete. In order to help other people, the athlete wanted to develop a device which is able to measure the efficiency of the human body and that’s how he came up with the idea of his product. The viita-watches have an Artificial Intelligence that measures how much a person drinks, sleeps, rests, is active, etc. and notifies the user when he/she/they should for example have a glass of water (viita, 2022). First, I want to have a closer look at the visual aspects. Clicking on the website, the first thing you see on the homepage is the slogan „The health, soft- & hardware company“ which is written in big letters so that it takes over the whole screen. When you scroll down a little bit, there are three symbols: a heart, a watch and another one that is hard to identify. The design in general is pretty simple, the writing is black with a grey background which makes it easy to read even when the viewer is far away. Below the three symbols an overview of the history of the company is presented in a grid which is simple and easy to understand. Underneath, there is a short summary of how the company was developed. The chosen layout is not the best option as it is not left-aligned and there are big gaps between some of the words. Underneath there is an animation of pictures which are always changing. The next section is about all the products that are offered by viita. The visual aspects change completely as everything is in colour now. Furthermore, there are a lot of animations, moving letters and pictures which is the reason why the text is often hard to read and the viewer can get distracted. Furthermore, one picture of a product takes over the whole page which can be uncomfortable to look at. On the “about“-page there are many more pictures that feature Bugatti because they have a collaboration. As they are spread all over the website and they are not positioned in a specific order, the site seems a little chaotic. Summarising the visual aspects you can say that the readability could have been improved by not choosing that many animations and such big lettering. The structure of the viita-website is kept simple as there are only the three categories “home“, “products“ and “about“. You can either visit them in this order by scrolling down the page or choose a specific one from the menu which can be found on the top right. It also has to be mentioned that 7 Viita Website
  • 10. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 10 there is no search function that can be used. Communication with the company is possible as an e- mail address, a phone number and an address can be found at the bottom of the page. It would have made it even easier for the customer if a field for writing a direct message would have been integrated. You can consider a responsive website because access is possible with different devices like tablet, laptop and mobile phone. One negative aspect is that the loading time is pretty long. It takes time to get to the homepage but also if you choose something on the menu you have to be patient. I will have a closer look at the content on the page now. There is not much written text but you can find all the necessary information without having to read long articles. It is easy to understand for everyone and well-written. But if a customer wants more specific information about a product, for example how it works or how much it costs, he/she/they will not be able to find it on this site. If you click on a product a new website is opened and you enter the page of one of the partners of viita, e.g. Bugatti or Swarovski. There is a detailed report on every product and the display, sensor-technology, etc. is explained. When discussing a website, the authority should also be checked. has a domain rating of 32, trust flow of 14, and a citation flow of 20 (linkody, 2022). Ending the discussion of this website I want to say that it is fine but there is room for improvement especially taking the visual aspects into consideration. It might be really attractive for people who are searching for luxury products and something that is different from mainstream watches.
  • 11. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 11 8. Earthbar: The next website-example is which is a C2B-site. It even won an award on, which is a competition forum where web-designers submit their work and in the end a winner is chosen (wikipedia, 2022). But is the website really that good? This is the question I want to discuss in the following. Herman-Scheer founded the company in 1971 that was a vitamin shop at that time. New products have been developed, and now the brand offers a variety of food, for example smoothies, acai bowls and supplements. The company states that their design was inspired by “a highly curated experience, much like a modern art gallery“ (Gordon, 2022). When visiting their website you notice that the presentation is kept quite simple. The background is white and the lettering is blag which gives the page a modern look. Furthermore, it leads the focus toward the picture and content rather than distracting visual elements. For catching slogans and headlines a bigger writing is used and the explanation is written in smaller letters. This makes the experience easy for the viewer as he/she/they can filter the information and quickly find what they are looking for. There are also many pictures of the products in high quality. The vitamins and food are presented in front of a white or minimalistic background. This is attractive for the customer as some colour is brought on the website but it is not too chaotic. Overall, the design is consistent throughout the whole page. The navigation is well structured. On the menu you can choose the options “shop“, “about us“, “careers“, “locations“ and “order ahead“. In the online shop it is possible to either view all products, shop by category or apply filters. Then the pictures with the name of the products appear and by clicking on them the customer will get a closer description of it. The content of this explanation is very detailed and structured as it answers the three questions: What it does, what’s inside and how it fits with the earth bar standard. This means the content is well-researched and transparent which lets the website seem trustworthy from the visitors point of view. Clicking on the career button you come to a search function where you can choose the type of job, country, etc. and get to the job that suits your individual search. Applying is also very easy because there is a button which leads you to the job description and the apply function. Taking again a look at the content it has to be mentioned that the job description is also well summarised, the key competences are mentioned and there is an overview 8 Earthbar Website
  • 12. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 12 of the responsibilities an applicant will have. Like this the visitor knows what to expect in a job and will not be disappointed or shocked in the end. There is also the option to sign in in the talent community and receive job updates via email. As mentioned before, in the menu you can also click on location. On the left of the display you will find the shops listed with pictures and on the right there is a map where you can even choose the card or satellite presentation. Moreover, there is a search function as well. Like this the customer will not have a problem finding the nearest location or a specific shop the consumer is looking for. As the results have shown, the navigation on is uncomplicated which leads to a great shopping experience. On the bottom the instagram- and facebook sites are linked which is always a good feature on a website. Furthermore, it is responsive because you can access it with all your devices without having complications or a less unattractive layout. I will now have a closer look at the authority. The domain rating is 38, there are 3,400 backlinks and 546 linking websites. In Conclusion, I can say that this is an attractive website for consumers because the layout and colours are appealing and everything is well-structured with good content and explanations (earthbar, 2022).
  • 13. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 13 9. Yale School of Arts: A not so good example is the website of the Yale school of Arts. It is a part of the Yale University where undergraduates can follow a Master programme in Graphic Design, Photography, Sculpture and Painting/ Printmaking. The concept of the Internet page is quite interesting because every student is allowed access to it and is allowed to add information, change the design, etc (Pruitt, 2022). On the Internet it is discussed on forums like reddit (reddit, 2022) and often mentioned as one of the worst websites (Digital, 2022). But is everybody exaggerating, or does it really have to be improved? In order to answer this question, I will first have a closer look on the design and visual appearance. When landing on the home page, the design is a little bit overwhelming. There are many small boxes with text written on them that are placed all over the screen in no specific order. A variety of type sizes has been used and the fields come in numerous colours which are really bright. Not only the boxes but also the background is colourful, that’s why the viewer has a hard time processing all the visual elements and focussing on the information. Furthermore, the background is moving. There is the option to pause the animations but when clicking on the website they are on. Sometimes unserious memes like a cat as a cashier are shown which makes the website seem less professional. I want to move on with the content. On the homepage you can read a short description of what the Yale Arts University is, and the wiki-concept of the website is explained. The most important information is often printed in bold. This makes it easier to understand the key messages. In the category “about the school“ everything you need to know about the Master Of Fine Arts Degree which is the only one they offer, is explained in detail. Visitors to the page can also read about the school itself, guest lecturers and exhibitions. All the necessary information is provided and well-written. If you click on “Apply to the school“ you get to a page where you can not only fill out an application but also get to know more about for example housing, courses, tuition or fees. This might be attractive for future students because they don’t have to do much research this way. There are also extra pages about exhibitions, publications, news, and public events. The navigation through those is a little bit complicated. You have to click a link on the bottom of the website which leads you to a sitemap. It is a long version of the menu with 63 different links. There are so many that you can easily be confused and don’t have a 9 Yale School of Arts Website
  • 14. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 14 clear overview anymore. Facebook and Instagram are linked at the bottom of the page which makes it easy to find Yale’s social media sites. You can also find them when clicking on contact. Under this section is also a variety of email addresses for different matters. It is good that you have a person you can write to no matter what the issue is but there are so many to choose from that it can get confusing. The address of the school is not at the bottom of the page as most people would assume, it’s at the top which might seem odd. In general, the website is pretty text-heavy, and the individual pages are quite long. A few more pictures and shorter comments would be more suitable. Checking the authority, you get 91 as a result for the Domain Rating, 34,000 backlinks and 3,400 linking websites (ahrefs, 2022). Summarising, you can say that there is room for improvement, especially regarding appearance. There should be more consistency and less distracting backgrounds and colour. After all, it suits the university because it is designed in an artistic way. One suggestion would be that you incorporate the Yale-logo in order to create a connection.
  • 15. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 15 10. Raiffeisen: Raiffeisen is a website of an Austrian bank. When accessing the website, you get a clear overview of everything the bank offers. In the top left corner you see the logo, which is made from the colours black and yellow. Centred at the top of the page is a searching bar, which allows the user to find desired web pages more easily. On the right side at the very top there is an icon which allows the user to log into their account in order to access private data. There are different index tabs, which open up a menu when hovering over them. It includes “private customers”, “business customers”, “online banking”, “real estate”, “my bank” and one tab called “we make it possible”, which gives insight about motivations and morals of Raiffeisen. Every tab is very structured and desired topics are easy to find. When scrolling to the very bottom of the page, you can find buttons which lead to web pages like the imprint, disclaimers, data protection, cookies or conditions. Slightly above those, there is a field with the email address in case of questions arising, as well as a button which leads to a contact form on the website. There is nothing which I am missing on the website, everything is highly accessible and easy to understand. Directly when opening the website, a window pops open asking about the cookie preferences. It is very easy to deal with, since the buttons are clearly visible, and everything is very structured. The index tabs show multiple sub tabs when hovering over them, which is a very positive aspect. Another plus is the search function on the website: Not only does it show the most searched for key points when clicking on it, but it also allows the user to see the most relevant searches as you type your word in it. Raiffeisen scores a domain authority of 53, so it falls into the category of a good domain authority score. (, 2022) That means that it automatically gets shown as a higher result on the search engine results pages, since domain authority is one of the most, if not the most, important factor when doing SEO (search engine optimization). (Growth Marketing Genie, n.d.) It is linked to over fourteen thousand root domains and connected to 192 keywords. (SEOMoz Inc., 2022) Personally, the website of Raiffeisen seems very attractive. They made sure to use their signature colour yellow in every aspect: Buttons are yellow, headers have a yellow underline and advertising pictures on the website all have certain yellow highlights in them. All in all, it is very pleasing to the eye to see everything being connected to each other. Furthermore, it is kept simple and structured, so it does not overwhelm the user. 10 Raiffeisen Website
  • 16. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 16 11. Klettercenter: This website belongs to a climbing hall in Austria. On the homepage there is information about opening times, latest news, a short description of the facility and a slideshow with pictures of the inside. At the top there are multiple index tabs that give insight on offers from the climbing business, a gallery with pictures, a site with downloads and links, contact and a few other tabs. It is noticeable however, that there is not a clear order to some tabs. The link tab is different topics and documents mixed together and there is no structure in it. Also, there are a few things missing that would help make a well-rounded website. For example, a search function on the website would make it easier for the user to navigate. Things like data protection information and cookie information is missing too from a professional website. First, the website gives off a good impression regarding the functionality. The buttons on the top are all clickable and lead to the connected webpage. After further observing however, a few points are noticeable. For example, on the home page there are different fields with content. Even though they look like clickable surfaces, most of them are just info fields and are not connected to a web page with more content. The one at the bottom left is connected to another page, but you can only click on the little red writing at the bottom right saying “> mehr Information”. The field right next to it is connected to another page, but when opening it, it says “Not Found” and that the url is not available. The same goes for the contact field at the bottom of the page. Furthermore, the website is not secure. That means that visitors should refrain from sharing sensitive information with or on the website, since it has no encrypted and authenticated connection. This website scored a 19 in the website authority check. This is considered a poor score and will result in the website not being shown as one of the first few results of a search engine. It is also connected to zero other domains. (SmallSEOTools, n.d.) When first looking at the website it looks very disorganised and messy. There are a lot of aspects which could use improving: The colours are not matching and look randomly put together. The main area of content is small and not stretched onto the whole screen. Instead, there is a lot of background area. The website creator chose a grey background with the name of the climbing hall written down on it many times. It is not easy to read however, since half of the text is mirrored. 11 Klettercenter Website
  • 17. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 17 12. Jandrisits: 12 Jandrisits Website This website, belonging to a locksmith, is clearly not very elaborate. It only has three buttons at the very top to choose from. First, you might think that there will be sub tabs opening up when hovering over the buttons, but that is not the case. The website only offers a home page, a web page with a contact form and one page with the location of the business on a map as well as the address in text form. There is a lot of content missing in my opinion, such as a description of the company, prices and offers, opening hours, maybe a search function, imprint, data protection information, cookie information and other elements. It is easy to navigate on this website since there are only three different pages to choose from. On the home page there is a slideshow with pictures, and it is very disappointing for the user to not be able to click through the pictures at one’s own speed. When missing one picture you would have to wait until the whole slideshow is over which is not very user-friendly. On the other hand, the contact form is nicely made and very easy to handle. The last tab is also well-made: It has a map with the location of the business, which makes it easy for the user to find it. This website got an authority score of 2, which is nearly the worst score. It is also connected to zero other linked domains. This means that search engines like Google or Yahoo automatically put the website lower down as a result. (SmallSEOTools, n.d.) This website is visually not very attractive. On the one hand it is not overwhelming by an overly use of too many colours. On the other hand, it looks quite boring. Every background of every area, as well as the pictures are very grey. Only some writings add a bit of colour to the website. The font used on the title is a matter of taste. Some might say it looks corny and unprofessional, while others think it fits the theme of the website belonging to a locksmith. All in all, it definitely could use some upscaling and improving of multiple aspects.
  • 18. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 18 13. Conclusion Summarising everything that has been stated, it is safe to say that no website we evaluated was perfect, but some of them were really good compared to others. There were huge differences concerning layout, text, functionality, etc. These aspects are important for companies because the websites influence how the organisation is perceived by the customers. If a business wants to be taken seriously, a good structure and appealing visuals are essential. A company is represented on its website and should make a very good impression at first sight. The customers decide in the first few seconds when visiting a website, if they like it and want to continue fulfilling the purpose they had in the first place. Therefore, it is going to be extremely rewarding to give it a lot of effort and make it as easy as possible for the customer to find what they are searching for.
  • 19. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 19 14. Reflexion While doing this task we learned how to evaluate websites and what criteria you can use. Furthermore, our research showed that even the websites of big and famous organisations are not always good, e.g. the one of the Yale School of Arts. This created a certain awareness that we should question every website and not assume that it is good only because it is the one of a big company. This task also helped us all to learn a lot for the making of our own websites. It gave us an insight on what is important for the users and what is the first thing one might notice. Furthermore, we found out what to avoid and what might not be a good idea to add to our website. We definitely gained more knowledge about different topics, such as website authority, security and website design. It will be a big advantage in the website creation assignment.
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  • 22. 1.2 Websites task 2 - Discuss 12 websites 22 16. Table of Figures 1 Camp Kaub Website.............................................................................................................................1 2 Die Brotpuristen Website ....................................................................................................................2 3 Grimm Heimat Website .......................................................................................................................3 4 Kik Website ..........................................................................................................................................5 5 KiezBett Website..................................................................................................................................6 6 Gymondo Website ...............................................................................................................................7 7 Viita Website........................................................................................................................................9 8 Earthbar Website...............................................................................................................................11 9 Yale School of Arts Website ...............................................................................................................13 10 Raiffeisen Website ...........................................................................................................................15 11 Klettercenter Website......................................................................................................................16 12 Jandrisits Website............................................................................................................................17